1975 World Series Game 2 - Reds at Red Sox

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here goes the Boston Red Sox [Music] there he is Ned your man faints cowboy from Southern California he's never had a losing season in baseball he had a one-in-three record when he first came up here but that was in a later part of the year in that minor league season he won more than he lost so he really has never had a losing season in baseball he's a pretty good mutter to as me not too bad this is his kind of weather one of the things they talked about his move he's got many pickoff moves I know the scouts who have scouted him say be careful just watch him when the catcher returns the ball he'll take that thing and quickly throw either the second dart to first it doesn't make much difference so what he picked off some 12 people well he's got you gotta watch his head Joe and Tony it's a way that he uses the head fake toward first base he'll go he'll walk around that 18 foot circle he'll go out towards second base he'll do a lot of things well he's kind of a surprise starter as his Jack Billingham for the Reds in the second game of the World Series I talked to Darrell Johnson his manager before the ballgame and said why Billy today he's not done well lately well Tony basically we're pitching bill Lee because our scouting reports say that a pitcher of Bill Lee's type has good success against Cincinnati number two we know that he can hold people as base runners on base very well and some of their best base stealers are left-handed hitters and again according to reports we figure that the man has a little bit of an edge over some of our other pitchers pretty good reason keeping the runners close a couple personal Wars out here yesterday I was kind of interesting to watch there's this record seventeen and eleven seventeen and 1572 nine potential 17-game winner is Ned Martin said earlier I thought Fisk invested a pretty good job they shown what they can do as far as the baserunners are concerned but today's a great day and here is Pete Rose who will bat right-handed against building 47 bits that's a lot of hits right in tune with that fastball both pitchers in today's ballgame lowball pitchers if they have their control and have been out there too much lately you will see a lot of ground balls [Applause] oh fish wisely picked it up because it looked like it might take a left turn on that's really no man's country nobody can give you any help when it ball starts to roll like that you have to make the decision on your own if you make it wrong it'll cost you two strikes the count you'll be a little advantage for both of these low sinker ball type pitchers with a national league umpire behind the plate they give you the low strike you're pretty gonna have to tag one today that wind seems to be blowing in three pitches one out this telecast is presented by authority of major league baseball is intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience and any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the Commissioner of baseball is prohibited and Major League Baseball has a right of approval of the announcers for this event that's pretty good pitch right there guys lay we'll turn the ball over a lot he'll throw the screwball keep it away from right-handers he'll cut the fastball and also run a slider in on a right-handed hitter [Applause] Rose seemed to be completely fooled on the strike like he was trying to fight it off I missed it with the strikeout and here is Morgan [Applause] takes it high ball one Tony I thought that Morgan made quite a point on the defense yesterday at the Boston outfielders were playing a little more shallow than Cincinnati and catching those balls it was they were falling further yeah Reds outfielders [Applause] so Freddie hood also said he said that's something you can't learn from scouting reports you can't learn it in a workout or play here in one game you've got to be here day in day out so there is a tremendous whole Park advantage for the Red Sox outfielders who are good ones one ball and one strike strike two that's a good sinker he seems to have on the first two hitters that we have heard it you have seen ly many more times there is senator Ted Kennedy also present here today at the ballgame is it true Billy a timely catch balls between his legs behind his back over his head and standing on his head almost off the handle Doyle that ball took a tricky hop - cutting men around second base they say that when these infielders in the Red Sox moved artificial serpents Cincinnati will be at a disadvantage I don't know walls bounced much truer although faster on artificial surface Tony I was 12 you could play you could plan a handball tour it doesn't make any difference these guys can play they have these shift on bench way around second baseman Doyle is to the shortstop side there you see him they have really stacked against him [Applause] ball one they didn't do it yesterday there's a screwball ball too now this one starts to get a little tight two outs nobody on curveball and a beauty drop one in there took something off the pitch two balls and no strikes you usually guess it apparently John with guessing fastball turned it over in a straightaway center field plenty of room for Fred Lynn Jack Billingham loosening up and nab that wind seems to be blowing in that's we're directly behind home plate and you can really have to hit one yeah it's one of those another feature of this lovely little ballpark there when it turns around in a can in the middle of a game the whole offense and everything crazy it's an east wind blowing off the water is a Coleman you're going to have to really pick one off the dirt but fellow I have a lead today here is Cecil Cooper homered 318 as a d-h tops in the American League a lion it is Oh Buster had some trouble with it and that's a two-faced hitman you no sooner said it than it happened justice vodka was going to go into a bleep for the ball he hit a soft spot this park does drain well we'll see it watch his footing as he nears the warning track he's going to jump and there he loses the footing while just off the edge of the webbing of his glove here's another angle on it and you could see the footing just give way tell you tricky things happen in his friend little ball park I laughed Dorian about the corner also gets outfielders some trouble it's a it's not an easy place to get used to any royal here is Kenny Boyle the book which he usually does he'll hit the ground ball to the right side takes it inside ball one didn't take long for this crowd get something to cheer about Cooper leads off with a double [Applause] all two two miles and no strikes Yastrzemski on deck Doyle one of the best in the business at taking advantage of a man play and although the book says pull the ball rolls is in at third he slapped the ball by yesterday nobody's going to get him moving to third is Cooper first and third nobody out here it is again a base in this tall pictures are not noted particularly for their fielding Billingham is big you can see does not react too quickly the ball all the spy when that follow-through falling off to our first day just got a piece of it this is the man of the hour Carl Yastrzemski who has really done it all he is dominated this series 317 lifetime home run to all in nobody out [Music] all one the stritzke is superstitious digs in with that back foot he's got a favorite pair of socks that he wears baseball size must be helpful to take some oh cool there it is now man playing in the World Series you think he'd get a new pair but you couldn't get him to change Tony that looks like the kind of Tony used to wear with your polish potato farmer listen man way he's going Eagle by two three farms two nothing pitch in fact the Billingham he's going to go to second for wonder coming they have a run down they do bed running by the Red Sox bench tags amount and I'm telling you it came within an eyelash of a triple play Cooper hesitated he should have come in immediately and he has a tenant Billingham went to second Tony Billingham right here a couple of guys appear to be yelling to him to go for Cooper coming in from the third base he decides to go to the double play another alert play by concepción he made one yesterday on the ball bench with a pretty good play now we'll see the tag by Johnny and close as you said he's thinking double play there is Cecil Cooper right now hung up that's well that's already supposed to do forced them to go for him we're taking up the double play Tony should e-mount have gone in as soon as that ball was hit getting a run down and try and get there long enough to get both for the second and third but conceptual made a fine play Billingham him immediately elected to go to second base and Cooper had he come from the very beginning would have been able to score but he hesitated which gave concepción a chance to here's fist picking the strike that's one of those plays if the coach says go in on a ground ball and get hung up to move to mend the second and third but he who hesitates ends up in a double play oh yeah you have now that's Darcy loose enough for the Cincinnati Reds no score Yastrzemski zone at second base strike two on Fisk [Applause] Tony that's got to be a big base later for no other reason that that mechs are mixed up with the base running has to get you Club down it's a kind of hit too that can break a pitchers heart he appear to be about to pitch out of what was going to be a tough Jam and then you get the base hit the push done at all of September through the championship series [Applause] here is Fred Lynn taking the pitch outside ball one interesting Joe some of the papers and some of the Cincinnati people said the outfield should be playing more shallow Geronimo is play more shallow in center field today ball to man I felt that that ball would have gotten by Griffey you've seen enough balls in right field that could have been some fungus yeah once it gets down and rolls around that corner i right fielders that are not used to it have a have a time with it too bad the Red Sox for them they ran themselves into an out there bouncing ball a Morgan and that's it but the Red Sox score a run we complete one in a play here Boston one Cincinnati nothing [Applause] you Rico Petrucelli to lead it off good day yesterday first pitch right field grippies going back near the line this could be trouble foul ball foul ball Griffey really gave it an attempt he hit the wall hard also another one of those tricky spots we explained it yesterday Ned this is a tough spot in this right in there and a lot of fielder's worried about the wall Evans plays it as well as anybody I've ever seen Griffey played it well there he looked at that wall twice as we saw it on the replay actually had a play but you can't blame him for not making it the ball was in the park but now that's an awful tough break the tough win and of course he's got a warning track he's not familiar with when you know a warning track you know a couple of steps you're going to be at the wall again the whole park at banners outside one and one these Red Sox an aggressive hitting Club it's the first ball hitting ball club fourth in the all time Red Sox [Applause] one ball two strikes Petrocelli didn't have many hits in the 67 series but two of them were home runs in one game he can clean his Park curveball gets him big breaking curveball that's the first strikeout for Billingham that's where Billingham can be tough right-handed hitters he can hit the outside corner with a sweeping curve a slider sinker ball brush it back to the pitcher comes in on you his curveball has become in trouble as of late and he replaced in a rotation by Freddy Norman and it's just kind of a switch here we talked earlier in the game Billingham in his part Sparky feels that he needs Norman as his middle relief man in the big series Evans takes outside ball one 3:27 after the all-star game they've got some fine outfielders these Red Sox young that's one thing that Larry Shepard the Cincinnati pitching coach also Sparky said they learned