1999 Cleveland Browns NFL Expansion Draft from Canton, Ohio

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ESPN welcomes you to the following presentation of the National Football League [Music] let's get the clean all right let's go fires in some algae touchdown rounds Cleveland has a love affair with their Browns for a generation the city idolized its heroes and exalted in their victories but in 95 Cleveland lost it steam came down to a simple proposition I had no choice [Applause] [Music] today we'll the Newgrounds panshin an expansion blueprint with these familiar faces [Applause] [Music] one hour south of Cleveland its Canton Ohio now the home of the Professional Football Hall of Fame three-quarters of a century ago the speed to the NFL Midwest in Northeast Ohio has been waiting it's been three years of waiting the long wait is rewarded today the Browns backers they've made the inside of the Canton Civic Center in Canton Ohio on a Tuesday afternoon of February feel like a Sunday in November right off the shores of Lake Erie the Browns are back the Hall of Fame tradition gets picked up here again as the expansion draft the first large chunks of the new cleveland browns take shape here this afternoon here team Washington director of football operations the Nexo football man good afternoon good afternoon ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Canton Civic Center [Music] the 1999 Cleveland Browns expansion draft is here the Browns will select 3242 players from a pool of 150 NFL veteran players the time is here and the Browns are on the clock [Applause] they play their first game we start building the brows we welcome you to the expansion grab Mike Tirico Ron Jaworski really honored to be with the man who had the last successful run as a Cleveland Browns head coach Marty shot and I'm so glad you're with us well I'm delighted to be here what we're gonna see today Josh and Marty really we've never seen the lights up in the National Football League at all if you think about it here is a franchise with an extraordinary tradition perhaps among the best in all of pro football dormant for three years now we're gonna rebuild on that tradition starting from scratch with some great people to head up an organization the browns are going to select as you heard between 30 and 42 players to put the biggest chunk of their roster in place for the 99 season Ron Jaworski there are a lot of players out on this expansion list 150 players will get into all the specifics as we go on but what do you think they're gonna do spend a lot of money or save the money for free agency Mike I believe they're gonna save the money for three agency and in this draft they're going to go for the young guys and the inexpensive guys and build their team for the future in the free agency market you look at some of the high price guys here yes there is a lot of talent yes there are guys that can make an immediate impact on the Cleveland Browns franchise maybe help them win early but clearly what this team wants to do is build for the future build a championship team down the road in the year 2001 2002 Marty it could be very tempting to pick some of those guys but I don't think they will you know jaws today represents the very first opportunity for this franchise through afar players it's obvious that this group is going to be able to be contributing people in this program a full one-third of the players selected here today will be a part of the 90 man roster that the Browns take the camp they've got an opportunity today to get some players that I believe can come in contribute maybe as many as 8 to 10 starters well we will watch that in the sense depicts as we go along we are joined by John Clayton southpaw Antonio Soloman Wilcox will start with Solomon is joined by the owner of the new grounds our learner and the president CEO Carmen policy Salman thank you Mike we'll start with you mr. Lara since you wrote the 530 million dollar check how excited are you to finally see football returning here to Cleveland after a three-year absence I'm very very excited this is this is more than than I even could dream about it it's extremely gratifying and I just hope we can live up to our responsibilities karmen policy you were a Youngstown native very close by how excited are you to see football returned here it has to have a very special personal meaning for you well I think when you talk about professional football and you talk about the roots the history the the legend of professional football automatically you include the Browns in that discussion and now having the Browns coming back with a brand new stadium and it's like a dream come true to have myself involved in part of that and I tell you I have to keep pinching myself every day when I get up it's fantastic all right thanks Carmen policy out learner now let's send it over to South Allen Tonio who's standing outside of the Cleveland Browns war room thanks Solomon I'm with director of football operations Dwight Clark who actually gets to pick the players and you've got a unique opportunity here really to build a team from the ground up but how much have you thought about the historic opportunity to have to rekindle this franchise well there's a lot of tradition here in in Cleveland and with this organization so just just to be a part of it is amazing to to help build a team from the ground up so what's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I could feel the emotion inside you as you heard the dog pound go crazy outside what were you feeling on what palms are sweaty it's like playing the game that's you know when you when you can sell out four thousand tickets to the expansion draft in 20 minutes that tells you what kind of fans you have thanks a lot to white it looks like he's got a little pre-game jitters Mike only natural have adrenaline flowing on this afternoon Sal let's get everyone quickly assess with what's gonna happen here and comfortable with his you see Dwight walk back into the war room where the Browns will be making the picks along with Chris Palmer the head coach seated - Dwight's left you heard the rules 52 options either select between 30 and 42 players or spend 38% of the 1999 NFL salary cap just under 22 million dollars the player pool 150 players five unprotected from each of the 30 NFL teams put some caveats including a player who may have been on injured reserve a player with a decade or more experience but no kickers or punters are available here and the other significant rule once a player is selected from your favorite NFL team if you're not a Browns fan they get to protect one more guy and pull them back then if a second player is taken you're not gonna lose any more than two players in the National Football League expansion grab if you are a fan of the other 30 NFL teams so hold thumbnail on the rules there will be more specifics and in-depth things we'll need to cover as our three hours in Canton move on but the first selection for the 1999 Cleveland Browns in the expansion draft is about ready and we will get to that momentarily the excitement in this community is so so [Music] the dog pound behind me you can sense these people are ready for this first step in the building the Cleveland Browns take from the Detroit Lions Jim pie and Center from Virginia Tech [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you want to talk about a difference here you are left unprotected by your current NFL team feeling unwanted and you come here the expansion draft and four thousand people are cheering for an offensive lineman usually you only talk about offensive linemen when there's a penalty flag thrown instead he gets the welcome so Jim pine who was a offensive [Applause] starter let's talk about Jim pine and why make a selection like him to get things go Mike it really isn't appropriate Hill typify how the Browns will not a play get after people be physical in the trenches and this is an old lineman that will get it he's a strong guy started 16 games last year for center in Detroit he started for three years in Tampa Bay at the left guard position he's a swing man he brings a lot of talent and a lot of leadership this is really to me the kind of guy you want to start to build a franchise around and Marty to you there is incredible value for a young team no matter what they do running back wise quarterback wise to get the offensive line as settled as you can do you think you can do that in this draft Mike I'm committed that this particular draft gives you the opportunity to do that Jim pine is a very good player there are a number of other players that are gonna be available in this particular draft that are gonna help this football team win and win in 99 Jim pine has a salary cap number one point nine million dollars he was signed as a free agent by the Detroit Lions is now a Cleveland Brown after is one year a Detroit Lee standing by with Salomon Wilcox thanks Mike Jim do you heard the roar of the crowd here after being left unprotected by the Detroit Lions are you really elated that you come here and receive such an ovation yeah I'm excited you know Cleveland's a great place you know I'm excited to be here I wanted to be here I asked to be unprotected by the Alliance I wanted to get out of there and I'm excited to be in Cleveland you know it's great fans great people yeah I was exciting city started this whole last night and everything and now the facilities are great great coaches to have Coach Palmer you know I'm excited it's great opportunity now last year you played at the center position for the Detroit Lions but you spent some time in Tampa Bay at the GAR position which position do you prefer and have you talked with anyone here in Cleveland well I'm a center at heart that's what I played in college I grew up playing I'd love to play center you know I was fortunate enough to play guard in Tampa and I can play anywhere I'm excited to play and wherever they want me to play I'll play but I'd love to play center all right thanks Jim fine now let's go back to you Mike Solomon banged the player and they do they pull back rapper daily their quarterback meeting if the Browns make another selection from Detroit it could only be Paris which failed Marc spin lose offensive lineman or wide receiver Tommy Boyd that's a better example instead of going through the complex rules of how the expansion draft works one other thing that we should note if you as you look at the bottom of the screen you'll see everything the Browns do today including to the rule updates beneath us and to the side you will see the unprotected list for all 30 teams going alphabetically so you can keep updated if you surf in and out who's been taken and who is left in this draft from your favorite NFL team so we got you covered either side of the ball now there's one thing we can say about every one of the 150 players on these multitude of lists they're unprotected for a reason why would you think a Jim pine was left unprotected by Detroit offensive linemen who were experienced are at a premium in this league Mike I think he was one of those guys that kind of gave the Detroit Lions of sticker shock they paid a lot of money for him last season in the free agent market he didn't perform up at that number maybe because he was switched from the guard position for the center position he didn't play as well as he would like to play the Detroit Lions were not happy with that performance they left him unprotected but this the kind of guy could play Center guard and coach you know you want to build the team from the inside out Ron there's no doubt I think when you start from the interior of your football team whether it be on offense or defense they've got the best chance of getting a job done so that's where they go with Jim pine for pick one selection - for the Browns has been made we'll find out who the selection is and which team is pulling players back after losing won the Austrian the president of the National Football League is announcing these opening selections the second selection by the Cleveland Browns is urban McCormick from the Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle from Indiana the Cowboys the Cowboys have pulled back place driver center from Florida State so al Lerner in carbon policy playing along with us at home as the Cleveland Browns have taken one offensive lineman and one defensive lineman kerbin McCormick we like a couple of other players Cleveland knew who they'd be selecting up top so he gets the greeting a wolf step aside as the Browns start to build their franchise more of the Cleveland Browns expansion draft as we continue from camp [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] can you ask him come on ask him don't look at me it's your phone call better man you need to use my phone call collect make sure you dial 1-800-985-5990 or Mexican protection there's nothing better I wouldn't lie to you they're not paying me enough breaker state sensible technology what more do you need to know you make great things happen with great white paper it's a great day for feeling your pride and it's a great day look smiling inside a great day for using great wine it's a great day make great things happen [Music] well Cleveland was one of the four cities president when the NFL was created they were the Tigers and the Indians the Cleveland Rams from the NFL title in the mid forties but in 1946 the AAFC when the Cleveland Browns Paul Browns team was formed that's where the seeds for the Browns tradition really got started we welcome you back to our continuing coverage of the rebirth of the Browns their expansion draft and keeping you updated on what's happened beneath us in terms of the ground selection Dallas did pull back clay Scheiber their 26 year old center after their defensive lineman Irvin McCormick the first defensive selection was taken by the Cleveland Browns jugs do you like this pick one I love this pick Mike you get a defensive lineman that had five sacks laughter you'll see right here the twist coming up the middle pressure up the middle this is when you can get five six out of five sacks out of the expansion's ramp you're getting a talented defensive lineman these guys are not easy to find and you can see McCormick is a guy they can get pressure on the quarterback up the middle as well as the five sacks last year he had 22 tackles and one fumble recovery he is a playmaker when you can find a defensive lineman to make plays again as we always talk to coach shutting armor you start to fill that offense and peeping from the inside out a defensive lineman that couldn't make plays get sacks caused fumbles is a darn good start Marty there are people at home saying take Daryl Johnston there's a guy was established in the league he would fit the personality the brown why wouldn't the Browns in this situation take a Daryl Johnston type player Mike my feeling would be that any time you take a veteran player like that you bring him to camp he goes in as the starter if you will that would the progress I think of any young player that they may have an opportunity to bring into the franchise of course Daryl Johnson has a high salary cap consideration and coming off the neck surgery he came back last year and did start but certainly Darrel's towards the latter end of his career and the Cowboys did not pull him back kind of sensing that hey if Cleveland wants to take Darrow Johnson off our hands although still productive and still a good NFL player it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for the Cowboys that's how this draft will work there's always a second story after who the Browns take it's who is taken back by each NFL team and through the next few hours I'm gonna get you familiar with the major offseason issues perhaps affecting your NFL team or the teams in your division certainly be treating to watch third pick for the Cleveland Browns the third pick with the Cleveland Browns is Scott Rehberg tackle from the New England Patriots who played at Central Michigan pulled back running back Sedrick Shaw from Iowa Rehberg one of the players in that top group that the Browns have kind of kept hidden in some secrecy here in the Canton area over the last 24 hours so for competitive reasons also so the other teams didn't know who was going to be selected although people around the league have a good sense of who will be selected where now if you're a good NFL fan you knew the name Jim pine you knew the name her from before it maybe you didn't know Scott Rayburn [Applause] six foot eight 330 pounds hasn't played a whole lot but you watch this guy come off the ball he will get after people against Marty's old Chiefs there you can see the big strength not a lot of power but he's a big guy that gets on top of people and moves them out of the way with the size trading the seam for the back to run through I think what we're seeing play out here is the Cleveland Browns are looking for those interior lineman offensively and defensively want to build down to the trenches New England pulls back Cedric shots hot ruchi was out there an offensive lineman who many thought the Browns might select he's a guy who could come in and start they take ray Byrd that low cap number is very important in building a team isn't it I think Mike this is what we're seeing right now when you look at Rehberg he is a player who doesn't have a real high price tag he's a big physical guy ruchi on the other hand has a higher price tag I'm a little surprised though Russia has been a fine player for that football team in New England started 44 consecutive games he's a winning performer as well you could have taken Russia and Pine at a four million dollars and today I've got my two guards for 1999 but they choose to build with Rehberg we should point out Cedric Shaw was the player who was pulled back Robert Edwards as you may know five days ago in a league sanction beach rookie football game in Honolulu had a very massive injury to his knee artery damage included in that knee injury they have just stabilized the injury he is still in Honolulu being tended to medically and only when he is stable enough to come back to Massachusetts well the Patriots team doctors get to look at him but in doing their phone calls John Clayton South Paolantonio Chris Mortensen all of our NFL reporters here you're looking at an injury that will take Robert Edwards out of football in all likelihood for most if not all of the 1999 season so that's why immediately the Patriots think let's pull back Sedrick Shaw our rookie draft pick from a year ago the Browns in their war room have mapped out their strategy for the most part of where they're going to go although even though we have a good sense of where they're going with a lot of the picks there's been constant discussion and some change already doesn't that show you I guess a a real comfortable fit with guys who are saying all right let's take another look at it through a mock draft to make sure that we're making the right moves by trying to build Chris Palmer's team in the plan that we first looked at you know I think what is very evident here Mike is this the Browns have sat down they had a plan at the outset I think Chris has returned to the involvement in the process of their draft has maybe gotten to them in a position where now they're gonna be involved in looking at some of these young players that can be taught Chris Palmer has a reputation of being an outstanding football coach and an outstanding teacher you may know Chris Palmer from his days as most recently the Jacksonville offensive coordinator but Ron he was with Drew Bledsoe with the New England Patriots in terms of tutoring a young quarterback so whoever ends up being the quarterback is really gonna be in a good position Mike no doubt about it Chris Palmer's been recognized as one of the outstanding quarterback coaches in the National Football League a guy that could develop young quarterbacks and make them superstars a la Mark Brunell and Drew Bledsoe up in New England and we all know the heartbeat of a football team is the quarterback and whoever comes here to Cleveland is going to get good coaching Marty talks about his teaching nature the teaching impart you saw University of New Haven and Boston University two Division two and one double-a schools but he did a very nice job building those programs back in the late 80s as a head coach the Cincinnati Bengals are the team that has lost a player and the way the process works is Dwight and company for the Browns okay we're gonna take this player we don't get the announcement of that but it gives the franchise in this case the Bengals two minutes to decide who they're going to pull back so as Cincinnati makes their decision we will step aside for a moment tell you who is the newest Cleveland Brown who is the EX Cincinnati Bengal who the Bengals are going to keep as you take a look at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland just one of the landmarks in a revitalized City we sell tables part-time and we don't handle sales and service well we can't get you a good deal if you can find a way to get it delivered we don't have this particular table in stock but I think we'll be getting it in four to six at Ohio billiards we're not part-time we're a full-time Brunswick pool table dealer all we do is sell and service pool tables we offer superior product and competitive pricing coming to meet the friendly staff you can find the very best pool tables accessories air hockey and more without that high pressure break in the fun at Ohio billiards of Beldon I mean the accra knew that I knew when I was when I was in high school when I was making looking at colleges it's not the same and I don't mean to like toot my own horn but I didn't do very well in high school and I could have gone to a number of