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ladies and gentlemen welcome to untenable also known as unspeakable is about to hate his life for the next uh um so this this map right here we've actually played a map that's uh very similar to we've actually played untenable before but this is a different version of it's like a newer updated version with more levels and it's harder look at these chickens these chickens have all hit the like button that's what i need you guys to do in order to give me some encouragement to make it through this video because i don't know if i'm going gonna make it through and if i do make it through then um yeah it's it's it's a blessing so wha what sign is moving made by blue flyaway inspired by a logical minecraft oh my gosh is inspired by illogical minecraft wonderful without further ado i guess let's press the start button or let's not press the start button maybe we'll press this button okay maybe not press that button wait that wasn't there before was it wait a second that wasn't there wait what oh there it is up what the heck a button broke oh there's 19 buttons all these one on my head can be placed on diamond block ah i see what you did there i see you're trying to be sneaky for the lobby but no you ain't sneaky at all only use hints when you're stuck i'm stuck seriously it's only level one all right fine go in the lava oh i didn't know it would actually give me like a full-on tell me what to do i was just pressing the button as a joke okay i guess we're gonna go into the lava oh there's a lava well that didn't work i guess this pink kills me oh wonderful what if i jump over it nope that's not an option there is invisible blocks uh yeah it's all invis what the flip it seems to be that all these blocks are invisible i don't know if there's a way i can get a crack what there's a random slime block right there's also a button right there what jaw look at that i can't touch it wonderful um there's also an invisible block right here oh this is parkour okay may well maybe not um okay after this uh i'm assuming the the green grass but i mean the green uh carpet no i don't know i'm trying to see if we can feel like any other invisible blocks because this is going to be extremely hard i mean it could literally be anywhere but i guess we'll just have to jump around maybe that no i don't flip it now uh block me oh what wait what what what does this do i don't like you i don't like you that's annoying um hang on let me see what's in this house before i just potion of swiftness maybe we can use that to go okay so we know what to do i didn't know the hit was just gonna be like straight on like i thought i don't i just pressed it for funsies and apparently that's exactly what we're supposed to do the problem is i don't know which one to go into oh what what i walked off the platform but we are here i love cheesecakes hint okay i'm not gonna press the hints button again i'll press all these though i love cheesecakes you know man that's great for you um you know i was never really like a huge huge cheesecake fan um but you know cheesecakes are are pretty good i mean guys leave a like if you like cheesecakes as well these glass jumps are always so tedious oh my gosh i can't believe i made that oh oh wait can i press the button from here i can but it doesn't flip into anything and it dropped it dropped to the end of the world how does that even make was i supposed to have i don't know if i was supposed to have that button but if i was then i it doesn't matter now because that button's now in the end of the world um i'm just gonna go all the way back and i guess i'll see what the okay oh there's a shulker box under there you sneaky little look at you look at you what was in there what are you hiding boy hold on the string is the answer find it are you serious the string is really the answer that means i have to go back up there where the button was and get that flipping string and by the way did i mention that there's 10 levels what we got a portal we got a brewing stand with one awkward potion in it get it because there's only one because he's awkward and okay fine it's not a funny joke um and then we got a portal that can go to the actual nether that would actually be pretty funny oh snap where are we going what wait is this the actual level okay i'm so confused i i'm just gonna go with it we'll just go with it we got a axe that can break a chest we'll break this one just because we can um it'll also break every other chest that we come in contact with really nothing in the trees i see something oh wait no that's where we came in at maybe a secret chest that we're supposed to break i don't know it really looks like there's nothing in here to be completely fair i didn't check in the water that's not water i thought that was water i'm really dumb that's a block uh let's go back let's go back and see if we can find anything okay okay i'm back my name is speakaboo and i'm gonna break every single chest i see because i now have an ax that can do so hopefully that is the source to all my problems in life um and i'm also on fire so that's another problem um and i really hope i don't die from this because if i do okay we're good jump on top of the nah there's no way that's possible jump that's definitely that one two three four that's a five block jump nope there's no way what if i kill a chicken oh what are you minus what are you plus nope you're minus two oh i'm just trying to think about how that makes any sense but i i guess i don't really have to think about it okay let me guess which one's gonna kill me okay that's the middle one all right