8/9/81: 1981 All-Star Game @ Cleveland Stadium, Cleveland

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My favorite part is the fans booing the entire National League

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/UnbiasedSportsExpert 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man, seeing the old Municipal Stadium and seeing all these guys again that I watched 30 years ago really takes me back.

Len Barker, Mike Schmidt, Pete Rose, George Brett, Andre Dawson, Gary Carter, Reggie Jackson, Rod Carew.

And Bob Feller as the first base coach!

It happens to be on Fox Sports Ohio right now, but then I found the full thing on YouTube as well.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/william_fontaine 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh my God...that voice of the announcer gave me chills. I hadn't realized how much a part of going to games his voice was but it sure gave me a flashback

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BoosherCacow 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

For those wondering why the announcers keep saying "baseball is back:"

The game was originally to be played on July 14, but was cancelled due to the players' strike lasting from June 12 to July 31. It was then brought back as a prelude to the second half of the season, which began the following day. At 72,086 people in attendance, it broke the stadium's own record of 69,751 set in 1954, setting the still-standing record for the highest attendance in an All Star Game.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CiaraMissed 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good Lord the White Sox had horrible uniforms!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/historycat95 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen it is now time to meet the 1981 all-star squads first the National Way well they National League but this is an American League City they got a fair round of boos the test will come when the American Lakers are introduced the coaches Houston manager Bill Virdon Montreal manager dick Williams others on the National League staff from the Chicago Cubs trainer Tony Guerra fall helium and in the bullpen my crime and our players from the Atlanta Braves catcher Bruce Benedict from the Chicago Cubs first baseman Bill Buckner from the Cincinnati Reds pitcher Tom Seaver representing the Houston Astros pitcher Nolan Ryan and pitcher ball nipper from the Los Angeles Dodgers first baseman Steve Garvey till the Dusty Baker I'll filter Pedro Guerrero and picture from the Montreal Expos outfielder Tim Raines that's outfielder Joel Youngblood from the Philadelphia Phillies second baseman Manny Trillo get your Steve Carlton and pitch our dick move fit representing the Pittsburgh Pirates third baseman Bill Medlock and outfielder Mike Easler from the st. Louis Cardinals pitcher Bruce Souter from the San Diego Padres shortstop Ozzie Smith and catcher Terry Kennedy from the San Francisco Giants pitcher quite a blue and now the manager of the National League all-stars managing his first all-star game from the world champion that was three the starting lineup for the National League leading off from the Philadelphia Phillies he needs only one career hit leader first baseman Pete Rose betting second from the Cincinnati Reds he's leading the league and game-winning RBIs shortstop Dave concepción hitting bird from the Pittsburgh Pirates he was the MVP purple a fourth from the Philadelphia Phillies the most valuable player and Mike Schmidt hitting fifth from the Cincinnati Reds he's leading the league in RBIs and Foster in 86 from the Montreal Expos he has 13 homers and a three that's this season centerfielder depending seventh from Milan tree all exposed he was the runner-up in a league MVP voting last season catcher Gary Carter hitting any Los Angeles Dodgers the top hitter at night jerks he's not and now ladies and gentlemen here are the American League you and it didn't take long it's up Cleveland manager Dave Garcia what a tremendous thrill for Dave Garcia the manager here to get such a reception a standing ovation many plus 30 years that man is step all being rewarded here Tony baseball is back while the reaction of the American leaders is really something with others on the American League staff from Cleveland trainer Jim Warfield also from Cleveland coaches Dennis Sommers in the bullpen Dave Duncan Tom McCraw and from California honorary coach Jimmy Reese and now the players from the Baltimore Orioles pitcher Scott McGregor and first baseman Eddie three from the Boston Red Sox outfielder Dwight and from the California Angels shortstop Rick Burleson I'll kill their friend Lin and pitcher Ken for the Chicago White Sox hit your breath burns representing the Kansas City Royals second baseman Frank white Brewers outfielder Gorman Thomas catcher Ted Simmons and pitcher Rollie Fingers from the Minnesota Twins pitcher Doug Corbett from the New York Yankees pitcher and pitcher rich goose Gossage from the Oakland A's pitcher Mike Norris and outfielder Tony Armas from the Seattle Mariners outfielder Tom Paciorek setting the Texas Rangers up fielder el Oliver a buddy Bell gets a homecoming ovation here from these Cleveland fans and so the baseball fans have reacted the way you would expect it to at the right time and a food money Anna from the Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Dave Steve Parker help but wonder why whatever when the starting pitcher Vasia manager Jimmy Frey really wrestled with that one as he told Brian Gumbel to the pregame show and now the manager of the American League all-stars managing his first all-star game from the American League champion Kansas City Royals well head Jim Frey start Barker I think they would have been cheers but he didn't and he has to pay the price the American League starting lineup leading off from the California Angels the leading active hitter with a career batting average of 333 first baseman getting seconds from the New York Yankees a four-time all-star making his second start second baseman Willie wedging third from the Kansas City Royals the league's most valuable this year third baseman George Brett getting cleanup from the New York Yankees a five-time all-star but a member of the American League squad for the first time centerfielder day Winfield hitting fifth from the Baltimore Orioles leading hitter in the league hitting six from the New York Yankees at 1/7 the Chicago White Sox elected a starter for the 6th time catcher Carlton Fisk hitting eighth from the New York Yankees the other half of the New York all star keystone combination shortstop Bucky Dent and the pitcher warming up in the bullpen from the Detroit Tigers leading league with Victory's Jack Morris and now let's meet the honorary captains the National League captain won more games than any left-handed pitcher in the history of baseball a total of 363 during his 21 year major league career he was a 20 game winner 13 times including a 23 victory season at the age of 42 Hall of Famer Warren Spahn of the brave what a pisser Warren Spahn right out of the Spaulding guide with his delivery flawless great pickup move pickoff move wasn't anything he couldn't do and that's why he's in the Hall of Fame the American League captain pitched three no-hitters in a major league record 12 one hitters he led the league in strikeouts seven times including 348 and 1946 he lists ovation should be just night break a review Johnny he finished his career with 266 victories all of them for the Cleveland Indians Bob pillar c-spot and fellow will go to the coaching lines rotator in this game what the fifth inning will get their shot at the first base coaching box they talked about his fastball but he had some kind of curveball what memories that stirs up when you see that Bob Feller another Hall of Famer and now ladies and gentlemen would like to ask you to please rise for the national anthem first the Canadian national anthem which will be sung by the daughter of the late Elston Howard a nine time American League all-star here is Miss Cheryl Howard my native land true patriot love in all the songs for mine with glowing hearts we see thee rise the True North strong and free from far and wide o Canada we stand on guard for thee God keep Allah Lori Austin free we stand on what we stand on guard for thee O God and all we stand on guard for thee and now to honor America the national anthem will be sung by longtime Cleveland favorite Rocco Scotti you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly Oh parts people much worse Oh God our flag was still there haha Oh Oh Oh almost 70,000 people maybe an all-star game record Joe baseball is back we'll be back with discover the game right after this third base from the National League Bob Engle on the left-field line on the American League Greg Kosc on the right field there you see the umpires being introduced to the crowd here he's in jail Haller behind the plate right hand side his dreams prohibit fans loot the bureau to his left far right what a tremendous thrill it must have been for Dave Garcia the Cleveland manager who I think Tony got the longest in the loudest ovation of any of them he did and we hope you fans watching on television enjoyed that marvelous opening or pregame opening to this as much as we did everybody was applauding as the fireworks went off and it was just a marvelous display put on the city of Cleveland gave Paul the president is Paul Kahn well what do you think about the fans you think it's like the spurned lover they kissed and made up kinda they made up with the American leaguers anyway well that was obvious except for Reggie got a few boos but Reggie deserves to be here because the fans want him here you can't ever ignore Reggie as the American League takes the field the defense singleton Kenny singleton in left field Dave Winfield and Sutter Reggie Jackson right field George Brett from Kansas City at third Bucky Dent from the Yankees at Short Willie Randolph also from the Yankees at second base Rod Carew at first base Carlton Fisk of the White Sox and the starting pitcher for the Detroit Tigers Jack Morris and Jimmy Frey said he started he said if he had wanted to start somebody on emotion he would have started Barker in his hometown after the perfect game but he said I went on sheer stats he's been the most consistent one nine lost three throws hard has a good curveball and that will be the test I think if these pitchers after the long layoff almost two months of real competition can get their breaking stuff over the finesse pitches and if they can't if the hitters can hit them just wonder if it will be the spring training bromide that the pitchers are ahead of the hitter we'll wait and see who is the first one to say that we might end while we got a chance here that it rained here on Friday they had a football game here last night between the Steelers and the Browns but I want to tell you something that marshal Bossert and that's a famous name among groundskeepers in baseball the fostered family led by a more possibly father what a job they have done getting his field in shape you can partly tell there was a football game here the yard markers grass will slow the ball up I don't think the BND ball shooting through that infield but it is in great shape the only trouble spot is in the center field Pete Rose will lead it off and everybody thought that Pete Rose would be setting his first record by breaking Musial's record but as he steps in the batter's box it's a new record for Pete Rose all star position that he is starting at his powers aren't try witness to lead it off to this guy Pete Rose Rose played second base third-base left-field right-field and tonight first base it's his fifteenth all-star game here's the first pitch of the all-star game 1981 all one that's drill that you hear are the whistles there was a campaign here blow the whistle on the players show your your frustration your anger and they were passed out we had some sent to us as it just players there was a baseball mother listen on baseball everybody can't very well whistle on the owners though they're not here this way this game will start erasing some of those bad memories man is unbelievable I tell you the longest he went without a head it took a strike to do it P Rawls as you look at 1981 nationally rankings qetsiyah's first he came into the saw star game game hitting streak before the strike Petros with that Krauts that has become so familiar looking over the right shoulder he it's a good pitch sinker down low and away he went with it he can maintain the level of concentration and the durability has is beyond me here is Dave concepción all on and peed-on a decoy of stealing second base at Bucky Dent the very first pitch to Concepcion out of position debt was going to cover the bag didn't get a slow curveball one ball one strike Davies spent a good part of the first half of the season as we look at rows being held by Carew two future Hall of Famers right there in your picture folks concepción for a while was leading that National League in RBIs hitting in the number three spot for John McNamara on Cincinnati Foster since past Smoak curveball he chased it foul tip and cut Carlton Fisk one ball and two strikes concepción was the Player of the Month for April in the National League it's just kind of mixing my curveball I think you're going to see a lot of hitters off stride early in the second part of the season they haven't been used to seeing live arms with good stuff change of speeds movement on the ball foul ball subsea owned was hitting a 306 in 55 games second in a National League with 44 runs batted in Foster let was leading it 49 I guess you can say lead because we're going to have that split season which will be a bit confusing baseball will run out of asterisks one ball two strikes nobody out Pete Rose the leadoff man at first got him by having a hard slider Jones hired a towel up here their fastball