How To Recover It All | Jentezen Franklin

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look with me in first Samuel chapter 30 for just a few moments this morning I do believe that what I'm going to share is for people under the sound of my voice like never before like never before God I believe has a word for people today first Samuel chapter 30 begins with now it happened when David and his men came to ziglag on the third day the amalekites had invaded the South and ziglagged and attacked ziglag and burned it with fire they took captive the women and those that were small and great and and I won't take time to read it all verse 4 says David and his people who were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep they were taken captive their families their children verse six now great David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of the people was so grieved every man for his sons and daughters but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God verse 8 so David inquired of the Lord and said shall I pursue this truth shall I overtake them and he answered the Lord did pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover and just one more quick reference to this amazing story it says in verse 16. and when they brought him down speaking of David and he found what the people who had done this horrible thing that they had done they were spread out over all the land notice this eating drinking dancing because of all the great spool which they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah that's David that's his people then David attacked them everybody say attack then David attacked them from Twilight into evening the next day not a man of them escaped except for 400 young men who rode camels and fled Verse 18 so David recovered all that the amalekites had carried away and David rescued his wives the next verse ends with David recovered all he recovered all I want to speak to you for a few moments this morning about this story because there's some powerful steps to victory that David took that everyone can take on the most devastating broken day of your life ziglag was a city that was in existence in 1012 BC David was 29 years of age he had been anointed king but he was not yet reigning on the throne his insane father-in-law Saul tried to kill him and had hit men out trying to assassinate him he was running for his life he gathered an army of people who were in distress losers whose lives were not good and he gathered 600 men in a cave and instead of crying in his Starbucks in the cave he made up his mind I'm going to make winners out of these men and we're going to do something even though this is not a good circumstance you see ziglag in this story represents the place that every person under the sound of my voice will find themselves at some point in your life ziglag is the in-between place ziglag is not Bethlehem the place of Beginnings ziglag is not Jerusalem the place of Destiny ziglag is the in-between place it's a place where it's very uneventful it's the place where you're waiting it's where you're being developed it's where God is processing you to handle the throne the high place that he has called you to you have this place called ziglag in David's life he lived there one year and four months and David and his army was coming home from a military successful military campaign they had had great victories and they had not seen their family in months they and they were so excited the atmosphere and the mood was light and happy and joyful when suddenly they look up and they see an ominous black car Cloud over the city that they knew was where their families lived and when they got to the top of the Ridge and looked down the whole city was burned with fire every home every residence was burned with fire and as they approached the city through broken sobs of a few survivors came a picture that was painted the amalekites attacked killed slaughtered and kidnapped our sons and our daughters and our wives they burned the city they've stolen our wealth we've lost everything and in that moment suddenly the homes are burned the families I mean just that alone the home burning all of your clothes all of your memories everything that you own up in ashes the homes burn the families lost Financial Empire completely robbed how do you go on what do you do when You Face day a day like David had to face and every one of you are going to end up in ziglag at some point it's the worst day of your life and we can pretend it's not going to happen but you will have a day where you will find yourself standing in the ashes and the smoke of something that just absolutely devastated your life David could not avoid ziglag you will visit it somewhere between the prophecy and the destiny John 10 10 said the thief comes to everyone's life to kill steal and destroy but David took some steps to victory some practical things that you ought to do when you're at the worst place in your life and the first thing that David did was number one he well he well he I think it's so significant that he stood in the midst of the smoldering ashes of everything that he had lost and he began to weep he wept for his City he wept for his home he wept for his children and his family and his wife he began to weep and not only did David wait but this is so amazing to me those Mighty Men those powerful we would we would call them Navy Seals and then some because these men if you read the book of Samuel were warriors on another level