yesterday they've got a pitch inside not trying to hit Evans obviously but move them off the plate so they can't hang over the outside corner I think many pitchers find that up your Jill you've got to move guys off the floor oh well I think that it's understood by the hitter and the pitcher that half the plate belongs to one and half the other and there's some hitters he'll go up and say I'm taking your half - and it's up to the pitcher to say oh no you're not and you give me back my half and I'll let you have your half then they'll stick one in your ribs and he'll take the whole thing from you that's the way it goes as they slowly sink in the West one out and here's Pearl City first ball hitter and a pretty good hitter rest it makes a strike second on the club in game-winning RBIs this year behind Jim Rice early stuck a lot of little hits in there that got things done I thought you screams he played him tremendous compliment when he said that's the fella that we should be talking about lo nice play by Johnny Bench I tell you he can do it all back there he made that look so easy I'd love to watch this because he shifts on the ball watch him just get in front of it that ball was right in the middle when he if he'd have missed it it to hit him right in the chest protector which is what you're supposed to do and that's the only reason they call it the tools of Regulus if you're dumb enough to let it hit you but that's the play pitch out nothing happened that's the first pitch out I've ever seen Bench put on Tony interesting in yesterday's ballgame just like the championship series the team that was supposed to run didn't a team that wasn't supposed to run has and that's the Boston Red Star two balls and one strike Evans a laid there he goes now I'll tip they put the play on this time which I wouldn't be surprised that if Finch puts another pitch out on Bellingham not too bad to control a pitch out twice look he's want to go 3 & 2 but let's follow me now oh not now I wouldn't fit you out now I'm talking about setting the bait with benches arm you don't have to pitch out that much a lot of room between first and second as you can see [Applause] up the middle up is leg nobody can get in a base hit Evans will stop at second Geronimo has trouble picking up the ball but Evans can't go anywhere hillingham duck that one here's mark and watch the dive giving you an idea of the intensity of the play here in the World Series he just missed it control this two men is Lia could hit her how does he do the patty free game just ask him though he knows how to handle the bat but he never had much of a chance because he was in relief for quite a while and then when he became a starter they put in the da true they're looking for the button I would be too he's going to hit away and he swings and they got a pickoff at em better make a u-turn and Tony it's what you talked about being shallow Geronimo could come in and charge that ball bench has him dead to rights he's leading the other way the low throw gets pie and Geronimo makes a very alert play coming in you know I think it adjusts with the Red Sox outfield is going to have to make as we look at this again is they're going to have to learn to play a little deeper an artificial surface the Justin was made by Cincinnati as we watch this there's concepción bets doesn't do this to off he didn't throw the ball down on the dirt too often he just didn't get that ball up is what happened I mean he a gun the bargain it started at law a good shot showing that great daylight between the shortstop and the baserunner here's the chat they got him out they're going to go to third hey Cody I almost believe that Evans try to play to draw throw and take off because he didn't hesitate sure looked like it he tried to set Ben shop there he is he isn't well I don't know he caught fence in the middle bench caught him in the middle he's out at third attack by Rhodes but I think you're right he tried to set bench up and he got caught I'll tell you something though Tony and Ned concepción had to put a little extra on that ball if he throws one of those little infield fly jobs down there Evans has got it this Red Sox ballclub Ned is an aggressive base of a base running club and they don't run the bases haven't run the bases that well until the latter part of the year they don't play station to station I mean one base at a time they just take off they don't have the team speed to make them a real flamboyant running ballclub but they try to take that extra base and and take the advantage if they can leave they've got these Cincinnati Reds wary I'll tell you I don't strikes that ends the inning and exciting any so at the end of two of Boston one Cincinnati nothing [Applause] looking at the scoreboard we have a camera out there there you see it this is the shot that he'll get from that scoreboard tell you if ever they hit a ball off that scoreboard the inside of them you get the same feeling if you were inside a bell when it hits that tin ears ring for about 20 minutes Rippey will lead it off against Bill Lee who was struck our teen as retired the first six men low ball one the Red Sox with one run on the scoreboard but very aggressive base runner one ball one strike Cincinnati bullpen is busy net this aggressive baserunning of the Red Sox you can't go just by base dealing but the way like Evans today here who do you attributed to well I think well Darrell Johnson it says has done some conservative things but he will leave it to the hands of his coaches a lot Don Zimmer at third and Johnny Pesky at first had been very instrumental in giving these guys confidence Zimmer especially will send anybody almost anytime he the pressure on they certainly have kept the pressure on here's the 1-1 pitch bouncing ball Cooper lines it in his glove says let me here and he's got to play at first base [Applause] Tony Lake shallow as you have to for her to be hunting pocketbook yeah that took a quick hop but he was there you know Johnson I guess he isn't kneeling Zimmer when he tells him then go out and coach your usual game it's the way Severson plays it that's all a little more than a traffic cop there he just runs green light a lot Geronimo takes a curveball outside ball one I tell you in this series you don't know if he's been a starter at a track meet or a third-base coach he's had him running they won the first game six nothing one ball one strike went out on Geronimo this is Darrell's strategy keep the left-handed hitters off base and if they do get on leave with his assortment of moves can hold him close [Applause] the inside corner he's starting to write Adam Geronimo backed out and I've got the inside corner fastball just misses two balls and two strikes rod dado the baseball coach at USC must be proud today sit in the stands one of his boys pitching and Fred Lynn and center field one of his boys college baseball such a big part of the total baseball picture we fellas like dado and Ron Frazier eras Alex Gramma's coaching a third and George sugar coaches at first and they haven't had any business tip and the loneliest men in the ballpark today we heard eight people up eight people back four strikeouts Billingham is not much of a hitter Burleson one Cincinnati nothing the bottom half of the third inning with Cecil Cooper will lead it off there is Commissioner Kuhn and in the Navy hat to his right is Secretary of State dr. Kissinger [Applause] right congressman Tip O'Neill is here with Joe Cronin at the farm america lake president congressman Torrey McDonald is here I saw senator Kennedy that's what baseball is all about forget about the problems for just a couple hours have some fun at the ballpark and so forth at Red Sox have been doing that one ball and one strike Cecil Cooper off the handle Joe Morgan lays back makes to play you know Morgan was asked about the grass and the artificial turf and he always comes up with such great ants Austin I learned to play this game boy rash I'm a better ball player on course he is something an artificial surface you can become more of an a one-handed infielder while all these bounds up you've got to get in front of more balls on the grass short this ball scoot on you they take off the bounce sideways this is Doyle it'll be an adjustment for him when they get to riverfront Doyle takes it outside oh they had a pretty good record on artificial turf at Kansas City this year Joe it's the only key only place in the American League that has it all they went four for six there but had their troubles a year before they actually played better on the road Ned you assume and say where they are at the best road club in the league they won 48 and lost 31 on the road the handle here comes Morgan here in between hops the play obviously because it gets to Amir solely and it's an adjustment but the infielders work for Cincinnati not only have fine ability they think a little bit too and they know they've got to charge the ball more Yastrzemski takes a curve ball alone inside I think Reggie Jackson of the age said it all when he said rice is the best hitter Lynn is the best all-around player but I want yaz on my side you just can't measure to found you this fella boxscore down the left-field line but it's drifting foul it's this kind of game or this kind of series that shows your MC at his best I don't care if he's 50 years old he's a climax ball player he did it in 67 when he had to anytime there's been a tough series like now and he's got it outside two balls in one strike two outs a climax ball for that pretty well says it right there boy I'd like to have that on underneath my picture you did once yeah of American Legion three balls and one strike to say another man has done pretty well in postseason play he's right to the left ear screen now that's Jack Billingham he's been here before done very well against Oakland thirteen and two thirds innings given up just one run and six hits Yastrzemski draws the base on balls that's the first walk given up here is Carlton Fisk and what he's meant to this ballclub since he came back back teeth drove in the only run it's on the scoreboard after two were out that to me is always the toughest RBI in the world at two out RBI and he did it with the adds on at second base so he had a widen his strike zone to drive it in and he did [Music] [Applause] on top of that plate there's the strike this cat a 19 game hitting streak snapped yesterday so he starts a new one today that I think along with your scrum ski fist might be the smartest hit around this club he'll adjust the pitches and situations and he knows when to go where the pitch when to pause I curveball he got away with that one when he first came up everybody wondered if he'd hit in the major leagues he was a great receiver always and he hit better in the majors ever than he did in the minors and he adjusted that way he used to be a strictly a pull hitter now he can go the other way it's what he did the first time up he's up there now with you scrim ski at first and two strikes foul tip and it's held onto by Johnny Bench if it goes directly to your glove you're alright and it hit this protective would not have counted so that ends the one nothing at the end of three man in the middle is the Hall of Famer Joe Cronin to his left mrs. Cronan into the right congressman O'Neill and mrs. O'Neil a up looper again and today is Joe Cronin's birthday and they paid tribute to him here by singing him happy birthday played in the World Series in 33 and manager his Red Sox in 46 Lee drops the curveball under 4 1 & 1 it's also Christopher Columbus's birthday and tony kubek birthday so there are three Hall of Famers in my book right the Doyle Joanna justify the Cincinnati hitters Pete look like he was trying to hit that screwball or the tailing fastball the opposite field well they tried it with Tiant yesterday you look for the opposite feel in fact bench threads Foster and concepción all yesterday went to the opposite field don't look now but Bill Lee has retired the first 10 minute he's faced here is Morgan who bounced out to second his first time up it's one to nothing