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for you guys i got laser and fresh's super knock back tournament that is right this is a very interesting tournament with totally different like a there's different weapons in here weapons that literally don't exist new weapons uh and a bunch of other crazy rules so i don't even know how it works exactly but if you're top 450 you get the skin and the back bling and if you're top 50 you get uh everything so uh laser beam actually already gave me all this stuff so i'm just playing it for fun and i'm playing with ranger too so it's gonna be a blast i hope you guys are ready and excited why did i have music off let's turn that on there we go i watched you guys the item shop real quick we got a bunch of cool stuff the galaxy pack cryptic uh a bunch of cool skins this rad emissions wrap which i'm gonna go ahead and claim because it looks really really cool and then we got uh freshest bundle locker bundle ripley and xenomorph the flash and guys guys guys guys guys this emo look shanty for a squad there once was a squad that read up with outfits a fancy to say what's up their hopes were high for a win that day go me squatty boys go so the more people you do this with the threat the more like deeper the voice gets it's like a you know it's like um like everybody joins in on the song so i'm gonna go ahead and buy this we're gonna do with ranger it's gonna be great okay we're gonna see if it works in the lobby i don't know if it'll work in the lobby but here i'm gonna do it let's see if he catches on wait actually let me talk to him okay ranger ranger let's do it you ready do the emote okay ah three streaming three yeah three two one go wait either though oh it works i told you it's like a background beat now this cat is kind of lit like it is imagine we had four of us that would be kind of that'd be kind of crazy it says we can't we can't be toxic what it says the rules yeah well i'm gonna go i'm just kidding [Music] this song's a banger bro it is right it's like one of those like uh i don't know if it's viking or what it is but it's something like that just like that really popular tick tock right now that's like that oh is there anything like that yeah we'll take our leave and go [Music] okay let's see if we can get like the whole lobby to do that we needed to like five people yeah right here right here oh no it's not even in my wheel where is it oh i found it okay you can scroll you can scroll i found it why'd nobody else buy it dude these guys are all sweats bro this is great wait maybe this guy oh wow oh i'm gonna be a giant target i just realized yeah they're probably like jump around with no fall damage emote to heal yourself check supply drops for a special surprise okay this looks really cool i don't know too much about it ranger knows probably a little bit more but we should definitely try to land on an air drop to get the the pistol but i feel like a lot of wait we should go over like here and then like land on an air drop but like before it even spawns you know okay let's just try to like go over there because like any air drops that are on the map now are going to be heavily contested people are just doing pickaxing right so we should like yeah like go to one's like right here because we're gonna go to that one okay yeah we'll take our leave and go i'm pretty sure it's guaranteed to get the pistol from uh all right sweet sweet so this is like a brand new pistol not in the game ever before so this is gonna be very interesting oh somebody's gonna beat me there's crazy oh does he have the god drop he's the guy drop for the left one i can go for the right one yeah actually we could go yeah i i can go for the right one okay go for the right one okay let's go let's go we'll take a leave and go i think we're the only ones going here so this is nice we're playing heavy placement we're going to get first in this tournament guys all right yes sir couple of nuts what is this oh impulse an impulse i call it impulse technically shockwave yeah i'm gonna open this thing up wayne's endangered let me see what's in this thing oh you can have it oh there's two oh there's two you took all the ammo though here there you go okay so we got two exotic flint knocks what the heck okay the interesting is there a definite yeah it does 109 damage to the body oh there's a guy in the air above us oh yeah he shot him out of the sky i could i couldn't hit him oh i got him he was a stream sniper though i'm 99 sure oh yeah he's staring at us he's trying to engulf us so let me see how this works oh my god that's kind of crazy bro yeah it's kind of nice honestly [Music] wait is each of them two points [Music] all right so now basically that we have the flint knock we just go to all the other air drops on the map actually we don't even need that grappler just just literally single-handedly just get everything just like it's infinite mobility bro holy is ammo you should probably do this building just to get ammo oh i got a big there's guys in there guys he has a bush i knocked his bush off and knocks his bush off he's in the air all right i'm going after him his teammate's probably behind him somewhere yeah i have a boat right right here him you see me soon oh my god what oh there's the dub shop yeah the dub and the dualies i'll take the dualies okay okay i'll take the dub this is gonna be so interesting like this is so cool what is this there's a mythic hero i'm gonna go check out what it is okay you go do that i'm gonna go frag out oh it's a grenade launcher it's a mythic grenade launcher what yeah shockwave launcher we're flying at you is there anybody here okay there's a guy in this building here i'm pushing okay i'm going down though you said i've gotta get some of your tape there's a guy rushing over to me i have one heart hit one heart i'm going in let's do though i've been done he's like one shot oh bro i it's so hard to shoot somebody with this dude the dumb shotgun flies you back too like super far oh i need those dooleys i need those dooley's back the dualies are so good okay so i got the dueling dubs or not the dubs the pistol you should also try to find bushes bushes are so useful because you could get one tap yeah yeah okay buy someone with the thing so i'm gonna go yeah this thing maybe shoots you a little bit too far i don't know i don't know if you can heal shield we should stay close to each other though yeah yeah oh i mean it's kind of impossible to stay close oh there's there's fuel here somewhere i love how far you're flying yeah it's amazing i love that they remove all that machine this would be so sucky if there's fallout is there somebody between us um i don't i don't see anyone we should just go to the butter barn i feel like a lot of people around the butter barn all right it's not like it's hard for us to get across the map though there's a guy in the sand here i think like pretty sure no no no no i don't think so come to you oh this guy's fighting center don't go this guy this guy between us no no not that guy 100 100 on you this guy is in the box i'm getting in him getting in is he had a gold hunting article oh he had a flint knock as well i have two now okay i need ammo pretty bad oh i can give you some uh do you want me to come back to you i think sure let me kill this guy real quick i found something i found some don't anymore actually i know i need some eventually oh okay i have like 13 so okay you just drop drop right here i'm dropping half all right let's how many do you have i only have oh i'm getting lasered i'm getting lasered yeah there's a chug jug on me yeah i'm gonna get it get the truck yeah it's fine i'm gonna pop a bush wait we're getting shot we need to we need to jump on this guy hold on i'm dead oh he one tapped you no no i was already hit hard oh okay i'll roll these guys don't worry they may be sweaty though should i just go out go at him i'm gonna go at him you could or you could uh you they're gonna fight someone else you should just come here okay i'm gonna come right here i'm gonna come right here i'm gonna come rosie there's a guy they know where you went bro this thing shoots you too far ah there they're coming oh that'll be good oh right instantly yeah you should do that that'd be better just fly out there yeah later okay i'm gonna pop the bush before i reboot you should you should go to uh stealthy stronghold because you could just like i could drop you one yeah yeah this is so ridiculous do not worry they will never capture your soul they've captured my song they will notch it was actually like right here i'm gonna drop you one you can also email i don't think you can emote in the storm though i don't think it helps oh yeah does that heal like shield i don't know good question we're about to find out we're about to finish like everywhere yeah so there are a little bit of sweaty buddies in this oh i i don't have the like the right emotes here yeah i'm i'm doing the emo i don't know if it's the one that i need to do though do you see like do full tilt or something oh yeah it only heals white health it's only wide open yeah i got these thrills i'm just going to hit real quick okay uh i got a oh i got the hunting bro you've never seen wait this guy's coming over i'm not with you right now i just gotta i think he wants he wants to reboot definitely yeah he's trying to i'm gonna wait i'ma wait i'm coming here i think he he might see me i'm here with you i hit him in the air where is he where is he he's in front of me uh right here on my thing oh i missed i missed oh someone almost got me i don't i don't have much help um this guy's coming i'm gonna try to get this bush on real quick okay yeah slap a bush on they're so important uh is there any white health here uh no uh i kinda want doubles do you have ammo for shotgun uh yeah just take it off i'm not using shotty i just flew into the storm someone broke my foot off oh there's a slurp truck we should go to slurp truck i'm gonna go where is it okay i'm going are you sure it's there it's not just a bug yeah this one is i'm literally just bro you can infinitely fly in the air yeah i know wait what like getting the slurp truck get to the circle there's so many guys here go up in the air oh right right here right here i'm just standing in here bro i don't know is this guy here you see him yeah yeah i'm gonna try to take these guys out i i've killed one nice nice okay he got eated by ranger this just says oh i knocked another where do you see him he's right here i'm flying way too far they're on you i'm coming cracked one yeah yeah you got a penguin you gotta ping or else i don't know where they are yeah they're just everywhere i don't know how you don't see them i see one close here yeah dead oh shoot oh shoot what do you have oh you have a slurp juice i'm gonna go grab it there's a guy close to me dead dude you're this is a solo tournament for you right now i'm still shambles or i don't know you're nuts there's a bush here i'm gonna shoot this lulu to take off the bush wait i should probably put on my bush i don't want to die and be stupid oh i'm gonna die wait what the what where are you from i'm over here i have no help am i blind oh i see you're human i'm gonna get to you oh lee i'm getting someone so i'm gonna i'm going to supply drop i'm going to supply drop okay okay crack one i have no health though so if you come yeah i i can try to come to you we need to play it safe for one moment typical gamer needs something oh chuck bro there's a chug jug here uh take this bush as well the bush is helpful okay i'm gonna go um eliminate can you can you guard me there's wait just like hold the wall there's two guys uh one like north i cracked one of them yeah i'm gonna keep you away from you don't ever touch my friend he's passionate how many how many of those guns do you have what oh oh that guy just got lasered oh he just flew what are you using the uh hunting rifle yeah hunting all right we can go in on people if you want hit him 92 hit him now you do this guys i need a bush though he did not have a bush i'm trying to find people there's a guy over here uh i'm going uh on my mark i'm gonna mark every every player i see yeah there's two guys there with you yeah i'm laying behind them it won't 109.109 here nice yeah i feel like i hit hit the guy underneath 109. nice i'm gonna try to take a wall oh my god there's left i'm kind of hurt though i'm gonna be honest okay how are you not losing right there because i'm the gopro i can't see the the ping whatever you pinged was not a joke okay these guys are going to try to box me i could already feel it yeah we just tried to oh what i didn't even hit it yeah you can emote to heal but i'm on the wrong like wheel right now and i don't have any like movables okay see if you can chill for a second they're probably gonna this guy's infinitely going in the sky where is he i don't see him right now ah this is there's a little sweaty betty squad underneath me they were trying to box me and stuff i would really like a bush we should try to get rid of these guys because they're probably like one of the only like somewhat decent teams i got his wall oh he just shot me in the storm i didn't fight it fight it that guy's heavyweighted why like why don't they shoot you i don't get it you got like you got like a detector okay i have like no health so wait there's another guy on me i'm coming down but i have low health you need to come on down the butter bar yeah i got low hpt so we should try to win this so let's just i guess boxing's the best right here let's just hold far side people you're scared you need to get over to me uh right here this is boxing we just need to box these guys they're terrified i just knocked him nice he's in there he's in there hit him hard i'm gonna hold the wall let me get your knock he go he just impulsed his buddy out or uh no no he's right here oh thank you we have the oh we should use that so we can i'm gonna use it just so i can get out crazy locations i'm gonna take that probably better how much damage does dude taking this wall didn't leave yet oh he's gone someone just fanned now he just ran you kind of stand beside us you should try to go for the w uh yeah i don't know if height is worth all right right up here right up here right over here up here yeah i mean we can go late i'm going now oh i didn't realize yeah this guy knock knock knocked nice bro everyone's just editing and then just jumping on me with a shotgun a bunch of people are flying out right now looking towards edge of stone someone just died the storm the dude on height right here i have height not that it matters coming up it's one foot knocked away oh gosh that storm is gonna hurt yeah you gotta be really careful with this storm yeah yeah just try not to use the flint knockout unless you're crouched at this stage i feel like oh i just bounced through this oh there's no fall never going yeah and 192.92 the girl over here nice oh eliminate him yeah that's mine oh hit him in the sky the guy's 31 health in the sky 31 health just landed getting on the height with you one height knocked on nice this guy above us hit the guy 75 in the sky this guy's solo here 43 white 43 white one shot one shot knocked dead i i definitely should carry this one it's just one yeah that's the one in this guy 31 white it's 2v1 2v1 just hit him with the first shot accuracy with the pistol um hmm that was uh this game mode is nuts i don't even know what to think it's just crazy i like it i like it i can't get over how crazy this game is it's crazy oh i didn't do them up tremendous um that uh grenade launcher is not a bad thing to carry yeah also the dualies aren't a bad thing to carry i think you carry two uh flint knocks one dually and one grenade launcher hunting