The Basics of Divine Healing by Tom Scarrella

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three it's talking about the crucifixion it says  who has believed our report and to whom is the   arm of the Lord been revealed so now the arm of  the Lord if you don't know this is the Messiah   obviously Jesus Christ right for he being the  Messiah shall grow up before him as a tender   plant as a root out of dry ground he shall he  has no form or comeliness that when we see him   we should theirs when we see him and there's no  beauty that we should desire him all right so in   other words there was nothing that was a drawing  point especially on the cross he was so beaten   so badly he is despised and rejected by men a man  of sorrows and acquainted with grief and add and   we hid as it were our faces from him and he was  despised and we did not esteem him and then verse   four is a part of obviously the payment on the  cross surely he has borne our griefs and carried   our sorrows all right so he bore our griefs so  here he uses this word griefs and he uses this   word sorrows okay so as he he uses this word  here it literally means this now obviously the   Old Testament is written in Hebrew literally what  the griefs mean is sickness and the sorrows means   physical pain all right so here it says he bore  our griefs or he bore our sickness and he carried   our pain and we esteemed him stricken smitten  by God and afflicted and he was wounded for our   transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities  the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by   His stripes we are healed right all right so  then as he goes on he says he was led like a   lamb to the slaughter blah blah blah blah blah so  this whole thing is talking about the crucifixion   all right so but here he says by his stripes we're  wide yield right so here the Holy Spirit is using   this very very pictorial thing and he's using  this regarding physical sickness and physical pain   this is not spiritual this is all physical he's  talking about physically because this is quoted   later on and I'm gonna show you the words quoted  in the New Testament and it's not talking about   spiritual many of our evangelical friends tried to  say oh no that's all spiritual he took spiritual   sickness and spiritual pain well there was there's  no such thing as spiritual sickness or spiritual   pain because the blind man that was healed  and could see how many of you know that that   wasn't spiritual that was actually physical you  understand so these were physical maladies that   the holy spirit is talking about right here now  you may say yeah but we know this stuff well let   me just say this is there something about being  reminded of what we do no come on right anyone   like football raise your hand anyone like football  a couple of you do all right so I it pains me to   say this as a Minnesota Viking fan but Vince  Lombardi probably the greatest coach of all time   right he went and he would start every practice  with and he would grab a football I don't have a   football but he would grab a football and he would  say to these professional football players men   this is a football the object of this game is to  get this ball into that endzone I mean that sounds   kind of stupid you know what I mean but he just  hammered the basics he hammered the basics you   know that's the same with you and I is when we go  back over the basics that's where we begin to grow   come on right some people are so deep I say it  like this they're so deep they're actually asleep they're like I want something deep I want  something deep yeah you haven't even done   the shallow stuff so why do you want the deep  stuff you know what I mean so that that's my   biggest thing is that so many people like I  want deep I want deep I want deep well listen   God is not deep Jesus taught very simply  right so here he starts off now obviously   this is pre cross so if this was the cross in  time then here's Isaiah back here so Isaiah   is looking ahead to see the cross and he  is saying by His stripes we he uses this   word are healed okay now go over with me to the  book of Matthew chapter 8 Matthew chapter 8 ah great Matthew chapter 8 now he's going to quote Isaiah  here so I'm at you eight says verse 16 when the   evening was come they brought unto Him many that  were demon-possessed and he cast out the spirits   with a word and he healed all that were sick write  verse 17 that it may be fulfilled which was spoken   by Isaiah the prophet saying he himself took what  our infirmities and bore our sicknesses right so   here he is now obviously the New Testament is  written in Greek and so when they transferred   it over into English it kind of came out different  but it's talking about sickness and pain so here   the Holy Spirit is revisiting this thing so  where did Jesus bear it if he bore it so to   speak in at the cross right so what we could say  is this is that if you want to use a theological   term healing is in the atonement at the same  time you're in my sin was paid for at the same   time our mental torment was taken care of and we  were given peace at the same time that you and I   he took our unrighteousness at the same time he  went and he adopted us into the kingdom of God   so to speak right you who were not a people  are now the people of God the Bible says at   that same exact same moment that was where it  all began to take place on that same cross he   took your sickness he took your physical pain  he took all of those different things on the   exact same cross it was not a separate day it  was the exact same period of time right so when   we begin to see that now a confidence should begin  to grow and you're in my heart a confidence begins   to grow in us about God's