1985 NFC Championship - Rams @ Bears

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Vividly remember watching this game. I was 18.

Being from Cen Cal I knew a ton of Rams fans. They all talked shit about how Dickerson was going to run all over our D.


👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was 7 years old when the Bears won the Super Bowl. I remember this game more than the SB. Being a kid and seeing the snow come down on the play Wilbur takes the ball to the house with Fridge blocking was magical.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

At the 2:17:45, you will see Virginia hugging our boy Walter :(

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Sketchinz 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ohh glory 46-defense with this personnel.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Superblond 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

My dad was at this game with his friends and I remember watching it on the tube as a kid expecting to see him in the stands lol.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/somthing-in-the-way 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

In the first half, the only time the Rams got into Bears territory was when that punt hit Mike Richardson after he was knocked to the ground with 1:04 left in the half.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bettorworse 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
temperature winds gusting up to 35 miles an hour and we'll see as the afternoon progresses what kind of an effect that will have Butler living away from brown to retina floats down at the five and down to make the tackle the offensive backs and receivers for the Los Angeles Rams Dean Earp rocked the quarterback Eric Dickerson number 29 behind him Tony hunter is the you back Henry alert and Ron Brown the wide receivers manky Hill Kody Slayton Harris leader [Applause] Rams first contingent 17 [Music] [Applause] back to the line of scrimmage and singleterry met him there was an interesting thing fad they they shifted right into it and buddy Ryan the defensive coordinator and and fencing comes up he ends up right here Dewar's he went back and they ran right in defense and watch him he shifted up there I want to run there's fencing freak Gary friendship right there the safety right in the hole so it'll bring up a second attend 18 its dickerson looking for someplace and [Applause] [Music] Mike Richardson made the stop [Applause] that's if we can see that shift again they're doing the same thing you see this is Duerson back here fence it comes up here and he's playing a linebacker this time they get a pulling guard up here he knocks it back this that I got a safety playing linebacker much as much ken Hill when he comes around here watch the content right there was right back to Jackie Slater Tyrone Keys has replaced William Perry the line of scrimmage by Steve McMichael in the Rams we'll have which to the delight the sellout crowd at Soldier Field this town has gone bear man Dale Lacher the rookie from Clemson goes back to punt he or to go back deep for the bear my name Drive kicked the door to go we'll have some room [Applause] excellent coverage Finch Lucifer one yard return the bear offensive set up as McMahon at quarterback pavement Suey Dalton MacKinnon wide covert warts J hildenburg Thayer Van Horn and Emery Moorehead starts at tight end bears have the ball they'll start first at 10 their own 44 they're going into the wind but it's really hard to say in which direction it flows because [Music] [Applause] morning inside the RAM 37 mil man throws as well or better into the wind path that he does with the width I think he likes those types of things first down past they expect to run he gets back he's looking at their to go up comes back off to Moorhead right in the middle he picks up the first down all the way down to the RAM 41 yards on 36 over hardline Megan we'll the golf split wide to the right MacKinnon moves in motion [Music] man to work again [Applause] reporting what they did last week that's what they wanted to do again get the ball one get it to Willie Gault Olie and hope he catches it because if he gets a ball early and catches a ball early then he has great confidence watch Reggie Doss 71 come in here and hit big man after he throws the ball well that'll clear out those sinuses in a hurry John Robinson the RAM first down pairs for the RAM 17 straight passing [Music] [Applause] not sure who got it mike ditka looking on from in front of the bear bench well that's something you don't see happen very often patron doesn't leave it on the ground covert made the recovery for Chicago defense got some penetration and they got debate before he got to the line of scrimmage but that's the type of thing we're talking these are the types of things that are very subtle that the Rams do well you know you get going on them you're moving and then someone gets some penetration makes a play like this look at that are they shut down everything there's no place for Paige to go second down and 12 now for the 19th [Music] Sooey stop by Carl Becker after a gain of about four let's check that Ram defensive lineup up front duck read discern a starts but they alternate at the nose tackle position Reggie toss it right in the linebacker and this is a good group homes eken Collins and Wiltshire and the secondary breathe quarterback some Cromwell and Jenny Johnson the safety man and Gentry are now the two running backs Gentry is dangerous but he stays in the block [Applause] takes it an touchdown 16-yard touchdown scramble by Jim McMahon the things that the Rams feared most of all they were hoping to be able to shut him down they had somebody assigned to mirror him as they said but the mirror broke for the exit point with and it's 7 nothing they you can't do with Jim McMahon as a quarterback in the Rams just found it out he looks down free for his receivers and the next thing he looks for is a lane I watched islands here in his plants he is going to come and he gives a lane for McMahon McMahon sees it and runs right up there watch columns number 50 as he blitzes you see he goes inside now watch the end goes outside no right there see that big Lane that's all McMahon needs he sees that Lane that boom right there right to the outside in the end zone the ran for conscious of this he said we're going to have a guys fire we're talking McMahon all day at one of the first early plays they didn't have anyone there let's remand you don't shake hands is easy you know anyone could shake hands you have to go up there and put some scars on that helmet somebody needs to paint paint to paint he still has that headband on I see this week but it has a different name on it you know last week they told him he couldn't do it so he did it and then of course the Bears have been flying for it and this way he put it on but he changed the name on it I didn't know he had a sporting goods company to do now but I I think that's the answer I think they got a letter from Commissioner Goodell and I think that's big favor back to butlers kick will be hello let's at Bennett bounce out of bounds and I'll have to do it again [Applause] sixteen yard touchdown run by quarterback Jim McMahon as the Bears of Mike Ditka on top seven to nothing the scoring drive then five plays 56 yards he kept it three minutes 11 seconds they threw it the first two times and then McMahon string balloon 19 and 2 when they score first that goes back to last year they've scored first now they'll have to kick off again it's an interesting thing as we watched Kevin Butler they're getting ready to kick off when he was in college of course they used the T so after he was drafted he stopped using the T started kicking off the turf and became very proficient at it in a field goal and then he had trouble getting back and using the T again for the kickoff he's changed the height of that cheese several times and now brown and red and swap spots knuckle saw it's go [Applause] Retin says stay there you realize he kicked that ball from the 30 75 yards he kicked it that's a pumped-up kicker you know you know Butler and McMahon are best friends and I think after McMahon goes out and scores like that and Butler says heck if he's gonna do something I'd better do something and he kicks it out of bounds and he goes Wow now I really have to do something we're going to remain friends he put the older back side to that as they say he got all of it first down Rams their own 20 dickerson don't work the bear defense has become very well-known but just in case you don't know him Hampton McMichael Perry and dents start up front the linebackers and this also is a very good group Wilson Singletary in the middle in Wilber Marshall and the secondary Richardson in Frazier the corners and Dorset and in fencing the two safety men stands alone behind the [Music] [Applause] yargh perhaps mike singletary on the stop one of the interesting things our Rams and dickerson were saying that it probably won't be successful early running in there and they're becoming very prophetic yes they're not successful early running but they think if they just keep it going keep in a way that they'll wear down this defense I don't know about that I don't either dickerson as you saw was very successful last week wits rock throws for Heckscher is number three his first effort of the day went 34 yards at Keith's portico returned it for 1 yard Dale Hatcher the punter here was a teammate of William Perry at Clemson that one it will be handled by Duerson [Music] gannets very difficult to tell which way the wind is blowing that would look like it hung up there a long time [Applause] looking down at Soldier Field of course it's sold out but what you can't believe I'm sure is the temperature right by the shore of Lake Michigan is 38 degrees it's supposed to go down as the afternoon goes by but right now other than the wind it's almost unbelievable 7 nothing bears they have the ball first attendant the RAM 49 and McMahon [Applause] I think in today's football I think well in any food but I think I could pick a guy that quarterback life team I kind of like this guy we can do the things Famine handoff run all plays all that stuff but he's a tough guy he's a lot of charisma he leads his thing you'll do the different thing I think his days about 28 hours long first down from the 49 back he goes again screen pass set up and [Applause] Zig step that's become so familiar and broke out of the pack and I'll tell you who made the the block J hildenburg the senator gets out there 163 he's going to block block block block block now run right down the line and he's going to see someone reads that I got to pick him off now 163 boom dick so Boff right there now that frees baton now Peyton can put that ball out there and do that step and do all that stuff but hildenburg get out there he goes crap he just great fellow a night off of Hillenburg has had one terrific year in it for the Pro Bowl and deservedly so man drive-in gets about a and tempers start to flare just a bit was the first man to hit him that's what they say you see that because those linemen hildenburg goes back to they all say yes boy that's good you're out there blocking fight and stuff to say Milligan Berg was saying the other day so you know the great thing about being a football players you don't have to take a shower to go to work watch hildenburg here I mean he's indeed your name and he hits him gets a helmet in here get that hand up there holding the right hand and the left hand then both hands then another one then a right again then to push plays over and get a little help go get some more go take a shower don't ok you don't have to do that stuff to go to work when you play football free-agent from Iowa long history of football players and good ones in that family here take to a first down fact I think he got it after a gain of three poems and a Kern on a stop through the ramp linebacker 6:33 left to