different places but I chose accurate I think if you're looking for one word the word is visit just I mean that that's what makes the difference just come in here and just get a feel for the place so that's what I've been thinking get competitive here at Sports Center so Charlie says you're maybe the 50th best anyway in a row in Georgia but when there are differences we keep it in the family oh yeah and Steve Levy sits over here he's the one who called you puke of all hey Jeff don't forget your stick thank you beginning to fan has made our family stronger china come on out and get you whooping Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton an artifact that's all about ten days used from the pregame of Super Bowl 33 the bass freely used that guitar for kiss on with Gene Simmons Peter Criss and gosh I forget the other guy that's in the Pro Football Hall of Fame that's from the Super Bowl pregame show you see Fawcett field on the left and the Professional Football Hall of Fame with i77 running alongside let's go to the podium for the fourth ground selection for their fourth pick the Cleveland Browns take from the Cincinnati Bengals Damon Gibson a wide receiver from Iowa and the Bengals pulled back break through it senator [Applause] Damon Gibson the fourth I think there are five or six players here a very young wide receiver who really I would say Marty this is a player that they're looking for more on the special teams area he's only five foot eight but on the other side of it his abilities to score touchdowns is already evident he is an outstanding return specialist gives him explosiveness Mike Ron he's got a quick acceleration off the balls you see right here good speed he can accelerate to the ball when it's in the air who called that game speed a lot of guys don't run good block time but they run well in the game he is one of those guys and here's what marty was talking about this is an impact player on special teams this is the kind of guy that can turn the game around for the Cleveland Browns making plays like this he did for the Cincinnati Bengals this is the kind of player you like to get in an expansion draft a guy that could come in early make plays he was one of my best bad news glad to see this pick this guy will make an immediate impact on the success of the Cleveland Browns you talk about your best values Ron do you mean the talented players who have the lowest capped numbers yeah I think it's a combination of a guy they can come in like make an immediate impact I'm not talking about a guy that needs to be coached me being good football player come in show some play ability from playmaking skills early in his career with a small price tag well if you're gonna take a kick returner you would think a couple of things roll Preston of Green Bay was a Pro Bowler for the Packers and then you would also think about Desmond Howard a Cleveland native who knows the Browns may still take those players but I think when you take Damien Gibson at this point it says a few things about what you're trying to do building wise in terms of salary are we making too much of the salary cap and youth impact in this draft Marty I don't think so I think what we're dealing with as I suggested earlier I think Coach Palmer and his staff are committed to young players that they can take and develop and I think what they'll ultimately get out of this is they're gonna find some gems now the reason that some players were taken off the draft list if you will from a Cleveland perspective but they want to do with salary age versatility proto to that game Gibson could still be a wide receiver you can use in third down situations as a fourth to 50 wide receiver so he gives you a lot more options than maybe a Desmond Howard would very versatile football player Mike and I think one thing we need to bring to the forefront here is character one thing that we talked to Chris Palmer and Carman policy and white Clark they talked about the investigation they did on every player that was available and they looked for character flaws and if players had character flaws they were going to shy away from them they were starting out a new franchise they did not want to have any problems that's not saying that Preston or Howard or anyone specifically fits into that but in general they looked at the cap number that we talked about with Marty the age of the player versatility productivity character so many factors went into this in a relatively short period of time remember when Tom Coughlin led the Jacksonville draft he was on the job fifty-one weeks beforehand the other guys here in Cleveland they were on the job once the ownership sale went through in the early part of the fall Dwight Clark and company had only about three months to prepare Chris Palmer has only been on the job for less than 30 days so you put all those factors together and you realize this was a perfu lien preparation task for the Cleveland Browns they've taken four players a shift will be selected momentarily and then they'll wait to see who gets pulled back from the other teams and again we'll remind you bottom of the screen we'll keep you updated on the selections and the minimums for of the NFL minimum between thirty and forty two players or in money spent bath to spend about twenty 1.7 million already spent three million of that as soon as they achieve one of those minimums they can say okay that's it we're done using the expansion draft to build this part of our franchise Neal Austrian four v grounds selection for their fifth pick the Cleveland Browns take from the San Francisco 49ers Steve Gordon Center from California the 49ers pull back Chuck Levy running back from Arizona he's the big dog John Thompson of a dog pound welcoming Steve Gordon I think carbon policy knows Steve Gordon of course he does from the San Francisco days it would make sense there if there's going to be a San Francisco selection it doesn't make sense it will make sense to policy and Dwight Clark because they knew this franchise very well take a twenty nine-year-old Center and Steve Borden yeah they know something about his the Billa they like his toughness Mike and that's what what this team wants to build we talked about the old Cleveland Browns traditions they want to build a football team in that tradition I think it's we can see this forming out right now with pine going early rydberg's going early or Rehberg we've got to confuse the how we say that name like a lot of these guys that we're gonna have trouble with throughout this draft but now when you see them taking a center they're building that interior line may tell us something they may want to run the football coach it looks like a bunch of zone blocking to me they've got a center a guard and a tackle and clearly their familiarity with Gordon has a lot to do with this particular selection let's look at San Francisco's unprotected player list they pull back and you heard Chuck levy and that's a very versatile player of the 49ers we'll keep in the pole there's intrigue in Antonio Langham like Desmond Howard his Cleveland routes are obvious Antonio Langham Michael Jackson and Steven Moore would be the three players who have that oh great marquee value bring them back to Cleveland hometown or X Browns that would be fun but the decisions made inside that war room can't deal with nostalgia and can't deal with what a great story that would be for the old ground comes back to Cleveland because let's be honest we're speaking directly to Browns fans here nostalgia feel-good stories are not gonna win you one football game you'd rather have the salary cap room for your team to go out and get a player who's gonna be a long-term impact man as opposed to a guy who comes back to Cleveland there our salary cap issues to deal with throughout the day for that none one better than our cap ologist to the SPN from ESPN The Magazine John Clayton John he might well the reason they did not take Antonio Langham is they can pretty much sign him next week because Langham is expected to be cut the 49ers are thirty million dollars over the cap now they've already reworked deals with Brian Young with a couple other players Winfred tubs and all that but still it looks like marques Pope's gonna be cut jamie brown's going to be cut and if the more they put a squeeze on the forty niners cap the Browns can maybe get Roy Barker they can possibly get Lee Woodall and several other players maybe even Burton Hanks so they're squeezing the forty niners four players by not taking Langham so John we will watch the small print in the newspaper in the transaction column to see if X 49ers end up coming here is the cap cutting does happen in Northern California pick six now for their sixth pick from the Carolina Panthers the brown select tarik salla linebacker from Wisconsin the Panthers pulled back Corbin lishchyna and guard from Augustana former Buffalo Bills Corbin leucine who gets pulled back so tarik saleh comes from one of the most recent expansion teams and fans in this neck of the woods who are Big Ten fans will remember tarik Saleh very well out of Wisconsin a linebacker who was on the Pampas roster I'm like a good fit for a three-four defensive scheme can get after the quarterback he is is okay in his past coverage skills but again if you got a linebacker that could rush the quarterback he can make some plays for you again we see now is the game of professional footballs evolved you need to put pressure on the quarterback now you have a Irvin McCormack you have at Eric's a lot you have guys that can get in the quarterback face he really is the kind of guy that could we don't want to go out and say impact players run as a guy that could make plays has potential to be an impact football player for the Cleveland Browns probably look for him on the strong side of the Cleveland defense coach when you look back at Jacksonville and Carolina we're gonna show how these teams did their expansion draft of four years ago under very similar rules and Carolina now pulling back Tarek's ala as we mentioned with Corbin lucena fullback I should say as solid goes to the Browns Tony veal in the former Nebraska quarterback is now safety Winslow Oliver and Mike Fox still available to be selected by the Browns but back to the building of the Panthers and the Jaguars how much do you think the Browns went to school on what the well two most recent expansion franchises did Mike I feel certain that they did as we know Chris Palmer ended up as a part of the Jacksonville staff albeit after they ended up down in Jacksonville for a couple of years but clearly I think they've done their homework in that regard I think that what you're seeing is the process of the bleed across from Jacksonville through Chris Palmer to what's going on here today let's look at the breakdown from Carolina and Jacksonville in their expansion draft but four years ago and the difference here compared to four years ago this is non competitive situation Jacksonville Carolina had to try to scheme in game plan if you will who's the other guy gonna take who are they gonna select the end of the day the Panthers spent less money spent more in veteran free agency because they had to sell personal seat licenses and get the people in Carolina hot to the NFL what happened was at the end of the day Jacksonville is probably the model that you would rather follow considering what's happened in Carolina over the last couple you know Mike what's interesting about that graphic that we just saw was the number of starters that each team got out of this expansion draft Carolina got nine Jacksonville eleven that's a lot of starters coming out of what most people think is a thin pool players that the other teams do not want so nine and eleven an average of ten I guarantee you this the Browns would love to get ten starters out of this expansion it would be a surprise if they get that many starters out of this pool of talent when we come back we have a pick now we're gonna get it right now actually the sixth selection seventh selection for the Cleveland Browns you see they've spent just under four million dollars as they try to get to one of those two league mandated minimums for building this section of the Browns franchise they'll have 90 players on their roster when they get to training camp for their seventh pick from the Miami Dolphins the Browns take Jeff Buckley guard from Stanford the Dolphins pull back Larry is oh from rice is though a linebacker with great special teams abilities you see the phones being worked to Miami and here in Cleveland Ron tells about this offensive line Jeff Bucky is a guy that has had some playing time there's got a lot of raw talent he's one of these guys that are on the comb and you'll assume you're protecting Dan Marino at that left guard position you see the good good pass blocking that is key and there it gives Dan the ability to throw the ball down the field you see them once again you're giving Marino protection coming off the ball on the trap play creating the seam Jeff Bucky has a lot of raw talent and he fits that mold of what the Browns want they want those tough guys here on the running play just burying the guy allowing to touchdown to be scored but he's a tough guy an aggressive guy and fits the mold of the kind of guys that the Browns want to have on their roster speaking of great brown bear is Hall of Famer the toe Luke Rose enshrined in 1974 the Ohio State guy the last of the original Browns to retire his along with the other thirteen of all of Famers in Cleveland Browns history on the stage here in Canton this afternoon my name is Jim and I am the beer man and I'm proud to sell this Coors Light so please do not call me beer dude don't yell be a jockey volley boy a such buddy and I'll be happy to call you a frost brewed Coors Light stay away from brew brother captain cup and sir pour a lot and you'll get your Rocky Mountain refreshment faster than you could say blaga longer I am ear man hey beer stud whenever you call wherever you call wherever you're calling from now every long-distance call on Sprint is just a dime a minute including calling card calls even calls to your personal 800 number so whether you're at home [Music] now every minute of every day can be a dime well-spent call 1-800 pin-drop sprint I had in 1999 ESPY Awards the 1999 ESPY Awards with host samuel l.jackson performances by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Ray Romano and fastball plus Ben Affleck Carmen elects Mark McGwire Ben kami Sosa Burt Reynolds better remains named Jimmy Smits Terrell David yank and war the greatest night in sports the 1999 SB Awards live Monday at 7:30 on ESPN presented by Pennzoil and General Motors Canton Ohio where the roots of the National Football League are the Hall of Fame on a gorgeous afternoon it's in the fifties that you look at the Goodyear blimp above the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company it's Ohio based blimp the spirit of Akron floating overhead some of the beautiful views not only of Cleveland but the Canton Akron area Goodyear's world headquarters in Akron they are so glad as everyone is in Northeast Ohio to have the NFL back in town I mean it does not feel like February North and Ohio and Marty we arrived at the same time and we were greeted your return to Cleveland was greeted with cleveland weather I said I was gone for ten years I came back in the Weatherhead degree beautiful day and the fans were outside of the Kent Civic Center here today and they were tailgating there was a big tailgate party these fans are so excited and the excitement reach another fever pitch exactly six months from today on August 9th when the Browns first game back in the NFL is the Hall of Fame Game at Fawcett field that you just saw in Canton they'll play the Dallas Cowboys on ABC's Monday Night Football August the 9th I know you're gonna forget the date but I know you'll be around a TV to see those great uniforms and those great helmets back on the field and both will be essentially the same well Miami just lost a player in the draft so the next election will be coming a pick number eight overall as you look at Mike Clark and Chris Palmer and I would guess as we alluded to earlier in that rounds war room once a player is selected they're reacting to the pull backs and just to make sure that their course is charted for the next selection here is number eight overall the eighth pick from the Seattle Seahawks Jason Kyle linebacker from Arizona State the Seahawks pull back teams may tight in from North Carolina so the selection is Jason Kyle a long snapper Marty right an outstanding performer Mike in that regard I think this is evidence now that they are beginning the process of addressing the special team this young man as you can see has been a top of snapper for them he's a young man that I think has a chance certainly to be a starting player if you will by virtue of the fact that he is a long snapper there is another player Marty on the Seattle roster and you prepared for the Seahawks twice a year in Kansas City that you really thought would be a good fit considering his cap number and Steve Broussard and you thought one interesting thing in our meetings that you mentioned by Chris argent when you prepared for the Seattle you were always concerned about Steve Broussard why well you know Mike he was a very explosive football player a guy who always had to be concerned about whether it was as a third down back out of the backfield or as the guy returning kicks he is very very explosive he's a guy that could help any football team create field position which is obviously very important in what we're trying to do in the National Football League today very good kick returner Broussard in his NFL days he is still available if the Browns choose to go that way but as we know they do already have a kick returner in Damon Gibson who they took from Cincinnati now while we have an opportunity here between pitch it's a good time to look at the Seattle Seahawks what issues they have coming up into the new season in 1999 and the two headlines are the transition with Mike Holmgren as the new head coach and in charge of football operations Ron and Warren Moon his status which you think is not as important because you happen to think Jon Kitna would be their answer for now at quarterback Mike I am a John Pitman fan I've had the opportunity to study Jon Kitna in action on the field I've had enough tuna watch him live it in person the sideline he has a lot of talent he reminds me a lot of Brett Favre maybe not the throwing skills with Brett Favre but the competitiveness the ability to make plays the ability to lead and motivate his football team and you know with Warren Moon out of the way I think I think you have to bring a veteran quarterback in still to work with John kidney he has the tools lacks experience you put the right people around him like a Mike Holmgren an outstanding quarterback coach a guy that can develop your own quarterback I think Jon Kitna could be a quarterback for a long time in Seattle impact of Holmgren in the division you know so well boy I'll tell you what it's clearly gonna be a determining factor and when you combine the ability of Mike Holmgren with the dollar's of Paul Allen that Seattle team's gonna have to be reckoned with the organization - a lot of the infrastructure from Green Bay has come to Seattle to help build the new Seahawks well the Pittsburgh Steelers are the team that has been notified by the Cleveland Browns via the NFL that a player will be selected off their list so the Steelers are now taking a few moments to make their decision who will they pull back and who will be selected we will find out when we come back to Canton Ohio I talked about the Steelers and the Browns in the same sentence boy has a great ring to it with the Browns back excuse me number eight let's go hear about number nine [Music] drycleaners wouldn't take a check again a nozzle use Visa Check Card it automatically deducted your checking account everywhere visas accepted so you can get what you need and get on new life is your dandruff sending the wrong signals it's Elson power doctors recommend selsun blue number one so don't send the wrong signals get selsun power these days everything is faster everything so how come pain relief isn't faster introducing advil liqui-gels on tough pain they're stronger and faster than extra strength ton at all new advil liqui-gels stronger and faster everyone remembers their inspiration that one person that one person who gave you all the help you needed taught you how to learn how to think I think for yourself and how to make the most of what you've got everyone remembers their inspiration the NFL and Darrell Russell are proud to honor Michele Eagleton from San Diego California as the NFL Teacher of the Year the Dawg Pound will be back but in a new place the new Cleveland Brown Stadium is spectacular 73 thousand seat Stadium luxury boxes and the views open there so you can see some of that great new Cleveland skyline an outstanding facility that the new grounds will call home it will be ready paint August some of the seats are starting to be put in over the last few weeks if you look at the view from above and it's that going to be great with the opportunity on one side of the stadium to see a lake let's get a look at the next Cleveland Brown selection from Pittsburgh [Music] for their ninth pick from the Pittsburgh Steelers the brown select rod manual defensive end from Oklahoma and the Steelers pull back Jason Simmons cornerback from Arizona State rod they were not fooling you they were blowing that you came from the Steelers this is gonna be very interesting because Cleveland will have so many rivals in Cincinnati in state Baltimore because the Art Modell factor and Pittsburgh's because of