Super Bowl XXIV - 49ers vs Broncos

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the Superdome in New Orleans a site Superbowl number 24 and we're just about set this is the ultimate San Francisco you are the visiting team and we'll be calling the toss this is the commemorative coin this side is heads this side is tails this side is heads this side is tails Denver who will be our spokesman 54 will be the spokesman mr. Montana would you please call a toss in the air Willie Wood will you represent your fellow inductees into the Hall of Fame and toss the coin go ahead and toss it call it in the air tails is called heads in there you will receive what's called has one nataas well-received [Music] so we'll say John Elway and the Denver office first that has to encourage them already you know anything anytime in a big game I always like to lose the coin to us and and let my defense go out there and play first I always think in a big game you don't have to get your guys pumped up they're usually too pumped up so if you're playing with a pumped up group you'd rather have your kickoff team playing and your defense first because I'll tell you John Elway is so pumped up and he is so strong that he could throw a 20-yard pass he could throw it 50 yards the first time he throws it well Carrington and Bell will be back deep for the Broncos and Mike cofer will kick it off for the 49ers very strong leg and Super Bowl 24 about to get underway I said earlier John man and I've been here ten days and we're about as psyched up as anybody was saying I just can't wait to get this thing started I think everyone feels that way I Drive [Applause] - about the 23 Steve Hendrickson forty-niners will take over beg your pardon the Broncos will start it John Elway the quarterback of wound John Madden was just speaking to and old against the 49ers it'll be first and ten from the twenty three horse and Mobley will be starting a tight end instead of parents game Steve Sewell split wide to the left that's a new wrinkle Bobbie Humphrey is the lone setback under through it we've hid it from Mark Jackson let's look at the 49er defense they start with a three-man front that the front that changes from time to time hope Michael Carter starting and Kevin Fagan upfront Kaylie Mellon Walter and Turner the linebackers and in the secondary Pollard Griffin Ronnie Lott Chet Brooks the two safeties and Eric Wright and Tim Metoyer when they go with the extra defensive back melvin bratton in the backfield now this time with Humphrey second attempt from the 23 mrs. again and I think you said something quite correctly in the beginning John he's so pumped up that those first two passes have been the overthrown and just not close that's right and eventually he'll he'll get in some kind of rhythm in this game but you hate to have to come out first and do it in a big game like this and then your first two plays or passes and that is a very tough thing to do brings up third and 10 shotgun formation he was taken down by bears hope the Broncos fail on their first possession and they'll have to punt and those were the things of 49ers wanted to do good defense the first time they get in the shotgun not only put pressure on Elway but keep it contained I ran left footed putter hi to John Taylor fair catch about the 34 yard line [Applause] 40-yard kick here comes Joe Montana and has heapin spectacular of late almost perfection in front of him an offensive line of Bubba Parris McIntyre [Music] Alley Harris Barton the tightness Brett Jones the formidable backfield of Roger Craig and Tom Rathbun on the two magnificent wide receivers rice and Taylor price honorable [Applause] fake to Drake [Music] made the contact here's the defense for Denver Carrick or Cragen and Holmes upfront the linebackers Brooks Denison Mecklenburg and Fletcher and a tough secondary particularly the safeties of that water and Smith with Braxton and Henderson the cornerbacks and when they need six it's Robinson corrington Rathlin is out and Terence Flagler is in that's Flagler in motion [Applause] Roger crane [Music] [Applause] rights with a good block the other guy that got a good block was the right tackle Harris Barton again that's his counter play watch number 79 pull out here right there see Saturday night he's going to come and make the block right there on mecklenburg the first block then he gets another linebacker Harris Barton formed that lane for Roger Craig [Applause] that's artwork for an offensive lineman back to front [Applause] and for Roger [Applause] you know the 49ers with Mike Holmgren now they script only their first 15 plays and then Mike Holmgren told us and Joe Montana said that in the first five specifically they would like to get the ball to Jerry Rice this is what the horseplay coming up right second at 10 the Denver 49 [Applause] got maybe a couple stop [Applause] Roger Craig had the flu missed an entire day of practice earlier in the week lost nine pounds he went from 214 to 205 he was wearing a sweat suit yesterday was showing how baggy it was he just it just hung on him like a sack they said that maybe he'll be quicker he feels strong but I think the big test for Craig will be in the second half this will be a good test right here for the Denver four wide receivers for the 49ers [Applause] straight pass spray [Applause] should be close to a first down pickup of nine it is first down San Francisco there one of the things that had the Broncos so concerned was Roger Craig but the first guy missing him he said that they have looked at film and Roger Craig makes the first tackler miss him more than any back they've seen and then that's why they get so many big plays because not only does Roger Craig do it that's the same thing their ends do Atwater is the linebacker in the Broncos nickel and he had Craig all the way man-to-man and Greg just got away from it first down 49ers Montana go to work again first down Braxton was the first man to hit him nine-yard gain collar see how many Broncos were on that deck although that's one of the things that the Broncos want to do defensively they know that rice is going to catch some pass and Craig you're going to get his plays and John Taylor but the minute they catch a pass they want to be there to knock it away or make the tackle don't let it take that little one and make a big one out of it second and one [Applause] and not backward five crooks Carragher Mike Brooks is that strong side linebacker much of he is up here at the end there now he is going to come he's coming on a blitz so he starts he gets penetration Rathmann misses a block you don't see a lot of Rathbun misses but when he missed and Michael Brooks was right there for the tackle in the law that makes it third and four extra defensive backs in the game for Denver I started in motion and slides for pick up a champ you know any time you give a quarterback a lane to run in for a first down he has to take it let's just lane we stop it right there you see the big hole there look at this hole the lane here now Montana knows if he can get to here he has the first down that's what happens when your pass rushers get out of there pass rush Lane [Applause] first and ten no score yet [Applause] into the 20 Fletcher brought it down when the team gets to the 20-yard line the 20-yard line in that's called the red zone now the 49ers feel that the Broncos one of the best things they do is play defense in this area a lot of times they'll rush three and they'll drop eight guys so they figure that rather than passing in this zone they think they can have more success running secondly typical 42 minute drive [Music] rice rice scores for San Francisco didn't take long another one of those Joe Montana drives Jerry Rice a big play and the thing Denver did the thing they said they couldn't do when they catch the ball you got they didn't and one of their best tacklers is the one who hit rice and bounced off Atwater Bofur for the extra point [Applause] a 10-play Drive San Francisco seven Denver nothing 66 yards touchdown pass from Montana to rice from 20 yards out they kept the ball three minutes and 59 seconds typical Joe Montana 49er Drive is John Madden said Earl Liggett was there talking to the defense of the Broncos and he's telling them that we have to get our hands up and get take care of those pass rest lanes because they did janna random picked up the first down then under touchdown pass no pass rush whatsoever Carrington back teeth with its charity [Applause] 25 yard line Romanowski let's watch it touchdown again