1987 Indianapolis Colts at Cleveland Browns AFC Divisional NFL Playoff Football Game

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season acquisition of Eric Dickerson a strong kicking game an aggressive young defense contributed to a nine and six record just a month ago in this very ballpark the Colts upset the Browns as they throttled Bernie Kosar but costars the AFC's leading passer and the oddsmakers say today he Webster slaughter and Ozzie Newsome will exact their revenge Schottenheimer 'he's browns are favored by more than a touchdown Pro Bowlers Hanford Dixon and Frank Minnifield lead Cleveland's dog defense and they've got a bone to pick with the Colts coming up the countdown to a canine commotion in Cleveland where the mercury sits at 15 degrees a half hour before kickoff the wind chill makes it feel like four and the weatherman says yes there are some snow flurries in the forecast the cleveland fans are the very picture of gentility as they welcome the colts back for the second time in a month for this divisional playoff game hi again everybody I'm Bob Costas here in the studio with us Gayle gardener and coach Don Shula you'll hear from them shortly but first of all let's go right to the scene to Cleveland to get reports from Ahmad Rashad and Paul McGuire beginning with Ahmad Nanook of the North Rashad thanks Bob it is a beautiful day here in Cleveland the weather's about 15 degrees but the thing that most of players are worried about is the wind factor and there seemed to be no win at this time now as far as injuries goes you know that Gary Hogan will won't play for the coats and Bob Golic won't play for the Cleveland Browns but aside from that both teams are pretty much at full strength field conditions well most people in the in the country think that in the National Football League they planned two types of services astroturf and grass well this is the third type of surface this is called painted green dirt now I know to you all watching on television it looks like a freshly manicured lawn but take my word for it this is freshly green painted dirt now as far as traction most of the players were worth some sort of a turn because it's very hard and cleats you really kids digging in to get any traction now I've been in front of a locker room the last few weeks I'm not there today because I realized that the atmosphere in the locker room has nothing to do with the way of team plays out here in the field that's the good thing about football games are won and lost on the field has nothing to do with the atmosphere in the locker room but now try to tell Paul McGuire that no he won't listen I think he's in there because it's warm but let's go to Paul who's outside the Cleveland locker room with coach Marty Schottenheimer Thank You mud you know I tried in the past to talk to players outside the locker room they keep telling me the same thing yeah we're gonna win and yeah we could stop this guy and yeah we could beat that guy so what I did is go to the head coach Marty Schottenheimer Marty what about Dickerson can you stop Dickerson well I'm not sure that you can totally stop Eric Dickerson he's an outstanding player not unlike a great Center in the NBA those players tend to get their points and Eric's gonna get his yards I think however the the key to it to whatever success you might have Paul would be to get your 11 defenders against their 10 players and obviously the absence of the quarterback is that the one man missing in the in the offense we played against a lot of very good backs my mind this guy's in a class by himself his speed is the thing I think that poses the greatest concern because have you give him a little daylight he can hit that overdrive in one step and be gone but basically as we look at it we've talked all week about working with our eleven against their ten and that's gonna have to be the way we do it I talked to Bernie Kosar before they gave and quickly he said to me Paul we've got a much better game plan this time against the Colts which you played here in lost nine seven well I think this Paul that they did an excellent job in their secondary last time defending us there was some coverages there that we frankly didn't anticipate and as a result we didn't get our routes run maybe the way we'd like to and we've made some adjustments for this one and hopefully we can get that done Thank You Marty Robert back to you thanks Paul coach Marty Schottenheimer talked about stopping Dickerson it's tough to do but the weather might do it some people say he's a bad pressure back I think most knowledgable NFL observers believe he's simply a poor cold-weather back but in any case in his last two playoff games for the Rams against Washington and the Bears he fumbled a total of five times in cold weather but he's only fumble four times this year and I think that he feels that he's in this this is a whole new start a new ballclub and he wants to forget about those fumbles in the past and see what happens today there are a couple of shots that we have of Dickerson that shows you how important he is to this football team he is the final piece to this puzzle this is a basic play that everybody runs in the National Football League where the off tackle and guard pulling it's a misdirection play designed to start left and then come to the right you can see now that Dickerson will step left the guard in a tackle pull but the penetration by the Tampa Bay defensive lineman is such that when Dickerson sees it he decides to go the opposite way he picks up some linemen over there and in no time at all he's into the end zone 35 yards and a touchdown there aren't many backs in a national football league that can make that play go of course he's running behind a great offensive line that's frequently overlooked just as he had Hara and Slater with the Rams now he's got three Pro Bowlers Donald's in the center and he's got Hinton and salt as well well they've carefully built this football team they started the offensive line they've used some of their top draft choices to pick up defensive people five number ones playing defensively forum taken in the early part of the draft the first three or four or five players taken so they built their defense and there are some shots of their defensive backs with good pressure on the quarterback sitting back and intercepting the ball in critical situations they're our number two and pass defense in the AFC now to get that pressure on the quarterback they need to blitz the linebackers they're down linemen playing out of a three-four they don't get that many sacks but cooks and Vick it from the linebacker spot huge outside linebackers and fast despite the size they're really a key for right you have to have big linebackers when you use a three-man line because you're not going to get pressure with the down three defensive linemen so they send their outside linebackers with four people going after the quarterback sometimes five people going after the quarterback to get that pressure and then the defensive backs sit back there they do a good job of playing the zones they mix enough man coverage in there to keep you honest now how about cosa everybody says this guy didn't look like a good player but the results in the numbers say he's one of the best right he's top rated in the AFC and there was some pretty good quarterbacks in the AFC but here's a great shot of Kosar going back and he works hard on the over arm delivery but watch this at the heat of the battle he lets it go off-balance sidearm down the field now you can see by the expression here that the results had to be positive and that's the important thing that's how quarterbacks are judged by whether they can make the play or not make the play as opposed to whether they throw it overhand or throw it sidearm he's not very mobile what is it that sets him apart I is intelligence he's a brilliant guy he knows what to do with the football that's the most important thing that a quarterback has to be able to do know what to do with the football in a critical situation thanks coach and we'll check with you later in the show when we come back Gail Gardner on the Colts galloping back to glory they're in the playoffs for the first time since 1977 NFL live is brought to you by the new Audi 90 it's a Cleveland Eric Dickerson hung in effigy by the Browns fans in December in the Colts upset win over Cleveland Dickerson at 98 yards and he topped the thousand in just nine games after coming to Indianapolis from the Rams well we told you at the beginning of the show that the Colts and Browns haven't met in the playoffs since 1971 but this is the first Colts postseason action of any kind in more than a decade back in the days when Bert Jones was the quarterback and of course Gayle Gardner they operated out of Baltimore they operated out of Baltimore the years in between though have been very depressing one says you probably know for both the players and for the fans in both Baltimore and Indianapolis and you know Bob Colts linebacker Barry Kraus reminded me this week of the years that we both worked in Baltimore how the players literally used to run away from the press because they could no longer bear talking about losing week in and week out ten years of hiding and licking wounds ironically the man who was changed things has done a good deal of his own soul-searching because sometimes you have to take a long hard look at where you've been to understand where you're going the year was 1977 the Colts were in the playoffs Burke Jones was throwing passes to you til Ron Meyer turned the tide in the culture in the playoffs once again a handful of players remain from those Baltimore years they appreciate the sudden prosperity but they have been put through the wringer to get here when I was back in Baltimore I had just about come to conclusion that if this is what it's going to be like I don't want to play it anymore because I've lost a desire you go into games and you'd be up at halftime and one or another several things would happen and you'd end up loosing a game it's like you shake yourself and kind of go what you know what's the deal are we really losers I'll go places and tell people I play for the Indianapolis coast the first thing is they want to ask me but do you play teams like the Bears or the giant and you know that hurts a lot it's like we're not even in the National Football League you and probably really didn't relax and kind of overall buy the whole thing to a certain degree not always I think here I figured out well I've been fired once so why not do it my way and have a little fun relax and it's a secret medicine football games well I Myers made it simple it was like if they score five touch now we need to score six and let's find a way to get it done he came in making us believe in ourselves and believe that were winners and he himself shows that he's a winner to see the Krauss's the glass goes the Danelle Thompson's some of these players having experienced the downside professional football and I really don't think there's anything lower and now to see them reap some of the benefits and hopefully take a shot at this thing and I told it catch lightning in a jug it is really gonna be fun Myers players are effusive in their praise of him and it's really hard to believe this is the same coach who has literally run out of New England by the Patriots veterans and it is not simply that as motivational style works better with the younger Colts but that Bob he truly has changed thanks Calum when we come back we're gonna send Ahmad Rashad into the corner to find out about Hanford Dixon and Frank Minnifield the Colts hope their bark is worse than their bite today stay with us as NFL live continues Bob garlic with the broken arm and brokenhearted about it he can't start at nose tackle today for the Browns Dave Rizzoli the veteran fills in for him however the Browns can breathe a sigh of relief they are not without either their key operatives on the corners Hanford Dixon and Frank Minnifield to get the lowdown on them we go back to Cleveland and I like a man who comes prepared Ahmad Rashad wardrobe people have provided ample protection against the blustery cold at Cleveland steady and today take it my man did I say it was a beautiful day for football it is a beautiful name football not so beautiful to be standing out here on these sidelines though now you know the playoffs is a time of pressure and his pressure on everybody who's on the football field but for the quarterback the pressure never changes it even escalates during a playoff situation and if you think about a guys job where the player that he has to cover knows exactly where he's going but for the quarterback the only thing he can do is react the forward pass is the most exciting play in football the men who catch these passes are usually the men who get all the glory the men who defend against the pass very seldom get any recognition at all unless they're the very best and the Cleveland Browns have two of the best in the business and for Dixon and Frank Minnifield the position of cornerback may be the toughest position on a football field if it's not the toughest it's certainly the one with the most pressure you see you could be perfect all day and one slip could cost your team the ballgame now not only is this position a tough one with a lot of pressure it's also a very lonely position you we touched on myself it doesn't bother me because I know every now and then you're gonna get beat for a touchdown you're gonna lose a battle but to think about it you can't lose too many of them you can't happen often and you just have to have a short memory but I love the excitement of a one-on-one with the guy a guy with a Jerry Rice type caliber receiving and and it's like man and man eat me if you can I would rather play a guy from Denver a guy from Houston a guy that I know that has blazing speed god I know they can beat me at any time I got it I'm gonna be psyched up pumped up as soon as I hit the field and knowing that Frank Miller fields gonna play out tremendous ball game when it's all over with you Stav the saying up old my locker I used to have a saying that said defensive backs they dreamed they live and they play alone and that's why I feel about it I think the worst thing that a corner could do is lose his confidence and and I don't think that ever happened to me because I have a lot of confidence in myself and I think that I'm a pretty good defensive back this he defense it back to a special a corner thrive on pressure and confidence in his position that he can do the job you wanting to throw balls against you know no question about it that's the only way you can make plays if they throw balls at you if you don't want this whole ball is that you shouldn't be on the field especially playing corner you know the more I look at this painted green dirt field it's gonna be a factor as a matter of fact Bob this field is wearing more makeup than Danny Baker a little pause in case you might want to chuckle yeah as a receiver it could cause a problem with the defensive backs you because Ram played receiver I like for guys to come up and let me bump and run on a frozen field because if one slip that Vulcan run turns into bump and chase now I talked to Frank Minnifield and Frank Minnifield says that another thing that's working from their favor that as you play on this field it starts to get a little bit sandy and the receiver has to start shopping his steps to make his cuts so they'll be no sharp cuts that works in the deep defensive backs favor we keep my eye on that matchup right Ahmad will pause here give a mod a chance to confer with his comedy writers and when we come back Paul McGuire will be here with his selection Browns are favored by about seven and a half or introduced let's go back to the stadium and pick up some of that after which we'll go to Paul McGuire for his pack offensive line for the AFC Central Division champion people [Applause] guard number 70 Larry 69 dad fight [Applause] number 74 Paul Farah [Applause] 463 Cody wide receiver number 86 Brian i receiver number eighty-eight riches [Music] wide receiver and return specialist number 89 running back number 44 [Applause] wide receiver number 84 Webster's they are a tiny receiver [Applause] [Applause] well Paul McGuire is standing along the sidelines in Cleveland I don't know if he can hear us amid the din but let's go to him and get his selection the Browns by seven and a half or eight what do you say Bobby the dogs are hallowed in the stands and the dogs on the field there are another relaxed team I told you Houston once a week ago this team is truly relaxed said they will not disappoint their fans this year and I talked to one other guy that assured me Gerald the IceCube McNeil said he's going to return one didn't say whether it's going to be a punter a kickoff for a touchdown so I'm taking Cleveland easily in this ball game alright Paul I thanks to you and to a mod Rashad Gale Gardner and Don Shula Don and Gayle will be back with us at halftime and we'll join Don crickey and Bob Trumpy for the kickoff and the play-by-play right after these messages see at halftime the National Broadcasting Company presents [Music] National Football League today from Cleveland Stadium it's the AFC divisional playoff the Indianapolis Colts versus the Cleveland Browns brought to you by Budweiser proud sponsor of the 1988 US Olympic team this Bud's for you by Mazda bringing performance and value together that's the Mazda way by the US Armed Forces it's a great place to start and by the Kellogg Company make up Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Tony's flakes of corn with a sweet frosting today Eric Dickerson leads underdog Indianapolis into Cleveland some call Dickerson a thumblr but the record shows he is above all a winner five years in the NFL he's been the lead player on five divisional playoff teams the Browns offense centers around the AFC top rated passer Bernie Kosar just 24 years old and three years in the NFL he is quarterback three divisional championship teams snow ice and cold and Cleveland Ohio and despite a tall 80,000 will tack Cleveland Stadium for this divisional playoff game good afternoon everyone Don cookie with Bob Trumpy the weather is somewhat better that's been earlier when it was like a Russian winter here in Cleveland but chill factor's 35 below zero today the playing conditions are surprisingly good because there's not a lot of wind at least at the outset Trump nobody is considering the Colts much of a chance in this game the Browns are a huge favorite even though the Colts upset them here a month ago how do you assess it well I do think the culture underdogs for one reason lack of playoff experience they have four players who will play today who have fly off experience all four of those players got the playoff experience on other teams for Cleveland their third straight trip to the playoffs they're very comfortable in this situation the one thing I think Indianapolis has to do done is keep the run in the past spread out throughout the football game so that in the fourth quarter Eric Dickerson is still a factor if they can get it to the mule and Dickerson is the mule for the coast late in the fourth quarter he can win you a game there is number 29 Eric Dickerson 6-3 218 pounds and he is the target of the Cleveland defense every game everybody goes after Eric Dickerson he is the focal point of the Colts and coach Ron Meyers success story there he came in last year as you know with a 113 team won the last three games and this year in the space of the year the Colts went to from Owen 13 to a divisional championship his counterpart Marty Schottenheimer earnest third full season as head coach of the Browns to his credit three divisional championships former special team player with the Buffalo Bills prior to that all-american linebacker at the University of Pittsburgh two young coaches see how they changed their game plans over there meeting of just over a month ago December 6th these Celts came into Cleveland as a big underdog and want it nine to seven and a major upset this kickoff is sponsored by Budweiser the king of beers as dean Bo sushi is ready to kick it off Don whatever wind there is the Colts will have it at their back to begin the football game it's not a lot of wind you can see the flag well above the stadium hanging limp but on the field it said the Indianapolis Colts back Gerald McNeil and Herman fat moe are back deep now for the Cleveland Browns there's be a suit sheep it was cut by two teams he's done a sensational job has been the most effective ticker in the National Football League this season a short kick it's picked up by fat Noah runner two now last year he's hemmed in by the special teams play and Herman fat no has cut down at about the 14 yard line now looking at the Cleveland Browns on offense number 19 Bernie Kosar comes at the quarterback the myrna spiders their leading receiver two running back he caught 52 Kevin Mack their leading rusher Langhorne and slaughter the wide receivers and the famed Ozzie Newsome at tight end he's caught more passes than any tight end in national football league history offensive line has very effective perhaps underrated haricot sir for the Cleveland Browns play from scrimmage oh sorry had a game of the season in the first meeting with Indianapolis he screens it up and Kevin Mack takes it straight ahead to the 19 yard line knocked down by linebacker Johnny cooks the Colts on defense allowed fewer points than any team of the National Football League Dan L Thompson big defensive end out of North Carolina Byron Darby an undersized nose tackle John hand a second-year player from Alabama strength of the defense some standout linebackers cooks Odom Krauss and Pickett Dewayne Beckett has been fabulous this year secondary has done the job no name play second down and about six to go for the first down she's Kevin Mack there could be more those on this rock-hard frozen field as Johnny cooks a big fast linebacker for Mississippi State came up to make the stick down at the outset the first little bit of luck or break happens for the Indianapolis Colts and that is the Cleveland Browns start their initial drive at their own 14 yard line in pressure-packed playoff games field position always very very important that's a long field Cleveland's got to go that's what Coach Marty Schottenheimer Trump was talking about yesterday field position is everything and the worst throw ever gets them more important just above zero now here in the first quarter as the Browns go to long yardage