FORTNITE with our GIRLFRIENDS (very cute)

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a miracle has occurred a miracle has happened both fresh and myself have girlfriends you have ilsa my girlfriend lovely lady and you have tessa which is fresh's girlfriend also very lovely now fresh and i are best friends father and son but tesla and ilse are also best friends so like we thought it'd be kind of cute to uh have a double date in fortnight um i think tessa has a win from fresh's channel but ilse doesn't have a win could be very wholesome should be adorable thumbs up button you know don't lose hope you too can get a girlfriend yeah can you dance no well fresh is flexing his fortnite ability to try and impress the ladies yeah i played for tonight wow ilse are you impressed a little bit okay i mean look i can dance too i can't who dances better sorry i don't all answer it once all right ilsa and tessa we're going to see who is the strongest girlfriend in a no-scope battle each of you pick up one gun okay there you go good job tessa thank you sir i'll start no the gun's over here ilsa you you got to hit e else you got to hit e what do you mean oh my god okay windows error sound [Music] oh she's got it all right so this is gonna be a girlfriend battle royale uh you guys are gonna try and snipe each other but you can't aim you've just got to like hit left trigger and whoever no scopes someone first is the winner all right go guys begin oh my god just come on just run at each other no scan oh this is great who's the best girlfriend oh my god it's no big deal that's right i'll avenge you hey that was rude no worries we can't fight each other thank you yeah you need a lot more training else but it's fine you know what tessa can be the sweat girlfriend you can be the meme girlfriend all right the meme girlfriend got it right once again don't worry oh my god this family is being torn apart the skydiving's fun so i'm not mad all right well it's good to know ilster enjoys the skydiving part all right elsa have you ever built before no i don't want to today that's fine we don't need to learn that today no don't worry about it i think the building's a bit confusing this is your first game of fortnight i mean tess has won before but like you know what i mean yeah tesla one on her first game just want to put that out there you guys ready for some fortnite elsa hit m and then figure out where do you want to land i'll let you guys decide i did it can you see where i picked yeah yeah we'll we can land there that'll work that'll be fine tessa and i are crouching on each other all right guys please children are watching all right just land down get whatever loot you want all right now we're going over on vacation yeah my lovely get some blue lodge oh look alistar opened a chest why do i find this so adorable cool be careful that what waste you need you need a campfire else you also should stand on the campfire stand directly on top of it oh yep you have to stand there yeah just keep standing there else you know we could obviously carry you to a win but uh since you guys are best friends i like the idea of just me and fresh watching you figure out the game sounds easy why are you strong grenades or jesus hill stuff why do you want to kill us so badly oh i'm i'm a level two now i'm just getting materials not not cause like i'm gonna need to protect you or anything just because like you know i might i'm a massive simp so i might like gift you materials at some point i love the sound of chests yes they're really nice very pleasing to the ear i want to see the world the way ilse sees the world you know you'll start i know you love fish i'm going to be a massive sim come here come here else tessa i'm gonna be a better sim come here i know you know i'm a massive sim please take my sacrifice okay now now use left click oh look at you you're eating a fish and now and now eat this eat this ha ha ha hey look look at tessa's health look at tenth as hell i'm a better sister okay just cause you gave your girlfriend shield doesn't mean you're a better sim i'm a better sim she's gonna be more safe well elsa's not even gonna take damage ill sir i know you like the sound of chests so i've got a chest here for you okay i'm a huge simp come get the chest i'll let you open and then everything there you go yay all right now just press the left mouse button all right drink those good job good job all right now i'm going to throw you this please accept my donation this is some gifted subs so he's just like all right good job bills you're at full shields yay you'll start oh oh oh no else get ready bill chester i just i'm gonna build for i'm a sim yeah oh they're here let's remember this play is this way else this is your thesis follow me elsa let's go get ready to shoot at him oh here he'll still steal seals shoot at him good job elsa murder them i actually hit him yeah good job keep shooting keep shooting yourself keep firing you can get him that guy on the road shoot him remember if you right click it aims in shoot else kill yes elsa your first kill did i do that did i do that all right quick we're going to go to school we're going to get a circle right now swallow freshy boy oh crash we are honestly the best sims yes oh over here over here girls place get ready to fight back south west up there on the hill oh good job elsa hey right click and aim in wait keep shooting oh good job tessa thank you where are they over there okay come over here they were under the hill underneath the foot all right oh they're down over here they're down near that rock down there near the hut straight ahead oh good trials oh you hit him you knocked oh what oh my god elsie you're a savage [Applause] that was good that was bad i'm very epic gamer i'm very proud of you i've never been more in love with you than i am right now all right we've got to keep running the circle oh so there's a chest over here for you to open oh yes oh good job bills do i like any of those no no you're good you're good i like the swimming the swimming's fun all right well you get to do a lot of swimming you're so innocent you see the um the um the the oh there are two of them the balloons yeah you want to go open one they're like super chess these these look like better players than you you're used to fighting he might be trying to open it that's my girlfriend's supply crate right baby i got you did you kill him yeah i got you baby oh you can get him you can get him go else you can get him kill him kill him kill him quick shoot you got him that's it go go over there pick up some we need there shoot up oh i'm out of ammo again that's the goat go over there we need there what is going on over there we're behind i have to oh my god this guy's all right we gotta go get you that supply great yeah it has to come over here do you want any different guns i don't know what cards are good oh we got gamers we got gamers okay this way this way run right in front of us baby you got it you got this supply crate i won't let them kill you i'm taking tests of this one yeah yeah you go get them you go get them so come with me yay thank you all right open it up you just gotta hit eight oh good job eels quick pick it all up and then loot this thing you loot this thingy i was confused we're in the top ten guys there's only three other players remaining oh my god we're gonna get a win on our first one look at all these ammo wheels please you get my gifted subs all right girls there's only uh three players remaining hell yeah also you have tons of ammo now and almost full hp nothing should stop you nothing will stop me i want to see who gets the final kill you or tessa it's a battle i don't like competitiveness same i want to tell you but oh ilsa keep beaming him you're doing it beaming that's not going look over there on the pick and if you hold right click you'll zoom in oh what oh else all right move closer oh my god you're an actual savage go go go go swim square mills yeah here jump on this and then hold w hold w and come over here right there tessa what right there tessa right there on the wall on the wall on the wall go go tessa curios yay you gotta get the final kill go get him they're over here else shoot at him see in there let's go test it go go go go go go test and go chassis go i'm out of ammo oh all right i think tesla got it good job tessa thanks we're all winners here how'd you guys enjoy the game so that was your first win um very epic very fun would play again well we got you a win and we did literally nothing um fresh i think we did a i had to intervene once um okay what code should you use in the item shop ilsa tessa ilsa it's like you could have just said code laser code fresh i don't really like
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 19,860,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, gameplay, lazarbeam, gaming, girlfriends
Id: Z3hDC2YwvHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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