2 Secrets to Being Happy | Jentezen Franklin

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bless this wonderful name [Applause] those songs are so powerful aren't they you sense that god is here this morning there is nothing he cannot do i know you're joining us at every campus he's there too and joining us online and all over the world we're thankful that you're joining us right now but it just feels like that god says i know who you are i know what you're facing i know what kind of week you're going to have or you had and i just want you to know that i'm still god i just want you to know that i'm still for you and on your side and i don't have to explain everything i'm doing i just ask you to trust me just like a parent can't explain to a little child everything and all the ramifications if you just let them do their thing whatever they want to do but sometimes you you know what they don't know and you know where it's headed if you don't intervene but you also know the good things that are coming [Music] and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but god does and he wants you to know that he's with you and that's the greatest thing you can have is his presence with you in the fiery furnace in the lion's den in [Music] he said in isaiah when you go through the flood it will not drown you and when you walk through the fire it will not consume you for i will hold you in my right hand i will protect you and i will be with you for i am your god so just one more time praise him in times like these in times like these what's it worth to know he's got you he's got your whole family he's got you he's got you this morning so trust him trust him trust him and just believe and hold on to his goodness he's in this room today father i speak healing i speak miracles i speak the power of god present to heal in this room and in every campus and online i pray for the suffering i pray for the forgotten i pray for those who feel like they don't matter anymore i feel like those and i pray for those today i feel like there that someone's listening to me who is going to have a divine appointment this morning with you and i praise you for that in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen welcome somebody to church and you may be seated thank you jesus what a beautiful congregation this morning it's so good to see you here in god's house do you know they told me last sunday just the regular service in here in gainesville was the first time in just a regular service we've been packed many times with special things that we were doing but it was the first time that we had capacity crowd last sunday and we we're back to what we used to be and it looks good this morning to god be the glory and there's a lot of people that are out in the lobby and they like to worship out there and they just like to do church out there so lobby people god bless you we're glad you're with us too i think you're a little weird but that's between you and god all right open your bibles with me to the book of ecclesiastes chapter 3 ecclesiastes chapter 3. i have a different message today and we have a we're beginning the new series and i'm sticking with that series i'm just gonna make this message work in that series um but i do believe it's a relevant and important message it's so simple i apologize in advance for the simplicity of this message but i really want you to hear what i believe is god's remedy for the season that we're in it's so important that you hear what i share today i'm going to preach on two secrets the two secrets to being happy even when you're in overwhelming situations anybody can be happy when everything's right but we're not called to reflect the times that we're living in we are the people of god and in ecclesiastes chapter 3 it's this amazing famous verse time is what god allows so everything doesn't happen to us all at once and that's why the scripture said there's to everything there's a time and there's a season the time to be born a time to die time to pluck a time to plant and it goes on and on a time to kill the time to heal the time to break down a time to build up a time to weep a time to laugh time to to to dance a time to mourn time to cast away together a time to refrain a time to embrace a time to gain a time to lose time to throw away a time to tear a time to sow a time to silence a time to speak time to love it's like the pendulum is swinging back and forth high and low laughter mourning joy brokenness and it's just this is life this is the world that we live in and it's always this it's never going to be perfect situations if you're over here you're going to swing over here and if you're over here hold on baby you're going to swing back over here god won't leave you over there forever i promise you he won't leave you over there hallelujah but then verse 11 said he makes everything that both sides he makes everything beautiful in its time and then verse 12 now is you got all kinds of chaos going on in life but he said i know that something that i know there's something that i know there's no question there's a lot of confusion a lot of going back and forth but he said this is what i know that nothing is better for them to rejoice and do good in their lives it is also every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all the labor it is the gift of god verse 12. listen to it there's nothing better for them sometimes we complicate the christian life sometimes we just add on this and that and this and that but here it is he said if you want the secret to living a happy life the best life you can live while everything is going back and forth and up and down days he said here's what you are to do if you believe in god is you are to rejoice and do good rejoice and do good it's a lot going on in this world a lot going on in this nation very complicated signs of the times men's hearts failing them for fear in my new book i talk about being overwhelmed and how that the feeling of being overwhelmed has hit almost every family every person that i talk to that we can still