will and this is where  many people struggle especially our evangelical   friends God's will to to so many seems like a big  question mark instead of an explanation point so   what is the will of God well the will of God is  obviously God's Word right so what my opinion   is if something is irrelevant what your opinion  is is irrelevant right so we have to build on   the Word of God right we can't build on another  foundation some people say well I know somebody   they were a good Christian and they were still  sick well what does that mean I don't build on   their experience you understand I don't build on  a prophetic word I don't build on on experience if   I were to build on a prophetic word when I was a  pastor many years ago in New Jersey we had a guy   in our church that he had some different issues  and one day was kind of in between the worship   and so people were jumping up giving tongues and  interpretations and in prophesy and so he saw that   and he thought wow that's pretty cool because  everyone would clap after one was given right   and so he thought I want to try that so he got up  and he said yeah thus says the Lord I am Jesus I   am coming soon now everybody said thank you Jesus  thank you then he says I am Jesus I am coming soon   and you'll see me coming from the east on the  bow of the Starship Enterprise when he started   I'm like oh god this is gonna be bad I knew it I  just knew it was going down a bad road you know   what I mean so is Jesus coming back with Captain  Kirk okay so I can't build on that even though   that was a prophetic word right I can't build on  anything except for God's Word right so what is   God's will God's will is his word his word begins  to show us these things listen your sickness was   paid for your sin was paid for the exact same day  right now go way back long after the cross in 1st   Peter the end of your Bible they're sorry second  Peter whoops first Peter yeah sorry lalala first   Peter chapter 2 verse 24 for first Peter 2:24 who  himself bore our sins got first Peter 2:24 who   himself bore our sins past tense in his own body  on the tree that we having died to sins might live   for righteousness now watch us by whose stripes  he says this you were healed so here Isaiah says   we are healed here's Isaiah he's free cross now  Peter is way over here long after the cross and   so Peter is looking back at the cross and Peter  says oh no we were healed he says so Isaiah says   we are but Peter says we were why because of  their perspective Isaiah was prophesying what   was to come Peter was saying this did happen you  understand so this I said it like this we did   liberate Germany we defeated Germany in World  War two right I mean I mean could you imagine   pastor Keith got up here tonight and said people  we really need to pray there's a dictator he's   trying to take over the world his name is Adolph  Hitler he would be like will away away away wait   a minute wait a minute pastor that was 70 years  ago brother okay that's over with that war is done   come on right he's a defeated foe right and so we  would be looking like Peter back on an event that   already past tense occurred and so when you look  at healing in the exact same light as you look   at divine healing that way now you begin to say  listen I'm not just trying to get healed but I   was healed so if it was paid for past tense now I  just received it so do I receive it by now here's   the question there's a million dollar question  do I receive it by the works my righteous work   or do I receive it like I do forgiveness a sin I  do it by faith right so I do it by faith I don't   do it by my physical works you can't be righteous  enough to get your sins forgiven come on right you   can't be righteous enough to get healed it's the  exact same day the exact same event so it's all   received entirely by grace through faith not just  by grace but it's by grace through faith come on   right you came here tonight through that door  right excuse me you came here by car but even   though you came here by car you still had to  come through the door you didn't blow a hole   in the side of the building to walk in come on so  you came by car through the door all you come to   God and you receive any of these different things  by grace so you you arrived there by grace but you   received it by faith come on right so you got  access to the building you had access through   the door it's the exact same thing is physical  healing is you get access by what by faith so   it's all by faith many people struggle with the  baptism of the holy spirit and speaking in tongues   because it's a faith thing they say what am I  supposed to say it's faith it's just by faith   you speak those sounds and words out if you're  inside and you begin to speak in tongues that's   what speaking in tongues is is it's by faith come  on right why because the whole kingdom operates   this way so the whole kingdom of God operates  this way by my grace through faith all of it the   exact same way by grace through faith by grace  through faith by grace through faith it's not   just given to you God doesn't have a welfare  line hello right so God's not just darling it   out no it's received by faith and so that's  why the scripture says I'll give you another   scripture over in Hebrews chapter 4 I believe go  to your left just little bit to Hebrews Hebrews 4 so Hebrews 4 verse 16 let us therefore come  boldly to the throne of grace there's grace   that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help  in time of need but boldness is our access point   so you only have boldness what you have faith for  right so whatever you're boldly you you boldly do   that means you have faith for it so some of  you have if a sinner came up to you tonight   and said I