rifle probably not worth no it's not worth it that was my exact loadout by the way the dualies is so good for doing damage yeah and carry bushes like at any time if you can like an extra bush i swear i saw somebody rocking a dragon fire is that not possible no no he's probably just using um the double barrel it sounds like a dragon fire same audio there once was a miku with lots of fluff [Music] [Music] you go for this one all right that one's on top of the mountain if it already spawned then it's over because there's gonna be so many people there you need to go the ones that haven't shown up on the map yet like there's gonna be some here and we just land on it like one just spawned right here we can honestly take that one i'm down the one uh that's at the amanda spawn yeah i'm going i got the god drop for it no one's better than my job i think it's on a mountain which might scuff it get it get the crystal and then go for it okay i'm gonna get this chest first actually oh this guy's yeah this guy's got something uh i'm gonna try to go for it man he has a flint knock he has a flower go for it go for i'll defend you i can't i can't didn't let me you slide up yeah you slide off okay i need to get a weapon then i'll come back to you he's gonna try to get the airdrop it's not going i hit him he had shot me are you kidding me i hit him 96 white i thought this hunting rifle was a one shot body shot maybe they change it for the tournament that could just run this thing did a hundred damage to the body does it not he's gonna throw me yeah no don't someone else slide out of there joe knocked one oh was it an aura skin no i'll i'm just gonna hit 96 white oh gosh this thing sucks okay i'll come get you i just need a second though yeah oh did they get the drop they got the drop that music got the pizza which means i'm gonna be screwed here in a second so i'm just gonna go ahead and do the he's really really bad um the the guy just uh i saw i don't know the guy that killed me but the guy that like his teammate was kind of just like it's literally clueless no point in risking it dogs yeah there's no point i wonder what weapon i reboot with probably gray flint yeah i think so yeah apparently only the gold does a hundred damage to the body i was tripping i i would have just ran if i knew that because uh there's a low chance i was hitting a head shot on a guy that was running around jumping i can drop you a great phone knock just in case sir i'm sure it'll give me something oh you get nothing yeah someone said you get nothing here we go wait what the heck this wall didn't build behind me all right let's uh get in the truck let's try to get to an airdrop oh my gosh bro i just saw a like seesaw or something bro i legitimately thought it was a person we can go for over here and then if it doesn't spawn oh someone took it [Music] right i mean we should get there right when it drops though i think they could shoot it out of the sky with one shot oh they might have done that actually yeah i was about to say no no they haven't done it yet they haven't done it yet with haste they drop way faster look at the speed of that thing dropping oh there's guys here guys yeah i'm gonna always hit me with it okay i i jumped out oh i have no math hit him 153 knocked one knocked one knocked one find me i hit this guy hard underneath me he's hit hard 78 hit him 78. nice i'm gonna go with the airdrop he has the pistols to watch out okay i killed his teammate he oh shoot he has it i'm getting out and getting out i just gotta heal up first okay he's right over here he's right over here i'll give you one i can give you one he's right here right here you see him i'm about to drop him i'm about to drop i got him i got oh my god nice you got him good job i'm a nice pilot i'm a nice pilot all right you can you can take two of them because i already have two i'm coming there's like 18 chug jugs there people like emote to heal when it takes three thousand years to heal that is pretty much non-existent i hit him with the puncher all right there's a guy with a bush right here i'm gonna break off his bush oh this is definitely a stream wait he he dropped 72. where do you go i don't know okay he's just gone i feel like if anyone tries to run away from you it's just like right here right here yeah i see him they both have bushes okay i'm coming up on him i'm behind them give me a sec i knocked off another one's bush they're both bushes are gone i missed bro i can't hit this guy save my life oh he hit me he hit me hard i'm coming he's up in the air i missed the guy in the air missed the guy in there knocked one this guy right here there you go nice shot i'm gonna heal okay i'm gonna caddy launcher in is he still there he's he went really far away okay i'm just healing just in case because i'm one shot how much does it do regular 75 unless you hit him in the head uh i think it does a lot more than that i don't know here let me check it is 109 for the body okay uh i i i absolutely annihilated my guy out of the sky so i have zero clue where he is got you oh i see you i see him too you thought you could slide oh yeah so many people here i shook that guy down but i don't see anyone oh right down here right down here him 100 100. there we go he's a streamer yeah he's like [Music] this guy right here 76 no shield nice guy in the water maybe focused on the guys that are coming in the zone bro they look bad push up 148 148. oh my god i just jungled him did you just wait what i just juggled them there's guys behind us i'm sorry oh my gosh i i'm flying so far away i see him that guy's white is this this other guy over here is headshot like right here oh he's dead oh bro this guy just did 18 freaking ah i can't hit him we're split by the way okay we should just hide in a bush dude a bush would be insane what because like if you kill people wait right here there's two guys looking at us behind us i'm telling you i'm coming back i'm coming back there there's a whole team here item 86 86 uh you gotta crouch you gotta crouch you don't wanna go flying tag them i take that guy twice it just fell right there all right uh i'm gonna i might piece control it real quick oh i forgot the approach oh my just bro i just actually walloped him get the guy in the air bro we just what did we just do to them i have to run in and uh box right here oh behind the spider space oh i got hit hard i got hit hard i got to chill i gotta heal up there's loot like crazy over there i need to heal up though healing i may be in danger box up i'm coming back to you in a second where's this guy i wish you could get a first shot actually in this oh where'd you you left me i came to you and you freaking left okay i'm gonna go to the airdrop they think they have height the only thing they have is death oh there's the team fighting over here other team right in front of me oh don't just do that kill get in the middle so i can call you yeah just drop me down drop me down oh dude i should have just uh eat bro you can go out three walls you'd have to choose the one i was on yeah i didn't know you were on that corner i tried to cone you but uh he ramped yeah but you kind of killed me though when you edited the wall back yeah did you not have a cat launcher launch out i do but i was just going to run back through the wall i was in it's okay i'm sorry just say it shame shame can't win them all you can't win them all what are we at right now oh i forgot i wanted to drink it no we're not we're not top 100 but we're doing well we're doing well i need to deposit it that was about to say i feel like a lot of people like we need to like double key more like you'd probably not sit in bushes because uh like everyone that's gonna like play stop50 is gonna have probably like 500 points or 400 points all right same strategy yeah we'll probably get it faster and then i already have a god drop for the one that i marked you want to split yeah we can split we try to i mean if one of us is going to get it and if one of us dies we just still knock to the other one grab the card and reboot right sure i'll take my leave and go wait apparently in this game mode there's 100 percent chess spawn right what why is it in this game but i'm not in the actual game why there's like 18 people over here holy okay there's literally one person at my airdrop maybe two honestly one i'll take my leaving oh absolutely fan mine there's like 80 people here so it's gonna dip okay i'm gonna come to you and bring you a foothock okay yeah oh that that's actually good that's how we should do it right for the picking over here bro hmm oh oh i think i went a little bit too far there you go it's gonna drop it from the heavens i i dropped it over there these don't roll down there where are they where are they uh they're right over here right over here knocked one knocked down not nice he's gonna try to revive yes i just head shot him 200 images his teammate yeah i killed both of them okay uh maybe i should chug i have a bush on i should be chilling right over here maybe they're fighting another they're all in this bro these guys suck look at them i have 175 white one of those guys knock them nice this guy on the house yeah you see him did you get him can i have some bullets no no i don't get him he's right behind us wait this guy here here's some bullets here bullets i just got i just got hit through my bush i give you bullets i'm going to grab my back let me grab my back yeah i i i i'm going to juggle because i'm scared now i know you could get hit through a bunch uh i didn't either what the heck oh i just got i just lost my bush where the heck is i don't see where this guy is that he's doing this he might be hiding on the roof still that guy oh yeah he's down there 99 white 99 white 99 i thought 99 why are you saying it like that but 99 died he's like how 99 do you have bullets now i have 19. but buying spiders are you right here he's on the zipline i smith bro who lay someone laid here right here right here two people right dude there's bodies on the floor over here like crazy okay bro this thing launches you a little bit too far well that's why we love it oh i missed i just finished off somebody's limb honestly oh i thought hit him 100 i need like the dualies or something those are op like when it comes to those fights um i think i found a campfire what the heck a campfire no cap no capsicles yeah the julie is really good to break off their bush and it's really good if you're like in a tight quarter door because you can just kind of spam it four door let's go to lazy maybe i'm gonna go over to the butter barn wait this guy oh yeah i'm coming impulsed chasing he's right over here there's somebody chasing us before as well yeah there's a guy right here too there's a guy right here i don't wanna hit his bush off i just got hit hard this guy right here i'm going to come help you that one hard 109. i think i launched him like yeah i think he launched them over here there's a guy on the roof there you know i broke off his bush i really need to go we're going to eliminate somebody i don't know we can go get an air drop oh there's no air drops there's a fight over here you want a third party um all right easy third party either party oh about over there 109.109 on this guy he's the one that just yeah he's right here right here this guy's nothing i have one of the guys on the other team oh my gosh where are you going dude i'm trying to come to you no i'm talking to this guy like where is he going i'm chasing him he doesn't even know he's gone bro 72 white 72 white i see him he's right here right yeah this is him oh he built last night okay i need to reload they're both in there these guys both have double rolls yeah they both have those you want to push one way i'll push the other okay got the top i dropped one dead coming at me oh man you just body them yeah i'm quite athletic what can i say oh there's both caddy launchers oh right beside us riverside knock in the head absolutely slobbered on his entire tree hey hold on let me figure out where his body is i don't see it oh i see it oh wait the guy's going down to like a bit with him yeah i can see he's right here he's right here you see it yeah i'm going in i'm going to do wall 26 i'm 26. hit him can you give the fully i'm going to die from a normal person if you don't uh i don't see where the [ __ ] oh i see it i see it again i'll get i'll follow him come here i got it i got it i got it wait i just got deagled nothing's reloaded i'm getting shot i i need to get out of here i found a bush i found a bush wouldn't the sky base be like insane in this game mode or am i crazy ah someone could shoot you out right you have shock yeah but we also yeah we also need to get a lot of kills bro like yeah like a lot like platinum's only worth like i thought placement was was worth a lot until i thought 75 on this guy actually i hit through my bush again the the sculpture i gotta get into the zone we just try to get to the air drop to get a chug chug i think all right or maybe try to check the surf trucks over there yeah i'm going i see it i see a surprise okay i'm coming back to you knocked his bush off nice he broke off his bush nice that's nice hey oh my god did you get them you need to wish for you i'm coming you have uh oh you don't have heels oh my god emo for health td oh my gosh i got all types of traps the guy right beside me oh my gosh this guy must be a running on nothing oh my gosh he's right beside me wait i lost my bush dude i hit him white hit him white that guy no bush in front of me bro i hit someone from white and they're just oh my gosh bro i need your help i'm coming i'm swarmed i just got my bush busted off knock this guy he's dead nice i think he's departing i i broke his bush off he's one shot oh he's out of render oh he's dualies i'm grabbing the dualies oh he has the bush i'm grabbing the bush i broke one of their bushes off there's guys right here right yeah right here right here this team is a terrible player i have one there's one in the car and he's i just got bro oh cracked one over by me packed another full shield where do they find it right everyone just full boxes up i don't see anyone i just got on here landing on your head oh wait was that your wall you guys walk yep there you go look at that that's clean right that's clean clown clown this bro yeah found these nuts what uh what uh wait what is that not pg i don't know there's people in here we should move on top of that main building you see it right here uh i'm gonna start finding right right this guy this guy this guy there's so many people here coming here you're right on the ground right on the ground this guy stole this guy sold this guy solo okay i'm getting in oh we just didn't want this bang let me take that bush though i'll just do it there's two oh see you later alligator what what the heck see you later alligator wait what the flip what's the point with the bush on i don't think you can do it with the bush oh on the van reboot vent there on the reboot wait what wow he's gone infinity i just got beamed what do you have any hills ah nope no pushes nothing goes nothing rosie it's right here oh yeah i'm gonna go for that i'm catastrophically high tg i'm gonna be some whatever man [Music] who looked like george he looked like freaking george oh wait look in here look in the air you can we can snipe this guy 72 white dude get your gear in the air in the air this guy in the air he's flying i still don't see him i mean it's tough to point out while they're flying uh right near the slurp truck 90 white 90 sorry 90 shield 200 dead right here right here follow me i'm going after him he dead uh the bush guy on me he's one shot he's one shot on me no he's one shot these ones he's one shot at me you need to kill you