Follow Your Gifting Will Make Room For You

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half just that for fun we don't normally do much sightseeing but we just said hey we're in Italy you know what I mean you got to go see it right so we went to the Vatican and we got to see the Sistine Chapel and all of that different stuff I don't know if you realize this or not but the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo was not the one that they had actually wanted to do the Sistine Chapel who's actually about the fifth or sixth at they asked he was one of the latter ones and he had never done it a painting like that in his life he was actually a sculptor and so he was actually a sculptor as what he was and so it was just a real interesting story and how many of you have ever seen the famous picture where God is touching man you ever seen that picture he went and he started at one end of the Sistine Chapel and then he kind of started at the other and he came to the middle and in the middle as right directly in the middle is where the God is touching man it's the only picture in the entire Sistine Chapel that was not first drawn out and then painted over he did it entirely he said it was supernatural it was like the the brush just took over and he just began to supernaturally paint in that awesome and then incredible but let me just say this is that that we went and just had such a phenomenal time of ministry there we did we even shot a video there I even put it on YouTube if you can YouTube us you'll see where we went we went to the catacombs I don't know if you know in the catacombs that's where the early church went that's where they buried people underneath the city I didn't realize it was that big 17 miles long underground and and it's about five layers deep down under the ground I don't mean it's not it's not like going in a basement it's like you go down down down down down and for 17 miles straight and that's where they buried their early Christians and so because it was illegal for Christians to worship God they would go down there and that's where they had the first churches so we got to see some of the very first altars where they worshiped the Lord and stuff it was just incredible now I'll tell you you can feel God's presence I was down there I was like man I got goose bumps on my goose bumps and just as an act of faith of what I'm gonna share in a few minutes I want you to put your hand on your own heart I want you to say this father tonight I stir up the gifts that you put on the inside of me I stir up a desire for the supernatural for the power of God for signs and wonders through my life in Jesus name Amen amen come on give the Lord a big an clap where do we got thanks my friend bless you my brother hallelujah well let's do this tonight can I ask you a favor would you hand those out on this side and just give if you'll do me the same favor just hand one to everyone on this side and this is from our ministry it is it's a partnership card if you're interested in partnering with us whether tonight or throughout this week you could fill it out all the informations on there it does you no good to take it home because there's not a ton of information it's actually more for our ministry so people that partner with it so they helped us touch the nation's and so obviously we minister in churches but it's only one part of what we do and so ministering in churches like you see right now or in a conference setting like this it's just a very small and minut amount what we do we also minister internationally in Crusades where we go into places where there are no churches we go into places of the Latin world we go into places of all over Africa Tanzania Uganda Kenya Southern Africa you name it we go in there where there is no church and we just do a crusade and we just minister healing to the sick and all those that get saved we set up a church we've got an open door right now I've got a free invitation anytime I want to whenever God gives me the full green light to go to go into Pakistan now to go to Pakistan you can't just put up big banners and everything else you understand what I'm saying so so we have to be kind of covert the way we go in it's like we have to go in and go out you know we got to do it quick so anyways long story short I say all that for this reason is number one people who partner with us financially everyone wants to know what does the resources go to number one the partnership goes towards us touching the nations it helps us to go into places where there is no money where there is nothing and where we can go in and bless them number two the second thing that we do is we have orphanages we have four orphanages that we we we care for every week in Uganda Tanzania as well as over in India number three the third thing that we do as well is we also minister young girls caught in human trafficking in the sex trade and so we're we rescuing young girls both in America as well as internationally so internationally there's over six million girls under 18 caught in human trafficking I don't know if you know that but over six million and so with over six million of them internationally we work with the ministry and we rescue these young girls now in the u.s. there's three hundred and eighty thousand girls under six under eighteen over three hundred eighty thousand that are caught in human trafficking there are more slaves today than there ever was in the history of America more today than ever so there's three hundred and eighty thousand girls in fact I was sharing with Tori earlier that when the Daytona 500 took place last year the the police broke up a sting that lures 500 girls under the age of 16 that were there that word used as prostitutes at the Daytona 500 400 girls so we went in with this ministry we rescued these girls and we bring them to a place in Florida where the John's can't find them the pimps can't find them we minister to them for three months we bring them counseling we minister healing to them we teach them a trade all in three months come on aim at that great so the way we do it is by people who partner now some people partner as much as little as you know 20 bucks but others do much much more than that and so they just do that every month whether it's 20 bucks or whatever and some do several hundred or thousand or whatever and then that just helps us reach more of these young ladies as well as what the other three parts of the the ministry that we do internationally so if you're interested in partnering I'll tell you what I'll do if you use your credit card just because it's easier for our ministry if you check up listed I'll help you guys as a partner every month I'll give you a free worship CD tonight if you fill that out and leave that with me okay not a one-time gift because that doesn't help these girls that means just one month they get to eat okay so that doesn't really help them a lot yeah you understand what I'm saying so I'm not saying a forever thing but just to say hey listen I want to help you guys I can make a commitment for a year and and help and minister and bless and so if you're interested in that okay you got your Bibles okay I want to just read a scripture pastor got me all fired up here and I want to read a couple quick scriptures to you out of first Chronicles just give me a few minutes I'm going to share just stir your faith don't forget Friday night we're gonna have a special miracle service I want you to bring as many sick people as you can and I want you to as well I want you to bring your debts like pastor said we're gonna minister to your debts as well come on amen and we could see God just do an incredible miracle in people's finances and first Chronicles did I say that first chronicles 13 first chronicles 13 and it says this verse 8 David in all of Israel played before God with all their might and with