Sticks and Stones | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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give him a worthy praise this morning come on oh we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you wow that is that's truly great worship this morning how many of you feel like you're in god's presence right now and in the name of jesus we speak healing we speak health we speak miracles we speak breakthroughs we speak grace we speak mercy we speak help in the time of trouble to every life we pray for the ukraine this morning and all of our brothers and sisters there may the power of the lord help that nation help our leaders help our president help our military leaders lord to know what to do and how we can help in the ways that would be right we pray for your wisdom we pray for your help we pray against the evil powers that in heavenly places that are trying to kill steal and destroy we ask you lord for your help and your peace and your provision in these times we believe you for it in jesus mighty name and everybody said amen and amen i want i want this morning you to give a warm welcome to all of our campuses that are joining us right now would you tell them thank you so much we love you all and particularly this morning in downtown atlanta at our brand new midtown campus god bless you we're so excited to see what the lord is doing we started in 2018 in the city of atlanta at the center stage auditorium many times i'm not joking we would go into that building and have to walk through clouds of marijuana smoke amen i'm not kidding you every sunday night and it was beer bottles laying everywhere and everything else and they had been partying somebody might have been in there doing a concert before we got in there and it was it was pretty wild we we were preaching the gospel to every creature how many of you know what i'm talking about and and that's wonderful that's what we that's what we're there for and then we moved over to the woodris center and then god miraculously has provided a beautiful campus right downtown midtown atlanta georgia free chapel god bless you god bless you turn to two or three people and say it's good to see you this morning thank you for being with us y'all gonna help me sing one more don't sit down stand up stand up you're singing so good you're stinging so good come on you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it look at somebody say stand up come on stand up i'm not asking you [Music] we gotta sing one more jesus jesus jesus there's just something about that [Music] [Music] after the rain oh jesus jesus jesus [Music] let all heaven and earth [Music] [Music] but there's something about lift your hands and sing it now oh jesus jesus jesus [Music] there's just [Music] no matter what your face [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus earthlings [Music] [Music] would you [Music] oh jesus mighty jesus precious [Applause] i love you today [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] place [Music] [Music] giving my mighty praise today glory to god glory to god glory to god thank you jesus exodus chapter four exodus the fourth chapter thank you lord i'm beginning a little series today and next sunday the lord willing and i'm going to preach on sticks and stones this sunday sticks next sunday stones sticks of the bible and stones of the bible and they have prophetic messages for you and me exodus chapter 4 verse 2 so the lord said to him speaking of moses what is in your hand and he said a stick a rod a staff he said cast it on the ground so he cast it on the ground and it became a serpent and moses fled from it and the lord said to moses reach out your hand and take it by the tail and he reached out his hand and caught it and it became a rod or a stick in his hand one of the greatest miracles in the bible began with a stick in a man's hand when god called him to deliver for after 400 years of slavery and bondage the israelites out of egypt all that he had was a stick and maybe a pair of sandals and god said i'm going to use you but the problem was moses was moses was running from his calling he was hiding in the desert he was camouflaged from his calling and so god lit up a bush and it caught on fire and when the bush caught on fire he went to see why it was not consumed because it shouldn't just burn up but this bush was burning that's what i want i don't ever want to lose the fire i don't want to just be i don't want this church or this ministry to be for a moment and then be gone it doesn't have to be that way we don't have to lose it but there was a continual fire in that bush the bible said it was being burned but not consumed and the scripture said that moses went and the first thing a voice said to him out of that burning bush was take off your shoes in other words stop running from your calling stop running from what i've called you to do take your shoes off i want you to be my deliverer he was full of fear and he said god give me a sign i'll take my shoes off i'll stop running from the call i'm ready to take a risk i'm ready to fulfill and go after the dream that you've given me in my heart that i knew one day i would fulfill and i hear you saying this is it but i'm terrified i'm terrified about my next step and god said you want a sign i'll give you a sign what's in your hand he said all i have is this stick and god said throw it down and when he threw it down that simple ordinary common stick turned into something supernatural it became a living serpent a living snake and the bible said moses fled from it but then he realized god was calling him back because the voice said pick that snake up quit running come back and pick that snake up you know what god was saying he was saying that before you can fulfill and do what he wants you to do in life you're going to have to confront your fear he ran from the snake because he was afraid but god said it's time for you to confront your fear your intimidation it's time for you to realize that you must overcome fear or you will live in a state of being paralyzed from doing what i've called you to do sometimes god will ask you to confront your fear the fear of failure the fear of people the fear of of of of not trying you have to you have to try you have to risk and that's a fear that has to be overcome and then that stick that stick turned back when he grabbed that snake by the tail and overcame his fear and stopped running from his calling when he grabbed that snake by the tail it turned back into a stick that stick that looks so common so normal so ordinary they were all over the place sticks were all over the desert and yet god said i'm going to take what's in your hand and make it supernatural if you will surrender what you have been given by god god can take what seems ordinary common he's not looking for golden scepters he's not looking for superstars he's not looking for people who look like models or who are just extremely brilliant and super qualified but he looks when he's gonna do something for simple ordinary common sticks that he can take that he can use that he can put his glory on and it becomes something super natural