How to Hear God's Voice -Pray in the Spirit & Interpret it

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well y'all ready to receive the word are you sure all right better show some life okay brother Tom come on up there's that brother Thomas karela amen he he's just been a real blessing to us we've really gotten to know him better in recent time I guess I would say he and his lovely wife Suzie and we look forward to seeing now down in Florida here shortly so yeah so we're looking forward to it so turn over to you my brother Thomas thank you appreciate you love you pastor thank you so much amen I later yeah good morning everyone and it's our privilege to be here and minister to you and how many of you love pastor curry come on amen dawn as well love and appreciate them they're just a blessing and we met them like pastor curry said I think was in 2008 we met them in Cincinnati with dear friend of ours prophet Corvis van Rensburg and so we met him there and then the following year I believe it was 2009 we were both guest ministers together in South Africa there at their church at their pastors conference and so then we kind of got to know each other that way so we want to say thank you it's a great opportunity look at your neighbors say you're in the right place could could I ask to three guys to help me real quick I just want to give out something for if you could hand those out to your guys there's enough for everybody and this is just our it's got our website on the one side invitation to be our friend on Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube all of it and just a little about myself and my wife were evangelist from Florida from Fort Lauderdale down by Miami and so we we travel and minister year round we're in about 50/50 some churches a year and we've been in ministry now 29 years actually this month is 29 years ago I started and I started first working for Jim Baker at PTL and then I went and became a youth pastor right after that associate pastor and a senior pastor by the time I was 24 and so I pastored for a while in New Jersey and then eventually in California and then in 1993 I went God spoke to me about a change in my ministry as an itinerant and an evangelist and so in 1994 I made that switch and so since 1994 we've ministered over 48 state in 48 states over 33 countries in over 1,200 churches and so that's a lot of churches right and so so we we do a lot of traveling ministry we just came from some meetings out in California we go this week we work our way back to Florida because then we're going to do a conference with pastor curry you just sit on my seat that'd be great thanks brother mm-hmm and so but we travel we minister stirring the church to step in to the kingdom come on amen and to have out right exactly so that's what we're that's what our calling is our passion is and so we brought with us a few of our books some of our books have been in your bookstore for a little bit but this is the very first book that we ever wrote it's called the fire that could jump the ocean those who are watching on the internet you can get any of these on our website share the fire that's what those cards are you notice share the fire org you can just go to share the fire org but I wrote this book several years ago on the first three revivals of the 1900s and some of the similarities of topeka if you're not familiar with it but in 1901 first people are baptized in the Holy Spirit in Topeka Kansas and then the fire so to speak jump the ocean to Wales in 1904 and then back again and 18:06 to a place called Azusa Street kind of in between that period of time John G Lake was baptized in the Holy Spirit as well and I even talked a little bit about that in there but there are photos in this book revival photos that are not in any other revival book in the world robert's Laird and ministries blessed us with some of those they were blessed by the book speaking of John G late we brought some of his books with us we only have a few so forgive me but these are John G Lake from Roberts Lardon ministry and these are all on the subject of divine healing and there's a guy that lived about 70 years ago by the name of Franklin Hall most of you won't know who he is but we have some of his books these books are all out of print but it's all on the subject of fasting and prayer I mean you know fasting is important amen Paul talked about fasting and and as well as in the New Testament very very much a New Testament practice as well and he talks about fasting well in 1947 he handed these books to to unknown evangelist the one guy's name was William Branham and the other guy's name was Oral Roberts and they were just so stirred in fasting and stuff and so the healing revival kind of was so to speak really thrust to the forefront at that time if you're not familiar with that then also we've got some worship out there on our book table this is just some instrumental piano music we call it debe coup it's just a Hebrew word a Bible word for the word meditate and so it'll just really stir your heart just waiting God's presence of you like to just wait in God's presence at times they meant okay for if you do praise God and the others of you will get you into but who wants this one I'll just bless someone with