1986 Browns 9-4 at Bills 4-9

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Heisman winner two of his buddies are in Buffalo today Jim Kelly the Bills quarterback and Bernie Kosar the quarterback for the Cleveland Browns Kosar left Miami after a sophomore year and are the Browns glad he did he's guided them to nine wins this year the last two in overtime twice in the last four games he has passed for over 400 yards Jim Kelly is the senior member of the trio and with him the Bills have already doubled last year's win total and finally last week they won one on the road for the first time in three years today their paths crossed for the first time in the National Football League rich Stadium in Buffalo temperature in the thirties of course there is snow in the air for the Battle of Lake Erie the Cleveland Browns visit the Buffalo Bills hi again everyone and welcome to Buffalo lumbermen with John Hannah and John with these weather conditions you would expect conservative ball control football but maybe not from the Browns not from Cleveland they've got six wide receivers and only seven offensive lemon their idea spread the defense out get one-on-one matchups and find the mismatch go to him throw the ball all day long but the Buffalo Bills under new coach Marv Levy they have had newfound success rushing the football Jim Kelly is still a focal point but they're taking some pressure off of him with offensive line they've responded the running game is coming and how did you like playing in this kind of weather turned to snow it just went out there so you've fallen it and you shivered the wind hits invisible playing conditions and Marty Schottenheimer is played in these conditions here he played for the Buffalo Bills for three years the scouting report on him if he could get to the ball he might make a decent hit if you could get to the point of attack and Marv levy has now coached four games and his record here two and two and the fans are excited by what they see is some improvement since levy took over for Hank fuller Scott Norwood will kick-off as the Browns have won the toss they have chosen to receive [Applause] maybe a bit of light rain at the moment we're at that point the temperature where it turns over from snow to rain and there's the ice cube I think he'd rather have the snow so we moved milk Gerald McNeil as you know he's returned one on a kickoff and on a punt for touchdown this year so the Browns leading the Bengals by a game Buffalo looking for some respectability and an upset and McNeal at the nine slips down and gets up and slithers to the 25 on that wet artificial turf so Bernie Kosar comes on to lead the Cleveland defense left Curtis Dickey Kevin Mac max run for a hundred yards last couple of games Reggie Langhorne the rookie Webster slaughter Ozzy Newsom's caught a pass and a hundred eleven consecutive games Paul Baran the left tackle Ricky Bolan still out and the rest of the offensive line and the Browns will start at the 25 [Applause] do some in motion and throwing is John Hannah said on first down Newsome now 112 straight games a big first down out to the 38 [Applause] finally brought down by Derek burrows the left cornerback a pickup for Newsome of 13 yards on the first play so let's check out that Buffalo defense the front three of McManus merliss and Bruce Smith mr. sack linebackers are pretty good one Sanford Marv great Bentley Darryl Talley and the defensive backs that Kosar will have to worry about burrows and roams Bayless and Freeman so a first down out of the 38 now for the Browns and Kevin Mack gets the run and bulls out across the 45 already trying to establish a little bit of a run here you know Cleveland's not known for having a real big strong powerful offensive line so maybe they're trying to tighten up and test that Buffalo defense who right now is ranked 6th in the AFC versus the run that is yeah well the rush defense had improvement on that carry Mac pulled ahead for eight and now Curtis Dickey is flanked out as a wide receiver at the bottom of your screen number 33 on a second and 2 but Matt gets the call and go straight ahead close to a first down Ernest Byner had the pin taken out of his ankle this week they hope he can get back in time for the playoffs should the Browns be there and then they could reunite those thousand yard rushers miner and Mack once again we talked earlier about how Cleveland's fled spreads out their offense to open up and Matt get mismatches on receivers what it also does against those defensive backs from behind the defensive line so that once they break through the line of scrimmage there's open field from the run and get a lot of extra yardage on the running game well this play will be a third and one double tight end alignment [Applause] but no in motion Mac the call first down at midfield against a buffalo territory at the 48 tackle made by Steve Freeman the free safety so Mac gets the job done second first down for the Browns and you can see what Kevin has done the last two weeks he has been he's a great running back that time he caused number 26 Charles Rome's miss a tackle he got out in the open field got the extra yards you needed so first down for Kosar in the Browns at the buffalo 47 just getting started in Buffalo New York glad you could be with us Dickey again is flanked out to the near side was a decoy the last time he was here was a running play this time passing Barry is Dickey at the 40 and out of bounds so here's a wrinkle not sure the bills were expecting passing game short and under Buffalo knows that they don't have the speed to be able to stay with a man one-on-one so what they do is they give ground let the guys have the short pass hoped offense will make a mistake do something that will slow them down so if they can hold them off the pass to the running back Curtis Dickey as he is submarine by Derek burrows a gain of nine second down and one for the Browns at the 38 [Music] looking for newsom deep overthrowing him as he is watched by Martin ballast Empress death a strong safety though new shenmue how to wait until over time last week to keep this past catching streak intact bought one on the first play and he was the man on that play deep but he couldn't connect Jean see right here Ozzy number 82 Ozzie Newsome he's covered strong by Bayliss wouldn't really open that ten Kozar intended to go to him all the way he was the man he was looking didn't look anywhere else so this is third and one for Cleveland at the buffalo 38 look who's in the backfield blocking Mack goes straight ahead they had big Dave kazooie in the backfield as a blocker and a flag is thrown how garner made the tackle but they call pizzoli glacier because he says he moves about two feet in a year if you notice that time after the time that you remembered Mack that times to follow up Azoulay up in the line of scrimmage he broke to the outside so maybe he was too slow for Mack that time he tried to make it on his own defense offside decline first down little hand clap from Silva to the first down penalty declined lazuli the man in front but he might have moved just a hair early - it did look like it but as you can see he's coming through there just straight and everybody's just getting out of his way save so first down to keep the drive alive at the 32 regi Langhorne in motion Dickie ran into his own man white drain another tackle with Sean McMann II but Dickey ran into Paul Ferran his tackle I believe trying to pull on the play let's watch Ferran 74 in front so the defensive players had broke through the line of scrimmage and knocked some of the pulling lambing off so that he just kind of clogged everything up in there nowhere to go remember Farren's playing out of position as Larry Williams not a left guard with the injury to Bouldin a loss of four second and 14 back at the 36 for Cleveland with four minutes gone in the first quarter Leland Drive still alive good protection for kozo finally breaks down he's having a terrific year after the loss seasons in just a second sack of the year but he's really been coming on strong and being talked to by the official there maybe for aggressiveness I'm not sure but the no flag was thrown and Smurl OHS gets the sack I don't think that was too aggressive be one thing for you to pick Bernie Kosar up and throw into the ground but it's that time you just see he kind of just laid on him he just grabbed ahold of them made sure that things in the grass you know us of six on the play John which will set up third and twenty as the Buffalo defense is stiffening at the 42 four wide receivers over throwing out of Kosar went down after he threw the ball as Ruth Smith got to him Derek burrows covering in a hand for the Buffalo defense Buffalo's defense has been weak you know as far as giving up Graham but when they get down inside that red area which is inside that plus territory for the office they've been strong as any team in the NFL so Gossett is in to punt what a miserable week he had last Sunday shank one of 14 yards at one point Ron Pitts is deep for the bills it's just waives the fair catch and stumbles to come backwards and the bills will start inside there 10 so we come back it'll be Buffalo ball for the first time scoreless gossiped with the punt back in Buffalo we will be tracking the ten minute ticker throughout the afternoon particular attention on the Cincinnati New England score the only score on the board thus far Miami with the touchdown in New Orleans and Atlanta has scored at home hosting Indianapolis here in Buffalo with the Browns and Bill's no score Browns held the ball for nine plays for nearly five minutes punt it away and now the Bills take over first down at their now I am the I formation in the backfield [Applause] andre reed in motion Rob Riddick who's come on strong for them and fights ahead for close to five yards good pickup for Riddick let's check out the offense for the Buffalo Bills of course led by Jim Kelly Riddick leading ground gainer Gary Wilkins gets the nod Karl Byram their fullback is injured Chris Burkett Andre Reed Pete metzelaars has received 40 walls thus far this year the offensive line and they've come on a bit leading the ground game we saw it work that time pick up a call at four second and six at the 13th rated motion again Kelly's first pass gets away [Applause] Kelly runs his counterpart Kosar does finally run out by Anthony Griggs but Kelly on the year that's his 32nd time he's carried the ball he's rushed for over 160 yards Kosar on the other hand only carried for a total of 13 yards the entire season the front three for the Browns defense camp Golic and Hairston they're linebackers John Hannah loves play Matthews they've got a good core with banks Johnson Griggs as well as play and the dogs Minnifield and vixen the cornerbacks ray Ellis and Chris Rock ins you know Chris is their leading tackler on the team with his free safety position Kelly's scampered for a first down on the last play its first down for Buffalo at the 20th we read again and Riddick again good hole and Riddick is still going [Applause] a 20-yard pickup and we noted early in the broadcast there's that Buffalo Russian game and credit the offensive lawn they came off the ball that time as we look at Clay Matthews right here number 57 at the bottom right of your screen he's hit he kind of strings that cuts the play back in but just couldn't make that one arm tackle but his defensive end was nowhere near to help him out rockins missed the tackle there the Buffalo attitude is much different no longer do they expect down the line they're going to lose it now they come in with the attitude that they can win they're hoping they can go 7 & 9 this year Riddick again and he nearly stumbled clear one more time picked up close to 7 on the play they finally won on the road breaking that long 3 year 22 game losing streak they think they can give the Browns a game and expect to win and they finish up on the road with two games they feel they can win again and here's a team that won just two games the last two years they feel maybe they can win seven this year well the turnaround that would be second and fourth the 46 Riddick is already rushed for 30 yards Riddick dropped at that time the Browns appear to have it and they do big turnover Cleveland with the ball Johnson runs away with it Mike Johnson the backup right inside linebacker with a fumble recovery I don't know who it was but somebody just broke through there and they were blocked but they just reached a hand out you can see it which looked like his own offensive back knocked it out of his hand isn't that something yes it did look like Wilkins he knocked it out of his own hands and Johnson picked it up what a strange play sometimes things happen like that and there's just no you know it's not anybody's real fault it's just one of those flings and football so a first down on the break at the Buffalo 38 Kosar going to capitalize to Herman but no he's got on a diving reception inside the 20 what a quick turnaround Buffalo pounding the ball looking good on the ground and a strange fumble caused by his own backfield mate and now Kosar goes to work both offenses have to look strong today so far the only thing that stopped the inner team it's been them you know with Buffalo they stopped themselves but with Cleveland the Buffalo defense was strong when they got inside let's say they can match up and go up again pretty reception but most 38 Mac bites down to the 16 pickup before before Sean McMann II could bring him down you see at the end of that play Sean had him wrapped up but Mack just drugged him for about four or five yards and McMahon he's no lightweight so that shows that he's got some power in those legs facilities California players San Diego State McNally and now coming into the coal to play in Buffalo it's different but least the snow which was flowing this morning may have turned to a bit of rain at the moment looks like a fine mist coming down second and seven of the sixteen those are into the end zone but no one was there perhaps Brian bread long play the wide receiver cut to the inside Newsom was just downfield being held up a bit I'm not sure if it was for Newsome perhaps Brandon either way Kosar I thought someone would be in the endzone it did look like Ozzie Newsome number 82 was trying to get out there but Martin Bale has had him bump and run and just stopped him right there at the line of scrimmage Ozzie heads off and you can see them right at the right of your screen right there and Brady to Bayless it just has been stuffed and you can see the Ozzie was supposed to have been there so now third and seventh spread out formation for the Browns war wide receivers in there look for Brennan got it inside the ten Brian Brennan fights to the floor so he says that's his bread-and-butter play simple pass over the middle notice he doesn't wear gloves in the cold weather leading the Browns now make it 42 receptions and a big 12 