play in the first quarter and the Bears have thoroughly dominated today they felt I mean everyone feels a day before that but but but they felt that it's very important to get ahead early on this team because if they can't get ahead then they can give you that big dose of Dickerson all day but if you get ahead of them then it doesn't mean his month dog is wide to the left she shuts up as the flanker behind her Eichmann to the right goes quickly to go in the grasp of Leroy urban still got six that was a that was inaudible there they saw Leroy Irvin off from a audible eyes to gone that's a quick past I went 74 Jim Bucher covered him he has to cut Reggie Dawson en man he cut him down so that that gives McMahon the lane to throw that short quick pass out to golf so you got to get that end man down then he can't get his hands off to knock the ball down his hands down get him down that's where this covert cut him run out of our picture second down back to pee the line of scrimmage by Mel Owens the loss of the couple man's probably thinking I should have audible eyes to another pass you know the offensive coaches called the plays for Jim McMahon but he can't audible eyes and usually his audibles are out of the run that they call into the pass that he wants to throw as much as a third of the time he said yesterday certain defenses however the Rams sort of stay in the same defense so audible izing is not all that necessary in this situation Mike Ditka likes to run McMahon likes to have their down and seven [Applause] please intended for golf as he cut across now it looks like the wind has changed going left to right it's behind this bears I think I'll tell you if you're a player or a coach or a kick or anything and you start worrying about to wind and try and figure out they take your right from the field to supplemental joint Kevin Butler from 33 yards away with Steve fuller holding Butler missed three times last week as they should have the Giants but he had a great year back on track increases to ten nothing with 426 left to play in the first quarter [Applause] 10 nothing bears 426 in that first corner what learner will kick off to either brown or written last time he kicked off at the last second they swapped sides obviously Butler would like to kick it away from brown not intending to itself written C if they switch again that's what you're trying to do the Bears are trying to do it they call spot kick kick to a spot that have all their cover guys run down to that spot this is not a very good kick it's going to be handled by Brown at the nineteen [Applause] returns it about five yards six yards before Morrissey and thrift bring it down we have all the things that the Bears have done well this year the one thing that they didn't do well is their kickoff coverage that's one thing they've been worried about all year and of course when you're playing the number one guy around Brown they've been worrying about it mostly this week pretty good start first and ten their own 25 there is no safety man / grounds head they had a bundle if they complete that one they didn't have any safety in the middle of fact they didn't have either safety on the field fencing nor Duerson and they had a five defensive lineman watch all these guys up here here's one two three four five defensive lineman then they had two for linebacker so they were five four and only two defensive backs and no safety that's one we haven't seen before that shift in fencing comes up Dickerson comes out of it Henderson tripped up by Singletary after a gain of six think the Rams have that day that shift figured that now they're shifting fencing up and every time we've seen him do that this year they've run right at fencing that time they did again but they had a blocker on offense and brings up a third and four situation five left Ellard wide right dickerson standing right up behind Brock so he can hear what's going on and now he backs away Eric Dickerson he did not get the first down look like there could have been it must have been a fumble well he's dammit he'll ended up with it yeah the ball came out of there and David Hill recovered the fumble for a first down they had Eric Dickerson spot Dickerson looked like he left his blockers too soon watch the card and a tackle pull here Dickerson just goes straight ahead he leaves both blockers now right here he gets hit the ball comes out but it comes this way David Hill catches it and runs it advances it for first down their first first down - throw gets it outside a toy hunter hammers up to about 245 before Leslie Frazier gets him out about a gain of seven Wilber Marshall missed a tackle on that that's one thing about dis bear defense are all good tackler and you very seldom see a guy miss a tackle first I think Tony hunter caused a little of that yeah maybe gave him a little move there Marshall was right there and had him a hat over there mister second down and three dickerson and written to back set up now for the Rams [Applause] by William Perry right at the line of scrimmage and lunges approached to another first down for the Rams they are having trouble Pat with that shift we're talking about where they take Duerson put him back and they bring fence they got fencing made that tackle again let's see if we can see what they're doing here's where they started here's fencing here's Duerson now before this then then he comes up here and ends up here fencing does Duerson goes back here and they run right into it watch and see they show this and here goes Duerson back there he ends up right there so you guys made the time and about a foot of dickerson [Music] singleterry again kind of first down there fat I don't even think that's what you'd measure your defenses celebrate a lost er [Applause] singleterry took as many hits after the plays he did the hit but once he hit on the play he reads it he made he he he takes Dickerson right in the hole the first thing is attacked where you want to do is stop was momentum and straighten them up then after you get him straightened up the next thing is you get them going backwards those two have met before in college and the other times they played six had been professionals Dickerson from SMU Singletary from Baylor [Applause] catchers kept hey let's it bounce out of bounds and the Bears will take over at their own nineteen 17 seconds left to play in the first corner Tim nothing bears over the Rams only marker down the conference goes on with Jim honey the referee against Ram [Applause] bears lead it and nothing as we approach the end of the first quarter and they've been totally in control [Applause] the crowd is intense and the hitting on the field is intense Eric Dickerson and Mike Singletary just had a violent collision just a minute ago Singletary won that battle they said they were going to put a lot of hats on him and they did the big hat of Mike Singletary was the first one there you wonder what are the what excites a middle linebacker we just saw it first down fares in a row 19 three maybe four maybe five Jim Collins is the RAM who made the tackle what is that poor nose tackle take a lot of different blocks in that condition old Emery Moorehead came in and got him to Center Hill game Berg's working on DJ in there then the tight end comes in and traps up and I always have about two or three guys kind of hanging on that nose tackles Jersey that's why the Rams use three you know they they use three guys just to handle that one position second down about five emotion is taken again jumped away from knowing Cromwell and from Gary grain and jump very close to a first down Van Horn the offensive right tackle was the man who was slow getting up number 78 yeah talking to the RAM players Rams defensive players they said the thing that Payton gives you that really worries you is that when he comes out there he can throw that ball so you have to have one guy come up to force it you know to force the end but the other guy has to be the support man he has to stay back because wallach away if they both come up to help tackle on that and run he just stops and frozen he said that sweat really takes away your aggressiveness on defense third and one from the 28th it's back to Peyton gets outside 2:30 and that will be a [Applause] made the stop but they'll move the sticks and they move the sticks because of the move that Walter Payton made on Jim Collins Collins was three he was square he had him Walter gave him a little boom boom boom boom and he misses him much of his patron comes out here watch Collins he has him there he gives him to dip he gives him the lip balm gifts the first dinner let's make stack with snow first down into the first quarter at Soldier Field with the host Chicago Bears leading 10 nothing downtown Chicago and the Windy City today is living up to its nickname Sears Tower of course this country's tallest building first down bears at their own thirty-one Tsui was the man in motion Willie Gault who almost came up with a cat but it's incomplete and Willie Gault had a step Johnny Johnson was the nearest ran but golf blew right by everybody well that was the zone the Rams were always in a zone but this is where the safety has to come deep you see Johnson had two deep area gold got by him but that ball did tricks in the wind I mean it was outside a Galt one time that it was over his head than it was inside will he was trying to adjust that it was short he fell down he made about four adjustments one of them falling to have his back on that play that was the final adjustment four to 21 total yards on the store-bought McMahon that sacks seven acre and wrapped him up I think one of the things at that long pass to Willie Gault did as it tells that Ram defense we're going to go deep we know you're playing zone but you better keep your zone D you better get that guy back there that's mail Owens I ran line back here the outside linebacker whose dad [Applause] five year pro from Michigan Rams have eight linebackers and they're a strong group that's their strong suit [Applause] just go back and see if we could figure out what happened to Owens well he made the tackle on display I think he ran into Tsui right here and his own guy Carl Lecter and see a current on top that Kern was tackling and as he was tackling Tsui he was spinning around and that went right into Melo ins and Collins was on top of all of them still tend nothing third down and four thirty three Colin [Music] under pressure throws high and tended for Peyton and put the pressure on the quarterback Jim Collins was the leader along with Dijonnaise well they had good pressure the other thing they had was excellent coverage that's what McMahon is still looking for someone who was open they had their nickel package in there extra defensive back two Rams did but they had all the bare receivers covered mari buford back to punt for the Bears Henry Ellard and Johnny Johnson back deep for the RAM Ehlert is dangerous that's the guy Mike Ditka said he's the guy that we're most worried about it's all RAM TVs Henry Buford end-over-end kick little bounce - ever [Applause] the man who did the snapping he's down there in a hurry next Sunday the seasons premiere of CBS Sports Sunday featuring the 1985 all Madden football team in the World Triathlon Championship and I would think that mr. Hillenburg might certainly be a candidate for the all-madden team I'm not asking you well no yes I mean a guy that does that he you know play center snaps on punts run down you know his whole family they all had sent it those guys never play catch in your life facing each other they used to be in the backyard all in it says the backsides going all the time and you know sir hanging out there was a guy who was on it last year bill bank Bobby Duckworth will swit wide to the left here's Dickerson chased by Wilber Marshall are taken down by applause of about four [Applause] I'll tell you Marshall got there right after Marshall there was William Perry let's watch Marshall he's coming from right here