1985 Dolphins Patriots AFC Championship Second Half

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as the Chicago Bears await the winner it's the New England Patriots 17 to 7 and half time the that's a bad news for dolphin fans last week at this time they were down 14 to 3 and Cleveland's score to make a 21-3 and yet Miami rallied do they have another miracle left or is New England just too good you said the Patriots started with the best hand I think let's go back to our theorem of the card game right now Raymond Barry is sitting there with even more chips than he started with his conservative philosophy his style is playing perfectly for him I don't think he's going to change he can afford to be patient let his defense do the work hope for some more turnovers on the other hand Don Shula who already had to play aggressive high-risk football almost has to play double up and catch up well he's got Dan Marino and he'll get the ball first to start the second half the statistics in the first half were basically even except for those big turnovers the two fumbles here are those statistics and of course one that jumps out at you those two fumbles and that has been a great story for this New England team they've had 10 takeaways only two giveaways so far during this playoff and I'll tell you that when you can keep your mistakes low and give the ball up only occasionally and that's what Barry talked about error free football they have played it it has been successful you've got to believe that's what he talked to him about it to have Miami with its final word from coach Don Shula and Moreno and the Dolphins well know their position [Applause] one of the things you have to be concerned about dick we watch that a little of the locker room is seen last week from Los Angeles highly emotional team there that's New England team weeping and crying and it was such a great victory for them they poured out a lot of emotion Raymond very deliberately took some time off gave his team a couple of days off to try and regroup that emotional energy they've had a very emotional first half a very successful first half now the key to winning for them to maintain that emotional intensity through this second half I wonder how much they have left in those reserve tanks thirty minutes to the Super Bowl unless of course we have a sudden-death overtime Tony Franklin to kick it off Lorenzo Hampton at the other end for Miami 17 seven as we open the second half spins down short Hampton at the nine [Applause] babbles and great Thoren recovers for knowing oh my the turnover table continues to rock in the direction of the Patriots they are now 13 and 2 and that takeaway giveaway department in the playoffs [Applause] Don Shula and Chuck's deadly both referred to waking up last week after that big 61 yard run to start the second half by the Cleveland Browns well time running out here and again it's that hard hit Raymond berry you see the numbers right there Raymond berry used that as one of his strategies one of his keys we got a strip to put ball away and take it or they'd have done it today Craig James first down has nearly ten new green finally made the stop and the Patriots with a 17-7 leaf could not get a bigger break than stopping Miami on the opening kickoff recovering the fumble deep in Dolphin territory where they have recovered two other miscues that led to 10 earlier points coming out of that locker room you established the momentum of the second half in this first series Miami with all its plans offensively and with all its thoughts suddenly is on defense again second and one kahlan's we've got a touchdown pass in the first half slams to a first down at about the 11 [Applause] Don Shula undoubtedly thinking what everyone else's in this Stadium you can't turn it over and win the big ones and he's down in that department three turnovers to none first down at the L [Applause] Collins for about four yards but brown in on the stop for Miami the danger now for this Miami Dolphin defense things are getting a little desperate and occasionally you try and do more than your job you try and do something extra you've got to still try and stay within the integrity of the defense and try and force the turnover but if you start to try and make the big play you put yourself out of position you might make the big play for the other team Greg James appears to be close to a first down at the two and they have rushed the football Miami's weakness its Achilles throughout the year shown again last week when they barely scraped back against Cleveland a team that rushed for over 250 yards and the Patriots beating him to the punch on the ground today Don Shula said it right after that game he said when a when a team like Cleveland average is six point eight yards per carry what do you think the New England Patriots are going to do and indeed that's exactly what they have done the measurement third and that much when New England recovered a first quarter fumble at the Miami 20 Nathan fumbling on the first play of the first half just as Miami has fumbled a ball away on the first play of the second half on its possession Miami was able to stop the Patriots and force a field goal of but this is third and inches Tony Eason watch him check that dolphin defense [Applause] [Music] no touchdown but very close it appears to having the first down Jackie ship leading that heart of Dolphin defensive charge Raymond berry talking to Tom Ramsey as quarterback here to signal a play in berry calling more and more of the plays himself les Steckle did a lot of that early in the season but now as Easton has returned to the lineup we might have to Grogan called his own place while he was quarterbacking now their signal in and berry has taken a lot more of that responsibility during the latter part of the year he didn't make it ships defensive play denies the first town who can so forth and the same distance now having made conservative decisions up to this point what does Raymond burry do I think is going to go for it that's interesting isn't it but that not out while conservative also all season long big play early weathers touchdown flag is down [Applause] flag is down in the end zone [Applause] not it's against Miami [Applause] and the Patriots ever-closer have opened a 23-7 leave subtly can only shake his head as his defense again fooled on a play faking into the line the running game again making that play go you have to respect it down there with inches to go and Barry willing to go with the unusual play the play-action pass and third and inches Franklin has the extra point Tony Eason has thrown touchdown passes of one and two yards three fumbles have equal three scores for New England you've either got to be a little crazy to take a long trip in a small truck or you gotta have the right truck did you go drive one of these new Mazdas you'll never know how it got a small truck can be this se5 was really a kick to drive got all kinds of room inside it's quiet and quick and even though its price might lead you to believe it's some kind of bare-bones truck believe it or not what you see is what you get yeah and there's plenty of room back here for what you cut today mr. garner who helps transportation companies improve health care for their employees and still control costs today is equitable your key to financial opportunity helps growing communications companies finance new systems today's equitable your key to financial opportunity whether you're the head of a growing business or a growing family our unique financial services can help you you will feed financial opportunity [Music] what's your rate these days everyone offers low rates in Florida so it pays to compare services what do you get for that where you get thirds offers computerized driving directions 24-hour road service and there's never a drop of charged environment so come to Hertz the services end up but your bill won't hurts you don't just rent a car you rent a company today's game is brought to you by Mazda cars and trucks the more you look the more you like Mazda value by Coors and Coors Light beers with a difference worth tasting and by Hewlett Packard the people who turn your business computing problem into a business computing solution New England Patriots capitalizing on a third fumble recovery of open to twenty four to seven lead against the Dolphins here in Miami and Tony Franklin routes it hi Hampton the rookie at they 20 and to the 24 yard line Miami will begin their let's go to Bob Griese dick here his weather's lined up in the backfield he just got around a play-action pass Ramsey's got to sneak out butts in line 51 is grabbing ahold of him and you know sometimes when you're so predictable and conservative as Wayman Berry has been this year and if you do a lot of self scouting you can use that to your own best efforts because you know you're conservative and you know the other team doesn't expect it and then some big plays can come of it they're a the only one not showing emotion on the sidelines that's true to character marino a lot of work to do one hops it out to net more and the reason why the past was short was Don Blackmon 55 was on his chest you can afford to play