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oh geez this next one is a category three and it's absolutely massive apparently it takes three pilots to work it but i'm gonna try to do it myself hey what's going on guys and welcome back to another video i hope you guys are all having a marvelous marvelous fantastic day look at slime aren't slimes just absolutely just magnificent creatures of the minecraft earth you won't know why i'm saying this you probably can speak well why are you talking about slimes why does that matter why who's slimes what is it what does slimes have to do with this video everything absolutely like everything actually everything really actually everything yeah i want you guys to take five seconds just try to guess what this video is about oh wait you saw a thumbnail flick i'll give you guys another challenge five seconds to hit the like button before i show you what is behind me not not like actually like in real life but like in the minecraft game i'll give you guys five seconds to hit the like button and once you guys hit the like button i'm gonna turn around and show you guys all these crazy things that are behind me so here we go five four three two one hopefully you guys hit the like button and yeah slime robots that's what that's what we're uh doing today yeah we're we're slime robots redstone tnt it's um yeah before we get behind the cockpit of one of these slime robots we need to learn how they work and we need to go to slime robot training which is pretty much what is over here uh so i'm gonna read through kind of all these signs and stuff so we can learn about how these robots work and how to work them so we don't mess anything up and we're able to use all their abilities because if you go and look at them some of these guys look very very confusing you know you're supposed to place blocks on certain things to make a move like i don't know how to make it start moving and all this stuff so they can be very very confusing but we need to learn how to use them all before we get in one there's a lot of signs right here and this is basically the map creator you know crediting himself and also saying how uh the robots were made and stuff like that nothing really about how they actually work but it's pretty cool to read that so over here we have categories okay so we have category one normal which is green category two hard which is blue and category four red which is insane mode okay so this is very very interesting to use them find the engine which looks like the machine at the back and learned how to use them read signs i intentionally remove the sticky pistons of these samples as they are for instruction purposes only all right so this is the engine okay so i guess all the observer blocks are the engine it says how to start it says click the observer's face to start and then it says put obsidian on the block this sign is placed to stop it how to stop police obsidian on top of this observer okay remember remove the obsidian after it stops okay so basically what we do is we click this thing to start it but that doesn't that doesn't make any sense how do you click an observer block you can't click and observe i mean maybe you have to stand right here wait wait wait maybe i have to stand right here and then i have to click it cause observer blocks observer blocks you can't click them they're not like a lever you can't turn them on you can't like i mean you can walk in front of them and activate them but you can't i don't know that one's really weird i don't really know how exactly i'm supposed to work this one i'm sorry literally the first robot and the most simple robot i don't even know how to work how am i gonna work the big boys down there i don't know we'll figure it out but okay so to shoot place a redstone block or a redstone torch below the piston and remove it so the robot won't break also do not activate it while the robot is active slash moving okay so i guess we can't shoot tnt while the robot is moving place the redstone block or redstone torch below the piston and remove it this is training glass 101 so it says like i said read again place a redstone block or redstone torch below the piston and remove it okay so below the piston i guess this piston is that is that it that's i mean that's below a piston what about this piston but i can't place a block below that piston because there's a slime block there this guy was not very clear on his instructions what about this no that doesn't do anything what maybe next to the piston maybe next to this piston i and then this one i i i don't get it i i don't what oh wait what about right there no that doesn't do anything either either the guy that made this map was not clear on his instructions or i'm just a big old new because it says it literally says place a redstone block or redstone torch below the piston it doesn't say which piston but the only piston that i can place it below are these two pistons right here so i'll place it below this one and then i'll place it below this one you know what forget we're just gonna we're just gonna wait but that's how you that's how you activate the tnt there you go that's how you do it right is that right is that right that's probably wrong yep that's definitely wrong we're just gonna test out these robots and we're gonna see kind of how they work okay so this is the cockpit right here now it never told me i mean it told me how to start a robot you click on the observer block but like i said you can't click on observer blocks so i don't know what it's expecting me to do so i'm supposed to find the cockpit this is the cockpit right here i guess but it says it says the cockpit is up here but it said back over there this is the engine okay so i guess we activate the engine we activate the engine okay look oh okay i think what i was supposed to do is i was supposed to place a redstone block in front of the observer block now hey it never said that it just said click the observer block so i was like what this thing is honestly pretty sick the way it moves i mean look at its legs moving around and then whenever we make it stop we can also activate its tnt cannons as well which i'm really curious how those are gonna work now i can't activate it when the robot is moving unfortunately but let me go down here and let's see if i remember how to stop it but i think you go right here and i need i already have an obsidian block so place obsidian block right there is that right yay