this one can you catch brother all right be blessed all right there you go we go okay let's just go for it here this morning is that Alright all right so I want you to do this I want you to grab grab your Bibles do I need to say up here or can I come down there I'm down okay now I need to talk to the video guys can I come down or no I could come down okay all right here's what I want you to do I want you to grab your Bibles go to 2nd Peter I'm going to give you a lot of scriptures today so forgive me for that second Peter chapter one there's a lot of things I kind of had in my heart I was thinking about sharing here this morning with you I actually go from here this morning and I end up ministering the rest of the weekend in Rusk Texas and so I'll be in Rusk for the rest of the whole week we'll be there for like five days but and I was really praying about what to share here this morning and God really spoke this to my heart to share this now I've only shared bits and pieces of this to other times in my whole 29 years of ministry so this is kind of like a real important you know central part of our ministry so but okay so second Peter chapter 1 following in the name of Jesus give us eyes to see ears to hear Lord today we're hungry to hear the word in Jesus name Amen amen so second Peter 1 verse 12 for this reason I will not be negligent to remind you everyone say remind you so underline those two words in your Bible it's the word remind you he says I want I don't want you to be negligent I don't want you to be negligent in reminding you of all ways of these things though you know and are established in this present truth yes I think it's right as long as I'm in this tent or this body to stir you up by what reminding you right so how do you get stirred up by being reminded of what you already know see some people say well I already heard that already know that and and I when I went to Bible School I went to Bible School in Tulsa Rhema Bible Training Center and brother Hagin was one of my teachers but one of my teachers now he's really kind of being well known in the world his name is Keith Moore and you say this he used to say that if it's old to you that means it's no longer real to you because when it's real to you it never gets old come on amen ladies your husband told you he loved you 20 years ago do you want to hear it again I mean you already heard it once is the I mean but you'd kind of like to be reminded come on talk to me right and so okay so Erie says listen I want to stir you up by reminding you knowing that shortly I must put off this body just as our Lord Jesus showed me moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease for we did not follow cunning devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty for he received from God the Father now watch us honor and glory when such a voice came to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and we heard this voice they heard this voice it says which came from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain and so we have this prophetic word confirmed which you do well to heed as unto a light that shines in a dark place now we'll come back there but here he starts to speak about the voice he starts to speak about the voice he said listen I want to remind you of some things you've already heard some of these things before but I want to remind you of some different things then he says this he goes right into he said listen we heard this voice so he was talking about hearing the voice of God in if you are familiar with what we call the Transfiguration and so he said listen we heard this voice okay but it came to us in a natural audible voice right so it was a natural audible voice so he said listen we heard this thing we heard it up on the holy mountain and as we heard this voice he says uh in fact just pause it right there for one second come back we're going to come right back but go over to Matthew chapter 17 go back to your left Matthew 17 now after six days Jesus took Peter James and John's and his brother and led them up the mountain by themselves and he was transfigured before them and his face shone like the Sun and his clothes became white as the light and behold Moses and Elijah appeared to them talking with them and then Peter answering said to Jesus Lord it's good for us to be here if you wish let us make here three Tabernacles one for you one for Moses one for Elijah and while he was still speaking a bright cloud overshadowed them and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud okay so underline that a voice came out of the cloud now interesting enough we see that they went up into this high mountain and the cloud was there the cloud is if you're not familiar with Hebrews chapter 12 it says wherefore we are surrounded come on by what by a great cloud of witnesses so it's obviously speaking of heaven so heaven began to manifest in out of the cloud two men appeared now this is not the last time this appeared it also happens in Acts chapter 1 when Jesus is lifted up and raised up into heaven the Bible says a cloud was around him and received him and out of the cloud came two men not to angels it says two men just exactly the same okay so here these two men came and this voice came and spoke saying this