super uh achieving and powerful because when you let go of it you take your fingerprints off of it you don't get the glory you don't get the praise you always remember that i was just a common ordinary normal stick until i gave it to god and he gave me the glory he gave me the victory he gave me the success and then when you pick it back up it turns back into an ordinary stick that's a powerful thing the bible said that sometimes all god wants is a stick and moses began to argue with god and god said i've already evaluated your excuses i already know what you're capable of notice god didn't say what is in your head because the miracle was not dependent upon his intellect god can always get you caught up and he did not say what is in your mouth because the miracle was not up to his ability to to be uh profound and proficient in in speech giving before multitudes god can teach you how to do that too when god's gonna start a miracle in your life he doesn't start with what you don't have in your head and what you don't have in the talent and in the gifting yet he starts with what you have in your hand he said give me what's in your hand all god needs is a stick and when they were standing at the red sea after god had brought them out and two and a half million jews have been delivered from egyptian bondage and he's standing before the red sea and pharaoh and his army are pursuing to recapture he takes that simple common ordinary stick and he holds it up and the supernatural power of god comes through that stick in his hand and the red sea parts and they go across on dry land because sometimes all god needs is a stick and when they got out into the wilderness and they had had nothing to drink for three days and the animals were dying and the people were almost at the point of dying and dehydrated he said moses god said god what are we going to do moses said god what are we going to do we're thirsting to death and the bible said there was a pool but it was the bitter water of maura and it was bitter it was poison and god showed him a tree and he said take a stick and put the stick in the water and this instantly god turned bitter water sweet because sometimes all god needs is a stick and when the widow woman in first king 17 was in the middle of a famine and she got down to her last meal and she was gathering sticks to make a fire and cook the last meal and feed it to herself and her little child and then she said i'm going to die and while she was gathering the sticks the ordinary the common she had a stick in her hand the prophet elijah walked up to her and said give me that meal and she gave him that meal even though she knew it was her last meal and god said your meal a barrel will never run low again and for the next three and a half years i'm gonna preach it like i want to she had pancakes every morning for breakfast and she had cornbread every evening from for dinner and for three and a half years she was putting on weight when everybody else was losing weight and all god needed to do the miracle in a famine was sticks when the acts head and the building program of the school of the prophets in second king six was going on and one of the boys was swinging the only ax that they had and the axe head flew off and went into the deep jordan river and sunk to the bottom the bible said the prophet uh walked over and grabbed a limb off of a tree and god said put the stick in the water and when he did the scripture said that the axe head began to swim and supernaturally it swam across the jordan river and jumped on that ax stick and he went right back to building the school of prophets because sometimes god doesn't need somebody spectacular god doesn't need somebody who's so super duper talented that nobody can relate he says i love to take ordinary you know if god's hand hadn't come on you you wouldn't be sensational but it's when his touch when his hand when his blessing when his favor when his anointing comes on you he can give you supernatural success give me a big amen right there and when god wanted to prove to an island that had never heard the gospel they were heathens they were idol worshipers and the apostle paul was shipwrecked and washed up on a plank in a prayer and when he got off he was shivering and these people were watching him and they knew nothing of of the god of abraham isaac and jacob and paul walked over there and the bible said as he was gathering sticks to make a fire to warm himself suddenly a serpent bit him and lastened and fastened onto his arm and would not let him go and the scripture said that he shook it off into the fire and the snake was burned up and when they saw the wood burning and saw him not puff up and die the whole island converted to christianity and all god needed was a stick and when god was ready to redeem the world he allowed his son to die on calvary on two sticks called a cross because all god needs is not pretty it's not beautiful it's not perfect he needs an old stick on top of another stick and when they come together they form a cross and jesus bled and died on those sticks and he's the friend that sticks closer than her brother now sometimes all god needs is a stick all god needs from you is exactly what you have to offer i'm preaching today it's time to quit thinking that you're inadequate it's time to quit saying i can't do it it's time to quit saying i can't have it it's time for you to stop saying you're too small and it's too big god said i can use you i will use you and all i need you to do is give me what you have in your hand moses moses knew that god had called him and he left that desert in that burning bush experience and he went before pharaoh and he had that stick and i bet he was gripping it tight and he looked at pharaoh with confidence and he said let my people go god says let my people go and pharaoh said well show me a sign of the power of your god and he took that stick and i think moses thought this is going to do the trick this is going to do the trick and i think when he threw it down he just had an attitude ah this is it right here i've been waiting for this all my life and he threw that stick down and just like in the desert it turned into something supernatural and sensational it became that common ordinary average stick became a living serpent and pharaoh yawned and called for his magicians and said that's a pretty good trick but i've got magicians he was not a magician moses was a prophet and it was the supernatural power of god but a magician is somebody who uses trickery the bible said they began to burn incense smoke smoke so they could do some things you know trickery trickery and they didn't have real snakes they had them encased in something and they came out and the magicians of pharaoh and they threw them down on the ground and the bible said their little sticks turned in to set snakes and and so pharaoh's saying well you don't impress me and this great i am this god who calls himself the i am that i am he does not impress me but all of a sudden something strange happened when that serpent was thrown down it sat over there in the corner and it watched those other ones out there wiggling around