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lights on please [Music] hey what's going on guys and welcome to another minecraft video of course i mean what did you guys expect today roblox video um so yeah today we have this big giant square and that's it no i'm kidding but all those things in that square are a bunch of really cool traps some traps that you guys have never even seen before and then to the other side of my screen there is a pumpkin robot that i think is going to destroy this whole place when i'm done with it so we'll do that at the end of the video that's going to be something really cool for the end but before we do get started here i just want to say i hope you guys are having a absolutely fantastico day and i also want to say that um um i didn't have anything to say i just i don't know i'm just um yeah minecraft honestly let's just dive into it so this map i just kind of found it browsing through the forms and the traps look so interesting to where i haven't seen traps like this before i mean most of these traps you guys may have seen or heard of uh but some of these traps are like no other like i've never seen some traps like this so they're definitely very very interesting i guess we'll start over here with the first one most of these you guys might have seen but once we move back to the other ones those are some ones that you're probably like i've never seen this in my life what is this mysterious thing we're going to start with this one probably the best one and who you want to know why it's the best because look at how the map creators spelled diamonds [Music] i'm not laughing with you i'm laughing at i mean i'm laughing with you yeah what i'm laughing with you i promise okay all right let's play no no come back oh flip does that mean the trap was already i activated the trap okay um okay let's try it again hopefully it works hopefully it works a second try okay so this is something this is a trap that you guys have probably seen before the typical old minecraft trap you get on a minecart you go down and around and it pushes you straight into lava so basically the way it works is once you once you hit i believe this detector rail it activates some pistons below it removing these blocks and following you straight into lava this is definitely a very classical trap but it's one of those traps that always works because you can never really get out of it even if you see it coming it's really hard to get out of it especially going around a corner like this where you where it's not expected you you can't you you you can't avoid it i promise you can't avoid it okay let's try it again so look going down you're like oh just normal boom it happens so fast and just within seconds i mean it's so quick you cannot get out of that now this trap looks pretty obvious to some you might see the lava and you're probably like oh that's a trap or some people might see it as oh maybe it's a lava door maybe it goes into a secret base now honestly i have no idea what's about to happen but oh oh oh that's savage okay that's that's pretty savage so what you could do what you could do with this trap is you could tell your friends or you could put a sign out that says uh hey lava entrance to my secret base and then they walk in here they step on it and they're like hey it's actually not working and then they turn around and then just zombies hit them right into the lava this trap isn't the most ideal i don't think it would work the best because if the player that was in here had a sword he could probably easily defend himself but at the same time it'd probably work pretty well for most players like me because i'm a noob and i'm about to die yeah all right moving on to our next trap um i don't know what this is this could be a lot of different things i'm assuming it has something to do with pistons so we'll see i'm kind of scared i i actually am kind of scared i don't want to lose my diamond sword but let's just open the chest oh diamond blocks oh come on it's one of these okay that trap isn't bad that trap isn't bad if you're not expecting it and you don't have any way of defending yourself it's not bad but you could probably easily get around this you know even if i don't use my diamond sword i could probably easily just be like oh see you later you know so definitely not the best trap but not a bad idea for a trap all right what do we got next over here so this looks like a suffocation trap you can just kind of see all the pistons that are lined up right here i think this is definitely gonna be a suffocation trap so what i think is gonna happen is we're gonna go in there we're gonna open the chest and it's gonna end up trapping us with suffocation so we're gonna be like oh grabbing chest oh wait oh i'm stuck didn't even kill him what how do you make a trap a suffocation trap to be exact that's my second try and it still hasn't that's my second try and it still doesn't kill me um um well you know what they say third time's the charm right third time's the charm right is is it actually that yeah yeah see third time's charm if you make a trap and it takes three times for someone to get trapped to kill someone and that person actually does the trap three times you either one have a big noob or you're the big noob because you made the trap this trap is very good don't get me wrong but suffocation traps when you let go of the chest they should still be activated somehow to where they still hold you in there the problem with this trap is when you open the chest the pistons come and they suffocate you but when you let go of the chest the pistons retract so that's the problem they need to figure out a way to make this trap to where even when you let go of the chest the pistons do not retract and if they do that then that would be an incredible trap now butter my biscuit i know what this one is actually please no one butter my biscuit my biscuit is already buttered what am i saying right now all