1998 NFL Draft

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it's election day in the national football league it's d-day for the deal makers as they look to reign in football's best playmakers for 18 years we've zeroed in on the very first pick pulitzy in our 19th year we know it's a quarterback here's the rush he throws through the inside touchdown that is the most unbelievable touchdown play in a college football game manning back to throw looking pass down and out is touchdown pick on it he scored kate manning give him six the nfl is full of stars but there's always room for more in the galaxy it's blast off time for the class of 1998. new york city the big apple madison square garden their site of so many major big time sporting events and inside at the theater they're ready and some of the best players will hear from them very early peyton manning will he go first to the colts or will it be ryan leaf that goes first to the colts in short second of the chargers charles woodson the heisman trophy winner we'll hear from him very early and the running back that everybody covers penn state's curtis enis it's the 63rd annual selection meeting of the national football league i look forward every year to just saying that hi everybody i'm chris berman welcome inside here to the theater along with my usual compatriots mel keiper and joe theismann we have tom jackson up on the demo uh set we're everywhere chris fowler at our college gang up in connecticut we are all over the country and to steal from chuck berry sweet little 16 we're really rocking in boston at miami fla we're up the coast in jacksonville and cincinnati all right i'll stop now which is too good to pass up the first pick in indianapolis a later pick in green bay we're live in the heart of texas and out in the desert in arizona and with the most intriguing player early on in west virginia with marshall's wide receiver randy moss will video teleconference into the jets and giants and baltimore and carolina and tampa bay and new orleans in kansas city and st louis in the windy city in minnesota the champion broncos in san francisco frankly we're going to run up a hell of a phone bill radio wall-to-wall espn radio noon to 6 espn.com and that's not it [Music] and welcome back to new york we are eagerly anticipating the start of what may go down in history when we look back 10 years from now as the high watermark draft of the entire decade of the 90s the indianapolis colts have been which quarterback do they go with peyton manning ryan lee our mark malone is out in indianapolis let's get the last word before it's official mark well the last word is that bill poling and jim moore of this organization boomer they're not making it public in terms of who they've decided on they spent uh many hours last night very late trying to separate these two quarterbacks bill polian had told me that earlier in the day they had them about a tenth of a point apart they were very very close they spent most of the night separating those two and i had probably one of the most interesting philosophical discussions about quarterbacks with pullian that i've had in a long time for about an hour last night we discussed the pros and cons of these two guys first of all polion says that he's not enamored necessarily with big strong guys although both of these quarterbacks are six foot five peyton manning it seems to me is the guy that has the most experience and that ultimately is going to be i think the difference in this draft he played the extra year certainly as he came back six five two thirty he's got more game time experience he prepares well again the nickname the cave man that he's been tagged with by his teammates because he watches so much film and when you look at all the intangibles that bill polian really researches and looks at in a quarterback especially with the track record this franchise has had over the last decade or two in terms of quarterbacks they need to make the right choice he's not saying boomer but i can tell you this in my gut if i was playing poker with him i think it's going to be peyton manning i think if we had to go out on a limb that would be our guess but you know what they earned this four months of keeping everybody in suspense let them keep it for another 15 minutes let's go quickly to mel kiper and obviously peyton manning and ryan leaf who guys we're going to talk about at length and hopefully at length for the next 12 14 years let's look at overall value how would you rank the board specifically on the best players available i think when you look at it chris andre wadsworth could be the next bruce smith arizona trades down still gets the best player on my board charles woodson dynamic pure cornerback then the two quarterbacks the cerebral quarterback in matting the gunslinger and leaf keith brooking a versatile kid can play middle linebacker can play outside line background of course courtesy is very very well-rounded running back outstanding pass receiver out of the backfield then there's a drop off after those top four the grades slip a little bit then you pick it up again with the kyo spikes an outstanding middle linebacker a couple players to watch kyle turley because of his versatility can play guard or tackle and grant wisdom has definitely moved up into that top ten because of this very consistent motor the most intriguing story of the day will be the wide receiver for marshall randy moss who i did not see right there what happens with him well the off the field concerns certainly are there not on the field of course at marshall dominated the mid-american conference those 44 touchdowns really stick out he was a man among boys when you talked about how he dominated cornerbacks in the mac but those off-the-field concerns and roy is a wide receiver he still has to develop his skills getting off press coverage route running but for pro bowl talent he may be a man among boys as you say well we're about ready to tee it off and on the first tee commissioner paul tagliabue good afternoon good afternoon thank you for being here welcome to the national football league's 1998 player draft we'll start with the indianapolis colts having the first selection the colts are now on the board so while the colts quote think it over joe peyton manning ryan leaf both have potential to be stars for a long long time do you have a preference actually i don't necessarily have a preference because both bring a lot to the table these are both very good athletes they're both very big young football players when you take a look at the opportunities that they've had to play you have to take a look at the experience that peyton manning has he's played a lot longer as a matter of fact ryan leaf played two years in high school two years in college peyton manning played all four years in college so he's played more just in college leadership because manning has played more he has that ability but ryan leaf jumped up a lot in his senior year maturity again because manning has played so much football he gets the edge there physical skills ryan leaf brings just a ton of natural talent and the conversation that you have with the personnel people and the coaches regarding these young men is the upside in ryan leaf is terrific what you get from peyton manning right now is a wonderful polished athlete both of them bring a lot of assets to this table i think both will fit very well with the teams that they wind up with well each owner brought jerseys of both and by the way whoever team that they don't go to let's say let's just say the colts pick peyton manning i wonder how much that ryan leaf colts jersey would be worth it at a charity auction in 1983 john elway was drafted first by the baltimore colts do you remember baltimore selects as the first choice in the draft quarterback john elway of stanford as i stand here right now playing baseball i said i don't want to be a a jerk or anything about it that uh we've been telling you for three months that i'm not going to play in baltimore and i know for a fact you've been offered three ones and a quarterback and you turned that down and at this and right now you have nothing of course john owen never took a snap for the baltimore then indianapolis colts quarterback for the denver broncos and of course will be receiving his super bowl ring before opening day the broncos john elway of quarterbacks who have started six games or more since 1983 he's the only one what have the colts done since then jeff george jim harbaugh pierre trudeau mike onion pagel chris chandler gary hoga boom paul justin a smattering of who they've had 20 years ago they drafted burke jones in the first round and he worked out but elway never became a cult art schliester was a first round pick they have a chance to undo a lot of negative history in the quarterback i don't mean that jim harbaugh or jeff george weren't good players but maybe not to the degree of peyton manning who brings special talent starting with his release almost releasing the ball too quick doesn't he melt i'll tell you when you look at peyton manning his size he's over 6'5 you look at that 230 pound frame really an extension of your offensive coordinator statistics prove them at what i'm talking about in terms of his accuracy i mean he is on target with virtually every pass a very underrated arm strength but really what sets peyton manning apart is this ability to see here check off read defenses and show poise under pressure and the touch on the football he's a really a pitcher he's not a thrower he's really rounded off his game as a passer and i'll tell you the arm strength watch him here you know stick it between a defender get it in the end zone and when you see accuracy i think that's what i'm talking about here on the money he knows how to get it between defenders and watch this this is the improvisational skills of a guy who can think on his feet keep his poise make something out of nothing and that's what peyton manning does on a very consistent basis and as i said before what i like about peyton is he can elude the initial defender and he has that ability to loft the ball joe and that's an instinctive quality that only the great quarterbacks really possess you know how big this draft is it's not very often that we see the owners of the first two teams right jimmy irsay is going to bring the card up for the colts here in a few seconds alex and dean spanos are here the ownership of the chargers to bring their card up with the second pick and as we speak jim on cue very exciting moment for him and the entire colts franchise and the question now becomes will the rca dome aka the big horseshoe will that become peyton's place [Music] with the first pick of the draft the indianapolis colts select quarterback university of tennessee peyton manning [Music] what a proud moment for peyton his family who saw his brothers mom and dad and of course archie manning who excelled with a very important team for years and years of the new orleans saints the jersey's ready and here he is the new quarterback of the indianapolis colts peyton manning and i guess we must do this golf fans know this cheer in indianapolis you can now yell peyton you're the manning i think it's a great choice chris i mean he i believe that he's going to fit in so perfectly and really when i had a chance to talk to the organization over the last two weeks they've sort of pointed themselves towards getting ready for the peyton manning arrival his athletic ability his quickness and mel you brought up something else remember during the college season everybody talked about the little pitter-patter steps that he used to take when you watched him in workouts they were gone he's very conscious of what needs to be done to correct his skills to make himself play at the next level he's coachable he's teachable he's very smart in his approach to the game of football you're really getting the perfect student as well as a fine fine young man i know joe but just a note of caution i think we tend to expect too much from young quarterbacks in the national football league they're force-fed they're scrutinized really as rookies i think it's unfair i think he needs to be brought along slowly sure will be the starting quarterback on opening day more than likely but still you have to go through those growing pains it's not the sec any longer i think too often joe quarterbacks that first second year are talked about as busts or booms i think it's far premature i don't think it is in the case of peyton manning see i get to disagree with you in the first 15 minutes of the show which is a rarity but i really think that in the case of peyton manning you're going to see his statistics at the end of the year probably look like a three or a four year player i think he'll be able to adjust that quickly i really feel like this young man can adjust that quickly to the game of football the indianapolis colts are going to need him they're a football team that's not very far away offensively they're in pretty good shape tom moore takes over as the coordinator rusty tillman takes over as the defensive coordinator for indianapolis rusty will run an aggressive style of defense they get jeff rod back in the middle they're soaring up that side of the line offensively good tight ends good running backs i think there's a lot of people around him to be able to allow him to be successful and he should start right away and i think in the bill polian jim mora era the indianapolis colts the key player for peyton manning will not necessarily be who he has up front it's going to be marshall fall if a big time running game can go with a nice young maturing quarterback this will be a treat marshall becomes key to how peyton manning does who is now with our mike tarico michael okay chris thank you peyton one of your endearing qualities is that you are such a team guy and you gave your team the credit all the time in tennessee will you at least take this moment to feel proud of your accomplishment well it's an honor mike there's no question about it i'm really excited about what's ahead and just uh proud that the colts put their faith in me i'm looking forward to the challenge of getting the program going and it's a really exciting time right now everyone was playing great poker from the cold side were you at all concerned that you weren't going to be their selection i had a pretty good idea mike but uh i can keep a secret too there's no question about that but like i said really excited i'm going to indianapolis today and looking forward to visiting mr polling and coach moore and i'm just i'm excited to go to work i'm ready to get started right now quickly how keep it how long have you been keeping that secret i can't tell you that either right we'll talk to you later peyton manning the colts number one pick he will wear his dad's old number number 18. he couldn't have it at tennessee chris all right mike and congratulations peyton he can keep it secret so can the general manager of the colts bill polly who's with our mark malone let's go out to indianapolis right now mark well chris we said that or i said at least this morning i wouldn't want to play poker with bill pulley and he has kept a secret so well coming up to this draft you and i spoke at length last night you still didn't really indicate to me where you'd go tell me in your heart of hearts did it take you until late last night to really come down to this decision bill no not really uh i i think sometime around midday uh yesterday uh jim moore and i sat down and and we said you know what's in our hearts we've uh we've uh done all the research we've done all the uh measurements that you can do and in the end uh it comes down to making a a very tough pick these are two very very fine football players and we just felt that payton because of his experience and his maturity level in the game of football not personal maturity but in a game of football fit best for us in this particular situation i'm confident that ryan leaf is going to go on and have an outstanding career and uh i wouldn't bet against him playing in the afc championship game in the not too distant future speaking of his maturity and his experience level does that mean that this kid comes in and starts right away he's at the top of your depth well we're going to start him out there and and we'll see where it goes we'd like we're going to throw him in whether it's game one or game four i i think he's immaterial but he's going to learn on the job that's for sure well bill polian has certainly put his brand on this particular franchise with the number one overall pick peyton manning of the tennessee volunteers now let's take it back to boomer in new york mark thank you so peyton becomes now the ninth quarterback to be drafted number one overall since 1970. drew bledsoe the patriots 93 jeff george indy 1990 fella named troy aikman who won three super bowls for dallas in 89 vinnie testa verdi the bucks in 87 john elway 83 baltimore but of course never took a snap there steve barkowski a very good quarterback 75 atlanta 71 jim plunkett by boston one two super bowls with oakland and a fellow named terry bradshaw in 1970 with pittsburgh who won four super bowl so it's pretty good pedigree payton fits right in why is san diego on the clock they moved up from the three overall spot to the two spot which was owned by arizona and they paid quite a price they shifted first round picks it cost them a second this year eric metcalf linebacker patrick sapp and bobby beathard surrendered the first round pick in 1999 but they felt they just had to make the move [Music] the one position we just couldn't afford to wait any longer was a quarterback position i think it was unique to us you know that uh right now in the position we're at we needed to address the quarterback position if we had the opportunity to do so and it was there as expensive as it was it was there for us to to have that chance so we took advantage of it the amazing thing in this draft is that we were in third position and i don't know when again you're going to find the two teams in front of you where one team doesn't need a quarterback if we're ever going to be there and you know get to the position where we want to be in the league uh you can't do it without one of those guys and if we're right in our evaluation that either one of these guys can take you there then um i think it was a deal we had to make one thing that bobby beathard has never done in his history and of course building the super bowl champions in washington and a super bowl team in san diego before that years around the league miami he has never drafted a quarterback in round one or in round two he's done pretty well in round three to eight and back when they had drafts up to round 17 he drafted 10 there's one of our favorites in the league sid brooks long time equipment man gentleman extraordinaire for the chargers and he he doesn't know what to do right now who do we pick possibly could we pick gee maybe it's the guy on the camera right now i ryan gee i guess it would be maybe we'll go out on a big tree here ryan leaf i think is obviously a natural fit i felt like each of these guys would be a natural fit for their football teams the thing about ryan leaf is he brings a swagger to the game there's an upside to ryan lee that nobody's quite sure of because he hasn't played as much football as ryan lee he's got tremendous feet for a big man he can back out look left turn and throw right as well as any smaller quarterback i've watched film and looking at a lot of it i can tell you he gets rid of the ball quickly he moves very well for a big man throws extremely well on the run the only question you have is how long is it going to take for him to be able to be comfortable at this level if you're going to compare him to one football player that's come out in recent years he definitely would have to be compared to a drew bledsoe because he's that type of an athlete well he he moves a lot better than people would think someone at six five and a half 245 and it led the team to the rose bowl and a bomber in the air coryell dan fouts mold he's in a good stadium in he with a little bit of history let's go to the commissioner with the second choice in the draft of the san diego charges select quarterback washington state university brian leaf [Music] the hugs from the leaf brigade or i guess we should call it a forest why not because there's lightning bolts here at dawning the theater in new york ryan lee from behind stage to front and center and like it's a great pedigree with throwing the football at san diego he stays on the west coast and he only had 32 members of his family here last night i said it's a foreign it's great it should be you're right and you know what's best about these kids as we say they're kids but these young men who we've gotten to know a little bit and i don't know either of them well but they're just fun to be around in addition to fun to watch play football they are and in sitting with them last night having a chance to visit with them both of them have made this simple statement they're ready to get it started now they're ready to get it going they want to get on to the next level of their life and now the moment has come is the ceiling higher in your mind for ryan leaf mel than it is for peyton manning as alex spanos the owner of the chargers he brought two jerseys too he could file that manning jersey and sell that at a charity auction there he is ryan leaf 16. is the ceiling higher on him perhaps i really believe chris when you look back at this trade san diego moving up from three to two five years from now it may not look like bobby beathard gave up enough this kid has tremendous potential great physical ability throws the ball all over the field i think when you look at san diego they were fortunate to have this big they tried to trade away the 98 first round pick in the second round last year so bobby father was fortunate to have that choice to get a ryan lee touchdown 33 of course he was the guy that led that team into the rose bowl roy carried that football team on his shoulders throughout the season you see the ability to throw across the body and still throw strikes down the field that's why his accuracy is questioned sometimes because look what he tries to do always that gunslinger doing whatever he can to get the ball in the hands of the receiver remember this kid's 245 250 pounds so defensive ends coming off the blind side or attacking the pocket are not going to be able to intimidate ryan leaf or take him down very easily because he can shrug off defenders a la roman gabriel the former ram and what you really like this year was the poise you see he's not flustered mike price i thought worked with him last summer quarterback coach head coach with the cougars and mike price deserves a lot of credit for transforming ryan lee into this great quarterback that he was the savior and now he goes joe with with assistance like june jones and joe bugle who has the better situation for many are they both very good and very nurturing for them i think you have to compare their situations not just to the coaching aspect but the people around for example from a coaching standpoint i think it's fairly even i think both of them will benefit bruce arians in indianapolis june jones and san diego excellent quarterback coaches they're both in systems that allow them to develop as quarterbacks offensive line i think leif has a little bit of an advantage right now san diego went out and got aaron taylor and john jackson to really handle a terrible problem they had skill positions i think the advantage goes to uh to manning a little bit and the last part would be the defense i think also manning gets a little bit of an edge in indianapolis ryan leaf is going to have to go in and grow up with this football team peyton manning is going to come into a football team that has a lot of pieces in place so if you're manning coming in i think the expectations will be higher because the football team has a little bit more around it i'm almost sure that peyton will start in week one i think ryan leaf may not start for about a month he may wait behind wheelhand but if you're looking at the schedule week five october 4th san diego at indianapolis will it by then be leaf against manning something to point out very early in the season 93 we had the identical situation when bill parcells played the same sort of bluff was it bledsoe was it meyer the patriots of drew bledsoe rick meyer never panned out in seattle and now he's in chicago in 71 it was one two three jim plunkett with boston payton's dad archie with the saints and dan pastorini with houston arizona is now on the clock will they trade down we know it's andre wadsworth but yet so does everyone else the calls are coming in to the desert they'll spend the full 15. there's the world [Music] it's an accurate 24-valve v6 like the acura nsx it's the power of sequential multiport fuel injection like the nsx it's four-wheel independent double wishbone suspension like the nsx it's comfortable seating for five like two and a half in sx's it's the tl from acura the true definition of luxury [Music] what's the matter clown boy you need to make a call but you don't have the change just use one eight hundred collect go ahead make some calls you'll save a bundle that's great mine's one eight hundred collect ten cents a minute every evening troy aikman is back to pass he's looking looking look out oh aikman goes down he had a man wide open what was he thinking brute it's all part of the game all right guys same play it has the power to excite you it has the power to move it has the power to take you places you never knew existed it is of course your visa card with the power to get you a seat to michael tilts and thomas in the san francisco symphony at davey's symphony hall so bring your visa card because you can't get in using american express visa it's everywhere you want to be one word dominating dominating speed quick bruce smith intensity relentless devastating performer wow beyond exciting exciting athletic playmaker skill plastic athlete scary we've had the quarterback time we may not have another quarterback drafted today in the first three rounds may not but now it's the time for andre wadsworth and charles woodson two tremendous players who may make this draft along with two quarterbacks one that we shall never forget for those of us who love and follow pro football mike golick is out in the desert let's check in with him right now mike thanks boomer while andre wadsworth is their man if a deal isn't put in front of them as we're speaking uh vice president of player personnel bob ferguson has been on the phone in the war room talking to some of the teams or getting involved in some conversation but if no deal is done audrey rodriguez will be the man let's send it back to you chris i think guys thanks michael i i think that when you heard bill paulie and who i don't know a little bit about bruce smith say well how would you describe andre wadsworth bruce smith we have not had mel and joe a lineman pass rusher ranked this high since bruce smith and ray childress came out in 1985. that speaks volumes the pick is up to the commissioner so arizona obviously has held all calls with the third pick in the draft the arizona cardinals select defensive end from florida state university andre wadsworth fittingly in arizona the defensive line coach for vince tobin is one of the greatest of all time [Music] joe green of the steel