play third and six Kosar I might have a free play as you see the vault incomplete at the 26-yard line Clarence weathers was the intended receiver the rust was put on by Harvey Armstrong he was also offsides he's standing right there in front of the center watching the football red cash and a referee offsides defense that's the most that's the mistake that in playoff hope your guys don't make the only thing that arms John can see is the football and he still jumps offsides he was a captain at SMU as a collegiate five-yard penalty will not give the rounds of first down however it'll be third down about a yard but done it brings up a third down in one situation and the Cleveland Browns ending the season have converted 17 of the last 18 third down and once really a great break for Cleveland [Applause] remarkable 14:03 to go first quarter deep back as Kevin Mack he could get it third in less than a yard no comes in motion Kevin Mack takes into 27 yard line first down Cleveland so the mistake by Xavier Armstrong is magnified the Browns capitalize get a first down we'll watch the linebackers of the Indianapolis Colts of the four linebackers three number one picks and cliff Odum who was cut by the Cleveland Browns excellent job by the offensive line of the Cleveland Browns just opening up a nice little scene there for Kevin Mack to get through big first down that gets Cleveland's feet on the ground gets their head in the ballgame here this first first down Cleveland strength though is passing their 21st in the NFL in rushing this season near the bottom Kosar on first down to put it out swings it out Kevin Mack has the ball and some open fields he crosses the 30-yard line gets out to about the 32 so a first down play gets the Browns a good yardage another very important point Trump that Schottenheimer said his team has to do is to win on first down he said defensively if you get them second and that you've won first down defensively conversely you've got to get yards on first down sets up the whole offense the first down yardage if you can pick up the first down yardage against Indianapolis that keeps the outside linebackers cooks and pick it out of the Blitz who knows - guys blitz they're a tough load to handle any offensive line [Applause] or to go for the no score opening drive end up to Kevin Mack he's to the 35-yard line that'll bring up third down about three is Johnny cooks and Duane Vick at the two outside linebackers we're in on the stop both of those guys as big as defensive linemen but almost as mobile as linebackers 10 or 15 years ago cooks calls the defenses for the Indianapolis Colts the Browns do have to run the ball some here against this defense just to keep that Indianapolis Colt defense honest on wind is coming up a bit now as this game is underway temperature in the teens chill factor down around zero a little bit dropping Kevin Mack pole comes on the ball breaks into open field in mid class of the fifties inside the 40 [Applause] break the run up the middle Eugene Daniel finally made the tackle but he made it way down and the play is good for 28 yards we're going to see this right from behind the deepest darkness is almost the same blocking scheme they ran on the last er down a nice trip by Cody rise in 63 the offensive tackle on the nose man and Mac protecting that football you can see he's down ball loose 28 yard pickup it's exactly what shuttin heimer wanted first time on the field his offense does some good the Colts have allowed the fewest points in the NFL just fifteen point nine a game Cleveland starting to challenge now opening drive and here is Mack again he's stuck hired by a big defensive end john han from alabama who was the fourth player picked in the last draft starting to come on the of the front seven players in the Indianapolis defense five were high number one draft choices got a player on a knee it's Kevin Mack they need him it has got to be there for four quarters today because the running game will keep the Indianapolis Colts out of a lot of defenses that they like to run keep hooks and and also pick it off for Bernie Kosar he's limping a little bit but he's up his longest run of the season at 20 mistake looming the outside that help [Applause] second down and eight no sorry pattern nearside he's under throne antenna receiver Brian Brennan [Applause] the 30 kosair appearing to have a bit of a problem gripping the ball it's like a rock today you can't compress that ball law of physics you know when it's cold inside that football those little molecules are really hard in there and Bernie just threw that one right into the ground there's Kevin Mac on the sidelines last time we've been played Indianapolis Mac got a little bruise on his knee was out for a while Bernie's also thrown into the wind this is where Indianapolis blitz is done mrs. Marcos ours got to be careful 11:08 to play in the first quarter Nate Berkus on the Cleveland Browns out pattern he's got his man inside the 30 [Applause] aptly named today the ice cube is knocked down by Willy Telus that spot in short of the first down so again the Browns go to a short yardage play with fourth down coming up this time [Applause] Neal was shorted a little bit on that catch Gosar again Indianapolis gets pressure you can see Bernie has got people in his face McNeil makes a nice catch really tell us on the coverage but the spot let's see if we can pick it up again his feet are about a foot short of that yard line McNeil did some job just to catch the ball tell us right on him as it arrived the cubes corner the lightest play on the National Football League Gerald McNeil 142 pounds you saw him yesterday in the locker room said he looked like an 11 year old kid his whole life when he goes to a new team he went to Baylor for college everybody says who is this kid looking for equipment he's literally half the size of a lot of his teammates there's a lot of them over to 85 I think Gerald McNeil it's the first down : [Applause] it's not the size of the dog it's the size of the fight would go amazing little guy officialy is 147 but as of yesterday eyes own admission he was 142 he said he might bulk up to 144 at the cold weather gear great kitty lights up her own this is a magnificent drive so far started at the Cleveland 15 and the first drive of the game so very very important this is now the tenth play of this opening drive of the Webster slaughter the Browns best deep-fat goes you scream first Alan ten [Applause] by nurse doubts in motion as co-star looks to throw on first down again on the Baba's slapback at in so it'll be second down in ten they want to get very close before they try any field goals in this game Byron dobby looked like you have gotten a handout at the nose tackle out of southern california an undersized nose tackle but very quick done it's surprising that bernie kosar doesn't have that happen to him more often he swings that ball more than throwing it sidearm they tried to get him to throw it over handed it slowed down his delivery so much lynnie and fun in the offensive coordinator said you throw it the way you want son you don't do bad yourself the top-rated pass in the American Conference second in the NFL this year to Joe Montana Bernie Kosar now in second and 10 second back through as a mocker Goes Down and Boehner takes it down inside the 25-yard line where he's knocked down by inside linebacker cliff Odom who originally was a Cleveland Brown I'll tell you what happened there in the eye you got a legal motion Kevin Mack had his hand up and you had another man in motion and when you have two men in motion before the ball can be snapped legally they both got a stop a man in motion kept going in motion was Reggie Langhorne and when to move in motion now watch Mack pick his hand up well he's already got his hand down before that he had picked his hand up and when two guys are in motion and they consider that motion they both must stop before the ball of snap another little bit of the jitters I think in the opening part of this playoff game Bernie Kosar is not a good runner 1.5 yards a carry they don't like him to run with it but that Colts coach says he's like an alligator [Applause] [Music] pure pocket bastard [Music] let's dos are dropping again swings it out and the catch is made by he's inside the 30 in down close to the 26 yard line Johnny cooks was on the tackle along with Barry Krause another linebacker that's the third time now Cleveland has come with that little screen early stages of the ballgame but they've been choosing not to throw the ball down into coverage last time these two teams met Bernie Kosar Marty Schottenheimer admitted they had trouble identifying the Colts defenses votes do a good job of disguising them they say it's a simple-looking defense very basic and now they go to rushers as 912 shows in the first quarter clack third down and nine comes up for Cleveland the scoreless playoff game opening drive he's inside the 15 yard line Eugene Daniel was covering but coasts are beautiful paster released the ball before his receiver made the outbreak and when he turned the ball was right there I don't think people realize how much time and repetition that takes in practice you're going to be able to see I the ball is coming on its way before Webster slaughter turns his head down you're absolutely right you can't blame Eugene Daniel for this there's no way he can cover this in Eugene Daniel locking on Johnny cooks bass protection there certainly gave Bernie Kosar the time big first down pick up their teeth play the drive coming up now as the Browns have converted for third downs to keep it going Kenda back up the middle they can hand by linebacker Cliff Odom at the 10-yard line on a first down run he is ahead for a gain of 3 yards as coach Meyers defense is now under the gun on this Drive Cleveland has converted four of four third down I'm a possession everything now going to coach Johnny cooks us down so cooks is attended to and 8:45 shows in the clock we pause for this word every day Jack Taylor and Joe Donovan take the same Road they went a little out of their way linebacker Johnny cooks in the circle you'll see as his players run away tidy and Ozzie Newsome tries to get a block on him rolls on his left leg books is off to the sidelines now at this Indianapolis Galt defense a direct terrific defense but not deep they need all these starting players out there for four quarters [Applause] extra people come out now Orlando Lowry a very fast linebackers the coats are backed up on this extended opening drive by the Cleveland Brown still no score 8:30 to play first quarter the Browns coming into a second and eight play at the 10-yard line of Indianapolis close with plenty of time picks the person out throws downfield he's not close miner turned out and it was very nearly playing the ball by Freddy Robinson a rookie defensive back from Alabama I think it was a great changeup of the defense by the Colts if they gave Bernie Kosar a man-to-man look and then went the zone at Bernie Shawn this ball away Eugene Daniel excuse me Freddie Robinson almost gets to the ball but he's just flat throwing his ball away in a long dry spell for the Colts they've mapped into the playoffs in ten seasons they have not 1871 [Applause] Dallas in the Super Bowl January of 72 cosine and third down and eight again looking into the end zone he cuts down [Applause] and co-star that members at the goal line powers in against Nesby Glasgow and Freddy Robinson and the Cleveland Browns who scoot only one touchdown on opening drive this season take it down field and that loss side was huge when a coke defender jumped offside on a third down play that turned out to be an incomplete pass Cleveland would have had a punt definitely got the down over needed a yard for a first down got and finally take it in liner his third receiving touchdown of the season but as you mentioned earlier he's the Browns leading receiver on the season what a drive started at their own 15 whoa that's impressive the extra point get up and goodbye met Barco star 6 for 9 throwing and the touchdown here it is you see the linebacker coverage on finer he goes outside birdie reads it perfectly and Glasgow as a bad ankle but you can't look at the ankle and say that's the problem finer powers in for the Browns first goal we're not a company but outstanding people come to us every day people who want to make a contribution to a team and do work that really counts people eager to see new places do the unusual and find the unusual people who become the friends for life people just like you without a company for your country we're the Navy [Music] a great place to start I went to my dentist with the worst pain the nerve was exposed he told me about a different medicine it's in these little yellow pills new print worked so well on that pain no wonder it's great on my awful headaches nuprin it's not aspirin not Tylenol it's ibuprofen so affected to nuprin stop headaches better than extra strength tylenol and new friends gentler on my stomach than aspirin nuprin little yellow different better it even worked on my worst pain you can't teach it to a place to greater value on it but you can measure it down this very road on the morning of June 23rd in the actions of Allstate claims adjuster Don mode drove 60 miles to a fire site all just to shorten the distance between a man's loss and a man's recovery people like Don Mulder another reason [Applause] and early offside by that man Harvey Armstrong of Indianapolis helped the Browns keep the opening drive alive and ultimately they go 86 yards in 15 plays and take a seven to nothing lead on the last two times these teams meant the one thing the Cleveland Browns could not do is sustain a drive they start the game with a 15 play drive took over eight minutes 86 yards Cleveland's got to be feeling good and Indianapolis all of a sudden this stadium is a lot cooler than it was a few minutes ago now they have to answer with this Drive as the kickoff comes down field Albert gently place it across the 20 and gets out to the 25-yard line [Applause] [Music] rockins was down to help make the tackle as Jack Trudeau comes out now to quarterback the Indianapolis Colts a second-year player out of Illinois Browns did you see used a lot of time and a lot of plays taking it into the end zone on the touchdown pass Gosar most impressive thing there done five of five on third [Applause] since coming into [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jenos taco pie the fractured arm facili from Pittsburgh the block and made the hit crouton with Dickerson in the backfield booze and Brooks other receivers Brooks the best deep breath really to tight ends the HVAC some tight end position does a blocker offensive line has great problem right so 13:12 Oh players in this game [Applause] six for the Annapolis Dickerson takes a look find some room and Eric Dickerson on second down and 12 is across the 30 and out to about the 31 yard line deine the Browns have got a nice change up defense here it's a four-man front with Mike Johnson right behind the line of scrimmage you see him flow to this but this is a different look than I believe Indianapolis expected to see the Cleveland Browns in now Dickerson does a great job of cutting this ball back six or seven yards [Applause] down the 6:45 [Music] with a seven nothing lead on the cosa touchdown pass designer [Applause] [Music] Rosa strike up the middle first down rooks is across to the 41-yard line play the outside linebacker lucious Sanford bill Brooks he's heard be shaken up he got a face mask it's gonna go on Cleveland he's trying to shake it off Brooks wants to play every down of this play offensive ly that he can watch this pattern up and the Colts idea of offense is to just move the chains watch the facemask it's Mike Johnson [Music] and it looks like Brooks turns his knee a little bit hope that's not the case because he's an awful valuable receiver form you'll see the facemask again by 59 and then you see the way kind of gets anytime an athlete gets his weight outside his knee joint that's trouble no he's gonna throw on first down he screens it up with the Baba's Eric Dickerson in the open field look at the block by Donaldson as Dickerson powers ahead across the 45 yard line of Cleveland down to the 43 and Indianapolis has a first down an 11-yard gain on the play as you look at the defense in front of the Browns Clancy bazillion Big Daddy Hairston Lucius Sanford a waiver acquisition outside linebacker Clay Matthews a pro ball player the Johnsons not related make a lot of tackles inside the quarterbacks will both start in the Pro Bowl fielding Dixon introduced the three-man front but as you can see the Cleveland Brown stay in the four-man front Dickerson from deep in the eye set [Applause] he finds the right side of the Cleveland defense and those tackle Dave kazooie along with inside linebacker Mike Jensen were there to get him Dickerson for a fifth straight year gained over a thousand yards and over a thousand just eight games with Indianapolis since the trade with the Rams Mike Johnson their leading tackler the Cleveland Browns leading tackler barred from the US Football League one of the greatest acquisitions to cable Grounds have made in recent seasons Dickerson public [Music] [Applause] as he gets it again an Eric Dickerson what's the room Albert Bentley three yard line Johnson again was on the tackle James's words with Sam Clancy 434 to play in the first quarter 7-nothing Cleveland Browns Elbert Bentley maybe the most underrated back in the NFL he was second this year to Herschel Walker in all-purpose yards rushing receiving and returning kicks he played with Bernie Kosar on that first national championship team of my [Music] generally speaking with Bentley more throwing dickerson there no pretenses are going to give a turn that's to throw yet sometimes stands in lop sit down failed in the bonus caught there's a penalty marker down and then another mark Pollini a rookie wide receiver from Brigham Young in the game for the first time with the gloves on went high to take down the pass in Jack Trudeau it's good for a 21-yard gain two markers down though Trump in the Cleveland secondary it's going to be against Cleveland - it looks like a pattern run by Bellini looked I think they call it on 23 Harper who is not even involved in the primary receiver but that's an excellent pattern run by Bellini on the Pro Bowl cornerback Frank Minnifield but Harper got caught he was grabbing the inside receiver well this is a great responding drive by the Indianapolis Colts yes it is after Cleveland with 86 yards and 15 plays to open the game and yard touchdown throw from Kosair diviner the point so far seven now Jefferson is back in loses strike down inside the five Matt Boozer has the ball he's down to the two yard line man fusa with his 43rd reception of the year for an 18-yard gain and the Colts answer the touchdown drive of Cleveland coming right back at him interesting formation run by Indianapolis you see Dickerson in the backfield Bentley was sit on the wing Trudeau really comes over the top on this ball really guns it in there you can see 24 Ellis is the man in coverage buuza makes an outstanding catch with the pressure he comes from the outside nice pattern Ryan [Applause] first and goal Indianapolis now it's a nice set that lays the deep back lines lays the up back first in goal from about two yards out [Music] [Applause] greg's run the play Johnson 51 we've led the Browns in tackling free of his seasons on if the floats have had a problem they have certainly gotten the ball inside the 20-yard line many many times this season it was 45 times they've got the ball inside the 20-yard line first and ten [Applause] for 20 touchdowns out of that situation 90 interesting they're down close and their money back is not in the game [Applause] Jefferson's looking at the sidelines play fake throw touchdown cat beats so the cooks come right back and cat beach a big tight end from Washington State broke the coverage very well-executed play fake from his quarterback who faked to the runner held the backers in beat slipped off wide open a 2 yard touchdown reception and now the Colts one point that extra point from tying this game with 216 to play first quarter good play-action fake by ones lay and also Jack Trudeau you see the coverage missing 51 Eddie Johnson is the closest man that's a 75-yard Drive we didn't expect this to be a shootout both teams score on their first possession of this game crudo was sensational five four five four fifty nine yards in a score the in Kosair both throwing very effectively in the coal here at Cleveland extra point by be a suit she is up and good to sixteen to go in the first quarter it's tied up seven seven errors Armstrong away that offside that kept the Cleveland touchdown drive alive introducing a high performance luxury sedan faith of Mazda a high-performance luxury sedans traditionally ask you to pay a pretty dear price well that's not the Mazda way Mazda's all-new 929 has world class luxury appointments it's amazingly quiet solid riding and actually outperforms those guys now there's less standing between you and a car this good about eight thousand dollars less [Music] thanks again boys and keep the change you hear all this nonsense about Kellogg's Frosted Flakes being just the kids well I for one eat them and I'm gonna go right on eating them frosted flakes just for kids come on like we adults have to go sneaking around like we can't love these crisps wheat flakes just as much as kids you just have to admit it frosted flakes had to taste adults have grown to love their ghoul every number flashing by in the ticker there's a buyer and a seller who found each other Chicago pork bellies get an offer from London with Frank sir picked up in Dallas how did threader's keep up with it they use a communication system from can tell the if it doesn't work they don't work that's why four out of five major trading firms depend on technology from content for can tell I'm joking [Music] tonight on Saturday Night Live Steve Martin and sting [Music] you see the Colts and the Browns lead the NFL in fewest points allowed but both scored in their opening drives in this divisional playoff game non quickie with Bab trophy at Cleveland stadium as again the Indianapolis Colts are ready to kick the ball off Hermann fat no and Gerald McNeil are back deep now for Cleveland Dean Bo suci has the ball teed up he's a Pro Bowl player after hitting 24 of 27 field goal attempts this season he was cut by two teams before he made a big this year with