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let's do it oh bro what are we doing right now i don't know okay oh bro where's the oh oh my god hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video today i'm with shark and uh we have been spawned into this weird room that is trying to fool us it looks like clouds and sky but it's not clouds and scare it's um it's oak's property do not touch it i don't i don't know dude the tree the oak wood tree i don't know what is this oh i broke his property uh sorry i'm like i'm gonna take i'm gonna take you i got some also should we say um what's up sorry sorry sub for sub stop for something for something all right yo what is going on here what is this welcome to the diamond dimension map look at this look at this [Music] wait i kind of want to try to like i want to run through because i want to see what's in here what is this okay thanks for downloading my map we downloaded a map without i thought i literally just loaded up a minecraft world here dude yeah it's exactly okay uh also check out my other maps secret items and blocks you can light portal using diamond flint and steel did you like this portal shark while i was not here no um uh i think they mean maybe this portal dog this shark did you like a portal while i was here all right light the portal okay there's another portal right here but why not i have two portals what i even have a diamond breaker too all right okay here we go three two one yo yo bro can you give me one of those diamond breakers please yeah i trust you with it i trust you okay okay thank you very much all right don't mess up rules no rules you're free to do anything night vision yo get some night vision on you oh night vision yep yeah some night vision all right there we go all right here we go yo guys we're about to go into an unseen dimension let's do it oh bro what are we doing right now i don't know okay wait oh bro where the oh my gosh nathan what are those blue things bro those are like oh my gosh we're literally oh this is awkward dark just don't dig into the wall over here just cut it oh yeah they're kind of awkward yeah what are these things yeah like they're like diamond iron golems oh bro they're going to mess you up yo i'd be careful i'd be careful dude i'd be careful sick man diamond gollum hey oh my gosh these things are so sick all right guys so we're literally in a full diamond dimension right now there's diamonds everywhere diamond ore there's beacons there's uh sea lanterns for light up here yo this is so sexy all right awesome bro we should have a competition and let's see who can get the most diamonds in 30 seconds what do you think i don't give me a pickaxe game diamond these diamond golems are literally having a full out party right here like bro what are we supposed to do in this dimension okay i've never been blessed with this many diamonds before i don't know what to do i'm a little lost yo these are trees by the way did you notice this i didn't actually oh so oh so the diamond aura is like the wood and then the leaves are just like the diamond blocks all right nathan i officially can use my pickaxe and i'll be able to get oh i almost died you're good i'm good all right but before we before we do the diamond challenge i think we should explore a little bit and just see where this goes like just follow me up like just follow me let's see if we can i wonder if i can hit in rooms or anything i know that's what that's what i'm kind of curious i'm running down this way okay this place is absolutely massive oh my god so guys what would you guys do if you went into the nether and it teleported you to this place instead of the nether what would you do would you mine out every single block don't you freak out and scream like what what is what would you do i would most definitely be doing that bro i'd be screaming at the top of my lungs like i don't even know dude you can literally go back and like you can show your friends all the diamonds and stuff and they'll be like you're such a hacker you most definitely want creativity yeah creative mode cheater no bro i went to the diamond dimension what are you talking about what are you talking about yo nathan i kind of lost you dog um yeah let's play hide and seek in diamonds oh yeah okay let's go seriously seriously let's go ahead and seek okay uh you're right okay no you're right you're it because you can't find me and i'm right in front of you wait really yeah come on dude yeah dude i'm literally right in front of you i see your name tag where what am i doing you are crouching looking uh that way what am i doing now uh you are shaking your head around how the flip do you know where are you bro come on this is such an easy spot warmer cold uh you're cold now you're walking away a little bit warmer yeah you got warmer oh you get up no you get colder you're getting colder you get colder all right you're getting warmer warmer warmer warmer warmer hello i saw your food i was like oh hello all right but seriously though let's see who can get the most diamonds in 60 seconds okay so i think i'm going to get a timer do you have a timer on you i i can go i got i got a timer on you okay i got a timer too or i got a timer on me not a time right what is it i don't even know so in 60s okay 60 seconds so i'm gonna set a timer for one minute here i'm ready when you are man all right here we go ready three two one go go go go go timer is started like actual diamonds or keep it as diamond blocks uh you gotta turn them into actual diamonds and by the way when i started i already had like i think i already had like 10 in my inventory so i'll just minus 10 from okay okay okay so uh you know how you have like a super op diamond uh mining pickaxe yeah mine's op2 man i i custom enchanted mine uh better than mine gotta got my first stack cough cough oh you got a stack and a half what no what what what you got 20 seconds boy 20 more seconds oh flip 18 more seconds 17 16 15. you just set your game mode to create a move no i just fell i just fell i just fell oh okay nine eight seven six there we go five four three two one all right stop mining right now okay okay i stopped all right timer has been up okay so pick up all your