curtain and now he has eric swan simeon rice and andre wadsworth along with aeneas williams at a corner folks i know this cardinal team was four and 12. but you put those three guys on the front line with one of the best corner cover guys in football this is a dictating defense well it really is look at all the close games the cardinals lost last year that may not happen in 98 then also a great young quarterback and jake plummer rods worth 275 pounds a lot bruce smith look at the sack total and the pressures this is a guy played defensive tackle and nose tackle until this year look at the way he uses his arms and hands strong hands really gets off the blocks tremendously well and then has that great speed look how he closes on the corner back there that's what separates them look at the athleticism as well coming up here this is what you're talking about athletic ability speed dominating qualities let's just play against ohio state that's what separates andre wadsworth from all the other great defensive ends that have come along he's a special player and even more special than his playing ability chris as a person great character he's going to be a major asset in the arizona cardinal football team majorly on the field but as well as off the field and in the locker room something to remember about the arizona cardinals here i'm not putting him in a super bowl but this is a team with a fifth place schedule the dictating defense the giants wrote a fifth place scheduled to the division championship last year in the nfc east arizona moving up the board boy they have made some big changes since bob ferguson went out there and helped them organize their drafts charles woodson he should be next we'll be back what should you expect from a dealership when you're shopping for a new car truck at bill lutter ford you can expect a dealership that takes care of the little things a dealership that makes buying easy at bill otter ford you can expect an utterly affordable deal like 1.9 financing at 98 mustangs explorers escort rangers forces and zx2s it's been 42 years that bill otter ford has been serving north texas and you don't stay in business that long if you're not taking care of people bill utter ford utterly affordable and utter satisfaction i'm not hiding anything if someone buys a dbs system from you isn't it true that they still have to purchase programming isn't it also true dbs customers are responsible for their own service and installation i have no control over that but with cable tv you've already got all the top rated channels there's no equipment to buy and service and installation are guaranteed i don't think that's relevant isn't it a fact sir that dbs can actually cost much more than cable tv i don't recall if you're thinking about dbs you might want to think twice cable tv the best value in home entertainment i haven't done anything wrong your neighbors are nice huh chucky's finally got a kid his age to play with he seems to have fun playing over there kind of like it too if your kids played a friend's house please find out if the parents have a handgun [Music] that's nice being alone for a change [Music] [Applause] the raiders are on the clock and dressed as only raider fans can in new york they're ready to see if another heisman trophy winner goes to the raiders charles woodson we will see as the raiders are now on the clock with about 11 minutes to go now the raiders well we were going to go to miami for a moment but let's go quickly up to new england and south palitonia sal what's brewing boomer i just heard from team owner bob kraft who said that all week long the raiders have been trying to get the patriots to move up to that fourth spot to take charles woods and the patriots love charles woodson they would love to have him at cornerback they think they'd be set for 10 or 12 years in their division it would really give the rest of their teams a bunch of headaches in their past defense which wasn't so good last year but the patriots say that the price is way too steep what i hear is they're asking for is both number one picks the 18 and the 22 as well as a second or maybe two seconds to go up to the fourth spot mort well sal it looks like the raiders are going to have a quite a parlay or at least they're attempting quite a parlay obviously they will take charles woodson with the number four pick if there's no trade but they are also trying to get into the top ten at the number seven spot with the new orleans saints trying to get randy moss the marshall wide receiver uh the hold up here is that the saints with this deal along with a couple of second round picks the saints are demanding next year's first round pick from the raiders and right now the raiders aren't giving chris all right guys thank you always interesting when the raiders around the clock with it we understand the pick is coming right in they got to go with woodson i mean now all of a sudden corner which was such a strange position for them for years and years and years back from the days of willie brown at all all of a sudden the guys that they've had they've been fine players but are very long in the tube let's go up to the podium and commissioner paul tagley with the fourth pick in the draft the oakland raiders have selected defensive back university of michigan charles woodson [Applause] you know chris it's the only pick that i think the raiders could have made even though the trade for eric allen has gone through eric allen has now decided that he will report to the raiders at the quarterback position you still have albert lewis larry brown and terry mcdaniel larry brown probably will be gone in a short period of time albert lewis and terry mccain's have been there i think since the turn of the century so i mean that's a position that was certainly a need position even though john gruden an offensive guru comes in as head coach you still stop people from score and that's the best way to win i think it's a great addition all right 30th overall on defense 30 and past defense i mean i think we know what's happened and again they have collected yet another heisman trophy winner desmond howard now plays for him bo jackson did marcus allen of course excelled for him let him do a super bowl win over oh i forgot joey jim plunkett oh i forgot joe jim brown a heisman trophy winner and of course way back when billy cannon the heisman trophy winner who played for the raiders in the glory days in the 60s by the way what's interesting in the stands jet fans and raider fans are nearby and they're taunting each other we haven't seen this since the 60s since ben davidson and ike lasseter were rushing joe namath it's great up here but rainer fans jet fans yelling at him at any rate charles woodson offense and defense he's always there for plays in the biggest game no question chris i think theon sanders may have better recovery speed but charles woodson is that kind of impact player great players make great plays this is early in the year and really a game that everybody thought was kind of even he set the tone for michigan season with this interception against colorado sent michigan onto an undefeated season colorado to a disappointing 5-6 record here against michigan state human highlight film type int here's another touchdown reception against penn state shows his versatility there watch against david boston here physical style he won't back down he'll get up there in the face of the ride receiver in press coverage never back off and here's the difference maker when you talk about great plays ohio state key game hunt return 78 yards for a touchdown this is what i'm talking about chris consistently even with the pressure on we were talking heisman trophy here against ohio state interception against b miller in the end zone every spotlight game rose bowl against ryan lee in the end zone preventing a touchdown goes up and makes the interception against kevin mckenzie you just can't minimize that type of ability to put the spotlight on charles woodson really chris from late september on he was topped up as a heisman candidate he came through big time in the clutch well he's a primarily a defensive player who was always around the ball we got one of those ourselves 14 year old linebacker with the dan pepperoncos tom jackson who's uh who's with us here in new york and tommy we're going to talk a little bit about andre wadsworth a player who all defensive players drool over when you think about watching them welcome to new york and how come you don't have to wear a tie what do you got connections well andre wadsworth was certainly i think the best player in this draft via certainly needed uh as being an aspect the next best player ending strap i think was charles woodson what you get in wadsworth is you get a ball player who is polished coming out of college possibly and potentially better than peter bullware great technique artist fast off the corner has great leverage with his body charles woodson is a playmaker in the mold of a raider he is going to be a get up in your face guy play six inches off the line of scrimmage and he certainly might affect the picks of other guys down the line as we look through the afc west because when you consider the fact that sean springs dale carter and now charles woodson are all in the afc west you're going to have to have receivers to counter that so certainly i think we've looked at as in the last two picks wadsworth and woodson the best two players in this draft i'll be loving to watch them in the next 10 12 years well they're all excited in arizona tommy let's head out to the desert and rejoin mike golick mike thanks boomer well the cardinals got their man and andre wadsworth and vince first all trade aside is under water with the man you would have taken regardless or was there another player possibly there really was and we decided uh quite some time ago that andre wadsworth was our man and we were just waiting to see if there's a blockbuster thing that we couldn't afford to pass up but the closer it got to the thing no matter what they had offered we were going to take andre because you draft the complete package and we feel like andre is a complete package now i know the phone was ringing yesterday and this morning i saw bob ferguson on one time anything that really came about that made you hesitate at all well we've had some offers and and some very legitimate offers but as i said uh it kind of you know called our hand type of thing because we decided that uh wadsworth the guy we wanted and no matter really what was offered we were going to stick with him because we feel like that that he's the guy that can help us get where we want to get now the starting left end for the arizona cardinals well you know i never give anybody anything you know you have to earn it on the football field but i would be awfully surprised if he's not starting somewhere and by the time we start ready to play the cardinals get their man andre wadsworth many felt the top player in the entire draft including the two quarterbacks chris back to you all right mike and vince obama i'm telling you folks watch out for arizona this year they're on the move and now the draft has been going at mach 12 right down the highway we are at the point where it starts to make a left-hand turn chicago is on the clock this is the curtis enis spot but he is coveted by saint louis by jacksonville by maybe new england by lots of teams do the bears make a trade or do they keep the pick courtesiness dick vermeel and mike ditka coming up as their teams make their selections and the saga of randy moss really gets started we'll be back [Music] who's looking after your money you do have goals to reach are mutual funds getting you there how do they see things at janus they look for opportunities one at a time not categories not trends just great companies to invest in no matter what the market's doing you can find them if you look hard enough and janus does get there janus no load mutual funds renting a car is part of your vacation right don't worry so alamo thinks it should be part of your fun drive happy that's why every time you rent from alamo you get our guarantee of unlimited smileage and with alamo's great drive happy deals you got lots of money left for the fun stuff don't worry drive happy now oh man [Music] hey dale hey thanks sure no problem hey it may not be much i think the right end is lifting just a little bit the turns i'll have it checked out thank you okay sorry kelly sure will be [Music] good this espn news presentation of the 1998 nfl draft is brought to you by janus no load mutual funds by alamo renting a car should be fun so alamo puts you smiles ahead with drive happy deals and services and by miller lite who reminds you that whenever you feel good it's miller time and now it's time for the one of the most legendary franchises to pick i have to do it the chicago birds there's about seven minutes left for them on the clock and their phones are buzzing let's head down the news on the bears let's go to miami with chris mortons and mort what's brewing well boomer you're right their phones are ringing off the hook they are talking with jacksonville st louis and new england and here's the deal they want two ones they want both of jacksonville's ones which jacksonville hasn't been willing to give up they wanted both the new england ones if they don't get the deal they want mark hatley the personnel man now making the picks for the for the bears will take curtis enos the penn state running back he really likes curtis if he trades down then they're looking at a linebacker like tequila spikes of auburn or keith brooking of georgia tech chris all right mortimer well the bears will probably use up all the time because that's one of the few positions remember they just paid money for edgar allen paul bennett from the packers they have a salon you know they they have some players there and a team that badly needs some help running backs we expect maybe four to go in the first round is there a big difference on your board between the top back i really don't think so chris lent the depth at running back is outstanding teams know late first early second round you can get some good football players fred taylor has moved up into the middle of the first robert edwards is interesting there's a durability question but he's got great ability robert holcomb very consistent moved the chain style of running back skip hicks improved a great deal as a senior this year really moved into the early to mid second round area so there is a lot of quality depth at the running back position well into chris the second third fourth round the bears you know they're in a division joe where everybody else made the playoffs so as the bears sit there in four and 12 and need help and really counseling i hate to say it in a lot of positions can they afford to just pick the running back here if they don't make a trade no i think a running back picked at this spot would be wrong for the chicago bears they made the deal for edgar bennett he could have played in the super bowl for the green bay packers last year he was healthy enough to be able to do that you get a relatively young back who's had a lot of great playoff experience and now you're going to go bring in a younger one i think they have much more needs obviously the defensive line is a situation they need to address with the problems with alonzo spellman they have nobody to complement the wide receiver position you've settled down at the position with eric kramer eric kramer will be fine at quarterback if you give him some people around him i think they need people to put points on the board you made the point chris everybody in that division gets to the playoffs you get there by scoring points chicago has not done it they need skilled people in that position that's where i'd have to say they go defensive line and or in the wide receiver area you know they haven't had a pro bowler since 93 so they need they need big-time playmakers somewhere it's about four and a half minutes left on the clock with the bears let's check in with our chris myers in dallas chris what have you heard well moments ago chris i spoke with john shaw of the rams that at that point uh the rams are calling the bluff of the bears of course the rams want curtis enis someone dick vermeel has talked with personally and it's a need for the rams but they're not willing to trade with chicago and if chicago goes ahead and picks curtis enos then the rams will go with grant wistrom the defensive lineman also one of the areas of need for the st louis ranch so at this point the rams aren't willing to move they're going to wait and see what chicago does they have enos and wisdom rated about the same with enos being the priority simply because that's more of a need position chris back to you see thank you chris one of the things i mean st louis just wants to come up one spot but the price that san diego paid for arizona makes the bears think well they can get a similar sort of windfall of picks or maybe players but in this case it's running back not quarterback that may not be the case we'll be back with the bear all know how a dog reacts when he sees something he really likes unexpectedly i've noticed the same behavior on this young man can you turn this into something good they sprayed us good huh yeah good but we'll be okay huh i mean we've been sprayed before huh hank i can't feel my roots hank i can't feel my roots hank hank roundup no mercy no pity no weeds we asked some of hollywood's hottest stuntmen to try to greet what's body heat activate as your body heat rises degree releases extra protection when you need it most i heat it up and it cooled me down i was on fire and i was dry body heat activated degree your body heat turns it on the touch of revolution is sweeping the land but we must keep eating wipe this house off of your chins salute gorditas and our glorious leaders [Music] [Applause] viva corditas [Applause] coming this summer it's a lot more of the nfl and espn starting july 28th the nfl tonight with host mark malone we'll have news from around the league every night tuesday through saturday on espn2 then starting september 6th nfl kodo now starting at 11 a.m a full two hours of news inside stories and live reports from around the league then review the day on nfl prague starting at 7 30 this year with in-depth highlights of all the day's games and then right after prime time it's sunday night football from labor day to after christmas 17 weeks of the best teams the best players the best robberies in the nfl a full nfl season all on espn [Music] now we're ready for for some football certainly all fall along in the next two days when you're saying the card has gone up there's about a minute left on the clock for the bears let's go to the commissioner [Music] with the fifth pick in the draft chicago bears select running back penn state university curtis enos [Music] i i tell you what i would not and this is on no inside information for this particular i would not necessarily rule out a a trade in which enos doesn't end the weekend of bear although lately those things haven't happened i agree with you chris it's not that the bears can't use a player like he's a great certainly a terrific football player a terrific young man and the bears want to add that type of a quality player to their roster but i think that there are other areas of needs on the chicago bear football team that can could have been addressed in this draft and i think will be i tend to agree with you chris i really feel like curtis enos may not wind up past sunday being a chicago bear at least they have him in fold now i think it's it's not necessarily the move you want to see they didn't get the deal they want but this gives them time now to be able to work on a future deal that maybe may even get them more players more picks and of course more opportunity to help their football fans although worse things could happen now than just lining up curtis edison letting him be a big bruising back in a cold weather ballpark well you're right chris when you look at kajana carter and blair thomas everybody says are you afraid of penn state back well lydell mitchell franco harris kurt warner had great careers coming out of happy valley i look at that size 240 pounds you also see some outside speed not a lot of creativity or elusive qualities but we're talking about a 240 plus pounder who has a speed to take it to distance look at the inside power great tackles between the tackles you're talking about a guy that certainly can keep the chains moving very effectively he is a tackle breaker there's no question about that and he plays four quarters in the fourth quarter he'll wear down defenses watch him here number 39 coming down the field making the catch a lot of receptions during his career at penn state so he's multi-dimensional he's 240 pounds what i like about him is he's going to create yards not through creativity or elusiveness but through sheer power and determination he will not say he'll take one tackle two three it's going to take a gang tackling situation to bring this kid down like i said before when you get into the latter stages of the fourth quarter it's a close game you can ride a courtesy for a drive to get into field goal range what have you this is the kind of kid that's become very valuable taking pressure off of eric framer well six yards of carry last year 19 touchdowns and you know one thing you should remember about courtesinas he was originally drafted recruited by joe paterno as a linebacker so there may be some question about penn state running backs no question about penn state linebackers but there is a question about their running backs in the 90s yeah i mean let's face it they have not hit many out they have not hit many out of the park look at the running backs that they've had under dave ronstadt in chicago anderson worley haywood tillman i mean ronnie harmon hicks salam harris carter lewis and the list goes on and on and on you'd want you'd think that the one area that the bears probably would have stayed away from might have been the running back but again the pick is okay as long as he doesn't stay there well joe what i think the points you have to make here as well is teams tipping their hands too early everybody knew saint louis had really wanted curtis enos you tip your hand early everybody you got the bull's eye you're the target for everybody to move ahead of and you let everybody know a month ahead of time what you really want and i think that's a mistake a lot of teams make and st louis certainly went into this draft one in courtesy but let me just one other point we all sit here and say there are others maybe this was a terrific move by hadley maybe this was a move to say okay now i'm holding the aces now what are you going to do that's what i said that's you're exactly right now come to me with it see i i think there's no clock on this track that's right you see there there's a difference so saint louis the rams the dick vermeel in the year two of their regime is uh is now on the clock grant westrom here chris meyer said that's what is out there but there are teams now that are running back hunting one of which is new england let's go up to south palo antonio just like bell said boomer not only saint louis but new england was definitely interested in curtis edis of course ludi cur losing curtis martin the free agency to the jets they have a hole they have a need to fill there but when they were on the phone with the bears while the bears were on the clock the bears were asking for both first round picks this year 18 and 22 from new england as well as a first round pick for next year and team owner bob kraft said that's just too much to mortgage for one guy so it's back to the drawing board for the patriots as they go hunting for another running back now let's go to chris mortensen in miami well sal some people surprised by courtesy just going to the bears right now but mark hadley the personnel boss and dave wants at the bears coach have talked out the scenario and and the next step then is to remove the transition tag from raymont harris who's coming off the leg injury that's frees up another two and a half million dollars that they may use to target free agents after june first so there is a plan in effect uh to take that tag off raymond harris chris all right mortimer thank you so st louis stays put though with number six in chicago of course taking enos and they go with well they know the big 12 players out in missouri pretty darn well and with a guy with a motor that can brush the passer inside grant wistrom that's expected to be the pick grab the rams select defensive end nebraska grant wistrom well this certainly adds up and mel he is a he's a heck of a player ray childress kind of his style a little bit very consistent chris i think you see 273 there he could have been 255 and been an outside line back in the right scheme but certainly for the rams he will be a defensive end with kevin carter on the other side he talked about the consistent motor really this kid comes hard every play when he gets in the backfield he's trying to get a sack but strip the football and i think when you look at the intensity takes you down he takes it down hard he's also strong this is against the university of washington against brock ford so looking at a guy very disruptive thresh career of course jason peter on the inside wisdom on the outside he also has a lot of power in his rush for somebody who's only between say 255 and 270 during the later stages of his college career with the corn husband [Music] so grant wistrom someone i think he thinks he can just plug right in and probably move him on the depth chart to start let's go up to our defensive wizard tom jackson and tommy talk about a player with a motor running we found one right here in worcester yeah i think the thing that you have to know about grant winston is grant winston is 275 pounds six foot three from nebraska the two-time big 12 player of the year he has great balance and let's take a look at the things that he does well when you talk about grant winston he's a guy whose motor is on high all the time he is a complete package he has great balance you see him right there attacking the football and that's the thing about grant winston he creates a lot of fumbles watch his balance here as he comes off the corner right there you're going to see a guy try to get into his legs he cannot he stays up and upright and watching anticipation of the cut block here watch his hands we'll run it back for you again watch his hands and the thing that you want to demonstrate here about grant winston is that grant winston has great balance i think the only question may be his weight at 275 pounds standing again up against some of the great offensive tackles in this game so we take a look here jack is going to be down the offensive tackle as i come around the corner and he tries to cut me it's all about getting the hands on somebody getting them down and getting up and over but grant winston is an outstanding pick and again i think there's a premium in this league and in this draft on defensive ends who can get around the corner and rush to pass tommy still has some of those moves that's good to know he was he was working pretty quickly every three years the rams la or st louis go defensive line first pick bill hawkins 89 sean gilbert 92 kevin carter 95 grant wistrom 98. carter wistrom now with tandem up there joe well i think you got carter and