which one's gonna kill me now oh yeah oh yeah ah that one killed me so we go this way and then we go oh i'm so done there's so many ways to go and then you go to the left because we haven't been to the left yet and then we go to the left again ah and then we go to the middle flat it's not the middle again i almost predicted the whole thing though see i know the map creators because if i create a map i do the exact same thing middle le right right uh right flip i the minecraft middle right right right and then middle left left left and then of course and then left again hey aren't you forgetting so hey that's not funny that's not funny where's the chest you've got to be kidding me is the chest really all the way back there aren't you forgetting something a button i'm assuming but uh i can't do this backwards it it's going to mess me up oh i think i see a shulker box under the beginning maybe yep there is a shulker box in there okay so here we go a button can be placed on diamond block and then a stick that says i'm a toast okay wonderful now now since we got this oh i was literally about to say now since we nailed the parkour never mind middle right right right middle left left left and then uh a final left and then uh button slap and uh give me a hint you don't really need to go to the other side [Music] what am i supposed to do i'm a toast oh i'm so dying hello cal how are you doing water i can break a sponge grum okay the island below me is upside down for some reason so i'm gonna go down there and check it out oh never mind guess i can't do that what's up graham i'm back sorry about that uh sometimes things don't go as planned you know maybe i'll try it oh second time's charm get wrecked nub lava bucket ironing it um we got grum but now he's upside down which makes sense um and it looks like there's nothing down there and i'm probably gonna die from this and nope i'm not dead it's literally impossible to jump off the edge and die i love it okay so we got water and lava the only thing i'm thinking is a cobblestone generator but i can't break any blocks so i can't really do that um maybe we can wait what you're telling me all i had to do is just slap grum in the face with an axe and now i'm on the next level okay all right all right this is this is this is too much this is honest watch we're just gonna dive into a lava bit and boom you're doing next level nope never mind okay it's not that easy this time what's the point of that [Music] how is that even possible why don't we just get up this way oh wow wow could have done that unspeakable i don't even know why i'm getting on top of these trees oh there's a chest right there see that's why i'm doing it okay um we got a potion of jump boost and a wooden pickaxe that can break iron ore okay well i know exactly where i'm going with this pickaxe right into the cave system that can break some iron ore now this is actually going to actually like break break the iron ore like i'm not even going to get iron from this so i'm hoping there's something back oh would you look at that a stick can be placed on grass i can place a stick on grass that doesn't even make any sense what do you got second iron block what do you got behind dirt all right cool you're useless can i break grass i can't break grass i can place it on grass how do you place a stick on grass ooh there's a chest in there oh wait hang on is there a door oh there's a door i didn't even see that okay we got more sticks these sticks cannot be placed on grass whoop-de-do there's probably something behind this painting of course there is would you look at that maybe we're supposed to make a bow i that's the only thing i got resources for oh maybe we're supposed to like shoot something in there there's another chest in there too i have no idea how to get that one uh maybe we're supposed to make a fishing rod all right um unspeakable sees a button right there right there on top of that you see that right there mates i don't think you guys realize how great of a discovery this is i need to figure out a way where i can get onto that tree ah there's no way that's four blocks one up ah wow how does one get up there maybe there's something wait what wait what okay well there's a diamond block here um i'm assuming i need a button for that oh this looks suspicious nope never mind okay uh that was totally unexpected i was literally just backing up and then seeing if there's something over here to like maybe get onto or something okay all right all righty then all right now i kind of think we know what what to do because all the other levels they require like um buttons and maybe i'm i'm thinking i don't know maybe if we get up there click that button maybe it'll like disappear and like pop off like some of the other levels i i really don't know what else to do i don't know i got oh it is possible oh what is this are you serious it does nothing no it's got to do something there's not even a command block attached to it are you flipping kidding me i'm going to try crafting a fishing rod um a bow doesn't really make sense because like i don't even remember how to craft a fishing rod is that bad guys i'm sorry crafting a bow doesn't really make sense because we don't have any arrows so i think fishing rod makes the most sense and we're going to try this thing try to like get it because there's a there's a pressure plate right there oh what is this no no no no no no what do you mean no yes yes yes yes yes oh okay maybe that button doesn't do anything maybe it just opens and closes the door now i'm stuck no no no no no no no no now i'm stuck i'm gonna hop into game mode one real quick