more aggressively now on defense now this Miami team is as we said really got a double up and catch up time becomes a factor you feel more comfortable defensively you can start to blitz more and this patriot defense is not a blitzing defense but I wouldn't be surprised to see them coming more now at Marino with that nice cushion Marino has been sacked once [Applause] and almost intercepted by Blackmon again and he's having a big game there's rod rust defensive coordinator signaling his defenses onto the field and interestingly in his own way he may be the man responsible for getting Barry into this coaching jobs right them Ron Meyer was fired because he wanted to fire Russ well he actually fired rust the players revolted had a meeting Meyer ended up being fired they brought in Barry and brought back Russ duper Oh tits four or five sets of hands before it falls incomplete a flag is down look like a volleyball game out there motion against Miami now that opens unable to gain the yard in that possession [Music] I think that ball is going to be bad at about four or five times the first bet by Marino are by duper as he goes up that's one lahpet to off the helmet there Marian Marian three four it falls just out of the reach of a lot of eager Patriots rolling James back at the 32 Roby dying spiral James pebbles and the dolphins have recovered a flag is down around recovered the ball let's see if it counts may have better question first mistake by New England let's see how its except Miami we mentioned at the top of the show that New England would probably be able to overcome urban fryers loss as a receiver but not as a punt returner the confidence level right there of the return scene that's rollin James only to punt returns on the year coming up and in a situation where he could have just caught it and tucked it away he turned it over Miami gets a break at the 43 trailing 24 to 7 with 11 minutes plus remaining in the third quarter Joe Carter [Applause] [Music] what a run by Carter to the 24 well these fish ain't dead yet as they would say here in Miami Carter pulls out of a tackle by Nelson gets away from the grew number 50 got a whole horse to a host of Patriots on his tail but ends up with a big game and lights up this Miami offense a little bit brighter who had a 12 yard run in the first half and now an 18 yard scamper boy did he deny some tackling cadaverine cork and the big fullback just have a new england 17 where it'll be second and three or four to go you see the power of Davenport that was illustrated last week as he made that big 31 yard run bouncing off people watch him here as he pulls away from Steve Nelson who's a deadly tackler look at that Lake strength gets away from Nelson and almost from Roland makes the big gain on that play second about three and a half yards offense on the sidelines Tony Collins of the Patriots he has a touchdown a four yard pass Eason with one two and four yard passes for the Patriots for scores second and short Moreno into the end zone a deceptive Fred Marion [Applause] an interception in each of the playoff games has made it a hat-trick three for three and the Dolphins tonight again Schule wondering what happened on that play literally staring out in disbelief his receiver fell down but I don't think he could have caught it anyway because the ball was right to Marion Clayton coming through the inside and watch him as he cut trips over his own foot I think lipet maybe touch the back of his foot [Applause] [Music] an idea doesn't conform to a 9 to 5 schedule so what you look packard we're always thinking because even though we sell business computing systems or what we really do is solve problems we never stop asking what is Jim Mike I've got an idea on that branch office network what is the more things cost the better they are that's not always true consider Barbasol Barbasol has as thick and rich a lather as any other leading foam but Barbasol can cost half as much as the higher priced foam consider also Barbasol glides stick deodorant it has a fresh clean scent like any deodorant sure but Barbasol can cost as much as a dollar less than the high-priced sticks Barbasol shave beam and Barbasol glide stick great toiletries for a lot less money my daughter came out to visit and the guys at mazda lent me this 3 to 3 for her to drive she knew right away it wasn't just another small car because it's more like a small road card smooth quiet solid and roomy I even told her if she wanted to get one with her own money what a good deal it is I'm really glad she's growing up to be sensible and practical just like her old man Yeah right dead [Music] moments ago Don Shula lost opportunity the first chance for Miami to get back in it and they throw an interception right back it's New England's ball at the 25 you talk about tight jaws [Applause] Bob Gracie that interception dick let's go back and take a look Miami is trying to get the ball on a slant right here in this area - Clayton now watch Mary and he's gonna drift over there if we could go ahead and run the play watch as Clayton goes in there if you can stop it right there you can see that he tried to get him beyond there he tried to hit him past Marian Marian stopped right in the path of the ball there's the trip you'll see it right there the foot coming in lahpet look at that just the tap on the back of the heel incidental contact but it cost the interception Craig James falling straight ahead and good yardage again for New England on first down second down that will be a first down out to the 37 dick and talking's of both duper and Clayton it was their feeling that the officials in that Cleveland game not calling nearly as many penalties downfield giving the defensive end more latitude let's look in at the battle on the line of scrimmage that surge and again New England taking advantage of its size going right at the heart of that Miami defense Charles moved out of there by Wooten the left or the right guard rock up to pick up one of the linebackers Hannah driving out of there Holloway and well I'll tell you they just keep pushing and pushing more that pole offensive line driving Miami off rain falling and Miami's Orange Bowl less than eight minutes left in the third quarter handsome laid as Collins carries out to the patriot 40 duck betters made the tackle no question we expected the Patriots doubt rest the Dolphins and Miami was hoping in fact ugh better said we're gonna try to hold him to four yards or less per rush not so second down and seven long seven Collins squirts for for few green with a head it's such a big advantage for running backs when their offensive line is getting into the defense and moving them off the ball there's time then for them to get their good drive upfield and make the cuts from a positive position to make them at full speed the defense on the other hand having to try and react laterally you end up trying to arm tackle it gives those offensive backs a chance to go for an extra two or three yards [Applause] 4/6 best in [Music] last minutes left [Applause] Pratt James running the daylight in a first down at the 43 of Miami well we've been talking about that Patriot offensive line three first-round draft picks on the left side of the line Holloway Hannah and Brock Kanna driving his man back off the ball Holloway getting a piece of his and James just exploding through there out of the tackle by Bud Brown out of a second tackle by Judson makes the extra yardage Jackie's ship who made the tackle limps off the field for the Dolphins Marc Brown has replaced him no Jay Brophy goes in first down at the 43 6 minutes left in the third quarter in the Patriots lead 20 4 to 7 [Music] [Applause] whether stopped on first down Bob Merlin addicted talking about the blocking up front the offensive line let's go back to that last play and watch the straight blocking Hannah right here and on the linebacker and you'll see James finding a little hole right in between here and running right up through James with the good eyes and Good Feet has the ability to get through the hole after a good block by Tony Collins James said something very nice to me last weekend talking to him he said you know I don't run with my feet I run with my eyes my feet just kind of follow along behind you're right Bob great eyes on the part of James on that play [Applause] weathers carrying is 222 pounds to the Miami 40 you green and Mark Brown with to tackle that's a colorful stop dreamin Brown and a black wood there as well you see you grain going to that facemask an eye injury early in the year and he has a clear mask across his face Steve Nelson in fact wore an identical mask during several games this year after an eye injury and I haven't talked to you about the bass but Steve said something interesting said I got an echo all the time it sounded like I was talking in a cave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] defense nice and a rare throw and he hits his man to tuku it will be close to a first down at the 34 yard line here's to be a little shine and again when you're running game is going when you can force those linebackers and those linemen to concentrate on the run you've got time to throw the football