but it goes out and i don't know what kind of snake it was but it must have been a king snake because it started swallowing up all the other fake snakes i'm telling you the miracle started with one snake and it ended with one snake and this gospel started with one lord and it's gonna end with one lord he's going to swallow up all the lies and all the deceptions and all the faith and all the religions and all of that that in the church which is show he's swallowing it up something is coming out of this pandemic we are not playing church anymore the holy ghost power is ready to swallow up all of the stuff that's not real we better live right we better preach right we better tell it like it is and get ready for the glory of god to swallow up everything that's not like jesus in our lives all of the sudden when moses reached down after there was only one snake left and picked up that serpent wasn't that sensational wasn't that amazing in front of pharaoh and all the people his serpent eats them up now pharaoh's bug-eyed now he can't believe it now he's trembling a little bit his magicians have run off and the executors are executioners they're chasing them down because they're going to cut their heads off because pharaoh just got embarrassed and then he picks that snake up by the tail and the bible said it turned back into a stick again hallelujah god send the power back to the church send that kind of power and miracles back to the church whatever it takes people are lost we've got to have more than little churchy churchy little services where we just kind of go through play we need the power of god to swallow us up again will we leave here trembling at his word the most supernatural part of this story is not that the stick that was common in ordinary and average became sensational god can do that with anybody god could take somebody living under a bridge and bless them just as much as he's blessed you you need to thank him for the favor and the mercy and the goodness of god on your life the greatest miracle is not that god took an ordinary average stick and turned it into something supernatural and sensational and gave it supernatural success it swallowed up all its competitors all those all those that's right god said when my when god's favor is on you i'm telling you that nothing compares to that which is anointed and favored of god it stands out it takes over but the biggest miracle was not that the snake that the stick turned into a snake but that the snake turned back into a stick when he picked it up because too many times we have god use us and bless us mightily but instead of after the blessing after the supernatural success after the sensational thing god's done in your life if you're not careful you're not the same person when you pick it up that you were when you started out there's something that's gotten in the pride the arrogance that know it all seen it all somehow you begin to own that miracle as though it's you and your achievement and the thing about it that was so miraculous is the bible said moses was the meekest man that says this in the book of numbers he was the meekest man who ever lived and the reason god could trust him with such power is because he was the same after the miracle after the growth after the supernatural takeover after the demonstration he was the same person he was a stick before and now he's just a simple humble kind stick afterwards too many times we live in the realm of the sensational the supernatural the super successful and we think that that's that's the biggest thing but what god looks at is after he gives it to us can we still be common can we still need him do we still pray do we still come to church do we still seek his face is he still number one or or has our our our blessing become bigger than the blesser in our life and that's why it's so beautiful that this room is filled today with people because what you're saying is lord i recognize that i was nothing when you found me and you threw me down and you blessed me exceedingly abundantly above all that i could ask or think and now i want to tell you i don't need you less i need you more than i've ever needed you and i think about this church and i think about things that are going on in the body of christ and they shaped me to my core because so many ministries start out with nothing but a stick free chapel started out like a simple common ordinary church and god not man god has blessed it and multiplied it and done sensational supernatural things and it was when and when we were starting out we we loved god with all of our heart mind soul and strength we lived it we believed it we had convictions we had standards we we had holiness as a lifestyle i'm gonna preach it like i want to we threw our cigarettes away we threw our dope away we threw our partying away we threw our sinfulness and clubbing away but some people after god blesses them well i don't need that anymore i'm my own man i'm a self-made man you'll be nothing just like you started if you don't recognize what god has done for you and the same for this church i guess what i'm preaching is let's go back to just needing him when we come in here i can't let anybody worship from me i've got to worship i need him i need him the miracle sometimes is sometimes the most supernatural thing we can do is remain natural after god's blessed us and given us supernatural success that somehow it doesn't change our attitude it doesn't change who we are you're still compassionate you're still kind you're still sensitive you still live right come on church the more god blesses us the more the tendency to stray away that's why you have to keep coming to services like this where the holy spirit will get you thinking right and say now wait just a minute he's you know wait just a minute i need to straighten you up and straighten you out because i didn't give you all that just to be a big shot and a fat cat i have bless you and i will use you you gave it to me and i trusted you now let me use you clap your hands take a 20-second praise break and say lord i'll be a stick i'll be a common ordinary simple stink [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] in mark chapter 16 jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe they shall take up serpents and the next part of the verse is powerful and it will not hurt them serpents in moses day represented the supernatural power of god he said they'll do and take up the supernatural power of god and it will not hurt them how many churches how many ministries how many pastors how many preachers have we seen god use in supernatural ways and it ended up hurting them because they lost the ability after the sensational to just go back to being a common servant a common stick an ordinary average person oh god help us in this ministry to steward what god has given us and make sure that we finish strong that we're ready for the coming of the lord that we're pure in spirit undefiled unspotted hallelujah it's not supposed to hurt you when god blesses you it's not supposed to be the thing that satan gets to use to destroy you hallelujah this makes sense when he picked it back up it was the