be overcomers even though we feel overwhelmed at times we're called to be overcomers even when we're overwhelmed even when it's hidden from every direction it's not complicated to god what's going on in our world god is not biting his fingernails god is not out of control god is still in control god said i will have my church in my kingdom and the gates of hell will not prevail against it so relax you're not the defender of the whole world you're not a marvel character come on social issues medical issues financial issues educational issues and on top of that a high technological world where millions and millions of voices are turned into a big stew of attacks and comments and opinions and it's like satan is up there just stirring the whole thing and everybody's throwing in their little what's that stuff that the cajuns eat the jumba juice and everything they pour everything throw everything in there but the kitchen sink and put some shrimp in it y'all know what i'm talking about and and that's it aren't you just sick of all the stuff i tell you there's a better way to live there's a better way to live and i just heard the lord this week say beware beware don't be caught up in the drama when i go i i i'm like you i get i get aggravated i get this that the other i get all amped up and then i go get with the lord and he says to me what did i put you on this earth to do well rejoice and do good he said would you get back to your assignment now that you've had a panic attack in fitz would you just calm down and realize that i am god and i am so in control i know exactly what you don't know and i know what i'm doing [Music] i tell you one thing the main thing in god's agenda is he's going to have him a people and he's going to have him a church and that's why the bible said in second corinthians that we are to beware paul said i fear lest that by any means the serpent as as the serpent beguiled eve that you with his soul with his craftiness so that your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ i'm telling you that little phrase right there came up in my soul if you'll put the word of god in you when you need it the lord will use it and i heard the lord say get back to the simplicity of having and knowing jesus christ and you won't go around negative and you won't go around having headline hysteria and you will not go around being all upset and ticked off and mad at everybody and even come to church with a chip on your shoulder the simplicity of christ means i know i am saved i know i'm going to heaven i know i have a home in another world where there is no sorrow pain i believe this to my core and so when you feel overwhelmed get back to the simplicity don't let the enemy with craftiness get in your minds and corrupt you from the simplicity of the joy of walking and talking and worshiping and praising and working and shining light and reaching people and loving people for jesus christ the simplicity of christ can bring joy to you even if there's tragedy going on in your life the simplicity of god loves me jesus died for me rose conquered the grave conquered death what can you do to me sting of death what can you do to me burial place not one thing i'll be alive because i have eternal life in jesus christ and my sins are gone hallelujah i need somebody to rejoice just a minute rejoice in a world of sorrow in a world that's confused in a world of controversy schisms and chisms and all this stuff stirring around us god says let's make it real i need you to do two things rejoice and do good that's it because i'm gonna have me a people who are gonna do those two things luke 19 and verse 10 said the son of man has come to seek and save that which is lost there's another kingdom come into this world and when that kingdom comes the bible said that if you're living right and you're learning this book and you're growing up you're going through trials and suffering and it's purifying you and you're getting more and more and more like jesus he said there are certain people that i'm going when i when i set up my kingdom on earth see we're not under the lord right now this is man's kingdom but when jesus comes again he's going to set up his kingdom and he said i'll put some this is in matthew 25 i'll put some of you over five cities i'll put some of you over 10 cities then we're going to fix it all we're going to be on we're going we're going to be on every we're going to be into everything we're going to get it right you say i don't look around and say you you really you really need to understand one day a new kingdom is coming to america a new kingdom is coming to africa and europe a new kingdom is coming to russia and china and the middle east and iran and iraq there's evil kingdoms all over the world but jesus christ is king of kings somebody praise him and rejoice if you believe that our kingdom jesus said my kingdom is not of this world micah chapter 6. and verse 8 gives three things he just takes a complicated thing and says what is it that god requires what does he want from me what does he want he says i'm going to give you the three things that god wants from you he said this is what it is because he says in the previous verses if you want a thousand sacrifices i'll send you a thou i'll bring a thousand lambs if you want me to offer you my firstborn in service to the kingdom i'll bring them and leave them and walk away from the god what do you want he said i'm going to tell you what i want he said i want you this is what the lord requires number one i want you to do justly number two i want you to love mercy and number three i want you to walk humbly before your god do justly means do good i want you to do good i want you to love mercy that means you you do good in the eyes of god and then you you love mercy that means you extend it to your fellow man you you you don't become someone judgmental and mean and ugly and because people don't see like you see but he said i need you to do do good do justly just as good do good before god and to love mercy you just love i'm gonna show them