the Colts spinning kickoff very short rounds of us start with good field position at their own 35 that beats the touchdown catch his first touchdown catch of the 1987 season [Music] [Applause] of course kickoff in the ballast to the 35 yard line so far the numbers spectacular neither offense paying much respect to the other teams defense pretty much going right through them first time the BIA sushis kicked off out of bounds all season so cosine the Browns are set to go with their second possession after a 15 play 86 yard drive Tim Manoa is in there Kevin Mack is not you try to find out if there's something physically wrong with he was shaken up and now as first-year player from Kent State big power been effective when he's been in there and would blocker he uses it now to take out cooks as cosine throws downfield Webster slaughter was defender came over his back looked like Eugene Daniel 38 who got him [Applause] we'll watch the end of the play and of course the Indianapolis folks are going to argue Hey look they've both got a chance at the ball tonight foul total foul no question about it [Applause] you want to try as best you can to time that leap over the receiver ends up being a 17-yard to penalty penalty wind is kicking up a bit Nora frozen Lake Erie [Applause] in this tie game 7-7 with 206 to play in the first quarter now go first in 10 from the 48 yard line of the Colts [Music] oh sorry back annamund Bernie almost got his own ball Byron Darby our Donnell Thompson I think was done el Thompson had his hand up that's twice now the ball has been slapped back in Bernie Kosar face at the line of scrimmage first time they played as you know Trump that Colts put Donnell Thompson in is a nose tackle they play them over the Cleveland Center gave the Browns a lot of trouble with their blocking scheme so far they had not brought him in he's had left offensive animal Gosar with second and ten and I set this backfield [Applause] in Manoa's the up back [Applause] Sara looking the Kecksburg they did that opening drive and now a drop in a throw and his receiver loses his footing regi Langhorne turning in and the ball was not close to a completion that brings up third down in 10 for kosai on the browns drop that ball was thrown way way behind Reggie Langhorne Kosar comes in completing better than 60% of his passes but the last time these two teams met the only time this season at Kosar completed less than 50% not seem to be in favor of the browns dis borne the game they're 5 of 5 on third downs the report on Kevin Mack he is Gill on the sidelines Mack is out and on this third down play the Browns go to four I doubt and to the run they going get the first down as he cuts it down to the 37 yard line both totally spit out in pass coverage and the Browns Rossington up with a play call to the run Willie tell us finally made the tackle but on third and ten is good for an 11 yard game there is though a penalty marker chance against the Colts that's against Wayne [Music] they'll obviously keep the play on you you diagnosed it correctly they come with the four wide receivers watch Bickett he's in the neutral zone their penalty the ground spread the defense you see the nice trap blocked by Larry Williams the offensive guard and fighter up through there the last time these two teams met Byner had a fumble at about the 5-yard line it really cost school grounds a chance to win the game 1st down and 10 now for the Cleveland Browns tie game 7-7 132 to play first quarter [Applause] James's pudding little loose on the upper layer rack salad underneath it's frozen salad as cliff Hoda makes the knockdown of earnest Byner inside the 35 yard line he's down to the 32 gained almost 5 yards on the play this is an interesting offense in that two years ago the brown said Mac and biner both over a thousand yards last season they played but seven quarters together this year they've been healthy all the time both get their share miner the better receiver Mac the better runner rounds over a hundred yards offense first quarter well-balanced 49 passing 50 second and along Kosar finds his man inside the 20 down to the 16 yard line Ernest Tyler back out of East Carolina 510 215 pounds who led the Browns with 52 receptions in the regular season and he has been the target of co-stars passing he's been on the money remember the touchdown pass that open the scoring this is the busted coverage somebody lost track of earnest Byner you'll see him appear in the picture there's no one around him except the umpire binder turns around and is surprised shocked that no one is there 16 yard pick up the two best defenses in the NFL against scoring and we've not had a punt in almost a full quarter of play just before the first quarter ends the give is to Manoa and a first down carry he's close to the 13 yard line jacqueline the play for the Indianapolis Colts was by John hand Coach Meyer wasn't I'm Jack garner my little brother James that boy is everywhere TV movies so investment firms are big fans of his but my firm they work real hard to help people like you and me invest to dean witter their mutual funds and investment advice helped me get a real good grip on my own finances a member of the Sears Financial Network I don't know where to start telling you about Mazda trucks they've been rated first in customer satisfaction two years in a row they got the best warranty in the truck business it covers your bumper-to-bumper this 40 new SC five comes with everything you're looking at and it's still priced close to Toyota Nissan's based trucks so I don't know where you start I guess it does make any difference you wind up here nute Aggron medicated shampoo with conditioners leaves my hair looking great and it's tough on dandruff and how do you know what tough is new tegra medicated shampoo with conditioners proof stuff can be beautiful trust your car's performance to luck and someday it just may bite them that doesn't feel it give your car the good life with STP gas treatment all the excitement and raw enthusiasm of college basketball is back on NBC next Saturday Walt Hazzard leads the UCLA Bruins into Freedom Hall to battle Denny Crum and the Cardinals of Louisville college basketball it's the stuff weekends are made of on NBC [Music] Browns have been very tough on third downs their six is six so far this game and the most important Cleveland Brown sideline with barely an intestinal virus Kevin Mack their leading rusher a medium to this is now second down but on his football game second and eight hit every time that had [Applause] he's inside the five about the six yard line and they have to make this stick was plain thicket the up trail outside backer but the Browns are challenging again the Browns have found a way to get honest biter loose out there with Dwayne Bickett you see it's a screen slaughter as a personal protector for him and also Reggie landlord not big guys but as long as Bickett plays six or seven yards off the line of scrimmage from finer they're going to get it done winder now three catches 34 yards in a touchdown Browns time of possession look at the third down conversions neither team has missed one now the grounds moving to the closed-end of Cleveland Stadium first engulfed [Applause] Ernest Byner takes it down close to the three yard line the second and goal from there as we have 1445 to play in the first half Mike Pryor starting in the defensive secondary and cliff Odom were on the tackle that's the last time the two teams met first and the net December 6th the regular season Indianapolis came in via sushi kicked three field goals all in the second quarter Colts took a nine nothing halftime lead Brown scored a touchdown in the third quarter that was it though the Colts left with a 9 to 7 upset I set second down and go Cleveland second back finer he didn't get there folks come and hit me get him at the two the Armstrong was one of the players of gathered along with Odum these are two huge blinds offensively and defensively I don't know if you can find many the lines that are going to be bigger when it gets the pushing and shoving down it down at this spot it's basically a matter of just who can find the little gap the little crack but you see a great job by cliff Odom who in 1980 was cut by the Cleveland Browns I was cut by the Raiders trucks down in Dallas Texas when he got a call best player since number 70 sorry takes a look he's going to Derrick today Alex intercepted Freddy Robinson picked up the ball for Indianapolis and the Colts kill the drive the intended receiver was a backup tight end Derek Tinnell in the icy porch to that end zone he lost his footing cutting out and Freddie Robinson a highly regarded first-year player from Alabama's right on the ball you can see to Nellas down Robinson right there to make the interception that drive stops and the Colts take over [Music] [Applause] [Music] folks need a little help and how will you be paying for that I'm not gonna Express [Music] it'll be okay mr. Davis if you stop by our Minneapolis office tomorrow you can pick up a new card you know if that's within walking distance why cuz I only have 83 cents but you know what really help what I'm having some trouble checking into this hotel I can imagine with only 83 cents I can take care of it let me just talk to the hotel manager thank you okay a friendly voice in the middle of the night membership has its privileges number forty-seven Fred Robinson just stopped the Cleveland Drive with an interception and now the Colts take over NFL players tend to do very well in bitter cold conditions it's wind that changes the game and so far Trump wins not that a problem not been a factor the problem has been that neither offense is paying much respect to the other teams defense I mean both these teams driving up and down the field as if there's nobody standing in front of them that's the biggest surprise to me so far done well it's a 7 7 game and the Colts are set to go now as they send their offense back out that's only Bernie Kosar ninth interception thrown this season and the Colts I think their game plan is basically hanging tough hang tough [Applause] [Music] stay in the game Dickerson checking with his [Applause] so far but in two strides he makes it up Dickerson pass clocking Trudeau screening of Allah it goes to the man who caught the touchdown pass that beach and who's ahead across the 20 yard line first downplay gets about three yards for Indianapolis [Applause] lazuli on the tackle he's playing the nose replacing Bob Golic he's on rate Donaldson and watch how he recognizes this screen when he sees those linemen pull out in front of him the pus is out there to assist on the tackle an excellent player and also as the defenders Bob Golic on the sidelines a guy without the hat ripped the broken arm so far second-year man Jack Trudeau's done it all right those six completions for 60 [Applause] in a cloud of dust and he got about two yards third down and six lucious Sanford very quick linebackers from Georgia Tech was on the staff and with Dave bazoo Lee and the nose tackle Kazu Lee's got to stand up that Center try to consume that Center try to consume as many blockers as he possibly can and then push the pile [Applause] defense the key to winning Super Bowls the most recent Super Bowl win less than 9 [Applause] seven [Applause] first half from the shotgun crudo I'm neuron has a problem gets it out and it's [Applause] pro-player get indeed almost heaven interception judo not a particularly good roll out quarterback he's plus from the pocket here and Hanford Dickson really makes up yards this balls thrown behind him Dixon almost picks it off [Applause] Dixon is a sensational talent for the grounds and now we're going to have the first part of this game Ron stark a former pro bowl putter stands back of his 10-yard line little Gerald McNeil [Applause] as a kick returner standing back away to yet well hit fall with the lower would start in Florida State booms at downfield ball on the field and here comes the IceCube not very far swept under at the 23 yard line coming down to get them was Kevin Hancock number 51 a 54-yard punt in just a two yard return [Music] man the doctor dude thank you for me and you can bet is polluted always Wow [Applause] who says Chevy's better than Ford you sack tested standard 1/2 tons with their best automatics and half ton payloads zero to 60 40 to 55 pile on horse handling full-size chevy feet for level and uphill towing acceleration Chevy with vortex be six feet board which trucks should you be driving use that test just answer now give $500 cash back on new full-size CKD pickups many financial opportunities offer protection yet one stands out because it's also offers potential for growth the travellers universal life life insurance protection and tax deferred growth and opportunity so you will have a special kind of nest egg to secure the financial future of your fam or business get the travelers Universal Life and watch your opportunities grow the travelers you're better off under they are relevant today's game is brought to you by the heartbeat of America today Chevy truck Federal Express who reminds you that is not just a package it's your business and by Alamo Rent A Car there are over four million miles of roads in America and with Alamo all the miles are free [Music] dime quickie with Bob Trumpy at Cleveland stadium Rashaad and Paul McGuire also here they'll be joining Casta Sandow Xuan Gale gand nerd halftime as the biggest playoff weekend of the year is underway and the game is tied 7-7 now posts are down field throw wet stir slaughter can't get to the dogs picked up at his own and he whispers when he might have pushed Webster slaughter before he got to the ball and it could be a big game for the Cleveland Browns you got it the Colts are pointed Cleveland will see looked like a foul on the Colts that ball floated in the air and when Webster slaughter came back for it Eugene Daniel man [Applause] - on Indianapolis one on Cleveland now watch this ball float you can see it's almost there's the contact right there no question whatsoever an excellent call Daniel makes the interception but the flag is already on the ground I noticed Larry Williams coming off the sideline limping offensive guard for the Cleveland Browns replaced by Gregory cozy Aires Williams already out on the sideline bill only time the Colt defense has been able to stop the Browns in this game was on the endzone interception possessed - touchdown and with the Baba's Tim Manoa instead a step of the line of scrimmage is usually nothing there there wasn't for manoah's he got a head for maybe a yard combine tackle Barry Kraus and Eugene Daniel on the stop for Indianapolis and it's going to be interesting and interesting to see but the loss of Kevin Mack just what it does eventually to the running game of the Cleveland Browns and with Noah more of a blocker than he is a runner as we watch Larry Williams try to walk off any kind of entry he's going in it's something retaping get something done not really sure what but Manoa is not even close to the running back that Kevin Mack is we've not Mack a sideline with an upset stomach [Music] it starts the game here is co-star second and nine big Rossi looks at downfield he's not close to a connection the 32-yard line and free throws in the first half Kosair has had the ball slip Adam and L Thompson put the Russian Bernie Kosar number 99 nice little game run up front by the Colts defensive line and Donnell Thompson was basically untouched from the outside round six of seven on third down conversions they have a third lawn coming up now third down and nine 39 to play in the first half Cleveland 7 Indianapolis 7 [Music] Houston Denver game for the right you represent the Americans brings in the Super Bowl go sour against a blitz stands in dumps it off nicely but it's not for a first down my prior the free safety from Illinois State ran the play down Clarence weathers made the catch and was knocked down and so the brown send out there barefoot putt early Johnson fun job today throw you're gonna - zero chill factor's it to be like ticking a bowling ball their foot it's got to hurt I don't care what he says that's got to hurt butt kickers punters err strange strange group group probably from another planet years ago they don't think the way the rest of us think our suspected not being well men the ball is hit high downfield very nicely done by Lee Johnson [Applause] [Music] inside [Applause] Johnson kicked out a national championship team at Brigham Young 36-yard punt place down bound and with 946 to go in the first half the Colts take over with the long field ago [Applause] [Music] peste to the great airline is not just how fast moves you in the air but how fast it moves you on the ground that's why it's some of the busiest airports in the world United Airlines offers you the most advanced baggage systems faster ticketing and boarding procedures the most spacious convenient efficient terminals in the business United Airlines from the ground up rededicated to giving you the service you deserve come fly the friendly skies a Big Mac attack could strike at any time and you'll hear how to save up to fourteen hundred seventy five dollars on a new celebrity Chevy as neat as possible for your dealer to pass along savings of up to seven hundred seventy five dollars on air-conditioned celebrities plus seven hundred dollar savings on option packages that adds up to a $1,475 savings or save three hundred fifty to twelve hundred dollars on a specially equipped new beretta Cavalier or Corsica or get six hundred dollars cash back on a new 88 Camaro the best and brightest of the bowls are on NBC as the nation's top seniors suit up for college football's east-west showdown Heisman Trophy winner Tim Brown NCAA passing King top Santos and the icebox Michael Dean Perry at the hula bowl Knicks Saturday college football's best and brightest are on NBC to the 36-yard quite out of balance at the five yard Lee Johnson goes over and oh he doesn't stand there in this [Applause] his warm the crowd starts out very dim crudo sets up the cooks just inside there [Applause] it's time and he throws a strike with the Bellas to the 9 yard line Brooke sued and rap nanny linebacker Eddie Johnson we start up after the he wanted to play first half still a 77 game he joined us late on a 15 play 86 yard drive after the opening kickoff took it in on the touchdown throw from 10 yards out Bernie co-starter running back earnest Byner then the Colts came down the field they connected on the short TD passed in two yards out Jack Trudeau to tight end Pat Beach now scoring since rounds were down close Indianapolis [Applause] [Music] Eric Dickerson [Applause] Dickerson is alone the distance on any flat [Applause] Nickerson with the six yard line and so Trudeau to throw from his endzone looks like Mike Johnson makes the tackle am i right it's fifty something Eddie Johnson was also there that's Betty Jones down [Applause] he's definitely hurt he kind of got Dickerson on the side and Dickerson at 6-3 217 18 pounds can hurt you especially when it's a glancing blow and won't be the last player that's down in the game with the impact hitting we have today will be paused for this word when it comes to making sales you've got to know how to open those doors you gotta get up early you gotta stay up late you gotta answer all your calls you gotta keep going till you're over the top it's all a part of the drill cousins don't take care of your customer you know that somebody else will this reminder from Federal Express that it's not just a package it's your business the Florida Keys stretched like an old clothesline for a hundred and thirty month down here the locals are called cops their ways are old-fashioned Android their value and in a way ours are too there are over four million miles of roads in Alamo territory all across America and whenever you rent a car from Alamo their rates are low and all those miles are free including 130 miles called the Florida Keys thanks Jen to prepare the perfect round roast you need the help of an expert miss how do you cook one of these things I've got some potatoes and some natural light the beer with a taste for food and some candles yeah all natural less filling its met you alight from anheuser-busch okay I open the natural I preheat the oven now is that the thing with the flip down door yeah I can't handle this alone I don't think you can't either they are called Olympic hopefuls but hope plays a small role here or it will take a courage or discipline and the sheer will few of us will ever know and if their effort is true then they too will be known as Olympian [Music] live-action third down game tied seven-seven [Music] wide receivers in the game too throws downfield makes the connection at the 17-yard line and it looks like a first down as Bill Brooks who you'll recall drop won three plays ago now comes back in Nixon it makes the reception but there is a penalty marker down also here's the injury to Eddie Johnson you see Eric Dickerson makes a little move here Johnson misses him ever so slightly and it catches him off center looks like he got a little stinger there Eddie Johnson's all right but he has to come out for a play Trudeau here does a great job of avoiding the rush Don and the marker drop by mistakes not there's no penalty markers so they're going to go from scrimmage and it is a first down for all Harriston Big Daddy made the pressure Trudeau throws that ball down into the ground excellent job by the Colton [Applause] Dickerson gets the wave of tacklers and pushes them back gets to the 21 yard line Eric Dickerson stop down the play by Eddie Johnson who healed fast he's right back in there Eddie Johnson that is the truth and he said they have to be in concert to stop Dickerson who is it 218 pounds not only has nine for speed but cuts back like a punt returner absolutely is to head six postseason games in his career four times he's rushed for more than a hundred yards one time it was record of 240 Dallas [Applause] go up the gut to Eric Dickerson and he might have the first down Eric Dickerson has got it ahead to the 29 yard line [Applause] Dickerson the most amazing athlete the knockout and of course that he's a thumblr he's only fumbled four times this season in 223 carries as Ron Meyer says you want to talk about him talk about a winner with a little high school in Texas Sealy high school to a state championship went to SMU had to Southwest Conference championship team they had any anything like that since dog walker was there and it was all because of Dickerson and