Pat and we'll see Jerry Rice is here and he's going to come right in here to the middle and uncover Montana gets back he tries to throw to the right can't find anyone and comes later to right watch him he's even going to come on a little roll to the right and then he looks and looks and looks but look at the pass protection he has look at the time he can look all the bill then rice uncovers now one two missed tackles and that you cannot do with a shovel pass up to Humphrey Bobbie Humphrey almost broken Ronnie Lott finally tripped him up pickup of 20 with tooth track ribs [Applause] they Bobby Humphrey is added so much to this drunkle offense they've always been a passing team and a John Elway but when they got Humphrey they got a runner they got a thousand-yard runner I'll tell you the two guys that loved him as one is Elway because it takes some pressure off him the other ones the entire offensive line first [Applause] back now they say no and it's just an incomplete pass this this stuff really isn't trickery for most teams you would call these trick plays for the Broncos this is part of their basic offense you just call the shovel pass here he shovels Humphrey isn't lookin and the shovel hits him right in the back shovel too quick yeah or Humphrey look too late second attempt from a San Francisco 47 whoa stood in her first down stop by Chet Brooks and Tina Turner I like when Humphrey is doing there he's breaking through the hole that wants to pass protection here they start to pass protect make them rush then that gives holes for a delay for the running game see when the defense is going to take off after Elway then they can give that delay play well played Bobbie Humphrey that's where he's been so effective on all year and he got another Bronco first down Berkeley moves out Clarence K is the tiny [Music] [Applause] gain of 6 stop by said rooks again I think this is why the Broncos were so concerned about K being able to play watch him number 88 here you see how he can block Tina Turner he just gets him knocked out K was a guy who created that hole for Bobbie Humphrey Elway was saying yesterday that this guy is the better blocker Mowgli perhaps a better receiver second and four they give Humphreys played you would rather have [Applause] only in motion gone play [Applause] picked up three so that leaves about a yard short of a dozen Bronco first down [Applause] Oh are they they did a good job there that Keith carts and Doug Weddell really take off watch the center here the block boom boom they get this going back and then they can get the first down 172 Keith carts Doug Weddell they get that pile going back John Elway just gets in behind it those Elway is a big strong guy [Applause] set back again the shuttle pass again all the way just bats it down [Applause] once it was great twice it was near disaster I know it at that time it he looked like he was going to shovel the ball to Haley watch him here watch 94 Haley comes in in a rush what's his shovel here he's trying to get it to Humphrey Haley like a basketball player just knocks it out of there a month Elway says he wants that to be an incomplete pass they just knocks it down so it's 2nd and 10 from the 49 or 25 [Applause] is the old chief formation look at this now under severe pressure I don't think that he's gotten calmed down [Music] [Applause] the direction of Mark Jackson with the 49ers dan Griffin was the prior where the cysts from Tim Makai do you say that was that was not all Elway there that was that was great defense by the 49ers [Applause] shred well we'll attempt to kick the field goal for the Broncos with gary kubiak holding this will be 42 yards away [Music] [Applause] and good enough the Bronco death the scoreboard so 647 left to play in the first quarter the 49ers 7 Denver Broncos 3 [Applause] Terrence Flagler back deep for the 49ers [Applause] the story of the Broncos storing drive which was finished off with a 42 yard field goal by Treadwell they kept at 10 plays when 49 yards and kept it 3 minutes and 19 seconds I think and they were able to do that with John Elway just completing 1 out of 7 and that was a shovel pass again Tim Burton the story continues there they just keep sewing that Jersey tighter and tighter remember that short yardage play he got double team I'm sure he feels he was held doesn't want to give them anything to grab she answered everything tight to Jersey here's Montana flushed out of the pocket chased out of bounds by Alfonso character no game I think that's great Denver defense there that's what they want to do is they clamped on the short guy there was no one for Montana to throw to so then they scram they scramble that to the right now they have them let's just watch it here and we'll see here once he starts to throw you see that back foot hit now he wants to throw and look at this Denver defense we're all on the line here he has nothing open [Applause] second and 10 of the 18 [Applause] to fill the hole with park Huntford they knock it down rice [Music] [Applause] wide receivers [Applause] chased out of the pocket it's written incomplete they didn't let my thrown to the first guy he want to do back deep Vance Johnson is number 82 and Barry Helton [Applause] the University of Colorado [Applause] gets up to about midfield maybe the four th stop by Johnny Jackson and keep the ball [Applause] [Music] get over in good shape but the 49ers lead seven at 3 with 535 525 player will the homework being done on the Denver sideline man home Lima pan is Charlie waters who was of course an outstanding defensive back years ago with the not too many years ago as a matter of fact with the Dallas Cowboys first down denver their own 48 that some are all the giant madmen Super Bowl number 24 Chaidez set up for Denver [Applause] forty-niners hanate recovered by Chet Brooks that's a big play for the 49ers here because if Broncos just scored and their last possession with the field goal that could feel position here that was one of the things I think they were worried with Bobbie Humphrey if he plays will that extra protection on his ribs will that caused him to fumble because when you put the ball up against that extra protection you can't feel it against your body I don't know that that's what caused it but that is a concern coming into the game it certainly looked like the ball just slid out of there this is Branko 40-yard line stop by mecklenburg a gain of 14 a flag on the play [Applause] the officials there as was a big claim in the 49er defense that went by the official Tom Rath Ben told me yesterday he loves to play in the silver to holding number 61 offense 10 yards snow that's the first penalty of the game it's against the center for the 49ers Jesse Sapolu Matt Millen you know that's not a payphone that's telling of what what they did on that play and what he did where Humphrey ran [Applause] right they get most of it back Dennis Smith rice is almost a perfect athlete I mean just away he runs and moves and catches and then runs after he catches his toughness going inside outside whatcha minute he catches that ball he's is continuing running this guy is a threat on any play anytime I think not only is he the best wide receiver and in football today but maybe one of the best if not the best it's ever played this game none not much question about it first down you're watching him practice so you know why he's so good he practices at full speed all the time I mean the guy is just amazing and watching he in Montana remember we watched him in Thursday the other day in practice Montana only threw one incomplete pass all day entire practice to a perfect of practices I've ever seen almost perfect again to the Rams as well let's rattling over the right side Rick Dennison with the assist - yard pickup by Ratman second down hit for 42 right Steve Atwater and Dennis Smith Ola stop the Bronco defenses is really doing what Wade Phillips wanted other than the touchdown to Jerry Rice where there is a couple of missed tackles what the Broncos want to do is anytime a Roger Craig gets the ball or Jerry Rice and Tom Rothman get a whole bunch of orange jerseys there on them you'll not rely on one or two guys but half four or five and six guys pack - cray the old counterplay close to a first down I had to measure Gregg friggin let the Bronco defense the first time Craig random ball that Barton got out there and made a wall for him and he had a big gainer that time to Bronco defense played it pretty well I think that's gonna bring up fourth down it is this is a big decision