mercy again show mercy again show them mercy again and then the last one's important because you get to thinking you're really you yeah i mean and walt humbly isn't that a big one walk humbly with your god do justly do good love mercy just keep dishing it out just keep forgiving people just keep loving people just keep pouring into people just keep being sweet even when they're ugly just just keep on just showing mercy and then walk humbly god help us this that's it that's what he requires he says you keep your thousand sheep i don't want them they're messy i want this hi to you do good love mercy walk humbly don't forget where i brought you from don't forget you you're so ugly to people who don't know jesus but you were just like them and you still are in a lot of ways that's why you have to have a little bit of humility in your christianity that you don't ever get sitting up on a on a horse or up on a high seat looking down on everybody but you have to walk humbly because you remember if it were not for the lord on my side where would i be it's so crazy that the king of kings says i'm going to have me a people and they're going to love me no matter how overwhelming the times become and all i want out of them is to rejoice and to do good what does that mean he's saying there's a time to fight there's a time to wheat there's a time to mourn and that's all this is so important there is a time to fight there is a time to stand up there is a time to mourn there is a time this is crazy it said there's a time to hate well what do we hate we hate sin we don't ever hate people but we hate sin and there and there ought to be a righteous indignation that says i hate evil i hate what it does to children i hate children being abused i hate seeing what the hell is i hate divorce god hates it i hate it not the people but the divorce and what it does and we have to get we think that serving god we're supposed to just get along and just ignore every no we're suppo but but then he says let the pendulum swing back there's a time to love there's a time to hate there's a time and somewhere you got to find that and i guess what i'm trying to say is the lord says it's time to come up for air because in america we got this we got that every day every week it's something new and if you're going to be on pins and needles and into it no you're going to have high blood pressure your arteries are getting cholesterol and all you and you're not even on the cabinet with the president you ain't even you're just sitting there telling them off in front of your tv how do i know that because that's what i've been doing and the lord said what's wrong with you [Applause] come up for air our job is to rejoice and do good and love people and love god and reach for those who are lost because my god's still on the throne he's still king of kings what does the word rejoice mean well this word isn't for me because i've had a terrible week this it is for you the word rejoice means to feel joyful i don't feel that way to be delighted i didn't either when i came in here but i started preaching this and it got a hold of me i feel pretty good i really do i'm just realizing he's god and i'm not hey sometimes you get way out there oh y'all are acting you gonna act silly looking at me i'll look right back at you i'll start i'll you know this morning in the first service the people wouldn't say man and there was a dog a service dog in the service and the dog when i'd get to preaching good was without oh i said thank you lord thank you lord now if you can't say amen god will raise up the stones to save man but somebody's going to rejoice don't let don't let a dog do more praising in church that you than you do [Music] and one time it got real quiet and i said don't make me have to walk back there and kick that dog it was very different but enjoyable in a good way the word rejoice means to be joyful not gloomy doomy sad mad but to rejoice means to be joyful be delighted be glad to celebrate to make merry to be cheerful to jump for joy to be happy i guess i want to say it like this you've got a lot to be happy for you've got a lot to be grateful for you've got a lot that is good how many of you know you've got a lot to be happy for would you rejoice just a moment that your name is written in the book of life would you rejoice just a moment at how far god really has brought you and just because you lost your job just because this week something bad happened he will not resign from being your god even more so he's drawn to you in the time of trouble rejoice rejoice turn to somebody and say here's why you can rejoice say it he saved you i remember when we used to get so happy about salvation people i hate the embarrassment visitors and stuff but people not in this building we're too sophisticated now but in the old old building people used to run the aisles they'd get i'd just get up and say jesus saved me and people were wow boom bam boom tearing the build into pieces one time a man ran into the sheetrock and left his imprint in it oh hallelujah let's get back to what matters i don't have my eyes on the antichrist i don't have my eyes on washington i don't want my eyes and my mind corrupted and pulled away from the simplicity of the fact that i'm born again spirit filled on my way to a better land and until and until then his grace is sufficient hallelujah you know when it's really dark a five-watt bulb looks really bright and the problem is the church is not shining the light because we're caught up in that stew of negativism and the holy spirit is saying get back to the simplicity of jesus christ and let your light so shine among men because even a little bitty five what bulb if it's real dark that thing can be seen like you wouldn't believe in folks it's getting really dark it's dark in every way but the good news is it's our finest hour this is it it's time to shine the light of the love of god like never before and rejoice and do good acts chapter 9 and verse 36 there's a woman by the name of dorcas and the scripture said that this woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did and she got sick and when she got sick they sent for the apostle peter and when he came you know why they did that because she was doing so much good the scripture said she would make uh she would make um uh throw overs and and shawls and what do they call them where's that at uh garments and tunics and that she would make them and and hand them out and and she didn't do it with old uh oh oh pickle face you know here but but she was she she had something about her have you ever gone in like a cookie store or something and they just have fresh cookies and it's just amazing and the product is amazing what they're offering you but there's some old kill joy behind the that's kind of how the church is right now you know we got the greatest thing going there ain't nothing better than the simplicity of jesus christ he loves you it's good news it's good news he forgives you he loves you he won't ever let you go if you'll come and put your life in his hands we've got that but we're doing it and the bible said that this woman died and they sent for the apostle peter and they said she does so many good things that we can't afford to let her go i'm paraphrasing that and you know what he went and raised her from the dead and they were having her funeral and the bible said they were wearing the clothes that she sewed for she would sew little dolls for orphans she would she was full of good works listen to that rejoice and do good full of good work she she said i'm not a prophetess i'm not a famous author i don't i'll never be on the front page of charisma magazine i'll never be on christianity today i'll never be on this and that but you know what i'm a good fashion designer here and i can and i think i think it wasn't just the fact that she handed those little children dolls or she handed those people those women that she made little shawls and coverings for and quilts and things but i think it was the spirit that she did it in that was so precious that because she was rejoicing and she was doing good ephesians chapter 2 and verse 10 says we are his workmanship listen to that created in christ jesus for what good works we're supposed to be helping people we're supposed to be kind and we're supposed to be thoughtful and we're supposed to be involved and we're supposed to if we see somebody in the grocery store and and and they get to the checkout and then they got a little family and you see they're struggling and they have more product and they say well let me put this back and let me put this back or the card gets rejected and you've got a pocket full of money you've got a card that that you know you can handle it why don't you just do a good work and you don't have to you don't have to even witness you just do a good work and say let me get it honey let me take care of this today and somebody will do it for me one day if i ever need it and you know good works i thank god for this church because we're doing good works i don't talk about it like i ought to talk about it but we've got something coming up and we we we'll need 1500 volunteers that's how many we took last year and we've got to provide 270 000 meals we're going to we're going to stuff the bags and we're going to uh feel the bags and send them to the place and then they put on a container and they go to haiti because we do this every month we do we do we don't necessarily do the meals but once uh two or three times a year we do it and there they are that's the literal boxes that goes out and and uh this church the amazing people in this church will come and show up and it takes i mean 270 000 meals is a lot of meals and we're gonna we're gonna do it this month for that organization and we're going to send that food and you know what else this year we we've done good work we're doing good work i i you just noticed the the the the homeless all in our city right here and we were able this year to give 1 million dollars to the homeless center right over here uh long story what's the name of it i forgot good news that's it good news at noon well don't clap like a golfer clap or something i mean a million dollars that's not our ministry but it's good works it's saying to those people you're loved you matter oh god chose you from the foundation of the earth and somebody loves you somebody loves you oh what a joy it is to do that and i could go on and on and on but i think about the ushers i think about the volunteers behind these cameras i think about the parking lot crew why are they doing that they're obeying the gospel they're rejoicing and they're doing good work the people with our children they're doing good work he said in ephesians 2 10 we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works listen to this powerful scripture first timothy chapter 6 and verse 17 charge them that are rich and i know all of you just relaxed because she said well that would there's one thing for this one's not for me compared to the people in haiti and most of the world quite frankly the greatest popul you just need to go travel some you would be astounded you don't know what poverty is and he said charge them that are rich in this world they don't get high-minded i'm better never look at me look at me and not trust in uncertain riches but in the living god i love this part who gives us richly all things to enjoy he doesn't put condemnation in shame you got a beautiful car got a beautiful house you got it all you got two or three of them i don't care god doesn't care he says i give it to you richly all things to enjoy but then watch this you charge them that they do good listen to this word that they be rich in good works that if to whom much is committed much is required so the more god commits to you the more he says be rich in good works i don't care you enjoy everything you're welcome by but be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate to rejoice and give god the glory isn't that powerful titus 2 and verse 7 he says show yourself through a pattern of good works the two secrets to being happy