How to write a blog with AI using Chat GPT [Complete Guide}

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hi I got a very fun video I want to share with you today I want to see if I can write a blog using a guy tools like chat GPT and see if the blog will make sense and see if it's something that I would write but ultimately is it going to save time that's what I want to know is it going to save me time and is it going to be a good blog so this is going to be exciting GPT hasn't been around very long it's pretty new AI has been around for a little while and and it's using the AI uh method for writing and it's just it's Unique and like I said um it's just kind of some new tools something that I'm not afraid to try and if it saves me time why not give it a shot so without any further Ado let's see if we can make this work or maybe this is totally a waste of time and a failure but let's find out so let's jump into the computer and see what we can come up with all right so in the search bar let's type in open AI chat GTP okay this right here is what we want to open up so once you've created an account then you'll be able to just open this up right away by clicking this button but if you haven't then you need to go ahead and quickly set up an account but bands I have the button that's behind my camera screen here I open that up and I'm brought into the chat GPT interface all right so I have mine on dark mode a couple settings you can go through to change that but right now um let's just go ahead and get started this is gonna be this is gonna be a lot of fun I find this tool extremely helpful a little bit I've used it so today we're going to go ahead and try this example of writing a blog post and seeing if it makes sense and seeing if it's something we can use so I got I went ahead before this video I went ahead and did some keyword research I didn't get too crazy into that but um I did do a little bit of keyword research so I got some keywords ready and I also um just know which topic I want to write so I'm going to go ahead and use that so the topic we're going to write on today is why do I need an email list that's what we're going to use so we'll see what this AI tool can do for us with this topic so let's just Jump Right In right here down in the search bar here or this actually before I get started we want to use what they call a new chat so make sure you click on that and come down here to the bar and this is kind of like a it's kind of like a chat like back and forth between you and your friends um so kind of consider it that way so I'm going to give it a command write a blog with 400 words or more on the topic of and I'll just go ahead and do those two dots there y do I need a an email list email list okay now this is the fun part ready okay now this is where it's doing its thinking it's it's using that what I gave it and it's going to go ahead and spit something out and here it goes email list have been a vital tool for business organizations for many years and for a good reason here are a few of the reasons you need an email list to own your own Venture building relationships and email allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level nurtures relationships potential customers clients or supporters by providing them with value content and updates on what you're doing yeah this is pretty cool targeted marketing with an email list you can segment your audience and tailor your Market message to specific groups of people for example if you run an e-commerce store you could create separate lists of people who have purchased specific types of products all right email is one of the most direct forms of communication available by having someone's email address you can reach them directly in their inbox rather than relying on them to come across your message in social media measurable results unlike traditional forms of advertising like print ads or television commercials email marketing allows for easy tracking measurement results with tools like Google analytics MailChimp cost effective email marketing is one of the most cost effective forms of marketing available in fact it has been shown to have an Roi of up to four thousand three hundred percent it goes on to six re-engaging with and and active a customers an email list can be used to re-engage in active customers I haven't thought about that one build your brand a reputation constantly sending valuable information emails to your list can help you build your brand and reputation as a thought leader so then awesome it gives me a conclusion in conclusion email list is an essential tool for any business organization that wants to connect with the audience on a personal level Target their marketing efforts and measure the results with low startup cost and ability to reach a large audience this cost-effective way to build relationships to drive conversation conversions all right oh and then it says if you haven't if you're if you're not already building an email list now is the time to start so that that's pretty good for a AI chat bot to uh spit this out for me I'm pretty impressed I have to say uh it does need a little bit of tweaking uh and so what we're going to do here now is we're going to play around play around with this just a bit just again like it's just as if we're talking to a human so I'm going to ask it to give me um can you give me a longer introduction see what it does oops there was an error maybe I broke it maybe I broke it we're experiencing exceptionally High demands please hang tight as we scale our system okay let's just come on back over here all right so this is the blog that it spit out email lists have been essential tool for business and individuals looking to build a loyal and engaging audience in this blog post we will explore the reasons why you should