the great natural arriving rivalry Marty what about rod Manuel defensive end well he is a big physical player he's a guy that can sit in an anchor for you inside against the running game I think it's interesting Mike that six of the nine selections thus far have been big people offensive and defensive linemen I think it's very very clear that the people in Cleveland have decided to build from the inside out rod Manuel has not seen a lot of action in his first few NFL seasons but the grounds people feel his football is ahead of him so rod Manuel the latest selection while we have a moment who's John quick Mike interesting story on this pick because most of the people in the Steeler organization wanted rod Manuel to stay but it was a decision by Bill Cowher pretty much exclusively to put him on the list Oliver Gibson is a free agent who they might lose in the offseason because the free agency and Manuel's the guy is a big defensive lineman that I think is going to be able to play for Cleveland but I think a lot of people in Pittsburgh think they'll be able to play for Cleveland so rod Manuel is the selection for Cleveland from the Pittsburgh Steelers and as mentioned the Steelers pull back Jason Simmons a defensive back that leaves will Wolfert as one of the players still out there but will Wolfer that said he retired I think this would be a point to clear up one of the small rules in this expansion draft you have two players will Walford and Reggie white Webb announced their intention to retire and not come back the reason they are allowed to be left on the expansion draft list is very simple until your paperwork is processed that you are officially retired you are still considered an NFL players so these teams have the option of putting these guys on the Lisbon and Cleveland could take Reggie White or lil Wohlford and try to talk those guys into not retiring it would be certainly a risky move because it would have salary cap implications manual defensive end like Reggie White probably the only time those two players love to be mentioned in the same sentence but here are some defensive ends who are available and this is a position run where you have to take a little more serious look at the players and not the cap number because just a not a lot of established rush defensive ends in the NFL yeah no question about that Mike and you look at Reggie White and I can just look back to our conversations on Sunday with the Cleveland Browns and you know they would love to have Reggie White here and one of the rules that are in place that they cannot talk to any player that's under contract to another team even though they are on the expansion draft list and can be taken and the Cleveland Browns really wanted to know what Reggie want to come to Cleveland they would love to have him but they couldn't talk to him to find out though it'll be interesting to see what happens they have an interest in Reggie White and we should point out if you haven't been following the nuances during Super Bowl week and everything else Reggie has said that there's an intriguing possibility to come back to the league especially for the new head coach in Philadelphia ray Rose nyl Smith was on that list Marty you had Neil for so long in Kansas City it's tough because the established guys are also the older guys they are getting by on guile and knowledge of the league and don't have as much of a future upside as the Jazz the profile for Cleveland really calls for I think that's exactly right Neil Smith still is a good football player but it's obvious that that is not the direction that the Browns are heading so the Browns make the selection of rod Manuel who is a 24 year old player and I think of no gentlemen the first nine picks the Browns have taken one player with over a million dollar salary cap number that Jim find their first pick and no player in his 30s everyone in their 20s so if that doesn't tell you the direction the Browns are going at least early on for this expansion draft and I don't know what to tell you the me hurry up the selection number-10 will come up next for the Cleveland Browns and for Chris Palmer we mentioned upside and rod Manuel his best football is still ahead of him but Chris Palmer is a teacher and that was something in the interviews with head coaches in Brian Billick who eventually went to Baltimore and of course arts shell the Hall of Famer who's interviewed here they wanted to find a teacher a teacher a teacher and this is one of the reasons because young players are the ones we're going to come into this organization and be established they are sliding the 10th expansion draft selection onto their board the pick has been made and here's me Austrian of the NFL with the announcement for their 10th pick from the Tennessee Titans llinois Jones linebacker from Texas Christian the pull back is George McCullough defensive back from Baylor we thank Neil for making sure we didn't make that mistake because they are now no longer the Oilers but in fact the Tennessee Titans and they lose llinois Jones a player who has not started but is a good special teams performer on but Mike he is very active he's an athletic player he's a guy that I know Jeff Fischer really likes I did a couple of Tennessee games this year had a chance to talk to them about him he's an athletic guy and he's got a linebacker that synthetic he can rush the quarterback exactly what he's going to Dan Marino here shooting up the middle getting in the quarterbacks face once again in pass coverage driving on the tight end knocking the ball away good pass rusher good in coverage and now here good against the run llinois Jones a guy that they're stripping the ball making the play a very heads-up kind of play Lloyd Jones has the athleticism the speed the quickness the acceleration and the toughness to make a contribution to the Cleveland Browns youth good athlete we say that a lot sounds like a lot of players with special teams experience how important is special teams and building that unit for this organization in the early going might consider the way the league is today field position becomes so critical particularly to a football team that's young on the offensive side which clearly the Browns will be anybody that can get involved in creating field positions who region the kicking game is going to enhance this team's ability to succeed in case you didn't know that's why that guy 145 regular season games special teams and defense were a Marty Schottenheimer staple including in his Cleveland days when the Dawg Pound really reached its fervor the man who led the Dawg Pound is in the Hall of Fame well not right now right now he's in the Canton Civic Center with Salomon Wilcox Salomon yeah that's right Mike it's one of the original members of the Dawg Pound John Big Dawg Thompson and John first of all what have you been doing on Sundays Cleveland hasn't played a game in three years the Browns have been in hiatus what have you been doing with yourself I just traveling around the whole state and trying to keep everybody going keep the spirit alive talk to a lot of different organizations groups schools and definitely staying in touch with my family I've had a lot of opportunity to spend with the kids I have twin girls that are twelve years old and very involved involved with sports so they've been keeping me busy now you've mellowed over the years Here I am a former bingo talking to you in the dog pound amidst a number of dogs here just to have the Browns coming back and you know what it was like we met before when they left and the town was down a little bit but it's great the roller coasters at the top and it's about ready to roll all right John and Mike as you can see the dog pound is alive and well listened to back to you oh you're right Solomon it is a first to fill up the Eagles unprotected list is up this they are a team that is about to lose a player but you are seeing a first annex Cincinnati Bengal who's going to come out of the dog pound and listen to tell about it Eagles up there with big Ram among the selections who they may lose in the Hall of Fame Big Dawg leading the fireman from the Jets the Hogs barrel man from Denver among the players or the fans I should say one per franchise that has now been put into the National Football League Hall of Fame in Canton there's the war room the Eagles lose a player next how many sugars do you want oh I'll take two keep your eye on him you'll be over every day to use it that's okay just as long as he down ten ten three three one thirst yes in ten ten three two one great you should see how low my phone bill is not with you in better you know face 50% off calls over ten minutes right day or night so I say big on all my most important calls like what I call my boyfriend in New York right like when you call you boyfriend in New York wait a minute boyfriend some guys are born though mantis is looking at your kid but for the rest of us there's Kay Jewelers for over 80 years we've traveled the world hand selecting only the best for you like Kay's quarter carat diamond ring and heart pendant in a cherry finished jewelry box all just $1.99 there's looking a new kid Kay Jewelers for a legendary romance like yours [Music] come talk to my school about technology I'm most distinguished authority in the field of technology the idea bottles thank you the future of digital technology is here at BestBuy with digital recordings on camcorders and mini fit of ultra-thin laptops and soon HDTV will be the answer oh excuse me you're still gonna sell video games right you bet your joystick the future of technology that best buy now that's a great idea Mikey listen to me this is your broker talking okay hey Alex I'll be with you a minute okay all right sir you and me on a golf course tomorrow what you didn't three-putt that hole where are you on your broker speed dial look out for number one with e-trade the number one rated place to invest online get free real time quotes ten times more research all from 14.95 someday we'll all invest this way etrade check it out for free at e trade comm in Cleveland Browns history one of the great names old glue fingers Dante labelled e one of the guys in the AAFC days if you add his four years worth of stats from that week he would be among the best in terms of wide receiver productivity Lou Groza sitting there and there is Dante the Cleveland Browns legacy includes so many players who still live in the area enjoying this day as the new Browns are built with expansion pick number 11 next from the Philadelphia Eagles the Browns select Tim McTeer defensive back from Brigham Young and the Eagles pull back James Willis linebacker from Auburn we emphasize Tim McTeer with a tee not Simek higher the name you might be more familiar with but tire started on Monday Night Football game for the Eagles this year Mike good quickness good change direction good special teams player a tough guy and here's what I love can blitz off the corner not a whole lot of safeties and corners love to do this here m'q tire off the corner gets the shot on Chris Chandler using that quick dependence on it there a good head on Bob Christian take it on the bull back in here the good read of the quarterback 5 attire settling in the center field reading the quarterback going through the interception on the ball to bill trader good instincts in the secondary and a guy once again we're gonna say it again that can play special teams and has contributed for the Eagles in their nickel situation again you see guys that can make plays on the defensive side of the ball and a low cap number and a low age number two he's 23 James Willis a linebacker is pulled back by Philadelphia still Jeff Graham one of the wide receivers sitting out there in addition of Freddie Salomon Irving fryers retires wide receiver a position the Eagles will undoubtedly address in free agency grandpa very well be cut sometime soon we mentioned the draft and free agency when you talk about the draft the collegiate draft in two months the Browns have the number one selection the Eagles have the number two selection and they are in a very unenviable position because as an established franchise they won't have the love-affair time that you're afforded when you get a high pick and marty did you get any sense at all which way the Browns are leaning when you talk about the two elite players Tim Couch the quarterback out of Kentucky and Ricky Williams the running back out of Texas Mike I really didn't I think that they are probably still undecided themselves as to which direction they'll go and I think what we're gonna see is them play the thing down to the very end Tim Couch with the extraordinary completion percentage the Southeastern Conference Player of the Year Ricky Williams though 75 total touchdowns the 60 279 rushing yards the all-time NC a Division one runner and Ron the word special player gets used very often by a lot of respected people with ricky williams power and quickness a unique combination reminds me a little bit of Terrell Davis when he gets through that hole no one catches you and when he's running his pads are always going forward running behind his pads not below them that's what makes a good power runner and he does have the speed and neither cleveland nor philadelphia will go wrong no matter what player goes to either team no rule of thumb that if you're an expansion team take a quarterback or a running back each player is gonna get exposed and beat up a little bit what do you mean you always take a quarterback defeatable football team come on Mike Ron once again trying to get the most money possible for quarterbacks no matter who they are no matter where they're from what about Tim Couch as a quarterback no question superior talent the guy that could make plays good arm strength not not the gun that you'd like to see in a lot of quarterbacks strength the field leadership mobility traits that you now have to have the NFL and right here a beautiful touch maybe at the corner down the chimney that said gentleman would say that's the touch you don't see it a lot of young quarterback Tim Couch does have the finesse throws Tim Couch has made it clear he'd like to play for Chris Palmer the head coach to the Browns is with South Paolantonio okay Chris Palmer come on up here we've got you did talk a little bit about your your first pick in the the April draft they were just talking about Tim Couch versus Ricky Williams any thoughts you're you're a guy who's developed young quarterbacks where have you gone New England Jacksonville any thoughts about whether you'll go with Tim Couch or Ricky Williams at this point Sall to be honest with you we've just spent all of our time on this expansion draft and hiring coaches we have free agency coming up on Friday so we really haven't started down that road yet I know that our scouts are in and working on that but it'll probably be another two weeks before we get to that point now what have you taken thus far this draft you haven't taken to a sporran player over a million dollars and you've gone obviously inexpensive and young what's been the outset from your thoughts from this this particular draft we were looking for players that had upside and we thought that some of the younger players may not have had enough playing time we had to go back into pre-season and dig some film out and our scouts have done a excellent job in doing that and we think we have some players that their future is in front of them you've gotten a late start establishing or coaching staff getting it put together how difficult has that been for you and what next will you try to do to try to round out your coaching stuff we have two spots left hopefully we have some people coming in in the end of the week to interview and we think everything will fall into place by the weekend ray Perkins was just hired what role will he have well I think ray Perkins is a guy that's been a head coach twice in this league in a an outstanding football coach and I think he'll add some stability to our staff having broken a lot of Huddle's only on the job for 30 days Mike and already hit the ground running he's got players he's got coaches it looks like he's ready to join the doghouse Sal here are his assistant coaches Bob slow it's going to be the defensive coordinator Chris will be his own offensive coordinator Bob slow came over from the Chicago Bears and Palmer said the first week of the NFL season this year Jacksonville winning in a come-from-behind fashion 24:23 at Chicago the defense coordinated by Bob Slovak which included Clarence Brooks the defensive line coach really made an impression then that's one of the reasons he looked as slow ik on the defensive side there are some of the other coaches including Jerry Holmes and dick 40 coaches at the college level last year a couple of college coaches to help the teaching process with young players they're building the expansion draft here's Cleveland's next selection here's new Austrian president of the NFL for their 12th pick the Cleveland Browns select Elijah Alexander a linebacker from the Indianapolis Colts who played at Kansas State and the cults have elected not to pull anybody back which is your option in this crash you Tenley's see people however if you decide to leave your whole five man list unprotected the Browns can keep taking and taking and taking in these case of the Indianapolis Colts their decision here is that there's nobody on this list where they are dramatically upset if they lose hate to be honest but that's what they're saying when they don't pull anyone back first the man take it Elijah Alexander little older a little more expensive little more experienced but he is a tough aggressive linebacker he gets after people you can see right here look at him I covered this game against San Diego earlier this year he was all over the field making an interception that we see right there good depth in his drop then you see him attacking the line of scrimmage of making a play there this is a guy that is aggressive and makes plays a sack the game that I covered he made 11 tackles had a fumble recovery interception he was all over the field and has kind of fits the mold of what the Browns want to do here he runs away from Oh Jay McDuffie that's a linebacker without standing speed he brings some experience he brings some athleticism and some play making ability and just enough experience where he can help the young guys in that high light earlier you saw Bernie Kosar dolphins days of course the great Browns quarterback now a special consultant to the ground reacting to Bernie as you see him as he came through the room earlier he got a great reception as well one of the Browns recent greats and so glad are they here in Cleveland to have him as part of this rebuilding franchise the Colts leave no one unprotected and taking Elijah Alexander but they still haven't addressed the quarterback position and probably will not as this draft goes on I'll go back to Elijah Alexander is this a starter Marty you think in their plants well I think that he probably is I see him as a stack linebacker a guy that you cover up and protect from in front of him he also brings I think a very important quality to this obviously young football team he has experienced he may in fact end up being a defensive signal caller for them so Elijah Alexander the 12th player selected Kansas City has had a player selected the Chiefs are now making the decision they have a couple of minutes to decide who they will pull back and we can get some insight into whoever is taken by the cheese from mr. Schottenheimer he knows this roster better than anyone out there will step aside for a moment come back and look at Bernie Kosar during his great Browns days at Municipal Stadium he led the grounds to some great success as well continue with more of the latest selection in the Browns expansion draft of 99 in just a moment Jon Gosselin son jewelers we are extremely proud of being an official Rolex jewelry that's why we display this sign so prominently in our store window it assures you that you're getting authentic rolex and Rolex warranty and that our dedication to excellence means Rolex is highest standards when you're ready to invest in Rolex please visit us at Jon Gosselin son George where we proudly display the official Rolex jewellery sign truck driving is an exciting rewarding career and at EDD s we've made it easier than ever to join the ranks of professional drivers our flexible training schedule features a weekend and even classes to help you keep your present job while 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women's soccer Sunday right here on espn2 Kansas City Chiefs with a team that is going to lose a player right now as the Browns make another selection for their 13th pick the Browns take Pete Swanson from the Kansas City Chiefs the tackle played at Stanford and the Chiefs pull back Ron George the linebacker from Stanford well a couple of players from Stanford have been selected Marty you know obviously Pete Swanson very well tell us about this 24 year old offensive player Mike the young man was the defensive lineman when he was in college we acquired him in nineteen 96 he's a young man who I think has the chance to step in and compete you know he's a very bright guy obviously being Stanford oriented as you look at the young man the only question I would have is his functional strength as he gets ready to play the game he certainly has the size he's a great worker Mike he's got a chance to come in and help Cleveland functional strength can you talk about every offensive lineman has to be able not to get pushed around at some point absolutely as jaws can attest when the pocket begins to cave in it gets a little crowded back there the quarterbacks gonna be on those offensive linemen you know