rejoice and do good if you want to be happy for an hour take a nap if you want to be happy for a day if you're a golfer go golfing if you're a fisher go fisherman go fishing if you're a shopper go shopping whatever it is that makes you happy for a day if you want to be happy for a year inherit a fortune and boy you'll enjoy all that money and it'll last about a year but if you want to be happy for a lifetime the two secrets to a happy life rejoice and do good let's rejoice just a minute i'm almost done but but listen to me titus 2 14 i mean he ties the whole crucifixion to this purpose christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity it's not he's going to when i get to heaven i'm redeemed right now that's why you ought to be rejoicing no matter what is going on in this world he gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself we're supposed to be a peculiar people we're not supposed to be caught up in the craziness of our nation in our world and god forgive me because the holy spirit is saying i want you to be a peculiar people full of joy and cheerfulness up praising me with a spirit of of rejoicing on you that when the conversation goes negative you go positive when people get down you're the one who picks them up but then he says and be zealous for good works if you're really born again something in you says i need to help somebody titus 3 and verse 8. this is a faithful saying charge i charge you and affirm that you affirm it constantly be careful to maintain good works don't start out and then just become someone who goes to church but i want you to maintain a lifestyle of good works of others others others others hebrews 10 let us provoke one another to love and to good works pro psalms 37 trust in the lord and do good psalms 37 27 depart from evil and do good galatians 6 and verse 10 as we have an opportunity let us do good unto all men especially those of the household of faith rejoice and do good we're here to love people we're here to rejoice and do good so let me close with this we are to do all the good we can by all the means we can in all the ways we can in all the places that we can to all the people that we can as long as we can rejoice people of god don't be like the world down and defeated and overwhelmed and fearful and trembling but rejoice that you are saved you are delivered and do good do good i watched i watched teresa welburn not to i'm sorry theresa rogers she's sitting on the front row i got my theresa's mixed up but theresa rogers she she's in a battle for her life pastor dr rich rock rogers on our staff here and she's part of our staff and i've just watched her just watched her through every bit of the chemos and surgery good news bad news good news the pendulum just better days and horrible days just the thing that has astounded me about that woman is she she just keeps rejoicing she just keeps doing good she did it at times when she couldn't even hardly stand to be here but she would come and do good now we would call her and say don't theresa don't you just had chemo don't don't don't that's what a christian does and the trial she's been through it has not diminished her faith she's more like jesus than she's ever been she's gonna get a new body one way or the other she's gonna get a new body [Applause] and it's not god can do it right now but either way we win you believe it and i just feel like i stopped by today to say to everybody under the sound of my voice and the influence [Music] that don't be distracted from the simplicity of christ oh what a savior [Music] oh what a world we're headed for oh eyes have not seen and ears have not heard neither paul went there he went to heaven and he said neither has it entered into your heart what god [Music] has planned for his children no sorrow no death no pain no suffering no sin no temptation no arguments no broken families no mental illness no suicide no wheelchairs no leukemia no cancer no heart disease none of it none of it will be where we're going rejoice and until the trumpet sounds too good find somebody and pick them up find somebody and love them find somebody and help them do good you'll be fulfilling what i've called you to do every head bowed every eye closed stand to your feet please all over this room no one moving please just stand to your feet every head bowed every eye closed the world is dark and it seems that it's getting darker but the pendulum was will swing you just hold on to god and you keep rejoicing and you keep doing good i hope you become full of this message and this week you hear these words over and over in your spirit rejoice and do good rejoice and do good rejoice and do good this is god's instructions to you his people and his church do you know that this month when when throw up when the prison ministry will begin i'm so excited about this just throw it up i just want to see it when is it going to start the prison ministry that we have been dreaming of we're going to shoot these services recorded live right into the prisons and there we're going to have a teams from all of our campuses who are going to be there worship teams and prayer teams and and every sunday we're going to have a new campus in a men's prison they gave me notes and i don't ever read the notes but it'll be opening two more free chapel prison campuses uh in october and september and we just secured a women's prison also oh let's rejoice and do good how many of you want god to use you how many of you want to be somebody it may not be a led light it may not be 120 bulb but maybe all you've got is a 5 watt bulb but you know as it gets darker and darker that five watt bulb's gonna be a big deal [Music] how many of you want to be a five or a twenty or whatever you're capable of raise your hand and say god i'll be a light in a dark world i i don't know why i feel such compassion for the lost right now i feel like under the sound of my voice are people who are just saying i need to get to jesus i'm so far from him i'm so lost it's so dark the world i'm living in i'm so tired of this i'm so