1986 Cleveland Browns at Cincinnati Bengals Week 14 NFL Football Game

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[Music] great games great moments on NBC [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here's the snap here comes the pressure the kick [Applause] and today on NFL 86 Ahmad Rashad on the resurgence of the powerful Bengals offense Paul McGuire as ever with his inside look at the NFL and Frank Deford actually has some nice things to say about Cleveland [Music] hello again everyone I'm Bob Costas this is week 15 of NFL 86 first of all Mets pitcher Dwight Gooden was arrested last night in temp in Tampa and charged with disorderly conduct resisting arrest and battery on a police officer Gooden was driving one of two cars pulled over by police officers who said they saw the cars weaving a scuffle then ensued four men including Gooden were arrested Gooden and two police officers were taken to a hospital treated for minor injuries and released it's been a troubled year for good and as you may know he's been involved in a number of minor off field incidents which have made headlines earlier this year now to the playoff picture in the NFL we'll start with the NFC where it's more clear-cut after the Redskins lost at Denver yesterday the Giants have clinched in the East Washington will host a wild card game the Bears are champions of the central but they and the Giants still have incentive because they're playing for home-field advantage should the two teams meet in the conference championship game now the Rams haven't clinched anything including a wild-card yet but they need just one more win of their own or a San Francisco loss to wrap it up in the NFC West now let's move over to the AFC while those are wild card possibilities Dallas merely a mathematical chance the more realistic possibility either Minnesota or San Francisco will take the second wild card now we move over to the AFC where all these teams are in the hunt but only Denver has clinched anything Denver is the champion of the AFC West the rest of these teams are all in the chase at least four wild-card positions now New England if they win today at home against San Francisco will have a game lead over the Jets in the AFC East the big game today coming up on NBC is the game in the AFC Central that one between Cincinnati and Cleveland at Cincinnati if Cleveland wins that they clinched the AFC Central if Cincinnati wins it they forge a tie in the division with the Browns but they'd have two victories over Cleveland they'd have the tiebreaker and they'd have the inside track on the division crown now one of those teams still alive and the complicated AFC playoff picture is the Kansas City Chiefs let's go out to Los Angeles the Chiefs take on the Raiders there today and the dapper man you're looking at is Doron Sher outstanding defensive back of the Chiefs Doron your team is eight and six and you've got a chance if you win your last two games and they're tough on the road with the Raiders than on the road against the improving Steelers next week and if Cincinnati loses one of their last two you get a wild card that's right but the key thing for us today is to beat the Raiders it's going to be a tough physical football game and we can't worry about what Cincinnati's gonna do at this point in our season we just have to be concerned about us beating the Raiders here today in Los Angeles a physical game or maybe a dirty game we know the history of not only the Raiders overall but their games with you guys including earlier this year in Kansas City when Greg Townsend drew the suspension and there was a fight a big fracas that took place we're taking a look at some of the footage of that right here what are the feelings between the two clubs well I think the Chiefs Raider rivalry goes over a number of years I mean it's very intense it has been and you know it's a very physical aggressive type of football game and earlier this year we had a really physical game where a couple of players got thrown out we just have to be able to keep our poise in the game and not worry about them trying to intimidate us I think the Raider is going to come out and try to intimidate us but as I said a lot of it will be directed towards our coach John mackovic because of the things that he said in the paper but the game is going to be played on the field between the two teams and the players that are involved and it's gonna be a great game let's ask it plainly all the Raiders a dirty team a dirty team I think they play overly aggressive at times they play dirty football but you know the Raiders have been doing that over the course of a number of years that's just their style of play you just have to you know like they say when doing wrong and When in Rome do as the Romans do you have to go after them the way they go after you and that's the only way to beat the Raiders are they the only team that plays that way there's a couple other teams and a lady like to play physical but none as much as the Raiders and I think basically when the Chiefs and the Raiders play it it just seems like it's always been like that and it goes back to the years when you know buck Buchanan and Willie Lanier we're playing with the Chiefs and Jack Tatum those guys really played a physical game and has lasted over the course of the years and now into the eighties it's no different right now so expect a physical game expect some fisticuffs out here on the field expect some shoving and pushing that's just the nature of this rivalry and in five seconds who's your quarterback black ledger Kenny today I think bill Kenny's gonna start today for us all right there on thanks very much good luck today against the Raiders if the Chiefs don't make the playoffs they're eight and six now hanging by a thread they will rue the losses earlier this year against the Cardinals and Bill's games they expected to win we'll be back with Paul McGuire in a minute and dealers by Taco Bell the cure for the common meal and by today's head and shoulders for dandruff care that's good for your hair [Music] it's your last chance to steal a deal on the full line of Volkswagens right now through December 31st you can get a great deal on a Volkswagen Jetta the best-selling European import in the US or make your best offer on a Volkswagen Golf it's the best-selling car in all of Europe hurry in December 31st will be your last chance to steal the deal Auto Fox wagon and missing out will be a crime in the tradition of Christmas past sales brings you the Christmas present gifts with style stunning diamond solitaire pendants and earrings now 20% off these Porter carrot earrings are just $1.99 and this one third carat pendant 539 sales Christmas presents buy now and pay nothing at all April of 87 at Zales [Music] beside you [Music] to I have three grown children one of the married and I love Kellogg's Frosted Flakes rave adults continue to challenge the notion that frosted flakes is just a kid cereal both my parents eat them what if the kids at school found out because you love them as a kid doesn't mean you can't love them as an adult with dr. Coleman's help we all can now admit we eat him can't we with that extra crunchy milk that frosting just right that tastes as good as ever frosted flakes good they're gooey so dig in they've got the taste adults have grown to love [Music] well Paul McGuire is here and I know you want to continue this cold war with Jimmy the Greeks so I leave it to you well you know I've been taking a lot of heat this year about some of my picks and Danny Sheridan who is the odds maker for USA Today brought this to our attention and I think it's noteworthy if you didn't see the show yesterday there's an update on it if you did see the show because I'm now 50% 2424 the guy down the street is 14 24 and one 50% the 37% I think that story that picture there and again this is from Danny Sheridan of USA Today but you know when I look at that thing at 50% you have any idea how much money I've lost on the Vig alone yeah and basically at 50% if you just dipped into a hat you could do as well right I mean the law of averages it depends on whose hat you're dipping well we'll leave that one alone and see if you can improve on that break even percentage the big game of the day in the AFC Cleveland Cincinnati we can't do two for two yesterday okay Cleveland says hey that's those are gone Cincinnati's a three and a half point favorite yeah they've won five of the last six games 15 teams I know the see I played I played pro ball with Marty Schottenheimer so I'm taking Cleveland but I'm taking Cleveland because I know you always shake your head when I do these things I don't understand that reasoning I don't either but I say these things I don't understand him Mac and Dickie will both have great games Kosar will have a good game but the guy today that's gonna tear Cincinnati apart is Ozzie Newsome he needs a good game today is the day the only guy they're gonna have to shut down as James Brooks he will go over a thousand yards cuz he only needs 35 to do that but if you shut him down I think you shut down Cincinnati you know they didn't stop Cincinnati at all Ken Abreu went wild in Week three at Cleveland scored three touchdowns Wilson and Brooks each had better than a hundred yards last week against New England I think the Bengals can power run these guys at home that's why I'm the prognosticator and you're not safe I'm the guy that says that they will not do that Bobby I'm just trying to add some spice to it by challenging your point of view the answer to that is Cleveland will win this game all right fine New England even though they're the home team even though they recently had a seven-game winning streak two and a half point underdog against San Francisco well I I just I don't like the fact that a home team is getting two and a half points New England proved that they are a quality football team by winning as many games they did under man they've got some people back again today lipids back and also James back and he'll play tip excuse me thank you my tippet he's back and James is back so defensively they're gonna be solid today the one thing about San Francisco that scares me a little bit more than anything else is Montana is an excellent quarterback we know that and he's got rice and Clark and all these people Craig to throw the ball to the only problem is that they can't put it away when they get inside the 20 they seem to just die there and I think that that's going to happen in New England today it's going to be cold it'll be a little more difficult New England will win this football game all right let's recap Paul's selections and we also have some bonus picks for all you folks who are impressed by his 5050 record for the year Cleveland is the selection at Riverfront and if they do win the ballgame they'll be champs of the AFC Central he likes New England at home against San Francisco here are the bonus selections Miami has a mathematical shot at a playoff spot almost everything has to break right for them to get it they get six and a half points at Anaheim he likes them with that he thinks the Giants will win big at home today against the Cardinals as they continue their quest of home-field advantage against the Bears Giants have already clinched in the NFC East Dallas a six and a half point favorite at home give away those points against the Eagles today and now we'll be back in a moment but first it's time for another edition of beginnings featuring jet running back Raymond McNeil Old Spice presents beginnings brought to you by Old Spice fragrance the unmistakably masculine scent sponsors of the Old Spice NFL Rookie of the Year program Freeman McNeill remembers his beginnings at banning high school in Wilmington California they gave us the nickname of black cloud because we had black uniforms and we just hovered over people and I don't know just overwhelmed the high school football world a scouting report on myself almost quick the first thing that I were trying to do is get to the outside in other words get on the right side of the tackle or to the extreme left of my left hand and that way I was able to choose holes and see holes in the defense which helped me out a lot now I have some great memories but the best is the pleasure to be at least at one time a part of something that has turned out really great what kind of man whistle the old spice tune [Music] clean refreshing old spice it's the favorite scent of the American man and he'll never changes to me and I love him for it Old Spice vote for the Old Spice NFL Rookie of the Year at participating stores tonight this place will be filled people will be watching movies and not watching what they're eating pretty soon it'll come back to haunt them my Tommy thank you chili dog don't worry we've got pepto at home pepto-bismol as it coats it soothes heartburn and upset stomach as well as diarrhea I thought we left the moisture back the buoys pepto-bismol the one that cokes is the only one you need when it comes to stocking up on toys this Christmas WC of cooks that's me is making sure cook stacks up I know what kids want and we've got it at price is lower than you'll ever see right now the Masters of the Universe toy figures are 377 after rebate plus 50 cents off with two and Mattel's Masters of the Universe line fit just 888 when I talk toys this Christmas I won't be playing around I'm WC when it comes to low prices for cooks I'm one tough cookie you catch a touchdown pass another episode in the ongoing battle of Ohio it's always been a fierce rivalry between the Bengals and the Browns and it's picked up in recent years because each have had their turn being the top team in the AFC Central and it goes back even further than that Paul Brown who founded the Browns franchise the owner of the Bengals Forest Greg once coached the Browns Art Modell fired him he went on to take the Bengals to a Super Bowl and he made no secret of his displeasure with the Browns organization after he wound up in Cincinnati so there's always a little juice going when the Bengals and browns get together and especially so today because the titles on the line and the AFC Central or my BOB that hit you know I talked to Mack and Ellie after that you say he scored a touchdown you know he doesn't remember that to this day but being the Harvard man that he is a very intelligent man that was the day that he started being a punter he left that wide receiver alone which is another story but you know early in the season I thought Cincinnati was a team that was going to win it in the AFC Central but Cleveland came on like like gangbusters but all of a sudden today Cincinnati has a golden opportunity to get back in that AFC Central race the roller coaster season of the Bengals was best exemplified by this one play last week against the Patriots for a moment it seemed as if the New England Patriots it scored a touchdown but just as quickly the Bengals appeared headed for six points of their own this Bingle team has everybody confused but the coach thinks he's beginning to figure them out we weren't sure whether we were any good or not until you know that you're pretty good you generally play up and down football one guy realizes it and then another guy realizes it and somebody tells the other guy in the locker next to him and they pretty soon the ballclub figures it out then at first part of season we really weren't sure our staff how good we are I mean more we got into the season all that that mean we felt like we can do anything we want to do we felt more confidence of what we can do and basically play football not beat ourselves the Bengals possessed one of the league's most potent offenses powered by James Brooks the AFC leader in all-purpose yardage but like a great race car without a driver the Bengals lack direction earlier in the year in third year quarterback Boomer Esiason they found that boomer in the beginning didn't play quite as well as boomer did last year following that though to carry us through that time James Brooks was just spectacular all during the early part of the year now boomers is up to par he's playing great football right now James Brooks playing great football and we're spreading the ball around so much which is just given defensive spits we just try to mix in the pasture to run 5050 I don't think you'll ever see me throw for 400 yards and I don't think you'll ever see us you know really run for 400 yards just because that we are 50/50 team we never really like to rely on one set part of the game we like to mix it up as best we can if you stop Cris Collinsworth Rolando go hand it to James Brooks and if you stop James Brooks watch out Freddy Brown down the middle or Stanley Wilson off tackle we're a fun team to watch I have to admit it's kind of fun for me to watch the replays I wish I could see the games on Sunday I'm working that day though whites may talk of having fun now but he certainly wasn't enjoying himself when he busy sizing in week 10 in Houston and replaced him with Kenny Anderson I was visibly upset when he sat me down in the second quarter of the you stand fall game down in Houston thought I was playing a good first half and a couple balls dropped on me and and his reasoning was we needed to shake things up generally if you remove your left guard nobody is shaken but if you take the quarterback up the team is aroused and when I told them where we were gonna make a change and put Kenny in his reaction was the kind of reaction I hoped it would be he got angry threw his helmet it got me really fired up and you know maybe it was a good psychological ploy on his part I guess he'll look like a genius because of it but it really hurt my feelings and I came back with a vengeance that game and we almost pulled that game out in the long run now the bengals of where any team in football wants to be facing their biggest rival in the season's biggest game but despite beating the Browns in week three White's knows it'll be a lot tougher the second time around it's gonna be a classic game it's gonna be a hard-hitting game there's not a lot of friendships between the two ball clubs it's it's all honest and and sedative rivalry but when the gun goes off as one of the Cleveland Browns put it it will be a war this game today is what all players play the game for chance to be involved in a legitimate big game now sometimes coaches are guilty of telling players every week this is a big game which just isn't true you don't have a big game every week something has to be on the line to deserve the tag big game now once in the Superbowl we had a coach who shall remain lame nameless well his name was Bob Holloway but he had been a coach at the University of Michigan for a long time and he made the mistake of giving a pregame speech just before the Super Bowl which can be dangerous because there's really nothing you can say about the magnitude of a game like this but he got all wound up he had us all fired up we were there we were ready to play then as his voice started to rise he said in a somewhat confused State men this is the biggest game of your life this game is even bigger than the Rose Bowl and at that point we all started laughing and we continued to laugh all the way out into the field as a matter of fact we laughed until we realized the score was 30 to 14 in favor of the Raiders then we stopped laughing and the Raiders started laughing and to this day I believe that that was the reason we lost that Super Bowl game so I guess I addressed these comments to the coach do not embarrass yourself today trying to give a pregame speech the players know how big this game is so let them go out and enjoy it because one thing for sure this game today is at least as big as a Rose Bowl Ahmad thanks we turn the coin over and take a look at Cleveland's situation with Frank Deford when NFL 86 continues it's your last chance to steal a deal on the full line of Volkswagens right now through December 31st you can get a great deal on a Volkswagen Jetta the best-selling European import in the US or make your best offer on a Volkswagen Golf it's the best-selling car in all of Europe hurry in December 31st will be your last chance to steal the deal Auto fox wagon and missing out will be a crime [Music] and rules are boring being like everybody else [Music] taco taco light Taco Bell Grande anything before from Taco Bell the cure for the common it has something to cool your face Saints I needed that something to soothe lose your face thanks I needed that something to smoothes your face Thanks I needed that something to tone to tighten to brace your face and help get you going thanks I needed that you're not finished shaving till you've you skin bracer after shave after every shave it has what your face needs skin bracer by man you'd know more settle for a flake in your hair than a spot on your time you you pass the test you could groom [Music] one flake can mean dandruff regular shampoos may rinse flakes but head and shoulders protection goes to the source to help stop flakes and that's doing it right now folks how can the sports city that produced Bob Feller Jimmy Brown that even recently had the likes of world be free received such abuse that's what Frank Deford wonders let's talk about Cleveland well for some reason Bobby you're only allowed to make jokes about cities in the old northeast it's a law if you're some ugly pastel Sun Belt city full of smog and barbecue smoke still no jokes allowed but if you're a lunch bucket place if you're Buffalo