linebacker isolated there that's Brazil ski trying to get out to the outside to cover to to poo to to PO usually the short yardage runner did a good job of hauling that one in and on fourth down in the yard again berry going to go for it he went for it and fourth and goal there are some interesting stats before Grogan played look at the numbers for Eason and then look at the numbers broken what's hurt he has had a great last half of the season weathers on the pitch it's going to be close Miami fans think that he was stopped New England fans feel that he has made the first down and it's the Patriots who are right again dick maybe we can as as we look again at the heart jaws of Don Shula maybe we can go back and get that statistic again because I really think it's interesting one of the things that really helped Tony Eason after a bad start on the season and he was dealing with his third offense in three years very putting in his own offense he had a chance to watch this man Steve Grogan go in and run the offense look at those latter numbers the reversal in touchdowns and interceptions a lot of that I think came because Easton was able to get self calmed down and able to learn on the ground and that figures now for the Patriots with a big lead is trying to chew up that clock and it ticks away against Miami 333 332 331 left in this third quarter the Patriots with a 24-7 advantage the only Miami touchdown came in the second quarter when the Dolphins took a 7-3 lead that was Moreno to Dan Johnson but four turnovers have not only stopped the Dolphins but New England has taken advantage on three of those for a score and trying to do that now on this pass interception that started this Drive Collins plowing for six or seven to the 24 just shy of another first down first turnover a fumble led to a field goal then the next two fumbles became touchdowns those fumbles recovered by New England were at the miami 20 the miami 36 the miami 25 the last one on the kickoff to start this second half then when the Dolphins finally got one of their own Moreno was intercepted by the omnipresent Fred Marion always seems to be in the right spot that ball has been in his hands and then several key games Seattle game last week the week before he really has been something Hollins has denied the first down and the Dolphins say they got the football but too late he was already down Rosinski again reaching to strip that football and got his hands on it got it away from the running back the second time we've seen him reach in and take that ball right out of the grasp on their running back coming in from the left side of your screen watch number 59 here he comes as he gets in there he'll reach up underneath and jerk that football out of it out of the hands of 20 Collins you see him there that's just powerful handsy linebackers in particular will work long hours on those wrists in the hands Tony Franklin with an apparent 41 yard field goal attempt if successful it would be a three touchdown lead for New England wide to the left one of the few things Dolphins fans have had to cheer about in this second half timeout 137 left in the quarter nothing clears my head better than a romp down a road like this that doesn't make sense to you then this car probably won't either the new generation Mazda rx-7 pours out power as smooth as silk as only a rotary can and nothing has a more advanced suspension system so you track through turns like you're on Rails you can pay a whole lot more for a sports car and still not have this much fun okay aren't you aren't you the driver this new rx-7 hi this life insurance will be a key executives in hands so Northwestern Mutual's done it again yep their executive comp life will keep our top people happy oh it's a revolutionary policy combines the low cost of term with a cash value build up and I said the premiums hmm introducing executive comp line from the leader in whole life with the quiet company John can you sell that no only at Northwestern good John that's a big step Tom I'm still gonna go to college die but after the army I thought you wanted to be an electrical engineer I'll be learning about electronics and I can qualify for the new GI Bill a new army college fund if you qualify the new GI Bill a new army college fund can help you save over $25,000 for tuition so you're gonna be a soldier [Music] be a good one [Music] this winter on NBC sports all the excitement of comets basketball is back next Saturday one of the game's oldest rivalries heats up when the UCLA Bruins invade South Bend to take on Digger Phelps and the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame college basketball it's the stuff weekends are made of on NBC Sports in the rain Miami's Orange Bowl a remarkable story being written by the New England Patriots the long shot Pat's wildcard members in this Super Bowl tournament and they have a 24 to 7 lead time running out less than two minutes left in the third quarter Tony Eason has thrown three very short touchdown passes one two and four yards [Applause] after the Miss filled all this is joke harder a whirling dervish has about ten more Carter running like a man possessed rod McSwain made the tackle after nine yards a key to any team success how well you take it away that's 14 in three games they've given it up only three times these numbers are amazing enough but I think it's the result of those turnovers that we often don't see it well we'll give you an idea the impact of that in just a moment Carter now with 41 yards second and short Marino goes to the shotgun as to throw too soon duper on a deep pattern hadn't quite turn but marina was about to get hit so had to unload I asked Raymond Claiborne about those two wide receivers I said are they alike to cover he said almost identical he said they have some of the same breakaway moves from the line some of the same moves downfield and looked at me said I think net more taught him all of this and he said I think he learned from Paul Warfield here's that break off the line good receivers are tough to stop at the line of scrimmage and there's the break but Moreno simply did not have time and had been able to wait I think duper would have been open might have gotten it in there Choi third and one and Carter does have the first down at the 35 yard line or is that Tony Nathan let's see if the veterans back in there they lead by that amount 17 points directly out of those four dolphin turnovers they have put 17 points on the board today that is it wonder not only does a turnover change the emotion of the game but very often as we've seen today gives you that ideal field position victory final minute third quarter Miami won't have too many possessions it's almost you must score every time out for Moreno he's tough to bring down 41 yard line he may be building himself a job for the future right now the future is only 15 minutes for these two teams one will go on to the Super Bowl against Chicago we'll be back after these messages from your local station tonight seven young soldiers facing war for the first time if it isn't the last morning of their lives it's gonna take a miracle to save amazing stories this year Federal Express is going to Europe and to help celebrate we've invited everyone who's ever been in a Federal Express commercial accustomed to public speaking every single bite on we're going to make sending a package to Europe as easy and reliable as it is here with two days service in our own planes to London Paris Frankfurt your wife will around with anyone else [Music] how's it feel when a game is on the line it is up to me come on come on [Music] [Music] get the feeling what do you do when you already build one of the best production sports cars in the world if your Nissan you build it even better you widen the track reduce air turbulence dramatically improve its already legendary handling and performance no wonder Motor Trend magazine called is new 300zx the best all-around Z car ever built when you talking performance the name is Nissan this week on strictly business hidden risks of Ginnie Mae's tonight 11:45 [Applause] under normal conditions at five-time Pro Bowler where's number 73 and would be in there pacing like a lion as we were away on that last commercial break mama are out for the year with a knee injury and they hope you'll be back next season standing on the sidelines you feel so helpless too as Ken Sims brilliant young defensive tackle for the Patriots must feel but it's a little easier when you're head 24/7 watches you see him flexing that leg and I'm sure he's thinking boy if this leg will just get a little bit better I'm going to be able to get back in there and play before this season is over we open the fourth quarter twenty four to seven New England it's a second end for for Marino going deep for Clayton and he was well covered Ernest Gibson was with Clayton stride for stride a reminder we will be naming our Budweiser Most Valuable Player for today's game a bit later you saw the results on one side of the field let's go to the other side of the field where duper is working one-on-one little fake to the out and a little tug right there Raymond Claiborne almost undressing Marc duper the