but also watch a big refrigerator he's going to come there too see the French he starts inside there goes Marshall starts in works and he gets into 172 he's finished were they they're looking for some plastic he can move rocks pass over the head of duck Michael younger now the wide receivers fall around dieter Brock was saying he's one out of five and when he played up in Canada which he did for 11 years particularly in the years at Winnipeg he said the wind blew hard every day last year he played in the break-up and it was 10 degrees I don't think the weather's bothered him as much as his NFL defense or this [Applause] he's not got a bounce waters Wilson this city is bear mad particularly about the defense who we both stayed here all week I have never seen a city support a football team or be so excited about a football team as I have been in Chicago this way oh isn't that the truth everywhere you look everything you hear Hatcher gets off a good kick this time to order 20 he had a tough time circling out nor would van 37-yard punt they meant 29 out of it and the Bears take over their own 29 [Applause] let's watch what the wind is doing here here's the snap to the front of Dale Hatcher watch how it just starts going out out of it he catches it outside then when he punch the ball he punch sit right here in the right-hand spark and it ended up outside the left hash mark or to go did well not the fumbling answer did well catching him he did [Applause] inside Thomas and it didn't fool anybody regi daus Jim Collins on the tackle that's the type of play that really is going to fool this Ram defense because they're a stay at home and read type of thing everyone just play their area they started Walter Payton one way and they came back underneath but the RAM defense is a very disciplined group firstly you say well then how come they gave McMahon the lane to run in for the touch I don't know that time they weren't their whole philosophy is very simple second down and about 11 [Applause] the first down under Karl ekor [Applause] man says he doesn't understand that rule he says what's the rule he's telling the referee Jim ton he said they don't mean that if I slide feet first they don't hit you you're down by slight head first they can hit me so I changed from sliding head to feet they still hit me what's the deal Ref bunch of here it's the same thing now number 69 is Meisner he's the nose tackle I think he was supposed to be spying on McMahon you see him coming here he's just not fast enough McMahon gets by here now he gets the play now he sees he goes feet first he still gets here it sets up third and one Thomas it was wretched dice on the bottom of the file but Paton got just enough checking out the total offense 121 yards for the Bears 26 for the Rams with 11 27 left in the first half there's the fridge I saw him at here earlier and he was just in a t-shirt you know he's getting that weight down I've always noticed when a guy gets his weight down he starts wearing a lot of t-shirt [Applause] you wear a lot of coats and stuff over you you thought his weight was going down I think there's weights going down yeah I do I think that 7 into 2 is getting closer to the middle of his body now looked like a full package to me when we were down on the field before he said one thing he said I'll tell you the wind doesn't bother me said I feel sorry for those receivers fridge can anchor himself and everything he stays where he puts those feet they can pretty stout breezed in the hill around his McMahon the RAM 44 I don't know if that's with or against the wind because the wind is swirling down there but that was a heck of a throw by Jim McMahon watch Dennis McKenna and he's going to come up and he's going to run an in here towards us right now but that ball was sipped right in there he hit him right between the 8 to 5 we're talking about the weather forecast yesterday with Dennis McKenna and he said 40 degrees man that's going to be a breeze 7 out of 10 [Applause] is down by Ricky daus first [Music] who wants to get in the fight you can't do that quarterback you can't fight he got say he was traded for a quick pass to a kid out here and then Walt was covered and then after he couldn't had he thrown it would have been intercepted he just had to hold it and take the sap through you know you don't hear about many quarterbacks being in fights though usually they're off you know you're saying telling everyone calm down calm down see I think it said it's that extra hit there at the knee when duck Reid came over the top then McMahon so when you reporter back the way you fight a guy's you throw the ball at him and then you back up yeah he sings it in and breathe McMahon gets to beta [Applause] a little bit get out of there [Applause] the fans were booing on that pad but that's a tough one for Johnny Johnson he's coming up now when you get on that sideline you have to unload on Payton because you know he's going to unload on you and that's what Johnson saying I just can't stand there and let him unload I mean I watch Walter as he comes up there just before he goes out of bounds watch him out he switches the ball and he's gonna unload with that right arm so Johnson has to get his load ready to go low to low already fans boo when you do that tough to stop it but you got it for guys loading up on you you got to load up on him or you go backwards and you better bring a bigger load then you change occupations Gentry in the back feel is that man goes out of the shotgun now and Gentry goes in motion what's up he had some room [Applause] Payton doesn't drop that Minnie that's the thing with that zone defense of Rams are always in the zone when you go short like that there won't be a man on you I want to do that there was no one there there was no one within ten yards who Walter Payton on that one he was thanking the boos he was going to be making so Morrie Buford comes on and Johnson and Ellard go back deep for the Rams [Applause] Buford's first effort was 37 Yardley hiroi early I said Ehlert its Leroy urban bhakti [Applause] Johnson sickles fair catch makes it at about the 16 the word on Ehlert by the way is he is in the locker room having his ribs taped at the moment 30 yard punt thirty-five the first half at Soldier Field the Bears lead to nothing this was last week's most embarrassing moment Sean landeta the punter for the Giants look at his hand underneath the ball [Applause] during all punters all punters watch and evaluate each other doctor both punters of the Bears and Rams and they say that they that one that them because they they hold the ball on top of the ball their hand instead of being under the ball who drop is on top of the ball with the drop that would certainly make a difference brought those out to brown and about the 20 a gain of three and that's all the average yards on first down and bought in that big a difference now it makes a big difference especially the team that only has one yard to ran that's their thing you know they don't play long yardage I mean dieter Brock isn't the kindest the third log for you a lot second down at seven [Music] [Applause] got the ball I believe to brown again and that should be enough for a first down gain of 11 this time Leslie Frazier was the defender I tell you one thing that you know in this first half of the game the Rams offensive line is doing a better job at pass protection than the Giants did a week ago I mean dieter Brock is getting rid of the ball quicker he's taking a shorter drop three or five step quick release he's getting relatively good pass protection first and 10 they had no sacks as yet they had six last week the Bears all at the 31 cutting back trying [Applause] singleterry and Marshall Dickerson and here comes another little scuffle hankie and David hill of the Rams involved with Duerson and dent gain of three seat berries in their the refrigeration his head saying not made she said I didn't do it the other guys started it come on biscuit they don't call him fridge and he got that nickname biscuit when he first came in dan Hampton ninety nine extra watch and get on a scale and said that guy's a biscuit away from 350 all of biscuit buddy Ryan calls in the bigger ax big river hey Brooke biscuit breads refrigerator names [Applause] market goes down I think Brown might have run out of bounds I'm not sure it's Michael Young nutbrown if you're worried the official on the sideline right here proto has his hat off that means he threw the hat when Brown went out of bound it's young not brown we're both wrong but I think he did go out of bounds well he did go out of bounds because Burrell taller is back here on the 35 yard laid off [Applause] but the rule is really the receiver can go out of bounds and come back in and catch a tip pass he can come back in a block but he can't go out of bounds and come back in and be the receiver when she got bumped you know the thing is he did go out of bounds but that was an illegal bump Mike Richardson can't bump him after five yards before the balls in the air you can bump that first five now that official he did a good job at catching young going out of bounds but he did a bad job and catching the ball that knocked him out of bounds it was illegal I feel young this time is where he was last time split wide to the right [Applause] part of the scheme he's six eight buddy Ryan has a new wrinkle and that is to put Tyrone keys in on passing down they have their 46 buddy Ryan calls keys too tall so he said we're going to put too tall in there because dieter Brock is going to have a tough time throw it over us and we want yet another tall guy in there Brock is only six feet but that's a good one [Music] sandwiched at the 25 mark Giroux I think there may be two penalties down there the official threw a flag and a hat [Applause] there's a yellow flag down he's got his hat back there's the flag well that's the first thing you see as you throw a flag then if you see another one you throw a hat then your third thing is a beanbag they throw there just call it one penalty though blocking from behind above the waist or something that'll be ten yards against the Bears as a 44-yard punt return under 29 to follow calling it's Dennis gentry 7:14 left to play in the first half and the Bears continue to lead by that same margin 10 nothing let's go back and look at that pass to young the minute ago where he was called for being out of bounds looked what gets him out of bounds but first Richardson hits him there in the first five yards now watch that he knocked him out of bounds with his shoulder in his right arm and then young came back in and caught the ball they said that that was illegal now art McNally of the league office says that that was incidental contact that knocked him out about I don't know if Robinson saw that one but what he sees that one he's going to say that incidental contact is what makes guys change professions your hair yeah that was a bad one in crawler they went wrong first down there bacon gets it outside and out-of-bounds knocked out by Mike Wiltshire gain of only three as town fare was out in front of Paton with a good block yeah they they did that play before remember it was Jay hildenburg get out there with a good block and as you say that time the right guard Tom Thayer get out there and made that block bears have it second at 7:00 from their own 19 6:40 left to play in the first half [Applause] man retreats flag is down out of the pack stop by Collins but a penalty marker down there we see again the thing that Jim McMahon does I'm gonna go against the Bears anyway but he'll look for a receiver if the receivers not there he looks for the lane to run in and if that's not there if there's a penalty then he smiles about it and he knows there's more to come this is what Lisa still second down McMahon looking over to the sideline it will be second at 12 [Applause] the information has just come to us that the winds have diminished and are down to about 10 miles an hour now second