wisdom of tandem you also have far agnew and robinson on the front line the thing that i like about uh the addition here is you lose a leslie o'neill an outside hard move and pass rusher all of a sudden you've replaced him with a much younger one the sack reduction is really the problem that's why they went for the outside rusher 6.5 out of carter 3-0 out of far two out of agnew nothing out of robinson and in the top reserve is jay williams who rounded with two sacks so you just don't have a lot of sacks coming out of that defensive line this is an opportunity to add speed add youth add power to a defensive line that is fairly young when you take a look at them so i think it's a good move and a natural fit for the st louis rams well there was no way they were going to dabble with randy moss after the lawrence phillips debacle but here are some teams who could either here or elsewhere new orleans with mike ditka dallas with jerry jones in company the randy moss saga jerry and the boys mike ditkin the saints are on the clock when we return [Music] welcome back to the theater in new york i just want to get on record right here as saying that when we look back 10 years from now the best draft in the 90s at the top will probably be this one this is the most prolific top we think we're projecting since 89 when four of the five picks were pretty much as good as you can get troy aikman barry sanders derek thomas dion sanders not everyone makes it to the pro bowl as tony manager which was great at so high and did not but four of those five are great we have the two quarterbacks we have wadsworth we got woodson we got enos just file that one away now here's a curveball chris mortensen in miami morton what do you have well the saints are on the board and i've talked to mike ditka and kyle turley the san diego state offensive lineman he told me that turley reminds him of jimbo covert his great bears left tackle that tells you that's the guy they're going to pick unless they trade jacksonville clearly talking trade swapping which means turley would be available still at 9 i think and also obviously new england the target there uh well why don't we go down to go up to andrea kramer and jacksonville to find out that's right morgan you got to get your geography right the jaguars are talking to the saints the player that they do want is running back fred taylor they missed out on curtis enos they were speaking to the bears they the bears wanted two first-round picks and a starting player tom coughlin did not want to part with that they would like to get fred taylor at the seventh position if he is gone or if uh if they aren't able to get him if they do stay at the ninth position look for them to take linebacker to kill spikes or defensive tackle bonnie holliday chris back to you new york all right andrea thank you very much and mort will that's been on the board that new orleans if they kept it would probably go thoroughly but now we really begin to watch where randy moss may or may not go courses on the field production in marshall in two years tremendous look at the touchdowns 44 tds most of them in the last two years 25 touchdowns in last season however to boil it down high school days at west virginia two counts of misdemeanor battery that pretty much nixed him he was on his way to notre dame then bobby bowden took a shot of him at florida state but while he tested positive for marijuana while serving some time that nixed his potential career at florida state while at marshall charges that were later dropped but continue to have some trouble do you take a risk and just go with him because he's a great football player or is there a red flag here's the views around the league [Music] randy moss is on our draft board right now rated as a first round pick when we actually stack our board then he won't be on the board i don't think you can judge people on other people i think that if if if the new orleans saints and bill carrick or might take judges randy moss or anybody else and randy's on lawrence phillips you're doing a disservice to randy moss you have to judge every player an individual an individual situation you can't clump them together i just think if you're going to invest the first round pick in a player there better not be any question marks in regard to his past performances off the field you have to err on the side of caution because it can be very destructive to your salary cap it can be very destructive to getting the right type of guys in and being able to pay them so sometimes you may miss on a guy who is going to come in and do very very well but you have to play the percentages well i don't like bad character i write past history of whatever it was do i think that can be changed then i put down yes or no do i think it can be changed yes do i think he's changed already i think he's in the progress of trying to change whether he's changed or not i don't know i find one of the most telling sound bites in there was tony dungy remember how warren sapp fell a few years ago and fell into tampa's hands they got themselves the best defensive player in that draft there's how things can change and you play the percentages let's go to andrea kramer who might be playing the percentages andrea well chris i had a chance to read some teams scouting reports and psychological assessments of moss and due to character problems which are obviously well documented there's great concern by this one team scouting report as to how moss would potentially handle a high-priced multi-million dollar contract now they also the scouting report also detailed how the lack of discipline was affecting his work habits one scout question his ability to lead or if he would accept criticism and one scout went so far as to say that to their the best of their knowledge moss had not even been really yelled at by anybody at marshall so how would he respond to that type of of discipline once he got into the pros the psychological test that i saw the summarization was until he develops more self-discipline he will be his own worst enemy and that was from this was from a psychological test that is administered to many players uh throughout the draft now as for his on the field performance scouting reports say he can basically do whatever he wants on the field however the flip side of that is one team's report which says they wonder how he'll be able to get separation from his defenders and how he'll handle bump and run coverage in the nfl so certainly a wide variety of opinion chris on randy moss no question andrea there is a wide variety of opinion and someone who has dialed in right now is our linda cohen in west virginia spent yesterday with many of the officials at the thundering herd of marshall for whom randy moss starred and led them to the car quest bowl last year and and of course the playoffs the year before in division 1 double a and is now in charleston west virginia right now and is that the location where randy moss is and what's the feeling there linda are they they excited they're nervous do you have a feel on the situation well chris can you be relaxed and anxious at the very same time that's what randy moss is doing right now and yes i am at the home of his advisors and a lot going on and they are looking forward to what could happen randy is just anxious to prove his point out on the field um you know when i spoke to randy in length yesterday as well as a little bit this morning i spoke to him about and i asked him what would happen when uh if the saints do select and what would happen if mike ditka would yell at him for the very first time and randy turned to me and he said simply you know what you know how you prevent the yelling doing your job and and performing and doing well and that way he wouldn't have to worry about dealing with a mike ditka and and the yelling and potential adversity on the field he's not even thinking about that during my visit to marshall university yesterday i spoke to the coaches i spoke to the teammates and this randy moss that's being talked about by some nfl teams is simply not the randy moss that they know well he hasn't been a bad guy around us you know he's been here two years he's done everything we've asked him to do he's adhered to our very strict rules we have for our football team he's made every practice he's not at a crossroad with a coach it's amazing to see how much people base on perception and they make their points of view and their opinions before they even meet a person before they even get to know the person and when you do that you can totally get somebody wrong and and be mistaken and i think a lot of people are mistaken about randy all i can say is i just think his actions just speak for themselves the team it's a lot like a couple of years ago the michael jordan didn't get picked first but now everybody regrets it and i think that's gonna be the same thing that happens with randy we know randy can outrun anybody but can he outrun his past no he can't and and his past is is in the past and i think his future is spotless randy has matured a lot i think they're piling on i mean they're just rehashing old things when randy faces adversity in the nfl for the very first time how do you think he's going to react i think university it might slow him down a lot but it'll never stop him just because he he never lets it stop him he might get down a little bit and he came through all the adversity through negative things and immediately still pumping he's still going as hard as he can i think he's totally made a 100 percent change he's totally turned things around and he's done great things for us here at marshall and whoever picks him in the nfl draft we'll be very lucky to have him on the stage whoever gets him i guarantee you we'll be doing somersaults one more note another psychological evaluation that was given to and made available to the bears dolphins and saints by new orleans psychiatrists said in summary this young man under the right system should adjust quickly and respond positively in a most consistent manner so it's not all negative at least from the psychological standpoint for randy moss chris hi linda thank you we'll check in with you often of course we were watching the eclipse there and you know in that motor city bowl i called it car quest but i got the auto is mixed up you know six for 173 6'5 to run like that no on field no question well i think yeah you still need to work at wide receiver great physical and athletic ability chris but i think teams have to have a philosophy about off-the-field concerns either you look at that strongly or as bill coharak of the same said you analyze each player individually i really think looking back a couple years had lawrence phillips gained 1500 yards randy moss would have been top five pick well the uh clock has run down on the new orleans saints let's get their selection with the seventh pick in the draft the new orleans saints select tackle san diego state university kyle turley well i i mean i hate to say it we're going birdie par birdie park i mean we're it's kind of gone right down the list so far here's a young man coached by one of the best ed white no question i think ed white did a tremendous job with uh kyle turley you see the strength there dominator at times very good run blocker remember he came out of san diego state saw a program ted toner with that wide open pro style attack so he's a lineman who can also run block as well as pass block so he's going to come into the leg ready to play when you look at kyle charlie very active gets down the field sustains always looking for somebody to take out of the play and advance that runner down the field and i think when you look at kyle's early there you go chris that's kyle turtle yeah wow [Music] well then he you go to san diego state did he hurt that surfboard i thought you'd like that one chris hanging 10. no i know he's going to press iron joe he's going to hang a lot of tens i'd say he's going to join a lot of offensive linemen where he gets a chance to hang a lot of tens cristioli remember was the first pick last year he fits right in william rolfe one of the finest tackles in football andy mccullum jerry fontenot the center comes over from chicago clarence jones at the right tackle you project exactly where you want to put this young man in and he's going to find a place in a very young offensive line i don't care how good a skilled people you have if you've got a quarterback a running back a wide receiver unless you have an offensive line that can block and that's what it looks like mike ditka is trying to do he's really trying to build this football team around a good offensive line then at his skill players he's going about it the right way i like this decision it's the perfect fit for new orleans at this particular spot at this time in mike dicker's coaching career you know they had a pretty good defense but they need to move the football a little bit and now well maybe now we hit it into the woods dallas is at the eight hole jacksonville at the nine hole does new england move up to make a trade to get eight in the running back of their choice what are the cowboys wheel and deal or they just take that pick how about that cowboys how about them jaguars we'll be back as the draft saga unfolds [Music] okay i'll be back on tuesday the numbers are in the fridge i color-coded all your meals so you won't be confused the blue one is a beef dish b is for beef the pink one's a pork dish peas for pork you get the idea the green one is for vegetables it should be violet for vegetables but i thought you might see violet but think purple interpret pork which would defeat the whole purpose of convenient color coding together four minutes on high stir halfway bye guys so what do you guys want for dinner blue or pink did somebody say mcdonald's i hope mom color coded breakfast too gave you life she gave you her laugh [Music] she gave you confidence she gave and gave and gave well isn't it time you gave your mom a call mci five cent sundays five cents a minute every minute of every sunday along with low rates all week long call 1-800 sundays to become an mci customer it has arrived the day when you stop listening to the tales of other lives lived and begin the odyssey that will be your story when you find the destiny to which you were born all you need to bring with you is your honor your courage and your commitment it's your journey make it a good one call 1-800 usa navy let the journey begin as we continue from new york tonight at 7 30 eastern time nhl last weekend before the stanley cup playoffs the st louis blues hey they're very dangerous out west against another playoff bound team the phoenix coyotes 7 30 tonight as that game is out in the desert all right so we've had seven picks dallas and jacksonville are up next at eight and nine let's go up to our gang at our studios at the home base in bristol with chris fowler and company and pretty much right down the middle of the fairway so far as far as the players that have gone guys chris thank you i wouldn't know about that down the fairway stuff but you're right 73 minutes into this draft still waiting for our first surprise probably most of the mock drafts you read in newspapers this week had these seven players going in this exact order only the third time in history quarterbacks go 1-2 in this draft no surprise the colts kind of played some games late but peyton manning selected with the number one overall choice of his experience given is one of the main factors manning 41 starts in college as expected where the colts jersey and a strong indication that he would start at that top of the depth chart when camp opens ryan leaf going number two something he is ecstatic about he's already looked at real estate in the san diego area it's an area that he has visited every summer since junior high school beyond that the picks unfolding as expected but now the x factor round one becomes randy moss mike ditka and the saints passing on him at number seven mike gottfried randy moss will continue to be one of the stories until he is selected let's first talk about the on the field attributes of moss well chris there's no doubt he's a great athlete a game breaker type player that's done a lot of things for this marshall football program he has excellent speed of course we know that he has excellent size he has a change of direction for a big receiver in two years he had 168 pass receptions 53 touchdowns for marshall university shows his athletic ability here catching this pass from pennington he shows speed he shows cutting ability he shows a hurdle here at the end strength of a stiff arm he gets in the end zone he really is an outstanding talent now he has a high upside i mean high he has a downside as big as the grand canyon and the downside refers to some of the off the field stuff but getting back to randy moss as a wide receiver at times it looked very easy and it was very easy for moss in the mid-american conference a lot of defensive backs didn't come up didn't challenge him they're afraid they're going to get beat deep what about moss as a receiver and things that that might be a red flag excluding the off the fields well you look at all the good things chris but when i had him in the motor city bowl he runs undisciplined routes and the thing that bothered me the most about randy moss was that as i'd watch him play he'd take a couple plays off he'd play hard three plays and then take a couple plays off he looks like he lacks concentration and that could be a problem for a coach down the way but he is a talent but the downside is there i really think that the concern for nfl teams is not the off the field stuff it really is the question in their mind will randy listen will he listen to his position coach we listen to his head coach because at times you wonder whether randy moss knows whether or not to take good advice he's had plenty of time since the end of the season to kind of rehabilitate this image and try to convince nfl teams that he is coachable that he will live by the code in the nfl and at times randy has not listened to his agents or his coaches or his mother or his minister or anybody else i think that's a major concern chris will randy listen to us well that's a concern for the team on the board right now maybe the dallas cowboys who uh who i tell you what this would be one of the great stories of this draft if randy moss ended up with the dallas cowboys just oh man there's a lot of story lines off of that one aren't there well news of the cowboys interested in randy moss let's go back to west virginia and join linda cohen uh cowboys one of the serious suitors uh no question about that chris there's serious interest uh one of the cowboy scouts have been staying here in charleston at a local hotel calling here the home of where moss is staying of the advisors keeping tabs on what is going on with randy moss also of the trips randy made the cowboys it was he was the most impressed by that he enjoyed meeting deon sanders sanders spending a lot of time with him of course and also he enjoyed his chat with jerry jones he spent about an hour with jerry and jerry and and randy were getting along and randy was saying it compared it to a couple of friends just catching up on old times but uh chris myers what is the latest in dallas well i just got off the phone with the cowboys war room and they're they're going to go a cold feet like a number of teams are with the randy moss and i doubt seriously how much they really consider drafting randy moss at this the eighth pick the cowboys have gone out of their way to repair an image calvin hill brought in over a year ago as the behavioral consultant and that's calvin in the war room earlier today talking with the the brain trust of the dallas cowboys jerry jones using psychological and staff testing psychiatric testing for the first time with his draft picks one concern the cowboys had in this study was any player who mixed substance abuse with violent behavior was something they wanted to stay away from and that's an issue that that the cowboys have had to deal with so at this point the cowboys are removing randy moss from the equation at this selection dallas is entertaining trade discussion the interest as you look live in the war room is a defensive line greg ellis out of north carolina is the player that the cowboys would select if they stay at this position that's an area of need and something that they have a concern with at this point randy moss is not in the picture for the cowboys now let's go to andrea kramer well chris one team for whom randy moss might be in the picture who are they are considering ross moss although they don't necessarily think he'll be there in number 21 are the minnesota vikings dennis green told me this is america everyone deserves a second chance but perhaps even more interestingly they have someone on their team they think would be a very good influence on moss his brother eric the mammoth offensive tackle that the vikings picked up at the end of the year they feel that he would be a good influence on him you also have to remember the vikings have chris carter who would be a mentor of sorts uh dennis green said we are considering him it is not our immediate need but they have not taken him off the draft port as other teams have and one thing chris the scattering reports that i read interestingly said one scouting report said hopefully his older brother will be a guide for him and help him out they are two totally opposite people back to you in new york chris right andrew thank you what is interesting here guys is that he could go with this pick or he could fall all the way to early second i'm not predicting that but that could happen but as you look at dallas michael irvin of course you know pro bowler but since alvin harper left he really hasn't had a running mate on the field hasn't no michael's had to really struggle on the position by himself look at the people you've got michael irvin with 75 receptions but anybody that's played opposite him anthony miller was brought in didn't produce steffen williams a young guy still don't know ernie mills is brought in now because chan gailey knows what he got gets in that product i think billy davis could be an answer for them but only three catches and macy brooks zero i personally think that randy moss if he was to wind up a dallas cowboy would be a good fit now everybody would say oh my gosh why because i think michael irvin has grown up and learned a lot from his experience and can help a randy moss dion sanders could be one of the most misunderstood players in football this is a top quality individual who could have great influence both very visible men both very strong personalities could help out a randy moss an awful lot and now you might have that player opposite michael that'll help troy out help emmett out now help a curve a chris warren who's become a part of that backfield and complete that offense the line's okay the wide receiver position is decent it could be helped here i'd be a little bit surprised if they do go this route personally chris i think they need help in the defensive line more than any place in the dallas cowboys but to me a randy moss there i could understand it i could live with it i could even almost justify it when jimmy and jerry began in 89 there were 115 of course at vic troy aikman right away and the move began up of course they had all those bellwether picks for minnesota a unique situation now mel since jimmy has left the drafting success of course much tougher to draft at the time you know at the bottom of the round but the drafting success of the cowboys they need a home run here soon don't they hey really since jimmy left chris uh their track record is has been horrible in terms of the drafts that's why exactly larry allen the one gem in the second round but when you look at the super bowl team and now six and ten clubs struggling it's because you don't draft well it catches up with you three or four years down the road and certainly i think the dallas cowboys are on the spot today you already saw jimmy johnson trading down now he has three second round picks jimmy's working the process he's gotten zach thomas jason taylor other players in the draft in the middle rounds the dallas cowboys have not been able to have that kind of success since jimmy johnson left dallas well let me tell you what's going on right now as we suspected at the top of the telecast the next spot for a running back jacksonville will probably take one at nine unless a team moves up to eight like new england of course they lost curtis martin in the much celebrated offer sheet to the jets now you look at the two war rooms they are talking in new england and in dallas there's a history of deals between these teams that should be pointed out so if if dallas moves down to 18 they should count on getting randy moss there too and new england then might go up to take fred taylor ahead of robert edwards or the back that they would like uh next to curtis cena's possibility that's exactly right it is and i think we look at jacksonville we already talked about st louis targeting enos early in the process jacksonville targeting fred taylor early in the process or anybody knew to get fred taylor you have to move ahead of the jacksonville jaguars i think fred taylor robert edwards later first round is he going to be there for kansas city new england also has that running back needed 18 with two first round picks that's why of course they are thinking also of moving up to get fred taylor which could allow ultimate edwards to drop the kc holcomb also in the chief's thought process and also skip hicks early to mid second round is where i think you'll see i have a ucla product i predicted trade here do you i i think they pulled the trigger here well i think when you look at jacksonville you know you look at fred taylor he would be an ideal fit james thort's down there they want to run the ball they know they have to keep that defense off the field which was handled up front terrell davis had a huge day in the playoffs so they want that running back fred taylor's not there then they go to kyo spikes but fred taylor is the team everybody in the league knew new england new the last week we can have that we have to get ahead of jacksonville well plus the other thing is is what you wind up doing at this spot now you're really talking about swapping ones and only going down about eight to ten places you're not talking about two number ones and the deal that chicago wanted so it's not a big stretch for somebody to start moving down here moving down from the 8th spot down to 18 is not that big a move they can still get defensive health there if they need it they still could possibly have the wide receiver if they want to go that route it gives dallas a lot of flexibility i tend to agree with you chris i think it's a good place for a deal well the suspense is killing us because the card is up and the clock is wound down do the cowboys stay or do they go with the eighth pick in the draft the dallas cowboys select defensive end from north carolina greg ellis well we try we're trying to engineer deals here we can't pull any of them off i thought we'd be i thought this be our second or third deal by now i don't think i don't think the phone's out i don't think the phones are out i just think that the price is too high that people are asking and everybody says as of arizona san diego that's probably changed the whole climate don't you think plus this also