The EPIC in Arrowhead! Patriots vs. Chiefs 2018 AFC Championship FULL GAME

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I want this run game back. Also , those 3rd and 10/15 were crazy! Brady, Edelman and Gronk :(

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 43 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ZaytsevCS ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Canโ€™t believe I went to this game. Such an awesome atmosphere. Chiefs crowd was loud and my beer froze 10 minutes after buying it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/chowderczar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Favorite Patriot game start to finish

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ImTomBrady ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I still think this may be Brady's greatest game

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/twiggymac ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This game was so important for Brady's legacy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sunstersun ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Still the most exciting pats game I ever watched. The Super Bowls are obviously better to have, but this game was on another level. The Mahomes D-riding all year, we were counted out like crazy, โ€œbrady canโ€™t win on the road!!!โ€ , โ€œArrowhead is the toughest stadium in the NFL!!โ€

It being on the road made it so much sweeter, and thank GOD we won, because if we lost, for the rest of my life Iโ€™d be asking โ€œwhat if the Miami miracle didnโ€™t happen and we had the AFCCG in Foxboro?โ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Maverick2217 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone has a picture or link to the gif/video of Brady staring down the chief's fans in the crowd?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Unipooper ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Never been this close to a heart attack during a game. Hogan's circus catch and the three third down conversions in a row were absolutely nuts. Winning this game felt better than the super bowl in a way

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/navf70 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What a block by Cannon on that 4th and inches Sony TD. Dude basically blocked 3 guys on his own.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/onemindc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
the chant is underway at Arrowhead we've got Tracy Wolfson Kevin Washburn jay Feely gene starett or with us and before Keck let's go down to Tracy thanks Jim arctic blast death rays of icicles that was the talk coming into this week now it's not that type of weather but it is cold freezing about five degrees real tenth the wind is starting to pick up Tom Brady he's played in everything but he told us in the cold his mind doesn't slow down but their bodies do Andy Reid he said it's all about mental toughness in this type of weather one other note they were forced to Reese on this field on Wednesday because of all the snow keep an eye on it we'll see if it has any impact on this game Jim all right Tracy thank you Clark Hunt the owner leading the way the Chiefs elected to too firm so kicks it down toward cordarrelle Patterson who will run it out three yards deep Patterson brought down by Teeter at the 20 well Tom Brady for the 13th time in an AFC title game 2 & 3 in AFC championship games on the road affect losing the last three that he played on the road all of them to Peyton Manning and they'll start from the 20 with two tight ends and a running play that's wide open up the middle for Michelle comes off a big game last week and he's got 11 before he's brought down by Derrick Barry who is up tonight just a simple dive way they come right out and you'll see right here this is how the Patriots have morphed since Josh Gordon went down today Jim I really believe you're gonna see them run the football they aren't gonna throw as many short passes as their youth as you're used to seeing they're gonna attack down the field they have got to get off to an early start and get the lead on Kansas City and take this crowd out of the game again two tight ends Michelle coming up 129 and three touchdowns it's a second handle and not this time into the gut of that defense let's talk a little strategy here for the New England offense you just you talked about an emphasis on the run trying to do something early so they can play the game they want to play I don't think you saw with Indianapolis when the Colts came in here this crowd they they helped them they shut the run down early and you got these third and medium third and long and all of a sudden the game got away from that Kansas City is like the Warriors they can score two touchdowns in two minutes and blow the game out you need to play from the lead and knows it second and nine and play action and the pass is complete to Gronkowski who is Sorenson on the coverage it goes for 13 and this is exactly what you have to do early in the game I think the Pats need to be aggressive and run the ball later as the game starts to unfold to me Tom Brady you known he's been here million times you trust them in this environment be aggressive on first and second down push the ball downfield and then get into running the football it's going to be hard on third down to move the chains consistently against Kansas City's pasture on first at ten met quickly this time by Reggie Ragland for no gain and his Chiefs defense a Bob Sutton 31st in total defense in the league but tied with Pittsburgh during the regular season with 52 sacks most in the league they've had in all nine home games the regular season and last week against the Colts at least two sacks in every home game which is why New England understands if you're playing from behind and you let that offense come out and score points you're allowing them to tee with their strength which is the pass rush we're cat in the game on 2nd and 10 Kowski who has already now more catches that he had against the Chargers lest we get one last week for 25 he's got a cup of already on this opening drive he'll set up a third and four from the Chiefs 49 historically this is where the Chiefs have made it difficult on Tom Brady they packed the middle of the fields and they make him throw outside you're going to see a lot of people on the inside part of the field and they don't want to throw little crosses and let them throw it there they try to run for it putting his head down and James white making the effort to pick up the first picked up five and he went charging aft as a defender to get what he needed I want you to watch Gronkowski they're using them here they see the end and grok goes down and makes a key block and they've been doing this now and it's been really fascinating to watch him morph from this dominant master he's always been a really good blocker but they are running right at him on key downs and it's been difficult on defenses we're trying to stop in the pass game first down run again up the middle down to the 40 is Michelle in the last three matchups and they've had some wild games here in recent years including the 43 40 New England win week six so the Patriots have run the football against the Chiefs averaging 186 yards per game rushing in these last three matchups and six rush touchdowns that are coming right out establishing that now this is exactly how they want to start you see all the big personality you see the four back in the game Birkhead comes out of the backfield Devlin remains in on second and six brickhead with the catch and Hitchens will drive them back will be about third and one [Applause] well just a motion out by the back and I'm a simple hips route but Brady from under Center taking a quick five-step drop no one's gonna remember that play but that's what he used to do when he was young get under center we're gonna run the ball we're gonna run oh just five yards eight yards here need a yard for the first third down Brady's killing the play we see him do that means okay we can't run it to this way so we got to do a different play here goes with the other option it's white and once it a third down Kari picks up the first that's four times now they've moved the chains on the opening drive and so Brady gets up to the line of scrimmage and right at the first parts arcade we have a play up Brady says kill kill kill running back move over here I'm gonna hand the ball off and you're gonna run to the right instead of running to the left it's all gank lined in beforehand Brady execute sit perfectly everyone knows their job another kill first down right again tries to slide off the line he takes it near the 30 give him three right in the arms of Anthony Hitchens who's their top tackler rady so far has thrown in three times all completions but they've run it seven times well you're gonna see him get to the line of scrimmage and have two plays you're not gonna see near as much motion or stacks and bunches as they normally do you'll be one guy moving a little bit but Brady wants everyone to know the job so the crowds not expected as much we faked the throw to Patterson and to try to get it over to white and the Chiefs were on it bringing out the end completion it's a screen pass it's a fake and then Brady CBI's by white Brady was going to throw it but he didn't think Dwight had eyes on the ball so he had to throw it in the dirt and Justin Hamilton was moving in on him so third and seven Drock is one-on-one on top of the screen people haven't been doubling him this much say let's see if they do down the middle to face gentlemen with a catch for another first [Applause] James White picked up a Blitzer and just Brady with just excellent timing and Edelman gets right into that scene and you can see the wind see the ball tailing a little bit the direction that Brady's going throwing the ball to his left is difficult but Brady throws such a tight spiral it cuts right through this wind and makes it look normal like it wasn't that difficult I mean this is a textbook first Drive Jim keep this office off the field and for the fifth straight time on first down they run as Michelle and that's gonna be good enough for yet another first they'll be first and goal to go on just last week they took the opening drive and went over seven minutes producing a touchdown this is already a longer Drive than that opener last week yep and you see sunny Michelle they got the full-back in this game and that's what's happening on these first drives teams don't use the full-back more than once or twice in games or short yardage and now you're having to defend it in a brand-new game and they've had a ton of success over the last 3-4 weeks with it first in gold Michell fighting for it down to the one simple zone play to the right shel upfield and and by the time they snap it on this next play they'll be already eight minutes into the game just moving down the field this will be the 15th play of the drive coming up but Xavier Williams has shaken up so we'll step aside for a moment last week's opening drive against the Chargers was by time the longest opening drive in the playoff game in Tom Brady's career it's already been exceeded 755 into it second and goal at the 1 Williams was able to walk to the Chiefs sideline the shell is the tailback it'll give it to him Michelle powers in for the touchdown [Applause] right behind James Develin and this has got to be concerning but watch devil and go right inside just power football and make the block right in the hall and crock once again taking on over and over again outside linebackers defensive ends speaks he was on right there but just each week you see him dominating at his position in the run game and they he's coach's seat for the Patriots and they have been extra point good Sonia Michele the rookie out of Georgia just into his fifth quarter of playoff action he's got four touchdowns already back after 30 seconds from Progressive Insurance [Music] the chief says here were the most dominant first quarter team in the league they plus 94 points in the last week 14 nothing first quarter against the cult but they decided to defer put the ball to Brady's hands to start the game and the Patriots drive right down the field 80 yards 15 plays well and that was I think what happens you know this crowds gonna be you know insane to start this game and they were and right there look at that outscored opponents 40 behind 2-0 in the last four homes I mean they've been outstanding in the first quarter and I think they felt like they could get a stop and it was gonna be just a little bit nerve-racking but you know the Patriots they've been here a few times this guy Tom Brady's he's been in this game eight straight years and they came out and they knew they had to get the lead early I've never seen them in our meetings with him you know McDaniels Tom never has it been more important to get off to a good start they thought on the first drive of the game and get the beams actly as they game plan that Trayvon Smith is now going to return it takes it big hit back at the 16 by Crossin and let's bring out Patrick mahomes just 23 years young 50 touchdowns in the regular season in that game back week six at Gillette they were down to 15 at halftime in the second half he threw through nearly two hundred yards in four touchdowns he's the only player ever to have a four touchdown against Bill Belichick ever he got off to a little rough start in that game but then he showed you just how explosive they are they they're not out of the game down 14 points at any point there's a field by way of beauty and he's got five so what's the game plan here you're we mentioned in the open about Belichick will have something now seeing mahomes in this offense for a second time this season well belcheck knows he's going against the best offense you know in the AFC and he knows he's had to come up with something different it's a matchup game it's an adjustment game and I think he's treating this a little bit like the Rams Super Bowl I think he's gonna see all these guys press dress to pursue let's be physical and we're gonna like that right there was physical Oh Landon Roberts busting across and getting a tackle for a loss you're gonna see them get up and really affect these guys if you're fast if you're explosive he's gonna try and take that away at the line of scrimmage and hit you and beat you up at the line of scrimmage and make you play a physical brand of football I promise you in this game he's gonna come after you and blitz you up the middle and he's gonna get up and press these receivers and make them win early and down third and seven spin chill wear has been out since week 14 with a hamstring injury he's been third down back and he's in for this one picks up the Blitz earn mahomes first row is gonna draw a flag [Music] flag at the 38 [Applause] well mrs. the two physicalness at the snap of the ball I feel like holding defense Blakeman and as you saw he was the referee in last year's AFC championship game well he'll lines up inside at the tight end position but you can see the hold right here Hill's trying to get off and that's I think the Pats are going to be wound to give up a penalty here and there