a Pittsburgh Detroit open season and no city ever took it in the air more than Cleveland has okay the city's River did catch on fire and they couldn't put it out the city went bank robbery all the fish died in Lake Erie the Indians of the Cavaliers were cleveland across their chest for defeat after defeat after defeat but hey nobody's perfect did everybody have to keep on calling Cleveland the mistake on the lake but no more now these things run in cycles and if you've got to pick the next hot sports down try Cleveland Ohio the Browns are back on top even the Cavaliers have grown respectable in something named Cleveland State is a threat in college basketball and the Indians are real comers in the American League not only that but Cleveland has just been awarded the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame now if there is a single personification of this Renaissance it must be the youthful Bernie Kosar he's an Ohio boy and he wanted to come back from glamorous Miami and play for Cleveland in this transient throwaway Society of ours there's something awfully endearing about that Kosar just turned 23 last month and he's still actually growing you know he's younger than Vinny Testaverde the Browns have felt all along that the team is just good enough to take off if Kosar is ready to move up another rung or two the town itself has been cautious in giving away its in affection to the Browns but then Cleveland hasn't won a title in anything in 22 years and when your city's been broke and your rivers been on fire it tends to knock you back on your heels now a winning team can't really change a city victory in football games doesn't get you any jobs it doesn't even patch up potholes but there's a wonderful dynamic that can come over to city when its team starts to win and there's something in the air suddenly that says it's Cleveland's turn the old mistake on the lake is threatened to become the fury on the earing whoa thank you Frank I like the bowtie it makes you look like Orville Redenbacher all right now folks I know you don't want to miss this we talked about it yesterday and even though you're running around during this holiday season you're gonna stop in the middle of everything you're doing for surprise Saturday 3:30 Eastern Time this coming week that's where all four of us get to invite a mystery guest nobody knows not even the producer knows who it is we bring the person in we have a little interview with them and the people in the studio audience get to ask questions of them so Ahmad let me ask you this it's a mystery who you will bring who won't you bring I will not bring or cross will not bring in this process I assume that Jimmy the Greek will turn down your no I'm not gonna bring down your see fields there's a love of material like this steaming and tipping with something with brilliance what would a show am I ever glad we're out of here so long Friday night videos takes the field in the starting lineup Ron darling Plus Bruce Springsteen Van Halen and Robin Williams Friday night videos managed by Bob Costas and Ahmad Rashad it's been a long time coming a better way to buy a better car Oldsmobile for 19 seven and the Cleveland Oldsmobile connection Lloyd Barker Dowd Earl Ganley earn gene Norris reliable Fred Stecker zama the Cleveland Oldsmobile connection the dealers more people shopped the dealers more people trust for oldsmobile and a better deal get more for lease with a GMAC holiday Lee sure hope it starts on typical Ohio winter mornings you'll be glad you filled up its Ohio ice is kind of thick today because Ohio unleaded gasoline and diesel supreme with price guard a guaranteed to prevent you mine cleans up well here goes so hyoe with ice guard you go or we pay the tow water Frank I seen Cougars at mountain snow and desert heat in any climate they're right at home the Genesee beer has only one home this natural brew is made in one place for consistent pace Jenny you can count on when I drink beer I want a beer taste and Genesee Light tastes like a real beer it doesn't matter to me that Genesee light is a light beer it's the taste I'm looking for in a beer and I'll drink it discover the difference Jim Donovan Channel 3 News James Brooke said the Cincinnati Bengals an electrifying back in a major force in the number one offense in the NFL last week in a rout of New England Brook broke this 56 yard touchdown run he finished the day with over 250 yards rushing and receiving today he leaves the Bengals against Bernie Kosar ends around first and 10 it's the Bengals and the Browns in the Battle of Ohio the National Broadcasting Company presents for me [Applause] from Riverfront Stadium it's the Cleveland Browns versus the Cincinnati Bengals but like everything else is just alike by Ford and your Ford dealer have you through the 84 right choice [Applause] Riverfront Stadium was sold out long ago they've been waiting for this one in Cincinnati the Bengals and the Browns and weather conditions are just about perfect good afternoon everyone Don Ricky with Bob Trumpy on a very big game day in Cincinnati they're calling this one the Battle of Ohio the Browns come in with a one game lead if they win they win the AFC Central Division but the odds makers like the Bengals and with reason Cincinnati's beaten Cleveland five of the last six meetings Bengals have the number one offense in the NFL and the Bengals dominated the Browns at Cleveland in September number one question Bob grumpy coming in then the Browns stopped as bonded running game of Cincinnati Todd I think they have to it's not an if this team averages four point nine yards per carry last week against the winglet 300 yards rushing that's the number one priority for the Cleveland offense stop the Bengals running back they will be watching two of the rising stars that quarterback in the National Football League Boomer Esiason and Bernie Kosar Esiason of course the first quarterback taken in the 84 draft and Bernie Kosar the first taken in the 85 draft the Supplemental Draft both these young men extraordinary talents the Bengals like Boomer Esiason because of his strength of arm and the Cleveland Browns I think like Bernie Kosar cause he diagnoses at defense calls the audibles at the line of scrimmage perfectly he very seldom makes a mistake he is a very even keel very his mind is just it's just sit there he very seldom makes a mistake setec oh sorry dang they had almost 600 yards offense and that's what Marty Schottenheimer a defensive specialist has to try and shut down today Marty and his Browns coming in with a one-game lead but they're the underdog - Sam White's in the bingo white Shakur's feels that his football team and Boomer Esiason is hot probably the best offense a NFL the numbers support that but it really comes up to how Boomer Esiason plays on each given Sunday we'll kick the ball off to start the game for Cincinnati back deep for Cleveland is Gerald McNeil dangerous returned man the smallest player in the NFL and here comes McNeal breaks it for the moment he's out to the 32 yard line the air cleveland goes on offense first and ten with Bernie Kosar number 19 from Miami of Florida we reported that the national championship team Curtis Dickey and Kevin Mack his starting runners Langhorne and rookie Webster slaughter the receivers in Ozzie Newsome and [Applause] bad fight and horizon they've taken good care of hoes out of late and if you blitz him he'll kill him no sorry against the Blitz [Applause] emotion level here at rivers oh hi to fire the first shot now first and 10 for Cleveland wide open for now wide open his langhorne and he's down inside the 10 he's going to go down to the [Applause] Bernie Kosar is the youngest quarterback in the NFL and I don't think there is a more accurate deep thrower playing the position of quarterback this ends up being a 69 yard completion and you can see a busted coverage on the first play 37 Jackson the weak safety doesn't get over there Lewis Creed in the corner lets him go first and goal Cleveland [Applause] in distance as well makes us 38 caches longest to the season 66 yards officially down to the two yard line so co-star makes that first shot a big one and now the Browns are challenging point black go [Applause] man Kevin that ball ball and it looks like the Bengals might have it [Applause] took a shot and lusted he's playing with a bad children he's got a harness on it's his bad left shoulder the Bengals look like they're standing there like the Cleveland Browns maintain possession [Applause] maintains the ball and I also noticed a tricky Bolden is in the lineup watch this hit it's Reggie Williams and it looks like it's the hit right on the left arm which affects the left shoulder and it looks like Travis Tucker 87 dives in there for the football lost a yard but it's still second in gold we got a watch Kevin back shoulder he's their best running back [Applause] at Cleveland in September the Browns were out of that game Cincinnati dominated but now the Browns with a big pass play and then getting a break recovering their own fumble goes second down and goal Kevin Mack again he's down close but no signal yet he's not in but he is inside the 1 yard line [Applause] that comes in as the crowns top rusher [Applause] but that time much improved at Bengal defense those in back a second thrive on the Cleveland Browns being in bringing Dave Kazumi now he'll be a running back give me a lead blocker for Kevin Mack resilient about 275 a defensive lineman number 72 in the backfield [Applause] bear down and go for Cleveland from less than a yard [Applause] the neck and he's in for a touchdown and the Browns go up it is a six nothing Cleveland lead reprise Devon Mac in under the 30s in grape flock by Dave lazuli running right this way watch Missoula head up in their head down he leads it he gets a block on number 56 Ron Simpkins and actually Kevin Mack into the endzone rather easily didn't take long for play 68 yards 123 on the clock Mack credited with a 1 yard touchdown run now mark Mosley who's come in to Cleveland to replace the injured Matt Barr who underwent knee surgery to try the point after he's been perfect as a Cleveland kicker has made all his extra points in both field goal tries and he extends the bound lead now to 7 to nothing though the Bengals will get the ball for the first time as Cleveland's offense comes out of hum in a first down throw for 66 yards set it all up we'll be back with the Browns kickoff here at Riverfront right after this don't just ask for a light [Music] Ford Ranger built fun tough hey chief we need an eight hundred-number I think we need help today what a growing business needs most is finding out what it needs most from long distance to phone systems to telemarketing AT&T call my small business specialists we can help don't just ask for a lighter couple lights ask them to bring out their best Bud Light a less willing light beer with the first name and taste everything else down quickie with Bob Trumpy back at sold-out riverfront stadium on a cold clear December day as the Browns Kevin Mack just went in on a third try got into the endzone from a yard out after a 66 yard pass play on the opening play of the game from Kosair to slaughter are to langhorne and that was what put it all in Mosely picks it off taken at the 4-yard line here comes Tim McGee a rookie spinner from Tennessee Browns excel on special teams and do their as McGee is cut down knocked out of bounds inside his 20 Clarence weathers came down and get him Visayas instead quarterback in his third year from Maryland he has an array of great offensive weapons James Brooks may be the best Stanley Wilson and breakaway run him in the backfield with him gallons worth in brown the white ass offensive line is huge in as excellent munos a consensus all-pro having his best season getting the ball for the first time but they find themselves down seven to nothing [Music] boomers looking for some on first down and he has an open man in his tight end Rodney down by Chris Rock ends about eight on the play out to the 28 yard line right so I think the fans have see the bangles enough to know that they like to run right at the line of scrimmage and here they go with that hurry up offense nd they call Bob Golic the Cleveland nose tackle he calls himself a nose backer because he plays up to get a read here's another throw another catch first down Cincinnati turnout to the 42 yard line chip thanks made the hit but Eddie Brown coming off the right flank makes the reception [Applause] 15 yard gain chip banks in play Matthews Becker's they don't give up much to the run up the middle very fast outside backers now the Bengals went into alignment without a huddle second back first down he lost a yard Anthony Grieg's was on the staff Cleveland has two of the discoverers at cornerback in the league in Frank Minnifield in hanford Dixon ray Ellis a former Eagle having a big year you have picked up as a free agent in the summer and Chris Rock ins the safety [Applause] Callens worth having another great year out on the left flank second and 12 it's a jelly Zavala he's cooked up a fine defensive play look like chip banks got a piece of miss he came over and so it brings up third and eight Patriots have gone up in front of the 49ers seven nothing that is in the first quarter at Foxborough nosing the Giants scoreless so far as are the Packers in the Buccaneers first crucial down now for the Bengals third down and long and we've talked about all season long answering drives when your opponent scores you got to come back and get points on the board or psychologically your opponent is way up on you one back that's Eddie Brown going in motion science in a good runner loops it out follows Miami of Florida linebacker had a play on him with that quick darting move he gets ahead and let's see if he got enough for the first down I think he's short if they try to do is get the defensive back 31 Minnifield caught up in the wash and any Brown is out here he kind of bobbles just a little bit but I don't think he's got enough for a first down good coverage Mark Harper finally knocks him out it's going to be fourth down and inches and the Bengals are going for it and he Brown did very well just to get it close as he was in then and made the tackler miss Sam watch the gambler and he's sending Larry Ken Abreu in a huge fullback also coming in as Stanley Wilson a 210 pound runner from Oklahoma who has really been brilliant in recent weeks he's averaging six yards of rust for the season and I think Sam Wyche is going to the well that he used the last time they faced Cleveland Clinic in Abreu in a very short yardage situation in Cleveland broke about a 50-yard on third down and short [Applause] pounds lead the game seven enough things go to the first play was a 66-yard pass and set up a touchdown run three plays later by Kevin Mack [Applause] [Music] first down and plenty 36 yard line [Applause] fourth and inches Stanley Wilson busted 13 yard run and for Dixon on the tackle the one thing about Stanley Wilson is the acceleration a job of acceleration both hands on the football he had the first down no one hit him until he obtained about three or four yards and in hanford Dixon and also Chris Rock ins on the tackle Minnifield misses him this is a story made for a movie three times that death dust got him he's come back three rehabs the Bengals stayed with him and last week his first ever 100-yard rushing day and he had NFL season because of drug problems said he wanted to live and he wanted to play football again he's come back and he's been great here's a throw and a catch James Brooks is inside the 10 yard line [Applause] [Music] with the drive takes it right down the field on Cleveland that was a 30 yard game on last week the thing goes every nine yards per play on first down and they do it with so many different people well the holmen's caught a pass [Applause] Eddie Brown has caught a pass Brooks's run it Wilson has run it they spread it around all over the field that give you a multitude of formations here you get a mismatch you get Eddie Johnson covering James Brooks Eddie Johnson us spectacular linebacker but he doesn't have the foot speed to stay with James Brooks I was Brooks 47 3 exception of the Year Esiason fourth before throwing the ball for 60 yards [Music] are there to knock him down billing from the middle was linebacker Clay Matthews Anthony Griggs was also on the staff and so as nose tackle Bob going I do think this Cleveland Brown defense much improved from the third game of the season they made all their defensive coordinator has got that deep bench now in in place and I think the players feel a lot more confident what they're doing that's four point nine yards a rush [Applause] Livington ready to pack the ball to Esiason it is second down and goal from the five and James Brooks can't hold on at the one now third down and goal arises for the Bengals at the six our Jana Cleveland it's pretty obvious the Cleveland Browns idea here is to get people on Boomer Esiason Clay Matthews a free shot looked like Stanley Wilson 32 missed him this is just overthrown by Brooks 53 Griggs out there to make the tackle this Drive coming up now for Cincinnati Bengals Brown seven to nothing third and goal close and so the Bengals come up empty in a touchdown attempt but they do have a short field goal try coming up and I think it's Sam Clancy who gets his hand up in Boomer Esiason space excellent defense by the Browns it's the half roll by Cincinnati to get away from the brush get away from the rush and Sam Clancy was able to get us hand up here let's see if we can pick him up boomer pumps watch from the right yep Sam Clancy 91 excellent play Cleveland [Music] Jim breech down the field he's 15 for 30 and field goal drives he's not having a good years hips and back problems and has been pressing a bit as though a 23-yard attempt is on the way and the Bengals do get points and a touchdown but they're on the board but Don that's the missed opportunity you can't let a team that's leading the division stop you in that situation so psychologically Cleveland gets a lift we'll be back to Cincinnati with the Pangos kickoff and what looks like it might be attract me in seducing a new category of automobiles the new Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe designed with an intercooler turbocharged engine computerized suspension and an anti-lock braking system so rather than fall into any existing category the new Thunderbird turbo coupe creates its own lately so the issue is clear Sony video 8 the system of the future or VHS see the compromise of the past now as we've seen the new Sony Handycam with auto focus and zoom gives you a measurably better picture far superior sound twice the recording time and on Sony video cassettes your memories are safe while on VHS see they could be fleeting I rest my case the Sony video 8 system judge for yourself you gotta stop pestering me son I'm not what you're after I'm a crawling chicken rooster that is you gotta go to Kentucky Fried Chicken if you want great I say great tasting chicken no one cooks it tender like the colonel or just one tasted that finger lickin cooked chicken and you'll never go anywhere else there ain't no substitute follows to goodness Kentucky Fried Chicken I say Kentucky Fried [Music] back at Cincinnati Bengals fan with a Bernie blaster they handed out megaphone to the dismay of the Browns here today but so far on offense it's been a case of can you top this as both teams have come out hitting big plays do you think the defense will catch up with the offense mr. Trump they're going to have to those Bernie blasters are silenced when you start the game with a 66 yard pass reception Cozart a Langhorne those burning blasters mean nothing there again as Michaela shining a kickoff for Cleveland 144 pounds of ham runs into a stone wall of Bengal Tech lers so the Cleveland offense comes out again and those Bengal quarterbacks have to be nervous don't blame them a bit one thing that you have to give credit to Marty shut hyman of staff for at 86 1985 the cleveland browns one of the most physical teams I think you'd find in the NFL with Mac and binary rushing for a thousand yards because of injury and bring it Lindy Infante the offensive pointer now this is a finesse team they throw the ball all over the place seven two three please 35 to play first quarter [Applause] [Music] looking again Balinese gentleman out there just off his finger Jeff's Webster slaughter running slacking it's incomplete at the forty of Cincinnati Lewis Phillips a good rookie cover was with him on what Cleveland is trying to do and will do all day long as with formation and motion try to single coverage get single coverage on a receiver somewhere the first time it worked for 66 yards to Langhorne this is something the Penguins are going to face all day long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now an extra defensive back second down and 10 for cosa on the brown neck janna bad children but it's he's hit out of bounds at about the 33 yard line that'll leave him about five yards short of the first down bringing up third down Bengals showed the Blitz there and one of the things Bernie Kosar has done so very very well in this 86 season is read that blitz and audible at the line of scrimmage that looked like an audible two bingos did a lot of people packed on in [Applause] 2,000 yards [Applause] max load somewhat had gone to an excellent intermediate and long range passing