he just died fortunate okay well we both have no health now so yeah i'm gonna wait for this kind of harpoon that i'm 105. okay we gotta play this one a little safe because you know placement rolling yeah and box this guy oh going for it he's here nope he's not here anymore ah this is bad not our builds we gotta go for picks dance to heal okay i'm gonna dance just dance it's gonna be all right just dance play that record me did it we should get on top of that high ground and just snipe people who are flying yeah we're gonna do it okay there's somebody right here you see him you soon still yeah i'm getting up to him hit him wait wait knock that i got my shield i'm good lizzy gobbled them you may have possibly captured this song down here just look up when you hear those shots you got to look up well this guy who just uh just flew over here oh this guy over here maybe he's cranking are you you on them i had one one shot the uh renegade uh recon in the air i don't see him unfortunately he use the kit push if they're in the air we can like coordinate an attack on them you know this guy uh not in the air you just shot randomly okay wait was someone high in the sky high in this guy literally super hot yeah we can go okay i hit him 72 yeah you gotta he's gone bartholomew bro this is sweaty i think what the heck remember don't use the thing those are just going to fly on his own the guy in the air is the guy in the air one shot dead dude use the uh thing flynn knocked right into the dualies oh my killed the same guy who got rebooted that was the guy killed this earlier wow you're going demon mode we should we should spray the second high team so don't take height oh they they just got bullied off right i don't have a ton of mats just saying i have 800 i can give you something if you need oh dude there's a million guys in there a million guys in there i need i need eddie i i i can't get in zone without my head ah there's a guy in the air crack that guy the guy in there that guy's crack okay well he just burrowed like a sand shark so i can't really do anything back to 109. dude you want to double shoot this guy we can break the building yeah three two one go through one oh oh i i'm going to say higher than you push like oh he hit me hard dude he just wanted his own i might get the kill i'm gonna go for this guy nice nice it's almost better to use those oh bro they're like how does that even work all right can i res no no there's no chance oh i have no mass this is not good i'm just gonna stay up top in the sky okay oh oh oh they were teammates damn bro good try we we need to like get refreshes together right i should have went into the storm to get the those extra maps like i died the storm yeah that might help that was uh bro what they do is they fly in the air so long and then when they come close to the ground they just like line it up and bam yeah we need to be so aware of people in the sky it's almost like you have to build above you not when you're on height so there is no height yeah yeah mid game i probably hit i'm not even trolling like 12 people one shot but the thing is you can hit them but like they just instantly uh foot knock away and you lose track of where people go because it's so easy to just get away i'm thinking maybe like mid game there we just use the dualies and the uh and the um shotgun and then just jump in people's boxes oh yeah yeah because unless they have the foot knock right unless they have the shock wave yeah the cat launcher they can't do anything and even then we can cone their their impulse you know like if if i just did that that game i would have done so many kills that would have been disgusting if you just jump in together it's literally just like free mm-hmm i was already doing that with the dub i'm just kind of just going but like i was i was like comboing it with the flint knock we should just go for [Music] this one's going to be crazy contested yeah you want to try yeah screw it let's go down your drop is going to be soggy might drop yeah i think you dropped a second too soon we'll see buddy pal that's even your real name who's dropping soggy now bud bro my drops god's here what are you talking about i have better job than you what are you talking about it's not the best job i i'm literally the first to it literally like i'm literally on it first okay it's not debatable doesn't matter who gets it first i guess you just wait and try to grab it yeah i was thinking that that's what i was trying to do but i landed like a second too late okay i don't think that's the strat to be honest no no sen cause i'm gonna burn through a game so fast you know you land an obscure one that like there's one team that's fine there once was a miku with lots of drums bro it's crazy i thought i was going to see like pros on the leaderboard for this and there's literally like it's just random what's up that's the best kind of tournament you're gonna be playing this yeah it's not i mean we've been having like end games so you'd think that like maybe like pros are playing it but not just a little bit sweaty that means it's right for the taking for us a little bit sweaty a little bit a little bit drippy [Music] join me wait he stopped my email by hitting me with the foot join me myself i'm going to eat a meat cake instead i think everybody wants to do it but it's like it's hard to copy in this mode hmm i remember waiting i remember i lost my mind look samara i know you're doing a watch party so if you could bring me one of your chocolates that would be great he's using you for the chocolate the hmm we're going for the far one i guess um i'm going for one that hasn't spawned yet but i don't think there was one so i think we're going for that one but there once wait this guy it's inside a mountain i'm going to try to yeah i'm going to try to get it i'm going to try yeah try you can like land in it all right guys you got it nice that's nice there's a guy there i got two i got all the weapons i got everything how did you just get so many mess dude i'm gonna pick ax this guy he should be dead he's gonna do like attic forces and stuff i can't him oh wait this guy here with a dub yeah i gotta kill this guy first yeah go back up oh my gosh bro let me draw me one yeah let me kill this guy i need health alright i should shot him up oh there's another guy how did you hit me midair no accuracy what i i had one of them 87 white where'd he go did you see it dad i don't know here get the [ __ ] out of you freaking quick yeah you flick okay let's go misty and clean it up wait i saw a bush i want to grab real quick okay i'll meet you there if you die it's okay you perish it's all right oh my gosh you just throw up in your mouth no i had like a like a half a hiccup i don't know if i can excuse me where is he i don't know where oh i found a llama i'm not even joking i didn't even know the spawn in this game there once was a miku that looked like george and had big roughly feathers yes cats have feathers and prickly pines spines i don't know have you watched one division yes i'm in the midst i'm in the middle of watching i'm in the midst of watching it you win 18 other million other people bro all right yeah little special snowflake i had whoa [Music] people is there people in there we should go more centers these guys like uh right here right here come on come on bush they're currently in the bush going in he's currently i guess there's just one dude i have here take a chug chug wait do you need that do you need the dub okay i have three uh jokes on me take me to your xbox wait can you just keep going into the zero point healing range oh i'm going to try it good music you could technically infinitely win could you we're going to try it yeah but if you miss one oh it definitely works i mean if you did that you wouldn't win the tournament i am so high up i might die to death barrier oh no i might die to death barrier ranger oh is that a thing ranger what what do you want me to do help me down dude i am so high up i am 900 meters over here what all right guys okay [Music] where are they pink i'm coming down hot right here ranger i may look like an like a comet or something so don't be scared okay they still there damage to that dude yeah they're in this box wait he just didn't fall down knocked on back the other i got low there's a llama there but i don't need to tell them oh dooley's philly's here i killed one okay but it's just still another guy running him up protect me and left you're a coward there's a guy over here there's a guy kind of by me there's a guy here oh yeah he got his card he got his card i hit him 90 hit this guy 90. oh no oh no again i'm here knocked one oh i got a guy on me this uh there's a midas coming towards you i got one uh i might bro i might just rock dooley's and just slap people i'm not even joking oh he just what he hit me with a no scope no scope 200 to the head it's incredible his teammate's knocked his teammates knocked there society on the ground on the ground on the ramp to your left there you go let's grab the big this is not good i'm just gonna get out and then get your card yeah hit the hit that has zero point dude part of that oh that ah gg why he noscoped me with a hunting rifle bro that doesn't help if you're in the uh it does it does it does in the storm yeah it does interesting i don't know my card 10 seconds man bro do you have any idea how fast i can get to that he like i honestly didn't think you would you're like hello she likes the attitude you just pick me up here then hello can i speak to the manager of rangers i honestly didn't think you were gonna get it drop me drop me that loot bro any idea who i am shut up up i'm just gonna die no i'm healing one hp you gotta make a gun please yeah at the body there's so much loot at your body your whole body okay i have to run and just you had two of them you know yeah but you suck someone just rebooted over by here i'm pretty sure they're done oh there wasn't i'm dead to storm there there wasn't a pistol there was it that he saw it no no it was it was a dub i checked stop shopping i can almost bring it back like the dubs like kind of cranking okay just stop it at the river here stop at the river i'm good i'm good i'm good pick it back up get it i go i'm gonna die if i don't if i stop to try to get the pistol i'm dead okay no stop dropping it i'm gonna die oh my god i literally have to help you're overreacting i thought i was starting a typical gamer not slimy salamander gamer ammo ammo for shotgun yeah or do you want to just get slurp barrels no we can't just get surprised i wanted to grab this chest first for a bush but i don't get one okay four night i see i wanna check if there's any sword barrels left in the vicinity he's like oh yes this one that i just took i found surprise here i'm just gonna grab them okay ah am i going height this guy's boxed up here we need to roll i got some more slurpees here i'm just gonna grab quick oh i have no mats never mind guys do you just want to polite to die i'd really appreciate it i don't think they want to die well i don't know where are they i may be departed where are you oh um i need shield you're right bro there's a robber i'm just gonna go get the drop okay yeah beside me i just wait there's definitely a team hiding there's team on me bro there's team on me i'm coming to you i have one of their bushes off them you went really hard i just got hit for so much damage dude you get the truck just get the truck i need to pop it oh my god you get the bush can you can you kiss it better they're getting better no thinking better right here oh look at that wait he made a window there careful there's more um invite the reboot right now get the guy in the air 72 we i we have no mass right oh he's right here he's right here my god i just caught i just got something here what the heck no dd don't die oh i'm not gonna win solo i need help wait oh my gosh bro i just got a bunch here i just got hit so hard do you have talking no i don't have any it's like literally none i've won i have one oh nice yeah he just did that okay i have no help bro he's in my box i hit 109.99 yeah i'm pretty damn bad though going down catastrophic oh my god we try to stay alive honestly just fight replacements and dance need to get away from them they're cycles bro you got a cat launcher oh they get to you bro i don't think any new air drops are spawning so this is all to you brother have you fallen i've fallen no imagine you actually reboot me this is that way i don't think it's just one it's not possible oh you weren't trolling when you said you had no shotgun no i had one how do i even reload two i have one take our leave and go getting points oh we're getting points points this guy's splashing hear me bro what's going on impulse symbols the way he revives like all right ah he will i think he has 20 seconds now he's dead wait you need his matzo there's no way i'm getting those um you could impulse through it and it'll all pick up when you impulse so like you get down to that level i mean that worked out that worked out exactly like it should have honestly oh lou made my day honestly not in yet oh my god i don't i don't even have my bearings on straight what the heck you got this bro oh the top six all right there's not very many changes remaining this is an intense situation a stacker in game if you must oh no i'm dead the storm well that guy just got annihilated you have so much mastery keeps pulling huh fortunately oh i need to party no oh my god bro i like how did i even get that i don't even know where i am right now you need to chill you need the cutter you need the cutter you only have one chocobo you have to crouch if you shoot nice no you have caddy you have caddy ah there's no way i'm way too far that's way too far [Music] yeah the guy that killed me had 31 hp man second place not bad no bye almost had it i almost did have it dang it go see if i can finesse the chocolate give me oh we gotta instique no [Music] tg may be departed um uh what the heck at this rate we're gonna end at roughly like 450 points um which i don't know if that's gonna be enough i will be heartbroken psych all right don't to go do the strat go over here let's do it aim towards craigie there's gonna be an air drop there 100 we can adjust or drop based on that uh based on the trajectory of the uh volatility of the uh uh uh there's no freaking there's a drop right here i'm gonna go for it um that made up your wife it just it just popped it just popped you need the buffet one just popped coliseum as well but there's already people letting people seem like actually like landing there oh i've got like three four people here do you want us to land or no uh let's try this we gotta get a crystal we gotta finish it i'm gonna try to finish it well i might not have time to get this crystal i'm gonna try uh i'm letting it there drop i'm not going to open i'm just going to put it open open we get it [Music] how much ammo how much ammo do you i have one i have 25. i got it now thank you it's been acquired thanks dude it's been acquired what do you think butterbeer yeah probably but you're just i'm gonna go get your ears greed bro you're just agreed i'm like i'm a gluttonous blob hit it once more hit it once more i cannot only one weapon is that coming hit him 109 oh i need that i need that jug jug dude dropping chug duck dropping bush oh man finessed everything knock on there's another one i self-interrupted my child joke give me a sec okay i'm gonna grab my siphon there we go i'm good i just lost my bush oh here's the launcher let's go to colosseum maybe all right i hear shots over here oh right here right here on the drop on the drop that was so big brain to me holy shoot kind of sounded like spongebob right there like