diamonds if there's any like remaining ones okay okay and now we're gonna get a crafting table and we're going to or you don't have to you really i know you don't you don't even need one yeah okay so here's what we'll do here's what we'll do okay um so here you show me how many diamonds you have first uh all right hold on let me oh bro i have too many is there like a fast way to get all these diamonds ah bro i have two minutes i have two stacks of diamonds oh my gosh bruh so what i'll do is how about this you you pick you throw all your diamonds out and count the stacks and then we'll see who has more stacks all right i'm still learning this new inventory now i'm still learning this new inventory as well it's so weird ah the inventory works now okay okay how do i get this in here oh i see i see okay because guys i don't know if you guys know but minecraft just got this huge update minecraft box edition uh it's now on like 1.2 and it's literally massive it's so so different oh yeah crazy so the inventories have changed like you guys can see everything is so different i really want to kind of do a video showcasing it so if you guys do want to see that by me and shark you know definitely start to like oh yeah just hitting the like button that'd be pretty sick but um yeah so all right so i got all my diamonds now shark should i throw them all out yeah so throw them all out like and just count the stacks and then i'll do mine next or can i just count the stacks in my inventory or like because all the things how do you throw out a whole stack at a time you could you just click all of them and then drop them all right ready yep one two three four five one eternity later 16 17 oh my god 18 18 stacks of diamonds right there and i i minus about 30 of the diamonds because i had a couple when i started so i had 18 stacks but really i probably had about 17 and a half because i mine is 27 i still have 27 my inventory and then i'll minus another half of that because i had about eight blocks how many do you have yeah it's a lot of diamonds dude so many diamonds like this is absolutely absurd i'm ready i'm ready give me my faith i'm ready for this i'm almost oh my gosh i think i know what i'm doing hold up i'm just getting all these diamonds real quick okay bam this is not good i love how these golems are so friendly though like even when you attack them they don't even go after you they're just so friendly literally they're like oh no i can't please don't i can't figure out how to uncraft it it was just working for me and now it's not working you got to go through the open your inventory go through the little chest thing at the bottom and then drag the diamonds onto the crafting table and then oh i'll sam and then drag them back when they're done does that make sense no i got a diamond flint and steel um okay well here put it this way here i'll just do this for you okay one two three four 2 000 years later 12 13 diamond blocks diamond blocks diamond blocks diamond blocks diamond blocks 14 wait are those stacks of diamond blocks those are stacks wait how did no you cheated there's no way no you cheated there's no way i can't even pick him up my inventory is full bro you cheated there's no way because dude in a minute i only mind two stacks of diamond blocks and if you have all those diamonds plus two three more stacks that means you had probably about six seven stacks of diamond blocks how do you mine hold on let me let me math up here let's say you had seven stacks of diamond blocks was probably about what you had so um seven times 64 is 448 so how did you mine up 448 440 448 blocks in 60 seconds um um four eight eight magical divided by 60 that means no that's literally impossible that means you mind eight blocks per second okay okay wait did you answer though what is your pickaxe you mind eight blocks per second uh wait well let me see your pickaxe tasha pick it up i threw it away it was just had efficiency five i i went creative mode remember when i went in creative mode and you were like why has efficiency five two yeah okay my honest answer though was 13 stacks of diamonds that was the honest answer 13 stacks of diamonds but you have more stuff okay so what what like like what was your pickaxe though were you actually mining that question it was just no no i just spawned in diamond blocks oh okay i was about to be like bro how do you mine eight blocks a second i did some math there dude i did some hardcore math there i was like all right how is this possible we got you know we got this seven stacks of diamonds that creates 448 diamonds and then you divide it that means you made like you know you you mind like this many blocks like you you mind a lot of blocks and others there are a lot of flipping diamonds yeah there's a lot of diamonds in there there's a lot of diamonds here and uh i don't think there's anything secret in this diamond dimension i don't think so either because i think if there was we would find it already but maybe you guys can find it for us if you guys ever come across one of these diamond dimensions and you find something really secret let us know because we're definitely looking for secrets because guys this is so so sick literally a diamond dimension in minecraft but um literally do you want to thank you guys so much for watching thank you you want to take us out to this video feel free to do so i'm going to use my diamond blocks just the bill ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so you guys want to see some more then make sure to show your support like you guys always do by hitting that like button and subscribing to both channels down below in the description and it's ow ow we're gonna die i'm of night vision and stuff all right we'll see you guys tomorrow in a new video have a safe fantastic rest of your day boys all right i'm gonna go swallow [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,295,487
Rating: 4.8961153 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket ediiton, pocket edition minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions, troll wars, prank, wars
Id: h_nmjhqqx8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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