right so i already know this one is let me know if you guys think what you know let me know if you think you know what this one is but you open this and then oh i actually thought there was going to be lava down here but instead i'm just trapped wow this is actually kind of worse than lava because now i actually have to dig my way out and it actually is going to take a while definitely one of the best traps this is one of those traps where you cannot avoid it it's kind of like the mine cart one uh the problem with this trap is there's no lava at the bottom [Music] who made these traps bruh did i just dig on the oh i was about to say i i did dig on the other side of the wall i just dug on the other side of the wall but yeah these traps absolutely genius one of my favorite types of traps because you cannot avoid them once you open this chest you're falling down there's no avoiding it um uh but will you definitely need to put cobwebs or lava down there or something down there to kill the player five traps could you move dude you're actually standing on the pressure plate for me to get the trap you you're really annoying you know that you're really annoying i i i don't like you i still don't like you you know i still don't like there you go so this one says five traps so i'm guessing it has five different traps within that's what i'm guessing i'm not really sure looks pretty advanced and it looks very long let's just see let's just run let's just run okay first one we got suffocated oh first one we got shot with the spencers what is that one oh first one we got skeleton spawners oh and the next one we got lava set on our heads oh my gosh okay that is pretty good the only problem with this trap is you can see the trap you can see the dispensers you can see the trip wires in results of how accurate this trap is and how well it could kill someone it could definitely it could definitely eliminate your target but when it comes to them falling for the trap you probably have about a 40 chance because i mean you can see the trap you can see the dispensers there you can see the trip wires easily so that's the downside of the trap but other than that that is actually a really really cool trap i've never really seen anything like that skeleton don't you dare ruin my day i will ruin yours first oh there's wither skeletons down there okay i'm not gonna mess with you guys um yeah you guys have a good day too all right what is this one so we got five traps inside this one as well okay again with this one you can't see the dispensers and stuff it's very very obvious that we have a trap here uh so oh my gosh okay that i did not expect that okay that was pretty good that was like an instant just instant right there that was actually really good that was not something i was expecting there oh zombie yeah getting there getting there okay so how do you even get around this that's my question how do you even get around i think i know how to do it there you go that's how you get around it so you just kind of kind of crouch and then there's zombies and then you open this and there's probably gonna be lava that comes out i don't know get out of here you big old noob i have instant damage arrows i'm instant damaging you wait that's not how it works you have to shoot them out of a bow close enough close enough oh my gosh there's so many of you okay so the way the first part works you have to crouch on this side let me just do this in creative mode because the strap is actually really good okay so first part you have the dispenser that shoot instant damage arrows and then you have the huge lava pit now after that if you make it through that it looks like we have uh zombie dispensers uh and arrows coming out of those dispensers as well i'm not sure what happens when you open the chest let's say i take something out of it it doesn't seem like anything happened oh okay just more zombie spawn i guess okay so that is very very interesting the way that works um there's also lava right here and i'm not sure why the lava hasn't been deployed i think how it was supposed to work yeah that's how it was supposed to work so when i opened the chest it was supposed to have lava come down like that but for some reason that contraption wasn't working this map has a lot of problems sounds like my life wait unspeakable did you just roast yourself i don't know did i did i where's myself did i risk myself where's my frog hat we've checked out all those traps now moving on what is this okay so this is your typical diamond or trap i'm guessing so we mine up the diamond and then oh it shoots us with an arrow okay that is pretty cool don't get me wrong that is pretty cool the problem with that is the arrow wasn't strong enough to kill me which i think it should be and i think the arrows should actually be on rapid fire somehow make it to where they're like on rapid fire i know guys it seems like i might be like complaining about all these traps but you know i'm just trying to help these traps improve and i'm trying to help you guys improve if you want to make this trap in your base so for example like if you try to make this trap in your base and you want to make it better you know just a little tip you know add rapid could you i'm trying to record a minecraft video right now thank you very much you should definitely add like a rapid fire feature or somehow make the arrows stronger because i mean i don't even have armor on i mean i have that golden helmet but when i went into the trap i didn't have that golden helmet and that only got me down to about four hearts so a good trap don't get me wrong but definitely could be improved for sure but i do like it i do like the concept of it so what do we have here oh this is a different one i know what this one's gonna do okay that's pretty cool that is pretty cool i have not seen that before i mean you guys might have seen a trap similar to that before but i've never seen a diamond or trap like that i've seen