that a little needle uh do you want the kitty launcher are you a kitty kitty kitty you're a cat yeah if you mess with me the most likely scenarios is that you are going to get scratched yeah it's actually highly probable that you will indeed get get scratched yes we should um a certain point play for replacement yeah i mean right here he's got not about it you know i'm gonna it doesn't work with the bush on huh unfortunately did you get him i launched way too far all the time i'm gonna be honest with you i always forget that you can't i just bro you just tried to do the shockwave launch thing and i just like i use the one to like deagle his wall you know what i mean oh there's dooley's here like for you or for me uh you can hold a shotgun or dualies uh i already have a low-key like a god combo i hit this guy 109. he's coming towards you where's the other guy oh uh i'm putting off his bush shut it off he's got me okay they have one of those brushless and the other ones packed one they're lit pretty hard where did they go where did they go i didn't see really hard which made they go either oh bonus bonus holy bro this guy just flew up the hill i flew too far come on who's up on top of this little second ago they're back on the bills i think i see him this might be him uh was that i didn't see his name hayden i think i killed him i think i just killed him this guy's over here follow me maybe in this box in this box in this box that's playing for the placement points break it oh where'd he go i didn't see could you ping yeah i'm behind the street around the street i just hit him for everything he's one shot if you have pistols i don't i don't see him missed again he's uh going this way he just hopped in this car that he's literally like 99 damage got him that's probably how i shoot too far with the pistol though i mean it's tough it's not in the game normally so i i overestimate the the girth is there guys there um not currently enough oh wait there's one on me how many coming you in a sec yeah yeah you still on you right now i heard him whiz past me oh wait over here tag one these guys look like pretty funny are they on you oh where are they going so hard they departed it's hard to keep track he went uh it's uh river river wow there's no hp right here no no hell he's got rolled 38 white 30 in white knock oh he's coming to you it might be bad i saw him fly i don't know where no i shook him down so he should appear right he really should but i won't see him he may have gone 300 meters away already what there's a guy right here on the bridge he looks like he's scuffed because he just inspired like what the heck my gun wasn't pulling out oh i have zero like my pings really bad i can't even move where did that guy just go on the bridge maybe oh wait he's with his teammates with his teammate right here i'm coming it's so hard to track somebody in this place he's right here right here right here he's got cracked in my car he's trying to save his friend bro you see him in the air right he's right here he's full boxing i'm gonna pulse him with caddy launcher finally wait he had the midas flopper or what is that oh vendetta oh we should pop that i'm gonna pop it pop it there let me see everybody around right uh in a 50 meter radius which is absolutely no one [Laughter] uh it's that uh right here on the reboot man uh i'm currently abstracting souls i'll get back to you later we should probably be together now oh okay i'm getting buddy okay i'm getting jammed i'm coming back i can chug chug i really want to charge with you there's a guy coming on you right now i'm kidding i have no build no your loader is going though i couldn't pop my thing because i was going to one shot eddie check distance traveled after this match somebody said we're killing the distance there's a team box up here i'm going to go inspect their gadget their wall expected to see that their wall is up to the park crack them i just got cracked myself because there's a guy hiding in the building just one shot he's one shot oh i'm coming oh my gosh he's literally one i'm saved all right i'm gonna it sounded like it took a lot of effort at it i'll give you a little meat pie elaine arranger guys if i see one more person say emote to get health and i'm gonna rip it off there's multiple times in this facility i don't think i like this i don't like this i don't like it at all i'm gonna go get this guy's old loot if it's still here i wanna get this air drop oh yeah this guy's chug jug slurp yep [Music] how did i miss that what i'm done catastrophic after that there's two guys my gun blank that didn't even shoot i was wondering i was like wes hit him a hundred hundred nice stuff dude the dealers are actually so good so i'm saying bro underrated this guy in the bush is one shot a box this guy like a flop but then he hit me oh this is great i just got hit pretty hard i need the duck dug i'm about to save you i'm gonna save you i'm gonna head shot one crack them dead where is he underneath me i can pull him for you first oh my god i thirsty i'm for you save your life brandon keep running i'll try to pop him off you oh my god he's bro he's these guys are sweats bro he's playing ping-pong i don't know what he's doing give me a second i have a chug jug for you have [Music] i'm going to box him if he comes up again okay okay i'll break off this bush with the dub you need to build okay we need to drill no are you building no thank you tj for saving me it's like let me wait until he pops it and then i'm gonna shoot he's ping-ponging oh did you get him was that you no i don't know someone else oh my gosh let's get in the zone let's box up and then start just picking people off yeah wait guy right here dad do you want to come to me we he's out he's out he's out the guy above you you're good yeah tell me if you can oh somebody's rebooting he's down low i'm gonna email to heal someone's rebooting i mean one oh one one one i have no health now we should just play a friend at this point i'm gonna impulse him i don't even know where he is wait i see one oh i got a chug jug i'm chilling oh that i'm just gonna heal dance the heel by the way that's neil i'm gonna get to you and we're gonna play for the win okay yes sir yes sir stop in this house here but well i just boxed you like a fish he finally got the reboot up wait we can shoot him by the sky when he comes in his own eventually if he ever comes into zone maybe he's already done it he's done the deed there's somebody in this house brother right in front of us oh yes wait i just got hit by another team he's got my body above the mama yeah keep tarpon we need to get away oh that's not ours oh thank you knocked me into the store these guys are just swimsuit it's 72 in the sky like sky high look up i dead is that the guy that i hit yeah he was 72 white right yeah he's dead do you have good loot i want that refresh it's right there if you want it i can actually i can go oh he got it we got it i just got killed what permanently eliminated from the fortnite battle royale match last one was me now it's all you bud wow win it oh tg tell me if i win this game i get to eat your meat pie tell me i don't want to use the pistol on that one zoom ready big refresh you have the most mats i've ever seen in the game of fortnite battle royale we don't know if you need to tarp 100 but you know i think i do oh my god imagine being so high in the air and then you're dangled for damage your bouncers right you have a lot of mats it is a 1v1 v1 v1 oh he tried to kill you with that nice job refresh wait no need you have 600 minutes oh 1v1 no good try bro get that one shot good try dude you both got second oh he had the laser beam skin i know how did he oh he must have gotten it in an earlier tournament yeah yeah you played in multiple regions that guy played multiple regions the sweat i wanted to play multiple regions last night but i didn't know if i could yeah yeah and i didn't want to like you know scuff it yeah good try dude good try damn it can one of us probably oh the victory royale i needed to get the crucial shot that guy that's the guy who killed me too damn honestly i think i should have just uh tried to shoot him with like the double barrel but like uh instead of shooting him from a distance i should like try to box him yeah probably because like with the flint knock like if you're not crouch bro it's just over you know like he shot me in the zone so i didn't shoot myself but like i should have smiled and tried to not use the phone i feel like he wants when they brought me what it is i want something from you what's up what what's up i don't know i just can't just say hi why you standing so close to me because you came in my room asking for chocolate she's up to no good i have i found a chocolate for you what is this yes i did where did you get it for me oh my gosh you did wait what did she get you she got me like a rocky mountain chocolate thing like look do you want to see the flavors i don't know what that means there's a naked bomb a birthday cake cookies and creams looks great what the heck she wasn't lying this is all you ordered i got one for myself i love it thank you oh my god this looks so good you should try one wait wait until i can watch excellent this looks good look at it is it like a dessert well it's like um you've been a rocky mountain chocolate no so it's like a chocolate specialty store and they have like really fun chocolate and stuff like this one has like oreos cookies and creams it's like they look almost like little cupcakes oh my god they look so good i'm mouth-watering sorry i don't know about all that but yeah where do you want to go uh we give it a fire drop over there take me to l.a i want to see some place i really want to dress like miku i really want to wait how bad do you want to win where do you want to win do you want to win every game from now on let's just play in-game after them turn point harp what do you think i honestly was reading something on twitter i didn't hear a word you said what were you saying oh my god this smells so good uh you know what i'm just gonna take a bite take a bite wait i wanna bite it the right way dude by the way i don't think we're getting this hairdresser oh yeah we're not gonna pull off off want to go to the slurp truck maybe all right let's go orchard yeah there's like 15 people landing there it was the first one that dropped on the map i'm pretty sure and i really want to go wait i just heard a guy's footsteps with this guy in this building oh my gosh oh i got dooley's what chest op you good this guy has a bush behind me oh they both have bushes not even i shot off his bush there's two guys going close those guys at me your simplest no oh he's gone oh he owned there's a guy right here he's flying you soon wish i could find heels honestly you're kind of stuck i'm trying to drop not a big deal yeah i think these guys are playing for placement i don't think they wanna they want the smoke they don't want the schmidt we need another chocolate bro sorry should i eat potato chip uh birthday party wait you got all the flavors there's like five little ones yeah which one what the cookies and cream potato chip or birthday cake oh it looks great oh my gosh look at that oh my god wow that's fantastic that is that's delectable how would you rate it on a scale one to ten ten that's a y i'm nicer ten that's a ten wow it's not good huh wow that may have changed my life for the better no just like my whole life course has just changed because i honestly don't know where this chest is oh there's guys in front of us here i'm gonna impulse on them one of them has a grappler tag them pretty low i'm gonna tomahawk missile i can't understand my life it's okay the big ranger will do it what did you use there too at all uh every weapon in my inventory i use flipknock and beagle all right we need an airdrop those are straps they're just swanseas right i think so yeah i hear people are fighting i'm glad here we could we can maybe just like third party okay i don't want julie's but don't think there's a guy here i think right right here on me somewhere i heard him did you hear him inside or out all right he's up top i don't see him oh i might be dead oh my alive i got stuck fighting in midair what the heck where is he i genuinely don't know where he is departing oh there's a guy shooting me yep right near you oh i didn't know he had the dub 32 white he's building running backwards he's really really good he's dead he's dead okay i just died to that guy i should've used a dub i already forgot i had it you're so free dude i am so free bro i died to a guy who built builds [ __ ] backgrounds no you know what i mean right when they hold s and then they go oh i know yeah egg to see it hmm you remind me of like an egg no you didn't give me any mobility let me think of a similar scenario that has occurred yeah but i'm better than you you wish other guy wait are you dead i might not be dead but i killed one i'm okay got myself a special little flint knock too so let's go all right i got a kids grenade launcher too there's a hot broccoli leaves here i already have hot broccoli we seem to drop me ammo but we're gonna i did drop your ammo dad on you bro actually i think i dropped your ammo when i rebooted last time and you didn't get it so i had to drop it again but i just didn't know i did i did get it i got awesome this just made me use all my amazon all of every single name yeah i think i figured that out but this guy has one shot dead he has a blood knock for you no he doesn't he doesn't i'm not i'm i'm cap not nice not nice you struggle i'm out here wiping teens bro i'm doing a little workout doing chest right now um are you actually though are you actually doing chests no no yeah because you suck that's the reason i just knocked this guy's bush out of this guy oh i just smoked my left 72 on this guy i have nothing to get to him other than drop them oh they're they're smoking each other right now 109 109 on this guy dude right beside us yes there we go do you need anything this guy had some stuff uh oh what am i witnessing there's a guy on the van over here what knock knock knock knock one guy in the bush him twice you just shot me in the zone okay like i just flew straight into this guy knock this guy in the bush in the bush there we go i always forget the dub as a double barrel so i always shoot it and then instantly swap instead of just interesting wanna talk about it wait i gotta find i got a plan i gotta fight this guy behind you got behind you i cracked both of them this guy here one shot knocked knock knock nice blade he has a slurp if you need one of the pistols do you need one of the pistols yeah i do i do it's right here it's right here there's a guy i'm coming over here i'm coming up to you this guy there's a guy healing in here i might have been a guy i cracked them crack them so hard they got in the water they got in the water no help no out 38 white 30 of white ray i'm coming again i'm going on a tear right now the dualies are insane just just the dualies that's all you need bro just pop the dualies pop out of my dooblies i'm going crazy hey a metal box was just finished built here wait wait right here he just flip knocked so far over here there's so much action here dude i'm just gonna go in or should we play for the win uh let's go but that's going we have bushes coming there's got on top of that hill i'm gonna go for the guy on top of the hill okay okay coming up two guys what one of them cherished or not this is perish oh my god i missed them so bad bro i got hit through my foot that guy's one shot that guy's one shot the chun li i can't that dad dad died good bro how am i getting hit through my hood i don't know this guy's like 18 flind knocks if you need