to not give up the big play and they're gonna have to try and beat him up at the line of scrimmage because they cannot cover all these guys the matchups are not great everywhere even though they're playing good in the secondary they fake it to Williams mahomes gonna go for the deep ball and it's over the head of everyone Sammy Watkins was the receiver who was well covered as you look at the patriots defensive lineup who are you looking for to be a key factor for that New England defense in this game you're exactly right this this front needs to create pressure I think when they look at the alignments and different things they have a chance to know like right here you know there's no rock look at the physicalness of Gilmore on that you see them beating off with the line second and tenth row wide of the mark Gilmore was airtight coverage again on Watkins well they're just being physical two line of scrimmage they're gonna get up and make you throw the ball over the top and be physical in this game these receivers need to understand that so the last two passes have been throw the Watkins this night flying team they haven't quite seen this dog jack is going against a few great offenses over the years Tim third and ten and they've gotten back inside the ten nine with a Sacre big loss and this is the pressure up the middle and if you beat them up at the line of scrimmage you know you got time with a double on hill and across the field you're gonna have to get the ball out and you see van Noy with a stunt up the middle they're gonna pressure mahomes up the middle this is what they did to Manning's is what they did and all the great offenses you're gonna pressure him up the middle you're gonna make that quarterback I have to move out and make plays we're not gonna let these guys run around and use their speed they did not have a sack against cones in the first matchup this year you get one here in the first quarter for loss of 14 Copeland's forty-five and he's got a 12 yard run back back to the Chiefs side of the field so Brady comes back out he drove from the distance the first time they had it up 7-nothing the NFL on CBS is sponsored by the Ford f-150 it doesn't just raise the bar it is the bar ice-cold Dr Pepper the official drink of fans Ville and by Progressive Insurance handing off big savings to you images from that week six matchup that ended his time expired with a Stephen Gostkowski winning field goal from 28 yards out [Applause] making noise is not an issue here does not even have to be encouraged they're ready for their first FC title game ladies pass wide metalman and let's check in with Evan Washburn Jim Tom Brady managed that noise in the first Drive and he acknowledged to us last night that they've designed a place sheet that as he put it is noise friendly he said we don't have the luxury to go to the line and check and Tony touched on that he said there's confidence to that Kansas City defensively doesn't present a defense that they need to make a lot of checks they feel like they can come out of this huddle and have the correct play call most of the time meaning not that much work to do at the line guys well this time he's going to utilize two tight ends that's - Wayne Allen in motion second and 10 can swing it out of the backfield apart [Applause] tries to make a move to get Hitchens away from him and he shoved out with a third down on the way yeah and to Evans point it's Josh McDaniels right there knows going into this game that you're gonna get one high safety meaning one guy's gonna be in the middle of the field back there and when you know that it's really just a matter of manners zone and he also knows this team plays us man every time we play them there's not a whole lot it's just about winning your matchup New England needs to run the ball and then guys have to win the one-on-one matchups already three for three on third down they face another one third and four but try to run it again for the first with white and he again converts he's done it three times already in this opening quarter on a third down carry well I think this is another play you see the linebacker right here as soon as he walks up in there and you see Hitchens I think Brady's going right to this play because that guy is the guy who's supposed to flow over and make the tackle so I'm Brady sees that he's calling that in the huddle and he's like okay you moved up there or he kills it and runs that play that's how smart this coaching staff is they give us this look this is what we do it's systematic regardless of down in distance Jim with eight first outs and for conversions on third here's the first time went by quick wallet by a couple of Chiefs and after a short game if you want a cure for the winter cold how about a night in Hawaii new magnum p.i special night kicks off right after this AFC Championship game only CBS America's number one Network Phillip Dorsett comes in cordarrelle Patterson as well for the Patriot offense Williams who is shaken up on that first drive back on the sidelines second at nine it's Patterson take it off and he moves it inside the 20 Gronkowski thought on though the key flock here tongue well once again they're constantly going back to him and showing but croc you just see they're gonna run behind them he takes two here and this motion you get an empty and it looks like it's no run possibility Patriots motion and it's a run that goes actually as a 15-yard pass play to Patterson now from the eighteen up the middle as they continue to run in the first down it is amazing how the Patriots it's like they the Kansas City's weakness obvious is the run defense but they're pretty good to begin of the game last game last week but they are going to know your weakness and they are going to test it over and over again and they were prepared to come out and throw if that wasn't working on the first three for me but now that they know you're having problems they're not changing they're gonna keep attacking you with this until you do something to adjust you're gonna have to bring big people in and condense your front offense second and six [Applause] near the 10:00 with Michelle party with nine carries for 40 yards minute to go in the first third and two and this is where James White has been so productive so far in this game well this is where Kansas City that it's hard because New England's that are great from third and to third and three you got to stop the run don't let him just hand it off to the right it's it's open there if he wanted you right now gonna go up top for it throws wide open gentlemen first down at the five and all kinds of separation Ward able to tackle down but first didn't goal to go for New England elements coming up all Brady's looking at is the defender in motion if he's inside leverage he snaps the ball and he goes well that's pretty easy a little quick out the motion though gets that leverage and this is the Patriots at their best they are outsmarting the opponents right now and it's a clinic well the road team won the first game today the Rams over the Saints in overtime the road team here off to a big start we're through one in Kansas City welcome back to the AFC Championship presented by into it TurboTax live and the Chiefs had only the one possession - 11 total yards and here are the Patriots first to go at the fight that opens a second with Michelle in getting it down to the one another physical play by New England just running right at them man-on-man and just really just exposing the one thing people thought Kansas City had trouble with throughout the year the problem mister often scores so much they're always playing with the lead it's hard to run the ball on them when you're always trailing me the Kansas City about to be in a big hole early find this one yard second a goal it's Michelle he snapped up didn't get there didn't get closed no gain outside zone bleh lead blocker and then from the backside just a really good job by Hamilton coming down the line Kansas City needs a big stop right here this cry will erupt and get back in this game right away third and goal everyone in tight Brady still has it up tight but she's intercepted intercepted by Reggie Ragland and he's going to take a knee in the endzone for the touch pass the bread he had gone 237 consecutive postseason attempts without an assumption what a time for the to make a play the NFL on CBS is sponsored by the lego movie to the second part in theaters February 8th [Music] and by AT&T more for your thing that's our thing first interception in the last 78 postseason red zone attempts red zone as Raglan they're trying to find Gronkowski in the back of the end zone but Hitchens had him pretty tightly covered too he didn't see Raglan it's an all-or-nothing place just to play actually throw it up to drop the right wing never pit and mahomes able to get an incompletion out of it as he was being chased for another big sack that he avoided let's go down to the sideline back to Tracy play he was on the sidelines he tipped his defense off to watch for that play the throw over the middle and then Reggie Ragland gets a dungeon well not the hard part is for a quarterback you do that hard sell and a goal line formation and you can't see those linebackers if they've backed out so Tom's throwing it almost assuming they can that finally get it to Kelsey Kelsey somersaults up for a game about nine and this this to me is the game within the game Jim is there anything Kelsey's gonna come across the screen right here from all the way from the left and mahomes does a great job getting Hightower up in the air speaking of up in the air and there he is up in the air but this is this is important drive right now they need to get a first down lead keep this bond possess it a little bit let their defense get a break third and one you can pick up the yard and the Patriots were on a managed to no keep him short that was Damian Williams would you think about going for it here on your own 29 plus you really can't it's that so early bring it up Colquitt done some aggressive stuff for sure before but this one's you gotta put the ball in trust your defense to get a stop I mean they just got an interception a big one obviously got the crowd back into it you've seen a lot of what New England's coming in here to do you have the ability with just now like we said at the start this is a matchup an adjustment game on both sides here's Colquitt last tackle is made by Malcolm Brown 2 wrentham picking up the first Edelman with a little wiggle and Murray there to shove him out 19 degrees a kickoff but well it's not a factor you believe after a 59-yard punt Patriots back at their own 26 Michelle and so the jump-cut picks up a boundary one thing coming in the nest Tony all the experience on the side of the Patriots 36 members of the team have played in an AFC championship game at least one but you add them all up it's a hundred and twenty three total games not a single chief has ever played in a championship game well you're seeing a little bit of those experiences your nerves or low common right you know one of the things for his Patrick mahomes was just you know the joke was the old Brett Favre hey you dumb throw those rocket balls now can you calm down and you saw the Holmes with an early one but he'll be fine as this game moves on Oh intercepted on second at seven that was a diving attempt by Eric very pass intended for Gronkowski across the field grot goes and the ball just barely Thomas to throw over a hand and throw coming it's out in front and Barry making his first game back they'd only played in two games this year of course rip ruptured his Achilles in week one at New England 2017 keeps one at Gillette see he's on crocked now down here at the bottom he's gonna be right there on him most of the game in these third down situations that's key for the Chiefs they got seven members to the secondary on the field third and seven trying to get pressure on Brady they get nearer somehow it is completed great turnaround catch by James White is an Erin Murray right there with him well Murray's there Brady finds the soft spot in the pocket and he throws a touch pass so why behind him that definitely wasn't the route and play and it looks like it is a catch and probably had control of it no challenge flag coming from this cheap sideline that's the fourth cleared down conversion you can thread it to white already first and ten Gronkowski and he pulls ahead for nine Wow this is earlier now you saw the running back motion out when he did that he came out and through now the corner pops out he knows its own so Brady says zone underneath throat to the guy on a little crossing route inside he knew before the snap based on the motion where he's going that ball earlier he threw the hitch to the running back because he had a linebacker on him third catch for Gronkowski second and one Michelle he's gonna have enough for the first [Applause] weighs Michelle coming on in the postseason late in the season had knee issues back in camp had his best game of his rookie year just last week against the Chargers 129 yards of the free touchdown maroon 5 takes center stage at the Pepsi Super Bowl halftime show featuring Travis Scott and big boy tune in February 3rd on CBS so another new set of downs for New England well Kansas City had been playing better because they hadn't missed a lot of tackles and today ball wrapped in traffic that was white could not get a handle made the tough catch to keep this possession going for the Patriots unable to handle that one and that's two screens now that the Patriots are so used to just it's almost like a run for them that are incomplete and that puts them a little behind the chains and now to Kansas City this is what you need them in the swipe stopping that run is so important they've been playing so well cuz no missed tackles no defensive penalties Roy last few weeks today they're not putting you in the second ten reserved in town baik2 Patterson go up the middle Michelle has a huge Lane and it shuts down after about eight maybe nine and Raglan and Ward double Fatima but it's gay it's gonna be third and one well look at this as soon as it's second ten these guys are like pass pass and the Patriots one step ahead run they're gonna run it right at you cause you thought it was past [Applause] Michelle they got to them no gain and now it'll be fourth and one for New England yeah I think you ain't gonna go for this but this is what Kansas City adjusted look at how big these guys are and how tight the are to the line of scrimmage you put them tighten there you blitz the outside linebackers and there's not a lot of gaps there for an offense to run in New England we'll have to adjust in that goes but this usually they step up and hand this ball off real quick and they're gonna do the whole shift change they're gonna punt it after all bringing out Ryan Allen watch out for the fake this is a chance to get people offsides 12 guys a possible fake to make me able to fail maybe well they can't you see when you run off the field the ref has to hold for a certain amount of time their substitutions and a flag is thrown away again offense [Applause] while they're still you know it's funny if they would have gotten it snapped there was still 12 