How to Cook NEAPOLITAN PIZZA at home - Is it Possible?

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can we make Nepali come Pizza Pizza Napoletana at home in your electric oven pizza chefs say you must use the wood fire oven and I understand why okay but what if I don't have the wood fire oven and I want nap or even pizza so I want to use my everyday Island and I want to try and make it so let's see here we go [Music] guys before we attempt this you need to know we need to respect the Pizza Napoletana Napolitan pizza okay Pizza Napoletana it's been around for a very long time it's made by artisans you need to be an artist to make Pizza Napoletana not for it impedes okay it has room as you can see here that we need to follow okay who knows if I can make it I'm gonna try but you need to understand the Napoleon pizza it's made by artisan and it's the most respected pizza on the planet I am welcome to be change those plate come on guys let's make enough work on pizza Azam hopefully we can make it up it so today I'm gonna use three options to make Pizza Napoletana first option is the classic pizza tray everybody uses this is a tray with holes and the holes will help to cook the bottom better the other option I have is baking paper we are going to use baking paper tray on the stone turn and last option is the pizza stone and my pizza stone is being warming up in the Armand for one hour or even more you want the pizza stone to be extremely extremely hot so one of the biggest mistake we make when we cook the pizza in the normal oven if to make the pizza put ingredients on top and basically cook it in the oven so what happen is your ingredient from top burn it takes way too long for the pizza oven to cook and we don't want that so how do we do it first put this in the oven for at least 20 minutes so we can have the tray very nice and hot so when we put the pizza on top it's kind of starting to cook already for us so I have the tray in the oven and I want to start stretching the pizza okay now when we stretch now pour it on not pour it on pizza we can now use a rolling pin no way we use our rolling pin so what we do we're gonna press here in the middle see just like that so we can stretch the pizza by doing this we are more of the gases towards the outside so it's very important that you do this again stretch from the middle just like this and and spread the dough towards the outside when you get to this point what you do you want to stretch it so what you do is you push you put here on your arm and push now when you get to this point you really want to open your pizza and do the right thing Pizza Napoletana it's very delicate so what I recommend you to do and get a bowl like this you put a pizza on top you can actually stretch it like this without ruining the edges this is one technique that is going to change your life here I have it the Pizza Napoletana now this is a pizza dough and what we're going to do a beautiful stretch beautifully we're gonna put it on the hot tray put the pizza right on top okay by doing this we have the base already cooking now I'm going to add them in change those play tomato sauce of course only the best look I try not to go on the edges because I want the edges to grow so what we're gonna do now we're gonna put it in the oven for five minutes so we can cook the edges at the bottom see guys by using the part baking technique perfect we managed to grow the Cornish on the edges I basically want to now add the cheese and I've got beautiful mozzarella it's fresh mozzarella but it's dry then what I have here a some nice fresh basil we're going to add and my special ingredients which is pea cotija cheese now what I want to do I want to put it back in the oven for about two or minutes so we cook the pizzas and the edges and we're not I want the edges to become crunchy okay but you need to make sure your broiler your grill it's already nice and hot okay so within three minutes we should be able to have the melting cheese that we want and we should be able to get the crunchy edges which are extremely important for a Pizza Napoletana I quickly want to turn the pits on the other side just because the Allen is not cooking evenly so let's make sure down in cooks evenly oh look at that beautiful coordination that we get and guys I'm using at normal house oven okay guys after three minutes we take it out and this is what we get see how good is it it does look like a Pizza Napoletana dessert I think the tray did such a good job and in marriage to create a Pizza Napoletana for us which is what we wanted let's call it let's do the sound nice I just want to see I want to see the door see looking at it is you did cook very well enough to say see guys want to do something I don't do it just to have fun I do it because I want that to be amazing to be delicious and I do think this pizza is pretty awesome you gotta look at what's inside look at that though but we can do better anyway I'm gonna try it you might try this piece with more cheese I'm pretty sure it tastes nice hello mmm very moist though easy to digest and cook almost to perfection mm-hmm all right guys the next option is to cook it on the baking paper let's see if it makes any difference