in the top of the fourth Boston leading Tony Petrocelli is really guarding the line you frig he's gonna punch a curveball if he gets more I think he's doing it more Morgan isn't it that way in case he putts get a good angle coming in on a ground ball or a punch ground ball down that way Joe doesn't find a whole lot though he likes to pull the ball and pull the ball left less against a left-handed pitcher he spent a lot of time with Rod Carew this spring he's amazed at the ability of Carew but he had everything up there except the rosin bag curveballs sliders fastball screwballs he is really shown in the circle and great control [Applause] foul ball and he's kept it down to there's only one flyball out the rest are either ground balls and strikeouts I wouldn't say it's completely a typical league game because he usually gives up about 10 or 11 hits per they can shut you out get four shutouts this year preacher Roy's to say it isn't neatness it's what they put up on that scoreboard inside two balls and two strikes Lia's picked some games were with the amazingly low total of what mid-70s pitches seventy six six seventy seven hour and thirty minutes ball three three and two on Morgan and he's on that's the kind of game he'll work at to get the ball over the plate let them hit it [Applause] one nothing Boston leading top of the fourth we got a run in there bottom half ball four it gets five Fisk but Morgan will not go anywhere except the first base here we go again now we are yesterday today I got Lee against Morgan let's see that move yeah this should be fun you know Morgan's gonna have to try it [Applause] Johnny Bench flied to center field his first time up they over shifted they'll not over shift time is call as Morgan cleans off his spikes at first base he's standing in foul territory just working on his shoes now he's ready [Applause] he says he does not have a good move the first but he said throw a lot of them over there they just have difficulty figuring me out which one I'm going to use where he didn't even come set that time just step in through there's a base hit in the right center field he went with him and Morgan will easily make it to third eventual hole at first though its first in third one man out and the batter is Perez and Tony you made the point with Petros and he tried to go the opposite feeling that's what Bench did let's see now if Lee makes an adjustment to counter that and starts popping him inside with a slider fastball it's a cat-and-mouse game and when they start going with you the opposite feel to keep him honest you got a jamming but you got the friendly wall over here if the hitter is looking for Perez was out on strikes his first time up [Applause] keep away from him that was a pretty good spot right there that was double-play country ja was watching this yesterday he used as it seems his chest protector as an indicator where he wants the ball in the strike zone Yeager from the Dodgers will use that thumb or finger whether it is in or out working 2/3 and bench draws to throw it first a lob throw one Rose let him know he's aware of it [Applause] see he's loving it outside that ball was off the plate in a good spot obviously trying to keep the ball going outside or at least low to get the ground ball to get out of this inning [Applause] curveball going to be tough Burleson gets one not in time we're all tied up one apiece as a tough play Tony not much of an argument for grandmas a third but start Sparky Anderson was in the top step of the dugout saying Doyle cheated at second base and let's watch Denny Doyle he's way out in front off the end of the bat Carlson makes a good play to get the lead runner what's Lenny Doyle buzzy or is he not on the base don't know I like to see that I would say on that he was on the base this is Foster with Perez on at first base two men out and one run is in we're all tied at one apiece inside ball one here it is at second base let's take a look at it now he's got to have his foot on the bag when he gets the ball there is the ball on second thought that's the old neighborhood play he wasn't a neighborhood Tony Howard I always say when they enforced the rule that a runner has to slide at the bag and not at the guy making the tag then they can enforce the rule the shortstop or second baseman has to touch the bag how's that for a paid win savants the preceding was a paid political announcement on behalf of shorts - that's right oh boy [Applause] I already did it very well - give me huh like it was scripted we're all tied one apiece [Applause] look where it's going to drop for a face hit he hit that off the end of the bed but just hard enough to get it over the head of Burleson Perez stops at second Foster's on with the base head so after retiring ten men in a row the base on balls came home to haunt and now a base hit by Austin its first and second two men out and concepción is about stop Tony I don't know if they're anticipating or guessing and looking but they are definitely going up there with an idea what they're going to do it's like to try to hit them off the middle or the opposite field and if you're gonna throw a slow stop off-speed stuff as Lee has you better keep it down because if you get enough that's what you get the little bloopers over the infield if it's down it's the weak ground ball in the infield they're waiting longer on Lee definitely i screwball ball one like what they're trying to do Joe has forced me out of his pitching pad and they're theond baseman parents and foster but they want him to go back to his fastball a fastball hitting club they're trying to force him away from the off-speed stuff there's a fastball he threw it right by him although concepción did get a piece of it 91 some pine tar she doesn't like that look of disgust a guy stepping out of the box he likes to get the ball and throw quickly doesn't he Ned he does he will often vent his spleen on batters that feel that too later does that mean he knocks him down not often because clean running he shows it a different way the California one one ball one strike curveball misses two balls in one strike and all the umpires in the stands thought it was a strike Lee wants a new ball now he does get people mad at him sometimes he got the White Sox furious at in that game in the rain where they won because he was throwing all that junk up there and they couldn't hit it can't really blame the pitcher there's the best ball and it's hit straightaway centerfield Lynn got a bad break on that ball gliding in makes the play on it but that speed will erase your mistake makes the play and the inning the bottom of the fourth were all tied at one apiece Fred Lynn to lead it off knowing the bunt when he leads off known to jump on that first pitch just a good all-around ballplayer tries to bunt a ball not that smart he must have told you something no no no I'd watch him watch bench get out of there bench come he comes out of there shoot like Yogi Berra is the only guy that I can compare bench to did I say that right well you'll just do one and a half over him see them come out and throw guys third baseman bunts situatio ghee and bench comes out they're just as well left field Foster's going back to the wall he's going to have to come in a few steps now mix that one-hand grab with that glove that he uses like a tweezer the Sparky told him to just go to the wall and try to catch him if it goes over your head let somebody else worry about it that's not a bad idea net by Allah opposing outfielders have a problem Claudell Washington the 8th did have that problem and the wind hurt him he went to the wall but and then came in but the ball hit it was hit off the wall I don't know what you said yesterday on radio Joe but we said here sooner or later that wall will play a part in this series where we got 13 innings just about and hadn't been hit yet the only way it's gonna play a part if it collapses everybody's made such a itay that work out there was really something Petrocelli takes it outside 1 & 1 it were taking pictures like they had just put up that wall one ball one strike although yesterday Tiant could have beat anybody anywhere wall outside two and one he was a good pitcher yesterday man Evans the on-deck batter and he go around yes he did two balls and two strikes all right just certain games you'd get beat in certain games you lose the Reds were beaten yesterday I don't think the Boston Red Sox saw that Don Gullett they're gonna see some addy he had eat through some good fastballs but I've seen him go for an entire game where he blows the ball right by you I didn't think that was one of his better games either tone 3 & 2 now on Petrocelli got a little bit of rain coming down but in the World Series nothing bothers you he has a simple sign nice fastball let's hit up the middle and concepción has a big hop good sinker two up and two down Billingham had a shaky first inning gave up a hit and hit a batsman in the second or third two ground balls in strike fly ball and a ground ball here here's Dwight Evans it's a strike we're all tied one apiece we're in the bottom of the fourth outside corner one two strikes let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network curveball and he almost chased it that's always a tough pitch to lay off and he it's a tantalizing kind of curveball and you started leaning and you can't really stop Oh high school around him that's what it is there it is again this time he got him Evans is out on strikes three up and three now so as we complete four innings here the score Cincinnati one Boston one the preceding announcement was furnished as a public service by major league baseball here is Ken Griffey you bounced out to Cooper Cooper put his glove down there it was made a good play curveball is high ball one big sports afternoon here on NBC you're watching the World Series and we've got Jack buck standing by time permitting old Jack will be there and of course that Oakland Raiders Kansas City cheese football game after this and I don't care what the records are now you got Oakland playing Kansas City you got yourself a ball game and Cecil Cooper's got himself another easy out I guess that's one of the great rivalries in football the Raiders in the Kansas City Chiefs we look at a rivalry going you don't look at the standings you look to knock some heads that will be coming on this afternoon route Kenny Stabler zni is that's the problem 8 Morgan's worried about him he's a great Oakland Raiders fan whose runners they worry about an easy other sports so your stand what this grandstand time permitting an Oakland Raiders in Kansas City this afternoon Geronimo takes it low ball one Ned you know this win better than we do but is it appear to be shifting or picking up a little seem like it's going moral from left to right than it was previously hit off the end of the bat Evans has got himself an easy play and he played perfectly that was a nice polite swing by Geronimo and a nice lazy flyball here's the kind of follow through the gears Yolo would have bunted on right by him on his left side as he falls over to third base and beaten it out easily wouldn't you let's look at that glove there is an indication right between his legs if a ball is hit where he'll make the catch by Lonnie did once this year come on was look at that pitch pitch cheese timezones coming up there was so slow you mean the one that glove was Nick oh one ground ball between his legs and a couple behind him the glove went back farther and he tells me he practices that play don't ask ball right by I'm strike two all tied up there one one say what you want about mr. lead but he's pitching himself a pretty good ballgame as is Jack Billingham one ball two strikes two outs nobody on we're in the top of the fifth boy I'm almost rooting to have somebody hit one when he follows through like that to see it ground ball the Doyle he boots it but he's going to have time flip three up and three down and so as we going to the bottom half of the fifth inning were all tied up one of these we go to the bottom half of the fifth inning in Ned Martin will