1977-09-13 This Week in Baseball

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get set for another refreshing look at Major League Baseball style and grace [Music] intricate teamwork heads the head competition Latin performances marking the fence rookies with power and rookies will speed headlines and highlights coming up next on this week in baseball [Applause] in the American League West a tight four team race has been blasted wide open by the Kansas City Royals they just hadn't been writing anything get violent recently Casey's been the hottest team in all baseball streaking at an unbelievable September pace come October they may be too hot for anyone to handle [Music] [Music] what can you say about a team that wins 12 in a row and 23 26 ball games yes the Royals are roaring toward a repeat of their 1976 divisional titles meanwhile the Boston Red Sox are in a sizzling three-way struggle to represent the American League East in the October championship series behind the blazing bat of countin fist the Red Sox were often another winning streak this hit over 600 for the week drove in 17 runs and one five-game stretch four RBIs came on this grand slam Homer Carson the Sox feel they were ready for their two big showdown for the Yankees five games with standing-room-only which figures the draw nearly a quarter of a million people with all the talk about the Yankee Red Sox rivalry they're keeping a weather eye cocked on a third team in that Eastern Division scramble the Baltimore Orioles just ask manager Earl Weaver he'll remind you that his Orioles have won their division five of the last eight years one reason has always been Jim Palmer when this year stretch run is looking very much like the Oriole ace of old he started fast this year slowed down after the all-star game but now he's back in the groove [Music] and lest anyone forget rudy Mae is having his most successful season this week he pitched his fourth shut up for one win and follow that with a two-hit victory Oriole pitching has been consistent all year and lately baltimore bats have been especially boisterous featuring Ken singleton who keeps getting better and better he now has the best on-base percentage in baseball counting hits and walks singleton has reached faced 44 percent of the time and for the last six weeks he's been hitting over 400 yes ken singles has been the Orioles main man [Music] and their others also doing what it takes to win like switch-hitting Eddie Murray watching now here's the pitch he connects and there it goes one of Murray's 21 home runs surprisingly during September the Orioles have been scoring runs at a pace equal to the Red Sox and Yankees [Music] third baseman Doug DeCinces Ben accounting for his share of those runs here he rips one designer and sends two more Orioles homeward-bound why Lamar just seems to share heroics from day to day there's no telling which one of Weaver's birds will get the worm neck [Music] how about Terry Crowley pinch-hitting with his team down bases loaded he connected and there goes a long drive going going at it is gone Oh about that a grand slammer like we said you just don't know which Oriole hurts you next yes while the Yankees and Red Sox fight it out the birds look forward to six games with Boston and a good shot at grabbing their sixth divisional title in the last nine years the way things are going chances are slim that anyone will knock the Philadelphia Phillies off the top perch in the National League East they just go right on gunning down the opposition Gregg Gusinsky the book keeps leading the Philadelphia pennant charge just watching muscle this one right out of here only the pulled is headed for his best home run and RBI season ever and like his team is gaining momentum or some big dates in October meanwhile the Pittsburgh Pirates keep scrambling to stay alive but time is getting short they fought the Phillies and some tough battles this week going all-out despite the Phills almost insurmountable leave the Bucks are still static just watch first baseman bill Robinson on this play man mama and on this play keep an eye on second baseman Phil garner back in August before the bills broke away this was the type three team race at that time bail garner told us what he thought would make the difference in the stretch rock I think the team that gets the breaks injury-wise is going to be the team with with the fewer injuries to key personnel is going to be the team that for severe injuries did seem to take their toll reliever Bruce Souter was disabled and the Cubs faded Souter has been the most sensational relief pitcher in baseball at the time Pittsburgh suffered key losses to Willie Stargell veteran pirates hugger and team leader has been hurt the second half of the year this early season bias was Willie's 400th career homers and if you're wondering what the 36 year old Stargell means for the Pirates just ask 23 year old pitching ace John Candelaria Willie Stargell e its greatest man hasn't met ease I know thought of superstars like that you know some of those guys are or on their own little ego trips foot Willie Stargell I hope someday I'm the kind of man he is and few young pitchers are the kind that you are John I'll go plagued with back problems the Candyman has been brilliant yeah I don't even think I've really scratched the surface yet of my ability I'm just starting to know my hitters and I'm starting to pitch more with my head now and I want to see the day that John Candelaria puts it all together just curious to see what he can do the most critical blow to the Pirates most Lovaas of second baseman Rennie stem the league's number two hitter when forced out with a broken hand the Bucs brought up rookie Dale Berra to play third base and the move Phil garner the second the son of the great yogi berra got a taste of big-league glory with this game-winning base hit against the Phillies but all the same it may have come too late in the penetrates incidentally bearer happens to be one pine sapling and a field of talented rookies that have sprung up this year let's take a look at some of the new faces here's that llantas berry bunnell who often seems to play center field with the aid of wings just watch him reach for the stars on this place we'll Pannell grab National League Rookie of the Year honors well he's a contender he can play both the infield and outfield and he's hitting close to 300 here he brings home Pat Rock another highly touted Braves rookie [Music] and here's San Diego's gene Richards it back he chose power it's over the fence but riches is known primarily for his base stealing development he's a good bet to steal 50 in this his rookie season New York Steve Henderson is another rookie who has to be watched closely on the base just take a look yes Anderson will really hurt you on the basement not only that will urge hit the plate since joining the Mets in the Tom Seaver trade he's been the club's biggest back he's hitting over 300 shows