is my son in whom I am well pleased hear him and when his disciples heard it they fell on their faces and they were greatly afraid but Jesus came and touched them saying be not afraid okay verse 9 is where I'm trying to get to and they came down from the mountain Jesus commanded them saying tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead now fast-forward to 2nd Peter so 2nd 2nd Peter Peter says listen now I can tell you what we saw come on right Jesus has died risen again from the dead Peter says now I can tell you I couldn't tell you until he died and rose again from the dead then he says listen we heard this voice and he says verse 9 we have this prophetic word confirmed okay but it came in a natural voice right a natural audible voice he says we have this the the prophetic word confirmed which you do well to heed as unto a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts I mean how many times have you read the word and all of the sudden is scripture you read a hundred times Aalesund jumped at you how many's that ever happen to you raise your hand okay the day dawn right or it dawned on you we even use that but you know in our vernacular here in America we say man had just dawned on me what does that mean oh there was revelation right knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost now the word moved circle that word the word moved in your Bible is a greek word that is only used by somebody who is on the sea it's only used by somebody who is typically a a sea man a captain of a ship or something like that it means to turn like with a rudder a ship that's what it means it's the Greek word that means to turn the ship like as turret of moving the rudder so the spirit the Spirit of God here uses this word through Peter and he says listen holy men of God spoke as they were turned by the spirit come on amen okay so I just want to talk to you a little bit here this this morning about this voice this voice that God spoke okay so I got saved I have kind of a weird story I didn't grow up in a typical Pentecostal charismatic church I grew up I was baptized as a baby Catholic raised Lutheran so I was couth Rijn so I yeah no I'm just kidding I'm so growing up in this particular liturgical home I never been in a spirit-filled Church like this ever in my life if I would have seen someone raised their hands in church I probably would have fell over dead or something you know I'd never seen that my whole life and so God spoke to a guy I grew up in western Minnesota and God spoke to a guy in Fargo North Dakota that he was supposed to come to this little rinky-dink town in western Minnesota and start a Bible study for teenagers and he said god I don't even like teenagers much less do I want to go start a Bible study for teenagers so he obeyed the Lord and he came to my town they started this Bible study of teenagers and about a dozen kids got saved and in fact funny enough of the dozen of us I think eight of us are in full-time ministry but one of us is a youth pastor at Rhema but anyways so we whole bunch of kids get saved and I was just I was like Salah Tarsus I was a Hellion and I was the biggest persecutor of the church so when they started these Bible studies I terrorized the church I you said Jesus help me I used to rip up Bibles and all their books and I was just really wicked and so one week the youth pastor went and challenged the the youth group to pray for the worst sinner in their school and so he said for seven days pray for him and in seven days he'll be saved well about four days later I was in another town getting in trouble with my friends and I see this kid walk up to me and he he just walks across the street I knew him from school and he was a part of this spirit-filled Bible study and he walked up to me he stuck his hand out he said Tommy said you're going to hell pray this prayer that was it I didn't get God loves me nothing like that nothing nice you know and he didn't know how to evangelize or how to share Christ he was like one month old and the Lord but he just said Tom he said you're going to hell pray this prayer and when he touched my hand the power of God for the first time in my life I felt God's power hit me in and I felt it go right through my whole body and he's praying the sinner's prayer and we're literally in the middle of the street and I'm praying and I got radically saved and so that was a late August of 1982 and then when in the midst of this my friends all talked about this thing called tongues speaking in tongues I'd never heard of it and I said well you guys got it I needed to so give it to me they said well we got it but we don't know how we got it I was like well you guys are worthless then I mean come on here you got it and you don't know how you got well this guy prayed for us it's up we don't know how to give it to you you have to go to Fargo North Dakota to go get it a hundred miles away so at this time my family was not thrilled with my new you know a conversion and everything and reading the Bible all the time and and fact I was the first books I was given was from Charles and Frances Hunter and TL Osborn you know healing the sick was the first book I ever read and so I just fell in love with the subject of healing but here I wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit so finally after about four months my parents relinquished in January of 1983 I was allowed to go to one church service there in Fargo so the whole way to Fargo I said God the moment they lay hands on me I'm gonna be baptized Holy Ghost I wouldn't even wait for a Holy Ghost I would have settled for Holy if the preacher would have said holy smokes it's hot in here I would have probably already been in the altar right then because I couldn't come back so that night in January in 1983 I went in at the end of the service the pastor said listen we're going to pray for some people up in this upper room and we're gonna pray for people for the baptism of the Holy Spirit I mean I was there I beat the preacher there I mean I was a first one in this room and I stood there like this because I learned about you know laying on a hands and I thought all I need is him to do is lay hands I mean that's it I got it you know and so I get up to this room and he starts reading the scripture he kind of chuckles because he sees me standing there with my hands raised and so he reads a scripture it shall come to pass the last days I'll pour my spirit upon all flesh and that's all he got out and I just exploded in tongues speaking in tongues for about 30 minutes after that everything in my life changed I went in went off to Bible School and then I went in nineteen like I said before in 1986 when it went right straight into the ministry but I was crying out to God to hear his voice you know when the Bible talks about God's voice it's talking about communion fellowship interaction with God come on right you know prayer is not supposed to be a monologue you've heard it before but a dialogue where you speak God speaks you speak God speaks and so I was crying out to God like this for a long time for a long period of time and I said Lord I want to hear your voice but I want to hear it clear you know and so I was struggling with this because I assumed that all of God's voice had to be like this natural I didn't realize God was a spirit so God was going to speak to my spirit this is how God's voice would begin to speak to me and I didn't realize that and so in 1987 like the end of 87 I went and Here I am a youth pastor / associate pastor in New Jersey and it got cold and for about two weeks I would wake up with this scripture in my head now I want to read you the scripture that I woke up with in my head and then we'll just kind of continue on so go over to first Corinthians chapter 14 y'all okay this morning okay you can't a very quiet you're scaring me a little bit here okay so first Corinthians 14 says this now this is what I heard in me every day for almost three weeks about good two and a half weeks I heard this every day before I would lay my head down I would see this scripture in my mind and when I wake up in the morning this scripture would be in my head here's what it says verse 14 for if I pray in a tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful what is the conclusion then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray also with the understanding I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the understanding so every day in the morning and at night I would hear that scripture in my head I will pray with the spirit I yeah what is the conclusion then I will pray with this way so I kept hearing that so I thought okay yeah great I believe that fine what are you trying to say I have no idea what you're saying so about two and a half weeks later I got a phone call on a Sunday morning funny enough i early on a Sunday morning and it was stinking cold out and the pastor the senior pastor said Tom you have to go get the people that are on the bus route because the bus driver went and decided he and his family were going to go on vacation at the last minute so now I was grumbling in in the flesh and I know all you holy people have never been in the flesh or grumbled thank the Lord but I was and I was grumbling because I had other obligations to do that morning as the youth pastor college pastor associate pastor and so I was frustrated as well spiritually and so I gone out to the church bus and I start up the bus it's cold I can hardly hold the wheel you know it's so cold so I Drive off and I've got my pocket new Testament on me because I'm trying to remember what I'm going to share that morning to the young people and so as I'm driving to go pick these people up I come to the very first stop to pick people up for church and as I Drive up I'm still kind of grumbling and irritated that the bus driver never let us know until the last minute and as I pull up the family this guy comes running out in his boxer shorts and his hair is all crazy he goes we overslept give us 15 minutes I wanted to slap him and tell god I did him a favor but I went and I'm like oh god I'm so frustrated and so I just start complaining to God I said Lord Here I am frustrated I'm already frustrated with you because I'm wanting to hear your voice and I'm frustrated as well with people and so I just was quiet for a minute I just sat there and as I sat there i heard this scripture in my head 1st corinthians 14 14 and 15 I'm like I know what that says I've been reading that every day for two and a half weeks I