yard pickup on a third down play for Brian Brennan its first and goal for the Browns they had him singled up on Derrick burrows and as you know burrows lost his starting job for a couple of weeks here and now they're trying to pick on him again they figured maybe he might be the weak link he might be the guy they pick on today once again the glacier is in the backfield number 72 they'd like to see him give it to the zuly one time just to see what would happen the brand new refrigerator travis tucker in motion nope goes to MACPA zuly led the way and mac fights close to the 1 oh he went into Zhu Lee's direction and why not I would he's a low Denari a little short heavyset guy watch him come off the ball here and just cream somebody bingo over a Bentley number 50 he hit and enabled Mac to scramble for three yards so this is second and goal at the one and the officials take a timeout and we will take a timeout as well 625 remain it's scoreless in Buffalo and another quick look at the ticker score their Kansas City with a field goal still no score in the Cincinnati New England game Chicago takes the lead Green Bay takes a three nothing lead over Minnesota Pittsburgh with a field goal lead over Detroit most change on the other scores this is a second and goal at the 1 Buffalo did take a timeout on that play their first pitch back Dicky [Music] [Applause] and did not get there great Bentley making the tackle on Kurtis Dickie excellent play by Ray Bentley you know he's been playing about for weeks now and he's already got 38 tackles I'm late the guys come in he's done a really credible job for it watch him fly over here I think we're going to see this yeah there he comes plant over there across the field to hit him and stop him from going in don't you almost knocked the ball is too good pursuit again fazool e in the backfield Kevin Mack behind them in a wide on its formation third and gold the one Mac did not get Bills have held up it is fourth and goal that is impressive to keep back out of the end zone like that take some power cause max cool shorts Friday guy with big powerful legs what's the collision here McNally is the man and Cleveland will go number 95 / he's one of them there's two others right family number 50 also buzu leo comes to its feet and the official stop the clock timeout is taken now by Cleveland that was the wrong thing for Cleveland to do that time the noise got up Cleveland couldn't maybe audible off or whatever but what has happened now is their fans are that much more incensed they're going yeah Marty Schottenheimer elects to go for six on four in a scoreless first quarter 453 remaining Mack touchdown hurdles and up and over Gavin Mack the gamble pays off for Cleveland 6-nothing grounds Kevin Mack just leaped over the pile that time was not going to be denied now this strengthens up an offense when you're fourth down and six inches those offensive lineman know you've got to do it here they get it it builds confidence this is what they needed cause last time you remember opening drive they got stopped inside their own territory so the somersault touchdown Jeff Gossett will hold for Marc Mosley looking for career point number thirteen hundred and fifty-nine and the straight-ahead kicker has it so the strange fumble caused by a teammate of Rob Riddick in the Buffalo backfield Gary Wilkins fumble recovery by Mike Johnson the drive a fourth and goal Kevin Mack has the somersault with 451 remaining first quarter up and over for six Matt gives the Browns believe here's the fumble that set up the Cleveland touchdown number 24 ray Ellis comes in to screams Gary Wilks for the bills and he swings his arm back and his root extract abala way he's just kind of holding it out in front of him and as you know he's got a cast on his left arm right there right he just knocks it away Oh a low squib kick and it's picked up at the 20 by Steve Tasker and finally down close to the 30 Mike Johnson covering I'm not sure if that was intentional by Mosley or not as you know he hasn't really kicked off for five years he was not the kickoff man in Washington was pressed into duty last week when Harry Holt strained a thigh on the opening kickoff the tight end the scoring drive eight plays 38 yards the fourth down and one gamble up the one and back with the somersault touchdown go with 441 remaining and a light drizzle now it's warming up so it's not snowing in Buffalo its first down for the bills at their 29 now trailing seven nothing Keli good protection and intended for Riddick and he couldn't hold on remember Riddick was the man at the goal line and thank Bullas last game when the ball went through his hands and Tampa Bay that might have given Buffalo a win against the Buccaneers Riddick with that cast on his left wrist having problems holding the ball here's the replay as we see him going to Riddick he throws us right in his hands 59 Mike Johnson comes and makes the hit and he's act like he did something he really didn't it was it wasn't he didn't cause anything Johnson's been all around Riddick today he was the man who recovered the fumble 2nd down and 10 wide open on the far side Pete metzelaars the tight end across the 40 for a first down pickup of 11 Chris rockins finally brought down metzelaars who has his 41st reception and a brown is down on the far side Pete metzelaars number 88 discount went outside somebody blue coverage on it I don't know who was supposed to have taken ahold of him but somebody didn't and he was wide open number 59 right there Mike Johnson has taken the place of another great linebacker for Cleveland Eddie Johnson number 51 who's had the flu bug all week and we had heard that he might not play uh-huh ray Ellis it's been doing a fine job filling in for the injured al gross and Ellis is the man to the left of metzelaars and under Pete and caught in a funny position and then Ellis goes down so gross who's had the knee problems and maybe press the duty but Ellis so while you're watching the replay just popped right up and I ran out of bounds so he's not seriously hurt but al gross has replaced him as strong safety and gross is ready to play since Adela's had been playing so well do you remember Ellis this is a guy that went up there and knock 34 Wilkes him back to cause bone now sudden he gets knocked back this is a good hard-hitting game we got going boy a lot of points in New Orleans is 14-7 Miami let's continue to look at the scores this is first down at the 41 for Buffalo with 402 remaining first quarter Reed in motion Riddick holds it in his right hand gets across the 45 pick up close to 6 Bob Golok making the tackle so far today buffalo has really attacked number 78 Carl Hairston what they've done as you can see as they're taking a guard and attack on kind of hitting and slipping off to the linebacker and doing one-on-one with Wilkes on Matheson and Wilkes is coming up the winter so far cringes Riddick puts down that cast lay the left hand to break his fall but rush the ball well a fluky fumble picked up five on that play at second and five at the 46 again and nearly wrapped up and then tackle but the Golic try to bear hug him and miss them but Hairston was right behind this is this is a key matchup that we're going to have today all day is 34 Gary Wilkes who is a tight end transferred to pull back and he's blocking Clay Matthews who I think's one of the finest linebackers in the game you see Wilkes did a great job there but Wilkins but Matthews cut in front of me he turned me every way but loose he beat me all day long Kelly now faced with a third down and fourth the 47th firing over the middle he was looking for for Kent but overthrew him Kelley was pressured by Sam Clancy on the play and Burkett was watched by Felix right so now the bills are forced to punt with 232 remaining in the first quarter in Cleveland already leading 7 nothing Buffalo has a young offensive line and Cleveland does a lot of games and tricks with their defensive front on the pass rush it's going to be important for Buffalo to keep the ball on the ground today and get a good run attack I think the IceCube is deep kids into punty hasn't had one block all year and doesn't have a block here either it's a fair punt away but McNeil oh try to decoy it picked it up at the ten heads to the outside and does pick up about seven yards on the play but it firstly looked like he was going to watch it bounce and then took it on the hop Ron Pitts making the tackle after the John kid 37-yard punt so back come the Browns with 221 remaining first quarter they've got the ball in the lead the reminder coming here day coming your way New Year's Day and the day after all the great bowls here on NBC Sports the Rose Bowl the Orange Bowl and of course the national championship game Penn State and Heisman winner for Miami Vinny Testaverde Miami Penn State head to head to the national championship here on NBC Sports first down for the Browns they start on their 18 Kosar says Langhorne and Dickey move further over to the right now you see why Dicky at the 21 inch white drain held them and bailiffs came over to help out take a look at this angle we're gonna show you it's coming right at you don't duck the white train did a good job that time of an open field tackle Curtis dick he's slippery he's sitting there giving all these jumps and stuff and you're sitting there shaking could all of a sudden he just got a hold of it and some help from behind pickup of close to four so call it second and six Dicky now resting vault 22 Mack the lone setback war wide receivers in the lineup and they really spread them wide on this Cleveland up in something goes on firing a great protection of Brennan has open field winning at midfield and final what down from behind Freeman and dark burrows they went for the interception missed it and Brennan had lots of daylight over the middle once again Derek burrows number 29 looked like he was trying to go for the interception and when he did he got tangled up on his feet and just slipped down yeah just slipped on the wet carpet no huh big 32 yard pickup for Doug Flutie's with buddy speaking of Heisman winners Brennan at Boston College of Lydia was there and there he goes as Burroughs slipped it's down to Buffalo territory first down at the 47 32 yard pickup lag more bounced off his chest migrant doesn't wear the gloves either I've seen the receivers now wearing gloves inside dome stadiums in here Langhorne brennan come out don't bother with the mittens they took away the stickum so a lot of receivers now have gone to these rubberized gloves kind of slows that ball down because even in the state and you start sweating and your hands get slippery in the ball just fall right through again there's a light mist it had been snow flurries and the threat of snow this morning and now it's more rain second down at the 47 10 droplet Mack and fights to the 44 for a three-yard pickup bailiffs brought them down and then helped them up this will be third down and long third and seven [Music] you see the clock running out on the first quarter each team took a timeout in the first quarter that may have a bearing we get close to halftime a strange fumble Gary Wilkins forced his own teammate Rob Riddick to cough it up fourth and gold Kevin Mack took it in on the somersault and that's the story of this first quarter as it runs out Norton Park New York and the gun goes off so that's the end of the first quarter Kosar and company lead the Buffalo Bills 7-nothing second quarter and welcome back to rainy Buffalo now Len Berman along with John Hannah the 7-nothing Cleveland anything surprised you run through one quarter of play well not really you know the Buffalo offense first series look good second series not so good but Cleveland Cleveland came out there they drove the ball good down the inside their own territory then they got stopped they got to do it again here to prove that they do have the no offense to cam on to the victory today Buffalo defense has been solid good goal line stand forced him to go on fourth down here it's third and seven at the buffalo 44 as we start the second quarter Kosar overthrows looking for clarence weathers well covered and now jeff Gossett will have to punt so first quarter statistics Buffalo able to pass for just 12 yards and look at Cleveland had the ball nearly 11 minutes to just four for Buffalo that standard for Buffalo they faced their deepest days on the field a long time they've been but they seldom break gossiped went 33 yards on the first punt Ron Pitts again standing back at his 10th [Music] gossip looking for the corner the ball flops down and dies right on the 10 so Gossett does the job anytime you can down it inside the 20 you've done your work for the day time out as we start the second quarter back in Buffalo lumbermen with John Hannah Jim Kelly leading the bills they only had the ball as you saw for bit over four minutes in the first quarter is only completion to a tight end heat metzelaars as he starts first down at the 10 and throwing perhaps keeping for sure brushed down and slides across the 20 and he hoped for Browns fans wondering about the Bengals game it's a mirror image of this one a one-yard run for Larry Ken Abreu and Cincinnati keeps pace with the Browns trailing by one game at seven nothing in New England Denver in Kansas City are tied at three Minnesota's opened up a ten-point lead in Green Bay pittsburg the three-point lead as we noted Kelly much more apt to run and Kosar is his former Miami teammate the Hurricanes first down at the 21 pitch back to Riddick another Riddick story is really interesting as he picks up a handful of yards I mean on the depth chart he was lucky to make this team with names like Greg Bell and Joe Cribs in the lineup they drafted Ronnie Harmon number one and all of a sudden here's robber addict late in the season their leading rusher and one of their leading receivers despite the cast I think it just crews a point there's a lot of scouts out there that have x Heights weights speeds but the one ingredient they don't measure players heart and Riddick his heart he has desire he wants to play football from a football power Millersville Pennsylvania pick up of six on the play second and four and Reed has spent the day going in motion Riddick has spent the day with the football really crushed by Street Browns ball pop loose you can hear the players yelling out facemask on the sideline Reggie camp one of those Browns hard-hitting as you noted earlier John it really is he came through the lap the line that time and I don't know who reached out and grabbed him around the head but he backed tore his head off you look like headless horseman of Ichabod Crane days coming through there just rip it right off the bills are claiming camp had a facemask on the flats IVA can pick it up here there he is right there he just grabbed it and bent in backwards that was ninety-six number eight number 96 Reggie camp right camps hand was wrapped