hand-to-hand combat in other words they had faced death many times they had become used to Bloodshed they had faced tragedy so many times but on this day grown massive strong powerful men well your Bible said until they could not weep any more they will that's what you do on the worst day of your life there was no more strength to weep a lot of people think that if you have faith that somehow if you live by faith you'll be immune to your feelings that somehow you you shouldn't let anything affect you that any sign of tears and sorrow and grief and pain and Devastation is somehow a failure of Faith but the Bible doesn't teach that many of the greatest people in the Bible Well Abraham wept when he stood at the tomb of Sarah his wife we know that Joseph wept when he was reunited with his brothers after the family had been so divided and he had been estranged from them for years and years and years and when he finally revealed himself they all joined each other and and grabbed each other and they willed the Bible said that Hezekiah when he received the news that he was going to die set your house in order he will the scripture said that Paul in Acts 26 said I serve the Lord with many tears and we know that even Jesus at the friends at his friends gravesite Lazarus Jesus well he was moved he was God he was all-powerful and yet there was something that made him weep he welt because he felt the emotion and the sorrow of the moment and so when you understand that Ecclesiastes said there's a time to weep Psalms 30 and verse 5 gives us a great promise about weeping he said weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning if you have a a night of weeping you will have a dawn of Faith there will be another season of Joy if you won't give up in the night of weeping as a matter of fact there is a weeping that can go beyond normal grief and you begin to enter in to unbelief and self-pity that's why God got angry in Numbers Chapter 11 when the people of God were in the wilderness and they began to weep and say we wish we were back in Egypt and God said that's not a weeping of Sorrow that's a weeping of unbelief the tears the tears don't have hope in them the tears don't have faith in them and it's all right to weep But You Weep knowing a season of Joy will return in the second book of Samuel chapter 5 the Bible talks about David and he was in the valley of Rafael and Rafael is the Hebrew word that means Giants it translates Giants he was in the valley of gigantic trouble and the Bible said he got under a uh a weeping tree which the Hebrew word is Baka b-a-c-a and as he was under the see the picture he's he's in he's under a weeping tree he's got gigantic problems he's in a valley a dark deep valley and he doesn't know what to do and he feels overwhelmed and suddenly the word of the Lord comes to him and the word of the Lord says listen for the sound of wrestling above the weeping trees because when you hear that sound David Advance quickly the Lord has gone before you to give you the victory over your enemy in other words he said David there's a sound above the sound of your weeping in your lowest Valley surrounded with gigantic problems and if you will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit he will not leave you in the valley weeping but there there's a sound above the sound of your weeping that's saying Victory is coming I'm going to restore unto you what the enemy has taken I will you shall recover it all and if you can't recover it God can replace it with something even better but the point is there will be another season of Joy God will wipe every tear from your eye God will take what the enemy meant to destroy you and he will get Glory out of it if you believe it say Amen you will never receive a miracle feeling sorry for yourself at some point you've got to come up out of the tears of unbelief and self-pity and say I'm crying but I'm also believing that if weeping endures for the night Joy is coming back to this family to this marriage to this life life to this situation clap your hands if you believe it and say praise the Lord don't let grief conquer you don't let grief conquer you don't let it conquer you Psalms 84 and verse 6 said passing through the valley of baka not taking up residence there Bacca is weeping you will have times when you pass through it goes on to say if you read the the verse in in it says it says you pass through you don't take up residence you don't live there you don't stay there but you pass through the four lepers had the right attitude the four lepers asked the right question when tragedy hit and they were in the middle of death and devastation you know what most people do when the tragedy hits their life they ask all the wrong questions I've been Pastor in a long time and I've lived a long time and I find myself asking the wrong questions or hearing people why they asked questions like this why has this happened to me why what did I do to deserve this how much more Can I Endure they ask the wrong questions but before lepers had the right attitude in the middle of a tragedy and they asked the right question you know what they asked they said they said you know what why sit we here until we die why should we just sit here it has happened there is nothing we can do that can change it but bless God we're not going to sit here till we die we're going to get up and walk by faith into a brighter tomorrow because God promised if we've been endures for a night there will be a dawn of Faith