fits a need for the dallas cowboys well no question about that i mean they have leon led in the middle but they uh they're a little light on the outside and shawnee carver reportedly about to retire well the number two ranked defense they didn't play like it chris like teams dominated him up front they ran the ball dallas could not stop opposing running backs he had no pass rush greg ellis is a very athletic defensive end he's up to around 280 pounds set the all-time sack record at north carolina broke actually marcus jones old record here's a kid you know really a hard worker i like grant wistrom also very athletic diagnoses well you see the ability to read and react very quickly you got to locate the football make the play obviously very consistent you never have to worry about greg ellis taking a down off he also has a long arm and the kind of wingspan that you want in a pass rusher and we talked about andre wadsworth being a great kid greg ellis is regarded as the team leader of the north carolina tar heel football team which the last few years was very effective under their former head coach matt brown well this is a spot where hey greg ellis certainly could be a an outstanding player in dallas hope so but where by not making a move or or nothing being changed throughout the running back situation right now that the draft has taken a turn the defensive lineman now they may come off the board a little bit quicker so the trade was not made jacksonville is now on the clock we take a look at new england's war room as they now go back the front you know it's a little empty here because now they're not slated to pick until 18. they'll get busy on the phones again but now if they're looking running back they'll have to see what goes off in the next 10 picks when we come back we'll talk with peyton manning the number one pick of the draft looking pretty good with that colt's cap we'll be back [Applause] [Music] oh great great that tuna these ac delco parts are about the most dependable you can buy they should really help improve your performance come on they're all the same i think i'm out of this bushel basket okay no matter what you drive if you're not asking for it you're asking for it home depot's philosophy is cutting edge what does the customer want we always got something new coming out on the floor things that you were wishing would get on the market then all of a sudden wow there it is it's important to give the customer everything needed to do any project around their home like great grill master grills the flame control system makes certain you get sure starts even heat less 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women's cancer research alliance every pair you buy will help you see a cure for women's cancers designer sunglasses and accessories at half price saturday may 16th on qvc [Music] what [Music] what see your participating kawasaki dealers what should you expect from a dealership when you're shopping for a new car truck at bill lutter ford you can expect a dealership that takes care of the little things a dealership that makes buying easy at bill otter ford you can expect an utterly affordable deal like 1.9 financing in 98 mustangs explorers escorts rangers forces and zx2s it's been 42 years that bill otter ford has been serving north texas and you don't stay in business that long if you're not taking care of people bill letter ford utterly affordable and utter satisfaction ain't picks no trades greg ellis selected by the dallas cowboys as the jacksonville jaguars are now on the clock with about nine and a half minutes to go with pick number nine let's head back down to big d and chris myers and chris uh the cowboys thinking on on their move yeah this was a guy that some people had rated a little bit lower down but the cowboys obviously liked him as a football player needed help on the defensive line had it rated right up there with grant wistrom and uh in the war room earlier when they made the call of course walt trulif head scout says hey have you been in an accident the last 24 hours are you healthy on the phone once he says no i'm ready to go they put him on with the new head coach chan galey and jerry jones the cowboys were sold when they talked to mac brown they of course the college coach at north carolina of greg ellis who's now the head coach of texas and mack brown talking about the kind of person that greg ellis is said hey if i died tomorrow he's the kind of person i'd want him to raise my family that's how highly i think of him that's the kind of character in a football player the cowboys are now looking for chris let's go back to you hi chris thank you very much well you talk about character we uh we certainly have a man with character because the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree let's go up to our mike tarico with peyton manning and his dad archie michael mr berman thank you very much it's a wonderful day for the manning family as you would obviously understand uh there can't be a more proud dad to see his son exceed what he did number two overall picking the draft number one pick archie let me start with you how proud and happy are you of this day well we're very proud of peyton and the whole thing mike is just so so exciting as i know it is for so many parents around the country today but um sure we feel like peyton's worked hard and he's been very fortunate he's had a wonderful time at tennessee but this is just a great honor for him and as a family we're real proud of him when dad was broadcasting the saints games and jim moore was the head coach i know jim morris told the story of you as a high school quarterback actually stepping in there at a pass in practice and being there with the team how much of an advantage is that to know coach moore before you get there i'm glad that i do know him and i've known him over the past couple of years sort of being around hanging around the saints organization but uh looking forward to playing for him and working for him obviously i don't know him in the player coach relationship i think it'll be a good relationship as a dad what has been the worst part of this entire four years all the build up at tennessee all the awards what's been the worst part and the best part well it's it's been a great experience mike i think the toughest part maybe especially peyton's mother and a little bit it was the everything for the the heisman i i know peyton was really ready for that to be over now this has been a lot too you know they've really raked t and ryan across it for the last few months but i thought both of them have held up to it real well and this was a this was kind of a it was a win-win for everyone uh but there there hadn't been many low times he's had a he's had a he's been very fortunate throughout his college career and we've really enjoyed following him and supporting finally as we wrap up isn't it nice that you can wear your dad's number finally now as you go to the indianapolis colts and explain why you couldn't wear 18 in tennessee well 18's always been a special number to our family uh what my dad wore to ole miss that's what he wanted coming out to play for the saints but they didn't have it my brother cooper wore when he was in high school of course he was injured he's always been an inspiration to me and i'm not a real picky guy i'm not going to go to a team just because of a certain number but the colts had it available and i'm looking forward to wearing it i'm sure pops will now be at the rca dome enjoying watching peyton manning indianapolis colts quarterback congratulations and thank you from all of us thank you mike thank you thank you all right michael thank you and congratulations to peyton and archie two wonderful wonderful people marching through for 24 000 yards in a career with the saints that never saw his team exceed 500 plus it's oddly enough that rg's best statistical season way over 3 000 was the year the saints went 115 in 1980. they're not looking for the same records in indianapolis with peyton manning certainly eventually and he should start week number one but that's the decision to be made by the new head coach of the indianapolis colts jim mora who's with our mark malone mark all right thank you very much jim obviously you have a knowledge of peyton having coached his father and been around his father to a certain extent in new orleans any reservations that you might have had in this process well mark one thing i'm not old enough to have coached his father okay but uh archie did you know work for the saints for the time that i was down there and uh i got to know peyton a little bit probably not as much as people have speculated that i got to know him but he came around the saints facility a little bit there you know the last uh a few years and uh i've always had a great deal of admiration for him and his family he's got a great dad his mom olivia is a tremendous young tremendous woman and uh uh i i know we got a quality football player an outstanding young guy so i feel good about that how does he fit into the offensive structure you will put in place uh does his experience give him an advantage in terms of getting in and out of good plays well i'll tell you one thing we're gonna do we're gonna stick him into the mix right away we're not gonna uh sugar feed him you know or or go slow with him we're gonna say hey peyton you're the guy and uh we got a mini camp this weekend we're going to stick him right in there at that spot and and let him learn as he goes along but i think peyton uh his experience will help him i know he's the type of person that will prepare and do everything he can to be the very best football player he can be so and we're going to help him you know we're we're going to we've got a good running game i believe we're going to run the football we got to make sure we do a good job of protecting him i hope hopefully play good defense and i think that'll help peyton too well he'll have to do a lot in mini camp or at least when he get him here because his petition to join the colts uh before june 1 has been turned down although peyton manning has graduated so it'll be a few weeks before you can get going with him full bore until then it's going to be an interesting interview between jim mora and peyton manning now let's go back to the studio alright mark and coach mora thank you very much peyton will probably not be signed by the guy he's a guy that wants to get in and play right away until the collective bargaining agreement is officially ratified by all the players reason being in a few weeks that's supposed to happen reason being the signing bonus and the new collective bargaining agreement can be metered out right now only over five years but up for cap reasons can be metered out over six years so that will give them some cap relief if they wait to sign a couple of weeks after the new cba agreement is ratified that's why that will wait a couple of minutes jacksonville's pick a couple of weeks i should say jacksonville's pick is courtesy the trade they made for quarterback rob johnson setting him to buffalo this is buffalo slot here's the first of two for the jaguars here's the commissioner with the ninth pick in the draft the jacksonville jaguars select running back from florida fred taylor [Music] well we know that this was the spot we knew that if you wanted to get it back ahead of fred taylor other than courtesy of mel said you had to make the move which is why new england dallas were burning them up fred taylor played at florida so the folks in jacksonville know him quite well well they really do and i think when you look at fred taylor you see a guy who has those subtle moves he also has some power remember you're talking about a 230 pound running back not a fullback you showed with that 438 clocking for an individual workout that he can take it the distance and as i said subtle moves not tremendously elusive but can break tackles has a lot of power i think that's what you're looking for in fred taylor also at the nfl level you're gonna have to see fred taylor improve in terms of his past receiving skills we know he can run with the football at those two dominant games against penn state and florida state late in the year but as far as rounding off this game developing into a more consistent reliable pass receiving threat out of the backfield something fred taylor is gonna have to work on well he's a quote football player and i got that from several scouts with about five exclamation points the difference in the jaguars last year to this year there were two of them i mean two years ago remember they were close to beating new england and going all the way to the super bowl natron means caught fire at the end of the 96 season was tremendous in the playoffs until the afc championship game last year they never had a back really catch fire and they were way late in denver that's one of the reasons that they were not as successful last season taylor should fill the void you're really talking about a division that prides itself on its abilities to be able to run the football you take a look at the running backs in this division jerome bettis sixteen hundred plus yards eddie george to almost 1400 yards corey dillon in a very limited time at the end of the season just with 10 tds and this you're going to remember this guy played only the last half of the season so this is a division where they certainly need a a fred taylor what jacksonville has going for them is a limited amount of guys they're in a situation where they just have james stewart who averaged 4.1 they had natron means he's gone on to san diego and randy jordan is a a unrestricted free agent he only averages two yards was there a need at running back absolutely there's no question when you've got wide receivers of the quality that the jacksonville jaguars have you can take time to develop a running back into a pass catcher i personally think it's the perfect scenario for them they need somebody to be able to control the ball on the ground more and this kid i think will help him out a lot well now the question is does new england at 18 who need a running back will they get the next one who's probably robert edwards or the teams make moves in between keep your eye on that as the saga of the 68th nfl 63rd nfl draft continues baltimore they talking trade with carolina ray rhodes and the eagles on deck and the saga of randy mott sprint is proud to announce it's hit its mark again for three years in a row sprint has been ranked number one by jd power and associates for the highest customer 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the top cable networks marcus media our investments make you look better [Music] own a piece of kawasaki performance for just 29.99 at these participating metroplex kawasaki dealers the greatest new cars for 1998 are from james wood in decatur and denton hi i'm pat sumrall and you'll quickly discover the beauty performance and value of the oldsmobile entry the pontiac grand prix and the buick regal at james wood value reigns supreme in every new chevrolet and the luxury of cadillac has never been more affordable new chevrolet and gmc trucks are value priced every day where the difference is definitely worth the distance james wood decatur and denton [Music] diving into our living rooms to john madden teaching us to draw tv and the nfl have grown up together monday night you can relive it all with replay the history of the nfl on television including a special effect at the beginnings of monday night football monday night at 8 30 and again at midnight on espn2 the education of dandy dawn continues we await the fun so we saw sneak preview of that show on thursday night here in new york and that that is must-watching because we've all grown up watching football on tv that'll be monday night but right now we're all over the league as this draft is going fast and curiously let's start our whip around to many of our cities with mark malone and andy martin [Music] the colts exercised the ghost of dan marino by selecting peyton manning first overall in this year's nfl draft peyton is supposed to arrive here in indianapolis in about two hours meanwhile the colts go back into the war room their next pick at number 32 their needs at wide receiver and cornerback now let's check in with mike golick in arizona the cardinals get their man and andre wadsworth and look for an immediate impact the easy part of the draft is over now with two early second round picks at number 33 and number 36 vp of player personnel bob ferguson gets down to work with only two safeties on the cardinals current roster look for them to go in that area if the top safeties on their board fall to them early in that round and send it over to chris myers here in dallas the chan gailey era begins with the drafting of a defensive alignment and live behind us the new head coach of the cowboys and jerry jones are holding a news conference go ahead gentlemen i know you have work to do but they had need positions at wide receiver and at defensive end a question of character came under fire with randy montz and dallas opted for greg ellis it's worth repeating when mac brown his college coach told the cowboys hey this is a guy if i died tomorrow greg ellis i'd want raising my children they said this is a character guy who can play football and he can rush from either end as well right now let's go to andrea kramer here in jacksonville tom coughlin had a needed running back he just filled it with running back fl fred taylor from florida he stays in the state doesn't have far to go to visit his new team coughlin tried to move up to the five slot the chicago bears to get curtis enos instead he settles for taylor and uh at the 25th spot he'll look for cornerback help tom coughlin yesterday went through his draft board with me it's gone exactly as he anticipated since now let's go to solomon wilcox here in cincinnati the bengals have five of the first 77 picks in the draft two of which will be the 13th and 17th pick in the first round look for the bengals to go heavy on the defensive side of the ball with linebackers and cornerbacks topping the menu now that saint louis has taken grant winstrom the bengals will now turn their attention to the likes of linebacker keith brookings from georgia tech and tequila spikes from auburn but don't be surprised if the bengals should make or reach one of those first round picks and take an offensive tackle to shore of depth for the offensive line now let's send it out to south palantonio here in new england the patriots are still trying to move up they lost out on fred taylor they lost out on curtis enos and now they're talking to the baltimore ravens about that number 10 pick so are the oakland raiders and they are targeting randy moss as for new england pete carroll is probably wondering to himself when is he going to get that stud running back to replace curtis martin now let's go to chris mortensen surprisingly there has been only one trade in the nfl today not surprisingly that was made by jimmy johnson and the miami dolphins he is again stockpiling picks that's his mo he's got three in the second round now let's go to hank goldberg in green bay where ron wolf predicted it would be a lot of training today well he didn't let anybody down as mort just told you he got out of the second round and traded up to miami with to get their 19th pick he needs defensive help secondary defensive line being the key areas they weren't an active here totally today besides the trade they signed doug weidel a left guard from the colts he'll compete with aaron taylor leaving for free agency now let's go to linda cohn [Music] we're in charleston west virginia with randy moss and sure randy wishes he would have been picked higher but he remains upbeat so does his camp why because the cowboys and raiders are keeping in touch here and saying there's still a possibility there could be a trade to get randy moss chris bourbon in new york back to you [Music] all right gang thank you and we'll be back out to all our sites but right now on the sprint video conference one of our tools that we had a lot of fun with last year let's go out to chicago and uh and join the head coach of the chicago bears dave wants that and uh david i guess the the thanks for joining us and good day to you i guess the phones are ringing off the hook but in the end enos was just too good to pass up or were there deals that you're still scratching your head over that you the bears decided not to make no this was something that uh mark hadley you know bill reese mike mccaskey we talked about uh for the last couple weeks as far as you know what the value that we thought uh would you know considers would would come under in this draft and we were very uh very determined that he could help our football team and we were not going to just uh give up courtesies and drop down just for the sake of doing it so we're really excited about having curtis and i think there's no question that that he'll have an impact on our football team and help us win games this year dave one of the positions which you have now uh you know some extra players were good players are running back i'm not asking you to predict the trade yet but but could the bears make some moves keep venus and then move i mean you got edgar bennett um that's one of the areas where you're stocked i imagine some will not be bears next year yeah we are and that's something that uh we've thought through if if this situation uh did happen like like it did today and what we'll have to do is uh we got mini cam coming up next week and and we'll we'll deal with all the players and uh at that time well you've got your hands full with every team except the bears making the playoffs good luck on your move up the ladder and get back to that war room thanks for joining us dave okay chris good to have you dave wants that in chicago the pick is in for baltimore at the ten hole a ten spot with the tenth pick in the draft the baltimore ravens select defensive back from the university of miami dwayne starks well they lose antonio lying in the free agency at the corner to san francisco this certainly adds up mel well it does i think when you look at a neat area this is a guy here that will be plugged right into a starting position opposite probably rod woodson see the ability there against florida state in a big game that's against peter work the outstanding receiver at florida state here against dad busby again makes the play in coverage you see the closing speed there the ability to make up ground in our hurry now you're watching down in the red zone area on a raft it's very difficult to defend for a 5 10 170 pound corner not for dwayne starks here you see the athleticism and speed as a punt returner for dwayne stark so as i said chris 25 10 175 pounds he's a 430 uh recovery speed corner he also has great athletic ability and he's experienced the last two years in that manned coverage the only thing about dwayne starks even at miami despite that great ability he did play a little soft in terms of man coverage at times gave mediocre receivers a little bit too much cushion with baltimore ravens they have the pass rush with bolt ware and that great group of linebackers on that defensive line it played well last year towards the end he's going to be protected in terms of coverage by that front seven he is fast he is tough but he's skinny joe he's he's short i mean he's small he's getting he's got to cover some big guys he does that yeah if you take a look at the division look at the play of the wide receivers that play in this division the ansi think band and look at their heights not their yards so much but their heights jimmy smith mccardell michael jackson darnay scott carl pickens and you've got some big receivers that he's going to match up against i personally think that to find somebody with quickness and the ability to cover one-on-one overrides the fact of him being six feet or six one i think this is a good pick for baltimore here quickness can make up for such a difference because quarterbacks contrary to what popular belief is we're not the most accurate people all the time in the world i think you put the ball places sometimes where guys have to make plays if you've got a defensive back that's quick enough to be able to be around it he can be a playmaker for him and i think starks can now we move to the philadelphia eagles and the eagles and ray rhodes is one heck of a coach there's no question about that but the eagles picks this slider are you going with this no no the eagles picks lately have become what arizona used to be what cincinnati used to be other teams go oh they picked him great our guy's still available a little bit lower ray's made some interesting picks this is a key year for the philadelphia eagles let's go to our south palantonio for some insight on philly sal well chris as you know the eagles have a problem with bobby taylor coming back from a knee injury and they do need a corner and they like dwayne starks a lot matter of fact they sent down their security personnel to miami to check out dwayne starks he checked out fine and they were planning to really look hard at taking him with that 11th pick ozzy newsome baltimore ravens personnel guy knew this and he thought if i trade out of 10 i'm going to miss out on dwayne starks and that's the reason why they pulled the trigger in baltimore i'm picking dwayne starks now let's go back to new york part south thank you so there's the starks picking we look at philadelphia well we're going to be looking at philadelphia for the next 12 minutes still to come when we return here to the theater in new york in the bowels of madison square garden the eagles on the board atlanta coming up after that the linebackers are ready [Music] the eagles are on the clock but they haven't waited that long commissioner [Applause] well trey thomas well he's seen a couple of kitchen trays he's enjoyed 349 pounds six seven big man those sacks allowed you see that bench press of 500 pounds in that huge frame yeah he just takes that defender to the ground and a guy that really got better and better as his career moved along this was his first season as a full-time starter remember walter jones was getting all the press last year this was trey thomas's season and he was really a dominator huge kid roy does a great job against a counter move because he has such a wide base and certainly can move defensive end off the line of scrimmage i asked andre wattsworth earlier this year i said who's the toughest defensive and offensive tackle you ever played against as a pass rushing defensive end he said hey wasn't anybody ever played against was who i practiced against it was trey thomas he's so huge he's got quick feet not as athletic as walter jones was but he cannot counter move trey thomas and andre said hey in practice every day we had some great battles and he had the ultimate respect for trey thomas's ability you know what is not news that the philadelphia eagles in recent years have gone a number one pick on the offensive line it began really when ritchie when richie kotei was there davis lester holmes bernard williams barrett brooks jermaine mayberry so this now trey thomas it's the sixth offensive lineman picked with their early picks in the first two rounds since 91 you would think at this point they've got one heck of a great offensive line i mean when you take a look at the draft you'd go wow look at those guys all those number ones they haven't had one be very productive at