around the face mask I'm not sure he grabbed it though from that well this is third and two at the 29 another important third down Kelly from the shotgun inside handoff to Ronnie for him in that draft pick Harmon fighting to get outside and barely does but I think he's shy of the first down chip banks with the important tackle and Buffalo will have to punt so far today Buffalo has gotten the ball inside their own ten twice that's tough field position to be in to start off with but they've got to bring it out they've got to get the field position on their side of the bench instead of on the other side of the field if they won't win today and barmen hobbles off the field hopping on one foot fellow who carry that ball McNeal is in once again to try to return John kids punt [Music] Lag is down good punt from kid McGill the 27 got a shot 35 in a second flag is thrown late so as Hal Garner made the tackle on McNeill will have to hold up and see what either flag was about Cleveland signaling punt again could be offsetting penalties listen to Fred Silva the illegal formation on the offense the illegal pushing the back on the returning team at holding we're gonna have a replay fourth down all right Marv levy knows of this Bills team is the second-most penalized team in the NFL behind the jets shot dimers fruit called for a hold as well so what you just saw a moment ago really didn't happen we will have a another punt here as the rain continues to fall with 1229 remaining second quarter they tend to McNeil on the far side he had lots of room that last time they had held up buffaloes coverage team well and he had about 10 yards just clear space before he ever had to even make a decision hundred forty-two yards that's half of John Hannah at least so kid will try again McNiel the top of your picture waiting short kick on a bounce again Cleveland lucky to retain possession on that one as McNeil touched it a golden opportunity for Buffalo they couldn't collect as Cleveland recovered it so we come back 12 19 remaining bread up mark Harper for keeping the ball Steve Tasker went for the man not the ball John and we will take a look at what happened on that near disaster for Cleveland but first first down for the Browns of their 28th at least 7 nothing for early second quarter Kevin Mack maybe a yard lucious Sanford stop them take a look at what happened here job the ball bounces Steve pastures going after the big hit right there and he doesn't even see the fumble the ball Steve the ball it had a little help down there some of his friends could have helped them maybe instead Mark Harper well on at for Cleveland last play did pick up one yard second and nine for the Browns at the 29 Ozzie Newsome looked at ITIN goes all the way up to the top of your screen Lou to spread formation for the grounds got fought Noah running back all the way to the left side those are the Russia was on picked up the Blitz went for Brennan overthrew him and codes are slow getting up congratulations go for the bills linebackers Marv is congratulated by Sanford for the hit this is Buffalo's new strategy they know their defensive secondary doesn't have the speed to stay with somebody all day long so they're sending a lot of blitz a lot of people in there to pressure that quarterback make him hurry his throw and 54 Eugene Marv did that and now it's third and nine and Marvis congratulated as if he had turned in a sack it's just as good as a set luis spread formation of a bar two wide receivers out in that direction protection galore and fought know with the big gainer all the way up near midfield Herman Fontenot the second-year player from LSU finally Martin Bayless Oh a big third down pickup for pot no 21 yards in the first down let's check out the scores the Giants in the battle for first place in Washington have taken the lead Cincinnati continues to lead in New England Chicago the 14-point lead ditto Miami ten point lead to the bikes [Music] and the rest of the scores first down for the Browns at their 47 Mac again on a first down running play is stopped Brett's Marlys your old friend the man in the middle he's a hard man to stop I guarantee he'll come around you and hit you and snort at you all day long he's a great gentleman off the field but I don't want to be I don't like being in front of home before you had some great battles o great player you know a little earlier though we were talking when they got that first down the screen that's the perfect tree the counter for an offense go when the defense is trying to get to you with a rush interesting place selection let's see what he does here on a second and nine at the 48 and he's here it's a bubble - Macke who dropped it and picked them up himself so the bounces are going Cleveland's way today that again was a golden opportunity for the bills and the play was ruled a fumble bruce smith and on the hip and importuned his bounce again for Cleveland Bruce Smith number 78 is Buffalo's leading sacker right now about 12 sacks this year and I was talking to merliss before the game he says that Bruce lives for the rush he doesn't care for the run game that much but he loves rush that passer a loss of one is Mac got the bounce third down and ten at the 47 [Music] ran in lotion and he runs right into partner enjoys it this time the bills try John McMahon II the fumble recovery as Kosar and Fontenot collided and Cleveland which has been living awfully dangerously on the punt and then the fumble the third time's the charm for Buffalo Bruce Smith is standing right there just I think he was kind of stared the ball out I think you're right but no Smith on the other side with what I and Kosar the other and they dropped it now Buffalo in business for the first time good field position the Cleveland 39 yard line Riddick fights for poor 945 remaining first half and will see a buffalo capitalize on the turnover the way Cleveland did against them that's from the story thus far in the ball game the fumbles a reminder to our viewers we'll be selecting the Budweiser Most Valuable Player for today's game at the conclusion of the game perhaps today's winner in this light rain will be the one who can hold on to the football second and six is the 35 for Buffalo labeling defense shaking things up the last moment Kelly to an open when he dropped the gun and he could hold on to the ball Andre Reed Frank Minnifield covering Kelley knows his band was open and clear but he hasn't been able to complete a pass to a wide receiver yet this afternoon that should have been one number 31 Frank Minnifield is known as a big hitter and I think maybe Buffalo's receivers might have heard of that reputation because he was definitely trying to run with the ball before Minnifield could get to it and give him the big stick so Minnifield the man on the coverage watching read once again on this play out of the shotgun third down and six at the 35 the rush is on and Kelly gets away [Applause] Kelly fights close to a first down what a play by Jim Kelly Chris raccoons finally made the tackle you know I think with Jim Kelly out there he might be thinking this is the first year I'm really in the end and Here I am playing against there any Kosar fellow teammate let's have this view let's see who really is the best out here and let's see if Buffalo goes for the gamble here Kelly is dragged down shy of a first down and Buffalo will go for it on fourth and one but first Kelly will spend his second of three timeouts with 821 still remaining in the first half this game has been a Rock'em Sock'em one so far and it's been fun to watch so mirror images they've each how to fumble the leech try on fourth and one we'll be back to see how it turns out in the minute they have run 17 plays ridic involved in nine including the fumble that led to the seven-point so he's been right in the middle of everything let's see if he gets the call on fourth down and one at the third it is he and he's got it so a couple of gambling coaches and Riddick shakes off the wetness and he has gone for the first down fascia stings scored a point out and there's no chains on this panel when we get to the second panel the Chicago Bears the 21st point was rolled up or at least the six before the 21st a Doug Flutie run for his first NFL touchdown congratulations to Doug and the rest of the store so first and ten now at the 28th Kelly the throne and chased and away again completes against who at 220 win it slams the ball down a pickup of eight Kelly's got all the salary ridic involves him all the planes didn't that the luck here in Wilks 34 that time was blocking and did a great job man number 88 metzelaars holy repeat the down nullifies a good play for Kelly and Riddick because Kelly ran all over the backfield and it was Riddick running downfield with the flag on metzelaars makes it for naught we have 731 remaining in the first half the Browns lead the bills seven nothing you're just joining us the light rain is now a Miss but has been a rain story where this morning the forecast was snow metzelaars on the right of your screen trying to hold off chip banks just kind of drugging down to the ground you know sometimes those things you just have to do it though it's there and get your quarterback hurt so they repeat first down he goes to Riddick again our the Cleveland defense just put a couple of guys on Riddick let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is WKYT v3 in Cleveland in Buffalo Len Berman with John Hannah 7 minutes and 9 seconds remaining in the second quarter Browns leading at 7 nothing and it's all Riddick today well we know that Riddick is their favorite receiver for Buffalo and so they're trying to take him away and metzelaars and i think they don't they don't have a lot of confidence in the outside receivers Cleveland doesn't think they can beat second and 20 at the 38 Riddick in motion and he completes it to the full-back Wilkins who is unable to complete anything too wide recievers Wilkins with the pickup you know Kelly was quoted as saying that the ice cube Gerald McNeil plays for the Browns who was his old teammate with the Houston gamblers Kelly was quoted as saying that he would start if you were here with Buffalo as wide receiver he you know that that may be why the receivers may not be trying to work the car for Jim either I would resent that statement if I was one of those receivers well it's third and 11 now if it's 29 Kelly out of the shotgun spread formation Jimmy Tina it's rutile just a second reception of the year the second year player from Texas A&M and he finally completes a path to a wide receiver that's a big one to teal just a simple break-in pattern by number 86 Jimmy keel here you can see he just had a little bit of a stabbing on midfield in midfield 31 he loves one-on-one coverage I don't think he loved it that much that time uh-huh nineteen yard pickup for teal roughly at the ten ball at first and goal for Buffalo Riddick gets the coal and power is down close to the six it's got power Riddick he's listed at 6-foot 195 that's some good strength to him well he's got that he's got good eyes and that he sees the cracks before they really opened up so he's there when they do open up nothing he does he gets up there behind those big old hogs up in front of him just going to put his hand there and just kind of rests on and let them do the work and he just kind of follows him up inner eye was your nickname hog second in goal while resting nearly at the seven one more time Hritik inside the five block continues to run inside of five minutes remaining in the first half the Browns leave the bills 7-nothing this will be an interesting call here third and close to five a simple run up the middle I don't think there's going to do it John no I don't think it'll work either you know they've been interesting though the first quarter they were picking on Paul Harris to number 78 this quarter they've been running at Reggie camp so I don't know what Buffalo's growth strategy is here I'm just going to have to watch it like everybody else Riddick has blanked out to the right as is Andre Reed crisper kept the left Riddick in motion Oh George Reid at the goal line and incomplete so this will be for three full Frank Minnifield covering and Norwood shruts on the field to attempt a field goal Andre Reed that time should have caught that ball - that's what - three passes he's dropped today he keeps messing them like that I'm wondering how much longer Jim Kelly's gonna go to it so Norwood glanced up at the top of the goal post and see if there's any wind on a little flag there is none [Music] this will be 21 22 yard attempt the punter kid holds for Norwood who had an eight field goal Street snaps last week in Kansas City and the kick is good Scott Norwood 22 yards and Buffalo is on the scoreboard with 413 remaining in the first half so both teams have scored following fumble recoveries now tip off the 1986-87 college basketball season here on NBC Sports defending national champ the Louisville Cardinals played host to the Paul Blue Demons coach crumbs Cardinals led by Curtis Ellis it was last year's final for MVP is college hoops season next Saturday 3:30 Eastern right here on NBC Sports Marv levy chose not to gamble on fourth and goal from the poor wise choice taking the short three Norwood field goal Lee B's coach just about he's run out of leagues you know NFL CFL USFL the cynics say now he's coaching at Buffalo so he's covered all the leagues now you know he has turned this team around though he's plates been with some teams and he's turned him around then he's left here's towers right there he's played with special teams they say he's a wild man he runs around the sidelines I can remember playing against him when he was running up and down the field on special teams and nobody enjoyed watching him come down when he was coming at you well power goes down the sideline alongside of McNeal and runs along with them and Marty Schottenheimer said hey it's okay if you do that just don't run into me along the way well I don't think cow is going to stay with McNeal long I know he didn't had that kind of speed cour has his arms folded as two different shoes worn by the kicker Scott Norwood we just put the bills on the board 4:13 left and a half it's 7 3 Cleveland does it get out of bounds they'll do it again back him up to the 30 I heard about a high school game in California a couple of weeks John where three consecutive 15-yard penalty s were called against the receiving team and the kicker wound up kicking off at the 15-yard line 15 yards away from the goal line so what's the strategy onside kick so if you kick it in the end zone it's a touch back five yards back upfield good so what happened in the high school game they went to the onside kick and didn't get it so they did march 5 yards backwards and it was a it was a touch back interesting this telecast presented by authority of the NFL intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Buffalo