official downfield did not spot that one jerked his shirt so hard the shoulder pad popped out Patriots have been tough in the second half their defense and they've shut out Miami thus far on this one [Music] half Tony Nathan covered well by Don Blackman and what a game Blackman his hand can I've said all along if it weren't for Tiffin this would be the man that everyone would be headlining and he's shown that today and Miami unable to pick up the first down one of the patterns that Marino thought would be very effective against this defense is working underneath in front of those linebackers but Blackman with great speed and good hands reaching right out in front to knock that ball away we're all in James back as Roby kicks drives the ball to the Tim Oh Miami who hasn't and he had a couple of shots at it before they finally cover at the 10 the only two mistakes by New England have been by Rowland James trying to feel Clinton of course an unfamiliar task for him this year special teams coach Dante's Garnett Kia was worried about this he said there's no question James has to be rusty we want him just to secure that football any yards are just a plus here most importantly they're giving us the football on a punt we don't want to give it back Brett it a good hit Alex Moyer 54 the first man to reach in and knock that ball away they could actually make a first down without a touchdown just by an inch or two Moreno shotgun wants to get it on the board in a hurry he's had Trudy Nathan exactly what Miami had to have a five-second touchdown drive denied early in this ball game and feeling frustrated I'm sure Tony Nathan must feel a little bit vindicated right now Ravi's try for point [Applause] it is good and the dolphins have cut the lead to ten with almost a full quarter left what a big play the fumble by James the next play Moreno hits Nathan from ten [Applause] 14 minutes 28 seconds left in your life no no no no Bud Light if you just ask for a light beer thanks you never know what you can you like no no so if you want the less filling light beer with the first name in case don't just ask for like do you like to bring out their best Bud Light but cuz everything else is just a light there's something special on the horizon American Airlines ultimate super savers incredible low fares to over 90 cities throughout the continental US and Canada discounts up to 70% fares from $29 to $151 call American Airlines for an ultimate super saver before another day passes you by [Music] are you anything like my brother Jack he'd figured the only way to get into a serious road car was to go empty his bank account buy something from the Black Forest well I talked him into driving a Mazda 6 through 6 now he's going around telling everyone he knows about refinements like the better aerodynamics the new fuel injection and the great performance but the way I figured I saved old Jack about 7,000 bucks you think I'll ever see any of it no way that's what I thought yeah I think it was blind orphans get a gift from heaven a quick limo recovery a 10-yard touchdown a 5 seconds the ball and a 24-7 lead suddenly 24:14 I would look for an onside kick possibly here that's something that Miami has done earlier in the a short kick Stefan starring at the 12 he's wrapped up in a hurry at the 23 Woody Bennett and looked like Brzezinski there too you know the New England defenses played well all day but here they make a mistake McGrew is blitzing now nathan is going to sneak out of the backfield in this area Blackmon goes out instead of covering his man the New England offense playing well all day not coordinating it right here as you see Nathan's flipped to the middle and wide open for the touchdown and now this colorful gathering itself in support of Miami [Applause] to take home [Applause] combination again brown and grain on the tackle dick we wondered why Raymond berry had them turn up those sound on those speakers so loud two short games and now third down and for for knowing thirteen and a half minutes left dolphins cannot England first downs because they're going to chew it up the clock that is [Applause] 18 straight seasons whether is headed and could not tuck it away some companies read you a car and that's it but friends is with you all the way with customer service representatives to speed you on your way computerized driving directions to help find you and 24-hour Road service in case you get stuck on the way so you have a choice for your money you can run from a company that just immiscible car or rent a car that gives you a company you don't company once there were to bear something there I'll have a coca-cola classic and an even bigger bear give me a case comb this bear loves the big bold taste of coca-cola classic the original and this bear loves the light smooth taste of coke because it goes down real easy how about another yeah another case another case you got to keep a lot of coke in a refrigerator coke and coca-cola classic [Music] you finally get the answer and now you can't wait to tell something here at hewlett-packard we never stopped thinking about how our business computing equipment can be used to solve your company's problems if the Hewlett Packard way of doing things they're always asking what if I've got it they need easy access to their database right what if we use the personal productivity today's game is brought to you by John Hancock financial services meeting today's needs with a range of financial products you don't just rent a car you rent and by Budweiser beechwood aged for that clean crisp taste this Bud's for you [Music] Dick Enberg with Merlin Olsen and Bob Gracie at the Orange Bowl in Miami fumble punt by Rowland James of the Patriots recovered by Miami at the 10 a quick touch sound has put Miami back the game and certainly the Miami fans are back in it at 24 14 with 12 minutes 47 seconds left Miami's ball at its 37 cat no he trapped the ball is the call no catch Raymond Clayburn right there on the sidelines and Mark Clayton unable to come up with it great battle are going on over there two experienced pros looking at it from the other side of the field we get a better view of it moreno of that quick throw and ball down in the dirt and i think indeed he had his hand on top of the ball and drove it into the ground [Applause] harder and I believe julius adams has it for new england the veteran Carter who has given the extra effort throughout this game but you had a feeling when you get hit that many times and bounced around somebody's gonna finally knock it free and Adams was the man who finally saw that precious pumpkin and the New England Patriots have it again again you sense not only the change of the football but the change of emotion the ball right there begins to get away from Carter it's on the ground Roy Foster 61 is right on top of it but it rolls out from underneath him and there is Julius Carter are Julius Adam's right there to scoop up the pumpkin that was one of those presidents [Applause] [Music] James and Jesse Craig James from Houston Texas and Southern Methodist University trying to do something that his former teammate with a Mustangs won't get a chance to do go to the Super Bowl Dickerson stopped by the Bears in Chicago earlier I'd like to go back and make a point that I made earlier one of the priorities that Raymond Barry sent as he took over as head coach he said we have got to take away the football more often we're going to do that by practicing stripping the football and OH that has come to be a technique that's paid big dividends for the patriot second and to [Music] James close to a first down [Applause] that was back in the American Football League days only to lose out at Balboa Park in San Diego 51 to 10 to the Chargers who had just recently at that time moved from Los Angeles to San Diego that is rather a long drought well 63 may have been the year wasn't that the Bears last championship season the Bears and the Patriots the last four years were 63 until 1986 [Applause] James needed to get right to the 35 and that's where he was hid it'll depend on this spot [Applause] Carter perhaps that old expression in sports stay within yourself trying to do too much and the fumble and the sage veteran Adams who said earlier this year this would be his last that he would retire at the end of the season go to his Macon Georgia home and farm and raise Black Angus cattle he said but I don't want to go home too soon they've been trying to talk him out of that retirement announcement he has had a remarkable year James did get the first down and with it usually comes about three more minutes off the clock if you're running it [Applause] Kimbo camper wraps up James after a yard gain at the 34 one of the loneliest feelings in the world is is the sense of having made the costly mistake there's Hampton talking to his young friend in the backfield saying hey you got to put it out of your mind a lot of people have made mistakes today and indeed they have but that was the one knock on this talented young a young runner from Alabama that he is fumble prone it doesn't make you feel a lot better when you've made a big mistake I can tell you that from experience [Applause] less