said okay let me just read it to you again Lord this is what I said the guy said for a vibe praying and tongue my spirit prays and my understanding is unfruitful what is the conclusion then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding and I stopped and the Spirit of God spoke as loud as I'd heard him at that time he said that's a pattern to prayer he said your spirit the spirit of man is by the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues as you do he said listen I want you to do this I want you to pray that you would interpret what you just said in tongues come on I had never heard anyone ever share that in my entire life until night this is 1987 I never heard this ever in my whole life I said Lord this is the craziest thing I ever heard yeah I said you mean I can just do it at my will and then I heard 1st Corinthians 14:15 and I looked at the first words are what I will come on everyone say I will so he said what's the conclusion then I will pray with understanding I will pray with the understanding as well and I realize wait a second this is a pattern of Prayer where I begin to by the spirit pray in the spirit and then begin to interpret what God says come on amen so I went and I said okay I'm going to test this right here now I said this is real prove it and I went and I said I've got two young people in a Bible Camp right now and I said they're there and I have to pick them up this afternoon so I said I'm going to take five minutes and pray in tongues while I'm waiting for these people and I'm going to pray for both of them and the first thing that comes to my mind I'm going to say it out loud and so I start to pray in tongues by myself in the freezing cold church van and I start praying for these young people and I have a picture in my mind of the young lady on a roller coaster stuck in the bottom and she can't get out and then I saw me write one to three reasons that she's stuck in this dull Valley and she can't break out so I said okay so that afternoon I went to go pick them up I forget what I had with the boy as well but I just remembered the girls very vividly so they're telling about all the great things God did on the youth camp and so as we're about halfway home I said to them I said let me just ask you something I said I was praying for you and I start to tell of what I saw in this vision as I prayed in tongues and interpret it out loud as I start to say it power of God hits both of them they both get slain in the spirit in the car and start weeping uncontrollably and I realize I heard from God come on amen I began to hear something from the Lord so 87 through all of a sudden through 91 1991 I was in a church vehicle we had a guest minister speak at our church Billy brim I maybe know Billy brim is okay she's really close with the Copeland's and so Billy just spoke at our church and so I was taking her to go see brother Hagin so we were going to go to - thinking meeting and I so I had she had just spoke at her church I was the one that was taking her there and so we were fellowshipping on the way to San Francisco and this is when I lived in California at that time 1991 and so I said to her I said Billie I said I got to tell you something crazy let me just tell you this story I tell Billie the same story I just told you as I tell Billie this story she starts laughing she says you know who one of my best friends is I said no who she said John J Lakes daughter I said really she said yes she said this is how he did everything in his ministry was by praying in tongues come on and interpreting it she said you ever heard of a guy by the name of Oral Roberts I said yes she said oral did everything at oru by praying in tongues and interpreting it and she began to name one after another after another major ministry some that had gone to be with the Lord some that were still here and I realized at that time I knew that it was God because God had proved it out but I just wanted to hear it from another ministry and I realized that I was on to something that the Holy Spirit was trying to do and release and to teach the church and this is something that is not taught very much because I've never heard a preacher say anything like this in 29 years except for one time and one preacher and that was Larry Lee he was the only one right here in the Dallas area but okay so but I want you to see verse 14 for a second he says as he said listen for if I pray in an unknown in a tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful so there's somehow some way like like pastor was just talking about that your mind has got to hear from your spirit so how is your mind going to hear it ah you have to you have to interpret it it's got to be interpreted so the Lord began to remind me of something in my childhood how many remember this when you were kid some of this is going to reveal your age forgive my ability here all right this is a television set how many of you remember these things they're avid ears thank you sir right I remember as a kid now those of you who are younger than me okay God forgive you no I'm just kidding ah you don't know what we're talking about so you just kind of hang with us but years ago it wasn't that many years ago that you didn't have that many challenge how many of you