singing and with harps and psalteries and with timbrels man my old Lutheran Church would have freaked out with that and with cymbals and trumpets I'm sorry okay forgive me I always say this day you know you can't say anything about the Lutheran's in Minnesota because there are more Lutheran's in Minnesota than there are people okay when they came into the threshing floor of chiding who'sa put forth his hand to hold the ark for the oxen stumbled and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Isaiah and he smote him and he put his out his hand to the ark and there he died before God and David was displeased because the Lord had put made a breach upon who'sa and wherefore that place is called Perez Souza to this day and David was afraid of God that day said how shall I bring the Ark of God home to me and so David brought not the Ark of God to himself to the City of David but carried it aside to the house of obed-edom the gittite and there the Ark of God remained with the family of obed-edom in his and in his house for three months and the Lord blessed the house of obed-edom in all that he had everyone say God blessed him now is obed-edom now I'm just sharing this for the offering so I'm just warming you up okay so who is obed-edom Ovid Eitam is a Gentile he is not a covenant man he is not a Jew he's not under their covenant but when you went out and put his hand to steady the ark as soon as he touched it as soon as he touched the ark the Bible says he was killed he died right there David didn't know what do we do at the ark and here this Gentile went and said I'll make room for God in my tent I'll try this church over here this Gentile guy said I will make room for God in my tent okay this is a revival group over here we got to work on you guys a little bit all right so so they said he was basically saying listen I'll make room come on tell your neighbors say ask your neighbor they say will you make room so he went and he made room for God for three months and the Bible says when he made room for God for three months god blessed all that obed-edom had eventually what happens as you continue to read the rest of the story obed-edom is grafted into the vine and he becomes a part of Israel and he becomes the head of finance of all of Israel and so much did God's favor fall on him that 14 members of his family they were all grafted in as well and given great places and high authority why because he had a one time a three month revival where he made room for the Ark of God come on everyone say make room see they he went when he made room something happened something happened to him something happened for him when we begin to make room there's something about it that as we make room especially in the area of our finances we make room it's not that there is room he had to make room it's not that there was room he made room in other words something that was there had to get moved out are you with me so he had to clear some things out of his own tent to make room for what God wanted to do in obed-edom 's life and obed-edom did not put a cap on did not put a limit on God but instead obed-edom went and basically said this he basically said God whatever it is you want to do a making room and it spilled over at the anointing of God the revival fire of God it's mentioned in several places you can look at it later in 2nd samuel 6 and there's a couple of other references as well Tuoba Edom but the story of obed-edom is such an awesome story it's a story of prosperity when he made room for God's presence it's a story of God's prosperity as he made room for God's presence and God likes to do some strange things how many of you know God likes to do strange things do you know that right now there's a prophet in Indonesia not me Indonesia excuse me in Singapore there's a prophet in Singapore right now and his anointing is for banks and you know what he does the bank's called this prophet to tell them what to do with their money and every day he cries out to God and says God where do I tell these people to put their money and God says tell them to take their money out of here and put it over here take their money out over here and put it over here and this guy is one of the most wealthy men as a result come on somebody because he went and he made room and as he began to make room that blessing of the Lord began to fall upon him you know what as we make room for God as we begin to make room for the anointing in our lives something begins to happen to us some people they look for what's the smallest denomination bill that I have in my wallet and that's how much thought goes into it but there's something about them when we go and in and we make a sacrifice unto the Lord when if you keep on reading here in this story and first Chronicles if you keep reading you'll see that it goes on to say and in chapter 15 look just glance over at chapter 15 1st chronicles 15 it says in verse 24 and shabanah in Jehoshaphat and Nathanael and amass Imai all these other guys I'm not gonna say their names blew the trumpets before the Ark of God in Ovid Edom and Gerogia riah we're doorkeepers before the ark and so david and the elders of israel and the captains over the thousands went to bring up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord out of the house of obed-edom with joy here God began to he starts to tell and as you keep on reading here the Bible says they would go so many steps and David would offer a sacrifice everyone say sacrifice he would offer a sacrifice before the Lord and is you read throughout the Bible you'll see several different times where it talks about a sacrifice bring a sacrifice it doesn't mean something left over a sacrifice means you felt it come on somebody I said a sacrifice means you felt it we were ministering in California in these revival meetings and not every Church is you know has got a great revelation on blessing and prosperity and stuff like that you know but some churches get real funny about it and my son used to try out have only one child and so my son used to travel with us and so I always shielded him from hearing anything negative within the church because I didn't want him to hate the church I wanted him to love the church especially with preachers and stuff and so we never let him hear anything negative that was going on well unbeknownst to my son my son was about 14 years old the the pastor and I were at at odds with each other because he didn't like any talk about it and stuff like that and it was really very contentious and so this one night as we had started right before we had started the meetings there in California my son had his birthday and so my son had his birthday and I think my son is coming tomorrow night he's actually he lives in Woodbury but now he's 22 but then he was like 13 14 years old I think it was 13 and for his birthday the only thing he wanted was this really nice watch so we gave it to him for his birthday all he was so excited you know every it seemed like every 15 minutes he'd say I wonder what time it is you know and he would just want to look at his own watch you know and so after a while Susie and I were like it's 15 minutes since the last time you just said that you know what I mean so but he just loved that watch and he had it about he couldn't had it for 10 days I don't think it was 10 days before the meetings and so here all of this contention is going on with the leadership and I and and see God is trying to teach them something regarding blessing and so the one night the Holy Spirit says the offering share the scripture on the woman with the alabaster box so I start to share the story of the woman that alabaster boxes I'm sharing this story my son is sitting on the front row and so my son is sitting up and seated on the front row and he says dad dad and I said Paul just wait a minute let me just finish we'll take the offering