guys on the fields for the Jeep's yes [Music] so Alan in that game back in October did not hunt a single time boy Kansas City got a break there was 12 one guy ran off the field but he was 13th guy Jim the 12th guy was still on that field for Kansas City bow on that last one [Applause] short wobbler caught at the 15 by Tyree Hill 32 yard punt mid second 7 nothing Patriots aerial coverage of tonight's game is provided by State Farm the Chiefs have run only eight plays in this game and we're halfway through the second order and they're minus 2 total yards time of possession I mean overwhelming but it's just a seven nothing game the homes at jeopardy have not even reached their own 30 yard line well the last coach you want to go this is Bill Belichick and a championship game or somewhere he has played you once earlier here that's Damian Williams and he went through traffic tiptoed for about five and here's why Jim because Belichick he starts in the middle see the safety so the quarterback thinks it's single high and he's doubling Tyreke Hill on the outside and they're really physical with everybody else at the line of scrimmage and you see right here another double I'm Hill everyone else one I want but they're really physical off the line and they're gonna pressure him up the middle this is gonna be tough you're gonna have to adjust Belichick has gone against incredible offenses just like this Kansas City team here's a second and four in heavy traffic that's a little shuttle pass Kelsey for a couple will be 32 he mentioned Hill in that package he has not been targeted so far in this game it's gonna be real difficult for him to be targeted because that's the number one thing knowing he was going to take away in this game they are not going to let him win this football game for Kansas City other people are going to have to do that Chiefs only first down in the game so far was via a penalty third and two [Applause] with [Applause] the homes on the run for the first down to Watkins almost had him well this is why mahomes can overcome the pressure up the middle he's got to get outside the pocket van Noy has them and just lets him go and if you want overcome a bail check scheme you know what you've got to have great individual talent a guy who can make a play something outside the box and they have that guy this quarterback has that ability is gonna have to do that bus tonight here's a first down play action the deep drop and a Tico 23 and cross and were in coverage and they're double-teaming right here watch Tyreke he'll he's got two people on him crossings underneath the safety record he's on top and this is an outstanding play designed by Andy Reid what a throw what a rout mahomes look at that torque oh my goodness that was outstanding on so many levels mix up 42 cross sit on the coverage you mostly see him on special teams he got beat on that play he was wide open Damian Williams it's just a pick play Williams has the opportunity on adjust a wheel route then Lloyd gets bumped Kelsey thinks it's gonna go for a touchdown it is a turnaround look it is a touchdown they plan that one up they use the Patriots play against them and my homes just do it the little there's gotta be a little calm just the soft touch throw for an easy walk in there you see how exposed to these guys are though that's why they're never out of a game they can come back they can score in seconds ii attend will go to williams on the ground and he's met right away no gain Lawrence died one of those on him fast tune in next Sunday at the 3:00 p.m. Eastern so you saw him the double-team earlier Jim on that walk past the hill what they did and he read he designed to play were Hill went all the way up and ran to the middle of the double-team of the precinct and then back all the way to the sidelines so both guys were inside it was just a perfect flow to see he's gonna thumb the hill at the time on a lot of these plays there's 39 with pressure again they're going after him to take him out of field goal range all the way back at the 37 Trey flowers you see the internal pressure staple over and over again Trey flowers comes from the outside but it's really the pressure inside that makes mahomes have to flush the pocket they did take him out of field goal range they're bringing cold without a loss of 14 they've sacked him twice and both times were four monster losses of 14 yards that's a huge just mental error but you know he's young it just hasn't been in this situation a lot [Applause] and over in punt down to the ten Edelman fair catch who would have thought seven nothing with three minutes to go in the first half Patriots on top here's a look at the impact players presented by Pepsi that opening drive by the Patriots that led to the Michell touchdown from a yard out but then interception where the Patriots were a yard away from scoring another touchdown now Tom Brady and the Pats with 308 to go in the second quarter [Applause] the middle snapped up out of the 12 and tossed out by Hitchens [Applause] it's trying to get the crowd into this right now offense hasn't you know other than the one big play to Hill there's not a lot to be excited about right here kiss he wasn't dying for something like the head Raglan they had the he'll play they need to get this ball back and New England needs to go down and quiet them they're trying to make it a to score game shell again and he's able to get some room get a first down out at the 21 busting ahead for nine well just too big a gap just a too big gap on the left side here and four can't see you know they're running the ball at you [Applause] we've been a warning coming Patriots gonna let it run down you're watching the NFL on CBS home of Super Bowl 50 3 then again welcome back to the AFC Championship presented by into it TurboTax live you're talking about the third highest scoring team in a season any season of all time they have not been shutout at home in the first half under Andy Reid in 51 games it scored 565 points this season at least 25 in every game and they've been blanked so far two minutes ago first half first down for New England [Applause] fake it too element across it Michelle and the Verizon halftime report is coming up with j-b Phil Nate Boomer coach Cowher they'll have their latest take on the NFC Championship final with the Rams advancing to Atlanta highlights of the first half on the rise and a half time before well Jim you were talking about Bill Belichick he's gone against five number one scoring offenses in the playoffs okay in those five games him and Brady are four and one and they average usually 19 points per game given up I'm telling you he was ready for this and excited about this great offense from Kansas City Michelle pissed back by Sorensen and a big third down coming up let's see what they do here with timeouts timeout called by the Chiefs there'll be a third and five on the other side of the timeout the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year award the leaks most prestigious honor recognizing players who impact both the game and their communities big announcement coming up at half-time and you can learn more about this year's nominees at that time Plus don't forget that NFL honors hosted by Steve Harvey on February 2nd 9:00 p.m. Eastern on CBS we'll have the winner announced here's a big third and for Justin Houston ready to pounce well they've ran in a bunch on these they've got to be throwing it this time to see if the Chiefs are coming after Brady he's got time and great catch white turning around and making the grab for the first down Sorenson right here another pick routes Sorenson is guarding the back and he takes an angle one step up you're done at that point the backs arty out wide and I quit the little stream back to white he's got blockers in front and he's motoring down to the Kansas City 37 yard line it's a screen and they've had two of these already that were opening but they dropped them or threw them in the dirt and right here you see they've been waiting to get this and a huge play for the Pats New England we've been monitoring this now six touches six first downs five of them coming on third down two plays ago that turnaround catch that kept football on the possession of the Patriots otherwise the Chiefs would add about a minute to work with the punting situation but now instead inside the 40th Kansas City here let's see what he gets - he gives it to white shuttling the line had taken off and he's got about a nine and a half yard game David Andrews and others help me clear the way well look at Brady sees the pressure off the side so he goes let's run it over here I mean it's just an advantage having Tom Brady on the field it's it can never be overstated he's like having your offensive coordinator your head coach on the field he sees it and he just gets to the play and all of a sudden oh look at that perfect play call versus the perfect look Patriots taking a second timeout and again the Verizon halftime report is straight ahead with JP and Phil you see right there coach Cowher Nate Fullmer they'll have their take on the first half and of the NFC Championship final with the Rams knocking out the Saints earlier today second and one all kinds of time for Grady to go for it to the endzone for the touchdown percent but we could go to her set Hannah's first career postseason touchdown in the game against the Chargers he gets another one this week and he runs it out and up and he beats Nelson's bad and Brady knows the corners not looking so you just make sure not overthrow him and Dorsett does a great job coming back to the ball and that the Patriots thought they were enough to do that more in the first half take shots down the field early on the down and they did it there and silence this crowd extra point good that's a 90-yard drive in eight plays and we're back in 30 after this from State Farm Tom Brady with playoffs touchdown pass number 73 of his career it's 29 yards and his eyes told you he saw it it was there and contact by Nelson yeah that's a flag but I got away with it but it didn't matter touchdown and boy that's now Kansas City I feel like it's like if they get the ball at all at the 30-yard line I'm trying to push this ball down the field to time I kick on the ground I should be past the 30 that's Harris to tight end work out of it across the 40 now you got to do something with it Demetrius Harris run with it yeah absolutely they they're gonna attack last week and this week in the first half of those two playoff games this one and a week ago against the Chargers forty first downs to nine almost 600 yards and out scouring the opponents 49 to 70 it's incredible and it's really incredible because they're 11 and 5 which is their lowest number of wins since like what Oh 9 or something I mean just then you turn it on finality please focus for this team and they know it's that time of year is able to recover it back at the 25 oh my gosh that's huge that he recovered it and that's gonna take us to the half but Kansas City Bill Belichick has taken this defense and they're playing their best game of the year against the best offense unbelievable half by this Pats defensive team that goes as a 15-yard loss that means the Chiefs in the first half with a grand total of 32 yards for the half 14 nothing Patriots at the intermission halftime is next after these first half highlights from Verizon and a word from your local station Kansas City will receive the second half kickoff but the Chiefs just manhandled on both sides of the football in that first half 14 nothing New England and let's take a look at next-gen stats powered by a W take a look at this Tony well this is the Tyreke he'll plate he's double-team you see that I'm heading down in the middle of field nope I'm going to the right and he's running 19 miles an hour they got us there and you see the percentages of people are gonna get open and hills 43 percent Watkins had a higher percentage but guess what Hill's gonna get to about 30 more yards so we're gonna take that and look at that throw that's what they need more of right there so that's really positive thing other than the raglan interception that happened for Kansas City and that first half and right behind that play they could have had a touchdown mahomes mr. Williams out of the bag and those two plays are really the ones you look at for Kansas City you had one big plan deivis that was it nothing else was really done well they've got to change up what they're doing you got to condense the front on defense on offense you've got to take shots down the field use Hill speed you know he's getting double-teamed what you do is do exactly like you did there play action on first down get him to run down the middle and all the way to the sideline he's got to work toward the sidelines when you're double-teamed you can always run toward the sidelines not over the middle of the field over and over again so you saw all those halftime numbers and we showed you the pass play at a hill that went for 42 yards all of the rest of the Kansas City plays after the hill catch for 42 went for - 10 yards it's the physicalness I mean this game belcheck what he's done so far it's been eerily similar to beating them up at the line of scrimmage to me - the Rams you know in a certain way I mean it's a little bit different with this style these guys get off press they're getting five yards downfield and it's taken three seconds this came on Smith from the one left side and he's at the 28 Evan Washburn you had a visit at halftime with the Patriots would year yeah I spoke to Bill Belichick he confirmed that they did play that first half on their terms something that came up in our meetings but he quickly reminded me they were up pretty decently in that first meeting with Kansas City this season the priorities defensively here are to continue to get after the homes the three sacks and continue to try and eliminate the explosive plays guys live in the homes in that first half four out of eight 65 yards sacked three times for a loss of 43 can start a little screen and he runs into the van Noy who's had a most active game so far and Tracy you had a chance to get the Chiefs story at halftime that's right well you guys talked about in the first half pressure up the middle and that's where the Chiefs really struggled while offensive line coach Andy hack was all over his team about it and he told them three things going into halftime one get on the same page to handle the double teams and three show some toughness we'll see if they can tour some things up here in the second half here's a handoff up the middle Thank You Tracy Williams twisted around two yards short of the 32 all the ways trade flowers who tackle them he had a sack in that first half as well well when you looked at we talked about Belichick 41 against all these number one scoring offenses and holding the 19 points a game and what the thing that was pretty much over and over again against these teams pressure up the middle he was gonna do that regardless and he knew he wants to get this guy off his spot and move it so it really shortens to feel the one side of the other this is a monster verge on if there's ever been one this early here's my Holmes so Hexe Trude gave him the protection in long tour