game with co-star pulling the trigger as he did in that first Drive third down cosine needs five intercepted by the strong safety David filter up Sanada Willy [Applause] look again they're saying the ball hit the ground it looked like it went right through the receivers hands clearance were there's 85 Kosar not known as the quarterback with a tremendously strong arm watching orchestrate the offense there he's looking all over the place their hands signaling the play when it goes through I believe it's Clarence weathers 85 hand there's the play I look pretty close mitchell says no did not have possession that when he went down so the Browns will have to punt the ball now to Cincinnati hey Horton is back deep for the Bengals wobbly ticket could be tough to handle Horton gets it and fired up special teamers for the grounds come down hidden they think they have the ball Hortons that a bad Carthon enough but he might have done it again got it [Applause] once again to replay a big factor as to whether or not the ground the bumble or was it loose before I went down the signal is just an interception by David culture group Clarence weathers hands [Applause] that's no interception a was the pond returned a fumble must have been because the offense is back at for the Cleveland Browns Ray Horton is and critical fumbles in this season earlier and that could be one now as the Browns get it back the play goes so it's a turnover ten Browns from the Bengal 32-yard line at seven to three Cleveland first quarter [Applause] falls on his back [Applause] the punt return horton catches it then slips i have a feeling this is the first time the replay official is also seeing it ball lose way no question is a fumble as the guy who knocks it loose for Cleveland like Johnson tough linebacker only one team has turned it over fewer times in the NF the New England Patriots were absolutely destroyed last week by Cincinnati right now though coceres changing to play on second down in about 18 blitz stands in free ball it's incomplete again that close to a connection and again defensive-back Trump nearly had a play on it Louis Braden was the guy behind the receiver that time the Blitz seem to bother coach are a little bit he's under control out there down to this point the ball is bounced for Cleveland they fumbled it twice have not lost a fumble the Bengals have fumbled it once and lost it [Applause] mechanics as a pastor seem a little awkward but the bottom line [Applause] poor record coming in [Applause] third and 18 and it's broken up down there's des explain and mr. kosher gets up up about as welcoming as a parking lot it's hot this is excellent coverage by Cincinnati the intended receiver Breeden right there that's rather surprising Gosar did have time to throw it but he threw it directly into coverage yeah the Bengals ready to return another punt and that's Ray Horton who fumbled the last one back in there Jeff Cassatt the Cleveland butter try to get it down inside the 15 if he can Browns unable to capitalize on a big break the brakes have gone the Browns way early in this game you'll recall when they got down to the two yard line of Cincinnati after that opening flow of 66 yards by co-star Martin's I can follow the ball the broom recovered took it in later 20 seconds 30 seconds park reset it on 40 seconds [Applause] dick Jorgensen the referee wants the 30-second clock ticked down to 20 seconds that's how much time the Browns will have to get the chick off [Music] the Cleveland Browns special team did you know Trump have scored a lot of points certainly set up a lot of points and so far they've been a big difference in this game although that did not result in points for Cleveland down the drive last time these two teams met of course the Cleveland Browns special teams had a blocked punt the only touchdown Cleveland scored that day in September bounced offense didn't score on Cincinnati in that 3213 loss on punt and it takes a jump into the end zone the bangles making it nervous but they finally get the ball back trailing seven to three Esiason and the Cincinnati offense goes out when we come back to Riverfront just off route 19 in st. Petersburg is a place where you can learn to ski the Alps and shoot the rapids all in the same building at bill Jackson's Sporting Goods you can practice everything from a stem Christi to an Eskimo roll if you go there remember bring your imagination and your Visa card because bill Jackson doesn't promise you son Moritz and he doesn't take American Express Visa it's everywhere want to be a D give me a line but like if you just asked for a light beer you never know what you'll get give me a light so if you want the less filling light beer with the first name of taste don't just ask for a light beer give me like Bud Light ask for Bud Light because everything else is just by a friend a beer you're about to see one of the many things this Ford Taurus can hold it's called the road Ford designed the Taurus wagon to handle confidently and to respond with precision because you should get more out of a wagon than what you put into it this is Taurus next Sunday the NFL plays here when the Jets bankers before your team takes the field our team hits the air NFL 86 and here's the offense of the Bengals on the sidelines you can see two defensive backs there for the Cleveland Browns trying to listen in they're going to need an interpreter because each team calls their offensive plays informations differently but nevertheless Benefield and rockins over there trying to try to pick up whatever they can tonight trailing seven to three we have 807 to play in the first quarter wake out James Brooks super hands in head for eight out to the 28 yard line as we check the scoreboard forty-niners have come back now to tie the Patriots at Foxboro the Giants going actually they won the division yesterday but they're going for a home field the NFC playoff with two more wins what about Indianapolis a lot of people thought they'd go right down the chute with Vinny Testaverde standing out there to be drafted number one but their coach Ron Meyer said we're going for the win we'll see still nothing nothing with bills the outside and he turns up the Ellen Stanley Wilson from Oklahoma for Cincinnati first down to the 35-yard line God comes into the game today averaging six yards that carry as we watch the offense and defensive line where the game is won and lost those offensive line does a pretty good job of at least cutting off the the pursuit and Wilson with that tremendous book speed at 218 pounds it's up field heat now averaging 7.3 yards per carry today that fourth and inches when he ran it for 13 yards it subsequently led to a Bengal field goal their only points at 7 3 Cleveland Ziya sittin with a deep drop here's Mathias glitching and he gets it away and and we Wilson coming out of the backfield and coming up very quickly on the ball and very nearly making a play on it Sandford Dixon and a Browns doing an excellent job of disrupting Boomer Esiason Clay Matthews even though some people in Cleveland Felix had an off season has really required more to rush the passer this year as the fourth man in the pass rush and he has in past years still an excellent player a very consistent outside linebacker angles throwing early they rushed for a team record 300 yards against a normally excellent New England offense last week I assume captain now he's got a hurry with Reggie camp after him [Applause] incomplete passed somehow Sciences linebacker big six-four two-twenty and that's one thing about this generation of quarterbacks the class of 83 Esiason and 84 and co-star an 85 their creators they never give up on a play last generation of quarterback with that kind of coverage and that kind of pressure throw it out of bounds go back to the huddle decison co-star Kelly Moreno Eason Elway always trying to make the play Oh for to on coming up bengals nique 10 [Music] give him nothing Waveland Zin same defense that's the wide speed of Tim McGee and runs him out of bounds and now the Bengals will have to punt the ball for the first time it's like Felix right there to finally push him out would be a bit surprised if Cleveland right here goes after Jeff phase they blocked the punt at Cleveland he said several punts blocked this season Browns have ten men up an easy way to get good field position if you can get it done block that punt Heys Louis distance in the NFL but very few of his in return b-but it certainly was short [Applause] down at the 36 yard line and their Cleveland goes in offense for a third time 26 yard punt by Jeff Hayes although he did win a game against the Steelers running a fake punt back for 61 yards and a touchdown Oh sir ready to operate again a weekend back [Music] and G everything we do is to help you live your life just the way you want to [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool stretch it strain it but when you over flex a mile cranks it huh no Maya flex hump the pain relief rub that's grease free odor free sting free so you're free to flex flex flex mile a number one recommended by physicians and pharmacists when you over flex it mile exit new Maya flex pump I've tried it now I believe it denorex tingles tells me it's doing more head and shoulders no tingle both have dandruff medicine but denorex adds both an extra anti itch medicine and conditioner - goodbye Head & Shoulders hello denorex on new year's day the best and brightest of the bowls are on NBC first the granddaddy of them all the Rose Bowl hosts the fourth ranked Michigan Wolverines as they battle Arizona State then the Orange Bowl lights up the night sky when 3rd ranked Oklahoma takes on the Razorbacks of Arkansas college football's best and brightest are on NBC Sports Schottenheimer showdown follow whatever you want this is what it's all about the Battle of Ohio is right now the Browns with the ball in the seven-to-three lead 651 to go in the first quarter [Applause] comes over and makes the knock down on Curtis Dickey at the 37 yard line he gained only about a yard and already we see Kevin Mack on the sideline he's coming back and he was just out for that play major ever it was the up back Curtis Dickey the running back back now back in the ball game grounds have been beaten he rats in that sensitivity last four times they've played it actually lost five to the last six games overall including one in September 30 to 30 nakulan Stadium [Applause] second in the long eight for cosigner who looks like he's changing the play [Applause] out there enjoy the Webster slaughter and [Applause] with no catch you gotta help both feet inbounds one foot comes down out of bounds get it done one thing you gotta like and you keep repeating about Bernie Kosar I don't think he can throw a defense at him and he doesn't recognize we'll watch Bernie and look at the defense watch what he does we're rabbit the dryer one of six so far that was the first completion first play it was for 66 yards he's not completed one since third along eight here's a throw in Brian Brennan with a clutch reception to midfield and it's a first down for Cleveland as an under sized overachieving wide receiver from Boston pallets comes down with the ball 13 yards downfield down what we're seeing is Bernie Kosar standing there trying to wait as long as he possibly can to call the final play that they're gonna run letting the defense spread out fake this fake that move in and out of the line of scrimmage and then he finally tells his offense what they're going to do it's working Bran's 46 cats he leads the Browns [Applause] five times now first in 10 Cleveland Browns lead seven to three first quarter [Music] it's excellent blocking from the rights if I can rise in firing out and the Browns are ahead of the first down carry for eight made possible by that play-action faking in the quick passes that co-stars throwing and to this point we haven't called Tim from Rhys name browner is back in the game he had the flu all week long scow Jim scow made the start but from rot being handled by Mike Babb Dan Pike and Gary Williams to Center in the two guards second down and less than two with five carries for 17 yards now six Gary here he goes for a first down as Cleveland gets blockers out in front a cordon of blockers in front of Kevin Mack and he's down to the 33 yard line excellent instinct as a running back watching look for the spot there it is BAM he turns up field the offensive line does a great job of just keeping people up larry williams and paul Ferren offensive left guard and left tackle his standard make the choice as to where the whole here - Brian Brennan get the drive alive and now the Browns are down to the 32 yard line [Music] nothing have a knack fried again he's a running back from Clemson was a standout in the US Football League Britt friend for the San Francisco touchdown now a field goal for New England gives them a 10 to 7 lead Joe Morris ran for the giant touchdown Philadelphia upon Dallas 3 nothing in the first quarter Jim Kelly has thrown a touchdown pass to Burkett to give the bills a seven nothing lead Orleans on a Dave Wilson touchdown throw up on Atlanta [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gosar brings it out he's got Kevin Mack who's defended against nicely by inside linebacker Carl Zander and again third down arises for Cleveland from doing an excellent job of just dinking it here and dinking it there people in Riverfront Stadium should be very used to seeing this offense lyndie and funny headed here under Forrest Gregg now he's got it in Cleveland and Mac doesn't pick up as much as they want but still makes the completion 104 66 yards the game setup the only two at seven to three Cleveland let's [Applause] picking up and cosa gets it away it's from Reggie Langhorne comes the putter Jeff Gossett who holds and the placekicker mark Mosley Kosar almost gets this done you see everybody trying to sneak up in here 27 is bussy Cozart still puts the ball right on the money Billups 24 in coverage on Langhorne bernie still almost got that done Mosley who's 15-year veteran now his 15th year long time Washington has lost some distance laid away kicker this will be a 46 yarder got plenty behind that [Applause] to hold a seven-to-three late [Applause] - is a game of opportunities [Applause] gosh it gets the ball down good spot they mostly mostly carry right through he had enough there but he know immediately admist it so swinger that leg he doesn't hit the ball squarely and it just sails left now the bangles ready to go on offense again first and 10 with Stanley Wilson the lone setback in his iesson looking down to Orleans work underneath his own coverage was open I know this has consistently been the Bengals problem Esiason when he throws high he doesn't he comes with a roundhouse delivery he doesn't set the ball properly as one of the things that got him benched when he was playing with Houston now watch the Roundhouse he doesn't take the ball up he kind of roundhouses it and that makes the ball sail a little bit there's an easy completion that Esiason missed Stanley Wilson did a great job knocking a blitzing linebacker chip banks off the play [Music] let's tear on a second and ten carry got about three out to the 32 yard line rounds as you know Trump fell in that first game in September when Cincinnati had 257 yards rushing against them if they missed a lot of tackles they felt they were in position but didn't make the hold on the hits not as a matter of fact in our conversation last night with Bob Golic he went back and looked at the film set on six rushing plays the Bengals net at a hundred and forty four yards so there were a lot of big plays and a lot of his tackles mangles now third down they need a thorough 4-3 on third down conversions Esiason spooled off he's only 1 for his last six throwing the ball against him [Applause] [Music] he's hard to get to his eyes insect only three times in the last five games Banks's of extraordinary talent he comes from the inside you can see the game up front it banks is untouched easy sack for Cleveland now Hayes who had a 26 yarder on his first punt Cleveland should get good field position here hunt for the brown standing of this 40 yard line let's tie down it to a fair catch at his 44 yard line and there the Cleveland Browns holding to a seven-to-three lead it will go on offense again 33 yard punt be sure to stay tuned for the second half of today's NBC double headed most of you will see the dolphins and the Rams in an inter Conference battle sure to check your local listings for the game in your area your team plays here on NBC Sports as we start down the stretch part of the season the Cleveland Browns with the most team victories ten since their 1980 season also at the best record in the conference at eight and two this team has played very well considering the injuries they had threats in 1985 [Applause] Curtis Dickie cross midfield and down to the 45 yard line Cincinnati I'll tell you what you make a mistake when you set up inside of Curtis Dickie as joke Kelley - rookie linebacker that's an easy 10 yard pickup Dickey with that just blazing foot speed he hesitated for a second now watch the defense stop one when he hesitates right there all of a sudden he's outside and he accelerates just absolutely turns it on Kelley knocks him out of bounds second down and about two inches one minute and 21 seconds left to play in the first quarter the Cleveland Browns with a seven-to-three lead they scored on their opening drive Kevin Mack on a one-yard dive after 66 yards pass set it up outside Oh wide open is the rookie Webster [Applause] a 46-yard reception by Webster slaughter runs the Hitchin go Don Philips bid on it and anyway five and it was absolutely wide [Applause] still others 34th catch of this season good for his third touchdown is again the Browns gets the Cincinnati defense completely out of position nobody near Webster slaughter who goes in for a second touchdown and now Mark Mosley out looking to make it a 14 to 3 game and he does to go in the first quarter as Sam watch his favorite Bengals with all that offense right now way down on their home field in the first quarter on the pump and slaughters wide open Billups falls down but slaughter had him beat ten ways to Sunday he ran the hitch and go and Billups bid on it now watch what happens here slaughter when he fakes and I'm gonna go short whoops and five that's a thing of beauty Phillips has got a piece of athletic we're lying there on the ground the part you wear underneath your pants that's twice now wide outs for the Cleveland Browns have been wide open on long plays first touchdown set up on the 66 yard throw Reggie Langhorne to our viewers that will be selecting the Budweiser most valuable player for today's game at the conclusion of the game Webster slaughter a rookie with a catch in every game and a very big one he is from San Diego State was the first player selected by the Browns in the last draft they didn't have a number one choice Don for Cincinnati they can't panic now down 14 to 3 we're still in the first quarter there is no reason to panic stay pretty much with the game plan Cleveland I think now realizes they got them pretty much where they want them next time Cleveland gets the ball they can go at the run give it the Kevin Mack eats some time off the clock keep the ball away from the Bengal offense and from the Cleveland offensive line is doing a superb job they're picking up everything and giving Bernie Kosar time to stand in with the blitzing pass rush coming and he's been releasing the ball downfield for some huge plays here comes Tim McGee - Eddie Brown gets across the twenty and ten days way out to the 29 yard line [Applause] spheal McGee is almost the equal of any brown as a fast receiver his rookie year in brown is just about all-pro quality a 26-yard return let's see if boomer now starts to fire away now up to boomer he's one of six in his last seven attempts excuse me the last six attempts and it's on his shoulders he's been high he's missed of open receivers [Applause] 49 yard line it was a 21-yard gain Eddie Brown throw a crushed block that sprung him 81 we got a double pull here the guard and tackle from the right side pull max Montoya 65 Walter 63 good lead blocked by Eddie Brown out front diets a 21-yard pickup for James Brooks to that point he had three carries for just three yards rooks likes to bounce to the outside here he goes again this is Stanley Wilson taking it straight ahead of Cleveland down to the 45 yard line a gain of four yards scoreboard Dallas has now gone on the board at Texas Stadium to lead Philadelphia 73 game plaque here in Cincinnati down to 30 seconds in running we're still in the first quarter Bengals trailing the Cleveland Browns 14 to 3 no penalty so far came across and got it bring up third down and six first quarter is going to expire them rather surprise the Bengals going with the fancy for unblocking when they go straight ahead they seem to have better luck [Applause] clock winds down a nap gun sounds first quarter is history and the Cleveland Browns have Sam watch and his Bengals on the short end of a 14 to 3 score [Music] I didn't make the team my sophomore year as the smallest man in the NFL general McNeil is used to hearing you'll never make the achievers those who faced adversity and refused to fail sponsored by the US on I did and beat are the odds that where it gives me only 5/7 143 pounds McNeil wasn't even listed in the Browns media guy you got to