and then I'll help you I didn't know we had to go to the bathroom or whatever I don't know what it was so and the more I would teach along the lines just for a just for 15 minutes on the offering just to stir people's faith my son kept saying dad dad I'm like Paul just wait he's never done this before and so finally at the end of it I said okay if you want to give all right just you know raise your hand for the offering envelopes so I shut off my microphone like what what do you want he said dad God just spoke to me to sacrifice and give to the Lord my watch but he said God spoke to me not to do anything but to take the watch off and give it to the senior pastor and I'm like oh Lord no man oh this he doesn't know this is going on after every single service hello somebody so this looks like I'm setting my son up to give it to the pastor you see what that I see how this looks this looks really bad and so I'm like Paul are you sure he goes dad I'm positive so I said all right you do what you want to do he said sure it's your birthday gift so he went and I just saw tears running down his face and he just took it and he just I saw him taking off and just touches my heart even to this day sorry so he took it off and when he took it off he went over to the pastor and he hands it to the pastor I mean tears are running down his face and he said I got this for my birthday a little over a week ago but God told me I have to break my alabaster box and give this to you I mean the pastor lost it I mean he just started bawling like a baby and I saw in that one minute that he caught what God was trying to do it wasn't about the money it was about the treasure see it's not about the money God's not trying it's not just a money than God's trying to touch your treasure I'll try this church over here all right it's not a money thing so much it's your treasure because where your treasure is so God was trying to reach both the pastor and to use my son you know out of the mouths of babes so as he hands it to him the pastor's like man I can't receive it I mean he's repenting of everything he can think of you know what I mean and so it was really beautiful actually and it was just an incredible time during that offering and stuff and so anyways long story short in the midst of it the pastor said I can't it's too holy I can't wear it so he actually had it put in a like a professional frame and it says somebody's alabaster box that was broken and so he just said I can't wear it but can I put it in my office and every time I look at it I'll remember what God spoke to me and dealt with me about and stuff amen so that's why I share along this lines is because revival is more than just us getting revival as us giving come on right so revival and in real true spirituality is about us learning the kingdom of God is not just about getting yes God wants to bless you yes God wants to prosper you yes God wants to give you favor come on somebody amen but above and beyond that God wants us to learn the principle of the kingdom it's more blessed to give than it is to receive and so there's something about learning that art of sacrifice and so in the midst of that revival broke out in that church and just God just did some amazing things amen so tonight if I could just could you help me tonight so tonight just for the offering tonight this is for our ministry our evangelistic ministry if you can help us tonight I know some of you are from different churches if you a make out a check make it out to TSM for Tomsk Arella ministries or if you want to use your bank card you can give that way it's all tax-deductible we'll get you a tax deductible receipt you're giving and I'm just gonna share with you for a few minutes tonight we want to pray for some people tonight hallelujah it's always good coming back to the center but tonight listen do like obed-edom make room tonight how do you make room you make room by a sacrifice you make room by a sacrifice not only was it a sacrifice for obed-edom but listen as they move the ark out of there the Bible says they went so many steps and they play they did a sacrifice again and again and again and there's something about doing that so tonight I just want to say that to you I just want to drop that word in your heart tonight is that it's time for us to make room and we make room for God by our gift that's why the Bible says in proverbs chapter 18 your gift come on will what make room for you now we we think in terms of all my abilities and stuff like that no no the context is your financial gift will make room for you and bring you before great men you look at it it's in proverbs chapter 18 you can look at it's not talking about your talents and abilities it's talking about your finances and you said so your gift will actually make room for you what happened with obed-edom his gift his sacrifice made a room for him into this day here we are four thousand years later and we're talking about one man why because of a sacrifice hallelujah thank you for your resounding amen tonight okay so if you make it check that's all right if you make a check make it to TSM or if you want to use your bank card you can give that way okay I'll just wait a second way you fill that out if you'd like to be on our email list you can put your email on there to those of you who are tuning in via the internet you can be a part of this you can go to our website go to share the fire org sow seed help us we're getting ready to do some incredible things here internationally and and we're getting ready to go back to South Africa as well as different parts of South Korea so you can help us so is see amen so tonight just grab your offering tonight lifted toward heaven father tonight like obed-edom we lift it up high and Lord we make room tonight with this seed tonight with this offering tonight we sacrifice by making room in Lord as we make room for you you will make room for us when Oh Bettina made room for you with that one sacrifice God you made room for him in his entire family if people would speak about him forever because of he made room for you and so Lord tonight we make room for you in Jesus name and everyone said amen come jump to your feet come worship the Lord with your giving I think this is alright yeah this is the one right here alright as you're kind of working your way back to your seats I'll just share with you very quickly what we have on the book table some of you were asking last night we have our book it's called a fire that can jump the ocean and if you love revival anyone love revival anyone or anyone love revival history that you love what God did in the past anybody we I wrote a book a little over a year ago it's called a fire that could jump the ocean rodney howard-browne did the foreword and gods general's guy robert slurred and went and gave us all the photos in the book and so there are photos in this book that are not in any other revival book in the world and it's about the first three revivals that took place in the early 1900's and so I'll gladly sign it for you it's only ten bucks if you if you'd like also we just came from South Africa as I said and they're in South Africa they've had a great revival for the last ten years and so they've had some incredible miracles they've had over 17,000 cripples and lame people rise and walk seventeen thousand and ten years and so if you'd like to see some of those now maybe as the week goes along I'll show it but here's just a few of them that are here you can actually see cancer dissolve right in front of your eyes you'll see literally laying people rise and walk out of wheelchairs and just in one of the most amazing anointings I've ever seen in my entire life just God really uses this guy and just did a great anointing upon his life he's memorized about 80 percent of the Bible and he just has he has a very unique gift I've only met one other