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hey guys before this video starts i just want to let you guys know for the next 24 hours you can get merchandise for 10 off your entire order using the code v squad all one word if you guys go into the description you guys can check out my merchandise page i have a ton of shirts hats backpacks really cool stuff 10 off your entire order only for the next 24 hours using the code the squad go check it out guys link in the description and enjoy today's video hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video on the pocket ignition channel today we're back with the troll smp and i don't know what's going to happen this episode because if you guys haven't seen on the previous episode i trolled moose let's roll some of that footage okay there we go that's enough to dude that's enough it's gonna blow up like my house it's okay we got it okay whatever moves through he not when he digs the gravel but when he digs the grass under the gravel bro it's gonna blow up his actual horse he's gonna see his horse he's gonna be like tim you're okay and then the whole horse is flipping blown up so yeah i kind of trolled his horse and set up a tnt trap so i don't know if he trolled me back this episode we're just gonna have to see but i do have if moose did troll me back i do have an interesting troll to play on him but first i guess let's check out my house and see what he did so shark's house is good my house looks fine oh what is this was it just a oh my gosh i'm so far away wait so he just killed me that's it is that all he did just the kill command i i really hope that whatever just happened i wait what oh my gosh the command is on a loop it keeps killing me oh no i have to go turn this thing off oh bro this thing is going to keep looping that's i think that's the troll bruh bro it's like he probably said command block under my house that's slowly looping and keeps killing me i bet you i'm gonna get killed here within the next 30 seconds i don't know if it's gonna come back and kill me i'm really nervous i need to get back there and like destroy that command block or destroy the redstone before it kills me again oh no come on come on please maybe it's like a range thing like when i get in oh it is a range thing i can't make it back to the base i can't make it back to the base because whenever i get in range of like that command block it oh my gosh how am i supposed to record this video i literally i i don't know what to do maybe i should call someone in maybe i should call like let me let me see if i can call someone in real quick hey cyclones so um did you record a video with moose and troll me on the server my dude um i guess a little bit yeah yeah what do you think of the troll is it a command block that keeps killing me when i get in range of it you know what it might be yeah do you want to come get on the server and help disable this command block because i i could not like literally even make it to my house it really sounds like a fun idea let's give it a go oh my gosh dude i you guys are savage you know i'm gonna get a good troll back on moose okay i'm not gonna even gonna get close to the base though because this command block's gonna kill me um well there's an easy way to get rid of it and i'll show you that shortly wait is there an easy way that i could get rid of it oh wait you just died oh no i died did you get it oh my gosh just kill well it's killing you a lot oh wait can i tp to you we go we're good to tape it we good so if you want to know what it was wait so what how did that work what the did you guys do in my house i mean there was a come on back here there was a comment there that one when he stood in it set off this one which put redstone there which would then set off a kill command that would kill you in range yeah it's fun it's just um that is very very interesting okay well cyclone well thank you for the help no problem i'm going to go back to my video and troll moose but you log off the server because i don't want you to see anything so log on yeah get out of here okay all right let's go let's go do the the wall of names boys the wall of names so this comment today that troll was pretty good though so the comment today is from fox and they said unspeakable what you can do uh for moose is if possible use world edit move his house to about 100 to 200 blocks away from where it is now and build a dirt house and inside of it put a minecart on a rail and a sign saying you should keep track of your stuff we're doing that um but the problem is we can't move his house we don't have world edit well that it doesn't exist on this minecraft that i know of at least so what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be removing all of the stuff from his chest or everything that he has from his house i'm gonna leave a sign there and i'm gonna say hey moose if you want your stuff come to these coordinates and the coordinates are gonna lead him about 500 blocks away from his house and then when he goes to the coordinates it's just going to be a dirt house with a railroad track on the inside saying you should keep track of your stuff i think that is so funny i don't know why it's so funny so this comment was from fox thank you for the incredible comment and if you guys want to get onto the wall of names next episode listen here carefully because this is how it's done so to get on the wall of names you need to subscribe to all the channels slap the bell which is the bell next to the subscribe button now what that bell does is it notifies you guys when we upload videos and then leave a like on this video and comment below a trolling idea that i can pull on moose or shark or something interesting that i can tell the fans during the video now after this video is posted right now i'll be reading through all the comments picking up the best comment and shouting out the next person in the next episode so hopefully that makes sense and guys go ahead start commenting away and yeah i'll see you guys hopefully one of you guys will get featured on the next episode but for now we're gonna go into moose's house and we're gonna see what he's got but i actually need to set all my stuff down so i need to empty everything that's in my uh everything that's in my inventory right now because we're gonna pull this crazy prank on moose all right all my stuff is in this chest my inventory is clear so we're gonna hide moose's stuff somewhere else what does this say hey man i redesigned your house check it out oh i think this is old okay let me just make sure there's not any traps in here so this is is moose even using this house anymore