let's sail away from conception an excellent movement on him see the Jack Morris Nats he's been overlooked a little bit in the American Way before this season the prior two cities before that he'd won thirty three ball games to fight Dave Parker Dave Parker nearby Pittsburgh and they really let him have it Phil garner bill Madlock all took their boos very gracefully and Mike Easler also apart but he was cheered because he's a home towner there's this right Parker was hitting at 286 in 34 games and five home runs 25 runs batted in one ball and one strike Dave Parker he's his own man there's an earring that he wears one of the guys all of the strike hurt his pocketbook is it almost all the players that didn't help that he which he had offseason surgery upon he had a good cut at that one but he still limped around that batter's box of Pitt one ball two strikes I guess you'd have to say that man is when the strongest in this game today along with foster I guess Gorman Thomas big one of the strongmen in the American League is not here Jimmy rice but there are a lot of great players who are not here in this game always difficult selected one ball and two strikes all we said I wish there weren't a roster because there are guys who just belong here but they shouldn't be here at the expense of those who deserve it by the way they're playing Carew what a play he made I think he just put the glove down and there it was I will show you the quickness of a Rod Carew it appeared like he would not stop remember he's holding Rose on look how close he is the day Park who absolutely mashes this ball sinking hooking away Rodney waves and I look into this glut hit him up on the heel of the hand he makes a super play to get one out on Parker wells double all the way Joe I did - it hit him about three different places let's watch it on his isolate once hit him in the nose and bounces away and he gets it my dad you just saw some tremendous shots and we want to tip our head to our crew right now before they took their first shot our crew had 14 working hours behind them because of the football game last night they worked through the night getting set up and here they are Manning the cameras to give you these great pictures and already and the first thing they've been tested as we expect that they passed didn't mean to swing it's a foul ball strike one Mike Schmidt let all national league players and voting with a million thirty seven thousand three hundred and seventy s he only nationally acquired atop the one million vote mark sixth all-star game for Mike Schmidt he has moved off the plate and is using that whole field ahead that fastball was inside I was looking down at the National League bullpen just a moment ago but Valenzuela is a schedule starting pitcher but Tom Seaver has been doing a lot of loosening up throughout this first inning we I don't know if that means it's just getting ready to be the second pitcher in the ballgame and valenzuela's loose but we'll find out when the National League takes the fail stays high two balls in one strike there you see Siebert he's loose and ready and if he's coming in after Valenzuela or down the line of this game he's getting loose awfully early my cryin now there the bullpen he's with the Phillies as a coach might be Tony that they're taking this is like a starting assignment fouls it off and I mean by that that they need a certain amount of time to get ready and Sivir is trying to judge it because you just don't know how long we and anything will last Mike Schmidt first home runs second runs tied for second game-winning RBIs he may be the best athlete in this game all round no score two hours Petros is on its second two balls and two strikes the count on Mike Schmidt he struck him out a good fastball internationally not score in the top half of the first-inning although Rose got as far as second we going to the bottom half of the first inning there is no score National League nothing American League nothing and do up Randolph and Brett Browdy beautiful shot Municipal Stadium here in Cleveland 1981 all-star game National League defensively George Foster is in left field Cincinnati Andre Dawson Montreal in centerfield Dave Parker right in the Pittsburgh Pirates Mike Schmidt is a third base for the Phillies concepción at Short Davey Lopes at second base in the Dodgers Pete Rose out the first base position to the all-star game is Joe tell you Gary Carter of the Expos behind the plate and Fernando Valenzuela on the mound for the Dodgers there he is I'm the baseball standpoint is pitching coach Ron perranoski has plenty to say about him as he delivers to Carew outside ball one he says that he can hit either Carter with his fastball he throws a screwball at two different speeds and come in with the fine curveball Rod Carew two balls no strikes 3:05 with two home runs 17 runs batted in his 333 average last year went overlooked because of Brett's fantastic 390 up title tough play for Lopes he can't make it through his eyes Joey you look at the makeup the to starting team the American League in the starting lineup appears to have a little more speed just two starting lineup Alan's went a little bit off-balance can't recover Lopes may have slipped just a little bit cuts it cleanly on that hop he was not going to get crew anyway it's a basic the first four hitters in this lineup as we look at the replay of Lopes trying to get the ball off the bat of Carew of the forest first four hitters can steal a base Willie Randolph ball one rod carew now if you're an American League hitter they are hitting off Valenzuela except for Spring Training off reputation they've heard about his screwball if that screwball is much a finesse pitcher and the question is can Valenzuela control it after two months off so I don't know he may go more fast balls to these guys group back Easley the official scores for tonight's game they gave guru ahead as we told you Ray Kelly Julie the camp and curry Dave Nightingale of the Sporting News in Hank Kozlowski of a Lorraine Peru is getting a good lead off balanced way big gap between first and second that goes kuru here's the throw they got a chance to getting they got e Gary Carter just fired a perfect strike and that's a pretty good commercial right there as to the ability of Gary Carter Carew appeared to have a pretty good job but Carter got a good fastball high Carew may have been guessing the screwball is going to be throwing a good tag by Lopes good call by Lou DiMuro there's a good picture of a straight steal and it was City look at the batter Lopes in front of the bag but they still got him a base hit for Willie Randolph Schmidt couldn't get it neither could Concepcion this is an excellent feel to play on it has always been in good shape you usually get good bounces it was covered during the rains but remember the Master League is used to playing on more artificial surfaces and a little bit of erratic hops may give them a little bit of trouble left to hit all the way she could cover ground like a shortstop net third baseman George Brett Brett let all the players in balloting with a million 144,000 Randolph with one out is on at first base there's no score we're in the bottom half the first inning all 1/4 ready to throw he likes to throw he'll throw it any pace and Joe with Brett a smart hitter as he is there is a big gap between Lopes at second and Rose at first base and if he gets a pitch inside Brett is going to try and use that hole and pull the ball through I get a first 2/3 going for the American League Lopes is really cheating up the middle right back to balance whele no my hover and Randolph is safe Valenzuela very alertly he'll head fall play one Brett was jammed he did not get a good jump out of the box there was a mixup for this reason concepción said I'm taking his role and then he ball hit to you Fernando he was speaking of in Spanish concepción then went for the ball and Lopes to knocked it over to covering Valenzuela very alertly got one out Joe good play by the kid he really kept his head he kept looking for somebody in second base and there's the first indication and some of the guys were not working out during his strike that's a full remote job to be honest concepción told thousand I will take the throw on a ball thank you but the ball gets by Valenzuela Concepcion's got to go to get it you named him Lopes Davey Lopes is going to backup to plant second and didn't recover to get the tagging second but that was well have been a good plan he did Dave Winfield and on second base and you can see what he does with men in scoring position a 3.93 enter and a man that he wants to drive in is right there Willie Randolph scruple I think that Carl Hubbell the man who I always associated this group all with him he's not sure whether he named it or his catcher but he calls it a backward curve his logic is very simple if you get to a curve ball why can't you throw a reverse curve and that's what a screwball is used to be called the outshoot there's another one Mike Schmidt charge is hard in time so the first thing is now history the American League did not score bottom have we complete wanting to play National League nothing American League nothing even though I of your night for baseball and we've had an exciting start an aerial shot of Cleveland stadium Municipal Stadium here it's a big ballpark it looks like a sellout crowd in left field 320 in left-center field it's 357 going out to 377 387 centerfield 400 right-center 385 and right field 320 I think it's a Fair Park here's got hit the ball well in the alleys get a home on the pitcher has a chance also modified territory behind home plate it's a foul ball it's a fair ball park it is Antonio what a tremendous weekend for Cleveland with the football game last night over 70,000 looks like a sellout at a big fight here this afternoon foster doesn't get the first one and a strike one but it's not angry puppy there is it no man Lackey lay affectionately called Mad Dog and his son was out early film angry puppy angry puppy he was the first one out that he was out early Monday yes sir what a proud day it must be for him to go to the all-star game with daddy who's on the team one ball and one strike brent has it on the big hop one out I'll tie it till the first inning of play the defense played the game like it's almost midseason form because we had a heck of a play by Carew heckuva play by Valenzuela display almost handcuffed prep but he throws foster out was Bill Virdon houston astros coaching down at first base here is Andre Dawson you talk about your good ballplayers you better mention this fellows name his first all-star game is a 1980 Gold Glove winner National League Rookie of the Year in 1970 77 who'sa file he had his pitch got out in front he's averaged 22 home runs over the last three seasons I think that's what makes Singh an all-star game so interesting our statistician Steve Dan's tonight thinks that Dawson may be the best all-around player in the game right now with his speed showing arm hitting ability for average in power you get a lot of arguments on that from people but that's Dan speck look at the statistics on it 598 slugging off the handle Carew knocks it down he'll not get a it's a base hit well I better wait for the official ruling but they give it's a base in Dawson is on it brings up Gary Carter little bit late Dawson slips on the way out Randolph thought he might have a play Morris got over in time to cover but Willie couldn't recover and Andre Dawson a pretty good base stealer Gary Carter who I think is a top catcher in baseball to me food look at everything he's a good he is so tough he's played an all-star game before where he played some outfield in fact one man out no score top of the second all one Carter was hitting at 2:45 seven home runs 30 runs batted in 27 years old he has a hundred and thirty three home runs in his career that's more than any player his age there goes the runner cowfish never had a chance Dawson was so quick jump off Jack Morris look at the long left leg kick this does not get a good pitch to throw on a slider down in the way well that much drop off looks exciting there's another fellow in this game from the exposes name is Tim Raines who may have broken the Lou Brock record with a season canceled for about two months he's going to have to wait for another year but they can steal in that ballclub Dawson with a big lead at second base curveball catches it two balls in the strike when you look at the hitters Joe have some of the deliveries like off Mars especially is more of a power pitcher than Valenzuela they're flinching a little bit maybe an indication the pitchers are a little bit ahead of them because these pitchers have only got to go in here to edit so they can let it all out popped up Carew Randolph Carew says I'll take it Fiske wisely says go ahead that's always a sign of a smart catcher to holler for the infield first thing you learned in catching school huh that's you've got it you've got it you convinced that guys because of the glove here is Davey Lopes we run out to the ballpark with Davey and Davey was very honest about and he says he thought that there were others who should be here I don't deserve it he said I don't deserve to be there named Manny Trillo Ronnie Oster this is an hour this is not spoken guy Flint even he dead he said there four or five maybe should start ahead of me ball one you know I always think I remember the late great Jack Benny once made his speech he got an award and he said I know I don't deserve this but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either that's the way Lopes feels Valenzuela is the scheduled hitter but Dallas screen the manager going along with his three may use a pitcher Nydia this all-star game unless the pitcher has a five or six pitch any so Joel Youngblood has come on deck it's an interesting story in itself Youngblood of the Mets be at this all-star game the good first half this is three balls no strikes Joel Youngblood