same as when it started can god trust you like that could god use you like that i can't find anywhere in the bible where god ever used a snake again i can't find it all he used was sticks because i can find when god was going to choose a high priest and all of the all of the tribes wanted their leader to be that high priest there were 12 tribes and god said i tell you what i'll do i'll choose one out of the 12 and the way you'll know that i chose them is i want all 12 of them to go take a stick off of almond tree take a branch and cut it down and write the name of your tribe on that stick and then bring it into the holy place and lay it on the god box the ark of the covenant and the one that gets cut down and comes back to life supernaturally and begins to bud almonds and begins to blossom that will be my choice the next day they came in and all those dead limbs were on there there were 11 dead limbs but one of them that had the name of aaron had come alive boy what what what a thought that it's supernaturally produced and it wasn't even connected to the earth which should be its source because the real source of life is god that god who sat on the mercy seat the real source of your success is not whatever you think is producing it if god pulls his presence out of your life it all dries up and it's nothing but a dead stick that's what scares me that's why i'm calling prayer meetings that's why i called seven people personally in this church and i said please surround me and surround charisse and surround my family in prayer will you promise me you will pray for us every day every day every day and these seven people for months have been praying and calling they send me little texts and they say we're praying we're praying the lord said and they tell me things that god says why because i'm afraid i don't want to do this if his presence is not with us it's dangerous these are dangerous times many are being deceived many are falling away but may it not happen to this congregation we must get on our knees again we must seek god like never before become a stick again knead him like you needed him when you had nothing but a stick some of you young people god could god could take you to the highest some of you athletes some of you in your field he could take you he wants to he desires to he needs you but the question is can he trust you the more he elevates will you just keep being faithful i close with this that ark of the covenant the bible said had three things in it god said i'll dwell between the cherubims and i'll sit on the throne of the mercy seat sprinkled with blood from a lamb he said i want you to put three things inside of the ark of the covenant i want you to put the tables of stone the ten commandments because in my presence i want people if they're going to come in my presence i want them to honor my word and love my word and live my word and hold fast to my word no matter what culture or anybody else says is right this book is right always right always always and then he said i want you to bring a pot of manna from the wilderness how i fed you with manna for 40 years i want you to put some of it in there when you get up in the morning moses put it in a little pot and put it in the ark of the covenant what's what's remarkable about that is the manna would only keep for 24 hours and your bible said it would turn worms would manifest in it because god didn't god wanted them to pray give us our daily bread daily even in the old covenant but when they brought it in listen to this and put it in the presence of god that which should have been moldy and that which should have been consumed with worms it stayed fresh the only way you're going to stay fresh in god the only way you're not going to become lukewarm the only way you're going to be on fire and be ready for the sound of the trumpet the only way is you've got to get in god's presence and he makes he makes this thing fresh again he makes the word come alive and you tremble at his word and i want to live that book and then he said i want one more thing he said go get me that stick aaron's rod that butted and bring it in here i don't want a snake i don't want anything sensational but i want to send a message to people that if they want to know what kind of people can get in my presence bring me that old stick i don't i don't want a sensational snake i want a stick a common ordinary stick that's in my hand the bible said that he resists the proud he holds at arm's length the proud that's literally what that word resists means to hold at arm's length when you walk in arrogant and proud god says get away from me but he gives grace to the humble humble yourself before the mighty hand of god and in due season he'll take that stick he'll blow it up it'll become sensational it'll become something that overcomes all the fakes and lies of the enemy swallows them up it'll have supernatural success as long as you lean on me and spend time in my presence i'm not asking you for what you can't give god what you're not capable of i'm asking you today to say lord here's what's in my hand i'm asking god to take this ministry in these last days we are in the last days surely you see that surely you understand that i've heard that all my life and you and you should but there's a difference the signs of the times they've all it's like birth pains jesus warned and he said it would be like birth pains and in birth pains you have one and then there's some distance one but he said when you start seeing it one after another after another and we just get through this and here's another thing another thing another thing look out lift up your heads but you know what i believe he's saying he's saying i need an army of sticks who will not be ashamed when's the last time the lord laid on my heart this week when's the last time you witnessed when i was talking with someone even in my family and the lord said to me in a gentle still small voice look for opportunities to witness look for opportunities to speak the word of the lord into those who are lost look for them wait for them search for them begin to approach people as my stick and i'll come on you and you'll become supernatural i want you to stand to your feet no one moving please at every campus every head bowed in every eye closed in this room and at every campus if you don't know that you're right with god and you're searching and you're longing for change and you need supernatural transformation you need supernatural transformation you need to go from a dead dry useless stick to supernatural transformation jesus said i have come to give life and give it more abundantly pastor pray for me i know i'm far from god and i need to get right with him today boldly raise your hand i want to see it all over this room yes yes yes yes yes fantastic raise it high and unashamed every campus lift them high lift them high lift them high every one of you that raised your hand slip out of your seat no matter where you are all the way up in the balcony wherever you are come and stand right down front just as quick as you can come i want you to come now now is the moment today is the day this is your altar call