here for for George Seifert you're in the Superbowl your first year as a head coach as a head coach you hate those things left fourth downs in short you gotta make him he's made his they're going after it thummell Denver has it water came up with it got four yards you wonder if there is no first time say they have fouled that up more than anything this year that fumble thing it used to be simple if a guy fumble there was a fumble now they got it when it's down and when the whistle blew looked like he was down but you don't know when the whistle blew so what they're saying is that whistle blew before that ball came out anyway so it's supporting that in first down Paul's at the Denver 31 Jerry Rice also was in the area second and ten out of the pocket Tyrone Braxton there's a fired up quarterback Tyrone Braxton I think he was sick and tired of here in the hall week about how bad the Bronco corners were and what Jerry Rice is going to do here they have good pass protection to let Montana get out to this position Braxton run it all the way stay in with his receiver right at the end reaching his right hand around and making that play on John Taylor you know these guys are pro athletes they have right - and sometimes they just have to kind of take it for a while kena won't throw it again gets inside the can pick up a 21-yard looks like the 49ers game playing pad is to work Jerry Rice early to the inside every passage quad has been in around the hash marks are in the middle of the field Bibles add a little bit again is always thinking what to do after he catches a pass first and goal from the 9 with the 49ers steps out of a couple of tacklers got it down to about two seven Ron home finally brought him down second and from the seventh has taken my burger place Montana forty-niner touchdown second touchdown pass of the day by Montana first winter rice this one to Brent Jones Brent Jones is going to take that ball home with him a big part of that success with joe Montana's ability to run that was a bootleg pass Topher's extra point is not good thirteen two three Henry's just saying to the referee I want to see you but Montana is going to bootleg to see you fake the run to the left and then you come out to the right and I still think that no one runs to his right and throws the ball better than Joe Montana I think some of the things that he's done this year and over his career is so amazing because he's doing the same things that 27 other quarterbacks in the league try to do but he does it so much easier than the rest of them and I think a little bit quicker too I think that's that's the whole if there's one success or one key to the success of this 49er team if there's one word to me would be quit even in practice we watch them during the week everything seems to happen so fast opers kickoff goes to Bell about six knocked down by Spencer Tillman that's the end of the first quarter with the score San Francisco 13 the Broncos 3 CBS Sports bringing you Super Bowl number 20 for the 49ers scoring Montana 20-yard pass to rice for a touchdown then the Broncos got a 42-yard field goal from Treadwell and then the 49ers came right back with another Montana touchdown pass 7 yards to the tight end Brent Jones Montana 7 out of 12 two touchdowns Elway 1 out of 7 there's a guy out there with a jacket and some equipment I think they must be changing some equipment on the umpire or referee they just had that guy come right out during this jacket to start testing stuff Jerry Rice having some work done on his back back in the background back there we know Jerry Rice even when we watched him practice he just continues to do stuff like this to to stay loose I think that he lost 15 I was over a year ago so lightly you always have to keep stuff spreads down his Elway a same complaint almost intercepted and tended to mark for Mark Jackson Michael Walter they talk about that Elway crossed paths that John Elway throws that ball so hard that it will put a cross on the receivers it may put a cross on a defensive guy after a rebound like the Walter could have got that thing after it comes up the Bronco onto him half an Elway cross second of ten 13 to 3 San Francisco right here again the intended receiver Elway's only completed one pass today and that was a shovel pass and part of it maybe is Elway but a big part of it is this defense to look at Ronnie like you're worried about him how his leg was going to be all he told yesterday was there's a football game that means that he's going to be there he's going to play the way around a lot always play here's Elway out of the shotgun again 8:07 they're a little frustrated here the frustration of not winning the Super Bowl all that thought and then come in the game and they get down 13 they have to keep their composure because you have to keep playing you can't lose you can't lose your composure John Taylor back T signals Bearcats again and makes it about the 32 the 49ers up by 10 have dominated the clock as well 13 to 3 forty-niner ball at their own thirty-one our old Mecklenburg back in on defense with our Broncos they put a brace on his leg the rapper gain of 18 Rathbun stopped by Simon Fletcher Tom Rothman came from Nebraska where he was really a blocking type guy never catches a fast comes with the 49ers now they make a pass receiver out of him this year during the season he caught 73 passes most of them like this those little check through things where you find a hole in their check through in my 10 just dumped 45 a gain of six stop by Mumford you look at Roger Craig helmets their helmet and you see it says Husker on it he and grassman have the same thing in fact there's three of the 49ers a went to Nebraska Jamie Williams and of course Cragen Rathman and at the front of their helmet Dan says Huskers second is the hustler San Francisco Steve at order a gain of nine they're funny how it always takes a bunch of guys to get breakdown knowing they don't keep stats on that but you wonder how many guys the first guy ever tackled him one-on-one you know it always looks like he'll make the first and second and third and then you really don't get breakdown until you get about five or six guys there see how he steps out of that tackle he makes cuts he's swiveling he makes guys and don't get him until a whole bunch of worms jerseys together out of his socks again out of the pocket to play one of the rare times you'll see Montana go left and through it and you see what happened he went left and throw it over Jerry Rice's head there's Steve Wallace now he comes in and plays left tackle for Bubba Paris Terry couch plays right guard for Bruce Kiley they play half you see Bubba will play the first quarter and third quarter Steve Wallace number 74 now plays the second and fourth quarter they call it tag-team tackle Steve Atwater tripped him up Letta pick up a plow I'd say if they don't get any pad any better pass rush and there's then it's going to be a long day they're going to set Super Bowl records throwing watch watch Joe Montana here now he's ready to throw when he pumps right here look at the protection yes here's the line here's Montana and look how long he has to pop he's back there looked and looked and looking and they better get closer to him and start getting someone knocking him down and this is going to be a long long day for the Bronco first the 16 stopped by Atwater eight-yard gain I think Roger Craig he lost the nine pounds this week and he may run right out of his uniform we know he got those socks off already doesn't he doesn't have enough leg to hold up the slot look like you just run right out of the Jersey and the pants could fall down this guy is a player he only knows one way to play he practices that same this is Flagler in motion this time behind the line but close to first down yardage Michael Brooks made the initial hit and gets the 49er birthday Munford and mecklenburg got three yard magic Craig plays football the way it's supposed to be played I mean he he's he not only plays it hard and he plays it quick and he plays it fast but he plays it with a smile on his face I mean he is a guy who enjoys playing football there were some people early in the year who said he's taken too many hits as a running back that he's lost a step he was incensed by those remarks saying I've never felt better I would be incensed by those down break this time by Kragen no game second and ten bring again not much again Henderson out of the band out of bounds tailor to the right [Applause] and that final ones got him to about the two yard