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i gotta try this myself excuse me iron golem you're probably gonna get blown up with tnt i feel bad for you i'm sorry i'm very sorry yep very okay he's not blown up yo i gotta try this in survival mode hold on press the tnt all right let's see how this goes oh my gosh hey what's going on guys and welcome back to another video i hope you guys are having a wonderful day yeah yeah i myself am having a windy day if you may ask and behind me we have it over 20 crazy redstone creations that we're going to be looking at some of these creations we may have seen in other videos but most of them are actually really new and really cool and very different so uh yeah are you guys ready for this i don't think you guys are ready for this i personally don't think you guys ready for this let me get you guys ready for this all right let me get you guys ready personally what i'd like to do before i get ready for a crazy redstone creation video i like to pump it up gotta shake your shirt like this just make sure you have an unspeakable shirt though merch link in the description also some of the shirts are on sale right now it won't last very long so you gotta just wave out your unspeakable shirt and then you gotta do the slapperoo you gotta be like lost my earphone still lost my earphone stir can't get it and then after that what you gotta do to get ready for the redstone creations is you gotta hit the like button if you don't hit the like button then you ain't ready now guys i personally already hit the like button so i am ready and i am prepared all right so let's do this and step number four or five uh drink milk to get rid of night vision because who needs night vision when it's daytime that wouldn't make any sense would it also there's a giant lava tower we'll get to that in a second this thing looks very interesting it looks pretty big it seems like there could be a ton of redstone in here is there or is it just like oh wait there it is here it is there's all the rest there's actually a door right here we can actually ah that's nice all right so let's see what this thing does what do you do what is minecraft what's in here first off there's nothing there's nothing in any of the chests or any of the hoppers what about this oh there's mobs in the dispensers okay so what does this do so we flick this lever it spawns all these blocks okay and then what if we press this button we press this button and it spawns a bunch of mobs okay and then all the mobs fall into here i'm kind of curious what's happening right now and then what if i flick this what if i change it to night time because there's oh wait no that wouldn't do anything because the daylight sensors only connect to the redstone so i think what this thing is supposed to do it's supposed to spawn in mobs and then they're just supposed to lay eggs i don't really understand oh wait it's supposed to crush them oh that makes sense okay look i'm supposed to crush them so they're supposed to fall down then i'm supposed to activate the wall i'm supposed to crush them then all their stuff falls into here you can see all the stuff flowing in that makes more sense okay boys so you flick this and then you flick this and it crushes all oh you sneaky little cow you got doubt um but yeah they all die all their stuff falls into the hoppers and eventually ends up in the chest you can see some of the numbers fluctuating and stuff like that so that is actually pretty cool that is definitely a very interesting way for a mob farm but the only problem is it wouldn't be practical to do this in survival mode because the spencer's spawn eggs you can't get spawn eggs in survival mode so i don't think this would work for a survival mode thing but it actually is a pretty interesting idea so let's look what is this oh no i see diamonds at the end this can't be good can i just note that i'm level 2000 right now and if this slime kills me or those diamond blocks kill me i'm gonna be pretty triggered if i lose all my levels oh oh no no i'm not settling for this no not today nope i'm getting me some diamonds i'm getting me some diamonds thank you very much thank you very much that was a good troll it wasn't bad but you're not good enough coming through coming through thank you very much all right cool okay all right that was actually a pretty good troll and to be fair if i didn't have a pickaxe that would have killed me that's actually really really sick so you look at the diamonds you see him you're focused on him you don't notice the pressure plate on the floor then boom pistons come in and it's like indiana jones all over again or that movie star wars where the giant wall crushes them one of those movies it it's a wall it crushes it's it's bad it's no good but needless to say i still got my diamonds all right let's move on to some of the next ones this one just looks like a door if i'm not mistaken so this one should be pretty sick step on it oh wow that is a very responsive and clean door oh my gosh look how clean that is because normally redstone doors you'll see like the pistons come out and like grab them and stuff but look how clean this is just instant instant you could probably sprint through it like if i'm trying to run away from someone oh yeah you can sprint through it it doesn't even stop you what about the front part yep you can sprint right through it wow that is probably the most flawless redstone door i've ever seen let's see how this thing is hooked up wait what wow wait that's it wait what how that is weird wait oh wait there's something under here okay hold on i looked at i was like what okay but still that's not that hard to make at all that is not that difficult to make look at this redstone very very simple wow that is a really really nice piston door okay so what do we got over here what is this see some redstone through the glass okay so let's try to put things in this chest i feel like all things are disappearing look at that all right so let's flip this on and does it put my things back in the chest or does it put him somewhere else let's flick it off okay did i read the instruction manual right i'm gonna give you one of my diamonds and if you do not return my diamond i will come after you and i will find you and i will break you i think this might just be a troll chest where it just takes your items and doesn't give them back either that or i just don't know how to work it i do apologize guys uh but let's look at what's under here so it's a dropper this dropper feeds into okay wait hold on okay there's nothing in that there's a dropper there's an item hopper now what is the oh it does it kills all your items it drops them right into lava that's savage that is savage