5 Ways To Use ChatGPT To Build Your Website

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone welcome to the channel my name is Mike and in this video I want to show you 10 different ways that you can utilize chat GPT with your website so this is going to help you to build a website to maintain a website to rank better on Google and to really offload a lot of the tasks that otherwise come with managing and maintaining a website like writing blog posts and things like that so these are all things that are a little bit more advanced with chat GPT I'm going to talk about some really detailed and intricate commands you can use to really optimize the output you're getting again to make sure that you're getting things done effectively without having to babysit it and really like manage it all yourself so the benefit here of course is that it is going to be quicker much less of your time you don't have to hire third parties to do SEO and and to write and things like that and in the end you're able to use a very powerful tool to generate more ideas and find more success hopefully with your website now there's a couple different ways we can do this so number one on this list is pretty different different from the next nine but I wanted to Showcase it anyway because it really demonstrates the power of chat GPT and will also use some features related to this later on in the video so kind of an intro to using chat GPT to do coding for you this would be just using this software to just flat out make the website for you so if you wanted to make a really basic website you could tell it to make it with HTML so HTML is the language that you could use to make a super fundamental website so if we just said for example write an HTML website and let's just say maybe I have like a construction equipment rental company so essentially what I could do is I could tell it to write a website for me that includes and just really list out everything you want now that's the drawback here is you're not able to really customize this in the future without really understanding HTML so that's why it's like kind of a cool feature to have here but not like a long-term best practice for your website but just kind of showing you you can make a really really long and intricate command telling it to make a website that has like this is the name just give it a slogan we're gonna kind of delegate that to chat GPT because it is able to do that for us we can tell it to choose a color palette that one of the colors is is yellow and caterpillar yellow maybe you don't know what that means but generally it's going to make a good color palette we want a 200 word About Me section so we could just say I don't care like what's in it but generally it needs to say that it's family owned there's two brothers that own the business and it's been in business since 2013 and then I can even tell it like these are the equipments these are the you know the different pieces of equipment I have and just like make some reasonable prices this is another great way to kind of have it help you in other decisions with your business in general now of course always verify the information you get from here because chat GPT is a natural language model meaning it's designed to mimic human speech and for the most part a lot of what it says is correct but it's not fact checking everything and you should fact check things because sometimes it says things that aren't necessarily true so always you know take it with a grain of salt and of course we can have it make other sections on here including different buttons we can have a lot going on with this website that you know just a simple little command it's it's almost like If you hired a really basic website developer and you said hey make this for me this is what I want that's exactly what chat GPT is doing so if I just hit enter right here all right so there we go it's off writing our website now while it's doing that I'm going to go to Google and look up HTML HTML viewer and from here we're just going to go to code beautify so we can see what it actually makes if you ever want to actually use an HTML website it's pretty easy to do you would save it as an HTML file so you could just copy this to like a notepad on your on your laptop and save it as HTML and then you can upload that to a website host now we're going to talk about hosting in a minute but I just wanted to see what this actually comes up with all right so if I copy that code over here you can see like I said a pretty basic website but it gets the job done they made a little they made a little slogan for us they have three buttons at the Top If You click on email us it'll actually go and email the email that I told it to has an about us and down here it has some prices um I don't really know offhand if that's a good like this those prices look kind of low to me to be honest but maybe they're realistic prices who knows um and of course our rental equipment it looks like I cut off there unfortunately there is a limit on how much output you can get from chat GPT this is obviously super super long but nonetheless that's the first one you're able to do moving on to the next nine like I said or more tied together because really the drawback of making a website like this is that it's going to be a lot more Hands-On further on down the road you're going to have to really understand HTML if you want to edit any of this and that's really not ideal so really the best way to make a website with chat gbt is probably going to be with WordPress so with WordPress uh let's actually get started making a WordPress website and then I can go through the next nine and how we can use chat gbt to really facilitate our WordPress websites so in a new tab we can go to centralmedia.com hostinger right there it's going to walk us over to this page here and from here we can go to hosting click a little drop down and click on WordPress hosting now this is what I was mentioning before if you make a HTML website you could just use web hosting right here and upload your file it's pretty easy to do but like I said you're going to run in some roadblocks further on down the road so WordPress is really the easiest way to do this I would say and the best way to manage your website when you're building it using chat GPT so we're going to claim deal here and it's going to walk us down this right here okay forgive me sorry I didn't explain this so we're using Wordpress WordPress is open source it Powers a third of the Internet it's huge a lot of people use it obviously and it's free to use but in order to use