James five years the NFL and five playoff team a loser before he got there went to four state playoffs me didn't get there the year he left the Colts do for the first time in 10 years bigger [Applause] that was a problem for Trudeau he wisely throws it away excellent coverage by the Browns were not fool [Applause] it did not draw the defensive coverage up and that's what you hope that that flea-flicker does good time to do it though oh absolutely you see the handoff and nobody's fooled nobody now they're looking for the outlet receiver you know to continue on the train of thought on Eric Dickerson he's so good everybody tries to find something wrong with he's collected eight thousand rushing yards faster than Jimmy Brown there's so many positive things about this guy's everybody tries to find a negative eighty two hundred yards and five seasons somehow the ball was caught and for Dixon came up on the play as Musa came up on the ball at the 32 yard line one hand well it looked like some late piling on there [Applause] we got a penalty on the defense to claim watch this watch this throat he cut this that's one-handed the balls thrown behind him there's good coverage right on it but he Ava he's able to hang on and when the ball is loose that's when people pile on 59 Mike Johnson 51 Eddie Johnson but there's a flag on the other side of the field it's against play Matthews holding an emetic first down for the Indianapolis Colts as the drive stays alive [Applause] there's time they played Cleveland went to why much of the time to shut down dickerson again tonight yards 7/7 games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] had any Johnson the blocked and made the head on stick on Eric Dickerson Dickerson now he carries 24 yards will track him every step of the way it's done a good job of not letting him in the defensive backfield if you can get dickerson before he gets to the line of scrimmage you've won the battle and as you said that beach going to the sidelines now he's shaken up a little bit [Applause] you got to keep trying Eric Dickerson node on each time he carries it he's closer to breaking along [Applause] this time the solar pads of Brooks was a catchable ball again done I think that the problem that Brooks is having as he's trying to catch the ball with his body when you're in inclement weather you put your hands out in front of you as far as you can try first to catch it with the hands and then the body is the that that's the back up that's the backboard now watch he lets this ball get right to him now the ball is thrown high but that's a very catchable ball you're absolutely correct on it would have been half of what they needed for the first down [Applause] [Music] receivers having healthy starting out 66 [Applause] for the moment [Applause] Billingham Robo [Applause] makes yet another play for the Cleveland Browns in defense the thing that kazoo Li does the best here as he keeps to containment he doesn't get out of the rush Lane you see Seoul 66 is trying to handle him and with Trudeau steps up Golic is just in the right place that's exactly what you'd like to have your nose tackle do not get out of that pass rush Lane defense which ranked number one in the American Conference starting to stand tall as the cokes have to cut again big rush dark and end over in front it'll bounce in front of Gerald McNeil and McNeil has to let it roll and the Colts will down the ball at the Cleveland 33 yard line that was a good choice by Gerald McNeil he told Paul McGuire before the game that he wanted return-1 and you can get a little overanxious in the playoffs but you don't want to do though is make a big mistake that was a 38 yard punt McNeil let it bounce at halftime a complete review of the playoff picture as we go to Bob Costas Paul McGuire Ahmad Rashad Gayle gardener and coach Don Shula the Miami Dolphins tomorrow NBC Sports goes to Mile High Stadium in Denver Colorado where Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen bring you the Houston Denver Bronco game Brown's Art Modell their owner said took him a full year to get over that playoff loss to the Broncos here a season ago now the hopes are high again as the give is to Manoa and the rookie back hours his way to the 39 yard line chinma no hasn't gotten the ball up and that's only the 24th time this season the first-year player out of Penn State has averaged five yards to carry the course if you're wondering why manoah's in there at that Quasimoto nexus to us yes he does Kevin Mack on the sidelines with a stomach virus we don't know if he'll play at all as manoa comes out of the ballgame through wide receivers for Cleveland second down and four for the Browns game tied 7-7 455 to play first half chill factor's probably below zero now as the handoff is out to the 44 yard line earnest Byner ran straight ahead and was knocked down by nose tackle Byron Darby and outside linebacker Dwayne Beckett let me correct myself I said three wide receivers an accident the formation with two tight ends - Nell and Ozzie Newsome Ernest Byner now must carry a very heavy load he's get normally that's Kevin Mack in the backfield there's Kevin Mack with the Browns parka pulled up over his head [Music] ray Ellis sitting there's someone getting taped at beach on the sidelines taking its toll on players already Mary Williams badly sprained ankle when indicate he'll come back [Applause] as a measurement of ground [Applause] against common opponents this season Cleveland is seven and to Indianapolis four and five around regulars who were 18 for this season were only one in four against teams that went to the playoffs Marty Schottenheimer on the sidelines as the Browns offense on the field has been much of the first half in this tie game Coase are looking deep now he takes off Gosar gets to midfield on a first down scramble he got five yards knocked down by Duane Vika great job by Indianapolis disguisting come [Applause] what appear to be a man-to-man Fickett the good job just staying in a spot where he shouldn't see on the Blitz offensive left tackle Paul Ferran is the blocker Bickett catches Bernie Kosar from behind which is not that difficult to do when you get five rounds have lost five so two starters so far Kevin Mack sidelines with sadly strange angle it's now expected he'll return cosign of cat Ernie's got a man nicely done by Brian Brennan out to the 41 yard line [Applause] back at the ball catches it a foot off the ground feet sliding Freddie Robinson was defending his best he could it's a first down for Cleveland big cushion by the cornerback of the Indianapolis Colts and Bernie picks it up immediately you can see Eugene Daniel not even anywhere in the picture whatsoever it looks like 98 Johnny cooks is supposed to be the man underneath that coverage but those are able to get at the Brennan for a first down now first and ten for Cleveland 40 yard 7/7 games [Applause] mucks there and he's knocked down at the 39-yard line will bring up second and long Donnell Thompson was on the step along with Byron Darby Ron Meyer the coach of the Colts for the great success and the turnabout and that team in the past year is voted overwhelmingly American Conference Coach of the Year in the past week he's done a great job I think the most difficult thing to do as a coach is take a team that is used to losing becomes a habit and turn him around he took over the Colts as you said earlier oh and 13 they win their last three games of the season they've gone from worse at the first I don't think there's a more difficult thing for a coach and coaching staff to do he said Trump when he took over his first meeting he told him we're going to win right now I'm not sure Havel that's a ten and five since Meyers taken over a regular two-minute warning is given so we'll be back to Cleveland after this we're not a company but we recognize potential we develop it we use it we'll make sure that as your responsibility grows so are you as your ability for leadership grows so will you working with us you'll gain self-confidence become a person with the future we're not a company we are your country where the Marines the army the Navy the Air Force we're the Armed Forces it's a great place to start who says Chevy's better than Ford you sack tested standard half-tons with their best automatics and half ton payloads zero to 60 40 to 55 pylon force handling both sigh heavy feet for leveling up Hill towing acceleration Chevy with Vortech be six feet board which truck should you be driving use that test just answered it now get $500 cash back on new full-size ck pickups [Music] and Sheridan we know that little things mean onward that's why just one number gives you reservations at any Sheraton in the US or 63 countries worldwide [Music] the enact our place here Houston there wildcard victory proved they were in Joker's as mood and company Dulles Seahawks a full hand of la vía blue the NFL plays here Denver but the Broncos hope to have the Arthur's sing in the Blues as the road to the Super Bowl hits a Rocky Mountain High he orders the Broncos the action starts with NFL live the wind meter in Cleveland is quiet and that's good temperature is dropped though it's Bobby down around 10 degrees now the Browns have the ball at the 39 yard line of the Indianapolis Colts this playoff game is tied 7-7 down Bernie Kosar at quarterback look in deep let it go on man his open Langhorne he has the ball and he's not done that he gets in let's downplayed 39 yard touchdown pass play Bernie Kosar Reggie Langhorne who was wide open in the middle of the Colt defense excellent formation call by Cleveland Art Modell the owner obviously elated that consumed the free safety Freddie Robinson Willie Telus was covering the wide reciever no free safety the deep slant is open and Cozart puts it right on the money didya now that fire got to try the point after so the Browns make it happen fast bow hits it up and good 151 to go in the first half Cleveland has broken the tie and taken a 14 to 7 lead now the ultimate souvenir of Super Bowl 22 comes to you the official Super Bowl 22 game program 192 action-packed pages thrusters and lineups a week-by-week review of the season and much more only 595 send check or money order to Super Bowl 22 post-office box 22 Trenton New Jersey zero eight six five one that's Super Bowl 22 post-office box 22 Trenton New Jersey zero eight six five one these are new citizens to the United States making the first pledge of allegiance I know how they feel not long ago I was one of them on for the race originally from Colombia South America but now an American citizen and kicker for the NFL's Miami Dolphins and this is my wife Gail these new Americans are also new United Way volunteers contributors and recipients the United Way it brings out the best in all of us this message furnished by the National Football League [Music] [Applause] from behind the defense now understand prior the safety is drawn up to the line of scrimmage earnest Byner is out on the flank that takes away the middle coverage of the defense Bernie Kosar reads it perfectly horn runs an outstanding pattern the Porsche not down til tackle in the NFL his first catch of the day is for a touchdown regi Langhorne from Elizabeth City State that produced among others Jethro Pugh of doomsday defense Feynman Dallas that's a while ago a long time between NFL players for a living [Applause] hey Johnson kicks it up and hits it deep [Applause] clay runs it back premium Apple he's got to beat the kicker and Johnson slows him down and then the tackle is made at the 41 yard line mark Carper finally brought him down regi Langhorne with a second touchdown catch of the year and he really made a play to do it two of them diving catch and then gets up and powers in you can see the good look off by Bernie Kosar and watch this fingertip catch no gloves by Langhorne he's not down here in the NFL he gets up powers into the end zone six points great second look our producer today for NBC Sports is George Finkel director John Gonzalez the executive producer of NBC Sports is Michael Weissman the coordinating producer than FL Nathanson the Colts have scored in the last two minutes of the first half in 10 of their 15 games kudos on the he bails out he got no help from his receivers once he was flushed out of the pocket there was nobody for him to throw it to there's that statue just gave Don a reminder to our viewers that we'll be selecting the Budweiser most valuable player for today's game at the conclusion of the game 135 to go in the first half Jack Trudeau was a second round draft choice two years ago out of Illinois he's taking over for the injured Gary Hogeboom the 56% of his passes this season for seven touchdowns including he's been Herceptin six times [Applause] he has a second and five ramsley 14-7 second quarter Dickerson both fountain there's one thing about playing the Indianapolis Colts now that they have Eric Dickerson in the offensive backfield as the Colts take a timeout they have two left in the first half it's very difficult to go to a prevent defense against a team that has a running back to caliber of Eric Dickerson because you have so many people committed to down the field and looking at Lange Lauren's arm on the sidelines so many people can be committed down the field that if Dickerson gets through that initial defensive line of scrimmage it's a 20 or 25 yard pickup what you're forced to do defensively against Dickerson is play it straight that allows you the chance to throw the ball down to the middle of the defense right now the third and one is coming up Dickerson doesn't have a whole lot of yards running from scrimmage so far he's done all the running from scrimmage for Indianapolis 27 yards on nine carries but he can go boom at any time and nobody knows that better than Coach Schottenheimer there's Gary Hogeboom I can't keep him in the lab he's had one injury after another both with Dallas and with the Colts and they're not little being injuries [Applause] [Music] the future is long fractured hands Oh sticker Synod hex tada what's foramen have pressed down to the 48-yard line zuly caught him and held on as you see the game clock ticking on down 118 to go in the first half 14-7 Playland lazuli a great job just tripping up Eric Dickerson into the tendon on offense and through to our rate straight out loops the ball it was up for grabs the clock the big rush was put on the linebacker blitz by Clay Matthews 103 to play in the half [Applause] Matthew's another Pro Bowler for the Cleveland Browns Indianapolis like Cleveland rocking over the success of the team all the Browns have been in the playoffs with divisional championship they've won the AFC central three straight years [Applause] that was for you [Applause] [Music] 1971 [Applause] in a second and 10 play nobody there in Trudeau got rid of it now Baker rushed him number 60 Trudeau kind of drew that ball back dickerson ran a pattern and kind of stopped in the middle of it Jack Trudeau tried to draw it back and get it down the field to Phil Brooks could not get enough on it he's up third down and ten now for the Colts [Applause] face it all out rush and third down and ten stands in left to comb Nana's open Brooks in open field inside the 25 and down to the 19 yard line there is a penalty marker down the line of scrimmage however Lock stop with 48 seconds to play a 28 yard gain on third down and 10 against the best defense in the American Conference Mark Harper finally makes the tackle Baker the pass rusher this is an excellent job of passed protection by the Colt offensive line Trudeau does a great job of waiting for Brooks to get open again it's Hanford Dixon in the coverage Harper finally saves a touchdown a huge play for Indianapolis there were three catches today seven catches [Applause] fires dickerson gets the ball and he goes in so Eric Dickerson they don't go to him off of if they get to him on the payoff in as he get by Clay Matthews and Dickerson takes the perfectly thrown ball at the three spins up and takes it in and again with the assuit C coming at the coke turn extra point away from tying the game a second time that's his first touchdown receiving as an Indianapolis Colt you can understand why the Cleveland Browns not committing a great deal of coverage to Eric Dickerson the Clay Matthews their best coverage linebacker just didn't see the football that Trump is the 11th time in 16 games that the croques have scored in their to the first half 2.5 EEOC's spun up and good again we're dead lock this time it's 14 with 42 seconds to play let's watch it come right at you from behind the defense the Colts have done a great job of isolating linebacker in coverage on receivers Trudeau stands in there Mike Johnson all over him Clay Matthews never really sees this ball at all it ends up being a 19 yard touchdown reception reception and that's Eric decreases first postseason reception for a touchdown in his career look at that Johnson all over him Trudeau stands in there there's an outstanding job you see 29 let's see if he puts a move on no he just runs by Clay Matthews I think you can excuse Clay Matthews there's no way he's gonna match foot speed with Eric Dickerson our NBC statistician Eliot Cal pointing out the dickerson now has 61 yards in half of its receiving are almost 30 yards receiving 31 yards rushing the ball so far the bottom line has even up 14 aah with 42 seconds to play in the bitter cold of Cleveland 42 seconds to go in the first half sometimes it's better to be lucky than good dickerson turns around Matthews does not see the ball coming the ball is underthrown and dickerson able to catch that ball right in his chest home is the Dom of cars for the Colts at the Hoosier dome but they've done well as you know Trump outside on grass fields they have the 300 in grass fields one here at Cleveland also one in San Diego and in Miami but to this point this ball game is now favoring the Indianapolis Colts the longer they can stay close as big as an underdog as they were coming into this ball game more confident they'll be pinkies now in the second half of this game this is not LA today for Eric Dickerson but he's in the end zone again as the third time he's played on this field once for the Los Angeles Rams and once for the Colts and now in the playoffs against Cleveland the assuit she again hits a very short kickoff [Applause] and he's across the 35 to the 36 yard line 38 seconds to play down and make the tackle was June James now let's see what mr. Kosair and the Cleveland offense can do ycs put the ball in the end zone for touchdowns once it thrown to the end zone you remember was intercepted by Freddy Robinson of Indianapolis to stop a drive I think you got to try to get points in this situation they got the win at their back [Applause] way back off the ball playing in a deep zone [Applause] by an amateur hand in the Duane Beckett that's a keep the defense on his play the stadium didn't like it look that's a good call you got that defense dropping back at finer gets to their job for a long distance the only team that beat the negative Browns cried this season here at Cleveland stadium Browns 5 and 1 second than 12 Gosar takes a look and lets her rep gone for the ball is Webster slaughter he's picked off no he drops it Eugene Daniel hadith lost it at the 18 yard line Josiah will set up to fire and fall back again with three seconds to go in the first half again Don that ball hung up now of course when it gets cold your hands drinks a little bit you can see this is almost a jump ball here Neal it's very close to winning that jump ball when it goes right through his hands just three seconds left you might as well try it again over an interference call wait out in the field around six of eight and third downs in his first half 60-yard together by that miners truck it on down the field the clock winds out his diner goes down at the 46 yard line jackal down the play by John Holden Mike Pryor the gun sounds and so coach Schottenheimer leaves his heavily favorite browse to the locker room [Applause] Indianapolis Colts stood tall twice coming from behind to tie the game Ron Meyer has to be pleased after two quarters of play it's a 1414 game NFL live halftime activities will continue in a moment and we'll be right back after these messages from your local station [Applause] sunday on family ties dance Broadway back it's dance play a draft card for the burning it's a nightmare by to dance get all choked up over grandma's visit then when the syndicate took over Lily toughest cop got mad when they murdered his partner she decided to get Eva in the tradition of the untouchable George Peppard is the man against the mobs Sunday a message to society bank customers Ken and Darlene banking you know that getting a hit means paying attention to details your bank feels the same way you count on society because society bankers work like you do with an attitude that says whatever it takes isn't that just what hard-working people like you deserve thanks Kenan darling from the people who are building a better Bank around you Chevrolet Cavalier you could get extra cost options like power steering and cloth bucket seats you could pay more and get intermittent wipers intented glass or you could pay almost $700 less and get this comparably equipped Dodge Aries America at your Dodge dealer we think that charging more is well parkus it's got to be a Dodge and it's gotta be your northern Ohio dodge dealer actress molly ringwald monday on am Cleveland welcome back to our NFL live studios in New York along with coach Don Shula I'm Bob Costas we'll check with a mod and Paul from the field in Cleveland in just a moment let's check some of the stats first trudeau keeping pace with Cozart chins Kosar 11 of 19 for 128 a couple of scores and had that very important pass picked off in the end zone unofficially Eric Dickerson with 32 first-half rushing yards and of course the touchdown reception that led to the tie score at 14 at halftime let's take a look at some of the highlights from this first half and the fans are a definite factor all over the Colts these mongrels in Cleveland Stadium here's the first possession for the Browns and in the first quarter nothing could be finer than the play of Ernest Byner he takes it in for the touchdown capping the drive and a seven nothing lead but Trudeau is undaunted back he comes Matt Boozer the veteran on the receiving end of this one it's good for 18 sets up first and goal and after an unsuccessful running play Trudeau goes with play-action he'll fake a handoff here to Jorge Wan's Lee and Pat beech is wide