Bills the National Football League is prohibited there's Jim Ringo right there on the sideline with his headset on interesting story about Jim we won't wish his wife Betty a lot of good luck she's having a bout right now with cancer and so far she's winning the battle our best to her what a player Jim Ringo was he was my offensive line coach about four or five years not be honestly he's the best offensive line coach I ever had he can show you the little things that nobody else can do you've said a mouthful so now kicking off from the 30 this one stays inbounds the cube of the 8 oh goodness and the little guy just gets up and walks off the field my goodness and hurt me crushed ice what's this blow the food oh my goodness he dislikes women right I'm glad I never played the sport of football ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness first down at the 27 for Cleveland is he looking to throw no he tucks it in and heads out of bounds with 353 remaining at block a stop the rain picks up once again in Buffalo and Cincinnati continues to lead New England by seven but the Patriots have found a way to win in just about every week of some fluky fashion to most scoring in Kansas City Chicago with that lead lots of points in New Orleans Miami now leading by 14 miss Soto over Green Bay by 7 and the rest of the scores here second down and five for Cleveland 32 daily Buffalo 73 Mack again nothing fancy first down and heads out with 348 remaining Steve Freeman led the chase out of bounds so a couple of running plays to Mack there's Steve Freeman playing in his 170 ninth game which is a club record Buffalo has been stuffing Cleveland up the middle so now all of a sudden they've tightened their formation down brought all the defensive backs inside and got him fogged up now they're going outside with the ball it's kind of an interesting ploy by by Marty Schottenheimer on up in his staff 13 back on track for his third consecutive hundred yard game first down for the brows at the 43 let's see if they stay conservative here but no emotion Ozzie Newsome the big gainer out-of-bounds at the Buffalo Martin Bayless watch this some well-designed play there the fake to Mack and Newsome lumbering down the far side was able to pick up 22 yards as he started all the way on this side of the field and then went off all across the field and just beat Martin mate Bayless Center kind of a footrace oh I stall so from then I didn't see before there's a kind of little pick play right behind there it kind of knocked the defender off of him that was covered in 101 so now the Browns are marching they're down to the Buffalo 35i formation the backfield is Mac and Vicki with Langhorne in motion Dickie the big hole Dickie to the outside Kurtis dick he may go all the way [Applause] mouths at the three dark boroughs finally making a stop the seven-year veteran from Texas A&M picks up 32 yards of what a gigantic hole he had up the middle she can see here in the end zone they do give him a hole he pops it through the line of scrimmage cuts in behind his box Steve Freeman is the only guy back there you can stop him and he's off to the foot races luckily Derek burrows number 29 did knock him out give him a fighting chance now and burrows is still down on the far side of the end zone what's your room past Mars right here 69 for Cleveland and pike just kind of gets in the way and Curtis Dickey does the rest and burrows the man who put a shoulder down you see him down there right at the goal line well he is still down three minutes and 33 seconds to go and number 33 just ran 432 Kelvin Bryant just ran for four and the Redskins have tied the Giants 7-7 in the battle for first place in the NFC East and Burroughs is up I'm glad to see him up and about that washed in new york game they're fighting for home field advantage right and that's very important last year we went to the playoffs three road games before we ever got the Super Bowl we were worn out before we ever got there that home field Vantage is very important of course the NFC if you have to play on the road the road has to line through places like Chicago or the Meadowlands or Washington or San Francisco and it's a long and winding road indeed I think we travel over three or four thousand miles last year on the way to our Super Bowl win well here in Buffalo on a rainy Sunday afternoon with 333 remaining in the half Cleveland Cincinnati battling for the home field edge the game next week Cleveland at Cincinnati is the big one here if Cleveland wins that game it doesn't matter what happens in any other game they would clinch the AFC Central here first and gold [Applause] Mack flies over the top but not in gray Bentley therefore the bills Mack does have the touchdown of the day on his somersault run with 451 remaining in the first quarter and here he tries for a long dive it's a little long to dive three yards Bentley came diving over with the shoulder his weapon he did get some height that time very difficult there was a simple one he's now at 50 yards second and goal of the one [Applause] number two for Kevin back on the a good well-designed Drive some big plays a pass play to Ozzie Newsome a long run by Curtis Dickie topped off by a one-yard touchdown by Kevin Mack his second of the day and it's now 13 three Clearwater watch Kevin Mack number 34 as you can see him coming through here you'll also notice they kind of turned sideways reason the back of kind of laying that way is so that he is a smaller target for the defense to hit mark Mosley adds another point and with 251 remaining in the first half Cleveland Browns have opened up a 14 to 3 lead the first points of the day that were not set up by a turnover just a fine drive orchestrated by Bernie Kosar I particularly like the third play of the drive after two straight Kevin Mack runs play-action fake to Mac and the pass down the right side to Newsom but here's the touchdown again boom he was not going to be tonight that was the first legitimate drive we have all the way in for the score that time it only took a minute 9 John the six plays that's because three or four of the plays went out of bounds exactly kept stopping the clock Kevin Mack halfway home 51 yards 15 Russia's they talk about the numbers up here in the box but I think the players don't even think about those numbers the only numbers they're concerned about is up on the scoreboard so now Marv levy sees his squad trailing by 11 I think only one game all year they never live in fact they had a fourth quarter lead in virtually every game even though they've only won four tasker and Harmon redeemed but here they have trailed throughout and we'll see what they are made of trailing here by 11 Buffalo now needs to get the ball and drive down and get seven if they want to be in the game you can't keep getting three for the other teams get in seven that's you losing four points every time you turn it around Mosely will kick off member the last one was kind of a half-hearted squib this one Mosley's not your deep kick-off man folks Harmon at the 11:00 Harmon who limped off after his only carry earlier is down at the 32 tackle made by Scott Nicklaus mark Mosley is not known for his long kickoffs but what he is known for is the height in net returns he's just as probably as effective as any other kicker in the league because things that they're so long that the defenders can get down there and cover the guy before he has any chance to get a kind of a return started I loved Webster slaughters line he said I've never seen a straight-ahead kicker before we mostly tell you the team young he is coming up at half-time you'll hear from former Heisman winners Archie Griffin and Steve Spurrier plus all the scores and highlights on the flat-6 shotgun first down at the 32 that's the run again nobody opens so Kelly has rushed a lot this year and I'm not sure it's specifically by design he had plenty of protection nobody was open as we've noted earlier he has trouble connecting with wide receivers and the clock continues to run with 224 remaining Buffalo has just one timeout left no huddle here they will have the two-minute warning and a completion to any can I call I thought it was a completion for sure another drop pass and Kelly can't believe it Wilkins drops it and a flag is down now Kelly says come on guys but this one right in his hands defense 12 men on the field huh five-yard down Buffalo gets a break the Browns had 12 men on the field still he was open well pinned on the field and hold on to the ball doesn't matter that's right - 15 left in the half second and 4 at the 38 Cleveland leads Buffalo 14 3 an important series right here for the bills the dumb Paul Riddick holds on has blocking and Riddick fights close to midfield we bled half Hritik thunder Carl Hairston recovered so nobody can hang on to the ball when it comes to them when Riddick does and he's 60% of the offense today and his second fumble and it's hard to tell what caused that fumble if indeed it was the ground or a player or if he lost it our view was obscured there you know one in defence of Riddick though he's got that cast on one on his left arm and he's running down there with a homer ball his right hand he should have had the ball the other hand but Clinton because of the broken wrist great chance for the Browns here at the Bills 48 but no driven back by a host of bills which will bring us to the two-minute warning Bacchus stopped with a minute 57 remaining in the first half we come back rounds ball 11-point lead going for more back in Buffalo Len Berman with John Hannah you can see the rain falling in front of us between the camera and our broadcast booth position but the Browns here with a golden opportunity to really do some damage to the bills you can almost salt it away a little bit for them because you know you go into halftime with only 1/3 leave puts to put your damper on the Buffalo Bills but Bill's defense has played pretty well just out one last Drive is what hurt the pool of course the to Rob Riddick fumbles 2nd and 10 at the 49 Brennan 1st down look 37 Cleveland a hurry-up offense will rush back pickup of 12 for Brennan clock continues to run with a minute 42 remaining the Browns do have two timeouts remaining first down at the 37 again Brennan over the middle time and again and there's a flag down and Bruce Smith is saying this will be a hope of Smith's making the call that today cards back up field he's saying it's holding against the Browns when Bruce Smith is should trade in his Jersey for a stripe but you know what those defensive linemen do is they don't just sit there and say he was holding me he's holding me it's about and then finally gets things it's about time you made that walk number 74 holding 10 yards repeats it now both Baron who as we noted is normally a guard pressed into action to play a left tackle and the Giants have taken the lead in Washington bengals in new england continues seven other Kansas City leading Denver Chicago continues to lead no changes on that panel no scores you know one thing that did it was that that penalty took Cleveland out of field goal position for sure that time so now they've got to recapture our is just to get three points first down at the 47 they do have the two timeouts to work with with the minute 29 to go in the first half away Webster slaughter and face to face and pushing each other with Charles Rome's slaughter and Rome's were joined and finally Rome's just pushed them in the face masks on the nearside football is a team sport but there are a lot of individual Wars going on out there and you can see these two guys at the end of the play they're just kind of looking each other says I got you that time and you're not going to do it anymore where's the goalie I'll wait for next no flag thrown on that bit of business second down and 20 at the 47 following the hold looking for slaughter roams nowhere in the area the pressure from Fred's merliss and I could see the little twist he pull that was a nice little defensive line moves Marla's made to turn around and get the pressure on Kosar it was a good move and it seems like Buffalo's trying to dish to Cleveland little of their own medicine because that's what Cleveland's defense is known for is the famous twist the stunts and it's hard as an offensive lineman because you know you start bumping and tripping over each other's legs when they start doing these maneuvers it can give you some fits three wide receivers a tight end loan running back this is a third and 20 at the 47th you see the time remaining big play right here when Kosar despite the fact smith had an arm around them or was its merliss gets it out to Ozzie Newsome and Dwight drain covers him those are throwing it was a bill draped around him in the clock running down to a minute left in the half this will be fourth down in 13 and Cleveland will punt now we see the effect of that penalty absolutely so if I were Cleveland I would just let the 30-second clock run out five yards back wound cost you that much and it will lead some time off the clock 30-second clock is now at four I just let it go if I the Browns delay of game penalty here was 28 seconds to go in the first half now Gossett heads off to have a word with Marty Schottenheimer what they try to do the opposite sup there and they kill the ball and they act like they're going to do it and hope they'll pull the defense off sighs and I don't know what advantage that would have done maybe that time they just were like you were talking I just went in the down just using as much time give Buffalo as little time as possible when they do get the ball back here here's the call by Fred he lay five yards the Buffalo will get it back with one timeout and very little time remaining they trail 14 three with 28 seconds to go first half Ron Pitts his deep for the bills to receive Jeff Gossett spun Gossett having a better day than he did a week ago at home it's the endzone for the touchdown 45-yard punt and 11 seconds went off the clock on that punt and there's discussion with some of the players from both sides down at the 15-yard line as Kelly comes on with now 17 seconds remaining we're like Clay Matthews was having a discussion with maybe butch Riley down there for the bills and they were just kind of talking about who's gonna do what to who as you see Buffalo just the one timeout remaining I got the vault that's pointing a long way to go and they may just decide to sit on it the crowd will boot a decision but I don't find fault with that call at all especially with a conservative office that Buffalo has and has to stick with they don't have a deep threat so I think they made the right choice thing go back regroup find out what you're doing wrong let's come out the second half and take it to a gun is fired that's it for the first half you want the story in a nutshell - Rob Riddick bumbles - Kevin Mack touchdowns the Browns lead the bills 14 where the Browns lead it 