(1737) Quirky Flat Lock

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[Music] alright guys I just got this in the mail I I don't think anybody sent it I think the company sent this thing is directly from something called I don't know morning save in Texas yeah I did decon it real quick but um it is called the quirky flat lock I have never look up in that it has never seen anything like this guy let's give her the package they say how they took a look this has slides where in time that's a credit card talking anywhere credit card goes this will go I'm not sure I'd want this in my wallet but anyway it says has a strong carried anywhere blah blah blah and it'd be cool to be able to carry a little thin thing in your wallet but let's cut it open let's take a look here see we got tough package all right what do we got um pick out of the air let me find I had the key here a minute ago all right so we got some weirdness here let's take a look at this guy I guess that's the front yeah this may be a little harder to pick them what we anticipate it's got all these little dimple things I don't know if those are you know let's take a look inside of there if those are true by the light if those are actual dimples in there or you know there's some dimples in there all right on the bottom I think you can see them I'll get the lock cam and we'll put it in there and take a look but that right now that would be cheating let's see if we can figure out how to beat this thing first let's see if this gets out of here see if this thing works um so let's see this thing folds up that's cool I guess that would easily go on a keychain this is a lot thicker than a credit card though I got to say um let's slide him in there so it goes like like this I guess so slide him up there and then slide him according the arrow to the left and there we go okay so you see out a little we got a little cut out here let's take that key out of there close this guy up maybe not maybe you have to key has to be in there I'm guessing here do you push the key open now it closes all right so now we lock him back up so that right away tells me that when we push the key to the left the key is actually pushing the actuator out of that cutout all right so that that's something we can take a look at the thing that worries me though all these little dimples I don't know what they do there's definitely a load of them in there though I mean there's a whole bunch of them up inside of there yeah I don't know they just sit there it looks like they're on a circuit board or something that I don't see let me try to get this guy they don't appear to mash down they don't appear spring-loaded so I think we're okay there that may just be like thrown in there for confusion all right so we know it's got to push that way so let's take a look in here let's just take the pick and shovel over just ignore those dimples for a minute and push everything over and see if we can get it open and we can't okay all right on the Left I am seeing a spring and that spring is probably to tension the key so I'm not going to mess with that there's another little slot up there too on the right let's push that up and see what happens oops that is definitely spring-loaded whatever that is so I'm wondering if we push that dude up then push to the left and there we go all right there's a spring-loaded detent if you just push the slider to the left that little detent apparently blocks it so you got to push that out of the way it's not doesn't appear to be that complicated of a mechanism of course I can't lock it without putting the key back in so you got some I guess some intrusion detection there and Plus somebody refix it to get it closed tell you what let's go ahead I can't imagine this cost very much or as rare so let's go ahead and grind off the four rivets and let's take a look at the mechanism I think that'd be fun I think about you appreciate that let me get on that all right I think you guys can probably figure out why this is called the quirky like there's some quirky design features about this and a couple things I really didn't expect to find first of all if color coded it didn't come this way I color-coded the locking the shackle itself red on both sides and this is the part we're interested in because the lock the cutout in the shackle has this locking Paul in it the black part that I've colored with a black magic marker is actually all one piece so the the locking hasp pushes against these two springs which are probably gonna jump out of there in just a minute and then we got this little blue piece which I'll talk about in just a minute the first attack I took a pic I stuck it up in there and basically I tried to push this out of the way so there's a little bit of room but it doesn't move very far now keep an eye on this part of the blue thing because notice is pushing up against that little arm that's sticking out there and he's preventing that entire Paul from moving far enough to disengage from the shackle so kind of a rudimentary thing when you look up inside of there's pretty easy to see that there's something there all you need to do is and and this is what I ultimately we did I took a pic that's gonna pop out of there but I pushed him up out of the way against that spring pressure and then at the same time I took my pick and then mashed it over to the right and there goes one of the springs but it basically against spring pressure pushed the locking Paul back out of the shackle and it popped up there's normally a spring right there I popped out I lost it but I'm not gonna be putting this thing back together so it it doesn't matter this blue thing really is the only security mechanism to protect against picking so let's take a look at the key how it would work we take the key and you notice and I didn't notice it until I figured out the mechanism there's a little the longer part right here so we slide him up inside of there and again we got a little spring right there and he will push that lock in it's probably gonna pop out but you can see how it would push him up come on do it right do it right you know do what you're supposed to do anyway it would push him up out of the way and then you'd be able to move it to the right which leads to the question why all these little pegs I mean that wasn't free that's they went to some trouble to put those on there and it certainly didn't come this way and I got to thinking about it if they didn't have some kind of key control any quirky a lock key would open any other quirky lock so this is actually what prevents the wrong key from moving all the keys apparently will slide up in there and all of them will disengage that little blue part but not all of them have pegs in the right place that will allow you to push the locking pall over and out of the way those little plagues you got the wrong key the pegs will get in the way and prevent you from moving it so at least they took a little bit of effort to put you know minimum level of security inside of here not a lot but it's not so easy as to just stick you know something in over there and move the locking Paul it's a little harder than that and certainly you can't buy any quirky lock and use the key as a master key for all other quirky locks so again give them credit for a little bit of trouble but not that much anyway guys appreciate your time stay safe daily ole and I don't know who'd sent this to me quirky lock if it was you I appreciate the chance to take a look at your lock thanks [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 104,119
Rating: 4.9300566 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: 1KpbeJXYtp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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