Thinking Aboit It Now, It Was Actually Hilarious

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what event in your life wasn't funny at the time but is hilarious now me and my friends got robbed once and my friend handed over his wallet then remembered that is it was in there and what to be it is to get a new one so he started arguing with the robber to let him take the doubt and they get into a full back and fourth argument over it robber eventually opens his wallet and is trying to slide the adapter the plastic sleeve thing and is having trouble my friend snatched the wallet from him slides is it out and hands back the wallet we were all terrified at the time but looking back we laugh about how stupid that was the whole scene could have come straight out of a sitcom parents just got their divorce finalized dad ended up leaving and it was just me and my mom at home i tried to think of something to lighten the mood and give a silver lining but since i was like eight or so the only thing i came up with was at least we aren't moving needless to say that's when i learned for the first time that we were moving at least we aren't moving narrator they were moving one time when i was in seventh grade math class the teacher asked a question that i actually knew the answer to so when he asked the class which of us knew the answer i enthusiastically shot my hand up but he didn't call on me however the girl he did call on got it wrong so when he asked the rest of the class who could give the correct answer i not only threw my hand up this time with even more further than the first attempt but i accompanied it with a deal ceiling i know as well this time he did call on me and just as i went to triumphantly announce the proof of my mathematical prowess i sneezed the force of which caused me to blast the loudest fart i had ever produced in my thereto for young life as i turned 12 shades of crimson and the mortified embarrassment that only a 13 year old kid who just farted in front of room full of other merciless 13 year old kids could feel and said room full of vengeful little bastards already roaring in laughter at me my shame was only further deep and when the teacher stifling himself from bursting outfits of laughter as well confirmed to me and the rest of the class rest of the class rest of the class that's not the right answer either ah crap that's hilarious on the teacher's part i had an unbelievably busy couple of weeks with work thinking of so many things i ended up accidentally closing my car keys in my trunk called and waited for caa roadside assistance they got there i realized my car wasn't even locked my friend's younger brother once locked his keys in his car he called his dad to bring the spare and unlock it while his dad was driving over he realized the window was down so he could obviously get in and grab his keys rather than call his dad and say he no longer needed the spare he rolled up the windows and then locked his keys in the car for real broke up with my girlfriend of the time and after a long and tearful goodbye i turned from her room and fell down a flight of stairs actually hurting myself quite badly insisted i was okay and hobbled out the door and her life forever i really wish my breakup went like that would be hilarious to look back on with friends i very briefly worked as a princess at children's birthday parties snow white cinderella standard stuff one day dispatch called me and told me i'd be playing hello kitty at a party i didn't even know that was an option but okay fine i go to pick up the costume and it's this giant fuzzy suit with a steel hula hoop in the middle keeping it round and a giant head with some mesh in the mouth that i can barely see out of this was going to be a long hour so i get to the party and it's outside in this family's backyard i do all my shtick face painting balloon animals magic tricks but there's still about 15 minutes left to kill so i ask the kids if they want to play a game the kids have some random made up game where you throw a ball and tag the tree and run back to a certain point or whatever so i say fine let's play now what i couldn't tell from the poor vision out of the mesh costume head was that the yard we were in was situated at the top of a very steep hill i went to catch a ball and suddenly everything was spinning i was rolling the hula hoop kept its shape so my feet never touched the ground i rolled like a giant fuzzy ball down the hill the giant had flew off and i landed at the bottom in a giant bush i could see tiny heads peering over the side of the hill finally i heard a mom yell are you okay yeah do you need some help yeah it took three dads to roll me back up the hill because my center of gravity and this giant ball wouldn't allow me to climb back up this massive vertical hill the head was dented there were twigs sticking out of it half the kids were laughing the other half were sobbing i walked straight through the kitchen and out the front door without bothering to say i was leaving and see if i get a tip i wanted to leave so badly i attempted to get into my saturn with the suit still on but that wasn't going to happen i had to change awkwardly behind my car and left as quickly as possible horrifying at the time thankfully this was pre-smartphone so it wasn't all over youtube the next day although now i think i'd like to see it it's pretty hilarious in retrospect it took three dads to roll me back up the hill this line cracked me up fifth grade graduation i was selected to present some award to one of my teachers no one told me anything about it so dave i get called first out of the five or so that were being given and i really confusedly stood up but they had said something about how these potted little trees at the front of the room were part of the award in the preface so in the absolute silence of that room i meekly walked to one of the trees picked it up pot and all and carried it on stage to the teacher at the podium the stage was set up so that i had to go all the way to one side up a short set of stairs and back to the center when i finally arrived at the podium i