the the piston traps you know where they drop you to the floor but i've never seen it with a diamond ore so that is actually really really cool so i'm kind of interested the way it works basically what it does is it puts out a signal so when i have this right here it's going to put out the signal that makes the pistons go in and then whenever you dig up the block it breaks the signal retracting the pistons and allowing you to fall in the hole so it's actually a very simple trap to set up like holy moly it's actually really simple like all you need like literally just do that that redstone going around pistons right there and that's all you need no other redstone is needed and then once the person breaks the block pistons retract because there's no redstone signal because they broke the block that the redstone signal was on so that is a very simple trap to make honestly probably one of the most simple traps out of all these but let's see what we got next over here i don't know if these trees are traps or if they're just here for looks uh i actually think these might be traps okay uh try breaking it what does it do are these actually traps or i don't know i heard a potion go off i heard a potion go off that was really weird okay what does this do maybe this has to do with it let's get a pickaxe and go in here okay so we break this and oh okay that's interesting it didn't kill me or actually do any damage to me well that's pretty interesting the way that worked okay uh it looks like some of the sand that has actually been broken i think there is supposed to be you know two blocks of sand on here to actually suffocate me not a bad trap though that is actually very interesting because i don't think i've ever seen something like that with a diamond ore where you mine a diamond ore then anvils fall on your head so very very cool trap but i'm not sure what the trees are for i feel like they are for something i i don't know i mean i there's nothing under these trees there's absolutely nothing under these trees but when you dig up this one it's a redstone signal that just goes to a dispenser that fires a slowness potion that shoots straight up and does nothing else so i'm not entirely sure what that is for but um yeah let's go on to the next trap shall we what do we got the okay another diamond or trap come on you thought we were done with these diamond ore traps no no wait what it just gave me slowness that's it wait so i'm just trapped in here oh wait i have a pickaxe oh oh that wasn't really too hard was it um yeah okay okay um next uh trap i'm sorry but these traps are just what is this oh that was tnt what that grass block was tnt okay that's pretty cool that's pretty cool i'll have to give it to the map creators some of these traps are meh but most of these traps are actually pretty cool like i was saying in the beginning um that was definitely interesting definitely a very different trap okay so what do we got over here what just happened wait what what did i fall down here oh no oh no oh no no no no no i'm just gonna break i'm just gonna break the block okay i don't really understand what was supposed to happen i guess it was supposed to throw a potion up at me like an instant damage potion i think that's what was supposed to happen because right when i open the door it opens that and activates it so i think what he was supposed to do is throw an instant damage potion at me instant damage too okay so let's try to put the instant damage to potion in here and then let's cover this up and see if it works okay so open the door okay so yeah that's what it's supposed to do it basically supposed to throw a potion at me very very weird and it's not obvious that there's an observer block just you know with the with the derpy observer face just looking straight up at you just like hey if you walk over me you might be dead yeah so uh definitely an interesting trap for sure definitely very interesting what do we got over here it looks like we got three more traps and i don't know what is in that building either i have no idea what to expect in there but let's go ahead and switch back over to survival mode and let's see what we got in here okay it's pretty dark in here pretty dark this is a long hallway oh we got another poison trap that's it this huge place just for a poison trap oh no oh no no that's not good that's not good okay that's actually a pretty nice trap i did not expect that buddy i'm gonna have to ask you just to chill because i'm about to die and that's an issue you know the minecraft create the the the youtuber can't no you can't no no no no yeah see now you're rotten flesh so you can't do anything you can't really talk or say anything you can't you can't oh okay i see how it is oh okay okay all right cool cool cool all right what do we got next over here i oh no skeleton please please i only have heart please please please please please please please please oh what he didn't even look at me and he killed me i'm coming back to get my stuff and then skeleton you're dead meat i promise you are complete dead meat dead meat dead meat dead meat get out of here get that thank you very much all right what do we got over here uh another another one what is this oh oh oh no oh so scared gotta run oh wait oh wait oh wait oh oh oh wait i forgot my diamond oh let me pick that up oh let me pick that up thank you very much oh okay all right uh nice trap okay cool like i said guys i'm not trying to criticize these traps but some of them are just they're kind of bad but some of them are actually really cool don't get me wrong like i said but some of them are just like uh what what is this next one we got here this one looks very complex i'm scared uh geez there's a lot of redstone on this one all right gift trap okay that that totally doesn't look like a trap um okay okay let me just put out this fire real quick here i got you guys okay gonna put out the fire okay okay go through here um oh that is if if