20 Biggest Star Wars Monsters | Explained

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hey everyone this video will be all about the creatures and monsters found in the Star Wars universe which would include the games movies animations and comics there are creatures here that can do off the most versatile ins and even the planet as a whole so let's not waste any time and go to the lists number 20 rancor ran cause were very large semi-sentient reptilian carnivores native to the planet that fermier standing over five meters tall or almost 17 feet with their long arms immense jaws and arm with Heights that could withstand blaster fire they were formidable predators despite this the creatures were inherently benign and were even domesticated by the witches of Dathomir a rat girl named Pat ISA was kept as a pet by Java the hut in a pit below his palace curve to which he fed any who displeased him the Beast was killed by Luke Skywalker number 19 dhyan yoga die Nagas were very large omniverse cephalopods that hate from the planet Valen in a cyclic cluster although primitive they were actually sentient and some day enoguh was sensitive to the force the enoguh was sentient cephalopods characterized by seven circuit tentacles and I stopped a mouse of sharp teeth and several hearts they could grow up to a length of 7 to 10 meters or 23 to 33 feet their blood had a blue tint although they could survive in the open air for short periods of time that you know go were entirely dependent on water unless he completely dried out number 18 Samba farmers were very large non-sentient amphibians native to the Gungan swamps of the planet naboo as well as Onderon they obtained food by easily knocking over trees to get at leaves and berries they also foraged for underwater plants breathing underwater and swimming with ease they reach sizes of up to 9 meters in the wild farmers travel in herds of up to 12 but sometimes deform breeding herds of hundreds of family units number 17 blitzes blisters were very rare half-shell semi aquatic creatures with tentacles and six sharp legs around 14 to 15 meters of 50 feet in length they shared some common ancestry with the Sarlacc Rathore and Vic they could notably be found on scare off' where they dragged insufficiently vigilant passes by into lagoons to eat them during the Clone Wars slaver das dinar owned ablixa switch he kept above his ship at the tecora when dinar was forced escape from Kairos about the tecora he unleashes perplexes upon Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker number 16 OPC killers the OPC killer sometimes referred to simply as an Opie was a very large meat-eating crustaceous secret of approximately 20 metres or 66 feet in length a hybrid of crustacean and fish that inhabited the watery planet core of Naboo it was the third largest predator on Naboo only smaller than the Kolo claw fish and the even largest sand Sando aqua monster which bought pray on it another predatory enemy of it is the titanium number 15 Goro the Guru was a gargantuan beasts used in the darkest a arena on Cato Neimoidia the immense bipedal creature possessed a hunch stands two human-like hands with opposable thumbs two hearts and four security cameras equipped with rog Security's artificial intelligence the garokk was a creature of immense size of more than 20 meters or 70 feet and powerful strength and could easily crush a rancor with one hand it had a large muscular midsection and forearms whence of arm and upper leg were more skeletal number-14 by lava taranta the Palazzo transer was one of several species of transit that lived and were native to the planet Alderaan which was destroyed by the Galactic Empire and thus became extinct they were considered the second largest of the Tranter species smaller only to the great Tranter unlike the other species the pilot of transit possessed black skin on his dorsal side while it had white skin on his underside their noses were short and pointed their size could be anywhere between 20 to 30 meters or 65 to a hundred feet long number 13 the Colo claw fish the code of claw fish was a large nightmarish creature found in the depths of the Naboo seas as well as the Kodak C&C Nicolo had a flat he liked body a bioluminescent tail a crocodile like head row of sharp teeth and a set of mandibles they had a set of venomous fangs that could use just on their prey these masters were over 40 meters or 130 feet in length number 12 the tight even the tight even up Goths were huge flying reptilians that perch on mountains and crags and the remote edges of oceans and swamps of Naboo it was assumed that the Gulf's or the Titian's eat carrion since large animal bones and limbs were found near their purchase they also have been observed feeding on the dead floating carcasses of Santo Aqua monsters their wingspan measures more than a hundred meters or 330 feet across number 11 the syllabus the syllabus was a gargantuan serpent-like creature with a lengthy whip-like tail at 97 metres long the Zillo beast towered over all species on its native planet of my last array and was considered at the top of its food chain until it was presumed extinct its tail between eight sharp spikes and the Beast itself uniquely possess a third arm protruding from its back its heavy plated Armour was invovled to explosions blaster fire and even lightsaber strikes number 10 the greater krayt dragon