14th and three there's Kevin Mack one Behrman along with John Hanna and the Buffalo Bills now have to overcome an 11 point deficit if they hope to win their second consecutive game for the first time in over three years well if you take away the turnovers in the first half they're in this ball game it's been a real close game so far both teams are going after it and as you can see right here by this fast Cleveland just had the ball more and done a little bit more with their offense so far the passing is a key where Bernie Kosar is able to hit Brian Brennan a wide receiver over the middle Jim Kelly unable to hit wide receivers or running backs a case of the dropsies today for the bills that's the key right there he's throwing the ball he's hitting his receivers his receivers aren't holding on to it a lot of drops a lot of missed catches Wilkins is missed Andre reeds missed a couple you know and it's got to be frustrating for Kelly because he's putting on a good show today for his fans have a half remaining that's interesting with Kosar and Kelly Kosar was acquired by Cleveland the deal with Buffalo received four draft choices Kelly was acquired by Buffalo with a draft choice they got from Cleveland in the Tom Cousineau deal so both quarterbacks trace their origins to draft choices of the other team and these teams of course off on opposite ends of Lake Erie scrimmage all the time and not only that but you've got like the two communities are very similar in the way that they you know the type people that are involved in the communities everything else there's some good rivalry between these two teams mark Mosley who has struggled with his kickoffs will start the second half which means Buffalo should have decent position mostly looking for a kicking tee as Steve Tasker and Ronnie Hartmann are deep Bill's need a return [Music] or believing in his fifth game replacing Hank bulla would hope for a winning record if you can get one today the game they thought they could win maybe says come on and Mosley says here we go and again at the the pork kick may be intentional Carmen has blockers Carmen trips over his man on the they tripped over Hal garner he had a shot at breaking it Mark Harper officially is credited with the tackle but it was really his teammate the watchman ninety-ninth router goes down he hits and he just continues slide watching just kind of slide about five yards that's what brought him down that's what brought him down so fumble caused by a teammate now a tackle the same the brakes not going buffaloes ways we start the second half with the bills at their 25 it is 14 to 3 Cleveland Harmon and Wilkins start in the backfield Rob Riddick is out John Kelly to throw going deep put his crisper cat people [Applause] and Kelly runs all the way down into the end zone to greet Chris Burkett 75 yards the first play of the second half wow what an opening Burkett his second touchdown of the year and he didn't drop it that's all I could think of when he was wide open is he going to drop a Kelly pass he did not touchdown bills they're back in it just like that the conservative Bills go through the bomb and win some fans just got back from the concession stand say what happened Norwood the extra point one seconds into the a 75-yard Bob so Chris Burkett from Jim Kelly how's that for fireworks after no TVs in the first half doesn't take him long to score one in a second Buffalo within four fourteen ten back in Buffalo what a whiz-bang start to the second half Cleveland's lead sliced the four on one play Chris Burkett a second-year player from Jacksonville State 21st reception of the year what a big one they just fooled the Cleveland Browns all the way that time crisper cake had the corner beat it looked like the corner was looking for the strong safety to back him up there in that back deep zone but he wasn't there nobody was there Scott Norwood will kick-off and here we go he has a low line drive and it heads out of bounds again on him and one more time he will be penalized and will have to kick off again take a look at the end of the play Chris Burkett puts on the show and then puts on the encore little Pee wee Herman danced for six points for Chris Burke a metzelaars comes up and later on Kelly sprinted the entire 75 yards himself that said a wide receiver held on 6 points Congrats you know in the whole Buffalo team now you're in at halftime you say you're talking to yourself you saying we can do it we can come back we can win this ballgame then all of a sudden you pop one like that at the beginning of the game and now all of a sudden you really believe it you think it you know and it's a it's a big turnaround for Buffalo's emotions you know who the most excited people here today are Tom and Martha Rodgers they run a travel agency at a Rochester and they sold the 141 round tickets $30 package deal money-back guarantee if Buffalo loses the people get their money back so they've got $4,000 on the line so wherever Tom and Martha Rogers are they jumped up 20 feet where that touchdown was scored a lot riding on this way nor would kicks again and McNeil and he'll be backed up another five you don't have an option here they can take the ball where it goes out of bounds after the second out of Bounce kick new rule a couple of years ago but they'll make them kick again I'll back him up now five more yards the 25 which might take a while to play the second half thirty seconds off the clock and they're trying to keep the the kickoff away from McNeil but they're going too far Hawaii I think I'd go ahead and kick to them anyway just to get the game underway Jerald MacDill is a dangerous player though what is it they called the ice cube I believe he called little viola I think what it was he was sitting at a table one time and the ice cube fell on the table and they looked down and said that reminds me you drilled you're all slippery and everything well that was Jeff Gossett the punter who gave him that moniker there's the special teams coach 29 year old Bill Cowher he's got to feel proud knowing that Buffalo was scared of his special teams unit trying to kick the ball away from this is his star his primary receiver so now I talked about that highschool kickoff where they went forward and kicked off at the 15 now Buffalo is kicking off from their own 25 [Applause] keeps it inbounds good kick McNeil back to the 11 and loses it late whistle had blown Steve Tasker crowd has come alive Tony for Janek with a hint and the Browns will now start on offense rich Stadium has erupted they are alive trying to fire the defense the Browns first down at their 31 have seen their lot lead trimmed to 1410 Mack gets the reception out of the backfield Mack has a first down and he's in Buffalo territory [Applause] big return Kevin Mack into Buffalo territory what are the eyes of McNeill as he grabs the kickoff that's concentration and to hang on to the ball after you hit and everybody's got instead of down there everybody's trying to reach that ball and yank it out of his hands Charles roams [Music] is the Buffalo Bill down who appears to have had the wind knocked out of him 23-yard pick up on the short pass played at Kevin Mack with Charles Rome's as the elder statesman out there I'm like he's got more consecutive starts than any Buffalo player and he just he's just a leader out there and it'd be a disgrace to see him gone for any length of time the Buffalo needs in on the field Ron Pitts replaces him this is 150 second straight game that is ice that you see even though it's raining and drizzly today to clear the field of snow hold sidelines first down Cleveland at the Buffalo 46 [Applause] again [Applause] inside the 35 so first on the past now on the rug Matt gets the job done again Darryl Talley finally brought him down swooosh Darryl Talley right here number 56 for Buffalo Li the play goes away from him but he pursues all the way to finally make the play and make the stop or else it could have gone all the way boom [Applause] maxixe out major everett replaces him in the backfield first down at the buffalo 33 McMahon II brought him down the Cleveland running game kind of starts off in one direction in the running backs almost forced the defense to over pursue and then they cut back behind them and that's how they get the big breaks and once they do pop out because of that spread formation there's lots of women running room for major Everett Mac appeared to be a bit shaken up after that last play the way you we'll check out in the native the 30s but no avoids two temples out of bounds he slides around the 20 eugene mar finally but some good moves by a Herman Fontenot [Applause] and we'll check out the officials against the Browns motion often illegal formation six men on the line repeat the down you know you know that was a shame that Cleveland got those penalties that time because as you can see font the note right here put some lovely mousse on a couple of guys right just kind of lift the right leg then he lifts a left leg and web some slide by and here he goes [Applause] this will be a second and 13 for the Browns the bills 35 [Applause] shoulder pads the two bills went down and Langhorne continue to stand tarik borrows one of the bills making the tackle I don't think Derrick burrows has the size to really pack a wallop when he does hit somebody guys now leave Washington a late first half touchdown business for them Cincinnati continues to run ahead of New England 7 nothing Doug Flutie has run and thrown four touchdowns today for the bears so little guy can play quarterback in the National Football League [Applause] it is 1410 big third down plunger sidearm fling ease tongs so now Kosar knows how kelly feels Webster slaughter as Kosar went sidearm slaughter couldn't hang on Charles Rome's covered let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network [Applause] back in Buffalo lumbermen with John Hannah 11:54 remains in the third quarter the Bills have turned it around they scored on the opening play of quarter number three and now they've held defensively and Jeff Gossett tries to keep a hand warm he will punt away to Ron Pitts what's interesting here is most teams might go for a field goal here they just don't think Marc Mosely has the distance anymore to clear that Gossett kicks it up high will they be able to down it yes they will and Buffalo will start at the five Felix Wright the man covering for Cleveland's we've got a timeout Buffalo ball they trail the Browns 1410 [Applause] and welcome back to Buffalo it's 1410 Cleveland Buffalo has it on their own 6 yard line well that's where they've been all day when they started on offenses back in their own territory it's important for a man to bring it out of there and get down the field and score some points they got momentum right now on their side they need to keep it on their side they want to win we throw on first down out of the end zone he came out as a gambler I quit I could guess a long time ago they're fooling me today Rob Riddick is back in he was not in for that one play which was successful - Chris Burkett in a long touchdown now he takes the pitch back and Riddick fights to the nine dick up with three will be second and seven the Riddick obviously you can see the cast on his left wrist which was broken at the two fumbles one was a real tough break you weren't with us his old teammate fullback gary wilkins push the ball inadvertently out of his hand and though you see him grimacing a bit here as he leans in to to get the call man playing in pain second and seven for the bills at their 911 minutes remain in the third quarter Andre Reed emotional Kelly will throw on his way again with the drops Rick to the outside and fights ahead close to the 14 Frank Minnifield brought him down little guy number 31 [Music] Kelly now will face third and short buffalo has the tent has the guards on their side on their side now you know it's third and two third and three Cleveland's got to wonder what they're going to do at least you know they're in position it's it's a big down right here inside the ten yard line [Music] third and three [Music] Kelly going deep for Birkhead again with Minnifield with him step for step that whole run that time I don't know if you saw it or not but number thirty one minute phil was just slapping at burn camp step for step just slapping his arms knocking his hands down the whole run is on the pattern like a jockey riding a horse I was talking to Stanley Morgan one time was receiver and he showed me a little trick they did was they run down the field they just kind of lay a hand maybe on the other guy's leg and then doesn't really look like interference but it just slows him down just a little bit so kid now stands in his endzone ready to punt away the Gerald McNeil good chance for McNeil here he is driven way back the 34 and tripped up terrific tackle turned in by Steve Tasker and he's surrounded by his teammates fine play is 189 brought down the other one so 10 minutes and 5 seconds left third quarter 51-yard punt a good one for John kid we'll be back back in Buffalo while they tend to Rob Riddick's equipment as he appeared to be in pain earlier first down for Cleveland at their 38th Kevin Mack back in the lineup and throws a nice block past inducible and Ozzy out close to the 45 his running backs have to be blockers as well and the Mack turning a nice block on that one Sean McNally brought Newsome down believe ones going back to the control tight passing game now they're almost a little short underneath passes knowing that they can get away with that with Buffalo and it's working for Miss of control type offense without having to use the run six yard pickup just called a long handoff second and four at the 44 major effort and Curtis Dickey now in the backfield behind Kosar Brennan in motion Dickey had the long run not this time all right guys you can stop now McNabb II and Friends and on the stop McManis really come on this year he's playing some super football you know he's not got all the great talent he's not the gifted athlete or anything like he just thought he's a blue-collar worker that stays in there and fights for everything he's worth you know and has earned a lot of respect on the Buffalo team and around the league he was not someone who came in highly touted third and three at the 45 they did give him a yard pickup on the play with the crowd calling for defense on third down the rush was on Oh burrows nearly picked it off intended for Brennan and credit the blitz from Martin Bayless with disrupting that play the Buffalo defense holds again and with 847 remaining the third quarter the bills will get it back here's Bayless when a quarterback sees that safety blitz he knows he's got to unload the ball just a little short inside slant pattern hoping his receiver can beat him that time he did not beat number 29 Derrick burrows might be a nice time to put up a rush on the kicker Jeff Gossett in to punt here they come