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how long can i survive oh my gosh it's like call of duty zombies hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video today we have something very interesting in minecraft pocket edition 20 ways to die in minecraft for 20 ways to kill dish unspeakable characters so basically what this map is is we're going to get thrown into 20 different cubes throughout this map we have to find a way to die in that cube so there's like 20 basically i mean it's self-explanatory you guys kind of get the point but this map is also made by cs gaming the little shout out and credit to him for making this incredible map this right here is just the rules basically just saying don't break blocks no cheating no multiplayer um you know you can take videos of this all that stuff so click me to start so guys as we're waiting for this map to start i want you guys to you know smash that like button completely obliterate that like but let's see if we can go for 20 000 likes there's 20 ways to die so let's see if we can go for 20 000 likes i have no idea what is going on a tnt plane is incoming okay so i guess this is the first way to dive thank you very much thank you very much all right remember to step on the pressure plate okay well there's really no other way i can get into here so this is level one all things required are here okay so we have blocks of iron and some ladders so tips um okay i'm not gonna do tips yet because i think i can figure it out myself but i think what we're supposed to do is i'm assuming build a pillar and then jump off of it oh wait oh we built it in the wrong place okay see this is why they gave us a pickaxe because for people like me for people like unspeakable we always end up building things in the wrong place all right let's pick this all up and let's build it over here instead let's just build it on the wall like that we don't even need the we could have just built the ladders on the wall too i don't think we really even need them all right so there's one heart down two hearts down oh this might be a little bit hard oh no we got this i mean it's going to be a long process i wonder if we're supposed to be in like easy mode or something here let me do difficulty normal okay is that going to help it a little bit because i don't know i don't know what kind of difficulty we were supposed to be in but i'm assuming normal because normal is you know normal oh my gosh this is gonna be a long process ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be a long process it's mainly because i have my my hunger was full but now my hunger isn't full so i'm not regenerating my hunger is too down now so i think this is gonna be good though we're almost there almost almost there but as we go throughout this map uh the ways to die are much much harder half a heart here we go and whoa that is the first way to die is falling all right real unspeakable hit the ground too hard all right level number two okay so i guess we need to pick up the stuff in here oh come on this one's easy just a lava bucket do you really need it okay i need a tip for this one i don't think i can do this one guys i need a tip kill yourself by lava oh man i didn't know that one jeez what if it actually wasn't lava what if it was like something else like jumping out the window or something i i don't know all right level number three okay let's see what we got over here okay this one's pretty easy as well so most of these are pretty self-explanatory this one's obviously a cactus so just sit under cactus and just wait wait for it to die but like i said guys if they do get harder they do get harder as we go because right now we're just kind of covering the basic stuff you know like drowning cactus fall damage just the basic stuff brilliant speaker was pricked to death all right level number four what do we got here oh i think we i think i know what we're supposed to do with this one i think this one is the the drowning one the suffocation okay so let's build like a little chamber we don't even need this many blocks at all we really don't even need this many blocks so then we'll just drop the water in here and there we go and we just wait all right so uh guys i'm gonna go grab a bagel real quick and i'll be back am i dead yet oh nice all right cool you know these are actually really good he's actually really really good all right level number five we got here what do we got level number five eleven oh five oh how do we do this one we got gravel and an iron all flint and steel clinton steel well instill i was kind of confused for a second i was like what give me the flint give me the give me the flint give me the flint i kind of thought i was like gonna have to drop gravel on my head you know to kind of get me stuck in a block but i was like how's that possible because i only have one piece okay let me go over here and we have ourselves one flint and still yes yes as we patiently wait we're almost done almost done almost there we go all right let's respawn speakable went up in flames now we're on level number six okay so see look we're getting more advanced here now we got arrows i don't think this one should be too hard either though um so we got arrows i think this one's actually pretty self-explanatory so we're gonna place this here loop this around put the arrows in here and then use the redstone to power it a little bit of a long process but i i'm pretty sure this is how you do it because i don't know how else you would do it come on we just gotta we just gotta make it a little bit quicker here let me see if i can nah wait that might work hold on hold on that works i just want it to be a little bit quicker there we go there we go there we go we're getting there we're getting there boys we're getting there it's just a matter of how long it takes for the torch to come back into my inventory all right there we go come on come on let's go let's go one more yes i almost spilled them all oh my babies i'm sorry