and 12 and somebody else moved now that'll be against the Rams and Jim McMahon got that penalty what he does is after he takes a penalty Bob Griese used to be the master at this he uses the cadence to draw him off side then the cadence falls far away and got his own guy the thick man was trying to get him as he said he said I always get him when I go hunt and then but and it's on for I watch him he's going but but see but the guy got his guy Keith van Horn number 78 instead of the ramp defense McMahon was trying to get them and it got his own gun I think you just got half of our audience too that's how you go but then I met third one you really bellowing in everyone jump [Applause] second at 17 at Bandra Galvan Thomas to about done I'm Gary Jeter on the tackle a gain of only one Gary Jeter had a big game last week against the Dallas Cowboys he had three sacks played his best game as a ram he's not the starting right and he's safe been to the designated pass rusher and he's going to rejuvenated his career this year really has he was traded from the Giants and then he had some injuries of surgery and but as game was finished and back this year in a big way and adds a little hunger that's been and they chased McMahan back into the endzone he tried to throw a middle screen to Denis Gentry but there was nothing there and almost McMahon was not there and almost the ball was coming towards McMahon that's a dangerous area to try and throw away a pass they are right there in the middle I think they knocked a screen man down they had it covered well they could intercepted that one taking it in the end zone Leroy Irvin and Johnny Johnson back deep for the ramp standing and about their 40 for the bear 44 Mary Buford coming out of his own end zone with this one [Music] dear firts punt bounces away from Johnson it really takes a bear pounce some confusion between urban and Johnson as to who would handle it and winds up all the way back at the RAM 35 a 55-yard Club of course we have to remember that the top punt returner in Lee Henry Ehlert isn't in there we have a backup in there Johnny Johnson it looked like they just didn't have their communication down there's no way they should have let that ball hit the ground look at John Robinson's reaction you lose 20 yards of field position that will create fewer gray hairs on a coach Henry Ehlert is back now that his rib Peter thought looking in his direction income knocked away by Singletary flag is down penalty marker down if the wind is decreased it's pretty hard to tell it I think it may have decreased and then picked up against [Applause] no foul on the play the ball of sucks ball is touch it can free pass second down Singletary kept it so there's no foul on the play but they're saying is he here comes number 50 Mike Singletary now because he tips the ball then there can't be pass interference on the corner see the corner interfered and had that ball not been Tim [Applause] past interference brach ass Duckworth incomplete ativan [Applause] Fraser was close sorry that looked like a duck to pass worth see the goal posts and then ribbons up top but the post themselves wiggling in the wind did you ever kick when the posts were moving well the posts were wooden in those days they weren't as high or as high that's right how long old tall pipes on the move and the gear mr. dickerson Dickerson first down around fencing finally stopped and that's his longest run of the day I think that's the thing that's going to be some encouragement to the Rams in his first half is the fact that they can get out here now that watch Wilson he'll move out of the way with emotion then they bring the guard and attack allowed here to lead on this play see they get the motion there goes Wilson now they got a week or a soft corner over here Wilber Marshall is over here all by himself David Hill takes him in now Kent L can get in front of Dickerson and it can get enough darn here get a first down I thought he had a first down but after they marked that Dickerson thought he had a first down he was really upset after they minded not where they did [Applause] [Music] and it takes a rampage follow it down the sideline and down inside a ten-course you can say it's a mistake for the punt returners no you have to catch that ball but I think that's one of the things in this weather with this win that's a very difficult act [Applause] Rams down and about the bear 8 yard line so it's first and 10 from there in comes lag left Galt is wide right [Music] do they there's nothing there might have struggled for a yard but not much more Reggie Doss was the first RAM there [Music] spike Singletary nicknamed samurais and they're smiling about where we're doing some hitting out there today early guys but I tell ya this RAM defense is doing some hitting out there I think that they'll be encouraged going into the halftime because they've started to settle down you know they the Bears can't get much going on and now and they broke dick teasing rule on that last run they had that long pass to young it was fall back starting to get some things going in there subtle way second an age McMahon up the door [Music] [Applause] that last little extra surge [Applause] when you leave Walter Payton alone like that in his own defense and he drops one you know he's not going to drop the session WA you know that second what he's going to get and he's going to get a first down that is here now watch the zone you see there's little playpen the linebackers drop back baton catches a ball in front of them that's the underneath area then he makes a move on Nolan Cromwell cuts back gets the first down they get it out to the 20 and the balk is running with 202 left now and they probably would not get another one off or they don't before the two-minute warning both teams by the way have all [Applause] bears lead it 10 to nothing looking down at Soldier Field earlier today one of the people flying a helicopter up there where that cameras located was saying that the wind and that altitude was gusting up to 60 miles an hour amazing how steady they could stay under those conditions send nothing you have to be real steady to get in one of those things go up there when it's 60 miles an hour I don't think I want to catch you in 1m I never leave the ground [Applause] first attempt [Applause] [Music] incomplete intended for matsui Jim columns on the coverage Mike will sure put a little pressure before he was picked up by Peyton they wonder yeah that's the thing that people don't always realize about Walter Payton is it is that they ask him to do these types of things you know he's not only a runner but MEA he'll block for you he'll do everything and if he doesn't get it done in the proper way he'll hold he'll grab whatever it takes he embedded Lee played 11 years you give your body to feel you grab you pulled down a few hours man is down by duck greed and the second time he's been sacked they had Doug Reid came here he looked like he was relatively free Rams have called a timeout Doug Reid looking on just got the second sack of the day for the Rams I remember a year ago duck reads his second year guy but a year ago when he came in from San Diego State he was he he was the the big surprise in their training camp son and he was also the guy that had to replace the legendary Jack Youngblood now we see here was the duck read here we get this linebackers blitzing and Reed is coming here and Van Horn the right tackle isn't sure who he should take he tries to go out he finally goes with a linebacker the tight end was supposed to block duck read on that play and he came down to cut him then he missed him Doug Reed got there the Rams have taken the time out leaving them with to John Robinson old friend of yours close friends of yours and what a nice man Val forever you know John John Robinson and I grew up together we were grammar schools all that I know what he's telling those good he was telling them because I know the way he thinks he's telling we got him now he stopped we got things going we got him backed up we got a running starting to go we've got a little passing on them we're gonna beat him in the second half guys we're wearing it down I know that's what he's saying that's taken in motion and all this de su Collins was looking at him a gain of nine but that just about gets back to the original line of scrimmage Carl Decker and on the stop perhaps take another timeout so now they have one remaining the Bears have been built basically basically I should say on very sharp draft choices and a lot of free agents and a lot of what was done in 1983 well you know the horse bucks Palace that's George Halas jr. was a president at that time and you know with all these things in the McCaskey is here now and of course his father Papa George Halas but buck Salas you know had a lot to do with this team and also Jim thinks was a vice president and general manager at that time and neither one of those fellows are here now but they sure did have a lot to do with the makeup of this team this was the draft in 1983 look at the starters they got out of that single draft covert the Gulf Mike Richardson Duerson layer richard tint the mark boards and that's a good years where that's a good five years worth sure is because you know of those players are not only starters but three of them this year are in the Pro Bowl right so Morrie Buford back to front [Applause] Johnson and Leroy urban stand at midfield Buford's going to get it between them again it looks like no Johnson makes the adjustment outside fumble very gray [Applause] and the Rams have had a couple of beer disasters on the last two punt returns but then again I think we have to say that the number one punt return in Lake Henry Ehlert isn't in there this time Johnson here he feels it that's a good knows he starts to make a move to that side the ball gets hit again it's Jay hildenburg down there the center of a snapper [Applause] first down Rams at their own 41 they have one timeout remaining drop we were out of practice here on Friday and Ehlert went off and at that time he he had a a bad calf his calf muscle tightened up and he went off and now they said they had a tape up his ribs and we see him back as a receiver but he hasn't been there as a pup return and a mission run Browns with wide to the left until it is out to the right Nickerson brach and they go of too tight in and the Rams clementa Brock the Bears rather come after Brock and almost got there he stepped up and got rid of it [Applause] you know John Robinson said one thing we're not going to do is they're not going to be hanging all over us especially these two guys Wilson and Marshall come in here they both come they put the pressure on Brock but he's able to get away from it watch it they have to two linebackers on the tight Marshall the inside of the two is eventually going to put the pressure on right there [Applause] but brah is going to get rid of the ball that's what John said he's not going to be holding that outside under a find a handle and it will bring up a fourth down it's incomplete listen to the applause [Applause] hatcher back to kick [Applause] it's a honey [Applause] it's a bear it the Rams recovered it Rams head the ball it hit Reggie Phillips and there and recovered wrenchy Phillips was down on the ground and the ball bounced back into her well hit he was down in the ground and Jerry Gray made the recovery for Duran 4:48 right there is Reggie Phillips to see his block [Applause] start down beside the bottles back [Applause] it's up right into this [Applause] the device extremely well the handoff is the Dickerson he's down to about the 17 fencing up to make the stop the Rams have one timeout left clock running was 55 54 seconds left now Dickerson got four probably going to drain get it first down before they take their next time out that evil seconds here's dickerson and hammers down to about the 12 a yard short of a first down before William Perry and Singletary stopping I think they're