they don't get to him good kick drive spits back calls for a fair catch and holds on at the 10 so with 840 remaining a third quarter the bills trail by four they've got the ball back and we'll be back and on the ticker the Giants now lead in Washington by 10 and Cincinnati now leads in New England by 10 now we'll put more pressure on the Browns here first down for the bills at their 11th inside handoff to Wilkins up the middle Sam Clancy making the tackle Louis Chicago is doing a Tampa Bay Miami with some points in New Orleans Minnesota leading Green Bay by 13 troit has the lead in Pittsburgh battle of field goals into the fourth quarter in Philadelphia in Indianapolis within six looking for their first win here Cleveland Whitney for its first points of the second half we continue to lead 1410 eight minutes to go second down for Kelly Rose another drop here Mike pick up Wilkins there and it's foul Kelly feels for sure [Music] and Kelly you could read his lips don't worry about these don't worry about it take a look at Clay Matthews I know he's a favorite of yours but in this situation this time he sucked up thinking it's a run they did give him one action and Wilkins just went out behind him and should have caught the ball on so now third down and five the buffalo they're sixteen Kelly from the shotgun and over the middle and no one was there checked off one wide receiver Andre Reed wasn't open looked for Riddick overthrew him and with 759 left in the third quarter it's the replays and punt for the bills there is the chance for them to get a long ground control eat up the clock kind of drive that's what the doctor ordered for the bills right there instead of having a punt from their goal line they need to get something generated on offense they've run the ball but then they've always had the tours this time they have it they didn't generate any offense at all and you know the discovery disheartening to the Buffalo team if they've been on kid McNeil here he comes he had a head of steam and the Browns will start in Buffalo territory run out by butch roll so Cleveland has certainly had the advantage when it comes to field position 43-yard punt and now with 750 remaining Marty Schottenheimer --zz Browns with a four-point lead we'll be in pretty good shape a reminder bowl day in the day after right here on NBC Sports and we'll tell you about in the moment but first first down 210 at the 44 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] firing completely - a bullet the Fontenot there Freeman covering it really rifled it in there and Fontenot made a good catch he knew on that that he was going to get hit that time really interesting Buffalo showed the Blitz the second the Cleveland saw it and they were all went off took a lot of time I thought the 30 same was gonna eat him up but it didn't there's the lineup Rose Orange Fiesta of course for the national championship NBC Sports the place to be New Year's Day and the night of January 2nd in the national title will be decided measurements here to decide if the Browns got a first down they did so leveland with the four-point lead and an excellent position here at the 34-yard line of buffalo with 736 and counting remaining third quarter lights have been turned on game played in a drizzle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] intercepted nearly and dropped in what's the call probably be no catch it was intended for Dickie Bentley nearly had it in his grasp and it's called no interception no catch nevermind second and ten at the 34 it would like Bentley did have possession of it let's see if he does he jumps up from the air there nope he was fumbling it all the way so the dropsies have extended to the Buffalo defense as well [Music] second down in 10 for Cleveland the 30 for Cleveland escapes a bullet a completion Webster slaughter inside the 20 [Applause] sallie covering the cozaar is really gunning them in here 15 yard pickup Fritz merliss who is much improved this year we're always been the past comes in he starts good as patented hand slaps everything they got two guys on it and it's hard to rush in there and get somebody when you got two people sitting there holding you out and as this drive is going for Cleveland Browns fans will be happy to know the Patriots have just scored the Bengal lead has been cut to ten seven late in the third quarter in Foxborough slaughters numbers first down at the 19 for the brown [Applause] Vicky and those success though uh luckily he's the one who comes fighting out of there Kurtis Dickey stopped by five bills and spurts forward now let's send it off Audra shot in flat-6 all right Lenny in New England Stanley Morgan living up to my building is one of the top five receivers in the game catches this 39 yard passed down to the one Tony Collins scores one the next play it makes it 10 7 Cincinnati well I've taken lots work for it he he knows what wide receivers are all about if there was ever a good receiver he's one of them second and four at the thirteen Dickey appeared to be stopped for no gain and sputtered ahead for sex Vicky [Applause] no skirt this time we see bailiffs continue to try to slap the ball out of his hands even after the whistle had sounded that's the name of the game defensively he hits it up in there and Buffalo is being taught by their defensive coordinator just instead of just you know if you get an opportunity student knocking a guy to the ground stand him up and if you can stand him up and everybody else gather around and try to knock that ball free and as you can see number seven eight Bruce Smith is doing the best he can to pick that ball up at the harken back to the Cleveland Cincinnati situation the Cleveland with a one game lead the two teams meet in Riverfront Stadium next week and that could be for everything right here three Browns flip to the left of this formation on third and two when it comes to the right touchdown [Applause] [Music] rent in the man in motion swung out to the right so on a day when his old college teammate Doug Flutie runs for a touchdown and throws for one Brennan has himself a touchdown reception big day for Boston College the key here was number 85 Clarence weathers who ran a pick on number 29 Derek burrows and he just kept him off about two steps so that the play couldn't you know he couldn't cover so the field position which people talk about odd nauseam is so important and constantly Buffalo kicking from its goal line has cost them Moseley with the seventh point this drive started at Buffalo's 44 and it was a quick Drive polished off the 11 yard touchdown pass Bernie Kosar - Brian Brennan and with 450 remaining in the third quarter the Browns have extended their lead now to 2110 look what the Giants are doing in Washington no less a 17 point lead and Denver continues to trail Kansas City any big in New Orleans Chicago having a good day well Pittsburgh in another close game with Detroit Billie's finally scored a touchdown in their game with st. Louis and Indianapolis hanging closes today the day your former coach Ron Meyer his debut with Indianapolis coming up next the second half of our NBC Sports double-header the Jets are in San Francisco and that should be a good one the Jets are struggling to find some offense haven't scored a touchdown in the last two games San Francisco had that big first half lead collapsed on them last Monday night against the Giants San Francisco looking to come back from that so it's jets and 49ers coming up next Chester sure have really been beat up to their defensive line I've heard rumors that Klecko might be ready to come back and start playing for him so if he does that could be a turnaround for them you know within seven hours after arthroscopic knee surgery cleco is lifting weights on his surgically repaired leg that's the kind of guy is here Marv levy needs offense Marty Schottenheimer just saw six play drive cover 44 yards and three minutes time there's still some time left here we got 450 in the third quarter Buffalo maybe with Cleveland kicking off but gets a pretty good field position right Mosley's kickoffs have been adventures it's one of his better ones a running start for Steve Tasker to the outside and tasker's who see him sliding the field is wet from the rain that has continued to fall a slow drizzle throughout the day Travis Tucker made the tackle so now with 442 remaining third quarter there's Tucker the bills and Kelly will try to do something the biggest explosion they had the very first lineup play to start the third quarter Kelly went boom 75 yards to crisper Kent electrified the crowd but that's been it and the drops of Myrtle [Applause] first down at the 27 [Applause] [Applause] goodbye my Johnson you got to slap to the head and hand for Dixon it hit that time by Johnson he became who and just wallet and he a ball mark at the 31 pick up a four second down and six for the bills what's this lick this is good clean football right here just hard-hitting game and while he was hitting him he was reaching for the ball as well second and six of the 31 buried in most man-to-man coverage Dixon goes with Crowley escapes but not man sack turned in by Reggie camp sack number six on the year and camp has to be happy now a couple of years ago he had 14 sacks and the injuries slowed him and people began to wonder if he'd regained some old form and now he has a half a dozen sacks this year and the first sack for a brown this afternoon maybe they come in a little twist and everything and finally grabs ahold of him but you know what really happened that time was a defensive secondary had everybody covered up you know there's nobody to throw to that time though the linemen get the credit the secondary gives them the boost bills have been struggling on three down this is third and eight with the $20 in the shotgun with briquette and a flag is thrown on Hanford Dixon so a costly time on a third down play for a penalty and this one will hurt the Browns assuming it does go on the defense Jim Kelly lots of time no how about that one [Applause] thought for sure it was going to go the other way no sir offense number 85 pass interference decline work that pushed off on Dickson how about that one I don't know who's pushing her right there yeah I'd hate to be making that judgment [Music] would have been incomplete so doesn't really affect things one way or the other kid with the punt McNeal baked last time and then ran with it this one they let die at the 23 so 3 minutes and 38 seconds remain now in the third first down for the brows at the 23 but no incomplete and word out of Foxboro Boomer Esiason his past 23 yards to Eddie Brown the Bengals have scored again Cincinnati leads New England 1710 let's go to a mod Rashaad NFL 86 all right Lynn in New England Boomer Esiason rolls to his right finds Eddie Brown in the corner of the end zone on this 23 yard touchdown Cincinnati leads 17 7 in the third quarter all right so Cincinnati playing tit for tat long distance with Cleveland this is a second and 10 for Kosar in the brows 334 left there at the 23-yard line Dickie and a good tackle made by Steve Freeman as Dickie had some Running Room on the near side but the 12-year veteran from Mississippi State spread the play out and was able to bring Dickie down they had 43 Martin Bayless up in the line of scrimmage that time and they were showing safety blitz all the way as you can see forced him outside and Steve Freeman came up made the big play so a gain of four yo Steve still goes back to Mississippi every offseason lives and third down and six of the 27th [Applause] weathers first down Cleveland Ron Pitts brought him down but for Clarence weathers just as seventh reception of the year is first to the game Kosar his arm if he's grabbed ahold of his elbow I don't know what happened it looks like Maya is the only quarterback who hasn't missed the play the entire season in the NFL just does emotions with his arm and tries to wring it out [Music] knows his own man wasn't it he was fending off the look Cody Rises all right first and ten at the 43 bet some strange collisions today Vicki screaming again and Bremen pushes him out you wonder if Vicki had turned it to the inside what might have happened but he heads out of bounds with a minute 55 left in the third quarter 22 yard pickup Curtis Dickey with a couple of big runs today for the Browns that was a great run but watch number 39 major Everett come in here and throw a great block right and free screen there boom and that opens up deke to give him the avenue and there he goes for the gallop so apparently Kevin Mac shoulder which caused him to miss four games earlier this year is continuing to bother him he left early in the quarter and it's now Dickey major Everett in the backfield this is first down at the Buffalo 35 Cleveland trying to put this game out of reach and Vickie is stopped by Bruce Smith among others you know Cleveland's offensive line is a group I think the highest traffic they got there is like a fifth round er and Mike bad all the rest of them are like ninth 10th rounders trait they got a 10th round it from the Jets in Dan fight I mean those guys are supposed to be good players but here they are they're playing well the game today Gago now 42 the word on Kevin Mack is his shoulder is sore he could play if needed [Music] second and nine at the 35 and incomplete looking for font no over here Derek burrows watching and with 68 seconds remaining in the third quarter Waveland faced with third and close to 10 those large numbers I think both quarterbacks happy that neither has an interception today goes ours only had 10 all year what Kozar has done today twosies kept his offense on the field for long periods of time this is wearing Buffalo down and it's paying its toll right now when I see it's going to get worse those buckles getting tireder and tireder all right third and close to 10 to the 35 an important the buffalo bills this afternoon right here [Applause] those are wide open weathers and depending on the flag it's a touchdown for Cleveland [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is not weathers first touchdown of the year pull it back Cleveland offside often number 85 he's alive repeat the down third down so he has nobody to blame but himself at least it was just him you know Clarence was with the Patriots for a few years and then was traded out to Cleveland was a was a major factor with their team for a couple years now they've got so many receivers that they used to kind of just you know used in spots as one of the guys look as both names written out on his jersey that's because he doesn't want to be confused with his brother Robert weathers that still plays with the Patriots also the Browns have other rebels Kurtis weathers linebacker third and fifteen another flag is down major Everett is tackled by dwight drain and in the final minute of the third quarter we will check this flag out holding brown's often number 70 holding ten