i it just looks so broken and not full of things i can't even like i can't even get up to his house without like using blocks because of his house is like so so broken all right let's see if we can get up here okay so moose has a chest right here okay got a couple things in there um let's see does he have more stuff up here he's got a couple pieces of wood does he even use here i'm gonna ask cyclone because cyclone records with moose a lot with these trolling episodes and i'm gonna ask cyclone hey does moose have a new house let me just let me just poke them real quick all right so i got cyclone in the car so cyclone i'm i'm just curious dude you know i just want to know uh does moose have like a different house or you know something like that you know well no right now no no i think that's his only house the upside down one the big the big ugly one that's upside down weird shaped yeah that one this is yeah that's his only house really yeah yeah you're not lying to me are you what happened to it no no i reckon someone would happen to that he might so you know question does does he have a secret place where he stores all his stuff not that i know of but if anywhere it would be underground somewhere do you know of anything where you don't because he doesn't have a lot of stuff in his house you know his house is not very valuable you know it's just kind of plain it's just very very lame um so does it have anything nothing nothing at all no no he's basically poor okay okay fair enough all right well i'm gonna go set up the stroll okido all right so apparently moosa really doesn't have a lot of stuff in his house so we're going to take everything that he does own though and we're just going to hide all of it we're going to take all the chests all the furnaces and we're going to leave we're going to leave a sign out front that says hey moose if you want your stuff not very much stuff that you have but if you want it come to these coordinates then we're gonna set up the troll and stuff but we're just gonna hide all these blocks just like somewhere easy like just somewhere i i don't know like somewhere in this village we're just gonna hide them underground where he wouldn't really expect it also take these as well he's got some pretty good stuff in here he does have a diamond some shears okay i could use those he's got a lot of cobblestone but this is literally all the stuff moose has this is sad i bet you most of the stuff he has he probably just keeps uh to himself like on his inventory so i wish i could take that stuff from him but unfortunately that is not possible but i'm gonna take all these furnaces so let me go to get a pickaxe real quick so i need to make a pickaxe let's grab some iron we got three and two sticks pop over in this crafting table and we have ourselves an iron pickaxe there we go okay put that bad boy right there all right so let's get all of moose's furnaces his chest whatever i'm going to remove these signs from because this is old this was a couple of episodes ago so i'll remove these you know i'm doing doing moose a favor but let's get rid of all his furnaces everything's got to go my dude everything's got to go we're literally going to make his house completely empty and maybe maybe he'll think oh my gosh my house is so empty i really need to go get my stuff you know hopefully he'll think something like that i don't know if he actually will but we're just we're just you know we're just hoping wow this this moose really has that has nothing in his house you need to step up your game you need to like get more stuff in your house these signs are old too as well all right so we have literally taken everything out of his house let's take his torches too why not we're just gonna just everything why not just take everything also going to take some of the ladders as well there we go taking the ladders just literally everything let's take a little bit of cobblestone as well with us all right so moose's house is completely empty take that torch what you doing buddy all right so now we need to hide all this stuff so we're going to hide it somewhere completely random we're just going to go out here we'll go hide it in this corner over here oh it would be really bad if i fell in lava with all this stuff that would be extremely unfortunate all right so we're just going to dig down right here dig down a couple blocks and we'll just make a double chest right here with all his stuff in here you need to make a crafting table actually all right so let's make two chests i mean two chests should be more than plain yeah oh we made five okay whoopsie-doop whoopsie-doopsie all right so let's transfer all his stuff into this large chest whoa it is done we have transferred all the stuff all the other stuff in my inventory this is stuff that i need um but let's go ahead and dig out of here we'll leave the crafting table down there might as well but this is all moose's stuff right here guys do not tell him now we're gonna go put signs on his house right now that say well actually we need to go get the coordinates first so we're gonna go find a location first oh i'm ready for this i'm ready for this okay so we need a lot more dirt um for his house we're gonna do a bunch of random blocks we're just gonna do a bunch of random blocks around his house we need a door as well i'm just getting blocks right now to build his little noob house out of and we also need to craft a rail as well so let's drive we'll grab a pressure plate for the door make it a little bit fancy we do need to go downstairs let's go check our secret secret chest room not this room but the one that's behind this room um so let's go see i don't remember did we put chest in here i'm pretty sure we did yes we did important items ores did someone find my chest room i swear we had some stuff in here okay this is trolling items we really don't have much in here uh i guess i'll take a little bit more cobblestone but all these random blocks that i have my inventory right now this is what i'm gonna make the noob house out of but we do need more iron i thought i would have some iron in here i guess not okay so let's grab this fix up this room do not tell anyone that i have this room please guys all right so let's just see if like maybe shark has just a couple pieces of iron for me i don't need very much wow shark has really let himself go i wonder who did this not me i don't know which oh these aren't blocks bro don't mind if i do i'm gonna take some of those that's a lot of iron right there park you have really let yourself go my dude now we are ready to go find a new little troll a new little spot to put you know this troll