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let's start blowing stuff up hey what's going on guys and welcome back to another video i hope you guys are having a wonderful day now in this minecraft world we're gonna do something different today i'm actually in the middle of shooting a vlog so there's two types of people watching this video you got the minecraft people and you got the vlog people over here so vlog people say hello to the minecraft people and minecraft people say hello to the vlog people the funny thing is if you're watching this on the minecraft channel right now you should definitely come over to the vlog channel and see the behind the scenes of this video and what i did the whole day before i recorded this i basically vlogged the whole day before this and you guys can see what i did the whole day you know before i recorded this video i think it's really cool because these videos are uploading the same day but if you are over on the vlog be sure to go check out this video if you want to see the final video on untypical plays but i'm gonna put the vlog down i'm sorry i gotta stop the recording because i gotta go finish this video right here i'll see you guys the vlog after this video is done so all right and back to you guys so that was kind of weird i thought it'd be interesting because uh all day today i've been vlogging and i thought it would be funny to kind of vlog me about to record this video for you guys that are watching this video i figured it'd be hilarious because you guys can finish up this video finish watching this video and then you can go watch that vlog and you can see all the things that i did that day building up to me recording this video i just figured it'd be absolutely hilarious but guys definitely be sure to check out the vlog channel there's a link in the description but today we have some very important things to cover you guys know that i like tnt you guys know that all my friends like tnt you guys know or i know that you guys know that you know yourself you like tnt everyone likes themselves some tnt i've never met someone in minecraft that said they hated tnt unless their house has been blown up by tnt and that's totally understandable but i just want to say that in this minecraft video we have tnt that has never been seen before in the minecraft world we have dynamites let me show you guys exactly what we got here we got some dynamite okay we got dynamite 1.5 x we got normal dynamite which is the orange ones and the blue ones are the dynamite 1.5 x we got these red ones which are throwable tnt which isn't really dynamite and then we got the dynamite 2x so we got a lot of explosives and with a lot of explosives comes great responsibility does that make sense basically let me explain what this add-on is so this add-on introduces four new types of in-game which are used for throwing explosives now we're kind of reading this from the for form page it says it's a really good option if you need to modify the terrain or just enjoy blowing up things of minecraft so yeah i i love blowing things up so basically the mod creator the add-on or mod creator is saying that if you want to use these to modify the terrain and kind of dig holes or like move a mountain or something like that use this um but if you just like blowing things up like me it's it's perfect it's like it was just meant to be here we got the throwable tnt we got dynamite dynamite 1.5 okay so let's try the throwable tnt first that seems like the least harmless so let's throw oh my wow we're not gonna see that one again i didn't know they throw that far okay let me throw it like oh so it literally just spawns a piece of tnt okay so yeah we didn't have to throw that far we can just throw it right in front of us okay it does take a little bit of time to explode but jeez look those never come down they just they never come down i kind of i'm kind of curious like how far can you throw one they probably go forever geez like what if i throw in straight up how long does it take for it to come down oh this was a bad idea um oh there it is there it is there it is wow that took a while okay so when it comes to throwing these things don't worry about accuracy or how far they go because i guarantee you it's more than your render distance so i definitely say the throwable tnt is very useful um but now let's try the dynamite so we have three different types of dynamite we have the 1x 1.5 x and the 2x so we're going to start with the normal oh wow that explodes like instantly so let's kind of compare the explosion radius between the three we got the dynamite 1x okay we got the dynamite 1.5 x okay and then we got the dynamite 2x okay so here you can see the different sizes of explosion now this is really nice to see not just if you're blowing a bunch of random stuff up because if you're blowing a bunch of random stuff up of course you're gonna go with a 2x but if you're trying to carve something out if you're trying to dig something in a mountain and you want to use this dynamite that's another really good use for it like the form page or the add-on creator said because you can easily kind of pick your size of how much stuff you want to explode and how many times you can throw it and stuff like that so it's very nice to see the difference of the explosions and the dynamite 2x that's a pretty good explosion let's kind of do a comparison let's do a i guess we'll do