the one thing though now you have all these coaches linemen coaches tight end coaches wide receivers backs and strength coaches can he be building that strength up well I don't know that you can actually get functional strength build up I do know this that he is a kid that's gonna give you everything that he has I know that the Kansas City Chiefs will be disappointed and losing Pete Swanson let me take your analyst hat off for a minute and let's talk about Kansas City günther Cunningham gets hired to replace you after your very successful decade how will the transition be with Gunther taking over Mike I think it'll be done quite smoothly Gunther has been able to retain I think six coaches from the previous staff he is the tireless worker I call him a warrior he's the guy that gets there at about 5:00 in the morning he gets there very very stays very late at night my only concern is he's got to make sure Gunther let's not burn yourself out about Marty Schottenheimer you want to get back into coaching you're going to wait and see at this juncture I have no plans to return to coaching Mike my intention is to try to explore opportunities outside of coaching that include the Senior Tour perhaps if I could ever get to that I assure you that I would never go back to coaching you mentioned in your press conference I think it's really significant when you talk about head coaches and building traditions you stayed in Kansas City for a decade Bill Cowher man who you know very well who you hired a brought into this league as a coach he and Danny Green are the longest NFL tenure is it tough to stay in one place in the current NFL for 10 years and beyond I think the statistics speak very very clearly it becomes very difficult to do that in my view 10 years is probably the limit it'll be interesting to see how things unfold with Bill Cowher and Dennis Green over the next several years well we are glad that you're with us here for the next couple days it's been enjoyable to say the least and your insight has been really a breath of fresh air Ron George was the player pulled back from the Kansas City roster leaving Jeff Chris well Ted Hopson and Dean and Hughes unprotected we should point out now as you look at the player minimums that are running here on the bottom of the screen it doesn't add up to the number of selections the Cleveland Browns have taken 13 players and when you see the minimums go by it doesn't add up it's because two players llinois Jones and Jeff Bucky who were taken are considered restricted free agents without getting too complicated and getting into the nuances of the salary cap I'll try to simply explain it if you're a restricted free agent you've been in the league for three years you've gained certain rights as a player those rights include the option to get offers from elsewhere so you retain your rights even though the Cleveland Browns have selected you but since you can be taken off the Browns roster with an offer from somewhere else they don't count towards the player minimum or the salary minimum for the Browns even though there are players selected it's not gonna equal the number the Browns must get to for their minimum it's confusing we'll keep you honest on it Jean Washington will announce the next election by the Cleveland Browns with the 14th selection the Cleveland Browns select from San Diego defensive back Jerome Williams from Houston the Chargers pull back tight end John BIRT who played at Virginia Tech so Jerome Williams a defensive back from San Diego is collected here by the Browns Marty you see these guys on a regular basis in San Diego what about Jerome Williams I think what is very very evident right now is if you had a way to measure toughness and you began to evaluate this draft these players would all end up very very high on the scale for toughness I think that's what your own Williams bring he's a very tough player a very aggressive player particularly a good tackler and once we're looking at a special teams player you know the one thing he does lack though is range you have to have range at the safety position that is probably the only reason and maybe just the one reason he is on this list the expansion's wrappers the lack of rains and the safety position from Williams we talked about having the opportunity to look at some NFL teams and their offseason issues San Diego would be right there at the top the list they bring in Mike Riley who really got the franchise in Oregon Oregon State resurrected him back going in a proper direction after so long now Mike Riley takes over the San Diego Chargers and has a huge issue to deal with the quarterback issue with Ryan Leaf is that his first job making sure that there's a foundation to mend fences between Ryan Leaf and the defensive player so let's be honest came in and said don't start him no question Mike there have been problems in San Diego the team has not received Ryan Leaf with open arms and obviously his performance did not help that and the way he responded to some negatives certainly didn't help him but Ryan Leaf has the innate god-given talent to be a superior quarterback the National Football League he has to understand one thing it is a long process it doesn't happen overnight and the one thing you must do is become a student of the game having great god-given talent doesn't always get it done you have to be the consummate team player and have ten other people play around you as well as you should be playing he's got to grow up they've got the defense they had the best defense of the National Football League last year the San Diego Chargers speaking of teams with good defense you know the Browns will have it you know the Steelers will have it when they play them there's Bill Cowher the coach of the Steelers we will visit with him as our coverage of the Browns expansion draft continues guy who knows a lot about Cleveland as a player and a coach first of all I like to run the point guard no don't look dribbling like to do a lot of dishes go to the big man my size goes to the whole band a little pile for like flocks I do a lot straining being on a pig no sometimes I run across a pic of mine might give just okay to show this song like that in the paint the painted area up that's my house that belongs to me when you cross that free-throw line you in trouble I like to play for the sport of you now used to play football play just a shape [Music] [Music] you can't eat anybody tech you're right you know why my fine feathered friend it's not in my contract no cuz of sandwich just living a sandwich without the tangy What's Eating him Friday Night Fights this week the main event Antonio Diaz squares up with Mauro loser also the return of Bronco Makar Russa Sonny Liston retrospective Friday Night Fights Friday of mine on espn2 [Music] [Applause] the history of the Cleveland Browns includes Batman as a player and as an assistant coach Bill Cowher his playing days in Philadelphia where his special teams captain matter of fact he was a coach on Marty Schottenheimer staff here in Cleveland and then of course going to Pittsburgh as a successful head coach so if anyone knows the rivalry between Cleveland and Pittsburgh demands been on both sides of it and Bill Cowher joins us now live from Pittsburgh it's hard for a Pittsburgh Steeler guy to say but coach are you happy to see the Browns back in football I think there's any question Mike I mean the tradition that's taking place there and I think just a natural rival I think when the great rivalries really Pittsburgh Cleveland that that exists a chance to renew that he's exciting coach let me ask you just a basic simple question about the dog pound and the tradition in terms of going places on the roads was there any tougher place yet more exhilarating place as an opponent to come into them Municipal Stadium and do you think it'll carry over to the new place with all the luxury suites and all the shishi things that are the NFL stadiums in 1999 well judging from Ken and looking at the crowd there I don't think a lot of things are going to change so it may be a different stadium but I got a guy I think the atmosphere will be very much the same as it's been in the past Ravi loud and taking an affectionate well let's make this very expensive videophone call Marty well I want to ask you something is it true that you invented the term the 12th man as the 12th coverage guy in the kicking game when you were the special teams coach here in Cleveland I think what I know that you gave me one prerequisite not to run you over when I was coaching specialties but you know what we had some great memories up there it really really I know marty gave me my first start in the National Football League for that I'm always going to be endeared but you know that was a special atmosphere up there we had some great games and now it's kind of need a chance to go back up there on the other side of the field again well we're gonna be cheering for you from Naples Florida Billy I know you enjoying yourself and probably critiquing me a little bit too it will do it bill thanks for joining us we appreciate and continued good success with the Steelers in 1999 appreciate it Mike thanks Bill Cowher joining us live from Pittsburgh as the Steelers are involved in the business end of this expansion draft but a chance to brush off a little bit of Cleveland Browns history when Marty was here as the head coach in the late 80s and Bill Kara was on his staff one of the great future coaches the NFL had his start right here because the guys seated to our right well as we're talking to Bill a selection half in the most recent one for the Cleveland Browns he came off the roster of the Chicago Bears when they're very familiar with and the selection is Marlon Forbes a safety who is again one of those restricted free agents at the cap number of four to $29,000 salary and player wise he will not count towards the minimum if he stays on their roster Ron what kind of a player will they be looking at Mike he's kind of a swing player you don't need to play both safety positions he's not one of the real tough aggressive players you'd like to see at the safety spot but he's very intelligent he can read the routes he could read the quarterback wants to read the quarterback size read the blocking schemes make up for that lack of quickness by being a smart play and reading what's happening in front of them Andre Collins is to pull back Marty if you saw the Chicago list and you were making the decisions you may have made us player on this list as your number one selection overall just based on what you know of what he's done in the league who would that have been that would have been Andy heck without question you know I think you have to start protecting your quarterback with a left tackle I know that there's some concern about injuries but here's a guy that has played every regular-season game over the past several years I think he clearly would give this team an opportunity to go ahead with left tax even if you're building with the philosophy of let's not bring in 30 year old veterans with a three million dollar cap number you would look the other way for a left tackle absolutely I would do that I think he is the cornerstone of your past protection Mike as we look right here he's blocking John Randle there are very few guys they could handle him a good position a good Jam there Kelvin Wald of keeping him away from the quarterback and as Marty said you have to have that left tackle and I know as a quarterback I wanted my blindside protected the side that I couldn't see them coming from and you always know if you have that security blanket on the left side you can hang in the pocket you could read downfield and I agree wholeheartedly as an old GP I like to have that back side protected well free agency will be where Dwight Clark Chris Palmer and company will find the left tackle to protect whoever their quarterback will be time for a 16th selection for the Cleveland Browns with the 16th selection the Cleveland Browns select from Denver Justin Armour wide receiver from Stanford the Broncos pulled back defensive back Darian Gordon from Stanford well there's a little bit of a reaction to Darian Gordon who some players some people thought would be one of the Browns reasons to spend a lot of money and we'll get into Darian Gordon momentarily but I think Justin Armour who in that draft room do you think made that pick guys I think it's clearly a selection by the white Clark I think he envisions the catch once again Justin Armel would be that tall possession type receiver that Dwight Clark was Ron what about the specifics of them another extension player a possession receiver can work the middle the field work the flanks he is at white flour clone as you can see here making plays on the edges of the defense and his height certainly is an advantage there again catching the ball from Elway heading up the field showing some running skills after the catch and it was funny we were sitting in the meeting room talking to a clock and that name came up and his eyes lit up this is the kind of flair he loves he sees himself he saw some Buffalo video of Justin Armour he had nine starts as a third receiver for the bill a fourth-year player out of Stanford fourth round selection of the bills back four years ago and now the possession receiver for the director of football operations Cleveland Browns Dwight Clark as we had discussed now the player who was not selected bus pulled back by the Denver Broncos there's a story in that factor alone Darian Gordon Darian Gordon why would Cleveland not select a corner who's coming off Ron suddenly his highest point in the NFL with his back-to-back two interception games the AFC championship game and the Super Bowl Mike apparently there has been some some rumor that his agent was demanding no less than 2.9 million dollars to play next year and again we talked about the character issues here in Cleveland they did not want to start out their franchise and contract hassles and tough contract negotiations ultimately we know that part of the game and it will happen but it's hard to believe a guy that played as well as he did in the Super Bowl in the playoffs here picking off Vinny Testaverde here is one of the you know one of the name players in the game an outstanding cornerback here as a punt returner made plays throughout his career in San Diego and in Denver this kind of surprised me although because he has a low cap number that possibly the Browns couldn't work something out to get Darian Gordon into Cleveland obviously Denver was well aware of that they grabbed him right back so Darian Gordon goes back to the Broncos and his contract status will be decided in the future off the Denver roster comes Justin Armour we told you reminding Dwight Clark of himself a little bit will continue from Canton with more right after this is your dandruff sending the wrong signals and gets else empowered doctors recommend selsun blue number one so don't send the wrong signals get selsun power you know really good bench TV Guide has come to television introducing the new TV Guide channel TV Guide online and TV Guide Interactive change the way you channel [Applause] [Music] check out SportsCenter every night for a briefing of the 1999 ESPYs and then hit espn.com for a full slate of the year's nominee see how your pic stack up against ESPN's when the awards are televised February 50-watt SportsCenter and log on to espn.com for a complete hasbi prevail [Music] let's get the clean all right let's go fires in some Ozzy touchdown Browns [Music] we welcome you back to party day when we dust off the old memories of the Cleveland Browns and bring back to life a 1999 version of the Browns is the expansion draft continues from Canton Ohio 17th selection in this draft once again here is Jean Washington of the NFL with the 17th selection the Browns pick from the Washington Redskins tackled Paul Wiggins from Oregon the red seems to not pull a player back much like Indianapolis earlier and if there was one team that we said yesterday would choose not to pull back anybody it would be Washington they'd like some of the big salaries taken off their hands the smallest player of their five unprotected players in terms of salary Paul Wiggins of offensive tackle is selected by the Cleveland Browns Ron a player who with a androstenedione suspension was out of the league for a few weeks earlier in the year but talked about his playing ability yeah right Mike he was suspended for a short time in Pittsburgh resurrected himself in Washington he's one of those guys has some natural tools you know he has good feet obviously great size at 6-3 307 but he's one of those guys that really doesn't do a good job of finishing and then the National Football League you have to finish a block once you make that initial contact you've got to stay with them and get them on the ground a lot like the Denver Broncos offensive line is done under Alex Gibbs Wigan is one of those guys good initial contact but doesn't finish Mike if there is any team that has the salary win column of unprotected list it's the Washington Redskins with a couple of players in the top three we mentioned Andy heck earlier he's probably the highest offensive lineman on the list but when you look at steel position players Gus Ferran and Terry Allen of Washington are up there on the list in each case there's a question especially with Terry Allen's probably more medically related than his ability to perform and the salary situation I think that's the case Terry Allen clearly is an outstanding Russia with over a thousand yards just recent past but I think the injuries in the accumulation of time as a running back baby backs him off Iran would back us ferrata veteran quarterback on an expansion team somebody who's been around the NFL can either help tuturro Tim Couch or can lead you as their starting quarterback why not him like he's been surprising to me and somewhat of an enigma you know what I have seen him play like Sonny Jurgensen and I've seen him play like a rookie free agent and really the gusts have to be one of those guys that settles down into his game and lets the game come to him rather than force the action he has a lot of trouble with pressure up the middle but he has a lot of talent you can see here he has a tendency to trip there he attitude before the rush but you can see the great arm flicks his wrist at the ball is out there mobility making plays on perimeter escaping the rush getting outside you see the tools that guts for Rod head there's a play I'm sure he'd like to forget cost the myth sometime receiver in the area against the giant and in that giant game I could go back I remember studying that game early in the game he was phenomenal the second half of that game I had no idea what he was doing throwing the ball the giant defensive people but he does have the ability but he's got to settle himself down the interception of the zone blitz comes to mind right away in a game the Redskins fell apart Mike okay and the defensive end pulling out hoping a tight end across what does he do and Gus doesn't see him throws the ball anyway he gets it picked off you can't make those mistakes as a veteran quarterback that's just fundamental quarterback so with the Washington situation dealt with and them not pulling any players back let's see which team will next have a player taken off its roster with the 18th pick the brown select from the Minnesota Vikings defensive back Duane Butler from Illinois State the Vikings pull back top Pullman Porter back from Saint Cloud State there are a total of eight quarterbacks on the list Gus Parata Heath Shuler Glen Foley among them Bowman's one that's pulled back a player selected is Dwayne Butler for the most part a special teamer yeah but he's a good prospect as a young safety you know they keep compete for that third position good size pretty good range you know good speed can make some plays but today we're talking about Butler what surprised me Mike they pulled Bolden back to in effect what's there for quarterback so obviously the Minnesota Vikings must have great confidence they have a quarterback of the future and Todd Bowman Jay Fiedler was the number three quarterback still left unprotected Marty if you look at these expansion lists the five unprotected lists per team if you rank them on ability and teacher up side Minnesota's list would be way up there wouldn't be I don't think there's any question about it they've got a group of players here that could help most any team and certainly an expansion team right now there is the list that includes Jay Fiedler who remember when Randall Cunningham went down midseason there was thought for five days that Fiedler was gonna end up be the quarterback who started the young man out of Dartmouth diction Edwards it's a very high cap number Orlando Bobo the other players still out there on the list well we're talking about quarterbacks last few moments South Paolantonio standing by with one of great accomplishment Michael there's no bigger legend in Cleveland and Bernie Kosar Bernie you can't even move around here to get mobbed for autographs it's got to be such an exciting day yeah unbelievably exciting yeah I mean to be out there seeing the fans seeing how excited they are the the adrenaline rush that you got when you walk out onto the floor there and you see all the people dressed in their Browns outfits the dog master dog bones and all of that it's special I mean it's this is uh someone asked me they said the Browns have been gone for three years you know does it seem like that long I see I think it seems like a lot longer and to have the start laying the foundation today to get things started to see the excitement of the fans it's special besides goodwill ambassador what will you'll be