want to be saved you don't say whoo  man this is a tough one I don't know how this   is gonna happen I mean this is really rough you  would say no this is simple you receive Christ   by faith come on right so it would become simple  right so the entire kingdom begins to operate this   way so the whole kingdom begins to operate this  way how does it operate ah through your faith   now your faith the Bible says can also grow how  does it grow it grows by experience and it also   is VY which you have boldness or I'll use this  word confidence in boldness or confidence now   if you've been in church at all for any length of  period of time you have boldness that God wants to   save everybody there's nobody that you come across  and say who God doesn't want to save him God wants   him to split hell wide open that guy right there  you would never say that right I mean you know   wouldn't even go into your cranium you would  say no when God wants to save everybody come   on right no matter who it is no matter how many  bad things that they've done how did that come   across how did that happen in your life you know  how that happened it happened by your confidence   by constant hearing it and by your experience of  hearing again and again again and again the Lord   saved me I got born again I gave my life to Christ  I'm saved whatever the wording is you want to use   and so all of these things begin to spring out of  this and I'll get to get this divine healing works   the exact same way it doesn't work a different way  but it's exactly the same thing how does it work   ah it works by faith come on and you can begin to  grow in this area not just in receiving your own   healing but also get this also in ministering it  to other people come on right so I could tell you   with with myself is that I and I got saved I have  a real strange testimony my salvation testimony as   I grew up my dad was Catholic my mom was Lutheran  so I must have been KU Tharin and so and so and   but I went with my mom to the Lutheran Church  but I hated it every second of it it was like   oh god this is I'd rather have my fingernails  pulled out than go you know and because there   was no relevance there was there was no depth no  nothing and so at the age of 16 God spoke to a   guy in Fargo to come to my little town in western  Minnesota to start a Bible study for teenagers so   just in sheer obedience he obeyed the Holy Spirit  and he came to my town and he started this Bible   study and he didn't know would take off like this  but about 10 15 kids got saved like this so I I   was amongst those that persecuted them so me and  my friends we were wicked man it was just I was   terrible okay I was like Salah Tarsus I persecuted  them I I used to take their Bibles I'd rip their   Bibles up out of their locker I would take their  Christian worship and I would record double music   over it and it was I was bad Jesus thank you  for setting me free amen and so but one one we   the youth pastor went and just challenged the kids  to start to pray for somebody in their school that   was really far from God to get saved here little  did they know I was the closest of all so they   began to pray for me on a Wednesday night and by  Saturday one of them saw me in another town and   I was in Morris Minnesota getting in trouble  with my friends and I see this kid walking   across the street and I thought oh I know this  guy and so I walk up to him I shake hands with   him we're in the middle of the street I'm in the  middle of the dotted yellow line in the street I   shake hands with the kid now he's a brand-new  Christian how many of you know new Christians   don't have any good sense like I mean nothing  seems to be going on up here you know but just   God just blesses them anyway and so this brand-new  Christian he didn't know how to evangelize so he   just goes Tom you're going to hell pray this  prayer that was it I mean that's all I got I   didn't get God loved me nothing nice just you're  going to hell pray this prayer and so he took my   hand and standing in the middle of the street  I gave my heart to Jesus and I got radically   born-again come on amen oh yeah right so I was  radically saved my whole life changed that night   and I just totally disconnected from the world and  just God did something so deep in my heart in life   well immediately my kind of mentor he they gave  me some books Christian books that would really   help my spiritual growth they gave me a book from  Charles and Frances Hunter and they gave me a book   on healing from TL Osborn called healing the sick  when I read healing the sick I'm like look what   this is like too good to be true this can't even  be possible I thought it was just forgiveness of   sin I'm like you mean we also get healing in this  thing this is crazy now I grew up in a home where   sickness was very common everybody was always  sick I was always sick always one issue after   another and long story short I ended up getting  healed of a neck injury and a back injury from   wrestling so I was in high school wrestling and  I almost broke neck and blew out my back and so   I was radically healed and I was just totally on  fire from it but now watch this the confidence   where is it the confidence I received that God  healed me he would now heal others the same way   so I began to start to pray for other people to  be healed in their back and they would give yield   so to this day we have more people healed with  back injuries than any other thing I mean it's   amazing I mean my wife could show you literally  in the thousands of people with back injuries   from broken spines the lady I talked about this  morning the Hindu lady she was healed of not only   a broken spine but the metal rods that were in her  back they dissolved instantly