be doing the play-by-play and Ned wit and what does that mean yes it is him America you don't like that hat I love this head I can't put it on wrong either way it's right Sherlock are you the rest of the way with the flavour I play we got a tied-up ballgame here we got a good one thank you Joe and here we go with Jack Billingham taking his warmups going to the bottom of the fifth inning tied up 1-1 two hits for Cincinnati and four for the Red Sox and very little to choose between these two pitchers Billingham supposedly had a bad second half and he did but he is no indication today because he's had the Red Sox off-balance they haven't hit real hard shots off him and he's kept the ball down as Lee has Burleson Lee and Cooper will be the hitters against Billingham before this umbrella crown at Fenway Park and the rain is coming down harder now it's steady and it's gonna be here a while here is Rick Burleson we're coming we got to get some policing done on home plate we've seen a lot of games out here in this kind of weather most are done that have been held up for an hour and a half started again held up again berelson is having a great series so far at the plate there's the slider for a strike he singled his first time up 4 for 4 in the series can't do much better than that he one ball one strike they call him the rooster his teammates started that last year because of the way his tackle stand up when he takes his hat off very intense ball player Walter Manny seems to be farther off to play thin the last time I saw him he usually leans right in I don't know why that is it has changed his stance a couple of times he went through a bad spot in the middle of the year and then came back well pronounced Crouch right got the black on the outside corner to into the kind of guy person is that you always say oh you got to see him play every day to appreciate him is so true of him and also Denny Doyle he got him out this time burly doesn't strike out often but Billingham got it and that's number five for Jack one down in the Red Sox pen okay game tied one all game too early and here is William Francis League struck out swinging his first time up [Applause] good punt beautiful play by Johnny Bench Oh baby what a play that's worth the price of admission you just can't stop to think on it you got to pick up and throw and the crowd appreciates this play watch him get out of the shoot and grant that falling he throwing right now he was ready to throw tremendous play here's what it looks like in that Cameron left field for the handheld camera to show you again bench getting out of there and does he move for a big man great throw and it was a good bunt too beautiful fun and you can with the weather being what it is it was the bit wet sometimes you saw that a nun call for a spit ball on a day like today I'll take mr. bench anytime take him anyway Cecil Cooper one for two ball one coupe double to left field his first time up and grounded out to second in the third he could hit always around that 305 a ball to a know you're a general manager how would you like to make a trade in which you got Joe Morgan Cesar Geronimo Dennis Menke at armbrister and Jack Billingham that wasn't too shabby a deal for him was awesome did it for Cincinnati good stop by Billingham three up and three down nice play by Jack Billingham the pitcher and we go through five with a score tied up 1-1 top of the 6th and pete rose up against bill lead rose over to hitless in the series so far but not anymore base hit to left by Rose started off in the sixth inning of a 1-1 ballgame and Pete Rose the model of consistency in 1975 as a switch hitter he hit 323 as a left-handed against left-handers and 315 against right-handed Murray he was looking for that fish to me he's looking for the off-speed stuff jump right on it he waiting for that one so the Reds now have the lead run at first nobody out attendance has come through same as yesterday 35,000 205 Joe Morgan grounded out in water [Applause] fastball there is mr. Gowdy and Marty Brennaman Curt Goudy on the right and Marty Brennaman the Cincinnati broadcaster doing radio today watch out Morgan claims that it hit him he's claiming that he got his uniform and plate umpire nicolosi says no one of the peeled on his second base umpire who is dick Stello that's what Morgan is saying look out the second base Dallas saying what do you want for me I didn't see him out here the whole plate umpire called it that's Nicolosi that's a little tough basket well at second base they call that way Morgan sues all right Morgan says all right here let's look at look at it he claims it hit or nip this uniform now you can't tell from there taking that shot but I'd say he backed out in a hurry a ball and a strike and Lee's moved to first action in the Red Sox bullpen for the first time a ball and a strike to Joe Morgan and that's going to be taken by Cooper throws over to Burleson kept me out nice play by Cecil Cooper wish for and they cut down the lead man Cooper had a pretty tough play holding Rose on as you can see on this slippery turf it's been a little bit of a drizzle makes a fine play has enough composure to get the lead runner and what's the hard slide by Pete Rose trying to go after pearl 'some it was one of the reasons that Rose doesn't run is to give Morgan that gap and Cooper makes the good play by getting his man and now we got FID little battle going again here between Lee and Morgan there's dick Drago loosening up for the Red Sox Ned mention yep first time Red Sox have had anybody out there today lead at first not in time Joe Morgan heat every time you look around he's on base 67 steals in 77 attempts this year in the regular season 4 for 4 in the playoffs look at the lead they'll go over there gene Mauch had a great expression Ned he says Joe Morgan he says first base is his address but you better write in a hurry if you don't hang around long he just rents the bag for a while it laters and again he'll do that a lot he'll try to take a step away from somebody some runners he can but I don't think Morgan will be bluffed out by Morgan actually gets a bigger lead as this conceptual off left-handed pitchers the foul and the count is Owen one two bench look at Joe marking off the spot right there he's doing some groundskeeping that's where he knows he's got to go that's fire Tommy Harper who used to steal bases by the ton for the Red Sox and before he came here always always took about a five step lead and he never changed no matter how many times the pitcher went over no matter how good his move that's what they mean about the lead going over there as soon as he gets the ball back tails away ball one one in one Morgan was interesting base dealing philosophies he's very positive he's too worried about getting back to first base not me he says I've already got that I'm thinking second base that came back again I tell how I feel I don't think he'll run would bench hit and if they get two outs although you'd have to be ready for him you wouldn't want to take that bet out of his big guys hands but he's drawn throws got him again Denny Doyle making a bag what gun by fist on the proper side of the bag the ball drifted right into the runner look at him get rid of the ball with something on it gut carbide X talent great position you look weird at me years of Doyle's as fists frozen ball he gives the oil a chance to set himself good tag that was a good tag throw was there but I a good tag by Doyle good work by fist yeah so he'll block the face well we're dead sure did I'm still surprised that he ran now it's 2 and 1/2 bench nobody on they shipped us on again on Johnny Bench three infielders on the left side back to sinking fastball there they are Doyle will over toward the shortstop way and Burleson in the hole and Petrocelli up the line killing two two balls two strikes so Carlton Fisk who everybody said they're going to run all over the place on him I was thrown out two in the series so far and of course you got it say with Morgan and the plan everything that that is not the fastest track out there it's heavy to centerfield Lynn [Applause] he slipped on the first step and he's got in the break-in now he's our centerfield camera with a great recovery second time he's done it today right here comes another angle on it lit out great catch innings over going to the bottom of the sixth inning one one [Applause] here it is again the inning ending catch by Lynn and actually it has become rather ordinary here the way he's done some of those seconds the amazing thing he just went like a gopher chewing up the ground but that he did enjoy the ball loose when his elbows hit I thought that might happen too here is Denny Doyle when they're starting to give it the old fin wave president start to chomp it up to Morgan at second there it is the schedule for World Series night games to stay Wednesday and Thursday if necessary from Cincinnati Ohio Boston Red Sox and the Cincinnati Reds will have the baseball world of Joe Garagiola and will be on we got foster Brooks doing the poem Tony D ball one and at eight o'clock on Tuesday we cut the bubblegum championship on the baseball world the fact Club versus Oates Johnny Oates pressures on now one OD as ball two Yastrzemski has had a fielder's choice and scored the only run for the Red Sox and he walked his last time I had a hit yesterday the drove in the first run and what proved to be the only run that Louie Tiant needed Beks wing and it's one two and one now the Red Sox just refused to let the momentum change so far in this young series just REM ski yesterday with a great dive Linda day picking off or throwing out Morgan Morgan's trying to excite them but they keep coming up with a good place as they did all year they're making a run at him pace it by effective so your hands on with a one-out single what's that fad of Yastrzemski he was rapping and he wrapped it up it here and then right into it and a great follow-through I think the interesting thing to me and this Red Sox the way they're playing is they have not changed they still run even if they're thrown out and Fisk behind the plate has not changed his style a lot of times you get a fast base runner on they'll go for slow curveballs he catches his game and he's going to throw the men out if they run they have not changed they're doing their thing this gets up he is 1 for 2 drove in a run with a single in the first inning Cincinnati 1 the Red Sox won bottom of the 6th a beauty here at Fenway and it is quit raining but it's very dark ball one what a difference in the style of left ear play there is the visitor George Foster just well almost down the warning track tell you what he thinks about the wall he wants to be there in a hurry as opposed to you asthma trying to show you him later he plays much more shallow [Music] foul count 1 and 1/2 Fisk Geronimo is playing a shallow a relatively shallow centerfield compared to what he played yesterday it seems he's come in a little bit and Griffey and right playing about like Dwight Evans eras Geronimo shaded over a little bit toward left-center on fence [Applause] lay it off the breaking pitch to and one activity in the Cincinnati bullpen we look at Fiske Pedro Borbon one of the core of great relievers the Reds have had this year he can use Sanderson can use four guys out there they remind me a little bit of theirs what's happening to the pitcher's mound a little bit of mud out there but they remind me of the bull kind of dick Williams had with the days a couple of years ago when he had four guys that he could use either short or long Tony would you hit and run here they do it with this down of Kate he's got a big hole between Morgan and Paris had an ocean on it I believe - and - Kenna Harrelson - one of the TV broadcasters up here the hawk told me that he thinks fists for a big powerful man can adjust his swing and hit and run and cut down his food better than anybody he's seen ball three three and two now what do you do with your Stremme skate send him on his way I will send him and I think a Darrel will we're unanimous here yep for the first time