man that had the same gift that was Lester Sumrall but he doesn't need to sleep so he'll go for a month without sleep he doesn't need to sleep and so he literally reads the Bible all night long and just memorizes the Bible so it's just a strange anointing it's very strange I've never I've only met one other man like it in all my life so but Tori you came all the way from Mankato come on somebody is that awesome so I'll bless you if you promise to let everyone see it all right that will freak you out that will make hair your hair on the back of your neck and your arms stand up I promise you those videos are amazing I also put together a series that I preached when the Lakeland revival was going on in the days services I was preaching and I did a series called grace upon grace it's all on the subject of grace and I'll really stir your heart for that subject and we've got some praise and worship this one here is called rulers overall it's a real powerful praise and worship so if you like praise and worship I promise you you'll like it but listen it's not mellow okay so don't get it and think that you're gonna sing Kumbaya or something okay this is like electric guitars drums come on somebody I mean this is Holy Ghost this will get you a speeding ticket worship okay so that's wild stuff lastly if you're religious just close your eyes for a minute we we've had this t-shirt for about 10 years this is our number one most popular shirt it says last weekend I got high I got drunk and I listen to loud music and now in the back it says so what's your church like and lastly we've also got some anointing oil there from the revival in South Africa we we've got some of their anointing oil that they pray over and they always pray over it and fasts over it that God will spread a revival just like they've got there in South Africa around the world and so we bring it back with us and so it's got a frankincense and myrrh but just do me a favor don't break it open cuz it's sealed and so if you break the seal it'll run all over our product and stuff like that but so ladies my wife takes it and she just puts it in one of those little burners it just fills the whole house with the anointing oil so I'm gonna bless you with it because God was speaking to me about you earlier I'll share with you what the Lord said all right so if you got your Bibles here just grab your Bibles go back to where we left off last night y'all okay now I'm gonna go a little bit deeper here tonight because this crowd this group really or more ministry minded people and so what I want to share with you just for a few minutes tonight is about stirring up your gift and so I just really felt in in my heart this week I've never done this in 26 years as ministered along this lines but I really felt like the Lord wanted me to stay on this topic all week long and so we kind of started it last night but I want to continue along that lines now I know many of you that are in the room here tonight you're from one church or from another church you're another church you guys maybe you're in a house Church whatever it might be and so I know that you come from different places so it kind of makes us a different dynamic than a regular church service you understand I mean for you to come on a Monday night you got to be hungry come on right I mean I mean we got a bunch of hungry people come on just come on tickle your neighbor say I know you're hungry come on okay so second Timothy have you got your vinyls second Timothy says Paul an apostle chapter 1 verse 1 Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy my dearly beloved son grace mercy and peace notice it doesn't say judgment just a thought great you've got to be a little controversial okay grace mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord so God is wanting us to focus on grace and mercy now let me just say something controversial right away here tonight and I don't know why I don't know who this is for but some prophets especially in America where the worst is many of our prophets and many people who are prophetic people they kind of get a spiritual high on that they're able to predict the most you know latest earthquake tsunami whatever hurricane whatever it might be and come on somehow move you know what I'm talking about right and in you know this is what I feel is this is that you know really the old covenant that's how we saw that God moved but in the new covenant God looks at us through the eyes of the blood of Jesus how many of you does God look at you through the eyes of the blood of Christ anybody okay and so I believe this is that God is a God of grace he loves to Center on grace if you look in the Old Covenant if you talk about the Ark of the Covenant in the ark which is a picture of God's presence you know you've got the Aaron's bud Aaron's rod that budded you've got the pot of manna you've got the the law and all of that stuff but God told Moses he said Moses I want you to build something above the ark everyone say above the ark he said I want you to build something above the ark in other words in a higher dimension a higher place I want you to build a judgement seat right a mercy seat and then God said to Moses that's where I'll meet with you in a place called mercy God didn't tell Moses I'll meet you in a place called judgment he said I'll meet you in a place called mercy God said that's robbed me with you and that's where I'll speak with you so God speaks to us from a higher place than the law God speaks to us from a higher place called mercy God speaks to us from that place so I believe this is that if God shows you some kind of calamity and stuff you know what God's showing it to you so you'll stop it come on God has shown it to you so that you can avert it so that you can stop it so that you can redirect it Kenneth Hagin I went to his Bible School in Rhema and Kenneth Hagin used to say this to us he used to say God tells you secrets not so that you'll always tell those secrets he says God will reveal secrets to you not always so that you can proclaim it and tell everybody he said if you always tell God's secrets he says God will stop telling you his secrets and he said most of the time God tells us secrets to avert and to change things come on amen and so I I just I just really like that so anyway so he starts off with grace and mercy and peace and he says I thank God whom I serve from my forefather in five fathers some of you'll get that later with a pure conscience and without ceasing I have remembrance of you in my prayers night and day greatly desiring to see you being mindful of your tears that it may be filled with joy and when I call to remembrance and I talked about that last night calling to remembrance your unfailing faith that is in you which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice I'm also persuaded that's in you also here we go wherefore I put you in remembrance that you stir up the gift of God right which is in you by the putting on of my hands now without keep reading on he begins to say even in in the book of Timothy chapter the first Timothy he begins to talk about you know I put you in remembrance he says that you not not neglect the gift of God that's in you by the putting on of my hands now Paul also said in Romans chapter 1 verse 11 Paul said this regarding the gift he said I'm looking to come to you that I may impart to you a spiritual gift now how would he impart a spiritual gift well according to first Timothy and second Timothy a way that you can impart a spiritual gift is by the laying on of hands come on somebody so God you can receive a gift of God now you may hear of a gift in somebody else and all of the sudden it catches your heart try not to get ahead of myself lord help me here alright so you may see a gift of God in somebody and it grabs your heart and you say man I want to move in that and the way to move in