remember those days right and you had to if you wanted to get a clearer picture what did you have to do turn amor what pull my foot we used to do that too we put we put tinfoil on these things maybe an old shoe whatever would work but what I was trying to get you to say was this is that you went and you had to raise the rabbit ears higher so that the picture and the sound would become clearer come on right so the Lord began to use this as a picture to me and began to say listen just like when you were a kid and you had this TV set and you wanted to begin to hear better he began to teach me began to say listen if you have the TV station okay so this is the TV station all right so the TV station they've got a signal that goes out right so right now in right here in plano right now there are radio stations on and there are television stations on true how can we can't hear or see any of them right now we don't have a receiver set set to that channel but the moment we get on the channel it's already been broadcasting the whole time hello this is why the bible says in proverbs chapter 1 wisdom is crying out in the streets who will hear her voice God is broadcasting who's got rabbit ears up high enough to hear it come on amen so so that's why that's why it's imperative for us to begin to connect and begin to hear God's voice in that way now go back to your left yeah well we'll hit something else in the second but look in Proverbs proverbs to proverbs chapter 2 says this my son if you receive my words and treasure my commands within you so that you incline your ear to to wisdom okay now pause one second inclined just means pick up your ear okay it means to pick up your ear to wisdom it's kind of like this you ever walked in a room and somebody was whispering and your ear all of a sudden just like come on talk to me write your what are they saying right now come on right you heard somebody whispering and you're trying to tune in right so that's what the Holy Spirit is using that terminology so that you incline your ear to to wisdom and apply your tart to understanding verse three yes if you cry out for discernment and lift up your voice for understanding if you seek her as silver and search for her as hidden treasures then you will understand the fear of the Lord so God equates his voice with understanding God's the fear of God he said you'll understand the fear of the Lord or we could say the aw of God as you understand the voice it's all connected to the voice he's saying here right he says listen I want you to seeker I don't want you to be passive and just well if God wants to do it then I'll just have it no no no no that's not what it's saying it's saying with everything within you he says the words cry out okay that's God I got to hear you right just like what happened with me right I mean what else does it say it uses this terminology if you'll seek her as silver and search for her as hidden treasures then you'll understand the fear of the Lord right and find the knowledge of God for the Lord gives wisdom but now watch this but from his mouth comes knowledge and standing from his voice comes knowledge and understanding to you and he stores up sound wisdom for the upright he's a shield to those who walk uprightly he guards the path of justice he preserves the way of the Saints then you will understand righteousness and justice equity in every good path when wisdom enters your heart and knowledge is pleasant to your soul discretion will preserve you you know some people have no discretion they hear God's voice but they have no discretion they just blab it all over the countryside brother Hagin used to say this to us all the time he used to say if you tell God's secrets all the time you'll stop telling your secrets sometimes God tells you things not so that you can broadcast it but sometimes they keep it between you and him I mean sometimes he wants you to share but sometimes he wants to just tell you some things that's just between you and him so he says listen discretion will preserve you and understanding will keep you and deliver you from the way of evil and from the man who speaks perverse things so it's the voice it's all connected to hearing God's voice to this day I find myself so often I don't even realize that I'm doing it because I've been doing it for 20-some years now but whereas if I'm praying for somebody in tongues I find myself interpreting allow what I said in tongues and I don't even realize it because it becomes such a natural ebb and flow on the inside of me but I just felt like some of you maybe have heard this before but remember what Peter said Peter said don't you know these things it's important for me to remind you and I want to stir you up by reminding you of what you already know come on amen amen so that's that's what I really feel like the Holy Spirit is even saying here this morning is he's wanting to stir us up he's wanted to stir us up for a passion to hear God's voice amen I mean thank God for the word we know the word is God's spoken word written down yes but there are some times that God wants to speak some things that are not in here that he wants to speak you in direction correction or whatever it might be uh is both to yourself and to somebody else right and so but if