all right we've seen that but what is this what is this i'm kind of scared there's two of them uh okay let's just press the button okay that one drops water that's pretty sick so you could use that for our doors this one gonna drop lava yep this one drops lava that is pretty cool okay so you could use that for a door you could use that for defense there's a lot of ways you can use this and it's very very simple to make look at this you just need a button stack a bunch of redstone torches and then just put redstone above just like so very very simple design very sleek very clean now this on the other hand i'm guessing it's kind of like this but the more advanced version this looks very very interesting okay so let's go inside here go inside pretty nice house a lot of diamond swords oh my god lot of oh that's a lot of diamonds oh that's a lot of emeralds okay i need to calm down all right there's a button right here what does this do oh no it spawns a lot wait is this the fence or is this i think it's the fence i think it's defending the house so basically what it does is it's a automatic lava defense it's going to deploy lava around the house but no lava is going to touch the house wow that is some op defense the only flaw to this defense is if your opponent had blocks they could easily just build up and just hop right over but if you're trying to defend your house from mobs skeletons whatever this is probably the strongest thing you can do because they're not getting through it's literally impossible okay so how does it drain that's my question okay if i press it again let's go the lava and it drains wow that's pretty cool that is actually really nice it's definitely more advanced than that to make but it's not too advanced that's pretty cool all right let's hop down here we still have a lot of creations to check out guys um but our next one is this i have no idea oh there's dispensers on both sides okay um look the lever okay okay we're firing a bunch of stuff and we're spawning a bunch of clowns and skeletons so i guess it's like a fully automatic fired fireball arrow machine that's crazy okay let's turn this off oh that's pretty sick okay let's spawn in a lot more mobs so it's basically like a super advanced turret so we're gonna spawn in a ton of mobs here they're all on fire unfortunately and then turn this bad boy on and wow that's crazy that is pretty lp right there so it half i think two of the dispensers shoot fireballs and two of the dispensers shoot arrows that is pretty insane and it's completely fully automatic that's crazy pretty sick creation bro imagine if you put one of these on the outside of your house whoa no one ain't getting in anytime soon it looks like next we have a semi-automatic i don't think it's fully automatic um i think you have to actually press the button where the pistons yeah you have to press the button for the pistons to go now the only way to make this fully automatic is with like observer blocks what you can do is you can put observer blocks up here and whenever they detect the sugar cane grow um they will instantly trigger the pistons which pushes them off so that would be another way to solve that and make it fully automatic but for now this is just a semi-automatic sugarcane farm and it's it's kind of it's not too bad but there's definitely some sugarcane that gets collected up here and doesn't completely fall off but that's okay i mean it's not a bad sugar cane farm it is not bad and then all the piston work i'm assuming is in here yeah this one's going to require a lot of redstone for that oh that's a that's a hefty amount of redstone all right now on to the next one what is this we got iron golem eggs should we spawn one in hold on what does this thing do first off what is this oh oh what oh my gosh so i think it launches like it's okay so look at all the tnt perfectly come together look at that oh yo that is so sick i gotta try this myself excuse me iron golem you're probably gonna get blown up with tnt i feel bad for you i'm sorry i'm very sorry yep very okay he's not blown up yo i gotta try this in survival mode hold on press the tnt all right let's see how this goes oh my gosh oh okay it didn't fly me up as high as the iron golem but still that is so so sick okay let's spawn in another one that was so cool look how high he flew up wait for it geez that one almost oh he's dead oh wait no i guess iron golems don't take fall damage interesting fact you didn't know out of all the creations so far that one's definitely one of my favorite when we get more towards the end of this video i want you guys to comment the comment section below which creation was your favorite out of all the ones we looked at now this next one definitely looks very very interesting looks like we got observer blocks not sure what this one is gonna do oh wait okay so this one does oh wait what oh it's a fully automatic cobblestone farm that is so sick okay so what it's gonna do watch the observer block is gonna notice a block detection change and then it's going to activate the piston look at that oh my gosh and then it's gonna keep going in the rows it's to keep going in the rows so first it will go in this row and then we'll go over to this row then over to this row that is so cool and then when it ends it will stop it whenever a cobblestone block comes to here i bet you what it will do it will censor it and then it will stop it that is so flippant cool oh my gosh all right so look that one just got full look now it's pushing it over here that is so cool oh my gosh i don't it just amazes me because i've never actually seen a farm like this before i've always heard of him seen pictures of them but i've never actually seen one functioning in a minecraft world so that is very very cool wow that's awesome okay so we'll come back to that one when it's done but um check this out so this is something very simple to make you can put in your home kitchen anything like that and it's very cool and very sleek and modern so basically what it does is it smelts any items that you want so in this chest you put the item or the smelting item so coal logs whatever you're going to use to smelt with it will take it away and then in this chest you put what you want to be smelted so you can put iron you can put food you can put anything that needs to be smelted put it in this chest and it will start taking it away as well and then after it's melted it will end up in this chest all smelted so we'll come back to this when it's done but that is pretty pretty sick okay so on to the next one i don't know what this is it's just the room oh oh that's pretty cool they are missing one block right here though that's pretty cool wow that is really sleek and fast the way