stay with what you believe in if you have a dream and you want to obtain something this should be nothing or no one in your way to stop you from that goal hey that was a great answer where'd you learn about computers in the Army you were in the army yeah and now they're helping pay your way through college welcome you know so much how do you think I got here qualify for the GI Bill in the army college fund and earn $17,000 for college for only a two-year enlistment or 25200 for a four-year enlistment what's she doing here I used to jump out of airplanes down quickie with bath Trumpy back in Cincinnati the Cleveland Browns winners of six of their last seven games have it all going their way again to date from they've been playing great football in the breaks have been with them also Don you look at early stages of football games and you try to gauge psychologically what's happening the ball is bounced tall for Cleveland boomer esiason is not having a furtive good first half he's missed some open receivers and when you play a quality opponent like the division leading Cleveland Browns you can't miss opportunities like the Cincinnati Bengals have so they're going to continue to run the ball but what has to happen is Boomer Esiason got to collect himself and got to get back out there and throw the ball a little more accurately well boomers not ready to go now he's bringing the offense out now at the second quarter they'll be going third down in TN at the 49 yard line of Cleveland Browns as we mentioned have not had good fortune here at Cincinnati if not one here in the last four tries first quarter numbers a lot of offense a very long but fifty minutes on the regular clock big strong he's got Eddie Brown million open field tackle ress rockins ray safety comes up in sticks in a hard hitter for the Oklahoma State on its Frank minima Beal 31 rockins is 37 the thing that the Browns have been able to do to this point of ballgame Don is they have kept Cincinnati and third down and long yardage situations it's a great open field tackle by Minnifield Browns in his zone and forth down in about three or four so the punters back out Jeff Hays ready to boot the ball for Cincinnati if the 14 to 3 game Bengals are trailing Cleveland always got a watch for a block here [Applause] that's not much now but it's out of bounds at the 17 yard line and Browns have been going with very good field position at times after punts particularly after they recovered a fumble punt that was just a 27 yarder and he'll be right back to riverfront after this [Music] became a moment when all the elements came together [Music] Engineering and Technology unleashing superbly equipped guru a compact car [Music] 550 protection plan to record or availability affordable price the new Dodge shadow is going to cast a giant shadow across America dodge setting new standards of performance [Music] [Music] today's game is brought to you by dodge setting new standards of performance by the US Army a place to be all you can be and buy cannon from personal copiers to high performance copying systems the choices Canada here come the Browns out of the huddle leading 14 to 3 [Applause] Dabangg goes well he at Cincinnati and first down Jetson changes and he's given time and again he has an open receiver this one's a bit far so it'll be second down in ten the Browns were a dominant rushing team last year averaging over almost 143 yards a game but it's tailed off to a hundred this year [Applause] shutting himer a man who believes in deeds not dialogue he's got quite a few coats old Marty he's a quotable coach and his team is playing like the division leader in his first half picking up the Blitz protecting Bernie Kosar shutting down the Bengals run when the Cincinnati his own offense rounds averaging only two point nine yards nine yards rushing wells and now he throws a slant that's good out to the 25-yard line [Music] Herman fat no coming out of the backfield makes his first catch that knows 42nd reception of this season of free agents from LSU is help the Browns up in saliva once again a brilliant job of reading the Blitz walk Gosar goes with it clicks quick slant Bengals have tried to stay with that blitz and it's not worked those ARS had time he's now 5 of 12 for a hundred and 38 yards and a touchdown [Applause] [Music] he can read the Blitz he's in [Applause] Vinny Testaverde who is now quarterbacking at Miami Florida third and short Milan goes to a power dive and Reggie Williams makes the tackle that it's good for a first down Kevin Mack runs for the first down and you can certainly see the difference between these two teams a good push by the offensive line Williams along with Babb fazool he leads up in there but the thing is Cleveland's had third down and one to convert the first down since Teddy's hit third down and 10 to convert to third first downs rounds with 14 points there when they get 20 or more there scored 20 or more points Defence's helping with a lot of clothes low-scoring games Kevin Mack Anna straight ahead drive but first in tan he got a hit for about five yards [Music] Eagles with a second field goal have now come back to within a point of Dallas it is a doubleheader day on NBC Sports most of you will be seeing the Rams and the Dolphins is the second game also a big one at the Coliseum in Los Angeles where Kansas City and the Raiders of team on the ropes right now but both those club still and playoff contention will meet Seattle goes to San Diego much-improved of recent weeks are the San Diego Chargers [Applause] markers go down on a second down and six play from it's on Paul Ferran offensive left tackle came out of his stance a little early first penalty of the day on either team snark number 74 offense I think CREP those officials were anxious to throw the flags or five on the field have a covey of flags there's Ferran he's got the outside pickup you can see the Bengals again going with the Blitz he's replacing Ricky Bolden who's been out for a number of weeks with a broken arm Bolden in uniform on the sidelines today second down 11 come with six defensive Paxton [Applause] than kosis ability to hit the long pass one 466 yards set up a touchdown look at that stick 46 was a touchdown Ozzie Newsome comes out to the 32 yard line where he is pounded by david Fulcher first year strong safety use as big as a linebacker six three to 28 I see not having the kind of season he's had in the past but he's got a bad ankle he's got a bad shoulder and he lines up every weekend in Alabama [Applause] no sir on the bow we'll be swinging out of the top of your screen [Applause] no good and Cleveland has to punish the Cincinnati worst bad bass at Bernie's throne didn't really set up very good there threw the ball right down into the ground theirs was the nearest receiver [Applause] [Music] Tim McGee back deep now for Cincinnati we have 10:40 to go in the first half it is a 14 to 3 game the underdog Cleveland Browns who will win the vision with a victory today if they get the victory try McGee gets in the ball catch it moves out to the 25-yard line 50-yard putnis seven yard return they've been waiting this day the Battle of Ohio in Cincinnati riverfront sold out long ago for Cleveland and the Bengals and the Browns are holding a 14 to 3 lead say these must be Jack's new Ken and personal copiers great college yeah and they copy in five you want to see go ahead make my day everything you need to copy with us in this replaceable country I don't do that good think I don't a species for every personality even push the agents lighten up Jack these new candid personal copiers are light but one of my father personal copy is about every personality for information call toll-free one 800 can some1 put a banner in my left front fender leave it to the good hands people the door and my floor bat Allstate makes an accident a little easier to take we offer a repair guarantee and in most cases we'll give you a settlement on the spot I parked in a live in a place that I trusted good hands oh you're in good hands with Allstate a member of the Sears Financial Network [Music] whenever I get the chance I had for these mountains of course I enjoy these mountains to the mountains of Bush beer and now you can enjoy the bush holiday sweepstakes grand prize is a trip for six the ski and Steamboat Springs Colorado it's easy to enter for further details look for this display of participating retailers so come on head for these mountains with a little luck you'll be heading for these mountains to [Music] Saturday the NFL plates here when the Broncos the Seahawks before your team takes the field our team hits the air NFL 86 be sure to join us next Saturday for more NFL action the closing game of the regular season for Denver and Seattle the Seahawks back in form after blowing out the the AFC West but looking for home-field in the playoffs [Music] Enzo look at Stanley Wilson as he weaves up the middle gets ahead to about the 27 yard line gonna give me the in zone shot here to try to examine what boomer esiason is doing when he's throwing the ball he has had problems in this first half - for his last seven six of 11 total started out very strong at trouble of late [Applause] [Music] James Brooke [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well first down for the vengo and you can see that 53 Anthony Griggs at James Brook squarely in his sights and Brooks makes the little move to break the tackle he cuts back and Briggs his dinner right in front of him right there and somehow Brooks accelerates by him for a first down Chris rockins finally tackle them six carries 32 yards now rooks whistle blows the play dead that might have been a procedure penalty against the Bengals tapping the clock with nine minutes and 12 seconds to play in the first half [Music] [Applause] we'll be back at Cleveland Stadium next Sunday to close out regular season play they'll go against San Diego while the Bengals will be at home to play the slumping New York Jets a team that has come completely a cropper 10 and 1 start in the wheels not only fell off they flew off that machine all their defensive injuries suddenly the offense can produce nothing once again bang goes a long hard edge situation Kenzo look again as Stanley Wilson takes an tacklers and gets ahead to about the 37 yard line first and 15 play in the brown shut it down Sam Clancy defensive end was on the play Cleveland's defense not giving up big plays in this game [Music] Marty Schottenheimer with an excellent game plan particularly that opening play the opening kickoff first play from scrimmage the long ball and it went 66 yards Cosatu Langhorne to set up a touchdown years ago in the Hollandsworth of the 42 yard line and for Dixon here to play on the ball balance was open but Zion was looking for an outside pattern let's watch his size since our motion talk quarterback like this watching bat the ball very bad habit he can really gun it in there but when you pet the ball that's saying alright he's open but you can see he's off target and Collinsworth is open that pat is a habit that some quarterbacks have that they don't even know they're doing it the bengals now faced with another third down along they're all four five in third downs who wide receivers to either side for Cincinnati as we look again from the endzone on a third down in 12 play late at the 44-yard line of Cleveland he was going again to Collinsworth ham prediction with him scribe prescribed and so the high power Cincinnati Bengals up ends with number one in the NFL through 14 weeks of play after ripping the New England offense for almost 600 yards last Sunday has not been hitting big plays today and the Browns will get it back again another Cincinnati punt this doesn't help either just a 28 point 7 yard average Cleveland said great field position all day long Gerald McNeil back he's broken in 84 yard punt return this season well hit ball by Hayes looking for the outside is Gerald McNeil 40-yard cut a five-yard return as boomers looking for answers on the sidelines now 7:54 to go and Cleveland still with the 11-point lead [Music] the front-wheel-drive dodge wenzer is the performance sedan that will thrill you all the way to the redline hold you to the dotted line cover you down the line and impress you with its bottom line dodge Lancer with prices starting at 9852 dodge setting new standards of performance it's a Radio Shack Merry Christmas the kids really like what we got through for Christmas RadioShack Space Patrol walkie talkies they're terrific outdoor fun they have flexible antennas to withstand rugged use and built in Morse code keys with the code alphabet on the front so they can talk or send messages and colors the kids like them and I love them I mean space patrol time to report for dinner space patrol walkie-talkies only pad Radio Shack discover the new fragrance of america lady Stetson you're free country proud playing in the big leagues you're all in America with a new freighters all your own ladies Stetson exciting blend of contrasts like America itself all American ladies see Eddie Murphy's the correct Nick Milt he's the cop they shook up Beverly Hills now they're tearing up San Francisco - the average is 48 hours tonight San Francisco now leading at New England 13 to 10 a most important game for the 49ers someone is doing that AFC East by default the way the Jets from 10 and 1/2 awful all over Pittsburgh bangle coaches say they're the hardest hitting team in a league at least afaik the ones they play [Applause] ghosts are looking deep on to play he throws and it's a conflation after the 48-yard and Webster slaughter down with a 21-yard gets Phillips was the man in coverage man-to-man coverage and when you beat a defensive cornerback long with that hitch and go the short step is going to be wide open watch Bernie as the game goes on he gets more and more sidearm but this once again is on the money and that's a direct result of slaughters touchdown catch now every fake the defensive back is going to hang off of it he's got to for 68 yards when still under 1 for a touchdown rounds with a 14 to 3 lead in a first down second quarter that's bastards Bernie Kosar with a perfectly arkfall slaughter adjusting to it in flight hands and if it couldn't hold on very nearly another big hit for the Cleveland passing game the thing that amazes me about Bernie Kosar Donna said very seldom do you seem set up properly but he still is able to throw the ball deep down the field so accurately sometimes it's scary was right on the money but the inspired Billups brings up second 10 pastor 166 seven of sixteen most importantly he's hit the long pass the difference along with his pass blocking now he tries to screen it back to Harry hold a tight end the rush was great Reggie wedding with the veteran dr. put the heat on Costa [Applause] brings up third down and long third and ten it rolls away from the rush you can see everybody's coming after him he doesn't get sacked although he does get tackled and put on the ground gosar is a tough kid hates the training room let's hear items of Hadson to sex last week [Applause] right in very intense for sick fast weathers inside the 35 it is not it's Oakley they'll have to punt the ball to the Bengals and now we'll see trumpeters iesson can crank up the offense he hadn't done it yet other than the first drive that resulted in the field goal I tell you Clarence weathers was open dozers got something wrong with his wrist it looks like he's going to the sideline he won't look for a trainer or a doctor inning he wants nothing to do with medical attention watch his wrist and see if he's all right maybe his finger might pay goes the backup the former Indianapolis Colts quarterback well hit ball downfield nicely Timothy fair catching it at the 9 yard line of Cincinnati [Applause] see quickly see what happens here look is he's holding his finger [Music] maybe hit a helmet or something but he's gonna hide it he does not want medical attention well remember a few years ago when Bernie Kosar left Miami of Florida the upset of Nebraska in the ORS gopher national championship in bold a 87 is coming up at NBC Sports leading up with the Rose Bowl alibi the Orange Bowl and then the national championship game from the Fiesta Bowl with number one ranked - number two ranked Miami and Penn State going for the title here now is a hand off the Stanley in position gives in no place to cut back to Anthony Griggs was in there to pop him the Bengals consistently running the ball on first down and then when forced to throw they're doing it I think they're trying to protect boomer as best they possibly can he's not had a good second quarter when he's hot he's terrific when he's off he's averaged getting the lead of taken since then away from that pound away running game but I want to catch [Music] yeah he does after the 22 yard line now we go back to the play where it appeared that Bernie Kosar may have gotten hurt this is the half roll he sets up let's see if we can see what happens it doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him there he's fine there he's got a towel over his hand Schottenheimer talk to Tony H medical attention [Applause] his iesson first down flow again to James Brooks looking to break tackles but the Browns hold on Cleveland very aggressive attacking defensively getting ahold of the elusive James Brooks and knocking him down Brooks coming into the game with almost 1,600 yards total offense for the Bengals and rushing and receiving pretty obvious the Browns are taken away the wide receivers Eddie Brown and Cris Collinsworth now watch once again he falls on his hand and that's when he got up shaking it that was on the screen the attempt to screen pass to Harry hope looks like he's got ice on his wrist he's kind of shaking his hand a little bit but he'll sit there all by himself and continue playing [Applause] well guess is for James Brooks now they go to Stanley Wilson who runs the ball on his because he gets to the 27 yard line very in position on defense again the cutback runner has no place to go that was a good for only gain of a yard bras not really trying to make penetration they're staying at the line of scrimmage and shutting down the cutbacks looks like Big Daddy Hairston on the ground he is 78 for the Cleveland Browns the 424 you see is was left to play in the first half where the Cleveland Browns leading the Cincinnati Bengals 14 to 3 as an 11-year veteran Carl Big Daddy Hairston is down on the ground for the Browns has given them a lot this season plumber Philadelphia Eagle Cleveland defense features a couple of former Eagles ray Ellis has done a lot for the Browns most of the season and free say our strong safety looks like an arm injury of some sort forearm hand not really sure obviously not his legs [Music] the Bengal is unable to unleash their big play offense in this game other than the first drive when they took it down close and got a field goal but that's been all the scoring behind costar the Browns have taken a 14 to 3 lady set up 1 touchdown and then this lombardi said when the game is on the line Paul Hornung is the greatest player I've ever seen he led the Green Bay Packers to three World Championships was twice the league's Most Valuable Player and he led the NFL three straight years in scoring I presented the Golden Boy Paul Hornung it's been a long journey for me from the frozen gridiron in Green Bay to here in Kent Ohio but it's a trip I wouldn't have missed for the world your journey the Pro Football Hall of Fame will probably be a lot charter but it's one that every fan should make it's all here the team's the stars the records so you can see the men and the great plays have been a part of the game we call pro football for me being here the Hall of Fame it's like crossing that last goal I feel like I'm at home and I know this would have thought I was aware Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio don't miss it this message furnished by the National Football League Cleveland quarterback Bernie Kosar apparently jammed the middle finger on his throwing hand on the last Cleveland possession they've applied ice to it down here he waits on the sidelines to come back in right now the Bengals have the ball though at their 29 yard line [Music] to the near side comes Palin's worth and ten whiteouts in the game [Applause] [Music] these Brooks catches the ball for a first down and gets out in about the 35-yard line at the 36 so Brooks who is so quick almost impossible to cover he was the product of one of the great trades in the NFL release for Cincinnati they sent a out-of-shape pulled back to San Diego 260 pound at least Pete Johnson got James Brooks in and he has been a dominant force in their offense their downs been a problem no Trump for Cincinnati that's the first one they've converted in this first half and on the Browns doing an outstanding job of taking the wide receivers away from the Bengals Brooks the only receiver open in his first half and for Dixon and Frank Minnifield excellent covering cornerbacks here is a quick check off the net on Stan for a gain of three he's to midfield [Applause] this might be the drive in the for the bangles if they lose this game they still have a shot to stay in the playoffs but it is remote if they win this game and they're tied with Cleveland and this Drive at the end of the first half is 348 and ticking and they get the ball to start the second half could have the entire season written all over it very interesting point