one it happens like very rarely but or like 20 percent of the time oh shoot i'm really i just got killed no that i'm getting keyed as well there's a chug jug on me i'm trying jogging right now let me eat the birthday cake one i'm just eating you can get me and revive me at caddy if you go now i need the chug dog but i can get you i'll capture your soul and i will reboot you you should have an eye for an eye i will have time i'll make the time magical lazy we are gone now oh i haven't been fortunate okay was the guy that killed you like actually good or would you just get lucky well there's like pop rocks in here you gotta go real easy i'm as of the essence young whippersnapper no no they the reboot just came up oh it did oh there's pop rocks on this what you can reboot caddy that will go the extra mile for you but you must move with haste you gotta build it oh oh he's he's on the reboot oh no yeah you gotta go back to lazy i'm going to extra extra mile for you it's five ticks okay do it all right it's just you leaving potato chip for last this one looks good see what that one was called i can't see this is definitely not possible i mean maybe you have to get into his box though but who am i if i don't cry there's no way you got this bro you know that right yes you're right i got to be losers for you have 30 seconds so it's not impossible it's gonna be very difficult if you pull this off bro you're the man oh god that's the guy who killed me he wants his teammate alive russian rushing with the with the with the uh shotgun you have to do it in the next five seconds or else unless you don't get it dude now do it now do it now you can't do it brother but why are these stupid rats not rotating what i hit him through his bush would you full kill him uh no there's knocking somewhere oh i heard it it was somewhere over here brotherly heard the body like dissipate and do i heard you somewhere do you have this dub i do have the dub yeah right here well this chocolate was way too good holy [ __ ] oh my my girlfriend's tomorrow love you great it was called a fire cracker cluster you should pop the we won't chug able to get out of here no you have to get into town okay pop it in here in the dump you'll be fine oh okay can't pop a deer either you gotta get his own pop it like get on edge you want me to mark i'm gonna mark yeah mark you're still not an edge i don't think i can pop it like literally anywhere use your dub bruh oh my gosh i hate that strat where people are mid-air and do it that one's so yeah it is because it's all balloon too you know yeah like look at him do you see him he's still hitting them oh no i i left goodness gracious i don't think i should have tried to get the chug i should have probably just jumped in someone's box because i needed mats i i didn't see your masked meal no are you gonna got it if you went right on the nah no matter what no matter where i went i wasn't getting off the chug because people just sit in boxes and they'll just spam me so it's just like kind of like chug chug is pretty pointless light game uh what won this tournament on east does anybody know uh i do not know right now i would ask chap but chat always says like the furthest thing from what it actually is they cap you're saying they cap that's what you're saying doing that they're doing deep cap um let me see on east it was uh 669. well i actually don't recognize a single person in the top ten on the east the pro players did not play they probably did bro they got smoked yeah they probably just got slobbered on because it's the bots that win this tournament it's a fun dinner the ones who you've spent 800 yeah it is this is probably like one of the best tournaments like epic has ran in a minute in terms of like funness yeah like people are sweating end game when it's first skin can you imagine if money was on the line it would not be fun i mean i don't know maybe it would be fun to like uh like actually take it seriously instead of just playing for fun no um oh an air just respond oh we should get this one yeah let's go for it let's get it we'll take our leave and go [Music] do we peel or do we go um i got a really down i got a good job i got a really really good drop i got a really really good job i didn't get anything i got nothing i'm running you guys are going to be you know there's a gun to your left it's your left road to your left to your left did you left you pushed it i got i got it bro holy yeah do you want it someone got shot out of the sky that's why i saw it i killed one whoa where did this guy even go oh you flew that way towards the river towards the river like edge north oh i see him he's all over there's 100 meters away i thumped them wait what i just missed that did you have the mythic or no uh no he had a normal one a yucky one okay i do not have the mobility you have so if you want to go find the supply drop and like grab it do that i see someone who may have gotten this fly drop right here this like down the hill maybe over here yeah i crack them i don't know i think the other guy's the one that has the juice oh my god you just got hurt though there's another guy on me with dooleys i'm coming i really don't i just have the gray one i'm coming let's dive in he's dead he has the pistol for you oh maybe you got the dub i thought you got a guaranteed pistol from there drop or maybe that was the same skin but different people yeah it seems good uh that guy for sure had it up here somewhere oh that that was him he came back oh above on the hill on the hill two people with bushes they for sure have it uh if they had it they would be shooting at us i'm trying to come to you but i'm filming away knocked on nice i'm dead that's good he's in this box right here i haven't white no bro it's all good you can get me in the run away his friends knocked in that box near my body to your left oh you had the dualies yeah oh my gosh bro this guy doesn't even know what's going on ranger apparently the dualies don't have me let's go check his buddy's body just in case i will take this oh ranger i guess what are you dropping me in the door there's somebody on there there's a bush guy on there go to go to stealthy stronghold there's also a drop here let me grab the drop first or no yeah it's landed it's landing you should get a drop i'm gonna get the reboot and go remind me of an ancient slug somebody grabbed it be good right it's like half like 30 more seconds make it make a door so fully oh wait what he's probably gonna go reboot he's gonna be like oh someone built me fully built metal right here what you're getting finessed right now you don't want them you don't want that oh oh my gosh oh my gosh that's my loot right there boys that's my loot my loot just went a little far away guys i'm seeing some crazy donuts in chat i will read them towards the end of stream i just want to focus on the tournament all right thank you guys so so much you guys are insane i'll defend you it's right here oh you had a gunfire dude that's a little bit uh rude honestly it just spawned how did you die i was picking up the loonie xiaomi oh no use the kit launcher what move at which way your thick cheeks yeah they're on it you good oh dude that the dub does no damage across like a little bit of a distance oh i have no mass let's go back in the storm sucks did he did he just shoot you like yeah did you tell me damn i was the loot in here just say it it is what it is ranger it is what it is [Music] i have fallen bro what are these 40r storms up there bro when you you got pro players like crazy over here that's a that's a fake for your story i think because his name is felt really really weird yeah it has a greek oh oh bro we're we're uh 54th right now let's go yeah and i don't think he would be playing with greece or grace and then a bunch of stuff with greece i was down bad that match bro holy i didn't realize i wasted so much maths like trying to revive you yeah honestly just let him kill me and then come back later yeah that's probably the best if you get knocked it's like almost impossible if it was not like the other team coming then i was chilling with the other team coming like this mistake the predator skin gonna be crazy let's go to oh bro let's go to this one okay so the ocean drop there'll be something more people there than you think probably but we can veer off there's one in the water let's go to the one uh yeah let's go to this one here no no it's a key the one in the water is going to be missing uh oh wait they took off the grid on the map they took off the great they did i just realized yeah did it why did they do that hey what the heck what's going to be like d4 and stuff like that yeah they used to be helpful i guess we're like ah kids don't learn this in store anyways the whistle and rum crap no one went to this one come on give me give me one look give me the ammo yeah go to the other one now go to the other one now oh bro there's a million people here i farmed so many kills i killed one killed one on the bell on the boat got the guy in the boat too but i swapped this guy i just killed three people but i saw them i hit him 72 right i just i just knocked like eight people dropped the air drop okay i'm knocking other people can you take care of that guy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 172 out of the sky there's a million people just dead on the ground i can't see because of freaking water hit him 72 72 that's far in the ocean uh okay oh that guy's gone wait there's a guy in the water there i had to get closer hello there that's the best strat ever holy yeah he's like no no don't no no like like if we just go for one that's like a little bit further like go for one and then if there's one closer than the one yo we gotta kill these guys right here quick we got this we got this i'm gonna fly up on top of the hill i don't i don't have very much ammo i don't know much ammo either but kill them everyone's sat here everyone's there can i get up uh hey hold on what does that mean why are you saying it like that oh yeah yeah what does that mean i don't know anything no no what are you saying like that like what are you saying like you're saying it like differently like why are you singing it like that though i'm just saying i'm just saying it you're just saying no you're saying it like that there's a hop flopper fish there's like a million hot plopper fish it's actually like low-key best strat hop-flopper high-five olympia that's the only thing you catch in this game i think so going to fish for the plentiful uh no i got a thermal fish you can still catch that one oh nice and very easy did i just get a rip fish no it's a hot flopper with this guy over there where where's over there over there i don't see him is he still there oh i'm gonna take this guy's guess and go i cracked him 85 white 85 white 85 85 white knocked him wow yeah i just rebooted my urge to reboot this guy has a girthy amount of choke jokes just saying knocked one or he didn't get knocked there's one shot though uh no i shot him when he flew there's a guy in craigslist like for the fish guys yeah yeah yeah wait there's a bush there yeah for you this guy a hundred a hundred right here on me i mean this is how we should have been playing like he's departing the sector up here i broke the sketch bush i'm i'm not even oh i'm coming here the pistol you can get close like two seconds i'm coming i'm coming busted off my bush there's two of them i broke off both their bushes yeah i hit one hard request to me i don't know i said like the first thing yeah it went hard one's one's no health on me i try to get the other guys departing did you kill this guy no no jason's good it's right here where'd he go i literally can't track him sometimes right here there's a guy i don't know if this is him 34 okay uh if it was him he has three mythic you know what i mean what's the word bro what's the wood we just gotta i need ammo i need i need ammo um how bad like well there you go there's people in here by the way they're probably bots if they're like who are you coming to you there's a guy with a bush coming to you too dude be careful i got the bush off got the bush off on the ground beside you this guy is attempting to do peace control but he's terrible so he can't i need that ammo that one 109. i just got sniped in the head where are you right am i a sniper [Music] you can just let him kill me and then he's gonna yeah just let him kill me and then okay oh he got killed he got killed on me the guy who's yeah with this other team i'm gonna get away because i don't want to waste all my math again because last time it was not long term who uses a hunting rifle someone who doesn't have the mythic thing because they've been hiding the entire game probably i'm gonna hit it off the tire oh they left yeah i would recommend going to i don't know you can go retail you can go coliseum if you want to go back in the storm it's only a one tick right now it's gonna be two probably worth it i'm gonna go to kali because i have two flint knocks yeah you can give me one i don't want some little the weed to stop the reboot again [Music] can you hit me with a loud huh i'm gonna have to heal one of those them do you know that you can dance to heal no what in fortnite bro i hear someone flying over here i headshot one touch on another i might be cheating i don't know wait there's a okay you're catching up you're catching on poco wait this side team pushing towards you not anymore i've escaped i broke off his bush like i got all the like juicy loot where where was he though just over there i cracked up right there over there going in people i've got it there's a loot down here yeah there's loot everywhere here gg if i was possibly cheating you wouldn't report me right i'd report you in a second you make me sick because there might be there might be something going on here i have no match you're good it's inhuman wait what there was so much mass back there where in the distance you shot him again what the heck bro you shot him while flying right now yeah oh he's gonna go revive his friend i'm going in yeah i did something wrong uh i lost a lot of health do you have a chug jug or diddy uh i do have a chug jug dude like i don't even think i should use the dub that's one another oh my god did i head shot that guy as well but i don't i'm not sure i got you homie he's going for his teammates first i too shall go from its pawn you must leave it's the next one over you got a shockwave out then you gotta go lazy you should box up on lazy then damn seal just to make sure that you can even do it okay because you can't get one shot at it right now you can't if they're close right yeah you don't understand like like yeah you're going crazy oh it's free it's not free what do you mean it's so not free but it's possible ah buddy i don't think i can get you fire one more time try now whoa well here's the thing you want me to do you want me to try to do good or do you want me to try to remove if you can just see if it's available now because it's still going to be a couple of seconds in the storm oh no they're there oh wait no you left oh no he didn't no you're just gonna have to stick it i want to be that weird guy that stops it if i can't get it you're not getting it yeah exactly oh my gosh i don't know who deposited that man but oh oh i think i found the new two departed that man got 54 metal from that that's not blockchain that is not a pog champion no i gotta pull up my socks for this one bro and i gotta adjust my pajama pants the pajamas do you wear sweats when you are like good events uh usually like shorts or sweats uh yeah i like shorts dudes in the summer but i like the friends because they're just way more comfortable than sweatpants interesting very interesting i'm