we've got two votes for no down stairs and one abstain we say he's going one out [Music] yep and he's going to get second base concepción bobbles the ball and safe all around the scouting reports will tell you to play Fiske in the hole he's a pull hitter concepción was cheating toward the bag he was not curry but he was cheating toward the bag so we could get there he's out of a double play and the ball a little unusual hop out sitting up this is not artificial surface differences just rimsky running concepción lost his for side play at second and the long throw was a bit too long to get fist so Johnson is starting his man paid off yeah it did pay off that's the first error of the series so far by the usually very sure handed concepción Freddie Lynn he doesn't make many of them concepción raided by many is the best one of the best in the game a Denny Doyle the big fan of his look at cuddling and get everything concepción an arm he's got rain soft hands Doyle said puts him on a par with Larry Bowa Philadelphus deaf boyhood he played with the phone yeah at second short right Griffey and the runner as hold as now there are two outs so Lynn oh for three today lies to right Rico Petrucelli moves in Petrocelli yesterday with men on jumped on the very first pitch there very well all these Red Sox but no they jumped on the first pitch with men on and let's see what happens if Petrocelli I know if I'm catch and I'd have to say give me some extra on that first two four five in the series he's over two with this afternoon struck out once [Applause] one one ball game is Kranthi a second the lead run biscuit her right good breaking ball what a curveball Edward I was the best career boy through all day that can bother Rico who used to be a very good breaking ball hitter but lately has not been as well again the fastball ball one a ball and a strike to Rico we got a dandy here yesterday was about like this until the seventh inning it was nothing nothing today one one is Billingham and Billy putting it on [Applause] fastball that time it's two in one Petrocelli had there is his trem ski at second get on on a single and Fisk is over at first he were against hitter you'd guess curveball I went now [Music] get it have been a slider 2 & 2 Petrocelli had an inner-ear problem that really bothered him this year he almost had to stop the game at first he thought it was his eyesight he tried glasses and then he found out there was an inner ear infection that he's being treated for right now and will be looked at after the series decide whether he'll play again all three Rico is often misread by a lot of people because he a moody kind of fella but he he was really hurting three and two now runners will go I'll have to do it all over three and two two outs six inning one one game Petrocelli hails from Brooklyn New York originally we've been living here but is moving to Florida next door neighbor to the home plate umpire Nicolosi know she grew up close brothers wrinkles just a kid gran too they said is it yep faces the threat he will score kiddo Petrucelli on a 3-2 pitch Singles in the lead run there it is again to med that big two-out RBI base hit they got it from Carlton Fisk in the first and got it from Petrocelli here in the sixth that's worth double its weight this went to third on the play so now runners are at the corners with two outs and here's Dwight Evans hit by a pitch and struck out two to one Boston sixth inning [Applause] six hits off Billingham now all one three RBIs for Petrocelli in the series Evans had a leadoff single yesterday and the cat is killing it or doing he has trouble with the breaking pitch they'll throw him a lot of breaking stuff and he'll concern himself with it sometimes too much but he make a mistake on him he's got good power all over turn up so outfit up in Fenway more than any other Park there's similar giving some signs he's going to let him take a crack at and I believe he let pearls can go free and all yesterday got a base set if the pitchers come up here in the outside outside trying to be cute for the outside corner they missed the way they're behind it here in trouble three balls no strikes goes for it they gave him the green light which has happened so often in this ball club this year I asked Darrell about Burleson hit the three nothing and after I left him I thought boy he just gives everybody the green light he just wants to take advantage of the short left field fence and with three and nothing that's the one time when you're up there you can really pinpoint your pitch that only gets fastball but guest location no inside fastball you can really pinpoint it three and one ball Petrocelli took off and with a foul lash down at the left count three and two now here's here's that railing that goes out there that so has been the bane of a lot of shortstops and left fielders existence and also hitters because a lot of times it'll take a double away from a matter that's headed down into the corner and it'll hit that railing and turn into a single three and two ball four check with first base umpire Larry Barnett he says ball four she's been stood up before he tried to steal a fancy wanting to call it himself trying intimidate her influence down fires fall he starts walking away watch him after the pitches maze he went around up what's down there you got him I think he had a legitimate question yeah I believe he did he had a legitimate question numpy iraz will say that's that's the toughest call to make the check swing well they're going to be a change of pitchers down that is going to be all for Billingham on the disputed walk to Evans Pedro Borbon who used to be in the American League and now is over here and a fine national league pitcher is coming on there's a break in the action here at Boston the score the Red Sox 2 and Cincinnati 1 Larry's seeing a commissioners official box mrs. Kuhn at the far end of your left and dr. Kissinger as we move over next to Commissioner Kuehne jumps through no mana threw out the first ball and then congressman Tip O'Neill smoking that cigar with the brown cap on mrs. O'Neill Joe Cronin I'm the general manager here mrs. Cronan next to him and that was herb Schlosser speaking to the commissioner president of NBC the congressman MacDonald is behind congressman O'Neill mrs. McDonald those Sallah stitches here and the sand guys are out on the mound you covered whole ball yeah right where everybody comes with all the executives Kirk did that yesterday his job security Tony job securing this one of his contract if you want us to get a shot of mr. you're cute Tara's gonna be glad this would be glad to do that okay Ralph and there are years go ahead mr. Thomas yaki Haywood Sullivan to your right as you look at them heywhat Solon and the director of player personnel mr. yaki was excited by Boston for the first time the other day they gave him a copy of the Old North Church a replica of it and honored Pedro Borbon not in 1975 he'll be facing Rick Burleson with a bases loaded the Red Sox leading two-to-one this and they have put out on the mound and a round hole plate for better purchase by the pitchers it's really not sad it's some sort of dried fertilizer pardon the expression there's a strike nothing in one faces full of Red Sox fists cut third Petrocelli at second Evans at first and Burleson 1 for 2 on the afternoon Pedro Borbon inside past bench but just a short one one ball one strike there is fiscal third-base ready and there's activity again in the bullpen for the Cincinnati Reds this is mackaninee who appeared yesterday will McEnaney working again flyball centerfield Geronimo there and that wraps it up for the Red Sox a run they had a couple of hits there was an error and three left that going to the seventh it is 2-1 Boston with time for many coming up next will be grandstand then that'll be all the highlights and scores of all the activity and of course it's a big sports afternoon with World Series and football in fact there's one upset the making going on right now in the first quarter Baltimore leading to a Jay Simpson and Buffalo's 14 nothing Jack buck will have all the highlights for young grandstand and then we've got the big football game Kansas City and the Oakland Raiders and that's always the beauty where those two teams get together so grandstand time permitting follow the routine the Oakland Raider and Kansas City game we have all the highlights and what-have-you right now we got a beauty right here Ned that we have sir Tony Perez leading off against Bill Red Sox leading two to one out hitting the register six to three Frankie Perez Perez is home for two struck out and had a fielder's choice but has an RBI on the fielder's choice one of the Red Sox runs is unearthed [Applause] tailing away with a screwball the count is one ball one strike Red Sox have double barreled action in their bullpen [Applause] pop foul that's coming back out of play Joe they still look like they're looking for off-speed stuff off him almost giving him the fastball Harris was right on the pitch there was an off-speed breaking ball he's spotting it well though Johnny there's our handheld microphone microphone camera from behind the left-field wall passed just from ski-in toward home plate [Applause] whatever to it too as you watch Fisk catch big guy really gives his pictures not only a good target but he takes the monkey off their back by just going there and saying here's where I wanted just outside ball three three and two presents quite a target to Jim he really does and he locates the ball for you after he gives the sign watch him just move over there Lea walks Perez to open the seventh-inning second walk given up by the space man and it's one on nobody out and George Foster coming up so far T on and me I've done quite a job on this Reds hitting attack they're the top run scoring team in the majors in 75 they averaged about 5.2 a game you can see why first 15 innings of this game there's not the kind of guy you'd expect the bunt but Rickles playing a little bit in like he's gonna hit he does flyball left-center limb right there one out he was going for it foster has the long ball power anyway and thinking mind we'll get it out and see if you can hammer one two somewhere one out and Dave concepción the shortstop then I get the feeling that Bill me wants to have right-handed hitters try and pull him he hits him on the end of the bat and they hit those weak lazy flyballs Johnny Bench made that comment before the series even sometimes we have trouble with left-handers that turn the ball away from us I was watching that shot we just had on there he was crossing Tony and then all of a sudden he switched with the seams the cross same as when he's cut from the fastball that's how he does it he did it behind his back too which is get somebody like grandma's to Shuggie or the guys on the fence you know watching there's whip the seams that's a sinker ball style of holding a pitch [Music] very high too shallow right Evans playing shallow but Doyle is there who's got it Evans I will give you an idea of the kind of range Dwight Evans has in right field it's very spacious as you know here and right he took that ball almost down the infield he did and he didn't have that far to come for it either and you infielders love that don't you let the sure man happen that's the outfield see where he grips this minute own Ken Griffey is oh for two he's grounded twice to Cooper one with a difficult play and the other one in an easier [Applause] very fast grippy off the end of the bat strike one [Applause] let's look at the holding of the ball now he's changing it around with the seams again [Applause] dipping low right the sinker one ball one strike you can pentameter a couple guys on that bench watching tonight if they've been watch it the whole game it hasn't helped you can know what's coming just like I guess when you get a lot of rain and water's coming in the basement but how you going to stop it net are the stories about Lee and his relationship there's a Cincinnati that's his relationship with the bullpen fans out there true oh yeah he