i got it okay then remove it when you're done and then you place a redstone block under the piston to activate the team maybe not that piston maybe that's the wrong piston this one no oh well we made the robot move again okay well i really guys i'm so sorry i don't know if it's just me or if it's the robot but i literally just tried every single piston and the tnt cannons didn't do anything i don't really see how these tnt cannons are really supposed to activate because there's slime between the tnt so i don't know how it's actually supposed to ignite the tnt i don't know if it's just for show i don't really know but it just doesn't seem physically possible for me i don't know maybe i'm just losing my mind maybe i'm just thinking this is crazy or something um but let's move on to this next robot first let's stop this one so come here buddy come here stop you need to stop you need to thank you very much okay all right now let's activate this one so this is the cockpit right here okay cockpit okay uh and then we place a redstone block right there correcto mundo there we go okay so that one looks like it has a okay look that one's actually firing tnt oh my gosh this one is just firing straight tnt look at that it's spawning it with the dispenser and then it shooting it off okay that is actually really flipping cool so guys you will definitely have to let me know by the end of this video let me know in the comment section below out of all these robots which one is your favorite now i'm assuming it's probably gonna be the last one because the last one is the biggest the most powerful and the most insane now this one is definitely really cool i'll definitely have to give it to him now let me see if i can activate the redstone cannon on this one okay so let's stop this robot there we go okay so i just stopped it so again it says place a redstone under the piston look there we go what is it is it just leaving is it's arm is just leaving its arm is just leaving the the body it's just like oh you activated me all right bye break one of these and i'll stop okay so i'm not really sure how you're supposed to activate the tnt um maybe i could try something like i don't know i don't want to i don't want to put redstone on that tnt right there i'm not really sure how you're supposed to activate the tnt but it's definitely a very cool design all right so this one this next one kind of looks like a dog i don't know this one looks huge let's try to find the cockpit in here okay it says wait missile launchers above pistons facing upwards oh my gosh this one has missile launchers guys this one has missile launchers okay so it says the oh wait it barely moved wait why'd you stop moving my poor buddy why did you stop moving come on come on buddy i know you did i break it already this is the cockpit right here i mean there's three observer blocks and then i activate it with that one oh well let's see if we can activate the pistons okay so it says the pistons are facing upward i guess that okay oh these pistons right here i'm guessing i'm guessing it's these i mean that's the only pistons i see that are facing upward okay yeah that was definitely it so again we got another arm just leaving this robot uh let's try this one as well there we go okay and then second arm just leaving the robot that's so weird how it does that and again these arms are pretty much the same as that one over there that i was messing with and i don't know how to activate these i really don't because i want to just activate the tnt and maybe something will happen but i don't want to blow up these other robots over here either so i'm not really sure how to go about this and activate this like missile like how to actually explode it i don't even know if there's like a proper way to explode it or if it's just for show it could be just for show i i really don't know part of me is like it's just for show unspeakable the tnt is just there it's not actually made to like fire out like a missile and then the other part of me is like despicable you're probably really dumb and uh everyone that's watching this video knows how to fire this missile and uh you don't but all i do know is i'm gonna move on to this next robot that looks like a um it kind of looks like a reindeer if you look at it like the antlers right here kind of like pointed back and then like the four legs or okay maybe that's a little bit okay that's a little bit more than four legs okay well this reindeer had a little problems there's nothing wrong with that there's some signs right here okay so so this one is a category two it's called the reaper and it says it requires one pilot in survival and then it has two missiles and one double tnt launcher so this thing is huge this is our first category two which means it's medium difficulty to operate it and power it and stuff and then when we move on we're probably going to move on to this next one being a category two as well and then this one being a category three oh my gosh this one requires three pilots looks like i gotta duplicate and clone myself it also has four missiles four movable double tnt launchers six fire charge dispensers and there's more going to be added to it soon so why didn't they just take this slime robot and just like put it in the transformers movie you know optimus prime part two all right so let's put this right here so this thing should be activated there we go so oh it's shooting teensy out the front of it what that's pretty sick all right so let me stay right here i think i broke this robot too i don't understand because look this is the cockpit right here i mean it even says that it is and you know on the other two robots the way i activated them is i put a redstone block right on this observer's face maybe i put them on all their faces oh my gosh that actually worked i'm so done fires one tnt but after it fires that tnt it just stops so do i have to like reactivate it again like maybe i have to go go back and like activate all its faces again yeah i do i literally have to go back and activate the whole thing again and then if i i love the tnt cannon on the front though that is really really sick but seriously this thing is absolutely crazy all right so i'm so excited to check out these last two robots i seriously am so this is a category two it's called the bloodshot requires one pilot in survival it has two missiles and two double tnt launchers yeah this one has the tnt launchers as well it has two of them