(1701) RELOOK: Magnetic Lock (How It Works!)

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Thanks BosnianBill and anonymous lock donor!

Edit: TIL how to insert hyperlinks in comment text, the hard way.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Buchaven 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

What an interesting watch, thanks and hope the bleeding stopped, Bill! 😉

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xmromi 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Very interesting and intriguing! Thanks

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mitchgebb 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] alright guys through the generosity of the winner of this lock last Saturday we're gonna get a chance to take a look at the internal mechanism she did not want to pay the shipping to Europe's quite expensive and I can understand that but she did say that it was under the condition that we cut it open to take a look and see how it works so I guess she's getting her money's worth one way or another all right this is the capital one defiant padlock the magnetic padlock you guys I'll put the link to the original review down the bottom and this is the magnetic key this thing still works perfectly slider on there like that and you get an open and I got to tell you there was a lot of interest and a lot of comments about the lock and the key and how I could possibly beat it and some of the Vice was my youthful some was a little questionable like hey Bill think backwards or get an etch-a-sketch and break it open and dump the powder on the lock and that'll tell you the combination or get yourself a magnetic viewer or you need to build an Arduino board with electromagnetic coils yeah anything that starts off with hey bill you need to invent a blank I always find interesting but the magnetic viewer was a little bit handy some of you guys recommend that I get it the magnetic viewing paper and in fact I have some I tried it it just didn't show me a lot so we know because some of you guys found the repinning kit for these magnetic keys on them on the internet and you sent a picture and i'll overlay it so you can take a look they give us a little bit of information about the internal layout but let's pretend that we haven't seen that and instead let's go with a magnetic paper while we do we lay this guy on there and that will tell us where the magnets are and they give us a little bit more information if you take a look at the magnets you can see a little like a little tip sticking out of some of these but they're not in what looks like a normal array kind of odd looking pattern as well as the magnetic paper unfortunately doesn't tell us the magnetic orientation it doesn't tell us which side is the north or south or as Capital One calls it the black or the red side of the magnet it just tells us where they are so not so useful other than getting a good count on the magnet what is interesting and there was a lot of speculation about this is does the lock contain magnets too because we take the magnetic paper and put it on there that'll tell us the exact layout of that and in fact when you put that on there yes indeed it does have magnets but again it doesn't tell us the orientation and it doesn't tell us which of those almost looks like a skeleton but doesn't tell us which of those are active and which are not active or which way we need to rotate them what the magnetic orientation is it just doesn't tell us enough information in order to get inside of here so let's do this logically rather than just jump into the cut now let's take a look at the key first I'm gonna go ahead and bust this open let's take a look at the internal parts of this how the the wafers are put in there maybe that'll give away a couple of clues before we start chopping on the lock alright guys it's a little easier than I thought all I do is stick a screwdriver in the slot and the top slides right off and now of course comes the hard part I can see that there are these little super magnets beneath this steel plate I don't have any clue with that code is probably the code for the to rekey this thing this little steel plate is stuck to those magnets though and unfortunately in it it's below the beveled edge here so I can't simply I can't simply pull it off because all the magnets in everything come out with it I've got to figure out a way to kind of light it and what I thought I would do is take this little knife slide it under here and use them as kind of a ramp to maybe I don't know light them off there let's find out all right I'm gonna slide him there and that creates the ramp hopefully and then I can take this guy and just lever him off now he's over the edge and we pull that out of there maybe I can just slide him now yeah yeah that worked and none of the magnets came out with that little steel I don't know if that was a protection mechanism or not but it definitely was not so easy to get out alright so we do see six disks in here but each of the disks looks like it has a couple of different magnets now if we can believe the instruction from the rekeying kit we have a red and a black so I see the red so this is probably represents one orientation of the magnet so and we also see these little bits that align inside of these grooves to keep everything perfectly aligned doesn't spin around us out of there so the red side and the black side would represent north and south it looks like each of the disks has one of each of the two orientations let's pull one of the disks out and find out if maybe there are two magnets on the other side as well that would make it easy to decode so far if we knew the orientation of the magnet and the lock is not going to give that up tell you what let me try just to take the steel plate let's see put them on one of these see if I can pull the magnets out or yeah there we go or I can pull the whole disk out alright so let me see if these are magnets or it looks like it might be the same man it is these are the same magnet so it's not too different at a different angle or different orientation on the other side all right I'm not gonna mess with this just probably gonna be ruined when I get through machining the thing open anyways all right if you look at the different angles you can see the pins are the magnets are in different places on each of the different disks and then you've got the different polarity of each of the magnets so different locations different polarities there are six disks with 24 different possibilities which means there are more than seven million possible combinations of the magnets in here at least according to capital industries now when you remove all the duplicates when you remove all the unsecured or overlap that leaves 262,000 secured separate individual combinations that's my math and that's also what capital industry is a thing so that is what we're looking at it this is this explains why we weren't able to use the electromagnetic electromagnet or use the strong magnet to it to spoof this thing this truly is a very very complex lock all right now when we look at this we know how this is oriented