take the cats down at the 10 so finally my homes had time to throw and he connects for 54 yards and he's going one-on-one against Gilmore who's played fantastically but you see you never stop and watkins runs a deep end cut across the middle of field and then cuts it up field and mahomes they're never out of it Jim well you know they were down to never on it at halftime of the first game this year weirdest out 1514 tonight you can have a great plan and guess what that quarterbacks someone that's magic and they can just make stuff that goes to the endzone for a touchdown he beat JC Jackson so a lightning strike his youth foreshadow Tony 54 yards to Watkins and then right behind it the touchdown throw to Kelsie boy goes up and this isn't the guy who's got to have a monster half JC Jackson's guarding them but you see how there's no one in the middle of the field there it's cuz they're doubling hill and this ball gets just over the hands of Vannoy and this place you want to get them fired up you come right out after half board play 74 yards we got an AFC chapter came at Arrowhead Jim here's an extra point tribe and it is goodbye but Kirk y-you said the flirtin to was a pivotal situation could afford to come right out and go three and out they hit the long one back it up with a touchdown throw [Music] again welcome back to the AFC Championship presented by into it TurboTax live and we have just mentioned that the Chiefs were down twenty four to nine at halftime back in week six and suddenly that game switched in a second mahomes with four touchdown passes in the second half so now give him five against New England this year all over the second half you aren't gonna hold this offense down there too talented they're gonna score but New England knew they had to get the lead early in this game cuz they knew they were explosive it could come right out and the touchdown this is what made the touchdown great see the safety right here he's gonna go double on Tyreke Hill that leaves the whole side of the field down here for Kelsey giving an eerie credit let's put Hill over here and put Kelsey in the middle he's ready to go now the house is feeling it get the defense ready right now look it over at the guidance consider the emotional leader of this team Eric Berry is now burying the defense take the field for the first time in the second half [Applause] ready swings it over Birkhead comes under it and goes out of bounds after a pickup of about six well this is why Tom look at this ball right in front so you're always ahead of the change now it's second four second five and it's like the ball is never really that far off where a guy has to stop and turn around and gets one yard come back with Michelle who had 75 on the in the first half they've got to stop the run everyone's up in there for Kansas City now looking to throw again and near the sticks but maybe a yard short is Edelman third and one this is exactly how they have to play though Jim they've got to get the big guys up in there and make Brady throw the ball outside the numbers they don't have a star Josh Gordon guy receiver out there outside the numbers all their stuff is inside Edelman three catches on the night now with a hundred and one all-time postseason catches second most third and one Birkhead they grab them buddy gonna have the first it appears and is he don't waiting in the middle with Reggie Ragland given everything he had to keep them back the extra effort just diving up right there Raglan grabs him and he does get the first down it looks a little bit like a goal line shot they're done in sit right down the line good job by CBS Wow they're on top of things new set of downs 17 first downs already for New England a scout away from of going for drunk and earlier in the game they ran this and got him hold the guard throw it this time Hitchin stays right back and Brady does a good job not throwing that in front of him because that was going the other way [Applause] little adjustment but Kansas City so far it looks like on offense a little bit on defense adjustment game second at ten [Applause] tackle labor on him early Michelle got away from Sorensen and turns it into a four yard game but it's gonna be third and six knowing that just ahead of the curve type plan right early in the half how many times they run the ball third down third and fourth third and five white kept picking up those first and at this point you gotta assume they're done with that you can only get so many and go to the well bump Kansas City I'm rushing the passer you want to run it again take your chances those four guys got to stand up here and you're Brady he knows he's got to get this ball off fast they're eight out of ten on third down 36th and it's knocked down so take the Patriots off the field Chris Jones got a hand on it and Jones Seabury right there gets a little hold on him but that's on the line those two are gonna battle but Jones right here on the double-team and gets his hand up Jones just probably the biggest player on that field and that hand gets up there about 10 feet sometimes allons punt the line drive hill no real estate that side oh boy to death costume hum bark Adam back at about two seven and there is a flag that was a 43-yard punt and a loss of 12 on the run back I mean when the Chiefs have taken losses on plays the three sacks of lost 14 14 and 15 this return lost 12 just trying to do too much just need to go to return block in the back return team number 51 so that'll bring the football back inside the five my home skinny keep the momentum going that he had the last time out on the field the NFL on CBS who sponsored by turbo tax live with CPAs on demand McDonald's and by tide number one stain and odor fighting power number one trusted looking at the National World War one Museum and memorial right here in Kansas City as we give a special shout out to all of our troops watching this game abroad up to the poor yard line and one out of the gun standing in the end zone here's mahomes goes to Harris van Noy doesn't take any of the fakes able to pick up about to that last drive to quick plays and changed the entire tenor of this game that it did and 33 they're not scared wasn't the play call but Watkins never stops running you see this great shot of the throw and Kelsey had a great route against Jackson look at that catch [Music] right back in the game Kelsey you had 103 catches on the season and second most receiving yards in the season ever biotite in Williams and Norway trying to bring in that way in that after that picks up the first that's the biggest running play by far tonight for Kansas City and you just see the motion come on Tyree come across you're getting it nope the rest on the drive this is a little bit why you don't have to have these big plays if Kansas City just throws five yards out six yard hitches little stuff then all of a sudden everything gets open long is run by the chief see Andrew Wiley helped push Williams ahead to pick up a first as he came in on the tackle of a North all start so this is as you've said this is what my homes can do he was only four out of eight in the first half but he's 4 for 4 in the first six minutes of the third quarter including a touchdown we kept looking at it you talking all week you know meaning we're sitting there and it's like you know it reminds you of the Warriors were it's like it's just in a three-minute span it's like there's five three-pointers in the road it was like it's just the Pats knew that Emily and they did and they know it's a 16-game the ball comes out I can be on the field nobody else will they complete finally from the secondary back judge comes into rules then complete Kelsey was the intended target it was a very mahomes like pass did you see that I think it was a nobody else it was and it's just a you know an RPO run-pass option he can hand the ball off he decides to throw it but look it he's holding the defender and throws it to his left we hold Simon we were here for that other no-look pass the game against the Ravens in early December that should have been club Kelsey's sake defendants at that time no surprise closer second and 15 in a jam again and that's what we saw a lot of in the first half as the Patriots you see Lauren's guy John Simon all in on them setting up third and long wow this is the same as blitzing up the middle so watch this side you come you come up and under and what happens is mahomes then has to move from that middle spot you don't have to blitz to do it there's unique ways and they're doing it right now and when my home starts to move the other side of the line is created it's a really special plan that Belichick has put together up front to try and move the home from that spot and he's got to get all the way out to the 26 for a first my hands we're over to his right side we got hit when he threw it got knocked down by Jason McCourty I thought he got hit in the helmet they got the pressure up the middle and mahomes once again another great stunt by the Patriots could get pressure right up the middle but does he get the handle you know I got on the shoulder it looked like it's probably a good no-call bring flowers my Holmes was trying to connect with Chris Connelly and now Colquitt punts from the endzone he missed this one there's a line drive at the 50 stutter step for a brief second and that is Edelman diving to about the 37 so the Patriots set up an excellent field position here 14-7 New England mid third Patriots trying to advance to the Super Bowl for the third straight year what would be five out of six the Chiefs meanwhile have not been since Super Bowl for forty nine seasons ago took them for the second time they were of course in the first ever Super Bowl against Green Bay as well first down Danza city territory Chiefs defense able to stack up in the shell for a gain of a mirror yard during five takes center stage at the Pepsi Super Bowl halftime show featuring Travis Scott and victim students February 3rd on CBS you see now Kansas City four D lineman and Justin Houston out there they're trying to stop the run second openness Hogan makes the catch and he is pop by Nelson but holds on for a first down Hogan goes up goes out ten yards simple throw catch first catch of the night for Hogan [Applause] but they got to keep the big guys in gym I feel like don't say that got to keep them in to at least make them throw it I mean the Patriots are they knowing that they have those five big guys in the game right here you see these five big guys right there those guys you have to push this wall down it's gonna be hard to run against handoff to Michelle and Williams quickly on top of them and again with New England operating with a short field after the punt and run back by element to the 37 they're already at the 23 of Kansas City it is a tough direction to kick that direction that New England's gone we're Sun warm up yeah it was like even right where they're at right there it was like getting their butts off hearts only I mean it's you're into the wind it's crosswind there it's tough second and eight and Brady goes to the gun little flick as to white and we've got a marker on the field this this is going to be offensive pass interference the Chiefs finally or it's going to be holding on the defense if they don't see it as past interference but Ward was endorsed ever just grabbing each other for ten yards pass interference you saw Dorsett react to it when he was looking over at the sidelines he knew it was gonna be on him it's a pic play you see the pic play up top Dorsett's got to go run and get in the way and it goes Ward there who was covering in to your point now backing up New England to the 33 yeah can they even kick this we'll be 51 yards because only second down here second and 19 moving who's pretty smart if they hand this ball or throw a screen or something they're gonna get back in field goal range and you're throwing it you better get out quick [Applause] down by Kendall fuller after two Brady has again only been buried twice this is like well a line we saw last week the Chargers you thought with the likes of both of the Ingram never got a hand on them only five sacks surrendered in the last eight games you know you know Jim because they're running the ball so well you never have to really you can always stay ahead of the chains but now this one has to be a draw it is hand off white trying to cut outside and then his brought down at about the 35 Houston this week 48 yards from here [Applause] we're gonna see him up that leg this Direction is difficult jay Feely you saw the warm-ups yeah they were both struggling in warm-ups no kicker really went back much over 50 of the Gostkowski made a 53-yard are going this way in warmup he's been historically good 90% and his career in the playoffs this is from 47 actually and it was a kick he hammers it right into the net that looked pretty tough it looked easy buffalo has back to a 10-point margin now 17 7 the NFL on CBS sponsored by Shazam to say the word April 5th and by Verizon the unlimited plan you need on the network you deserve down on the plaza area here in Kansas City city of fountains homes and the Chiefs down ten that's a eight yard field goal drive it we'll call it that by the Patriots who have had already in this game at 80 and 90 yard touchdown drive bring him out to the 25 again considered the league's most prestigious honor the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year award recognizing players who have made significant impacts in the game and in the community this year's nominee for the Kansas City Chiefs Dustin Colquitt and for the Patriots Devin McCourty this year's winner will be announced at NFL honors hosted by Steve Harvey the night before Super Bowl 53 and you can learn all about this year's nominees visit slash man of the year and jason McCourty if they get there would be the first set of twins to ever play in the same Super Bowl the barbers have played in Super Bowls but not at the same time here's 1st and 10 he'll sniff hard to try to find some time from Chung and he's able to throw it away my home said we've seen the so many times owning all this pressure on him well this is this is a belt check going against a young guy you see the twists and the stunts they come up the middle they're trying to say we're coming up the middle run out of the pocket run out of the pocket and they had these other guys waiting so this we could do to young guys you make you feel this internal pressure so he starts to move out and you're actually having guys going into the area when they move out to because they're like oh they're going here you can force some places he needs to get the ball out of his hands quickly real quick routes and move the chains behind him and he's gonna take off get near the cannabis Chung gave a pretty good jolt let's see what the spot is palms didn't slide he doesn't like it to take him on well look just look at the middle backers you're gonna be shocked here everybody but they blitz up the middle and it makes him have to move and he does a good job scrambling but he's gonna have to get this ball out of his hands and get it to his playmakers and he pays for it at the end but I didn't like the spot but you could see right there he was short of the 35 so