I Spent $10,000 to Beat Every Roblox Game

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Wheres the rest of the roblox episodes :()()

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sup3rich321 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AFishReactsToReddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
1 million robux that is worth over $10,000 roblox can be played by all ages but it's pretty much played by kids a lot of the roblox games are extremely paid a win now the best part is kids don't have a lot of money so the goal is to spend way too much money and break roblox so I basically bought roebucks after robux until my card got blocked so to get to a million I had to use multiple accounts I bought an insane amount of roblox games cards and the richest guy in roblox lincom on 99 had to help me out he's an absolute legend by the way I'll leave his links in description but the problem is when you transfer it from my other accounts and here's a can it gets stuck in pending orders I don't know I don't know what I'm gonna get it it's like eight hundred and fifty thousand roebucks but there's so many roblox games I want to turn this into multiple videos so for today we'll spend what we can and break roblox our first game mode is destruction simulator you guys know I love destruction blowing stuff up now what if money could mean more stuff blows up ivar channeled my inner fortnight character and I have become a gingerbread man here I have a pistol and a grenade first up let's see how this game-mode works alright damn yes oh this is the game mode for me I didn't know this is the thing you can just blow up bits of Lego you know expensive this to be to do in real life oh yeah my backpack is full or by infinite storage for roebucks see normal children they'd have to go and sell it like a peasant I'm a boy infinite storage straight up now I can destroy stuff as much as I want it's awesome yeah much fun alright surely if I spend money I can buy some insane weapons blow stuff up right so I'm just gonna buy 40 million coins really quick like 40 bucks 50 bucks I can buy weapons no there take me to the expensive stuff I am very wealthy futuristic launcher brah no man this looks pretty insane I'm down for buying that I like to look at that castle I want to blow up this castle yeah this thing I blow stuff up nice and quick I like this this is basically the movie Shrek you know there's a gingerbread man raiding a castle yeah this our gingerbread man has a futuristic weaponry all right now surely if I spend more money I can get some more insane stuff what is a black hole pack 5000 robux all right game is let's say I test out this Dark Matter weapon yeah I definitely have to play this game mode first because it's all about destruction I love destruction guys I think that rocket ship might blast off [Music] what this guy's invited me to get in his van ah stranger danger stranger danger [Music] next up is weightlifting simulator wait till you see this one yes as you can see I am a stick of gingerbread look at them arms they're almost as small as my real-life arms so in this game mode you can lift weights to get stronger end up like that guy in the back there he's a chunky boy damn boy you'll thick me oh yeah yeah yeah you can see this there's people in here grinding real hard getting their strength up getting strong yeah that is the most jacked butterfly I've ever seen yeah we got people out here grinding doing their push-ups yeah people out here running like we even have a WWE Champion in the building this is where he works here ah you can also just buy these mega shakes I think I'm just gonna buy a whole bunch of these I want to stop being smaller I want to get bit ready to see how big I get drinking a few milkshakes oh yeah I'm a chunky gingerbread now but you wait that's just one Hey oh damn boy you think why is my head staying small my body's gigantic but I guess I guess I skipped head day I skip there working out my head day alright so the tough guys like 22,000 strength all right now have 3,500 I don't think I'm gonna stop until I'm at least a hundred thousand oh I'm dead lifting boys yes look at that fantastic or do this our normal people are supposed to get their weight levels up space to do this for hours at a time no laze beam these guys try to fight me kid let me teach you a lesson yes that's the best part of this game but when you pay to win and become gigantic you can just slap the people around if I use the weight you can change your size to make yourself small so if I'm using the weights why do that the weight stays gigantic all right I don't think I've asserted my dominance enough so we need to buy more milkshakes look Luna alright about 20 minutes later this is me at 40,000 strength this cost me about 10000 roebucks and I yeah I'm bigger than like the world I'm trying to hit people but I literally cannot see what I'm fighting all right we need to go higher I want to see what a hundred thousand looks like when that took me about 50 thousand Rory bucks you know about 600 bucks I'm at a hundred thousand strain on the leaderboard the next tourist is eight thousand that's probably that's probably him over there he looks he looks thick when I make myself big again let's see where we're at oh my god I fell through the grass I'm a little big I big er than the entire map all right let's see what happens when I stomp my foot I start doing backflip maybe spending money isn't all it's cracked up to me all right so I still have a hundred thousand strengths but now I'm normal size this way we can actually play the game I don't like the way he's looking at me instantly exploit this the giant fight starting someone's gonna teach this guy a lesson instant I hit him so hard I fell through the math I'm still big but I'm not too big like I just look like a chunky chunky gingerbread let's teach these guys a lesson move one hit these guys are gone are in bullying paper boom one hit you got knocked the F out rock this case like I'd spend like $600 become joint I have spent enough money to completely break the game and I bait up a bunch of people who can't afford to break the game yeah capitalism [Music] alright next game mode is broken bones we've played this one before I'm already number 28 in the world for most bones broken there's currently 16 people tied for the highest possible score I want to join this elite group of gamers yeah let's cheer through some roebucks boys nice and easy each one of these 4000 robux that's like like 50 bucks every time I press this button alright we're a breaks level 2000 I think in total in this game I've spent now $1,000 but it's