plays catch with him he warms up as we saw before the game twice the 60 foot distance a very big favorite out there one and two to Griffey and others thinking fastball but Lee he'll aggravate some people too he used to have barbecues did he is that true for the fans out there hey a light a fire occasionally call for some pennies to be thrown to him and left hand pitcher he loves to go in the outfield to to take a lot of fun goes one ball two strikes two and two it's Red Sox to the Reds one Reds batting in the seventh game two and then tomorrow a travel date and on to Riverfront Stadium on Tuesday night Rick wise will go for Boston [Applause] little delay there in the club i colosi but it is a strike and Griffey doesn't care for he is called out on strikes big colosi with the call going to the bottom of the seventh Boston to Cincinnati one back at Fenway Park this is Ned Martin with Joe Garagiola and Tony Kubek the Red Sox leading the Cincinnati Reds 2 to 1 and Bill Lee first up in the seventh inning after a rain delay Lee is gone over to mackaninee is the pitcher for Cincinnati wil McEnaney coming into his second appearance in two days strike Lee tried to fund his last time I've dropped a nice one down the third base line but a fine play by Johnny Bench got him it'd be interesting to see how these two pitchers react to the delay [Applause] another bunt attempt and that's a strike and the count is Owen to Lee and his dealings with the rain and he's had a lot of them this year has reacted very well it hasn't bothered him quite so much as it might some other pitchers that have a hard time getting loose again don't know about mcenany strikes Lee out that takes no time at all and Lee is out of there one down on the top of the order Cecil Cooper coming up [Applause] Cooper is 1 for 2 he doubled in three trips double the left in the first inning Red Sox have two runs and six hits Cincinnati one run three hits they made an error strike McEnaney was second in the EMA in the National League in 1975 in appearances he had 70 Jean Garber the Phils had 71 nothing in two doesn't seem that mackaninee has been bothered by anything and he is quickly ahead of Cooper major league ball one you're gonna waste one I always thought that was bad don't even call it a waste pitch but if you're gonna waste a pitch that was a waste pitch Major Leaguers right Ned down to concepción at Short - ups number five I need oil up the oil has had an infield hit Hillary trips 3 for 6 in the series these always seems to be in the middle of things offensively or defensively Meghan things happen all one they're the drive foul down into right-field Doyle had a lot of doubles for the Red Sox this year comparatively speaking and they always were in the lines it seemed that he would dunk him down into left field or sometimes get his pitch like there and double right up the first base line he doesn't pull many but he sprays them all over he's got that defense honest I'll say that 21 doubles in the 97 games he played here fouls it off one ball two strikes he had a couple of very big doubles there's a shot of mcenany a couple of big doubles the last two weeks of the season when every game meant something - and - one of them was a bad hop hit past Chambliss of New York another one hits the first base bag couple went down to the left side checks his swing on that - and - glad to see you talked with Jimmy rice Tony he's quite a young man Anita he is dejected he's sure hiding it well I know he'd like to be in there [Applause] all three three and two to Doyle two outs in the Red Sox seventh Red Sox two and Cincinnati one strike three called got it quickening four mackaninee who looked very very sharp and going to the top of the eighth-inning the score Red Sox to Cincinnati one pinch-hitter it [Music] they're the bull pens in action at Fenway on the left the Red Sox bullpen right-hander dick Drago on the left-hander throwing now number 43 Jim Burton and Rowley Eastwick the third warming up for Cincinnati Ned we saw Tony interview and down the interview area during the rain delay but you know that he had to go visit us well I assume that he and Kissinger and they were he was in the Red Sox dressing room a couple of good inside he's really a baseball fan that Joey said surprise isn't it that Red Sox are running so much pretty good and he said not too bad isn't it going to change when they get to Cincinnati there's diplomatic fashion obviously he knows it's going to change when they get there get all these social notes here we need it our roving reporter yeah we're going to have a let's say Billy taking his lumps he'll be allowed a lot of course with the rain delay all he got for warmups afterwards was striking out and the spaceman is pitched three hit baseball so far as well we got a chance here certainly when to say hello to our friends armed forces radio and TV there are 399 radio stations worldwide 90 television outlets delayed a week the million and a half US service and civilians that we'll see in here the World Series NBC's coverage not too bad looking at that people warming up Li and fist Navy day today here 200th birthday of the u.s. Navy lien fist the battery at one time were one two men as player reps on this ballclub Fisk was a player up and leave its assistant now Lee is the player around his opponent no more part of it here is Geronimo leading off and lacing one to centerfield but Lin is there one out hell armbrister was in the on-deck-circle an event that Geronimo got on now he goes back to the dugout and merv rettenmund has come out that merv rettenmund who is one of the two American League players X American leaguers who ever played in this park before of the Cincinnati Reds Redmond was a fine outfielder with the Baltimore Orioles and actually he was an unfortunate spot he was a number for outfielder when they had Paul Blair and Don Buford and Frank Robinson and he was considered one of the best fourth outfielders but he never really got a chance went over to the National League a couple of years ago and hit to 39 this year with two homers and 19 RBIs mine had a couple of sensational years for the Orioles there's that changeup popped up foul Cecil Cooper there two out rettenmund batting for Billingham or for the pitcher feather back and he fouls out and there are 208 in the Cincinnati eight then he started him off with it that time unbelievable usually when you have a play pin shooter coming in you want to show him smoke because he's been sitting there especially on kind of a cold day like today but he went the other way his scrimps keys playing mighty mighty close the batter Petros has playing the shallow left field strike one Rose is one for three he singled to left his last time up Petrucelli standing down in 30s about got one foot out territory one in one really guarding the lines Rico policing around there he was over way over toward the bag and that's where he'll go now again don't want to get bro is anything down into that corner because that's a sure double the way he hustles on the bases even one hit off the railing like a double he won in one [Applause] how's that one one and two and that's got colosi I believe they're not taking any pitches they know Lee's been throwing strikes most of the ballgame he's been ahead of the hitters they're going up they're whaling and he might become a little effective now because they look like they're all swinging four home runs a little tailing fastball and changes speeds he becomes even tougher Lee pitched in a game last year fellas that was an almost unbelievable they had a rain delay of an hour they the game took about four hours to play and he pitched the thing that's a face it Rose is on with a handle single over Doyle's head so the Reds have the tying run at first with two outs in the eighth two four four four feet roads the fourth Reds head and mr. trouble here for any Red Sox pitcher Joe Morgan been on base twice again today with a walk and a fielder's choice grounded out his other time can't imagine Ned there's not much fist can do because he gets his surprising some of the hitters out bet with Lee pitching especially with that slow curveball he throws they might be a pretty good thing to steal on two away organ standing in he's well up on the plate - in front of it he wants to try to get that ball before it breaks shopper sharp like Doyle or get up leave dashes into the dust cloud and it's no runs a hit and one left going to the bottom of the 8th - 2 1 Red Sox we'll be bringing your grandstand right after this game we bring you up to date on all the highlights and what-have-you the Baltimore Colts were upsetting the midst of an upset it's 21 17 in the third quarter Baltimore so upset in the making but Jack buck we'll have all the highlights we have some highlights of this game and highlights to the football and then at 4 o'clock or thereabouts we'll have the Oakland Raiders in the Kansas City Chiefs that's right here so where you got that dial is this spot to be grandstand and I think it Oakland Raiders rushes Kansas City chief says enough don't look at the standings when those two teams play they go ahead and head right now there's a pretty good study of young East Way I like the shot on the right hand corner I like rawly Eastwick had 42 saves I tell you why you get a good now I watched the pitchers head now he looks to the ground then looks up I thought you meant the lower right-hand corner cuz they included the catcher ah looking at the top now watch he looks at the ground and that's where he picks you up I always wanted those pictures to look at me she's know they were going to get me out I want to know where them know where I was be honest about it anyway that's right Eastwick was some kind of relief pitcher he had 22 saved this past year tying Al hrabosky of the Cardinals for top to the National League he appeared in 58 games won five lost three 22 saves I've had a 2.60 earned run average of a rookie district from Camden New Jersey listen Hatfield now here's yes Carl Yastrzemski one for two today [Applause] bottom of the eighth the Red Sox leading two to one Eastwick a power pitcher he comes in throwing strikes as those mcenany's slider tailing fastball long drive toward the wall in left-center it is going to be caught out there by Geronimo as a wind held it up ball well hit and on a day with no wind that might have made the wall one out Carlton Fisk has one hit today at RBI single in the first inning he's 1 for 3 [Applause] that's his head in the series [Applause] came fairly close to the wall yesterday with a fly ball ball one but nobody has hit it yet [Applause] you're looking to the retinas ninth-inning they will have the meat of their order up Perez and foster against League [Music] popped up maybe room for bench back near the railing nope two rows up as you noted yesterday very little foul ground here for the catchers in Fenway Park that's good and only on foul balls but on those pass balls right old days in Pittsburgh before they even move the screen up you could run for a week and a half on a fastball and guys that score from sex like impatient blame the catcher you have some sadistic knuckleball pitcher out there and then blame you a ball and a strike the 50 two and one here you got the shot from downtown good shot of Fenway Park - and - that was a strike from New Hampshire one of the few new hampshirites Major League Baseball there's his manager Darrell Johnson not time to grin yet Darrell - two - Fisk still 2 & 2 [Applause] he likes defeat legs uh-huh defeat the Redlegs two balls two strikes they want to go away from the slider three it to Sparky Anderson crew looking a little bit tense right now three two two fists Annie Walker this draws the walk the first given up by Eastwick Freddy Lynn coming up Lynne is over three today grounded out flied out twice you can see he did it all is right in 1975 [Applause] one strike he came into the all-star game this year a rookie pick and said he never seen so many fast balls thrown he been throwing seeing so many breaking pitches in the American League and they threw him fastball and