it's third and less than a yard [Applause] and he's gonna die for it and get it defensive signal caller for the Patriots everyone seems to believe it's a foregone conclusion he'll be the next coach of the Miami Dolphins and when he does this will be the 26 different coach to come into the AFC East since Bill Belichick names a New England 26 out of the other three teams are you saying he has a way of getting coaches to move on from the NFC East when they don't want to all kinds of time goes underneath [Applause] [Music] he won the division ten straight years in 15 out of 16 yeah that's gonna cost a lot of people jobs and he's done that that's what they've done is you know yeah I I don't think it'll ever be done again New England in the south and kaffarah the ability to sustain this without no bail check has done this I mean look at his defense tell me the two superstar guy I mean who did the guys they never drafted the fourth guy in the draft you know they're always picking 20a they're always at the end somehow at the end here their defense they're always playing really good I teach these guys they get better and you knows how to stop certain Spees another internal pressure here second and six picks up about four so another third down and short coming up for Kansas City someone did the math on all the games that Belichick has participated in as an assistant or is the head coach regular and post and he was informed that his game last week was his seven hundred and fiftieth he was shocked to me and he goes really they like that you did he's like I didn't know that that's 32 well actually it's called it's like 33 well right here the front they're trying to say you're not gonna run this but they should still try I think well cider kitchen he is able to get that right around believe his Heights our and Watkins makes the grab well this is impressive it's a running play and he just played her sit Adrienne Claiborne was coming after him Wow mahomes was really special there he did he knew he was going to take the hit but he also knew if he threw it right away that claybournes hand was in the window so he had to wait for the receiver to come in and he's gonna take the beating on the play that was outstanding and kept them on the field matches him run after it as Williams shakes free from one defender Crossin this was the same kind of throw that you diagram than the Patriots first possession the Birkhead where he catches him on the run this time it was Williams from a Holmes you're exactly right Jim and if you can throw that ball out in front they sprint and they can get as many yards as possible but that ball is on the back shoulder that ball gets caught he's tackled and it's like Oh what could have been that's an explosive play and here they come I went for 33 [Applause] to the end zone and over the head of Williams that's the end of the third quarter going to the fourth who will be the Rams opponent down in Atlanta we'll find out in the next 15 all right heading to the fourth Jim Nantz Tony Romo and all the crew supposed to be a full lunar eclipse later tonight that's what I heard range things happen what do they call it the blood is wolf in there somewhere blood wolf moon or something blood moon tonight they called it I was like what happened Marty McFly or T night come on all right first play the fourth in the red zone to the end zone Lag on Jackson Pat hold of Kelsey the Chiefs are starting to do a great job of using Tyreke Hill and watch inside leverage he has the whole corner out in the gotta go - Kelsey passing fair defense [Applause] wait Chane Starrett or the good call for pass interference guys because it materially affects that receiver by turning him so that turns enough restriction and effect through a flight New England called for only five DPI's the whole season called for that one setting up the Chiefs just a yard away [Applause] since Watkins in motion mahomes rollin out Damien Williams [Applause] it's a one-person route you fake everybody goes left running back goes to the flat quarterback goes out he looks inside and throws a dart and the speed of Williams running high to our hike our newest responsibilities did it correct he just wasn't fast enough to keep up with Williams and that throws actually a great throw because it keeps Williams in bounds if you throw him too far out in front his foot could hit out of bounds that's a subtle move but great spot with the ball and what a big time drive to antici and now but Kerr makes it a field goal game converting Kansas City at 32 yards in the first half that got 145 in a second welcome back to the AFC Championship presented by into it TurboTax live a lot of key plays on that driver there was a defensive pass interference call set him up at the one there's the 33 yard pass out of the backfield to Williams earlier but there was that third down conversion when mahomes had to improvise with Adrienne Claiborne barreling after him and he sidearms it around them to pick up a first it was a great play not many people remember it except the great Jim Nance and that's what kept that drive quarterback filled in and took the big hit and move the chains at the 6 Patterson met by a whole group of cheap specialty murmurs tune in next Sunday here we go 3:00 p.m. Eastern on ESPN and watch the NFL's best battle for AFC and NFC pride as traditional rivals joined forces 2019 Pro Bowl presented by Verizon [Applause] Commissioner Roger Goodell here at Arrowhead willing willowmere right next to him who's the honorary captain for the Chiefs tonight this place is rocking now Grady play-action trying to sound once him and he's able to connect without on them not to about the 43 that will quiet things for a minute well you'll see the safeties are going by but Edelman is going to go right in the middle of the field and that's where it's wide open when the safeties get wide [Music] strike by grating he's gonna have to Isaac Tommy he knows this the 79 hold not the rest of the game right I think he knows he's got to go ahead and put points on the board on this driver it's gonna take more than that Michelle no gain Anthony Hitchens Kansas City has now seen enough of this run game where they can shoot the gap quickly they've got the big personnel in [Music] [Applause] this place is going it's getting louder and louder Paterson in the backfield off crannies right hip to Michelle - tiny seam and he's pushed back near the first down yardage the systematic approach of the Patriots as soon as they got rid of the big people and brought you know smaller people on the field they said okay we're just going to run the football you want to keep two d tackles - outside back forces Russians and a bunch of nickel-and-dime and corners and safeties and we're gonna run the ball generous spot put the ball at the 36 and a pearl and he hops forward and spins around makes the most out of it is he's moving in on a hundred yard game Brady 17 out of 20 487 yards in this game 1 & 1 [Applause] with the two touchdown passes in the second half and the back pill is to pull it back to Glenn and he's got a first down Raglan tackles him after a gain of 10 watch the fast Brady gets this ball out right when he hits that last step 5 boom that button once again you mentioned it Jim see how perfect on target that is I mean that's the difference between getting four yards making a guy stumble and then the best quarterbacks in the league up first down move the James and by the way that's a fullback running a wheels and foot let nobody does laughs do you see that it doesn't happen to the shell time ahead for three tonight's special Late Late Show James Courtney don't miss Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson will be on the show plus Chris Pratt on an all-new Late Late Show tonight after your local news remember all those big games against Peyton Manning and they would go to Indianapolis when they were play in that game and you had those edge rushers Freeney Mathis and they would run the same plan I feel like they're doing today balls out and then you'll take one or two shots but then you're running the football the whole game and you're just going to do that over and over and make it a physical game up front here's the second and seven [Applause] stopped after two Chiefs converged including forward now he got a 32 coming up Tony well the Kansas City has to stop you know these little rubber outs I mean they keep running the same its man-to-man but they have to run over the top of somebody and these inside linebackers are guys in the middle of field guarding the back there the full-back catchers run and they have to bubble over someone it's just a quick throw for four yards and it's the same thing here it's like someone is guarding in here this back back as James white and he has been such a force on 3rd down here he is getting the handle this time he stopped about a half yard short he now what do you do Oh Bill Belichick's going for it he's not even gonna think about this [Applause] he's gonna bring in Birkhead he's gonna go big he's gonna bring Dwayne Allen the second tight end we're gonna measure it first now this is good and bad for the Chiefs it's going to be short it's going to be fourth down good for the Chiefs because the Patriots love to get up to the ball snappy really quickly so someone's just a little late to their gap and you know what Brady likes to do so often in his career it's a quarterback the quarterback sneak will snap it Redwing go if not they like to run it on the edge it's hard to stop both if you condense the front and move everyone in there over the center we're gonna run the ball wide on the edge if you don't we'll quarterback sneaking out and get up to that ball quick he takes a look is to come back sneak their work heads the running back he gets the handle he's pushed back Eastern I Kansas City stops New England I can't believe they just did that Wow Sorenson can sit on the tentacle and grabs his legs they're sore it's at 49 Merc head Chiefs fall the NFL on CBS is sponsored by Pepsi the official soft drink of the NFL steak farm here to help life go right and by Taco Bell's new cravings value menu value beyond belief Lamar Hunt they have a legend around here and all he did for football man credited with coining the term Super Bowl and of course the Lamar Hunt trophy will be handed out to the AFC champion just a short drive from now did you imagine if you got to get your dad's trophy a gar hunk would be there to receive it handoff to Williams now this is a rush defense that was next to last to the lead and yards given up per carry but boy did they make a play on fourth and a foot and the big stop and there's pop son the D corner he didn't like that stop did eat em the old army head coach at West Point from 91 to 99 second [Applause] the top anakin plate looking for Williams down the field Hill Tyreke he'll still just one catch and was that ones big catch in the first half and went for 42 just trying to get down the field so far and they could have just thrown that for a check down and got you ten yards and they're so explosive but it's just they've gotta get this balls [Applause] coming see if the homes recognizes he does he lost it up in the air just basically threw it away in the area of Hill and he got decked and this hurt mahomes in the first game in the first half they set cover zero and this is where being a young guy you have to throw this ball you're gonna get hit they have more guys rushing than you have blocking and they adjusted in the second half New England waited this whole game to use that scheme they didn't come right back with it they waited until it became a big play and they brought it back and the Holmes isn't Brady's not changing place the black scrimmage a because he's so young JFS forcing the three onstage you can advance it it's going to be right where he picked it up it bounced off the battle if element touches it it's Chiefs ball right there it's not a touchdown like you said okay now I had some muffed punt but if he is he making it seem like he didn't touch it boy that kick just carom Legos off a concrete oh this is gonna be so close oh my gosh Tim look at his right thumb look at his right thumb no let's see the shoulder that's the forearm maybe I don't think I don't know there let's see here simply the ruling on the field is gonna be key I don't think it touched him whatever this call is it's huge just be hard to overturn it either way familiar in the field is that the receiving team touch the ball it was recovered by the kicking team [Applause] first down so yes you said that's key that his key cheats territor what the call was going to be on the field because there's got to be enough visual evidence to overturn it so what did you see here most definitely Jim the point is well-taken it happy the ruling on the field is that he did touch it so something must be clear and obvious oh go ahead and that's tell us you have it when we come back there is so much riding on this call right here Gene's territory we've had a chance to look at a lot of these angles what have you same you know the two pieces that I'm concentrating on Jim are the thumbs and it appears from this angle that the right thumb would be the thumb under question as it lifts there again clear and obvious ruling on the field is that it touched the returner but right thumb there doesn't look at this thumb we see nothing it we saw the other angles it didn't hit anywhere on the shoulder it's the one of these two thumbs now we know the right thumb didn't work there the left thumb looks like it hits there see how the right thumb never touches put the left thumb when you turn it around from the other angle doesn't look like it hits [Applause] it's it's it's so difficult because from each angle it's like it could touch it could not easy to go so now look at the left thumb the left thumb was the key right [Music] [Applause] I mean this is like the grassy knoll right here what guys think well here's if it's me I'm gonna overturn this and say that it did not touch anybody and go with it being down if you look at the left thumb on the one angle though the ball disappears or the thumb disappears it's clear in front up that it doesn't really change it directions I would I would think I would think that they would overturn this play to not touch tonight and we've got multiple angles so this is not I think it has to be clear and obvious and gene if they're if they're if they're watching it this long you think they've looked at every angle then you're saying you're gonna make the same call that you've come up with that would be my thought my thought tone I'm going to stomach gene did not touch the ball [Applause] eight minutes 39 seconds in the game [Applause] it's a good thing that Evelyn had got a manicure yesterday I tell you what that was it that was but he did the moment it happened he was like I didn't touch it yeah he was emphatic about it if he would have he'd been sprinting after that although you can't advance it I mean it's hard to say it's a hundred percent either way but there's a lot of angles your Chiefs men they're dead wrong and if you're a Patriots fan you got you got you're never gonna convince either side no it's and I'm not even convinced there's no there's no convinced 100% on