open at the back of the end zone it's tied at 7 but here's the ill-fated Kosar pass he probably should not have put this one up they could have had the field goal for sure here's the rookie from Alabama Freddy Robinson who played with Mike Shula for the Crimson Tide comes up with a big interception now it's Reggie Langhorne as the Browns get the ball back he latches on to a 39 yard it bounces up hasn't been touched Bulls his way into the end zone 14-7 look like the Browns would have the lead to take to the locker room but Trudeau patches together a late drive that ends with the 19 yarder to dickerson after the p80 it's tied at 14 you know coach a lot of people gave the Colts a chance I was one of them but I thought if they were to win this game it'd have to be in a game with a winning team scored fewer than 20 and would be a suit she kicked three field goals in the amazing thing about this ballgame is that Dickerson running has not really been a factor in the ball game it's Trudeau throwing the football and the Colts coming back Cleveland gets the ball and they score on their first possession and that was a great Drive everybody was wondering whether they could execute the kind of weather conditions that they're playing in but they move the ball down the field they have five out of five third down conversions and of course the last one is a 10 yard touchdown pass from Kosar diviner here Viner comes out of the back field and they tried to get him isolated on Glasgow and he comes out and he gets inside a Glasgow now this is a cardinal sin for the defensive back to let him inside but he crosses his face Kosar puts it on the money catches it and rolls into the endzone for the first touchdown but later on they also aside from running or throwing the football on third down they also run with the football there's a big play on third down and 10 where they pick up 11 yards on a trap draw play good play by the guard Byner again with the ball picks up the 11 yards so this keeps the Colt defense off-balance they can't say that every time it's third down and long that they're gonna throw the football and we talked a little bit in the pregame about Kosar sidearms and literally I think it hurt him in this this is a critical play down on the goal line it's a play-action pass Kosar gets rushed and he lets it go he's been successful doing this the sidearm delivery the receiver falls down and Robinson is there to make the interception in the end zone that takes away points potential points either a field goal or the touchdown pass but the thing that amazes me about the Colts in this ball game is that they're in it because they keep coming back throwing the football put yourself in the position of each of the coaches if you're Schottenheimer what are you saying to your troops right now well Schottenheimer has to continue to go after him defensively they've got to do something against the pass they've done a good job of stopping Dickerson but they also have to put more heat on the quarterback I think that Trudeau has had too much time to throw the football and that's why he's been so successful I would think that that would be his theme that they got to put more heat on the quarterback how do they do it they just have to rush another linebacker you got to try to get more out of your three-man rush there are gonna be times where they're gonna have to go with four people or even five people going after the quarterback to try to put pressure on them they've got some corners that can cover it so they have to take the chance of blitzing the linebackers to get pressure in the past yeah with Dixon and mini field you can afford to gamble right that's exactly right and they've got some linebackers that can blitz but they're they're gonna put pressure on and if you hit the play it's a big play all right now you Ron Meyer what are you saying Ron Meyer has got to be pretty happy right now he's got to think about getting Dickerson in the ball game as far as ball control this is what everybody thought would be their game plan going into the ball game give the ball to dickerson ball control played big defense against the brown offense and win the game that way with Bo Suchi kicking the football kick in the field goes here accurate kicker so I would think that they're talking about getting Dickerson in in the offense and getting some ball control to go along with a fine passing game if they had in the first half we're gonna check with Ahmad and Paul in just a minute but at the beginning of the game we mentioned that this is the first Browns Colts playoff game since 1971 but they also met twice at Cleveland Stadium and memorable games in the 60s NFL title at stake both times 1964 and 68 you were there how well I remember 64 Frank Ryan threw three touchdown passes against us and they beat us going away and then we won the ball game the next time when we played him 34 to nothing this was a 1968 and I'll remember after the ballgame Carroll rosenbloom the owner at that time of the Colts put his arm around me and he said Don he said I hope that you're the last coach that I ever have to hire and two weeks left two weeks later the Jets beat us in the Super Bowl and Carroll started to think about another coach you know I've had that same sort of conversation with the executives here at NBC it's very disquieting circumstance all right let's go back out to Cleveland Ahmad Rashad and Paul McGuire are shivering there here comes their halftime report fellas all right Bob you know one of the things that the Colts have been able to do in this first half is take this crowd hey what's that code it drives me crap what about the crowd they've taken them out of the game well what happens is when you know you score right away the crowds in the game and they're talking about what a great defense Cleveland has and all of a sudden the Colts just take the ball and go down the field on its gonna quiet this place we would stand up in the stands you and I've been around this building and this this crowd is really not in the ball game at all all right now you know Cleveland came in here intent on stopping Bentley and Dickerson and so we're gonna get there let's take a look at their first touchdown drive this first and 10 down on the goal line and all of a sudden Billy gets the ball you can see that all the way back is on 10 I'm stopping this guy because he tries to run the ball off the left side and I mean they're up and swarming all over him well I remember the first time Dickerson carried the ball in the game Ahmad he lost two yards and when you concentrate on a run what you fail to do is do anything about the past and that's where the Colts are really getting to Cleveland they're throwing the ball all over the ballpark and cleaners worry so much about the run they forgot to pass Dickerson scores a touchdown Ken let's take a look at the second play it's second down and going on with all these linebackers crowding the line of scrimmage all of a sudden they have a chance for beast to sneak through them to come over to the end zone and then you have a linebacker covering on a tight end which you can't get there and you see vicious there's just absolutely no one around him and that's what happens when you worry about the run and you forget about the past well you got to be impressed with the coats because they've they're all of a sudden tingle goes down and they keep coming right back it's no fluke that they're in this playoff game not if I think the key to the second half is that the coast will get the ball and if they can take the drive and move it down the field of score I think the Browns are going to be in trouble the Browns have to put their defense back in order their offense is fine defensively they're not doing anything now they think that they've really put us down one Eric Dickinson but he's the kind of he's the kind of back that you can hold for three quarters also he'll break that long run and you don't want to cover him with a linebacker because of its tremendous speed you know what the last two times that the Browns have played in the playoff games it's gone to overtime it may happen again I don't think so this game over the Cleveland Browns will get it all together do it the second half hey thank you this man is nuts that's in the category of understatement can you imagine some poor soul he was up late last night he just turns it on right in the middle of this thing and here's some guy with a snout barking into somebody's ear my coat is something yes I don't know what it's what's wrong with it earring last week knows this we will be back to YouTube vaudevillians a bit later in the day but right now let's get a preview of the game coming up in the NFC the Vikings will try and make it two in a row on the road they upset the Saints a week ago an even tougher test coming up against the 49ers at Candlestick Park our Gary Gerald is there with this preview Gary well Bob by Bay Area standards it's not the prettiest of days here in San Francisco it's gloomy and overcast there is a light mist and rain falling it has been raining overnight the field at Candlestick Park is covered a lot of rain did come down during the night but they're hoping that the turf will be in good shape for this playoff encounter between the 49ers and the Vikings now we do not have to worry about sub-freezing temperatures there's no windchill factor there is no threat of snow it looks like temperatures will be in the mid 50's here at kickoff a couple of hours from now Minnesota of course has come to Northern California from Arizona where they've been working out at the University of Arizona and Jerry Burns has indicated that Wade Wilson will be his starting quarterback this afternoon Tommy Cramer of course is available if there are any problems for Wilson and the Vikings offense Bill Walton the other hand says he'll go with Joe Montana no surprise there although Montana says he is still somewhat bothered by that hamstring injury that he suffered a few weeks ago if he encounters any difficulty Steve Young is ready to step in on a moment's notice bill walsh incidentally was hired nine years ago to the day to take over the reins of the San Francisco 49ers organization and in that rain he is yet to lose a playoff game here at Candlestick Park he's hoping that his ballclub will take another step toward a third Super Bowl appearance this afternoon that's our situation a couple of hours before kickoff Bob back to you in New York from Candlestick Park in San Francisco okay Gary thanks very much and we'll return to Cleveland Stadium for the kickoff starting the second half as we rejoin Don crickey and Bob Trumpy following these messages from your local stations [Music] Osan airbase Korea Vietnam [Music] I just wanna be there we are first off [Music] some people really go out of their way to protect their cars against fuel line freeze up but of all the precautions known and that includes drug tests only so hyoe premium gasoline formulated with ice guard is guaranteed to prevent fuel line Freeza no other product or remedy guarantees the same and no other comes in this handy easy for container is Ohio Premium with ice guard you go or we pay the tow discover the difference Jim Donovan Channel 3 News it's not getting any water warmer in Cleveland where the Colts and the Browns are tied up at halftime 14 all and it was interesting at halftime about Rumpy that no less an authority than coach Shula said Ron Meyer has to feel pretty good about his chances it was Meyer who said before the season when everyone was referring to his ballclub as the Indianapolis adults that I like our chances sin that they've been playing pretty solid football the most impressive thing is that a young quarterback has twice rallied them from behind a tie the game I think one of the real keys for Indianapolis in that first half is the balance in their offense they threw the ball 15 times they ran the ball 12 times and I think it's confused Cleveland a little bit and I also don't believe that Cleveland felt that this young Indianapolis Colt team with very little playoff experience would have to come back capability that it's displayed already the only turnover the interception would certainly cost the Cleveland Browns at least three points that was right down at the goal line I think the most impressive thing is just the third down conversions for both of these football teams done and they're going up and down the field but let me make this point in the first quarter Kevin Mack for Cleveland had six carries for 38 yards three receptions for 17 yards 55 yards and a quarter and he's still out with that stomach flu I Tim manoa is nowhere close to the replacement of Kevin Mack eventually I do believe that injury or that illness to Kevin Mack is going to be a huge factor in this football game because you've got biner who is a great receiver now you got it give him the ball he's got to carry it in the rush you're gonna wear him out to a certain extent I mean I do believe it already man on the kickoff team this guy is the biggest guy on the offense for the Cleveland Browns in the second half he's got to carry almost 80% of the load Dave fazool he's done the big job also filling a nose tackle for the injured Bob Golic it is interesting on this bitter cold day that the turnovers have been so few there has been just the one that I can recall that was the interception by Fred Robinson in the end Sonoco sour to stop but appear to be assured touchdown drive Browns head at the Indianapolis - no fumbles yet we had Matt Kopp the ball up on the first carry of the day but he got it back and since then has been no ball fumbled away gone on the positive side for Indianapolis you've got Eric Dickerson for the rest of the game being a 1414 score and Paul McGuire mentioned in Indianapolis gets the ball to start the second half and Don Shula mentioned now it's a time to get Eric Dickerson in the ball game in the pregame show we said the Colts have a chance to win this game if they can keep their offense in balance and go and Eric Dickerson in the fourth quarter he's the guy who will win the game for you consider also Dean Bo Suchi the kind of season he said it may come down to a field goal I don't imagine Marty Schottenheimer is very comfortable right now he's got some concerns yesterday coach Ron Meyer was telling us of his relationship with Trudeau he said Trudeau thinks I don't like him he said that's not pro he's and I just don't think he's as good a quarterback as hoga Blume but he's getting better all the time he only in his second year the desk passing game ever here at Cleveland in the upset in December and he's doing this kickoff is sponsored by Budweiser the king of beers line drive kick at Albert gently could have a problem with takes it at the six looks for a blocking Jalen there's no gently as he's to the 15 and that's it the Browns cover nicely as they squib kick the ball down the middle of the field and the Indianapolis Colts will start out the third quarter first and ten here comes Trudeau not it's ironic this is exactly where Cleveland started their first drive to begin the game at their own 15-yard line they went 15 plays 86 yards to score two touchdowns aside both I'm throws to precocity for Trudeau Eric Dickerson held down so far [Applause] piece of protective equipment of good reason every one of those eleven guys feel 22 yard line nicely done by matt Boza [Applause] they only turn over the game this pass into the end zone intended for Eric Tinnell the tight end he falls down Robinson makes the interception it's Derrick Tinnell bust the Cleveland Browns points [Applause] gain of 6 yards on the play as bill brooks comes out wide to the right he's against Minnifield the other Pro Bowl corner ham for Dixon wide to the right a screen pass goes to Eric Dickerson he gets a block from Seoul and he's out to the 30-yard line and the Colts have a first down Mike Johnson an inside linebacker number 51 made the stop for Cleveland this has got to be blowin Cleveland's mind offensively they expect Eric Dickerson to carry the ball so much in 1st and 2nd down and they go to the screen to a great job out front by Sol Donaldson and then Dickerson puts his head down hammers into Frank Minnifield good enough for a first down [Applause] linebackers for the Browns there's Eddie Johnson lucious Sanford Mike Johnson and plain as Dickerson carries shifting step looking to break it for the moment for the only gets a couple of yards in a first down carry as Eddie Johnson and Frank Minnifield made the stop for Cleveland one thing you like about Eric Dickerson you watch what he reads up front sometimes he'll completely bust to play and he reads the opponent's helmets there looks to that little gap in the defense that time Eddie Johnson able to make penetration and shut him down at the line of scrimmage now this is get down it's really confused flavor a great job second down as more yards receiving leaders here he goes again with the ball Eric Dickerson is across the 35 yard line on the second of eight play out to about the 37 where pizzoli number 72 is making plays all over the field was on the staff with an extra defensive back number 23 mark Harper first drive of the day they score last drive of the first half they score feel the confidence-building in this Indianapolis Colt tea another chance to compete keep it close again [Applause] more than seven points for Trudeau climbing cat and Albert Finley makes the reception somehow at the 49 yard line out of the backfield comes Albert Bentley for a 14 yard gain in the Colts drive on that time mark Harper and coverage well thrown by Jack Trudeau again great pass protection time for Trudeau to throw on Shula mentioned at halftime that the Browns are not getting a lot of pressure on Trudeau Bentley a very short-handed receiver picks up a big first down for Indianapolis [Music] have passes in the regular season did Albert to four touchdowns the cuts in the brown side of appeal [Applause] Kazooie Julie is having a great game against Pro Bowl center Donaldson you see takes his site on Donelson and he's there to make the tackle before Derek Eric Dickerson can barely get a step off zuly is an aspiring pro wrestler and he's replacing Bob Golic was an all-american wrestler at Notre Dame real wrestling time [Applause] [Applause] Jensen Saxon Trudeau slow getting up first sack of the day for either team frozen salad as a rock and a holding call on the defense and the play that will nullify the sack give the coats a first down [Applause] clothing number 50 on the defense touchdown lishus Sanford number 50 holding on the defense [Applause] Browns I've never seen a city as revved up over a playoff game as Cleveland has been that's been a long wait here in Cleveland if that won a national football league championship since 1964 went on a bitter cold December day the shut out the 12:27 or nothing Kitt's Eric Dickerson dumps it off to bill Brooks and he's on the run Big Daddy Hairston can't get him and Brooks is down to the 30 looked like something the Marx Brothers grew up but it were [Applause] put it on the blackboard but it ended up being [Applause] a very positive play as I'll take it this is read perfectly by the Cleveland Browns you can see Clay Matthews is there ends up being a 15-yard pick up the ball is still alive nice little shovel pass forward to Bill Brooks [Applause] fifteen yard pass completed pass first down Plus it was good first down and down [Applause] to the 18 or 17 yard line of Cleveland Mike Johnson making the stop for the Browns as both teams today of first drive of the day by touchdown on the Colts now driving here in the third quarter look at this this play is designed to go to the right he cuts all the way back with very little blocking the responsibility of the offensive line in front of it Eric Dickerson is when you make contact keep contact he will be there in a second we should gain your whatsoever still picks up 10 850 to go game is tied in better Coke's challenging his Eric Dickerson takes it right up the middle behind a trap block and shoots down to the 9 yard line lazuli on the tackle just able to get a hand out he went by for Zhu Li so quickly that fazool II really couldn't make the tackle watch what happens Donaldson delays man you see fazool e just gets his arm out there to slow him down trip him up by like Dickerson scores that Cleveland defense right now wondering about itself a little bit a disarray belts at the Cleveland 10-yard line second down and four for the first down therefore our dick in the holding college signaled against Indianapolis so the coach will be set back Darrell Sims was put in a rush on and believe that Donaldson is Center and see if it was on the center holding he sees the flag takes it back 10 yards second for 14 runs soul [Applause] Rudo hot throwing the ball again from seven in a row now this is now the tenth play of the drive to I'd look for that Dickerson strain right here [Applause] six three two big strong turn around [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] have stopped Indianapolis drive [Applause] [Applause] this ball is tipped at the line of scrimmage but Eddie Johnson is berrin down it's his hand on the it's up for grabs and Felix Wright comes up with the Cleveland Browns first interception of the day in my 1314 years I've seen incredible changes the Chrysler PC by Maserati soon a new Imperial on Fifth Avenue but now the new Chrysler New Yorker elegant styling luxurious ride the longest protection plan and Chrysler's crystal key program complete car coverage that's even better than Rolls Royce on Mercedes New Yorker gives you everything Shearson Lehman Brothers EF Hutton January 1988 where we stand we believe interest rates will go down therefore we recommend locking in today's high rates by buying municipal bonds Treasury bonds corporate bonds and long-term CDs which of these investments are right for you talk with us Shearson Lehman Brothers and EF Hutton nowadays when it comes to telecommunications there's a great deal of confusion with so many different products and services available it's a real problem knowing what's just right for your company well we have a way to end that confusion and solve those problems we can help custom tailor an entire telecommunications system to your company's exact needs no GTE today's game is brought to you by Chrysler Chrysler believes a luxury car should be a great driving car at Chrysler we're driving to be the best by GTE G now GTE and by Embassy Suites Hotels will you get a beautiful to room suite for the price of a single room damn tricky