all maybe they can break the string of the bad luck they've had let's go down for more on trey thomas to our andrea kramer in jacksonville andrea yes as for trey thomas there were reports we started reporting over a week ago that he had failed a drug test for marijuana last fall which caused him to be suspended for the maryland game a team general manager and and head scout head security director excuse me have confirmed to us that he actually failed two drug tests and that's the reason that he was suspended for the maryland game we spoke to florida state they confirmed their drug policy as that if there was a second failed drug test that a player would be suspended for one game i spoke to trey thomas's agent lamont smith this morning he said that he was only aware of one failed drug test that it was an insignificant amount which did not cause any concern to teams this was clearly a concern for the philadelphia eagles and one reason for that is the history of picks that they've had they've had some questions about drug use by running back charlie garner bernard williams the offensive linemen questions about drug use with him so it was heavily debated for the philadelphia eagles but they went for the need which was offensive line and got the top-rated offensive lineman in the draft trey thomas let's head back to chris berman in new york okay andrea thank you next up the atlanta falcons we expect them to take keep brooking linebacker georgia tech which would be a heck of a player plus help them sell some tickets down there for right now tickets to be sold in san diego i think they'll sell a few with our mike tarico is ryan lee for the owner of the chargers alex spanos michael for some happy folks who are waiting to make the trip back to san diego ryan let me start with you there are so many comparisons that have been and will be made with peyton manning you guys will be inexorably linked has your friendship starting back around the heisman trophy award has it helped both of you come through the last four months i think so i think that uh our relationship has just grown into something pretty neat um i'm really happy for him i think that uh for him and his family i've become real good close friends with them and i think that our relationship will be linked for years and years to come like drew's and rick's has and same with rg and i think jim plunkett absolutely mr spanos it has to be great for you to come to new york and take back with you the guy who you hope won't ever force you to go back to new york for the draft let me say this mike and i've said it earlier and i've said it most all day ryan is going to be the man that's going to keep me out of new york for the next 15 years well he'll be he'll be glad to hear that because he had to pick up the dinner tab for his entire family congratulations thank you thank you thank you all right guys thank you now we you know ryan asked for a nickname we're going to do that in a minute but atlanta wasted no time and they're selling tickets already right we ready uh the commissioner i understand has the card he does not have the card you see everything was smooth sailing uh all right well we asked in the first issue of the map ryan asked me during the espys you know i gotta have a good nickname i am ryan lee i mean it's an easy name to have fun with and we had some suggestions written in like leaf in the fast lane yep now we're going to the commissioner here's atlanta's pick with the 12th pick in the first round the atlanta falcons select linebacker from georgia tech keith brooking we'll get back to that in a minute atlanta is ecstatic with that again a hometown guy and a linebacker along with tuggle in the middle that you know make their defense start to make some plays a little bit more than they have leaf in the fast lane which of course is going to san diego and the eagles sang the song quantum leaf that's pretty good you got to be leaf that's real good rod stewart which is my suggestion reason to believe comic relief leafing on a jet flame leaf and let die leaf of the zone four leaf clover but the winner and the one i like the most we got it from several folks ryan beyond belief he enjoyed the name too he said that's a winner so that's what he is on nfl prime time ryan beyond believe and of course brooking's another name i can have some fun with he's a babbler great football player i thought he was the fifth best player in this draft you know atlanta falcons scene there at 12. obviously a neat area linebacker and remember keith brooking he was always perceived to be a middle linebacker he had played there in most of his career outside linebacker this year here in the senior bowl with the sack and you'll see him here against dad busby in florida state sack again you see the four four eight speed a 245 pound frame sideline the sideline defender great nose for the football this kid comes to play every week a guy with i think a chris spielman type tenacity with more physical ability 40 yards down the field making the interception here on special teams in the senior bowl making the play so you're talking about a guy tough to keep a couple months ago chris he said these individual workouts are wearing on me i can't hit anybody i tell you he is definitely that chris fieldman style of player with a little bit more physical ability uh mixed in and i'll tell you for the atlanta falcons they got themselves one heck of a talent with keith brooking with also the great attitude that dan reeves wants and his football players and they don't even have to pay for the moving van really well the other thing is too is you got to remember that that the defensive line of the atlanta falcons did a heck of a job last year in sacks they put a lot of pressure on people now you add a young speed linebacker and allow them to be able to cover downfield a little bit better you really make that defense even stronger you keep a healthy chris chandler remember they finished the season six and two you were talking about arizona being one of those up and coming teams i think atlanta falls into that category too they had a nice run at the end and uh you know the falcons this will help sell some tickets no question cincinnati is now on the board with the first of their two picks and we think that'll be takio's spikes inside linebacker auburn it's pretty much gone right down the list which is an upset almost bengals coming up next atlanta to follow we'll be back [Music] this espn news presentation of the 1998 nfl draft is brought to you by nintendo 64. get in or get out by polaroid see what develops and by janus no load mutual funds back in new york the bengals didn't wait long commissioner paul tagliabue with the 13th pick in the first round the cincinnati bengals select linebacker from auburn to kill spikes [Music] well it's not like we're the only ones who could say we told you so but now you talk about a middle linebacker this is a guy that makes many a play it's a great inside linebacker came out after his junior year you talk about tequila spikes you're talking about productivity year and year out look at that size 234 pounds in the ray lewis mold the great baltimore raven young lion backer speed tenacity quickly reacts in the direction of the play you know great moves i think when you say getting around blockers and away from traffic sifting through uh an area that's really clogged he can do it he can create a lot of activity with that run-stopping ability that he provides you're against lsu you see his ability in coverage as well so a guy that can really do it all reads a quarterback very well in coverage not to take him off the field he can be an every down defender and i think when you look at his ability in space to make a tackle this is something all linebackers can't do a lot of them struggle early in their career it'll be a natural for tequila spikes i looked at the kyo and back since really september october you look at that physical ability great speed he runs a 448 he's got unbelievable strength and you see a lot of the same characteristics that have made ray lewis and the baltimore ravens so successful fourth time the bengals have used the first round pick in the 90s on a linebacker james francis still there of course alfred williams reynard wilson last year now takio spikes solomon wilcox played some ball for cincinnati and now he's he's playing ball for us he's in cincinnati after reaction of the bengals first of two first-round picks solomon welcome you know thank you chris right now i'm joined by bingo's defensive coordinator dick lebeau and coach there are a lot of guys on the board but you guys chose tequila spikes is he the guy you wanted yeah yes he is we liked his athleticism uh he jumped out of the gymnasium in the vertical leap his 40-yard time is under 4-5 he's a 230 plus pound man very much an impactor inside with great range we think he's a three-down player can play on third down and we're excited about getting this young man a lot of people compare him to baltimore's inside linebacker ray lewis just a maniac on defense is that a fair comparison what do you guys expect from me well if spikes can come up to them play like louis i'll be a very happy man indeed that's that's a tough comparison to take a guy just out of college and compare him to one of the most productive backers in in the pro game right now but we see the potential there to be that type of a player very disappointing year last year on the defensive side of the football as you guys continue to move on into the draft i guess you can look for more guys on the defensive side of the ball and possibly another linebacker going to get the quarterback well it's a good year for defense we weren't as disappointed in the latter part of the season as we were in the early part we think our players made good progress and and we're looking forward to get a little more help for them all right the bengals have another pick the 17th pick in the first round now let's send it out to bristol and chris fowler well sally thank you always nice to welcome a former colorado buffalo to the team here after the quarterbacks went 1-2 in the first round then the run began on defensive players spike's latest defensive player to be taken but it began with pick number three and andre wadsworth followed by grant wistrom and then at greg ellis so just like college recruiting in the nfl draft the premium on pass rushing [Music] with the third pick in the draft the arizona cardinals select defensive end from florida state university andre wadsworth the rams select defensive end nebraska grant wistrom dallas cowboys select defensive end from north carolina greg ellis and ron jaworski joins us now jaws wadsworth a guy got a chance to watch a lot in college unblockable at times in big games like when he played north carolina everybody wants the guy who can explode around the corner and get to the quarterback well arizona has to be thrilled with getting andre wadsworth joe green the defensive line coach now has a complete package to fill out that whole defensive line as we go to the pre-play what we want to see here is what they will do with their 4-3 in the nickel situation you'll have simian rice on this side you'll have eric swan in here and you'll have mark smith in there now normally you'll get the double team right in there that's the guy you want the double team on of course that's eric swan that means this position right here andre wadsworth will get the single on the right tackle gives him the clean shot to the quarterback that's what you want now with simeon rice coming off this side and you've got wadsworth coming off this side the quarterback drops sets up there's the pressure up the middle now the other thing that andre wadsworth brings to the table is what team's now doing called the zone blitz he will rush the quarterback the nickel dime excuse me the dime corner will come off the corner attack the quarterback now wadsworth with his great athleticism athletic ability will engage and drop off into coverage that's what he brings to the table defensively what a package the cardinals i believe are going to be a very good defensive team when you look at their corners tom knight aeneas williams great cover guys now you get that quick pressure on the quarterback it makes the secondary even better hard to believe that andre wadsworth was not recruited by anybody when he came out of high school in 1993 from an unrecruited walk-on who thought he had played his last football game when he played for a little miami christian high school he thought the career was over all the way up to a number three pick in the nfl draft from walking on gained a lot of weight hung out with peter boulware who was his roommate bower has challenged him to surpass bulwar's rookie sack total of eleven and a half now joining grant wistrom out of nebraska already taken in this first round is jason peter peter was the roommate of uh wisdom at nebraska those guys shared a townhouse and also shared the role of defensive leader peter and wistrom at times able to scare their teammates into strong defensive play and peter a guy who has put on a lot of weight like western since the end of the season that's coming up [Music] beauty prepare to meet your beast excuse me but if you dial one eight hundred collect it's ten cents a minute every evening you know about one eight hundred collect super low rates too of course they do silly do you believe in destiny one eight hundred collect 10 cents a minute every evening [Music] a snowflake falls at the far end of history and that snowflake we'll call him steve winds up as part of a droplet of water and one day that droplets steve's droplet could wind up in a brewery where a man you'll never meet discovers the perfect temperature to frost brew beer and like that steve is in a course-like can and then a tray and a cup and now he's here with you so i ask you gentle stranger do not spill steve who's [Music] so life possible has more non-stops between the usa and canada than any other airline why is america on america online email is really cool we can shop it puts the whole internet right at my fingertips and we've spent over 500 million dollars to more than triple capacity you name it online i've got it america online so easy to use no wonder it's number one boomeras in the fourth selection of a banker while boomer is on the phone with us right now and first of all boomer i must say uh ever since you came on the scene you got to love the nickname been a fan of yours all the way the bengals really had the seal of the draft when they uh got the threes that they got including myself one thing i wanted to say boomerang i wouldn't uh i'd hang i wouldn't hang my head now i'd uh keep my head high just thinking back over the years if you look back which i mentioned earlier the quarterbacks who were very successful in the nfl very few of the quarterbacks were successful went in the very early rounds but in no way am i hanging my head low i'm very happy to be with an nfl franchise it's sort of a motivational factor for me best of luck and whatever you do like to see in the nfl this fall best of luck with the bengals thanks for joining oh four scores several hairs and several tins ago nice hair mel siason chris berman mel keiper that was unbelievable actually you were still playing that i was still working yeah and i would have enough connections here at this network to have burned right how are you doing i'm doing very good actually and uh i feel good and uh it's been an interesting day to say the least with andy monson yes it has you look at your team are you quarterback last year and did they offer you another contract by the way actually they did right right prior to this but uh i knew that they were going to go linebacker i'm sure that they'll probably end up going defensive back or offensive tackle i still think that they have a really good team you know last year at this time the bengals had very high hopes when you look at what they're going into this year however they have nine playoff teams that they have to play they have to play the nfc central the most uh i guess competitive division in all of football so they're going to have a very very hard schedule you have fond memories of this day i mean i mean you've sat around for a while but it worked out all right you know my memories were not fond though to be honest with you because uh you know i thought i was going to be a top 10 pick to be honest with you and and uh you know i dropped to number 38 or 37 i can't remember and it was a bittersweet day for me um you know the difference then though was uh we had the uh you know we had the usfl and there were all the questions of whether or not i was going to sign a 40 million dollar contract much like steve young did so a lot of teams were afraid of that and i was dropping much like you know randy moss i don't know you know obviously for probably different reasons but i i think probably well i i think for them he worked for me that's right i didn't work he didn't work for me but but it was a bittersweet day for me but i certainly was very happy that that i got into the nfl i did not want to go to the usfl and i thought i made that plain and clear but when steve young signed that big contract with the la express at the time i think it had definitely definitely had an impact on me well now you get 14 years later a 40 million dollar contract with abc's yeah right so you see if you sit around and you wait you get to do it this tv doesn't pay like the football does well not yet right okay let's get caught up you're going to join us for a walk because the bengals of course are on the clock a few picks down carolina picked in a hurry while we were away jason peter because their run defense last year dreadful they're trying to restructure their defensive line and jason peter will be a key ingredient you see 274 well 292 during individual workouts so his weight did fluctuate but he can get off a block plays through the double team and remember late this year he had those back spasms kind of played through that he was at least on the field trying to get on the field to play roy set a great example for his teammates there hard-nosed very relentless here on the sack i think you look at jason peter also because of that size situation now 292 and his quickness which you see right there against brock bjorn gives you the flexibility you can play a defensive tackle spot a nose tackle spot a defensive tackle spot in a 3-4 for caroline and it gives him a lot of flexibility if in fact his weight can remain in that 290 range well peter will be playing the carolina panthers hope next to sean gilbert and that deal has not yet been made because washington and carolina frankly got into a hatfield and mccoy situation so now it can be made after this draft not made yet but sean gilbert signed a sheet or will have with carolina let's go to mark malone with some information about sean gilbert and the panthers mark well chris i've talked to dom capers and he said in fact as as you mentioned the sean gilbert situation they traded their 43rd pick for the number one pick in 2000 from the miami dolphins now that'll allow them to give two number ones one in ninety nine and one in two thousand to the washington redskins for sean gilbert in fact what will happen is that offer sheet will be signed probably sometime on monday capers feels confident that that's going to get done they've done a lot of movement in the free agent market they've had nine free agents signed most of those on defense gilbert will make it 10 and now that they've got jason peter a guy that can replace craig inside at the nose tackle they really feel that they've got that defense back in order boomer hi mark thank you we uh of course that's one that we've been watching for uh for a couple of weeks sean gilbert had as many tackles last year as mel joe and i combined when he plays he's pretty good i mean remember he was drafted first round very high and his second year uh year with the rams when they were still in los angeles and now that puts that back somebody at double figure sacks so they really are getting a guy that hasn't sacked uh very high figures in about four years but is it a big gamble to get a player like this he's still young guys i don't really think it's a gamble i i what i think is i think it's a calculated risk however because he's been out of football for a year gonna be paying an awful lot of money for him and they're gonna have to be giving up some draft picks for him i mean this has got to this player has got to produce at least you know you're getting a known quantity though well i i don't i i don't necessarily agree with you i don't agree with it well no i do actually time to time i do but i think that i think the year off doesn't really hurt him that much i think that he's okay he's rested any injuries you know what it's like a guy takes a year off all of a sudden you feel rejuvenated you feel energized i think the money he's going to get is certainly going to energize him now you had peters as another young defensive tackle carolina all of a sudden in one fell swoop winds up solving their interior problems much like the redskins did with stubble field and will i think it's great for him you know i and certainly with the money that he's making but i also think that you know they're mortgaging a pretty hefty future uh you know draft situation for them so you know this is uh they're going for the championship that's what they want boomerang's got a lot to prove i think as an athlete last year everybody kind of blamed sean gilbert said hey if sean gilbert was in there maybe the washington redskins are a playoff team so i think when you look at sean he's coming in he's fresh maybe not rusty who knows we'll see but he's certainly in that defensive structure they were old last year they had a lot of age up front weren't very active and now when you add a jason peter and shawn gilbert into the mix it's got to upgrade that front seven let's go up to uh gather a little bit about defense our tom jackson on sean gilbert after uh after shaking a little bit of the rust off however seattle is on the clock are they about to make a pick is that what we're doing we're gonna go to top somebody give me some help here seattle's pick will probably be anthony simmons linebacker from clemson and as we go up to no we're not going to go up to tom how about that we're going to go to break you know what i saw we're gonna call a timeout we'll be right back [Music] the long nights starting this fall the nfl and espn radio live up to the minute stats and scores as they happen from around the league well that's starting this fall we've been doing that for years hear interviews from the stars that made the plays happen after it's over nfl espn radio starting the first sunday in september at 11 a.m eastern time so we have to call an audible on tv and go to espn radio basically seattle is on the clock to get about a buck and a half to go let's go up to green bay and get some words of wisdom from our own hank goldberg on where dennis erickson accompanied her going hank well i talked with dennis boomer anthony simmons a linebacker from clemson's a guy who covets outside linebacker he thinks he can go inside remember they picked up darren smith as a free agent and chad brown last year that gave him a lot of speed at linebacker back to you boomer all right hank thank you uh the pick is up to the commissioner and let's zero in with uh paul taglia with the 15th pick in the first round the seattle seahawks select linebacker from clemson anthony simmons you know mel i mean if we're scoring at home um it could be tough to beat the swami we've got kind of right down the list here that's been very predictable chris i think you look at anthony simmons you see the eyes of a middle linebacker a guy really could play outside linebacker as well in their system he'll give a challenge certainly dean wells coming off a pretty good year i think when you look at this kid i think you see a guy very active really one of the all-time leaders and tackles in hcc history for two pursuers he's active he's very alert really like a cat every time you look up and you watch film you study film number 41 is on the scene big time he's really all over the field he's only at six feet tall about 230 pounds but tremendously instinctive and a guy like i say productivity in the acc thrash career was just unbelievable playmaker playmaker playmaker joe let's plug him into seattle well seattle's in seattle defensively i think was very strong as it was i mean you take a look at the front you got sinclair you got adams you got cortez kennedy you pick up sally ama last year now you add this kind of speed to linebacker all of a sudden you've got yourself a defense that is as fast and as quick as anybody in football i mean boomer it's defensively is really where they've improved a lot in the last two years well you know i've always looked at seattle kind of like an enigma you know they have all this talent there they have one of the best all-time quarterbacks to come along uh barring you joe of course but uh thank you i will say this that they have the talent to compete there's no question about it they're obviously in a very talented division with the kansas city chiefs and the denver broncos and you never know what's going to happen with oakland and you would think that san diego is going to give them a little trouble but this team is a team that i think they always have a tough september this is definitely a playoff caliber team in terms of their talent obviously again you have to look at their schedule you have to look at who they're playing against is this the year though i this will be a year that uh they will definitely make the playoffs whether whether they're super bowl caliber that's going to come down to dennis erickson and his coaching staff let me ask you this they really don't have a huge need area they took anthony simmons he'll be protected by those two big tackles what are they missing to get to the next level well to me it comes all back to the coaching staff you know they have to get them ready to come out of the chute and they've got to be fired up as soon as the season starts they cannot afford a slow start you know who's going to be fired up game one ricky waters game one at philadelphia right that ought to fire them up a little bit to try and run the ball uh tennessee and then cincinnati are our next two picks let's go to andrea kramer in jacksonville for some insight andrea well chris i think that the talk in the in the euler draft room is going something like this the two players that they want are both there wide receiver kevin dyson from utah who jeff fischer said would be an immediate starter opposite nancy thigpen and linebacker brian simmons from north carolina who fischer said is a difference maker and would be better than any linebacker they currently have but since both players they want are still there they are also talking about trading down talking to the five teams below them if they believe that they can still get that player remember floyd ruiz has traded down the past two years and got the guy that he wanted back to you boomer all right andrea thank you very much and now we have the tennessee tuxedos and the reason we call them that is they're about to play in their third stadium in three years their deal with vanderbilt has done they'll play in their fourth stadium in four years next year in 99 when their permanent home in nashville uh is built and they're