because like i'm i'm literally stuck in here like it glitched me through the wall okay it's gotta be in the lava i don't die from lava which is weird so oh what is this what is this oh oh there it is there flip it is boys oh snap the literally that one of the last places we check but yet the most obvious place oh my gosh i can't believe i didn't check that place before okay so it looks like this some type of parkour that goes multiple different types of ways uh all right so i don't know which way to go first and wow that's annoying there's an invisible block right there um wow that's annoying there's another invisible block you know at least don't troll me on the parkour as well like jeez oh my gosh if i get trolled on this again okay oh oh yep there it is i think i just have to honestly just hold the w button to kind of get a wrap flip dude it's literally a head jumper and that's so annoying and that button over there by the way it says do not push oh i'm gonna push it maybe this one will treat me right maybe maybe this one will not treat me right there's just a furnace there we probably have to get other blocks before we even go to that one all right let's try to go to the s never mind unspeakable is getting very triggered off of this one i'm not sure if you guys can tell yes yes finally i don't know what this does give me at all whatever it does iron ore okay now we're gonna make it to this one oh yes oh oh my gosh oh my gosh got iron ore do not push i'm gonna okay all right well wait we lost everything now whatever we do don't press that button unspeakable now we gotta go back if i fall oh my gosh i am going to be so triggered if i fall on this oh oh it was meant to be it was meant to be it was meant to be i don't know what i'm supposed to do now i guess i'm supposed to smelt it i don't know i really don't know i just really hope i don't fall oh my gosh oh my gosh smell this iron ore please ah please give me something good oh i know it's just gonna give me an ironing it but i hope this wins the level or it does something great what am i supposed to do with this now i have an ironing it nothing else wait that just took everything from me are you i'm pressing the hip button i don't even care the wood under this wall is a button oh you know what i'm not even gonna try just give me the hint button under the platform that's what i thought not even gonna try not even gonna try this is so dumb look at this i pressed the wood and it's a it's a button that doesn't even make any sense and i can't press oh i got it oh why why why they all kill you too why why do you have to make them where they kill you that's not that's not fair that's not fun no one wants to play this no one wants to play your map if you if you want to put a level in like this no one's going to have fun no one's going to actually enjoy their time i'm not enjoying my time you guys are probably enjoying watching me because it's pretty funny right at least i die in the same direction like if i press one of these buttons and i die i respond right back where it was like the same like even facing the same direction like that's that's nice i guess i mean oh my gosh this is terrible ah i've pressed too many buttons for this what gary i'm watching you ah you got anything on you oh you got a slime ball nice nice okay you're watching me all right all right okay um can be placed on oh what what no there's no way i'm gonna land in there flip we're supposed to land in there what's the point of landing in there i'm supposed to land in the very very middle which is actually pretty hard that's one by one block gary i know you're watching me but i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do this with you watching me you're making me nervous dude all right go for it a little bit more okay we went forward quite a bit i think this is i think this is a sweet spot nope too much too much i think we're good now i pressed w a little bit less than the last time nope still too much okay this might be good i press w half the amount of time what i literally landed on it that's such baloney that is serious oh my gosh what is this what you get so high like this thing bounces you like in flip i got a button i just got a random button i don't know where wait wait the slime blocks right there okay i can place this on a coal block there's so many cool blocks am i supposed to place it on like the right one oh i actually did place it on one with the command block wow what are the odds i literally placed it on one with a command block but it doesn't do anything gary i know you're watching me but i'm asking you a favor is there any command blocks that you know of that are supposed to help me get through this level wow i can't believe that i placed the button on the only command block like what are the odds give me a hint wait that's how you beat it you press the heads button oh my gosh the creator said part two 15 000 likes on this video and i'll do it and he whispered it to me so i wonder if anyone else that plays that map gets this i'm not sure what the flip is that okay apparently i have a snake following me which is absolutely wonderful so i don't really like snakes so with that being said guys thank you so much for watching i hope you guys have enjoyed this video there's a snake following me so i'm gonna go log out and burn my whole computer have the same fantastic christy day and i'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,828,940
Rating: 4.944397 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: uSAkxvk8zuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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