there will be a dawn of smiles and joy will be restored you don't have to sit in the situation and be sad the rest of your life I think I'll get up and I'll look for a better tomorrow shake off depression rise up out of fear and anxiety and even the trauma that you've been through and throw up your hands and say I've got a promise and if David could recover I will recover in Jesus mighty name say Amen everybody the second thing that you do when all awful things happen it's number one you eat but You Weep with faith knowing that another season of joy is coming that's God's promise number two you refuse to get bitter because the Bible said that the men begin to blame David David who had helped these men immensely David who had done all kinds of things for them but in that moment when tragedy hits human nature inside of all of us is to blame someone we start blaming one another we start blaming this person and that person and then we begin to get bitter once we move from tears if we don't control ourselves and line up with the word of God when we're going through the grief and a tragedy and the worst situations that life can offer us if we don't watch it we get bitter at people and we blame people or we get bitter at God and we blame God and this is what David refused to do about Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 15 said be careful that a root of bitterness not spring up in you when something happens that you don't understand or somebody does something wrong to you that a root of bitterness spring up and cause trouble and many there be defiled by it in other words a root of bitterness the text said causes trouble trouble in your health if you get bitter trouble in your mind trouble in all your relationships when you carry bitterness and unforgiveness it will destroy you Proverbs or Proverbs talks about that if you feign in the day of adversity your strength is small and what you have to do is you have to realize that when you have a tragedy don't just curse it and rehearse it and disperse it and then curse it some more and rehearse it and talk about it more and more and then disperse it and tell everybody and more and more you keep doing that it's a vicious cycle of curse it and rehearse it and disperse it curse it curse it or disperse it I want to throw one more in there reverse it reverse it how do you do that it starts out as a seed of offense but if you walk in forgiveness then that seed is eradicated but if you don't forgive and you don't release forgiveness that seed becomes a root of bitterness and Jesus warned us in Luke chapter 19 that offenses will come bad things will happen people will do you wrong situations will come where you have in the natural a reason to be offended but he said don't let that get a hold of you Colossians 3 said put on tender Mercy kindness humility meekness long-suffering love one another forgive one another even as Christ has forgiven you Matthew 6 15 but if you for don't forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will not forgive you your trespasses well how in the world do I get beyond the bitterness Pastor how how do I do it the Bible said that the children of Israel in Exodus 15 were in the wilderness and they were thirsty and there was a pool of water that they found but when they tasted the water it was bitter but God showed Moses a tree and he said take a limb off that tree and put it in the bitter water and the bitterness will become sweet when the tree gets in that bitter situation what is the tree Proverbs 15 and 4 tells us how to turn bitterness into sweetness a wholesome tongue is as a tree of life and what Moses put that tree in that bitter water and it turned it sweet our tree is our words in other words speak words of healing not words of criticism speak words and use your tongue for healing use your tongue in bitter situations and begin to speak the word of God and begin to speak life if your marriage is bitter if your life is bitter our tongues can be the healing force that turns bitterness and roots it's a bitterness and anger and unforgiveness into healing the tree of life is right there in your mouth it's called your tongue and when you speak a wholesome tongue is as a tree of life proverbs 4 and verse 23 says keep your heart with all diligence watch this for out of its Springs water that's speaking of water Springs the issues of life and so you speak healing words and you turn bitter into sweetness he he made up his mind and he well but he wept in faith and then he refused to get bitter and then thirdly this is a powerful step to victory that David took on the worst day of his life he encouraged himself in the Lord he said I am not encouraged by my circumstances I am encouraged because I'm focused on God he wept he refused to become bitter and then he encouraged himself in the Lord his own men talked about stoning him but he encouraged himself in the Lord he's standing there in his house is still smoking and on fire in the whole city his children have been kidnapped his finances have been devastated he's lost everything but in that moment he said I still can find the courage to get up and do what God called me to do he knew I would be here he knew this would happen and he encouraged himself in the Lord what do you do when tragedy hits your life when you lose your job when you lose your business when the doctor's report is bad when you end up in a divorce that you didn't want what do you do the one translation said when and he encouraged himself in