these ones on the top the tnt launchers that just kind of dismantle like their arms and they just disappear like that this one has those as well and then this one has two of them as well and that one has four of them all right so up here it says that this is the cockpit but actually this is the cockpit or i guess this is the engine where all the good stuff starts okay that one just shot some tnt oh snap okay so we got some tnt fires all right so we can easily turn on the engine from here but this robot's doing the same thing as the other one you know i turn it on and it works one time it shoots one piece of tnt and then it doesn't want to work i try it again try it again there we go and it works look it will shoot one piece of tnt and then it just stops i guess these robots are like you activate them they walk like two steps shoot a tnt and then you have to reactivate them i feel like that's not right and i feel like i don't know how to do this i feel like it's not right and i feel like i'm doing something wrong guys and if i am i'm so so sorry but i have no idea how this works i mean i follow the instructions step by step now i might not understand the instructions very well but i did try my best to follow them and i did get all the other robots to work perfectly fine um but when it comes to these more advanced ones it seems like just something is not right i don't know look it's going again oh wait oh wait i got it okay i don't know what i did i mean i do know what i did all i did guys okay i guess i i was doing it wrong what i did is i removed all the redstone blocks i placed in front of the observer blocks so i tried to do that on another robot where i removed all the redstone blocks on the observer blocks but it didn't do anything but on this one it actually fixed it and it made it to where this guy is now walking and firing a ton of tnt which is really really cool i'm glad i was able to fix this because i didn't want you guys to you know see this video with like me making this and be being like i don't know how to work it but now i know how to work and i'm a redstone expert let's go ain't nobody ever seen someone that knows as much headstone as me once you talk or went about but like what what happens when you walk over this part do you just float do you just fl he floats he just floats he just floats they just yeah he eat oh okay wow he is firing a ton of tnt i'll give it to him all right so let's make this guy pause all right so you put the redstone block right there and he has pause so he's gonna fire his last couple shots so that is so so sick all right so for the next one oh geez this next one is a category three and it's absolutely massive apparently it takes three pilots to work it but i'ma try to do it myself because i am an independent one little unspeakable so this is cockpit number one and then cockpit number two okay so i'm just gonna try to get this thing moving on by myself okay so that's what i was told to do okay so we'll see look it moves a little bit i'm having the same problem with this one as i had with the other one so it moves a little bit and then if i remove like this is this is literally what i did on the other one i removed the redstone block and it just started working okay that one's not working for this one okay let's try redstone blocks on everything okay so it fires a ton of tnt now remove all the redstone blocks and it should work nope that doesn't seem to work i already broke this massive machine guys i'm so sorry i really feel bad for saying this and stuff but i don't understand this map like i really want to make this robot work and you know show you guys this really cool stuff and i did do that with some of those but this is the coolest robot and like i i i've just been playing with it for about five minutes and i don't understand how it works like i tried removing the redstone blocks replacing them replacing the observer blocks moving this around like i removed the observer blocks and replaced them i never actually added any observer blocks or added any pistons so that's not the issue i just removed them and replaced them just in case that was the issue um and then i replaced redstone blocks i did everything i could try cockpit number three or two but i feel like that this is just for i feel like this is just for the uh the tnt launcher i don't know oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it's broken how do you activate these oh wait is that all yeah i done goofed i may have done goofed a little bit but needless to say guys i do want to thank you guys so much for watching i do apologize for my lack of knowledge when it comes to these very advanced robots but to be fair i did follow everything in the instructions and some of these robots were not working i think the main reason might be is because maybe this map was created on an older minecraft pocket edition version and i'm playing on one of the newest versions so i think that may be the issue as to why some of these robots aren't working and some of them do work if you guys do have any answers to my questions about these robots not working let me know in the comment section below i would love to hear your thoughts i'll be reading through the comments and like i said i do greatly apologize that i'm not able to activate these robots but we're definitely able to look at them and do some really cool things with them needless to say i am sorry that we weren't able to use these robots at their full potential but we're easily able to see what they're able to do and able and able and able and hey why don't you just call me able unspeakable able all right but seriously guys i want to thank you all so much for watching if you guys did enjoy this video be sure to leave a like and also subscribe to the channel if you guys would like to slap that little bell slap that little bell to be notified when i upload my new video tomorrow because tomorrow i'm uploading a new video surprisingly believe it or not believe it or not i am and i promise it is so flippant cool and you do not want to miss it so guys thank you all so much for watching hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and i'll be catching you guys tomorrow in a brand new minecraft video i'll leave you guys with that excuse me and have a nice day [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 3,715,656
Rating: 4.891427 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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