give him what you have in your hand he's not asking you for what you can't do you say well i can't stop this i can't change that he's not asking you to do nothing he's just saying come give me what you have in your hand come give me what you have to give me it may be broken it may be abused it may be hurt it may be some pain it may be an addiction but bring it to jesus bring it to him he will not turn you away come on thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you come on come on come on it's not too late it's time come on come on come on they're coming clap your hands church clap like you believe heaven is rejoicing heaven is rejoicing heaven is rejoicing come on come on come on they're coming come on [Music] it doesn't look like much [Music] it doesn't look like much to offer a king he says if you'll give me what you've got if you'll give me what's in your hand if you'll give me your life i'll transform it into something sensational beautiful forgiven cleansed shameless guiltless clean pure holy not through our works through the blood of the cross i want to do one other thing we're going to pray with these in just a moment but i want everyone in this room who would say pastor i would love for god to use me again i want to become a stick i just want to be a stick for god let me see your hand hold that hand up right now and just say oh god use me now i did something in the nine o'clock service that i didn't plan to do but two times this morning when i got up and then when i was in the pulpit concluding my message i saw it in a picture in my mind the lord said in my spirit have the people bow down to me on their knees i know there's a lot of people and that's going to be hard to do but if you want to do it you'll find the little place to kneel everybody in this room you get out in the aisle you can get out anywhere you want but find somewhere to kneel on your knees and lift your hands up and say here i am lord give myself away [Music] give myself away it's a world that is lost and desperately give myself away [Music] i give myself away so [Music] i give myself away show [Music] i give myself away so [Music] i give myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i give myself i'll give myself to you i'll give myself away [Music] i'll give myself away so [Music] give myself away show [Music] give myself away i give myself away soon [Music] [Applause] i give myself away my life is [Music] [Music] teenager you can use [Music] let it be careful to give you the glory and the honor and the praise give myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] separated [Music] save the lord to speak the name of jesus help us to think about your whole week help us lord help [Music] you don't need superstars you don't need people who are perfect you just need sticks that'll be healed i want to be a stink in your hand my great [Music] [Applause] i give shepard to you throw your hands up and say it my life is [Music] [Applause] [Music] but i've been living for myself [Applause] my life is [Music] my life is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i give myself [Music] away [Applause] i give myself away [Music] [Applause] [Music] i give myself away [Music] i give myself away [Music] [Applause] [Music] pray this prayer say lord jesus wash me cleanse me feel me and use me in jesus name i am forgiven in jesus name you transformed me by your holy spirit i was lost i am found i was blind now i see i am cleansed i am forgiven now use me i belong to you use me in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah howdy lou wow [Music] hold your hand up and receive the blessing those of you who prayed this prayer as you leave today there's a booth and a center back there called next steps go by it and tell somebody i prayed that prayer with pastor franklin i walked down that aisle i gave my heart to jesus today they're going to tell you what's next and it's powerful it's what you do now that prepares you to be used by god for your purpose he has a purpose for your life you're forgiven you're cleansed you're brand new we praise god for this miracle because of your generosity we've been able to help the ukraine in a miraculous way we've already sent four hundred and thirty thousand dollars and now we're able to go on up to a half a million dollars we'll be sending to the ukraine because of your incredible generosity it's going straight to the churches that have been transformed into survival centers or what do they call those refugee camps thank you that's exactly what they have transformed the churches that's these are literal pictures from some of those places and there's babies there's people living there that's all they have and we're being a blessing and jesus said as you do it unto the least of these you do it unto me raise your hand thank you for helping us do wonderful wonderful ministry all over the world like that and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace can you sing that song that you did and y'all can leave when y'all want to but uh that's the last song i love that can we sing that one more time and just linger a little bit and worship if you need to go go if you feel like leaving go there's nothing that doesn't mean you're not spiritual do what you need to do elohim [Music] [Music] you will be forever [Music] you will be forever [Music] you will be forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name is [Music] to be [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you will be forever [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] sing the verse one more time just the keys [Music] these are the names of god they all have great meaning [Music] shalom [Music] sing it again [Music] you are [Music] let's sing it again [Music] [Music] they'll shut it off [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will be [Music] worthy you are worthy you will be forever [Music] worthy will be forever [Music] give him a praise if you believe hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus we just love you lord we just love you lord we just praise you god we draw life from your presence we become fresh in your presence we receive supernatural budding and harvesting in your presence we praise you for it hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus so thank you lord praise your name jesus praise praise you jesus wonderful save wonderful sin wonderful thank you god we give you glory and honor and praise jesus thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah you love him do you love him i know you do praise him praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god it's good just to stand in his presence be silent and wait are you waiting on nothing i just enjoy being in his presence i told you you can leave if you want to leave you won't bother me hallelujah to the lamb of god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus then sings my soul save your god to thee how great thou art [Music] [Music] love how great thank you jesus thank you jesus this whole song this old song we're gonna close with this this old song came to me this week and i started singing it to myself one day and y'all