Super Bowl VII: Dolphins Complete Perfect Season | Dolphins vs. Redskins | NFL Full Game
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Channel: NFL
Views: 241,403
Rating: 4.8881812 out of 5
Keywords: sp:li=NFL, sp:st=football, sp:vl=en-US, NFL, Football, offense, defense, afc, nfc, undefeated, season, 1972, playoffs, miami, dolphins, don, shula, larry, csonka, paul, warfield, washington, redskins, garo, yepremian, blooper, super bowl, champions, bob, griese, jake, scott, mvp, dick anderson, manny, fernandez, super bowl 7, Super bowl VII, full game, free full game, free game friday, dolphins fulls game, miami dolphins full game, redskins full game
Id: CkLiT1jV5Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 34sec (6694 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I was there! :)
A couple things I noticed:
Holy shit the Dolphins' defense was good. Swarming, impenetrable, dominant. Manny Fernandez was everywhere. The final score (14-7) was not indicative of the game played. Miami was the better team, by far.
The Dolphins had a weird thing where some players had jerseys with stripes on the sleeves (Griese) and some didn't (Csonka). Another weird uniform quirk seemed to happen in the next Super Bowl (against the Vikings), where some Fins had helmets with the Dolphin logo where the head is in the middle of the sunburst, and some had it where the head was on the rim of the sunburst. See here
Griese was a very talented passer. I don't think the numbers in hindsight do him justice. He was very accurate and looked good in the pocket in this game.
Were all penalties 15 yards? So glad they changed that because I'd hate to see a 15 yard drive killer due to an illegal man downfield.
fantastic...many other games on youtube too....'85 vs bears, '94 vs jets...
Watched this Thursday night, loved the narrator
Misdirection by the NFL so people don't notice the Pro Bowl is going on
I actually got to watch the 85 bears game earlier today, it was pretty awesome actually being able to watch Marino to play for once. Half way through the game, I began having flashbacks to the queasyjoe days when the commentary dudes mentioned the dolphins couldn't run the ball at the end of games to close them out though
Makes you laugh looking at how different those offenses were. WR's lining up in a 3 point stance??? Freaking awesome