MY ENEMY - A Star Wars Story [4K]

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Phase two underway. We have the location. Hide us from their sensors. Okay... Your turn. Which one were you trying to hit again? Shut it. You can see my blastmark all the way from Coruscant! Right... Blast! And that is five to three! Looks like tonight's on you! Next time you won't be so lucky. Keep telling yourself that. (on radio) TK-736 respond. TK-736 responding. Explain what you and TK-887 are shooting at. Target practice at some rocks sir! Making sure our optics are dialed in properly. Copy that, stand by for instruction, Standing by. Can't believe they always buy that! Yea, or you'd think they'd stop asking after the first two dozen times. TK-736 proceed to mid-platform sensor hub and report status. We're seeing some noise on the long range nodes. Understood, on our way. Noise... Exciting. You'd think guarding a supply post in the middle of nowhere would be interesting! Well at least we're outside this time Nils. Beats the armory. Oh yeah. Anyway, let's see what's wrong with this thing. There's our noise alright. Try the oscillator. Nils, are those... Blast it, yes! They are! Sir, they've detected us. Phase three, jamm their comms! Command, this is TK-887! We have rebel ships on the- They've cut off our comms! Get everyone off the platform, I'll warn command! Rebels incoming! Get off the platform! Rebel ships incoming! Comms are down! Restore comms immediately and get everyone in defensive positions! Sir, comms are back online! Launch all fighters! They've countered the jamm, Sir. Red Squadron, take out their fighters and the main entrance! Move it, move it! Nils, get inside! No! Come on, we need to push forward! We need them cleared to move up! Red Squadron, we need a strafe on that platform. Clear us a path! On our way. X-Wings incoming, fall back! Don't even think about it. Sit. What do you want, rebel? Well imp, I don't wanna have to kill you. That's unexpected from you scum! Isn't that all you do? Kill imps? That's complicated. Oh is it? We bring order and security to the galaxy, and you only destroy! I've yet to see a rebel with peaceful intentions! You bring fear, oppression and violence, not security! We push back against that. We have no peaceful options left. That was made clear with Alderaan! Alderaan was... Not everyone in the Empire agrees with what happened there... That's the first I hear of that. Is that how you justify destroying the Death Star? Hundreds of thousands of souls lost in an instant? Not just the soldiers! The families, the civilian workers... I had friends on that station! All of them gone... They cornered us... It was either us or them, we did what we had to do to survive... I'm sorry. We had people on Alderaan as well. When we first got news of what happened... We just couldn't believe it. After Yavin we took a shuttle to the remains. We had to see it. Seeing the debris where the planet was, it... It justified a lot of things we did. I'm sorry. It's good to know, not every Imperial agrees with what happened. I got knocked out during the battle. What happened after? The rest of your garrison evacuated through the back hangar. We didn't know that existed! By the time we realized they already left. And those who didn't make it? We buried them along with our own... At the south end of the beach. Good. Why are you still here? Our squad has a rule. We don't leave behind suvivors. Not even Imperials! I was assigned to stay and wait until sunrise. If anyone survived, we pick them up. Oh, so that's what's going on? You're taking me prisoner? No. I've decided not to. I'll give you a transmitter so you can call for a pickup from the nearby systems. Why? Because I believe a sensible trooper like you can help us get closer to peace. Thank you. I don't believe I got your name! It's Liam. Gilian. I believe that's your ride! Yep. Well Gilian, here's hoping the next time we meet, there's less explosions. Stay safe out there. May the Force be with you, Liam. Anyone show up? No Sir. It's been a quiet night. Alright, let's pack it up, and get back to the fleet.
Channel: Loacher Films
Views: 495,317
Rating: 4.9687405 out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 4, Raytracing, Animation, Loacher Films, Source Filmmaker, Skit, Machinima, Star Wars, Stormtrooper, A New Hope, Rebel Alliance, Rebellion, Death Star, Galactic Civil War, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Battlefront, Rogue One, Solo, Galactic Empire, X-Wing, U-Wing, MC80, Planet, Space, Battle, The Bad Batch
Id: uNmpJtiWovQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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