probably building too much right now i need to chill should i no i think these guys we still have bushes so they can't be that aggro someone's got no scope zero meters that guy is not having a good time bro oh you know what you could definitely uh double heavy snipe someone you don't have that many maps you have to go on somebody's body whenever someone dies yeah so i'm gonna focus on they're just getting a refresh you don't use the dub right i'm gonna stop using it you just say indefinitely in the air like the other guy i killed you last game yeah but there's a team at height should i try to good he's got gotta like keep shooting almost directly underneath you i really like it you look pretty safe you have the ammo for it but can you handle the stress ranger or will the stress handle you higher ranger higher ranger get out of window distance don't shoot up whatever you do who will win who has who can handle stress the best is the person the highest in the air right now that guy is so far in his own oh i think you should try just like if you can get the angle right using this because it's like it's not for shot accuracy but apparently it just works i hate this game there is only one duo left i think it's a knock-off song steam is pretty decent they're trying to shoot me now go even higher like it goes as high as you can oh that's this guy just you should just like being up high with him is better than fighting that knockout like oh he's so happy yeah he's he might get you though honestly the stress just stressed too much i think i got to drop now all right uh actually oh yeah there's solos oh how am i not hitting him i don't know he went oh my god yeah oh my god what is happening yeah once you're dead dude you might just have to go down now he might just go down he's got like because he's above you right because he's above you he's got that oh oh yeah that guy doesn't have a match probably he's a different guy ah and then he died well there's still so many people alive i thought there was something there's three three it was three people no i was just four well when i died it was top four you were fourth so there's three other people yeah well i thought you said there was a duo i said that bro four minutes ago oh i mean i didn't pay attention i don't know sorry guys you did it it definitely stayed that's not a bad strat wait this is the last game last game and we are currently 50th schmidt i'm gonna need you to not die bro i'm just getting like the dub's not it i'm i'm putting it away this is the dub not the dope no you can hit the guy way harder with the freaking uh you need them way harder with the dually pistols yeah i was kind of confused midair i'm pretty sure like he was lagging too much for me to like hit him cause my crosstalk was on him for like four shots i don't think my bloom was that bad because i just didn't hit him absolutely insane i'm and i was knocked back many times so what we gotta do is look for a drop okay and then you gotta find the drop that's closest to that drop but that's not further then we grab that one then we do the same exact thing i don't know if that's a one case scenario thing but they can't even go find a special surprise in supply drops [Laughter] yeah okay look at this go for this one okay and then if there's one closer we grab it then we go fight those people okay you never answer do you want my special something i didn't want anything from you evan all not too right [Music] the surprise is coming what the heck yeah can we get a what the heck the heck you think i can hit the most insane bunny hop to fly over the entire mountain flop the flip-flop flippity don't stop the rocket all right here goes nothing if i hit this i get it do a belly flop oh my gosh that works that works for the first one to it this guy sliding down the mountain he's really upset he's about to get this chest he's dead you got that nice bro yeah you suck dude wait i missed uh let me get the oh you get the slurp drink here take this oh take that take it oh my god why'd you give me the one that wasn't reloaded yeah because i didn't want to use the one that wasn't reloaded what the heck i'm gonna shake him cover me cover me come here good builds lucky i don't like that okay we got 420 points bro we did it nice we done it chat 420 baby let's go to like retail and try to fight people who like apparently wanted to land properly oh i see a llama i see a lot what pick this llama and go wait when's your birthday again tg 23. oh my god here can you take this i'm making i have four of those okay honestly this would be so much fun if this was like a permanent game i feel like picking me i i like it because it's like unique and it's different i feel like if it's like everything like nobody would play this constantly probably after like the yeah definitely not i mean like i feel like i would mess around in it mm-hmm that's what i said about your mother what why would you ever say that about my mother this is a lazy lake maybe well i'm literally fighting as a guy oh you are okay um i may have made mistakes i'm laying on the sketchboard okay i'm a god i had one shot and a headshot i believe these guys are yeah he was how do i put this noise like downtrend i believe that um listen don't you ever don't you ever tell me how song goes again sorry i'm sorry i cracked one 100 i just flew across the map you can have some music bro i gotta like upload uh a video of that one game all right hit every single headshot oh there's a oh i'm not even trolling i might have the best name in the game you're actually nuts i know i know thank you you're not too bad yourself on top of this roof right here he doesn't have a pistol ranger oh does that mean we can flower him i want to catch it so i have captured it i need the ammo i need the ammo you ever play one of these tournaments and you feel like by the end of it you finally actually like understood how to play it right yeah well i mean i feel like that's why uh playing multiple regions is the way you know yeah you see these two guys over here bushes knocked push off one uh we thought jumping in with the trunk was the way with the dualies are definitely the win this guy right here is is lit he's uh also hit 400. it's lit i knocked the mirror you departed i may have the best aim besides ranger in a way that cracks them did you can you finish off the friend i don't know where you killed him at she killed me too fast oh my bad all right i'm sorry all right i found him i think if you go even further if you use the hot pocket yeah wait what if you bounce oh you can't bounce your shock because like that just doesn't work you can't mount your shock yeah but if you bounce her the flood knock doesn't break you through walls right oh i was just saying bounce or knock yeah you can normally do it this isn't a shame tournament i feel like once we play arena after this like it's gonna feel like we're so slow right because right now you can just flip knock literally everywhere oh this is the key game bro this is the key game i missed the phone i'm terrible awesome the worst aimer on west coast 1500 so you didn't even need my help they got in there that guy's one shot that guy's one shot let's just land it in the air in the air i got in there i have the gun i am the girl i am the guppiest guy reggie samara is watching and she's just like he's live she's like yes it's true it's a lie it's fabrication um did not expect that okay i have a plan i'm gonna knock you away we're good we're good i don't think he knows you're here oh no he's coming he's coming he knows who knows i i need to angle it right though oh yeah now that's kind of good it's just now you escape oh actually it's not that good there's nothing many things left you have to get misty oh wow missy's like dead side right now bro what's going on i you're you almost felt like you wanted to flint knock there right like you almost felt like it like when you're that close like but it's like you weren't there yet no i would have gotten launched into the stratosphere you dropped me that joke are you gonna have your own tournament bro i don't know i'm gonna have to remember four night wants to hit me up bro i'm here oh my god do you think it's one of those things where you have to hit them up or they hit you up like everyone that i've talked to that has like gotten skin or not skins but like locker bundles or like tournaments like the like epic message emad to do it like they just message you i don't know how they message you like maybe they're like i don't think the business scene or something like that can i go get my loot oh the guy that shot me can i go get my looter now uh i'm going to your league right now i'm gonna pick axis i just let you do it i saw him struggling when he was building i was like yeah why are you saying up i see you freaking i see you freaking just rubbing bushes on you bro would you prefer me to rub something else oh there's a kit launcher here can you draw me your name over there i'm gonna take those and go i got a wall i literally just forgot what my entire inventory was when i went to go shoot that wall right there i respect that oh there's a guy right here i'm using like three for for my shoddy but like i didn't want to use it though uh but you want to just go on top of the hill are we playing for the dog yeah i'm gonna get the supply drop i'm gonna get the supply drop here is we can just take podca right here ready shoot this guy three two one go hit him here we go whoa all right we're okay we're okay next target then we're gonna come back let me know if there's extra mats um there's a 200 wood i don't know how badly you need wood yeah i'm gonna go i almost thought i could take i almost thought i could take fall damage and i was like oh i was like okay there's a i might be able to go i hit him 104. dad um are these guys right here if i knew how to play this game mode at the beginning we would literally have gone first right because you just have to stay back with a flint knock and just snipe people did that guy 72 beside you by the way uh right over here oh that guy yeah right there's a team in that building they were re-farming so they sound a little bit sweaty i don't have mats i'm just gonna farm the top of this all right i have max yeah i don't know it's fine i don't want to ever be in debt anything to you ever okay i'm gonna give you this but you owe me some of your meat cake later okay i'm i'm getting away from you i don't want to be near you all right there's stuff right here right only saying that cause watching go get the frick away from me bro about you offered me your meat cake earlier what the heck are you kidding me dude what you don't want to talk about your meat cake now bro i can't wait to not talk to you all right i'm going out i'm going up no samara he's he's cap he's cat i i'm not trolling he was talking all about his meat cake go back in the vlog on the helipad hit him once we should bro if we played this whole time we would have been ahead by like 200 points yeah it would be absolutely insane jobs remove all your pings and then we'll just ping hot if we need to get someone remove ping ah hey there's a guy underneath us oh there's a guy above a guy above i knocked off his bush he's in the air he's in the air oh you made a bug a hundred hundred on here oh my god oh my god where was oh i'm gonna go get that loot yeah hey go get his loot cause i don't really here we go oh it's because he died there goes the teamwork here there goes the teamwork bro what there goes the teamwork bro killed one bro i why are you building so why are you running i i it's because my brain goes into deep balls did that guy yeah sure buddy all right in the air in the air knock this bush off there's a guy all the way up in there we gotta shoot him out yeah i see him i can't hit him when they're like 80 million meters in the air coming down here there's guys in here they're like i've never seen someone sweat more they already bounced for 30 bouncers i guarantee you're your money back why'd you place another bouncer when there's already a bouncer there i honestly didn't see it i'm gonna be 100 honest oh okay guys in the sky that longer with this that that that break that i already yeah oh that almost worked oh i think i'm dead oh i'm good i'm good never mind holy shoot all right take our meat cakes and go bounce instead of like using the pistol because i feel like using the pistols unless you're shooting it straight up is just deadly really building huh oh i kind of wish they posted is there any more regions after us no no there isn't yet the west coast they might do it again though remember the uh what tournament i can't remember what it was they did it they did a tournament twice because people loved it so much oh bubble you soon how did i miss that it was so easy that guy uh in this box 72. remember to build above you sure your bush's broken i break this guy up uh i'm breaking it up okay huh knocked one how'd you find me i had him one on i got my honey i'm going up i killed one down there okay this guy bouncing another one coming i just need a second padding academy i haven't gone away thank gosh yo can you can you shoot this can you do this 82 on this guy nice hey 184 another one we're just meeting them i'll build a roof we're now oh gosh where'd you fall uh somebody broke that out i swear wait guy in this guy there is i hit him 73. we knocked off my bush oh what do you got oh he almost just knocked me out of the zone oh i just got stuck on the reboot man oh god is this you on height no it went really hard uh like uh i think it's the chinese soccer skin knock on nice one night you just hit me bro what i i got a flint on i knocked one okay i'm going down i'm going down uh i got a campfire i got him i'll play them for you it's uh oh my gosh the heck oh he's right about below me no i'm back there i can't i don't know if i can one of them's just up in the sky no i hit a tree you got this you have this you'll put campfires down put campfires down if you i i don't have any i don't have any i use them 1v1 how is he even getting close to you without first shot actors can you explain that uh luck ranger cougar that put campfires down that's so unfortunate man did he just crash oh no he didn't he was just lagging yeah he like flew in mid-air 500 how much is the win is it like six points yeah nah we wouldn't have got it but it would have been really close if we killed him and then got it right oh no it would have been close that would have been 500 but it would have been all right 89 bro first place for me is 519 points second place has 603. the leaderboards have been oh my gosh bro we got we got like 30th place i don't think we got top 50 though because the tournament's not over yet yeah i doubt it oh we definitely got um top 450 450 got the laser beam outfit and the back one i just didn't get the pick out so i got the most important i got the skin yeah yeah the skin and the backlink but not the pickaxe yeah there you go that's all right got the best there you go i had to help you know a little guy you know you needed a little help than a little girl you know you need the a little going to put you on the head a little girl you know you know the game that we landed on the airdrop when we tried to do it like hot drop an airdrop yeah but then because neither of us got a gun yeah this guy posted it on twitter and said ggs but he killed both of us without weapons i'm gonna comment gg's bro you're nuts you're absolutely insane we did really good actually but i like if we had known exactly the strategy going in like like a lot of people that won the games had the skin i mean i do too but that's just because he gave it to me like other people earned it through the tournament like if we had known like we would