Bengals were very optimistic coming in favored on their home field Victor's five of the last six times against Cleveland and four straight here and they dominated the Browns of Cleveland Stadium in September rushing for 257 yards the Browns have played much better football today they've made the big plays in two they're just net out of position here is a swing pass and here comes James trucks as he is down open field tackle saved a very big gain Eddie Johnson came over and ran him down as a guy shows up with his game face out Eddie Johnson can play put him in a tough spot to try to get out there in the flat to get to James Brooks very difficult but Eddie can get it done he's had bruised ribs over the last couple of weeks wearing the black jacket today but in big games you can count on Eddie Johnson Brooks catching a lot of balls he has six today for 63 yards [Applause] second down catching in with now trying to go straight ahead there's not much there Clay Matthews was on the play for Cleveland on each time since then he's come with that tool a hand off Cleveland's been there to stop it each time Cincinnati's come with the quick hitter they gain a lot of yards as you were pointing out from the most important drive for the Bengals they trailed Cleveland 14 to 3 rounds with a victory today win the AFC Central Division they want a year ago with an 8 and 8 record pounds going for an 11th win today came in at 10 and 4 Bengals at 9 and 5 [Applause] nothing they're together Sam Clancy grab dinner [Applause] back a lawsuit three yards [Applause] as Cleveland is really in tune defensively they seem to know what's coming [Applause] tried to run the reverse Sam Clancy the veteran he stays right there and at Frank Minnifield on to clean up he made the hit that a dove into the pile it's not unusual watch Benefield he's in there trying to knock somebody's legs down almost got his own player in Sam Clancy two-minute warning 155 to play in the half and the Bengals are going to punt it back to Cleveland they have to [Music] so the Browns with an important defensive play stop Cincinnati's closing drive of the second quarter you might get caught out in the middle of nowhere with a dead battery but I won't this is a Delco maintenance-free battery and when this green eye is showing it means I've got all a starting power i need up to 770 cranking amps if you think your battery's fading fast I'd start thinking Delco now through January 3rd get a $5 rebate on most Delco batteries see a participating AC Delco retailer for details never wait for trouble whatever I get the chance I had for these mountains of course I enjoy these mountains to the mountains the bush beer and now you can enjoy the bush holidays sweepstakes grand prize is a trip for six the ski and Steamboat Springs Colorado it's easy to enter for further details look for this display of participating retailers so come on head for these mountains with a little luck you'll be heading for these mountains to a ranger never takes the easy way out [Music] four things you never know that's why getting into the Rangers is tough and the training is tough so it makes me feel like I'm part of something really special and I'm not the only one [Music] [Music] mangos ready to punt the ball as they have come up to port down that closing drive taken away from the fine defensive play by Sam Clancy he shut down the ball carrier on a third down trap run try a delay and now the Browns will get it back with a 14 to 3 Lee general McNeil the IceCube is back waiting for the kick I pick downfield [Applause] do it again Don quickie with Bob Trumpy the Cleveland Browns coming in as an underdog they haven't won here since 81 right now like a weatherman pointing there but they're standing pretty tall today and you said you don't think the Bengals have a good team for coming back no they do not attend graphic proves it right there in front of you I think they know that I think they realized the situation or in that may have been the drive for the season right there at last one Cleveland stop sit on a big bait played by Sam fancy now the Bengals get it to start the second half but Cleveland's got it going all their way in his first half Don but Fiat Kosair tries to get more down of opposition at the 27 yard line of Cleveland just a 20 yard punt by Hayes [Applause] Kevin knack used sparingly today he's troubled by an injured left shoulder gets out of bounds at about the 33 yard line our producer today for NBC Sports is Larry Cirillo our director John Gonzalez at halftime we'll be going to NFL 86 in New York as just about every game has a playoff bearing today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a lot around the right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the top of your screen in the slide Bengals jumping in and out as Cossack tantalizes him with another long cat here's Kevin Mack get down on a second and five he got eight in a first down [Applause] pretty bloody when we go to the NFL 86 at halftime Bob Costas will be talking to Brian Bosworth voted the best linebacker in America this season the sooner from Oklahoma we'll be back to Cincinnati for the final 135 right after this for the first half dodge salutes those who strive for victory with this addition all now winners we need a big player stuff I want to be the one that people come to for it I don't like to depend on other people to get things done for me I want to do myself from an unheralded baby-faced rookie Joe Klecko became a fierce all-pro in a few short seasons in hard-hearted New York he became a hard hat hero to those who appreciate his blue-collar style play that makes Joe Klecko a winner you're going down a road behind the wheel of the new Dodge Dakota it's the first true midsize pickup ever made inside room for three with optional 3.9 liter v6 the Dakota doesn't shy away from hard work cross into Dakota Territory Dodge Dakota the new state of the American truck the Browns holding to a 14 to 3 Lee 135 to go in the first half [Applause] in Cass's to six different receivers in this game so far another thrown against a the sure-handed Brian Brennan on a first down play he is a hit for about 10 yards looks like a first down and Cleveland Browns want more they're not about to sit on this 14 to 3 lead with 1:20 to go in the first half [Applause] an exceptionally well-prepared football team here's a throw downfield just a bit out too much for Clarence weathers as he goes out of bounds it will bring up second down in 10 and the clock is stopped with a minute to play there's also a marker down offside Cincinnati first and five it's going all their way even when they have a incomplete pass they get a penalty balls bouncing their way offsides number 73 pee pants still first down this game seemed means so much both ways should the Bengals win today and they'll be a big favor to beat the Jets next week if they won their last two the Bengals would win the division Bradley have home-field advantage that week off being so much they lose this they'll be an outside team just to be a wild card and the Browns will have wrapped up a second straight AFC title AFC Central title first and five [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Langhorne incomplete at the 20-yard line that'll bring up second down and five with 102 to play in the first half and one of the big things that I think Cleveland done so well today on first down they've averaged eight point seven yards and that's put them in a situation where they're second short third and short Bengals on the other hand have come up with an awful lot of third and tens they've only converted one third down in the first half this last time these two teams met the Bengals did an outstanding job of converting third downs did almost 60% for the game in September [Applause] a second-year player looks like he's been in a league as a starter ten years just about mistake-free down feel that goes to clarence weathers moist and looks like he's got it a first down for cleveland they're looking to get in field goal range for mark Mosley [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and under sized overachiever again comes down with the tough catch and it's a timeout call by the Browns they are getting very close to mark Mosley range 33 seconds to play in the half and it is belong to Cleveland the Browns leading 14 3 done an excellent job Bernie Kosar has is reading the defense there you see next to Marty Schottenheimer in the Hat Lindy and Fadi even though the Browns didn't have a first round draft choice this year my opinion in Fani was their first round draft choice Kosar also has picked up this Lindy and funny offense very very quickly people in Cincinnati look at that seven different receivers twice this season he's thrown catches to eight different receivers and once he threw receptions to nine different receivers [Music] got that classic glowing motion that's look at this this is a stand at the Cleveland corner back pounds worth out of the game so far Nettie Brown has three for 28 yards but neither has caught the big ball the long downfield ball that the Cleveland Browns have used to set up their score that is the story of the game conversions and the Browns cornerback shutting out the wide receivers basically [Applause] angles Josiah's pass for almost 100 and 200 yards in the first half he is 190 touchdown one set up a touchdown he's had to 400 five game [Applause] [Music] second in short is it lifts and again he gets it away but blows it away before he's hit [Applause] again checking the scoreboard before the half closes when we go to NFL 86 San Francisco's gone to halftime and Roger Craig's touchdown run the brought them from behind 1610 up on New England the Giants putting away the st. Louis Cardinals 17 to nothing Buffalo Bills got a touchdown run from Greg Bell to go whether Jim Kelly touchdown pass in Indianapolis filter one game closer at least working on it to getting Vinny Testaverde [Applause] [Music] they go to Kevin net he shut down at the 29-yard line cuts it up for a first down no Don yes it is game clock down to 22 second go Cleveland Browns call another timeout this has been impressive the Browns have driven from their own 27 taking a very little time to get down here and just about mark Mosley's range off his last field goal attempt he had enough distance to make a 50-yarder it was wide but he hit it very well Oklahoma's all-american linebacker Brian Bosworth a half-time guest today on NFL 86 a lot of people wondering if he'll come out of Oklahoma following this season he'll graduate with his class but he does have another year of eligibility coming that he made academic all-american a lot of people wonder where he gets his hair cut too it takes special talent it's a great advertisement for barbers though he looks like a barber pole himself Capas can play you're saying that with the byes 1,200 miles away be sure touch a tune doll so for the second half of today's NBC devil had a most of you will see the dolphins in the rand and under conference paddle sure to check your local listings for the game in your area who team plays here on NBC Sports many Testaverde got the Heisman Trophy this past week in New York Jerry Kramer spoke at the dinner said there were three reasons he retired from football Alex Karras Merlin Olsen and Bubba Smith said now he looks at television Alex Karras is a middle-aged marshmallow Merlin's selling posies with Bubba [Applause] right now I'm first down dropping to throw as Bernie Kosar in the flat broken up nicely Ray Horton coming across and tipping the ball away and that brings up second down with time of the essence now 17 seconds to go in the half the thing this drive is done if Cleveland gets no points whatsoever and I'd say ten more yards they're guaranteed and Mark Mosley's range it is at it points to the board bingos start with the ball to begin the second half and this Cleveland defense has done an outstanding job in shutting down the Bengals offense and they clean it off I have defense arises here at Riverfront Stadium in the flat slaughter gets the bottom goes out of bounds to stop the clock with 12 seconds to play and now they are surely in mark Mosley range as the longtime waits on the sidelines and here he comes picked up as a free agent when Matt Barr went down making a tackle against the Pittsburgh Steelers a few weeks ago suffered serious damage to is left knee that required a four-hour operation but the doctors are optimistic that Matt Barr will be back with the Browns kicking next season what his brother tell us in Seattle last Monday if you're going to hurt a leg for a kicker that's the leg to hurt 39 yarder used to be the soccer style kickers were the left narco he can still do it right as he drills it with seven seconds to play in the first half and the underdog Cleveland Browns extend their lead to 17 to 3 you know Trump from playing here for 10 years Cincinnati used to be Cleveland Brown company before they had a franchise still an awful lot of people here in Cincinnati of stayed with Cleveland and years past when these two teams met Cincinnati there wasn't a lot at stake except bragging rights in the state of Ohio about half the stadium was Cleveland Brown fans not a story this game is that graphic we had before and that is the Bengals success when they lead it half as opposed to the Bengals lack of success when they trail it half those are remarkable numbers and shocking the Bengals do not do well as you see when they're down at halftime and they're going to be today down by a substantial margin 17 to 3 just seven seconds left in the half and Cleveland will kick it off Sam watching his Bengals who have had a dominant running game averaging almost 5 yards that carry haven't been able to use it muster day because they fell behind early they've gone to the passing game and it hasn't been clicking and the Cleveland defense has had a lot to do with that here's another stat to to support Cincinnati and they worry Sam White's the Browns when they score 20 points or more in a game are 9 and 1 it is going Cleveland's way [Applause] [Music] around still three short of 20 but they're having a big day offensively with a whole half to play three hopper goes down field is picked up by a linebacker running the ball down the field now like Ron Simpkins ran the ball and he has got it out to the 38 yard line so that is the end of the first half Cincinnati Bengals are not seared off the field as Boomer Esiason not having a good day and the Cleveland Browns and Bernie Kosar surely are an excellent first half by the Cleveland Browns perfect illustration of game preparation and execution is they take a 17 to 3 League NFL 86 halftime activities will continue in a moment we'll be right back after these messages from your local station with the score 17 to 3 Cleveland tonight celebrate a heartwarming Christmas at our neck that Valerie when dad's grounded at home we'll have to scream I guess I can skip the aerobics this morning an uneasy Street Eleanor and Quentin gone for good hey dong the way to play tonight this Christmas don't just buy any TV or VCR buy one from Ace here's why first there's maces brand-name selection including RCA GE Zenith Sony JVC Magnavox Panasonic and sharp and then there's Mesa zone factory authorized service department where they do all their own repair work on every TV and VCR they sell plus there's maces price guaranteed lowest ask for details with a mace TV or VCR this is bound to be one of the best Christmases you ever saw this holiday for less than the cost of a home exerciser you can get an olympic-style pool racks and racks of free weights a banked and cushioned jogging track miles of life cycles wall-to-wall aerobics and the most advanced machines in existence beat the 87 price increase two people for the price of one or 50% off dues at Scandanavian of course you could still get this lovely Cheryl Black Monday on Entertainment Tonight [Applause] [Music] welcome back to our NFL 86 studios in New York Bob Costas with Paul McGuire and Ahmad Rashad first of all in the game you've all been watching the Browns with that 17-3 lead over the Bengals the mark Mosley field goal of 39 yards just before the half giving them the two touchdown advantage so Marty Schottenheimer 'he's team may be on the verge of clinching it in the AFC Central but there's a long way to go here it is early Reggie Langhorne is on the receiving end of a 66 yarder from Bernie Kosar and it sets up a one-yard scoring run by Kevin Mack for a seven nothing lead then after a Jim breech field goal it's Kosar back at work again it's 7 3 Browns and he makes it 14-3 as Webster slaughter beats Lewis Billups in he goes 46 yarder then the Mosely field goal for the 17 3 lead at halftime and the Browns looking for their 11th victory of the year and trying to drop the Bengals out of the race for the title in the central division although the Bengals would still have a crack at a wild card I'm not 5 you know in the past cincinnati hasn't been a good come-from-behind team behind now and they're in trouble because what happens is Cleveland has such a good running game if they can not only control the ball but also the clock which will force Cincinnati to try to make big plays in the second half when try to force big plays you come up with a lot of mistakes they could be in trouble Wow well you know when you look at Cleveland with what they're doing and they've done it to other teams this year what makes them so good is the fact that they have two corners that can play that man-to-man Ahmad you know how important it is that frees up two safeties that frees up your linebackers and the only guy for Cincinnati that's doing anything in the first half is Brooks and we knew that he can do it he's gonna D doing it running he's also doing it receiving but they can't win with just one man all right the 49ers are in front at Foxborough that game is at halftime and they lead the Patriots 16 to 10 Roger Craig and Joe Krebs each have short scoring runs for San Francisco the Giants with Joe Morris rushing for 90 yards in the first half and a pair of touchdowns a 17 nothing lead at home against the Cardinals the Giants now playing for the right to host the NFC Championship game if they should meet the Bears both those clubs are 12 and 2 so they each have incentive although they have clinched their respective divisions they want the best record overall in the conference Dallas gets an 84 yard touchdown run from Herschel Walker longest run from scrimmage in the league this year and they lead at home against the Eagles seven to six Matt Cavanaugh is at quarterback for the injured Randall Cunningham for Philadelphia Buffalo and Indianapolis Jim Kelly with a long touchdown pass to Chris Burkett early and a 14-nothing lead at the half at the Hoosier dome this is Ron Meyers first game at home as the Colts coach they won on the road at Atlanta in his debut a week ago here's that touchdown pass I talked about Kelly rolls right he throws on the run and almost effortlessly it gets there 42 yards to protect behind a couple of defenders but then Kelly was shaken up after he was hit by Scott Keller and Donnell Thompson replaced at quarterback by Frank Reich for the remainder of the half this is second quarter action Reich hits Greg Bell 18 yard catch and run down to the 1 Bell scores on the next play 14 nothing they've now gone to the third at the Hoosier dome they go to the third in Atlanta Dave Wilson's 1st quarter touchdown pass of 7 yards to Eric Martin gives the Saints a seven nothing lead over the Falcons Green Bay at Tampa Bay and in the Battle of the bays Randy Wright with a six yard run that's the Green Bay quarterback in the second quarter and a seven nothing lead for the Packers they're playing now in the third which brings us to the subject of the Testaverde derby and in that one Indianapolis has the inside track now of course it's not certain but even if they get that first draft choice that they'll keep it and select Testaverde Robert Irsay will hear plenty of offers lucrative packages from other teams interested in the Miami quarterback but right now the Colts are 1 in 13 and they are losing at home in the third quarter to the Buffalo Bills when we come back we'll have an interview at Oklahoma linebacker Brian Bosworth that's right after these messages from your local station this holiday season a tribute to the American family for three consecutive nights you are invited to spend a year on the life with the sons the daughters the friends the lovers and you will become a part of their family sharing their public dreams and private moments for a family a year in the life premieres Monday can the Stampede for your advertising dollar standing out from arrest has always been our nature Ameritech pages plus it's the directory thread with a century of experience the directory nine out of ten people used the directory more businesses rely on than any other you can put your advertising dollars back in the past or upfront with a leader and that's a horse of a different color Ameritech pages plus next to the phone there's nothing better Bob McBride and Doreen Gentzler at 6 and 11 on Channel 3 News you can if you want play another year of college ball but you can graduate and go on to the pros what's your thinking right now you know I said yesterday that if I made a decision that I'd get started they'd stop asking the questions and it'd make it easy on y'all and people that Oklahoman that's too easy I can't do that I want to