they melted out of   her body so I mean I mean I could tell you have  hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of testimonies   like that regarding people with back injuries and  cancer and all kinds of stuff but we had very few   people that were cripples rise and walk with canes  crutches wheelchairs whatever walkers so I went in   2006 I went to go to South Africa I had heard  about this guy that had 17,000 cripples walk in   his ministry and I'm like god I want to see that  you know so I went there to minister for this guy   and I asked him at the end of four days I said  do I need an impartation from you or do I need   a special anointing from you and he said no he  says you have everything according to Colossians   3:10 it says you are complete in Christ come on  look at your neighbors say you are complete in   Christ so I said what I said this is crazy he  said yeah you could go do it right now without   any kind of prayer or anything so I came home to  a state that you've never heard of called Iowa   and this is a true story 2006 September of 2006 I  came home I ministered in Tipton Iowa where those   couple of those pictures were taken and I got up  on that Sunday morning right after being in South   Africa he never prayed for me a miracle anointing  for you no crippled raising anointing or anything   like that come on and he just told me just get up  and just do it and so I said I started the service   off right after they introduced me I said to the  church I said anybody that has canes crutches or   a wheelchair or a walker come down here now so  about six people came to the front and without   any worship team or anything I just went and begin  to minister to each one of them without raising my   voice without screaming and spitting and hollering  or oil or anything else and all six of them were   instantaneously healed come on somebody amen  one woman got out of her wheelchair she'd   been in there for like 20 years I mean several  people left behind their walkers and canes and   stuff but you know what it was confidence began  to happen on the inside of me and so boldness   began to occur in my life I begin to start to  see this my faith began to grow in this area my   because of what I had experienced come on somebody  right but I found that it was important for me to   be completely convinced that it was God's will  always to heal and I mean I could tell you of   one instance after another and not even come close  to telling the same story twice I could tell you   of of we were in Byron Illinois we were in Byron  Illinois and we were ministering to people and all   these people came it was like a joint Church thing  like two three churches got together and brought   us in and so this guy walks in as I'm preaching  now I'm up preaching and I see this guy walk in   the back of the church now I don't know it's the  pastor's father okay so the pastor's father walks   in the back of the church and I don't know this  but he walks in like this all right now I don't   need a word of knowledge to figure out something's  wrong I don't have to be like wait a minute I'm   picking up something here in the spirit here this  is really deep no I could tell because of the way   he was walking and kind of dragging his leg so I  stopped the services and you sir what's wrong with   your leg and the guy said nah keep going I said no  man come on I said it was a healing meeting let's   get you healed and so he said 1969 I was in a car  accident everybody died except for me now as he's   telling the story as his son who's the pastor is  crying now I don't know they're related I have   no idea and so the man starts to tell the story  and he says everybody died except for me and he   said my leg was shattered beyond repair 1969 they  couldn't do the surgeries they can today he had a   spiral fracture if you know what that is and so  what they did was they put about 10 screws in   his leg and what they did was not to be gross they  sawed off the top part of his leg and the bottom   part of his leg and they stuck it together and put  screws through it and so literally his one leg was   four and a half inches shorter than the other  one he was in constant pain since 1969 but he   was glad to be alive and he had gotten that's how  he had gotten saved and bla bla bla so I brought   him down to the front and I began to pray for him  I said well sit down let's see I sat down I began   to show him his feet how any chiropractor does  the same thing they show you your feet and you   can see if your hips are back or off his was like  I mean here's one leg was like this the other was   like this you know and so his wife was there  his daughter-in-law was there and and you look   like his daughter and lost so much it's amazing  anyways so his daughter-in-law is there and so   everybody's crying right and so I went I said  leg grow in the name of Jesus and when I said   that in front of everybody's eyes his leg went  now his hips didn't just go back into place he   physically grew bone four-and-a-half inches of  bone come on somebody four and a half inches of   bone grew in front of every one of our eyes we all  saw it and and the man was in the video that's him   crying crying and hugging me in that one one part  of the video so I tell you that to say this how   did that happen wasn't an anointing no it was just  confidence once I stood up here in that church and   tipped in Iowa and I saw those five six people  begin to rise up and walk I'm like God you can do   this anytime anywhere come on somebody amen and so  that's what this conference is about that's what   these healing meetings are about is you to get  confidence that God wants to not only heal you   yes but he wants to heal through you come on tell  your neighbors say God wants