going to try and get another first down and huddle up before they have to take a timeout they don't have that much time he's gonna have to throw the ball out of bounds man hurry I'm surprised they even got in a huddle I have two down to ten seconds third back to throw got a man in the middle it's Dickerson he's inside the five [Applause] they had a flameout I can't believe that they went with a huddle now they're saying they have a second remaining where there was one second hey remember anyone can call timeout now so it's going to be who called timeout and what official heard it this is interesting but I don't know why I don't know why that they went back to the haunted understand what they might have been thinking I knew they were trying to save one time out for the field goal and I think that's a smart thing but to huddle up I don't know about that and the discussions buddy Ryan the Bears defensive coordinator around arguing talking to Pearl Toller the Bears when they are I don't understand that whole picture [Applause] at one time [Applause] if they can't throw inside which they did but I think crack had a hook I didn't want to spent too much time in huh - I think he had a wait too long before he could find someone she wait wait wait now he finally finds him now they can't take time out until Dickerson is down there from here on they can take time out so when he went down they could have called timeout you can't take time out for a place finish [Applause] you saw David Hill trying to call a timeout here's Dennis Hara trying to call the timeout brought the signaling timeout Robinson's calling a timeout didn't make any wine but again they could all call timeout but I'm officials behalf they can't give timeout I'm dealt Dickerson's down for whistle blow a confusing situation and the Rams lost golden opportunity to get something on the scoreboard the Bears lead ten-nothing Lansford set to kick it off in the direction of Wooley gone and Dennis Gentry both of Willmar explosive funny-lookin kick [Applause] is down head about the 23 and the arms of fence Museum and a fight breaks out immediately I don't suppose you could really call it a fight that's not over yet they turn into one a lot of pushing and shoving and perhaps even some profanity Calvin Thomas was the bear involved in Sean Miller [Applause] two guys walking off there [Applause] first down bears their own 24:10 nothing Rams had 68 yards total offense in the first half the Bears 152 I didn't hear what Jim Tony the official said just now but the things have been held up for just a minute [Applause] not sure the 30-second clock is working and that is the problem it is not working maybe it froze thanks you know the wind gets to it cold weather gets to it thing just go boom and they have what they call power pops [Applause] chill factor got to it McMahon throwing as he began the game complete d'amour here as he did to begin the game a gain of eight [Applause] the Bears are 22 and one since 1984 when they were leading at the half time there was one exception to that yeah the interesting thing about that too one was around the only time out of those 23 games that they've let it halftime and lost to the Rams year [Applause] [Music] back to back Paton fumbles goes out of bounds it'll be belong to the bear he's the last man who had possession he picked up a hey it's some strange things of after Walter Payton this hasn't been one of his better days he's he's had a little luck with him but that's the second time that he's fumbled we remember he dropped a pass early I think Walter Payton and for all his years experience he's he's still a little jittery over all this done he said he was so excited this week that he couldn't even sit down or anything he was just gonna run in place all week only he could do that [Applause] McMahon to throw on first and again sit out the paper go drop this time Collins tripped him up a gain of six [Applause] bears took the opening kickoff and McMahon scrambled in for a touchdown then they got a field goal by Butler and since then that RAM defenses put a clamp on him that's what I think I think at that point the Rams came to took over I think they were a little unsettled the Bears had things going early Rams about that point after that second score and they kind of took him got to control back suea this time two short of the first down here's dieter Brock over in the RAM Vince loosening up you know he has that glove on the left end he tore a tendon in his ring finger on the left hand last week luckily of course he doesn't throw with that hand nor does he take the ball he puts when he gets his snap from the center his right hand as a top hand and that takes the pressure of it Wallace was placed by the official and then it was blown away well the wind almost gained a first down for further bears almost blew the dipwad to first they [Applause] regi daus was the first man there who is your name comes to join him I'll tell you DNA is a guy that call that play watch him on he'll converge here number 70 you see he takes Hillenburg he gets penetration right there now he gets Suey at first he slows them up and then Reggie daus is coming in from the outside the Charles Dee's Rene the nose tackle got penetration anytime you run against a three-man line you got to get to nose tag if you stop the run it's usually the nose tackle somehow involved he's Rene is a man who played in the world football league Johnny Johnson back deep along with Leroy Orton from Wendy's Rene was at San Jose State I remember when he was with a San Diego charger Vizard gets off the good kick Johnson lets it mass and it goes out of bounds at about the 23 again there's a little pushing and shoving between Vince Evans and Tim Wright that's raishin involved they only get 28 yards on the kick that looked good in the beginning there's this year's genius buddy Ryan's an offensive coordinator of the Bears John you're now talking a minute ago we've done this is our fifth bear game this year and we haven't seen anyone who score a touchdown against them yet oh and I think that's something you know and Buddy Ryan will be the first guy to Sam he has this 46 defense and it's all this and that but the guys who make the defense you guys we're seeing here the players anyone can play 46 and that set out people the way we've seen this guy's a good player answer me retreat it's a to Dickerson it's the same play that ended the first half six yard gain Dickerson we were talking with him the other day he said they don't even throw me the ball I think they don't have any patterns he said for this game he doesn't have any pass patterns he was probably just like a fourth dairy guy yeah there was fake and her supposed to be around here I think he caught that with one hand probably that scooper slave he has to the scuba suite they've kept him under control Dickerson got a good blockage for and it's out Dickerson got a good pickup [Applause] Italia was against Richard dent do you know he wasn't blocking a defensive back or a linebacker once 95 there's Richard dent he's common common company he sees Dicker's and Dicker's and I have to take that cat well I'd say he stayed in there he's squared bent the knees a little to the right elbow at the end I'm with him pretty good didn't he he hung in there good that day that had to be a shock to dickerson you look you know you bend over square up knees bent eyes up open here comes Dan booth lady Corps for a first down Dickerson interesting engine matter comes the flag Richardson before the ball got there that's going to be against the Bears that'll give the Rams a ball right there and I'm 48 yard-line watch him right here we see Mike Richardson he's grabbin and he gets his shoulder he gets that right and left hand on Henry Ellard before the ball gets there that was right out in front everyone saw that one that's the RAM first down at the 48 is me John his nickname is LA cuz he's from Southern California Raleigh's play in LA Redman dickerson [Applause] balls on the ground and Richardson who was just that's the second one for dickerson [Applause] Wilson t5 strip Dickerson buddy the defense coordinate so we're going to get three funcle' what's 55-year takes on the card then he works back there watches come back and watch that right hand go in and knock that ball out he grabbed that right hand pull it into the elbow and that knocked the ball out of dickerson in fact Otis Wilson told us that he was going to get three fumbles he said Dickerson a fumble three times two [Music] outside the pink Phaeton gets away from one and it stepped out of bounds it was wiltjer Arizona's Wilson he still celebrated he do he said he can tell the guy you know I took on the guy it Kent Hill came he blocked I took on him Dickerson got in it was that gap play worked back in grab his arm look at the turnover ratio Plus 23 in there 12 wins - aid in their five losses do that to just about anything [Applause] and back to throw again are those flushed out of the pocket and throw it away under heavy pressure again from the RAM rush intended for right now covering boy hey one thing about this RAM defenses are always play in a zone they always have their underneath guys in the right spots they're deep guys in the right spots and if you're going to hit them you have to be right in those lanes and areas you're not going to have guys running wide open against us Ram defense [Applause] they're pass-rush group in there the Bears have marjoram in now as a wide receiver and the Kenan is out three of Norfolk [Applause] completes it the golf being up for a bear first down [Applause] slow getting up at least he threw that right between Leroy Irvin and Vince Newsome [Applause] yo McMahon still has bad knees you know and every time he goes down I'm sure that everyone's thinking about that him he's had shoulder injuries and kidney injures and everything but he still has bad knees but watch his zip two defenders there's Ervin there's Newsome and he hit that ball soon right between those two guys and look what Collins does to him after he throws the ball where that jiggled that whole body I mean that put that spine in a different area which one you'll remember he gives it back to paper about Leroy Irvin the RAM defense was right there a loss of four that's the thing with a defense or at the events for Coach you know when you have a guy doubled and you have them inside out and the quarterback still gets that ball in there wonder what do you have to do clock is stopped with 932 left to play in the third quarter by the way the 30-second clock now is operating it's been fixed [Applause] there she goes marjoram split wide to the right [Applause] [Music] something to Payton the freedom move back to sewer not very much there wasn't much there since Newsome and the pushin and shovin continued just about every play we're getting something going here now there's Dennis mckennon going in it looks like you know he's had some knee problems all year and the only practice is one or two days a week and comes out and plays in the game but I'd say he's the tough guy at his team he's the guy that catches all the inside passes he's a guy that does the blocking for the sweeps he does things that you don't see wide receivers doing much anymore and he enjoys doing it third and 13 and his coach might get conjoins talking about it [Applause] German motion the middle of Surrey but get three a biggie pardon sue it was happening there was Gentry who picked up the eight yards this might be close enough for Butler what they're trying to do is make them think pass and then and then pop that trap in there to gentry this is a big decision now for Mike Ditka its fourth down you go for the field goal the upfront where do you go for it on fourth down they're going for it on fourth down fourth and six to a John Robinson his elbows defense watch out for him with that Kapus to try and draw you outside like man says I don't think we fool them we better take time out and talk this one over cuz