Canva Drip Effect Tutorial

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hey welcome to this tutorial video i'm going to show you how i created the drip effect i got a lot of people wanting to know how i created it i also got some people uh sending me a dm telling me that this is done in photoshop and now with canva so i want to show you from a to z how to do it with canva within canva and i use canva pro by the way if you don't have canva pro i suggest you use canva pro because a lot of stuff that i'm going to be showing you is done with canva pro but for people that don't have camper pro and use the free version i'm going to show you a tool that i use as an add-on to canva as well that will make it a lot easier and faster for you to do so that's in the end but first i want to show you how to do it completely within canva so let's get started so this is the image that i have that i created and the drip effect looks really real so let me just show you what i did let me start with step one first you gotta go and look for the drip effect so go to elements search for drip and i'm going to use the same drip that i used for the for the image i'm going to just recreate the exact thing that i did okay so this is the drip effect that i used it's a pro version by the way so you got to have uh canva pro to use this image so i click on it and it's a black drip effect the problem with this is if you want to put this on an image or you want to you want to paste it to another image you got to use a color but the color will never match the the image because the image has different colors like if you look at the nike shoe it has different colors and i cannot recreate it so i gotta cut out this color so i can replace it with the image if you understand what i mean i'm gonna show you how i how i do this so this is what i do i gotta cut it out the problem the challenge with canva is you can't cut out like like that it's not possible so you gotta have a workaround and i saw a workaround in the group that was really really good so i'm gonna show you how it's done first you got to create let me just remove this one and go to elements you got to search for abstract abstract shape organic abstract shape that's what i use and don't ask me why but this is how canva works it's not there's no way to cut out stuff there's no way to cut out an image but if you use it if you're going to use this workaround it does work and i want to credit someone in the canva group that that told us did and and i don't know what their name is but it's it's a pretty good workaround so then step two use the color brown i don't know why but somehow the color brown is a better color when you want to cut out stuff i use different colors and every time i use a different color it doesn't come out pretty well and and i'm going to tell you why that is and i don't know if it's about skin color maybe it's because when this when the tool searches for skin color and wants to cut out color it it looks for a tone color in skin so i use brown and the color that i use here let me just look it up real quick is 643 707 so remember that number use the same color as i use that number for the same color that i use okay just do exactly as i do then again we go to the drip we look for the drip effect the same drip effect that we use and we just paste it and make it smaller and you put the drip effect within the abstract shape okay again this is a workaround in canva i'm going to show you a tool that's going to do it more efficiently and faster than than this way but first i want to do it completely in canvas so then you have this black um black image the black element that you want to cut out you're going to make it white it's important so now you have an abstract shape of brown then you have white the white element and you have a white background now what you got to do is download this as an image you can download it as a png or jpg but download this as an image okay i already done it so i'm gonna go to the next step once you downloaded the image you're going to upload it okay so here's the image i'm going to upload it with a different background color like yellow i use yellow so i can see what's happening so you make it bigger okay and then you're going to click on the image and you're going to go to effects and you're going to remove background so now it's going to remove all the white and once you redo that you will be left over with the element but it's cut out but there's a problem there's still a little bit of white inside so you go to the erase tool here you click on it and you're going to remove the white and it doesn't matter if you get out of the borders because i'm going to show you why in a minute it doesn't matter because we are not going to use that border okay i'm going to go i'm gonna go down also remove there was one spot here again and i remove it as well and then i do click on done and then i click on now wait there's a little bit more white so you gotta remove all the white remove all the white okay done and then i click on apply so now we cut out the element that's what we want to have we want to have an element that it's that is cut out the next step is to remove i want to remove the abstract shape and i want to make it white and later on you will understand why just follow me okay so i make the image smaller and i'm gonna go lower than the line a little bit lower let me see if it's yes it's a little bit i can go let me make it a little bit bigger so you can see what i'm doing there's a little bit there's a little line still so i'm going to make it a little bit lower boom there it is so i will do the same below okay and i'm gonna do the same on the sides make it a little bit smaller and later on you will understand why i'm doing this okay so let me make it bigger again 50 now what i want to do i want to make the color brown i want to make it white and you will also understand later why that is so you click on the image you click on adjust and you click on brightness you make it 100 fill it up also you do this with contrast you make it 100 and then you go to set duration and you go minus 100. now it's white but it's not completely white it's like broken white so you gotta look for it okay just use it for now okay i'm gonna use it for now the next step that i'm gonna do is i go to elements and i will