that look how quick that is wow now the only downside to this is it requires a massive room because i bet you if i break this wall yeah all you're gonna see is redstone so it requires a lot of redstone work but at the same time very very cool that is so so sick that is so cool i could do that all day awesome that was not what i was expecting from that room i was honestly expecting like a trap or a troll i'm assuming this one is going to light a portal then break the portal very cool one of my favorites one of my favorites is definitely a classic what do we got behind us oh this this better not be one of those trolls again no what is this oh it took my items is it going to give them back i don't think wait okay so this looks just like the other one yep it i think it does the same thing it's literally the exact same thing that was over here that took my items it's exactly the same as this one huh why is there two of them on this map maybe this one's wired a little bit differently i'm not really sure but it seems to be the exact same troll and then this i'm not really sure what this is what okay that's weird you press this button and it fires the dispenser but the dispenser actually presses the button so look it presses the button and then it activates the redstone that is so weird i wonder if this one does the same thing so if i press the button fires an arrow activates the redstone and then this one probably does the same thing as well fires an arrow activates the pressure plate activates the redstone that's pretty cool very interesting i just bit my tongue and that hurt all right we got a massive house right here i want you guys to kind of brainstorm what you think is in this house i have no idea oh no is it gonna be a trap it's gonna be a trap is it a trap oh my gosh yo that was not what i was expecting oh that is it okay let's see how fast these kill you alright okay two three four five and it closes the front door check that out wow that is pretty cool obviously that one is going to require a lot of redstone work as well but wow that is a really sick and funny troll maybe i should use that for the troll wars series guys what do you think should i that would definitely be a very interesting thing to use for the troll wars series but this thing is starting to lag me like crazy oh my gosh it's lagging like crazy okay let's see if we can turn all this off oh no just break it all i'm sorry i don't mean to break this beautiful creation but look how much stuff is in here it's just lagging me like crazy holy moly all right that is definitely a very interesting troll i love the fact that it blocks off the door too because there's a lot of trolls like that where i go and i check them out and they're amazing but you can just walk right out you know that one blocks off the door so it definitely makes it a lot harder to walk out now this is a fully automatic sugarcane farm if i'm correct there shouldn't be a button in the front yeah there's no button anywhere so i'm pretty sure this thing is fully automatic so what it does is this one's actually a little bit different but i think what it does is it waits for the sugarcane to be detected right here yep okay so check this out so let's say you have all the sugarcane right here you wait for it to grow but i'm just gonna spawn it in right when it grows it breaks them all and then it falls into the hoppers and then generates into the chest very very cool now that is an awesome sugarcane farm no offense to the other sugarcane farm but that one's definitely much cooler what is this oh what it just gave me all this armor oh protection 100 it just gave me all this armor and gave me instant or regeneration as well that's pretty cool what is this oh look each thing gives you a different piece of armor okay what is this oh this is all the protection 100 as well what about this one does this one do the same thing okay this one does the same thing it gives you just normal diamond armor wow okay that's pretty cool there's the rest of the armor thank you very much thank you very much okay those are pretty cool those are pretty sick that would definitely be something to put like when you leave your house every time you leave your house you just get full like a new set of full diamond armor that's how you know you're like super loaded in minecraft but this looks like a semi-automatic cocoa bean farm the reason i say that is because there's a button right here so if you press this button drops a bunch of water gets all the cocoa beans off they all fall into the hopper and then they go right into the chest so if you see 35 37 39 41 43 45 they're just gonna keep stacking up there that is pretty cool and it looks like that is pretty much gonna wrap it up so guys i want you to let me know in the comment section below out of all these redstone creations which one was your favorite which one would you most likely import into your minecraft world there was a lot of them if you want to go back in the video and see some of them again feel free to do so but me personally just if you guys are curious which creation is my favorite my favorite is gonna have to be the chess trap one um it's this one right here so check this out yeah this was definitely my favorite i'm sorry i broke everything but that one was definitely my favorite now before we go it looks like the cobblestone has finished um and if we look in this chest you can see all our cooked food now it's not completely done it's still going because it does take a while to cook a whole entire stack of chicken but it definitely is working and getting the job done but guys let me know in the comment section below out of all the crazy redstone creations we checked out which one was your favorite comment the comment section below before you guys go i just want to say that i do upload daily videos and you guys do not want to miss them so what you guys need to do to not miss a video is click the subscribe button and then after you click the subscribe button click the little bell next to it what that bell is going to do is it's going to notify you guys when i upload a new video and i upload videos every single day and you do not want to miss tomorrow's video because it is so sick so guys thank you all so much for watching hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and i'll be seeing you guys tomorrow in a brand new [Music] video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 3,527,880
Rating: 4.9321847 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket ediiton, pocket edition minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions, troll wars, prank, wars
Id: h9Lrpucq5Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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