bevel number seven i still got animal cracker um food in my mouth all right what is this spawn wolves okay this one's gonna be interesting so let's spawn every single one we gotta make sure we get all 64 of them boys because we cannot leave out any wolves so these are all my new dogs you know they're all nice until you hit one of them and then they're not so nice so all my dogs hello doggies hello now i'm going to hit this one how long can i survive oh my gosh it's like call of duty zombies oh my gosh those things were ambitious they're so so quick and there's so many of them as well all right number eight what the heck is this do we need all these saddles i don't think we need all these i'll grab two carrots on a stick though okay five pigs what is this like a maze how do we how do we die though um okay so where should we start there's like multiple ways to start all right first let's just get a pig let's get on him let's go this way buddy let's go this way come on oh we can go through the glass what okay let's go this way what is oh look at this right here look at this is this it is that we die oh snap what that is so sick i did not expect that at all i was expecting to maybe find like a little lava pit or something over in the corner or something oh my gosh so see how they're getting a little bit more advanced oh level level level nine level nine all right so we got an anvil dropper for this one we're just gonna go side to side that one is pretty easy only needed three anvils for that one geez speakable was squashed by an anvil wait what is this one what there's no chest huh ah i don't see any broken glass there's literally nothing in this room maybe we have to flick these levers no that doesn't do anything ah huh this chest is for uh tips only so i don't know why i'd be in that chest this is actually really weird or i wonder if this level's bugged because there's no chest there's literally no chest yeah i really don't get this i'm gonna have to take an l for this one i'm gonna take a l i'm gonna take a hint let's see dig a hole and fall into the void okay see i wouldn't have guessed that because i didn't actually know that you could break the map i i didn't know that you could break the map i i really didn't know so i did not expect that at all so i definitely would have to take the l on that one i'm taking the l on this level but i seriously didn't know that you could break the map i thought that was like a form of cheating wait what okay okay let me let me dig on the outside let me just let me just yeah let me just think on the outside okay dig a hole into the void how we're supposed to dig through like five other levels or ten other levels all right now we're on level 11 though back with the chest we got ten horses what the heck okay a little spawn on a horse we need a big horse there we go let's tame this horse or at least attempt to what are we supposed to do with this horse though um okay so we got him on the saddle is there a way you can like jump through like glass with a horse i'm confused see what i mean though guys how it's getting harder and harder i mean horses don't hurt you what the heck how am i supposed to kill myself with a horse oh wait i have an idea what about this oh there we go is that it i think that might be it i was hitting the us hitting the ceiling with the horse i don't know what else it would be i'm hurting the horse too i think oh no this is bad this is bad oh it's working though see i i don't know what else it would be because i was looking for like maybe uh opening in the glass or something maybe to where like you know the horse could like jump out or something or i don't i don't know but i don't know this is i think this is the way to go here just hitting our head on the ceiling with this poor horse and we're almost down we're almost down there we go there we go come on one more all right we got it okay so these levels get more and more tricky as we go level number 12. this one does not look interesting okay i think the question is where do we put where do we put the uh the redstone block ah okay oh nope that's not good no no no no give me that um oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no hey i don't understand for this one no no no no no maybe i broke it i don't know no that's going the wrong way ah i already did this one didn't i oh wait maybe it's supposed to suffocate me in the wall no no oh wait wait i got it hold on hold on i think i figured it out wait no i didn't i did not figure it out no i didn't i did not figure it out hold on hold on boys oh wait no i think i did figure it out there we go okay hold on now what if i oh wait hold on wait how do i get what oh wait maybe i'm supposed to push it through oh wait i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it hold on and i'm supposed to do this one i'm supposed to push it through the wall so maybe i go through the wall i i don't know i don't know yeah see look it's pushing out of the wall okay hold on boys i think we got this i think we got this we got something working here there we go there we go oh snap okay i i actually didn't think i would figure this one out but we're figuring it out okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's oh there it is there it is okay boom then that one and then this one again there we go we're almost out of here we're almost out of here boys just don't drop the redstone off the edge oh is that it is that it oh we're so close though oh wait right here there we go okay i think that's what we're supposed to do because i don't know what else we were supposed to do i'm pretty sure i was right on that one though all right level 13 getting more and more advanced okay so there's no chest for this one huh what is this chamber i don't know let's try to just oh wait maybe we're supposed to bring it back oh wait i get it hold on there we go and then bring it back so we're supposed to bring the redstone block oh this is so weird what the heck okay there we go oh and then it gave