it you have to find a domain and somewhere to host it otherwise you make a website you close out of your tab and it disappears and nobody can ever visit that so the host is essentially where it's saved so that everybody can access it there are obviously four different plans here I'm going to roll with the WordPress starter it's going to give me a free domain for the first year so that in itself really pays for it in my opinion so I'm going to click on ADD and then in our card it's going to ask us how long we want to subscribe it's the same price for anywhere from 12 months to 48 months to get this bonus for as long as possible I usually just go with the full four years if you can you're saving a lot of money with that but again if you're on a budget feel free to go with the 12 months 24 months and um we're gonna go and create our account now I'm just going to enter my my credit card information and submit the payment all right so now we have our hosting that brings us into the second thing we can do with chat GPT when we're making our website and this is actually choosing exactly what your website is going to be so if you want to make for example a Blog but you don't really have a good idea of what blog to make or what you want to talk about you can basically just say right here I am interested now for many people out there you might already know what your website is going to be but if you don't if you just want to make a Blog if you want to make something that can earn you extra money and really be not only like that then this is a great way to do that so it's going to give you good names or reasonable names that you can kind of iterate off of and I just asked her to give me 50 different website ideas based on a couple things that I'm maybe interested in so it could say like green thumb Guru obviously you want to look this up and make sure that nobody else is already using that name but in many cases the stuff that I've seen this generate has been pretty original and really has been available so this is going to take a couple minutes to do all 50 of these but we're going to choose which one makes the most sense for me so so with this command it's really important that you add as much information as possible really tell chat GPT what it needs to know about you so for me I said I'm interested in and I named a bunch of different things that I am interested in and then I said please name 50 website ideas that I could use for a new website so this is just one example of the command but if you're not getting things that are relevant to you you could add more descriptors in there for example at the end you can just put a period there and add another sentence saying I am a college student with a very limited budget and I have access to a a classroom that has a bunch of microscope equipment maybe that would be something that would be useful to get different output here so that it knows it's not going to suggest things that might be very expensive to you and instead might rely on things that you already have but just going through these you can see a lot of them are you know pretty pretty good so Tech sleep Solutions and I don't really like the name on that one but I could just say okay I like the idea there let's come up with some other names so the really cool thing about chat GPT is that it remembers what we said before so I can to say number 13. here we go it's coming up with a whole bunch of different names that are based on that topic so we could do like um bedtime techies uh dreamy devices okay so maybe I like nighttime Tech Trends what I could do is open a new tab and search for that in Google and it looks like there is no specific website that I'm seeing that is exactly that now obviously you want to search for like local trademarks and llc's but right here you can see nighttime Tech Trends doesn't show up anything in Google nothing specifically targeting this which is good good for our SEO and good for obviously legal purposes as well you don't want to steal somebody else's name so that was number two there chat GPT helping us choose the name of our website and in some situations the entire topic of our website number three is kind of related to the previous one which is choosing a domain so if your domain is not available let's just say come up with and see what it's able to come up with obviously nighttime Tech nighttimetechtrends.com would be a good one maybe that's not the best name it's kind of hard to say really quick okay so let's go back to hostinger the next step since we now have a topic and a title of our website is to claim our domain so we're going to claim the domain and we're just going to type in nighttime Tech Trends that's the one that I'm hoping for here and let's see if it's available with.com that's really the ideal one so we're going to say check availability it's available we don't have to pay anything for it it's free this year because we already have uh the the four-year subscription we're gonna claim that domain and I believe it will ask for our credit card information for the future when it renews and it's going to ask us some other details now domains need to be registered and so it's going to ask some personal information and just like that nighttime Tech Trends is being registered so now if we go back and click on home it's going to suggest that we set up our WordPress starter so that's really easy we're just going to click setup and it's going to install WordPress so we have a website that is ready to go so we're going to click on start now we're creating this for ourself actually we could skip all this if you want but I'm going to build it myself and this is going to be a Blog and you're gonna say I know what I'm doing because hopefully I'll be teaching you what you're doing in this video now we have to create a WordPress account these this is different than your hostinger account like I said remember WordPress is that free open source platform it's going to ask what plugins we want we don't want any of those plugins right now we can get our own plugins later we don't want a template now again we're going to choose all of that later and we do want to use the domain that we already have nighttimetechtrends.com and we're going to click on finish setup and it might take a couple minutes until WordPress actually has it all set up and ready to go in the meantime you really want to make sure that you are verifying your domain so go back to your email click on verified domain you should have an email somewhere from hostinger and once you verify your email with your domain you'll be