ready to go boomer assassin you know these soilers team at eight and eight and certainly with eddie george they can dictate a little bit on offense he's the real deal they need to give steve mcnair as much help as possible is this the year that mcnair takes off or is he still a ways to go what do you think well you know i think we've seen steady improvement from him but it needs to take it up another level if this wants to be a playoff team and they're close they have a pretty good defense jeff fisher always puts together a good defensive team i think dyson's the guy here because of uh you know he'll be a nice combination with yanti pigpen you put dyson in there and now all of a sudden you have eddie george that's a pretty formidable offensive firepower they're wide receivers were the most disappointing part of that football team last year they felt like mcnair has reached a level to be able to play and be an efficient quarterback in still a very young age but they didn't get the production near what they needed out of the wide receiving core you've got eddie george so you're going to be able to control the running game now all of a sudden you need some place to be able to go down the field that seems to be the general theme of football teams that want to take it to the next level teams like the oilers like the giants that say we have to now compete against green bay and denver the teams that can put points on the board the only way they're going to do it is by throwing the ball down the field and when i look at when i look at teams like this and i look at their young quarterbacks now is the time that these young quarterbacks have to start playing to the level of their expectations i mean you know these are first round draft choices i look at uh you know what steve did last year he was 52 he was about 2 600 passing yards 14 tds you know he's got the great scrambling ability obviously has great athleticism he had eight rushing tds he gave us fits when we played them last year in tennessee but then towards the end of the year he didn't play very well for them so this is the type of year that if this team wants to take it to the next level you know he's got a you know he's got a match to play in his division and really when you look at our division with uh brunel and cordell stewart you know that those are pretty some pretty high numbers that he has to match boomer let me let me let me and of course we've talked about you know peyton manning ryan leaf how tough will it be for them this year with all the expectations or will it not be tough if you're in their shoes project how they'll do in year number one well they'll definitely struggle i would imagine that peyton will start uh the season out as long as you can get his contract worked out and and the one thing that i keep hearing from these players is that they talk about the speed of the league it's not so much the speed of the league is when they see that playbook in front of them and there's 350 pages in there that's not only describing their offense but all the different defensive looks that they have to face during the season i mean it can be overwhelming and the thing about it is is that they have 20 hours during the week in college football to study for their game plans in professional football that's all you do you know you don't have any other books right it's a yeah it's a day in professional football and just the amount of information that they have to absorb is monumental and that's why quarterbacks have trouble down 20 points on the road derek thomas or someone that you know is with the smoke coming out of the at the ears they're going to handle it right eventually though but they're going to take some knocks they'll handle it you know and i don't certainly don't want to rain on their parade no no i don't want to put you know kind of take the smiles off their faces i saw peyton down and i said hey you know congratulations but yeah where do you get the buffalo and it's in december and the wind is blowing and there's 80 000 fans screaming and yelling and you're down 21 to nothing and it's third and 14 and number 78 is coming around the left side to your your blind side that's when you find out what it's like how long did it take you to feel comfortable in an nfl offense that you felt i'm maximizing my talent international football league well i think it was a lot better than the last year actually we had a game like this in cincinnati where the lights went out one night i was like let's just take it in and call it it's like a shower commercial when mel's speech everyone listens you can say look at this silhouette of mel the prince of darkness mel keiper will return [Music] from the worldwide leader in sports this is espn news special presentation of the nfl draft [Music] someone once said let there be light i think it was mel back in 84 with all the hair it's been answered we have light and the light is now on the tennessee tuxedos the oilers of jeff fisher on the clock the card is going up after that we'll have cincinnati's second first round pick and then it's time for new england and if boomer uh talked about it dyson would certainly add up he's the he's the really well boomer touchlin mcnair are you looking for some improvement there you need the weapons and kevin dyson to make a very underrated receiver i thought he was a better all-around player than randy moss was during the course of the senior season despite inconsistent play at the quarterback of the position at utah you look at the wide receivers with the oilers of course thig pen 79 receptions with the steelers coming over same division uh willie sanders was really the disappointment did not step up and have the kind of year that they expected then the two young kids derek mason and joey kent joey kent really struggled as a rookie in the nfl now you look at kevin dyson he was the number one receiver on my board randy moss two asakim jacquez green and jerome pathan all in that early to mid second round area although don't be surprised if maybe a jacquez green slides up into the late first round well he's an interesting player there's no question about that he's just five seven right five emmys five eight change but he it's an interesting interesting player as tennessee mulls it over they have four minutes to do it they will continue to mull it over they will send the card up to the k you know what we had all the play we had a 21 nothing lead until until you showed up the lights go out right now i'm getting they're throwing showing me defenses what happens when you have two quarterbacks i mean it just it always something happens the momentum is starting to go the other way now i want to get back to his question i don't remember it though when did you start to see the light in the nfl when i asked well i'll tell you what happens you know with these young quarterbacks you know what's going to happen with these young quarterbacks they're going to see joe and i doing this they're going to think this is easy too well after after about uh 12 14 years they can jump up here we'll be ready we may be ready to go in about two hours as a matter of fact all right now we're going to go around the league lots of things happening to get you caught up let's start with mark malone young gentleman that will be manning the quarterback position for the colts will be peyton manning the indianapolis colts make him the first selection overall in the nfl draft their next selection will be the second in the second round number 32 look for them to take either a corner or a wide receiver now let's send it out to mike golic here in arizona a couple of days ago i talked to their top pick andre wadsworth he said he'd love to be a cardinal because his college jersey number 58 was available well he got his wish he is a cardinal and as you see in the war room here vince tobin handing out schedules for next year with jake plummer on the front maybe andrew oddsworth will be the next picture on the front of their next year's schedule send it over to chris myers here in dallas the cowboys had a chance to trade down but with that eighth pick they drafted defensive end pass rushing defensive end greg ellis out of north carolina the tar heels all-time sack leader lawrence taylor remember played at that school what the cowboys liked most about him was his character his college coach mac brown said hey if i died tomorrow i'd want this guy to adopt my kids that's a chan galley not charlie chan with number one owner jerry jones we'll keep an eye on things in the war room now let's go to andrea kramer here in jacksonville the jaguars fulfill the need with the ninth pick by selecting running back fred taylor from florida they have a pick coming up at number 25 and they could be looking for defensive health particularly cornerback tom coughlin said he's a little surprised it's been so quiet with no trades when i asked him why he said people are asking for the moon now let's go to solomon wilcock here in cincinnati the bengals finished last season near the bottom of the league in at least six defensive categories so they come out and use their first pick to take linebacker to kyo spikes from auburn they had hoped to see aaron simmons i should say anthony simmons on the board but he is now gone so they will turn their attention to brian simmons the linebacker from north carolina or the cornerback terry fair from tennessee now let's send it out to south pal antonio here in new england the patriots have two picks coming up number 18 and number 22. and offensive coordinator ortiz and pc has got to be pushing offense the next candidate on the board robert edwards of georgia the running back could be the heir apparent to curtis martin we'll have to wait and see now let's go to chris mortensen jimmy johnson said friday that he didn't think randy moss would fall to the dolphins 19th spot so he made a trade with the green bay packers he's gone from 19 to 29 now he obviously knew the raiders are trying to trade up to get randy moss but what happens if moss goes to 29 does jimmy take him let's go to hank goldberg i can't answer that either more but i know that in green bay they're looking for defense with that 19th pick however with the rush of defensive players being selected ron wolf if the guy he wants isn't there might trade back down to get extra picks let's go to linda cohen in charleston with randy moss obviously mood here is of disappointment but there's positive feelings in the room and there's a wait and see attitude according to moss's agent a bus cook uh again the raiders and cowboys said to be working on something but bus cook hasn't heard from them within the hour back to you chris berman in new york all right linda and gang tennessee has made their selection let's head up to the commission with the 16th pick in the first round the tennessee oilers select a wide receiver from utah kevin dyson kevin you got to go with what tumbling dyson i think it's a stone it doesn't get much better than that there you go you're watching here in the senior bowl this is against roosevelt blackmon cornerback from morris brown it could be a second or third round pick showing that ability and that deep speed uh stop and go around first out of his break very similar to marvin harrison who's a big fan of kevin dyson of course that's been marvin harrison's fourth day in the nfl here's a punt returner you see him flash at 445 speed 200 pound frame an angular wide receiver and also i think when you look at kevin dice in the hands a strong hand and stick the receiver and make the tough catch look routine and it's an inconsistency of quarterback at utah he adjusted to some poorly thrown balls did a heck of a job and late in his career chris his route running became a great deal more precise than it was early on is he a better receiver right now than randy martin i think so definitely i thought he was the number one receiver in this draft i like his size i like the angular frame the speed and what i like most about kevin dyson is the work ethic i love marvin harrison comes to play he works hard in the offseason he's got that burst out of his break so he will separate from nfl corners and i think for the tennessee oilers and steve mcnair's development they're looking to accelerate that he's a great fit what a big year for sports out of utah majerus it takes the team to the final game and dyson a 16th round at 16th pick overall in the first round what a big year it's been to curtis cena's and he's going to go to the windy city the chicago birds he's with our mike tarico mike chris thank you and uh his parents are gonna come to chicago and spend at least the rookie season with him uh we were talking a little bit you know the bear situation raymond harris edgar bennett rashaan salam somebody out of that mix probably won't be there but still they take a running back are you encouraged by that or discouraged about being stacked behind a position where there are some established guns well i'm very encouraged by number one i'll be able to learn for some guys he's already played at the next level and i think that knowledge is something my dad always told me you know always listen to somebody of older age because the knowledge they've already been through a lot of things and hopefully those guys be able to pass on that down you know and secondly i think it's an excellent opportunity for me and my family to go to a place where there's been a great tradition of running backs and a great tradition about national football league football well you talk about tradition in penn state running backs it hasn't been good of late kijana has struggled in the nfl blair thomas the jet fans know about him here how can you be different and learn from their experiences because i know you've talked to those guys well i think that the one thing that i've said to a lot of people is asking my question is that mike we're all different and i think that's something that god has blessed upon us all it's how different we all are and that's something that's made me the person who i am is that we've always been through some things they've been through some missports and i've been through some misfortune but i mean we're different and hopefully you know like i can change the table hopefully kajana can do the same this year with the bengals quick last response with the whole incident with the awards ceremony and the jacket and making you ineligible for the ball game if that didn't happen would you have come back for your last year at penn state no sir i was going to fulfill my senior year at penn station and uh and and take my take it to another level and just enjoy the things that know what's happening today congratulations he's looking forward to his first bulls game and his first day the bleachers at wrigley field never viewed it hi guys thank you talk about curtis mike going to a team with some great lineage of running backs walter payton gail sayers red grange brongo nagurski courtesinas i think he'll take his name on that list still the cop the bengals and wither jeff blake new england they've waited and edwards is still there in the running box slot and then green bay do they stay do they go and wither randy mott we'll be back [Music] we're back here at the theater in new york and the bengals have their second first round pick they took tequila spikes linebacker auburn now four picks later here's a pick they got from washington in the big daddy deal let's go up to the commissioner [Music] with the 17th choice in the first round a cincinnati bengals select linebacker from university of north carolina brian simmons pamela again right down the middle of the fairway here well it is i'll tell you like anthony simmons and brian simmons they already added to kyo spike's to dick lebeau's defense and when you watch brian simmons here number 41 other guy that really plays an all-around game don't have to take them off the field and get into the backfield not as strong at the point as some linebackers are not a dominating blitzer like others are but when you watch simmons sideline to sign great pursuit skills tremendous impasse coverage that's what roy separates him his junior year and his senior year against florida state here against dad busby he was an exceptional coverage linebacker which means stickler bows not gonna have to be concerned boomer with a guy like brian simmons even tequila spikes for that matter multi-dimensional linebackers in that 3-4 scheme well that's what the 3-4 is all about so it's a linebacker safety defense that's why you know greg lloyd kevin green rod woodson all these players that make those types of big plays and you know the bengals obviously feel like they're weak at the linebacker spot that they want inside and outside guys the guys that can run the guys that can make plays and guys that are going to hit you right in the mouth when you get there well let's go out to uh cincinnati it's bengal time on our uh on our draft show here from new york let's go out to solomon wilcox in cincinnati solomon yeah chris the bengals are making a run on defensive players here in the first round right now i'm joined by bingo's head coach bruce gosselin coach you're getting the guys you want trying to improve the defense well we we went into the draft with that in mind you know we just have to be able to get the opposing offenses off the field we've drafted two linebackers that can run they've been very productive as college players and uh they're both tough guys and you get to kale spikes from auburn on the inside brian simmons will he play outside one two punch well i think we'll probably uh take a look at brian now he's played the stack backer position he has uh rock to the outside and blitzed some but i think we'll uh wait until mini camp to decide that a little bit more on brian simmons here he's one of the best cover linebackers in the draft you guys can use him all over the place exactly and you know uh you know that becomes important to today's football solely because uh uh you know you wanted to play three downs and and brian has the uh he has the athletic ability to play on third down and cover those backs coming out of the backfield yeah we'll now go back to new york and bring in my former quarterback help me get a super bowl ring i should say the runner up let's bring in boomer science and right now and boomer do you have a question for the old coach you know one of you guys going to stop drafting defense bruce and start drafting some offense out there well boomer if you can remember we scored 42 with you in the game last year and that wasn't enough so i'm tired of that so we're going to stop somebody somehow all right well listen i wish you guys good luck and and i miss you guys thanks boomer we'll see you okay i i've heard longer huddles than that well you know what i talked to bruce last night you know but i will tell you this and and one of the things that really worries me about cincinnati this year is that they have all the offensive firepower they need but again you go back to their schedule they have to play in detroit they have to play in minnesota they have green bay tampa bay denver all at home along with buffalo they got to go to oakland they play pittsburgh twice i mean you know they play obviously jacksonville twice baltimore is a much improved team and of course tennessee that's nine playoff games that they have and i think it will be easily the the most difficult uh schedule of the year what will it take for jeff blake to get back to the form that we saw not last season but a year before that in 96 when his passes went out of the tv screen when you're watching but still landed in everybody's hands 50 yards down the field it was interesting when i got there last year he was extremely uh i would say positive about all the things that he was able to accomplish the years before you got to remember where he came from you know and i think he's going to be a better player without me being there i mean he was a 58 completion percentage guy last year but jeff has not not been known for the completion percentage but known with a big play and he and carl pickens have really developed a dynamic relationship jeff has just got to learn that he has darnay scott he has david dunn he has corey dillon now healthy and he has a very healthy offensive line when kevin sargent came back at left tackle and corey dillon emerged as a superstar running back in this league things started to happen for us and i was able to exploit those those players as best i could and hopefully he learned from that the boomer of him the boomer of you now even though he was boomer for well you know on the tv thanks for joining us it's my pleasure guys that was one million dollar contract for abc good luck with it all right thanks oh you're leaving i am leaving you guys are here for the rest why are you leaving i spent a while take the risk our day off uh can have an even shorter conversation let's go up to the much awaited vision with tom jackson bengals two linebackers tommy you gotta love it well the bengals certainly shored up their linebacking core they got takeo spikes inside and brian simmons from north carolina outside and he'll be the strong side backer he has that six foot three 235 pound frame he's able to get on to people and get off people first shot we're going to see here is great range by him realize that one of the guys he runs by right there is all-american corner trey bly then watch him control the tight end here from outside tight end actually has the angle on him he gets him stands him up right finds the football and then gets rid of him i think that that is probably the most difficult position to play in football is the strong side linebacker i tried it for one year and couldn't quite make it as we see jack get down here jack mckiernan the center from rutgers and he's not going to hurt me but jack's going to try to hook me as a tight end i try to get control of him right here the most difficult thing in football is to control a player for those three steps before you get rid of him brian simmons is a pretty good guy at it and certainly going to build around dick labo's system [Music] all right tommy thank you and you know what we got to say we thank jack for helping us out today he's in mel's book the bible has everybody even let there be light in mel's book the new england war room the patriots are now on the board if they want robert edwards the running back he's right there far we'll be back [Music] with the seventh pick in the first round the new england patriots select terry glenn wide receiver ohio state everybody has their own opinion but the organization picks the player terry glenn's selection of the 96 draft put phil parcells and owner bob crafted odds but the friction didn't affect the tuna's coaching style or the success of the patriots led his team to the afc championship before losing in the ultimate game to the super bowl to the green bay packers but the animosity was boiling over they want you to cook the dinner at least they ought to let you shop for some of the groceries to the pants at their own shop you got pete carroll i just think it's an ideal situation parcells took the jets job and in week two met up with his old team in foxborough the jets ended up losing a nail biter in ot the far cells was able to land one of the patriots biggest fish coach parcells is a coast that i enjoy playing with i see the new york dress as a team of great growth [Music] well as a result of curtis martin martin rejoining his old coach bill parcells in new york the jets are on the sundial for a while they will sit as new england grabs this pick the 18th pick which was one of two draft choices that they got uh because of the signing of curtis barton they got a one and a three they have six of the first 83 because they have the jets second round pick that's part of the bill parcells deal negotiated between the two teams at commissioner tagliabue a year ago the jets another story have recouped its two but so the patriots have two ones two twos two threes it's like a lawrence welk in double and now let's go up to sal palantonio in new england sal boomer i just talked to the patriots war room they are overjoyed that roberts edwards is still sitting there at number 18. they gambled by not going up and trying to get courtesy of fred taylor holding on to these picks that they've gotten for curtis martin and bill parcells they've got a player there that they want and i do believe that they're going to take robert edwards to be the heir parent to curtis martin boomer now back to you [Music] all right sal thank you so we we discussed that they gambled and won by staying where they are because we didn't think any running backs would go below taylor once the taylor went to jacksonville new england stayed put and they're going to get their man robert edwards if that's where they want to go well 217 pound running back robert edwards says chris i think when you look at durability question that's why he's still there or he may have been a top 10 pick uh you know kid strong runner very elusive for a big back he has a little bit of change of direction ability but what he can do is hit the home run and with the zone blitz packages see a lot of running backs going 65 70 yards for touchdowns robert edwards did that on a regular basis in georgia against tough competition in the sec you see here going the distance taking it into the end zone i think this is something that he provides for a 217 pound running back can catch the football helping blitz pick up in terms of blocking i'll tell you what when you looked at this kid and you see time after time and this highlight package is really accurate in terms of the way he played when he was healthy against tennessee would have maybe had 300 plus yards that he not gotten hurt in that particular game two years ago he's a talent what he has to do is prove just like robert smith did coming out of ohio state that he's durable enough to play 16 games in the nfl well there's some decent lineage mel out of georgia uh certainly terrell davis mvp of the super bowl in his hometown and boy a six round pick i mean that might go down as all time as one of the classic lower draft picks in the history of the nfl uh garrison hurst now coming into his own although a couple of teams later not arizona or cincy but a very good player now for san francisco rodney hampton was a was a key cog for the giants well he'll probably be playing elsewhere next year and of course herschel walker so how about damn dogs they hope that robert edwards you know can continue the georgia lineage the pick is now in let's go up to the commissioner see if new england gets their back [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the 18th pick in the first round the new england patriots select running back from the university of georgia robert edwards well there's patriot fans here as well as jet fans are holding up signs bill thanks for the picks well they got their back they got their back but also they had cedric saw last year so i mean they've got two very young backs derek culler is also there as a running back this is a football team that is pretty set in most places what they're doing now is they're stockpiling and building for the future that's why new england doesn't want to get rid of a lot of their picks they didn't want to give up the house to move all the way up to enos if you look at edwards and enos you can almost look at manning and leaf you know what you're getting with enos you know what you're getting with manning