than 10 minutes left that's Collins Bob Brzezinski he and Don Blackmun of New England the to be linebackers for each team have been absolutely outstanding in this championship game see what Raymond berry has up his sleeve here looks like he's got a third wide receiver on the field in this situation often during the day and during the playoffs they have run out of that shotguns out of that shotgun formation let's see what they do here 9:20 left New England has now rushed for 200 yards so that they men on the field for Miami of betters just barely made it off there's the play that worked readers and it pays off again today Collins out of the shotgun that was such a big weapon in beating the Raiders in Los Angeles last week that particular play some confusion on the defensive side for Miami no confusion there they simply hand the ball off that's Ron Wooten 61 leading I ran right past boat camper ran out of the the attempted tackle by Blackwood and Tony Collins has a big first down one would surmise that a touchdown here by New England would get them to this Super Bowl a field goal should Miami stop them would keep it at least within long-range of the Dolphins battling for a couple might have 3u green in on another stop Shula knew the one problem he had all season long is the one that is shown again today defense versus the run the one thing that a good running game does for you and when you can establish it the way New England has is to keep the opponent's offense on the bench and I'll tell you one of the best defenses against Miami is to keep me a Moreno sitting down as long as possible [Applause] second and seven James what a mold getting out of bounds at the one-yard line everything stacked up inside and games using that great vision has a first and goal at the one a hundred and eight yards today for James Bob Gracie talked about it earlier the eyes James seeing the opening to the outside and then has the quickness and the acceleration to get there William Jetson getting a good tackle there look at number 24 weathers throwing a fine block right there on 55 you grain Green must contain from the outside on that play and that's what James saw to take advantage of it to the outside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] most a 2-tuple touchdown [Applause] seven and a half minutes late even a great and an outstanding team gonna have trouble making up that deficit it's 30 to 14 [Applause] New England Patriot fans have felt all year that their team was not getting enough respect believe me they have earned the respect of the entire league and the entire country winning on the road against the Jets winning on the road against the Los Angeles Raiders and apparently winning here to end the last of those big jinxes [Applause] Tony Franklin adds the extra point mosy to tofu the 30-year veteran from Southern California a moment that he'll file in his album as he puts his team ahead 3114 [Applause] never felt older in my life yesterday I was a football player today I'm retired how do I want to be remembered as a good father as a good husband and that's it that's life that's what life is a new company has begun yet it has a 150 year history it's only a few days old but it's already the number one manufacturer of medium and heavy-duty trucks although you've never heard of it it's in the top order of the fortune 500 the company is never stark international and while it's just starting to roll it's already in high gear introducing Navistar the rebirth of International Harvester Miami Dolphins favored but in a hole by 17 with just seven and a half minutes left as New England's Franklin will kick it off this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent the Miami Dolphins and the National Football League is prohibited dying quail that'll be a good kick Lorenzo Hampton - they 20 spend 20 years since New England has beaten Miami here in Miami and what has happened to all of us in that 20 year period of time prices have gone up a bit and for the New England Patriots at average income 25100 they'll make much more than that just in their playoff activity Tony Eason his role limited and he's played it well like a good part player in theater his only thrown the safe passes he's not thrown an interception in three playoff games and he apparently is going to lead his team into the Super Bowl Moreno has his say [Applause] this is what it is worth the wild card was worth New England to New England six thousand dollars then ten thousand for the win last week $18,000 for each team today that's all guaranteed up to that point then the winner gets 36 and the loser 18 in the Super Bowl so you can just except for the six thousand the Chicago Bears have those numbers as well but that isn't really what counts right at this point well they're they will be happy to accept those checks but believe me the greatest joy for them here will be flipping a jinx that has docked them all platon tough catch Raymond flavor no that was murad McSwain number 23 on him it took a circus effort by clayton to get those 15 yards seven minutes left in the game [Applause] poor fumbles have led to 24 the points Tony Nathan to 50 yard line and 15 more yards you can see how well coach this Miami team is they are wasting no time even though there's over six minutes left they're going to spend every second wisely they have to [Applause] a lot of teams a little careless guys not getting up to the line of scrimmage in time this is net more and the veteran has almost a number another first on may have it at the 40 Jacobson this makes it tough on a defense to to operate without a huddle if the Miami team can sustain this they can wear out a defense a little bit I know that that New England defense that New England offense they all have to be emotionally drained after the tough road games they've been through dick going for it all he's got a man open and good rallying by Klay Vernon there's the veteran from the University of Texas showing why he's a Pro Bowler beaten by a step and a half he got back and foiled the attempt by Marino oh you need that speed look at him dogging right there watching the eyes and knowing when to turn around knowing when to turn around I think Clayton having to adjust to that football that was the signal that he was looking for Klay weren't able to turn back and that that football away Miami needs three scores which obviously means three possessions and thus Moreno must score on this Drive we mentioned that Moreno had been held under 200 yards five times on the year twice by two England needs one more good pass to go over 200 today there it is and that'll be near another first down Joe Rose makes the catch rollin James with a hit ten more yards one thing I know about Don Shula I don't think there's a coach that I've ever been around who hates losing more than Shula and believe me I don't I wouldn't want to be a part of the locker room and a part of the offseason of a team that that lost in a game that he really felt that they could win balith e is not successful today his perfect record in this title game will be gone he's five I know coming in and that 18 game winning streak at home against New England will be gone [Applause] here's Joe rose again making that catch and he pays for it Marlon James tipping Rose all the way to the ground Rose had knee are shoulder problems all of last year he said foot problems as we mentioned has not been practicing this week first down at the 30 you saw the clock starts right after that measurement Tony Nathan written down by Marion after a gain of six but the clock rolls five minutes and 20 seconds left Patriot defense has done a good job of playing within themselves their philosophy very simple we keep the play in front of us rod Russ signaling in his defense he said the more the closer you are to the line of scrimmage the more aggressive you can play we don't want the highly aggressive plays way back in the secondary let's complete and there you see the result of it you notice that the defensive backs are laying off a little bit they'll sacrifice yardage for time here duper does a wise job no one touches him so he's able to roll out of bounds and save precious seconds he's down but not touched and gets out of bounds and stops the clock bright bright play and that's something that you've got to have you've got to save those seconds for 55 left the score 31 14 New England it's going to take something special for New England not to win but this is a special player [Applause] flavored that was thrown right into his myths not a wise throw by Marino Clayburn good good coverage in front of net more Dan Marino's confidence sometimes gets him in trouble he'll throw into the coverage believing that his arm can beat the coverage not true here Clayborne dropping off his man duper to come back in and just about take that football away from the receiver two receivers much closer than they should have been on that pattern that allowed Clayburn to leave this man and come in [Applause] lags are down free play for Marino and there's Claver and again swatting it way up into the crown at a beer the Patriots were offside were they drawn I believe that Marino with a sharp barking count had