a lot of controversial articles in New York papers Youngblood has been outspoken said I'm making the all-star team and may not even start the outfield Mookie Wilson out there in Ellis panel tine and cleen bacilli he takes it draws a base on balls so that will bring up Joel Youngblood be the pinch-hitter for Valenzuela base runners at first and second Dawson is on it second Lopes is on it first Youngblood stories but I think a little bit hi Joan he's with Cincinnati were so many great players ahead of them good minor-league stats he runs well as a little bit of power hitting for average as you see 359 he's never been able to fit in now that was Valentine going to the Mets and a youngster Mookie Wilson coming up and Mazzilli a favorite I can't find a spot through pops up the first rod carew taking charge in foul territory he makes the play so Youngblood pops to Carew in foul territory that ends it now Davey Lopes you see walking off had some problems but the good hops are easy bad hops are tough you saw one there we're going to give a tribute to the second baseman who make bad hops look pretty easy you Municipal Stadium in Cleveland the moon over Cleveland and it's teed up so high you have to say star on the mound look down blip shot Tom Seaver Kent singleton takes a strike xever 7 and 12.0 seven earned run average 5 complete games a lot of play strike two this is his 12th season in the all-star Club he struck out 15 and 12 innings of these work Reggie Jackson is the on deck batter it should be some kind of reaction to him but Reggie is very loose he's been over there visiting there you seen Bob Hope in the background there there he goes Commissioner farmer Commissioner Chandler with the boot even with the home brought by sigma2 Reggie's stepping in the batter's box got the reaction as you heard in the background the boos s look out nice play by Seaver say Reggie made a nice gesture when he came into the on-deck circle as he went five Vice President Bush's box he gave vice president one of his bats and three Bob Hope's blimps sitting right next to him say where is five Reggie which threw a couple of laughs Vice President George Bush on with baseball commissioner Bowie keel in the center of your picture Bob Hope this is cute on the back happy Chandler amazing guy we visited he was really 83 years old and he's playing golf and he can't shoot his age he shoot down the seventies yet he shot 79 the other ninety two the other day told me this is Carlton Fisk ball one married 56 years vibrant he was visiting with everybody this guy right here didn't help revitalize that White Sox franchise quickly holed up in Boston is really helped out Fiske as that young White Sox pitching staff on ball and one strike one enough in the American league-leading on a home run by Ken singleton Gary Carter singleton in April honey here and what a month I mean he had a great year that month started to say 25 for 53 at 472 he was the player of the month he gives the American League a lead 1 to nothing with the home run Seaver faces Fisk one ball two strikes one out nobody on this takes a lot of time getting in the batter's box as you see also he takes a lot of time calling pitches and he's behind the plate you usually see long ballgames but they've got a good pitch Seaver nicked the outside corner Fisk is out on strikes so there are two way it brings up Bucky Ben Oh there's bill Madlock the mad dog and his son angry Phil garner over the Pirates who also made the all-star team ix drive base hit dead singles to right now several of the players this all-star game is criticizes legs like Jackson Lopes and Bucky Dent but I think it's unfair to say to Bucky Dent there may be more sensational shortstops in the American League a trammel or ow Earl s'en but he is as steady as they come and you know what has many penances the Yankees have not a guy like this here is Tom Paciorek from the Seattle Mariners having a good year five home runs 31 runs batted in hitting 328 it's his first all-star game seven game-winning RBIs which puts him fourth in the American Way hot smash up with it in the left field for third you just had a chance to see artificial surface when they but he let the ball play out he's used to that ball get into a much more quickly Joe off the turf charge is a gonna be there they gave in my head like question Mike looked like you have gotten a street angle on that instead of backhanding the ball you lets it get by if I really believe that on artificial surface the ball getting jus more quickly he's going to have it let the ball plan here's rod carew the infield hit his first time up there are two outs all one Rod Carew has four different stances we char the back in his mouth and that serves a purpose it sit in front of the plate Seaver says I'll take it it is in time karoon dribble one in front of we complete two innings of baseball here the score the American League one of the home run by singleton and there's the man who put the number on the scoreboard and the to one another their local station Wow Petros it's 141 to get Jared 1/2 past Musial over 500 to catch Cobb we asked him if he can still do it no I stayed real sharp during the strike and sure I'm going to miss the 50 some games but who just say I went to got a broken wrist to the next team if we hadn't went on a strike so if the center post for me beat ty Cobbs record it's in two books if it didn't I won't beat it simple as that items a concise goodie he makes it very simple Len Barker on the mound Barker who pitched that perfect game against Toronto on May 15th delivers his first pitch listen for starters and the trauma hitters tell me that perfect game he pizzas breaking pitch absolutely exploded Joanie's a hard thrower aside from that it's interesting when you tuck to scout scout say he's very fast but he's very straight but his curveball is what really makes a believer out of you here we go again with all the security of this ballpark many of it was Secret Service people local for the vice-president she somehow got true Bob Hope enjoying it the commissioners are having a meeting and Bob all laughing that tells you something look at hope haha he's got about seven lines he wants to get a microphone and deliver him but I don't blame him Vincente on Texas right concepción was out on strikes his first time up all right very deceptive delivery he has that pause before he goes into his kick then he pauses again at the top and that knee kick he really hides the ball Wow and then he comes action he gets the bottle to plate in a hurry Dave Duncan pitching coach behavior Carl's is greatly gone a slur one ball two strikes the fans will tell you what he's doing the fans love man Barker now we've got Barker against Parker you know Parker's had control problems and he one famous pitch ended up on the screen if these pitchers can get their breaking stuff over the plate like Barker is right now hitters might have a long day they're not ready for sharp breaking stuff yet what's the reaction if he gets a strike on him one two nothing American League top of the third two strikes on Dave Parker and the crowd is really reacting to their home towner listen Dora two strikes Parker facing the two-time bathroom padding champ Dave Parker won at 70 70 70 two balls two strikes two outs third inning American League won Ashley you know as a catcher on releases the fall you expect to catch it Barker release one you don't always catch it watch this this this crowd really reacted to Barker I wonder what the reaction was and that great strikeout streak that Carl Hubbell had what batters he had to face 1934 all-star game the American League had the power the National League had on the left Carl Hubbell the starting pitcher he struck out five in row including Babe Ruth Lou Gehrig Jimmy Fox five in a row 1934 all-star game belong to Carl Hubbell it's a game fans will never forget how that must have built up the new pitcher is Bob Knepper five and 11.15 earned run average and we have a new second baseman bob knepper a power pitcher most of this staff as we look now at Manny Trillo last year's most valuable player the National League Championship Series right remember the relay throws he made in that championship series and the World Series he has one of the quickest strongest arms of almost any 2nd baseman I've ever seen he's one of those guys that when he gets the ground ball he makes you run the whole distance he's not a career saver some guys throw you out four feet from the hole Blake which may save maybe two three miles of the course of a career Trillo makes you run it all the way out and flips it with that quick flip of the wrist and it's there at flashback and all-star games really bring back some memories what a streak that was when we saw Ruth Gehrig and Fox and then Al Simmons Joe Cronan Joe : four American presidents in the Hall of Fame might have been mad at you if you hadn't hit him he's probably down toward his knee I didn't see him around up here oh I didn't see him here but Marvel's player he must have been what a hitter Master League leaders murder on the mat of the mound right now Bob Knepper he says that a success this year he's regained his breaking stuff and he could get it over the plate whenever he wanted to before the strike and he was concerned that he may lose that after the two-month layoff Willie Randolph leads it off here in the bottom of the third inning Randolph singled his first time up all one Randolf hitting 400 as an all-star Bob Knepper this is his first all-star game one ball one strike you better stroke throw strikes to Randolph you let the league last year walks you're all greedy I guess that means estimate television players owners you name it we're all greedy hunt ball two strikes but the reception here is absolutely been marvelous I think for this all-star game nobody out curveball misses I got to say Tony that with the reaction it went here it had to be the quickest makeup in romantic history I know one game is not a test but you gotta you gotta go that baseball is back out on strikes here is George Brett Brett captain father played his first time up I think surprisingly when we were in Kansas City about a week ago George Brett told us that he'd never picked up a bat till the strike was over with the golf wrote some horses said it would take him seven days to ten days to be ready to hit well his managers said he can hit buckshot with barb wire if you can do that you don't have to practice too much takes it outside two balls no strikes - nothing outside before the game George Brett was honored by mr. Sam shell of Gillette as the top vote-getter three balls and no strikes there you see it the trophy they received it's a strike one or nothing is to score a home run by Ken singleton the American League is out in front and we hope you're enjoying this telecast the long time coming three balls one strike it's there so many people that you'd like to mention that you think about butter a couple special folks drew ohlmeyer we know you're watching Susan president usually is here our NBC staff shad Mason a good friend of Pewee Reese all in the hospital hope you're enjoying it as much as we are pressing out and join it that was a good curveball and out on strikes he goes that's two strikeouts for Bob Knepper I'll never sit before the game he might he was a little concerned being able to throw his breaking ball he goes three and two and really snaps one off on Brett you can see George just freezes low and away Carter holds the target needs his hitter Tony when they throw a curveball that hard and that spot all you can do is genuflect well is it beige Yahoo we just finished with Hubbell and here's Knepper with two strikeouts Randolph and Brett Dave Winfield big guy almost went for it took it high upside ball was some sight about three hours before the ballgame there Jim Frey the American League Manager when Dave Winfield's kids came in about a thousand strong in the left-field bleachers the Winfield foundation paid for about a thousand Cleveland area kids come to this ballpark and there must have been Oh more than it does way more than a dozen players from both leagues go out to the left field bleachers to chat with these kids Dallas green looks like lefty Steve cow you can get the line up see when he might go in and probably a Secret Service man because if he's not watching the game he's a Secret Service man and they're all over the ballpark vice president two balls in one strike Winfield bounced out his first time up 40 RBIs on-base percentage 403 he is already following a lot of Charlie Lau's threes and hitting moved off the plate try to use the entire field bar he had a two balls in one strike I think the thing that is surprised most people who have not seen when it field plays is baserunning ability and his defensive playing two balls two strikes two outs three balls and two strikes what Phil is one of those players who if you look at sheer stats batting average home runs over the year you can get fooled cuz he has never had really impressive lifetime stats I'll tell you one thing when you look at we call constants the we go first a third steal a base score from second one of the greatest draw arms of the game capable of playing centerfield as he is tonight the way it breaks up double plays there's his boss Ausmus die Brenner mr. Steinbrenner in an interview three balls two strikes he didn't get him it didn't break Winfield draws a base on balls he brings up Ken singleton who will bat right-handed this time up he hit the home run to give the American leaguers the one nothing lead a steady ballplayer both his ankles are taped singleton because he has he Achilles problems wouldn't feel leading off first bouncing ball pepper nice play he's going to get him n he does so it completes the inning at the end of three complete innings here in Cleveland the score the American League won the National League nothing Schmidt Foster Dawson coming up baseball's very special guest at this all-star game the