line Tom Rath was telling me yesterday said he loves to play in this place he said he has his best games and his most physical games in this dome now I have no idea how you can have your most physical games and anything that has a roof on it but that's the way this guy feels that's the way he thinks this is another big big call for George Seifer here fourth it's short and they're gonna go for the second diamond gun 10 I indicated that no question in his mind golde San Francisco they lead it by Chen already 8:14 left to play in the first half punch the left side of that line take off and they don't let the Broncos get any penetration then you have a big 235 pounds fully and if the orange jerseys don't get penetration over the white then Rathmann is going to get a first down don't think so carick are made to stop once when that ball is snapped how quickly everyone moved everyone moves at the same time good block there good block there by Rathmann Kragen gets the penetration 71 and he's the guy that didn't allow him to get in the end zone second and goal well they haven't signaled yet the officials haven't [Applause] by raspen hey having a big game like this Rathbun and Craig they're gonna name a city after been to state of Nebraska it was all Montana this of Montana that but this drive has been rasping this and crank back the two Cornhuskers Cofer for the extra point he missed the last one Oh 7:15 left to play in the first half at the Superdome 49ers 22 3 over Denver that's what you call in Nebraska Drive Rathmann ran three times and had three receptions Craig ran 17 seven times as you say 13 of those 14 plays the two old corn Huskers first kick the Carrington the special teams leads the charge Rocko's take over they'll have it first and 10 at their own 21 bro football is getting to be a game of coordinators here's the offensive coordinator Mike Holmgren of the 49ers he makes a good call they score a touchdown let's take hip fives up in the press box now for the coaches a lot of rumors about him perhaps very shortly and this fog about that the New York Jets and the very good head Bobbie Humphrey back for a three-yard loss that melon was fired up yesterday he says that he knows how to attack he said a guard pulled boom I hit that hole and attack I don't know that anyone attacks of like Matt Millen or celebrate he was showing me his shoes he said he played here in Super Bowl 15 in this stadium against the Philadelphia Eagles and he said he wore the same shoes he brought out those shoes he said they they they weren't good in Super Bowl 15 and he said I think they're going to work good in Super Bowl 24 well so far they really are working good section 13 oh wait not much to bring up third and 11 Fagin made to stop with an assist from Midland yeah we were out here in the practice field yesterday I was talking to Matt Bill and they had all these tractors and floats out here and he said he looked at those tractors and he said he's look at all those great looking tractors he said it's too bad they have to ruin them by pulling floats behind him I've never seen a linebacker that ever liked to float any way behind a tractor Lester like to track her the flow he looks like he could operate the track through the hands of Mark Jackson that one was there the ball so hard but he had everything here he has good pass protection he has a good pop could see the pocket there where he can step up find his receiver and then still step up and throw that's excellent pass protection as you say you've got to catch those after catches Ronnie Lott came up and gave him a forearm in the head to refine him he was going to be there again as John Taylor in the park operate one more time with good field position 30 yard punt maybe a yard hiren Braxton and Dennis Smith the stop you know one thing the Broncos didn't do early they didn't pressure Montana so he was able to get those first couple touchdown now they can go to their running game already look they've only sacked him once but that was one time when Montana I ran out of bounds they've only made him hurried twice you know throw when he didn't want to but more important than that they have yet to knock him down and I think that if you are going to have any success against Joe Montana you gotta knock him down yet the Broncos haven't knocked him down yet today man rush right here although one of the up linemen backs out of there by Dennis Smith you see has it reputation of being one of the toughest the safety men in fact both of the bronco safety men do that here's something watch Dennis Smith 49 he's getting back in his zone read and readin then he sees a ball thrown and he's going to come out the first guy holds them up a little here watch your first guy it kind of a Braxton kinda has them held up Craig was in the middle of a spin and Dennis Smith just unloaded on him 39 it failed quick pass hit by Braxton and Atwater thank Braxton these guys are getting fired up a little too late I mean I know that they have to do it but the 49ers just did surgery on this Bronco defense in his first half Vance Johnson back deep berry Hilton will be the punter I don't think the Broncos have enough guys out there in front return right covers by pill Romanowski one more time third time he's made the tackle on special teams that was a good move by the 49ers they didn't huddle they just rushed their punt team out and both punted the ball and Denver really wasn't out there and organized when they got that pun off Oh a dumps it out I'm up for it to the 20 taste is stopped by Michael Carter hey let's watch Michael Carter here here's the guy so strong watch him it is going to start in the pasture he's always going to get TT foamies datacenter comes off the guard starts pushing with down right back into the quarterback now he sees the ball thrown hope turns and runs right down the line where the guys going to be and gets a hit on Bobbie Humphrey Michael Carter hasn't been healthy all year but when he is he's the best nose tackle in the game negative six Loida throw it Matt melon made the stop I don't know that K caught that bastard maybe the first one but watch what happens when you're as good as Michael Carter your arms or that big when you go to jump they're going to cut you what you're going to try and get your hands up they don't go up with you you go up they go down crap they go and they just block you're writing your toes no way to throw it again gets it to Johnson way out to about the 34 yard line beat Kugler Don Griffin made the stop two minutes left in the first half with the 49ers dominating the Broncos by the score of 20 to 3 look at this Montana 12 out of 18 138 yards two touchdowns now Elway five out of 14 for 52 yards but one of those was a sprain one was the shovel pass and he's just starting to get going now in fact that one to Vance Johnson was the first reception to a wide receiver second quarter has not been good to the Broncos so far the entire game has not been good to the Bronco second down Vance sound seventy just kissed him I think the other thing is is is the ball really wasn't in a good position it kind of had to come under and kind of bounced out there yeah I just feel that Elway hasn't gotten started yet now part of that is they haven't gotten enough first downs to get anything going and then on the other side of it the 49ers have had two ball so much of the time that that they haven't you know has been cold all the time as a pass knocked away that were Jackson dan Griffin my tire knocked it down I beg you pardon you don't want to make too many great plays if your defensive back for the 49ers Tim Micaiah makes this one and after he makes the play about five guys hit him in the head and the last one was Jim Burt he was over there and he gave him a shot and almost knocked his neck back Taylor back damn at about out of bounds at about the 46 yard line Harry Sidney was the guy who at the first block and they just activated Harry Sidney he's number 24 coming off a broken arm why that is one that loosens up the sinuses yeah and that is also the one that breaks John Taylor loose that will trouble your eyesight a hit like that Harry Sidney of course has always been a a leader on this 49ers special team Montana's got some kind of a bandit on his right elbow it's an errata stop by Simon Fletcher you know over the years Montana has had problems with his elbow and I think that's just a a protective pad there that you get just when you you know hit the ground and though he did wear that against the the Rams a little too comes