were fourth and six and that 30-second clock was down to three so 755 remain in the third quarter you head coach the Bears Mike Ditka fourth-year the second consecutive year in a playoff tell me a little bit about who's thinking here well I know what he's thinking you know if you punt the ball and it goes into the endzone they get it on 220 you only picked up 15 yards the field goal is 52 yards with a take the shot [Music] they did sexy police they put a promotion man on the spread out and they got the first guy hey that's not a bad combination now let your quarterback take the ball let him sprint out here have blockers out in front of now he can run or he can find someone open who does he find open but Walter Payton who knew exactly where the first down marker was got up beyond and so when McMahon did see him and hit him he had the first down ten bears from around 22 [Applause] hit behind the line of scrimmage by Reggie Doss and Mike Wiltshire for a loss Kevin Butler brookey from georgia loosening up he's wearing fencing jacket defense expelled looking around where's my jacket kicker got your jacket your wretched ghost got a good job today at that run he sure has the RAM defense has done a good job we'll have they've been very very solid you know a big player of break from their office McMann against Brits out for golf touchdown massive 22-yard water bro [Applause] with might get this decision to go for that for [Applause] the finest of Bologna let's get that first the touchdown we can put them away right [Applause] full or holding Butler for the extra point [Applause] from 70 nothing and thereby will it go [Applause] then he goes back out to the corner as McMahon roll McMahon Rose went what a shot he put in there running to us laugh [Applause] let's watch it here [Applause] he's going to start it up start in and back here McMahon gets a ball comes out here on the run hits him right here see the motion come out here golf starts in Sim come in there then he goes back [Applause] sips at touchdown door a43 give me a one right there head there eleven [Applause] you can't celebrate crowd doesn't know that [Applause] the Bears pitching another shot 656 left Butler kicked off its run to the outside with great speed Brown and spins outside the 40 to the 42 before Jim Morrissey brings him down a 45 yard kickoff return by Ron Brown hey Willie call was the safety man he was the guy that's supposed to tackle Ron Brown if he breaks away ball was waiting he was one way one man away from it and he finally got blocked what's goal he's staying there he's saying where is he where is he Norwin fan number 51 is going to come and watch them take ball fix him right out of dog gets in rehearsal I'm an offensive guy I've run south I don't fight what do you want me to do I'll race the gondoliers own brach retreats eller makes the reception / Marshall [Applause] they're going to be barking like dogs out there let's let's listen to that one again [Applause] you that hurt up here Rock Gibson Dickerson dickerson except the first down at the barre 45 Singletary after a gain of six [Applause] I'm sure he wanted to go for that fourth down play and I'm sure he wanted to throw that ball in the end zone that sure he wanted to wear that headband again this week last week he got a letter from [Music] battery couldn't do it so he wore it again he just changed what was on the front of it there's dieter prop just picked off by Leslie Frazier Fraser with the interception sort of a discussion but it's bears ball rofo NOFA Leslie Fraser looked like he was there all the way it comes underneath for the interception watch him he's on Duckworth there he's running running now instead of following behind him but he takes the interception angle all away he got underneath Duckworth then he was running with him and he got the reception the interception okay there's a guy I think he's one of the reasons for this the success of this bear defy us you have to have good quarterbacks in order to be able to play that defense well you leave them out there naked on an island by themselves those two corners and if they can't cover me in the band you can getting this back by the way [Music] surely straight ahead pylons on the stop after a gain of six [Applause] look at that I think they don't play tough in the second half well you know maybe they're the one so where you down I know the Rams thought that they would be able would come in and run and wear this bear defense down they got to today Otis Wilson there he's talking about New Orleans already he got some work here to do before to go down there for 40 left in the third quarter de Pape paper his stop before he gets back to the line of scrimmage by Chuck Reed refrigerators ordering some more supplies what his dude is in for the postgame look when that games over I want a good supply in there we got to refuel this thing oh it's whoo refrigerator be talking about on the phone he's usually like about coverages adjustments a Steve McMichael talkin to her now maybe they're talking about offense if they get down and according to put them in on the goal line pack holds out him most Refrigerator to me McMichael go Marcus it's third down hanging out breaks out of the spread [Applause] Pass is incomplete not yet every Moorhead was the intended receiver Vince Newsome was the RAM defender I still say that this Ram team has played very good defense today but they just can't get a play they just can't get anything going because they've they've gotten a ball that defense has gotten the ball back for the offense they've done some things for them and they just can't take advantage of them but as you say of all the games we've done we've never seen a team score a touchdown against a bear so that's not easy we saw the Jets get to field goals but no one else got in the endzone Johnson back deep [Applause] there's your penalty mark Jetray on its top that flag looked like it came right off the Bears batch of the sidelines Wilbur Marshall was running in with the flag this bear defense is so excited can't wait to get out of the field they're running in before the returns finish his buddy Ryan looking on like a walk number 33 on the return 10 yards first out yeah that was number 33 is Charles white he's there on Shaun Gayle 23 see Gayle has the position on him he can't block him anywhere else so he just gets that push in the back 3:40 remaining third quarter and the Bears on top 17 to nothing [Applause] that summer all John Madden at Soldier Field Chicago the Bears lead at 17 nothing look what they've done in the second half this year [Applause] 122 219 they've held Eric Dickerson - just 44 yards rushing theme Carrie rocked back Tony hunter well over the head the refrigerator was close to Brock on that one the Bears used a different defense air fat then all three of their linebackers right in the middle behind McMichael and fridge maybe that's what they were telling that Perry on the phone they were saying look when you see all those guys behind you don't worry that's what we're doing we've got a whole bunch of guys right behind you second and ten Rams they're on 20 through Richard dent dan Hampton rocks starter step up of Dan Hampton sack of the day and dan Hampton comes on a stunt you'll see McMichael here work out here's Hampton right here he crosses comes in right here works through a bunch of blockers in here and then gets to him watch him 99 May bankruptcy loops around now he comes up there's one blocker two blockers works right through him throws hair aside and sacks Peter Braun for a lot of guys to get there the hard work at SAC rock out of the park finally throws it over the hill [Applause] they when this bear defense gets its engine's going they can Rev them ups go full-speed they got him rev down when they get going they're pretty tough to stop catcher back to punt standing at his own four eight for the bear good kick [Applause] hammered at about the 37 yard line [Applause] 48 yard kick by Hatcher bears take over first and ten at their own 39 yard line good kick 17 nothing soldier feels Chicago Bears that lead the Rams 17 nothing for the NFC Championship their last championship 1963 at Wrigley Field you know when you talk to the Bears and coaches el-sayed goes back to last year that that this they've all started a year ago this time when they lost this in San Francisco they got so close they didn't get they realized what it was all about and that loss made this year McMahon on a quick count one out of the pocket scampers out of bound picked up three before he went out of bounds couldn't find anybody open I think what he's doing is laughing at his own decisions he made about three or four of them there he was going to pass much mark boards come out and block my quilt sure number fifty-four watch him see he makes that block he takes Wiltshire out of there now that opens a lane now McMahon says I'm going to throw it up I run now I'll throw up no a throat no I'll run they'll go out of bounds he made about four or five decisions Thomas has replaced Sooey sustained Leyton stop by Jim Collins after a pickup of about three given four about to shy of the first down are you talking about a guy that you know over the years done so many things and and worked and been me yeah when they've been the Bears have lost when they've been a bad team and this guy's getting over a thousand yards in throw balls and but never got the one thing that they all want that's a championship they have checked him pretty well today [Music] acceptance and now the Bears will have to punt Ritchie daus again made the play I know I've McMahon's thinking err he's thinking you know we ran that roll to the right side on 4th down we got it we ran it to the left for a touchdown why didn't we run it there on third down and we wouldn't be partnered down I know he's thinking that Mauri Buford back to Ponte Johnson and Irvin back deep for the RAM [Applause] [Music] different from his 30 that one will stay up there while looks like the wind is we've had some effect [Applause] winds up taking up their bounce again inside the court [Applause] again confusion the RAM Center wound up with a ball and they're coming to penalty flags that was a late flag that had to be something well first is a play by one so first up but I've come to flag came out so late encroachment that's number 99 and that happens well before the play now he starts now he goes now the flag comes way late on that one I mean encroachment of something you do before the balls early first and five Nantz had the ball their own 23 less than a minute left third quarter rock back to throw going deep and Frasier almost victim and refrigerator almost buried dieter Brock right here at Soldier Field but they did he get him after he threw the ball whoo boy that is a big low watch the fridge here he comes in here when Brock throws the ball he puts him right in it on the curb now that had it that had it be a big deal coming on you watching here and frozen there's a refrigerator right there now just him landing at the end on you bonanza yeah that's like you know getting caught under a truck for so who knows how much away he admits the freeway here very written doesn't get much as dan Hampton makes the stop that's the formation they use when they run their option play and that was the option play there that was going to be an option that's why I read and carried it for the first time it's set up we'll see read and come here with a ball now Dickerson is trailing here Brendan's going to try an option right on this guy if he comes and he'd pitch if not he's going to run it the end guy here is Otis Wilson now watch him he'd see the guard close he takes a handoff [Applause] Dickerson was behind him he didn't even have chance to try and run the option she did listen coming into it that's the end of the third quarter that's just the end of the third quarter with the store the Bears 17 nothing Rambaldi room 25 third and three there's had a blitz going pass was intended for Ehlert