vice president the United States mr. George Bush who captained a Yale team that made it to the World Series is it true you were good feel know him I'm afraid so yeah yeah no once in awhile I hit one what's your opinion of the caliber of play tonight just the rust racial listen guy well there's one or two little things but I think it's great they're back there's some damn good ball out here tonight and I think it's wonderful I think I already know they answered this question who you pulling for well I come from Houston so I'm a National League fan I confess to being surprised my first cousin thanks for joining a let's go back up to Joe and Tony okay Brian good field no-hit the vice president mr. George Bush here's Mike Schmidt oh he just blew that ball right by schmidtty I mean we don't have a gun up here of radar gun of any kind xcopy 93 four maybe five hey we have so we're going to show you how they used to measure pitchers didn't have the radar listen to this reaction as Barker comes one ball and one strike that's what it looks like from way up there the sky she met with that slightly close that moved off the plane all about a year and a half ago it's beautiful shot whether you can see his stance and you could see his stride and how he put his body into motion with that shot Barker has two balls in one strike what's it going to motion Bucky death but there's a play that some shark stops raita made a little more sensation but look how much ground he covered he was playing Schmidt a little bit in the hold of Paul took five six steps gathered the ball with with two hands some guys might have made that with one hand and say what a great play he made it play look easy that really was not that easy this it couldn't feel Joel because it's one of the deepest cutting fields in the American League and if you've got a good arm and good quickness you can play deeper and get two more balls you just hurt the Will Rogers of baseball you have a solid shortstop by that's right that's right here Church buster what a curveball that was that's acting right out of there strike one George George has got to have a meeting with himself after that curveball and I don't blame you this time it's Willie Randolph they're two away you might have noticed the difference the American leaguers also on that playing on dirt grass how much more will here and I'll charge that ball than Schmidt dead back that man Willie Randolph holds the assist record pronounced our game with six here is Andre Dawson he had a base hit stole a base in the second inning one or nothing we're in the fourth inning the American League's out in front a home run by singleton I smoked target like that sawed it off down to mine a foul ball mr. Barker he's had the good breaking ball a night that was a fast quality ran under the fists of Dawson Parker will not throw too many off-speed pitches he'll show it to you once in a while but he is hard curveball and his pitching coach Dave Duncan says starts breaking from his hand and never stops on ball one strike two outs nobody on one nothing American League lady fourth inning lucky dead once again he's got it one two three two of the three and as you know the shortstop territory a lot of territory they covered many different ways what some of these great places shortstop come on guys I'm all we have a change here dusty Baker's gone into play failed by the National League little boy and Baker comes out as he blows the big bubble and Dwight Evans will be the pensioner for Reggie Jackson you talk about all-star voting and guys that belong here's a fella who did not finish in the top 16 in the votes ball one but what statistics he has for the year as first in batting first in slugging first on-base first in walk second second second third fourth he's having a tremendous year well he could be heading for an MVP season although it's a shortened season obviously with the help of want ready ack who is a charlie lau disciple become a good air he was a good hitter in the second half of last year in a bunch of home runs drove in a bunch of runs Ralph out getting up there sitting one two three for me because rock base percentage is good he crossed the base on balls so Evans is on and he's in the game as a baserunner game by anna pensioner but the fans vote if there are certain fellows that the fans want to see they put him on the ballclub and their own fans will have to pay the price and hope that they get picked by the manager in this case Evans was but it's the fans game Joe Dallas Green has league manager talked about using one pitcher nee gini but he has nine on his staff and his always in front of an extranet game or an injury so Knepper right now is going to innings here is Carlton Fisk he struck out his first time up off the end of the bat strike one he was trying to hit that gap between trio and loans out the right field neper when he pulls the string on that sinking fastball app it almost looks like a screwball while retail away from fest and a good fielder is a good fielder Tony that ball went American League dugout and Buddy Bell just reached over and got it barehanded why was it good to see his father Gus Bell the farmer major leaguer here old teammate of mine there's Reggie Jackson Rod Carew watching it Tony Armas Randolph the goose who's not eligible for the stadium long shoulder stiffness so he's replaced by his teammate next to him Rd Ron Davis popped up short right-field Parker coming hard he's there makes the play let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network Joker's yellow with Tony Kubek here in Cleveland's Municipal Stadium where there's one out in the bottom of the fourth inning the American League is out in front one to nothing a home run by Ken singleton Gorman Thomas has come on the on-deck circle as Bucky Dent steps into the batter's box it's a strike Bucky singled his first time up there's Gorman Thomas a pretty good ballplayer Johnny man he will claw at you crawl through a wall to catch a ball good outfielder good arm good hitter who's been on face pulled foul past Don Zimmer coaching at third where's the National League dugout Warren Spahn Tim Bray Raines Ozzie Smith say I dug blood by were managing a team I'd like to have the feet the legs of the Tim Raines of the bench late in the ballgame wouldn't you confronted gets quite position in a hurry we had your girl two strikes account on Bucky Dent digging hard he'll stop at third it's a double for Bucky down nice play Petros backing it off the ball got by triage that does not look like that much of a play with what you just mentioned rose but if Rose isn't there to back it up that meant Carter would have had to leave home plate and get the play and might have allowed Evans to score show you how roses in the ball game Evans tripped and foul around second base but I don't know if you to score it anyway because Baker got the ball back in in a hurry Rose is always around the ball as we look at the play Baker plays it off-the-wall plays it very well in a strange ballpark and then it's his cutoff man his relay man Concepcion Gorman Thomas hitting 429 with men in scoring position this fella has hit more home runs in the last three seasons 115 and any other player then of course includes Mike Schmidt who has 114 and Jim Rice with 109 but all you hear about is his strikeouts until now for the National League about halfway for Thomas on the left side in on the grass on the right side one strike Gorman Thomas a left-handed pitcher like Knepper pitching to a right-handed power hitter with one out and first base opened with a left handed crew up will lecture the kind of respect you have for rocky makes a difference therefore may not be ordered intensely to walk garment but he may be maybe throw a lot of breaking stuff he pops it up in the infield Manny Trillo says I'll take it he's battling he's got it so Thomas pops up and our two outs Don Zimmer the Texas Rangers manager marbling pasta will show you Dwight Evans on that double in the left-field corner by you Dan watch after he hits the bag there's Trillo going to back up the relay man Concepcion evidence falters right there and look at rose in the back he was already sensing the play as soon as dead round at first he was going back up to play which may have saved her run for the National League here is Rod Carew time being called gurus got an interesting theory on why he put such a big chaw tobacker in his mouth I can't argue with it but it is different he sticks two sticks of gum with it takes it low ball one he says what it does it pulls his skin tight so he can't squinch his eye that means more of the eye on the ball if you don't squint let's get a rule on left hand all have cheap the right cheap junk now oh yeah they're very alert Schmidt is playing very deep at third the crew could drop a funk down and beetle out takes a strike one ball in one strike he's hitting 700 in his ballpark this season it's a good park for him every swing by this guy is a hitting clinic look at that concentration he taps it foul he's just watching an effort all away there's now the squinch in the carload as he looks in it might be unusual for Rod Carew to bunt there are two outs count 2 & 1 he's got a left-handed pitcher tough left-hander and Schmidt his daring to drop the ball down and rowdy is absolutely magnificent at controlling the ball down that third-base line look where Schmidt's playing tonight dare you punt you want to score the run with a bunt two outs go ahead it's one ball and two strikes they're changing it Tony that's what the bill Haller is doing the scoreboard has 2 and 1/2 one ball and 2 strikes Haller it just called time there he is indicating it again good fastball he missed it they asked and they say no two balls two strikes two outs bottom of the fourth inning one nothing American League leading an appeal or requested an appeal by Carter was to the third-base umpire Bobby lil the nationally there's debt he's at second after double and this is a third the cake goddamn Knepper a big strikeout that's his third his third strikeout that ends the inning it's one another thing the American League out in front we'll be right back after these messages from your local station see hovers over the all-star game here in Cleveland it looks like a capacity crowd so far it's one of nothing the American League after for the game originally scheduled there is Dwight Evans who stays the ballgame he walked pinch-hitting new pitcher for the American League ken Forsch getting the signal straight with Carlton Fisk you know that guy you bad against the money too and what he's doing Warren Spahn is taking some bench jocking indicating don't be getting on me about my nose is he motioned with his elbow now inching coaches need for the angels and angels farm system that's right Warren Spahn so ken Forsch against Gary Carter for shelah 200 in his last 27 innings pitched well hit deep to left field Sutherland going back back on the slider just stayed up an infra Carter did fastball is inside the Manny Trillo Gary Carter at age 27 we told you has a hundred thirty three home runs in his career more than any player is age in the major leagues he has just tied it up with a home run here Trillo fouls it off well Gary Carter did not let ken Forsch even get his feet on the ground as we think it was a slider high and tight Carlton's this one to reach out there and grab his batter grab the ball before he could swing it just stayed right there Tony I look like one of those pitchers is he catching the power oh noes this is this is the first appearance for Forsch in a stadium one ball and two strikes the count National League bats concepción as Gary Carter behind me putting on the tools and PT roles there you see him right field Evans is there and we're going to have a pinch-hitter come on for the pitcher Knepper Terry Kennedy has come out of the National League dugout you think pops is proud right now Bob formerly the club's general manager it's a big guy he's got some power is a great throwing arm a chance to get extra player job he's got a lot of tools I saw a scouting report by one scout that I really respect and he simply put on his report he can't play yes 60 base hits in 50 games this season this is his first all-star game hits the first pitch and Willie Randolph is an he's going to be an easy out this time Gary Carter's home run has tied it up here in the fifth Randolph sparked the system he stays in this ball game we told you he holds the assist record for all-star game for second baseman at six here is Pete Rose Rose who set another record tonight by plane fifth position in the all-star game I heard him say that he he thinks he can still get ty Cobbs record Melody's 561 means he will have to be what about 43 years old by the time he gets it ball one to Petros he says the only thing he has to prove now that he's not too old Petros an amazing amazing athlete Lowe another young pity watching his father I think Jim Murray had a great line on him Jim Murray writes for Los Angeles time he said Pete's not going to die of old age didn't die of prolong boyhood it's got such enthusiasm with everything he does he comes running out of the dugout he had his agent check during the strike to see if he can go from playing Japan just so he could play where it got about three hours a day like tennis hitting the batting cage Willie Randolph once again and that ends the inning but Gary Carter's home run ties it up we go into the bottom half of the fifth inning and it's 1-1 Gary Carter hit a home run but if I said to you 1946 all-star game you would think of maybe a home run but I'm sure you think about EFA's pitch by ripp Sewell Ted Williams liked it watch this then we Park Boston Ted Williams against rip Zoo and there it is the Efus pitch Williams looks at the first one here comes another one and there it goes the Efus pitch ends up in the bullpen and what a hitting exhibition the American League put on that day including two home runs by Ted Williams the final score