yards till third down Larry Williams first-year player from Notre Dame he was pressed into duty at left guard what's the left side of your monitor here number 70 you can see him guy gets on his outside shoulder and he kind of throws that arm up and rips him up and I don't know whether he held yeah there he is right there [Applause] you know I've been there myself Lynne right that's awful embarrassing at me referee looks that says you're holding that's it but I didn't mean to through this 1/3 and 25 from midfield for the browns but no dropped it and another flag is thrown and Chris Smith is saying it's on them again he's pointing towards wolf Aaron Baughman number 63 holy beep lying it's called on Kody risin that's the Klein and that drive in shambles for the Browns and they'll kick it away with 23 seconds remaining in the third quarter check out the the very lower right-hand portion screen when we get to the replay you'll be able to see it Jeff Gossett lining up the punt there were 74 he just kind of there 63 just reaches around and grabs it gossip yes now [Applause] and the bills will once again start deep in their own territory didi Hoggart making the tackle this is a tenth time they've had the ball five times they'll start with in their 20s Jim Kelly goes to in and out on the field to take his team down hopefully on the run back number 36 illegal block above the weight in the back half the distance first down Oh that doesn't help another five or six yards taking one Rodney Bellinger with the infraction but anyway almost holding calls the defense of lemon is actually putting himself in the position to be in hell sometimes that's not supposed to be the offensive lineman's penalty the referees supposed to let that go so he's being suckered into a hold is that what you think exactly the defense Lama comes in actually puts his arm underneath the offensive lineman's arm and it's a ploy to draw the holding call I can't believe the ballplayers would do anything like a defensive lineman cheat all they can let you guys write first down for Buffalo at the 10 and straight ahead Riddick you know with only seven seconds well the end of the third quarter right now you would think that the Buffalo might start going to the air no that is the end of the third quarter the score Browns 21 bills 10 we'll be right back to Buffalo after these messages from your local station [Music] you know the stats are kind of lopsided now towards Cleveland but the biggest fan of all is the 10 of possessions 27 minutes to the Breanna versus 17 in the pills you take a deep has been on the field 10 minutes longer they're getting tired right now the flow with second and six at their ten Teli to throw the rushes on oh nice defensive play was intended for read Anthony Griggs the right inside linebacker got a big paw on it to swat it down and he was pressured by Ray Ellis on a safety blitz was a good time to call that play but Kelly got the pass off you see ray Ellis to be coming from the right side he screamed making him hurry that rope nice play by Griggs there gets a hand on at third and six Buffalo now at the 10 so we start the fourth quarter in Orchard Park New York Cleveland holding on to an 11 point lead third down conversion they need one here Birkett he's got it to the 40 change that third down conversions that's a two of 9:30 five-yard pickup Kelly de Burkett that's been the combination today for Buffalo it's an interesting statistic to this catches her first pounds that's very important at man coverage he's thinking with him it's beginning he finally shakes free and gets over the middle it's a nice catch and now finally some daylight for the bills Burkett brings it out to the 45 Buffalo can look back and not see the goalpost for a rare ton two catches for a hundred and ten yards how about that bit first down at their 45 to read and he holds on to long and read all the way down to the 31 and he has to be happy finally able to hold on to a catch and a Braun is injured on the play and Kelly has heated up this confidently winks Gregson gets up a little slow right now he comes in there and makes the good flow but he pays the price well thrown ball first down 231 I was talking to Phil Simms of the Giants the other day and he said if a guy is open a quarterback will hit him that's all there is to it and read got open a ton first down of the 31 and there's another open receiver and Kelly hits him and Reed holds on for a second consecutive time a short pickup but the bills are moving with 13 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter play Matthews making the tackle and Phil Simms in those Giants now lead in Washington that's awfully impressive an RFK Stadium in front of that crowd 17 point lead Bengals continually the Patriots by 10 and Kansas City with a surprising lead over Denver at 24 10 playoff implications there as well Chicago rolling Miami holding off New Orleans a Minnesota comfortable pittsburg big over Detroit here 21:10 Cleveland Buffalo's second and four at the 26 farming on the bounce shrapnel money Hartmann disagrees Chris rockins covering farm in the top draft choice out of Iowa but hasn't been involved much only one carry today only two or three carries the last three weeks and he thought he made a completion here but it was ruled a trap I don't know his hands looked like that rattling that up replay time folks bills every Hill Swanson is the replay official and he just saw that replay with you and I'll be surprised if he doesn't call down to the field good morning they surprised [Applause] where are you replay that's what it's there for [Applause] secure Dixon covering but it's shy of the first down pop song and this sets up fourth down let's look at the non replay call here we see he caught that ball or not I'd like to looks like he had his hands under that's a clean catch and the replay officials sought and chose to believe that that was not a conclusive replay which I will choose to disagree with [Applause] fourth and one Oh flax fly [Applause] were they drawn off [Applause] goes against Buffalo and now that non-call ban number 87 wall start you know now that Nam called by the replay official looms massive the replay was put in in 1986 just for that situation and when the replay officials just choose to sit on their hands that's not right if you're going to have new technology you use it folks and I can't believe they chose not to that was a conclusive replay I'm on your side this game could have been a lot different right now going for it still going for seven instead of having to settle for three John kid will hold for Scott Norwood this will be a 45-yard attempt to draw them within eight this way shot I can't understand that call anyway land because now that leaf a tomato have been within eight they need at least two touchdowns to win first down [Applause] [Music] you're trying to pan it up there to eat the clock up but they just weren't able to do at that time I think they're going try to stay away from the pass now they know that Buffalo needs two touchdowns to win this game and they're well content to let their defense play the type of game they've been playing all day 11 minutes remain fourth quarter second down an eight at the 29 [Applause] chased by merliss and chosen complete the Fontenot stayed inbounds clock continues to run Lucius Sanford covering ten and a half minutes to go as Cleveland continues to lead Buffalo 21 to ten and since Cincinnati is rolling up the score in Foxborough it's now 24/7 Bengals that sets up the showdown next week in Cincinnati grounds and Bengals if these scores hold there's the Bengals score background the whole snowman from with some creative fans here in buffalo showdown for first place next week riverfront stadium that should be a good one still 10 minutes to go here third down and one wall of the 36 [Applause] Langhorne emotion batlló the pole [Applause] look first down Sanford pushed him out towards the bench sliding on that slippery surface we showed you earlier 10 yard pickup for pot no 9 o'clock is stopped with 951 to go 4th quarter interesting play the exam he lined up shotgun formation like they're going to throw the ball regards kind of setback and turn light to go in one way didn't go the other it's interesting how you look at a television monitor we've received word from the replay booth that what we thought was a catch they watched the same replay and thought it fast I don't know how you folks felt at home but John had and I felt in the booth it was a very clean catch and it was conclusive but those watching on television it's all on the eyes to beholder the replay officials said it was not first and ten at the 45 Dickey Oh game finally whistle down with smallest pushing him down Dickey draws a crowd doesn't he there's the flag down on the field right now I don't know looks like it could be off size by one of the two teams you got it in the bill since flags have killed Buffalo all year long Fred sylvari today number 76 defense lining up in the neutral zone five yards first down Ellis you're lined up offside Fred's trying to a go that Joe Celt cleco right there he kind of turned sideways to the ball and jump that gap watch him stay he just kind of gets cut off by the center of that time and he's deep fighting hustling and finally ends up with the ball carrier in his arms so it's now first and five for midfield neutral zone is the length of the football Vicky [Applause] game thank nanny that'll set up second down and five from midfield and identical scores the road team winning in Washington and Foxborough the home team up by 17 in Kansas City okay New Orleans within four points of Miami say Luis and Philly time the 4th and the Colts within two of Atlanta second and five at and actually goes an incomplete pass just slipped out of Kosar his hands and that will be third and five those are not happy with in the south that tab is under pressure there was some good rush on in that time now he heads back to the huddle Leslie at Dave Wilson last week in New Orleans he went back to pass and the ball just fell out of his hands bounced right to a deep one to the Patriots for seven points bad luck on this one that was a forward pass third [Applause] may have Chandra Smith offside [Applause] the bill sale was a fumble in a sack and but it may have been the Smith jump that gave them the edge to get into the backfield there I think he did jump it looked like he had a step before the ball ever moves defense number 78 offside five-yard Hill third down watch here as he comes off he's a full step before the ball ever really snaps off the ground here on third down and long those defensive line they know you're gonna throw the boy those knuckles start turning white I mean you've seen those teens start gritting and there's an offensive lemon that's not a lot of foot pretty sight to look at you know what I mean just saying who me you caught him camera did he's been crying all day to the referee that the opposite lamins been holding him you know and now of a Sud for him to get caught for petalburg that look good so the penalty gives them the first down and with 850 left in the fourth quarter trailing by really what they need is two touchdowns that doesn't speak good for Buffalo costly mistake now they're gonna have to spot the change there's a fellow's on the near side and the officials are not in sync and the Buffalo Bills players are questioning it as well Bernie Kosar has played a good game today you know he's not really gonna come short of birth okay there the raziel the Hat sickle first down because it was the last play was a third and five and the official must have thought that they got the five by the penalty but it's still eight inches shy so now it's third and inches Bernie Kosar is playing a good game today though he's hit those little short passes he's kept his team on the field got to give that guy a lot of credit he's really coming to this league and proven himself interceptions that's really the key very fused Kosar his throne Dickey flag comes flying into the picture again as I believe he had the first half barely well they will get a first down be third down still on a whole the got that number 61 holding ten yards Guilford down Mike vampa Center now the third and inches it's third and ten and inches well now instead of either teams controlling the game as those guys in the black and white shirts there's nothing more frustrating for a player than to be on the field and you can't do anything for all the flags flying around yet they are being thrown for a reason well I guess but sometimes they're thrown too many times you know Cincinnati has just scored again in Foxboro against her old teammate Shaw is now 31 7 so the Bengals will be going 9 and 5 today [Applause] and he is sacked Vista Dean Prater first sack of the year third for the bills this afternoon the Browns will have to punt with 8:13 to go nursing an 11-point lead most player right here as he comes in Fred just kind of knocks him free and when those are trying to scramble he's there to make the tackle short punt bounces out of bounds around the 26 yard line gossiped heads off Waveland leads by 11 750 once ago 33 yard punt for Gossett Levy and Buffalo have the ball 7 minutes and 51 seconds remain in the fourth quarter in Buffalo Len Berman with John Hannah over 42,000 showed up in the rain today as the bills start in there 26 wobbler balls out of bounds harmlessly Kelly winds up on his back helped up by the man who put him there Clay Matthews and Jim Kelly today by going those 200 yards now has thrown for 3,000 yards just the second build whoever accomplished the 3,000 yard passing mark in the season Joe Ferguson did it twice so Kelly making an immediate impact not only in yardage but on the fans here in Buffalo second attempt wide-open metzelaars in the 45 the ankle saving tackle by Chris Rock ins 19 yard pickup for Kelly clock continues to run seven and a half minutes to go Cincinnati gambled that time by shooting linebacker number 53 Anthony Grieg's into the ground excuse me Cleveland I mentioned Cincinnati because I was feeling sorry from old teammates they shot him in there and left mess war wide open to get the ball and make a big completion four on that time it's getting darker the rain falling harder first down at the 44 for Buffalo Kelly complete the Harmon steps out of bounds watched by ray Ellis Cleveland territory at the 45 you know when was 703 left in this game they've got a lot of time to get this one on the scoreboard put seven in their pocket and then get back on the field because the defense did stop on the last Drive Jetson 49ers coming up a Patriots loss a big help to the Jets on the AFC's they'll be seeing that game ball rolls a couple of yards away from where it was placed seven minutes and three seconds to go and it's raining harder Cleveland has just put four defensive laminate they're trying to get that rush first down at the 45 got it and that's a