"Unsearched" Wheat Penny Roll from eBay - 2 Indian Head Cent Enders

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it's been a while since i've done an ebay wheat penny roll search so what i have here is a double indian head penny ender wheat penny roll... to search hey everybody it's rob with rob finds treasure and what i've got here is a double indian head penny unsearched as they say wheat penny roll i'm kind of wondering how we're gonna do on this and here's why about a week and a half ago i had an ebay seller who's new to ebay reached out to me and said that he watches my channel and saw that i had occasionally had done some ebay penny rolls and wanted to know if he could send me one to search now i've been a little bit leery since i've had some good scores on these and i told the seller listen i will do that but i will only take an unchosen role in other words just grab one at random send it to me because if i open a role on my channel i want it to be as fair to my viewers as possible now it is a new seller and i'll give you this information in a second but he did assure me that he would just take a random role and send it to me the listing that he has is right here you can see double end indian head wheat rolls unsearched old cents u.s coins pds pennies the whole nine yards everything's there 12.50 a roll he has sold three of the five that he originally had available so by the time i post this they may not have any more listed but he has other listings in his store now i will point out he's a new seller only 12 transactions so like i said i have no connection with the seller whatsoever he reached out to me offered to send me a role to search on my channel the only stipulation was that i give him a shout out and do a video showing what we got let me go to the tripod up now we'll crack into this roll and uh see what we got so i also want to point out before i begin that this is not an obw or original bank rapper of course wouldn't have the indian headsense like this he did say that he bought a ton of indian and wheat pennies and decided that he would just go ahead and roll them up and make lots of them now he did say in his email to me that he opened up a handful on his own at random and found a 1913 so obviously there's some good chance of getting some goodies i don't know what the ratio would be for an indian head penny on both ends and i would imagine that while he may not have looked at every cent being put in here i would think there would be some strategy involved in making sure both enders were indian adsense that being said i've hunted roles like this before from other sellers and typically other than the enders you might get one or two or even three more indian headsets so i'm expecting somewhere between obviously two and five and then typically what i find in these types of roles is a lot in the 40s and 50s and a handful in the earlier decades i have scored a 1931 s in a very similar type video like this and for those that haven't seen that video i'll put a link to it up here i even submitted that coin for pcgs grading and got a pretty good grade on it all right now that we've said all that let's crack into this roll and see what we got the ends are very nicely crimped and they're tight so that's always a good sign but like i said these are rolled up by him so at first glance we've got a nice mix of copper of course and i even see a steel set right there let's pull the steel set out first and see if this one is original or remanufactured it's an original 1943 p now i could check every one of these for varieties but for this video i'm just going to put them in by decade and see if we have any better dates and how many indian headsets we end up with all right so the first indian headset ender is a philadelphia minted indian headset 18.99 there is no detail on the feathers really just a slight bit of detail and no detail as far as liberty is concerned on the headband but still a pretty nice overall indian incent and i'll take it especially because it's pre-1900s we've got a 1940 s a 1955 philadelphia now i will be checking obviously the key varieties to see if we have any of the doubling that would be there and some of the minor varieties i'll do that off camera and if i see something of course i'll bring it back in so no doubling on this 55p as expected we have a 1920 and i believe that is a denver mint you guys could probably see better i'm gonna use my scope to make sure yeah 1920 denver so first from the 20s we got a 45 p a 46 p a slick but 1910 second year lincoln wheat cent a 44 d or s let's take a look it's a 44 d and it's not the 44 d over s 1942 philly 1925 philly 1918 denver with some decent detail definitely not that bad of a cent especially being at teens with the mint mark 48 s 58d 37d so we've got one from every decade except for oh nine of course 37s 40s 1939 p 1958 d 1953 d we've got a second indian headset and we have an ender so we'll have three this one's in a little better shape a little more detail 1904 not a bad indian headset there 57d 46p 46p another 46 p a 44 d which i will check for the d over s and it is not one 41p a 1958 p in relatively nice shape it's brown but it's got a little bit of red poking through it's not the ddo of course that would be spectacular so definitely a high au brown maybe even a low mint state a 56 d a 57p 50d 45s 37p 1920p a 44d which i'll again check for the d over s and it is not one a 44p a 53 d a 46 p a 44 s another 1918 d not as nice as the last one 44 p a 50 d 53 d a 40 p a 42 s i don't see a lot of 42 s's in my hunts so it is nice to see one it's actually got pretty good detail and full wheat ears so this might be an upgrade in my album off the check but it's definitely definitely not a bad scent i just don't see them in my area so i'll take that one for sure got a nicer one here 58d 37d 36 i guess i'll check that for the ddo just in case and it is not in 1939 and the final indian ed cent is a pretty beat up 1901 but i'll take it so judging by what i see here looks like a fairly common double indian headset wheat penny roll we got a couple from the teens we got four from the 20s looks like about eight from the 30s mostly from the 40s and 50s of course three indian headsets and a steely that's not been remanufactured which i prefer i might have an upgrader on this 42s for the album even so judging by what i see here i'm not too unhappy with the uh the roll if i were to buy some rolls like this this would be about what i'd expect to get so definitely i don't think there was any unfair play and i probably would consider buying from this seller i would have loved to get a key date or a semi-key date but we have to be realistic when we're buying rolls like this that's not typically going to happen anyway i think that's going to wrap this video up if you'd like to check out coinsfo underscore 20 i'll have a link to his ebay store down below again he's a new seller probably could use a little help so if you're gonna buy some rolls and you think this is pretty good you can go ahead and get some from him if you enjoyed this video i'd appreciate a thumbs up guess we'll throw that away and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching you
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 17,940
Rating: 4.8911567 out of 5
Keywords: 1931 s penny, unsearched wheat penny rolls, CRH wheat pennies, online wheat penny rolls, buying wheat penny rolls, unsearched coin rolls, online coin roll purchase, should I buy coin rolls online, coin roll hunting, roll hunting, coin roll hunting pennies, coin collecting, coin roll hunting results, where to buy coin rolls online, best ebay seller for coin rolls, 1909 S vdb penny, ebay, key date pennies, key date wheat pennies, rob finds treasure pennies, wheat cent rolls
Id: ZR_R1KfaEmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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