American League 12 National League nothing Tony Kubek Joe Garagiola Cleveland's Municipal Stadium for the all-star game beautiful shot from the blimp this game was a sellout July 14th with his son seems to return because a lot of the problem but we've got a near sell out here tonight Steve Garvey has gone to first base to replace Pete Rose a new pitcher has come in Burt Hooton of the Dodgers Hooton will Patton roses number one spot Bob Feller is coaching at the first base and Bob Feller he could fire that ball that's all I can say about him simply enough they have always tried to measure the speed of the pigeons here is Bob Feller loosening up here's a target he has to throw to today we have two radar gun and that day they had a motorcycle rider see him on the right he was going over 90 miles an hour who wins the race the ball wins it the tough thing about that was to get a volunteer to ride that motorcycle that was tough here is Willie Randolph hits the first pitch a big hopper to Mike Schmidt Garvey takes it there's one out what a way to measure a fastball there is Bob Feller coaching at first base so what was involved in that was a 48 World Series with that pickoff play for you that was where I was a non pickoff played second base head who's the ball game one of nothing Vail may see it was fellow to boot drove George Brett said hi Paul wine bottom of the fifth inning National League won a home run by Gary Carter American League won a home run by Ken singleton he doesn't get it would like the knuckle curve Burt Hooton has come up with a pretty good straight change of pace to go with that fastball he's not overpowering but he's got that tricky knuckle curve that really goes down that straight change he's got now he is really something Aires is strike one ball two strikes one out let's watch some writers now George moving farther away from the plate and using the whole field ahead and even power hitters what karu sexplanations is he can see the ball longer Brett the same way he first came up they had a breaking for being a pull hitter who modeled himself after Yastrzemski holding the bat high he got him to hold that bat down the keys to success he really relaxes and waits he does again and it's a strikeout so that brings up Dave Winfield this telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball and is intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of Major League Baseball is prohibited Winfield is all for one he bounced out and he walked we had seen a good show to this point regulate leading an athlete with six hits to three the score tied at one as Paul misses ball one most people seem to think this was going to be a high-scoring game did you know I didn't I kept reading about ten nine game sevens got to believe the pictures about the edge well head centerfield but Dawson right there waiting for it plays it perfectly who as imperfect getting three up peed on we complete five innings of baseball here we're all tied up nationally won the American League One and two up it's sepcial Parker and Schmidt join now by Commissioner Bowie Kuhn Commissioner the playoff format as it stands now you're going to have some changes for us tomorrow is that the room we'll have an announcement tomorrow on the only unlimited in a situation where you get a st. Albany vocabs it will announce the litter is against the wild card club is the change because of the criticism that the format had attracted no or just a rethinking oh no it's not a rethinking at all when we announced that we would go to the split season we said that the league presidents the Commissioner would resolve the question of what home-field advantage should be given I met with the league president today we may never mind what it's going to be we'll announce to our clubs tomorrow morning now to the public tomorrow afternoon you've got to be pleased with the crowd I love the crowd I love the game I love all about it good enough let's go back upstairs Joe okay Brian Thank You commissioners we look at Mike Norris the new pitcher for the American League from Billy Martin's Oakland A's 8 3 is his record and a third base we've got a new one buddy bell of the Texas Rangers but he broke in here at Cleveland so he's a big favor a lot of controversy when he moved on valid bat ninth Norris will bat in the number three spot as it Brent leaves the game here is Dave concepción he is old for two struck out bounced down one one score strike one so there's been a lot of media criticism and here's like a lot of loopholes in the proposed footsies it see concepción number two behind his teammate George Foster like I don't a rumor that I buddy Bell gets it one out it was only a rumor but Anna Turner on the batting cage and there's really in my mind no loyalty at this point that there's a chance as we look at the replay from our left centerfield camera event of conception about the rumor was that because the order is now after setting up the split season schedule thought a little more and there were some equity inequities built in and the chance for the proprieties down at the other end of the schedule that they might call an emergency meeting within 24 hours today change but that is strictly a rumor at this point but there are some could be some problems with a spill scheduled season could be curveball is high it's ball one top half of the sixth inning all tied at one apiece but ball one strike Reggie Jackson Tom Paciorek the American League bench a good crowd on hand they seem large for that good screwball off the end of the fan is going to be tough but it rolls foul Norris was second in a PSYOP pony last year to Steve stone has a very unique delivery I think Tony and Eddie he's on the third base side of that rubber he kind of stops right the middle of his motion and then almost gives you the feeling he's jumping at you you remember when Alvin dark managed the A's and he brought Mike Norris up as a very young kid his late teens he just overpowered hitters it really really helped that Oakland A's ball committee heard his are many people thought he was finished he went to the minors gained control his fastball came back and he learned that screwball he's got a count of one ball of two strikes well way back wait those heads Mike Schmidt as we listen in on a National League bench he went around Schmidt is Oprah too Norris tried to stick the Pasquale violin he turned it around and he certainly did my drive off the glove of bill base hit Schmidt really tomahawked it he's got himself a to base hit high breaking ball he whatever pal all those comes up with a super plane he I think he's the best at his position at third base but eval is playing while on the line for Schmidt almost caught it Dave Garcia his former manager said he's the best in the world here is Baker first time at bat in this game first all-star game outside ball one so you've got to wonder if you look at the makeup of the two pitching staffs the nationally appears to have more power pitchers on their staff than the American League and there's finesse pitchers extreme arrogance Laura may be a little more difficult to control one rowdy Bell on a play he's got smell beautiful and my buddy bear left centerfield camera Harry Karl get to the shot in between hop he was going to look Schmidt back Smith a little bit of a base running air the cardinal sin Ibaka on the left you don't go Homer now makes a super play he had no chance at all why I'll tell you for you yup fellas you want to play the end field that's the way you do you get in front of that ball had he not come up with that ball he still would have kept it in the infield but he came up with it he looked a man back at he trapped he couldn't get out for that rocket that was a rocket hey you've seen those guys giving that ole a beautiful play that was a great play can some of those guys with a long-term contract hell flag and hi how are you see you on your way back beautiful play bakers on it first this is dust it get it one ball one strike lay that Bal made you had a chance to see why he's won two consecutive Gold Gloves numerically and it was a very quick cameraman going to get that shot two balls in the strike with two outs national league two American League one all home runs Parker has just broken two one one time which was set up a home run by singleton gave the American League the lead the second Carter with a home run tied it up in the fifth and part and Parker here to six chefs broken a tie two balls and two strikes Andre Dawson Andre once look at the ball you probably have heard that some people have accused Billy Martin staff of doctoring a baseball that baby went down good movement on that ball good sinker he's really checking it Oh Andre wouldn't see it Bill Haller checked it out he said it was dry but anytime a staff gets as successful as his staff has Billy Martin and art Fowler the pitching coach can accuse you of something at foul a fan came with a net biggest thrill in baseball a foul ball and he just reached down with that man he can catch Moby Dick with that net he got himself a foul ball look at the size of everything all right Cooper husband two strikes yes sir baseball is back the fans are ready hot on strikes with the runner breaking Parker gives the lead the National League two to one but Parker in 1979 remember gave us some thrills with some throws remember the Kingdome in Seattle the Kingdome in Seattle and Dave Parker puts his arm on display a tremendous throw to third base it's not even close and then Parker came back later on this base hit he uncorks his throw all the way to whole plate on the fly and watch the tag by Carter he's got the call is made another thrill from the all-star game 1979 version Joker's yellow with Tony Kubek here in Cleveland where Mike Easler is just going to play right field for the National League and Ozzie Smith has gone in to play for the national league shortstop Ozzie Smith San Diego and Easler from the Pittsburgh Pirates singleton takes it high East ler a local boy Cleveland born and raised two balls and no strikes singleton had a big home run gave the American League the lead the second inning he gets his second base hit sends it right back up the middle Thorton pitching a Ken singleton tied to seek the ball down got about belt high Kenny was really going for the pump on that when he was trying to let it all out he's a just a good ball player singleton a solid hitter the better kept secrets in baseball here's his swing as he sends it right back up the middle well there have not been too many three-four switch hitters like singleton Murray that the Orioles had was produced as much as those two guys base hit to right field for Evans Easler up with it singleton stops at second the American League's got something going just had a chance to see the movie yet he was a much smarter hitter he was going the opposite way so we went into a double play shooting for the gap no longer trying to pull everything so the American League with base runners at first and second nobody out Carlton Fisk the batter Fisk struck out in a second and flied to right before it and we thank the great folks here at Cleveland for that special welcome we join our stay here they've had all kinds of activity this town is alive good football team good basketball good soccer good baseball a lot of activity and what an all-star game they're being treated to chebet Garvey at the corners for the national league are playing close in the event that Fisk bunts dent is the next hitter but there are pinch hitters ready a guy like Fred Lynn is loosening up right now he stood his drops one down and remember these hitters are not used to getting strange signals from the various coaches Don Zimmer the manager of Texas the coach down at third-base should be flashing the signs the Fisk single to the second Evans at first Fisk is backed out a couple times which was an indication he wasn't sure of it knitting bonnet on a foul strike one fans don't like it all-star game giving a little second-guess by their boos to Jimmy five a manager they want fist to hit away I think which he might do right now with one strike well Frey said that he was going in the late innings II was just going to play a witness saying they haven't won since 1971 when Reggie Jackson hit that tremendous and memorable home run off doc Ellis in Detroit National League has won 17 of the last 18 all-star games they've really dominated one strike pitch one ball one strike the count happy hood singleton at second Evans is on it first if Garcia they Cleveland manager you see coaching it first Schmidt is still in it third it's a strike shut up as if the punt took it put it cut the corner there's Mike Schmidt that's a pretty good left side of the infant right now as schmidt as agile as he is and I already believe the man playing shortstop right now set her up and part of your picture Ozzie Smith is the best defensive shortstop in all of baseball he is amazing never got much better there's some good one fall I think Boas should be here too while he's done what to pitch the faces are loaded bases are loaded we'll be the pinch-hitter for Bucky Dent nobody out bottom of the sixth nationally two runs five hits and no errors the American League one run nine hits and no errors but the American League has a merry-go-round going driving it's always a thrill to come out and see pre game batting practice any ball game especially the all-star game where all the sluggers in this game at the Winfield and the cluster that the Parkers the Jack's brother show and I watched Lynn he's obviously been looking waste those talents great the lead Hooton in at this point but lid kept up with all these guys he's hit the ball to site batting practice he looks strong Tony the bases loaded bottom of the sixth inning American League trailing by a run no one out Aisling defense playing for the double play with a one-run lead bouncing ball Trillo take many trail has exceptional range to his lap Lin doesn't get a good break out of the box without