(1746) Review: Subscriber Requested Tools

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[Music] all right for you five or six guys that have been asking over and over for me to review that 5 400 euro electronic key reprogramming computer it's not gonna happen sorry guys can't afford it but for those of you who've been looking through the vent catalog and a lot of other items today we will do a bunch of them i'm gonna review everything you see here the first one we'll take a look at will be their extractor kit the second will be the three sets of stainless steel jiggler keys and the final product will be the tomahawk 2 bump hammer so let's take a look at these one by one and see how well they work all right guys i'm starting to think that one of the symptoms of this coronavirus thing is broken off keys because i've gotten more requests on how to get stuff out of key ways in the last week than i have in like the last year um here's how it usually happens someone will put the key in there and as they start to pull it out they'll lean on it or something it'll break and usually it's at one of the low cuts and then before they engage their brain they'll stick it back in there like it's miraculously going to reattach i don't know why they do it but regardless of whether they get that door open or not you're stuck with a piece of broken key fairly deep into the keyway in order to get that out you're going to need something like this this is a vent four piece extractor set now again i get a lot of questions about which of these to use these things and i'll try to get that camera to focus these are super super sharp almost like the barbs on a hook needle sharp so be very aware of that when you try to handle these you have doubles and there's a double that kind of leans backwards right there and there's a double that leans forward and then you get the same thing but in singles and the question i guess which one of those do i use and it's like everything else in lock picking there's no answer that applies all the time and the way i do it is i usually try the double and if i can't fit the double in there for some reason then i'll go back on the single and my logic is that with a double i got you know got two sharp barbs that might snag the key and with a single i've only got one so basically double my chances so no correct answer just whichever of these will fit best and whichever one works that's the right one all right so look we're going to try to get this out of here what i would caution you because these are so incredibly sharp don't just grab it and try to yank and because if there's oil on your fingers or sweat or something or if you just aren't gripping tightly enough check out this case i mean it's super tight and even when you shake it these guys are not coming out uh so very tight fit so if you try to drag it against that resistance and your finger slips like that it's going to leave a gash on your finger so the way i would suggest is grab the one that you want so grab in the middle of the shaft and then squeeze this kind of thing and just kind of squeeze it like that and that allows you to pull all these guys out of there a lot easier without not really risking your fingertips the most painful place to get a cut all right they are all stainless steel as i said they are laminated handles and they're lock master branded this is a eu organization let's see if this one will work i usually go with double but since i pulled this one out let's give it a try alright so there's our broken key how do i attack these if i take the single like this one and this is a fairly wide keyway this is a slag keyway i might try to fit him along the bottom first and get him a little patience when i'm trying to do this with the camera so if he fits in the bottom of the keyway and he does and let's see if i can get this to focus for us i'll try to slide him up underneath the key don't push too hard because i think he just saw me push him a little deeper so that's more work i got to do but try to slide him underneath the key and wiggling back and forth trying to squeeze him up under there on this one probably not going to work it's pretty good fit but i'm going to slide it off to the side if you can get him up in there underneath him then turn that barb sideways just like that and that way you dig that sharp barb into that key and then you can kind of drag him back out of the keyway if that doesn't work my next choice will be to try to take that put it along the side of the keyway let me get them oriented correctly and so i'm going to do it on this side first but um i was trying to slide them in there and again i'll turn the barb towards the key and try to drag him out try both sides so that side doesn't work let's try the bottom on that that side and again i'm kind of wiggling back and forth to move the key over don't push too hard i mean you can't push it too far there's an actuator there but no sense in shoving him all the way to the back if you don't have to he's not going to go there and then i'll move him up around the warning and i'll try the top and he's not going to go there either now the reason i'm trying those first is because those are the less stressful things to put onto this very thin shaft but at some point if those don't work you're going to have to stress that shaft and the way i do that as i slide in the top of the keyway until i hit the key again i'm trying to do this through the camera lens i'll shove them in there until i push up against the key and then i'll take the shaft push against spring resistance again and push those pins up out of the way notice how i'm flexing that thin shaft i am stressing it and then i'll try to force him up along the top of the key until and i think you can see that he went over the top of that first peak now that may or may not work that may mean he's too tall to extract out but let's try it so i'll start to pull him and if it doesn't work i'll try to jiggle this up and down trying to lower the profile of everything to drag him out of there and he started to move there and there we go once i got him past that one pin now he seems to want to extract and there he comes right on out that's how easy these things are to use so nothing else will work to get a piece of broken key you can't use a pair of needles pliers anything like that so there you go this is the as i said the the extractor kit these sell for 33.52 euros and that's about 38 dollars us all right guys next up are the three different sets of stainless steel jiggler keys now a lot of you are familiar with these these are widely sold on the internet they call them car jiggler keys and these are absolutely great for getting into cars in fact i had a ford explorer this got it in got me into the door just as fast if not faster than the key that came with the with the vehicle anyway very quick to get in there's ten different ones some of these a couple of them have double profiles the the uh templates for these are widely available on the internet so a lot of you guys if i don't say that you guys are going to bring it up but you know given that these only sell for 23 and they're made from stainless steel i it would take me at least a whole day to make a decent set of these and they wouldn't be nearly as nice as