I'm gonna gonna let it go as far as I can and April 13th is the last day and yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna look at what I can do and then see what kind of leverage I can pull maybe you know LA or New York can draft draft higher and maybe I can end up one of the two cities I want to go yeah you want to play for either the Jets our Giants makes no difference in New York or for the Raiders is that it that's right there's very few teams in the NFL that puts the defense first and I want to play for one of those two teams look at those linebackers you'd be joining if you went to the Giants well that's linebacker all the way you know they they possess the the quality but they play a different style you know they're a power game and then they don't run as well as what I'm used to you know we just run and we chase the ball but you know they they like Otis Wilson like you know that I have to punish people and you know that's what I enjoy doing yeah do you enjoy punishing people not injuring them punishing them that's the game of football you don't want to if you only get hit you don't want to be punished go play golf football players go out there and they expect to be hit if they don't want to be hit don't play you know stand on the sidelines just take your check and be happy on Monday let's go back to the idea of playing for the Raiders if ever a personality was cut out to play for the Raiders I'd say you're the guy well I would enjoy playing I'm playing for the Raiders out there not only because the fact that they played the way I like to play but I've looked at their schedule they play 12 of their 16 games on grass field it's a big difference than playing up here in New York where the Jets play 13 of their 16 games on the in East Rutherford in that that's that's a situation that it's a factor that you really have to involve yourself in there's a lot of players getting hurt on this grass on this turf field that's that's a very key factor now here's to me the key question if you were already playing in New York or LA there's many stylists who can do this number on your head but where do you find a guy to do the job like this in Norman Oklahoma well it's young lady it's but she's from New York she has that New York style yeah I'm fortunately I haven't seen a star like this up here yet but if I come up here maybe that maybe some of the kids or maybe even some of the grown-ups would enjoy a hairstyle like this it's not just the cut but multiple colors and a little a little violet or purple in the back and the Baz earring says bars on the ear it's nice yeah well we're adding color back to football football got away from color it almost got to black and white for a while and I think the McMahons the the Bosworth's the the people that aren't afraid to say what they feel do what they want as long as they win they're coming back into play McMahon's a friend of yours yes yes you talk frequently what's it like he his biggest concern is to make sure that we don't some subsidiary ourselves to our we'll go down here and just say hey you know we're not gonna we'll accept the normal society no and that won't work you know we're our own people and we'll change the way people think about us it may be wrong or right people may not like us but they'll adjust how have they adjusted in in Norman Oklahoma this is a fairly conservative part of the country you know you look at Norman Oklahoma you look at Lincoln Nebraska and you look and they look very similar to Russian cities there's not much there but we make the most of it and we add color Oklahoma lives Oklahoma football we go down there and especially our team you know we have enough freedom on our team that we do and say what we feel as long as we produce on Saturday coach Switzer has always been ridiculed about that but he's the most accessible coach in college football do you think if you decided to play another year college ball just for the sake of argument with all a build up you've received could you be a defensive player who could win the Heisman Trophy there would be a lot of people have to be taken off the Heisman voting ballot there's too many of them that are in old school that don't appreciate be on the field conduct the off the field conduct you know that's that's where the the factors of winning the Heisman have come into play there's a little flaw in there somewhere and and the people that get this vote it's it's an honor it's not a privilege they need to take that in consideration and vote for an athlete not in personality let's get a bottom line here if before April 13th which is when you have to declare your intention if you got a sense that either a trade would be worked out or if it had been worked out so that the Raiders Jets or Giants were in position to draft you you'd go there's that possibility yes but again I'm yeah it's a different situation I that's really hard to say what can happen in the NFL Draft the regular draft the draft is designed to help the weaker teams the Indianapolis catch up the green base catch up to Houston's catch up it's taking a long time to catch up and sometimes I don't think some of them ever will but you know we're the seniors are in a situation they're stuck in that system I want to be able to dictate where I go dictate what I can do and use the draft to my advantage none - there's Boz thanks very much thank you both will continue [Music] [Applause] halftime at riverfront 17 to three Cleveland not what the favored Bengals were expecting nor was the sold-out following of the Cincinnati Bengals here at Riverfront and now we'll see what the Bengals can do in the second half to get back in this game Bob puppies you assess where they went wrong where did they go wrong so much of their offense is tied to Boomer Esiason he didn't deliver we're going to start there as numbers are pretty good 10 of 17 but for under a hundred yards and in receiving he's missed some open receivers but we have to give it up lot of credit to the Cleveland defense they've shut Collinsworth out he has no catches Eddie Brown has three for just 28 yards this is a team that's been averaging somewhere around 450 yards of offense over the last five weeks the Cleveland defense has done a magnificent job Bengals get the ball to start the second half we're gonna find out if the Bengals have some leadership at halftime I think Sam White's his best shot was to make Boomer Esiason man he's the guy who makes it happen he's the guy who's got to make it happen and in this second half it's got to be up to him somebody once said if you wanted to hide from the law a good place to start would be to be an offensive lineman but I think this Brown pass blocking has been tremendous they had kept the guys off a costar they've been a lot of blitzes thrown at him of course he's excellent throwing against the Blitz if he has that moment and they've got to get some pressure on Koecher because he's just been killing them too ruthless your right and the other extraordinary thing weekend with Lindy Infante's offense Gosar when it works we'll throw passes to seven or eight receivers today he's got seven receivers on the books already so they're spreading it around and they basically have given Cincinnati enough different offensive formations to look at done that they haven't really stops in Cleveland from doing anything so pressure on costar yes that's certainly a factor if you're Cleveland I mean you got to go in half time figuring this is the best half of football we've played in a long time we got it pretty much to control we stay with what we're doing keep pass protect and Bernie Kosar if his hands all right you'll continue to do what thereat doing that last that drive at the end of the first half Don so unbelievably important for Cleveland they get three points they stop the Cincinnati Bengals from getting any points on the board and the Bengals going at halftime daubers down and the Browns going at halftime sky-high they win today they're the AFC Central Division champs for the second year in a row Bengals lose today they kind of joined that quagmire of teams around nine and six only one turnover very few penalties for either team but the third down conversions and the big plays by Cleveland the story in the first half Cincinnati needs this opening drive now as the Cleveland Browns came out of the blocks like a rocket first play from scrimmage a 66 yard throw that set up Kevin Mack's touchdown that's how it stands the Browns will win the division with a victory today the Bengals will go to deep trouble there'll be chest deep in alligators at nine and six trying to make the playoffs interesting to comparing these two teams in the AFC Central Cleveland has beaten Pittsburgh twice Houston twice Cincinnati is split with Pittsburgh and Houston and looking to split right here now with Cleveland we said that the close of the second quarter this game has been a masterpiece of coaching and execution the Browns are offensively and defensively really can enter this game ready not that the Bengals didn't at the Browns getting up early took Cincinnati out of their game plan and to see the quarterback numbers in this game is iesson who had a superior game last week against New England with only 99 yards passing in the first half and they've not hit any big downfield for those two the wide receiver I know the biggest point the Cleveland Browns have given the receptions to James Brooks have not gotten the ball down the field against this Cleveland off Cleveland defense [Applause] Stanford Jennings and Tim McGee are back for the bang goes to the left they kick it off now for Cleveland is now back gets it holman at tight end coming down the veal and big Rodney take Samson people out to the 39 so the bangles will start with good field position the crowd gives a big salute to the offense but that won't last seen Boomer Esiason food here with his team nothing Boomer Esiason is like an electrical storm he is a real lightning rod I mean he's hot or he's cold he's brilliant or his average 10 a 17 for 99 yards he needs a better half Andy Brown wide receiver to the right Callens with his net cut a ball the top receiver at the top of your screen not receiver for the Bengals plenty of time and a catch by Eddie Brown to the 43-yard line at Cleveland [Applause] we pledged it through his own defense for an 18-yard game [Applause] field on the coverage that's Browns fourth reception Esiason throws this one very well right on the money just past the outstretched hand looked like Eddie Johnson Benefield his daring coverage who's the guy in front I take it back that's ray Ellis Danny Brown of course was the ace receiver for Bernie Kosar when they played on that national championship team at Miami of Florida Eddie Brown somehow catches a poorly thrown ball but it results in a loss on the play it looked like a lateral done it's a good thing Brown hung onto the football if not that's a free ball from behind the defense does a great job to catch the ball if not Sam Clancy are taking back Reggie campus bearing down on that that's going to be a lateral Cleveland get to the ball but a law second down and 12 two on the playa now let's see if his Aston gets the ball back Allensworth down to the 37 yard line a gain on the play of 8 yards it'll now bring up third down in about 4 Frank Minnifield 31 of Browns a man in coverage and what happens when you run motion is you try to get that defensive back caught in the wash we can pick up 31 he's not in the picture yet Collins words first catch of the day and Benefield there to make the tackle [Applause] [Music] two tight ends in the game now Rodney Holman in along with rookie Eric Pettis with Iran Stanley Wilson in break sit for a moment down at the 32 yard line if Cleveland [Applause] was able to sit down if a thickener they get to the pole was able to shut it down early in the game and the Bengals got away from the run that they're a four point nine per carry team on the average run best in the NFL on the average time ray Ellis strong safety hint for Dixon cornerback Nick makes the tackle bingo start out on a plus side they convert their first third down Stanley Wilson with sixty yards in ten carries Brooks James Brooks a 5th hear back from Auburn 510 182 pounds twice he's led the NFL in all-purpose yardage New England has now scored and taken the lead back from San Francisco at Foxborough the giant sent to Joe Morris touchdown runs with a field goal from Alegre now 17 nothing on Saint Louis the Giants might be headed for Pasadena Green Bay has got in front of Tampa Bay [Applause] second down and six for the Bengals they fail 17 three Moroccans almost has it at the 10 [Music] Dyess until on that overhand fastball right at Eric canis the rookie tight in and it was up for grabs in rockins was very close the bengals have attempted to go downfield excellent coverage by the browns defensive backs and when Esiason is thrown up there have certainly been a number of Cleveland Brown defenders in the area another third down and long situation down third down and seven great speed on the right place phallus Worthen Kryder experienced receivers on the left now they overload the left side go to the ride the nose tackle just got the center was also on the plate along with rockets several times the Bengals have tried to go with the delay handoff on third long situations that time rockins drop the motion coverage looked like on Collinsworth and he was there to make the tackle and Tim McGee comes in it looks like the Bengals are going for it on fourth down and eight but really about six where they have to get to but it's still a big gamble and they have to make it early as the game is in the second half 1140 to play in the third quarter Cleveland 17 the favored Bengals three might be sprinting out roll to the left Oh under throw Jerry Brown who poorly thrown ball that was in Brownsville that's slowly correct he threw it too easy and the thing kind of dropped a little bit and Eddie Brown couldn't make the catch he doesn't set his feet just nonchalantly throws it out there and he knows so the Bengals fire another empty facade an empty blank in the ballot and they received a better offer how much a hundred thousand nine hundred thousand you're kidding and they want a response by new this meeting is taking place in different cities around the country what makes it possible is AT&T Alliance teleconferencing service what's incredible is it sounds like it's taking place in the same room it's too risky let's be smart raise it by 20 but no higher I agree set up your own phone meeting with a touch-tone phone zero 700 four five six one thousand good night folks their shapes have been restyled their controls redesign but there's one thing about Mustang that will never change the sheer thrill of driving one the new Mustang convertible LX and GT what they have in common is anything but this is Mustang [Music] welcome to the silver bullet home of a cold Coors Light Rob do you work out yeah I belong to a club here's your's late and I'm thinking about joining a club but can't seem to find a good enough reason between is a flat stomach a good enough reason no building up my endurance nope big muscles see the club Rob yeah oh what's name with the seal today's game is brought to you by Ford and your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately by Stroh's in stro life now you're talking good times and Stroh's is spoken here and by olympus makers of 35 millimeter cameras including the new om 77 am ready to go there's been no tiger in the Bengals offensive tank today is right now co-star takes over downfield Ozzie Newsome is across midfield of the 47 yard line of Cincinnati thrown again 25 yard pick up the Ozzie Newsome the coverage was there but co-star puts it right on the money be able to see it unfold right in front of us Emmanuel King 90 is right there look at that absolutely on the money those are is hot Bernie Kosar has now put the ball in the air 26 times in this game has completed 12 for 223 yards in a touchdown [Music] the success Trump of the Cleveland Browns this year is all the more remarkable when you consider that Mac was a thousand yard rusher last year and his way down in production this year and biner was an 1,100 yard rusher he's missed almost the whole season the running game has been non-existent a lot of weeks and yet they win week after week that's why you can't give enough credit to Marty Schottenheimer and his staff they've changed from a physical football team to a finesse football team and our 10 and for doing it in the past week Viner had a pin removed from his ankle he was operated on earlier in the season he will be back for the playoffs and the Browns will be in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] other glitz little underthrown for Kevin Mack again backpedals let's those Blitzers come Adam come antonella's like he's throwing a screen then he lobs it over the defense Carl Sanders 91 very close there's a production of Mack and Byner in 85 the most important factor the 15 touchdowns in 86 just 9 Lomax score today I think it's ten for the two and they've only played seven quarters together that's how remarkable Kosar has been handle this offense from the first play the last 23 years old in just his second year in the league [Applause] [Music] might've been cheap [Applause] normally shirt hands looking back into the sunnat' appeared and lost the ball you know the sight lines in a stadium about this time that's very tough but Bobby Kemp was almost there to make the interception the Bengals have not had a turnover today the Browns got one very few penalties it has been execution by the Browns there's Tim McGee nobody breaks big plays against the Cleveland special teams let's see if McGee can do it [Music] Bengals have to make something happen Browns pride themselves in their excellent special teams another good punt but it's going to carry input touch back and so the Bengals again if they're going to get there have to go the long field they'll start first and ten at their 20 watch Brennan on his slant down he's looking right back in his son of Balto and he doesn't expect it still able to get his hand on it but an incomplete bass we come back to Fingal's we'll have the ball for the second time in the second half [Music] there's another kind of Ford Tempo specializing in sheer exuberance for tempo sport GL it's high output engine and Road handling suspension tell you it wants to be driven for tempo sport GL think of it as fun in a distinctively different form for tempo sport GL [Music] fire brewing it's more than a way to make Stroh's in stro light it's a family tradition passed down from one generation to another for over 200 years it's what guarantees that smooth consistent tastes for generations to come [Music] and beer now you're talking [Music] he lives in genius [Music] gotta be comfortable got a last gotta be frank ler you got [Music] a legend in jeans Wrangler Friday night videos takes the field in the starting lineup Ron darling Plus Bruce Springsteen Van Halen and Robin Williams Friday night videos managed by Bob Costas and Ahmad Rashad Bruce iesson his head bowed tells the sad story of the Cincinnati offense today has been no booming that offense it's been pop gun right now as I he'll try again starting from this 20 trailing in the game are the bengals 17 to 3-2 the underdog browns [Music] completeness iesson did very well to get rid of it I don't know what the play was but it wasn't like they drew it up Sam plants he was a man right at his feet we have a Bengal down on the field - it's the center Dave Remington its Clay Matthews white their rumor avoids the sack and tries to get the ball off Clancy finally with the contact we're going to try to roll out far side Don and play Matthews destroyed that with that outside linebacker blitz that's worked all day thanks Anne Matthews put a lot of pressure on a size bangles with only 125 yards passing Jasin 13 422 and no interceptions in the game [Music] a penalty marker down if the play goes it will be a first down but the markers back in the Bengal back feel might be a holding problem I think they got Dave Remington yes it's holding Cincinnati I think it's Remington unpopped goalie the nose backer at his request the nose backer for the Cleveland Browns plays a little bit off the line so he calls himself and holding number 63 offense [Music] Joe Walter the offensive tackle be on the right side there's the there's Deb that's on camp Showalter gets his hand up into the face of camp flag down and a first down negated the Browns win this game go home next week and beat San Diego's they'll be favored to do it's not going to be a good deal to have to go into Cleveland the play the Browns in a playoff game liason downfield too much annum for a wide-open Eddie Brown and misses another open receiver he doesn't game this season who is boomers come up empty it's the mechanics the thing that Sam White's his preach to boomer boomer didn't want to be taught two mechanics leave me alone let me play this is the alternate receiver that boomer goes to buries the ball well when he slaps that thing doesn't look bad throwing it but in completion coming up right now this flow it's third down and 20 [Applause] field intercepted coming up with the ball for the Cleveland Browns was Felix right [Applause] Cleveland takes over on the turnover inside the Cincinnati 35 yard line [Music] the Cleveland Brides have done an extraordinary job of taking away the wide receivers