it Wow Trio then trying to regain his balance gets the ball stuck in his glove that Creek Rd just couldn't get but just jazz misty buddy bell with the bases-loaded who leads the American League with 22 RBIs takes it outside ball one we are all tied up two apiece is his Bell's first appearance at bat ah time is called now as ball is in that strike zone Bell is going to go to work and we've got an on deck pinch-hitter coming up that's how bases look when they're loaded from the sky Remo now starting to over does not have control problems yeah you're American leaders with putty Bal sitting right on time strike at third base its evans second base its fisk first-base its Lin three and one to count nobody out score time three and two now he took something off the blackness knuckle curveball what a spot to throw that three in one and give that heart breaking ball it's a pretty good pitch cannot be looking for that situation off his foot it's a foul ball foul ball the count remains full for singles in the row and it's all tied up at two apiece I've just been handed an amazing statistic by our wizard here mr. Steve things he says has never been a grand slam home run in an all-star game and you saw with that sign what the fans are saying well now Jimmy Frey will set up a pet center American League with two runs here in the bottom of the sixth take the lead 3 to 2 nettie Murray is a pensioner for Rod Carew you talk about your durable player talk about strong heat at the bottom Eddy Park gets the opposite field a lot left at right it takes a curve ball for strike one he was el early of the year so his stats really stuff that he had a it was a strange virus came back pretty quickly before that Tony he had played in 638 of the 643 games his company the big leagues Ozzie Smith running the baserunner Fisk back to second Murray has averaged 28 home runs of 99 plus RBIs per year in his first four seasons as an Oriole one strike pitch now hot smash Barbie has it to Ozzie Smith low throw nice play polo want to play that magician made a shutdown Tony just got through telling you about being the best and there's why Garvey threw a sinker about a 30 footer but Smith really made a good play he made a great play to stop the ball but he had the composure to keep his foot on the bag and almost complete a double play it was a very close play at first base Garvey throws a sinker to Ozzie Smith what a great stop he kept the fur on the bag the relay very close at first base here's Fred led who almost gets hit by the shot off the bat of Eddie Murray that may have shielded the vision of Steve Garvey at first base what a great play behind he's control my man it was really a football block that he threw it as he spent on one play that Ozzie Smith really didn't have anything to do with as far as starting it he got kind of busy watch Lynn go out to try to get him and Smith does a little ballet dance but page seven at the Fred Astaire book and he's out of there you know I think that play right there along with some of the defensive plays will show that these players are really out to give the fans a good show and to prove they have stayed in condition while the strike was going on Simmons now the hitter so there are juvenile American League leading three to two base hit right here Chris will score 42 American Way very will try for third nice really wives and a little communications prompting Smith and Trillo Smith was taking an offline throw is going to relay the throw to Schmidt to third-base Murray did that all on his own he was not looking for a coach you can see Ozzie Smith was going to third he saw the runner burrito out of his vision party was continuing on I think they said my Simmons screen is going to pop out and we're going to have a pinch runner at first base 4/7 Randolph who went out of the ballgame as we look at Ozzie Smith again reigns going to visit with who'd they make a pitching change and I would say here is the way you just taking that ball their goal is happy hood so we've got a break in the action here's the American League is taking the lead here it's four to two the bottom of the sixth we'll be right back with more action after these messages the pinch runner from the Kansas City Royals Frank white to replace Simmons you pinch-hit for Randolph so white will stay in the game at second base a new pitcher for the National League dick Ruthven of the Phillies and Jimmy Frey is going to make the move right now Joe he is el Oliver who was hitting 388 19 for 49 with men in scoring position he's got one on at second base in Eddie Murray 4 to 2 is is scored we're in the bottom of the sixth the American League all singles there's a strike it started with singleton he singled as Center Evans single the right Fisk had a single linen and field head a sacrifice fly by Bell Mary hit to a force out a single by Simmons and here we are with Oliver up there two men out it's popped up Ozzie Smith going out hard the play we have now seen four plays in this all-star Dusty Baker was playing hell out of her very deep in left-center field is Oliver has powered that direction Smith sees he can't get it glossing over and a dive by gusty and he's got but a play what run what a play that was look at this Tony he was looking for collision soft turf out there to Joe reaction you hear in the background gordias is gone into catch so exported to American League at the end of six we'll be right back after these messages from your local station Dusty Baker with the shoestring catch remember the first time you heard those words some make an look hard some make it look easy you and there's bankers catching he just made a few minutes ago some that could look hard some may can look easy but they all make the play to say the National League to runks we've got all kinds of changes they have not been able to get them up with the press box yet as Lee Elia is just now finishing with Bill Haller behind the plate we've got a new pitcher Ron Davis we've got a new shortstop in Burleson right now there's no left fielder we're going to have a new left fielder Tony Armas is going somewhere I think the confusion was Joe that Lynn was probably going to stay in the game but I don't know if something happened deal because Winfield started to move to left field and Lind was going to go to Center but now Winfield stays in center and Tony Armas goes to left so so it's harvest and left Burleson it's short and Ron Davis the pitcher of odias is the catcher there's Burleson we'll give you where they're batting Jim Frey is just going over with Bill Haller to make sure I think the confusion might have been in fact even in Whitfield's mind he started to move the left field expecting lid to go to center and Lyndon come out finally harvested in Winfield state Senate but there's Ron Davis who after Gossage had some shoulder tightness was scratched and Davis took his place he faces Gary Carter first pitch straightaway centerfield Winfield going back back near the wall back leaps there's no education now it's a home run indicated by the second base umpire Luca mural what a drive by Dave Winfield with Gary Carter as his second home run of the night and it's a 43 ballgame both times Kyra's jumped on the first pitch Paul may have landed right on the top of the fence and then bounced out Winfield almost had it here's Dave Winfield in center field he looks for the warning track he's now going to try and scale the wall just out of the reach of his glove off the top of the fence powder to first pitch home runs as it just clears the fence Trillo hits the first pitch but Evans is there makes the play so there's one out at home run by Carter puts him in a record book most home runs in the game to our qivana the National League in 1941 10 Williams in 46 al Rosen in 1954 and Willie McCovey in 1969 you see a chance to see Winfield speed and his agility and a home run that he just missed getting as he tries to scale along super efforts in this all-star game Joe on both sides an outstanding play yes sir here is Garvey well we showed you Ted Williams hit that Efus pitch for a home run in 46 which was one of the two home runs he had to put him in a record book and Carter is just gone record books with that homerun Garbi his first time at bat for 2-3 what excitement they've had here in this great city of Cleveland hopped-up berelson says I'll take it arm is coming in but the rooster makes to play there two out Gary Carter he didn't know was God he's trying to beat out a long double maybe a triple I don't know if that is effort of Glee he's going to see it going out pretty soon he was rooting and running falling at the same time I tell you something these ballplayers they just do not run on batteries the excitement was there and Carter just tricked tripped and fell Guerrero's in the on-deck circle well they're using all the ballplayers it is still a pretty close ballgame Tony Pete Guerrero spend some time injured this year but he looks like the centerfielder that Tommy Lasorda has been looking for he will remind you a little bit of Willie Mays with his actions defensively and it back the tremendous power to all fields a good throwing arm can run excellent prospect it's his first all-star game Guerrero fastball mrs. Davis leads all relief pitchers in the major leagues with 60 strikeouts that's places him fourth overall the American League he was greeted with the homerun this is with another fastball and it's two balls at no strikes two home runs by Carter one by park home run by singleton we're glad to have baseball back I have to join that banner I'll tell you there's Gary Carter at night he's head it sounds funny how he did it I came down the elevator with him I tell you see but the hotel lobby it'd be tough to pick him out as a ballplayer he looked like he just walked off Madison Avenue three-piece suit dark glasses briefcase foul ball out of play Ron Davis who has had an amazing strikeout record this year the irony of that is Stan Williams the former Yankee pitching coach who told him to change his grip from a sinking fastball style and go cross seed and ride the fastball and became more successful and then William just fired he just blew it right by him that ends the inning so we going to the bottom half of the seventh inning and the National a tree this is turning out to be - up it'll be Winfield berelson Joe Carroll and Tony Kubek here in Cleveland as we take a look at the city at night and right in the center Municipal Stadium where quite a ballgame is going on right now the American League leading 43 bottom of the seventh and a new pitcher on the mound for the National League vitae blue of the San Francisco Giants and Bruce Benedict the catcher new battery Winfield as he get in the strike one there you see Benedict was injured before started for the American League he's also started for the National League Winfield for two bounced out walked and flied to center field doesn't get it as you see he can still be very overpowering over the short stretch tell you I don't know if it's the glove or the speed but you can hear that ball just pop into the glove of Benedict it's always a great sound for the pitcher and the batter hates it an hour goes Carter who so far has to be the star of this ballgame excellent young catcher Bruce Benedict he's got a good bat he's hitting this year for Bobby Cox Atlanta Braves by tableau a lot of first-timers of this all-star game both teams four runs eleven hits and no errors for the American League three runs six hits and no errors for the National League to strike pitch look out blue so far is not going in any cute stuff is just so fastball after fastball at field let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network joke gars Yolo with Tony Kubek here in Cleveland American league-leading 43 were in the bottom of the seventh by the blue with the Counter Strike 2 on Dave Winfield vitae blue was the first pitcher ever to start all-star games for each league 1971 Oakland 1978 San Francisco named in 1971 1975 1978 and he started each year selected so he had a little bit of a string broken outside one ball two strikes each managers sitting back in this close ballgame one with a guy named Bruce Souter in his bullpen the other with a guy named Riley fingers Alice green and Bill Burton there's Jimmy Frey but fry wishes the goose straightaway center fail - hi Dawson has plenty of room one out brings up Rick Burleson Armas is batting in the eighth spot and the changes Frank white who went in at the same time is in the second spot and the pitcher Davis is in the third spot and Burleson was up there now is in the fifth slot a lot of controversy surrounding the shortstop selection in the American League some thought Burleson should make it some young should be here some thought Trammell should beer off last year great Tigers shortstop a lot of good young shortstops around Joe there are profile that's why I hope they never take it away from the fans Tony mean they vote and they argue well are we going and we argue that's what it's all about I think really when arch Ward started this Chicago area his idea was it to make it a celebrity game a fans game a glamour event truly in that way and there will always be arguments as to whom should be or who should back you're always getting some great players off always going to be some inequities but tonight it's been a pretty good game with excellent coverage by our producer Mike Weisman our director Harry Coyle who I guess they gave me gets plays a about doing big events Oh Harry hi hun Balthus right he just put that clip-on tie on and put Mary way got the first one he ever owned I can't get it the throw he throws it away berelson know will not be able to advance little bit of a funny hop for Mike Schmidt and then they show you how the Adrenaline's probably even for a smooth feeling like Mike Schmidt a veteran he still almost threw it away in allowing extra base in see the end between op once again waiting back on the ball some people call them bad artificial