ready to go all right so that'll bring us to this page here we want to go to manage site and from manage site there's a couple things we want to do first of all I usually like to enable daily backups you can see over here daily backups so you can click on ADD daily backups this is a little glitch right here it's not I promise it's not 100 a month it's usually like one or two dollars a month um but if you click on ADD daily backups yeah two dollars a month you can see right there uh if you get 48 months so I think that's totally worth it so that if anything goes wrong with your website you can roll it back really easily here just restore from a backup and you don't have to build your entire website from scratch so going back to our dashboard that's really all I wanted to show you the next thing we do is click on nighttimetechtrends.com right there you'll see this is what our website currently looks like it's just using a basic template basic theme uh nothing special here but if you want to go and manage your website there's two ways to go about doing this you could go through hosting every time and go and manage your website or the easiest way which I usually do is go to your domain slash wp-admin and this will take you into the WordPress logins and that'll bring us to our dashboard right here so I'm going to give you a quick rundown of what everything here is and then of course how a chat GPT can really help us with the website but just a quick little rundown here in the dashboard tab you'll see there is an updates kind of sub tab there and looking at this this is where you'll go every now and then to make sure that your plugins your themes everything is up to date then we have posts right here this is going to be all of our blog articles which we can have of course chat GPT right for us we don't need this one so I'm just going to delete it and that'll get rid of that one then we have media this is going to be where you can upload all of your photos that you use throughout your website it's an easy way to manage them and add like meta descriptions and things like that or alt text rather I mean and things like that and we have Pages this is going to be obviously the main like the bread and butter of your website your home page your about page everything that you'll actually be seeing besides the blog post of course then we can manage comments I usually disable comments I find that there's so much spam out there it's not worth it for me but for some blogs out there you might want to have comments and then there are some spam filters you might want to get as well this right here is a plugin that we don't need right now as well as this one and this one so to manage our plugins we can click on plugins and we can go and delete all the ones we don't want I'm going to keep posting her it's really important do keep posting her it's hard to get it's it's annoying to get that back um so I'm going to keep posting her but I'm going to get rid of the other ones on here we're going to select the other ones that I don't need so we can go and deactivate them first we'll say apply and now we can go and delete those all right so there we go cleaned it up a lot we don't have all the things we don't need the next thing we want to do is actually get a theme now this we can actually ask hostinger what a good theme would be but I'm also I'm just going to tell you right off the bat uh the best one that we like to use is actually called Astra so if we go to appearance and click on themes we can look for Astra so if we click on add new we can type in or we don't have to type it in it's right there or you could type in search up there for Astra and we're going to install this one now we're going to activate it and so Astra is essentially going to be how we're able to get a template so now that we have Astra the next thing we have to do is actually get a template if we click on Astra on the left side you should see somewhere on here that we should be able to get a starter template so going down I believe it is right over here starter templates I'm going to click on install now we're going to say build your website now we're going to choose building with Elementor this I mean there's other options but Elementor is the easiest one in our opinion it's also free and you can upgrade and do a paid version if you want but the free one for many people is definitely sufficient and now since we're making a Blog let's look up a tech blog let's see if we have anything related to a tech blog they're going to give us a couple options here you'll notice as well that some of these templates are free and some of them are paid ones so we could just look at all of them right now or we could only I mean I'm not going to sort out just premium ones I'm gonna look for a free one for this website because again this is just a little example but you might want to choose to pay for a premium one maybe it's worth it for you so I'm going to select this one and then from here we're going to upload our logo and that brings me to the next thing that we can do with chat gbt which is actually use it to help us make a logo now it can't actually make graphics specifically but it can kind of guide us through some ideas for some different logos so if I just say now let's make make a logo now let's make a logo for nighttime Tech Trends and it's going to tell you it's not able to create the visual design but it can give you some good descriptions of logos that we can then use to design a logo so that gave us a logo idea there are some different tools we could use one of them is canva so if you go to centralmedia.com canva I also have a full tutorial on how to use it it's really pretty easy to use you can drag and drop things and make your logo there very easily they also have different pre-made templates that are the right size that can use you know great graphics and text and spacing and everything personally I've used it many times on so many different logos but there is another idea which uses essentially chat GPT it's the same parent company but it's actually called Dolly too so instead of going to chat.openai.com we're going to go to labs.openai.com and this is Dolly 2 which can make images Graphics thing and things like that for us it can generate it's generative AI just like chat GPT but this is designed to make graphics so if this right here said uh maybe a crescent moon with modern attack icons inside then we can actually start off here by saying a crescent moon so you might be able to get a good Head Start just by asking it for something simple like a crescent moon