consider building an email list and the benefits it can bring to your personal brand Isn't that cool like that's a really awesome introduction here and it goes on to first second third fourth and finally and then it has a conclusion all right so that's that's pretty good uh actually to me I think it's it's amazing because if you read the first one it says allows you to build direct line of communication with your audience perfect social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can be great for reaching a white audience but they do not offer the same level of control so again like something that I would have known but it's glad I'm glad they put it in there and it's a good point that it brings up email lists are highly effective in building relationships with your Audience by regularly sending valuable and relevant content you can establish trust and credibility to your subscribers very good point uh third email list also our powerful marketing tool you can use it to promote new products services or events and track the success of your campaigns additionally email marketing has been proven to have one of the highest rois of any marketing channel and and it goes ahead and it went ahead and explained what Roi stood for which that's pretty cool so I knew that Roi was kind of like the the street term let's say and then and then we we have the what it actually stands for so that's really cool um according to the direct marketing Association air for every one dollar spent on email marketing the average return is 38 dollars so this makes email list cost effective now I should fact check this to make sure but I'm pretty sure that they're right uh I don't actually I don't doubt it at all but again bains there's a fact in here like this I should fact check this make sure that it's right fourth email list also help you get insights and feedback on your audience you can send out surveys polls and forms and feedback to get insights and feedback of your audience this can help you understand their wants and needs and tailor your offering to better serve them this is cool finally email lists allow you to build build your brand by regularly providing viable and relevant content you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry this will help you build a personal brand and make you more attractive to potential customers and partners and in conclusion an email list is a powerful tool that helps you build direct line of communication with your audience building relationships promotes your products and services gather insights to feedbacks and build your brand with high rois that email marketing offers this cost-effective way to grow your business if you haven't already it's time to start building your email list today that is really good um basically call it like a beginner's article for someone who's just getting into email email marketing this is a great article for that so just to play around with this and have a little bit of fun I'm going to um I'm going to just like again if I'm talking to a real person I'm going to say great article can you add some humor of course okay so it's going along here um because let's be honest your family friends probably get tired of sending your daily updates on email to share your updates with groups so let's be real email inboxes are the new junk drawers of the digital age everyone has one and most of us love to hoard all kinds of random things in there so why not make your email most exciting thing in your subject inbox it's like being a shiny new toy in the toy box everyone will want to play with on a more serious note it's true that email marketing has been one of the highest rois of any marketing channel okay and then goes on to a conclusion okay I'm going to say good job but remember I wanted this to be over 400 words good job please make the blog 400 words or more in addition to the reasons mentioned above okay it goes on for example if you run an e-commerce store send direct messages second email lists are a great way to re-engage with your audience everyone is busy and it's easy to lose touch with people over time with an email list you can stay in touch with your audience and remind them a viable offer okay yeah good email us take time and effort but it's well worth the long run for an email list you have direct line of communication with the audience it's a great way to conclude in addition it's also essential for the best practice while building your email list like always make sure in compliance with laws and other regarding data proxy unsubscribing and contact your emails and also always be mindful your audience preferences and interests keep them interested and engaged in conclusion an email list is a powerful tool that helps you stay in touch with your audience re-engage with them promote your business drive to web traffic increase sales and even segment your audience for more effective marketing wow that's pretty cool let's go ahead and take this message and let's just see if it has 400 words because they're added to it so we're going to go ahead and grab this I'm going to go back over here to Google Docs I'm going to go and open up a new one okay paste it in now I'm going to come up here and remove formatting don't need the format with the black background like that and beans I have it selected I want to go over here and also do tools to word count I have 427 words that's not bad okay and the cool thing is is that I got this other one I can grab that I can use for introduction or I can say I like the last or to cool can you give me a good blog introduction to the last article we'll see what it does sure email list have been considered one of the most powerful tools for business and individuals looking to build a little and engaging audience whether you're just starting out or have been in