out on this gets down there first down yardage stop by Henderson 105 left in the first half third and short heard about a yard nice wide right four yard pickup gives the 49ers a first down tackled by home the Wesley walls one of their three tight ends Munford made the stop 49ers call a timeout with 40 seconds remaining so the data one now what's that - rice touchdown yards away [Applause] prices second touchdown of the day Montana's third touchdown pass topher for the extra point twenty seven two three that was a play that the 49ers set up because they took the time off out they went over to the sidelines and they talked about getting Jerry Rice up the middle there's one coverage that the Broncos use it's just too deep where they they they have the safety come over in the corner come up and they thought that they could get Jerry Rice or John Taylor or Brent Jones down the middle on him that's the play that Mike Holmgren was talking about in that area when they give us that type of coverage we can get a post in there now you see the coverage of them on the corner comes out the safety comes over the corner comes up the safety comes over and look at this middle here that's the area that they're going to try and hit you see how deep those safeties are and how far over to the side and once Jerry Rice right there see the big middle they have they can't get anyone in there and of course it helps to John that the pass was perfect Mike Holmgren was saying I don't know that we're going to get that coverage I don't expect that we will especially with Jerry Rice there but if they do that's the one we're going for well you have to give him credit for spotting it as well as Montana and then Jerry Rice for running it in fact they're not even up there that's an empty when you are up there calling offenses and defenses in your ahead 27 to 3 seconds to play in the first half the Broncos will have a couple of shots the Jackson incomplete this is not a half of football that John Elway is going to want to remember he's 5 out of 17 for 52 yards forty-niners rooted 27 2 3 on the other side Montana's 15 out of 20 1 3 touchdown first down for Denver stop by Romanowski 12 seconds to go as defranco's take a timeout at the Superdome in New Orleans number 24 so far it's been just about what was predicted they're always back to throw six seconds level maybe San Francisco 49ers have played this first half on a different level than the Denver Broncos have been a clinic it has I mean offensively they've done everything they wanted to do defensively they haven't given John Elway or his receivers a sniff and a lot of time spy Romanowski but he has time [Applause] out of the Scrabble the end of the first half with the score the 49ers 27 the Broncos 316 to 5 and first downs but down at the bottom well it all shows you what scores 27 to 3 but look at that time of possession that's the thing I think you know everyone's going to say why didn't the Broncos do this white in Elway do that in the first half they really didn't have the ball we talked that I think that key play for the Broncos was that Bobbie Humphrey fumble at midfield when they were just down 7 to 3 shred well set to start the second half of Super Bowl 24 there's Flagler at the 10 2:23 by corrington and the Broncos have got to air it out now you're always talking about what the team that's down has to do even the team that's ahead has a problem because I remember being in these situations and being ahead and guys like Bubba Paris wants to know if he can play fullback and his senator Jesse Sapolu wants to go back and play guard again and of course Steve Young wants to play and guys want to do different things and they forget that you have to play the second half the way you played the first half this is a familiar 49er script go ahead back to your running game to throw that's his first catch of the day look what Joe Montana did in the first half by distance he was 11 for 13 under 10 3 4 6 10 to 20 then he hit one deep 1 1 out of 2 that deep post to Jerry Rice but he is really thrown to ball mostly under 10 yards that's pretty much his pattern second down to rattler backwards if I Scott Curtis didn't get a first down I don't think I would think that they'll probably come right back again to that side when when Papa Paris is in there they like to run behind him and they don't pull a much because Bob is you know they list him at 299 Bubba is closer to 399 and 299 he's not 390 now he'll get mad when I say that but he's closer to 399 and to maybe he told me the other day when you introduced me here you say that to 99 so my mother can hear it but by Greg friggin I don't know if he got the first down or not this is going to be one of those those spot deals this is what Bubba does you know he is so big he says he wants to get his mass on you and when he gets that mass on you I'll tell you that does tire you out I mean he just goes and goes and goes and then at the end he falls on you I'd like to be Holmes here you thinking this is a tough job at least a Bronco stopping so their first goal was to get something going defensively they've done that on 4th and short the 49ers will punt Barry Helton the punter that's dance Johnson like I said sometimes it's tougher to fire up the team that has the big lead than it is the team that has the big deficit single spear cat makes it broncos get their first start of the second half from the 24 yard line 42 yard punt so the Denver defense did its work John Elway I think has to kind of relax and just let things flow he he through those first two passes incomplete and I don't think in the first half he ever got loosened up he missed those first two badly then they got something going and then the fumble by Humphrey then it was all 49ers [Applause] the interceptions of what Michael walk forty-niners get it back that Denver 27 whenever they talk too bad at halftime I'm sure that wasn't that come out let's let's open this thing up and I throw one to a line back now the 49ers know the the past could pass Russia get in his lanes you see Haley was right there Michael Walter was in the lane I don't think Elway ever saw Michael Walter because of Haley you see Haley coming for his left right there I don't think he saw him sure didn't look like at first and ten 49ers the Denver 28 touchdown [Applause] but they it's the same pattern it's against the same coverage that was the thing that they thought they could do that's a third touchdown to rice on a post pattern right in the middle splitting that defense the extra point is good rice at six carries for 136 yards and three touchdowns and the 49ers move ahead thirty four to three it's a power display Jerry Rice six receptions 136 yards three touchdowns a Super Bowl record the Montana is setting records by the bushel and if the Broncos don't start playing a a better defense in that middle he's going to get three more Darrin Carrington do about the 30-yard line and Reeves has taken his coat off and roll the sleeves up but it's not working so far watch right that is bad here's Jerry Rice now they want to come up and bump him they missed the bump now the safety should be back here he looks at John Taylor coming here Jerry Rice comes here whoa look at this wide open middle you see the bump is gonna come up on him here he misses him he runs right by him his safety looks at Taylor and look at Jerry Rice wide open the middle of field thirty El Rey sit outside about the 37 Michael Walter knock him out after a pickup of seven today it doesn't look like Bobbie Humphrey has been bothered by those two cracked ribs one thing I noticed he'd on that play got out of bounds but on the other one he's getting bent over and getting his shoulder pad in front so all they have he hit his shoulder pads he's not going to expose that rib side this is what is wearing see they just put an extension on his regular shoulder pads who covered the ribs negative three for sound ever daddy [Music] covered the ball and ducked under the tacklers and he's lavender because Chet Brooks was coming up Chet Brooks was coming up and Chet Brooks was bringing a big load and Bobbie Humphrey and just before Brooks got there Bobbie Humphrey got down under Brooks's load there is a tough guy number 31 think that he has been a big part of the success of this 49er defensive defensive people don't talk a lot about took over for Jeff fuller as he played well very good defense throw [Applause] Walther comes up with the loose ball but Elway was down [Applause] there's a group that's done a heck of a job we