to heal through you hallelujah now go to your left to the  book of let's see let's go to Romans Romans 4 Romans 4 as you go to to Romans chapter 4 romans 4 verse 19 be not weak in faith he didn't  consider his own body already dead since he was   about a hundred years old and the deadness of  Sarah's wound he did not waver come on at the   promise of God through unbelief but it says he was  it says he was strengthened in faith giving glory   to God and being fully convinced everyone say  fully convinced he says he was fully convinced   that what he had promised he was able also to  perform right so here he begins to see regarding   the promise of God he says listen Abraham was  fully convinced fully convinced now some people   are not even completely convinced that God always  wants to heal they're afraid to even tell anybody   that you know they're having healing meetings or  anything like that but I just tell people come   you're gonna be healed you know and so sometimes  people get all nervous you know did God tell you   to say that no I said it not God why because I'm  the body of Christ on earth come on right you're   the body of Christ on earth now I've done this at  forty thousand feet in the air in an airplane and   prayed for the sick and we've had him get healed  up at 40,000 feet I mean were they gonna go they   got nowhere to go I mean it's straight down I mean  there's nowhere to get out of there there and I   got a captive audience you understand it's so when  I'm flying the minister somewhere and in and it's   a great way to minister healing to people because  listen the one thing about divine healing is this   is healing is is this healing is an acid test it  shows you where people are spiritually come on   right in ministering healing to people healing I'm  kind of getting ahead of myself so forgive me but   healing is an acid test it shows spiritual hunger  right it shows spiritual hunger when somebody is   spiritually hungry it what does healing do it  begins to show that the mall to minister eeling   another cool thing with healing about healing and  ministering healing to people as this is that you   can't be depressed ministering healing to the  sick come on right if you're constantly looking   to bring healing to the sick I constantly all the  time now today we kind of got to talking at lunch   but most of the time I always pray for the the the  the waitress or the waiter all the time I mean we   constantly do one time we were in Orlando Florida  and the waitress came over and I prayed for her   and she got radically healed and she started  bawling and she was carrying on she could she   couldn't even control herself she was crying so  hard she had to go into the back room because she   couldn't believe it happened just like that it's  so fast and she ended up giving her heart to the   Lord come on somebody right she got born again as  a result I mean so many people I showed you this   morning in that video of a miracle one miracle  after another so many of them got radically saved   the girl at the kiosk that I prayed for with the  frozen shoulder she tells me I can't raise my arm   she said I can't raise it I said why she said  look it I can only she goes I can only raise it   this far and she said I've been having this pain  for over a week now and I said wow how Isis watch   this I said we take away people's pain she said  how I said watch so I just put my hand on her   I said in the name of Jesus all Pingo I said now  lift it and she was just gonna say to me you don't   understand I can't lift it and about that time she  raises and she goes oh my gosh and you saw her in   the video this morning screaming and hollering oh  my gosh and she was shocked because she couldn't   she couldn't find the pain come on right so what  did that do well it instantly showed that she had   a hunger for God it showed a hunger and she gave  her heart to the Lord she got born again right   in the middle of the mall in front of everybody  she she prayed and received Christ right there   middle of the mall come on amen hallelujah I mean  I could tell you have hundreds of testimonies in   all kinds of different places we were in Syracuse  New York and I I did a healing school there and   people came out and then I took people to the  mall I said now let's go pray for the sick and   this one guy he was a professional drummer I mean  he comes from a family of drummers they're like   world-renowned and he was so nervous he goes Tom  all the way to the mall I was praying God please   don't let me see anybody I know he said that was  my prayer the whole time to the mall God don't let   me see anybody that knows me you know and so we  got to the mall and I just said now just go look   for somebody that's you know got obvious pain  so he went and he said he saw a karate dojo he   thought wow there's a lot of people in there with  pain you know hints though he went into the karate   dojo and he said to the guys he said listen I  take away people's pain does anyone have any   physical pain in here and one guy said yeah I've  got a blown rotator cuff of my shoulder I can't   raise my arm at all hit his arm in a sling so he  went over and did exactly the same thing prayed   for the guy's arm boom he was instantly healed  and the whole dojo came over like how did you do   that you know they they were stunned and shocked  and he led all of them to Christ right there come   on somebody amen I mean the same time we were  there in the mall we were all walking around I   raised this woman out of a wheelchair there from  Montreal Canada she was a she was a New Ager and   I pulled her up out of the wheelchair she walked  out of the wheelchair totally and but there was a   group of people that walked to the other end of  the mall and there was a guy