look for a square okay just let me remove this square shape okay i'm gonna make it fit the image like okay because i want to make a full white uh background here and i will explain to you later what it is you you will see and i'm going to make it white but i want to make it the same color white as the image that i have here so let me just zoom in because if you click on this image you will see that there's a line and it's a different color it's not it's not the same white so i'm going to click on it and i'm going to make it the same color white okay so i'm gonna look for the same color white and it doesn't have to be perfect i try to do it perfect but let me see if this matches yeah this is this is a good good white so i'm going to click ctrl c ctrl v and paste it here okay that's the second uh the second one and i'm gonna do another one ctrl c ctrl v and i'm gonna make it smaller i'm gonna do it here okay so another one ctrl c ctrl v i wanna i wanna make everything white around this around this element okay that i just cut out and later you will understand why so again ctrl c ctrl v to copy paste it and now i have it all white around the element you see what i'm going to do is all the elements i'm going to select them and i'm going to group them okay now this image again let me just make it a little bit bigger a little bit bigger and move it to the sides a little bit okay now this image you're gonna download it and you're gonna download it as a png file and you're gonna click transparent background okay transparent background then you download it you download it as a transparent background okay this step i know it's a little bit longer than um than your than you maybe expect but this is an important step but i wanted to show it to you in canva because this step can also be done much quicker and much more efficiently with another free tool i'm going to show it to you in the end but for now i've done it in canva i created a an image with a background that's transparent okay so now the next step the next step is we gotta we gotta go and put it over the shoe okay i'm gonna create another layer make it white and i'm gonna grab the photo okay that i used i used the photo of the shoe i found this photo on unsplash so this is the photo that i'm going to be using and what i want to do is i want to cut out the background click on effects remove background okay once the background is removed i can now use the image that i created okay i created the drip effect so this shoe let me just go up a little bit let me put it up so you can so we can look at the example so i want to create the same outcome so i'm going to put the shoe on top okay and i want to put it in the corner a little bit the hand is just on top and the shoe is going to be a little bit in the corner just like this okay let me see if it's the same almost the same and i always like to do i always like to make the photos adjust them and click on blur and make it a little bit more sharp just so go a little bit back like minus seven a little bit more sharp okay so this is what i do now the second step you will see this is the hand and the shoe this with the photo we created the layer okay the the layer with our cutout element so now this is the layer i just if you put it over the shoe you see you see what happens with the with the shoe with the color and the drip okay it drips it gives the drip effect but let me just put it right over so now that i have this image effect i click on the image below because there's still a little bit of shoe left below i put it up okay and you will see that there are spaces that still white but there's no there's no problem because i'm going to show you in a second that that's going to change at as well so now we have the drip effect this is the effect that you want to have right so the color that we use for the for the for our background image let me just make the background the same color it's here yes it is here now we created the same color effect as the the color that we used with our image right the image that we made so what you want to do right now is let me just make it real a bit bigger and i want to make the image there's a little there's a little white line here that i want to remove so i'm going to make the image a little bit smaller and i already done it down below so now it's all the same color the broken white color right and if you look there's the image the cutout image there's still spots left with no color okay but that's not we're gonna fix it okay so let's go back to 50 so this is the cutout this is the drip effect right now what you want to do right now is put a background so let's go to elements and let's use because i use like a yellow background right i'm gonna make this yellow then i'm gonna position it one step back and you see the element that pops up okay so now i have the image cut out and i have drip effect what i want to do right now if you look at this image i created the yellow and i created the white effect also so the white effect i want to create another shape and just put it here like this boom boom and make it the same color as the background okay as the background that we created the the layer on top the the element with the cutout effect so now you have the cut out effect okay and what i want to do is make this make the the effect a little bit smaller because i want i'm looking i'm looking for ways to make it like fit even better okay and you got to look for yourself what what what do you what do you think is best just look look for details i'm not going to go into details right now because when i'm when i'm making these kind of pictures i'm really like to go into details but for this tutorial i'm just keep it i'm going to keep it simple so i'm going to make this element same height again so now that we have the element done what we got to do is we got to create the drip effect on the second uh bar okay here just like this i want to create this effect okay so i'm gonna go to drip again and i'm gonna go to the drip effect this drip effect and i'm gonna put it here and i'm gonna make it smaller just to make it look good okay so now i have the drip effect this is the drip effect that i wanted okay so it looks like the shoe is dripping on the other element to make it even even uh better because look the problem with this is it how can a yellow drip