us a bucket of lava okay are we supposed to go like in here or something i don't think i don't think we're supposed to go in here i'll just place the lava down yo that was such a weird level but that was so sick the way that worked all right level 14 just getting more and more advanced now we got nine pieces of redstone so now we're dealing with redstone waves to die okay so i think what we need to do is we need to connect this redstone from here all the way to there so how can we connect this this is one two three four uh no that doesn't work hold on one two three wait wait hey hold on i'm so confused all right so we first we have to do this one and we have to do this one and then this one right oh wait no no no it has to come from here and then this one obviously could be like what what hold on what i'm i'm very i'm very confused very very very confused i mean i get it but i'm still kind of puzzled we can't go to this one we have we can't go to that one because it's backwards i guess or i don't i don't really know or maybe we can go to it we're just uh i might have to take an l on this one i don't know hold on hold on let me get this redstone back hold on i don't understand this level what can you make by the redstone what can you make by the redstone alright so i looked some stuff up just to kind of get a hint on this and you can actually break this but have these still powered let me work through this here because these oh wait i got it unpowered okay hold on hold on hold on we messed something up okay so let me power this again now we can remove it so i'm not sure what powers this but see if we can remove this one okay so that one's good and then what else can we remove we could probably remove that one yeah and then we can't remove i don't know if we can remove these oh no that that killed that killed it okay maybe we need to try and make some different loops here we go i got this okay all right we got a loop right here let's loop this one up should be able to remove these okay now let's loop this one oh crap oh wait no we're still good see i got to kind of figure out what kills one of these circuits when we have these things looped what kills the loop you know what i mean is this gonna kill the loop no it didn't kill the loop oh snap there we go oh stop okay we got it oh my gosh yo that was such a difficult level oh my gosh wow all right now we're on level 15. oh my gosh it's probably only gonna get harder from here okay so we got 10 iron ingots what is this over here we got a water a little thing of water oh wait we're probably supposed to make a bucket i don't know how many i'm just gonna make one for now uh and then what are we supposed to do with the water does water provide redstone signal i don't think that works like that does it we can make a weighted pressure plate or we make a door weighted pressure plate huh let's try a weighted pressure plate and then let's try to put this on there um [Music] i don't know this one oh my gosh dude these levels are starting to get so much more difficult let me also set the time to zero just so we can see a little bit better i think i'm gonna take the l on this one because i have no idea i literally have no idea let's see what this thing says comparator can detect a cauldron oh it's a cauldron see i was doing it totally totally wrong complete opposite all right so for cauldron we do need seven pieces of iron so i definitely messed up and i spent too much of my iron so we are gonna get some more iron here okay so oh we got 64 blocks okay that's a little bit uh a little bit a lot okay so let's do the cauldron remove this and then we're supposed to do this and i think we're supposed to put water in the cauldron there we go so we were supposed to craft a water bucket obviously because there's water right there for a reason but i have no idea that comparators could detect cauldrons like i literally had no idea level 16 here oh geez we got a brewing level oh no we're gonna have to use all these ingredients and i am not good when it comes to brewing guys i have an idea here okay so we have a furnace right so why would you need a furnace to craft a brewing stand so i think what we do is we grab the furnace we put the iron oars in there we don't use the sticks but you use the blaze rods to fuel it okay hopefully one blaze rod is enough so i think we might need those blaze rods for the the brewing stand and then we get the iron ingots and then use those two sticks to craft the iron pickaxe and then we break up the stone because we need cobblestone for the brewing stand i think i got i think i got it i'm thinking about it i think i got it iron ingots are done let's grab those and then we go over here craft the iron pickaxe place the stone down break that up and then we got a brewing stand oh snap okay so let's place the brewings actually we'll just place it over here why not and then now we need to figure out um so we have potions of instant healing but we need to turn these into different potions so i think we need to use the spider eye first that's what we're supposed to do we need a fermented spider eye and then we go back into the brewing stand then we put that in there there we go so that's why it wasn't working i was like wait this doesn't seem right so basically what this is gonna do is going to craft these healing potions into i believe harming potions not my best with potion stuff guys um but hopefully i think that's what we got going here hopefully this is enough to kill us too okay so now we got you should be harming we take these okay so yeah no they're instant damage potions okay instant damage bombing whatever two of them should do the job hopefully oh wait that second one didn't do anything oh i was about to say i drink the second one it didn't do anything i guess i had to wait a little bit all right let's respawn this is level 17 guys we are three levels away a boat huh wait a second wait a second wait a second what you said hold on hold on hold on hold on i have an