that was with his   wife and he was like oh god I'm so embarrassed  I don't want to do this I don't want to even be   here I'm so embarrassed you know and so he tells  his wife I'm gonna sit down you go do it so she's   out she's hunted you know they're looking for  somebody with pain and and and he's he says I'm   sitting there he goes I felt like Jonah the whole  time you know the whale had come to swallow me you   know and he said I'm sitting there and all these  guys are sitting there at the same time so the one   guy said your wife is in there shopping too he  goes well yeah kind of he said and then he said   well he said what are you doing in the mall like  this unsaved guy says to this Christian guy and he   thought because I'm in a church event I can't lie  so he goes well we're in a healing school we're   learning how to pray for sick people and take away  their physical pain and the man goes oh my gosh   look behind you and he goes my daughter is sitting  right behind you and behind him there was a like   a wall and you know filled with shrubbery but on  the backside of it was a girl in a wheelchair he   goes could you take her pain away he's like oh god  I would tried to get out of it and now I got to do   it so he goes alright so he says so like Jonah I  go over there I pray for in the name of Jesus all   pain go I'll come into your back be healed so he  says I turn to the dad to say to the dad sometimes   it doesn't work you know and he's already trying  to give an excuse why it doesn't work and shoot   the girl walks up out of the wheelchair totally  healed right there come on and yeah and so I mean   he was so shot that God did that everybody was  like pray for me pray for me pray for me and and   the father said we just spent a million dollars on  the doctors to get my daughter healed and you did   it in one second come on somebody hallelujah come  on somebody amen everyone shout fully convinced so   how do you do it how do you begin to really walk  in divine healing well the first step is this is   you really have to be fully convinced at what we  shared here tonight you have to be fully convinced   that God went and paid for it all on the cross  through Jesus Christ if you're not convinced to   that you will always struggle you will struggle  struggle struggle you have to be confident you   have to be fully convinced that Jesus already did  this that he's not going to do this it's a past   victory and this if this past victory was already  won now all we have to do is enforce it come on   right and and so the moment you begin to do that  all of the sudden you realize the victories are   now we just begin to walk and the power of God  we walk in the confidence of the kingdom and now   what do we do we just begin to start to walk out  the scriptures right now we just start to walk   out what God commanded us and Jesus commanded  us heal the sick right it was one of the part   of the Great Commission is that healing now listen  Healing is not so to speak a ministry now we have   made it a ministry today I don't have a healing  ministry I have a kingdom ministry and out of the   kingdom ministry I administer healing I minister  and the prophetic I minister and all of these   different evangelism I do all these different  things I don't just I have a healing ministry   no we have made this up in American Christianity  today it's not that you have a healing ministry   you have the Holy Spirit come on you walk in the  kingdom if you walk in the kingdom you get the   whole thing it's just like tonight if you go to  McDonald's you buy a happy meal you get it all   brother you even get the toy in there how about  that hallelujah all right you can get the toy   at the end right so in other words everything is  in there guess what everything is in the kingdom   kingdom has people getting filled with the Holy  Ghost the kingdom has people getting saved the   pig kingdom has the prophetic the kingdom has  all these different avenues and aspects of the   Word of God come on right and you can operate in  any of it that you are fully convinced in if you   are not fully convinced you always struggle you  understand that I mean I went to one Bible School   in Minnesota that they never ever jumped over this  hurdle and guess how many miracles they have zero   zero and they come up with the theology of why  people are not healed well because they have no   confidence and when you have no confidence  that it begins to it begins to show and so   father tonight in the name of Jesus we thank you  for your goodness we thank you for your grace we   thank you for your presence that's here we thank  you Lord right now that everybody that's here Lord   has an opportunity to connect to the kingdom  of God and so Lord now tonight a part of the   kingdom is divine healing but we have to become  confident of it that you want not only to heal us   tonight but you want to heal through us it's the  Lord even now tonight we just grab ahold of this   word and we say Lord we make it ours by grace  through faith in Jesus name and everyone said
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 3,882
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Keywords: tom scarrella, scarella, miracles, bill johnson, bethel, jesus culture, revival, rodney howard-browne, jesus christ supernatural, god, jesus, holy spirit, jesus norway, prophet uebert angel, discipleship, Healing, divine healing, street healing, Jesus, Christ, healed, back pain, power evangelism, Holy Spirit, bible, Pete Cabrera Jr, Todd White, Curry Blake, Tom Loud, Tom Fischer, Last Reformation, new age healing, DHT, gifts of the spirit, prophetic, basics of healing, God's will
Id: oZF4FikLpfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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