another one uh there's a clear area kind of right here so we'll throw that's a throwable tnt so let's compare these three explosions to the size of a one piece of tnt so that is a just a one piece tnt explosion so the normal piece of dynamite's bigger that's definitely like double the size and that's definitely triple to quadruple the size so you can kind of see the differences here we got a normal tnt dynamite dynamite 1.5 x and dynamite 2x so let's start blowing stuff up the first thing i'm going to do is uh sit here in creative mode and just spin around in circles and see how much dynamite i can land on the ground so i'm just gonna close my eyes and i'll open them when i feel like it uh uh huh am i getting everything good i feel like i'm throwing a lot of dynamite i feel like i'm being very productive right now my eyes are still closed i'll just take my hand off because i can trust myself to actually close my eyes my third sternum i'm going to throw them straight down so i'm just going to throw them i i don't i don't even know what direction i'm pointing all right here we go three two one okay how much just wow that's a lot of okay nice that's not bad i i figured it would be a little bit more than that to be completely honest uh because i did throw quite a bit of dynamite um but you could definitely change a lot of land and terraform it let's say you know you want to make a ravine so uh let's say you want to start with this ravine and kind of expand yourself out you know you just or you want to make this ravine deeper let's say you want to do that so i'll grab the 1.5 x because that seems a little bit healthier oh the 1.5 x actually has a cool down huh okay well i guess we're using the 2x all right so let's say you want to expand this ravine size you're just throwing a bunch of dynamite you're like i need a bigger ravine i need to find more diamonds i need more stuff so you're just chunking chunking dynamite and you can see that it is a pretty healthy size of a ravine now we probably used about 64 pieces of dynamite and we got to reveal this double size so yeah i know that's a lot of dynamite you could probably do the same thing with a stack of tnt but the point is is you can throw it you can't throw tnt that's not a thing i mean maybe with a launcher like you know like a tnt cannon but i mean look at how fast i can just destroy a village you know just with a couple throws and i mean you have some accuracy with this stuff you know this stuff is like it's not a bow shot it's not like you shoot it and then kind of lobs down it's like this is straight and it's going straight forever we just destroyed a whole village just like that no problem no problem no complaints no sweat i'm not sweating them yeah i'm not sweating i'm not sweating at all let's say you want to do something with a mountain like let's say there's a part of a mountain that you want to get rid of you know you don't just want to throw random things and blow up because although that is a lot of fun and i do enjoy doing it and just throwing a bunch of random dynamites sometimes you got to make it a little bit useful so let's say you have this big thing right here and you want to get rid of these two structures but you're like oh my gosh my diamond pickaxe no i don't want to do it i'll just make dynamite so you make dynamite okay so you got some dynamite go to this one throw it at this one this one this one this one now we're just using one x for now i figured that would be the healthy amount uh looks like we need to use some 2x so let's upgrade to 2x oh yeah that's doing the job pretty nicely okay and then we got one block right there yeah get rid of that one block thank you and then you just kind of want to do it smartly you know don't spam it there we go and boom there you go oh there's one more oh flip i missed yeah okay so you can see it's pretty accurate and we got rid of those structures you know doing bigger structures you probably just want to spam it i mean i'm not you know a dynamite expert but you know um i i i just just just throw it all around just you know who cares just just flop it all around yep just throw it all out there yep just wow that stuff is going far check this out yeah the throwable tnt it doesn't it it you can literally throw it at any angle and it will just go for miles so that stuff will just go for miles this stuff is just awesome i mean we got the dynamite we got multiple different types of dynamite and throwable tnt you can still see the tnt exploding just because it lasted for so long is that an ice spike biome oh that's sick i haven't seen an ice spike biome in so long especially this version of minecraft but guys i think that's gonna do it for this video hopefully you have enjoyed and be sure to check out the vlog as well if you guys do want to see kind of behind the scenes and what i did today in my life i'm definitely going to start vlogging a lot more so while you're over there on the channel definitely be sure to subscribe but guys thank you all so much for watching i hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video so be sure to leave a like if you want to see more stuff exploding on this channel i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,498,266
Rating: 4.8884988 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: _b5sQiCi-m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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