see Joe Montana walking by him but that's the offensive line of the 49ers there's Harris Barton second and 16 chased by hailey that about the Steve soul just in the last second stop by Pierce hope pickup of 10 this is a thing that the you know Broncos II they may have to think about it again is you don't think of scoring 40 points now you just think you're getting one touchdown they haven't done yet yet maybe you just think about trying to get past midfield as intercepted by Chet Brooks [Applause] I can't believe that there's not something wrong with Jarnell we met I know that he's had a call he was really coughing yesterday them he's just not throwing the ball that's not John Elwood that's not the great pastor that we've seen over the years I mean this ball comes out of there like a wounded duck watch I mean this isn't even a spiral it's not that big of pass rush he can't find anything open but that thing's flipping and flopping around in the air and it isn't even close to a receiver maybe it's frustration maybe it's physical but this isn't the John Elway I've seen here's Craig pine marten again who again gets an excellent block Dennis Smith made to stop joe Montana's day today the records he has set today passing attempts completions yards touchdown passes in a career for in a game that's a record he's just been the same guy we saw in practice and against the Rams yeah they had that big scandal thing the other day or the story about the drugs and they went to practice that day and everyone saying dude baby it'll bother Montana like I said every please do two and a half hours at one incomplete pass for Taylor another touchdown and that's the same plays bad it's at post at the middle of [Applause] vulnerable that's worse than being vulnerable there's getting killed [Applause] Montana de Taylor [Applause] and we saw Jerry Rice gets three posts for touchdown now it's John's John Taylor's turned to run a post a post the guy just runs up then he runs into the goalpost the quarterback throws it in the middle field right at the goal post Bofur for the extra point [Applause] by the score of 40 one two three down 9 minutes and 44 seconds left to play in the third quarter and the 49ers running away but just Jerry Rice has caught three touchdown passes easier he comes over here Atwater jumps up on him so they bring John Taylor boom right there that's how he gets to the post watch Atwater take the bite when rice comes across and that's what lets John Taylor get into the post you see right there now Taylor now he's up there that Taylor can get in behind him and he's wide open for the touchdown right at the goal post gopher set to kickoff kickoff team's gotten a lot of work today that's Carrington at the goal line [Applause] would return after about the 38 by Flagler no way we'll throw it Johnson CrossFit field stop by Johnny Jackson first down the Broncos are now going with no huddle when you down forty one two three you got to try something to change up and then they decided to go with a huddle he started to no huddle and then they went back in huddle not a lot to talk about when you're behind 40 1 2 3 [Music] free on the drop way to about the 14 dan Griffin finally tripped him up 34 yard run by Bobby Humphrey yeah that was one of the things that the 49ers were worried about is his Bobby Humphreys quickness watch his line gets a block there right there they get a cut block on Matt Millen that's the block that sprung Humphrey through the hole and when he gets in the open on artificial turf what does this guy have quick moves you know he he decided not to take a senior here at Alabama go into the pros this Alabama played here in a ballgame these [Applause] play back there with him that's only the second penalty third number 53 defense first on in the one yard [Applause] didn't make it stop by fear so this has to be the worst three quarters of football John Elway can remember in his life I don't is he having trouble throwing the ball but then he goes to run it and his running back runs right into him duck what Dell was on the ground he was in the way and that was that was a play that didn't have a chance from the get-go second and goal from the one [Applause] [Applause] loss of two yards I think that the 49ers have thrown these guys off so much that now they have a tough time getting the playoff watch Matt Millen Matt Millen loves to play short yardage and goal line just gets a feel feel the guy gets around his guys gets around their guys and finds a ball carrier so now it's third and goal from the three it goes to the that way doesn't even look like he wants to celebrate that one and I think he's right this is an organized play they have four wide receivers plus Sewell in there and it's just a quarterback draw they just put him the ball in the end the shotgun snap the ball to him he's supposed to find a hole up in the middle there was no hole in the middle so he just bounced it to the outside go be a quill hold for Treadwell three left to play in the third quarter 49ers still the commanding advantage 41 210 Broncos just scored Treadwell about to kick off see who's in the wet chair all by himself that's that's a one-man wedge or playing Tom Rothman they goodbye had Tom Rathbun odd player one man wedge - this is going to be Flagler about the down at the 24 by Bruce Klosterman 23-yard returned the Denver scoring drive five plays they went 61 yards big 34 yard run by Humphrey a lawyer got to touchdown three yards out rice and Taylor Swift Flagler was in motion Craig gets the carry it's the first down Simon Fletcher wrapped him up I don't think the Broncos have any if we're to go to start to stop this team anymore yeah I mean they got Craig is still running they can still run Rathmann they have thrown four touchdowns in the post in that in that area and it seems like anything they want to do they can do the Broncos have not knocked Montana down all day I know it's artificial turf but that's a bad as clean a jersey as a quarterback can have in a third quarter verse two ten 49ers by Andre Townsend this time it's him Lucas yeah if you look at where they passed you can see that he was 5 for 5 in the middle deep that's where he's killed him look 142 yards deep in the middle and four of those were touchdown and he's four for six to the left six right in the middle short three for three Bruce Kali who plays the third quarter and Terry Taos comes in we stopped by Lucas and the four Super Bowls look at the numbers for Montana 68 percent completion thousand 105 yards 11 touchdowns no interceptions remarkable he's a remarkable quarterback we've talked about that before that used to say that he was the best in football I don't think anyone even argues that anymore now we're on a level you see the best that ever play and I won that coach yes see so much to William or first down and a gain of seven yard Steve Atwater made the stop Lindsey me William Jamie Williams or what is another one of those guys from Nebraska you know along with Roger Craig and Tom Rathlin and he was a plan B player he got picked up from Houston and he is really a happy guy he was out most of the season and he got to play at the end and play here and here in the Super Bowl I saw him the other night he was in front of a restaurant standing in line I said hey Jamie you're in the Super Bowl you don't have to stand in line he said yes send me Montana and I won't have to stand in line with Bono the third touring quarterback and office to rat got blockers in front thirty that water made the stop against 18-yard no it's done a heck of a job that is his Harris pardon the right tackle pullin we'll just watch him here when we see him he's done it all day but watch 79 right there you see him now he has to find the hole and then when you find the hole you have to find the guy that is going to make the tackle see him see him lead right here he finds a hole then he gets his hands he gets his block on him and he's the guy that clears away for Tom Rasmus lag there goes in motion brought down a behind the line of scrimmage by Scott Curtis Joe Montana has completed 12 consecutive passes that is another Super Bowl record he's gonna have so many of them that they won't even remember the other guys that we're just broke Phil Simms his record for consecutive passing second and 11 at the 31 41 can San Francisco consecutive the rice inside the 20 stop by Tyrone Braxton you see Jerry Rice those tents between his pants and his stockings he he he wears a pair of long pants like like like dancers or tights as is what those