weary from what sin has done to me and done for me and done in me i i'm not the person that i recognize anymore i need a change in my life i don't like this i i want i want light in my life again let the light in they began singing this morning this is yours your decision and your opportunity if you'd say pastor franklin every head bowed every eye closed at every campus if you'd say pastor franklin i'm not right with god but i really need his peace i really need that power to overcome even when i'm overwhelmed and i can't find it in myself i know it's only in jesus i present to you jesus this morning he will not turn you away but you have to ask him and if that's you and you would say pastor i need him in my life i need to get right with god raise that hand as high as you can get it all over this ring fantastic every one of you that raised your hand this won't take but three minutes get out of your seat and come stand right down here as quick as you can come this is the most important step you will ever take in your life and don't talk yourself out of it don't work a compromise don't don't don't give up excuses now come on come on this is your altar call this is your service you're going to rejoice when you leave here and you're going to start doing good your life can count your life can matter come on come on come on hurry hurry if the holy spirit is drawing you come to the altar come now come now and the rest of us while they're coming let's rejoice lift your hands and sing this song one time and fill the room with rejoicing in the dark dark world rejoice [Music] for you [Music] he's chosen you come on come on let the people of god rejoice this morning [Music] i praise you again again [Music] but i believe there's about 20 more people about 21 people that are supposed to be in this altar will you come quickly the king's business [Music] that's what he's saying to somebody in this room follow me follow me to peace follow me to forgiveness follow me to good works follow me to a life that is happy because it's not based on temporal to get up and pray every one of you down front everybody under the sound of my voice as the pastors are coming at every campus pray this prayer out loud realizing that god's word declares if you pray and believe in your heart that jesus died and rose from the dead you shall be saved not because you earned it not because you deserve it not because you've been good enough but because he loves you and there's nothing you can do or have done that makes him not love you as a matter of fact he loves you even more [Music] it's it's unbelievable how relentless his love is that has pursued you and pursued you and pursued you and it brought you to this moment so pray this prayer and mean it from your heart and god will hear it and the angels in heaven will hear it and your name is going to be written and you're going to be extended eternal life through jesus christ you're going to be ready for eternity pray this prayer everybody in this room say it out loud lord jesus i am so thankful i rejoice because i found life when i found jesus and lord i believe in you i believe the gospel i believe it's the only hope of the world and today i receive you as my lord and savior thank you for never giving up and thank you lord that from this day forward to the best of my ability i'm going to try to rejoice and do good you can count on me to rejoice and do good now praise him because he just he just cleared you he just pronounced you are forgiven do you love him today raise your hand and receive the blessing those of you that prayed that prayer as you leave today please stop by next steps booth and get a free bible and get a free devotional 21 day devotional and get signed up for water baptism if you've never been baptized in water it's a commandment of christ that releases tremendous favor of god on your life when you are baptized in obedience to the scriptures it's powerful and we'll be having one soon right here i'd love to do that on this stage do you love him today how many of you want to be a light in this dark dark world let's change the narrative this week [Music] put your hand on your heart and say holy spirit let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart this week be acceptable unto you if i start to say something that i shouldn't say help me to lay my hand on my mouth and if i see somebody that i can do good to in your name even if it's a cup of water in your name a starbucks coffee in your name i know my pastor loves dunkin donuts and lord come on keep praying i got in the flesh a minute there went the pendulum i went right out of the spirit but in the name of jesus i'm gonna rejoice and do good this week i'm gonna do good to my own family i'll do good to the people that matter the most to me all around me you receive that and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace thank you so much for worshiping with us if you'd like to get signed up to help us with those 270 000 meals if you can volunteer an hour you don't have to do the whole thing you do whatever you can do maybe one lunch it'll be going for like three or four days and it'll be right here in this building and you can stop by and it would mean the world to those little children they're precious they're precious this is real real jesus stuff thank you for giving this week remember the ministry the only way we're able to give that million here and do this and build a hospital now we're working on in israel and all that is folks when you tithe and you give thank you for your support we love you god bless you [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 21,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jentezen, jentezen franklin, jentezen franklin saxophone, free chapel, freechapel.org stream live, jentezen franklin 2021, spiritual growth, jentezen franklin sermons, jentezen franklin live, jentezen franklin free chapel, Joy, peace, fear, faith, encouragement
Id: Zpp64pxwArY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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