business for a while there are countless reasons why building email list is essential for your success and this blog post will Dive Right into why email list it was a must-have for anyone looking to grow their business or personal brand we'll discuss the benefits it can bring such as building relationships improving customer retention wow I love it I love it I love it I love it so perfect I'm going to grab this go back to that Google doc and I'm going to include this into my blog we'll go to this like this and again I'm going to remove the formatting come over here clear format okay that's looking great now we're not done yet okay I'm going to go ahead and say very good please give me several blog title ideas for this article please give me several I'm going to say several powerful powerful blog idea title so see what it does I was going to give me several is it going to give me one let's see what it does why email list is a must-have for business growth the power of email list how to build relationships and drive sales email list 101 everything you need to know building a thriving audience email us building for beginners a step-by-step guide the benefits of email list how to take your business to the next level from Zero to Hero how an email list can an lfl elevate your brand wow look at this these titles are intended to grab attention convey the importance of the topic and provoke curiosity pick the one you feel it resonates most with your audience that's pretty good I'm gonna have to say um you know sometimes we get lost for ideas of titles and we scratch our heads and we just wonder what we should do I mean this gives you a place to start like you can grab one of these you can do a little bit of editing but it's nothing else it starts turns the gears and it's like uh um this actually uh fits Well with My article it says what it needs to say and the AI chat bot has already done the work of knowing what's out there and what what's uh popular because it's using all of its skills and and it's whatever it's all this data points that it grabs from all over the place to know that this are that these are good titles so we got to pick one um I'm going to pick I'm going to pick power of email list to build relationships why an email list is a must-have for business growth I want to pick that one to me for some reason for some reason that really speaks to the audience that I'm trying to reach it's either that or email us building for beginners I'm kind of a little bit on the fence between the two huh well in the comments below I'd really like to know what your idea of this list what you would choose so if you could just in the comments below just say well one through ten which number you think would be the best obviously I'm writing to beginners because if you've been in business for a while you know already know about email lists you know why it's important you might not even search for this type of an article but if you're a beginner and you're just new you're going to be interested in an article like like what we just written here so in the comments below what would you say would be the best blog title for this I think I'm going to go with email list building for beginners a step-by-step guide we're going to go with that one all right okay so back over here we're going to go ahead and structure this a little bit I'm going to say title and again we're going to remove that formatting not a big deal okay now here's the blog and we can just go ahead and check and see what the word count is all together under Tools let's go to word count we've got ourselves a 576 word blog not too bad especially for how quick it spit it out so what I think would be a really good thing to do okay so I'm going to add my keywords that I had I've already done some research on so I'm going to say why do you need an email list list four your business I'll do a question mark and we'll just go ahead and let this run on here I'm going to go ahead and make this a new line this is going to be my headline one this one up here so make that headline one and it's really great I find writing blogs inside of Google Docs is extremely user friendly simple because when you just go ahead and you copy all this and you send it back into your your blog post it just leaves all the headlines and all the paragraphs all the same format so you don't got to readjust all that which is really cool so as you can imagine right um here's the headline imagine a picture is going to be up top [Music] here we are there is the layout of the blog I added the headline one and then the headline two and I've also broke up the sentences a little bit more so that it makes it easier to read easy on the eyes I'm probably going to come through and add a couple more bold texts in a couple places but right now I'm going to add some pictures so this is going to be quick and easy I'm going to add try to add five pictures if I can maybe even six probably do six for one on one by this headline but um we'll see if we can come up with some quick pictures here to add but the main part that I wanted to show you is with this just chat GPT look how fast this article was written up I mean this didn't take much time at all like if I wasn't trying to show you how to do this I would have been able to cut the time down a lot but even when I'm showing you this I mean we haven't even been spending an hour here and look we already got an article that's that's nice and clean it's neat we gotta we got a Blog title I mean this is just pretty cool so I'm extremely pleased I really am by the time I add these pictures in here and get the blog optimized better then it's ready to it's ready to go out however there is a couple more things that I need for this blog uh like I said I need to go ahead and have add some pictures I also need to have some