both good power and the ability to hits my foot right now the Mets are basing their future on Steve Harrison Warren Cromartie is one of two exciting rookie op dealers for the Expos Montreal that dealers been a tough out all season and is among the league leaders in doubles center fielder Andre Dawson can do everything field run hit all in all the choice for Rookie of the Year in the National League won't be bumped wills is one reason competition in the American League might be even tougher a leading candidate for rookie honors is clearly the favorite son in Texas and any son of Maury wills as much to live up to but bumps proved he can make a name for himself he's batting two 80 buildings ribbon even stealing a few bases just to maintain a little family tradition we've been talking about Baltimore's Eddie Murray all year mainly because he keeps getting the big hits that win ballgames the young split cheddar has plenty of power and although not yet a 300 hitter he's been one of the big reasons why Baltimore is still in the pennant race rookie bob Baylor's the keystone of future pennant hopes in toronto his consistent 320 average is one of the league's best proving that the Blue Jays were really on the ball when they made him their first pick in the expansion draft Rupert Jones with Seattle's first pick and he's put on quite a show in his rookie season he combines speed and power already 23 homers encounter this Drive shows you his power it's off the centerfield wall now watch Rupert turn on the speed to pick up another homer and this one is an inside the Parker but when it comes to speed and power few rookies have ever had it like Mitchell Paige he's become one of the finest face dealers in the game already set a league record of 26 straight steel Andy wheels a dangerous back one that combines a 300 average with power and heavy RBI production the A's built one dynasty around a young player by the name of Reggie Jackson and they hope to build another around Mitchell page rookie seed hemp is one reason why Tiger manager al Powell is brimming with confidence about Detroit's future former USC star has made it big in a hurry with over 80 RBIs last year mark pendrick's was the overwhelming choice for Rookie of the Year this year the Tigers 15 game winner Dave Rose was could grab the Honor League competition is tough which makes it really hard to pick a winner when so many talented rookies arrive together and now let's cool it down and check out some scenes seen around the major leagues this week first off dig these wild birds hang it out in the Baltimore bullpen rock and roll is here to stay Rick Dempsey ladies and gentleman on lead back and here's my friend white sox broadcaster harry caray just reeling with the people holy cow it's happening on the ball field to Fred Lynn and Bernie carbo do the Boston bombers now this stance is really out of step call it a precision collision base runner to field it to on fire what a combination shot baseball's a rough-and-tumble business the catcher has him hung up but wait a minute who's ah ah maybe it's a third baseman he took the throw but nobody's there coming down to earth Yankee slugger Tripp Johnson hits the deck for a strike one count don't worry about it baby you got two more rounds those Bronx Bombers are famous for swinging from their heels of course you can't always get it all together just watch this a super swing from Lou Piniella I'm 90 nice fella hey Lou if you don't mind we just have to see that one more time psychologists will never divine man's inner thoughts during moments like this here's some quick thinking Greg nettles sees where he's headed and says all forget it Greg happens to be one of the best third baseman in the world but watch him here he drifts under a pop-up and yells I got it where's the ball not even the cameras sure but there it is just the routine pops of the shortstop Chicago's Jim Spencer is also not answering any questions let's take a look at what he'd rather forget an infield pop-up who's going to take no one volunteers so Spencer tries watching and it pops out and the catcher tries to grab it with his mask unfortunately there's no masking an error like that in another case Minnesota's Dan port can't figure out what he did wrong he doesn't know it but he's out just watch the play coming up there's a line drive to left people it looks like a hit port takes off from first not knowing the ball will be cut until he reaches second now look at him he fails the retouch second on his way back to first rules are rules when you go back you have to retag every base you touched and there's Rod Carew explaining the facts of life to his younger teammate Tom and here's one that no one can miss though Gary Maddox won't easily believe it generous offerings from the Pittsburgh Pirates [Music] says Gary don't show me a scorecard to score me the run on a more inspiring note for the man on Fred Patek bucks Jim Palmer lets it drop throws to first but runner Darrell Porter never went to second that doesn't bother the umpire but it does bother the Oreo they're saying after all the ball dropped the runner is forced to go to second we tagged him so it must be a double play but the umpire claims he's fine right where he is and he's right here's why as the throw comes to first Porter alertly waits for the batter to be out then quickly steps back before the tag removing the force thus he's safe that's using baseball know-how now let's see some players use their exciting talent Dwayne Kuiper's shows it at second base the ball can be hit any harder but he's still back Hansen how about it no age limit on Carl Yastrzemski tower watch him go down the line for this one like sitting down for picnic [Music] unbelievable here's a drive-through another left fielder Minnesota's Lyman bus stop good time in Lyman but number one this week on the defensive charts as California's Don Baylor take a look wow that one deserves a big round of applause [Applause] speaking of applause Toronto's Roy House sure earned a huge round of it for an amazing performance at Yankee Stadium this week he had a fantastic day that day to remember as they drove in a huge flock of blue cake the Gillette special this week goes to Roy for accomplishing in one game but most players can't do in a week or more Yankee pitchers had to wish he'd never come to the ballpark watch this beeps you're right it's sowing going at it is gone well Toronto won a 19 to 3 shocker from the Yankees how old drove in nine runs only three short of the major league record in addition Roy's bat helps the expansion Blue Jays give the Yankees their worst clobbering at the stadium since 1925 well that's life in the world of baseball and about all you can ever expect is the unexpected bye-bye everybody [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 67,405
Rating: 4.8362989 out of 5
Id: 6WB6ZlKECaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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