all right let's put a pizza inside we just want the Arman to be Fame forced at the maximum temperature so my oven is 250 degree Celsius some Harvin's can reach 300 degree Celsius not even better for you you are as close as the 400 Celsius degrees approved by the Napolitan pizza style Association because if you allow me I want to cook this for an extra minute and I just want to turn it around okay I just want to turn it around because I'm just worried that maybe this side of the front cooks a bit faster I just want to make sure the edge is cooked perfectly if I'm right the front edge should grow a little bit more one extra minute and let's see here we go with this pizza all right guys it looks like we can take the pizza and look at that look at that look what we have created but it's very big white you know it's pale so not crunchy the bottom it's cooked but it's not there you have to be too soft so same technique like before but I feel like these dough is reacting better to to the oven now it's time for us to put ingredients on top so I'm gonna start this time from pecorino cheese now I'm going to add the mozzarella fresh basil a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil which I didn't put on the previous pizzas and now we can put it back in the oven same technique see you guys I find this pizza fantastic I not choosing the tray I am choosing the begging paper I am loving this pizza now what do we need to do I have we need to test the crunch again the bottom is beautiful let's cut it mmm like bit less crunchy but look at the dough day it's different again after see it a bit more dough a bit more like a bread style if I can say to the cooking it's different from the door from before mmm let's go back to the door from before I never look so you look at this I have to say yes indeed cooked is a little bit differently now what do we prefer the doughy bread style like this one or the other one very very interesting I tried a little partying yeah [Music] it's less punchy now you see if you want to crunch it you cook it more on top I'm really liking this it's very close it's much closer to the Napoleon pizza style because the ages of the Napoleon pizza must be high just like this and like yet Doyle see this is the moment I've been waiting for the beats us dawn I think is gonna be the best one but who knows let's see all right guys the pizza stone is being in the oven for one hour should be very hard and it's a fan forced I want the stone to be extremely extremely hot so when I put the pizza on it will start cooking straight away okay guys we have a very little time right now because the stone is extremely hot and I don't want it to be out of the oven okay so let's put a pizza right on top this will start cooking right away I can already smell the dog cooking so let's put this sauce on top gives you the steam can you see the bubble can you see how our the pizza is moving in a city reaction look look at the reaction of the pizza here it's already telling me I'm cooking at the bottom my friend put me in the oven and that's what I'm about to do right now straight in the end right now the reason why we can't wait any longer is because the function of a pizza oven is the wood fire oven technique and if we waiting too long we're not allowing the base of a stone to cook the bottom properly I wanna have another burn but you know what I have a little bit of brown a little bit of black on the bottom like the wood fire oven I want to see the bottom a little bit burn you know like the Napoleon style pizza I want to get that effect as you can see from the stone the dough is rising faster and evenly look at the edges okay guys what we really need to do now is to take our arm out quickly and put ingredients on top straight from the oven at the same time guys make sure you turn the grill on broiler should be back on at this time basil I speak arena cheese a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and back in the oven with a broiler on four to three more minutes and it's time again to take it out just before the cheese burns I don't want the cheese to burn I will take it out I'm gonna help myself with a chopping board and I put it right on top so I can put the stone back in we can make more pizzas any of these my not poor little pizza done on the stone let's review it the edges are crunchy yes kindly to the crunch nice bounce-back I like that that's the way it should be bit more brown they should have been cooked to be faster than the other ones nicer color and it's not bad for an oven for a normal oven the cheese melted beautifully the bottom part let's see at the bottom let's see how the bottom is yeah we got a beautiful look it's not really brown the way I wanted but it is cooked beautifully much better than the other two the crunch is what I love already I'm really loving the crunch oh yeah look at it though it's very similar to the one cooked on the train oh look at this look how beautiful it is it's the same dough guys same dough oh you didn't grow as much okay this one didn't grow as much as the other one to be honest but look look at the inside I'd already liked the fact that it flipped this way the other pizzas even didn't do that that