um external linking linking out to other other platforms there's a couple places I could do that and I also need to have some internal linking inside my own website so I need to go ahead and spend some time doing that which I needed to do that anyways so I need to add some of those here but then also most importantly is I need to have a meta description can't forget about that so let's go back to chat GPT and let's see if it can write us a meta description you're ready to see what happens maybe we'll break it I don't know let's go see what that what it does okay so back into chat GPT let's see what it does can you write me a meta description that is under 160 Carrick characters oh I got characters spelled wrong it even has spell check here let's see what it says yeah characters right there we go can you write me a meta description that is under 160 characters let's see what it does whoops there was an error can't believe there was an error so what we're going to do is we're going to refresh this page let's see what happens all right let's try this again can you write me a meta description that is under 160 characters here we go let's see what it does learn why building an email list is essential for business growth discover the best the benefits best practice discover the benefits best practice and legal aspects of email list building in this complete guide um I don't really like that meta description so I'm going to say I don't like this can you give me another version hmm still don't like it instead of using the word word guide can you use blog and give them a give a call to action read now maximize your business growth with email list discover how building relationships Drive sales and More in our comprehensive email list building blog that's pretty good let's see if it fits inside we're going to go ahead and grab this go back over to my Google Docs I like to add a meta description okay collect this and again we will go ahead and remove the format oops I spelled description wrong okay now let's see if this will fit inside of my blog here is more my meta description goes looks like it's going to fit looks like it's going to work cool yeah I like that so after we have the meta description the other thing that uh see if we need anything else we're gonna have to have an image a page title which we already have the title this title was what we had up here email list building for beginners a step-by-step guide let's just go ahead and do that okay and they'll have the URL there our content our page title so the same thing would go here for me now if you're using Wordpress you're going to be this is going to be different for you but it's all essentially the same so there you have it all I got to do now is add my pictures and then upload this all to my blog page and we're done so this didn't take an hour this is cool I'm really excited about this this is this is going to be such a huge Time Saver okay so there we are I have all the pictures added this is the layout this is how it's going to look I'm pretty happy with this didn't take much time and we are almost finished with this blog post let's go ahead and wrap this up I'm gonna head over into kajabi this is where I've been building my blog posts and uh we'll go from here [Music] okay so here in kajabi I had to go ahead and add my pictures again which is not a big deal I had them already saved and so I'm finished with that it's all looking good we'll exit full screen I have my my page title my meta description my cover image or we can call this a hero image and then we want to custom URL let's see here we're going to call this email list for beginners that's what's going to be our custom URL all right go that way and paste okay cool and now we'll go ahead and do a a published and let's hit save and then we'll have a good feel of what this blog looks like in the real world I'll be ready for this let's see what it looks like all right here it is email list building for beginners a step-by-step guide why do I need an email list how's this looking yes yes yes this is great this looks good looks real good I love it I love it I love it done just like that all right there you have it a Blog written and the fastest time that I've ever written a Blog before it's totally amazing I I'm really impressed I mean as you can see just couple inputs there into the GPT and it spit out the information I had to do just a little bit of editing but a lot of the information that it had was stuff that I would have put in anyways it wrote it in words that were it was good to me and after playing around with a little bit I was able to get it to to be structured the way I would like to be structured so I'm impressed it saved me time uh I'm definitely going to keep using this tool in the future and uh I think as a as person gets used to using it more that it's going to get even better because you're going to know how to ask the right questions and it's going to be able to give you the feedback that you're looking for better so anyways that's it for today thanks for watching uh and again a question I got to ask you is if you are oh and again thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel because I'm going to be sending out more videos like this and also check out the link in the description below because I have a business guide that will help you get on the right track in your business and you can download it completely for free so make sure you check that out and I will see you in the next video have a great day
Channel: Caleb Becker - eCreateBiz
Views: 8,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blog, Chat GPT, Fast content, Open Ai, Writing, open ai chat, how to write a blog for beginners
Id: PNMndD7-D7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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