the greater krayt dragon was a largest subspecies of the great dragon a predatory reptile from Tatooine it would submerge itself in the shifting sands using his strong limbs to swim through the dunes the greater create dragon first appeared a weight as a skeleton in a Tatooine desert in Star Wars Episode four a new hope the skeleton used to portray the greater krayt dragon consists a fiberglass replica sauropod bones this creature measures more than a hundred meters in length number nine the Sarlacc the solids were dangerous carnivorous creatures as well as one of Jabba the Hutt's favorites pets that inhabited the great pit of Carkoon in the June sea of Tatooine solids began their lives as posed and were able to travel great distances when a male and a female encountered one another the smaller male would parasitically fate of the female diminishing her size while increasing his own they are around 100 meters in length on average numerate Sando aqua monster the sound of aqua monsters were enormous muscular predators that could be found in the oceans and lakes of Naboo although they could grow up to 200 meters they were rarely seen thanks to the sharp teeth they were capable of biting through the strong armor of the OPC killers measuring between 160 and 200 meters or 650 feet in length and over 54,000 tons the Santo aqua monster out there named to the gigantic size number seven the great Tranter the great hunter was the largest of the transit species native to the planet Alderaan and became extinct when the world was destroyed its size was estimated at being 15 times longer than the pylorus rancher that could put it anywhere between 300 and 450 meters long or a thousand to 1500 feet as was expected the wings of the beasts possess strong muscles that allow them to fly in the skies of their home world number six fergal ultra per girl was a species of massive whale like creatures a live in the deep space traveling from star system to star system it was their natural ability to fly through the hyperspace that inspired sentience to develop the hyperdrive technology the per girl ultra was a large per girl who led a group of per girls his length estimated around half the length of an embarrassed Star Destroyer putting it at between 700 and 800 metres long number five space lock hexagons also known as space lots of giant space locks where members of a silicon-based species that resided in the hollows of asteroids at least one such creature lived in the Hots asteroid belt space lock reached full maturity at 10 meters and reproduced by splitting into two smaller separate bodies but if a space law was incapable of this process its growth continued uninterrupted potentially reaching lengths of up to 900 metres long number fold the Colossus was the Colossus was was space faring insects that grew to be over a kilometer in length their varied diet consisted of living matter such as space lots inanimate matter like asteroids minerals and even pure energy such as stellar radiation Colossus was were one of a number of titanic creatures that live and native to the planet of eatle in a stainless note when they died the local miners refurbished the carapace to create a to lien or haulers number three the near a manta near a mantis will type of flying creature found throughout the galaxy dwelling on planets like Tatooine the Rishi moon and even on the void of space in the kaledin Nebula baby knee brace could be found on the Ragusa and in space these gigantic creatures were the size of space capital ships with a wingspan alone longer than an imperial star destroyer at 1674 metres or more than a mile number two the suma Voronov the simmer vermin odds were gargantuan spacefaring beasts with tentacles and multiple eyes they dwelt in the Akitas maelstrom and were embedded in legends of what Travis may encounter in the year 10 before the Battle of Yavin han Solo and the press of Beckett's gang unintentionally awoke Asuma verminous near a more cluster in the movie we could see that the Kessel run monster or the suma berminat was in the range of five to ten kilometers or three to six miles across is stretched from technical to tentacle number one still sail the most mysterious and yet the biggest of all the creatures in the Star Wars universe these creatures are made of some sort of organic cosmic membranes that cannot be detected by the naked eye and yes they do grow estimates put them around thousands of kilometers wide while one of the YouTube channels that we really like eggheads Lara tells us that if uninterrupted these still sails would be around a hundred thousand kilometers so this brings us to the end of the list and 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Channel: MindQ
Views: 2,467,060
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Keywords: star wars creatures, top 10, best 2 star monsters summoners war, summoners war best 4 star monsters, summoners war best 3 star monsters, star war monsters, summa verminoth scene monster, sando aqua monster vs godzilla, kaiju size, monster size, movie monsters, star wars episode 9 trailer, star wars rise of skywalker, star wars jedi fallen order, star wars 2003 clone wars, star wars 2019, star wars ships size comparison, star wars ships battle, biggest star wars ship
Id: Zd-denpDkzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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