that but gene saw all the angles anymore first down London Michelle for to it you're not convinced there's anything conclusive are just supposed to go with the ruling on the field and that's a whole nother level yeah you are right Jeannie whether they're saying they're convinced right Jean and you've got to give New York credit on that guy's because they're looking at all of these and they have obviously seen something up with the command center that gave them those words clear and obvious okay that last carried by Michelle gives him a hundred-yard night 101 on 27 carries a fake to him on the play action and the pass is intercepted that's Sorensen with sorenson away the stop on fourth down off of Edelman's pants well they have a saying in basketball the ball doesn't I it was going to eventually go back to the juice this ball goes right through the fingertips of Edelman and Sorensen returns they were going to get this ball either way Brady looks off fires it you're saying Edelman's fingertips we're gonna come into play it's some form or fashion oh man but the ball they actually end up three yards closer if you're the Chiefs at the 23 and they take over was 755 to go well the second interception of Brady in this game now Jim last time you call this remember the Sacky took it's right around the spot you can't get out of field goal range you have that go try and score touchdown though right here right down the middle he fires it complete to Watkins for about eight [Applause] Sammy Watkins right over the middle of the field the second guy and the we did he catch that ball oh that looks out right there not a catch Jim nope ball was on the ground and the challenge flag is out on the New England sideline G not bringing in but I feel like you'd be right a hundred percent of this who else give them a win did you see their gene yeah thanks for giving me the leg up guys [Applause] all right we'll review it challenge issued by coach Belichick back in sixty Seconds likely wait Minh doesn't have to take too long with this one [Applause] put the football back at the 23 and second and 10 [Applause] now the game between valchek and Reid comes into play when does the coverage he'll come back up does he come right back with it right now and does Holmes change the play my chance to come right after him with everyone again and the Chiefs have taken the lead [Applause] and sure enough with the perfect call and Belichick was not happy the backside head was forced to stay back and cop out you didn't and Annie Reed with a perfect call against a lot pressure sends the Chiefs with the lead at Arrowhead no Jim back from 14 nothing down at halftime but gur makes it a four-point margin mahomes with three touchdown passes in the second half tonight after four second half touchdowns back on week six they're never out of it they're too explosive they got talent they got coaching they got everything and it's all set up by the interception by Sorenson off the fingertips how about the two big plays by Sorenson in this quarter huge and now watch it's a screen over here but watch out everyone's going to go across the field and so the Patriots were blitzing but when they solve a rollout that kind of bailed out the problem is there's no one over there and flowers Clayborne all the guys Claiborne went up field and someone missed their mark backside for Williams that's his second touchdown catch [Applause] when we what a find he has been he actually paid a visit a while back when he was a free agent he went up to Foxborough Patriots liked them a lot they didn't sign him he'd actually been here first and he said I'm gonna go take a visit went up the New England came back in sign with Kansas City he made the biggest play of the day by far and I tell you right now [Applause] different Tom Brady 7:45 AFC Championship game yeah I did at halftime I did take it I didn't see this game unfolded at that point the Rams came back from 13-nothing down today against the Saints to win and now the Chiefs have fought back from a 14-nothing deficit to take the lead with a half quarter to go there's a ton of time you can still run this ball but I can tell you they're going to put this ball they'll run it but they're gonna put this ball in Tom Brady's hands and he's going to start to getting shotgun and drop back and pass they haven't done it much today it's coming though on this Drive we're going to put the season in his hands with sprinkles and runner to make to Patterson [Applause] three escaping what would have been a sizable loss nice move by cordarrelle Patterson and Brady wanted to look downfield adjust when they know you're gonna throw this ball is gonna have to get out he's gonna have to stand in and take hits throwing the ball under duress if he's gonna push the ball downfield with delay with what's going on Jim Oh we got a little rambunctious chief Anna decided I want to get in the middle of things so holds up play for a moment witness what has Bob Sutton done in the second half defensive coordinator for the Chiefs well he started putting the five big men on the field she got the three big linemen and then the two outside backers but you really made it into a four cordon line basically and that really made New England have to work a lot harder they weren't able to run as much and it was a great adjustment and you reach same way in the second half is adjusted and the biggest thing is the offense for the Patriots just stalled a little bit it just hasn't you know they got three points in the half and you know look at look at the first step that came out ran the ball dominated efficient second half just no big plays nothing ever down the field the chunk play here nothing like that but you are talking about the guy who's played 17 seasons okay he's hurt the other one he's playing team AFC championship games I think he feels pretty comfortable in this spot right here how is that possible it's I thought you've asked that all season long second and seven fans in the pocket throws intended for Edelman no flag so now this gives the Chiefs sax specialist office attire hit to the face I'm Pike to the helmet by Chris Jones he's reaching over and Chris Jones in the middle you're gonna see him push the pocket on to knee and right there he slaps and my dad looks right we're similar to the one earlier where he didn't get him I think that's the same thing that happens in the homes earlier betray flowers yeah forty-three let me bring in jinkx territory did you see that gene no it's not contact to the head and includes defense Jim his angles difficult there but you do have to see it to call it you know you just can't go by that action but it's a swing and a Miss and it's a Miss call for roughing the passer there Patriots get a break here we go now they're going to get in the drop back in you can hand this ball off to the right second and eight LOB's it down the field in the area of Gronkowski and that was Eric Berry who was he running right there on the back of Gronkowski running is a it's an interesting term because watch Barry on this hold them still holding them still hold them and this is the key but she sold a lot it's just whether they're getting called and I think in this game they held a little bit and they're gonna keep going until it's a call and there wasn't a defensive pass interference I don't believe in the first half with third let me play they're lettin pledged him right now scheming three catches all coming in the first quarter [Applause] raided all kinds of time logan reaches out and it's ruled a catch and what a magnificent catch it is by Hogan 411 seeing another story while Hogan goes up and one hands an incredible catch of it's true the challenge wags out and II read wasn't gonna let him try and snap this ball [Applause] hard to tell from that angle right this sister did the jeans territory show here the fourth-quarter chain you know using all the basketball analogies I'd like to get a couple layups guys I'm not getting too many lands here this is really tight remember now ruling on the field complete ball can move and still be in possession as Hogan's reaching and bringing that back he's squeezing that football in his arms now is there movement yes does it touch the ground yes but is it out of his control that's how we have to break that down that's what I'm sure Clete New York is looking at right now who can spear that football and then reel it in with Nelson on his back [Music] listening the eugenia sounds like catch my feeling on it Jim and again on this play is there enough for me to say that that should be overturned to incomplete it really isn't that's a stands played to me to use officiating language because if this doesn't journal it doesn't jump off the screen at me as being something to overturn well what a catch then I mean that slave unbelievable and at the biggest play you know for the Patriots of this game trailing I mean maybe this on third down [Music] this is this is gonna be really tough I feel like it's it's gonna be hard to overturn that there's just nothing that really defined like did it for a hundred percent hit the ground even it's tough but and that's when it takes you to stands Tony that's gone as you're breaking those down if that's what you end up let's hear what Clayton has this way after a beautiful a ruling on the field stands his home [Applause] this crowds not real happy right now public they saw the roughing on the board they thought they saw the completion they had a call on the roughing that one they were at a reason to be upset okay remember now they have to still scored we touch that certain point they're gonna be going for it on fourth down it's probably to that point no matter water ready - pork at Nick Lane thank bounces out for about 14 get Trek buttons credit for throwing that block [Music] well and this has been open for a little bit but the left side east three eyes there's only three guys on defense right there and they finally got to it New England doesn't use run a weak side zone in other words just one guy no co-packer anybody Ramsey and it's there are a few times and they finally got to it that's not a good sign if they're now getting longest run of the night five Birkhead with 14 lady and there's drunk with his first cup since the first quarter and he fights for that first down yardage and he's got it this is Brock on a simple crossing route and he gets away from Sorensen and a big-time play but that formation Jim I bet you haven't seen that formation in ten years it was two guys in a split back lookin lookin in under center with two guys no one right behind you I come up with new stuff every week this is huge here but the 19 look at given three running behind tunis and that's the run again the weakside little area that's they just all of a sudden found and there's a chance you're gonna see them run that again before this drive is over four and a half to go [Applause] and there's the raft that chairman CEO Jonathan Trappe president of Patriots the job they've done tomorrow marks 25 years since they bought the franchise has it been a good run or they doing okay okay second and seven another completion out of bounds at the eleven was Birkhead is this setting up for mahomes to have to do what Brady's done his entire career is it possible this is jus daun territory so if you're Kansas City you can't sell out against a run here you do want to stop and yes but you can't just forget about a fullback in the flat or something the most likely they're gonna run this ball but don't just give them the touchdown there [Applause] well this is gonna be close dear that spot looks like is gonna be short [Applause] Birkhead was the one who had they carry on that fourth and short earlier in this quarter it's like they got the right spot and once again they're coming out to measure which can help the Chiefs again get prepared for this fourth and short like last time when they stuffed Jones just off the field after that [Applause] there is heading to the bench one of their star defenders and a fourth an inch is on the way [Applause] you thought that last fourth down play earlier this quarter was peg but I got 350 to go [Applause] well now it's time to settle out against the run yeah they've thrown a pic on a play-action from the one or two they tried to hand it off in the middle they stuffed them Kansas City's own this so far in this game they've got to go back to the Bradys sneak or something don't they they're killing it usually means a motion and a run out wide to the right here's the handoff back to the atone the Sony Michelle and the Patriots are back in front Brady I thought they would do this on the other one he gets up it's quarterback sneak no I'm gonna motion and I'm gonna call the outside run because you can't take away both it's really really difficult what a play call outside showing all those guys are inside saying it's a quarterback sneak it's a quarterback sneak all right let's wash them all down and go out wide second touchdown of the game for the rookie who now has five in this postseason [Applause] thus Kowski to make it a three part and he does we got three 32 to go [Applause] Michelle with 29 totes in this game 113 yards and a couple of touchdowns watch croc and Evelyn the foot croc kicks out Devlin look at that block there drunk Kowski Devlin is overpowering the defenders Michelle who early in his career Georgia was a backup running back to Todd Gurley they could find themselves on the same field in a couple of weeks time but here's that scenario I suggest it was a possibility Patrick mahomes first year as a starter second year in the league then all these things that well no one's ever done before like age mark records youngest ever throw six touchdowns in a game did that week to Pittsburgh he was 22 at the time just a few days short of his 23rd birthday youngest to throw for 50 in a season haunted on and now he's got a chance three and a half to go to add another chapter to this set [Applause] I dream on spent well here are some of the key plays and have been certainly closely scrutinized a few times the roughing penalty on that drive and then that was a challenge cost the chiefs of time out that awesome challenge have been three reviews in the fourth quarter in all of them went New England's way rolling out the homes got time to throw it bring it down chill and complete I like them roll in the pocket to the right and moving it but or got to get this ball down the field at the State Farm postgame show immediately after this JB Phil Nate boomer coach Cowher they'll have their take on this game plus the presentation of the Lamar Hunt trophy it's all coming up State Farm postgame show there you go man-to-man single hi let's see if he doubles I'm Tyreke a who's in a slot on top let's say Holmes gauchito and there's a flag out as well Hightower scoops it up oh this is gonna kill New England cuz I think Jackson they're gonna call him for a penalty even though I'm not sure it was but rockins fell down and jackson may have held and we'll see prior the past holding defense let's see this closely Jackson Solomon's right there he does crab around the left shoulder Jane good call it's a solid call yeah he's a good call when that left arm goes on the inside crabs around it I I think that was the