won't know it so don't worry but it goes i'm trying to remember the verse it'll come to me in a minute so i'll have to start on the course it says oh what's singing oh what shouting on that happy morning when we all shall rise oh oh what glory hiding when we see our blessed savior in the skies seems that now i almost see jesus in the air he's coming after you and me joy is ours to share what rejoicing there will be when the saints shall rise we'll be heading to that jubilee yonder in the sky and oh white singing oh watch out on that happy morning when we all shall rise oh what glory holy [Applause] when we see our blessed savior in the skies i just did that for me i just did that for me when we all you're in the wrong key get to heaven that's too low for me when we all get to head what a day of rejoicing that will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before us soon is we'll be home soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] victory do you believe it [Music] hallelujah praise the lord y'all must not be hungry are you eating from his table this morning i'm just so glad to be back in church aren't you hallelujah hallelujah glory to his name [Music] y'all got to find that flow man hallelujah praise the name of jesus don't you love him don't you love him don't you love him [Music] give him a mighty praise if you love him this morning praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god won't you turn and shake somebody's hand hook somebody's neck give them a good sanctified side hug if they're the opposite sex that's what they used to teach us praise the mighty name of jesus don't you love him don't you love him god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you walk in victory this week walk in victory this week [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus god bless them god bless you god bless that woman hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus everybody will be happy we'll be happy over there we will sail out [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh everybody will be happy [Music] we will shout and sing his praises everybody will be happy all the days everybody [Music] we will shout and sing [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] everybody will be happy we will be happy we'll be happy over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody will be [Music] oh [Music] [Music] man what a powerful service that was today man i feel so encouraged and i hope you guys do too today if you made the choice to be saved we want to encourage you to text the word yes to 510 510 or if you need prayer for anything at all please text the word prayer to 510 510 so our team can be praying with you guys yes and we thank you guys so much again for joining us on this beautiful sunday thank you so much for your tithes and your offerings your generous giving really makes a huge impact just as pastor was saying about ukraine as well as all the other things that we give to so i'd just like to pray over you guys this morning if this message impacted you drop a comment share it with somebody a friend a co-worker anybody but i'm just going to pray over us and i hope you guys have a beautiful beautiful sunday lord i thank you for this day and i thank you for this beautiful sunday god i just pray over every single calling in our lives heavenly father god would you bless it and would we give it back to you jesus it's in your name i pray amen amen amen love you guys see you next sunday [Music] it makes me happy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything to long me ago years [Music] ago peace [Music] forget today [Music] [Music] everything to me oh [Music] peace [Applause] it makes me [Music] [Music] amen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus see we believe that we used to sing those songs and almost tear the building down we believed it so much hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus praise the lord see the bright light shine is [Music] [Music] [Applause] and i'm ready for deliverance [Applause] [Music] see the bright light shine it's just [Music] this world is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god all hail jesus [Music] king of kings lord of lords and through our eternity i'll sing his praise [Music] throughout eternity isn't that a great song sing it again oh hail king jesus [Music] [Music] i'll sing his praises [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] thank you lord thank you praise this wonderful name thank you jesus thank you jesus you sow to the heavens you sow into the heavens we're so in worship it forms clouds the glory cloud when you start when you keep in a spirit of worship just keep loving the lord honoring him worshiping him dwell and live in his presence we love you lord we want to draw nearer thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah jonathan endis with a song whatever you feel it can be a new one it don't have to be a whole one whatever you feel when i think about the lord [Music] to the [Music] it makes me [Music] of the jesus [Applause] makes me it makes me [Music] [Music] it makes me [Music] is [Music] so and i will give you all my worship and i will give you all my praise [Music] and you alone i belong to [Music] you alone [Music] [Music] you [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so worthy [Music] for the glory of the glory of the honor of the praise [Music] all the glory all the honor of the praise all dominion all the power to your name all the glory all the honor of the praise all the me all the power to your name all the glory all the honor of the praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all the praise i will [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] so worthy there's only one worthy there's only one worth we praise the lamb of god [Music] [Music] for [Music] you [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] you glorify your name in all fears glorify your name [Music] glorify your [Music] you [Music] jesus we love you jesus we were [Music] your name fears [Music] glory for your name [Music] here it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it all i believe it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it [Music] it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be worth it all holy spirit [Music] [Music] let your voice be heard come and change [Music] [Music] holy spirit [Music] let your voice be heard come and change our hearts as we stand on your word holy spirit [Music] has heard and no mind can know what god [Music] [Music] who i have seen [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] holy spirit holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] let your voice be heard come and change your hearts as we stand on your word holy spirit [Music] oh come holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy spirit [Music] oh [Music] let your voice be heard come and chase [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] what [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] has [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] your is [Applause] [Music] let your voice