with this team right now today it's right now it's fighting through the crowd here and enjoying the crowd and really reflecting on the excitement of and tradition we've had and having fun right now though I mean anyway that the coach needs help with me - why Carmon mr. Lerner I'm happy to help I mean this is part of well we're in good hands here in Cleveland we've got a great core nucleus I think we're really blessed to have people like calendar and Karlin policy running the show and have Chris Palmer who is I think done an outstanding job of being an assistant coach in a league and after spending some time with them last week and a few minutes today you could see that I think he's gonna be special a special leader of our team real quick Tim Couch is your pick for the first pick for the Cleveland Browns absolutely not I'm coming back and playing and it's honestly though it's early with that laying the foundation today here doing this draft free agent period starts on Friday the combines are February 18 through 22nd you really need to be ready for this today in the free agent period starting next week and then we'll have time to get ready for the draft thanks Bernie he's only 35 years old Michael with Vinny Testaverde Doug Flutie why not Bernie Coates our comeback he'd actually bring down the average of the Pro Bowl [Music] celebratin it's a holiday in Ohio the Browns are really bad you change your oil every 3,000 miles right no do you push it now you're so busy you try to squeeze another thousand miles out of your oil or more well squeeze this mr. do it yourself when you have the time reformulated quaker state protection beyond 3,000 miles under any driving conditions anybody say insurance it's been tested and unlike that lazy uncle nobody really likes to talk about it works so go get some soon as I came here I knew instantly I can just tell how I felt here and around everybody here it surprised me you might as well give everything one chance that I mean everything here will impress anybody that comes I think I would just say come visit I mean really what do they I better to do just come visit for a day and they'll see I hope they feel comfortable saying that that's important if they come and they're comfortable with everything I think that's the most important comfortable feeling a welcoming feeling if you've been injured it can be an overwhelming and frightening experience we have 20 years of experience in representing people we've chosen to represent people not insurance companies we're not afraid to take on insurance companies they have lawyers to protect their rights and around their side you deserve a lawyer to be on your side in 5.9 Apr our new bulk Ruiz [Music] [Music] for all local viewers this traffic update i-77 moving free and clear both ways we thank the Goodyear blimp spirit of Akron based right here by here in Kent sub-field Ohio is the real home spirit floating overhead helping us here on the deuce covering the NFL return to the Northeast Ohio area the Browns have taken 18 players 15 of them counting towards their league mandated minimum three of the players restricted free agents not counting in the player selected or the money spent column her selection average of $500,000 25 years old three years experience let's see if the next one fits the profile [Music] here's G with the 19th selection the Browns picked wide reciever red brach from the Arizona Cardinals out of Southern Mississippi the Cardinals pulled back Jarius a is tight in from northern Alabama if you weren't with this earlier they should give Pine and Gibson from Cincinnati and Rehberg and McCormick some of the early players selected in this expansion draft and a potential future Browns teammate is Fred Brock Marty a young wide receiver off the Arizona roster this young man really is a kid that hasn't had much of an opportunity to play he's got very good hands he's got very good quickness I think that we're looking at a player here right now who is probably gonna challenge to be a fourth or fifth in the Cleveland small fast wide receiver on a practice squad a year ago during his a collegiate days only 11 touchdowns at Southern Miss but part of a passing oriented offense so Fred Brock is the latest selection for the Cleveland Browns well overall as we look at what the Browns have done so those of you may just be coming in from work and catching up with the Browns expansion draft really the big splash the Cleveland Browns back into the National Football League they've made a total of 19 selections and other than Kim pine their very first pick the offensive linemen most recently of Detroit before that of Tampa Bay everyone else has been a player under a million dollars it includes leaving some of the big-ticket wide receivers and quarterbacks and running backs out there and not taking them one of the reasons they're not doing that is because those players jaws can be satisfied in free agency on Friday the unrestricted free agency period begins and that's when all this cap room that the Browns are saving up can really be put to the biggest bang for your buck on the field got no question Mike when you look at what they're trying to do now they're trying to get five to seven starters of this group and when the free agency starts on Friday that's when they will try to get the impact players you can see the wide receivers that will be available there are some darn good ones in there you can see Sean's off and Antonio Freeman trial Johnson's Rob Moore Karl Pickens everyone interested in Leslie Sheppard JJ Stokes this is a top group of wide receivers now if you look at Cleveland they don't get anyone in this rap that they feel to be a starter there's a group right there where they could spend their dollars it looks like they're saving money now to spend it later we put the little cheese wedge next to the players who are likely to get the franchise tag on them in fact Carl Pickens of Cincinnati already has received the franchise tag however his representatives are still talking trade or allowed to talk trade with other teeth that's the same situation Cincinnati was in last year with Big Daddy Dan Wilkinson they eventually traded to Washington so the Bengals have used the franchise tag in a very interesting way all right here's the tag but now go try to make a deal with you and your agent with other teams Marty it's an odd practice compared to the rest of the league isn't it I think so and I really believe what's going on here very simply is this the young man does not want to play in Cincinnati I think Pickens has made a statement that he'd like to go somewhere else and play and I think at this point it would appear that the the Bengals are gonna afford him that opportunity should point out that Karl Pickens to say I'll just sit out the year but if Karl Pickens does sit out the year it doesn't mean he gets that extra year and becomes an unrestricted free agent right away you have to be on a roster for six games to get what is called an accrued season towards your experience and when you get to four years of experience you become an unrestricted free agent it's a little bit confusing but the bottom line is if you sit out it doesn't mean you get to your free agency your unrestricted free agency a year one year quicker so a wide receiver from the Arizona Cardinals selected and earlier it was mentioned by salla Bernie Kosar can't go anywhere without being mobbed for autographs and gladly Berni stopping to sign them there is a true unmistakable love affair between this franchise and the people in Northeast Ohio much like you have in a lot of the big cities like the Giants fans and speaking of the Giants they're now being notified that they have to pull back a couple of play or a player the players been selected that information has been transferred from the Browns through the league and the Giants to Keene Washington with a 20 and selection the Browns picked from the New York Giants defensive back for a Blackwell from Massachusetts salary Ron again a special teams driven player a former UMass player who was an undrafted free agent has made his way onto a roster yeah Mike he's a good athlete but you know he kind of say he's an older guy when you look at he's gonna be 27 not the kind of guy you normally see picked up he went through the world league system you know he he's just an overall kind of good player but he does have some range did not see the field an awful lot to share I think this is a little bit of a stretch to find a guy that might help you in the secondary you know the NFL Europe players there are a lot when you go through this expansion list of players who got that experience the players from Kansas City who you sent over to NFL Europe did you find that they came back in a better position to if not challenge for a job certainly for you to assess their true upside in the building Mike I think clearly the opportunity to play in that world league affords these guys a chance to improve the difficult thing that takes place in a preseason even is you can't get every player as many reps as you would like if you have an opportunity to go and play and perform to develop your skills clearly it enhances your opportunities to be a part of the football team NFL Europe might not have the players that are the sexy players and grab your attention but certainly it's become gentlemen developmental experience for the NFL over the years the experience in the NFL when you came through Cleveland with the dog pounds although Municipal Stadium will not be there the dog pound returning to its same place in the new grand strat Brown Stadium when they get back on the field Jon Gosselin son Jill ders we are extremely proud of being an official Rolex jewelry that's why we display this sign so prominently in our store window it assures you that you're giving the fenachrone X and Rolex warranty and that our dedication to excellence means Rolex is highest standards when you're ready to invest in a Rolex please visit us at Jon Gosselin son George where we proudly display the official Rolex jewelry signing the music program is great here and it really is basically I'm getting a conservatory education on the guitar you know 10% of the cost the more that people are aware of the actual opportunities of the school the more their minds will start working on the positive things that will happen when they're there a lot of the people with Akron are here because they want to be here you know and they've taken a lot of time and effort to be here you know it's kind of a it's a different feeling and it's kind of a good feeling it's a different spirit you know Jay Speed Freaks if you want to get from the driver's seat for the Superbowl of auto racing then you've got a call and ask for ESPN Classic all this week ESPN Classic is coming at you with Daytona v7 smoke a days a pedal to the metal mayhem it's a Furious Five hundreds from the green flag to Victory Lane see the greatest names in NASCAR is break done for glory to get full position pick up the phone and call 1-800 classic and get key SPN classic today are you old school hi I'm Troy Aikman of the Dallas Cowboys the NFL and the United Way this season are celebrating 25 years of working together to help our neighbors in need over the years hundreds of NFL owners coaches and players to volunteer their time to work with United Way agencies and programs that show our caring for people in need by working together the NFL and the United Way are making a difference the NFL United Way in you the power of teamwork so glad to have you back at the Canton Civic Center welcome back to the Canton Civic Center in Canton Ohio the next picks in the Cleveland Browns expansion draft its selection 21 coming off the Jacksonville roster for the 21st selection the Browns pick defensive back Kevin Devine from the Jacksonville Jaguars out of the University of California the Jaguars pulled back Deon figures defensive back from Colorado interesting pull back by the Jaguars that they will now react to on the board in the war room Chris Palmer going through the papers the head coach he is from the Jacksonville organization most recently so certainly had intimate knowledge of this roster including Kevin Devine a young corner selected here by the brown yeah Mike the mark against him is at five nine Heights you know a short guy which doesn't help you much now the big wide receiver the NFL but he has speed and he can make plays here you'll see him coming up making play on the outside you've got to be able to tackle in the National Football League here once again attacking the line of scrimmage making the play on the perimeter in the open field good solid tackle by a guy five nine and Devine also had some play experience with the Brownsville love to have see of making the interception there he has been on the field he has played he will bring some experience the only prophet I see with that type of coverage of using Jackson he plays a lot of zone so when he has to match up against those tough physical wide receivers he could have a tough time but he does have the speed to make up for it Devine also has the experience of playing an NFL you and played in a couple of playoff games now the pull back was interesting for Jacksonville they decided to take back from the players Cleveland could still select the josè white is a player both of you thought highly of why party gives you a big strong physical guy to sit down in the middle of the defensive front a guy that can anchor against the run I know that there was some inconsistency in his play but I'll tell you what when you want to get in that situation to stop the running game a guy like Jose white could do it we had a very serious interest in him a year ago Jose white still remains available the reaction for the fans you heard during our comments were the five Browns who are selected at the top of this expansion draft brought in here being responded to by the fans and Salomon Wilcox is on the floor of the Civic Center thanks Mike right now joined by team president Carmen policy Carmen you decided to stay away from some of the big ticket players today explain for me your philosophic approach to this expansion draft well first of all the whole idea of this draft was to provide our coaching staff with the kind of nucleus it needed to get that foundation in place so that Dwight Clark and his staff combined with Chris Palmer and the coaches could go out there and do what they would they could be where they can be most effective in terms of free agency and I think that we've done that they've got a solid core young people that are going to help us not only in 99 but especially in the year 2000 and 2001 now you take two receivers in this expansion draft here today in the free agent period just load it with wide receiver talent one that you know all too well in San Francisco and JJ Stokes what can you say about some of the receivers in the free agent pool well I'm not quite permitted to talk about them by name but we do think that the wide receivers situation is going to be well represented in free agency and a great number of the players we're taking today you're gonna see being Pro Mode and being highlighted in our in our special teams efforts during the year I I dare say that we're gonna have one of the better special teams in the NFL nine so I think that we're building today in terms of putting down a foundation that that'll be a certain solid block upon which to go from there both with free agency and ultimately with the draft all right thanks Carmen and Mike there's no better architect to build a football team then Carmen policy no just look at his hand with that Super Bowl championship ring on it with all those diamonds next pick off the Buffalo roster with a 20 second selection the Browns pick defensive back Ray Jackson from Buffalo Kalapana Rallo State the bills pulled back Alex Van Pelt quarterback from Vicksburg the pull back of Van Pelt gives us a natural transition to the quarterback roster for Buffalo we'll get to that in a minute first the selection of ray Jackson the defensive back of 25 years old a couple interceptions three years now the National Football League Mike he's instinctive he's competitive he lacks the kind of real good speed you'd like to have but he's very quick and he plays well in transition in other words what a player makes us move here you see him right there falling back inside making the interception that's good instincts here he gets beat quickly at the line of scrimmage but has some speed to recover it eventually makes up it makes interception does not put in the bottom there there's what you'd like to see out of a corner going in hitting somebody and causing the fumble they're just kind of playing his own reading Steve Young dropping inside and making the pick that lacks the real speed you'd like to have at the corner position but he moved his hips real well he makes that turn well and that's very important when you do good feet that you don't stay beat you recover he can recover former University of Pittsburgh quarterback Alex Van Pelt was taken back by the bills in a former University of Pittsburgh panther here Marty when you talk about the Buffalo Bills in quarterbacks they have a an intriguing dilemma Rob Johnson is from a salary standpoint their quarterback of the future Doug Flutie got them to the playoffs this year as a coach and being in that individual seat that is so concerned and so worrisome as we look at what Flutie and Johnson did this year their records in their stars how do you think Wade Phillips approaches handling this situation in training camp I would have to say very simply he has to let both of these players compete for the job I understand that Doug Flutie had a great year I think it's remarkable his achievement in this season but they have made a significant financial commitment to Johnson and I think they've got afford him the opportunity to go out and play the game and win the game it's gonna be an interesting scenario to watch unfold Mike you would open it up in camp and say glad boys have at it huh absolutely but wait a minute we talked about quarterback controversy this does not create a controversy this is competition that's what this business is about letting people compete I think it's clear you have to let these two people compete and find out which guy you think not is going to get you to the playoffs but there's going to give you a chance to win a championship but Marty don't you reward a guy like Doug Flutie for what he accomplished last year and say hey you're the guy you're my quarterback now he's got to beat you out rather than say it's even it's obvious that you've been out of the game a little bit because it used to be what have you done for me lately what will you do for me next you know why we've enjoyed the two days with these guys so much this has been so much fun with football conversation the team kept the Buffalo Bills from winning the AFC East the New York Jets will have a player selected would it be their quarterback who's falling out of favor Glen Foley or one of the other players on their roster three offensive lineman to choose from Jets selection for Cleveland when we come back as the pilot flies through the night sky those missed years of course that is true the landing signal officer checks the approach the weather crew keeps an eye on the storm the air traffic controller directs every movement the air boss orders a clear death and the plane safely lands on board you Enterprise in the Navy no journey has ever made alone call 1-800 USA Navy journey begin my job is to compare products and it's not often that I'm surprised so when head-and-shoulders went up against the leading prescription brand I expected the prescription to be better but it isn't a study proves head-and-shoulders is effective against Andra I found out there's a microscopic fungus associated with dandruff and head and shoulders helps kill it help stop flakes before they even start not even the expensive prescription works better you may never see flakes again I don't college gave me the opportunities to do things in life I never ever dreamed about to this day I miss the fans the fun my teammates college players today are tougher quicker and smarter my advice to them stay in school as long as you can become a lawyer a doctor go to miss school anything superstar forward Svetlana I brush him over and the Huskers take on Mary Andrade and Old Dominion Saturday at 2:00 on espn2 stay out of the pros in this state talk about grounds history and first the first ever Monday Night Football game the Cleveland Browns against the team that had won the Super Bowl a year prior the New York Jets the first opening kickoff was run back for a touchdown Gary Collins the touchdown reception Joe Namath intercepted as the jet lost to Cleveland 31 21 September of 1970 now the Browns will make a selection off the roster of the team that came within a little bit of the Super Bowl this year the Jets with the 23rd selection of Browns pick guard Jim Bundren from the New York Jets out of Clemson the Jets pulled back John Hudson Center out of Auburn interest there is that the Jets leave Glen fully their starting quarterback to start the season still unprotected Jim Bundren did not see the field this year for the Jets seventh round pick out of Clemson so Bundren adds the offensive line after the Browns had taken four consecutive four to five selections in the defensive backfield should I read anything into the fact that Glen Foley was left out there in the unprotected list front I don't think so but but I I'd say I'm a Glen Foley fan I think Glen Foley can play and if you look at what Cleveland's going to do and trying to do they're probably going to go with a young quarterback but if I would take a quarterback it would be Glen fully he's the guy that has