Rock have no chance to set up Marshall was coming he was blood you know a lot of people think the offensive people say well you know Perry really isn't a good defensive player he is a good defensive player he's big he handles that middle and as Mike Ditka says you watch a lot of things happen around him and they do he's always getting penetration [Music] Hatcher standing back at his own 10 back at the barre 40 [Applause] or to go waving get away from it it finally bounces out of an Behr's sake over here what I was talking about Pat watch this who's Fred he's going against Ken hill here but watch how he takes it and he takes a pile and just knocks it back then a lot of things can happen on the other side of that but watch him go as he's here he has a good take on dispensed i watch him just take him just push it push push push push push another guy Dickerson trying to get him but see how piles and stuff happen around him I mean he gets into that backfield big William Perry 300-plus yeah when he gets it going one way if you're the other way it's hard to stop it he's a good athlete right foot slips down picked up maybe a yard that was an interesting story Dale Hatcher the RAM punter went to Clemson with William Perry and was telling us what a good diver he is yeah I guess they have a good swimming and diving team at Clemson and and what dairy would go out to died students and people come from all over to watch him and he would hit that board and darn near snap it down then when he hit the water we'll all come up over and people were just marveling the diving coach said he could have made the team as a bad right and he's a good basketball player there's McMahon back to throw down he goes for the third time of the day by Doug Reid [Applause] 14:02 left to play one quarter away from the Super Bowl I don't know if McMahon is hurt or not he's limping around maybe that could just be the result of what happens over the over the years do you need but he gets hit he's trying to spin out you see and he gets that left leg twisted he got up limping I think he's be shaking it off that's the one that was his bad one that's the one that he has the big brace up neither knee is really 100% though but the left ones is real bad when he falls had his Bionic name back to throw again I got the screen pass occupation Satan has not much room Jerome Kern out there along with Leroy Irvin to make the stop man upset with himself or perhaps didn't like that selection of play I'll guarantee you that's what it was he's gonna like that play Klaus and he said but that would call that for a third long yo he and Mike Ditka went for him remember that Barrett dial they went for one month and didn't talk to each other not a word was exchanged between the two I'll bet you right now that he's not see he goes and talks to guys like linemen gets close to the heater the rigid defensive guys kick those out of bounds and the Rams will take over but a camera had a long way to go they'll start from their own 29 yard line a 47-yard punt by Buford IFTA says he thinks half of the things that McMahon does are just to aggravate him 17 nothing they leave as a friend of yours John Bill Murray I remember when that happens where and I have no idea where I got it I think that's an old football helmet that's the way they used to wear remember they were like leather helmets and then they would throw him up put him in back pockets when they weren't playing Bill Murray where that is down there coach he's probably taking credit for that call that touchdown call the corner be quiet flying on airplane with two lanes nothing there for him you only got a singleterry again the first man there he got three in fencing with an assist there guys like Bill Murray were Chicago Bear fans for years you know what he always had to defend it I mean they were cups fans and bear fans and oh your brooms goggling laugh at him after winning Bill Murray's out there in the sidelines was how he got down there anyway he wore that hat I know the league office won't like that and they won't like McMahon's headband but they aren't going to like that either [Applause] second at 7:00 it is this is hunter back to throw get it outside to hunter and nobody's even both not to about the 47 Duerson tripped him up after a gain of 15 I'm surprised Tony hunter cut back to the inside because there was no one in the outside he caught the ball there was no one at all out there and it looks like he cuts back in here he is in motion when he comes out here no one covers him and he turns the ball up but then he turned it back in watch because the motion fakes the block comes out here there's no one out here though now why he just didn't stay out here in the sidelines he cut back into double D david ershon on first down they pitch back to deco science technician tries to find him Wilson chased him out of Ana's they have kept Eric Dickerson the great Eric Dickerson under control we know the last two times they played or both times Eric Dickerson gained over a hundred yards on this team because you know what he did last week that 248 that's a false day's work and that's what the Rams had planned to do today they wanted to do the same type of thing carry the ball 45 where I'm down where a man wearing them but I think the fair defense has been doing the wearing down 11 minutes and 13 seconds left before - dig - go outside the brown he dropped trying to set up this quick screen to the speed [Applause] that was one of the things the Rams put in for this game that they're the quick screen he type of stuff that wouldn't be bothered by the wind where he could get it - you're fast guys out in front where said plan didn't work when you drop the ball but the idea was to get the ball out quickly - Ron Brown get blockers in front of him and him going down the field third down and 11 here did you see Perry though wearing that bathing suit those divers wearing Louganis Greg Louganis is little speedo somehow I can't imagine it will be little Brown in motion under pressure gets away from a couple but got all gets there second sack of dieter Brock [Applause] [Music] or to go standing back it the 22 yard line this is the night [Music] and it goes out of bound beg your pardon the 700 we always talk about stunts let's watch one here's Perry this is how they got to he goes first Hampton he comes second for us the Hampton gets there first beaten Brock has to get and then Gary falls on watch the two guys brush see refrig go first Hampton comes around Hamptons free he makes dieter Brock put the ball down spin around now here comes a refrigerator a whole bunch other guys holy moly Grover Marshall the refrigerator full package [Applause] number five and 40 left to play bacon gets the carry Leeroy urban after a pickup of just a couple Mike will sure you know all the hoopla around this game about the two game between you know Dickerson on one side Payton the other than the two great running but really hasn't turned into that hasn't both of them have been checked both defenses have done a good job at checking them you know they both went in if that's the thing they had to do they've done that part of it well I think the difference here is Jim McMahon few snow flurries are starting to appear clock now shows less than 10 minutes [Applause] second Anna nine my who leaps into the bear backfield flags are down [Applause] break meister the nose tackle he has a call he thinks it's passed he yells Turkey turkey Turkey Rani yells with over - rabbit rabbit oh wow didn't have any golfing to start the play though call the rabbit for himself and started a run but if he started hildenburg didn't move the ball he just started [Applause] McMahon said no no no Peyton goes over to help McMahon hold McMahon up Brad buys her off [Applause] I would like to hear that conversation upon those three guys perhaps you can see some of those snow flurries which had just started to appear sit at the championship game in Chicago there should be some snow I agree McMahon back to me his bet right at the line of scrimmage that'll bring up a third down situation Jeter was the first man in white to hit him as a separate Rams really did a good job of shutting down that run again we see Gary Jeter he takes an inside rip he comes inside a covert ripped from brothers right hand and he's the guy that gets the penetration the first guy there this is one of the few places that they cheer bad weather but it should I mean the the elements oh it to Chicago to be here today snow should be here today he did not get the first down the pair's will have to punt again they lead 17 nothing there is our cameraman on the opposite side of the field his way up on top I mean you talked about elements there's a man in the elements it's our buddy Hermann Lange he spent a lot of years and blimps and stuff like that it's okay with him he doesn't care these guys don't either but interest game has ever I mean you're Chicago and the Bears and soldier fields and monsters and big guys and puffy guys and short sleeves and snow and everything the oldest things bro thing is a gun all that stuff and artificial tone too bad we can't pick the all-american team today there's batted out of bounds they were hoping for roughing the kicker call against the Rams they didn't get it Hut was 26 yards the Rams take over they just haven't been able to get anything going on up 751 left to play the Bears lead at 17 nothing there is our location they're saying the dream is over the wait is over the dream came true you can see the snow down in front of us but there's 751 left to play in the Bears lead at 7 17 nothing think he knows what the score is back close Peter prop under pressure [Applause] Richardson was with it everybody in this crowd just Rory looking with anticipation [Applause] not everybody's roaring or not everybody's looking second at 10 Rams they have 33 with these bear guys like question sayers would never made it this games for them berry written over the left side and the guy who just made the tackle went through a lot of years of frustration here - Gary fencing eight dark years when there were no playoffs he and his buddy duck plank after whom the 46 defense was named I think there's a real contradiction and Gary fence with them but here's the guy you know smooth nice guy good-looking guy sweet guy mr. clean graduate of Yale University birthday where you get that but he gets that look as I and he's a jekyll-and-hyde he's a different dad rob has the ball Bennet straight up in the air nobody could see it Steve McMichael had a shot at it and touchdown if he had come up with it they just couldn't find it well for the air Michael's a Gatsby playing this this part of the season that just gut watching here he has a bad knees going to FF surgery after the season he has no foreign particles in there looks like it hit Duerson right in the face bounce tok McMichaels gonna i got it i got it dropped it and his guys are good there's a handful say oh yeah [Music] Duerson is back deep for the bears this time now let Hatcher's plus bounce it goes out of bounds at about the 11 and 648 now the smell continues crowd continues to yell [Applause] it looks like they're headed for New Orleans [Applause] I think they head first for champagne going to work this first week at the University of Illinois [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lady finds very little Running Room it's been that way all day the leader of the defense Samurai Mike Singletary we talk about different personalities he's the same baby guy you see him off the field he has the glasses very articulate very nice guy soft-spoken you see him on the field he's wild got the button-down collar the tie yeah you wear a striped suit on you carry a briefcase wait for the update he could change from that briefs briefcase to a look at his eye [Applause] and McMahon's got to go to work get it for right Bonnie [Applause] far in front there's another guy that's having a good game today Jimbo covert Jim covert number 