any gift why am I getting ahead of myself is by desire everyone say desire is your desire is how you begin to tap into any gift of God that God has whether it's your calling or not you can tap into it by your desire so some people go and say well I only want to do the sand so if it's God's will I had one lady come to me one time in California we were in a minute meeting and we were ministering and so I had this lady say I want to do the sand so if it's God's will and I said well let me ask you this is that what your desire is she said yes and so I said lady you're not that smart I just shocked her when I said that I said I said let me just say it again in case I didn't offend you the first time you're not that smart and she turned she completely blushed she was red in the face I said listen God is so smart God puts a gift on the inside of you or a desire knowing that you will go then after that gift but religion comes and says don't go after that gift that might not be God's will I mean how dumb can you get and still breathe right see God's the one that put the desire for it on the inside of you that's what I was trying to tell her is in other words you're not that smart that you just came up with this thing on your own accord this is something a divine impartation this is a divine endowment this is a divine hunger of Almighty God that he placed on the inside of you that you would go after this gift so God is the one that put that desire on the inside of you and so tonight that's what I want to speak to you about tonight is this is that you stir up the gift of God that is in you by paul says by the putting on of my hands now many of you that are here tonight you have different gifts you have different callings okay like pastor said tonight you know you're talking about prayer some people there call to intercession I mean that's their ministry they're anointed for it now we can we all intercede of course can we all pray yes but there's a special anointing or ministry that that's that person's calling come on right now can we all pray for the sick absolutely every single one of us can minister to this day can we all get people healed absolutely I believe any time that we minister the sick we ought to expect them to be healed but there's something about the gifts of healing that that the Scriptures begin to talk about that as we begin to hunger for things like that that we begin to start to go after it am i clear tonight where I'm going with this you see where I'm going with this tonight and and so now I'll just give you my story cuz I can't give you anyone else's but I'll give you my story so I told you last night how I got saved so as a young young teenager I went in I got a Bible the Bible that I was given was good news Bible because I grew up Lutheran right so I had a good news Bible which you know it was pretty weak and stuff but I saved up all my money mm-hmm to get a new Bible so I got a new Bible and in and so I was so excited about getting this new Bible but my youth pastor who was ministered to me every week he went he said I Tom he said I felt like God wanted me to lend you these two books to read these books to stir a hunger in your heart the first book he gave me gave him both to me at the same time the first one was from Charles and Frances Hunter called angels on assignment if you never had that book man I'll tell you and so God created this desire inside me for the supernatural the second book he handed me was a book from TL Osborn called healing the sick so those were the very first two books Christian books I'd ever read in my life I was riveted as a 16 year old I was completely enamored in those books I mean I smoked through those books I read every single bit of ink on those pages and God began to just put something on the inside of me of a passion for the supernatural and for miracles I mean if you cut me open and you looked at the DNA on the inside of me you would see revival supernatural and miracles that I mean that is Who I am I just came from zimba excuse me from South Africa and a Zimbabwean prophet was there and he met me in the back room as soon as he shook my hand when he touched my hand he says you have a strong healing anointing for ministering to the sick he had never met me I had never said hello to him he knew nothing of our ministry nothing but he picked that up by the spirit now why did that happen because when I begin to read those things it began to create a hunger on the inside of me so begin to create a hunger come on somebody begin to create this hunger on the inside of me that I wanted that I wanted to move in that I wanted to see this stuff and even my name Thomas means seeker of truth so just hold your place because we'll come right back so if you look my name up where's the scripture that kind of comes across the meaning of my name it's Psalm 63 just look at Psalm 63 I mean this is complete when I read this I just wept because I'm like well this is absolutely me so I'm 63 oh god you are my god early will I seek you my soul thirsts for you in my flesh lungs for you in a dry and a thirsty land where there is no water to see your power and your glory so as I have seen you in the sanctuary because your loving-kindness is better than life my lips will praise you thus will I bless you while I live I will lift up my hands in your name and my soul will be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and wood with my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips and I'll remember you on my bed and I'll meditate on you in the night watches and because you've been my help therefore in the shadow of your wings will I rejoice my soul follows hard after you and your right hand upholds me and you can keep on going there but I mean that that is absolutely who I am that's who we are that's who we are as a ministry everything about TSM is that that's who we are it's about revival it's about the supernatural and it's about miracles that's really it is it's really revival signs wonders and miracles so in 1998 excuse me in 1996 God really touched me through Rodney R Browns ministry and and really just lit me on fire and so this hunger began to start on the inside of me for revival I didn't even know what it was I had been a pastor and I I really couldn't give you a definitive definition of what revival really was then in 1998 in February in 1998 but let me back up there were two major ministries that I absolutely love these ministries the one was been Sunita HOSA he was an apostle in Nigeria who raised 30-some people from the dead and I saw one video of him and true I mean I was riveted on this guy right why miracles this other guy was a pastor in Southern California and I was given his book in 1989 his name was John Wimber and he was known as the signs and wonders man that was his nickname the signs and wonders man and he had a revival in 1979 where their church went from 200 to 5,000 in 12 months just like that in Southern California we know it as the vineyard that's where all vineyard music comes from and stuff like that okay so those two guys right so been Sunita hos and I we talked in January and if I remember it was January and now we were gonna do a crusade with him in Brazil and I was so excited he said I have to fly home to Nigeria I'll fly him back to Tulsa I'll meet you we'll put the crusade together I mean I'm fired up right actually this was in 97 this is in the fall of 97 he flies the Nigeria and dies three days later he lands in BAM he falls dead at the airport I didn't know it I called three days later and found out that he had died then about a week later I went and I was ministering in California so I was ministering California I was trying to get back up here to Minnesota I was gonna minister out in Alexandria so I think I was living here I think I was living in Woodbury at the time but anyway it's long story short so I'm