What Were the Most Haunting “Dying Words” You've Heard?

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people over indeed who have heard someone say they're dying words what were they and how did they impact you my grandpa had alzheimer's i don't think he could speak for the last month of his life i don't believe he said anything close to his death before he entirely lost his speech though i was visiting him in the nursing home he looked up at me with the most love and happiness i had ever seen on his face and said burma irma was his first wife who committed suicide before he ever met my grandmother my grandmother was horribly abusive to him and never allowed anyone to talk about irma including my aunt who was irma's only daughter it broke my heart that he didn't know me but i was thankful he had forgotten what happened to her it's fitting that was the last thing i ever heard him say one of the last things my mum said to me whilst on her deathbed was it's okay let it all out it takes a real man to cry ro what a great mum even loving and supporting you up to her last moments i'm sorry for your loss sending a hug if you want it my father had been moved to hospice and i had been called to come because he was going to die soon when my father saw me he said i know why you're here looks at my sister because she thinks i'm going to die turns to me but i'm not gonna do it he never spoke again slipped into a coma and died three days later my dad stubborn fellow lol what an absolute legend that really freaking hurt said by the 16 year old who ran a stop sign in front of my truck he'd been drinking celebrating getting his driver's license at about 2 30 p.m the 25th of april 1986 i gave up driving for more than a month stopped eating and taking care of myself until i got therapy i'm sorry you have to carry that with you i hope you've been able to find peace with it save my baby i was doing her impromptu c spine on a woman in a car crash she said it right before she passed out she was five months pregnant i'll never forget her voice my dad loved us kids but he adored our mama we always knew mama came first they'd been married 54 years when he had a severe reaction to his first only chemo treatment and died within a week his last words were an answer to my question do you want mama to lie with you he said yes my brother and i moved him to the side of the bed that helped our mom crawl up on the bed and lie in his arms my dad never opened his eyes but he puckered his lips for a kiss and mom gave him a kiss it was the most awful beautiful thing i have ever seen he lived a few more days but never regained consciousness i took a picture because it was so beautifully sad one day after my mom has passed i will share it as it truly is the face of love and devotion welp i'm crying i want to go now from my grandad who had spent days being kept alive by machines he said that just after the last of our family arrived to say goodbye reminds me of the last words my grandfather said to me we were in the hospital and he turned to me and said something along the lines of it's my time i'm ready to go didn't see him again before he died a few days later at the hospital my grandfather told me that when i would be on my death bed someday i would not regret the mistakes i made or the times i looked foolish i would regret the things i never tried and the missed opportunities i was 16 i took his advice to heart good thing i did because my cancer has progressed beyond what known signs can do and having no regrets makes this much more bearable hang in there man life won't end when you pass away you'll be part of humanity and you will remain alive in people's memories my brother was briefly conscious and said to me i was dreaming he died shortly afterward after nine years with als i hope it was a good dream but it somehow made me realize what a lot of fun we had growing up together that was 18 years ago and i still miss him every day my uncle passed from als your story really hit home we still walk every year for a cure sending hugs xxx my twin sister heard our granddad's last words they were please don't leave me i'll be dead by morning the hospital wouldn't let her stay and he died about two hours later i don't think she's stopped feeling guilty since even though there was nothing she could have done frick that hospital my uncle died when he was 22 i was 19. when hospice came they told him they couldn't leave without him understanding that he's dying after the nurse left he told me call my friends i want to see everyone before i die but not the [ __ ] don't call them it was so funny and heartbreaking at the same time they weren't his final words but that night he died and it was devastating but i always think back to the things he said to us that final night so many funny and wonderful things that were also so heartbreaking worked as a career for elderly people one lady was 92 had been married for 70 years to her husband who passed away one week before he told her he'd wait by that tree with the roses for her because she was scared to die when it came to be her turn she woke up for the first time in days opened her eyes and said i knew you'd be there waiting and passed away just shows that some people are made to be together made us all cry though that's just so beautiful my father passed after a long battle with cancer when i was 15. his last words to me were you will always be my favorite memory the cancer was affecting his brain at that point so it was one of the only lucidish things he said to me that day got it tattoo to me the day i turned 18. as a dad myself i know your dad spoke from his heart after a number of strokes and living in an assisted care facility my dad's organs were starting to give up he was adamant about not receiving any treatment and we respected that so we knew it would only be a matter of days the last time i visited him before he slipped into a coma i told him i loved him when i left like i always did he said i love you too my girl at that stage he had barely been able to make himself understandable for months because the strokes had severely affected his speech he was the best dad ever and although we knew how much he loved us he was not one to say it often those few words gave me peace and that's the best thing one can ask for when a loved one dies my mom just passed in february under similar conditions she was in a rehab to get her home things were not going good and i stopped on my way home from work she was surprisingly up and coherent i spent about four hours there talking and all seemed good as i walked out the door after saying many goodbyes she yelled to me hey i love you i love you too mom she never woke up the next day my mother's last rational words to me before she went to sleep for a week and the dementia