this 23 bucks versus all day in front of the grinder that's kind of for me at least that's a no-brainer those are full scale the half scale are these guys they call these the mini by the way those sell for 23. what they did on the minis is they took the six most successful profiles out of that original car jiggler set and that's what you see here uh fewer keys the price are lower these are eight i'm sorry twenty one dollars for the set of six these are great for medium sized padlocks things like that if you have locks smaller than that though these are the newest i mean these are not real new i get it but been around a few years it's exactly the same as the mini but they call these get this spread out like a deck of cards they call these the micro and i think i didn't measure it but these appear to be about one quarter scale of the car jigglers so really really small small enough for things like luggage locks this is a fingerprint tsa lock setup for my fingerprint obviously but like that dude back up but more importantly the tsa bypass key right here tiny little thing and this one is trying to read it through the camera looks like a tsa profile number seven so um a lot of you guys have questions about how to use the jiggler keys they're called jiggler for reason not tryout keys and let's just grab one at random this one's got double side so let's just try that side up first try out keys you generally will stick them in and usually those are made for lever locks you just slide it in trying to do this do the camera sorry about that anyway you just slide it and you turn it and see if it works in this case it doesn't work these are not really try out keys they they are called jiggler keys and so the way that these are supposed to be used you slide them in again through the camera bill you turn them and i like to hold the ring and look at that that was not part of the plan but let's try that again they normally don't work like that but these are very simple locks so you would slide it in you would turn it and then you would jiggle it up and down until you get an open this apparently is close enough for tryout key let's try something a little different though let's try a master number three our favorite training lock again i'm going to use these micros because they seem to fit now there's also a rake and i like to use him as a last resort but let's try this guy first it's the same cut on both sides it's the miniature of what works on my forward worked on my old ford explorer generally i slide him in i begin to turn by holding that key or at least holding the ring and then i just jiggle up and down a little bit and sometimes i slide it in and out the same time and if that doesn't work and this one doesn't appear like it's going to because the bidding is probably more widely varied than that so let's try something a little different let's try let's try this guy now he's got different on both sides so we'll try it with that side up first so slide them in do some raking around in and out now these are pretty simple locks i'll admit that it's probably much faster but for demo purposes this ought to work almost the same as rake in the dark thing if that didn't work let's flip that key over and try the other side again in there just jiggling and the one time a master lock doesn't want to cooperate for a demo and there we go it does work this got to be a little more forceful these are probably much much faster to rake but i wanted to show you how to do the jiggling technique works on a lot of locks probably won't won't work so well on high security locks or locks with a lot of security pins but for simple locks and particularly for smaller like tsa locks luggage locks filing cabinet locks desk locks things like that these are absolutely fantastic for jiggling your way in very very quickly this micro kit also sells for 21. all right guys last we're going to talk about the tomahawk 2 bump hammer these sell for 22 euros that's about 25 u.s it's a solid plastic handle that's pinned there's no weight adjustment what you see is what you get it's got a nice flexi handle on it and a little curve to kind of keep it from slipping out of your hand fits your hand pretty nicely the nice thing about this is when you swing it once it kind of bounces several times now in using a bump key a lot of guys use like the handle of a screwdriver or wooden dowel you know other tool maybe i even saw one guy that used a d cell battery for some reason so what they did is they pop it out one click and then they'd hit it with their whatever they're using battery for example and then after they're done they got to put the device down recock at one pin and then keep going i like to use what's called the machine gun attack and in order to do that you got to file a little bit off the bow to make room for one of these rubber these are actually castration rings for farm animals and what will happen is when you hit it or push it in that rubber ring will then push it back out that one click that you need so it's constantly bouncing back and forth the faster you can hit it the faster it will work and this tomahawk 2 makes that fast part especially easy because with one swing it gives you like three hits so what i like to do is i again keep my fingers out of the way turn it very slightly just a little bit of tension and then set up this tomahawk and give it a couple of swings and that's how quick it works i took like two swings with that and the hammer that that bouncing just did all the rest so really convenient very fast attack to get in again these are pretty easy very easy to pick but they are great for demos to show you how quickly the tomahawk 2 can work all right guys there you go this will be the giveaway this week the tomahawk 2 the 3 sets of stainless steel jiggler keys and the 4-piece extractor kit all from vent i got a couple other things i'm going to throw and i really don't need a review i just i bought these because i wanted to know you know i thought they were pretty cool quite honestly and that would be a universal locksmith belt buckle so that will go along with it i think these sell for i think they're around 23 20 euros about 23 bucks so i'll throw that in and they also have these cool silver locksmith lapel pins i guess they would be so they sell for like five bucks four dollars and 82 cents or four euros so there you go all that will be this week it's a giveaway you want to know how to register for free stick around i'll tell you how to do it thanks guys all you need to do is navigate to locklab.com the tribal website and scroll down the middle of the page you'll see all the giveaway buttons monday wednesday and friday but the one you're looking for is the weekend review giveaway purpleband just click on it it'll take you to the registration page again scroll to the bottom put in a good email address so if you win i can get in touch with you let you know put in a username doesn't matter what it is and click submit when you're done you'll get a green check mark confirming your entry thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 37,196
Rating: 4.9547768 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: 0sTvojCeyBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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