with Bab Tuffy bitter cold Cleveland stadium the Browns have stopped the cokes long drive the game still tied 14-14 as courser puts it up on first down and makes the connection to a Z Newsome five mothers 76 reception of his great career and I Wizard of Oz gets the Browns out pretty cure gain about at halftime Don Shula mentioned that Marty Schottenheimer was going to have to commit more guys to pressure on Jack Trudeau here it is Eddie Johnson the Blitz up the middle it produces the turnover the Colts had the ball for better than seven minutes on that drive but get no points each of these 24 year old quarterbacks with two touchdown throws today each with an interception finer folks they're bigger powerful linebackers clos him back Johnny cooks clip Odom berry Crossin Dwayne Vica back the line Myers Indianapolis Colts Samson Byron Darby and John Han the front three they tell us in Eugene Daniel er at the corners Freddie Robinson and Mike prior the defects pick up by the Cleveland Browns keep the drive alive 270-pound Texan Mike Texas down over the bottle Center first in ten play [Applause] Newsome he's got the bomb of the 43 yard line that blesses unable to The Cleveland Brown that an 18-yard turnout and coasts are right there on the break with the ball to Ozzie Newsome first two catches of the day for Ozzie Newsome last time the Cleveland Browns played the final game of the season against the Pittsburgh Steelers the Oz had six catches for 94 yards his best day of the season Cozart does a good job of looking off he knows where he's going all day long Newsome nice job keeping his feet in another first down Cleveland [Applause] the Browns move it out after the interception of stop the Colts opening drive of the second half ready to put up on first down against side I'm close to the 30 Webster slaughter had it and lost it he's a-talkin wide reciever he'll chat with those defensive backs and never stop I think one of the problems Bernie Kosar has when he throws the ball sidearm because the ball tends to sink you see that happen a great deal when Bernie at the last second just flips that ball out there sidearm that baby dives for the ground almost like a slider a curveball by a major league pitcher looking like a downhill skier ready for his next run waits on the sidelines as coaster operates now [Applause] [Music] it's up for grabs the cokes can't hold on to it he is the nearest man - it might try earn on the one hop Fred Robinson got it so it goes as a long out incomplete pass third and ten Brown what it goes argot hammers Dwain Bickett came on the Blitz on the outside Paul Ferran the offensive left tackle 74 vikins with a nice move watch this shot on Bernie yeah that turf feels a lot harder when you hit the 250 top of your Wayne Vickers had a spectacular year we came out of Southern California three years ago Duane Vic and ahead of such all-pro talents as Jerry Rice nail tune [Applause] defense they didn't enforce our science nobody makes the connection to Brian's been in for a Cleveland first down at the 45 yard the Annapolis third and ten Gary Wright was defending along with Eugene Daniel but Renan made the connection with Co SAR that's eight ten third downs converted by the Cleveland Browns today co-stars with Brennan all the way Brennan knows he's going to get hammered he finds the weak spot the dead spot in the zone hangs on for the first down pick up under sized overachiever they call Brian the all-time leading receiver for Boston College when Flutie was his battery mate now it's first down in tendrá Cleveland [Music] game four on the play cliff Hold'em and Byron dobry were on the tackle I don't know done that I have ever been in a ball game where each team has had so many long and sustained drives it's remarkable both of these football teams and in zero weather hanging onto the football converting the third downs up and down the field and only 28 points scored this is an all-timer to this point [Applause] turn over each way [Applause] [Music] again long Valda news [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] the defense turning out and conocer lives a soft spiral right into his hands that's not only us he's third catch of the day that's his third catch on this Drive 17 yards Newsome gets a good release off the line of scrimmage inside of Johnny cooks he's got double coverage out there cooks underneath still able to catch it keep his foot inbounds another first down the old pro on his 10th years in Alabama here in Cleveland Ohio now has three catches for 43 yards in the Browns in this tie playoff game [Applause] Oh sir I'll count again and does he the grounds again make the connection and the timing pattern it go sour again firing before his receiver breaks and again the ball is right there when he turned this is the way it works in practice this doesn't happen in games watch the way he drags his back foot look at that beautiful or is that beautiful knowing sensing where that sideline is it's not supposed to be this easy not just for Cleveland or any necklace to rounds with the out patterns moving the ball at the end zone of Indianapolis first antenna inside the the 16 yard line [Applause] Darby was on the staff again the nose tackle is linebacker Dwayne Bickett came across they'll Thompson also on the play for the Colts is the game plaque winding on down to 355 to play third quarter the game tied 14 all upcoming the 11th play in his drive the Colts had the ball for the first 7 plus and plus minutes of the third quarter and at the rest of the time is it possible we'll have George Hill the defensive coordinator Indianapolis Colts Marty Schottenheimer very best defensa straight ahead to the six yard line this diner got the call again as Kevin Mack has been absent early in the first quarter with a virus destined of flu darby on the tackle absolutely marvel at both these teams ability offensively to go up and down the field this drive started at Cleveland zone at this end of the field [Music] [Applause] police second down and four Wayne bigot makes the tackle from the first down comes up it does not appear I take it back to Browns a first down without getting a touchdown extra-big people sent in Manoa [Applause] the Browns have been phenomenal a season as you know 12 inside the opponent's 20 over five percent of the time a touchdown or a field down inside the 20 [Applause] I see something he does in life at this critical time with third down on the yard coming up he calls timeout to get some counsel back to Cleveland after this mr. Garfield welcome to Embassy Suites Hotel my room here you get a suite for about the price of a room at most Marriott sir hi it's beautiful don't change a thing the living room sir love what you've done with this room the bedroom this is great I need my space and of course you'll want to take advantage of Embassy Suites free breakfast food served every morning at Embassy Suites you don't have to be a fat cat to enjoy the sweet life we resemble that remark the first thing everyone asks is it Corinthian leather of course we've watched the best you know I've been in the business a long time so these are the little rewards it's the same with our car I know it's no surprise that it's the new Chrysler New Yorker but it's important it gives you the one thing you always want in a luxury car everything I could list features all day but it's more than luxurious leathers or New Yorkers fuel injector v6 with front-wheel drive or even 4-wheel anti-lock brakes on a self-leveling suspension tell me who else gives view Chrysler's seven-year or 70,000 mile protection plan or the exclusive crystal key program complete car coverage with owner care that's even better than you get from rolls-royce or Mercedes that's how you deserve to be treated isn't it but only New Yorker gives you the one thing you always want sit in a luxury car everything [Music] with Bob Trumpy this is Don crickey back at Cleveland Stadium an Arctic feel frozen tundra the Browns have stopped Indianapolis on their opening drive of the second half after a long sustained Drive and an interception now Cleveland on the excellent passing of Bernie Kosar and the rounds are down for a third time in the game receiver 14/7 I've never left this game and yes he did a second course [Applause] and they've taken the lead this for a third time creating myself [Applause] for 10-play 86 yard drive exactly the way the Cleveland Browns started the game a 15 play 86 yard drive great block by Manoa upfront earnest Byner on second effort gets in the end zone [Applause] and Ebola there's 156 to go in the third quarter puts the extra point up and good so the Cleveland Browns who are first in the second half and they take 21 to 14 leave Eddie Johnson came up with the interception that started the Cleveland Browns first drive of the second half he put the pressure on he caused the sack or the interception and resulting points tracks me like no don't wanna leave this power in view its beauty will stop you the LA bearings coupe and converter from Chrysler the Barons our beauty with a passion for dragon no get 770 cash 47.7% financing new LeBaron coops memories nothing new books like the house they grew up in the first stairway he climbed the first ring they peek through the first banister she floated down all part of the reason they all stayed home replacement cost guarantee exists to help rebuild your own whatever the cost right down to the spot for dead on set the Allstate home replacement cost [Music] [Applause] ruin fresh draught beer in bottles and cans that's been Coors for over 25 years tastes the original today the inept our place here Houston their wild-card victory prove they weren't jokers as moon and company double the Seahawks a full hand of la vía blue the NFL plays here Denver but the Broncos hope to have the Arthur's singing the blues as the road to the Super Bowl hits a Rocky Mountain High he orders battle the Broncos the action starts with NFL live [Music] [Applause] Ernest Byner on the then for a second time today remember that touchdown pass soon 10 yards Audi card to open the scoring nice Carolina I put 10 is 215 pound and who delivers play the kitchen here comes out across the 25 piston driving his legs takes into the 29 yard line again look at the Cleveland Browns third touchdown of the day handoff Ernest Byner head down hit hard let's hold him gets in but he breaks the crust and gets through for the score [Applause] this branch office automation project was a monster I figured a good workout would help me work things out and you record the we come up with something that isn't what everyone else would do is to keep asking those questions triple mileage on American can't beat us Delta with extra mileage fall short and United's extra mileage program doesn't come close the fastest free trip on any worldwide airline is still north west world perks fly round-trip from now until March 31st and will match the Northwest miles you fly in 1988 you can get a free trip after flying only 10,000 miles Europe for 20,000 and Asia for 30,000 world perks no other airline imagine discovering the americas plymouth horizon America sticker price only 5995 safe price without this thicker then I discovered Plymouth reliant America best equipped at lowest price of any car in class what wonderful wall use both front-wheel drive both protected longer than Russian winter for their countries all the excitement and raw enthusiasm of college basketball is back on NBC next Saturday Walt Hazzard leads the UCLA Bruins into Freedom Hall to battle Denny Crum and the Cardinals of Louisville college basketball it's the stuff weekends are made of on NBC [Music] [Applause] Super Bowl 22 this man right now the Colts are down for - 14 146 to go third-quarter here's Eric Dickerson he bounces to the outside in terms of at the line of scrimmage again he goes against where the to go let's watch the touchdown again likely to watch the right guard 1 Tim Manoa the full-back gets a great lead block with the center but watch what happens with minor hits Dan fight his fire ISM in the end zone second effort by finer and he gets in for the score the penalty is going to go against the Indianapolis Colts once again the Colts had too many motion illegal procedure what's happening is is that Titan is not putting his hand down and because of that they consider an emotion [Applause] because our going to have to successfully to come back on Cleveland [Applause] let's continue [Applause] to find itself down by seven that's been their story in the game [Applause] [Music] fifteen play is good for a gain of only two yards this only came across again Sam fancy look at the drives for the Colts course today 17 plays resulting in a hundred and thirty yards two touchdowns and the Browns number is even more remarkable we'll give them to you when they take over the offense [Applause] Rhea Donaldson a pro-ball center of Nova was sent in the Pro Bowl tackling left side round Sola Provo on the right side their offensive blockers in this huge front when a cat's Eric Dickerson is knocked down [Applause] for that six on a second and 14 play that was lucious Sanford enm Dickerson man-on-man coverage Dickerson gave him just a little hip fake that's a big tackle Browns doing a great job of shutting down the field receivers because if Sanford doesn't make it but inside 20 seconds now to play in the they're back stands in dumps it up in dickerson Campo nathless has to Punk with three seconds to go in the one of the few times today the Browns have been able to shut the Colts down on three both teams have been spectacular on third this is an outlet pass Derick Dickerson good called six of nine and three conversions that's a big stop out acclaim we gain some control of this football game story part of the National Football League came in as all-america conference teams in 47 the taken back by McNeil 49 yard line for the seven-point lead start this drive with good field position as we now have the score Cleveland 21 Indianapolis 14 [Applause] after these messages from your local the girl he loves is trapped behind the Berlin Wall and he'll do anything to get her back tony danza freedom fighter a world premiere movie monday recognition it's not something you get every day which is what made this morning so different for the Youngs whose car is usually parked right here this morning however they're down at all-state getting a special reward a new discount of up to 15% off their car insurance for having Allstate home insurance and excellent driving records find out how your home can now help you save on your car ask for the Allstate auto advantage a new reason [Music] okay the record for holding out against a Big Mac attack is 13 seconds can you beat that bring on the Mac okay go to all beef patties you can't eat a record with a Big Mac attack strikes head to McDonald's for a Big Mac attack pack it's a Big Mac sandwich large order of fries and a medium coke for only 239 but not for long look just drop it so it wasn't my fault but it's my problem compensation for negligence is simple justice no one wanted this to happen someone made a mistake I'm not looking to make money off it representing the victim Nurenberg clevon I've worked all my life now I can't who's gonna pay a guy that can't work Nuremberg clevon has represented over 40,000 personal injury victims why am i paying for all this maybe I should call someone attorneys at law since 1929 a Hyatt Hotel is on its way factory Saturday at 7:00 we talked to a feel position the outset dropping out it was to both teams and yet when the Browns had to go the long field they've done it three times I mean in 70-degree weather perfect conditions [Applause] is below zero in Cleveland now is the with a first in town at the Indianapolis 49 yard 1:14 Playland [Applause] take some tacklers bangs his way down the 40-yard line nine yards on the play tackle made by the free safety Freddy Robinson this is the best field position for the Cleveland Browns to start a drive today that punt by Ron stark 34 yards a 16 yard return at just 18 net yards and for the first time today the Browns start inside the 50 yard line great second effort today Souths common sense in the first quarter best deep breath [Music] and co-star calls a timeout the Browns have just one remaining [Applause] we're not a company but no company has more pride in what they do or more pride in how well they do it we offer you a meaningful and fulfilling future one that goes far beyond the ordinary one that brings with it the respect and admiration of Americans everywhere we're not a company country where the armed force great place to start my brother thinks he's bought the perfect TV sure did it's perfect perfect team oh yeah does it have a flat square picture - yep high-resolution filter yeah 178 channel capability Roger for speaker stereo system yep right on-screen graphics yep a remote that controls this TV wireless cable and VCR even if they're different brands hey I got a Magnavox smart tom very smart yeah I know acting dumb is just my job doing a great job checkout time Garfield errcode Embassy Suites Hotel was a great idea huh we got a two-room suite with a wet bar and a refrigerator so what's the big rush and all for about the same price as a room and most Marriott sir hi ins there's even a free cook to order breakfast every morning delicious what a great place to do business that settles it we're at Embassy Suites Hotels you don't have to be a fat cat to enjoy the sweet life doesn't hurt the lights are on and the temperature is dropping on the shores of Lake Erie as the Cleveland Browns he'll do at 21 to 14 lay down tricky with that trophy and truck this could be the knockout punch if the Browns can take it in here I agree with you Don I think this is to take control of the game drive for the Cleveland Browns that's why Bernie Kosar was being very careful so a formation he did like takes the timeout [Applause] second and one might have enough for the first down they'll be closed third quarter stats to this point Colts have rushed for a grand total of 58 yards you can see that's the major changed the Colts offense time of possession very even the one turnover the interception caused by the pass rush of Eddie Johnson when Jack Trudeau a ball that never should have been shown mark Harper with the interception 2news for Cleveland [Applause] I mean pattern doesn't bringing up 2nd down and 10 for the Cleveland Browns at the 37 yard line we talked earlier how the Cleveland fans have been waiting so long throw in of their last National Football League championship 1964 when the Brown's beat the Colts in the shutout that day in the last baseball championship here was in 54 Bernie Kosar was one year old 1964 [Applause] 80,000 jamon Nielsen is open Sam to the 15 timing cannon with cosa releasing the ball for his receiver makes the break this one good for 22 yards in the browns challenge again but again it's linebacker coverage on new so miss time middle linebacker Kosar puts it right on the money you can see 93 trying to catch up with Ozzie Newsome I like that to throw the ball to Newsome he drops one says give me another chance next play right back to it for huge catches for Ozzie Newsome in the second half today the championship game for a second straight year [Applause] her houston game the NBC sports right now in first down the hen death goes to banner middle of the Indianapolis defense off the bat of the pile is Donnell Thompson that's AFC conference game a conference championship game we will be here or in Denver should be Houston tomorrow the Broncos would be on their home field at mile high if Houston should upset the Broncos then the AFC Championship game would be here in Cleveland for a second straight year performance of his teams of this cool long way to go 12:56 to play in the game leave by 7:00 [Music] had slaughter and brennan both going in motion distance Doshi do and ernie knew that wasn't right around alight here [Music] asked for buddies the ACA gotta stay on top of things cuz times have changed this small pickup the Ford Ranger now out sells Toyota and what's more Ranger has more features and a lower sticker price than Toyota features like tachometer interval wipers and like group Plus Rangers got a fuel-injected engine and to top it off Ranger has a 6 year 60,000 mile powertrain warranty Toyota doesn't sorry to burst your bubble Toyota but Rangers on top now now during Forge leadership celebration get $500 cash bonus on new Rangers this week he's a patient in a padded cell next week you'll be impersonating a rich psychiatrist in Beverly Hills dan Aykroyd you are the strangest shrink I finally place I fit in as well as I do the nuthouse Beverly Hill the couch trip rated arms I shall sneak previews Saturday January 9 [Music] you're looking for mr. right the lite beer with the first name index because everything else is just a life thanks keep the chains today's game is brought to you by Ford and your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately myfunlife proud sponsor of the 1988 US Olympic team everything else is just a light by Allstate for home auto and life insurance you're in good hands with Allstate Rennick car there are over four million miles of roads in America and with Alamo all the miles are free and by GTE telecommunications consultant a Super Bowl 22 [Music] well 47 to play back tries to stay warm while Kosair operates close again they lead this playoff game 1:14 the season-high 80 yards rushing gets a couple of more on a second and five play last used other timeouts right now it doesn't seem like a major factor as they have the lead in their driving for more but it could be three of those timeouts basically wasted too [Applause] the motion by last play result [Applause] defenses now the Browns spring out the Indianapolis defenders whiteouts in the game the first down to the touchdown no sense at all fire has it and he is now five didn't appear to get the first down we'll see gaudí rise in the offensive tackle out there to try to help output a great job by a defensive back Mike to get in Ernest Byner is one we're going to send on Matt for a field goal again Art Modell sitting on the edge of his seat almost almost walk down in inches I agree with this call take the three points it allows your team some breathing room the mission of the National Football League Pete Rozelle is here today beep position in an end zone box any seed in this place is [Applause] the Browns extend their lead 14 they held off the touchdown drive but the Colts must come back from 10 down Car and Driver calls it one of the 10 best cars