ministering in California I stopped on my way as I'm driving on my way to Minnesota I stopped in in in Los Angeles and I was going to meet John and I tried a medium and and it just didn't work out and I always wanted to meet this guy the signs and wonders guy and so it just didn't work out so I drove all the way up across America ended up coming up here to Minnesota over to Alexandria I get to at the Alexandria area and this family that I'm good friends with their son led me to Christ in 1982 I stopped at their house and the lady of the house says did you hear John Wimber just died this is a week later so a week later no I wasn't living and I wasn't living in Minnesota then I was living in Tulsa because I went back home to Tulsa and Kenneth Hagin jr. was my pastor and he preached a sermon over Christmas out of Isaiah chapter 6 which says in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord and he was high and lifted up and his train filled the temple right and he said the name and the Uzziah and the year that the King is I had died I saw the Lord that you name is in that his name yeah he's I yeah the you name Uzziah means in the Hebrew it means my strength in the year that my strength died I saw the Lord that's what it means that's what God's saying in Isaiah chapter 6 in the year my strength died I saw the Lord and I was stunned and he called me out prophetically said Tom's karela come up here there's 3800 people there and he said come on up here he said this is young evangelist in our church and so he began to prophesy to me my whole ministry was gonna change this is in February of 1998 in that weekend a week later I was coming to Minnesota to minister in Roseville at a church I administer that many times but I knew they were having a revival and so as I was planning to come up here I knew that God was doing some different things and stuff in this church and so he prophesized to me says time your whole ministry is getting ready to change get ready everything's gonna change that you've ever known I thought what does that mean you know I mean I have no idea what that means so a week later I come up here on a Friday night I come up to Roseville I walk into the church and I could feel the atmosphere moving I could feel the atmosphere changing and the the people were there interceding for the revival meetings and stuff and the first night that they they went and we were worshiping the Lord we worship the Lord for two and a half hours people were weeping and crying out to God I'm trying to get the worship leader to come here tomorrow night and see if I can get her here but so here I am I'm just you know crying out to God in the midst of this worship and so in the middle of it I get up to take the microphone to preach is I take the microphone to preach I go into a vision it's a long story short some of its kind of personal and so I'm caught up into this vision and in the vision it switches and I'm in the altar getting prayer ministry and I'm like God hey you know I'm the Evangelist here do you I don't know if you know that or not but I'm the Evangelist that's supposed to be here to minister and I close my eyes I go back into the vision this happened three times the third time the vision happened I just turned the pastor and said listen this is very strange but God spoke to me I'm supposed to be in the altar getting prayer ministry and because he had prayer ministry teams because they had been to Toronto and they'd been to Pensacola and stuff and so he's a hot Tom go ahead no one will think anything I get in the prayer line February 1998 power God whacks me and I start shaking uncontrollably and I started crying so hard until I had a nosebleed down the front of my suit and I just wept non-stop for four days I told the pastor we have to cancel the meeting I can't preach I can't stop crying he said Tom the same thing happened to us when we went to Pensacola but at the end of four days it was like God had imparted something else another gift so to speak for revival in ever since that time in 1998 anyone who knows us will tell you that everything in our ministry has changed prior to that since you all know this guy Jim Hockaday Jim well I used to spend every Thanksgiving and Christmas with Jim and in aeran every year and Jim saw our whole ministry just went world like that completely switched why because there was an impartation of another gift are you with me the way I preached the way I did things the way we conducted meetings everything changed overnight I ministered in her church in 2000 a minister I met the pastor I went down to meet the pastor I mean listen I'm a revival guy okay so I'm not into just having a good meeting I didn't come to Minnesota to have a good meeting okay I'll just tell you right now I came to see a mind-blowing revival this week come on somebody amen so I met their pastor in the year 2000 and I he was a friend of a friend and and we had had some meetings here in the cities and and we actually did a youth conference that everyone heard about because we had a bunch of kids who were demon-possessed get set free so that's how her pastor heard about me so I went down to meet him in the dead of winter and he was bored and he literally turned his chair the opposite director I can tell you this story now because he was my best man in my wedding so but years later but anyways so so he literally turns away from me and so I just said to him I said listen I don't care about preaching in your dumb Church cuz it's probably dead anyway I said I came to just share with you that God is up to something God wants to blow some things open in your church he'll tell you that's exactly what I said to him and he was stunned that I said that and I was that blunt in that direct and through the course of events and stuff we ended up going there I think it was like two weeks later and ministered for him and it ended up we ended up extending we were there for four months we ended up being there for four months and just God just exploded some things there in Mankato and the whole church completely changed why because of that deposit come on somebody that happened by the laying on of hands amen so some things and some people that are in your life have imparted some things in your life that you have to go back to because that's what Paul is telling Pete imita Paul is saying Timothy you have to go back to those things you have to go back to those things you know sometimes we can get enamored with other things that God's doing but we have to come back to our core come on somebody you got to come back to your core of who you are and what makes you you who are you and what is the gift of God that's on the inside of you amen and there's a way that you can find those things out there's a way that you can stir those things up and you can find those things out some of them are listed in Romans chapter 12 you can see some of them there but I want to just direct your attention just for a minute over to 1st Corinthians y'all okay tonight is this all right ok so 1st Corinthians 12 hallelujah now first Corinthians 12 says this now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I do not want you to be ignorant you know that your Gentiles let away under these dumb idols even as you were led wherefore I give you to understand no man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed and that no man can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit now he says verse 4 there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit there are differences of administration's but it's the same Lord and then he goes on to say and there are diversities of operations so what this means is is that though you and I may have the same gift because of whatever reason we may minister it different come on somebody so some people freak out when they go to places like Africa and all of a sudden the guy is