put the tree down and a little dirt spilled out the teacher standing at the podium finally mercifully broke the silence after another few seconds hugged me and said something about her award being hand delivered and i went back and sat down assumedly beat red that's the kind of thing that would keep me up every night for years was walking down the hallway talking to my crush when suddenly i had to fart for some stupid reason my 10 year old self thought it would be a good idea to interrupt her stand in front of her say shhh watch this and fart except it wasn't a fart that's right i interrupted my crush got her attention and then pooped my pants right in front of her and then ran off in embarrassment and shame and that children is how we know it's impossible to actually die from embarrassment bought a vacant house that was filled with junk was cleaning out the basement and found a poor dead cat the previous owners must have left to die there alone i didn't want to touch it so i called animal control they came out right away i showed the guy the cat under some debris the guy picks it up with tongs and we all find out it is a stuffed animal he started dying laughing but at least my shame was only with one guy i would never see again right to my complete disbelief one of my best friend's dad was literally outside the front of the home checking water meters since he also worked for the city and the animal control guy told him all about it but now both of them dying laughing and now all my friends would definitely find out we still have the stuffed cat years later and laugh i had an ex-girlfriend called to tell me she had chlamydia i was totally shocked called every single one of my ex-partners because it seemed like the responsible thing to do it was super embarrassing i went to the doctor and took the p test but because i was the only person who could have given my ex chlamydia the doctor gave me the antibiotics on the spot so i could start taking them they made me totally nauseous one of the worst experiences of my life a week later a friend tells me that my ex-girlfriend read her test wrong her chlamydia test said pending and somehow she assumed that meant positive so long story short i never had chlamydia not funny at the time but now i laugh when i think about how ridiculous the whole situation was ha the premise of the british netflix show lovesick formerly known as scrotal recall is entirely this a guy finds out he has chlamydia and makes a list of all the girls he slept with calling them one by one it's a fun watch i stopped by the dong sporting goods shop where my son worked during his college years waiting around for him got boring so i decided to try out one of the treadmills on display i had never been on a treadmill in my life but really how hard could it be i hopped up on the one with the key in the ignition whatever and turned it on whoosh i flew off the end of that thing like i was traveling backwards to heck and knocked over a poor woman browsing the sweatpants we disentangled ourselves and decided we were both unhurt while my son who witnessed the whole stunt watched shaking his head from the back of the store you know what made it somehow even more embarrassing that i had my big handbag over my shoulder the entire time just who treadmills with a purse honestly if my mom did something like that i'd be laughing in good fun just sounds like a silly story to tell and one you can share with your son when i was in sixth grade i won the class spelling bee i knew it wasn't a big deal because i knew no one cares how good of a speller anyone is but though i was an eager reader i was a poor student and i had a subdued pride that i had won and that i would go on to the school wide spelling bee with an opportunity to showcase before the whole school that i was good at something my second word was plaid when it was given to me it just sounded like a nonsense syllable i just shrugged and figured it was probably the past tense of plot and rattled off my assumed spelling without thinking it took a split second i was standing there before a catholic school assembly half of whose students were wearing plaid jumpers the meaning of the word clicked the very moment i had repeated the word and the scope and ridiculousness of my error crashed into me instantaneously my eyes went wide as dinner plates and i positively screamed an incredulous self-loathing outrage it was like this your word is plaid plaid pld plaid knew then i kind of half crumbled writhing around while still standing kind of a knees bent hunched over posture and tearing at my hair with both fists i slunk off to the sides the first person eliminated and struggled to hold back tears still showcased before the entire school as i was my sister still gives me crap about it when we're having a jokey disagreement about anything as a go-to argument finisher frick you spell plaid why don't you when i was in eighth grade cooking class i ate too much cookie dough and had to crap really bad with only 15 minutes of school left the teacher made me argue waffle for five minutes to be able to go after realizing all the bathrooms were locked during class time i tried to leave since i lived right down the street and the principal stopped me while trying to explain that i really had to crap i ended up crapping and completely ruining my caccus also funny thing is that runny crap really shows up in car keys so while waddling home just a school got out everybody could see i crap myself i was really nauseous one day and started running across the house to the bathroom to vomit well mid-run i projectile vomited then proceeded to slip in the vomit feet in the air and landed on my butt i was so embarrassed i started crying in front of my family and siblings friends everyone else was laughing and when i think about it now it was probably hilarious to see the timing of my mother's death she was notorious for wiggling out of conversations when she was younger she'd slip some no-meaning answer into placateu but you'd never get to talk about whatever it was bothering you but we hadn't spoken or seen one another in years and i