in the world road and track calls it one of the 10 best values in the world we simply call it Ford Taurus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because Citicorp understands the drive to succeed to do more than just get by we've become the nation's largest financial services company already helping one in every five American families with more student loans more home mortgages more MasterCard and Visa cards than any other company Citicorp and Citibank we'd like you to get to know us better Citicorp because Americans want to succeed not just survive okay honey can you tell who hasn't had their Kellogg's bran flakes well some people feel a little sluggish if they're not eating a balanced diet slush Kellogg's are the only brand flakes with fiber and a full day supply of iron to help balance your diet and that's one great way to help fight that sluggish feeling so maybe you can tell who hasn't had their Kellogg's bran flakes honey and who has Kellogg's bran flakes the fiber and iron cereal juicy on crime story the battle for the Moulin Rouge traps tirado's French Jews root and a lover holds the quiche [Music] Tuesday [Applause] the American Conference playoffs continue tomorrow at Denver's Mile High Stadium with the Broncos again with the best record in the AFC will be on the home field to play the heavily underdog Houston Oilers whose coach Jerry Glanville says we're going to San Diego Dick Enberg and Merlyn else will be there to call the game and FL Live will lead off the day that's tomorrow and NBC Sports is right now the kickoff by Johnson lee johnson of squid downfield linebacker Dave Aaron's picks it up for Indianapolis and he a former high school fullback with both bombs on the ball takes it to the 38 yard line on to this point the big play in this game after pressure by Eddie Johnson in the third quarter Marilia causes Jack Trudeau to bounce the ball up in the air he'd like to have it back Julius Wright comes up with the interception excuse me Mark Harper comes up with the interception go 86 yards to score on that little breathing room - no in just a second year in the national football the way call them to start this season when the [Music] the pressure on he's got to throw to back in throw he will on first down Dickerson swings out good off stands in any almost fire of basketball between linebackers back in zone coverage Eddie Johnson also had a plan the ball the intended receiver was Matt buuza but it wasn't closed now the one thing that Jack Trudeau cannot do here is get impatient there's still 10 56 to go in the ball game and you can see the Browns defense dropping back total zone Eddie Johnson just reading the quarterbacks eyes Matthews almost there to make the interception Trudeau's got to keep his cool here is stay with the same game plan plenty of time for Indianapolis [Music] side reception [Applause] [Music] those and he is almost picked up by [Music] [Applause] who's the intended receiver [Applause] now the heaps really on despite the cold a and Jack Trudeau as he has third and ten coming out lazuli right in front he's on Donelson was early after the pass rush drops back it's his hands up whoa caught that ball we're trying to get the ball to Boyer [Applause] setback after decoration he's gonna get totally shut down by the fence looking the kits the Browns and all Russ with a deep zone coverage in instead the Browns stay home and make the Oh mr. point play Matthews of personalized Matthews comes on the Blitz Hairston's his writers pass-rush Lane nice idea just didn't work his tenth year to Southern California the importance of magnified we start down the stretch in the fourth floor Browns leading by 10 we'll get it back the news I go down a very high punt Neil takes he's quickly down right at the 27 yard line Jim Carrey man number 43 down the cover on special team that flag is against Cleveland they're offsides laris weathers want to get in there it's a 36-yard punt you save he cheats a little bit here and he's fourth and 12 though they still have to kick it but still you make them punt it again you're hoping for a funny bounce off of Gerald McNeil cuz the Colts need possession a full start on a fritter [Applause] I don't understand this they're going to make a pun it again I think Marty Schottenheimer wanted the ball down here they'll take the [Music] oh it's before it's before the ball was punted before the ball was snapped therefore Cleveland has no choice they have to take the penalty and so Ron start kathleen from florida state stands back inside the 25-yard line I want to tell you sometimes one of those professional football you see a lot of sitters move the ball that's not that unusual the snapper [Applause] in the end zone [Applause] especially on a stamp and for Dixon starting the barking movement here that became back home barking magic stands in hits a long punt downfield McNiel takes it as 24-yard line eyes to go [Applause] he gets out of town Lowrey ran him down to the Colts 46-yard punt 947 to go and cleveland with a ten-point lead and the ball right now the story's just one big disaster era the new phone system I got no one can work it out my lines are out hole the customers can't get through I'm losing delivery orders hand over fist if things got to go [Music] it's the right place at the right time on the right day [Music] it's the right [Music] [Music] it's the right beer you know there's nothing like a winner that's why I'm driving this the advance big Ford pickup America's best-selling pickup for 11 straight years and I got more for my money with this special model it cost me over $1100 less than a comparably equipped Chevy and I really go for for its advanced features like multi-port fuel injected engines and antilock rear brakes yeah Ford if you don't go with a proven winner what are you going with get $500 cash bonus on new manual transmission f-series pickups during forged leadership celebration the best and brightest of the bowls are on NBC as the nation's top seniors suit up for college football's east-west showdown Heisman Trophy winner Tim Brown NCAA passing King Todd Santos and the icebox Michael Dean Perry at the hula bowl next Saturday college football's best and brightest are on NBC [Music] four years ago Kosar 19 the left and for the Colts with teammates in the prime movers [Applause] Florida team that won a national championship upsetting Nebraska did it again under Jimmy Johnson is right now Bernie Kosar are looking to get his team to the Super Bowl looks to run the clock 935 to play the Browns have a 10-point lead over Indianapolis last four possessions for the Cleveland Browns touchdown in the first half touchdown to start the second half touchdown to start the second half of the interception defenders will be hunting the football [Applause] 14:14 restored all 10 points go here in the second half [Music] ryujin Bangalter of LSU came to Cleveland when one of the LSU coaches the time Curt Schottenheimer Marty's brother recommended for a tryout now Curt shot hammers one of Marty's coaches here in Cleveland Herman's an integral part of the Browns success heard a pretty good judge a tenant that's a ten-yard completion Freddie Robinson on the coverage first meeting against the Indianapolis Colts battleblock the Browns only touchdown [Applause] White's arrived at Cleveland on the shores of Lake Erie on a frozen playing field the Cleveland Browns in to the run not much there on a first down carry a gain of two yards out to the 46 yard line [Music] this game is the property of the National Football League the Indianapolis Colts in the Cleveland Browns the rights are reserved this telecast is presented by authority the National Football League it was intended for the private use of our audience and he broadcast for the use of this telecast of the express written and the National Football League is prohibited [Music] Eric Dickerson and Cleveland has it in the brown looking to sustain offense keep the yard markers moving in the clock moving [Applause] seven back to the run back to earnest finals at a sensational day and his funds again with brush down yardage he got seven yards to wait for the spot look like you he's originally down very close Eugene Daniel on the tackle the doobly that's going to be close enough to measure but it brings up a third down and short under now 93 yards on 20 carries he's been the busy back for Cleveland in case you just tuned in Kevin Mack out with a stomach flu this is a student body left he does a great job of getting that ball upfield leading contender for Most Valuable Player honors Ernest Byner his workload increased when his running mate in the backfield Kevin Mack went out with stomach virus early in the game [Applause] they're too short to binary elephant footrace he loses the ball Brown has a play on it and has the thought of the six yard line it's off breaking right for Cleveland as Herman Patton literally pounces and the fumble and the Browns get still more yards and they'll have it first in go with 6:15 to play both said the right eye Spiner go through the line of scrimmage you'll see the tackler new jean-daniel prior 39 all he's trying to do is knock that ball away no does a great job of knocking 42 out of the way Willie tell us and pick up the ball great job blocking up front by the Cleveland Browns offensive line there's prior knockin watch the block by Fontenot pushes tell us out of the way and makes the recovery [Applause] wasn't fourth-down or it wasn't coveri was finally made [Applause] but now though here living by 10 with 5:25 to play back to diner on the right side of his line hours down to the 4 yard line is a yellow flag on a bill flaggers a thumping a stand chances are something probably gonna stay understand right down in front of that Dog Pound you get a lot of dog bones thrown at the players as they get down that area - Evan maybe a career day soothing he's our MVP this ball game he was going to share Duty with Kevin Mack he has carried the load he is the big factor in the ball game [Applause] Allegiant was a ten-pound draft choice out of East Carolina inside the five [Applause] at the two read Robinson number 47 came up on the play and also on the tackle was Dwayne Pickett and Mike Pryor I still don't think there's anything for Indianapolis to be embarrassed about in his performance extremely well for their first appearances layoffs just [Applause] and it really turned on an interception when the talks had that long [Applause] [Music] the interception stopped it since this time Indianapolis takes a timeout Bish's time [Applause] turning his team around [Applause] described by the sports writer Jim Murray said he's boyishly handsome no lines in his face the eyes of the man who might shoot first the scoring went then the Browns on the long reception by langhorne you remember when he got up and fought his way in the 14-7 lead Dickerson on the touchdown catch and in close and in the third quarter Byner powered in from two yards out and Cleveland had a seven-point lead for a third time in the game and the field goal by Matt Barr and that's all the scoring so far these two teams have given up over the course of the regular season fewer points than any two teams in national football there only allows 16 a game the Colts only 15 [Applause] the cults under the ground [Applause] offensive drive for in the face of the dog pound fanship gosar putting up some big numbers he's thrown the bow as you see 30 times for 227 hours the two touchdowns in the one interception East at a national playoff record when he passed Ramos for eighty yards against the Jets in that overtime we here Bernie Kosar - is he very seldom has two bad games in row against the same opponent [Applause] this review is watching [Applause] play face of anger wide receivers wines and as a touchdown for Cleveland [Applause] Josiah's [Applause] Conference championship game again [Applause] the Browns have extended their lead to 30 to 14 and it's over it's been a great year nathless cults a fine season but playoff game is it and still 1971 to their last playoff the the man in coverage Terry right never had a chance never had a chance he doesn't [Applause] underneath dairy rights are the enzone does not really run a path just releases up to fee Marty shot sideline half time they have taken over control of this football game brennon does a great job of juice dude not coming his way six points relieved owner on the - fat bomber saying his box he's over there somewhere have man [Applause] [Music] future [Applause] great many pluses for the Indianapolis [Applause] they'll be out firing as they will get the ball back Albert family standing back in his tenure NBC Sports the others meet the Broncos at to the 18-yard line this Cleveland team now in the stands Waveland some celebration as Nick Miller came playing special teams serious dogs vector James pitbulls [Applause] most game analysis will be going to Bob Costas Gayle gardener and coach Don Shula a shadow here at Cleveland stadium three minutes in 36 seconds to go in the game down quickie with Bob grumpy the day turns colder is [Applause] jubilations right now here's an odd pattern and Eric Dickerson [Music] [Applause] by Jack Trudeau good pressure that time by Sims up through the middle go ahead to throw it a little prematurely it's amazing tompa this game really turned the cults were driving to open the third quarter in the last two no to the first half 1400 fog they were going to take the lead since the intercepts and they haven't done here 1+2 projector nois suctions Newson with Priya now in deep trouble throws it downfield a little avail as he gets the ball to Albert Bentley to the 23 yard line [Music] Bentley was in bands and the clock continues to run with 3 minutes and 15 seconds to play [Applause] so close and yet so far they'll be back [Applause] just too bad that your season has them you know but that's half the teams left in the playoffs it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth [Applause] but this is a great learning experience for the Indianapolis Colts they know what it's like to be in the playoffs contender for a number of years to come with Eric Dickerson in that offensive backfield this game turned around fast was 1414 on the third knock the lights out passing Krauss's had a big year came back from full reconstruction of Annie he's been a prime play of R Indianapolis now the most valuable player sponsored by Budweiser today's MVP is number 44 from the Cleveland Browns Ernest Byner budweis will make a contribution to the United Way on behalf of today's MVP Ernest Byner had some day 23 carries for 122 yards one touchdown and they threw him the ball more receptions 36 yards and a touchdown he opened the scoring remember on that now the best thing about his performance it was a performance under duress from again Mack is the big running back for this football team but back out with the flu all of a sudden earnest Byner was needed he responded group of Fulbright Scholars with their shirts off I just hope you one of those [Applause] today - Eric Dickerson inside in about the 40-yard line stopping the clock with did you see 258 to play it's interesting Bernie Kosar has been asked for the last 10 days his feelings about not making the pro-bowl team looked like he slipped on his wrist anyway Bernie Kosar is response to all those questions about not making the Pro Bowl team Bernie said Ernest Byner didn't make it he should have made it before me too he is in fact a volvo caliber flare and slip down about [Applause] [Music] the most valuable cold is attended to on the sidelines the clock is staffed with two minutes and 58 seconds to play the year ago the Browns had a touchdown pass to coast out of Brian Brown you may remember seemingly had Denver Broncos beaten in regulation then came the dry they'll never forget in Cleveland or Denver 98 yards way left no way right fire in the ball all over the field and finally Denver tied the game and won it on the Carles field goal [Applause] in overtime Levens still trying to come back from that disappointment [Applause] the 16-yard pickup he's uncovered out here but when he gets to the sideline it looks like his feet step out from underneath him when he just steps out of bounds to see if he lands on his wrist because yeah he puts his right hand right hand down to these he's favoring his right arm right hand they're going to the sideline hope he's alright it's interesting the saga they've seen a nice slips as he goes out of bounds just bangs his arm it looks like he gets a little push from hand prediction but he lands right on his right wrist right arm john elway and that eighty-three graph was the first player pick rather than right straight into Denver second player picked a Dickerson by the Rams now he's a coke Sunao up the middle and Albert Bentley loses the ball of the 45 yard line with 2 minutes and 53 seconds left to play 31 to 14 Cleveland in the lead and headed for the AFC championship game which will be in Denver if the Broncos win tomorrow it'll be here in Cleveland of Houston upsets this has been a very well played game it has weather conditions just two turnovers not many penalties we have not had a replay appeal from the officials read Cass honest truth is gonna stand out job the officials controversy in that area our downfield throw to Albert Bentley is good for first down he gets the ball to the 48 yard line but I'm working on the 14 count yes 236 to play for Coach Meyer in his [Applause] a replay here I just mentioned would not be an appeal and I think I think there is a catch so they're going to let the placed and if I are standing over the ball he steps away and we go [Applause] this is what I believe there look back to live action it is made up the middle Albert Bentley takes the bottle of first intend carrion gets it down to the 42 yard line where Dave kazooie knock him down here's what the replay officials looked at Bentley catches it cleanly therefore no appeal [Applause] raus hard strike bill Brooks comes down with it all of the 29-yard line Gaynor good for 16 yards in it's a first down for Indianapolis as the game clock is down to the two-minute warning Alcoa presents fantastic finishes 1986 the Indianapolis Colts are losing again this time to Atlanta trailing by two with only 20 seconds left all they can do is watch as the Falcons prepare to kick it away 14 straight losses for the Colts now hold it the punt is blocked tape Randall spike it it's bouncing back to the 15 Eugene Daniel scoops it up and trots home Colts win finally Joey conserve your site from these kids for cash I think we should donate them to a worthy cause donate [Music] worthy cause me jelly what about yard here so I guess it's worthy cause time recycle aluminum beverage cans today aluminum food containers tomorrow hidden for a worthy cause Indianapolis call report [Applause] standing for Jack Trudeau hissing rushing yardage for Vickers look at the seven catches on the day and his only touchdown of the day one interception the one mistake made by jack and did the cinnamon wrist bandage Temperley ice on it the swelling unfortunately he now has six months to recover [Applause] Eric Dickerson goes out with Schottenheimer ready to check the screen tomorrow in Houston and Denver tee it up at Mile High Stadium here on NBC sport to see who he'll be playing in the AFC Championship game you know Don I don't think you can get Marty Schottenheimer to staff enough credit for what they've done over the last three years three years ago they had two running backs gain a thousand yards each it was a brute force fire at the line of scrimmage offense last year back in Viner played to seven quarters together this year they spread it around going against the Blitz he's got a man down to the two yard line John Brandon Miree turn back upfield makes his first catch you today good for 24 yards with 146 to go the Colts trying to get close Murray didn't unlike his counterpart Langhorne of Cleveland who got up and ran it in was stopped before he could do it the setback Dickerson out takes it no sign plays short of the touchdown back to the line of scrimmage we tried again that's the game clock winding down 118 to play as the setback over the top [Applause] with 107 to play and it's a 31 to 20 game all he did was break the plane of the goal line with the ball I don't think any part of his body was over the goal line watch once again our cameras about but the one and a half hour to yard line he got up to his elbows in that's enough Boy Scout albert bentley gets in the end zone he had a number of touchdowns this year that was his eighth brushing he's also cut to past receiving 82-yard drive-in 10 plays from the Annapolis via Soutine would extra point is good it's a 3121 game Cleveland so we'll come back to see the Colts kickoff one more time I'd go to college I'm going to college on the new GI Bill you serve full time in the armed forces or part time in the reserves and you earn a lot of money for tuition the US Armed Forces it's a great place to start you might assign them I didn't think it mattered didn't matter it matter my designs your bricks and get it right the first time a reminder that the executive producer of NBC sports is Michael Weissman the coordinating producer of NBC football is tetanus incentive coordinating producer of NFL live is John J Filippelli today's game was produced by George Finkel directed by John Gonzalez NFL I've produced by Tom Roy and Rick Diamond NFL I've directed by Bucky Gunson Bob levy technical directors Lenny Stucker and Richard San severe replay director Kenneth Roy Edmondson thanks to NBC statistician Eliot Cal band helping the booth from John vet school and Pete Melvin we're down at 107 to go an hour waving to his loyal fans the Hands team now upon the the Cleveland Browns was obviously going to go with the onside kick here the courts only hope is to somehow come up with huh Bree on this onside kick instilling a 10-point bleh this is more climbing it was touched by George Juan's Lee before cat 10-yards must go ten yards for it to be a legal kick it only went five bolts touched it immediately following the game a Super Bowl perspective NFL live is among the guests John McVay the general manager of the Super Bowl favored the San Francisco 49ers will be interviewed [Music] believe we'll have to feel good about this the Browns have not lost game now since they were upset by them Indianapolis Colts December 6 this will be their fourth consecutive win since then 3:30 tomorrow NBC Sports comes on the air with NFL live and then the others in the Broncos kick it off at Denver where Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen will call the game actually the Colts get a break here they touched it early so they get another chance at the onside kick it must go 10 yards before any member of the kicking team and try it again probably the same spot I think they got it matter work I think Greg Swope had the ball it looked like 26 it looked like Qibla clear he just threw a flag so I don't think they can go with a free-kick the second short free-kick belongs to the receiver [Applause] the Cleveland player and you'll see the Indianapolis called player gets you on one foot on either side of alive [Applause] I'll tell you what you could look at that forever and wonder whether that's true or not the guy who comes up with the ball is craig Swope again is he well they're going to read they're going to review it it looks like they're going to review it this is very very difficult to look at I must go to that 40 yard marker I can't I can't tell if his foot is on the line or not it does not appear that his foot is on the line there we're talking inches here for that to be a successful onside kick reviewing it in the press box art McNally of the NFL office here's another perspective from the end zone watch his right foot where's his right foot garnet we can't really see where his right foot is stationed is it on the line or is it over the line 67 ticks left on the clock 107 to play folks looking for possession trailing by 10 let's make this point the instant replay needs irrefutable evidence to overrule the officials on the field the officials on the field have already made the determination that F was a an illegal touched by the kicking team and from what we've seen I don't think they can overturn this call it looks like his foot is across the line his right foot is on the cold side of the 40 therefore it is an illegal touch and I believe that second time this happens now the receiving team gets the ball [Applause] that's what red cash-in called I think that'll stand the Reds about ready for that hot shower ding don't blame him it's a great day to 90 players another official this is a great day to flutter shower room warm up your tootsies as you can see both teams in good spirits even at the end of the game the umpires the man in communication with the replay booth it's Gordon wells Joe Guardi is the replay guy as Commissioner Pete Rozelle I think Cleveland's going to get this ball at the spot where it was touched illegally by the Colts now we're getting word that they're going to reverse it and that the Colts are going to get it so they'll be firing in the game but they're down by 10 whatever other parts of the rules of the game if that's a reception on the sidelines and a receiver has one foot in bounds and one foot out of bounds that's no reception okay now across the line I think it's the same applies based on review by the replay official the bowl with lot rules who have been touched I'm doing my efforts in yards it was recovered laying enough with first out again that's what this that's I'm surprised I am very very surprised it looks like that right foot was back over the 40 and if you make a reception on the sidelines unless both feet are inbounds I think if you make a reception on an onside kick it doesn't count unless both feet are on the right side of the 40-yard line but still the dilemma Trump for the Indianapolis Colts is we to scores Scofield a baker comes in and saxhaug a bone [Applause] boomers he's on the sideline Big Al Baker that's earlier this year now hold for the season [Applause] you see Baker coming around Chris hidden [Applause] doesn't Nana or tell drop where the feed iron at is where the ball is I don't know how that can be because in the sideline it seems to me that the same rules have to apply but that's what the officials are saying that it's not where the feet are it's where the ball is al Baker who had that allows sacking earlier in his career he came in here from the Cardinals was with Detroit he was taking no prisoners he was hunting the head there as Shawn Salisbury a first-year player ready to come in the game if Jack Trudeau is enabled to go on doesn't look like he's going to be very slow getting up [Applause] he not only got hit from the back by Al Baker he also runs into the offensive tackle Kevin call it's kind of a quarterback sandwich there Kevon call a 300-pounder whose nickname is creature and he likes it on the creature contest in Indianapolis earlier this year he was the winner is that good Rosetta's he he was quite pleased another big strong-armed quarterback john salisbury from southern california six five two hundred ten pounder so far he can talk because they needed to go the distance wait just a little bit in the Buffalo game late in the season last part of the buffalo game very little in a fill experience [Applause] looks alright but he got hammered [Applause] [Applause] quarterback who didn't have time to warm up [Applause] miraculous finish which is more than throw downfield but the wrong side is picked skipped off the tip into the hands of Felix right who you remember and the intercepts that really turned this game in the third quarter when with the score tied 14-14 the Colts were driving for what looked like a go ahead touchdown right intercepted Jack Trudeau and that was it not much since Eddie Johnson with the pressure up the middle grounds didn't go with the Blitz a lot today but they certainly got great production off the Blitz I'm out nineteen [Music] [Applause] [Music] with 51 seconds to play and here's the play this is the end of the driver to begin the second half folks of driven from their own Johnson right in the face of Jack Trudeau Trudeau sees it Johnson tips the ball Felix Wright comes up with the interception and that's where it began to go the Cleveland Browns way [Applause] I was intended for Matt Boozer that's the only turnover the day for the Union at those Colts [Applause] Southbury gets his team make sure everybody's on the same page as he's gonna let her rip to Russia for ma'am or throw it's intercepted Benefield in the Cleveland [Music] [Applause] took a beating in this one that was expected to be a low-scoring game Browns have now put seven points permanent field has first interception return for a touchdown of the season 48 yard interception return [Applause] 37 221 Cleveland with thirty-eight point on the way off the foot of Matt fire up and 39 seconds to play in the Cleveland Browns we'll kick it off again Salisbury tries to get this goal way down the field in the field standing right there looks like Bill Brooks number eight he was the intended receiver thrown way behind him [Applause] Benefield oh so that end zone is to weaving his way all the way through the offense of the Indianapolis Colts Salisbury finally hauls him down buddy cracked the goal plane [Applause] Myers it happen he's from the sideline but he basically has no choice Salisbury is the quarterback with Trudeau hurt leaves a bad taste in your mouth Bobo's selections for the grounds they'll all go but Golic Browns led the league in Pro Bowl selections with seven wells were second with six all should not have been thrown rooks 80 is the intended receiver by some good blocking up front hair for Minnifield [Applause] Big Daddy girl Harriston chugging down there run by Minnifield in the end zone five eight cornerback will start in the Pro Bowl for the American Conference what's the topper entre Cleveland here's the kickoff now downfield picked up by Albert Bentley at the 15-yard line with a serious problem of the 23 and with 33 seconds left to play the Colts end their offense back out time for another Cleveland folks selections to the Pro Bowl a true nucleus to build on Mendes many things to be proud of for Indianapolis Volk 7 at 6:00 Provo players since 1976 when people like John Dutton and Roger Carr Bert Jones George why Dale Mitchell and Tony Lim heart AFC's to Division championship team that's a while ago ten years since the cults have been in the playoffs 17 since they've won a playoff game very dumps it off to Albert Bentley we brakes it across the 35 out to the 39 yard line with 22 seconds to play timeouts remaining for either Club they'll start celebrating for it was 14 14 at the half and the Colts looked like they were going to take the lead to open the third quarter then it changed fast one second to play live in tomorrow it's to Denver for the Oilers in the Broncos on NBC Sports to meet the Browns for the right to go to San Diego and Superbowl 22 98 yards from that last year another chance [Applause] Dickerson does have the ice off his wrist I hope that he's alright there's to be moving his hand around chip Meyers receiver coach Walken [Applause] incomplete pass and that will do it heavily-favored big margin showers most of the way they open up in the second half playoff season for Ron Meyer and his first full season head coach of Indianapolis for Marty Schottenheimer three years three full seasons as head coach three divisional championships and for a second straight year his Browns go to the American Conference title game tip of the cap the earnest bye [Applause] 122 yards rushing a touchdown receiving he carried the load when Kevin Mack turned uphill in the first quarter of the game Bernie Kosar who wanted to redeem himself from his off shilling in the first meeting he played superbly again 38 to 21 is the score will be back after this I was knock my head against this networking project and hewlett-packard I just don't throw a bunch of hardware and software at the problem suddenly I guess if you ask enough questions hey hey you get some pretty good answers Sam what if we get a great realism a Big Mac attack could strike at any time please proceed immediately to the nearest [Music] Big Mac all systems returning to mama [Applause] perhaps it was significant and a defender for the Cleveland Browns and they had the number one defense in the American Conference that's what gap in the division title was the man who scored the last touchdown for Cleveland on the interception returned Frank Minnifield now for Bob trophy this is Don pricky at Cleveland stadium where the Browns have won and gone to the AFC Championship game for a second straight year NFL live we'll be back with more about today's pro football action in the wallet a promotional fee has been paid to NBC by United Airlines rededicated to giving you the service you deserve come fly the friendly skies under syndicate to go for LA's toughest cop got mad when they murdered his partners he decided to get even in the tradition of the untouchables George Peppard is the man against the mobs Sunday there's only one radio station in Cleveland that plays today's light rock with the best classics mixed in turn us on w LT m light rock 106 and a half when it comes to fresh seafood you gotta have a nose for the business you gotta keep things jumping or it's a rotten day you got to know what it takes to land the big orders the caffeine content to ride the waves it's a whale of a job you gotta take it to the limit you can't afford to let your customers get away finder from Federal Express but it's not just the package it's your business [Music] you [Applause] [Music] discover the difference Connie Deacon Channel 3 News final minute of the game Shawn Salisbury in for Jack Trudeau who was shaken up on a fourth and 19 play one of the dogs cornerback Frank Minnifield who's headed for the Pro Bowl picks it off and right now he's headed for the end zone Salisbury is kind of dragged in got to work on his tackling technique 48 yard return to cap a 38 21 Cleveland victory now they await tomorrow's winner between the Oilers and the Broncos and this is the Budweiser NFL report brought to you by Budweiser proud sponsor of the 1988 US Olympic team this Bud's for you hi everybody Bob Costas back with Gayle gardener and coach Don Shula for a quick wrap-up before we say goodbye for this Saturday afternoon and coach the Colts played them very tough but the turning point the Felix Wright interception early in the third quarter no question about that the Colts had a great Drive going and the Browns came out in the third quarter with the idea of putting more pressure on the quarterback they were blitzing a linebacker and on this particular play they blitz Eddie Johnson he puts a lot of heat on the passer Trudeau throws it up Felix Wright comes down with the interception this turns it around after that they continue to stop the Colts they were three and out on the next two series the Browns defense in the second half I thought was that was the big story Kosar threw for three touchdowns Ernest Byner unofficially 23 carries 122 yards Eric Dickerson didn't fumble but on 15 carries he got just 50 well they controlled him but I thought that the other key was Kosar his ability to convert on third down he just kept coming up with the answers on third down putting the ball on the money I see Newsome also got back into the ball game in the second half we shut out in the first half but in the second half he caught four balls for a lot of yards four balls on that one drive for the go-ahead touchdown you know the one game that was missed not talking now about replacement games but the one week of missed activity entirely denver was to have played at cleveland now why is that pertinent if that game had been played and if the Browns had won it they would have had home-field advantage even if the Broncos beat the Oilers tomorrow as it stands if the Broncos win Cleveland's got to go to Denver for the championship game rematch if the Oilers upset the Broncos they're coming to Cleveland it's a reversal of last year that was a great game in Cleveland and in Denver was the visiting team but they they made to play the long drive at the end of the ball game that wanted to put him in a Super Bowl so now Cleveland has it same opportunity provided all the other things cool Gayle some thoughts on the Browns well the Browns really bother have been fighting the reputation of folding when things were on the line and I think that from the beginning of the season from the preseason they felt very much that they had a lot of things to prove this season therefore it was important for them today to be able to adjust to the fact in their heads that they had a real rough time against the Colts in Cleveland earlier in this season they were terrible offensively Bernie Kosar had his worst day as a pro and they seriously had a deal with adjusting to all of the mental problems that they've been having and I think that coasts are very much showed that as it has historically been the case for him he is able to perhaps have a poor performance against a club play them again come back and adjust and do the job which he did today the amazing thing about Cozart he's about a week to ten days younger than Vinny Testaverde who succeeded him at the University of Miami had he stayed for his full eligibility this would be Coe Czar's rookie season now in his third year he'll be in the conference championship for the second time and they've won three division titles another thing I think that was significant today is that they have had a problem all year the Browns have with their running game there were 20 first in the league in rushing they finally started coming on the last about three weeks of this season today Kevin Mack doesn't feel well he's out of the game and Ernest Byner was able to pick up the slack and he was a tremendous asset to them today 122 yards rushing as we said plus a touchdown reception and a scoring run for Ernest Byner and perhaps the biggest game considering the circumstances of his NFL career we'll come back and have reports from the locker rooms next with every but wiser enjoyed the promise indoors the promise of genuine quality quality you can taste clean crisp beechwood aged Budweiser always certain always satisfying because we know you wouldn't have it any other way that's why this Bud's for you performance for some people it's more than a passion it's a way of life well for all those people for whom good enough just isn't good enough their speed stick anti-perspirant nothing is wider nothing flights on dryer nothing gives you all day protection in a bigger way all day performance that's unbeatable if you're doing to give 110% your antiperspirant should give 110% to speed stick the white stick everyone asks Corinthian leather of course why not the best it's the same with a new chrysler new yorker to give you everything powerful v6 anti-lock brakes front wheel drive rich leather 770 protection plan and Chrysler's exclusive crystal key program complete car coverage with owner care that's even better than rolls-royce or Mercedes Chrysler New Yorker gives you the one thing you always wanted in a luxury car everything from microchip circuitry to laser technology the world's largest school for a high-tech skill also is the army [Music] hey where did you learn about computers the army you were in the army to qualify for the GI Bill and the army college fund and you can earn over $25,000 for college the army used to jump out of airplanes the Browns move on with this divisional playoff victory let's go to the locker room Ahmad Rashad is there with two of today's heroes all right all right Bobby here in the Cleveland Browns locker a high how happy Cleveland Browns locker room where they take another step to your goal to win the championship Bernie you know the first it was like two two different games the first half you a little bit off with the time your receivers with the second half you came on strong yeah it took us a while to get adjusted out there and they have an excellent defense and we thank the Lord I guess he gave us out there today but quite frankly we expected to go out there and play good and win the game today and we're not satisfied with just this game we got a couple steps ahead of us a nice businesslike attitude because in the third quarter you guys really turned it on yeah we needed to they had a nice Drive to start out the third quarter our defense came over the big play and then I thought it was time for the offense to take over and make some big plays what about this pass here for the touchdown well they were we're gonna run the ball and just try to keep the clock clock moving but they came up in a blitz look and they bumping around the receivers and Brian did a good job of beating him at the line and the pass was right on the money I might add now the workhorse on this football team today Kevin Mack goes out and you end up being the workers how you feel I feel pretty good about it you know I usually don't have the opportunity to run the ball like that office mic my role is to do a little bit more blocky to kiss more passive when I get that opportunity I'd like to take advantage of it it seemed to me as the game went on you started to wear that defensive down run started to break open for you that's true they are offensive last oh I really messed them they have been rusted brushing our BK all day so I'm sure day with a little tired and when they get in that situation we like to really mess on you got a little help from the Herman Ponton oh yeah on that what is home run with your fumble yeah that's true Glenn Herman was with was in the area there on that particular play we just we had talked about being championship football team before then we really needed that one now here's the play where you broke open for I hear you thought you're gonna go all the way here didn't you yeah I feel pretty good right there didn't didn't I got sort of sort of raggedly my feet started going different in different directions and the guy came in and made a good play well did you must have you know the last time you guys played the coach you had a fun one and four yard line is that going through your mind today well last week it was I trying to let that you know this discourage me anything it will distract me so I just went out did they try to relax and play good ball alright congratulations to you and like I say the Browns are not just happy with this one their goal is to go to the Super Bowl let's go back to you Bob you went to mom or whatever thanks Ahmad you saw Bernie Kosar impressive numbers a lot of people thought the coach would be better off with holgaboon Trudeau was outstanding in defeat 21 of 33 and a couple of touchdowns we'll be back four cars from Chrysler show the world how America COMPETES Dodge Omni America Plymouth arrives in America at 59.95 the best value of any small car from America and now Dodge Aries America Plymouth rely in America at 69.95 one of the best value lowest priced compacts from America Europe or Japan and they all come with Chrysler 770 protection plan yes America can compete and Chrysler's building the cars that prove it now you can earn free travel on American Airlines faster 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able to talk with Coach Meyer or any of their players but for some final thoughts let's go to Paul McGuire Paul mega Roberts has authorized personnel only and I'm not authorized we talked to mod night at the half about hey if the Colts take the opening drive in the second half and move the ball down a score it would put Cleveland in a bind obviously that didn't happen because they had a turnover the interception Cleveland took advantage of it once that happened the Browns went right down the field Trudeau just I thought he had a magnificent game the first half the second half the Browns finally made an adjustment rushed him here is the interception and Bob once that happened I you could see the momentum of Cleveland take over in the Colts were just I mean down at that point in time Robert I Paul can we still hear him and can he still hear us one more section to you tomorrow Oilers Broncos you have any preliminary thought I keep telling you the orders are good football team they are so relaxed I expect this team to go out there and win the football game all right you and Ahmad get on that plane we'll talk to you from Mile High Stadium tomorrow for Don Shula and for Gayle Gardner for a mod Rashad and Paul McGuire we might as well tip our cap sness we'll just fill in a few seconds here to Don Creek E and a bob Trumpy - now we're down to seven seconds we'll see you tomorrow at 3:30 Eastern Time NFL live and then the kickoff the Oilers and the Broncos
Channel: Mr. J
Views: 55,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marty Schottenheimer
Id: _Bo8cHiWdzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 54sec (14214 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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