lined up you know he can play the position opening day he had a big game against the 49ers I thought they may influence Carmen apology a little bit and Dwight Clark periods of just making good throws good decision hitting the receivers in stride Glen Hill played five years he's been around he's a tough guy he'll hang in the pocket deliver the football like he did there to Keyshawn Johnson here's the good touch on the pass over the cornerback for a touchdown again good vision picks out his receiver but again throwing into the coverage and if there's one flaw that I saw in Glen Foley these past season when I studied him was not reading the coverage forcing the football bad decisions he has been eight and they talent to be an outstanding quarterback but you can't make bad decisions the quarterback position but I still believe Glen Foley would be a good fit for the Cleveland Browns or some other team who would like to have a starting quarterback with a lot of upside you mentioned Glen Paul against the San Francisco 49ers Dwight Clark got to see that firsthand 415 yards four touchdowns week one when San Francisco comes back with the victory nonetheless quarterbacks who are out there in this expansion draft there were eight in total Marty we've talked about Custer OTT earlier Heath Shuler the other veteran on that list to go with Glenn Foley your assessment of the quarterbacks and how you would have ranked them in this order well you know I think probably Foley would have been a guy that I would have an interest in because notwithstanding what they may do with Tim Couch in the draft it's evident that the Browns are going to have to find a way to get a mentor if you will for the quarterback situation here it would be a natural fit you would think Foley or other free agents who are out there and available a guy who could start or be the tutor someone who could mentor Tim Couch or take to be let's be honest take his lumps as a quarterback Steve Beuerlein served that role in the Carolina Jacksonville days starting first with Jack's over with Carolina I should say and look where it's happened before him he's come back to become a starter in the league but you do need that guy don't you yeah Mike debt is a really tough transition because the quarterback you want to come in you want to compete you want to be the starting quarterback all of a sudden you're not the starting quarterback in a real life example is Doug Flutie this year he thought he was going to be the starter they brought in Rob Johnson well Doug got another chance and took advantage of it so every quarterback wants to play but if you can't play if you don't win the job you have to be the kind of guy that's unselfish and do whatever it takes to help your team win and help the starting quarterback get better well the next election will come from the Baltimore Ravens and that will provide great intrigue of course Art Modell three years ago today went from Cleveland officially with the league approval to Baltimore and here is Jean Washington the podium I think the fans have a sense of the team to be whether 24th selection the Browns pick guard out of Oklahoma Ben Cavill from the Baltimore Ravens the Ravens fullback linebacker Terrell Peters out of Oklahoma so there is that selection been gavel goes from the old Browns franchise to the new old Browns franchise a couple years in the league and he's been a starter as well Marty in fact he has with the injuries that they sustained down there this year he's a very interesting prospect I think the guy has a chance to come in and certainly compete he's a big wide body a little bit reminiscent of Nate Newton if you will he is a guy that can push and shove up inside he's a guy that shows some instincts as far as being able to be in the right place at the right time it's clear as they continue to select these offensive linemen but they have an interest in making something happen in that area acquired via trade with the Philadelphia Eagles so the bell goes on this list and you see Terrell Peters pulled back it leaves out two very intriguing players who are X grams who have made it through their three years in bulk weren't still on the roster Michael Jackson and Stephen Moore were on high cap numbers high age numbers as well involved with both players and if you go back to the list of why the Browns are selecting or in some cases not selecting some players you look at those guys and say well they fit whether it's camp or age the significant issues and you have to remind the fans this isn't about brushing off all the old history and bring back guys are a nice big group hug about winning football games you're done right Mike that's the name of the game are we gonna win and when are we gonna win I think you take the risk of when you go with you know the Michael Jackson to Steve on Morris yes it's wonderful they come back to the Cleveland everybody's happy they embrace them but they're not gonna help them win down the road hey everyone knows the Browns will struggle year one here - they'll be competitive here three is when they want to be in the playoffs and competing for a world championship if you start making commitment to older players here one you'll never get to be a world champion that I believe is the right decision like just a reminder the history of the Cleveland Browns has remained the history of the Cleveland Browns Jim Brown is still the all-time leading rusher in the history of this franchise and so on the Baltimore Ravens history you talked about the last time with Cleveland Browns we're on the football field you remember all the memories of Art Modell net sunny Sunday afternoon when Vinny Testaverde hit Michael Jackson and the Cleveland Browns left the dog town Tony Jones and company Larry Webster and emotional goodbye the end them out here and practically everywhere else people are using ten ten nine thousand cause that's the easy way to find a phone number I'll tell you why use it cuz now I don't have remember area codes there's too darn many and they keep a change well that's one good reason any others yep I like the 1010 9000 operators sure beats talking to machines no area codes to remember nice people to help your life is definitely getting better you got that right for once 1010 9000 directory assistance for everyone in America is your dandruff sending the wrong signals and gets else empowered doctors recommend selsun blue number one so don't send the wrong signals get selsun power you know these days lots of deodorants are talking antibacterial protection fact is every deodorant is antibacterial so it's not about that at all it's about whose deodorant lasts longer I endurance its 24-hour formula evaporates less quickly than the leading stick Old Spice guarantees it or they'll buy you a stick of yours if you want odor protection that really lasts my endurance as a live picture just shy of 6 o'clock Eastern Time skies above Canton Ohio on an unseasonable warm 53 degree afternoon in Northeast Ohio yes on February 9th it was in the 50s as you pull back and look at Canton the sight of the real big splash of the return of the Cleveland Browns they've been players signed as Street free agents they're referred to 21 of them there have already been players on the Browns roster but this is the day the huge chunk gets settled in and also the ceremonial part of the Browns being back in the National Football League so as we continue with our coverage we're gonna take this opportunity for those of you may just be coming home for dinner and just turning on our espn2 coverage to update you on not only what the Browns have done specifically because that's been going on on the bottom of our screen throughout our coverage but we want to get you updated on the philosophy of the Cleveland Browns in making their to this point 24 selections 20 of whom count towards their official total of minimum 30 selections here in the NFL Draft the Browns depth chart looks something like that with Scott Rehberg who they took earlier from the New England Patriots Swanson from Kansas City's roster this is where a depth chart would be of the players selected today no quarterbacks no running backs no fullback it's just an arm of the most accomplished of their wide receivers that's the depth chart on the offense as I remember it doesn't include those other Street free agents a few of whom may be starters down the line so this is a somewhat incomplete depth chart but it gives you an idea of what they've done just today paraffin McCormick and manual from Pittsburgh a couple of ends some linebackers in Elijah Alexander a potential starter Kyle is listed as a linebacker but in fact will be a deep snapper for this team and a lot of defensive backs Marty 40% of the players in this draft the 150 total offensive linemen and defensive backs so there were the volume there was volume there but you thought there was quality there as well well I certainly did I think basically what has happened here is they have gone to the area that has the most talent I know there's been discussions relative to whether they've been interested in money etc for free agency but I do think that what they've done is gone to the areas that have some quality and have some depth let's go back up to Jean Washington for the next paper with the 25th selection the Browns picked from the Green Bay Packers fullback Michael Blair out of Ball State the Packers pull back Roel Preston receiver from Mississippi Green Bay very happy to get the opportunity to pull back row well Preston John Clayton give us some information on why they're so intrigued that Preston wasn't selected in the first place Michael Blair is the man selected I literally have you're honest fullback or a halfback or a leader number one he's a solid contributor on special teams but he's got to learn to be more of a fullback you can see the running instincts here north/south runner between the tackles good pad level runs behind the pads deliver the blows always moving the ball forward that's the key for running back but he was in Kansas City with Marty he was a halfback and it's very difficult to make the transition quickly from halfback the fullback because number one at the full-back position you must be a factor back in other words you must learn to block and when I look at a Blair I don't see a guy that could sink his hips and drive someone out of the hole like everyone knows I so Bob's before you to John Clayton you know the players so give us a quick thought on him well basically Michael was played in a situation that he was not real familiar comfortable with when we had him in Kansas City what he has now found is the opportunity to become a fullback he's learning how to block he's doing a better job in that area I think as a receiver he's pretty accomplished it's interesting he is now the first running back that has been selected and he's not even a true halfback if you will so with the selection of Blair I mentioned the implications team wise for Green Bay let's bring in John Clayton one Michael apparently what was going on is that the Packers really thought that role Preston was going to go because they worked out a deal just over the last 48 hours for Bill Schrader it's a three-year deal at 2.5 million dollars and while working out that deal they told him listen we may have to put you back as a returner because we think we're gonna lose president so that's why they for Preston back another note in free agency the Eagles are close to signing Mike Mamula to a four-year twelve million dollar deal so that'll take a defensive end off the boards and free agency that the Cleveland Browns can go for and Johnny an overstatement here but there is not the wealth of free agent talent in the unrestricted pool that there has been in past years Marty I thought you characterized it very well having to go through the experience on a regular basis teams are keeping the free agents they have a lot more than they did earlier in the process there's no question that that's happening and I think basically it's a product of you have a player you know his strengths you know his weaknesses you put this player in a position where he can perform you understand his ability to get things done you then can go address some other matters I think that now is clearly the way the National Football League is going all right so the Green Bay Packers lost a player most recently I believe the Cowboys is that correct are the team that's about to lose another player and doubts would be the first team to lose two players in this draft we'll find out which cowboy will be selected as the dogpound new era welcome back to Browns come talk to my school about technology most distinguished authority in the field of technology the idea about us thank you the future of digital technology is here at BestBuy with digital recordings on camcorders and many bit of ultra-thin laptops and soon HDTV will be the answer oh excuse me you're still gonna sell video games right you bet your joystick the future of technology at Best Buy no that's a great idea so how's the broker biz hey my client made 2,000 bucks on the market and he owed it all to me what did you do him some good advice yeah I met he owed it to me in commissions who's looking out for your investments betrayed the number one rated place to invest online get free real time quotes ten times more research IPOs all from 1495 isn't it time you looked out for number one call 1 888 1 and see why someday we'll all invest this way [Music] [Music] let Bob Jenkins Ned Jarrett Benny Parsons no Webber and Jerry punch take you behind the scenes at Daytona tune in all week to ESPN espn2 and espn2 these are all the flashes and lied on to espn.com or even more hot news for analysis interviews and inside leading up to the start of NASCAR is 1999 Winston Cup season keep your eyes peeled right here where there's enough NASCAR action to fill the tank of any racing fan [Music] and nothing is chill but if you haven't been to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in five 10 15 years you have to come back the things they've done to the inside of that great building are wonderful well wrap up the greatest year in sports with the greatest night in sports the 1999 ESPY Awards samuel l.jackson is your host tuxedos in the cleaners get it out this weekend they're density or if we look forward to one of the great nights of the year Terrell Davis among the NFL stars that will be there 7:30 Eastern our coverage begins Monday night VSP awards from New York live on ESPN mention the Cowboys are losing a player let's go back up to the podium end Jean Washington with the 26th selection the Browns pick from the Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle Antonio Anderson the Cowboys do not pull a player back second player the Cowboys have lost they leave Darryl Johnston and Billy Davis available to be picked now this is some of the unknown in this draft for the guys in the war room but Marty you like the Antonio Anderson yeah that's an ideal pick Marty I think he's the kind of guy at five starts in 97 good quickness instincts and a lot of balance but you needed that defensive line position you know jaws he was a player that I actually had him rated ahead of McCormick I think he gives you the ability to put a guy on the edge and come around the corner and also create some havoc on the inside this guy has size he has the ability to create a push in the middle of the pocket you see here the evidence of his strength he is a guy that I think gives you a chance to get big push inside and even work off the edge as well a couple of cowboy defensive linemen who could be significant contributors if I remember back to our day-to coverage of the draft two years ago which is a frightening statements and remember any of these things but Anderson slipped to day two of the draft and they were disappointed in some regards with some of the Antonio Anderson's off the field stuff when he was coming out of Syracuse high potential never yielded high performance out of that high potential now that he's been in the NFL has stuck in a roster situation for a few years maybe Antonio Anderson's better football days are ahead he does have great bloodlines among his relatives cousins Keith and Stanford Jennings of NFL Fame and John Salley the former NBA star who had a talk show that I don't think lasts very long but is still one of the funniest guys you'll ever find so the Dallas Cowboys have lost a couple of players in this draft that makes it now 26 selections by the Cleveland Browns if you're just joining us need to be updated on the rules as you see I'll learn of the owner with hands and pocket karmen policy chatting with Dwight Clark and Chris Palmer seated - Dwight's left the man seated - Dwight's right with the Harmon hand on his shoulder is mr. cap man for the Cleveland Browns now Hannigan who is so in tune with all the specific moves going on with the financial implications of every player selected and there is a lot of combing through things like paragraph 5 in players contracts etc etc etc and the man in the white shirt there allow is essential to what the Browns do we take you through how the brown structure works from Shaker Heights Ohio Cleveland suburb al Lerner a billionaire who spent the over 500 million dollars to get the Browns with carbon policy as part of his group Carmen's the president and CEO Carmen comes along with Dwight Clark the director of football operations from the 49ers essentially the team Tien the front office goes down to the head coach Chris Palmer Joe Mack was been the director of player personnel here for Cleveland for a while and now Hannigan as I mentioned in that special assistant role to Dwight Clark but the value of Lau Hanigan you can't underestimate it's a lot different from the days Paul Brown ran the Cleveland Browns franchise he did have to worry about salary caps and cap ologist and things like that Val Hanigan worked in the National Football League office and this is little the inside football business here but Marty's have somebody who really was there to answer a lot of the questions of teams related to the salary cap on your team given you cap answers is that it's huge of bonus as it seems to me I don't think that if you look at this situation this may be the guy in the hierarchy that's as important as anybody what goes on today in the National Football League is it relates to the salary cap is obviously very very important sky has been there from the outset he understands not only the rules particular to the salary cap but the way these things are implied and put together this guy is a very very valuable part of the team in the front office of the brown may be John Clayton is the only man who knows more about the salary cap now here is the next election now for the Cleveland Browns 27th overall in this draft with the 27th selection the Browns picked from the Minnesota Vikings guard Orlando Bobo out of Northeast Louisiana the Vikings pulled back Jay Fiedler quarterback from Dartmouth well they had the opportunity to pull back two players and chose to leave Dixon Edwards still out there they're both quarterbacks have been pulled back but the selection is the guard Orlando Bobo happy birthday Orlando he turned 25 today and he is now in Cleveland Brown now Mike and he's a real big you know thick looking guard you know he's a little bit raw but you know he's a guy that has a lot of upside that's what the Browns are looking for and when you play behind an outstanding Minnesota Viking off it's why you don't to feel the whole lot but he's a guy that Brian Billick had liked in that Minnesota offense he moves people big guy can create some holes for the backs of the run through and he's kind of fitting the mold we're seeing what the Cleveland Browns are focusing on this trap they want offensive linemen they want big offensive linemen they want offensive linemen that could Maul people so there are a couple of selections for the Browns in Orlando Bobo and earlier they lost Butler safety from Minnesota we mentioned the most recent selection was Antonio Anderson defensive lineman from Dallas would be nice if there was a Dallas defensive lineman in the building who would know him up there is her fanned McCormick selected number two overall by the Browns he's standing by right now with Solomon Wilcox permit McCormick you played the backup role in Dallas but now you come to Cleveland the prospects of starting has to loom large in your mind oh yeah it's a great opportunity I've got him to come out here and being picky second pick so I'm looking forward so all that Intel with the Browns taking your teammate he's still your teammate even now and Antonio Anderson what can what can you tell us about him and do you look forward to playing with him again here in Cleveland oh yeah I look forward you know we had a friendship we were together before this so that would be great you've got company guy you're familiar with but he's a good player also is a good young player good defensive tackle but you'll be good Mike and this guy you know what he won a Super Bowl reign Super Bowl 30 in Dallas and it's gonna try to come here to Cleveland and do the same thing you got it Salomon thank you very much the Browns on the phone talking to their players they've acquired today into a few have been injured it can be an overwhelming and frightening experience we have 20 years of experience in representing people we've chosen to represent people not insurance companies we're not afraid to take on insurance companies they have lawyers to protect their rights and around their side you deserve a lawyer to be on your side we don't handle sales and service well we can't get you a good deal if you can find a way to get it delivered we don't have this particular table in stock but I think we'll be getting it