and cancer took her where i freaking hate this my mother said something similar throughout her 18-month cancer battle and at the end i hate this it's not fair i love you too much i'm in medical imaging and not me but a co-worker once heard a patient say you're killing me while doing a long scan the patient died during the test all the scan involved was the patient laying still i'm not sure what he died from during my emt schooling my instructor said that when a patient tells you they feel like they're dying and they're not on psychedelic drugs you should listen to them because many times they are nurse here had a patient look at me and tell me he thought he was dying then bam he died super freaking quick was a dnr do not wrest it so couldn't take any actions in all my years of nursing it's only happened that once and never happened again but you can bet your last dollar that i pay super freaking attention to what my patients say heck yes when i was in emt school my instructor said if someone tells you they're going to die there is a very good chance that they're right get the defibrillator pads a customer was complaining to me about his rental car's auto stop feature then he started making a death rattle sound and fell to the ground with a heart attack it felt like it took the medics forever to get there and as far as i know he didn't make it it bothered me for a while that i was part of what was most likely this man's last conversation and it was so meaningless and he was at the airport by himself it was so sad made an insanely stupid drive through a snowstorm in january 2014 with my wife beyonce at the time we got married that coming august to see my grandma who was in her last days the usually four hour drive took almost seven and there were multiple points i couldn't see any road and was eeking along at a roll just trying to keep myself out of the ditch we made it there late at night my mom showed me in grandma's room the silver sequined jacket my grandma had picked out to wear to our wedding it was already hanging out and set aside even though the wedding wasn't for months and she probably knew she'd never make it i sat next to her for an hour that night and she stood awake only once for a short time she smiled and got out only one word happiness she passed away the next night i took it to mean that she wished his happiness and wanted my wife and i to live it each and every day i try my best to live up to that my grandfather told my at the time boyfriend to take care of my baby girl a few months later after nine years of being together he's been previously married he proposed he told me what my grandfather said and why it was so important for him to spend the rest of his life taking care of me it was a very sweet moment on many levels and i will never forget it sue did you stay married or don't leave us on a cliffhanger my grandmother but really my mommy her last words were to me she said you're my baby grew up in a very conservative catholic country my birth mother had me when she was young until her mother ended up taking me and raised me as one of her own i found out about it years later but never really got home with my birth mother having the woman i still consider my ma'am validate that on her deathbed meant the world to me was in the back of an ambulance doing cpr defibrillated the guy he came around for a second looked us dead in the eye and said calmly and clearly could i please have another pillow then he died i was out of town the day before my grandma died she called me to make sure i had breakfast i told her i had porridge she used to make it for me when i was a kid she knew i was lying because who has porridge at a hotel she said make sure you eat breakfast every day then i told her i love you see you tomorrow she replied yes last thing she ever said to me now i hear yes as i love you too like when i ask my son to clean his room and he says yes yes yes i know intellectually he means go away you're annoyed but i hear it as i love you too that's sweet my condolences my dad's last words were off rick it made me realize that dying is rarely the gentle peaceful event that people imagine it to be he was in a lot of pain and the drugs the doctors gave him to counter the pain and intended to give him some peace made him extremely agitated he was so dang frustrated the night he died because he really really really did not want to die it was awful hitch kent midge need me he he doesn't know me anymore does he the last words my grandmother spoke to me when i took my alzheimer's stricken grandfather to visit her in the hospital the evening before she died they were married for almost 70 years she was fully cognizant and she was right he didn't that is so heartbreaking i read so many posts above but this made me cry i can't imagine not having the love of your life not remember you the pain alone it was last year my grandfather and i were pretty close to each other and i will always admire him he was dying of lung cancer and it was in his final stages they gave him morphine so he was just sleeping i honestly though he was already death and stopped crying i was with him and my family for like four hours and he barely say a word it was my birthday sadly but his last words was happy birthday i love you that must be incredibly difficult for you i can't imagine that this has been a real wake-up call i need to make changes in my life he had a stroke the instant he finished that sentence i was standing not far from the foot of my grandmother's bed as she lay there dying i suddenly sneezed a couple of times which broke the deathly silence in the room she slowly opened her eyes rolled her head over to look at me and just stared me oh didn't mean to wake you gran i'm sorry her bulls she passed not long after that seems like a great memory she got sassy just one last time just let me sleep i'm just napping i'm fine the guy who laid down in the parking lot at 5 45 a.m at the convenience store i was managing he was super confused as to why they were doing cpr turned out he had a blood clot that caused a heart attack those were his last conscious words to me as i held his hand waiting for the ambulance thanks for holding his hand in an emt like first aid is always priority and i suggest everyone get training but if you don't know what you're doing or can't do anything anymore even holding their hand is better than nothing but we do it too something about your comment stuck out don't stop not being a bystander the bystander effect has killed and just adds to the chaos fiance died in my arms right before the wedding mine is more on the sad side not very inspirational i was with my fiance for 10 years and he died 11 days before our wedding he had heart problems and one morning he ran in the bedroom saying that i needed