got him out in the all-star game now you see one of the nice things an umpire will do duster plate what it doesn't need it to give Johnny Bench a chance to get a breather he took one of those real shots off the leg and tolosa getting a little time to get his pieces back in order that boy bad rip that time by Lynn the cow too and two dead one of the things I like about Lynn is even if he's not hitting he's still a big contributor to winning ball games we've seen it already today a great catch he made this one and to know he doesn't get down on himself and I think that was a very big point about the fella you interviewed Jim Rice he was even more so than Lynn the the over for days don't make it hang his head comes back just got a piece of that one too I saw a quote by Lynn and I asked him you know did he believe the year he's having he says well maybe someday this winter when I'm out in the boat fishing it might be jump right out at me but he said right now it's too much day-to-day for me to worry about it looking at Roger Moret in the bullpen for the Red Sox one and two to live Eastwick on the mountain how to play I've been a great replay not the file marette blowing that little bubble out there he's out of the competition he's he's one of the gars Yola losers he was a pretty good one though he hadn't had a shot at it for a while he was alright but he didn't he lost it didn't quite you gotta have something going for you Amanda no joke very high not to deep right-center it's gonna be Geronimo two outs Lynn is out Fisk returns to first here is ko Petrocelli guy who put the Red Sox ahead in the 6th with a two-out single there's Barret Roger had the best winning percentage the American League this year Rico is 1 for 3 [Applause] ballin Ezreal quitting again this year well it's not this time of quitting he is going to be examined by a doctor though on this inner ear thing if they figure that it he's thinking heavy medication for it now to keep it down but if there's any chance of it flaring I don't think they would want him to play because you could hit in the head or something happened why it could be dangerous too and oh he did say last year he was gonna quit and decided to come back he wanted to be traded a lot of things went through his mind he had the problem litigation off off the season several years ago which he eventually won of course but things like that bothered him he's been a heck of a ballplayer through ten years here [Applause] they're the face hit the right Luke then their fists will hold at second griffey picks up two on two out and number six has done it again for the red side just a little handle hit into right field Dwight Evans the batter Red Sox trying to get an insurance run here a little pad run in the eighth they lead two to one Evans is over one and hit by a pitch struck out and walked Toronto is really directing the outfit he's got drifty playing very shallow right he's playing shallow in center Evans has power out that direction right Center once in a while net yeah he does he can't hit there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good pitch by Eastwick they're daring Evans hit the ball over their heads and center and right field I'm listening frisket score from second base on a ball hit to right field shallow is Griff nice plant LA after hitting the gap up and in ball one one in one the trouble that Evans has sometimes is when he gets a couple of shots and hits that wall or the screen and then he thinks I'm a full hitting home run hitter and sometimes miss adjusts one in one to it ball two there's that situation again put your way away get in trouble get behind lay back wait for the fastball [Applause] [Music] good pitch again ball strike count is 2 & 2 now evan is not caring for it one thing about leads that I've noticed here in this ballpark Ned you saw it all year you got to get a pretty good lead off second base because that ball does hit that wall if they play it perfectly you're still going to get nails there instead of a four-step leave fish has got a good lead at second Fred Lynn used to take big leaves off there this year too how to play 2 & 2 mister medium speed ground ball hit between third and short sometimes can be tough to score on Foster now is shortened up quite a bit yes he has not playing out near the warning pad [Applause] - and - two hours - on foul ball yeah you're checking on that one excuse me dad if you're an infielder in this situation one thing's got to be on your mind knock the ball down you've got to dive and stop that ball from going to the outfield one thing that could hurt I guess on that wet outfield is the ball to die there before somebody gets to him quick free he's out Eastwick got him on the inside corner no runs a hit from to left and going to the night it is 2 to 1 Red Sox the preceding announcement was furnished by Major League Baseball so here we go to the top of the ninth the Red Sox leading the Reds 2 to 1 as Bill Lee will face bench Perez at foster with concepción behind them Lee has pitched a four-hitter the go-ahead run by the Red Sox was unearned that's the kind of ball game this has been tough tight car here's Ben base hit right field maybe more than one Evans tracks it down bench will take to double tying run at second base nobody out Ned we didn't get a chance because he hit the first pitch but they had shifted on him they're throwing all their strength towards left feel and the third base line and Lee hung a fall outside and had John fooling he did a tough time pulling it through for a base hit but he went with it and it's an extra-base hit and here comes Darrell Johnson Johnson out to talk to Lee it's been a long while since Lee has gone nine innings and that was then at April of the August 24th game figuring on what to do now with bench of second base and the tough part of the order still coming up and of course with Cincinnati every part of the order is tough Tony Perez a right handed hitter to be followed by Foster and concepción they're going to go to the bullpen they want the right-hander dick Drago to come on to pitch to Perez so Bill Lee who will get quite a hand here as he lead here it is everybody up at Fenway and the Red Sox faithful Lee worked eight innings plus giving up five hits and one run walked two struck out four and gives way to Drago there's a break in the action here in Boston the score the Red Sox 2 and Cincinnati one there is dick Drago the hard throwing right-hander who saved two ballgames in the playoffs one official save he bailed out pitcher is twice and he did it by just throwing the fastball to he I think there's a throwback to the I would I have to call the old time relief pitcher who comes in and throw strikes we went through a period where we had they kind of all would you call them the knuckleball this group all the forkball type pitcher but a guy like Drago goes back to the Joe page your Ted Wilkes that kind of ball player pitcher Raddatz is another guy just rare back and throw as hard as he can into the strike zone he's got a sinking fastball and you can look for the fastball but again it doesn't mean you're gonna be able to do anything with it yet had a good fastball let's take a look at this play again with Jenny Bench going into the right field with the pitch and that's what he did right there doubling the right field has set up an entirely different ballgame now as Drago comes on to try to bail out Billy Drago appeared in 40 games in the regular season he had 15 saves - lost - it had an earned run average or 3.84 and the first man he'll face will be Tony Perez the mention Drago he had a 17 game winning here at Kansas City as a starting pitcher he just became a short reliever this season last year they had him at a starter and a reliever Perez old four to one RBI fouled expect one Perez 109 RBI man over the season third in the National League behind Greg luzinski the bills and teammate Johnny Bench and he wants very much to back on hit right now look at that Petrocelli with Jeanette Gordon that line at third I'm looking at the Drago that's a mean look there [Applause] one ball one strike we've got an interesting thing going on in second base they're playing so deep Burleson right now is trying to get some instructions from the bench from the Red Sox bench because Johnny Bench at second base is getting a tremendous lead he's 12 for 12 in stolen bases you take him for granted he's gonna be hook sliding into third I will see what guess now one at one dial bluffing toward second a chopper toward the middle Burleson will have to fight him first he gets his man but Mitch goes to third no other play could be made on a medium speed ground ball toward the center of the diamond one out and the tying run at third George Foster the hitter and a big big spot for Drago our statistician here Walker Alan Roth production stage manager Jim O'Gorman field supervisor Huey McDermott our thanks to them the Red Sox bring the infield in Doyle and Burleson two or three steps off the grass the outfield shaded to left on Foster with power from the right side he's 1 for 3 today a single in the fourth inning the Red Sox want to cut the run off if they can now Burleson wants a word with Drago and Fisk comes out one thing that girl sitting did establish himself this year Joe was the fact that he could be the field leader and the Red Sox haven't had a take-charge guy in the infield for a long while now the manager is going to join I can't blame Daryl for wanting to come out here to find out what's going on I'm sure that one of the things they're talking about is the possibility of a squeeze play and just what exactly is going to happen do you knock the hit her down do you throw away from him you want to set that up in your mind and Burleson I will say this and I'd love to see it if there's any doubt in your mind at all call a meeting now is the time to call the meeting not in the clubhouse when you say command I wish I'd had going after and said something they get everything squared away there's really no strategy here they know how to pitch to foster and if Drago's going to get out of it he's going to get out of it with his good sinking fastball this is not the time to think this is the time to throw Red Sox have a couple of people throwing in their bullpen and so do the Reds okay here's foster there is a Jim Willoughby is the right-hander Jim Burton the left-hander in the bullpen for Boston [Applause] Dec swing strike one [Applause] big spot here want to try to keep an eye on where fish locates this fall there that's a big pitch I think one strike to foster bench at third out of play strike two so now Griego has the edge on foster Oh into good decision behind a plate now is you go out and get him right away or that you throw this pitch set up your one ball two strike pitch oh yeah hit her like this you might do that two strikes he did that was a great pitch because he was going to the outside for to plate but if he was going to miss he was going to miss it to the outside and not give him that good pitch to hit but here's where he's gonna go get him we'll look take a look at that pitch now if you miss you miss outside which he did if he misses inside he's in trouble I gotta leave he's going out and getting them right now hurt your pitching decision one ball two strikes the father how to play again it keeping it away from foster not one of him to get anything down that he can pull his shrimp she's playing in straightaway and shallow and left but they're respecting his ability to hit it toward the line Lin is shading him toward left center there's he has they bunch him up the left center field give him a hole in right-center field Oh jammed him that time that's what you call fighting off a good pitch if Drago could pick up a phone and ask for a pitch he could throw that would have been it that high type fastball he had extra on it and foster just fought it off had he hit that ball he wouldn't have been able to drive it anywhere he just fought it off so you're really seeing a battle between our pretty good relief pitcher and a pretty good hitter 1 & 2 to foster