look at right first foot down second foot down he makes the interception there's two guys they're in coverage it was Dixon short I believe thirty-one short feelings right deep and Reich makes the interception bass and whooping and hollering down in the flats of Cleveland tonight [Applause] city with something to be excited about over this football team right now let's see what co-star the Browns go to to the ride in that clinic the spirit of Cincinnati defense now gives up the big gainer down to the 16 yard line Robert Jackson finally on the tackle jean yard pick up by Kevin Mack look at the offensive line look at the push they get 63 rise in an excellent job Jackson chases him down all day long Cleveland with their different formations in motion the Bengals in a spot where they've never comfortable against this offense raus continued something Everidge nine yards per first out of this game dominant statistic 17 to 3 Cleveland they're looking for more third quarter children all gets down to the 12 Gym Scout Emmanuel King were on the staff for Cincinnati [Music] Mack has been a real force for this football team since he's come back even with the bad shoulder the 68 yards rushing he has today keeps that Cleveland Brown offense honest the bengals can't think past because they'll give it to Kevin Mack they can't think run because they'll throw it deep he might be gone right to the end zone runnin to the left to the right [Applause] now they're going back to Kevin back right down to the six yard line very close to a first down Cleveland and right through the tackle of Carl sander from Ryan Horton make the tackle but Justine floating back there behind the offensive line of scrimmage and then when he feels that spot a little gap in the defense open he accelerates up through it [Music] Dave reading the strength coach for the Cleveland Brown brought some palm trees and fake palm trees in the locker in the past week guess what that was all about his - just to remind the boys about Pasadena Cleveland Browns have all that one they've got their own video every team in the playoffs or Super Bowl contender must have its own video only and the Deaf Aryan not barbarian it was named after Mike Bab said he plays Conan the Barbarian look at Indianapolis oh who needs Vinny Testaverde say the coast we're going for it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kirstin go Cleveland Raskin probably nailed on if they take it in here [Music] [Applause] one yard line second and go from there look at this offensive line and a browse the left side is Ferran Williams and bad he's good he's good five yards down the field before anybody makes contact with Kevin Mack they're steamrolling now Mack has 79 of flavors 82 yards rushing for the day for straight time probably this will be the fifth [Applause] that is sucking back [Music] now signal is in is the linesman run in now spot the ball inside of a foot from the goal line hey Ricky Bolden in there 77 look at that cast on his left arm big offensive tackle broke his arm and is coming come back this is the first game he's been activated there it is protection for his arm when he's healthy he's a he's reporting through the official entities he has an ineligible number and he's playing an eligible spot don't consider him a receiver with that [Applause] Mack [Applause] gets the signal it's a touchdown for Cleveland [Applause] there's a lot of Browns fans here we may have some skirmishes in the stands before long [Applause] Mack is 19th carry he has two touchdowns on a date on the day again a good surge by the offensive line fazool e 72 leaves up and on the second effort all yet doers break the plane of the goal line back in for the second time today six plays 34 yards Kevin Mack on every play and finally on the payoff end with his second touchdown of the day and the Cleveland Browns move us definite us down closer to the AFC Central Championship they go in front 24 2 3 back with the Browns kickoff after this up above Monaco here on the grand Corniche you can tell at Ford's new Thunder bus Turbo Coupe is newly engineered and intercooled turbo gives you extra power a computer-controlled suspension and who's Raiden handling antilock braking gives you Shura storms from the bathtub aku is the only care in the world to make always sophisticated engineering standard have you driven a Ford lately at brawn we believes simple is better than complicated order is better than confusion quiet is better than loud only through superior design can one achieve superior performance it is this philosophy that has helped make brawn the number one selling foil shaver in the world what's also helped is that no other shaver gives you a closer shave brawn now available in America so the issue is clear Sony video 8 a system of the future or VHS see the compromise of the past now as we've seen the new Sony Handycam with auto focus and zoom gives you a measurably better picture far superior sound twice the recording time and on Sony video cassettes your memories are safe while on VHS see they could be fleeting I rest my case the Sony video 8 system judge for yourself the best and brightest of the bowls are on NBC as Heisman Trophy winner Benny Testaverde leads the number1 Miami Hurricanes against Joe Paterno second ranked Nittany Lions of Penn State a battle of undefeated for the national championship at the Fiesta Bowl January 2nd college football's best and brightest are on NBC [Music] from being a Cincinnati and what's this who day business here 81 everyone was cheering who day who day and who they are the Cleveland Browns today welcome from the ground his hometown Magee high school all-american is John Hay High School in Cleveland then on to Tennessee the Dillon name dd Hoggart came down got him good all Kevin Mack on that scoring drive all Kevin Mack now the Bengals are forced to almost go with their quick huddle offense for the remainder of the game there's 508 to go in the third they got to try to compress his many plays as they possibly can in the next 20 minutes of offensive football [Music] for not very much and calling the run when you're way down is not well received by the bengal following he's now though James Brooks over a thousand yards rushing for the year Browns very comfortable on their sideline and well they should be as the Bengals go with the no huddle offense small solace downfield probe [Music] [Applause] all day long Frank Minnifield has done an outstanding job on Cris Collinsworth Missy Minnifield short underneath it's rockins like he tripped over his own foot Frank Minnifield was so excited about today's game he forgot to call his mother yesterday on her birthday it is and for Dixon I apologize and Hanford Dixon's mother and a birthday yesterday Marva down in Mississippi mommy sorry didn't call you but happy birthday Jim McNally the Bengals line coach offensive line coach was 43 yesterday not what he was looking for in a way a celebration here is a throw in the flat out to the 21 yard line and handle the ball and forth can arise they're punt team again that's another three down and out all the Bengals on you hope you're great players have great games in in big games and unfortunately boomers not really played up to par today playing a football game up there in Foxborough is now the 49ers have come from behind to take a 1917 leave Giants extend their lead to 20 to nothing they win their last two games today and next week against Green Bay the Giants will have the home field the rest of the way no matter what the Bears do there's a pass downfield run back felix is going to go in there's a penalty marker down also parents against Cleveland let's walk in coverage and pushed him down the Pentacles are going to get the [Applause] at play they look like something the Bad News Bears grew up to clouds on a plane eligible downfield number 55 offense interference freeway this is not pretty you can see they are they almost Benefield almost blocks of it you can see the interference rockins right there 37 on 36 intercepted by felix right but it's no place to now they got a punt for real watch Minnifield come from the right he almost blocks that punt if it were so the shining moment of Felix right is taken away from him help at a pun again this time he don't kick it yep hey is this numbers depict pretty much that's gone for the Bengals all day long in every aspect down twenty four to three [Applause] he's not having hey that was 18 yard back after this I knew Olympus tis the only autofocus SLR with the built-in flash like this in case I want to shoot like this the new Olympus om 77 am the only autofocus SLR that does it all the Florida Everglades and only the walkie boats means something quick to these guys the Everglades means air boarding as close as you can get to fly without B beam is round and over walkie means a great beer cold crisp old Milwaukee beer and smooth an Old Milwaukee light there's nothing like the flavor of a special place and lucky old Milwaukee and Milwaukee light hey guys it doesn't get any better than this [Music] this is the new Ford Mustang GT with its unmistakeably new body surrounding an equally dramatic 5 liter port fuel-injected engine it's easy to pick out the Mustang GT from a crowd [Music] not that it's likely to be in water this is the new Mustang g/t have you driven a Ford lately this high-performance drink cleans your fuel system to help maintain peak performance stp gastrique the high-performance dream for your car next Sunday the NFL plays here when the Jets banks before your team takes the field our team hits the air NFL 86 Big Dave Remington who anchors the offensive line of Cincinnati the 300 pounder from Nebraska yet all the ANA is the best lineman of the year when he came out number one draft choice to the Bengals but today a bengal offense has fired blanks unable to get the big play Waveland defense totally in concert and sync all over the field stopping the past shutting down the twenty four to three over the favored Bengals they're going deep here done first they go to Gary by Kevin neck down to the 33-yard line I thought they were going deep they'll have that chance now not being a glorious day for the pingos today and Riverfront Stadium there's Hanford Dixon happy birthday mom it's a day late he's sorry I didn't call you yesterday but this is a nice birthday present for mrs. Dixon for you tonight second and eight for the Cleveland Brown Kevin Mack works his way down to the 31-yard line look like he was going to pass that one his Collinsworth number 80 in the foreground James Brooks this is the opportunity that Cincinnati wanted and they've not responded Cleveland Browns have taken him flat out of the football game bangles in position if they'd won today to win again next week and have not only playoff spot but a divisional championship [Music] to nail the lid on today they'll in the AFC Central for a second straight year a year ago today you'll remember with an 88 record and played a great game in Miami long another cats on the run out of bounds at the 8 yard line [Applause] Fontenot comes out of the backfield and gets it 23 yards on the catch again those are laser accurate flushed from the pocket run watch where he puts this man absolutely on the money let him take it down there and hand it to him any better hard to tell if that second foot came down inbounds or not right at the line those two catches for 32 yards or they have owned the Bengals today any way you look at it instant replay is looking again to see if that second foot came down in bounds if his foot did not come down in bounds they only miscue the Browns have had all day they have played a perfect game offensively and defensively well the official right there is founded at pets in remarket at the 8th reviewing the play Arni bussy 27 in coverage first foot down second foot hard to tell that's inconclusive I think the play will stand give it to them have done anything else right you don't want to get too carried away and talk about a perfect football game but the Browns have been close don't know if they can play much better than this offensively and defensively their special teams have not allowed the big return they've not made the mistake after review by the instant replay official the plays fans [Applause] first enjoy her Cleveland Kevin Mack both arms and the ball Browns haven't had an interception they've not fumbled the ball away you remember that Mac had a fumble early in the game with the Cleveland Browns recovered and then Mac went in for the first touchdown Giants extending their lead to 20 to nothing now Dallas comes back to lead Philadelphia big story developing possibly at Indianapolis if the Colts win Tampa Bay with another loss next week which they're eminently capable of Bernie Kosar filling aren't from Vinny Testaverde successor to Bernie Kosar filling their stadium Kevin Mack injured or so slightly he may be just tired going off the field and hurt his dick he comes in as the running back Mac has been busy in his second half he's run on nine of the last 10 Browns offensive plays he's earned his keep today [Music] second and go Cleveland the Browns in the late twenty four to three [Music] [Applause] the sticky Ronald [Applause] and somewhat forward the old Raider rule comes back to the spot of the fumble but Cleveland does maintain possession Webster slaughter gets it that's basically the way the ball is bounced for the Browns today only guy can recover it is Devin now Kurtis Dickey because he pummeled it remember that famous Raider play with a knocked it down field against San Diego into the end zone and wait a minute they're calling this a touchdown wait a minute wait a minute they're calling this a touchdown what I think what it is is in the final two minutes that's when that rule is in existence black down [Applause] bengals asking for clarification we're confused I guarantee you so I'm glad they are too [Music] game clock stopped with a minute six seconds left to play in the third quarter as coach Marty Schottenheimer wait to see if he gets another touchdown and Sam White's hope when the deluge will stop outside [Music] Bogdanovic off if it's not within the last two minutes of a half or a game a teammate can't recover the fumble so Webster slaughter will will be credited with a touchdown on the fumble recovery that interpretation from Knicks courage of former head coach of the Cleveland Browns is now here with the National Football League running the replay [Music] Nick knows all the rules what guarantee of that [Music] that's the way the day is gone for Cleveland they've earned it every single time the ball is bounced its bounced their way Webster slaughter he's just there to make a block ball pops loose I'll take six points the Browns have had three fumbles today not lost the one congratulations to the Cleveland Browns with 106 to go in the third quarter they are in firm control although I think they pretty much took the Fingal's out of the game at the end of the first half they stopped that drive that's when the Bengals had their last real chance to get back in the game [Music] that's the slaughters having a heck of a day he's been on the board with two touchdowns today and the receiving end of a 46 yard s play now recovering a teammate's fumble here's the kickoff downfield it goes out of bounds inside the 5 with a minute to play in the half in the third quarter the Browns will kick it over this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League it is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Cincinnati Bengals and the National Football League is prohibited Barney Schottenheimer is going to get a ride off this field I don't think he's going to have to walk the Browns not this season seven of their ten wins have been by four points or less or they have made up for past close games and been accused of winning ugly today they went there they're winning beautifully you really are near perfect game for Cleveland be sure to stay tuned for the second half today's NBC double-header most of you will see the dolphins and the Rams in an inter conference battle be sure to check your local listings for the game in your area doubleheader days and start down the stretch run of the season the Cleveland Browns about to win the AFC Central Division championship for a second straight year they came in as an underdog they'd not beaten the Cincinnati Bengals in their last four trips to Queen City today they got on the board first first after the hit by Cleveland special teams as Stamford Jennings is stuffed at his 14 yard line the game was illustrated the way that would go in the first play from scrimmage when Bernie Kosar lofted a 66 yard pass play downfield to Langhorne and shortly thereafter Mac was in the end zone Annette was really the ball game bowl games coming up the 87 bowl game kicking off with the Rose Bowl at 4:30 Eastern Time then the Orange Bowl were powerful Oklahoma will be going against the Razorbacks of Arkansas than the national championship game on Tuesday January 2nd Miami of Florida and Penn State [Applause] Jeff Banks was there first 4:56 [Applause] they have been all over this Cincinnati Bengal offense we did that time thank sis not always play up to his great potential even when he comes close to it he's about as good as there is in just an unbelievable talent 64 to 35 he's been playing big games of late as the Cleveland Browns drive on down the stretch ready to win their fourth game in a row the Browns had not had four straight wins since their 80 playoff year game had ended in the Ice Bowl and heartbreak at Cleveland Stadium around ready to kick a field goal to beat the Raiders tried one more pass and Mike Davis made a diving interception of Brian site Raiders went on subsequently won the Super Bowl blasting Philadelphia Eagles feel intercepted all after 40 Stanford Dixon and he's not families down to the 20-yard line [Applause] anything else ball was intended for Collinsworth thrown way behind him and Dixon was right there on the catch [Applause] you can see it he's got time here to throw but he gets a little handsy [Applause] right in his chest and boomer is afraid to even look and twist of the beat says but number 24 on the offensive team after the interception 15-yard penalty then it will be first in Jenna to the change of quarter [Music] great quarters of the way home it is still 30 one-two-three game the Browns and we'll be back after these messages from Eddie Murphy's to correct Nick Nolte's the cop they shook up Beverly Hills now they're tearing up San Francisco to the average is 48 hours tonight sure hope it starts on typical Ohio winter mornings you'll be glad you filled up it's Ohio ice is kind of thick today because Ohio unleaded gasoline and diesel supreme with price guard are guaranteed to prevent you line things up well here goes so high Oh with ice card you go or we pay the tow water Frank stranger comes by the ranch and steals my wife I got a bit riled what's worse it takes her off on my horse finishes my smoke this my little cigar are called backwards was it dirt ugliest thing he ever saw that did it nobody calls my cigar ugly [Music] nobody your dog all natural backwoods anything de certainly ask a good this is a beer that's everything a fine imported Lear ought to be it's brewed with all natural ingredients the way fine imported beers are brewed bottled in tall green glass the way fine imported beers are bottled this is Rolling Rock Rolling Rock premium beer brewed by the Latrobe Brewing Company and imported in bottles and cans from Latrobe da lovely Cheryl well Monday on Entertainment Tonight the penalty ends up being on ray Ellis after the interception received ray Ellis it's Stanley Wilson in the back and then at the very end he grabs the facemask so it's a 15-yard penalty against Cleveland it still ends up being first in Tana after the Bengals third turnover the day Boomer Esiason second interception and a receiver was not even close [Music] now a possession runner for the Cleveland Browns as we start the fourth quarter and Mack takes it down to the Cincinnati 30 the Bengals were beaten in this one long ago down thirty one to three and can Cleveland continues to dominate the game 23 carries by Mack the most by running back so far this season you see holding that left arm very gingerly I don't think Marty Schottenheimer wants to mess him up for the playoffs we're gonna see a lot of Curtis Dickey for the remainder of the game Bonds hit the very big one again next week they don't want to go in as a wild card but that do they win the division today they get the week off they want to get the home feel by winning next week becomes very important when there's closed at the regular season in Cleveland stating against San Diego world a difference between 11 and 5 and 12 and 4 forty-niners extend their lead they have to win today to the 49ers and they're doing it over New England Cardinals finally got on the board Deanna's holding to a one-point lead over the Eagles in the fourth quarter Indianapolis now leading Buffalo Jim Kelly the Bills quarterback was knocked out of that game we don't know if he's back how does some story new coach they were already calling Indy Vindi Gosar takes a timeout didn't like what he saw defensively Eddie Jetson ready for the party tonight we'll be back right after this the time right now the placed your Mazda dealers the event goodbye 86 we're saying that five with goodbyes on all our 87 three two three six two six even RX sevens and right now special