with some tech or whatever and it'll give you at least some different ideas maybe some colors I really like this color scheme here so you might want to work off of that one and then of course bring it over to canva so you can really iterate and optimize with your own stylistic touch on top of this but for the purposes of this video I'm just going to roll with this photo and then we have our logo right there and we can build some colors off of that so I'm going to go with maybe this color scheme here or you can kind of iterate on this however you want choose different colors but I'm going to go down and choose a font I want this to be a little bit more of a tech font that looks like a pretty good one and then we're going to keep all these selected and we're going to say submit and build my website and it's going to give us an entire template for many different pages that we can use including different blog navigation probably an about us page a home page maybe other pages on there as well and we can choose which ones we want later but this is going to start off by installing all of them so there we go our website is now ready to go I'm actually going to go up here and just delete everything after WP admin so we can go back to our dashboard and from here if we go down to Pages we should see there are quite a few other Pages now substantially more than we had and this is going to be like checkout ones transaction transaction failed order history receipt just in case people order things on here if you're not selling stuff it's very easy to just go and select all of these and just get rid of those by clicking the little Trash button there so let's go down and find our home page I believe this is our home page right now and we can click on edit with Elementor and that'll bring us to our home page in Elementor now this is where we can actually start to use chat GPT again to really really customize all the text and the titles and the taglines throughout this entire page let's start off by choosing a title right here I think here we could probably just call it nighttime nighttime Tech Trends and so we can okay and so we can basically just say create a 20 by a Maybe let's say 16 to 20 word uh subtitle for the website copy and paste that now before we go too far in this I want to kind of explain what we're dealing with so this is Elementor this is how we're going to be editing the entire website so I made a full video on how to use it but essentially this is our entire website right now on the left side if we click on the little arrow it'll bring us out to all the different elements we have available you can see tons and tons of different elements and on the right side you'll it's kind of laid out in a section layout so you have this entire section right here which is all outlined in pink right now this is another section this is another section down here and So within each section there are these elements so these are essentially well these are two columns and in the columns there are elements like I said you can watch my full tutorial to better understand how to use Elementor but in essence we can click on anything double click it highlight it change the text that's going to be the fundamentals of what we want to do first and then we can go through and change a little bit of How It's actually styled so right here we can say and so maybe between these two sections we can can add another section so let's click on the plus we're going to add a a layout so if we click on this one we can look at blocks and we can say maybe this right here would be great actually or really this one I like this one a lot so let's click on this this has three different columns we're going to import that block and that is absolutely perfect for what we're working on here I want these three columns so let's close out of that I want these three columns to be related to the website so now let's go ask chat GPT Now give me and so now I know I want to have three things here but I don't know exactly what I want maybe I want categories of blogs so maybe like wearables mattresses and something like that but let's actually get some ideas from from the GPT if we go back we get to say now give me ideas for three columns under the home page that you know might be categories or something like that so we'll see what it comes up with and so this is absolutely perfect this is something I didn't even think of I was I was originally thinking of maybe all reviews but here it said we could have one would be like product reviews one would be insights basically exploring a little bit more about the science of sleep and the other one could be some tips about some basic everyday advice to sleep better because ultimately that might be what people are actually actually searching for even if the product reviews Earnest those affiliate commissions the nighttime tips might be more searchable when somebody says how do I sleep better or maybe it's like too hot when I sleep how can I fix this and we can point people over to those sleep tech reviews in the future so let's actually go with those three things we're going to say sleep tech reviews for this one we're gonna we're gonna double click and highlight all of it and then over here we're going to paste the new text we're going to go there and let's say I like the little subtitle right here or the description so if we highlight that we can copy this and put that down here and then feature two this can be sleep science insights we're going to copy that so now we have our three different categories but let's say I want something more actionable there I want these to link out to specific categories of blogs so if we just go and click anywhere off of here let's actually close this and when we reopen it we'll be able to add a button so I want to go and add buttons let's add buttons under each of these so we're going to format this button first so I want it to be centered I want it to link to well we'll choose what the link is later we're going to create some categories later but let's go and change the name of this and we're just going to say this is going to be sleep tech reviews now we can write we can right click on that we can say duplicate and just simply click and drag it over to here duplicate that again and drag it over to this one now let's go down here and add another section and this can just be like an About Us section so we go to blocks we can search for about about and so this could be maybe like this one let's go and import that block and let's just say here about the blog about about nighttime Tech so now the