all right so we are ready to go heading out of the village so we're just gonna go somewhere in the desert we're gonna try to travel about 100 to 200 blocks away um probably 150 i don't know we're just gonna run until like our food is almost all the way down and then eat a couple times then run a little longer and then eat a couple times and roll a little longer and then you know i want moose to run so far that it probably takes him about three to four minutes to run this far and then he gets all the way there and he's like super depressed because he literally ran that far for nothing you know i think it'll be really really funny so you're probably curious how do you find your coordinates because you can't press f3 you know we're not on pc edition so to find your coordinates you just slash tp and then boom and then it brings up your coordinates right there so it teleports you to yourself which brings up your coordinates so i'm gonna get to this location do that command and then i'm gonna copy those coordinates and put it on a sign in front of moose's house hopefully hopefully i don't lose myself on the way back but i'm pretty much just going straight so it shouldn't be that hard but i hope moose has an easy time finding this place i mean it's literally just it can't be that hard it's not like i'm going in like 50 zags or something like that you know i'm just going straight first time eating that means we've been running for quite a while all right i'm going to go over this hill probably in this grass field over here if there is grass yeah let's go in this grass field over here and let's set up a little house right about here this looks like a pretty good spot got some horses over here so moose is probably gonna think this is a trap but really it's just it's just a funny funny joke okay so let's set up right here i think this looks really really good all right so let's build this house we're going to build it all out of just completely random new blocks i really hope we do have enough blocks to build this house though because we really don't have too many all right let's place a slab some sand another block let's do a wood block and then for the roof we'll probably just do like cobblestone or something we want to make this look like the noobest house moose has ever seen like in his life he's gonna be like what the flip is this this is so a trap i am not doing this but really it's just it's gonna be so funny all right there we go got the pressure plate on right there so he's gonna walk in and it's gonna say you should keep track of your stuff hashtag lol you should keep track of your stuff here actually let's just place one let's just place one not even multiple ones just straight up one just one boom just so he walks in the house he sees this noob house and he's like what the flip is this first off let's get here actually let's go over here let's get a little bit more dirt for this house because i think we need to complete it at least a little more dirt to complete the house all right there we go make it look a little a little more fancy not that this house is already fancy enough but you know just making it a little more okay i think it looks it looks perfect now okay so moose is gonna come he's gonna walk so far to see this house he's gonna be like oh finally my stuff or maybe it's a troll i don't know he's gonna walk in and it's gonna say you should keep track of your stuff hashtag lol and it's a little track so i i think that's absolutely hysterical all right so let's do the tp command let's get these coordinates so those are the coordinates right there so those are the coordinates i got them written down now let's go back over to moose's house and place these signs in front of his house there we go all right so moose is gonna log into the server he's gonna go up to his house and boom hey moose it's unspeakable i stole all your stuff haha if you want it come to 14 13 65 negative 97 for winky face all your stuff is there enjoy so i don't know how moose is going to react to this it's a harmless troll you know it doesn't have to do anything with tnt but i wonder how how how did that tnt go with this oh oh my gosh yo that dnd blew up everything yo oh my gosh we literally packed that thing with tnt so you guys remember that last episode the way we trolled moose is he has a horse right here his horse's name is tim it's it was in this little pin well it was so what we did is we made a graveyard for the horse and we said ripped him and then another sign we said dig down dot dot dot and then moose digs down under the dirt and he sees tim but when he digs down it triggers an observer block that sets off tnt and actually kills the horse right in front of his face so it was a savage stroll what does that say rest in peace cyclone my gosh they went crazy i don't know what they did but guys thank you all so much for watching this video i don't know how moose is gonna react but i hope it's a good one that was a funny troll it's a harmless troll you know it doesn't have to do with things blowing up but it's a funny kind of troll so thank you fox for the incredible comment again guys if you want to get featured on the next episode all you got to do is subscribe to the channel hit the like button and then comment in the comment section below some ideas for the next episode some trolling ideas or just an interesting comment or interesting things i can do on the series like ways i can improve my house really anything that would help me out on the series comment the comment section below and i will be reading through all the comments get that rain out of here get it out of here alright guys so thank you all so much for watching if you guys enjoy of course be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel and be sure to check out my other channels in the description i do have other channels i have a main channel uh where i post daily minecraft videos as well if you guys didn't know i also have a second channel or a third channel technically where i post real life content and the first video for that is actually going to be going out very very soon so be sure to go check it out so guys with that being said again thank you all so much for watching have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new minecraft video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 5,915,857
Rating: 4.9333086 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket ediiton, pocket edition minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions, troll wars, prank, wars
Id: _1NVSfxJNt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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