drawn them offsides let's see if anyone on the Miami side move Jeanne Barth the referee over 80 years of NFL experience in this quality crew and they've had a good game [Music] so there is no play it's a five-yard penalty but Miami also saves it down as that's an automatically dead ball they add four seconds to the clock Ronnie Lee right attack all the man who apparently moved before that ball was snapped [Applause] the Congo Bears played both these teams in the regular season beating New England at Soldier Field and losing their only game of the season down here on a Monday night when Miami prevailed 38:24 [Music] [Applause] platon [Applause] Joe Rose also in the area rod McSwain on that particular plate dropping off and then coming back up to make the hit but look how they have forced Marino to throw underneath today he got one long pass earlier I believe to mark Clayton everything else under 19 yards they have forced him to go underneath to be patient and then the process have been able to force the mistakes that have given them the football third and 15 in a must score situation for Miami [Applause] and again Clayburn makes the fine play on duper Raymond Claiborne showing his considerable skill now flag goes down is it against the dolphin it's against duper for throwing his helmet he lost his cool down there Claiborne simply made an outstanding play at the end of it we didn't see what happened earlier but duper is going to be penalized for throwing his helmet and as that talent hit the ground everything came out of it all the padding just bounced right out of it boy you can't lose your cool on the field [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's after the play the down counts so it'll be fourth and thirty for Miami I'll tell you the other thing within how in the world is duper gonna put that helmet back on with no ear pads and no have padding in it watch the play at the end of the play that's what duper was mad about Clayton did whack him on the arm before the play to the been a penalty it should have been a penalty now watch the Hat here he's going to throw it to the ground and that got him the penalty right there I think the official may have been blocked from that initial SWAT on the arm by duper's body now now fourth down and Biscayne Bay to go for the Dolphins [Applause] duper again intersected by clay Vern and Raymond Clayburn completes a cycle of superb coverage as he picks off the past the sixth turnover of the game for the Patriots and our they will put it up in Grand old New England the Patriots always a quality team great players and Raymond Barry has made them believe that they are what they approved to be a great team can you just ask for a light beer you like so if you don't want the less ability light beer with the first name of taste ask for Bud Light here's know as everything he'll give me a light [Music] [Music] if you visited all the places some nationwide long distance companies don't serve you be on the road a long time there are a lot of services you take for granted with AT&T that most companies don't have like calling from anywhere to anywhere operator service an immediate credit for wrong numbers looks like most companies still have a long way to go to major update Mt before you hear the better we sound AT&T the right choice January's Champions take to the ice Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner the beautiful Linda Frediani the proto Papa and everybody's favorite Dorothy Hamill The Gathering begins at the world professional figure skating championships on NBC sports world if the superball is the symbol of success and the true victory that means that the sad part of the whole tournament is that 28 teams start and 27 finish as losers and the frustration and the emotions will carry that through the rest of the way with 429 left he's right he was hit him or sit on the arm as he explains to coach Don Shula Robert weathers to the 25 their gain of five there's a situation that was the second game of the season the Bears beat New England 20 to 7 and following the game a talk with their mighty happy head coach Mike Ditka well how well he represents what George Halas built there in Chicago the patriarch of the National Football League and a sensational season very nearly a perfect one for the Bears the only Miami spoiled that and they've been perfect in the playoffs how often do we see coaches to our successful build teams in their own mold and I remember well playing against Ditka in a bear uniform pugnacious aggressive knock you down and talk about it later Ditka has created that same kind of image that same kind of feeling in the Windy City and was back to back defensive shutouts and fine offensive performances New England even though they're going to be elated about a victory here might be thinking about soon about what they're going to have to do in the Superbowl against Chicago [Applause] Irving fryer and a domestic scuffle earlier in the week severing a tendon and his little finger will not play in the Super Bowl and many teams with a jinx 18 straight losses and lose a player that quality was a tone oh here it comes again but not this edition of the Patriots I think that's the area that we can rely on most as a successful area of Bury endeavor he got them he simply said hey we can overcome the obstacles Ken Sims went down he was playing the best football on the defense he overcame that Grogan went and went down with an injury they overcame that they overcame fryers absence here today short yardage I was looking through some old notes on Raymond berry when he took the job last year and they certainly apply Berry said that his biggest coaching influence was his dad mark they're in Paris Texas and he said I learned these things from my dad always believe you can win to convince your players of their potential three insist on balance runs pass kick and special teams can you be more prophetic on that that's exactly what he's done those were the words of Barry when he took the job as a so-called interim job a year and a half ago times being spent by Miami they've used to timeouts now boy it's so tough to see it in and I know you can relate to that big guy dick I got awfully close to a championship day and a championship opportunity in a Super Bowl I lost twice in championship games against the Minnesota Vikings and I can remember the crushing hollowness of walking off of that field and realizing that it had slipped away from you like an artist building a big beautiful pot and you work and work for months and months and months then someone comes up and drops it on him but it's gone it's gone and there was bitterness there's frustration and I could look across on the other sideline and see that kind of celebration and I was angry I was always angry at the end of the game Dave Brogan you know what he's doing he he wants the Patriot fans here to get a little action of their own you got to love him he came back off off a broken leg put that uniform back on because he knew he might be needed and he said hey I'm ready to play third and three and a first time with just about any things here and weathers has got it one timeout left for Miami yet thirty five weathers who had a 45-yard runs in the first half that set up a touchdown and now it's just a matter of watching the seconds tick away and the Patriots have earned this right to celebrate on the sidelines [Applause] there were 10,000 people didn't they say waiting to meet them when they came home from Los Angeles one has to wonder what it's going to be like when they come home from this victory 74,000 978 where the attendance here today about a thousand people didn't use their tickets some of them dolphin fans have left but certainly not those who carry the red and blue of New England weathers well we have a moment yes let's acknowledge our Budweiser most valuable players for this championship game Raymond Clavin of the New England Patriots and his teammate on defense linebacker Don Blackmon Budweiser will donate $1000 to the United Way on behalf of those two defensive stars for the New England Patriots they did shut down the Miami offense and made the big plays they are two of many that we could point to today there's another second down and eight [Applause] mosy to to poo he has one of the touchdowns this afternoon that was a team that has owner Billy Sullivan I don't think Patrick is there yet he's our list banished to the stands after his postgame activities last week that drew a slap on the wrist that the interview is done already and we have 225 left Miami spending its final timeout [Applause] [Music] here's to youth beechwood aged for that clean crisp taste that says Budweiser [Music] an idea can happen anytime when you work for hewlett-packard you don't just sell business computing systems you solve problems so when you have an idea you do something about it you never stop asking what if you know that electronic mail project for the bank what do you use HP message New England 31 Miami 14 the head man of the team has a chance to bask in the glory as well 256 yards rushing for this Patriot offense today now back to back games playoff games Miami's defense giving up too many yards