have um salamander wait have you played with me since i hit 250 hello what's up yeah yeah played arena last night i know how are you good we got like 30th place dude yeah okay kind of nuts we we got we got in the money yeah you guys give me all the juice yeah we made all the v bucks technically i made more money in that tournament uh than i did last year [Laughter] he's not counting twitch rivals and stuff like that dan horrendous when's the next cash cup that's crazy that's crazy you guys won't play the cash go with me that's crazy dude you have to play with our trio that's crazy dude trio watch trio watch live trio four days we were actually hard vibing and then we both got had trouble in the last game all right okay buddy okay buddy okay buddy okay buddy okay buddy okay buddy okay buddy okay 9 15 p.m is our heat 9 15 p.m i don't know when is it when is it it's probably because the other one ends at nine i'm guessing i don't know aren't we a shouldn't he a b first oh yeah you actually correct i actually don't know the doubler does not have all the answers oh do the song do the song [Music] why is nobody have it sweat kids dude [Music] mom is a lovely lady she's a very nice she's a nice nice lady ranger's mom is a nice nice lady she is very nice hey tj what what do you do when you work out your arms like what what exercises and when rachel's father lives in those mothers uh hi bro it's been a minute i don't know um arnold's shoulder press um shoulder presses bicep curls um hammer curls um i don't know i'd have to look at my old logs man there's like bouncers everywhere well i mean you're not like when you're doing it just like yeah it's like pretty bad because i have to draw on my screen like when i do all my work and everything like all like the like no it's not touch screen it's just like i use my mouse charger [Music] one shot on me oh i have a splash it's beside those bandages i have a splash i think i got a three bro you should have seen my aim in the uh tournament no i was hitting headshots after headshots this sense is actually like godly i don't miss i just got hit with everything doesn't even feel like bullets when i'm getting hit because like they're not flint knocks you i got hit for everything this guy got him i don't want to light it over there oh get over here oh there's guys over here i have no roommates who's here with me yeah there's somebody here with me there's two people here one's left one is literally one shot [Music] i think uh actually oh you already have one okay oh he's gonna give you it i can play all day and use the charge and then he has to do his coloring books again he's like the color i don't know what color i want it's so hot i didn't know it which one yes yes i love cinnamon actually i didn't see what was it it was like our faces on salamanders oh i haven't seen that bro you should i was so disappointed when you didn't put a sniper in this hand he put a scar in you gave me the heartbeat which is really funny i mean that's facts that's big facts he gave himself a purple charge like that's a 3d no you're hitting it first but i'm thinking of it first all right so you gotta stop wait wait what confusion everything you hit i was thinking of hitting before you hit it you know uh yeah [Music] do ranger get the skin yet no he probably gets in like 20 minutes yeah after this game we should get it done do i play heat i don't know no one doesn't know either do you see this rap this rap is sick dude it showed it they like have the official heats out now it's not like just going off with that thing like that yeah i looked in game game definitely no look at this rap look at the wrap on my weapon how sick is that what the heck that's kind of fire right look at look at the air look at that's sick it goes with the color color pattern and everything yeah yeah ranger don't forget there's fall damage there's fall damage don't forget all right mythic flint knock looked ridiculous yeah it was a lot of fun they just fly across the map it was like a quad crasher what does it call oh they're right here right here wait did we get 529 someone said 520 on this place ggs i don't know if they're talking about us or for himself rare i just wow you guys placing the money so definitely not here oh this guy's no elf knocked one jumping behind one of you i killed one 2v2 up there absolutely ranger you fighting someone this guy's got god thing you just shot me out i mean i killed him though you know i still have no extra deal it's kind of crazy here's a minute oh i have two minutes let's say i found so many blue yards we won't hold it but that's cool yeah it's possible but unlike very unlikely 39th chat let's go if we had known the format i think we would have got top 10 at least yeah that's fun it's really great tournament but i was thinking if i ever did one of those like what would i do you know what i think would be a fun one just just normal for night just everyone's on a pepper constantly yeah and um if you eat a pepper you go double speed that would be great that'd be fun right what about the more peppers you eat you permanently game everything's going way too fast you're going way too fast we need to cut it i sniped one i snapped one i sniped and i sniped one not dead though sniped him in the head after i sniped him before like did you not just see what happened to your teammate homie yeah i think it's the same guy i'm gonna be completely honest with you it's even lower iq this wait i don't even know there was a guy there need to think no i messed up i missed my charge he's one she's one shot 49 white oh there we go the truest one shot i've ever i peace controls him too but i guess he just didn't care did we all have charges uh yeah i had a problem uh uh 100 win rate prevails and then he just jumped on me i don't even know how i didn't hear him i don't think you see what happened to me ranger i know i didn't know i was watching what the heck is this loot bro what the heck are you doing now there's very few teams that could realistically pass us wait are we still 39 i don't know i'll take a leave and go all right did you notice half everything i mean we don't have our stuff yet not looking too good yeah they're hard keys we need an album oh my gosh bro my teammates i'm good very cool dude i missed two charge shots or else he would have been smoked but i think they healed up interesting you may be able to just oh crk gaming arca dasher mari pro patience for night wyatt sharer and fortnite joseph thank you all for becoming members welcome to enjoy those emotions if you enjoy as well link in the description below uh creepy cat thank you so much for the donut and thank you for sharing your experience man i appreciate that so much uh we have typical player i want to donate and show my appreciation for your channel because every time i see the notification pop up on my phone i get excited to have one question i was wondering if you're going to stream the night of season six and you're the best typical player thank you so much for the donor big shout out to you and uh most likely most likely you could look forward to his stream on the night of the uh season six uh metallogamer i hope you're doing great i'm hyped about your new public discord this month and if you need a mod for discord server i could help out if you saw my dm on twitter meta shout out to you man and i will uh let everybody know when uh when it is time uh how that kind of process will work so big shout out to you man thank you so much you can go retail but i don't know man it's like like like if you reboot here it's like you got lots of math homework you know i just have to do it yeah let's try it uh yo doubler can you drop me your charge please thanks no thank you there's one on the top hey no problem dude i'll take it w should definitely looking too good for me oh my gosh i have all the salamanders on me i need to run i don't have a single thing yeah right there oh i'm dead did you should you get in the building not for bills did uh www mass yeah they're here we gotta jump on this guy here do this let us crack them all right i don't know if i cracked them but i hit them hard hit another 100 48 48 on one on the uh i don't know what skin that it is i hate him so much i only had a great pistol oh what the heck bro my guy just shot him straight through a wall i don't know he's gonna revive you guys must revive we need to just like drive these cars out and pull them up you guys got time anyway um bruh [Music] with your builds out i swear it works like half the time oh these guys are losers they're probably gonna break you out or something just jump jump no it don't let them do this two kills bro two kills like two chains the kid that was spraying in the side range just kept building up but it's like like what is going on man i had two of them on me like trying to jump in my box and i had another guy spamming me that was fun wait was that your last one no no the 10 minute ended did we not get top 50 we were 42nd it's top 40. oh it's top 50. hey let's go 42nd in the tournament [Applause] some kid's gonna complain that i stole the skin from him down i stole rift to go and see lee's skin i stole it no not rip to go i stumble the skin of captains [Music] bob the builder can we fix it no it's structurally impossible chat we did it i'd like to thank my mom my dad my beautiful girlfriend samara uh my kids miku and george everybody watching you guys all contributed um it's an absolute insane experience and uh the fact that we were able to overcome all obstacles and uh really become the best that we could be and and prove it to the world you know top 50 and in such a demanding it's such an insane tournament it's just uh breathtaking so thank you thank you reindeer ranger [Music] oce is delayed it's available wait can we play it do you want to i'm down maybe uh let me think about that no you play with noah dude you've aced it i wanna watch one division one last one division bro watch it tomorrow i want to do long division i want to do long division let me see let me see when it's up like what's going on i'm playing the uh uh oce one because i forgot i got delayed i i believe it starts in 30 minutes that's literally like 230 thing there's just no way you're gonna actually want to play that hello thing doesn't matter you're not taking walls in this tournament noah they're literally just shooting people yeah you just use a gun you just use a gun stupid yes no skill just gun oh you don't like bulb you have to see to go tweet gg i'm not trolling yeah i'll look for it there's a guy behind us there's a guy behind us oh on top of the roof too not trolling never mind i'm good kinda there's a guy behind like on the building we all win um i'm trying to hold him what is going on here oh you actually waited for that long that's kind of kind of freaky kill him he helped bring you do i need to kill one of these plebs yeah this guy underneath me yes shield i'm jumping up you should probably come back we're like we're on like different teams here i think you're good then right here right now wow he was literally like 30 hp there's a lot of people over there i'm gonna die you're gonna die get out of here come here get another building and i'll give you a medkit you got so much time for my car i can't believe you one time with a leopard okay i think there's a kid in this building below yeah there is he's one i need to let him uh die i need to figure out where my body went um what [Applause] it's over for me my friends yeah i don't know if there's anything you can do here you can mini [Music] right now you can also all the range has falling no you don't have to let me don't perish in here what the heck the guy knocked i him for like 88 white and he's [ __ ] yeah my guy i tried it brady oh the down guy i think with the other person no no there's there has to be there's a person in here 100 million percent i already know but not just one noah not just one too that's what noah's doing the old thing mini mini minnie you expected the first but the second the second you did not expect i actually could have killed that guy but yeah there's two oh i got the skin put it on put it on don't you ever don't you ever bro i'm looking at the uh the timing and it doesn't say like it says everything it says everyone's who's in here oh wait it's at 2 p.m i just thought it's stupid 2 p.m oh wait are you talking about the laser beam tournament when's the oc one though oh the laser beam one though hold up hold up it starts in an hour and 25 minutes you like that yeah i do very interesting let me see this where did you tweet it now oh my god what is this what i actually have the best photoshop skills did you do this you made this yourself see ranger looks like he was born for that photo honestly i know his face like i stretched it and it fit perfectly on this thing yeah it stretched it so it fits on the cell i mean it looks perfect are we going dirty or misty i shall never go to the doctor uh pistachio [Music] pistachio if you don't want to play oh pistachio pistachio pistachio pistachio pistachio pistachio pistachio pistachio pistachio did you forget ranger i harnessed the power of a thousand suns beneath my claws i i'm probably gonna skip it man all right all good bro i got a good sleep schedule going you know i want to ruin it it's fine it's fine i killed one i killed one i killed one i killed one i killed one easy one [Music] i rolled one i rolled one i rolled one i rolled another i rolled another another one down two down two down roll two roll very interesting going for the third the third is gonna get also additionally rolled on top of the rolling that i've done of the other oh my gosh i'm gonna oh my gosh i just rolled him too that's three three down where's he at he's just on height everyone's dead he just shot at me i would have died that was insane i just rolled everybody are you guys having trouble i literally just rolled three people on one i'm i had to say ranger double player did you crash nah i couldn't hear for a second you just ran past my car i don't have another weapon except the dragon fire shotgun he's hit for like 189 how much did i hit him for ranger wow this game possibly is good enough am i good enough why does it always come down to these situations guys yes ah bro i just thought he was gonna die to the dragon fire put it in his nostrils yeah i thought he was gonna die there too he's gonna walk through here ready hurry up so i can get ranger's car reef breaking know me or just get breaking you gotta go and get it now pepper you you win this you're the fastest man alive get our cars and get into that car got it you're the fastest man it has 20 seconds you're the fastest man alive you know what up you place you're the fastest man alive dubula you're the fastest man alive oh my god oh my god you're trying to trash you're not the flash you're actually not fairy allen you're literally a salamander you're crazy no way like it goes through the door and item 90 white like homie is no hell that's crazy oh you're standing there like this horror movie you know the guy's just standing there he's like get him 69 actually i just want to point that out there that's the funny number yo shout out to i'm gonna read some of the super chats now thank you everybody you're showing love and support if you guys want to support me in the item shop when buying anything especially the shanty squat emo uh use code typicalgamer all one word in the item shop if you guys didn't see we did unlock the laser beam skin we got uh top 50 in this tournament i don't remember i think it's like 42nd or 44th or something really good stuff so yeah joe rodriguez thank you for that my that's good how was yours cryptic nation shout out to you for the 10 and the five i love your