15 Common SLANG WORDS Beginning with J: #10 BRITISH ENGLISH SLANG

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hello everyone welcome to English like a native with me Ana English apologies for being a little bit late but I was having trouble with my tech so today we are learning 15 common slang words beginning with the letter J so this is British English slang words that are commonly spoken by English natives but that you don't see written down very often and regularly are not taught by your English teachers now I am dual streaming today I'm Joe streaming here on YouTube where as always you will see the notes and I have access to the patrons Skype room and I'm also streaming on Instagram so that you guys on Instagram if you're not following me yet on YouTube you can get a feel for what these lessons are like although an Instagram you're not going to see the notes so if you really want to see the notes and see what I'm talking about then come and join me on YouTube English like a native and otherwise sit back and enjoy the lesson so let's get started let's jump straight on in to the notes that I've made and the first word the first English slang term that you'll hear is the word jab jab now we use the word jab to mean injection so if you are going for your jabs you are going for your injections and we often use this instead of saying injection and the example sentence I've given here is we have to have our jabs today and I'm really not looking forward to it because I hate needles we have to have our jabs today and I'm really not looking forward to it because I hate needles so have you had a jab recently do you like needles or not let me know okay the next one is quite a funny one and that is the word jack see Jack see so we will often say Jack see two mean bum or bottom or if you're American English you might know it as a but basically what you sit on your bum and we tend to say this a jack see what am I talking about Jack see will tend to say the phrase to sit on your jack see to be lazy and sit on your bottom to sit on your Jack see the example sentence I've given is it's not fair that I have to work all day while us fat here on your jacksie playing video games hmm it's not fair that I have to work all day while you were sat here on your jacksie playing video games so to be lazy and to sit on your bum to sit on your jack see I like that one it's fun okay welcome we have 45 people here watching on YouTube if you are new here make sure that you subscribe and press the Bell notification button so you don't miss the next lesson and if you are a regular you know what to do press that thumb button and if you're watching on Instagram there's 25 of you now hello make sure you give this a little bit of love and if you're able to then why not share it I don't know if you can but if you can then please share it let's get loads of people in learning about Jack C's and jabs that's what English is all about ok so guys the next word that we're going to look at here is the word jammie-jammie and the word jammy means lucky to be jammy now we sometimes use this too when we're talking about a person who is lucky we might call them a jammy beggar or a jammy bugger but beggar is more polite than bugger so choose your words carefully if you call someone a jammy beggar that's okay it's okay if you call someone a jammy bugger that can be a little bit harsher so just be careful and using that one and in some cases people do use a swear word and say a jammy bastard so yes be very careful but in general it means you're lucky you're a very lucky person you can describe a situation as being jammy as well so you could say oh that was jammy meaning that was lucky so imagining you're driving your car and you skid skid skid you're about to hit something and then miraculously you don't hit anything you go oh that was Jamie that was lucky okay fabulous so Jamie and the example sentence I've given for this you could see the notes on YouTube the example sentences Sara won the lottery twice in a month she is so jammy Sarah won the lottery twice in a month she is so jammy lucky for Sarah huh okay so the next word on this list so this will be word number four is the word jazzy jazzy like jazz we just add a Y on the end jazzy and this means that it is bright and colorful probably a bit in-your-face as well so bright and colorful jazzy so you could say I have a jazzy room I have a jazzy background it's bright and it's colorful and the example sentence I've given here is we all admire his jazzy tie collection we all admire his jazzy tie collection so imagining someone has a lot of ties that are very brightly colored maybe with stripes or polka dots very bright I would say that's a jazzy tie collection you have there wonderful okay and the next word on the list is the word Jet Set Jet Set if you are jet set it means you are rich and fashionable so we tend to talk about the Jet Set lifestyle to have the lifestyle of someone who is rich and fashionable and the example sentence I've given here is it must be nice to have a jet-set lifestyle must be nice to have a jet-set lifestyle mmm it must be huh okay so I'm hoping that on Instagram I can I can't see the I can't see the oh now it's really dropped hang on hang on youtube I'm having problems with my phone here that is Instagram hi Instagram oh okay well robe it's cool if they're just say that I just stay there don't fall down okay oh the beauty of live live streaming so we've had quite a few words there that's jet set jazzy jammie Jack C and jab can you remember the meaning of all of those jab Jack C jammy jazzy and Jet Set hopefully you can remember okay so we have 86 people now watching on YouTube it would be amazing if you guys can press the share button and get that number up above 100 let's get three figures in here and hopefully all of you have pressed that thumb button and hopefully you are all subscribed alright so what is the next word on the list well we have a very common slang term and that's the word jiffy jiffy it's importantly you know what this means because we often use it and it means quickly or soon so I would usually say I will be back in a jiffy or it will be here in a jiffy in a jiffy means any moment now very very soon and the example sentence I've given here is I'm just popping out to the shops to pop out means to go quickly to pop out I am just popping out to the shops I will be back in a jiffy I will be back very soon just popping out to the shops I'll be back in a jiffy Dada great okay now the next word is the word jitters to have the jitters or to be jittery to be now these mean to have nerves or anxiety so to have the jitters is to have anxiety to be jittery is to be anxious okay so the example centers I've given here and the way we regularly use the word jitters is to talk about pre-wedding jitters so that nervousness that you feel before you get married so it's not a bad nerves it's just just kind of an anxious excited nerves so many people suffer with pre-wedding jitters just before they get married it's natural to be jittery many people suffer with pre-wedding jitters just before they get married it's natural to be jittery so there you go the word jitter and jittery fabulous okay so the next word ah now the next word is verging on a rude word