gonna pray for you and he starts doing something like this and in all of our American brain twists and we say oh my gosh this is all gonna be demonic aside no it's just it's just a different way of ministry because of it's a cultural thing it's a different administration come on alright so we have to be spiritually mature as to say you know cuz listen just because we do it doesn't make it right I remember you know last year when right after the the Cardinals won the World Series I went I was ministering outside of st. Louis and and I was trying to speak along that lines I said you know we in America we think everything begins and ends in America so things are difficult in America jesus is coming back here anytime here right now because God's on the American time clock you know and so and I was just trying to bring some sarcasm to that and I said you know I mean think about it I said you guys won the World Series they go woo I go but you know what you're not world champs we didn't invite the world how can you call yourself a world champ and you didn't even invite the world come on somebody you know why we didn't invite the world because if we invited the world then we wouldn't be the world champs because Puerto Rico would beat us because Dominican Republic would beat us Cuba would definitely beat us come on somebody and probably Tokyo would beat us so we don't invite the world we just call us the world you know and so we just say we are the world and so we're the world champs of our world come on right but you know what God is a lot bigger than the US of A come on somebody amen so okay now I don't know how they got off on that but oh the administration's in operation so you need to know that that we can administer things in a different way and it doesn't make it more spiritual or less spiritual okay so I just come from South Africa and this Zimbabwean prophet was there now I've never seen a more accurate prophet than this guy in my life in 26 years I've met some guys that are pretty accurate I remember you know Kendrick that was here and stuff he's pretty accurate with certain things and and I've seen but the majority of prophets I've met it's very ambiguous it's very generic you know God's got some special things for you and you know there's someone here you once had a headache and you know I mean it's like wow that's real specific you know and so but I'm seeing this guy this guy is calling out people's names he's not only calling out their names he's he's telling them literally their license plate numbers he's giving them their social security numbers and all kinds of different things that there's no way that he could know in fact I put it on Facebook if you're on my Facebook friends he can watch the video while we were there but the way he did it is very different than how I've seen other prophets Minister come on somebody all right so the the manner is and so I want you not to get caught up in the methodology of it though you may have the exact same gift hello I'm a minister to the sick a lot different than you do I see some guys the way they minister to the sick I mean you know they're spittin cotton they're blowing there'll are Nick's out there veins are popping they've got a big vein down running down the forehead and they're pushing you know receive and and that's not how I minister I don't minister that way and we see great results I mean we've had over 500 lame and crippled people rise and walk in the last six years we've had I don't know how many or probably over a thousand people dying of cancer healed over a thousand we stopped counting cancer seriously honestly God we used to count all of these people that were healed of deafness since the year 2000 we've we seriously stopped at a thousand I just we don't count him anymore are you with me so but the way I'm minister is very different than the way that that other healing ministers Minister even Jim now Jim Jim Hockaday and I we both come from the exact same Bible school he's very funny you know he's a funny guy you know but but he's a New Yorker he's not a Minnesotan so we give Him grace we love him anyway he gets to go to heaven too so all right so but uh all right so now go over to first Corinthians 14 now first Corinthians 14 ooh man time got away from me all right all you hungry people you're pulling it out of me all right so first Corinthians 14 now here's how it all happens some people say I like what God's doing in my life I like the gifts that God is operating through me and stuff but I want to see more of this or I want to see more of that and so they'll ask how can I pull on the gift of God that's on the inside of me or how can I create and not create but how can I step into a new gift I never thought you'd ask ok so 1st Corinthians 14 says that follow after love and desire everyone shout desire here he says desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy for he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men but unto God for no one understands iam howbeit in the spirit every one say in the spirit says he in the spirit he speaks mysteries now regarding just regarding speaking in tongues because in the last hundred years we've had so much preaching on tongues tongues tongues tongues tongues hear a tongue their tongue everywhere a tongue tongue Oh McDonald's spoke in tongues III oh okay so I mean we we have we are tongue inundated right come on somebody why because that's what that's what our spiritual fathers went and they wanted to convey that on down and so it passed on down even into denominations and everything else however it's just one of the gifts that God wants us to operate in however I believe that everyone can speak in tongues in a prayer tongue anytime they want to come on somebody because all of the gifts operate by faith as you by faith step out now if I said all right everyone pray in tongues sure about and everyone would pray we wouldn't have to wait for this euphoric feeling we wouldn't have to wait until you know Benny says choir sing it again we won't have to wait until the organism we wouldn't have to have all everything right in order you could be riding a tractor speaking in tongues come on somebody you could be waiting on tables is that true speaking in tongues right so you do it by faith everyone say by faith so you do it by face so you activate the gift by by faith but you also activate it by your hunger or by your desire so as you desire it something begins to happen on the inside of you as you desire God begins to waken things up inside you sometimes you didn't even know we're there you watch a video you see something on Christian television you read a book you hear a story and as you hear it all of a sudden oh it captivates your heart come on somebody hey man so a year ago um they're ministering in South Africa and one of the pastors I was with said sit down I got to show you something look at this guy on television so we flipped through the channels and he flips to the Zimbabwe channel in Zimbabwe and he says look at this profit and so we start watching this and this guy is calling out incredible accurate prophetic words and he's a young man he's like 30 years old I'm thinking this guy is speaking like an orator for you know years you know this guy's no dummy he's got three earned degrees I mean an incredibly brilliant guy and this guy he's just calling people out supernaturally very detailed things about their life I mean he's even describing what street they live on and what the corner street is and everything else and so I I'm watching the video come on somebody hunger for that began to stir up on the inside of me had I been used before in prophecy absolutely had I've been used before in words and knowledge absolutely but you know what happened a desire for that part of the supernatural more begin to get stirred on the inside of me is that my whole ministry thrust