become black so i want to make it even more realistic like if you look at my shoe there's a black it's black here and it's yellow here and it doesn't drip like black drips on black and yellow drips on yellow so what you want to do is you want to change the yellow to black so you're going to look at the same drip effect that we used i'm going to use it exactly the same drip effect grab it and you're going to put it on top of the other drip effect that you created okay and make it the same size almost the same size and once you once you've done that what you can do right now and it doesn't have to be perfect but because it's it's it's dripping right so now if you double click this image this this element you can make it smaller you can cut out the rest that you don't want and you want to go to all the way to the little drip and you want to do it a little bit like to the half or something okay then when i click done look it looks like the dripping effect let me make a little bit bigger it looks like the dripping effect turns into black i make a little bit smaller just make it like inside so it goes from yellow to black that's a cool effect right so you can do it also with with this drip but you if you make it smaller here it's also possible then the yellow yellow yellow drips on yellow so that's no problem so this is what i created here you see yellow drips in yellow and this is the black dripping on black so if you look let me go back to 50 if you look at my image this is just i just want to show you the drip effect okay this is the drip effect now i got a lot of um things a lot of elements added to to my drip effect like like there's a it's a little bit crunchy it's a little bit um there's a little bit lines in between and i also made a little bit of fade with with the with the um with the drip effect to make it more realistic okay so these are ways for me to make to make is realistic but i'm not going into details i'm just going to show you the drip effect right now what i suggest you do with the color black make it a little bit a little bit more lighter like a little bit not black black just a little bit more lighter so now that you have this effect now you can add whatever you want you can add text you can add effects like i did you know the small effects and you can go crazy as you wish so this is the drip effect so this is all done in canva the rest that i all the elements that i edit are also done in canva text i don't need to explain to you how to do text it's also it's also done in canva so now let me show you a faster way to do the drip effect to cut out the drip effect so for you guys that don't have canva if you want to use the tool the remove tool the background remover first you what you can do is go to and you can upload your image okay let me just do it real quick here and this is this is an extra tool i have another two of them that i'm going to show you in a second but this is for the people that don't know how to they don't have a cam for pro and they want to remove backgrounds so if you go to the abstract image you just upload it here and now it's going to remove all the white it just removed all the white and then because they're still a little bit white inside you edit it and what you do is you click on erase and then you can erase the white the extra white that's there just like i told you in the first steps right the same process but now if you don't have canva pro you can do it with canva free as well so and then let me go to background just to see what i've done if there's any white left so i just use a background with wood you see there's still a little bit of white here okay so let me just remove it and just again click on erase and remove a little bit of white here and here and then when you're done you download it as a png file again and you will have it to use in canva okay so that's the second step for someone that that hasn't that doesn't have canva pro so now let me go to a way more quicker tool for everyone even if you have canva pro it's called photopia okay photopia is free as well there's no need to download anything just online go to and there's only one thing that we're going to use here only one thing okay so forget everything else that you see right here it's all distraction for you right now if you want to remove the image what you got to do is go to canva you got to create another image just like this white background create a drip effect just put the drip effect without abstract behind it just like this okay drip effect now you download this as an image okay then you go to photopia and you will drag the image i will drag drag it here now i have it here okay it's here so what you're gonna do is you're gonna use the third from the top it's called magic wand it's like a magic stick you click on it okay click on the magic wand tool and then click on the brown color click on it you will see a little dotted lines appear and then you click on delete or backspace on your on your keyboard okay let me do it it removes the color then you do it with the drips you do the same thing now you have the same effect that i yeah i just showed you like 10 minutes to to to do it in canva you can do it with photopia just with one click on the mouse remove it now what you can do is go to file and you're gonna export as png always export as png because png will remove the background also so click on png 100 and you save it on your computer again and then you use that as a background just go to step 2 again so this is for the people that also have canva pro so these are the tools that i use i just showed you how to create the drip effect okay so this is the drip effect that i that i did and i just show you how to do it in canva you can do the same and then you can add little details to make it more realistic this is already this is the this is the gist of the the effect the drip effect and now you can go and do it as you wish if you created your own drip effect let me see what you created show it to me because i want to see it i want to see what you guys do and i love it i love to see it and have a great day and see you in the in the next video
Channel: Nino Justino
Views: 63,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nr97A_-8LQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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