knew she was ill my brother confirmed and i decided on being the bigger person to bury the hatchet and got a ticket for a horror and hangout some jokes about a lot of missed conversation we were due to fly out on monday she died the saturday before we were to fly out she was always good at getting out of conversations kinda reminds me of my mom she had cancer and i was with her the whole time we literally lived next door to each other one day after radiation she tells me you know i don't feel like someone who's dying it was terminal she died in her sleep that night like what the heck woman just darkly funny went on an overnight camping trip in yellowstone found some bear tracks grizzly and fresh scat on the trail to the campsite once we got to the campsite we found it had been trashed with both leftover food and garbage by the previous visitors and that bear s had been digging through it we turned back towards the trail to exit the area and go sleep in our car instead but we ended up running into the bears decided not to get too close and head down the other trail instead it ran into a main road in the park due to the map ended up having to climb over three mountains to get to the road it was well past midnight and some nice park employee picked us up drove us back to our car and gave us tips how not to get caught sleeping in it it was really unfunny at the time considering the weight of the gear and the howling of the wolves after dark but a year and a half later it's a great story i was at a family farm working one day as a young teen i had a friend with me and we had just finished up what we were doing right at that time the tractor was pulling a loaded wagon past we had two options either catch the wagon for a lift or walk back most of a kilometer we went for the wagon we ran down a small hill then jumped a rail fence or should i say he jumped the fence i almost cleared it my pants caught on an extended knot and did not let go my momentum appended me my pants were still stuck on the fence i continue to fall until my pants and underwear catch around my knees with me hanging upside down about 18 inches off of the ground completely unable to do anything to free myself my friend laughed so long at my little free willy routine that by the time i and my now ripped pants got free and dumped my bare butt on the ground we got to walk all of the way back i had testicular cancer five years ago and opted not to get a prosthetic my ball sack now looks like a coin purse which is pretty funny there's no money shot because the purse is empty fitting i had a manager who was well known for being a bit of an airhead she was a good manager but you had to remind her of things constantly and often had to explain things multiple times she also had no known poker face one day i came in and the number i needed to sign into a cash register wasn't working so i went to her to see if she knew what was going on she looked at me completely deadpan and said oh sorry i forgot we were firing you she waited for me to lose all the color in my face before saying just kidding we changed everyone's number and giving me my new one i hated her in the moment but it was hilarious by the end of the week oh that's a good one wahahaha i wonder how many people she got with that line that day so i was running at full speed i was about 10 or 11 and my cousin threw a basketball at me he threw it so perfectly my legs caught it as they were closing while i was running and i essentially just sailed through the air still in my run pose as if i'm waiting for my legs to unfuck themselves when i finally hit the ground i slid on my knee you can still see where i landed on it i was furious then but now i can't help but laugh and be in awe of such a well-timed ball it was a camping trip with my family my dad was a geologist and for fun there was a sapphire mining panning hunting not sure on correct term competition so we went there for an extended weekend it all starts off with dad staking his claim on the spot he calculated would be best for pulling out the best sapphires from memory you pull the sapphires out of a river by panning the sediment behind rocks as that is where their collect after coming downstream dad spent all of the first day picking nothing but rubbish stones out of the spot we then returned to the campsite and dad asks me to collect sticks for kindling to start the fire after collecting a bountiful selection of long sticks i then triumphantly run back to the campsite i trip and fall face first into the stick stabbing myself in the eye my mum and sisters stay at the campsite whilst dad runs me off to the local hospital luckily it turns out i've just scratched the surface and need to wear an eye patch for a week so back to the campsite halfway through the second day after still pulling nothing but rubbish stones dad gets the shoots and gives up on the spot and moves to another the second he moves someone else jumps on his spot and not 30 minutes later pulls out the hugest sapphire my dad has ever seen in his life and wins the competition so dad is be beyond belief we head back to the campsite and my two sisters are chasing each other around and they come up to the end of the riverbank and one of my sister slips sliding face first down the embankment no biggie just dust yourself off and carry on nope the embankment was covered with stinging nettles and my sister was stung all over her face neck chest and arms my dad tells me to get the first aid kit from the van so i run with my other sister to go get it i retrieve the first aid kit then slam the van door shut on my sister's arm and then it started to rain i was about five at the time and had never heard my dad swear before but he lost his crap and taught me a lot of new words that day he proceeded to throw everything back into the van including my mum and the three screaming children and we then drove the five hours home it was a traumatic day for all involved but i still talk to my parents about that weekend and have a good chuckle about it that's hilarious and reminds me of some of the camping trip stories in calvin and hobbes had a