next thing is essentially we're going to ask it to write in about a section so we could just say uh we are writing there we go so I'll just copy this one over here so we can highlight all that and paste and now we want now write a let's say 250 word about us and so you can see how this is just again starting to save you more and more time and just general decision fatigue by asking it to write things like that and then you can go and edit this on your own later on all right so that was a little bit more than I wanted I'm just going to say actually let's write let's make that 100 words instead so the other thing you can do with chat gbt is it remembers what you said before and so you could just add a little modifier at the end and say do like basically imply do the same thing but instead you only state what you want change so we could just say let's make that 100 words instead it remembers what the previous request was and now it's going to summarize that in 100 words instead of 250. so we're just going to copy and paste this now over here and there we go now we have our about section that's the next thing I wanted to show you that chat GPT can do for your website is write entire sections but that's not it the next thing actually gets away from this so if we just go up here and click publish you can always click save as well if you click the drop down save it as a draft we're going to click up on the top left Elementor and we're going to go back to manage our website and from here I want to go down to post because the next thing we can do is actually use chat GPT to outline and then later create entire blog posts so the next thing I want to do is go back to chatgpt and now let's just say now come up with with 50 blog post ideas So reading through these I think uh maybe we want the binaural beats Factor fiction that seems like I don't know an interesting article we might want to write so if I just highlight that copy that now just say outline a Blog article for titled there we go and we're going to see what it comes up with and this is really the next thing I wanted to show you so coming up with ideas is really half the battle looking at all these can really spark a lot of uh kind of just new ideas that you can then go and research and figure out if there's any potential in that actually ranking in Google um but again this could be hours and hours of sitting there and thinking about ideas where this chat GPT just whips them up like absolutely nothing so that to me is one of the biggest benefits of having this but outlining it is also another great tool where it can do the all basically all the research for you and then you just want to go and do the fact checking yourself so having this like the ability to outline an entire blog article just absolutely mind-blowing to me I've seen other people started to really use this as uh the beginning for writing a blog post because writing a blog post the two most difficult things are definitely finding a title to write about and then when you just sit there and you just have a blank page like actually getting started and figuring out what you should research and things like that but getting the outline here huge huge advantage that you can then go and build on that or what we're going to do in this video as you already know we're going to have chat gbt build on that for us so so going back to Wordpress we can go to posts on the left side we're going to click add new and our new post before we do anything in the block editor we're going to add a title and the title is just going to be pasted exactly what we thought the title was going to be what what chatgpt said instead of actually typing it all out right here I'm going to go and edit with Elementor so edit with Elementor allows us to use all the tools we already saw but applied to this specific blog post so we can go and just add a text editor right here and we can say now let's write out so we could say write out that so it'll actually write out the entire paragraph for the introduction here and so what I'm going to actually do right now is based on this I'm just going to go through one thing at a time because there is a total word limit of course I'm going to go and have it do one thing at a time I'm just going to say write out this one write out the next one write out this one and so it's going to essentially use all of the bullets it already made but flesh it out and give me the full blog article and the benefit of doing it like this not only is it now possible like we we couldn't just have it write the whole thing at once but we have these nice little paragraphs that make it easier for formatting I could put this paragraph on the left side put an image on the right then below I could put like the entire next paragraph formatting is easier when it's broken up into paragraphs like this so if I just if I want to go with this one I can just highlight the first section of text and just put that in right there so then down here I want to click on plus and add a two column layout so on one I'm going to add an image so we can go and add image we select image click and drag that maybe on the right side we can add an image in this image let's just place I don't know maybe like this sleeping person would be a good one that's not ideal obviously and then on the left side we want to go and add some text we're going to add some text and now let's have it write out the second paragraph and like I said it did a lot of research already for us and it's telling us all this information but maybe you want it to be a little bit longer so I want to show you two specific commands you could do right here to kind of in like really improve what you're getting out of this so we could just say rewrite rewrite sections A and B but include but make them twice as long and include two what I want to do here is essentially say rewrite those two sections but we'll first of all make them longer and second of all include two quotes from influential sleep scientists such as Dr Andrew huberman so let's see what it comes up with there it should be rewriting just the first two sections the third one looks good to me so I'm actually just going to copy that while it's writing and go back to here and we're going to paste that actually I'm going to have this probably in a new section below here so let's go and click and drag another text editor down here and in this section I'm going to paste that and that's going to be explaining things like the Sleep waves and whatever that's section c of part two here so let's go back and see if it's done writing it wrote