no what's my ministry thust revival signs wonders and miracles that's who I am oh it always has I mean Tory you've been in our meaning since 2000 right and it's always been that that's always been our passion that's always been our voice so but when I saw that that part of signs and wonders stirred on the inside of me it tears begin to fill my eyes because that hunger God was stirring that hunger come on amen on the inside of me God was stirring that hunger on the inside of me so you know what God wants to do that inside of every single one of you more people are back slid today than any other time in American history we have more back sliders today if you knocked on a hundred doors right now in Crystal you would find an astronomical amount of people that say I used to go to church I used to go to church I used to go to church how many people that you used to know in the DSM I Center are no longer serving the Lord how many of you at least know one raise your hand anyone okay sure you do how many of you from your church I'll make it you're on you used to serve the Lord and it's not going to church anywhere it's not serving God raise your hand anyone know anyone like that okay right alright so we all know people like that that have either backslidden or whatever and I believe this that one of the reasons that people backslide and I wanna say this in closing is this is because they don't know the gift of God that's on the inside of them they don't know the gifts of God that God wants to use them because look at all the chairs are facing one direction right all your chairs are facing this way and I'm the only one facing this way are you with me so we get into this mode of spectatorship instead of participant when we come to church we come to say man I hope the music is good I hope the preaching is great I hope the prophetic minister whatever it might be is awesome and stuff and I believe this is that God is wanting to unlock some things and that's what I really feel this week is about I really felt like this week that God is wanting to unlock some things on the inside of you some of you you need to take a spiritual gifts test some of you've ever taken one of those anyone ever taken one of those if you get a chance take one of those you'll be shocked I mean every time I take it I mean no matter where I am if I take it it'll always say this it'll always say I'm off the chart evangelist and I'm off the chart and the prophetic those two things every single time every single time and then it'll say you know certain other areas youth ministry and certain other things and stuff why because that's a part of my DNA it's a part of my calling and I just felt like if you put that CD on in the back song number two for me I just felt like tonight that God wanted to restore those things back up inside you some of you used to flow powerfully in prophetic words some of you used to flow powerfully in words and knowledge some of used to really flow powerfully in prayer or intercession some of you used to flow powerfully in miracles you would go places if you would pray for people in the weirdest response just bring it down about halfway some of you you were used to be really bold you just had a strange gift of boldness you just used to scare people you'd get so bold come on somebody but I felt like God was saying tonight gods wanted to get you back to the middle I feel your hunger pulling tonight and I just felt like God is just saying it's time to come back to the middle it's time to come back to the core of who you are I listen until you come back to the middle you will never be happy you can memorize every book of the Bible you can know this you can be elevated to that but until you really come back to the core of what you're called when you come back to the core like our sister last night who made us Wendy and in the one that's the head of the hospitality Wendy yeah they used to be I mean you look at her she looks like she's got the gift of hospitality okay this lady is she has got a calling okay all right but it's even mentioned there in Romans chapter 13 you can look at it in Romans 13 some people just have a call into that I mean that is their call I'll just close with this [Music] 1987 I had a guy in my church in New Jersey where I used to pastor I was a youth pastor there and this guy his name was Sam he was an old guy but he had nine disease so he literally had two hours of light to see every day so at the end of two hours he would know the glaucoma would just come in and it would just be like a cloud and you wouldn't see a thing he was stoned life but his first two hours of every day he could see couldn't see perfectly but he could see good but Sam was a born banjo I mean it was in Sam's DNA he had gotten saved this Italian guy he had been Catholic and he had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ and he loved sinners he loves sinners so when he would wake up in the morning he wouldn't open his eyes he would go and brush his teeth comb his hair do everything was his eyes shut get ready and the first hour he would read his Bible so he would read as fast as he could for one hour and he would quickly change and he would run outside this is a true story and he would evangelize he would get tracts and he would go as fast as he could for 60 minutes and evangelize until the lights would go out in his eyes and he was stoned wine and he would stand out in the middle of the street crying boy because he couldn't see the sinners anymore he couldn't see them and the day would get away from him and he'd have to the next day wait for the morning to do it all over again and he lived like that the two years that I knew Sam and when Sam died I wasn't close to Sam but I just started weeping because when I saw his coffin it was almost like I saw his gift I saw it just dying there and I just started bawling in the church and I stood out right in front of the whole church and I just said we cannot let that gift now I wasn't talking about Sam as a person but that gift come on somebody on the inside of him died and go into the ground and people sat there and they said you know that's a church way of saying we're not gonna do anything about it but but it sounded like a good idea and so when I saw that I was so bothered by that that I went and I just said in my heart God they don't want it I'll take it so from that day that anointing of the evangelists came upon my life 1987 that hunger for the law minister to the loss it just from the casket come on somebody some of you got some things just like all talks about 2 Timothy some of you got it from your mother's or your father's come on somebody amen some of you got it from your pastor or a mentor or a prayer partners or a friend or somebody else maybe someone you saw on television you watch this person use it men I want that come on you said man I want that and I want to move in that I want to flow in that I just felt like God was saying tonight time for us to come back time for us to come back to our gift and a calling and what is your passionate us amen so tonight I just want everyone to send your feet you
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 4,577
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: tom scarrella, scarella, miracles, bill johnson, bethel, jesus culture, revival, rodney howard-browne, your gift, your gift will make room for you, inspiration, motivational video, steve harvey, pete cabrera, curry blake, jglm, divine healing, doug stanton, roy fields, mark virkler, john wimber, find my gifting, find my gift, help me find my gift, gifts of the spirit, gifts of the holy spirit, spiritual gifts, supernatural gifts, how to activate your gifts
Id: ffNUwhzaM-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 46sec (4306 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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