that's not obvious what's about to happen here okay so it looks like it tries to like suffocate me in the ground i guess that's really weird and it kind of failed at what it was trying to do i guess i'm supposed to be right here i'll give it i'll give it a chance i know i'm a savage i know i'm a savage i'll give it a chance okay let's go back into survival mode and let's stand right in front of the chest open it no it just pushed me into the chest what the heck i don't really understand what that's supposed to do i'm so confused this poor map this poor ma oh okay i think that's what's supposed to do so it's supposed to push me over into where the dispenser is then i think it's supposed to fire up a potion at me okay so that is definitely very interesting i like the fire part though that's pretty cool so like you walk in and then like all the fireballs come from the roof that's actually pretty cool i have no idea what is in here but let's go inside whoa wait what oh wait i'm not even dead nice dry map nice try it was a close try don't worry i have i have a world in flesh down here i'll survive till the year 20 30. don't get me wrong that was definitely a really cool trap but it didn't kill me so i don't know if it's i mean what do you guys think if if a trap doesn't kill you is it actually a trap or is it just a fail or is it just a troll is is that what it is i i don't know okay so let me press this again i'm kind of curious oh okay that's actually pretty cool so it huh so it pushes me over so what it does is two pistons come out right here or right here wherever they came out where yeah right here two pistons come out right here push me over into this hole and then suffocate me down in there very very interesting trap that's pretty cool okay i don't know what this is is this gonna be a big trap as well oh oh oh oh no i'm gonna open all the chests i'm open all the chests is anything happening nothing's happening nothing's happening all right i think it's trying to do something but it's just killing the skeletons it's trying to spawn skeletons but it's just killing the skeletons this poor map oh my gosh okay what do we have up here there's gotta be something good up here it looks like oh wait can i go around here yeah i can okay um these aren't trap chests these are just just an enchanting table is this like an enchanting table trap maybe no there's no redstone under there um is this anything back here oh there's a lot of redstone oh there's all the skeletons up too bad big old noobs you can't touch me all right let's keep going upstairs let's see what we got here this is such an interesting map because it's like i have no idea what to expect i feel like this room isn't even meant to be a trap i feel like maybe it's just like the owner of the maps maybe this is just like his secret lair it's so weird these traps these poor traps they try so hard but they never got any far no no not at all needless to say this map was definitely very interesting some of the traps were actually really good but some of the traps were i would consider it a troll more than a trap but hey it's not bad it's not bad i'm just being harsh okay so let's see what this massive thing does this thing has to do something cool so it looks like what it does there's a button right there leads to the uh pistons that push the redstone blocks all the way up and then i guess it's gonna shoot something fireballs huh okay uh let's just press and learn oh that's pretty cool okay that's actually pretty sick you press it okay so it's not actually going to destroy everything but it is pretty cool the way it works so one of them shoots a fireball and one of them shoots an arrow so one is fireball one is arrows so that is actually pretty sick the way that works and this thing is actually fairly easy to make i mean if you guys are just looking at this i mean literally all you need is redstone blocks dispensers and um you know pistons it's a very very simple build really something cool to make in your minecraft world um and you can definitely make it your own too like this guy's a little pumpkin you can make like a snow golem or an iron golem or you can get like a wither skull and put it on there and you make him shoot like uh fireballs or something like that that would actually be really really cool if you guys do end up making this guy be sure to like tweet me at it on twitter or tag me in it on instagram that actually be really cool i'd love to see your photos on this i'll be sure to give you guys a like on that and maybe a follow maybe just maybe a follow what about a follow oh maybe oh yes well thank you guys so much for watching this video hopefully you guys have enjoyed and hopefully you guys have learned some things about traps definitely some really cool things to put into your minecraft world and if you do end up putting some of these things in your minecraft world let me know by tagging it uh tagging like a picture of it on my twitter like tag me on twitter or maybe tag me in on instagram and then i'll like your photos and i'll maybe follow some of you guys as well but thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys have enjoyed this video and i hope you guys continue to have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and weekend and uh yeah so thank you guys so much for watching be sure to leave a like and subscribe before you go and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new minecraft video this face cam never stops striking does it it never guys leave a like for the shaking face cam shaking face cam in the comment section below all right i'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,079,563
Rating: 4.8986225 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket ediiton, pocket edition minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions, troll wars, prank, wars
Id: CU5BjkaGSjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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