part A and see if it has a quote anywhere in there it should have quotes included all right so all right so the first section was pretty straightforward we don't have any quotes in this one it looks like all the quotes are actually in the second one explaining the science behind it that really makes sense why you'd have more quotes in that one from scientists but let's go and up here I wanted to add a so right here I believe is our text editor I'm going to paste this in there and that looks like it's a little bit longer than I wanted so maybe everything after like right here let's cut everything let's cut everything after that and we're gonna put another text editor right there and we're going to paste the rest of it down here okay now below that we're gonna have Part B so if we go back we can have Part B right here and here we should be seeing again it's twice as long Andrew Hebron there we go and then another one Matthew Walker there we go so we have two uh two scientists talking about sleep and we have quotes from them gives a little bit more credibility to the article as well as obviously some very relevant information from highly credentialed people but let's go down here and paste that below so now we have our articles really starting to flash out here all we're going to do is format this obviously proofread and check like that so now we're going to ask it to write out the next one but here again we want to improve the credentials so we're going to ask it to include three sources in reference three different scientific studies so we have more real information here in here as well so now I'm just going to copy over part a and you guys know the drill here what we're going to do we're just going to go and add another section below I like to add them all in individual sections just so it's a little bit easier to kind of edit this and move it around if we want to add images to the right or something like that and so we're going to highlight everything we're going to replace it with the next thing now we're going to go and make two two sections down here or two columns down here and again on the left side we want to add an image and an image on the left side and on the right side let's go ahead and add another text editor and see if Part B is done it looks like it is it talks about one study right here as well as a reference so I'm going to copy that and again formatting don't worry about formatting right now we'll change that in a minute and then down here we want to add just the opposite we're going to add text on the left side and then an image on the right side so an image on the right side text on the left side now really you'd probably want to put this reference at the bottom and just have a little asterisk right there so that's probably the easiest way to do this you can have like a little one a little superscript there so that people can know to go and check out exactly what that is but let's see what the third one is study number three if we scroll down is down here study number three I'm going to copy and paste all the rest of that down into another section below I don't have anything specific I'm looking for here so I'm just going to ask it to write all of those and hopefully it fits within one the length of one response I'm not looking for anything super long here because I think the meat of the article is probably going to be right in the middle there uh with the study that we were talking about I did three different studies as well as the explanation of what it actually is now within this it would make a lot of sense to go and add some little like H2 or H3 some subtitles throughout to kind of organize it so it's not just one giant like word soup again I don't have to make this entire article I think you guys get the idea of how this can really help you to basically just become an editor where chat GPT helps you find the blog article titles research for the blog article organize the article and then actually write it as well so from here I'm just going to click on publish on the top right and we're going to go back to Elementor we're going to click on manage website that'll take us back here now the next thing I want to show you is actually using chat GPT for search engine Optimum for SEO now this is I want to show you what it does well and what it also doesn't do well here so we can just say um give me a complete SEO analysis of and I can just paste my my URL there it's going to check out the website so thanks to a recent update chat GPT can now access websites so if we just ask it right now to provide a full SEO analysis of our website nighttimetechtrends.com it'll access it and it'll tell you I mean first of all right off the bat it says that it can't do a full analysis because it doesn't know what our backlinks look like or domain Authority basically like what we're already ranking on but it'll tell us technically like we need to improve the page speed the URL structure like it tells us what's good what's bad and gives us an overview of what we can improve and the best thing about this is if you go through these so like let's look at this and say maybe like page speed it says it takes more than seven seconds to fully load maybe I don't know if that is normal or like what my target should be so I can simply ask it what is a normal Target page speed like how fast should I be loading and furthermore what can I do to actually improve that so these are all things that you can ask chat GPT to do and this I know is going to improve drastically over like the next honestly couple months probably as we get more and more updates it probably will be much better at improving SEO of websites but even right now I think this is quite impressive and then the last tip I wanted to show you with chat GPT is actually asking for suggestions for other plugins that we can use on WordPress based on the feedback it gave us so I could basically say like looking through these it says we could use a caching plugin so I can ask it what is a good caching plugin to use it'll suggest some of them I could ask what the differences are between them and it can help me make more informed decisions to optimize my website so those are my tips on how to optimize your website using chat GPT obviously this is really an expanding Horizon and this is barely scratching the surface but if you have any tips of your own or any questions as well please do leave them in the comments below I'm Michael Bryan with sand Trail media thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 42,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.