i became a TAXI DRIVER

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cars in fortnight broom broom vroom vroom i missed up date night because my channel got a strike i couldn't upload i couldn't live stream i think we fixed it i think we're all good so vroom vroom now i want to become an uber driver i feel like this will get us into a series of very fun adventures i'm gonna drive around find people that don't have a car and i will deliver them to their final destination the victory royale i'm gonna be a demogorgon there's something funny about like your uber driver showing up and it's the demogorgon so even though i couldn't upload i did help fresh uh record his cars video i do know for a fact that cars are everywhere on the map so i'm not sure why someone would get into my demogorgon uber but uh i'm still gonna try oh there it is it's me own pickup truck it's me own you imagine a demogorgon shows up in a pickup truck children just future life advice do not get into this uber all right gotta make sure i fill up before we go make sure i'm at full capacity okay this just looks disgusting all right i'm filled up and ready to go let's go be an uber driver seriously i am more likely to be in a serial killer documentary than in your uber app where is someone yo you need a ride hello you need a ride you don't like me yeah this is what happens when you refuse my uber ride come here okay i'm pretty sure it's the bot anyway damn imagine you're just looting the house in pp and a demogorgon in a pickup truck just wants you to get in his car come on buddy oh they're fighting people i think europe is here you called for an uber hop in hop in buddy hop in yeah let's go let's go all right you're uber's here uh there's a water bottle there uh there's a water bottle if you if you need the air con up just let me know mate no shooting the uber no shooting the uber no shooting the uber oh my god you are getting a zero star review you are getting zero stars oh i thought he was playing along i offered him a water bottle what the hell was that all right i'm thinking maybe people just don't trust uber drivers maybe they don't maybe i should be a taxi driver uh don't mind me just peeing on me taxi hey player oh they're fighting each other two players here well whoever wins i'll i'll pick up the winner all right i'll give the winner a free taxi ride all right hop in madam congrats on winning your fight i'm gonna take you to a supply drop hey look what i got for you man i was gonna drop you off at it look what i got for you finally someone who embraces how nice it is to have a free taxi driver i'll wait here for you i'll fill up the car while i wait ma'am what did you just did you just i thought we had something i gave you free cab rides we had something unique we were locked together as one hop in the taxi i'm here for you am i like officially a stalker now or something i'm really not leaving her alone like how she's just gone in the house and i'm just waiting outside creepily in a taxi hop in hop in yes finally we are together again after all this time this brings me such happiness i'll take you to zone i like how i've been nothing but a taxi driver for this woman this entire game and we're in the top ten i got you holy god oh this is a fast and the furious movie it's right there they're drag racing each other and i got you nice and safe don't worry about it why have you left me again all right i get i delivered you to zone now you don't care all right cool guess i'm just a useless taxi driver i'm just following her at this point i refuse to leave you this has got to be so annoying oh this is super perfect all right right you build up there wait wait wait what's up are you in here hello i've kind of lost track of my friend but i think she's in this base somewhere we should be okay oh god there's someone right there i've got to get out of here i'm sorry my beauty i'm sorry my lovely taxi passenger i have to leave you who won who won the fight of the castle who's the player remaining is it my guy oh god no no no no no no no who shoots taxis in the top five no oh he killed me i almost avenged him i continued to spend hours trying to be a good guy taxi driver no one respected the yellow cab it was time for taxis to fight back so i've hired fresh as a security guard and we're going to protect this taxi this single taxi until the very end and then win with it drive me to the dub real quick oh quick quick go get go get him protect me get out of here go get him yeah all right i've delivered him to his first target he's running away from me run him over run him over i'm i'm on him no blow him up all right we'll chase him we'll go we'll go get him no one shoots we've already taken a little bit of damage on the taxi no one shoots by a taxi it's about time taxis fight back boy beautiful beautiful beautiful you you pop that med kit i'm the best taxi driver in oca i'm gonna take you to the victory royale mate don't worry about it you know there's the the air freshener is peppermint i have some bottles of mount franklin water for you ah mount franklin god damn is it healing yeah yeah yeah it's healing it's healing yeah yeah repair me up buddy and we're good we're good we're having a little bit of a pit stop before the vic 3 royale all right all right mate it's a little bit of an off-road it's a short shortcut i know all right about it a little shortcut i know oh i need fuel we need to get fuel we need to get fuel all right mate yeah fill me up real quick thank you for uh peeing on my taxi no worries really nice all right i'm full comfortable oh my next stop vic roy dude all right here protect the taxi go kill him go kill him get out quick i'll talk to the taxi yeah good job good job good job hold on i have like 160 mats i got you to your destination i can't really see i can't really see you doing anything i can just see your name moving around i got him all right good job mate taxi nice and secure i might go hide in the trees or something you know this i'm starting to get a little scared why are we going around all this bushy area i don't like this i'm taking you behind the bushes this is where i ask for a for a favor hello there right here build right in front right past this bush i'm honking honking i'm honking i'm honking don't don't shoot him yet i'm getting now taxi it's uh it's okay kill him get one friend okay all you have to do is get an attack all i have to do yeah yeah so i've got like i've got like the one quick i got one i got one question it's like how are you gonna pay for your fare oh shh i want to see if they hop in the taxi hey come here in the taxi hop in the come on buddy you want to open if you want a free taxi ride wait this is it this is the final guy oh this is final gamer driving into the storm all right we're going in the storm we're going in [Music] oh and i'll see you again oh all right you got out now hop in trust me get in dude help out hop out and pick axe oh god no oh god that's not that is not the right way to pay for a taxi ride i got him boxing all right i'm hoping back in my taxi you might need to fill it up at some point but that's right let me stop here just hop in we'll get out of here help him we'll get out of here go go go we're getting out of here mate i'm just trying to pee yeah pee on me real quick pee this guy doesn't want it fresh i can go man do you want to run him over i want to try no matter what i've done my job as a taxi i've got you all the way to the end son i'm going to try and get more of a run back again he's tracking i'm trying to get more of a run up down this hill there he is ah here i come oh my god i did like you're gonna have to build no i'm building i'm building i gotta get out of here i did 37 damage all right taxis are made for delivering people not for killing fresh calm down dude i enjoyed going here i come another 30 damage he's on 16 hp three he's in that box he's in the box he's in the back yeah [Music] all right it's right grab my taxi and blow it up on him i got i fell in the storm he's on he's on white he's very low there's too much belgium he's very low if you can blow up my taxi he might die avenge me son just no if you run into him he'll shoot you and he'll blow it up come down buddy die yeah that counts a taxi win i delivered you all the way to the end we got a guy into the taxi we got the final kill with the taxi that we protected all game we'll take it we'll take it easy taxi gaming
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 10,264,638
Rating: 4.954607 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, gameplay, lazarbeam, gaming
Id: WtZaC_2YX-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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