sack well Hairston with his seventh of the year Kelly couldn't 5 anybody opens seven minutes to go elsewhere Washington within ten of the Giants Cincinnati rolling on to victory ananza City by 17 Chicago in Miami trying to hold off New Orleans Minnesota comfortably in front of Green Bay overtime in Philadelphia second and 14 at the 49 [Applause] dances away from trouble the outlet man Wilkins who put home [Applause] for a converted tied-in he's dropped three passes today and that doesn't speak too well for he's also the one that knocked the ball out of robber it expands and it Brittany in the first quarter that's right it's just not been his day nobody around and should have had it especially after the kind of work that Jim Kelly had done back there to get free to deliver the ball to it let's pause for station identification this is the NBC television network this is WKYT b3 [Applause] 14 for Buffalo trailing Cleveland 21:10 there at the ground 49 metzelaars holds on gets the 40 well shy of a first down five yards short chip banks making the stop those fans who have stayed in the rain are falling for the bills to go for they have no choice they have to go for it now I'll be wearing the final minutes of the game at least on that play though when you note if they didn't get the first down but they got half the artist right now it's fourth and five and that sure is a lot better than fourth and 12 the rain is falling the hardest has fallen all day thank goodness the temperature is up libido rule would be playing a driving snow storm right now from the shotgun 5:42 go [Applause] didn't quite get clock continues to run but he did get to the 20 big completion to Andre Reed who is bad on both knees but the clock runs 5:15 to go in counting us 22-yard pick up Kelly to read Henry wants to stay in he needs to stay you know getting the game he had dropped a couple of easy passes this time he kind of makes up for it nice move on his part you see him kind of fade away to get out of number 31 Frank benefit for Cleveland's way great great little maneuver on his fun great stays in Jimmy teal checks in as well [Applause] five minutes to go first enchanted the 18 [Applause] Dinka Brooke tenet to read will be second down but in the meantime we have an update coming let's go to NFL 86 all right Lenny in New England James Brooks wheels off the run of the day here he breaks off light tackle goes down the right sideline it looks like he gets in a little trouble here and he runs through one two three tacklers 56 yards for the score Cincinnati leads 31 7 fourth quarter sees leak in Abreu shedding the tack loose not the little guy what's doing it in their big win today 4:43 to go here in Buffalo leave the leading by 11 buffalo has a second intent at the 18th for read the we'll incomplete round up with the football and this will set up third down for Kelly in the bills with 437 to go he's going against him for Dixon number 29 there who is fine far one of the better corners in the league and he was able to get out of his put a hand on it and knock it out it's a break good play by Hanford that time in the in a future part of the game [Applause] now for the shotgun third down in town [Applause] for read no sir double-team there Ellis came up mark Harper was in on the play as well but it was this man Ellis who poked it away and gingerly walks away right there we're Ellis and Barber went down so fourth down and ten at the 18 last month I was successful they try here again with 4 minutes and 32 seconds to go didn't put them [Applause] Oh and that will put it into this drive in the fans old get up and ass and start heading out [Applause] Sam Clancy came up with it didn't matter who did at that point on a fourth down snap that just did not connect and as a result Buffalo heads off the field Cleveland gets it back with the game in command for 28 to go let's flash back to November 4 to 1984 Marty Schottenheimer first win as Cleveland coach Paul McDonald passed Willis atoms bumble Ernest Byner picked it up and scampered 55 yards for the touchdown Cleveland won here at Buffalo 1310 his first win and it appears that this will be his latest win although both teams have three timeouts remaining so this win may take a few minutes to come from Artie Schottenheimer 8 seconds remaining and the games remaining of course the showdown next week Cleveland and Cincinnati at Cincinnati Cleveland will now be 10 and for Cincinnati 9 and 5 the battle for first place Bengals have a tougher finishing they're inside of four minutes to go second and ten now for Cleveland to 21 they'll be content to roam Vicky 3:35 to go rate Bentley making the stop [Applause] no timeout taken by the bills they have all three but they think they can stop on downs get it right back you know that's lucky for Cleveland and if they aren't you know any further behind and in what they are you know are further ahead than what they're I should say because you know they don't have a real running game that can eat a clock up in the closing minutes if they were behind say bye to something or a hit by 2:00 right now it'd be very important for them to be crying the bow out and they aren't able to do that right now three minutes to go third down and ten for Cleveland to 21 Brenneman motion [Applause] but no carrots andrew smith grasp with air is Fontenot moved ahead and [Music] timeout is taken here by the bills with 2:45 to go fourth down Bruce Smith that town don't think was really trying to go for the takos he was just trying to strip the ball out of his hand and get the ball and get it for the Buffalo offense in real good field position reminder about the Candlestick Park in San Francisco coming up jets will be playing the 49ers jets with a little breathing room now apparently the Patriots will lose Jets we'll take a first place edge that's a big thing for them because in tiebreakers against New England the Patriots have the advantage but now there is no tie should the Jets win this afternoon both teams are so beat up right now that whoever's standing at the end gets it by the fall you've got it because I mean everybody ever all their starting players had either been in the hospital are still in the hospital though Jeff Gossett will punch into a bit of a win that's kicking up now with the rain still 245 to go Buffalo with two timeouts and the two-minute warning on their side high snap gossip comes down with it low kick two pills and he drops it and falls on it at the 43 stop made by Mark Harper Pitts lucky to fall on it you know some of the brain surgeons and the stands have just started throwing snowballs down on the field that's all they have left to do there is a lot of snow around the stadium it was cleared out this week and I'm just keeping my fingers crossed an official or a player is not hit or a fan from the snowball thrown by someone else what do you know your old buddy Ron Meyer just took the lead Indianapolis making its first win today they've taken the lead with 20 seconds to go 28 23 over Atlanta here first in 10th the Buffalo at the 44 239 to go Birkett old and another terrific reception he was there ball was high and he had a shot on it couldn't hold on she breaks across the middle he had outrun 56 bangs and got in behind and got in between his own just a little overthrown we've had a scoreless fourth quarter the second half began [Applause] with Jim Kelly hitting Chris Burkett 75 yards on the first play of the third quarter Kelly on second down firing completing two teal ahead for a first down with 224 to go and Buffalo hustles up to the line of scrimmage first down at the Cleveland 45 trying to get a play on hauling it at the line of scrimmage 12 seconds left for two minutes there it is merkat comes down with it at the 32 and we've reached the two-minute warning covering that was a nice catch on his part because Mark Harper number 23 for Cleveland was all over him so we've reached the two-minute warning Buffalo's moving they trailed 2110 well the dusk settles in with the wind and the rain in Buffalo the bills still trying to make a game out of it now with a minute 59 to go well there's a lot of things can happen in a minute 59 seconds and so far they've got a good Drive going Cleveland had to throw the ball you know to keep their thing alive and they earn it and they weren't able to that's when a good running game comes in handy as these last two minutes what hurts Buffalo is that is down by an 11 I mean they need two touchdowns the touchdown of the field goal doesn't help well stranger things have happened that's for sure last week you were at a strange game you thought that wouldn't fool that but you know it happened Nelson New Orleans New England game and one it with - two yards rushing the entire game and they pulled it out with a block punt and a strange fumble we talked about earlier here driving rain continues to fall one fifty nine to go Kelly's numbers one touchdown no exceptions pushed out of the 32 Kelly comes away with it fires it to Metzl and he's inside the 20 [Applause] hurry the line of scrimmage with a minute 45 to go they have two timeouts left [Applause] while spotted at the 18 first down Aaron complete and ahead inside the ten Wilkins finally held on to it Gary Wilkins both and nine and Kelly takes the time out so the bills with a minute 23 down to one time out they're driving they're travelling by 11 Kelly's got over 300 yards passing in the day he would wonder what he'd have if his wide receivers and running backs had held on was 311 [Applause] second and one and nine safety bullets and throws it the direction of metzelaars as handford Dixon was on his trail and the clock has stopped with a minute nineteen to go with third down and one for Kelly and Buffalo Kelly's had a terrific game if you said who won the battle between the two Miami quarterbacks the edge even though he's trailing the game might tip towards Kelly today it's really played under adversity and responded Kosar has played well but Kelly's done little things like scrambling rolling out getting out of trouble to throw a pass only trouble is he hadn't had the receivers to hang on the ball Kosar heads one [Applause] in complete [Applause] Felix and ceiling right together and it falls incomplete so now forth down in one [Music] you can see how even they are on the day Kelly really four more yards about that a game without an interception that is an oddity fourth and one and straight ahead of goes to the five for the first bound for Wilkins and now the Buffalo Bills spend their last timeout I think it's a time about officials also flags Bob he fell off died the goal so the defense is parley first down for the Buffalo Bills with 65 seconds remaining one thing you can say about these two teams is they have not slowed down the whole day they have been at each other's throat interesting finish first and goal dele faking heading the other way fired to the end zone Cuttino touched up Jimmy teal touchdown and he'll keep the ball first touchdown of his NFL career here he is just kidding across the go on bear graphic old man that little X pick helped him out there he sure did and it wasn't intentional either I think everybody's trying to scramble to get open Bing Norwood [Applause] so with a minutes ago four points the kick was good and the onside kick will be forth just think of all the Buffalo fan - gone home and sitting around in their car driving down the highway now looks like they had to like to be here for this that's why you never leave a ball game early have seized the Bengals have won in New England Kansas City the big win over Denver Chicago a big win Miami held off nucleants Minnesota over Green Bay leading Detroit there overtime in Philadelphia in Indianapolis with new coach Ron Meyer has won in Atlanta the Colts Havel you know sometimes you get a coach like that and he he comes in and puts little ears to those planets now it's not performing but if I note before no one have to look for a new job and apparently that's what he's done out at Indianapolis they've got the win so with a minutes ago Leland puts the wide receivers up on the line of scrimmage to catch probable onside kick and here goes the routine must be fun to practice this huh look at this what's in there about 15 yards it's a timing thing here they go here they come and Cleveland has the ball [Applause] big play barring to fumble on the snap I would say Cleveland's got this game maybe Ozzie Newsome on the cover what's this they all get a running start they're about 15 yards behind the ball and then instead of time to time up with the ball big sake right now kick it look like Ozzie Newsome under there Buffalo can stop the clock one more time 58 seconds remaining so valiantly played ball game about both teams all right Buffalo takes the last time out but it's academic Cleveland just Neal's two more times and that's the ball game so Marty Schottenheimer in the Cleveland Browns are staring at a ten and four record and a chance this year for the first time in the club's history to win 12 games of course they'd have to win in Cincinnati and then win the final game with San Diego at home we have 53 seconds to go and Buffalo with a valiant effort will fall four points shy barring a miracle is 2117 it hasn't been easy no Marty Schottenheimer with one of those guys that have played the game that now has come into coach and been really successful he understands what the players think how they feel and he's able to communicate with he does a real good job out there and I tell you he's lost at running back and he's been able to take up a new offensive strategy to where he kind of spreads about and he's done a good job with good coach so there's the first meal and there will be one more and that will be it and here's a surprise our Budweiser MVP will be from the losing team today Jim Kelly the MVP award sponsored by Budweiser today's MVP will a Budweiser on Kelly's behalf will make a contribution to the United Way Jim Kelley's 20 of 39 315 yards two touchdowns that doesn't include the drops that he suffered through he's had an outstanding day in defeat congratulations Jim Kelly this will be the final snap of the day [Applause] so with Kelly statistics 23 passes thrown in the fourth quarter it wasn't enough Buffalo good game effort but they lost it 21:17 the Browns continued their one game lead over Cincinnati the showdown next week the Battle of Ohio for first place at her front Stadium for John Hannah Len Berman saying so long from RIT Stadium in Buffalo where the final squirrel once again the Cleveland Browns 21 the Buffalo Bills 17 stay tuned to the SEC today's football doubleheader the Jets take on the 49ers a Candlestick Park thanks for watching so long everybody
Channel: Andy Provin
Views: 6,075
Rating: 4.807229 out of 5
Id: TFX9rnoCYfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 23sec (9563 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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