Villain Pub - Into the Loki-Verse

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I was hoping for a how loki should have ended but a villain pub is good too

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ChamarMoore šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Therapist: fem Voldemort isn't real,she can't hurt you

Fem Voldemort:

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/The_God_Emperor2077 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

LOL! I made the mistake of watching this while drinking a soda and choked on it because I was laughing so hard.

I wonder if Loki is heading to the Super Cafe at the end there... I don't want to get my hopes up, but I have a feeling we might get another video.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/sodascouts šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
This episode contains talking about the show LokiĀ Ā  so spoiler alert! or sit back and enjoy I... IĀ  don't care. One or the other. Start the music! making your way evil today sure does take aĀ lot thinking of ways to distribute hate takes everything you've got wouldn't you likeĀ  to rule a place sometimes you want to go Where everybody hates your face And the villains share your rage You wanna be in the evil seat Heroes are all the same You wanna go where everybody hates your face Greetings, Loki! Let me buy you aĀ drink Why thank you ,Loki! Don't mind if i do And for you, Loki? I have my box of juice. I shall require no more refreshment. Very well! Barkeep, a drink for the Loki butĀ not the Loki. put it under the name... Loki Vote Loki, everyone! Is it just me or areĀ there an unusual amount of Loki's here today? There does seem to be a large gathering ofĀ Loki's about. Let go you wretched reptile! Who let this blasted alligator in here!? Oh that's just Loki What exactly does one call a gathering of Loki's? A gaggle? A pride? A scam? Ha ha ha ha ha! Everyone, you must listen to me! Something big is happening! Something huge! Before Zod declares that'sĀ  what she said Loki did you start a fan club? Because this is not a pub for cosplay. That's what she said! It's the multiverse The multiverse has been unleashed! What the heckĀ are you talking about? Okay. There i was minding my own business then suddenly there was a tesseractĀ at my feet so i picked it up and was like huzzah but the TVA showed up and said you're notĀ supposed to pick that up so you're under arrest then they put me on trial and said "You're gonna get pruned!" They we're gonna throw prunes at you? No Pruned! It means executed except later iĀ found out it doesn't really mean executed it just means send you to the end of all time which is this crazy wasteland! Like the phantom zone I suppose. Except in this wasteland there'sĀ a giant monster cloud that likes to eat people Loki you can be honest with us. Are you on drugs? No! I'm trying to tell you what happened! This is important! Anyway, instead of being pruned this niceĀ man named Mobius decided to use me to hunt another Loki who was supposed to be super bad and evil butĀ turned out to be a super cute lovable version of me What?!? He is on drugs. He's not on drugs. HelloĀ everyone. Oooh she is cute! And then i started to develop feelings for her which i know makes itĀ seem like i'm just having feelings for myself but this Loki chose to change her nameĀ  to Sylvie so that made it not so weird Loki... please land the plane Yes this is all so confusing I haven't even gotten to the confusing part yet! Oh my gosh! okay summary: My girlfriend didn't wantĀ  to live with me happily ever after together ruling all the time so she killed the timekeeper inĀ  charge and by doing so it unleashed infinite new timelines forever altering time as we know it and now there is a threat for a multiversal war! So what you're saying is there's more multiverses Yes! And i'm going to have to welcome variants of everyone from an infinite list of timelines? It'sĀ already happening! Universes will collide over and over crossovers galore don't you understand?! Would you like if i explained in a propaganda film? What are you doing here? Is this the TVA? No silly! I'mĀ meeting someone here. Hello there, good looking. Hey, Shug! Don't wait up y'all Where was I? Oh yes! We have to restore the sacred timeline Assuming your timeline is the sacred timeline is a bitĀ presumptuous don't you think? But you are L oki so i'm not surprised Yeah this multiverse trendĀ  has been happening for a while Plus universes have been crossing paths for ages. Just like here Yes...just like. Wait. No. This is different. How? we get together and we talk but we don't control theĀ outcome of each other's destiny. This is all your fault isn't it, Kingpin! Everyone ate up the Spider-Verse so much now we have to bend all the rules just to make room for more spider-man Hey don't look atĀ me Flash has been doing the multiverse thing for a long time it's practically all they do now. It'sĀ true. As someone who comes from an altered timeline i can confidently say this is a headache about toĀ turn into a migraine Yeah only if your story sucks! oh i'm sure if the headache gets too severeĀ someone will call a doctor. Doctor Who? No Strange. I thought she would have liked that, Khan. wellĀ I don't like this variant stuff to find out all these ways other versions of me turned out I meanĀ if they don't all end with superman snapping their neck that'd just make me super depressed to findĀ out i was the only one. I agree. finding out how other variants of you succeeded where you failedĀ  could totally make someone snap And ultimately it cheapens the legacy of both universes I thinkĀ you're all just choosing to look at this from a negative perspective. Huh? I know you're all villainsĀ you're grouchy and mean i get that but the truth is this is a very exciting time you should embraceĀ the chance to see alternate versions of yourself the multiverse is a really big place Why shouldĀ you get to be the only you? This opens up the door to millions of worlds! All currentlyĀ established IP A ll familiar yet totally new! Don't you see? BOOOOOOO! You should be on a jet ski right now! How didĀ you get in here? Bowser! RAAGH! I'll see myself out. well i can't help but feel responsible all of this happened because of my necessary journey to learn to love myself Curse myĀ completely voluntary character growth! Yes... Voluntary character growth. Who was that guy?! Ugh! This random person who claims it was all about him See you soon. Okay so this was also all aboutĀ  him and possibly his thousands of variants to come so something must be done! We must put an endĀ to this madness! Who's with me? Eh... I don't know man. Really?! You know who you're starting to sound like, Loki? Someone who knows what they're talking about? You sound like a protagonist Yeah! Fine! no one wants to help me i'll just look elsewhere enjoy your endless list of possibleĀ  replacements i mean variants! Good day! Scoff! I am the only lord of darkness clearly thereĀ is no other than what you see before you and even if there was i would never fall prey to theĀ interest of an alternate version of myself Ooooo! Is this seat taken? Well hello there! What do you say we get out ofĀ  here and go manage some mischief together? Ha ha wink wink! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 1,440,773
Rating: 4.9668684 out of 5
Keywords: Loki, HISHE, Villain Pub, how it should have ended, Loki-Verse, Disney, Marvel, MCU, Disney+, into the loki-verse, comedy, animation, parody, entertainment, Multiverse, Funny, Gator Loki, Classic Loki, Boastful Loki, Sylvie, Star Wars, Voldemort, Joker, DC, Mobius, movies, review, commentary, the flash, star trek, alternate, variants
Id: Zj35vRgeXLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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