idea unspeakable has an idea unspeakable has an idea can you can't you push the boat oh look at this look at this look at this no no no no backwards you nub oh wait there we go i'm pretty sure that that's what i was supposed to do i don't know how else you're supposed to do it all right that was pretty nice all right level 18 here we go just a piston and a button a sticky piston though not just any pistons this actually work no that does not work that does not work at all okay okay that is that definitely does not work okay uh we can't craft anything with a sticky piston and a and a button i am very confused right now i am very kind of fossil i have a little bit of a better idea what if we made it on the wall instead so it pushed us like into the wall i don't know if this is gonna work but no oh wait what wait what oh snap okay wait hold on hold on let me go back oh hold up oh i can't get back in there oh my gosh i didn't think that was actually gonna work hold on let me try it on the other side okay so we place it here so after the piston comes back it pulls the block into you okay so i totally thought the piston had to push us into the wall i had no idea that pulling a block oh that's so smart why did i not think of that why did oh my gosh all right see sometimes you really got to use a brain on this map level 19 what do we got here nothing in the chest okay that's troll um okay now i'm stuck in here i don't know if i'm supposed to be stuck in here i'm i don't i don't i don't get it absolutely nothing in the chest and we just have these two blocks but i don't know if i'm supposed to break anything because one of the maps like it said dig to the void and i didn't know i was supposed to break block so i wonder if on this level i'm supposed to break blocks might have to take another l for this one i don't know am i gonna have to take another l for this one seriously i have no idea because it's only two blocks so how how do you and we don't have any resources to make the blocks higher like the water or anything how how can you raise water up i don't think that's possible no i think here let's take the l on this one because i'm really curious how does this one work like how tnt oh my god wow i did not even see that wow i am a nub i am a serious nub wow i didn't even i didn't even pay attention i didn't even pay attention all right all right okay okay all right i need more tnt i need more tnt come on keep it coming here we come i keep it coming i need more tnt more tnt oh the tnt's just flowing out of here now okay now what i supposed to do suffocate myself i can't believe i didn't look up oh i am such a noob i am such a noob how do you not how do you not look up how how how do you not look up on some people how explain you know what i'm just gonna no i don't no no level 20. all right the final level try to reach the button on top how is that even physically possible i see the button that's not even possible that's literally not even possible you can't even see it how i am not taking another l for this one there's no way yo i've been trying at this this is not physically possible i'm being dead serious this is not physically possible guys i know like that it's not phys unless i break blocks if i break blocks obviously it's possible well i i don't think i'm supposed to do that i'm gonna have to let's see what the sign says i i have no idea first person back first person back this map is giving me a headache a general headache first person back what does that even mean first person back that's literally not physically possible it's four blocks up it would even be hard on three blocks that's physically impossible how wow there's no way i'm sorry but there's there's literally no way if you guys know how to do this please let me know i i seriously i don't know i i generally have no idea how to do this level i'm i'm dead serious how do you jump up there that high but you know the unspeakable way is to do this you know that that's that's the unspeakable way see there you go what happened oh was this oh oh it's a portal oh what is this what is this hello hello what is this level 21 what i thought there was there's 21 levels i didn't oh wait level 21 it's sleeping in another i get it i get it oh get erect all right okay i'm suffocating i'm suffocating please stop please stop please stop what am i doing oh no no no no no no no no no i'm not what was i supposed to be suffocating what is this where am i where the heck am i i'm so confused where am i where does this go was i supposed to be all the way up here was i supposed to be like a elevator or something i i do i don't i don't get it there's not even buttons anyways that was the whole entire map guys i don't know why i just spawned in this random random area but guys i do want to thank you all so much for watching i literally have a headache now i'm not even kidding i literally have a headache for this map what is this what do you think about the map very good bad i think it was very good because it's very very challenging what is it giving me what is that i can't reach them we're not playing this button game again i'm not i'm we can't reach them all right thank you for the roses what if i press bad oh okay okay all right yes i see how it is all right well guys thank you all so much for watching if you guys did enjoy be sure to leave a like on this video for some more 20 ways to kill me and minecraft or kill or dumb ways to die or whatever you want to call but guys thank you all so much for watching have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new minecraft video be sure to subscribe and like it before you go [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 11,182,188
Rating: 4.9196763 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket ediiton, pocket edition minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions, troll wars, prank, wars
Id: 3Me2ibAzlus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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