you don't have a hunger for it you'll never have it it's just like healing if you don't have a hunger for healing don't worry you won't be bothered with it you have to want it you have to hunger for it how many of you noticed that right so everything in the kingdom works that way that's why Jesus said listen he talked about ask to him who asks receives see him who what's the next one seeks and then he talks about to him who knocks right so in other words there's a progressive asking seeking or in other words pursuing and knocking in other words there's a hunger level there that God is trying to build within the church right because if you don't have that then you'll never progress in your spiritual life you'll find yourself sailing in stagnant so but a couple of scriptures I want you to go back to the Book of Isaiah look in Isaiah Isaiah 28 so Isaiah 28 just reiterates everything I just said Isaiah you know hundreds and hundreds of years before the cross sees this prophetically coming and he sees a group of people being the Church of Jesus Christ he sees us prophetically and he begins to say listen he says this verse 10 Isaiah 28 10 for precept must be upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little there a little for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people I don't know how much clearer he can say it how is he going to speak to his people stammering lips and another tongue to whom he said this is the rest so when we speak in tongues that's our spirit pray right so our spirit as we speak in tongues what happens our spirit as it speaks in tongues he says as he said listen this is the rest right this is he goes on to say the refreshing right so we see spiritual rest and we see spiritual refreshing as we begin to pray in the Holy Ghost right the - this is the rest to whom he will cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing yet they would not hear so so many people even believers have tuned a deaf ear in this particular area not realizing the whole thing is about fellowship with God not necessarily in a natural way but spirit to spirit and heavens been broadcasting all the time did it that I mean the message is going out right but some people until they begin to actually take some time to pray in other tongues they stir their spirit man up and as they pray in tongues their spiritual antennas go up higher so as soon as you begin to pray more in tongues you begin to push your inner man your spirit man to begin to tune into what is heaven saying right now for this people and that's what John Lake learned a hundred years ago and that's what he learned was the key was through praying into that's why in the many of his books you'll see that he'll say this is my tongue and interpretation of John G Lake on you know April of 1912 right and so again and again and again he learned that that was the key and I believe this is a key for all of us in the whole body of Christ how many of you have never heard this before about praying in tongues interpreting in your own prayer life anyone you never heard this before okay so cool good how my view have heard that before raise your hand okay cool alright good to those who never heard it guess what this is a word from God to you to those who have heard it guess what I come to remind you so I'm batting a thousand no matter what you know what I'm saying okay so because why because God is saying listen this is the rest this is the refreshing some people say oh I just I've been laboring I've been working so hard I just man I just need refreshing God says oh great I've got a revival button in your spirit built right in all you to do is pray on the Holy Ghost tsurara as soon as you begin to pray in tongues this is the rest this is a refreshing come on in man God says I built it right into your inner man that at any time wherever you are you could be on a bus you could be on a plane you could be in Dallas traffic god forbid Jesus I think it's worse than Miami traffic about anyways right and so God says listen this is the rest this is a refreshing now then he says this God says listen I want you to be able to begin to just by faith as you pray in tongues you interpret back to your mind what you're saying in your spirit so how's that going to happen Tom oh I'm glad you asked the way that's going to happen is by thoughts a stream of thoughts begin to happen as you pray in tongues the first thoughts pictures or scriptures that come to you as you're praying in tongues you interpret that back to your mind that's God speaking yeah but someone says yeah but you know like pastor said earlier yeah but that could just be me what if it's just me okay I got a scripture for you you ready first Corinthians six what if it's just me I don't know if it's me or pizza I had or okay so first Corinthians chapter six verse 17 says he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him so he that is joined to the Lord is what one spirit okay just like the joints and the marrow is in your bones doctors say they're just so interconnected you can't cut them apart that's why Hebrews four says the Word of God is so sharp it can even divide your marrow from your bones no surgical instrument in the world can do that you know that no they cannot divide your marrow from