the Lord you limit your focus to God you get God tunnel vision you focus on how Mighty he is how powerful he is how faithful he is how he'll never leave you and he'll never forsake you no matter what happens in Acts 26 and verse 2 the Apostle Paul said I think myself happy I think myself happy I think myself happy one translation said I command my emotional state to be one of joy and happiness another translation said I choose the joy of the Lord as my dominant emotion Hallelujah in other words you just get up and you say I can have a cheerful consistency I don't have to be laying down in depression and fear and worry all the time that's not God's will for your life encourage yourself in the Lord your God he's still Mighty he's still powerful he's still fighting for you he's still on your side shout depression will not dominate me fear will not dominate me worry and defeat and failure will not dominate me I will encourage myself in the Lord my God when the when the when the leper started walking by faith the Bible said God magnified the sound of their steps have you ever read that it uses the word magnified the sound of their steps you know how you magnify God when you walk by faith no matter what you're going through and you don't know how you're going to make it and you don't know what you're going to do but you keep walking by faith you magnify God and you know what the scripture said David said magnify the Lord with me let us exalt it's like taking a magnifying glass and instead of magnifying the problem you take the magnifying glass and you put it on God and on his promises and he gets blown up in your life and you know another I'm just going to preach it in Acts chapter 10 do you know what the Bible said the Bible said they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God one of the reasons you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and get a prayer language and pray in the Holy Spirit is because the Holy Spirit Will magnify God you can be so burdened and so beat up but when you begin to pray in the spirit and worship God is a spirit in they that worship Him must worship him in in spirit and in truth and boy when you begin to magnify the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit praying through you then God Is Bigger than any mountain or any giant you're facing I choose the joy of the Lord and he encouraged himself in the Lord isn't that something and then number four I'm almost done but then he did something powerful he inquired and said God should I pursue or should I just give up on this dream and when he inquired of the Lord here's the here's the fourth thing he did he got a word from the Lord listen that gave him a vision on the inside of total victory nothing had changed he got a word from the Lord there are two Hebrew words in your Bible for the for the word there's logos that's the word of God in general from Genesis to Revelations as a general that that's the Bible that's God's word that's logos then there's a word called Rhema and Rhema is spoken a spoken specific now word for the right person at the right time and when you get it it is not some kind of vague impression it is when God is speaking a Rhema to you it's not like it's kind of sword and you're trying to plot to your life somehow but it really doesn't fit but when God speaks a word to you it's like thunder in your spirit it's like suddenly even though you're in the same situation he still had the smoke he still had the fire he still had the missing kids he still had the family this devastated he still had the money messed up but right in the middle of it when he got a word from the Lord suddenly he had a vision of victory in the same circumstances it was a specific word for a specific person in a specific situation and when you get a word like that that God says now it's up to you to stand up and take what I gave you and fight and when I tell you to move move for you shall recover it all give God a big praise if you believe it your vision is your future Job chapter 39 said the eagle spies out its prey from afar Eagles can see from where they are to where they're going when the Holy Spirit comes on an eagle but too many Christians are chickens pecking around in Old MacDonald's Farm yard and all you see is the mess you're in down here but when the Lord gives you a word then suddenly Like an Eagle you can see from afar and they may not look good right now but I know what God's showing me and my vision is my victory my vision is going to I have a picture on the inside of where I'm headed and is stronger than what I'm facing on the outside oh Hallelujah I know I'm preaching the truth right now I do seven times in the Bible God asked me and what do you see what do you see what do you see what do you see because I can so I can preach it but if you don't see it until you get a picture of it on the inside it'll never change your attitude it'll never change your praise you're still coming here I'm gonna praise him but nothing in change but you're getting it backwards when you get a word from the Lord and you allow it to get inside of you fear fear is a dark room where you develop your negatives but faith is a room where God develops the positives and he says you hadn't seen nothing like what do you see because I see Victory what do you see I see Triumph what do you see I see you recovering it all and if you don't recover it I'm going to replace it and a joy season is coming to your life greater than what you lost oh I want somebody to