to get on a leaderboard it's the history it's the show for young people of the world the robox players of the world laser beam is here to break your game so I'm a gingerbread that is now going to explode PE let's see how many bones we break I think we need 9 quintillion alright so yeah I think we're well on our way to that 9 quintillion yeah see that 2 there that just needs to get to knowing and we're going up again don't worry I'll get there game is already boy oh is that boy someone else just heated himself up this is my all-time favorite game mode I played it on stream a bunch I just loved broken bones it's just it's incredible it's so simple so beautiful the sounds the therapeutic it's a great way to relieve stress you know I have literally probably spent about three or four hours playing this game I am in the hundreds of quintillion this has got to be the highest of high scores I know it stops counting on the leaderboard at 9 quintillion but surely no one's ever gone this high in the quintillion look at my hair pants aren't supposed to do that oh my lord I'm number 2 they've put me in straight number 2 if there was ever gonna be a game where I'd be the tip top of the leaderboard it's gonna be the game where you get yourself off the cliff and brakes and bones this is where money gets you [Music] lawn mowing simulator there's a game about mowing lawns Oh take a look at me I'm a lawn mowing machine you actually mole or you actually there's a game in roblox where you mow Lords I'm already addicted alright okay let's take a look at this so this game has leaderboards a lot of them don't um so there's a total grass mowed leaderboard hey guys go like a hunt he has a letter in a number that's how you know that man's insane and then there's a money leaderboard as well without spending any money I have a hundred and eighty six grass get on the leaderboard I need six SEC Chilean growth that's like 25 zero it takes a whole lot of dollar II dues to get on the leaderboard in a day normally these people have been trying this for years alright so this moat was pretty cool but surely this stuff I can buy right but I'll just start by getting ten trillion dollars just a cheeky 10 trillion dollars who only wants 10 trillion I'll buy 20 trillion I don't know what they do but I also bought 50,000 flowers and 4,000 tickets we'll figure that out later alright let's go to the mower store see what we can buy with twenty trillion dollars you can buy lightsabers as a mower we have to get those Oh apparently I can't afford a light saber just yet I can only afford a racing flamethrower how am I gonna mow grass with a flamethrower ah so you use the tickets to buy these pets they cost about twenty five hundred roebucks or like forty dollars and tickets I bought five of them 200 dollars in pets alright boys let's Merson grass with my flamethrower let's what once look at how much crossing mouch yeah boy apparently if you take these portals you go to another grass mowing world oh I think I get way more grass from oh here this game's insane this is actually a fasiq is the lawn mowing RPG in roblox take my money I mean you are already spent like 300 dollars on you but take my money we have 30 trillion bits of grass alright let's go sell this and then see how many level ups we can get I have a hundred and 25 quintillion dollars that has to get us a lightsaber alright the moment of truth I have the final lightsaber Jerome hell I'm the Luke Skywalker at my own grass all right I've got my five Seth Lord behind me let's go Wyatt I'm getting like one and a half quintillion grass a second see kids you probably play robots for fun and you're probably wondering how to get good at it well the secret is just spend insane amounts of money and you too can be cutting grass with a lightsaber um I just spent like three hundred dollars on pets these Klan ones like forty dollars each these mom ones like forty dollars each but the point is we should be getting a lot of grass oh yeah now we're getting a lot of grass now no our pace is definitely increasing massive amounts massive amounts of pace now I like how I can literally make this entire planet barren me and my little pet are me and making this entire place barren all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go from world to world like look at this one why is there so many trees in this world this mr. beast world did you put this here yes I'm gonna go from world to world just mowing all the grass until I'm on the grass leaderboard then I sell it and I'll be on the money leaderboard as well here's everyone else in the game right now I have 1.8 2's grass the next person has 80 million so I'm about 70 thousand times better than that I accidentally sold my grass I mean I'm definitely on the money leaderboard now there I am number 29 on the money charts we've that's our first leaderboard I'm one of the richest lawn mowers in history still go this guy's spamming mad loud around me yeah I just got to get on that grass leave boys they have spent like $1500 on pets this clan with the star requires five clowns to make their $40 each he's a $200 pet in a lawn mowing simulator I like the comparison between old mate Turley over here is just started with his little red push mower and then there's me with my lightsaber I've been mowing for like three hours I deserve the later woods like okay how many upgrades how much money you spend this game is a grind you're gonna put your body on the line for it you're gonna put your body on the line to the content right [Music] I'm on it I'm on it I'm on the crass leaderboard after so many hours and so much oil Eggman I'm number 76 best grass getter in history I'm on both the money and the grass leaderboards and I did it in the same day some of these kids have been grinding on this game for years but with the power of money I did it in a day because fans have come to join the celebration party they are celebrating me being on the leaderboard that's it we became champions in like four different roblox game modes using the power of money we did it all in the same day we destroyed this game you can see I try and buy a something that says amount of roebucks will half the weight for the rest of the million we spent everything we had us a hundred and fifty thousand roebucks like $2,200 join me next time when I spend the rest of the million and dominate more roblox games
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 36,338,304
Rating: 4.9004645 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, lazarbeam
Id: wG1HKc-eY-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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