okay and I'm going to tell you all about this word in just a moment I'm going to just very quickly and answer some of your questions in the chat room and while I do that I'm going to play an advert on YouTube and talk to some of my people in the chat rooms here we go okay so I've got quite a few people here in the chat room guys if you're trying to chat to me on Instagram then I can't come up and touch the phone because the phone might fall down so come and chat to me on YouTube is the best place to come and talk to me hello guys how's it going fabulous okay so what questions have I had to pack was in a jiffy no I don't understand that question and to get jiggy to get jiggy okay yeah that's another one that I haven't added to get jiggy to have a jig is a dance so a jig is an Irish dance but to get jiggy to jiggy is to get a bit naughty a bit fruity and to you know have a sexual encounter so hello if you're joining me back from that ad break there but to get jiggy which I've just seen in the comments I'm gonna add on to the list because that is a good one and it comes just before this word here which is the word Cheers which is also used when we're talking about sex and stuff so let's put Giggy in here no not the zyggie zyggie and we don't want to correct it thank you very much chickie sexual to get sexual let's get jiggy okay autocorrect is no funny it just said let's get piggy we don't wanna get piggy we want to get jiggy okay so jiggy means sexual of course be very careful who you use this with but then again this is all slang so this is all informal you would never use these words in a formal situation although to be fair actually you would say jitters in a formal situation that is fine but the next word you definitely do not want to use in a formal situation and that's the word G's G's means sperm or to come the actual act of releasing sperm and the example sentence I've given here is it's so embarrassing the doctor asked me to jizz in a cup so if you're not very well and you have to go to the doctor for some checkups and they have to check some things they might ask you to provide a sperm sample and in a slang way you could say the doctor asked me to jizz in a cup oh dear slang is funny huh okay so I hope everything is going well in the chatroom here I'm not able to keep an eye on it but I will answer questions at the end so just keep your questions until the end the next word is the word Johnny now johnny is normally a name is a British name short for Jonathan or an elongation of the wood of the name John Johnny however in a slang way the name Johnny can actually be used to mean condom basically so a condom Johnny and the example sentence I've given here is it's better to be safe than sorry always use a Johnny it's better to be safe than sorry always use a Johnny and that rhymes Wow I'm a poet and I didn't know it Oh a nice cup of mint tea today all right the next one you might hear from a native particularly if you are in the hairdresser's when you go to the hairdresser's they tend to have a lot of small talk and during that small talk they will usually ask you if you're going on holiday if you're going to take a vacation and so they might say are you going on your jollies anywhere and you might respond with yes we are off on our jollies later this month we are off on our jollies later this month so to go on your jollies is to go on holiday jolly holiday a jolly holiday on your jollies do you have any jollies booked are you going off on your jollies or have you just come back from your jollies okay so the next word on the list we're getting close to the end is the word juice I use this a lot actually so juice obviously is like orange juice or something that you drink but we also use juice when we're talking about things that you don't drink but that fuel you or power you so for example I might talk about petrol being juice so if I need to put petrol in the car I might say I need some juice in the car so the car needs juice the car is out of juice and the example sense they've given here is similar to that the car is running low I must stop to get some juice the car is running low I must stop to get some juice okay so the next word unfortunately a lot of slang refers to rude things I try to avoid it where I can but it's just necessary sometimes and so the next word is the word jugs jugs and jugs basically can obviously mean something that you pour fluid out of a jug of water but if you're talking about jugs then you could be talking about a woman's breasts yes so be very careful when you're asking someone to come and have a look at your jugs don't I have a nice pair of jugs be very careful because someone might think you mean boobs and the example sentence I've given here is he kept staring at that lady's jugs which was completely inappropriate okay the next word that we're looking at here is the word juicy juicy if something is juicy then it could mean it's very interesting it's a very interesting piece of information is some juicy information we normally couple this word with the word gossip so you normally hear the phrase juicy gossip I've got some juicy gossip I just heard some juicy gossip so it means very interesting gossip or news and the example sentence I've given here in the notes is I heard some very juicy gossip this morning oh okay the next phrase and we only have two left here we go the next phrase is jump ship so to jump ship means to leave early unexpectedly and suddenly you leave and this is after you've agreed to stay so you'd normally jump ship from a job or somewhere where you're obliged to be so if it's your obligation your duty to be there and you leave unexpectedly you are jumping ship you're jumping ship and the example I've given here is Anna signed a 12 month back in October but jumped ship in March and assigned a 12-month contract in October but jumped ship in March so I left my contracted job early I was supposed to be there for a whole year but I left very early naughty Anna okay one more and then I'm open to comments okay so the next word is the word jumpy to be jumpy and to be jumpy is to be uneasy to be anxious and to be on edge so it's like you're full of tension and anything could make you scared could make you jump I'm jumpy okay so the example sentence I've given here is I I'm always a little jumpy when I'm home alone at night I am always a little jumpy when I'm home alone at night so I I do actually get a little bit nervous if I'm home alone at nighttime and then I hear something outside my go oh I hope there's not someone out there Oh scary okay so there you have it jumpy jump ship juicy jugs juice jollies Johnny cheers Giggy jitters jiffy Jet Set jazzy jammie Jack C and jab so it started as 15 words but now it's actually 16 words on the slang words list so hello everyone hi
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 9,383
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Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, british, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Anna English, /ʤ/, british english, J slang, slang words, slang words beginning with J, English slang, slang, learn slang, Live lesson
Id: nrnK6QmLFVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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