your bones completely without getting one of the other because they both are so intermingled okay so God's listen he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit so it's not you in your it's not your spirit in here on the left side and the Holy Spirit's on the right side come on God says now they're together it's all one so guess what it's going to sound like you if it sounds like me you probably need deliverance if it sounds like pastor Currie you've you know you'll probably need deliverance alright it's going to sound like you why because your spirit is completely meshed and mingle together with the Holy Spirit it's going to sound like you come on and so this is how you can every single day begin to tap into this realm of the Spirit into this realm of Almighty God where you begin to function and begin to pray and connect with God's voice every single day of your life come on amen and so that's why it's essential that you every day pray in tongues come on poke your neighbor in the rib say everyday do it every day every day you gotta pray in the Holy Ghost come on amen you don't have to wait well I didn't feel led to pray in tongues well you just read first Corinthians 14:15 says I will I mean you didn't say well I'm not brushing my teeth till I feel led well please Jesus help us all do it brother just do it okay I mean you don't need to be led come on come on right so it's the same thing is true with praying and the Holy Ghost is that you can by your own will pray in tongues and interpret it to yourself come on right and I'm telling you that I just I mean there's a thousand things I could have shared here this morning I had a whole thing together I was going to share on this you know sonship our sonship and authority in Christ and all of this stuff and just Pam I was praying the other night I just took a lot of time I was just praying in tongues it's praying about half hour in tongues and in the middle of the night I was up and walking the floor of my house praying in tongues and I saw myself here in the altar preaching on this that's how this whole message came about I in my mind I was caught up in a vision and I saw myself I even saw this shirt I was wearing how about that but I saw myself here ministering to you and I realize God that's what you're saying to these people right now come on right so this is a word from heaven amen so I don't know do you usually end with worship team coming or don't you usually bring them okay all right father right now today in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you for all your provision for us you've provided so much for us Lord you provided so much in Christ I mean you've made us one with Christ we're completely one with Christ Lord you've provided your precious Holy Spirit not to live in heaven but to live in us and so even now Spirit of God we do we love and know your ways and we trust you we thank you Lord today that it is your will to connect with us it is your will for us to hear your voice for heaven is speaking out even now and Lord we just choose today as an act of our will to just completely connect with heaven we completely choose as an act of our will to hunger for more of hearing from heaven like never before in the name of Jesus amen if you're here today I just feel letting my spirit to do this if you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues quickly raise your hand okay any others you've never been baptized Holy Spirit spoke in tongues okay stand up William all of you that just raise your yeah you know this is a bear get up where you can see me why don't you give the Lord a big hand clap for this mmm you can be seated I'm sorry you know you're you're in a special place where some great training and in great leadership and and gods put you in a great place I'll tell you what God wants to amass you as an army of healers come on amen come on right and as the the prophet of old saw of Ezekiel said in Ezekiel 47 he said wherever the river went it brought healing to the nation's you know what John 7:37 says that rivers right in here come on right so that rivers right here amen and so just for just for the next 10 seconds just put your hand around your belly just pray in the Holy Ghost come on right now see if the epic Allah Lord I stir up that river here today Jesus name pastor Currie thank you Jesus karamaneh biroba SATA Calavera combi masata come on just be refreshed this morning just be refresh refresh refresh refresh thank you Jesus lesson Jesus it's all yours all right what was that a blessing hey man it's good stuff huh amen you
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 133,462
Rating: 4.8517179 out of 5
Keywords: Tom & Susie Scarrella, pray in the spirit, interpret tongues, John G Lake, Curry Blake, Hearing God's voice, Prophet angel, Rodney Howard, interpreting tongues, Oral Roberts, God's voice, hear from heaven, spiritword, todd white, todd bentley, prophetic, how to prophesy, prophecy, pensacola revival, brownsville church, bill johnson, how to pray to god, how to hear god, praying to god, tongues, dht, how to pray, pray to God, Holy Spirit, seer anointing, jennifer leclaire
Id: wcB5iT6urWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2015
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