in four to six at Ohio billiards we're not part-time we're a full-time Brunswick full table dealer all we do is sell and serve us pool tables we offer superior product and competitive pricing coming to meet the friendly staff you can find the very best pool tables accessories air hockey and more without that high pressure waken the fun at oh hi billiards of Beldon things happened a great white paper it's a great day for feeling your pride and it's a great day smiling inside a great day for using it's a great day it's a great white make great things happen three hours from now this place will be filled with 18,000 screaming and if I can take these cause all of them [Music] excuse me football history and Canton go back to the Bulldogs and when the National Football League got started in a car dealership that there would be four thousand people here to watch essentially a half dozen to maximum ten starters be selected talk about salary cap numbers multi-million dollar seat license stadiums with seat licenses being sold how this league has grown in the city of its roots we are today let's look at how by salary cap number which is as significant as age and ability in the league this day how the grounds have been built the 27 picks and we are including in this list the restricted free agents who don't count towards the player or salary minimum 23 players of the 27 under a half million dollars here's the next selection with the 28 selection the Browns pick linebacker James Williams from the San Francisco 49ers out of Mississippi State the 49ers do not pull back a player to the 49ers leave Antonio Langham and Randy Kirk out there still available to take earlier they took Steve Gordon to Center with their fifth overall selection throughout James Williams the first player I believe who is thirty years old taken by the Browns yeah he's one of those special teams players and he could line up and kind of give you everything that he can but he really doesn't fit the criteria as far as age is concerned when he did when you got a guy that's 30 years old this is probably maybe the surprise pick of the draft so far taking someone that doesn't fit their mold right now and Marty speaks to familiarity they know this guy from San Francisco absolutely and I'm sure they know exactly what they're doing when they select William goes back to your free agency comment go back to the guys you know I'm sorry well well one thing we've become very familiar with and studying for this expansion draft is how great a job the Jacksonville Jaguars did in their expansion draft four years ago Tom Coughlin the coach of the Jaguars kind enough to join us from Jacksonville Tom this is a far different circumstance because for you you have the competitive nature with Carolina here Cleveland is doing it all on their own in some ways would it have been much easier with this kind of pool just to pick yourself well there's no question about that Mike well we did our research when Cincinnati came into the league as an expansion team by themselves yeah they seemed to have an edge over when Seattle and Tampa came in and had to compete for that pool so there isn't any question that that is a it's a simpler process and a better process for Cleveland coach we showed something early I think would be great to refresh our viewers how Carolina and Jacksonville came out of that first expansion draft and I think it's incredible that your team of the 31 player selected came up with 11 primary starters in the overall process and still three on that roster today were you going in anticipating you could get that many starters out of your 31 players taken in the expansion draft well it wasn't necessarily an idea of starters it was solid football players and we would draft around the model that we brought forth when we just when we came into the league so we started out with Steve Beuerlein we knew that Carolina would take Steve if we weren't to take him and then we tried to go with the offensive line the defensive line we did take a corner in the second pick so there was a model that we were going to adhere to and unfortunately for us at work them getting quality football players meant that we might develop and evolve and some of those players became starters and and turned over we're very rapidly quite frankly in year two there are so many good feelings I'm sure for you anytime one of your coordinators goes on to become a head coach it's a great feeling but you were replacing both of your coordinators down there in Jacksonville this year Dom Capers ironically enough your expansion counterpart with Carolina is now your defensive coordinator how difficult the situation is this gonna be for your team going into next year replacing Chris Palmer on the offensive side as well well I look at these things as positive Mike we're very proud of dictor on Chris Palmer they did an outstanding job here is our coordinators and they've gone on to fulfill their dreams of becoming head coaches in the National Football League so we look at it as a positive yes it does force you to go through the process again but you know that also allows you to get involved with again the process of people in this league that are highly thought of people that you might bring into the program that would bring new ideas and a new line of thinking and we're very proud of the fact that Dom Capers is here Dom will do an outstanding job with our defense and we're in the process of trying to continue to search out this offensive position stick around of course to Chicago a last question for your coach what bit of advice would you have for your old offensive coordinator Chris Palmer about the headaches the struggles and the angst associated with being the head coach of an expansion team in its very first season well you've got to have a plan and you've got to stick to the plan regardless of what all the experts think they look like they've put together a good idea for the expansion draft they're in Cleveland if you notice the number of offensive linemen the defensive linemen the special teams players and the accent on youth which is exactly the way that we went about it here in Jacksonville so the plan is as being adhered to and with Chris it's one step at a time as always and take care of all the details another 11 win season the championship game in their second year and continued playoff success Tom this is a model that people will look at for a long time and say you're gonna build an expansion team do it Tom Coughlin's way thanks for joining us we'll talk to you during the offseason thank you Mike Tom Coughlin head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars in his toughest situation has any head coach in the league having to replace both of his coordinators there's another selection for the Cleveland Browns was number 29 overall and once again Jean Washington will announce it for us with the 29 selection of first today the browns pick from the Tampa Bay Bucs quarterback Scott Milanovic Maryland the Bucs pull back Mitch Palmer linebacker out of Colorado State Milanovic a restricted free agent will not again count towards B salary or player number minimums the quarterback round a solid quarterback good arm savvy kind of guy he can move around a little bit at 63 220 you'll see right here fake the play-action nice throw down the seam just enough touch on the ball again a young quarterback showing a good touch and you'll see here with the blitz on hang in the pocket not getting too frenetic then get forced how the pod can make plays on the move a muscle to a quarterback in today's game and then get down and save the hip real nice touch on the fade route here throwing out in the box to the outside for the touchdown I like Scott Malena bit she's a guy that has been in the Tampa Bay system he's been around he has some experience and talking to Chris Palmer on Sunday he feels that Malena is a guy that could be a starter in the NFL hopefully for him in Cleveland but it also sets up the situation now if it's Tim Couch well we'll melania except the backup role Marty one of the things you did so well as a coach and we saw it in the NFL film stuff is really get a great message as a communicator to a player if you were using your 15 years of head coaching experience no Scott mallanna bitch's situation being selected here what kind of a message would you give him about being selected at this point first thing I do is that bring him in I'd sit him down in front of me at the desk and I'd say young man you are afforded the best opportunity you are ever gonna have as a quarterback in this league you'll begin to work with us probably beginning in April each and every day that passes that you failed to do the things that are going to help you become a winning performer it's gonna work against you and it's gonna work against me let's work together to get you to be the best player you can be I'm ready to put my helmet on I thought it was the pre raiders of each Milanovic will have the opportunity here's South Paolantonio Sam Mike this afternoon I got a chance to talk to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and they obviously are going quarterback in the draft probably in the second round look for them to possibly target Shaun King out of Tulane he's obviously st. Pete so a local guy and they also like Cade McNown of UCLA obviously Trent Dilfer is the starter and his insurances the starter but they like to get him pushed a little bit get him some support they still have Steve Walsh there Walsh beat out Scott Melania in the in the preseason last year but they really would like to take a quarterback in the second round with the as far as the Cleveland Browns are concerned one of the things that Carmen policy really believes in is veteran leadership and that's not in need that they have filled in this expansion draft yet in free agency one veteran who's out there is cornerback Coral Lake was an unrestricted free agent he could be tagged by the Pittsburgh Steelers by Friday if he's not that someone that the Browns would be interested in and before this draft is over they might still take Antonio Langham like all right Sal we will watch for that Sal with his ear to the door in the war room who will continue to add to the legacy of the all-time leading rusher and Cleveland Browns history over 12,000 yards beat great Jim Brown conservatives will continue with more of the Cleveland Browns expansion draft the draft on the deuce right after this [Music] whenever you call wherever you call wherever you're calling from now every long-distance call on Sprint is just a dime a minute including calling card calls even calls to your personal 800 number so whether you're at home now every minute of every day can be a dime well-spent created around you when 800 pin-drop is your dandruff sending the wrong signals to get selsun power doctors recommend selsun blue number one so don't send the wrong signals get selsun power we don't do one calorie we don't do one calorie you'll do this let me help [Music] new Pepsi one one calorie this tastes great true Cola tastes a coach is a leader the motivator like a big brother the coach brings out the best in you he shows you what it takes to succeed if someone you can count on he's our friend you need one he's someone I'll always remember the NFL is proud to honor Adrienne morels former coach Gary Allen Kuhio Clark of Provo Utah as the NFL high school coach of the year [Music] [Applause] from special sections and newspapers to half our local television shows it's all grounds everywhere you look in Northeast Ohio here's the 30th expansion draft selection with a 30th selection of Browns big defensive back Eirik Stokes from Seattle out of Nebraska the Seahawks do not pull back a player which again if you're just joining us is their options so Seattle leaves Kevin Glover Veterans Center and Steve Broussard available earlier they had Jason Kyle selected a lot of deep snapper and now Eric Stokes is safety and Marty you like this guy I really like this guy if I'm involved in that draft room right now I'm very excited about the acquisition of this young man here's a player who as the season progressed this year began to continue to make progress he's an outstanding special teams player he is a very tough physical guy I'm gonna make a prediction as a strong safety this kid is going to come in and he's gonna have a chance at the very least to be a second as a strong safety really his resume is black and blue he will hit one of the black shirts and that Nebraska defense that in the early 90s to mid nineties Tom Osborne got more speed on those Nebraska defenses you saw it in the secondary they were able to hang with the receivers from Florida and Florida State in Miami where they couldn't do in the past in Orange bowls and boy there have been some good defensive backs in the last few years at Nebraska Erik Stokes one of them now a Seattle Seahawk the Cleveland Browns in terms of player selection through 30 picks 25 of which count towards the league minimum have taken five skilled players the quarterback Milanovic a running back off the roster the Green Bay Packers [Applause] nine offensive linemen on the defensive side three men up front five linebackers and eight defensive backs eight of the thirty that's a nearly 27 percent and when Marty and jaws assessed the draft for us on to the NFL tonight in sports center last night they said offensive line and secondary are their strength positions that's where 17 of the 30 picks have come from Stila pickin to do Canton Ohio on a clear beautiful February night honey I tried every locksmith in the city and they won't take a check I'll consider the Visa Check Card it automatically deduct some your checking account everywhere visas accepted so you can get what you need in there nothing and get on with life Visa Check Card it's everywhere you want to be as you get closer your eyes get wider and your heart beats faster your determination grows strong this is not gonna beat you and it's dirty and jazz big I saw your plan hey john-boy you ain't Kansas anymore from here on in every day is gonna be a test those who passed deserve a great beer [Music] it's what's inside a boy who could see the future wanna go into space a father stuck in the past you wanna get out of here so bad it didn't go a dream for me that wouldn't die long as you are alive on this planet you have a choice I come to believe that I got it in me to be somebody in this world from the producer of Field of Dreams October sky based on a true story rated PG special sneak preview Sunday night playing hard or working hard Centrum has your nutrition covered with centrum you benefit from what science is discovering about how vitamins and minerals help maintain health and strengthen immunity Centrum always complete from A to Z [Music] the beauty of the Midwest on this February evening Canton Ohio the Canton Akron area where sports is so deeply ingrained - right across the border in Indiana pretty good matchup tips off Super Tuesday in our Purdue the Boilermakers of gene Keady take on Bob Knight's Indiana Hoosiers then take it down to the SEC if the field of 64 came out today Auburn would be a number one seed you probably haven't seen him check them out tonight against Ole Miss they battle for the lead in the SEC West tonight Super Tuesday in an hour on ESPN Muscle couch with doubleheader on the deuce as well back to Jean Washington for the next pick with a 31st selection the Browns pick running back Ronald more for the Miami Dolphins out of Pittsburgh state that's in Kansas the Dolphins pull back Henry lust tight end out of Utah the old gorilla from Pittsburgh State that is their nickname and the Ronald Moore is selected Ronald Moore has some experience and some stats probably more accomplishments than most of the other players taken in this draft Mike as you can see 5 10 to 20 what kind of a stocky runner some good instincts but lacks the good quickness and overall speed that you have to have in the NFL but as you can see here he can make some plays there is a st. Louis Cardinal or excuse me an Arizona Cardinal pump get it off confuse never gonna be changes right maybe what st. Louis who knows it's gonna be long ago but here you'll see him the kind of guy a stocky powerful runner again runs a little bit upright you need to get down on those pads deliver though but their brakes attack Ron Moore has good power running instincts more of a north/south guy but doesn't really have the fluidity you need in the NFL to be effective runner carry the ball 20 25 times a game but he probably fits the mold as a special teams kind of guy Ronald more ran for a thousand 18 yards his rookie year 780 yards after that a very popular player during his Arizona days stops on the rosters with the Jets with st. Louis with the Rams with Arizona they really screwed us so ramming a cardinal only at four carries this year in Miami now this former fourth round pick of the Phoenix Cardinals then becomes Cleveland Brown and they think this job is easy right boy that is you know Miami brings up an interesting situation guys because as we know Jimmy Johnson was this close to resigning in fact did resign then brought the resignation back Dan Marino came in wayne Huizenga the owner and it's an interesting situation now miami here's Jimmy Johnson and Dave Wannstedt Martino and Jimmy and knowing what it takes to be a head coach in this league is there any way you can share the job with someone Mike I don't think there's any chance that they're going to share the job everybody understands Jimmy Johnson is in charge down there i think the real onus will fall upon Dave Wannstedt I know Dave he's an outstanding football coach he can manage this they go all the way back to 1977 of memory serves me correctly they've been together for 13 years I see this only as a positive now if for some reason it doesn't work out as far as their record is concerned I don't think it has as much to do with this alliance as I do with the fact that the Miami Dolphins once again are playing in the most competitive division in the National Football League the AFC is most competitive certainly interesting Marty is my mentor but I really believe this situation is very very difficult the players are going to read that there really isn't someone in charge and I know the coach feels that Jimmy will still be in charge but you know I watch that press conference and I saw that Dave Wannstedt was going to be handed some of the responsibilities of the head coach and I think the players will see through that and it's very difficult to serve two masters how can Dave go into a George Hills defensive meeting and start talking to him and as it as the assistant head coach than Jimmy Johnson the head coach comes in and may say something different I think it's gonna be very very difficult to make this thing work and that will be an interesting thing to watch and the April draft and so on we'll continue to find out how they will they will make the best effort don't mistake any of us to make it work can it though that's the question next pick coming off another AFC East roster with the 32nd pick the Browns pick running back Clarence Williams from Buffalo out of say the bills pullback bill conti sinner from Virginia Tech well if the name Clarence Williams doesn't ring a bell if you're a college football fan and I say Pooh Bear then you know who we're talking about when it got near the goal line to Florida State Pooh Bear found the endzone his weight has always been his biggest concern he has a nice combination of size and the athleticism for a big guy you know he's an outstandingly blocker he ought to be at 265 but he does need to work on his technique know he can't catch the ball and he's effective in that short ear as a runner but you know if you look at a guy like this he has all the upside and that's what this draft is about for the Browns they want guys that have potential upside than our coachable and I think Pooh Bear fits into that description like I thought the comments is white Clark were interesting when he talked to our William said he intrigues me need to look at him a little bit more and that's one of the players went hit through the mock drafts they made a second pass let's take a little closer look at what's his weight situation let's do some work and find out if we feel we can take a limited risk on this guy well I think at this particular point in time he is a good risk he has size he's got the ability to pound the thing up inside as we know at Florida State he was an outstanding inside runner it's gonna be interesting to see exactly how they incorporate him into this offense because he has a bit of a one-dimensional player poohbear Williams former Florida State star 17 touchdowns one year at Florida as far as stay couple years taken by the Cleveland Browns Browns have made 27 picks counting towards their minimum they must make three more picks not including restricted free agents so we'll keep an eye on their minimum numbers as we do that let's go over to John Clayton John this is a very active time for all teams in the league regardless of this expansion draft because the new year from a fiscal standpoint starts at midnight 12:01 a.m. on Friday morning well Mike there may be some good news for the Browns as far as some free agents now Jeff Georgia Forrest is on hold right now with the you lost Oakland Raiders and what's going on with him is that they pulled back the five million dollar extension on this contract that buyback provision so he's deciding this week if he wants to be a free agent if Cleveland wants them they can go get Jeff George they can also get Kerry Collins because Kerry Collins is not going to have the franchise tag put on him that decision has been made now so Kerry Collins is an option now one other note around the