videos keep grinding keep making great vids and me you can play one time still trying to make my dream of a streamer noticing me maybe you could be that one shout out to you cryptic nation thanks so much and uh there you go shout out to you for the 15. thank you so much my guy uh ben pollard gives a happy birthday my cousin vladimir likes your videos vladimir happy birthday man i hope you have the best birthday ever and thank you ben uh shaquille stephanie chad is wealthy for the kind words little peep gus thank you deadshot uh scott thank you for all of those we have kyler holden um eric lamont are you excited for the next season yes very excited carter king thank you braxton millard funny cats and gaming wyatt sharer thank you for the kind words knight gamer we have rtk halo uh aw thank you for the two the 10 and the 15. logan bagwell favorite five winston bryant my first stream was ninja turtle mod five years ago hey let's go dude here's johnny shout out to his wealthy for subscribing to both channels if you guys didn't see the banger yesterday uh laser beam actually surprised me on stream so uh make sure you go watch that video tg plays link in the description below subscribe with the bell uh we got here's johnny thank you for the five logan thank you again phillip mcrott thank you for the 5 25 and 2 big shout out to you no messages either this guy's insane big shout out to you fellow odin35 came out to my mom she didn't like it well but this stream is truly cheering me up so thank you dude odin um sucks dude um i i wish you all the best man and uh just know that we all accept you all right man we all got your back brother some people are so caught up in their ways and it's not a good thing and uh we we got your back here though and all right big chat to you thank you for that destiny glad i could help it as well destiny's childhood for that cryptic shout out to you as well i'll read the rest in just a little bit the guy uh let me finish up there no oh it's kind of smashing i have many others oh no no i love it bro every there's a house everybody landed somewhere and found something i knew oh there's a stream center behind you rangers it's free kill oh no i got him nice oh hello what is your assistant why why why kill me you didn't even kill me did i not get any of those kills what i did like 800 damage if i got one of them unless someone stole it i got only one kill out of it yeah i got one did you guys see that guy just roll me yeah do you have a shotgun uh no crazy shout out to uh super leonardo jayden thank you so much for that donut big shout out to you my guy um all right i need one i'd rather get shocked he said he's retracting like an upgrade joseph reeves hey ggg i've been support for over six years i don't want you anymore because you want to play fortnite could you try playing other games i enjoyed them jose reeves thank you so much for the appreciate your support and um i'm gonna go you know me man i i'll play whatever i enjoy uh but you could definitely look forward to more of a variety of games in the near future as well big shout out to you man and thank you for your your support and your feedback uh troy boy thank you for that bright shout out to you as well ty sisk i'm glad you enjoyed the content big dog shout out to you what happened with the intro not playing in the facecam border uh the facecam border was outdated so i um i just stopped using it and then um the intro gets cut off because there's uh no i'm not because of the tournament oh yeah that's why there's some that makes a lot more sense like this um chad you big dog and yeah the the reason why the intro gets cut off during streams sometimes is just because um they change the way kind of like when you start it it's a little different so i'm getting i just got beaten in the back bruce meyer thank you rickless gamer shout out to you as well bruce meyer thank you justin shout out to you as well what's up justice ctv dove shout out to you what's up good what's up man on the river west mcgonagall thank you for that zm l z km thank you uh james moore shout out to you as well there's a knocked body by me it's uh literally freely right here and you can get the mask from my dead body just just don't even impress me unless you unless you can well you actually can you can rest i might be able to i'm trying to get to you yeah you're chilling i got a sticker you got to stick it oh oh i didn't even know oh i didn't know you were that low i knew you were getting there but i wanted to i didn't want do you have any tips for new pc players dude shout out to you thank you so much for the kind support uh any tips for new pc players practice makes perfect make sure you get some good key binds down and uh just practice practice practice man uh big shot lj and i wish y'all the best bed uh happy uh happy belated birthday rsg dentures love your streams enjoy the money thank you man big shout out to you appreciate your support um i'm glad you enjoyed them uh samuel coleman shout out to you as well your brother dante and to you sam uh dylan contreras we have carissa lund it's it's little van 21 um he dropped on a hundred and a hundred on a hundred and a hundred and a hundred that's that team did hello i'm a big fan of you hope you win welcome and then a smiley face i thought it was weird when that team was in our game twice in a row but three times pretty funky did you just drop 500 is that legit it's no it says good night oh yeah without using a delay you just have eight billion streams yeah in my life i like i like doing it on update night and then uh i say like okay i'm just gonna land on this island over here and i counted over 30 people in my game over 30. kind of crazy it's bad dude it's a little van is that legit let me know if that's legit dude like why can we get some hearts in chat for its little van who dropped literally five hundred dollars what are you doing bro what do you do for work you're insane big shout out to you thank you for the support i died i don't know man the last person that dropped 500 was laser beams though that's nuts thanks that's crazy dude uh old school hip-hop we we back hope you remember us hope you're feeling well rest up when you need it vibing on some street fighter while my girl and my youngest watches the stream keep it the great work and have fun while you're doing it by the way this is real there we go old school old soul hip-hop bro i love your name by the way um thank you so much to you and the fam i know you guys are legit i always look forward to your very kind and nicely worded messages and i i want to say that um as much as you guys enjoy the stream i enjoy your message just so freaking much so big shout out to you man big shout out to family it sounds like y'all having a great night so uh enjoy it live it up big shout out to you brother that sounds awesome that that sounds like a family moment like that that's that's awesome dude thank you for sharing that with us uh someone that's japanese dropped 250 yen i'm i'm not sure how to read your name but thank you and they dropped 120 yen shout out to you carlos perez galvez thank you dante battles thing for the ggs uh we have whit staples with the 100 dollar donut said hey typical just wanna say i've been watching for three years please a hundred dollars bro what's going on with staples let's get some hearts in chat for which staples going absolutely insane on the donut one bro you are absolute a mad lad homie an absolute mad lad for real on the real full reel do you have minis for me no okay oh that's the sniper yeah i'm having so much fun with fortnite oh i'm dead 105. i hit him 105. i have a medkit for utg here there's a campfire too i'll give you that actually that's one of them bro what is going on they've been chasing us through the end of time stream snipers oh streams diapers this is not the stream i need to see all their skins right now i'm gonna keep running away trying to get a chest or something because i have no weapons back right here there's a three chests down here so i'm just going to grab them although it might be a little while to come back out you might want to come back oh i got an ak here it's over we got a blue egg and it's over okay we're gonna game over here i don't know if it's the snipers well i'm trying to take my wall right here i'm going to box them okay got to back up back up in my box in my box dude he's facing through everything turn around turn around if you can alright there's a different guy okay just ran in my box and faced everything i'm okay but this is the stream sniper team they're they're on our wall nice they died to the other players got its body i thought i was tremendous after missing my second shot i'm coming brothers i have minis i've ministered a medkit they're trying to jump into careful range this is open on top and i can't oh yeah oh no no i gotta get in with you i'm coming i'm almost behind them you need to penetrate their behinds wait hold on whoa are they on you guys we lot wait a second dad nice getting your search oh wait is this yours oh there's many alerts here i bro i created a distraction no there's two above i distracted them here i got a mini for one of you medicaid if you need do you guys have yeah oh what gun oh my gosh a gun oh i just like got scared i can't even lie where are they where'd they go i thought they were right here oh they are there oh my gosh i killed one i heard him i heard him see the salamander him he's above he's above him oh what the heck i'd be looking above into the build plate i actually could have gotten bad for me hit him hard wow we actually we actually turned that around boys let's go does anyone have shock in our ermo the notches literally saved us it's crazy isn't using a delay bro like a minute delay like helps so much 30 second delay 30 seconds oh 30 seconds yeah like right now using 30 seconds or not no no right now it's like in almost instant oh i still might be like five seconds yeah but five seconds is not too much they're in the bush dude why you guys were fighting that guy i i flanked them with a blue pistol i was like you seem to be trash at the game yeah wait oh he's chucking cabbage all right i think he's [ __ ] damaged i thought he was friendly oh my gosh i just not made them but not getting the kill right now yeah no no i was pretty good at eliminating people yeah yeah um that's what you're good at ranger i have a mini for you like well bro well they're fighting behind us well why is everybody like around us here i just need to get through let's get to this island or something i got yeah i got him i got two med kits you wanna pop a medkit and center you must peace control yourself bro i'm gonna go i'm gonna go fight them i'm gonna go fight them come come one of you come hither wait come back come back tj there's another people here there's other another team here i'm back oh no no no this team shot me in the back you do you have those floppers do you have those floppers yeah i have one i'm trying to talk to you more many tickets no i'm good on that i just got slave wow oh my what is happening wait oh my god i was crashing my head don't scratch your head hot daddy i've beamed one it's like a pink cupcake girl or something that's cool oh you're both dead you both suck that's great i need that i mean the medkit oh god oh dude i'm dropping you in the mic i'm dead you gotta i gotta carry i don't have bouncers oh you can't carry me over the water unless you build you can build no i can't i can't i'll try to build for bro this is the most competitive trio's arena lobby i've ever seen seriously i'm withering away at least i dropped you the med kit in my final breath brother thank you what the heck are you building i'm trying to get up oh oh someone's got a car beside us no is there do we just get into a scrim like campfire here i don't know oh [Music] yep oh i'm getting sprayed oh he's running okay you're getting good i think there's more lead down here yeah a bunch of loot i thought he might have got the wall instead of you and i was like this is it uh purple tack for you here i got the charge see you grab something else huh buddy again there's a guy right here that was a really weird trio game yeah i don't know what that was not on the podcast very very injured on that note almost upon do you have this emote i don't want to talk about it you have to use this email before i go noah noah that was a little exclamation mark do it again oh that sounds beautiful although we're all hitting at different times it's really throwing me off [Laughter] everyone is punching at completely different times [Music] this is the best email they've ever had let's be honest it is it's like or the what [Music] suddenly going kind of crazy with it all right voice has been real peace catch you later see you later good job in the tourney yes thank you all right chat we did absolutely insane in the tournament that is right 489 points will put us right at i don't know apparently 489 42nd place man 42nd place so we got the skin it's great it's a good time uh if you guys didn't see laser beam actually surprised me with the skin early so if you want to watch that video it's going to be on my other channel tg plays link in the description below um i'm going to go ahead and read the rest of the donors here but yeah make sure you go subscribe with the bell to my other channel okay we're we're going we're going towards 4 million subscribers so that's super super exciting so make sure you subscribe with the bell over there uh shout out to monsley we have sarah cattermole thank you yate melvin shout out to you we have uh i'm not sure how to pronounce this name so thank you for the 108 easton patty gg julian mcclellan love the video shout out to you this thing just checking to see if you can say my name right again did i get it right this time let me know thank you for the 10 dude dsm sharp blaze shout out to you and then we got uh a few more here simone martin just want to say hi and that my birthday was yesterday well happy birthday birthday i hope you had the best birthday ever simone uh a cooler seven happy early birthday to samara mine is right after samara is march 11th i love you and smear have a beautiful day that's awesome yeah samara's birthday is coming up and um going to make it a special akula hope you're excited for your birthday corey uh curse bomb love your streams keep the gaming bro will do corey thank you so much for that clip shout out to you danica thomas or danika the nika thompson thank you for the 35 big shout out to you uh swayam kundu support farmers india in india dude i've actually seen uh a bunch of people here in vancouver uh uh protest with that so yeah that's uh support farmers man jake retro i mean if it's literally just about supporting farmers i don't know enough about it to like you know i will say i'll support farmers though just farmers normal farmers farm for living nice farming that's what i like uh jake retro i hope they fix this skin for you i wasn't in the stream last night for the last donation use code typicalgamer in the item shop love your streams big big love bro dude big shout out to you jake retro appreciate your support big shout out to you homie and uh thank you guys don't forget if you're gonna cop anything in the item shop use code typicalgamer all one word go check out the brand new video on tg plays and if you want some merch typical dot store i'll see you guys later thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and peace out you
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 3,898,683
Rating: 4.8754072 out of 5
Id: NygZNS-dQE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 2sec (14042 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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