fielding habits you learn the weight on the bowing you get on dirt and grass and causes some problems got to play the hop a little bit more when you plant dirt and grass because the ball does not bounce true so it's an error on Mike Schmidt and listen to this in 1935 hurt Municipal Stadium an all-star game they drew 69830 one which has been the record I'm going to give you the record in a minute foul ball out of play tonight 72,086 it's a new record for an all-star game and last night they had over 70,000 of a football game tell me that this city is not alive there's a magnificent job after the postponements get this field in shape and they get the city and food pal ball out of play yes sir a lot of people get a lot of credit beginning with the ground crew there is a lucky happy fan but Marshall positive his ground crew yeoman work to get ready here you know Gabe Paul who's now the president this ballclub is said that Cleveland is a sleeping giant we get a good team when she's put together they were competitive in the first half he said you will really see something and he's proving it tonight credit also to Phil say key general manager the ballclub and they've done a marvelous job Manovich behind had played he can throw it gets away from him all the way back person rounding second what up the heel of his glove but watch the rooster he does not have a lot of speed but he never stopped benedict with a good drawing on he paused just a bet and Corey saw pros going and here he is there is no one who competes harder in this game and he's not gifted with a whole lot of ability with grossing Benedict is throwing out more bass to you isn't any other nationally catcher so that tells you he can throw but the rooster challenged him and he won and now the infield has come in American League leading four to three Burleson at third and it's fouled off the tribute they paid a person is that he say he's even tempered he comes to the ballpark pad and stays that way and he plays hard here in old time you say comes from the old school Evans has been good with men on base this year fact since the middle of last year popped up Ozzie Smith chasing in hard barrel senators not tagging up Dawson runs him off wisely so and Pearlstein has to halt out of local quite a star you can see is sitting a pop well does not have enough last year round Hesse almost 320 for this ballclub and now Diaz is putting the job always been good defensively he's never hit like this song strike one as you listen and watch this game you have to I'm sure feel like I do with this crowd reaction they are just cheering at the right time booing at the right time it looks like a pretty good baseball season coming up will appears to have a pretty good fastball but when blues fastball is most live that's usually download the strikes which is unlike a lot of power pitchers due to their ball moves better up high the strike zone and he is high today Diaz 385 against left-handed pitching off the handle he just got jammed he fought it all his first all-star game in front of the hometown folks 4 to 3 is the score American League out in front two men out when the bottom of the 7th Burleson is on it for a third safe on an air they went all the way to third on a wild pitch fouls it off he's somehow staying alive on good pitches there's pearls in the third now the commissioner's office have 80 dozen baseball's ready for the specially imprinted autographed all-star baseball's for this gimmick before the game they were having trouble finding about 40 dozen didn't find out who walked off with him those baseball's have turned into suits shoes and everything he got he bought Diaz is out on strikes that ends the inning they threatened when Schmidt made this error but you know when an infielder misses the ball is an outfielder there but when an outfielder misses it it can get pretty exciting ambassador to the world a baseball owner in Cleveland's very own mr. Bob Hope I don't need to say who you're rooting for you know it you're not I want to see him win and in this Park I want to say win one serious question is one who knows and understands and has been around the entertainment industry understands the entertainment industry's relationship with the public how do you think the public will deal with this industry as the season progresses oh they can't miss Hayne yes this has been the national pastime for so long and one of this crowd you know this is it and they'll come back they've they've gone to other things for maybe something that's important you know reading and stuff but they would come back because this is in their heart they were born to this Bob thank you you look terrific thank you Brian and Joe and Dida does seem like the strikes ancient history I tell you it's the quickest makeup in history Rowley fingers is a new pitcher he's going against Ozzie Smith fingers second American League with 12 saves he's had eight saves in his last 11 appearances 36 strikeouts in forty innings pitched he's been hot I don't know who the first relief Hall of Fame is but fingers sure got a chance so what now a relief pitcher Wilhelm he's not in I'd have to think about that I would too but boy this guy's over the long haul there's nobody better year in and year out Oakland from San Diego now the Brewers Smith can steal a base for you he can run Smith's draws the base on balls it's 4 to 3 the score here American League out in front and Mike Easler will be batting for the first time in this game before the hometown folks Jimmy Frey the American League has used every one of his regular players he still has pitchers left Dallas Green still has Bill Madlock Phil garner Bill Buckner Tim Raines it's a strike Ozzie Smith that first base is stolen 125 paces over the last three seasons and they're trailing by a run you know they're looking for him to run he's got a good lead at first Easler takes it low one ball one strike there he goes a big jump ball at the center field and now dispensing his tribe for third they got him hung up but he fell to berelson and now fingers has to cover and Smith falls all and one of the most graceful play of the evening on a lot of people's carts Ozzie Smith probably should have stopped reverences Diaz he hit the umpire no it just pops out and practices plain Spring Training some catches thrown in the center field is set it up high this will give you an idea of the things that go unnoticed for the Dave Winfield see how far he came in playing deep on Easler to backup the play and fingers backed up the play properly the tag out Smith and that goes a half gainer by Rowley fingers the play goes to eight five six is Smith decides he's going to make the third misses all got to make a u-turn but it's too late now it's Belle chasing them and now it's Burleson and fingers is there and keep in mind the way you make this blade only Winfield made the play on my part by coming in as quickly as he did showing the great throwing arm the alertness he prevented that runner from going to third very alert play by Dave would feel outside now Lindfield in his senior year at the University of Minnesota was a pitcher he was 13 wins and 1 loss is a great throwing arm 3 1 pitch had a good cut at it that was some play Smith does come up with something he gets in stole a base on that there is the mayor of Cleveland with his wife mayor George Voinovich we saw him last night and he should be a proud man denied with this reaction he's had a well he referred to this as a historic weekend and that certainly is proving to be see now you got Easter on and you do have Tim Raines sitting on the bench and was capable of pinch running great speech before montreal expos but apparently Dallas being will not use him now at play on Smith even restoring went eight five six and one with fingers getting to put out and in the final analysis you got to call that a bad baserunning play by Smith because he is the tying run at second base with nobody out Winfield made it a bad baserunning play that are but that alertness I think Ozzie Smith is still at the water cooler Bill Buckner is standing right in front of them but Fozzie trying to wipe himself off he looks like you fell off the truck did he straightaway centerfield Winfield is going back back way back he'll not get this wrong well dusty Becker files an offer strike one Schmidt gets a chance to extend the arms that ball is inside and yet Schmidt having backed off the plate we saw it last year taking inside and low pitch the right-center feels something he never did before he gets his arms extended even on inside pitch now you talk about Redeemers after a little rough time he's head down to third base well he is given the National legally it's 5 to 4 here in the eighth-inning doesn't get it attend the nationally has created a great tradition in their dominance 72 the last 18 a lot of that doubt and start in the era of Willie Mays paintcare and Clemente and Frank Robinson just going to carry over now in the attitude the National League date they come in so confident two balls and two strikes Mike Schmidt is average one home run every 15 point oh six times at bat in his eight-year career should we forget to mention those pitching staff the Koufax is and Drysdale and Gibson lo Diaz is taking a pee back there his fingers is bouncing sinkers up there 5 to 4 National League is just taking the lead 2 home runs by Carter a home run by Parker a home run by Schmidt singleton a home run for the American League was fouled off while I got a chance here earlier we gave you an address if you wanted the all-stars souvenir program you send $4 and if your candidates $4.50 be sure to include your name and address there is the address all-star program post office box 243 Belson long throw not in time a base hit for Dusty Baker he had a chance to see with the best touring irons around among shortstops by burly Aires II way by Burleson's he's the outfield way out there just out of the reach of bow not it that way a person had to go a long ways 8/10 steps writes himself with a strong throw but just not in time so that address once again all-star program post office box 243 norwood new jersey zero seven six four eight that's four dollars and in canada four dollars and fifty cents be sure to include your name and address well baker is going to leave the game and you're going to see mr. excitement of this season come in Tim Raines goes on route right on track to break Lou Brock's record before the strength Baker trots off and reigns he is stretching those legs down at first base the for home runs for the National League ties a record for one club in an all-star game Tim Raines in 1980 150 stolen bases in 56 attempts after 54 games and it is sheer speed Lou Brock in 1974 had 38 stolen bases after 40 attempts high tide fastball ball one scouts say that rains just simply outruns the ball hey processor all gets by the first baseman Marie he's ready to go to third but he stops at second it'll be an error of you know you always get the feeling after by the National League 17 of the last 18 volumes involved that American League with the reserves come in and the reserves have been a big part for the National American League is looking for things to happen and they are Raines draws the throw from faintness gets away from Murray he's in scoring position Tony he took two quick looks T to see if he go to third Murray was behind the runner never going to get a glove close to it Charlie Metro the Dodger Scout has kept that stopwatch on a lot of base stealers in his time he said there's never been a man he can recall that he is time to kept from first base to second as fast as rain he's clean including wills and Brock and Morgan and on and on Dave steam comes out of the Toronto Blue Jays so the break in the action here that's five aboard Ashleigh lady we'll be right back after these messages I shout of Cleveland Ohio and UC Municipal Stadium the site of tonight's game Joe Garagiola with Tony Kubek and what a ballgame we're seeing all kinds of homeruns for by the National League won by the American League and we've got a new pitcher in there for the American League Dave Stieb from the Toronto Blue Jays he'll be going against Andre Dawson with Tim Raines a pinch runner on at second base there's one man out 5 to 4 is the score National League out in front Frank white checking with the pitcher well he's going to make sure that Steve a fairly young pitcher although he's been lost our competition before keeps a little bit of an eye on Tim Raines because he will steal third-base steve is a tough pitcher to catch his ball moves a lot and you see Raines fouled off strike one Dawson had a base hit the second and he bounced out in the fourth and he struck out in the sixth broke his bat dick Williams a manager of Tim Raines is on coaching at third base and we'll be seeing the Montreal Expos and the Cardinals next Saturday as we go back to our NBC game of the week scheduled to be in Montreal you know this is a special thrill for Dave Stieb he's got a pzm to pretty good week here you see our games Royals versus Cardinals or the Indians versus when I got that wrong if the Royals Indians Cardinals Expos I'm thinking championship suits me you're thinking of an all Missouri series Oni hometown st. Louis hard to say about Steve he's having a pretty good week is he's getting married on Friday his fiancee Patty's here in the stand tune in Saturday a couple good ball games for you nice play of idea Steve misses two balls one strike Steve the second all-star team good crowd on hand here we hope that mr. burns Britt burns his dad who's in a hospital able to catch some of the all-star game Britt thinking about him all night long tapped in front of the plate Steve he's only plays the first base there goes reigns there'll be no play soon as he started throw the first reigns took off they tell me reigns sides were so sore and tore up from all the sliding before their strike there you see Mary Alecia Watson and Arthur Watson number one man here in