league to remember we're talking about a couple weeks ago about Mark Griffin going to San Diego well on Monday he's going to have a shoulder procedure is considered to be minor but that puts the plans on ripping going to San Diego on hold now South Paolantonio also mentioned a little bit ago about the interest in Carnell lake by Cleveland from Pittsburgh well with the cap number coming in at 4.2 million dollars on the franchise as a cornerback compared to the 2.7 as a safety it looks like now the Steelers are not going to franchise him and he will be available if the Cleveland Brown wants him as a free agent John thanks one of the players who's dealing with all this cap number stuff as well we'll be going in there to the Hall of Fame 662 catches Ozzie Newsome he will be inducted to the Professional Football Hall of Fame come August Calvin Hill will introduce from that Art Modell on that weekend the Browns will play the game on Monday night excuse me you're an endangered species an American who doesn't rely on TV for all his news wouldn't it be great if one magazine could save you time and effort by summarizing analyzing even satirizing the news and the people who make it the New Republic can it doesn't go left or right it goes wherever the story really lies liberals conservatives and independents all understand the New Republic's agenda don't have one instead hold the agendas of others up to scrutiny constructive ridicule even approval and politics and policy wonks aside TNR also covers books and the arts with an edge you'll find irresistible sounds interesting huh well just call the 800 number on the screen and for $19.99 you'll get 24 issues of America's best opinion magazine you can cancel after the first issue and oh nothing call right now and you'll also get the New Republic's little black book filled with the names addresses and phone numbers of washington's power players 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what more do you need to know [Music] it was 40 years ago this coming December December of 1959 when the local newspaper the Canton repository said bro football needs a Hall of Fame it's logical to have it here in Canton with the league's roots were first established the great view from the Goodyear blimp spirit of Akron based here in Northeast Ohio proud along with the residents of this area to welcome the Browns back to Ohio the 1999 class of inductees that we'll see six months from this past Saturday start off with Lawrence Taylor the question if he would go in and in fact Lawrence was chosen by the selectors to join Eric Dickerson the man who had the greatest single rushing season in terms of yardage in NFL history we've already documented the Browns record numbers Ozzie Newsome down the front office of the Baltimore Ravens and then 220 good offensive lineman their day Mac thirteen seasons and 184 games and the old Georgia Tech then Buffalo Bill star Billy Shaw in the 1960s Marty a teammate of yours correct he made a mine an outstanding player were delighted to see that he's been recognized for his achievement it's a very very fitting all we have a moment let's check in with Salomon Wilcox Solomon thanks Mike right now I'm joined by the league president Neal Austrian and Neal first I gotta ask you what does it mean to the National Football League to have the Cleveland Browns back in football I think it's terrific Salomon I mean you look at the crowd here for an expansion draft it's unbelievable this is one of the great storied franchises in the NFL they come in from the old American Conference they win first time out against the Rams you look at the busts here in terms of the number of players they've had in the Hall of Fame you look at the phenomenal support that they've had from their fans over the years I mean this is a franchise that really deserve to stay in Cleveland we were delighted we were able to keep the team here in Cleveland and I think it's gonna be a terrific opener when they play the Dallas Cowboys here in the Hall of Fame Game you're right they will play that game on August 9th in the hall of fame game understand there are some changes there also I think the big change we're gonna do is that game's gonna be played in primetime on Monday night that'll be covered on ABC and on Saturday we're still going to have the induction ceremony it's gonna be a lot bigger a lot better with a bunch of Jumbotrons for the can really see expanded seating so it's really gonna be a much bigger weekend which we think is gonna be be great for the fans and my you hear Nils say the league is getting bigger and better thirty first franchise the Cleveland Browns it will be in number 32 either lar Houston back to you Mike and that will be discussed at the next owners meeting how the procedures for choosing the 32nd franchise will go and when they'll start playing for now the next pick of this new franchise Reggie with the 33rd selection the Browns picked wide receiver Freddy Sullivan from the Philadelphia Eagles out of South Carolina's state the Eagles pull back Morris minute OA Center from Brigham Young what you heard were our eyebrows raised mr. jerski will intrigue here that really isn't I think it's a good pick Freddy solemn it's a solid wide receiver one of those guys that has some experience good quickness on the underneath brows is kind of a willing competitor you know he'll go in and catch the football you gotta have a big heart and this guy has it catching the skinny post here a pass from zeppler going up you know you're gonna get hit when you leap great hands catches the ball in the hands you'd like to see that but when you catch the ball over the middle that tells everyone something about the type of character you have Freddy Salomon has that character he will do whatever it takes to catch the football but he really doesn't have the great speed but he has that ability to read in the hash area read the middle of field settle against his own defenses and create some havoc with the crossing routes I think he's a guy that could contribute early to the Browns 21 receptions a touchdown this year likely a third fourth wide receiver would you say Ron yeah I think he's the third or fourth guy the Nickelback when you go to that slot formation he's the kind of guy that could work inside a Wayne Chrebet kind of player and no one works the hash area better than Wayne Chrebet but a Freddy Solomon would do a good job of that when he gets the opportunity nice a restricted free agent Ron $429,000 his cap number that means he does not count toward the minimum that the Browns must achieve it whether it's in money or players so even though they've made 33 selections 27 count towards the minimum and in salary they probably will not achieve the minimum of 38 percent of the salary cap just under 22 million dollars so as our expansion draft coverage continues here from Canton Ohio with the Browns now making their 34th selection we noticed that for their last five picks have been skill positions a quarterback a running back a fullback a wide receiver and we see some more experienced players in the league as well so I think when we saw everything that we're gonna do young and build I think we need to remind everyone of two things one every players on this list for a reason there's something wrong or that they don't think fits into their specific team equation and secondly even though there are some older players there are still some significant contributors in this league and maybe that's why you're getting some experienced veterans taken down here selection order doesn't mean a darn thing if you're taking third or 33rd in this draft there's no doubt that that's true and as you look at this thing very simply at this point I think they have to go and address the issue of leadership never underestimate the importance of that and I think at this point we may see them go in that direction veterans more experienced players and get them here and yeah you have to remember base you thinking hey take a player and then cut them later on down one there's a cap implication for that it's not as easy to come in kick the tires and then make a decision how the game has changed Mike you know we now hear about the cap ologist and how much money there is to spend and you know when I was around the league and I left nine years ago you didn't worry about all those things worried about who could play and that was the guy that was on the field but you know the coach talked about leadership but I think it takes it to another step chemistry the chemistry of football team is so important and I think Chris Palmer is watching this trap very closely very particular about the types of players he brings in to Cleveland he wants guys with very good character Mike we should talk about Chris Palmer for a minute because even though he was an offensive coordinator on a team that's gone to the playoffs the last few years people might not know Chris Palmer as well I don't mistake his cerebral nature to say the guy is no he's a boring guy he's funny he can be very engaging Marty you know him a little bit here's what he has done most recently his stops along the way working with Coughlin and Parcells the last few years Jack Pardee in Houston before that your thoughts on Chris Palmer and how he's gonna make that jump from coordinator to head coach Mike I see Bill Parcells I see Tom Coughlin in Chris Palmer he has a very definite idea of what he wants to have done he is going to draw a very very bright line as it were those players are going to understand there are things that have to get done I felt very very positively after a brief meeting with him his appearance is very misleading behind that exterior is a very strong individual you know I love the fact that he's going to stay on as the offensive coordinator and call the plays over the last couple years I've studied the Jacksonville offense and is one of the best designed offense in all of football it is a timing and rhythm often set requires precise timing between the offensive lines the quarterbacks the backs of their pickup and the wide receivers the reason that offense has been successful because of teaching and because of coaching so I'm glad to see that Chris is going to stay in the position as the coordinator and you will see an outstanding offense here and here in Cleveland it may not be immediate but once he gets the right people in position it will be a very good offense on this day of the Oscar nominations that's two thumbs up from our Siskel and Ebert the Giants are going to lose another player in this expansion draft earlier they lost defensive back Corey Blackwell we'll find out who they lose next when we come back to Canton in just a minute out here and practically everywhere else people are using ten ten nine thousand cause it's the easy way to find a phone number I'll tell you why use it because now I don't have remember area codes there's too darn many and they keep a change well that's one good reason - any others yep I like the 1010 9000 operators sure beats talking to machines no area codes to remember nice people to help you life is definitely getting better you got that right for once 1010 9000 directory assistance for everyone in America [Music] [Music] is your dandruff sending the wrong signals to get selsun power doctors recommend selsun blue number one so don't send the wrong signals get selsun power Oh Jean Washington who along with Neil Austrian has been shepherding the process along we'll announce the next election for the Browns with the 34th selection the Browns picked defensive back Branden Sanders from a New York Giants out of Arizona the Giants do not pull a player back Giants leaving out their cheetah Wooten defensive back and Jerry Reynolds a guard so the Giants have lost the player against someone with no starting experience but on a roster for the last couple of years yeah Mike this resume once again black and blue he likes the hit hard for special teams player you know we have some good toughness he's aggressive and he's a competitor and I think that's the other fits the mold once again that Cleves was trying to acquire you see him playing on the teams here you know fighting off to three even four guys trying to get a piece of them and that'll tell you about a guy right there when you play special teams you and you can split the coverage like that that is a lot of desire right there's some hustle down the field you know someone's looking for you someone's hunting you up someone wants to earhole you and you still make the play that tells you something about Sanders good special team player he plays fast and has good quick feet 12 tackles in his 13 games last year free agent there off the Kansas City roster so you brought him in as an undrafted college rage exactly we brought Brandon in he was a very very good special teams player for us he had a very good chance of making our team it frankly came down to the numbers at the safety position he is clearly as Ron suggested a hard core special teams performance that says well you had a lot of veterans back there in your defensive backfield over the last few years well when we're gonna take a look at right now is they're not the expansion draft for what happens or what is it nine and a half weeks ahead the collegiate draft number one is Cleveland number two is Philadelphia we've been asking all day at espn.com part of go network a go calm who should Cleveland selected this year's NFL draft Tim Couch Ricky Williams have trade down the pick gets some value in but in the term of volume here are the results and many of you have responded at espn.com good percentage over half of the 37 thousand votes say Ricky Williams the Heisman Trophy record-setting running back from Texas instead of Tim Couch the quarterback out of Kentucky and a decent number 17% say trade down the pick you know a lot of stuff in return espn.com poll for what Dwight Clark and Chris Palmer and Carmen policy and company should do with the number one overall selection you know that's another way to look at this to the players taken today some will be starters some will be contributors they are not going to be the superstars of this franchise although this franchise has great tradition it has the most unique expansion setting ever in fact they're gonna need player personality who's going to be the person to hang your hat on whose Jersey are you're gonna sell that's gonna be Tim Couch or Ricky Williams so even though it may be a prudent thing to trade the pick in terms of long-term development at the funny feeling they're gonna take one of the two guys we are even discussing apparel value your time who are we gonna market now we we we are covering it all here on the expansion draft this is a good football talk today there is a great legacy of there you look around here and the amount of Browns paraphernalia there is selling things when we walked in there our expansion draft shirts they are selling t-shirts and sweatshirts for the Dallas Cleveland exhibition game Marty you let you live through it a you have to what it's really about Michael there is nothing in the world like Cleveland Browns football fans the dog pound the tremendous energy that they bring to this team produces at least two or three victories a year it's in large part due to your successful coaching but you've been in two great places for fan support Cleveland in Kansas City a very fortunate man am I in that regard but a lot of it has to do with you make no mistake next selection back to the stage [Music] [Applause] [Music] this would be pick number 35 in the draft we have likely taken off the Cincinnati Bengals roster we now understand earlier Damon Gibson the fourth overall selection came off the bangles cross but the 35th selection the Browns pick defensive tackle Mike Thompson from the Cincinnati Bengals out of Wisconsin the Bengals pulled back two players James Francis and Tom Timothy so the mangled roster is now as scathed as it will be for the day here is Mike Thompson bounced around for NFL camps I had a brief look with youth Marty right in Kansas City we did then he is a pretty good player he is a tough overachieving type a strong inside player Mike Thompson his college career had twenty eight sacks had a brief look with Green Bay as well as Kansas City half a sack in 98 a former Jacksonville Jaguar fourth round draft selection I mean Trani was taken on day two of the draft and you know that means a good opportunity to remind you what is ahead on ESPN and not only weekly editions the NFL tonight on the news but our complete extensive sometimes exhausting but certainly proud and exclusive coverage of the NFL Draft from mr. number one - mr. irrelevant we have every pic covered starting Saturday April 7 money SP ENCOM what I like about it as you can read about like pretty much every sport you know I really wasn't interested in until I got online was um horse racing and they had some stuff about another Breeders Cup and the Kentucky Derby I never thought about this but you know if I lost some weight you know got in better shape I might be able to be a jockey you know there's my professional dream right there I mean know how hard can it be pop on a horse and hit it with a stick the jobs of tomorrow are here thousands of them waiting to be filled you have to know the fields they're in and you have to have what it takes to master those fields because you can't get the jobs of tomorrow until you get the skills of today start by calling iTT Technical Institute it was sent to an informative brochure on tomorrow's careers and what it takes to get them call one eight hundred nine four 209 we welcome you that coming up the top of the hour our p.m. tonight John Kernan and company are at Daytona getting close to the twin 125 SR in 48 hours down at Daytona as speed weeks continues to kick into gear Jeff Gordon on the pole for the great American race to 500 all the news from Daytona today on rpm tonight mitah College hoop doubleheader Big East and a 10 started with st. John's West Virginia on the deuce next Browns pick with a 36 selection the Browns pick running back Jairus MacPhail from the Detroit Lions out of East Carolina the Lions pull back Tommy Boyd wide receiver from Toledo earlier Detroit lost Jim pine the first overall selection what likely is going to be the second to last election here in Jairus MacPhail another veteran with NFL experience Ron yeah he has good playing speed overall but he's one of those guys that you know he goes down with the first hit and that can't happen the NFL you got to be able to break tackles because of his size I think you'll see him more operate in space on the perimeter getting the toss play hitting the traps inside not the straight ahead north/south he's a guy that used the third down receiver in nickel packages also a teams player which again one thing Cleveland is looking for a guy they can play teams but you can see the guy has good enough quickness and the word is he has better game speed than you know what the 40 speed that you would normally clock a guy in and it's amazing not the time you talk to pro personnel people around the league they talk about 40 speed on the clock bike but then some guys to get in the game and that 40 speed gets knocked off by a tenth of a second or two and I think MacPhail is one of those guys better in game speed conditions out of East Carolina Jarrett's macphails selected the Browns have taken 29 players that count towards the cap and force the minimums 36 players and also in fact Cleveland really only has to make one more selection they can make more this in fact could be the final ground selection would make a confirmation to that it has been handed in I understand the pull backs have taken place so let's see if this in fact is the last pick of the expansion draft this will be our last pick of the draft today and I'd like to say thank you very very much for the great fans here [Applause] with the 30 second and last pick the Browns picked from San Francisco defensive back Antonio Langham [Applause] [Music] out the door as they take a popular player former Brown Antonio Langham yeah there's no question that this was kind of one for the crowd as we saw today Antonio Langham he can play he's been a starter he can get the job done tearing a scene with the Browns helmet on what somewhat of a disappointment last year in San Francisco but clearly you know no one Carmen policy no one Blake Clark who's a guy that they feel will fit in nicely here in Cleveland I think what's happened here very simply they got one back against the 49ers Antonio Langham who was a first-round pick of the Cleveland Browns five years ago number nine overall selection his fifth year out of Alabama gets selected as we wrap up give me a closing phone and what the Browns did today here guys I like they did defensively I think her from McCormick is a guy that could make plays inside I believe you have to pressure the quarterback nowadays in the NFL llinois Jones is the linebacker with speed could put pressure up the middle so I think as Coach shot hammer likes to say you build from the inside out right coach well I think that's exactly what has happened on the offensive side of the ball as well as the defensive side of the ball the offensive line has been addressed very specifically here pine is the guy that will step in and help abundant as a guy that may sneak up on some people clearly they address working from the inside out thank you your expertise and your Clint
Channel: Mr. J
Views: 9,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleveland Browns, Canton, Ohio, Draft, Football, Civic Center, HOF, Expansion, NFL
Id: X3SZ-c5ur38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 22sec (10702 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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