much look at this one similar class close to an operation pizza we fold it just like this I can operate on pizza and we're because it is the winner it is the winner the combination of the San Marzano tomato the mozzarella the crunch mmm I pick this one guys in variable cheap price it's beautiful but you know what these pizza makes me think I don't do an extra one a bonus pizza for you what I'm gonna do right now I'm going to use baking paper to going to use a stone I'm going to use the broiler the grill and same force at the same time no pop bake I'm gonna try and cook these babies with ingredients on top in less than 2 minutes do you think the Heron can do it come on is the last test of the day let's see what they are having and the stone are capable of all right guys it's been about three minutes and I think you do need more than two minutes but it's not done yet not done yet the ingredients are good let's try one more minute let's try and do one more minute to see if it works one more minutes should be enough so we might be able to do this Pizza Napoletana in four minutes time free the ingredients are not going to burn let's see what we were able to create all right well the melting trees is what I didn't want you know this is 2020 and I my opinion isn't acceptable anymore to have burnt cheese on top you know we we know more than that so I'm not happy about that melting cheese but if you look at the door it's pretty good Mac I'm very happy with the door it's crunchy but it's soft and the outside it's pretty good I'm pretty sure the bottom is good let's have a look ah behold but the bottom looks very good to me let's never look again yeah the bottom looks great I'm just not happy about the melting cheese so if the Armen was a little bit more a bit stronger maybe maybe we would have been able to do it in less than two minutes but it took four minutes and it's not what I want all right the tasting now it's not crunchy on the side no not not crunchy yeah it's pretty good pizza just want to avoid that melting cheese it's really good they just need to be hot okay beautiful the edges are oh great great ages we did a very good job I think the oven is it's pretty awesome I think the humming can can do more than than this but you know me by now so you know that I'm going to say I really love the community on it I think please is that based on the journey of the day I love the four pizzas this has the best Cornish on it what's here hmm surprisingly cooked to perfection on the bottom I'm surprised but by far Wow it is the best bottom I've tried today the edges all right it's ready edges let's see if it is better I see wow wow wow wow in a way this is lighter as a pizza the cheese melting on top you know that burnt I can really taste the burnt but I don't have the same feeling that before that is not the same experience when you have a freshly melt cheese I've melt fresh but definitely this one is in the top two what is the other one is it the stone or is it a baking paper having a stone what do you think so guys it is important that I'll let you know what I've made today is not not pour it on pizza not Pizza Napoletana Pizza Napoletana can only be cooked in the wood faraman you know there are lots of rules and then Pizza Napoletana making process the fermentation the maturation the way you make the dough is you know it's very very important type of flour that you use the way you cook it now to cook Napolitan pizza you need to use wood farm that allows you to cook the pizza between 60 seconds to 90 seconds at 480 Celsius degrees if you cook your pizza for 91 seconds well that can be called Pizza Napoletana anymore that's not how the Napoleon pizza is made so whatever down today well today I've made a Napoleon Pizza style at home just because if you don't have the wood fireman but you still want to have fun trying to make this pizza yes you can he's not gonna be the attending version it's not gonna be the same experience you get from the wood fire oven but we can say it is it is Napoleon style don't forget we need to respect pizza chefs we need to respect the people who work in the industry and work very hard in order to make the perfect knob for exampie it's okay so let's not spread the wrong information all day you need to know this pizza we just made it was fun to make and it is fun and enjoyable okay but lots of respect for the authenticity of these Napolitan pizza thank you so much for watching this episode we will see you in the next video sprite video recipe a oracy mangia it changes plate look at this
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 379,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook neapolitan pizza at home, how to make neapolitan pizza at home, how to make neapolitan pizza in a normal oven, neapolitan pizza, neapolitan pizza dough recipe, pizza, how to make neapolitan pizza, how to make neapolitan pizza like world best pizza chef, pizza napoletana, how to make pizza, pizza napolitana original, how to make pizza dough like a pro, best pizza at home, pizza cook in home oven, homemade pizza, vincenzo's plate
Id: uQQVW4hpk30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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