to call 9 one one and then looked into my eyes and said oh my god i'm going to die then he fell on the ground i jumped over did cpr and screamed i love you over and over and over again until the ambulance arrived five minutes later i wanted him to know that he wasn't alone that he was loved i have nightmares about that moment half of me wishing that i hadn't been there for selfish reasons but my dad said what better way to die than in the arms of the person you love with them saying how much they love you not many people get that doubt and because of those words i hope that when the time comes i die in the arms of someone i love and the last thing i hear is i love you so my advice is tell your significant other friend family member you love them every moment you get you can never say it too much my granddad was the definition of grumpy grandpa seriously the moodiest old jits to walk the earth my dad was his eldest son and their relationship was always kind of tense whenever we visited but he always had a soft spot for me as the youngest granddaughter he used to read lots of poetry to me and play cards with me when i was little you name it emphasis on the poetry his love of poetry is likely what caused me to love literature english so much well we visited him in the care home a lot once he had been moved there because he'd recently hard passed a heart by part or something too stubborn man and he was on his last legs grumpy and no less since he was confined to a bed in a lonely room well my dad sort of cleared things up with him as much as father's sons do and left the room to get some tea i got a bit tearful because i'd never seen my gramps in such a state before skinny pale hollow eyed the works i just remembered the smell of his leather jacket and his morning walk to get cigarettes in the newspaper from down the street i'd go with him every time we visited and he'd always buy me a packet of smarties so he saw me tear up and took my hands told me not to cry you know be strong the usual i didn't really know what else to do so i just kind of looked at the tv i can't recall what show was on but it was just on for background noise then my granddad suddenly started reciting remember me by christina rossetti he got through maybe the first four lines then forgot so i pulled it up on my phone and read the rest of him dad came back but gramps had fallen asleep we stayed for another hour and a half or so before giving him a hug and a kiss goodbye good night leaving him to sleep that was on a sunday evening around seven or eight we would have stayed longer but the care home grandparents house was two hours away from where we lived so we had to set off monday morning while my dad was driving me to college his phone rings he wants to ignore it but it bothers me because he never gets calls like that so i tell him to pull over and answer it i make quite a fuss eventually he misses the call but gives me the phone to check the voicemail the carer home informed us that my granddad passed away in the early hours of the morning in his sleep i read remember me at the funeral my grandfather died 15 years ago when my grandmother died last year her last words before going to sleep were grandfather's name come get me it has been so long my grandma passed away last year and my dad and uncle would take turns watching her she had severe dementia they heard her shortly before she passed over the baby monitor husband i'm coming to see you i can feel us getting closer my dad's last understandable words were his nickname for my son when i brought him in to say goodbye but frick me i wasn't trying to cry my eyeballs out at 6 am but here we are wasnt his very last words but very close my grandfather as he lay dying said nikki you come to see me boy he was his beloved border collie farm dog that had been gone for 10 plus years i like to think he came for him still tears me up i love that dog too i've seen patients start talking to a deceased person or pet before they pass i'm agnostic but i almost think they come for the dying person it's a wildly believed fact in indian tradition sometimes people at their last dying moments can't let go of their bodies which in turn prolongs the suffering so to help them people pour awesome tenoflor in water it's seen as a sort of helping hand for the unfortunate to cross the border wish i could articulate better but towards the end of my grandmother's tough battle with cancer she couldn't just let go after helping her with ottoman teneforum water she started repeating maa i'm coming over and over again until she passed those words stuck with me having lost my dad when i was 18 and he was 38 hearing about old people dying and calling out for their parents terrifies me i know i'm going to have to miss him so much for such a long time i can't breathe and help me are two that stick with me hardest part of being a nurse is not being able to save every patient from dying big hugs for you i had a cardiac arrest while fencing the sport apparently my last words were i can't breathe and a nurse who is fencing on the strip next to mine heard my words and saved my life cpr even some open heart surgery later on and i am good as new my gramps kind moaned and pointed at stuff and my dad was all pee off having to fuss over this and that then when dad wasn't looking gramps grinned and winked at me through his frail barely can communicate state he was always a smart button just wanted to annoy that it wasn't dying words he probably had a few weeks left in him just the last i saw of him the day before my grandfather slipped into his last sleep my car broke down he heard about it and gave me a lot of money when i visited him the last thing he said to me i wanted to see you smile for one last time man i'm even tearing up right now he sounds like one heck of a guy not her dying words but the last words my great-grandmother said to me were not to marry young no to make the same mistake she had made she was 94 and i was 19. i really took her words to heart i married last year at 35. the last time i saw my grandmother she was in the hospital dying i had my boyfriend at the time with me and she said don't marry young wait on it till you're ready i'm pretty sure she was really saying don't marry this guy he's not right for you but still had tact enough to not say it directly guy was not right for me so glad i didn't marry him good advice grandma if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 8,835
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Keywords: haunting last words, reddit haunting last words, dying words, dying last words, haunting, spooky, scary, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: o4SWhEspctc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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