are so he wears tights then he puts his socks over the tights and then the pants over the tights and then in practice he just wears tight and that kind of keeps all that stuff together all those muscles and stuff and keeps them warm because this guy can just go all day keeps that speed in there yeah I'd like to borrow some of that ask if I could use that with wear some some of that speed around first down broke the streak to Mike Wilson but the pass was there not only broke the streak but it broke that same area of course you're in a little closer now as I said they've thrown four touchdown passes to the post 121 left to play third quarter second down and 10 to the 6 Curtis and Simon Fletcher but a 12-yard task completed from Montana to Craig yeah I think it's some way you have to give this offensive line credit to because yeah they've done a lot wrath when Joe Montana hasn't been knocked down he has a complete clean Jersey he doesn't even look like he's sweating and this offensive line has really come on in the last month of the season they haven't allowed a sack in fact they don't even allow anyone anymore to get close to Montana first and goal from the seven is that first and goal at the Senate about the three stop by Andre Townsend lock ticking down the end of the third quarter and that is the end of the third quarter with the score the 49ers 41 the Broncos 10 that's joe Montana's wife Jennifer the blonde she still has her tickets she's so proud of that ticket of this game she's gonna carry that around forever that's gonna be a souvenir therefore I'll take it home and tell Jo look how I get him second and goal with the four continue rapmon adds to the total he's still trying to get warm over there they want to machine this 49er offenses what a machine is 49er team is they the holes are getting so big now it's starting to be embarrassing these two running backs Rathman and Craig have done a job the offensive line has been outstanding outstanding the receivers have been outstanding the only thing I can remember that went wrong was the missed extra point not so this time 48 the champ San Francisco you wonder how it feels to go through a period that Joe Montana is going through where you know I mean everyone struggles and what they do and even some people that are the best you know it's still hard but to make it look this easy and to do the things that he's done I wonder what it feels like inside I've never experienced it I couldn't tell you now I haven't either and I just watch him and he's so cool about it and then yesterday when we talked to him I felt more excited about the game tomorrow than he did and heck they're not shooting then he bullets at us no there's no past rushes or blitzes or guys hit here he certainly didn't seem cocky but he did seem very confident well and he talked about fear just the fear of losing in the fear of play Erica down just outside the 20 by Romanowski again I think everyone's wondering at what point do the Broncos say that's enough and put in Gary Kubiak for John Elway I was just starting to think that myself well it's a type of thing that Elway has never really got started there I mean he you know he did run that one in for a touchdown but this was just not his day and I don't know that the answer of course changed quarterbacks either it is still Elway our tax in the manner sack by day young getting ready yeah I would think that with a forty eight to ten laid in the fourth quarter that Steve Young is probably going to come into next series that's a nice way to go in to I mean it's it's not fun it's not good being a backup quarterback but you know you have to mop up to usually go in when you're way ahead of way behind but when it's a Super Bowl and you're following a guy like Joe Montana what they have smile about flag on the play a Zilla goes back to throw gets the Sammy winder you haven't Fagin on the stop a gain of nine offsides number 98 defense why the arc 70 from the line of scrimmage still second down and Tony oh gosh the man who jumped yeah I don't think Antonio Goss I think it was 96 they were talking about I think they changed that yeah I think was stuff the one who made the sack to play before second and 11 [Applause] we almost take a deadly gamble the 49ers pick it up recovered the fumble 16-yard today the 49ers aren't showing any mercy on him fat wow they were bringing the defensive backs on that when they were cleansing their safeties who were bringing the corners and scubs picked up the fumble after Elway was hit and fumbled the ball but watch as they get the four-man rush now watch the corners coming from the outside see Griffin 29 there you see the other corner Pollard coming from the other side and they're the guys that flush him out Griffin's a guy that hits him the coroner who blitzed him finally hits him and knocked the ball out first and goal at the 1 Montana still there fifty-four to ten gopher in the tribe for the extra point we have 13 minutes and 47 seconds web to play this is complete domination the 49er offense has beaten at Denver Bronco defense every way a defense can be beaten 55 to 10 team 47 left to play Super Bowl record for number of points scored they broke the record the 49ers did of the Bears when they beat the Patriots same field gofer to kickoff Carrie drag down at the 26 return of 26 yeah we just saw Pete Kugler going in there pat on defense number 67 he's playing his last football game today he's after this game for the 49ers he's going to retire at nine years he's really had a good career he's played for the 49ers he went to the USFL then came back to the 49ers had some injuries had a bad shoulder then attacked one end with a real good player for this 49er Cape listed as a nose tackle but he's playing defensive end down Michael Walter made the stop the ironic thing is playing his last football game against the Denver Broncos and he's going to go live in Denver he was thinking of a good place to raise the family and that's where he's going to take his family bought a house in Denver he's gonna live in in Denver so he's playing his last game against the Broncos and then he's going to move in with him second and four a lot of smiles on the 49er side no way chased out of the pocket by stubs gets into Melvin Breton and he gets the first down goes out-of-bounds Matt Millen Milind after he makes any tackle always talks to the guy you always there's something to say and he kind of baits those guys that watch him after he tackles him he talks to him that he makes him push him or punch him and when they do that the officials supposed to call a penalty and that's what millons trying to get [Applause] there's a guy on defense who enjoys playing football Matt Millen was made to be aligned bathrooms and just loves players reborn here too [Applause] you know the Broncos are reduced to a point that they can't even get to snap from the center anymore there were people that anticipated a blowout then sometimes in these Super Bowls you can say oh it's going to be a great game and then it's not and I think a lot of people thought this would be a blowout and then it is they should say well I told you it's gonna be a blowout now you can always hope second and 11 Elway again chased out of the pocket Stubbs and Roberts back up defense it in the 49ers have so many good ones yeah you got piers old you got Coupland you got Fagan and then you bring in a Robertson it stops and and they're all they're all good pass rushers we're all strong guys you know some of them quick some of them are full rushes but they can just keep throwing those defensive guys at you and then and then when you have that offense to go with it that's a pretty good sandwich third down for Denver and 23 taken from behind behind the line of scrimmage by Kevin Fagan loss of six and sometimes you think is there any way that you can just call off the game I was having people say well one thing about them they didn't quit well of course it and quit they don't let you quit you got a place 60 minutes question beside like Iran we have 1113 left now then the 49ers leading Denver by the score of 55 210 Joe Montana still a quarterback for the 49ers this flagler that go by Rick Dennison yeah there's an amazing guy Pat right there Pierce hold number 78 playing as well as he does and second year they're taking Montana out Montana was 297 yards 5 touchdown lack Larry can five Brooks and he goes to the 49er baseball camp five touchdowns a new Super Bowl single game record and 22 out of 29 Super Bowl records set today and [Applause] almost everyone conceivable third down for the 49ers we need 14 and sipping [Applause] just calm incomplete chanted to Wesley walls Nance Johnson will go back deep for Denver Barry Helton will do the punting fifty five to ten nine forty three left to play not much left to analyze is a well I think we're gonna get Layla's backup quarterback okay Johnson lets it roll Kubiak warming up now for denver 46-yard punt Broncos will take over just inside their own 20 Gary Kubiak is now the Denver quarterback long day for John Elway Oh [Applause] here's what they do with with Joe Montana they he's always had that elbow problem so it's a lot like a baseball pitcher once once they finished the day then they just kind of wrap it up and put it away you know you got an arm like that you just pack it around in some kind of case then you wrap it up in and you put it away till next year Kubiak [Applause] - Kubler koogler is is thinking that this is his last game let's make this last one a good one and here you are at the end of your career you're playing your last game and you might as well just fight that thing out to the end yeah it always has to be a double-edged sword on one hand you're you're kind of happy that's over you are retiring you're making your decision then the other in fact I talked to him in the streets about it the other night you wonder if you're going to worry five years here to where 49ers fifth sack wait - Ricky - teal now - about the 43 Johnny Jackson made the stop drinking the teal is a guy that has to have surgery in the offseason he he cracked a kneecap during the season and they held him out they just rested me only caught ten passes all year and as he said it's just been kind of a lost and wasted year for him and hoped to have the surgery in the offices and get the knee better and come back and and be a complete player again again all bad it down hit by hailey deflected there's again we were talking to John Elway yesterday says the key to the 49er defense is Charles Haley that when they break the line he wants to go up and find out where he is because he's their most active guy their best pass rusher and where he lines up determines what they're going to do and he's just what one of those guys was all over the place you'll go inside outside that falls down a very active and very good player finder is alone setback if you look at at what the 49ers have done to the Denver quarterback look they sacked him five times buried them ten times caught made of fumble once added to balls down and intercepted too so that is a statistic that shows what a good job the 49er defense has done today Elway finished 10 out of 26 had to picked off the way through for 108 yards that was a key to their success going into the game Kubiak by Daniel Stubbs the loss of one you know John Elway was going to take to heat and this is his third Super Bowl his third loss and a Super Bowl but as he said he would rather be there and take a swing at it he also said before he's ever going to be considered a great quarterback he knows that he has to win one of these things Taylor back feels of life after the 31 stop by Tim Lucas getting ready in the 49ers locker room Huey Lewis this is Eddie DeBartolo nurse Huey Lewis right there they're getting a celebration than before the the game still six minutes five and 58 seconds each player of course will get the honor of being a member of the repeating Super Bowl champions also $36,000 who said you can't repeat in fact at the ring ceremony last year when the 49ers got their ring Joe Montana was the first guy to bring it up and he said let's repeat Roger Craig already has the head this Dillon whole in quarter number 66 I'm talking about three Pete's you hear that and get the word you got your winner Superboy a good you know then can you repeat then your repeat now you talk about three-peat you know they certainly you've got enough people to accomplish that oh yeah yeah look at that they got the team of the decade there in the locker room already they got hats and I'm sure someone will make up a thing now for a three-peat I like that did it work you got your Pete your two peaks in the Rope free Pete will be there for Super Bowl championship Flagler again the 23 make that stop by Warren powers it is the guys that offensive line that really did the job today they're protected Joe Montana McIntire going to a pro-ball starting left guard in backpack it's a hairy seven-yard pickup about Jim Burt bringing his son out there given five kisses in a row and then handed him his helmet tell the sit on the bench that's Super Bowl celebration we the mic sure are Jim Bert now the guy who found new life for the 49er he's getting more kisses from his son that that's a Super Bowl record I remember when he played for the Giants he brought his son down there and it was head butts in those days now a few years later it's it's kisses - shaking hands is introduced of all the guys if you talk about a thrill that's it that's a thrill for the son but I'll tell you the dads have to be awfully happy too carrier Tansen the clock running with 420 left to play in the 49ers leading fifty five to ten but Jim Burt's the only guy that could do that fact yes Tom Rath means talking to north hacker yeah but Jim birch the only guy could bring his son down there have a Super Bowl record a father kissing son with ten now for all the linemen as a super ball under-bed he struggled that's 11 [Applause] Melanson were my kids where my kisses some kids Rick Dennison gain of jamming another first down tough day for Dan reads no bigger gap and football than the difference between winning a Super Bowl as this sideline is losing the Super Bowl does this side it's the biggest just been announced to the crowd and to us that Montana is the unanimous Super Bowl envy for the third time and that's another record I've gotta bounce back there and carry him DeBartolo has left the locker poof you better watch out I mean they a if you get a big old fullback in a tough guy like Tom Rathmann squeezy employee you could just pop some vertebrae right out of your back if you're Eddie DeBartolo you know one of the things about any DeBartolo is these players really love this guy they really do and they said the guy has so much money he has everything Joe Montana was saying the only thing we can give him when return for these as rust is a Super Bowl that's the only thing you can't buy himself Sydney straight ahead stop by Warren powers will get the two-minute warning before another play that's it so two minutes to go fifty five to ten morning see on the face we did it for you full number one we did it for you babe the whole demons for you the best in the world and of course was shet Brooks talking about Jeff Fuller who was injured earlier in the season he in shet for great buddies and still are third down for San Francisco two minutes to go yeah that's awareness another sack of 11-yard even Turner celebrating Ellis Wallace they've got to block its that was Steve Wallace on Warren tower's number 91 watching it's going to happen Wallace is number 74 he got his leg broken in last year's Super Bowl but watch him he's going to block 91 the second time around right and there and I think Steve Wallace is one of the best tackles in football he and Bubba parish share that left tackle position now for the 49ers but I think that guy right there 74 is one of the best in the game first and ten [Music] young it's just gonna run it out as Neels and does nothing else another happiness Matt Miller well he was happy he was waved he was waived by the Raiders this year picked up by the 49ers as a free agent and now he ends up in the Super Bowl young again this needle this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League and is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the National Football League is prohibited [Applause] happy 49er day [Applause] a day if you're a a football player a football coach football family there's no higher honor than winning the Super Bowl there's no better feeling than this feeling right now this here you're the best George Seaford in his first year and they could never take it away what a year they had what a way to finish it detective john elway group of teammates that feel the same way he does
Channel: 80s Football Cards
Views: 356,324
Rating: 4.8069525 out of 5
Id: RfYKgxpImJ8
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Length: 115min 38sec (6938 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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