praise him at every campus Praise Him somebody's getting a Rhema word today he got a vision of total victory he got a vision of restoration and the Lord said to him you shall recover it all I'm telling you I read this verse this week I wrote it down Genesis 13 verses 14 and 15. God said Abram lift up your eyes now boy God help me to preach to somebody watching me on television somebody watching online and you you're having the worst season in the worst situation in the worst days of your life you're crying yourself to sleep then you're broken and I don't minimize that we've been there we've been there as a family we felt felt like we lived there for a couple years but I'm not living there now and he said lift up your eyes listen to this and look from the place where you are for all the land north south east and west that I show you I will give you and your descendants after you don't be confined to where you are lift up your eyes from where you are and say I won't always be depressed I won't always be defeated I won't always be alone I won't always be struggling I won't always be an alcoholic or a drug addict I won't always be in a position in a place a failure but God opened my eyes and he got a vision David did on the day the worst tragedy of his life he got a vision of victory foreign I'm telling you today the last thing he did and this is so important I filled this thing down in my bones can you tell I love this last point David got mad as Hades that's the Greek word for hell he got mad at the Devil now his soldiers got mad at him but he knew who the Real Enemy was my battle is not with flesh and blood and the Bible said that they took David down behind a rock or a boulder and when he was eavesdropping on the amalekites that had kidnapped his family and burned his City and stolen all of he looked and saw the gold and silver on the camels he looked in the Bible your Bible said that they were they were laughing and they were dancing and they were drinking wine that put the verse up they were drinking and dancing and partying I could see Abigail David's wife being forced to get out there and men walking up and putting their hands on her and hugging her and David's I mean he he was not he was not a girly man David was a killer David was vicious David was so bloody God said I can't let you you've done you've been in war and you've done things I can't even let you build my temple I'm gonna use your boy cause you got a lot of blood on you and David has seized them touching his wife and sees his children huddled up over there crying and scared and holding one another season this gold on their camels and suddenly something hit him he said I'm not a victim I'm not going to sit back and just take this I'm mad at that spirit that thinks that he can come in you can't have my family you can't have my children you can't have my church you can't have my nation you can't have my own you can't have my world you can't have it if I'm here greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world come on and clap your hands in faith right now [Music] listen to me I close with this you can go on and stand up but don't move unless you shout [Music] I forgot to praise right now just because they feel David [Music] 's mind became in those 600 can you imagine like the movie 300 he had 600 of them literally can you imagine how blind with rage when they saw their wives and their children being held captive can you imagine [Music] you know God himself has intense anger against the devil that's why he created hell there's a Bible verse maybe they looked it up there's a Bible verse that says depart from me you curse it into Everlasting fire listen to this prepared for the Devil the reason that God ever made a hell is simply because God has an intense anger against the one who comes to kill steal and destroy the Devil and all of his demons and God said my anger is so I am so furious at what he does to people and I'm gonna prepare a hell and one day one Angel's gonna wrap it around a chain around Satan and he'll be thrown into that hell that was prepared for him not for you not for me for him [Applause] and today I want that to get a hold of us something happened today that the scripture says it in conclusion that David was greatly greatly grieved and he said attack attack them all night and all day he attacked them until he destroyed them he gathered the spoils and it took three days to gather the victory for the battle that lasted one day I know that I'm preaching to people today who are going through some of the very darkest days that you've ever faced you're in a place called ziglag and the enemy Whispers to you in that moment it's not going to happen you're never going to see a change but he is a liar it's no accident that you're here at any of our campuses online or right here in this building in Gainesville not one of you are here even by your choice God brought you here foreign today if you know I'm preaching to you if you're in ziglag and it feels like is some of the stuff that you don't know what you're going to do and how you're going to recover God sent me today to tell you you shall recover it all and what you don't recover he'll place he'll replace with a season of Joy again in your life and if I'm preaching to you this is big if I'm preaching to you right now every head bowed every eye closed there are people all over this room who need to get mad at the Devil mad at what addiction is trying to get mad at what lies and deception have done