on the ground and now the Patriots will use up those 30 seconds in fact now it'll tick down to the two-minute warning he may be happiest of all in fact the younger players all saying we love Julius Adam so much that we'd like to give him a chance to go to a Superbowl [Applause] and the old man's gonna get his chance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Alcoa presents fantastic finishes 1984 Don Shula's dolphins are tied with the Cowboys at 2100 with just a minute 47 seconds left Danny Moreno out of his shotgun fires completed to Mark Clayton at midfield RINO's record for th TD pass mark plays record 18th P D reception the answer is yes what a fantastic year for Clayton and the kid from Pittsburgh glad we could get together oh but we better hurry can't miss the concert right oh no we save our aluminum cans for the animal shelter they raise money by recycling what an idea hey what kind of dog is that a purebred aluminum retriever oh no no retriever I thought Harry recycle buy beverages in aluminum cans and recycle this is Bob Costas in New York following the final guns stay with us for the postgame show it's the Patriots and the Bears in the Super Bowl Mike Ditka will join us live from Chicago his thoughts on his second meeting of the year with New England they played in week two we'll also have a mod Rashad in the happy locker room of the New England Patriots for the final moments let's go back to Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen at the Orange Bowl all right Bob Costas and of course everyone around the country already starting they anticipate two weeks hence Super Bowl 20 in New Orleans and we'll be pleased them proud to bring it to you here on NBC [Applause] which is just aa tell you what Raymond will chip in will throw in our our booty here just to see you jump in the air one show missed some emotion come on you're almost gonna go to the Super Ball if his idea of getting emotional as the smile heart well I'm afraid there's not even a prayer here for these dolphins on fourth down Miami won't get a final chance they don't have a single man back 11 men on the line of scrimmage Oh Camarillo is gonna see all of the Miami defense on this one and it'll just roll play dat dis ride didn't try to spiral that end-over-end so he gets a good kick down to the 14 yard line dick I had a chance to sit down and talk to Raymond berry and I I said are you having fun and Raymond said you know he said being the head coach in New England is kind of like being on a trip through the desert he said most of it is hard work and it's difficult and you're out there all day long and he said finally you've come to an oasis and for a brief time you can drink deeply and he said that's the great the best part of the job is those brief stops at the Oasis well last week their palm trees in Los Angeles they had that Oasis there and I believe looking out here there are some palm trees right outside the stadium I think this might be the sweetest oasis that he stopped at so far and I got to tell you inside even though he's not showing us he has to be bursting with joy this is some man he was a twentieth round draft pick by the Colts out of SMU talk about overachievers he was slow but he worked and worked on patterns made himself the Hall of Fame record-setting receiver [Music] Marino's short again this town he goes under pressure [Applause] both locker rooms will get a feeling from New England and Miami as well as Mike Ditka's feelings about his victory another shutout today against the Rams and maybe some early thoughts on these New England Patriots [Applause] turn it over six times think chula pretty tough to beat a good team and New England has proved that at six rings a bell that's exactly the number of turnovers committed by the Raiders last week I'll say what I said then forced errors they're not unforced errors Tony Nathan using the umpires a shield and a little backyard to play and I believe that was a forward lateral and Miami will be penalized it was a forward pass beyond the line of scrimmage and that's a penalty I believe it's a planned play marked off from the spot of the foul [Applause] Gracie you know Shula best of all what do you think we're gonna hear from him in the next couple three days I think he's going to be honest and upfront about it he's going to say the Patriots beat him obviously you can't put the ball on the ground but I think he's going to have nothing but high praise for the job that Raymond berry did and for the Patriots they beat him fair and square he has a special place in his heart for Barry don't they but then he always tells it the way it is if he gets beat he'll come out and say hey I got thee Moreno had to throw it away because Garen verus that talented rookie defensive end was on top of him Bob a question for you Miami's given up over 500 yards rushing in two weeks the Shula is surely going to have to rebuild this defense boy that's the same thing he said last year after he lost the Superboy's said we weren't happy with our run defense we're gonna have to do it but it's easier said than done you go to the draft and how do you get good players he lost bomb our were coming into this year and that was a big loss but Larry Gordon - Larry Gordon and some other defensive players so they still had the problem they still can't stop the run and it's still a problem that he needs to address in the offseason triple right formation for Miami on second and 10 from there 30 trailing 3114 Moreno forcing it blowing away again Clayburn wearing his jersey right on mark duper executive producer of NBC Sports is Michael Weissman the coordinating producer of NBC's football coverage and the director of today's game is Ted Nathanson today's game was produced by Larry Cirillo technical director Lenny Stucker George sprinkle are I so unit producer John Gonzalez working as the director on that unit right so unit technical director Steve Cimino NFL 85 produced by John J Filippelli and if al 85 directed by Bucky guns and their technical director in New York Salvatore negita I want to thank all of our help from the booth and Bob Griese for joining us looking forward to our next step the final championship Super Bowl in New Orleans two weeks from today [Music] Andre typical pressuring and it goes incomplete to Carter [Applause] the Lamar Hunt Championship trophy for the American Football Conference title that will go and we have you too said back in the middle of the season the England Patriots would be the American football champions especially after a two and three start you might have to run for cover they would want to put a straightjacket on you but Barry has brought this team together and made them believe and they have certainly played to their talent this is the last gas fourth and ten - duper knocked away by Marion it's New England's wall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well he's been a good player for him Fred Marian all season long seven interceptions didn't make the pro ball any the Patriots felt very badly about that although seven of his teammates will go to Honolulu three games in the playoffs against three tough teams Tony Eason 69% completions conservative attack albeit five touchdowns no interceptions he has done exactly what Raymond berry asked him to do one has to wonder and how they will match up against the Chicago Bears that's the New England locker room this offer mama shut Sullivan they general manager they call him John L Sullivan in Boston Raymond berry with 45 seconds left there was the smile we asked for I wonder if he's ever been carried off the field I bet there were times Unitas wanted to bet there were two Raymond berry the man in that may be most famous of all NFL games at sudden-death championship game he caught 12 passes you could sense even then the embarrassment almost embarrassed by that success but loving every minute of it 15 seconds left Shula who coach berry is final five years as a Baltimore Colt searching out his opposing coach today tremendous admiration these two men have for one another one man will be in the Hall of Fame Shula that man's there as a player you see him looking for a coach Shula there was the handshake between the two of them jackie gleason longtime resident of Miami and one of their favorites down here ran into him last night and you can almost say away we go is the story for the New England Patriots they're on their way to New Orleans [Applause] [Music] the dick we said at the beginning of broadcast was like a winner-take-all poker game and indeed the New England Patriots the whole they played their cards [Applause] [Music] Lexington and Concord and Brockton and Foxborough and Boston and the fans who have supported this team and and know the other end of the emotion today they can share with the New England Patriots New England champions of the American Football Conference [Music] [Music] a good idea by itself may go nowhere it needs other good ideas technology from a company called TRW makes the most of ideas by helping them work together and working together is the best idea in the world tomorrow is taking shape at a company called TRW [Music] what's this stuff guy after aftershave skin