with edwards if he stays healthy there could be a greater upside as there is with ryan lee so you've got a similar situation in the running backs part of this draft that you do in the quarterback part of it a little bit of the unknown in this guy yeah but if if the unknown becomes known the patriots are certainly a serious contender to get back and represent the afc in the super bowl when we return the heisman trophy winner now charles woodson we'll talk with our mike tarico and a draft update please stay tuned [Music] from the worldwide leader in sports this is espn news special presentation of the nfl draft a quick update from our espn studios green bay packers on the clock with pick number 19 of the first round this is a pick they got courtesy of a trade earlier today with the miami dolphins miami also picking up the packers second round pick that means the weight will continue a little bit longer for randy moss jimmy johnson a coach who might have gone with moss in this slot and said he trades out so randy continues to wait as the names of other players are clicked off we've already heard his coaches and teammates defend him we've also heard some nfl coaches express their reservations those summed up earlier today by our mike gottfried [Music] he has a high upside i mean high he has a downside as big as the grand canyon with the fifth pick in the draft chicago bears select running back penn state university curtis enos the rams select defensive end nebraska grant wisconsin new orleans saints select tackle san diego state university kyle turley i just got off the phone with the cowboys war room and they're going to go a cold feet like a number of teams are with the randy moss what is interesting here guys is that he could go with this pick or he could fall all the way to early second the dallas cowboys select defensive end from north carolina greg ellis one team for whom randy moss might be in the picture who are they are considering ross moss although they don't necessarily think he'll be there at number 21 are the minnesota vikings dennis green told me this is america everyone deserves a second chance but perhaps even more interestingly they have someone on their team they think would be a very good influence on moss his brother eric well the vikings may be surprised after all pick number 21 just a couple of picks away it's the packers and then the lion so we'll have to see in fact if minnesota does take randy moss in the meantime the moss camp waiting patiently or perhaps not so patiently in charleston west virginia where linda cone is standing by linda oh chris they're patient all right randy's smiling munching on chicken wings remaining relaxed meanwhile his asian bus cuckoo also represents brett favre of course with green bay moments ago got off the phone with the packers who said they're definitely not interested in randy moss because simply they have too many receivers their concentration is on defense but about the vikings bus cook had a nice conversation this morning with dennis green dennis green had contacted bus talked about the possibility of taking randy uh green didn't think randy would be available when it was uh green's turn to pick at 21 but it looks like he will be available at that spot so uh dennis green said he might be re-evaluating things when he had that conversation with bus cook uh this morning and chris myers is there a first uh uh possibility yeah actually we're gonna go ahead i was gonna say there is that possibility i just got off the phone with one of the viking assistant coaches who is making an argument one of the offensive coaches who said he's rated as one of the top five offensive players in the draft vikings hoping to learn from history in 95 they wanted warren sapp tony dungy was pounding on the table they passed on him regretted that later chris carter they think can be a positive influence the vikings are considering randy moss even though their priority is a cornerback right now let's go back to chris berman in new york all right chris thank you very much the packers traded up we'll talk about what they've done and what they were hoping to accomplish in a moment [Music] gene washington is going to make this pick make the pick but announce it the green bay packers have selected defensive tackle from north carolina bonnie holliday yeah that's well you heard hank allude to it earlier and i'm on board with it too that they made the move up to 19 mel well we'll talk about holiday who can he play defensive end that's the big question i think he can he had a 33 vertical he did the uh the 225 he bench pressed 31 times he's very quick off the ball you watch him here and i'll tell you this kid really gets into the backfield he explodes like i said 31 reps they played in more of a read react contained defense in north carolina gap responsibilities then he went after the football you turn him loose at a defensive end spot at 295 pounds with his quickness as active and alert as he is this could make plays in north carolina on a regular basis i i think you know he's a projection we project the you know corners to safety you project defensive ends outside linebacker i think he can play that spot for the packers because he's number one he's so athletic and he's strong and i'll tell you you you'll pin his ears back and get after the quarterback something he really wasn't allowed to do with north carolina and i think they got the best value and bonnie holiday on the board at this point well that was not necessarily the guy that we're looking at but they here's why they went with here's the trade by the way which happened this morning about an hour before the draft began uh the dolphins and the packers traded swap number one pick so miami will pick later on and the packers second round pick went to miami late in the second round number 60 overall here's what's facing the packers and you got to remember that even though they've lost six players due to free agency uh they feel that they're young guys for example newsom was hurt last year and now a play corner the spot that doug evans occupied and they feel that their secondary with darren sharper stepping in for eugene robinson who unexpectedly was signed away by atlanta they can line up right now as defending nfc champ what they saw in the super bowl was a winded heated uh defensive line we all saw they're worn down by the broncos and they lose defensive end gabe wilkins and there's a big question i don't know if reggie white's going to play any more football that hasn't been decided yet i don't think he's going to so they need defensive end help and that's where holiday fits right in because remember this is a team that wants to get back to the super bowl so they want to get a guy in that will start right now well there's always the possibility you've got flexibility i think you've got a little flexibility with santana dodson he is such a great competitor and a terrific defensive lineman in spots the way fred schermer likes to move things around on defense you could possibly move him outside and don't forget fred shermer is the master of massive types of defenses from five twos to two fives to three fours you could see a little bit more three four out of the green bay packers also which would solve that problem well joe and chris i thought you know when you look at bonnie holiday it wouldn't shock me back a month two months ago if the saint louis rams took him at six i thought he was one of the top ten players in this draft though he was on a par with wistrom i think when you look at the green bay packers how he fits in i think he's a heck of a thing moving up you're not going to get him if you remain where you are if you're the green bay packers you get that versatility i think this is a choice that for john dorsey and for ron wolf they did a heck of a job you wonder why teams are in super bowls because they make good moves and whether the right player slit or not bonnie holiday was not going to be there late in the first round so they will have a holiday in green bay after this well they're having a holiday in oakland because once again a heisman trophy winner will wear this silver and black like plunkett and marcus and bo and timmy brown and desmond howard and now it's charles woodson on his way to oakland he's with our mike tarico michael yep just like desmond trades in the maze in blue for the silver and black there were some media reports about attitude questions from teams with you because you left the combine a little bit early and some workouts a little bit early did you hear any of those questions from teams no none of the teams brought brought any of that stuff up i mean it was just stuff that was brought up in the media basically all of it was untrue i mean i'm not a bad person i don't have a bad attitude i just want to get in and play hard and play good football that's it you have a db's attitude which is aggressive and the raiders can use that we're going to show everyone where the raiders stacked up statistically on defense last year it was 30th all the way across the board in the three positions you don't want yards yards passing yards receiving you were out there i met with some of the defensive coaches what was their impressions of how you could fit into their schemes one thing basically you know they just want to get me in there and just teach me the system they just got a willie shaw out there she's a good defensive coordinator out there he does a lot of the things that we did at michigan so hopefully i'll get out there and just make an impact and hopefully get some early playing time finally you know the one thing we all did watching michigan games we wanted to see where you were going to go were you going to line up on offense will you line up on offense and have you talked to the raiders about that at all we talked about it briefly but like i said i just want to get the defense down and hopefully if the offense stems from that then i'll go over there on that side of the ball and get a couple of touches on the football was al davis as cool as you thought he'd be oh he was too cool he was too cool for me man congratulations thanks a lot charles woodson from michigan to the raiders we send it to our espn studios and chris fowler chris well mike thank you i think charles making a key point none of the team's concerned about his attitude which has been the report of or the subject of media reports part of it got started at a walter camp football foundation dinner that imc'd one of the former officers of that club kind of popped off to a small connecticut newspaper about his displeasure with wooden's attitude and suddenly this became a monster national news story i can tell you know charles pretty well most of that stuff is unfounded i think an nfl team that gets him into camp will find a guy as he said that just eager to play good football is respectful is a team guy and i'll tell you what the coaches that watched him in michigan the first day of practice put him as a converted running back in high school to defensive back and vance bedford his position coach remembers thinking at the time this guy is a terrible corner this guy will never make it as a defensive back here he is heisman trophy winner and now the number four pick overall the detroit lions are on the clock in the first round as the nfl draft continues after this from new york connecticut and all points we are back in new york detroit is on the clock and i i gotta guess it's safety sean williams i mean i mean we're going right down the the uh the bill wall scripted plays that's happened today and let's go up to gene washington and see how we do the detroit lions have selected defensive back from tennessee terry fair little different a little different now they had such great success last year drafting one and two and got two starting corners of course in westbrook and abrams well i'll tell you okay five nine and a quarter chris that's the concern but you see his ability to play the ball interception here real good hands for the int and i think when you look here against florida and some big games he makes plays there against jacquez green i think when you look at terry fair he was challenged on a regular basis in the nfc for the most part did a pretty good job a lot of past breakups in the sec interceptions i'll tell you he breaks on the ball well five nine and a quarter is a concern remember that kevin abrams last year uh coming in as a second round pick he may end up being the nickel back they had bryant westbrook they hit the jackpot with him he's a great starting cornerback but you know terry fair is a gamble because like i say it's five nine and a quarter you look at some of those wide outs that you're matched up against in the af and the nfc central uh you know you look at this and you say okay if the abrams wasn't big enough now you go to another five nine and a quarter corner we'll see what happens let's uh move back a little bit before we discuss fair a little bit more let's uh stay in the division and go back to green bay who moved up ten spots and got bonnie holiday our ron wolfe is with our hank goldberg hammer okay boomer and ron wolf general manager executive vice president of packers uh i know when you trade it up you had your eye on somebody and then somebody else became available you want to tell us what happened what happened was we we knew that in order to uh get the players that we needed we had to add something to our defensive unit we knew sitting at or i shouldn't say we knew but we certainly felt at 29 that we wouldn't be able to do that so we rehashed it over and over again about what would be the possibilities of moving up where could we move jimmy johnson is always very receptive and fortunately we caught him at a good time because we had to add defense we were looking at two players i think you alluded to sean williams certainly ucla was one and we never expected uh and everybody says this that everybody drafts so we never expected the guy we took to be there but that's the honest to god truth uh we're just delighted it's certainly an area we need help we feel bonnie can play end or tackle it'll be interesting to see uh where he fits but he will fit with the this is our present situation on the defensive line no question all right ron thanks very much we go back to new york for another pick boomer all right hank kitten ron wolf thank you very much very quickly minnesota is in as we have a run of the nfc central division teams here's gene washington the minnesota vikings have selected wide receiver from marshall university randy moss carter jake reed randy moss healthy brad johnson big robert smith sign mcdaniel and stucy signed up front and his brother eric moss yep in minnesota so i think you look at randy you see the size physical ability athletic ability is tremendous you watch him here against ole miss and this is the first play offensive play for marshall touchdown that's the capability he brings to the table tremendous speed i think he can just explode one deep route you watch him here look at the athleticism coming up here i mean you're talking about a guy look at that i mean you don't see that and receivers that come into the nfl draft out of the college ranks every year now granted he dominated the lower level competition you see him here fade route he's unstoppable in the mid-american conference in that particular area catching the ball right off the defender's helmet uh yeah you look at this a man among boys at that level the question with randy is against west virginia and of course in that ole miss game after he hit the home run early struggle a little bit getting off the line of scrimmage route runs just a little sloppy he needs to fine-tune his game a little bit obviously the off-the-field concerns are there he has to put all that to rest stay focused on football work on his game at wide receiver i spoke to andre wadsworth about him of course they were together at one year and he said one thing about randy mawson impressed andre was he was in the weight room and he was working to develop his skills that one year he was at florida state as a red shirt so if he stays focused sky's the limit for a kid with his physical and athletic ability hey offensive weapons in minnesota joe we just mentioned them here i mean let's take a look if you if you see a big grin in minnesota it's brian billis the offensive coordinator he's got to be grinning ear to ear andrew glover at tight end all these wide receivers you look at the receptions chris carter with 89 jake reed with 68. chris walsh with just 11 and hatchet with just three but now you bring in a randy moss you go three wide you've got the three biggest receivers in a division where they like to throw the football anyway i think the one thing that randy moss brings now to the minnesota vikings is he brings a real deep threat down the field you you look at carter you look at reed both of them big guys both of mid-range big receivers now you've got somebody who adds a stretch to the field you start stretching the feel out with him you can do an awful lot with those big guys underneath so and i also think we talked about this if he'd gone to dallas very positive influences around him we talked about a michael irvin i believe can be a positive influence and a deion sanders now you look at reed and carter and the guys that have been put together on that minnesota viking football team you've got a very good positive group for him to be around i go back to the detroit lions terry fair five nine and a quarter has to match up against a reed a car and now a moss in a division where you have abrams and others yeah but i i still think i think quickness can negate size like i said you can't be perfect with the ball guys can get in front pretty good well five nine and a quarter corner back covering again chris carter good luck joe he better be able to run at least right one of our quarterbacks and we have a lot of quarterbacks who play with it with a guy even taller and more angular than randy moss i'm talking about harold carmichael let's go up to ron jaworski and jaws how does moss fit in with minnesota obviously they can push the envelope through the air yeah boomer from an athletic standpoint it's a great fit because he's got the size and the red zone to go up and get the football he's got the size and the speed to come across in the red zone and catch the the delay routes underneath and run him in the end zone with his great ability but where i see a problem he's kind of a freelance route runner he likes to do things on his own and as joe mentioned a moment ago brian billick likes that disciplined timing and rhythm passing game where the quarterback sets it three steps delivers the ball in two seconds or excuse me 1.5 seconds and the receiver runs out and i'm not sure randy moss the kind of guy that's going to assimilate all those little nuances of a timing and rhythm passing him quickly but he certainly has the ability to do so and i'll tell you three wide when you look at that they got some real talent boomer to be interesting jaws it it will be interesting to watch and that team is one of the most fun teams to watch anyway and then brad johnson got hurt late and then they you know they they are a a team that that will really contend next year even though there are four playoff teams from the nfc central let's go out now to west virginia to linda cohen who's with randy moss linda chris his mother says it's fulfilling a lifelong dream for him randy moss playing along with his brother eric and it's going to be with the minnesota vikings congratulations randy uh did you think it was going to take this long though no i really didn't but um we all sit in the room looking at the tv and we just waited on the right call to be made so uh coach green made the right call and i'm happy now i can just be there with my brother minutes ago you were talking with dennis green and what did he have to say what did he tell you he just said um really just to be encouraged and uh just let all that stuff and hype just uh just still just keep it in the back and uh let's just you know concentrate on me doing best and he's gonna bring me in to play ball and that's what i'm gonna do have you talked have you had previous discussions with your brother about the vikings or the possibility of joining him there i don't think my brother expected me to be uh late in this round but um i guess you know this uh was made out for the best and uh i'm just happy and very lucky randy you told me yesterday that if you knew all this kind of talk about uh all the negatives coming out the weeks leading up to the draft you told me if you knew all this was going to happen that maybe you would you know have thought differently about coming out after your sophomore year at marshall and you might have considered staying another year yeah like i told you yesterday i think uh the past had a lot to do with it but uh i'm picked now i'm not viking now so uh i'm very happy and excited to be going there with my brother and coach green in minnesota with the receiving court and quarterback and running back that they have so hopefully i can fit in and just make it happen you also told me that uh you have something to prove especially to the teams that passed you by that still hold true i'm not really holding a grudge but i think with the kind of excitement i bring to a football game or team uh they pass me up so i don't really like i said don't hold no grudges i'm just happy now that i'm a viking so i'm just gonna make the best stuff to go in there and just hopefully uh feel my dream and that's to play and win games do you feel you have anything to work on at the next level i think just listening to all the analysts um they really said a lot and i took it in my head and uh they made a point you know these certain things that this guy has to work on to be successful in the league so uh i'm just take it uh beyond you know to another level and just do what they said hopefully turn out to be the best you had a reputation of teaching young receivers at marshall university some of the things you learned in your one year at florida state are you going to welcome that from the veteran receivers like a chris carter and such at the minnesota vikings almost definitely uh seeing chris and jake reed down there doing uh the things they do best to score touchdowns and i think i was looking at the receptions uh for the whole year and uh hopefully i could just fit in to to their mix and uh like i said just make it happen i think i'm about about winning championships and i just want to come to minnesota and hopefully put them back in the game randy thanks for your time and congratulations randy moss a new member of the minnesota vikings all right linda congratulations to randy we know now the minnesota vikings are no rolling stones because rolling stones don't gather no moss the vikings have gathered randy moss and when we return we'll talk with dennis green on the video conference phone and new england is on the clock so now the plot has thickened we shall return because you know many times automotive parts ac delco if you're not asking for it you're asking for it and by taco bell want some now welcome back to new york and so uh one of the more intriguing songs of the first round and now has an ending and we presume it's a happy ending with the brothers moss now playing for coach dennis green in minnesota randy lost the vikings first round pick the 21st overall and joining us now on the sprint to video teleconferencing is coach dennis green and uh dennis first of all congratulations on the pick as usual you're never afraid to stick your neck out right never afraid um well the bottom line when did you think that this would come to you uh probably last november because i think in the national football league well let's face it i mean this is old old news i mean this is not like it happened yesterday and that's been our philosophy we'll take the best player on the board so last november i thought it could be regardless of whether we're picking 30 or further down that we could get the player dennis how much in knowing his brother and having him play for you did that play a role a huge role in you making this pick this way well we know more about uh randy moss than anybody else we have his brother here we spent a lot of time talking to him we've got probably the best spiritual leader in the national football league and reverend keith johnson who's ahead of cause we got one of the best players chris carter in the national football league as far as working and trying to get guys understand what it takes to be true to yourself and understand yourself so we have no doubts about randy moss what we think is this randy moss teaming up with chris carter and jake reed with robert smith in the backfield running the football and andrew glover going down the middle will give us the most potent offense in the national football league and that's why we drafted him will there be and i know you just drafted him dennis so i mean you don't have the answer to the question yeah but will there be special provisions in his contract including maybe drug testing that maybe you're not in other players contract is that part of an agreement i mean you've talked with him before obviously no no wait that why would it be everybody in the national football league has drug testing i mean i think this i you know when i go back to this is plain and simple this is a young man who's a great player who made some mistakes in his past he was 18 and 19 years old he's still only a 21 year old young man and we think this that his life is ahead of him we're taking a high road we're saying we got a full glass of water here and we got a football player who's going to mean a lot to our football team to help us win a championship hey you know what i hear in your voice you know we just visited a couple of weeks ago i hear and i see excitement i mean you're excited about this about going to redo the playbook right well i am simply because what we have now what we haven't had in a few years is a big receiver that can go on the outside opposite of jake reed with now chris carter working real big time on the inside and so with that in combination with robert smith we're going to be there dennis this is joe does it also give you that opportunity to take the ball down the field a little bit more chris and jake they're they're fast but certainly not in this type of a category it really can stretch the field for you can it well i think it can you know we've had so much trouble with herman moore throughout the years and herman runs a hitch in a hook and a go i mean randy moss can do a lot of things besides just a hitch a hook and a go but that is sufficient when you talk about what chris carter can do on the inside and jp on the outside and again with rob us putting the kind of money with robert smith it only makes sense for us to do everything we can to put the defense in a situation where they cannot defend the minnesota vikings then it's just chris again now you passed a couple of years ago on warren sapp and every situation is different and there's a question with some about coachability uh of randy moss you obviously i'm guessing don't feel that that's even an issue am i right well it isn't well we we talked with coach bob crude he doesn't he thinks he's a tremendously coachable young man and i think this we know a lot about him we don't think it's going to be a problem at all we have a lot of players on our team that have had to develop