now I really don't think knowing that would help us get into this because obviously we wouldn't have a chance to look at the key we would be able to look at this and see that indeed there are 12 different possibilities six per side again we don't know the orientation of the magnet sword which angle they need to be rotated at with the disk we also don't know the polarity so spoofing this without knowing them without knowing those details probably is not going to be possible of course it's much easier to smack this thing with a hammer or a saw but anyway I'm talking about trying to hack it all right so here's what we're gonna try to do we know how to manga work we know what kind of what was expecting I want to know how the lock and unlock mechanism works just like you do so I'm gonna put this in a milling Street machine I'm gonna cut it around the perimeter and try to remove the whole plate in its entirety without disturbing the innards so we can get a nice close look let me give that a shot and see what happens alright guys that was quite a bit more machining than I thought it was gonna be but it looks like the lock is made from aluminum I think you can see there's a difference in the brass I had to machine away man it's like a half are not quite a half maybe three eighths of an inch around the perimeter and then go down almost a quarter of an inch in order to get down to where I am this little plate on the top I think it's only held on with these four little posts and a couple of them are already broken so but I like to least get the camera going before I off this little top off oh it's just barely hung on there and have a bunch of stuff jackin the-box out alright alright that is not quite what I expected I expected the whole lock to come out or to expose the mechanism based on the machining on the other side of this it looked like they might have machined it from the other side inserted the lock and there must be I think you can see it right there there's a really thought now that all the machining is kind of busted it loose a little bit you can see a little disc right there a little plate that's insert in there if I had seen that earlier I would have gone in from this side alright so the lock will come out but it's got to come out the back anyway let's see if this thing's to work hope I could put those magnets back in correctly alright so it it seems to center itself and maybe not I might have met a miss something every goes it does work still so we're still in the ball game here let me turn this guy over and see if I can't get that plate out of there so we can get the entire lock mechanism out it's turning the quite the adventure don't force it with a little one all right we're part of the way there all right before I force it obviously there's got to be a way to control those locking balls and that appears to be what's holding this inside of here so I probably need to cut away that so we can get a good view of how that is secured up there all right guys I think it's a little easier to see what's going on here I thought these were ball bearings they're actually cylinders with rounded edges and this is not a ball bearing on this side this is are not rounded it is simply a bearing surface that goes up against the shackle and the other side it looks like it is it is rounded on the other side so how does it work I mean I wondered how why it was so difficult to open these locks and that's because they're really not spring-loaded when you unlock this and we'll pull it out and show you this whole mechanism retracts and this little domed area right here will slide down as you pull up on the shackle and put pressure on these they'll force against that rounded edge and then cam it down out of the way allowing you to get and open so this guy oughta just slide out of here this is how they build them so if this were the intact lock they would slide the locking mechanism in they take that backplate slide it on there knock it in flat and then refinish it so pretty cool all right how's this work stop bleeding bill or just just for fun and I cross some fingers that this worked I think this was the right orientation so slide him on there and if that's correct this should now collapse and it does and if then magnets are off then it does not so we need to see the inner mechanism and the only way to do that is gonna be to remove these four little brass screws again I'll try to do it without having stuff jack-in-the-box on us let's see what we got here it's pretty cool alright guys that is very cool let me grab a probe here these little guys and I'll try to demonstrate it in a minute these little guys been around inside of here provided I don't have you tuning metal shavings and again you can see that it probably matches up almost perfectly we have the red and then a one pole here with red and the other pole would be what they call the black these are very fine little points this is a lot like a the inside of a watch in some respects alright what I'm going to try to do now I'm gonna try to take the magnet and put it on the other side and then I'll hold this up and maybe we can see them earng yeah isn't that cool when you take it away argh take it away get in there so that would be the gate get back in there alright so that would be the gate so these little grooves all have to align right up in there just like that on all of these and that's where these little screws fit to allow this thing to move up and down so again let's see if we can make it happen I'll try not to break anything that kind of work does not align perfectly I don't think but that one's not and that one it's now fallen out now you can see how all those little gates are aligned and these screws would then be able to collapse downwards if any one of them is wrong with in other words if the angle is wrong or if you have a polarity wrong one or more of these disks will not line up inside her this is a very very cool mechanism it just gives me a lot of pleasure to see something made with this level of precision and amount of pride makes me proud to be Canadian doesn't it anyway guys there you go this is how the capital industries defiant padlock works I think I don't think an etch-a-sketch or a magnetic viewer or you know or thinking backwards is really going to help us too much do we really need to know the combination for this thing in order to get into it either that or a die grinder or a lathe or a milling machine any of you guys appreciate your time appreciate your patience thank you unnamed subscriber for donating this to the lock lab I think I really enjoyed opening this up and I appreciate you donating this to the lock lock appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 122,188
Rating: 4.97012 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr, capitol industries magnetic lock, magnetic padlock, magnetic lock, hack magnetic lock, bosnianbill 1701, locklab 1701, (1701) RELOOK: Magnetic Lock (How It Works!), RELOOK: Magnetic Lock (How It Works!), Magnetic Lock (How It Works!), How It Works!
Id: Yqioc6CIqFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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