conditioner I know I thought I was the only guy with sensitive skin every time I shave I get it right here what do you fellas use cuz shaving irritates my whole face after try it looks different it's rich it's a lotion after Sue's razor scrape sensitive skin hey this feels great and smells good too traffic sensible care for sensitive skin after aftershave skin conditioner so the Super Bowl matchup is set you will see it two weeks from today January 26 from the Superdome in New Orleans on NBC it begins with our pregame show at 3:00 Eastern Time Super Bowl 20 and American celebration the kickoff between the Patriots and the Bears shortly after 5 o'clock with Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen 3114 New England ending all kinds of streaks they go to the Super Bowl as a wild-card team only one wild-card team has ever won it that was the Raiders a few years back they also accomplished it in New Orleans they end the long winning streak of the Dolphins at 8 and they snap the jinx that had gone back to 1966 they lost 18 in a row at the Orange Bowl not today they dominated taking the ball away from the Dolphins 6 times earlier today at Soldier Field in Chicago the Bears fulfilled their destiny they are in the Super Bowl 24 nothing over the Rams it's the fourth shutout of the year for the Bears and remarkably in 18 games they have held the opposition to 10 points or less 13 times let's go to Mike Ditka who is standing by in Chicago Mike first of all congratulations and some thoughts on the New England Patriots your opponent now in the Super Bowl well Bob thank you it's great to play the pitchers we played him the second game of the season and we thought at that time they were the best football team we had seen on film coming out of the exhibition season defensively and I think what Ray's done there is tremendous or a good football team with great balance and I think they played the game the way it's supposed to be played they don't do anything really spectacular they just do what it takes to beat you and I think that's a credit to him and his coaching staff obviously they hadn't hit their stride in week two when you played them but you dominated them winning 22 7 and it wasn't that close six sacks for takeaways well I think we caught them off balance and I think it'll be a lot of different football game this time I think their running game is much different than it was earlier and I think you know the maturity of Tony Eason a quarterback has really helped him he's done a great job for them and you know they really deserve to be there I really feel that they're the best team in the American Football Conference I'm sure that makes a lot of people mad but that's what I feel there were some skeptics who said two-thirds of the way through the season the Bears peaked and they were right to be taken in the playoffs no sign of that with the back-to-back shutouts well you don't know you have to look hard and long to find those skeptics anymore don't you do you feel right now at this point that you are at your ultimate peak or was there any time during the season when the Bears were playing better football I think we can play better on offense I don't think we played well enough on offense today we had a great output from our quarterback and our receivers but we didn't do a good enough job in the running game we much rushed to football better if we're gonna be successful but our defenses really played exceptional football we've had you know 11 12 13 guys on defense who have really gone out there and played hard and and I think what buddy has done with the different schemes on defenses confused some people and he's put a tremendous amount of pressure on the opposition so it's just a matter of we can take something away from them we can play them all tough last question would it be fair to say there's a little bit of electricity and excitement around Chicago tonight it's a great city and it deserves what's happening right now and hopefully we can carry it all the way through Mike thanks [Music] the sound you hear in the background comes from the Patriot locker room let's go back down to the orange ball alright Bobby in a happy locker room the new lien pages have done it now for the presentation for the AFC Championship trophy by Lamar Hunt Lamar oh my thanks in 1960 the Patriots joined seven other renegades to form the American Football League and now 26 years later that championship day has come for the Patriots the last of those original a bill to win a championship of the old Americans and I think so highly of this man he's the guy that was the father of it he nurtured it he kept it alive all through the years and I just it gives me a fantastic pleasure to present the AFC Championship trophy to Bill Sullivan to my friend Raymond berry and to the New England Patriots [Applause] [Music] congratulations mister somebody had to be a gratifying year for you in this view I'm out I must say this that if there's a happy man in the world and I I don't know who he is and I must thank God for all of his blessings but particularly for bringing Raymond berry the loyalty of our fans the loyalty of our family 27 years old Lamar Hunt founded the American Football League and 27 years ago he said if you will have a $25,000 check on deposit at the mercantile Trust Bank in Dallas by the close of business Tuesday you own the a franchise I had 83 hundred bucks to my name I wasn't a football player and I borrowed the rest and we got the money there and the mile it's very appropriate that you should present this because if anyone represents the success of the league it's not a guy named Lamar Hunt all right congratulations it just seems to me that it doesn't matter where you guys put you've been on the road three weeks you just keep turning it up it's hard to believe this is all happening we thought we could do it but when it happens it's still hard to believe I'm just we have so much to be thankful for and for mr. Sullivan and with Pat Dick Steinberg who get all these players here and our coaches down and our football team and our fans just it's hard to believe it's happening but you've come a long way yeah by year and a half ago this team was in disarray you came in everything settled down a lot of confidence on this team now yeah they have played up to their capabilities and I felt like I told him yesterday all I was concerned about was playing like they can play and I thought things to be all right I think they played pretty good but they keep doing that you'll have a Super Bowl trophy all right let's go upstairs to dick Merlin and Bob congratulations to Ray Barry that's the kind of offense used to run 12 passes one two and four yard touchdown passes they may not be able to do that against the Bears the Bears are the number one team the National Football League against the run so it's gonna be interesting to see what they come up with they're gonna make Easton throw longer than those one what were your impressions and how do you feel New England will stack up against that bear defense well I think Papa Bear Hal is looking down from somewhere the coach Lombardi looking down has to be pleased to have to be pleased running game and great defense those are the name of the game for the coming Super Bowl and these are two teams that have done it best during the year traditional football at its best and I think we can look forward to New Orleans see if he only could have a contrast and coaches personality going going into the Super Bowl but we'll be Mike Ditka and Raymond berry two former assistant coaches under Tom Landry how the Dallas Cowboys will meet two weeks from now in New Orleans and we go to New York and Bob Costas all right thanks very much and we'll see you all in New Orleans quickly axe the early line Bears and Patriots Bears will be favored between nine and ten points they will be because you think that's what the line is likely to be out of Vegas or because you think that's about right yourself that's what the line will be out of Vegas and that's about right now thanks for thankfully we have two weeks to work on this Don figure out which size is gonna be the right size all right Pete will see on Bourbon Street 4p tax tone for Larry King for a mod Rashad who was in the locker room today at the Orange Bowl in Miami and of course for Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen we thank all of you for being with us today on NFL 85 our coverage of the AFC championship game a reminder two weeks from today we begin with the pregame show Super Bowl 20 an American celebration at 3:00 Eastern Time the kickoff shortly after 5:00 Eastern Time the Bears and the Patriots congratulations to both of those teams and we'll see you in two weeks a promotional thing has been paid to NBC by United Airlines you're not just flying you're flying the friendly skies this has been a presentation of NBC Sports proud to be the network of Super Bowl 20 [Music]
Channel: Walter White
Views: 33,344
Rating: 4.7542663 out of 5
Id: ILsnMm8Dasc
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Length: 99min 48sec (5988 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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