tying run a third one out of the night [Applause] faster taking a little edge off by backing out [Applause] flyball shallow left just REM ski in bench playing down the line won't go home two outs big-big out there mr. Garagiola yes sir nan and I tell you it was a pretty good battle and Drago's shaking off to one pitch I'm sure that this was going to go with the fastball all the way and many times what you do is put down fastball and have him shake you off you tell him to shake it off to get that hitter thinking and what makes you do a thing like that is Foster backing out of the box a couple times you know he was thinking that was quite a battle so now it's down to one out to go for Griego and a base up the go for concepción if they wants to send this game farther than it is or give the Red Sox a chance of the night Dave concepción is all for three flied out twice ventia third the wind up by Drake right one up and in again he is letting out a notch man he has really blown that ball oh part of these phone one you notice he's not going to any trick pitches what got him here is going to get him out of there and that's what Concepcion I'll be looking for so it's you know I got mine you got yours let's see that may be trouble soil can't make the play and it's all tied up infield hit by Dave concepción no play at all for Denny Doyle except to keep it in the infield Johnny Bench scores and the Reds have tied it in the night that here we go again it was a pitch Shawn the outer edge done tailing in really see concepción swing down on that ball and once it got by Drago there wasn't much Doyle could do but keep it from going to the outfield he couldn't really make a throw he was running too hard watch the momentum carry him about three or four more steps that's the kind when you stop right there you you just don't know what to do with you really want to take a fight out of it it's what you want to do yeah arboreus right incidentally concepción zaror led to the go-ahead run for the Red Sox so he even it up Griffey is the matter Oh 4-3 lead run at first two outs well you can't really fault Riggle he's pouring the coals he made a good powerful pitch and concepción got the bat on it to the right place I think you pinpointed well-knit I got mine you got yours it was strengthened against strengthen that this particular time concepción won that battle but you know he's throwing hard because anytime you hear a catcher's glove pop what the gloves are using today you really got to throw hard because they're using pillows so it's one strike to Griffey the Red Sox ninth inning will have Burleson Griego and Cooper scheduled up [Applause] keeping him there [Applause] and again he's got some ideas but Drago's doing a good job he's got a pretty good move for right-hander [Music] one strike to griffey I'm gonna send him back there a few more times take a step away keep him there they want no one at the mid station as they say one strike to Griff a with two outs at the top of the ninth game tied 2-2 [Applause] one ball one strike [Applause] Griffey has pulled the ball twice to Cooper at first that was against Lee [Applause] but our going throw down their argument 5 Burleson throw a little bit low by Fisk otherwise I might have had him he threw that ball straight down he gets the ball in pretty good shape but watch him as he comes up he guns it down count look right down yeah hell no no just a bit too long nice pickup of second base by Burleson hey but he was under the tag got in just under the tag on a pretty close play well covered it's now 1 & 2 and the lead run is in scoring position a single would put the Reds ahead a good solid single one and to the counter how to play you know it's going to sound like a cop-out because having been the catcher but it is a little bit cold here and I don't care whether you're catching as much as Fisk has it's just a little tougher to throw on a day like today well it is it really is this could fill 2 out in the series [Applause] pretty good save by Berlin turned out almost got him 1 & 2 and again griffey hangs tough spoiling a good pitch one ball two strikes Reds putting on the pressure in the ninth inning as they have done so often that's what gets them they're a team that can come back take advantage of everything get the base hit the off field base hit by bench and then with two outs the ground ball that scores the run it concepción able to steal a base in the clutch is a pretty good indication of what kind of a ballclub it is as far as balance absolutely [Applause] we'll hit the left centers in there a run will score it goes to the wall picks up by Lin double and his Reds three Red Sox to Ken Griffey with two strikes on him behind on the count one and two picked on the fastball and found the ally with a clutch double and the Reds have gone ahead for the first time in the series so far club was down they were almost saying where do we get you in our home ballpark but Griffey has just given them a lead and Griffey who is kind of in the shadows of the benches Perez rose and Morgan's who was his bunt that beat Pittsburgh and now it's his extra-base hit that puts him ahead the run charged to Drago the other two runs charged to lead so now the game has really changed around and the Reds have the advantage and they are going to put this man on Toronto is going to get the walk with first base open which will send up Eastwick so intentional pass to Geronimo who had gone over 300 he had not had a hit in the series or in post season playoffs had gone over 14 still he strategy dictates you've got to put him on or else force a pinch-hitter for Eastwick yet with all that there is Bob Howsam the Cincinnati Reds a prisoner gender learn a lot better now is I started the same with all the talk about the wall that's the chairman of board Lou Nippert next to him in a light coat with all the talk about the wall and what they were going to do there was a five hopper that Doyle was able to come up with it's been the big hit so far yeah the medium speed ground ball by Perez that got benched a third in the first place but then the corsa that's all academic after the double by Griffin [Applause] Eastwick strike 1 we've done it a length of this game and what an exciting game it is we'll be going right to the football the Oakland Raiders in Kansas City Chiefs so we get you into the mood for that game because that'll be a beauty just like this one is [Applause] Doyle to Burleson got the bag in time at East which is out where he forces out the runner Geronimo four to six going to the bottom of the night three two to Cincinnati we pause briefly for a station identification this is the NBC television network so it's the bottom of the ninth inning Cincinnati leading the Red Sox 3 2 to Rick Burleson will be first up there'll be a pinch-hitter for dick Drago and then Cecil Cooper as rawly Eastwick has a chance to nail one down at the big one and a very big one for the Reds three runs seven hits for Cincinnati one error two runs seven hits no errors for the Red Sox and that's how even the game has been Ned you've seen the Red Sox all year well Burleson is this a fun situation for him the base hit not often no I don't think so we'll see but Rose playing third I'd they want to get a man on right right I noticed French moved rose into third and that's the reason I asked you he could do it but he doesn't go up and to lead off an inning we'll see now Red Sox down by rod you can play it for tide swinging and off this foot boy Burleson's caved in a little bit there that's gorgeous a sinker ball fastball in it goes right down right off this left foot boy and if that doesn't make you late for the dance nothing will telling me put you to fair Ritchie having her shoes on it oh I tell you Tony I couldn't run any high I wouldn't mind wearing those steel plated told that the umpires got here and wear those shoes but it wouldn't hurt or help my speed would help you on a play like that one strike two girls ball one there they are get the steel in the toe and calah she's got dirt on the heel right now it's been a long day farm pop up shallow right look how shallow grippy was playing foul ball catch one out he was way marble Bernie carbo who used to play with the Cincinnati Reds is coming up to bat he is going to hit for Drago he's tattooed that wall especially earlier this year hasn't he net has an inside-out swing he uses a wall hit batch of homeruns had a lot of game-winning hits and he did the same well he went a little farther this year than he did last last year was about a half season he went about three quarters before he started tailing off and he got hurt as I recall he was involved in a very controversial play with the Reds in a playoff and when was at 70 71 something play at the plate he was over eight in the 1970 series for the Cincinnati Reds hit 257 this year with 15 home runs [Applause] Eastwick to Cabo Trident that time late on the fastball one and he hit the foul ball show you what kind of prospect carbo was he's gonna get a new bat he may have had it sawed off he was drafted by the Reds before Johnny Bench yeah he was and he also was Rookie of the Year his first year up for the National League made a lot of notoriety last year by carrying a stuffed gorilla around Scipio Sphinx had willed him from the Cardinals mightyjoyoung but when some of his teammates tried to burn it in the clubhouse he decided to send it home let me take that to a coffee shop and arter breakfas board and get separate separate checks yeah waitress gave him separate checks yeah he left him in a bed in Dallas and the maid came in to make up the room and saw that he was covered up and she would flew out of there somebody what is this one strike the carbo ball 1 1 in 1 the Red Sox are used to garrison finishes though they've they may not do it today but they had a bunch of them here in this ballpark this season little looping foul that's out of play Eastwick sawed him off that time so far they've got a pretty good book on car but that's where they try and fetch him he drops that back a little more of an outside hitter and lowball hitter if it's away in the old days Tony would say to you aim for the belt buckle but with these uniforms you don't just aim for the middle of them they just jammy what that slider and then really that was a perfect pitch 1 & 2 to Barnard Sting's 1/2 left it is going to be caught by foster went to the opposite field but foster was playing it just right and now there are two downs and Red Sox are down to their last out Cecil Cooper is up he is 1 for 4 he doubled to left in the first inning the other three times up he grounded out the crowd which was roaring before quieted in the top of the night they're still quiet playing tight on lines deep and right steel to protect against the extra-base hit what a hole he's got down the right-field line he's got a lot of green there to aim for we've got to see all that space between griffey and the foul pole [Applause] ball one one ball one strike the Cooper Red's leading 3-2 in the ninth two out [Applause] this should do it popped up torch short concepción there and that's it as the Reds take it in the second game of the series three up and three down in the ninth inning nothing across the final score Cincinnati beating the Red Sox three to two with a winner Eastwick and a loser dick Drago well a happy Cincinnati ballclub heading for the clubhouse it really picked him up it was Johnny Bench who got us started in ninth inning and after two outs concepción base hit an infield hit scored bench would move to third on a bouncing ball by Perez a double by Griffey and his three to two and that's it the final score once again Cincinnati 3 Boston to the World Series is tied at a game apiece this is Joe Carroll with Ned Martin and Tony Kubek saying goodbye from Boston
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 19,675
Rating: 4.8780489 out of 5
Id: h9i2qd-1PAc
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Length: 128min 37sec (7717 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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