really chill professor in a relatively small class it was a two-hour class so i was sort of zoning out during a break and the professor was animatedly telling a story to us at the front i overheard her say and that's when i step out when i start getting frisky i instantly laugh and sail out wow that's kinda off the cuff huh the professor and the other students in the class looked really confused the prof asked me to clarify when i said oh you said you were frisky i got like 12 pairs of very shocked eyes on me the professor said no i said when i get corny at my daughter's daycare joking with the teachers i've never been reader in my life a friend of mine was sitting beside me and laughed hysterically while everyone else sat in silence i was mortified in that class from there on out the day i found out i got into my first college i was at my friend's house when i found out it was right when they started letting you check your status online when i saw i was accepted i literally ran home to tell my parents when i got home i saw my dad putting boxes in his car and asked him what he was doing and that's how me getting into college got overshadowed by my parents getting divorced yay i'll held at that my bad when i was in fifth grade it was a thing that you had to have a crush and everyone in class needed to know everyone in class made sure to update it after a breakup or a holiday break and there was one tiny problem i didn't think it was weird to also like girls so when a couple girls in class asked me who my crush was i was like oh i like sarah horizon blue that's my favorite color and the girls made sure to tell everyone in class including sarah that i was a girl kisser and everyone in class would avoid me i regretted it so much i dreaded going to class and now i look back at it and laugh because sarah's eyes weren't even blue they were hazel and i was confusing her with her cousin my 11 year daughter told a nine-year-old neighbor boy that she was a lesbian because she was tired of telling the boy she wasn't interested in a relationship with him he told our other neighbor an adult who then asked us what was up with that and we learned our daughter lied i mean sure she could be a lesbian but i think she was just going for an easy out i got bitten by a brown recluse at the age of 12 while i was sleeping woke up with what looked like an infected ingrown hair that quickly became a gaping hole of rotting black flesh at the worst of it you could see a small half centimeter spot of my bone which is the one closest to your body the ulna or radius the one on the same side as your thumb whatever that's just background details for context so here i am standing in line at walmart with a big white bandage around my arm hiding the gore underneath i'm out of the woods and on the mend but it's still hideous to see a lady is standing behind us in line and spots my bandage for some reason she wants to know what happened i give her a smile and say i got bit by a spider she made a yeesh face and said she hoped it got better soon me with the crap eating grin wanna see it her oh i know that's fine you should keep it oh sweet jesus the lady was so grossed out by my very growth spider bite that she ended up vomiting in the aisle got it on my shoes some of the random knick-knacks they keep on shelving at checkout and all over the floor then i being weak in the stomach in those days threw up two it was the smell that got me today i know that all happened because 12 yumi was a troublemaker and brought it upon herself it's hilarious now remembering this 40 or 50ish year old lady yelling oh sweet jesus that's the only thing said that day that i will never forget the rest is paraphrasing tl dr haiku a spider bit me girl at walmart got nosy vomit on my shoes the mental image got me just imagining you showing the wound her throwing up and then you throwing up cracks me up the third time i broke my left leg which is itself a funny idea thinking back as it happened three summers in a row i was jumping ramps on my bike with a friend i didn't break from the jump though i jumped quite successfully and landed safely it was when i moved off to the side to allow my friend to go when the bike wheel caught in a groove in the ground and i fell the frame of the bike smashed into my leg which itself smashed into the side of the cement driveway and shattered the leg this was about 20 years ago i always laugh at the idea that i broke my leg after the jump my family used to have a security camera pointed at one corner of our basement the cat's litter boxes happened to be there when i was 16 i came down at the wrong moments to clean the boxes and found one cat having an atomic crap on the concrete floor the floor just shooting out it was like an explosive waterfall my father came down because he heard me shouting and then immediately backed out gagging i kept cursing and chased the cat into a litter box to finish up but the damage was done it was recorded in its ugly entirety it was horrible to clean up at the time and i did feel bad for the cat but now i can see why my family was laughing at the time i have this butthole cat who will stand in the litter box and crack off the side of it she's an outside cat now i had been working on a major project for months in another city we made a near-impossible deadline and it was all over it was supposed to be a joyous moment i gave an impassioned speech to the team and pumped my fist and somehow threw my back out bad i was planning on walking out holding my head out high swelling with pride going out with a bang instead it ended up with three of my employees wheeling my fat butt out the building in a rolling office chair and dumping me in an uber oh my god i can't stop laughing at that mental image if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 5,149
Rating: 4.9096045 out of 5
Keywords: hilarious videos, hilarious, hilarious fails, hilarious memes, funniest memory, funny memories, funny, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: 9l_mmeI-iVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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