be heard come and change [Music] let your voice be heard come and change let your voice be heard we stand on [Music] your holy spirit come holy spirit come holy spirit [Music] holy spirit bathe my trembling heart and brow fill me with thy holy spirit come on [Music] holy spirit bathe our trembling hearts and fill us with [Music] me now [Music] let us experience the glory of your goodness let us become more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of your goodness let us let us become more aware of your presence [Music] let us [Music] [Music] let us [Applause] [Music] [Music] let us become more [Music] the glory of your goodness lord [Music] this [Music] is [Music] holy spirit holy spirit you are welcome [Music] [Music] you want your glory guys [Music] this is a house [Music] this is a place of praise [Music] this is a house of healing this is [Music] you have our full attention [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on every hand every heart we sing come alive in the name of jesus come along in the name of jesus this is [Music] [Music] your blood flows through our veins your blood flows [Music] come alive in the name of jesus this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] to the feet of jesus [Music] i still believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] to the feet of jesus [Music] all [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] to keep your promises [Music] is [Music] nothing is too hard [Applause] is a horse of healing it's still the house of healing this is a house of healing [Music] this is a house of worship this is a place of praise [Music] this power in the name of jesus [Music] there's power in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] so let your fire fall at your window let your glory come down glory come down let your fire fall let your wind blow let your glory come down and let your fire fall let your wind blow let your glory calm down [Music] let your wind blow let your glory come down glory calm down let your firefall let your wind blow let your glory come down i said come on let your firefall let your wind blow [Music] let your glory come down glory come down let your face fall let your wind blow let your glory come down it's all because your glory let your firefall let your wind blow let your glory come down glory come down let your fight fall let your wind blow let your glory come down oh let your fire fall let your wind blow let your glory come down chloe come down let your parts fall let your wind blow let your glory come down whoa don't let your firefall let your wind blow let your glory calm down glory come down let your fire fall let your wind blow let your glory come down [Music] let your fire fall [Applause] [Music] oh let your glory come down before we calm down [Music] fill me [Music] god [Music] so stir the waters in the altar of my heart stir the waters in the altar of my heart the waters in the altar of my heart [Music] [Music] and i surrendered i surrendered all my wars [Music] and i surrendered [Music] jesus [Music] jesus for my family i speak the holy name jesus [Music] shout jesus from the mountain and jesus in the street jesus in the darkness over every enemy jesus for my family i speak the holy name [Applause] jesus shout jesus one more time shout jesus from [Music] jesus [Music] jesus your name is healing [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i speak [Music] your name is feeling [Applause] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] holy is the name of jesus jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] jesus christ of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] you make the darkness jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [Music] oh comforter and friend how we need your touch again holy spirit [Music] let your voice be heard come and change our hearts as we stand on your word holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] how we need your touch again holy spirit [Applause] [Music] as we stand on your [Music] raise your hands and sing it one more the time spirit [Music] again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you're powerful let your voice be heard come and change your hearts as we stand on your word [Music] we must bring that song back there's an atmosphere that comes with that song it's got some great verses too i can't remember them but we'll find them it's beautiful beautiful beautiful isn't that it isn't that isn't that the cry of our heart hallelujah comforter and friend let us feel your touch again you can take it if you feel the comforter and the friend this healing powerful strength-giving life-giving touch it's in this room today let's pray the lord's prayer our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our trespasses lead us not into temptation deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen amen glory to god praise the lord thank you lord thank you thank you we love you jesus [Music] brings honor to your precious name in the day of jesus thank you holy spirit for that miracle touch touch in jesus name just begin to call people's names out in this atmosphere if any name comes open your mouth and speak that name that connection from your heart will go all the way to the throne of god you're in his presence there's an open heaven speak the names speak the names anyone that needs anything that you think of speak their name right now right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah whisper their names so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so pray for a church that's going through the storm i know these people have known lord we hold up hill song we hold up that ministry god please please touch please help please please god please please help them lord please please touch them touch brian and bobby touch phil and his wife touch joel touched men his precious wife touched the daughter lord and her husband touched that ministry touch touched the people touched the people cleanse and purge heal and restore we ask it we ask it in the name of jesus we ask for your help we ask for your help we ask for your help in the time of trouble jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you pray one more time for the people in the ukraine which you pray for pray god help help resolve that help in that help conflict resolution become god in the name of jesus a bind that demon that's controlling vladimir putin i pray god that that demon would be the spirit and assignment of that demon to kill steal and destroy millions of people would be would be you would muzzle at god you would stop it you would you would break that hold god we pray we pray we pray in jesus name we pray for the peace of jerusalem we pray god for that nation we pray against that which iran would plot and plan and strategize to do to them we just plead the blood we plead the blood oh god over the nation of israel over america we pray for president biden we pray for kamala harris we pray for his staff we pray for the generals we pray for those secretary of state and those who are in that please god give them wisdom please god give them leading please lord let them