(1734) Review: Urban Alps Stealth Padlock (AWESOME!)

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well guys today we're going to take a look at a brand new lock this is called the stealth key by a company called urban Alps out of the Czech Republic mine was shipped out of Florida so some company down there is the local dealer I actually saw this lock first on Adrian of Evers Channel and I guess a couple weeks ago he popped out showed the the door version of this which was a little bit expensive for my blood so I ended up buying this one this is an anchor loss 8:30 - 3 lock body and I'm not a cheap lock in itself but much cheaper than the door version I paid for this 148 euros and that's DHL delivered to me direct but so shipping was included so hundred forty-eight euros is about a hundred and sixty-seven dollars and you get the lock and you actually get three keys - what you see right here and another one I want to show you in just a minute you also get a key card and there's a key card and a couple of interesting things about this first of all the code it's like a scratch-off ticket for the lottery the codes underneath there so I can show this to you but what's interesting is that when you grab one of these little keys these are all individually 3d printed out of metal and for those of you who are right now saying oh that's not strong enough trust me it's strong enough and you'll see why in just a minute on the key right there we see my serial number which is course is right there it's on all of the keys it also tells you the group number so this apparently is the first batch that they have sold and you see a zero to my other one I think you see a zero three I also have a zero one but I can't show it to you right now but I will in a minute right away you know the lock is tough but when you take a look at this guy it almost looks like me like a smiling alien I mean it's really a weird weird key way but when I saw this I thought ah they screwed up I can tension it well let's take a look at how it works first of all you slide the key in and rotate it 90 degrees very smooth and the thing just falls open so very cool but we'll notice when it turns you see the top of that sleeve it also is turning so I thought that was a weakness and if if your sole objective is to tension the lock yeah it's a weakness so I just have had it when I got it about a week ago right away ooh the tensioner in there and it's perfect and you can put super light tension all the way up to Incredible Hulk tension and I got to tell you I tried them all I can't get a single one of these things to bind so let's cheat and look at the key um we're not gonna be able to do that I mean that's because that's just why they call it the stealth key when you look at the front we see these little winglets hang over so the bidding is actually up inside of there when you look down the front here let me grab a flashlight you might be able to see maybe the first one or two of the biddings on each side but nothing you can't see anything beyond that really cool so I took key number one I wanted to see it so I mangled him and this is how I know how tough these guys are I mean really really you're never gonna break a key I can promise you that I don't own stock in the company I'm not getting any kickbacks and I'm giving the lock away so the first time I tried it I use my dremel tool and ground it off but I went a little too far but you can kind of get an eye idea we got a high we got some low we got some highs back here I wanted a better look so the other side I actually weakened it on the back side and then bent it around and when you look down in there now I think you can see the bidding so there's a high one low there's a medium there's a high medium and a low so there's at least four or five spice sliders on each side I don't know how many I'll be honest with you because no matter how much tension I put on this not a single one of those sliders would bind for me I tried everything I could think of I tried single pin picking it with a standard pick I tried using a dimple pick I even tried an Electra pick I tried raking it I tried everything and for the last week many hundreds of attempts this stealth lock didn't even give me the satisfaction of a fault set when you try to jiggle it it barely moves so very very good tolerances so I'm gonna speculate here I would love to take this apart and show it to you but unfortunately it doesn't come apart I'll show you why in just a moment but when you look in there you can see we have sliders over there and they're all angled based on the key they're all angled up and we get a probe for our hum so on this side all of them are pointing up in that direction and on this side they're all pointing up in that direction so that tells me that they're interlinked you know alternating and there's probably and this is against pure speculation probably two separate sight bars in here one on each side so these are basically independent locks and the precision is so good that no matter how much attention you put on it neither one of them bind up to bind up those those discs so I don't know what else to do guys I wish we could take it apart and I'll show you why um anyway let's open it up so we slide the dus in there rotate 90 degrees get it open let this in I already I already had it open one time to make sure I had the right tool get in there now by the way it's a standard oval so there's your oval here's a standard European oval so it's the same size you could interchange pretty much any core and we knew that in the Anchor loss they did think ahead it has a little adapter on the back of here there's nothing underneath it I took it off to take a look and what was I looking for I wanted it to pop the core I wanted to take that thing out there are no snap rings on it I did take this out and all that is it's for the ball bearings that index the core when it rotates to a certain point like right there the ball bearings will index you can take that ball bearing out but it doesn't get you anything so there's no other this is a what goes all the way through I tried taking a piece of wire ramming it through there I try to detent thing I try grabbing that with pliers and what I believe based on the way this is reacting is that the tail piece is probably hydraulically pressed into the lock it's probably indexed and then they hydraulically press it in there so I tried grabbing with the pliers and pulling it and I got nothing I don't want to destroy 166 dollar lock particularly since this is the giveaway so I guess it's going to remain a mystery as to how many sidebars and whether or not these sliders are all interlinked and that there are actually two locks built into one I really wish you know I really would love to know what's inside of this thing but not today anyway guys this will be the giveaway these the stealth key by urban Alps built into this this anchor lost 830 - 3 I'll put it all back together you want to know how to win this beauty stick around and I'll tell you appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal all you need to do is navigate to lock lab comm the tribal website and scroll down the middle of page you'll see all the giveaway buttons Monday Wednesday and Friday but the one you're looking for is the weekend review giveaway purple band just click on it it'll take you to the registration page again scroll the bottom put in a good email address so if you win I can get in touch with you to let you know I'm put in a username doesn't matter what it is and click Submit when you're done you'll get a green checkmark confirming your entry thanks guys [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 181,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: HGQF6QWu-uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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