factory cash incentives can save you hundreds on 87b two thousand trucks by now while sales tax is still deductible but hurry the end is almost here visit your Mazda dealer for a good fine now don't let time run out nothing escapes the eye of maximum the world's first SLR with built-in autofocus Minolta maxim focuses by itself sharp fast only the human eye focuses faster with Minolta maxim you even get unexpected shocks that would have gotten away The Incredible Maxim system just a little north of Boston in the old town of Marblehead is a place where only local people used to eat but the scaloppini huis comfy was so good that word soon got out that night in Rosalia's was like a night in Milan but if you go there remember bring a big appetite and bring your Visa card cuz it Rosalie's they don't take no for an answer and they don't take American Express Visa it's everywhere you want to be today's game is brought to you by Mazda the more you look the more you like mazda valued by Budweiser beechwood aged for that clean crisp taste this Bud's for you and by Visa accepted worldwide for shopping dining and travel visa it's everywhere you want to be in Gales was not much to dance about today at Cincinnati with a Cleveland Brown with the lead and the football 31 to 3 lead for the Browns who came in as an underdog [Music] no weeping down to the 26 yard line this was a year for the Browns to break some jinxes this certainly a short one not having one here since 81 but they were old for Three Rivers Stadium before they beat the Steelers at Pittsburgh this year over 16 Art Modell traveled this morning - that's a lucky streak for him goes to traveling with the team he comes in the day of the game look at his field position for the Browns the last three dye drives they started at the Bengals 30 for the Bengals 35 and the Bengals 36 there's Art Modell [Applause] congratulations art congratulation start in the browns organization on their second straight AFC Central championship there are 13 minutes in making it official but the scoreboard made it official some time ago it's thirty one two three Cleveland there it is deke to the 21 jatin hammers called off the dogs he's just sending the ball straight at the Cincinnati defense and I still could get and again Cleveland that's not slowing down the Browns there's the other side Paul Brown only the head coach of the Cleveland Browns former the head coach of the Bengals clowns have 108 yards rushing today and they are seven and oh this season I will be when they gained 100 and more yard rushing as a team not just one back credit here goes to the defense though the Browns defense has been outstanding yesterday in our meeting Kevin burned the vice president of public relations for the Cleveland Browns mentioned in Marty Schottenheimer was a tuba player Canonsburg Pennsylvania high school at one time Bob compasses I hope we don't get that in tomorrow Georgia he just got a hit they done did you know that when Marty Schottenheimer was in high school in Canonsburg Pennsylvania he played the tuba he also played some linebacker went on to be an all-american at University of Pittsburgh please one second timeout' this half wrong formation bernie kosar knows what's supposed to go on out there what's the matter with these guys he's telling Harry hold it lined up wrong son we're not gonna run to play with you on the wrong side what's wrong with that co-star the time right now the event goodbye 86 the offer Mazda's se 5 + 5 it's the 69.95 se 5 + 650 dollars worth of extras at no extra charge from Mazda you get a bedliner mud guard sliding rear window floor mats even an am/fm stereo a $650 value at no extra charge see your Mazda dealer for an se5 plus 5 now but hurry the end is almost here don't let time run out come in to Allstate and compare our low homeowners rates you might just save some money [Music] a member of the Sears Financial Network you begin with Ross Steele [Music] shape it with fire muscle and sweat polishing to razor-sharp perfection [Music] [Applause] we're looking for a few good men with a medal to be Marines Saturday the NFL plates here when the Broncos the Seahawks before your team takes the field our team hits the air NFL 86 the route continues the Cleveland Browns the underdog putting away Cincinnati Trump I don't think the Bengals have had this much fun since their last root canal Don did I tell you that when Marty Schottenheimer was in high school he played the tuba [Applause] right now going to be blown it on the plane on the way home Ernest Dickie take people out inside the ten [Applause] we still have 11:20 to go maybe a lot of letter winners after this game everybody's going to play what a turnaround for the Bengals last week 584 yards in the last five games at average 450 yards of offense but the Cleveland offense with time on the field and the Cleveland defense kept the Bengals to 215 total yards to this point in the game [Applause] I'm just doing a couple of mathematical equations in my head here and I'm quite certain if that rounds win again next week they'll be on the home field for the playoffs and you want to go in there with 80,000 Clevelanders whooping and hollering minus 60 degrees windchill factor just like the Browns like it on the shore of Lake Erie at Lake nice and frozen over you can walk all the way to Buffalo and playoff day Don that's if they win next week that's home playoff for all games except the one in Pasadena is that right they'll be on the home field they win next week they'll be on the home field throughout all of the playoffs right now the bronze looking for more as they have the ball and up goes to Kurtis Dickie both arms out and he's down to the 5-yard line this is a fight they'd stop it on a TKO wouldn't agree with you more our producer today is Larry Cirillo who will be producing that AFC championship game in Cleveland if the Browns get there and they'll be probably favored to certainly do advance from the first round our directors day John Gonzales the executive producer of NBC Sports is Michael Weissman the coordinating grosser than NFL football is Ted Nathanson as the Cleveland Browns in their best showing of this season route to an 11th victory in a second straight AFC Central Division championship Kurtis Dickey just powering his way up the middle coach Schottenheimer well aware that his team will be playing the Bengals twice next year and for years to come I think they've already erupted in at 31 to 3 I mean they haven't done it intentionally but I'm not sure what all of the people in the stadium are doing staying here let's just assume they're all Cleveland Brown fans they get Mosley out keep him in game form 20-yard field goal attempt sit up like an extra point thirty four to three Cleveland will be back with yet another Browns kickoff in a moment the time right now the place your Mazda dealers the event goodbye 86 we're saying goodbye with goodbyes on all our 87 three two three six two sixes even rx-7 and right now special factory cash incentives can save you hundreds on 87b two thousand plus by now while sales tax is still deductible but hurry the end is almost here visit your Mazda dealer for a good fine now don't let time run out in the tradition of Christmas past sales brings you the Christmas present gifts with style fabulous quarter carat fashion rings just 349 or chosen ab carrot styles for just $5.99 or dazzling one carrot styles $9.99 sales Christmas presents by now day nothing until April of 87 at sales this is the time of year when we gather from father of the year and we welcome the seed and that all the love and the jokes you tell in the song to sing in the side of your smile and I finally get to see my mom make of you [Music] from the people at Coors Thank You New England Patriots Thank You Chicago Bears Thank You Louisville Cardinals Thank You Oklahoma Sooners Thank You Boston Red Sox Thank You New York Mets and thank you for watching NBC sports this year [Music] shortly those of you in Miami Kansas City in Seattle will be leaving us to watch the game involving your team we'll keep you informed on this game throughout the rest of the afternoon on NFL 86 this game now 8 minutes and 28 seconds in being history as another kickoff goes downfield Stanford Jennings will bring it back for the Bengals all too late for Cincinnati 34 to 3 Cleveland who'da thunk it Bob grumpy nobody here in Cincinnati would they know I think most people in Cleveland and in cincinnati felt this would be a pretty close game when Cleveland came out and that first play the 66 yarder to Langhorne pretty obvious that Cleveland was up to us even on the road and now go to six and two on the road best record NFL on a row chosen here's James Brooks an open field giving it everything he's got playing with all his might in this lost cause and he gets the ball out for a Cincinnati first down 13 yard gain on the play Carl Hairston on the tackle but the Browns are going to allow a lot of yards they're thinking of the champagne and the celebration and the flight back to Cleveland and after breakfast up the middle of a bill and James Brooks on a first down carry gets to the 40 this game started out with a couple of bangs first play from scrimmage co-star the Langhorne 66 yards down to the Cleveland down to the Cincinnati to three plays later Devon neck was in for the first score and it proved to be the winning scores it turns out now first possession for the Bengals they moved down the field kicked a field goal another Cleveland touchdown because ham prediction had opened track to the endzone if he intercepted bengals came into the ball game minkos came into the ball game averaging close to 150 yards rushing a game last week against the England they had 300 today a hundred and three [Music] when they assemble and start looking at the videotape as you can see the frustration of the Bengals offensively in their last four possessions it was the defense of the Cleveland Browns that just took away that the Bengals had done so very successfully the previous five weeks Allensworth can't get to the ball overthrown Felix right Davison sai-san down I think one of the biggest stories of this day is what's yeah there's chip banks who's been doing some hitting today here's what's happening in Indianapolis the Colts do if they lost their last two games would get the number one pick in the draft Ron Meyers day we're going to play as hard as we can and win both one last week at Atlanta they're beating Buffalo 17 to 14 in the fourth quarter and if Tampa Bay loses to st. Louis next week Tampa Bay would have the number one pick in the draft by virtue of an easier schedule if they finished with the same record as the Colts another less than spectacular but there's earnest Byner 26 yard punt by Japanese congratulations that's that he knows all about he's got his own Bernie blaster ready it is out Ernest is ready to start running again the Giants as they call them in New York might be the best team in the league right now defensively I believe you are correct nathless now by 10 over Buffalo [Music] out of the office pool pickers taking a beating that one along with the bills they were all everybody thought the Colts would lose their last to it Maya was right he said we're going to play like hard as we can and win them both that's good for this season what about for the next ten years I doesn't really placate your fans doesn't finishing Korean thirteen you may sell more tickets though by finishing two and fourteen and getting Testaverde than finishing three and thirteen and not getting [Music] Goethe's Dickie as the Browns run the ball waiting for the clock to run out it's down to 6:10 to play in running Cleveland Browns open with a 14 to 3 liter at the end of the first quarter they led 17 to 3 Cleveland at the half 14 more in the third quarter to extend the lead three more in the fourth as it's a 34 to 3 game and strength coach reading yeast that'll have those palm trees few more those back in that Cleveland locker room is here they're fake but this certainly watered them [Music] the sticky on third down doesn't get their knees to the 35-yard line notice that Ken Anderson is warming up on the sidelines they call him rookie in his 16th year in the league what a flair he's been over the years I'll tell you what if they score 28 points and seven minutes we'll change his name from rookie to Houdini well they say an after the mist is an 85 year old man who marries a 21 year old woman then buys a five bedroom house near an elementary school they said they introduced Dale Testaverde Vinny Testaverde father the Heisman dinner because when his son was born he put a football in the crib and said my son's going to win the Heisman Trophy that's not a bad prediction was it for Al [Applause] I wonder what Al thought about today's game here in Cincinnati [Applause] 16-year veteran laughter 71 [Music] [Applause] archie manning although puckett [Applause] active in the way [Applause] [Music] and Anderson a product of Augustana College in Illinois yesterday they won another championship in NCAA Division three football a fourth year in a row that August an as1 that's nice that's pretty Kody rising congratulating that the player they called the kid in Cleveland Bernie Kosar just turned 23 offensive line dominated today that's what he said he's absolutely correct to get the home-field through the playoffs the brownies now have to beat San Diego next Sunday at Cleveland Stadium if they do they'd finish at 12 and four and they'd have home-field advantage through the AFC playoffs and I'm sure that Browns hope that the weatherman cooperates they want no 60-degree balmy December Sunday's next week one is miserable and as bad a weather as you can think of in Cleveland made at the 50-yard line Oh Marty Schottenheimer and his Cleveland coaches and the team with accolades pouring in after this great performance today of thirty four to three lead assistant coaches of the Cleveland Browns are Dave eight off built power Charlie Davis Lindy and fatty Richard man Howard mud Tom Oliver daddy Joe kendry Tom Pratt Dave reading and Arvind Wallace let's build power with the hand on the special teams coach he's unbelievable and as a kickoff going he's running up and down the sidelines [Applause] Anderson just like the years ago 300 to Trumpy Steve brighter on the reception mechanically one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game he was rebuilt when he came out of August an about Bill walls and he taught him the fundamentals and Kenny's never forgotten it it has never had a shoulder problem an elbow problem his delivery is one of the best that the game has ever seen five times the Pro Bowl player for the van gogh's he is three times the NFL passing championship in his previous years Kenny Anderson and the lowest interception rate in NFL history say another thing about it one of the best bad where the quarterbacks I think I've ever seen so I'm a lot but no bad weather ever affected Ken Anderson down to the two-minute warning here at Riverfront Stadium laughing and stretching on the brown side line they get Betty for a short and hefty flight back to Cleveland so with two minutes to play there's a timeout on the fear with the score the Browns 34 in the Bengals three [Music] I'm not sure what the situation is here the two-minute warning is not given until there's two minutes on the clock there's 201 to go they see no indication that the Bengals took the time out I'm not sure which we have the two-minute warning or a bangle timeout [Music] here's our dominant Cleveland's been today think about this the bengals three points scored today came on their first possession they fired blanks since then [Music] holiday greetings from Budweiser [Applause] the people who bring you Budweiser wish you and yours the very best of everything this holiday season the leader in long distance service now costs less AT&T is lowered week day and evening prices 13.8% the largest single reduction in our history but not the first since 1984 our prices overall have dropped more than 20% of course you can always look to AT&T for the highest quality service and now see where our prices have gone AT&T right choice which 35 millimeter camera took these photographs here are a few hints its autofocus system is incredibly accurate it's ingenious lens produces images of exacting sharpness its range of accessories make it extremely versatile and it's film is based on a brilliant leaning chemistry which 35 millimeter is it none it's the amazing new spectra system from Polaroid Polaroid you take your picture seriously back to live action Tim McGee of the bengals trying an end-around not very successful shut down as the game clock is down to 150 and running it's a double-header day on NBC Sports most of you will see the Rams and the Dolphins of Anaheim Kansas City hooking up with the Raiders at the Coliseum in Los Angeles Seattle goes to San Diego wavin last one here at Riverfront September 20th 1981 rounds lost five of the last six overall to the bingo now let me ask you a question who would you pick up as the MVP so far today an MVP of this game Webster slaughter Bernie Kosar Kevin Mack is over a hundred yards he's been back close to a hundred yards he's been back for four weeks I'll take post I was outstanding sit with the other two I think this this game is such a masterpiece of preparation and execution by the overall coaching staff on the channel you can pick an MVP I think that you know not to be hackneyed but this is really a team effort the Browns every aspect of football offense defense and special teams you might give it to Marty shot to let's do Mack was 23 of 93 shot timer definitely prepared this team to win the championship on the road and so it is time for the most valuable player award sponsored by Budweiser today's MVP is Marty Schottenheimer the coach of the Cleveland Browns and his staff and his players from Budweiser a contribution to the United Way on behalf of all the MVPs selected in today's games well deserved well executed [Applause] and the Browns have broken a four-game losing streak here in Riverfront Stadium and have won seven of their last foot eight football games that's going to do it it is official now but it was in the books long ago from who was going to win standpoint thirty four to three the Cleveland Browns win the AFC Central Division title for a second straight year and the Cincinnati Bengals who came into this game and favored to win it now in deep trouble from a playoff standpoint they'll close against the New York Jets next Sunday he shot ham Ernest Browns go back to Cleveland take on San Diego another victory there would give Cleveland the home advantage in the AFC playoffs certainly a dist disappointing offensive performance by the bengals Bernie Kosar talking to his former teammate any proud but the Cleveland defense in the preparation of this football team made it a Cleveland Brown day from beginning to end thanks for the help in the booth to NBC statistician Ross gentlemen the bill shworv org as we right now are down to the limit for Cincinnati they've got to win next week and then hope we'll be coming back to Cincinnati right after this as the final number Cleveland 34 Cincinnati 3 [Applause] [Music] expected from everyone everything Spisak any perspectives 110 percent why it's the most powerful protection you can get nothing that's why person odor better glides on dry lasts all day that's 110 percent protection speed stick anti-perspirant the wide stick that's your edge bye why are you in not bad hating you're cold wondering how many sneezes you sneeze looking for something to do what didn't even rest trying to be brave wishing you had a nickel for every cough spending the night with your pole waiting for relief that never comes why when there's nyquil the nighttime sniffling sneezing coughing aching stuffy head fever so you can rest medicine from Vicks of course back at Cincinnati the Cleveland Browns have just a feet of the Cincinnati Bengals 34 to 3 and this was one of the most important Cleveland wins in a long time that only did they saw up a second straight AFC Central Division title but they went on the road when they were an underdog and now they put themselves in position with another win next week to have the all-important home advantage in the upcoming playoffs and they were one good-looking team today from Don they didn't just win they dominated the Cincinnati Bengals they paid no attention to the stats the Bengals accumulated last week against the wigglin came out here played their game took the Bengals out of it I repeat the Bengals scored on their first drive three points that was it for the day what about Cincinnati now after a 600 yard offensive game are almost 600 a week ago against New England they come out as you said fired blanks all day and they've got to win against the Jets next week nobody might win that game well one week they're great the next week they're average at best stout you know you're out right with NBC Sports coming your way January 1st with the Rose Bowl then it's down to Miami for the primetime extravaganza the Orange Bowl then the national championship game in the Fiesta Bowl
Channel: Mr. J
Views: 25,152
Rating: 4.8923078 out of 5
Keywords: Bernie Kosar, Boomer Esiason, Clay Matthews, Ozzie Newsome, Marty Schottenheimer
Id: FMytal9oG-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 59sec (13499 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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