right call and it goes against New England now they had something go against them Jim well Jackson had that pass interference call in the end zone earlier in this quarter that's huge for a young quarterback though that first first down when you have the game on the line the AFC Championship on the line and all of a sudden it's like okay it calms you now he's a little bit more on the rhythm and it's like okay we can just run our offense with him walking out there he was nervous he was ready but he could feel how important this situation is the game clock is correct Thanks [Applause] the game clock is correct is what I think he said mr. case you were wondering nil is in the backfield the quiet life of him just targeted twice shipped him out into a slot first to 1037 fires it no one Kelsey ran an out and up and mahomes through the out so it's a little miscommunication but on the left side of your screen bones like oh what are you doing Kelsey's like I thought we were on the out and up when you call that [Applause] [Applause] and it might be another one on roughing the passer well they got the pressure inside this is the annoy hit him low after he threw it I couldn't tell based on the plows watching down the field but it looked like someone got low on them yeah was they annoy there are two five [Applause] vascular suits [Applause] first down Kansas City for these three big penalties on JC Jackson in this quarter to pass interference calls and ahold here's the roughing call boy that would that foot planted that could have been very dangerous and harmful and here's the pass interference call Jackson who has come on strong here at the end of the season rookie out of Maryland who was a healthy scratch in the first matchup this year they've been high on what he's done only he's improved and it's a staple of you know being in New England he get a young guy and drafted all of a sudden he's playing great football to end of the year that's great coaching right when you're on out first and ten getting closer to field goal range they keep attacking right here [Applause] first intercepted they came right back to it they ran Tyreke Hill into the middle that you saw earlier in the game on the big play they knew he was double-teamed and then gone mahomes tried to wait it out and at the last second he throws that ball and takes the hit by Butler man Hinds hour and look at Jones jumping in front and he was open he just couldn't quite get it off and get the power on it turns out there don't was hurt aloof also he's come out with this place [Applause] well this is a big play and I'm telling you right here there's no call on it but watch these four guys you see right there calmly grunts right in to the defender guarding Watkins and Watkins - standing there by himself and it's one of those place really like do they make the call today not no penalty huge play Watkins shaken up ball at the two first and goal voting two minutes have a play on both side of it [Applause] Patrick mahomes in his first day FC title game the first title game in Arrowhead with the season on the line in the ACC championship takes to the biggest drive of his career and he goes down and scores with a simple handoff to Williams up the middle and it's clears day what it drives and guess what that's three touchdowns in the quarter by Williams big point after here to make it four thunders kick dead center but there are two minutes three seconds to go yes mr. Brady to come do his thing again but nobody could come back from this no one case you all with two minutes ticket there's never been a player who could you don't want anyone in the building I never follow that up oh my gosh this is exactly how it's supposed to come down unbelievable [Music] well a year ago we were there for Jacksonville at New England and the Jags had a 10-point lead in the fourth quarter and the Patriots came back to win well this was this was a 10-point New England lead going into the fourth tonight 17 7 they've been four touchdowns in the final quarter three of them by the Chiefs fact all of them by again Damian Williams we've had three lead changes in the quarter the touchdown needing the touchdown [Applause] and Belichick is so upset about the pic play he still he just tried to show he's like the receivers five six yards downfield you're supposed to do that the line of scrimmage I got away with one but there's been a lot of stuff today you could say that about either way but the Patriots are going to Atlanta number 12 is gonna have to be something really special in a really really difficult environment here's Patterson what a putt he made right and it gives them an excellent start but ger had the angle on them but there was one slash cut by Patterson they gave an extra 15 yards two-minute warning at the AFC title game the NFL on CBS is sponsored by Bud Light reminding you not to drink and ride your horse and bide Pizza Hut official Pizza sponsor of the NFL aerial coverage of tonight's game provided by State Farm well will the Patriots go back for the third straight year or will the Chiefs go back for the first time in 49 years minute and 57 to the sign of Brady fires complete Edelman what a catch and takes the hit from two chief defenders at the Kansas City 45 Tom Brady Tom breeze could have to stand in this pocket and fire and he does with a rope over the middle just trust the Edelman with this pass rush we got to get in the end zone in this environment there's a long way to go protection back he goes for another completion this one to Hogan and a first down no timeout you don't want to use it till one minute you have a ton of time if your New England Kansas City though they're gonna pass this ball you need to rush the passer and effective quickly great it gets rid of it was deep Ford he was coming up quickly from behind Brady I think he felt his presence so he got rid of it that's exactly right it's it's a play that no even will remember but if they win watch from the outside edge you're gonna see Ford and Brady feels it and he lets it go he's not willing to turn the ball over or take a sack and waste a timeout but it keeps them ahead of the chains oh my gosh too I'm Pleiades that the ball at the 35 to go to the Super Bowl but you say here we go second at 10 [Applause] the sideline completion and it's Hogan identical Playfish she's leavin timeout this should be the timeout the first run qf 3 and it's a timeout New England so he's had 20-yard pass play to Edelman's 11 and 14 now to Hogan the next thing in other down at the Kansas City 21 we've got a mini catch it hold on a minute now we're inside of course two minutes and it's gonna be reviewed up top [Applause] Dean's territory this is under review it sure is Jim and this one was ruled complete but I in my opinion I don't want to jump too quick but I don't believe that Edelman has control of that football first so we're dealing with not control as that ball was moving ok so then at any time if that ball contacts the ground it's not as if we have movement after possession here it did look a little different than the last one like it was just a little more oh this one's on the ground like whereas hogan had his hand under it or Edelman Dartmouth smoke tone it was Hogan it was he's spacing there where the football is three of any body part for a moment there so there was no nope no initial possession yeah let's go over there for a moment and then does it just momentarily bounce off the ground when you have that touch of that football on the grass there I'm gonna overturn this one too incomplete Jim based on just what you said yes if it is incomplete it would be third and ten back at the 34 I think it's gonna be incomplete I mean I would already walking back Tony you're basing that on the guy they are they're walking back this far they're walking back that's going to be they kind of just disregarded the drama aspect of it and quickened it up there I think another question you would have here guys is the timeout that was tall based on the fact that the ruling on the field was complete now that they overturn this to incomplete they can give that timeout back to New England and New England could end up with two timeouts here instead of one and then they have to put the clock back at probably around a minute minute and two because it took them probably five seconds to call the timeout Blakeman just now stepping away ball hit the ground wasn't easy to pass [Applause] so they add seven seconds or they will and the ball is placed back at the 34 so you got third and ten your seasons on the line you don't have a great outside receiver they have a great pass rush you've got to get the ball off quick Tom Brady's going to stand in and take a hit right you know high and low if he has to to complete this ball to me I want to see Gronkowski and accept the fact he's your best player they're going to chip them on this one this smells gotta go outside the receivers are double move hands in the pocket Center sentiment comes out of the hands ward for a moment but he had it long enough I believe but he's got a flag down so the ruling is an interception on the field we'll wait for the flag well this could be on the Patriots it could be a wrong formation works offsides this is huge this could be the game right here offside defense over 55 lined up in the neutral but by god pedaling when we play third down T Ford was lined up in the neutral zone that'll make it a third and five oh can you believe it he's right there and he is he's over the blue leg quite a bit excellent that's the correct call but t4 that's a huge mistake third and five what has been ballgame I got a quick run cow Scout wide they've got to get an easier guy when it's one-on-one they've got they finally got in there he is the spray if he's doubled you're gonna throw inside right here to element you just look up there and pick up there they come after Grady goes down the field the croc turns around makes the catch he saw what you saw Tony they don't have answers they're gonna have to play one-on-one you gotta go with your best player I understand you know I don't want to say this is the guy throw that ball up give him a chance timeout Chiefs wow what a catch 30 seconds for the throw what a call Romo strode ammos I tell you that was you have to get him out there otherwise you have no matchup at all and I understand Barry's great but so is this guy and he's covered but he's not covered throw that ball up big players right there right then Eric Berry was the defender it was great coverage he was just the ball was right up drunk most self lists player this year I'm telling he's blocked as if he was just a fullback all year long in a lot of different ways and he's never completed on here anything selfless and he makes the biggest catch of their season right there and again the State Farm postgame show is coming up with JP and all the crew plus the presentation of the Lamar Hunt trophy will it be on the field for the Chiefs are in the Patriots locker room for New England we're gonna find out here with four yards away from New England taking back the lead they're gonna run this ball Kansas City's got a sellout here's a handoff the Buckhead Bulls ahead and scores the touchdown what a drive Tom Brady takes New England down Grotowski with a monster catch down the sidelines and then a run Stevie a simple counter play they haven't run that today is a great job by Mason with the kick-out block 65 yards in 84 seconds in just six plays they negotiate the 65 yards there are 39 seconds to go Bo Kozlowski knocks it through josh mcdaniels hugging I mean everybody thought New England going into the playoffs wasn't quite good enough they weren't talented enough not the same team I think Tom Brady heard that remember is the action last week yes and you know what there's so much to this game more than talented you know these guys there's they're so it tells they learn a new scheme each week and I tell you I really believed Brady and this team for semi offended they're like we've been in this championship kid eight years in a row or another underdog yeah and Brady hasn't been an underdog by himself in a game since 2014 he was ready for this one so it's still 39 seconds Tony and it's a three-point game four lead changes in the quarter that got Tremont spent standing at the goal line what if there's any thought give it a pudding Tyreke Hill back there there is but most likely that means Tyreke Hill's gonna come in the game in order to run one of those really long routes where he runs to the middle and runs to the corner something that's gonna move the pocket and they're gonna take a home run shot with them so you don't want him running 30 yards and then coming right back and running another 53 seconds later so [Music] yeah one time out and there's a pretty good chance they're not kicking this ball that deep anyway it's ball is probably gonna go down to the 15 or 20 little pooch kick well they did that on the ground earlier and Harris picked that up it made a nice return out of it [Music] he's gonna go ahead and knock it deep as deep as he can to the five he spent a legend flying he's got a nice new town across the field a little party one falls on the ground picked up there's Harris I just mentioned who was able to pick up the loose football but I believe was whistled dead anyway thirty-two seconds you have one timeout you're fine you need a chunk play this you cannot take a sack that takes your time out can you throw the ball out of bounds you only check it down if you can at least get ten yards if you get anything less than ten yards you don't throw this football you throw it away [Applause] Patriots rushing three spigot and pressure on them has to step away from it now flings it on the line David Backes made Spencer wear pop running now you give up you clog it right away or a timeout and they took the timeout took the time out of 23 seconds well it's a great job three-man rush make sure he catches this looks like a catch no problem oh my Holmes has them in positions in one more throw now without a timeout you can still throw this ball in the middle of the field better have your field goal you're not ready right well you can go up and clock it so as fast as they can run out the middle but you're still looking to get out of buffer now New England [Applause] only has no safety teeth because we're playing defense we're not protecting the touchdown anything yet lose about ten yards to get the chance passed out the field 21 by Robinson and the flags gonna help the clock is gonna stop on the flag was a 27-yard pass play [Applause] look like offs it looked like offside on New England yeah and this is huge for multiple times defense in the new tonight the snap decline though the plays a first down a deep over pie Robinson and a perfect throw by mahomes leading him right out in front and this is huge because now the ball the clock doesn't start until the ball is snapped it doesn't start now because that flag but Kurt imagining what he has to do trying to give this championship Sunday a second overtime game if he's called on well you're trying to score a touchdown on this play so what happens now is they're gonna throw a ball to the end zone and I don't know what's going on his Mahal is a second to come over and