and come on he does too no rookie player is going to go out and be the mvp in the national football league but we know this this is a great talent and that's really what it comes down to so we're not going to be concerned about that we know what he's going to do he's going to come in here and help make us a lot better hey you see warren sapp twice a season and you see what sort of a player he has become which isn't really a surprise did passing on him a couple of years ago maybe affect this decision at all it may creep in and say hey we could have done that too keep in mind all warren sapp information came the day before the draft and the day of the draft what we're talking about with randy moss we've known about for two years so i think that's the difference in night and day you're excited i can i can i can sense it go back go back in there and enjoy all right hey thanks for joining us dennis we'll see you later all right take care now you bet i i tell you what play now they were they were laying in the weeds on this one weren't they well we're laying in the weeds well we'll talk about that new england the card is coming up and is there a question as is this a chance for a safety or a corner that really pushes the action like lucky to bucky jones we'll see let's go up to gene washington the patriots have selected defensive back from syracuse to bucky jones lucky to bucky from britain connecticut about about three wood from our studios at espn and he is a guy that can really play a pete carroll pressure type defensive backfield do you like the pick or is this a reach no not at all chris he was the number two cornerback when a lot of teams boards of course charles woodson then to bucky jones you say it's a projection is jason seahorn a pretty good corner now ronnie lott everybody said was only a safety was a corner early in his career and a phenomenal corner at that you see 214 he's been up as high as 217 during individual workouts still running 4-3 8. what you like about the bucky what's the athletic ability here now that's the ability to make up ground in a hurry for a safer corner that's going to come into the focus in the nfl here's a touchdown return all the way you're not going to catch the bucky jones with his 4-3-8 speed this is against fellaine this year first year in the defensive secondary another pass break up you can see the range in coverage and i'll tell you the guy made plays had in his first game chris as a defensive back this year against wisconsin he went out at nine pack he's instinctive he picks up things very quickly he gives you a lot of versatility it could be a free safety strong safety a cornerback and obviously with new england that's high law but you have jenny jimmy hitchcock coming off kind of a struggling year rumor he's on a trading block in new england the bucky jones will be asked i believe this year to be a factor at quarterback remember also last year in the first round they directed chris canty out of kansas state struggled a little bit his first season in the nfl size was a problem with candy size is not a problem with the bucky jones aggressive guys in the secondary and really and the whole defense i mean that fits pete carroll and mel talked about it joe we look at their secondary of course they get big plays at the safety spot because uh you know big play willie clay and lawyer malloy are very solid at the safety position and also very young chris when you take a look at this secondary thai law just a couple years in the league lawyer malloy the same waste willie clay you know he got his nickname big big play clay chris kenney again last year added the interceptions were not very high i think what they can do is they can afford to go after people cover a little bit closer when you add it to bucky jones now all of a sudden you're looking at a secondary that can play together for four five six years with the same people and you've got some depth so what mr kraft and pete carroll are doing with the new england patriots is they're adding quality and depth and guys who can contribute right away that's the luxury position that the new england patriots are now having the draft picks that they are this secondary pick right here is gonna again it's in a division where you have to have corners who can play the unique thing about tebucki jones a lot of people like to use three wides he can be a good support safety type of a corner which a lot of smaller guys can't do a good family man he's married he has the children to take care of i think his priorities are in order i think when you look at bucky jones marvin harrison said it best a great wide receiver already with the indianapolis colts when he said what's the house to bucky jones what do you expect he said when he comes to the nfl he's going to be all business he's going to be focused he's going to be ready to work he's a southern new england fellow living about two hours from where the patriots are going to play in foxborough the 18th of april is a very famous day in new england lore american lore but certainly new england lord maybe to bucky knows about it 18th of april in 75 was paul revere's ride well the 18th of april in 98 to bucky jones robert edwards guys that could push the envelope on either side of the ball just thought we'd give a little history lesson at some point in the first round of the nfl draft now let's go up and talk about debucky with chris fowler and coach godfrey guys chris you mentioned new britain from new britain to new england bucky jones the guy who played running back at syracuse until he finally convinced the coaching staff up there i can be better used as a defensive back get me on the field he was only getting five or six carries a game as a running back mike godfrey you're able to see him play on both sides of the football as a defensive back what are his strengths well he's got a lot of strengths uh chris when i talked to bob baliceni who's the green bay packer uh secondary coach he really liked him about a month ago and he's a workout wonder he's worked himself into this top draft position you look at him he's got great athleticism he's only one year as a safety now the pro defensive coordinators that i talked to him look look at us as a possible corner position for him they like his size versus big receivers has a quick burst you see him come off the receiver right here now he closes ground he causes the fumble he has speed also the running back speed that you talked about he gets an interception now he turns into the running back skills of that great speed that he's done in these workouts and he really is probably one of the best athletes in this draft and when you look at him i think there's a couple questions one is can he be a corner and two i think he can be a great special teams player for you he's delighted to go anywhere he'll be even more delighted i think to stay in new england uh mel mentioned he has kids as a seven-year-old daughter so to bucky tell me he's going to start shopping for schools as soon as he knows where he's go and also got sons who are five and two years old and now he's headed to new england along with another guy you like robert edwards south palantonia with patriot head coach pete carroll sal thanks chris pete you got two guys that you really wanted robert edwards into the bucky jones tell us about robert edwards what did he impress about you well we uh we liked a lot of things about him he's a great all-around athlete got great hands and he's strong and he runs tough uh he can break the big play uh we we really like his attitude and his uh what he brings to our club so we were excited about that pick now he had a foot injury a couple of years ago an ankle injury there are some critics out there who say maybe he's not durable enough to carry the load in the nfl you worried about that at all no we we investigated that thoroughly and uh you know we think he's he's fine now he recovered that and you know came back from it and played very well this year so uh he's very tough and pushed his recovery time as well so we like that about him also tell us about to bucky jones there was a recent contingent of the patriots that went up there worked them out uh you like them you like a size and speed safety or cornerback he's a he's a rare player for us to have an opportunity to pick at this time he's got tremendous you know physical skills speed size and all of those things but what i like best about him is is his attitude about contributing to his club any way he could and he was a great special teams player he scored touchdowns on defense uh he's got a real supreme toughness that we love about him and so we're going to bring him in here and i'm going to try to teach him everything i know about playing bumping around corner and we're going to make a corner out of him and see how that goes and we count on we're going to count on that happening we know he can play safety as well and he's and he's a very very good special teams player so we're real excited to bring them here hitchcock on the training block uh no not not right at this time we entertain offers well there have been some phone calls on him uh all throughout the off season so we'll you know we'll continue to take calls on whoever calls on about our players thanks very much pete good let's go back to chris fowler in bristol sal thanks patriots two picks two great athletes what about a 220 pound corner with a 40 inch vertical jump and an attitude that will do anything to help improve the football team talking about to bucky jones the tampa bay buccaneer successful drafts in recent years they are on the clock as round one continues after this [Music] polaroid presents the nfl draft snapshot oh very surprised yeah we thought for sure would be either indianapolis washington or l.a indianapolis has selected trev alberts linebacker from nebraska but the pass off of trent gilford when all you have is jim harbaugh give me a break who in the hell is mel kyper in a way i mean here's a guy that criticizes everybody whoever they take male kiper has no more credentials to do what he's doing that my neighbor and my neighbor is a postman the tampa bay buccaneers have made the sixth pick in the first round and they've selected trent dilfer quarterback fresno state well chris i'll tell you i'm secure in my position obviously bill dobin is not very secure in his position have a response like that to me it's a mistake you cannot go with jim harbaugh and pass up trent builder forget it that's why the colts are the laughing stock of the league year in and year out trent gilbert started only two games as an nfl rookie but in 95 he was named tampa bay starter however struggling the next two seasons showing an nfl high 37 interceptions trev alberts played three years in his injury played colts career he started only seven games and retired last year while dilfer came into his own guiding tampa bay to a 10-6 mark and their first playoff win in 18 years trent dilfer was the first buck quarterback ever at a pro bowl what the hell is mel kiper anyway we'll get back to that in a moment we have our first on-the-board trade coming up with tampa on the clock and let's go up to the commissioner i guess we get the commissioner out of dry dock when there's a trade right as stated a couple of minutes a couple of seconds ago uh tampa bay traded its pick to the raiders and the raiders selected tackle from florida mo collins well let me tell you what that was okay let's well we'll get you the rest of the trade in a moment um i'm trying to listen well we're gonna we oakland has three second round picks so we're gonna we're gonna get uh this straight in a moment but the oakland raiders have moved up to the 23rd spot of taking mo collins and i'll tell you what happened because this is a bay area bombshell san francisco across the bay has had their eyes on mo collins for weeks he's now going to be playing in the bay area on the other team i'll tell you look at mo collins i see a guy who really came on as a junior remember he had another year of eligibility left i think the game that really defined him was certainly against andre wadford but you watch me at white tackle just a massive offensive tackle a heck of a book end and a guy that i think you know when you look at him and project him into the nfl should become a much better run blocker than he was in florida but certainly that game against andre wadsworth chris late in the year where he really held andre watson had a lot of help held the tight end and they had max protection but that game against andre wadsworth i think propelled mo collins into the first round and maybe affected his decision to leave florida early knowing that if you can dominate arguably the best player in the draft or at least neutralize him then that gives him an opportunity to maybe come in as a first round draft choice we so often find ourselves projecting so-called skill players into offenses this is one where mo collins comes out of a florida offense that is used to getting rid of the football quick he's used to operating without people outside of him all of a sudden he goes into oakland now where john gruden's going to put in an offense where he's got a quarterback who gets rid of the ball quick and jeff george this is a case where you have an offensive lineman that actually comes out of a college system that fits very nicely into a professional system in oakland so it's a nice fit for him as well as an offensive lineman with a lot less things to learn than if he had to go to a longer drop back style of offense let's clean the trade up here for a moment oakland has three picks between in the second round they got 31 and 59 as a result of the chester mclaughlin trade so they hold on to 31 but they give up their regular second round pick number 34 and the pick that they acquired from uh the chiefs as a result of kansas city two days ago or yesterday sonic chester mcglockton so oakland has one second round pick left tampa bay gets their other second round picks and oakland gets moe collins for more reaction to mo collins heading to uh silver and black let's go up to chris fowler in the coach well boomer mo collins becomes the third offensive lineman taken in this first round here's a guy who's playing against the highest possible college competition from a very early time in his career at florida never forget the fiesta bowl collins very much overmatched by those nebraska outside pass rushers as a young tackle there were not able to block anybody and danny wereful got killed but mo collins as mel mentioned guys progressed along was able to play very well against andre wadsworth and those florida state outside pass rushers later in his career guy likes to do a lot of talking as well as blocking though well chris when you look at mo collins you look at 96 he played against andre wadsworth and peter boulware and renard wilson and the two outside guys wilson bower he played very well against him last year with a little help from the tight end he was able to shut out andre wadsworth the problem is he's not a very good run blocker and can get overweight on you a little bit but comes out of a very good system of steve spurrier good pass protector what is overweight in this strategy they had 58 college linemen at the combine 51 of them were over 300 pounds how does he fit into the offensive scheme of the raiders well it should be a real nice fit remember john gruden is coming there he's going to put in a new style of offense the west coast offense and what we really want to look at is going to the playbook right here we look at the pre-play and here's the position he will play right there and in john druden's style of offense the fullback is an important pass receiver so he's going to get out of the backfield quick that means moe is going to have to set quick and either block that incoming there against this over front or this tackle coming in here and the key is to stop the penetration coming up the field because the quarterback will set in three and five step drops critical so when you have this position or this position at the tackle and you're throwing short quick pass in the west coast offense it is critical that the quarterback has lanes to throw to the full back and to the halfback and to the short inside routes of the wide receiver this is a real good pick for john gruden because he wants to solidify the offensive line he likes to run the football but the key will be the quick short crisp passing game so mo collins joins fred taylor in this year's first round last year the gators had a couple of first-round picks steve spurrier before last year chris berman had not had an offensive player taken in the first round in his regime at florida and jacques green could make it a third this year bell weather certainly he's one of the most intriguing players in the entire draft a bay area scoop tommy moe collins playing for the raiders and when he's good he's very good yeah the thing is is moe collins has massive a massive frame long arms 355 pounds six four and a half the thing that he does well is get arm extension he gets his arms out and forces people around and we'll take a look at mo collins here initially at the left tackle spot you're gonna see him get out right away and get right tackle and get those arms out and you see him right there with the great thrust working here against andre wadsworth best defensive player in the draft here again you see him make that end take the long route around now the wrap on mo collins is that he is inconsistent at times but when he had to raise his level of play i'd pala andre wadsworth he did an outstanding job and the thing we want to talk about here is that arm extension here remember he's six four and a half 355 pounds when he gets those arms out and he extends it's going to have may force you to take the long route around about a day and a half boom the long route the polar route uh so to speak tommy and it's interesting as mo collins is a raider his father spent a season with the kansas city chiefs in 1975. both [Music] the nfc eastern champion new york football giants are on the clock they've made their pick the fans will find out who it is with the 24th pick in the first round the new york giants select defensive back from ucla shawn williams value value value a player that we didn't think would be in this spot i don't think that's where they were they originally were headed but when he dropped he's a good value i think when you look at the giants and say well the safety positions look pretty good they have sam garner of course there's an outstanding fifth round pick last year out of cincinnati but they lost thomas randolph in free agency who was kind of their nickel back and of course they're stronger corner with seahorn and certainly with the leafy sparks you watch sean williams he's an attacker an aggressive free safety they're on the sack he's a big kid he's about 210 pounds six one in a quarter he'll hit you he's also a very good center field and i think the all-around skills that sean williams provides in addition when you look at him at 210 he has some pure quarterback skills but he's all over the field i mean he's a guy when you look talking to the steve atwaters and of course what ronnie lots developed into if we move the corner back to safety that's what you're hoping that ucla has had that great tradition at safety of developing nfl players and sean williams gives them a lot of versatility in terms of their nickel package and their dime package as a rookie first the defensive back drafted in the first round for the giants since 1983. terry canard let's go to chris mortensen in miami for some reaction mort well uh chris i'm speaking with ernie corsi the new general manager of the new york giants of course he had assisted george young the past few years ernie anticipated that this was very much a possibility i spoke to him earlier middle of the week and he said hey if sean williams falls to me it's going to be tough to pass on him he would probably be the highest rated player on the board even though they needed an offensive lineman allen fanica lsu flozo adams one of the guys we're discussing they even need a speed receiver like jack has green but he said shawn williams too good to pass up and mel keiper is exactly right they need somebody to cover in nickel situations sean williams i know uh ernie is thrilled to have him chris well they had nickel coveraging in the game against the vikings they would have been moving on right exactly right one play but that's true and it's true um let's look at the board now mel because sean williams was excellent value who now you know what we have not had and we thought we would and maybe it's starting now it's a defensive background we thought that would happen about eight spots above they've had jones and williams now what well i think you look at corey chavis i think the question there is if he got by minnesota that's the thing if moss would have been gone with minnesota taking chavis now how far does he slide a lot of questions about can he be a corner or is he a safety i think he's an outstanding corner i think he'll be a steal for somebody flozael adams you know senior year wasn't spectacular because of the ankle but he's a bookend tackle the quarters you gotta like i mean versatile was on the field 80 percent of the time offense and defense victor riley if he becomes more intense and consistent he's got some ability brian kelly yeah he had the subpar workout then a better workout was it enough to recover and get in the first round robert holcomb you have to believe that kansas city yes will think very seriously about robert holcomb late in the first round these are good players these are guys right exactly chris i think you look at bob hall and the versatility are alan fanick a rugged pittsburgh steeler style of offensive guard leonard little could be an outside backer in the right scheme or a defensive player owen cruz played 10 or 12 years anchoring a line at the center position jeremy stott one year as a starter and look at the great job he did clogging the middle at arizona state leon bender an athletic 318 pounder certain a guy very underrated at southern miss cleveland his great individual workout moved him into the early second round area and there's mitch marrow interesting kid you talked about the ivy league last year marcellus wiley a very strong second round pick for the buffalo bills they really liked his potential i think when you look at seth payne uh draft choice in the fourth round to jacksonville last year this kid marrow has been a workout warrior you say well he didn't make a lot of plays as a senior he had mononucleosis he had a turf though injury as a junior he played very well but his workouts have been unbelievable it's 285 pounds he can play defensive tackle or defensive end i think mitch marrow goes in the early second round you think so from university of pennsylvania brunswick school greenwich connecticut well those are the next group of names that we'll get to know jacksonville pittsburgh kansas city san francisco miami denver and the first round will be history here in new york we'll be back [Music] we're back in new york and certainly a familiar sight to all football fans in new york is that man george young vp general manager for the giants for 19 years years and years and years now we're working with the league and assisting cleveland and the re-entering of the national football league 10 out of 19 seasons with the giants a winning season and really did it with eras of parcels bribes and fossils so did it have three uh different coaching regimes um has had playoff success and so george young moves on ernie corsi who once upon a time ran was cleveland baltimore he's now joining us on our sprint uh video teleconferencing and bernie you made your first draft pick now as giants gm and i got to think you feel you got excellent value there with the sean williams congratulations thank you chris uh yeah we had him uh rated so much higher than what was available at the point that we selected that uh actually it was an easy choice what do you when you sit there in a draft room and you've been in many and you start to notice well you know about eight picks from where you are he hasn't gone yet then it's seven then it's six do you have any nails left on your fingers or i mean what do you do at that point hold your breath well you start to uh actually that's the emotional part of it it's not putting the players in order it's when the players that you covet start going off the board and when one starts uh you don't want to hope too hard because you don't want to jinx it but when you have a player rated that high and he starts to fall and then yeah you do start counting the minutes and especially in the first round where there are 15 minutes between picks uh they're long 15 minute intervals ernie mel kiper aaron i just want to ask you how you doing i just want to say again last year in the first round top 10 pick mike hilliard got a great start in training camp looked like he was going to have a great rookie season onward to an outstanding career then the neck injury what's his status right now how do you feel he'll be in 98. well we're very optimistic about him he had uh significant testing in the last four weeks past them all has been given a complete green light melt to participate in the entire offseason program and into many camps and for training camps so medically he's uh he's recovered completely and he has a champion's heart as you know so i don't think there's any question in our mind that he will have him back better than ever bernie this chris again i'm not asking you to try and tip your hand into coming fix at all but there it looks to be from afar a real flux of change in the running back situation for the giants rodney hampton will he be back uh wheatley will he be back will there be full scale changes do you see come june well chris we have lashawn johnson who we signed from the cardinals tyrone wheatley rodney hampton and of course charles way uh and you know our feeling is that we're in pretty good shape there that's not to say we won't add somebody else but we have depth there and actually you know we had our bellwether was hampton for so long and he's been the leading ground gator in the history of the franchise and what we're trying to do really uh because he missed most of last year is to stockpile as much talent as we can there we still may add some more so it really hasn't filtered out we did give rodney hampton an opportunity to talk to other clubs we thought he deserved that we did not want to hold on to him to a point where if we decided that it would be best if he left that there wouldn't be any time left for him to make a deal so he is talking to other clubs he's also going to talk to us so it's still possible that he would if he wants to stay with us and we want him it's still possible that he'll remain a giant well ernie a heck of a start here on draft day for you gm of the giants may a player you're looking for in the late second round fall from the middle second round you're one for one on making the grab there thank you thank you chris and mel all right we returned jacksonville with their pick followed by the pittsburgh steelers [Music]
Channel: Michael Charles
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Id: CFAzg94RtLU
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Length: 214min 33sec (12873 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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