seek your counsel please let them call on you please put some people in their life who will pray in jesus mighty name jesus mighty name jesus mighty name jesus mighty name jesus mighty name save us oh god save this world from another world war in the name of jesus we pray god save our sons and our daughters god sometimes we think we're so immune in america but like you said in the scripture if we don't repent we will likewise perish so god we repent we call on you and humble ourselves before you have mercy on us have mercy on our nation i'm sure they're demoning people who are planning horrible horrible things for this nation but oh god have mercy have mercy on us remember us o lord remember the good that we've done for your eyes go to and fro you see the evil and the good men do remember this nation has preached the gospel to the world done more for the poor and needy than any civilization that has ever lived and have mercy on us have mercy on us for the righteous sake spare the nation just like you did sodom and gomorrah you told abraham if he could find just 10 righteous you would spare it god spare the nation spare our nation spare ukraine spare israel give us more time to win souls and to harvest around the world give us soul soul souls thank you for filled altars this morning we never take that for granted we give you all praise thank you for using every song and every word and everything that has happened every person from the parking lot to the greeting team the nursery the children's ministry thank you lord they were used mightily of god for souls were saved today in this place and lord let it happen more and more and more and more until we can't fill the room with the revival that that there will not be room enough to receive it in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah honestly glory to god glory to god we dedicate and consecrate that new building downtown atlanta let it be a house of worship let it be a house of miracles let it be a house of purity let it be a house sanctified set apart for the master's use i pray god i don't know what happened in it before we got in it but we plead the blood over today and consecrate and let your glory cloud fill that place in jesus name touch all of our people lord to all of these precious people who've lingered they've lingered for you they've lingered for you lord would you touch them would you hear their cry would you pronounce a special would you do a favor for them in the name of jesus just do a favor for hallelujah we'll do you a favor praise god we don't deserve it didn't expect it but thank you for some favors glory to god hallelujah hallelujah take care of their enemies hallelujah silence the threat of the enemy you can do it in a day god you can shut the whole thing down in a day i know you can you did it for me lies and deception the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let somebody know you've got them you've got them in your hand hallelujah you won't lose the one that's in your hand no demon can pluck them out of your hand the scripture says we won't lose one we won't lose one that we have committed into your hand because it's a nail scarred hand thank you jesus thank you jesus just receive that right now raise your hands and receive that receive it receive it receive the peace about it receive the joy about it receive the the the life that comes from that promise and peace that comes from that promise they're in god's hands they're in god's hand say that they're in god's hands i put them there they're in god's hands hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the presence of the lord is in this place thank you jesus thank you jesus franklin you won't say anything praise the lord praise the lord well come here and say it what you want to say glory to god i want us to walk out of here spiritually all suited up and ready for whatever just like you look spiritually i want us to look what you want to say just old spiritual song you may you may know this one when my work on earth is done i'm going home to live with god i'm gonna sing a new song on that day when i rise he'll wash the dust from my feet and dry my weird eyes i'm going home to live with god by and by by and by i said bye bye well that day that day surely will come [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bye [Music] it may be early early in the morning when i get home when i get home well use me lord in your service i need you to use me each and every day and i say lord please be with me every step of the way and if i falter why i'm trying don't be angry just let me stay because lord lord i'm so willing to go all the way all the way well all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way all the oh lord i'm so willing to go all the way [Applause] and if i falter why i'm trying please lord just let me stay i'm so willing lord i'm so willing to go all [Music] [Applause] well that's one i've never heard i like it though i learned a new one today i didn't know somebody knew a song older than i did good lord son how old are you where'd you hear that song from [Music] praise the lord praise the lord well all the way bless the lord thank you jesus praise the lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you thank you lord praise god praise god praise the lord dwayne come on end it in prayer hallelujah this has been awesome thank you jesus we love you we love you love you charisse i'll tell you what we're proud to have a have a man that obeys god doesn't care about the time he doesn't care about what anybody says all he cares about is getting in the presence of god and getting us in the presence of god let's pray father we love you and we just thank you for this beautiful day because when we woke up and we put our feet on the ground this morning i said god this is a day that you've made and i will rejoice and be glad in it and my heart is full today god i am rejoicing that i'm in this day i'm so thankful that i came to church and i'm i'm so thankful that it's never there's never been a question in my house are we going to church today and it's because of things like this because god we know that you will show up if we come to church and god i pray father over over this church i play your pray your blessings over this god i pray father that this will just continue we've had great services and especially in the past few months god and we just pray father that you'll just continue to open this church up for the world to see and god we there is no ceiling on this church and where we're going and what we can do and i pray right now father that we love you and we thank you and there's no weapon formed against us we'll prosper in the name of jesus we pray and our people said amen be blessed be blessed [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 433,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christianity, church, worship, live worship, contemporary church, Jentezen Franklin, sermons, Christian Church
Id: UvMzp3E9qjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 13sec (9613 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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