talk to his coordinator Eric the enemy who's done such a fine job this year officials have taken a moment here to talk things over so this is to me 60 seconds you can't get risky in the middle of the field this is the an out cut to the sideline or a go route into the end zone you're in field goal range you've done an incredible job you set it up but now you're taking your shot users are getting a closer field goal throw an out cut for ten or if they play one high safety which means you can throw it outside the numbers no one's helping over the top you take your shot to the end zone with a receiver out wide the Chiefs in just a couple of plays getting into field goal range with where's first reception is correct at 16 seconds Robinson with his first catch of the night and you're looking for a shot to the endzone here if they play soft coverage New England now should be protecting the endzone they shouldn't let you throw it to the end zone they're already fill words these safeties should stay way back they should all be back far let them do anything they want underneath the play ciphers and coverage [Applause] really close scan Chiefs no timeouts mahomes he's going to the end son into the end everyone said there was nothing there well now it's probably field-goal time butter is coming out yet you test New England make sure they are prepared for the situation they were and then you send them out well you can see the graphic what he's done here at home this is going to be 39 yards 39 yards 11 seconds to go Winchester the staff at Colquitt to hold it and a timeout called by the Patriots New England takes its first time me so jay Feely it was three hours ago but you were saying in warm-ups there were issues at this end of the field what is it like now right now it's pretty calm as good conditions as a kick that he should make we actually had a conversation Harrison buckler and I did on Friday about this exact kick and what it would mean for him he said the biggest thing I need to do is stay calm stay in rhythm different kickers like to do different things he focuses on his fundamentals making that kick he did miss a 43-yard game-winner against Baltimore here in Kansas City okay the Miss here sends New England right Jim that's it now we're tied at 31 you ready to go longer why not 31 all right a fourth quarter and with that kick to tie it we've had 38 points scored in this fourth quarter it's the most points ever in a quarter of a championship game after well I mean a dominating first half performance by a New England but it was it was not riveting it was so one sided the hunt family celebrating the fact that kick is knock through from 39 but it got wild here in the second half fourth quarter is crazy up and down up and down and just with quarterbacks playing great how about that how much time was left 29 seconds 32 seconds 39 39 seconds took him down got the field goal look great he took him down this is what great quarterbacks are supposed to do right there and they're both proving it get this on the ground quickly and that's double-a who casually picks it up and says I'm not doing anything with this well in the Superbowl era has only been one AFC championship game that went to overtime and that was back in 86 Denver and Cleveland but we're about to have a second one and the second of the day unless they fix me shake down this and fumblerooski out of here you know okay close here we go they were thinking about it all right pick going to us both great quarterbacks could end the game with the touchdown you want that win this toss always but no one can stop anybody right now what a day a football though I mean what happened today down in New Orleans for it to end on a 57-yard field goal Greg Suhr lon it's amazing what he did and maybe it's more than some people can even take postseason overtime rules Gene's territory just set up for you here the 15-minute period we're actually starting a game over now so this can go on more than the 10 minute in a row over time in the postseason the NFL will continue playing until we have a winner both teams are going to have a possession unless the first team on offense for the touchdown or we have a defensive score the timing will be a zap to start a brand-new ballgame these T are gonna have free time perhaps okay good okay good point so the head helmet side his head's the key side his tails now - heads two sides tails New England again for the visiting team your choice heads in his head with the wall Matthew Slater makes it very clear we want the ball you're gonna get the ball when we start overtime at Arrowhead when we come back to the AFC Championship game on CBS we're back for the overtime overtime for the Super Bowl my goodness you go all these months all the practices all the games and now I heard teams territory say it's like it's a whole new game I'm hits above this game inside what's been a remarkable second half of football after a great first half performance by the Patriots have looked like they might be capable of running away with it tonight only to say the Chiefs come out quickly change the tide well that game is over this is a whole new game right now the adjustments have taken place you've seen what the opponent has done successfully throughout the game now right here I same thing I'd be aggressive right from the Waco I know they want to run the ball and they're going on this Drive but I'd come out in play action and take a shot down the sideline and try and get this over with you right now well you remember what they did in overtime a Super Bowl 51 boom James white indigent right down the field that go we're putting the big guys in there trying to stop the run in the first play [Applause] shut down by four what's Hogan with the grab Brady got hit again loose in the pocket but this is I mean this is Tom Brady this is the guy it looks like your seasons on the line right let's let's make sure he's getting 2 throws every three downs if you got to get first downs we're gonna give him two of the three I always just like I understand which arrest Claire Tom Brady needs that at least two out of three my knees down in distance reach for Don's that they have to come yes secondly he's changing out of the original call who's met at the line for no game maybe a guard [Applause] [Music] oh here - second nine they know you're passing these your screen right here and wrists you want to draw and risk possibly 39:10 sama home sitting on the bench just thinking just give me a chance and I think if they get that ball back there's a good chance that Kansas City's going to go score got away and in completes that was Justin Houston who was around Brady and Brady feels that he's got to step up on Houston and does a good job but there's no separation anywhere nobody's gettin open Brady's literally trying to go through four guys and over and over again it's really hard to find someone creating a lot of separation that's why I keep saying drunks got it get out wide and you gotta throw it to him out there third and nine Toni well they got to block the front cross that outside you got a with him ship with him and throw the element over the [Applause] he got lacked a couple of times and was completely unflappable with it just takes the hits and holds on for the picking of 20 there was with the motion that got a stack release and Edelman gets free so he gets five yards of separation Brady fires it in there and moves the chains with another big one now on the sidelines they go and that was Milton trying to jump in front of Jewish set then complete to her set with the one catch right before half-time that went for the touchdown in front of Nelson now this all day they're getting their hands on him a little bit let's see if Nelson and it cuts out of the break there's nothing there but you see that's where they right there's where Brady's missed now it's a perfect throw off his back foot of a play fake and really they don't have that guy who can make that catch outside the numbers right now and that's it's amazing they're where they're at right now without second at 10 [Applause] Pass Jack Patterson couldn't catch it and again Nelson was defending now third and ten Patterson runs a simple slap just takes it at one step though he needs to go up the field just a little bit one more step Grady's got to throw it a hair earlier then you're used to on a slant and Grady's upset because he knows he's like but here we go Bronks got a chip runningbacks gotta help so he has time to throw it once again Edelman filled pocket sale again with a third down catch twice on this drive this time for 15 the motion get settlement going in the middle and Brady waits for them the problem is the Chiefs on every Big Town are running this two-man and it's being a perfect call by the Patriots and they're giving Brady just enough time with the chip block by garage and now anything's available screen run it can do anything right here and a touchdown would win the game first out from the 30 the trust back [Applause] zone and it's not there Hogan but the guts of Josh McDaniels melting seas not in line we're gonna run a flea-flicker let's go ahead and do it it's right here you're gonna see this up here and he's going to read the middle of the field they're trying to pretend like the blocking and then they go and then Brady does a great job not throwing it to Edelman on the plane throwing the Hogan instead we've been intercepted if he lets that ball go to Edelman they threw it away on the outside - and Hogan's Direction to make sure it was not possible to go the other way second and ten already in field goal range but looking for more looking for a game in dirt pass it complaints knocked out on the hands of cordarrelle Patterson I mean Brady threw this ball perfectly Patterson comes out of his break and that balls on his face mask but he can't create separation as Nelson's really close they're hanging out we're leaving sac team in the league tied for the most with Pittsburgh in the regular season has not gotten to Brady tonight third and ten ball at the Chiefs 30 Drock is outlined watch the top of your screen watch the safety he comes down there's a good chance he's thrown out there [Applause] for the first down cut inside on the slant and gets it down to the 15 got halfway home now they're starting you see a all of a sudden Barry jumped outside and there's laid the fade he wasn't gonna let him run down the sideline again the drokken smiley [Applause] that means he's killing the play he's going to the second Grave long third down conversions to play it first half on the 15 Birkett just five yards away Devlin throwing a big block on the inside big-time third downs on this Drive gets him into position then they run the ball right at you and now you got to make a call here on D patchy they have to run the ball but you're tired you've been on this field a long time today can you muster up enough they put everyone in there here's a hand off the hook and he fights down inside the two you see the defenders for Kansas City they're exhausted over there which would take a timeout maybe on Kansas City said Justin it's exactly right and that's a great call this would be a perfect time to do it give them a break New England tried to play action earlier I can't see in here this has to be run second door to perk that [Applause] one is heading back with kids for the third straight year [Applause] mahomes never saw the football in overtime never sought and that was why the coin flip was so key got these two quarterbacks these two offenses that Tom Brady with three monster third down two of the Edelman one the Gronkowski all of them are third and eight plus [Applause] and this is satisfying I tell you when everyone tells you that you're not as good and they wanted to tell them they're not quite that say to you and they're going back again Birkett able to drive across against a fatigue defense you're an overtime it's a long drive it's a touchdown and that's Kansas City with an incredible season they should be proud played incredible and they had some chances today to heartbreak today for both home teams the home teams had won the last ten championship games between the AFC and the NFC before today and now the Saints and the Chiefs both the one seat but the home both lose in overtime and now the Patriots and the Rams will be meeting in Atlanta for Super Bowl 53 it'll be 17 years to the day from Super Bowl 36 when the Patriots and the st. Louis Rams met down in New Orleans the first Super Bowl win for the Belichick Brady dynasty it's unbelievable and they had to come in here and honestly give Belichick the plan in the first half it really did shut down this Kansas City offense then they figured him out they came out storming and then it was on Brady late in this game Edelman with some big-time catches and those two guys they respect each other those are two great coaches Andy Reed has to wait another year Gronkowski had a big game his biggest maybe of the whole year I think this was the best he's played you know in the passing game everyone says I mean he came up with the biggest place at the biggest times and he's blocked incredibly at a high level in the last month of this season and for really most of his career you ready for all the storylines to start I'm ready yeah it's gonna be the next two weeks you're gonna hear all about it New England and Los Angeles the likes of Sean McVeigh and Bill Belichick the youngest head coach against the longest tenure that's just one of many havin down the you your ass off your return oh that was like a heavyweight fight what required from you and this team to get this win and get back to the Super Bowl everything man it's everything I mean overtime on the road against the great team they had no fight they had no quit here did we play our best football Dan just I got hung over and I'm tired how was a hell of a game a long one every season has challenges but this one seemed to have more the underdog mentality going into this one what's it mean after all that to head back to the Super Bowl first want to say hi to my wife I love you so much I'm coming home mom dad at home my sister's all my family thanks for your loving support and all our fans back home way to go man what a year what was your question just would it be to go back Super Bowl I'm joking believable bro I never I mean this is crazy what a game Tom congratulations thank you thank you Jim back to you it's gonna be something else down in Atlanta Brady and Gulf Belichick in mcveigh Patriots and Rams what a memorable night here at Arrowhead I enjoyed a gym that was unbelievable partner I seen a couple weeks let's do it again Atlanta let's do it coming up next the State Farm postgame show the presentation of the Lamar Hunt trophy which will be coming from the Patriots locker room when heading there right now you've been watching the AFC Championship game presented by into it TurboTax live stay with us patriots take the AFC
Channel: NFL
Views: 2,420,105
Rating: 4.7319884 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, American Football, sport, sports
Id: BoVG6evyoRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 24sec (9684 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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