74 you know he's had and he's had at every game that we've seen last week who was against Leonard Marshall and is that it against Jeff code he's had it against all those guys he's he's the captain of this bear often here's another those who were drafted 1883 yeah that's quite a tricky Hilbert God just being here be in the photo and be the captain worth this time out of this snowing a little harder [Applause] Denis jet three was the bald Mary carrier and out of bears again we'll have to punt as Jim Collins made the tackle hit this there's the only guy I've said to time the all baton team is Hampton he got the worst look at hands he got a left finger he was showing me the other night you know they can't bend and it's been has brass and stuff in it so if they go to the Superbowl he's going to have a measure of that finger get the ring for that left buckley finger and then I haven't melted down and put it on his right to get a lot more gold that way that finger of his looks like an elbow these guys think about that that's how they think they've got elbows four fingers Beauford gets it off the side of his foot have trouble handling and Johnson gets it out of bounds in bear territory at about the 47 37-yard punt 4 yard return 508 now left 17 of them bear [Applause] snow continues to fall it's a little bit harder now this appropriately enough is bare weather this is really what they were hoping for [Applause] they like to do that those lines but you know get out there snow cold wind and get those shirtsleeves you know roll the sleeves up get those big arms hanging out there they got them all pumped up you know big ol arms on them but let's see if you can see those finger those are bad looking hand he bends his hand and only a couple things bent them in some states I hate to say can I keep my hands offensive years of frustration for him around here too he's a tremendous player well he's one of those guys that's in the same group as a how in law yeah it's kind of a player's player man's man that David guy could play anywhere up and down the line inside outside and play to run play to pass love to kid one you'll play a whole game they're loving it just over five minutes left of world back to troll going deep for crown on Frasier right there good play now I still saying we're young and we talked about it before this 46 defense they commit eight guys that you have to have guys like Leslie Frasier Frasier can go watch of Ron Brown maybe the fastest guy in the game he just mirrors him just run step four step doesn't interfere gets good position sees the ball is always where he's supposed to be remember that interception we saw him make against Green Bay the greatest play by a defensive back I've ever seen in my mouth of my life second chair my gift I believe for RAM first down before Duerson in fencing bring a pickup of 11 they will move the sticks I believe one thing they popped at right through there between the line you know they thought maybe they would be able to get a little that inside running I think it's too little too late for feel before two half minutes I'm just gonna say I think the Rams our this year like the Bears were a year ago and the pairs were like the 49ers where last year same record as Wilson [Applause] loss of two a great year last year the 42 no team has ever recorded back-to-back shut off shutouts in playoff history at some accomplishment and again Laura say it too many times but we still haven't seen anybody in that be Renzo and the five games we've done there's party riot easy entry and those players all rough but he doesn't even par with my name just caused by admit me [Music] Wilson and Wilber Marshall made the stop they you know but he calls his players like Wilson's you know 55 and 50 and so on and he just doesn't miss 22 you do this he said he started doing it so when he first came to the Bears he didn't know the player he had a fifth defensive back named Walter Scheib and we would put in you know it and he said he forgot his name is called a bash mangle like a fashion angle bastard use the receivers a wide receiver this box on third down chased by Camden down this is Wilbur Marshall with the ball Marshall if it's still alive a sec 5/10 [Applause] / Marshall Kevin Butler for the extra point Steve fuller holding everything else there Richard then he was standing up you see him and Tony hunter just couldn't get out it wasn't quick enough he got his hands on him dead comes in speaker frog just strips the ball right out of there watching these position see 187 tries to turn out thank you tries to get out can't he just ripped turns up so fix it up finished playoff games richard denna's had got away from dickerson he's picked up a convoy Richard dent last week against the Giant the most dominant [Applause] and I've ever seen a defensive line chi'lan Wilson [Applause] there's Walter Payton coming Brown an early marker is down a brown cut down by Kevin Butler nope him to make the all-madden team they're gonna bring everything back etiquette after he was in a footrace the kicker is in the foot race comes brother Brown to the sideline Devon Butler got him where's have been town anyway but it looked good I have to believe Kevin Butler might might lose that race most every time but see he's there he's telling him how he did it you know these guys hardly ever make tackle once he said I've gone over and cut him off in the past I'd throw and I just went for that knee I took us me out and then he had to go wherever the knee goes you have to go and say brag about that no those guys could kick big field extra points point [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the Rams are backed up to their 10-yard line we have two minutes and 24 seconds it starts it's written cumin was the other back that time Dickerson town [Applause] I'll tell you maybe the one of the most underrated players on that defense is Wilbur Marshall [Applause] and he's the guy that has to cover the tight end man-to-man make the plays has the speed makes the hits that set 2-minute warning the Bears haven't blocked [Applause] the unusual bear quarterback Jim McMahon [Applause] 24 nothing for the Rams Brock threatened again hammers outside to about the thirty Reggie Phillips on the stop most of the regular defenders are out of it the game I mean the defense most of the crowd will be out of it [Applause] as I said its usual he has a repeat he has a reaction forever the investment that's really his way of saying how happy is as a dear mother goes of all the guys in the lake now that I've met we've spent time I think it'd be more fun coaching him than any of them [Applause] gets it outside of the Fabio Duckworth is male that of and Michael and Hampton and the rest getting a little rest Ron may the stop Box Tops with 114 left to play talking about the Bears going down to Champaign Urbana to work out reason being they have a bubble down there an enclosed field turf like the Superdome this turn their celebrations already they've got dances and songs and these guys have rep you know one thing I like about the Bentley they've had a lot we have records of that song Savannah you know what do you call those things videos right her Super Bowl shuffle they've involved the fans I mean it's a whole big thing everyone's taking part in this deal things are not so happy on the other side of the field this game that NFC championship worth $18,000 for both teams Hampton looking on and of course when they go to the Super Bowl the winner gets 36 now without its rewards other than the acceptance and adoration of the fan they have warned the money though pet the big things out of all again say was damn Mike Ditka clock still running with 30 seconds nobody has left the place is still absolutely full they've been waiting too long for this to leave I mean you don't wait all those years well this time it did finally get it then leave early they're gonna stay pay the players won't even want to leave the field going to be it [Applause] they'll play either Miami or New England whoever they play is going to have their hands 24 nothing the bear now let's go to Brent Musburger [Applause] and finally a Super Bowl for the Chicago Bears walk hugging Virginia and Ed McCaskey Otis Wilson inside the bear locker room the founders of the Chicago Bears she of course is a lovely daughter of the late George was the founder boys the coach of this team the last time they won a championship and the fridge number 72 William Perry a team of Destiny according to but grant before this game started and the former Minnesota Viking coach knew something there because today they became the first playoff team in history to record back-to-back shutouts first it was the Giants and now it's the Rams and our postgame activities will continue live from Soldier Field in Chicago we're getting ready for the trophy presentation because the winner the National Football Conference receives a George S Halas trophy and of course we have the owners of the Bears mr. mrs. mckowski here are we on we're on to make the presentation as I understand it this is the George Halas Trophy Virginia's here to present it to the owners Virginia first of all I want to thank all the coaches Chicago bear coaches and the Chicago bear players I'd hate to think that I had to do this over in the other side of a locker room area I'd also like to thank the Chicago Bears fans here in Soldier Field and in Chicago and everywhere for all the love and support that they've shown to us during this year and especially today this trophy was established by the National League owners in March of 1984 and last year the 49ers won it but there wasn't a ceremony like this the trophy wasn't ready for presentation so this year we have it right here miss the Cassie crisis regimes McCaskey the George Halas has daughter congratulations to you but you're gonna make your presentation of course to the president of Chicago Bears yes I am I just want to mention first that a lot of people have said to me this week or this year isn't it too bad your dad wasn't here to see this well I think he's been with us the whole season and I think he's here with us now and he'll be with us always and it's a special honor and privilege for me to present this trophy to Ed McCaskey the chairman of the board - Michael McCaskey president of the Bears and - our coach of the year and every year Mike Ditka I'm gonna move over to your coach Mike Ditka who made a lot of critical decisions Chris Paul congratulations gee Mike and Chicago Bears were you know as an outstanding season and a great victory today well we did it this way all year as a team and boy I say we played hard and I got to give the rams all the credit and what a good football team and what a great well coached team John did I we had a work cut out we hadn't we made some breaks early and held up well one break you made for yourself was the crucial play on fourth and six you went for it when everybody you know I wondered again one of the what your thinking was on it you made the first definition you score here's a play right here fourth and six and then wind it up with a touchdown pass to Willie Gault but well the only reason we went for that herb is because I knew that a lot of people would question it well it's easy to see that you wanted but we don't go to you and the time we wouldn't gain anything punting the football really you know to punt the ball inside the 10-yard line would have been really a fluke so we just figured that weather start them on a 20 or start them on a 35 that's always so 15 yards gain so we figured would go ahead and try to make it all right my congratulations to cargo bears and you know but let's go back to Britt Musburger you win and yeah
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 277,113
Rating: 4.7994099 out of 5
Id: hxreF28cgvM
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Length: 142min 1sec (8521 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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