sports president and chief operating officer Bob Mulholland was here earlier is gone sandy hat and the lady on the left is Louisa Kuhn commissioners wife strike Benedict takes a fastball and Dave Stieb is really keeping a wary eye out for Tim Raines down at third base we've got a pretty good lead on that pitch you see I'm jacking off foul off two strikes two outs 5 to 4 National League out in front home run by Mike Schmidt gave the lead fastball misses you know was in his ballpark last all-star game with Shane Dean's had to steal home was out they claimed balk on Dean stone yogi tagged him out did he he tagged nobody what happens he called him safe so Dan CNN five two four and we're talking about home runs I keep thinking about Reggie Jackson's home run off doc Ellis in Detroit remember that one nobody enjoys watching Reggie Jackson hit more than Reggie Jackson and there it goes a tremendous home run by Reggie off the light standard in deep right field high atop the rule in Detroit the American League won that game to highlight that home run it was the last time they won it was 1971 American League 6 National League for how we've been getting those great aerial shots that you're looking at right now as we zoom in on Municipal Stadium and we're going in right to the new left fielder there is Tim Raines Raines in left field and Bill Madlock is it third-base and the new pitcher is Nolan Ryan Ryan batting fourth Madlock is batting first so aside from pitchers Jimmy Frey the American League has no regulars left in case he needs a pinch-hitter and Bill Buckner last year's national batting chances left for Dallas Green Tony Armas leads it off for the American League here in the bottom of the 8th they trail by a run 13 home runs 41 runs batted in hitting 289 for Billy Martin the Oakland A's high ball one Nolan Ryan a strikeout pitcher for your overall to hear grunt all the way up here in that effort possessed with four no-hitters along with Sandy Koufax he is average all of Famer he's average nine point five six strikeouts and five point three six walks per nine innings in his career Nolan Ryan fouled back two balls one strike it's at an exceptional year for the Astros or the all-time strikeout leaders Johnson Gaylord Perry Nolan Ryan third Carlton and Seaver three men in this ball curveball didn't get it two balls and two strikes 5 to 4 National League out in front bottom of the 8th 72,086 a new all-star game attendance record here in Cleveland he got him a high fastball Armas is out on strikes and Nolan Ryan first batter first strikeout there are a lot of hitters that want no part of Nolan Ryan because it's conveniently wild it goes very hard there is Dallas greens ace in the hole his split fingered fastball some players have tried to never get none as good as his Bruce Souter see he's got a couple of wins and a save in all-star appearances boy with that shot he looks right out of a Charlton Heston movie done he appeared when I was biking haha Leif Erikson which way to America buddy bell centerfield Dawson is there an arc two away here is any Murray get a ball pretty hard that was hit at Garvey that Ozzie Smith turned out to force now which turned out to be a big play I think in this ball game could have been a lot of trouble for the National League as this trip hadn't gotten that force out defense too often goes overlooked Garvey at first base right now really guarding the line outside I want to get that all-star playwright that I talked about Tony because I know Durocher's listening he'll argue with me Shane Dienst audience score but they called him out and Dean stone Derosier thought had bought prey don't you tag them out yeah and it all ended up that he was out you bet now they're stinking if not there's Jimmy Frey again who again not to getting the oily Burghley pitching staff as we look at Frank white but he would love to have the goose palm as Dallas Green has Souter bouncing ball to Trillo that grunts you hear is Nolan Ryan oh so it's three up and three now we complete eight it is a play here the score National League five the American League four Britt burns the doctor said that they would take a television set and turn the volume up and hope that a message from Britt might be former therapy that he might respond and good of course is very hopeful and we're sitting on a perder hops in the family I think all of baseball with joint you Tony all the fans is Bill Buckner is up there now as a pinch-hitter Buckner from the Chicago Cubs batting for trio Marie has it Steve covers he's one away so now Dallas Green is left with Phil garner on his bench rarest Britt burns at the bullpen with Denny so many summers with Coach Cleveland line drive left-field it is a fair ball Armas cuts it off here's the throw it's off target and Garvey has himself a couple harvest has a great throwing arm but he's used to throwing from right field playing a lefty Lestrange to him one of the players and I guess some ranking best outfield baseball you get a lot of arguments Murphy and Henderson Marvis so a little high to Frank white Garvey hustles out of Dublin so it brings up Bill Madlock for the first time in this game 5 to 4 National League's out in front at top of the ninth bouncing ball Burleson big Hobbs going to go to first base in time taking third is Garvey brings up Ozzie Smith the shortstop Ozzie walked his last time up and that's when you saw that play when he tried to steal whitey was successful in his steal a throw one into centerfield and Winfield threw it to Bell and Bell gave it to Burleson brozen sit here Rowley fingers you take it they finally tagged him out seen some errors in his ballgame but there been a lot of runs saved by great defensive plays Baker saved to a dive and left Winfield may have saved a run with his play getting Smith Smith may have saved water a couple by scooping out Garvey's throw if there's one area I think that they've been rusty or look rusty its throwing commit bathrobes catcher that throw Armas just made yeah you got to talk about balanced play at third on the shot getting Smith Garvey's sinker he threw the Ozzie Smith way make a great play proved an exceptional play at first base early in the ballgame saving a double off Parker but generally a well-played game the players look much sharper in this game than some people thought but basically it's been a game of home runs along with the defensive players and it's a five-to-four ballgame with the National League out in front fouled off Dusty Baker has a slightly pulled groin muscle made that great catch and that's where he hurt his leg Tommy Lasorda just got up and had a drink he also ran very hard down the first base beating on a base set and then Tim Raines there's Scott MacGregor possessor of maybe maybe the best changeup in baseball you can argue he's got a great fastball they thought it was the strike but bill Haller says no oh ah one ball two strikes you guys proved it tonight nothing better than clean on and better than Cleveland on the show looked like it was gone for a while still some of the major league attendance record foul out of play well they gave his t-shirts Tony has said say something nice about Cleveland we can wear that that beat it truth you don't have to work too hard to say something nice oh you're just saying all this to get a day like Howard Cosell get out of here I said it on the Carson show before you thought about it haha fastball misses two balls and two strikes three balls two strikes 3 2 pitch walk team so National League has Ozzie Smith at first deep Darby is a third here is Mike Easler he walked and scored Smith stolen base threat although it might say it's unlikely with two out that Dallas PD would not want to take the bat out of eastern hand Easter story is a good one we told you is from Cleveland spent a dozen years in the minor leagues his father is here today and he thought his father would not be around because he had some very serious surgery over the spring of the year he's year watching his son an all-star game Easler has not gone more than two games without a hit this season five runs nine hits one error for the National League for eleven and one for the American League fastball misses ball one Smith a good lead at first bouncing ball the Pearl Sun in time the forces on that ends the inning and we go into the bottom of the ninth it's National League 5 American League floor we met a lot of interesting plays in this ballgame and we're going to show you some of them Dallas Green has put in his last regular Phil garner has gone in the second base proof Souter is the pitcher and Frank white the batter fouls it off both managers have used all the regular players with Souter coming in now to try and finish this game off the nasty the only pitcher left for Dallas Green is Carlton lefty for the American League Britt burns Doug carpet of the twins and Scott McGregor of the Orioles a ball and a strike to I think it's unusual because Dave Stieb is in the on-deck circle you don't think he's going to bat who's he got set Dave Stieb spent a lot of years in the minor leagues he broke in as an outfielder the Toronto Blue Jays converted him now unless I've missed something Steve's got hit for himself because there isn't anybody left I'm looking at my scorecard and that's like a rainbow card every regulars balloon news I think really worthy the crink came in in the armor of if there is a word like that of what creaking the armor of Jimmy Frey it's when Fred Lynn couldn't go out and play defense armor Santa coming earlier than he expected Lytton got hurt or what happened pulled foul look out there well Gary Carter in this game of home runs I think he's got my vote he at 202 first pitch home runs there is the trophy which will be presented by the Commissioner of baseball Bowie Kuhn I got to give it to Carter he made a great throw first-inning as Madlock comes up with it there's one out Dave Steve will bat for himself 56 players were used in this game as we check it and that's a new all-star game record so most players used and biggest crowd ever an all-star game well you hate to say it but Jimmy Frey has put himself in an embarrassing position down by one having to let his pitcher hit but Stieb has swung a bat before the minor leagues but with the D H the American League he hasn't little of age and that's what the booze our fathers nobody left and that is because if not the creek with the in the armor that's the alert day you're looking at another historical event it's the first at-bat in the major leagues today Steve yeah five to four is the score and the American League who have not won in all-star game since 1971 are two outs away from losing this one the dominance of the National League will continue maybe you still got to get by Winfield still got to get by Winfield this is the crowd well Jimmy Frey has got to be a little embarrassed but it really isn't all his fault I think because of Freddy Lynn having to leave the game from what reason we haven't gotten report but he still gets his cleanup hitter up to face Souter with that split fingered fastball guys Souter throws what I think it may be a pitch it embarrasses more hitters than even a knuckleball I mean that thing starts just high and it bounces in the dirt is swinging at it talk to you by the late Freddy Martin minor league pitching coach saved his career when fail is over three over four over three make it Bruce Souter was the winning pitcher in the 1978-1979 all-star game he earned to save last season transfers save here 5-4 we'd feel that yet chances are pretty good that Souter will throw them nothing nothing to hit that will not be a split-fingered fastball we've heard of the fork ball a little bit different grip a little bit harder tremendous downward action on it one ball two balls one strike two outs five two four bottom of the ninth Bruce Souter American elite needs a big one right here to break the dominance doesn't get it what do you think he's going to throw now here comes uncle Charlie be ready he's going to wrap this up with a blue ribbon and throw that split fingered fastball he's going for the strikeout fouls it off if we see Winfield he really cut his swing down just trying to get a piece of it that was the home run swing folks just trying to put the ball in play off sooner Hey Bruce Benedict the catcher from Atlanta is used to catching trick pitchers he's got Nick know that knuckleball Perry those strange pitches he throws so he's used to balls moving funny two balls two strikes two outs five for National League leading bottom of the ninth take a look at it he says take a look at it that ball really dipped ball 3 3 2 bill Haller takes a good look at it says all right well it's down to the final pitch maybe the two richest people I guess in baseball Winfield and sooner you're looking at millionaire against millionaire Giants of the industry remains full 302 let's split finger fastball and there's the owner of the Yankees mr. George Steinbrenner looking at his franchise Dave Winfield in the batter's box Bruce sooner Hartnell's will have the Cardinals in Montreal next Saturday Oh nationally wins for why the National for Tots the winning pitcher is fighter blue ties lefty Gomez with three all-star game wins it's a record a save for sooner the loser is rally figures the game-winning RBI was by Mike Schmidt Gary Carter had two home runs Parker had a home run singleton gave the American League an early lead in his second with a home run but it was not to be Tony it was not to be it looks like Gary Carter is the most valuable player
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 132,905
Rating: 4.7569618 out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, 野球, 大リーグ, 野球速報, メジャー, Baseball's Best Classic Games, National League All-Stars, American League All-Stars, メジャーリーグ
Id: NFJAkcUvsiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 40sec (10600 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2010
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