mad at what the enemy is doing to you in relationships God says today I have a word and a picture of Victory I want you to get lift up your eyes from where you are you shall recover it all and if you're in this room or at any of our campuses and you would say Pastor I feel so far from God I've never wanted to quit I've never wanted to give up like what I've been facing I need a change I need a Deliverance I need a breakthrough I need God to visit me I I am I'm crying tears of unbelief and tears of grief and and it's going Beyond grief now into self-pity and I I don't like who I am and I don't like where I am and I I'm ready I'm ready to believe again I want God today to touch me in a powerful way I want to leave this place still got situations but I've got a voice above the voice of my own weeping that's leading me into absolute complete victory I know it if you'll follow that voice that voice will take you to victory he works all things for our good pastor pray for me I need to get right with God today if that's you boldly lift your hand right where you're standing I want to see it all over this room beautiful beautiful beautiful raise those hands high all over this room every one of you that have your hand raised from the top to the bottom at every campus get out of your seat and come stand right down here in the front come as quick as you can don't talk yourself out of it don't negotiate your mind how you don't have to do it just do it just trust me for one time for one time put put him first not your will but thy will be done that's it come on they're coming they're coming they're coming come on this is your altar call this is your service this is your moment this is your Rhema this is your specific word for specific time and place this is it they're coming clap your hands your your golf clapping there's rejoicing in heaven right now angels are shouting in heaven according to Luke 16. we ought to praise him we ought to thank him we ought to encourage these people God's doing a mighty mighty mighty work that's it that's it that's it come on come on come on come on come on if you've been crying bitter tears come on if you feel like there's no way out come on if you feel like you're directionless and you don't know where to turn and what to do come on this is for you today the Lord knows who you are the Lord knows what you need hold on one moment come on come on come on come on come on [Music] Hallelujah how many of you in this room today have faced days at ziglag in your life be honest and you didn't know if you were gonna make it and if you hadn't been there by the time you get hair of this color I'm like Sampson the longer it grows the stronger I'm getting amen I keep wanting to cut it but my wife told me not to so I obey I obey I feel Victory here this morning I don't feel pity I feel victory I don't feel depression I feel victory the pain that you've gone through it's what God's going to use and now I'm praying the holy rage gets in you that we get mad at the Devil who Do You Think You Are you're going to pay I'm going to announce some things the next few weeks and we're going we're you got a pastor and a pastor's wife that are mad at the Devil and so we're saying oh you thought you would hit us that way then we're gonna we're gonna counter here comes the retaliation when the enemy comes in like a flood here comes the retaliation of the Lord in a tsunami tidal waves I don't know what hell thinks it's doing to this nation in this world but you are not in control our God is in control and we are his people let's get mad at the Devil not in people not eat people not in Flesh and Blood let's get mad at at the enemy the devil raise your hands and pray this prayer say Jesus I Surrender I need you I've cried and I refuse bitterness I'm not bitter against you that's why I came to church today that's why I've taken the time to listen to this message because I'm not bitter take my tongue make it a tree of life let me speak words that heal and turn bitterness sweet start it in me not somebody else started in me started in me and oh God I'm going to encourage myself I receive focus on God I'm gonna magnify God through praise and through worship oh God I receive encouragement I encourage myself in the Lord and Lord I believe that I have a word from you and I get a vision a victory right now I'm an eagle and I look afar off from where I'm standing right now and I see a place of Victory I see a conqueror in Jesus name and Lord I'm mad at the Devil come on lift your hands up and say I plead the blood of Jesus against you Satan you can't have my family you can't have my life you can't have my body you can't have me and hold me in the name of Jesus grief and sorrow you must break and you must leave and I receive the power to recover it oh say that recover it all and say this what he doesn't recover he will replace say this my I have another season of joy that's on the way now lift up your voice all over this building at every campus and shout unto God with the voice of child shout unto God with the voice of Triumph if you believe it it's like a volcano inside of you I see it I see it I see victory [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 41,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Miracles, spiritual growth, encouragement, direction, success, jentezen franklin, pastor jentezen, free chapel, God, Jesus
Id: NKLL2NK89n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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