(190) Lockpicking Fakery: Don't Let Tricksters Steal Your Confidence!

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oh crap why can't I get this am i stupid Jesus have you guys ever felt that way I know I have after watching videos when I decide to attack a new type of lock like like this asseh one of the first things I do is I go onto YouTube and I see who's done it before me and I try to learn something from their techniques I try to figure out there's any tricks and basically see what they can teach me but lately I've been seeing a lot of videos that I just can't believe and so the last couple of days I've been thinking a lot about this about why it would be and how it is that they're doing it and I thought it might be time to let's get it out in the open here fellas the first clue to me when I'm looking at a deceptive video when someone's trying to pull the wool over my eyes and fool me in some way is that it's a low-resolution they they'll apologize my normal video camera was stolen and I have to use my iPhone or my you know I can't find my video camera and I'm using my Android and so you get a really low resolution video and it's really grainy or they'll do it in really bad light another one of my favorites the guy will be sitting in the cab of his truck and it'll be at night and maybe you know the only light you get is from passing cars and just really horrible horrible very low lighting just really a bad video another one of my favorites is when they don't use a tripod everything's really jittery and you're trying to see in there they're in a moving car and everything's moving like that it's just no way for us to tell if he what he's doing is real or it's not so you know jittery or the not using a tripod holding his Android phone in one hand while doing something with the other just it's not very convincing to me it's show gives me an idea trying to misrepresent or mislead us trying to con us and by doing that it makes me lose confidence I have watched these videos and if I can't do it as fast as they can or as neatly as they can it makes me doubt my own abilities and I think some of you based on your on your on your private messages starting to feel the same thing so let's let's look at what we can believe this is an example of a lock that I do believe when I see somebody pick a padlock or a lock that's completely sealed unit there's no way to remove the core no way to modify the innards to make it easier no way to do any of that kind of thing if it's a completely intact lock and it functions the way it's supposed to usually they pick it now sometimes they pick it really fast and and that's okay all that tells me is that they've probably picked it a lot before they've choreographed it you know they know the exact binding order and so they pick it in pretty quickly and that's fine as long as I can learn something from it and to describe you know any little tricks or things about that particular lock that would be helpful to me that's fine I don't mind the choreographing it's all the rest of the stuff that does bother me and the things that word starts to bother me or things like any lock that has a removable core anything that's easily modified and to be honest this is the lock that set me off that got me really thinking about I watched a video is still on YouTube guy the other day showing a master I'm sorry an American lock and so it went pretty much like this okay American padlock check it out six pins look at that wild beating wah-wah-wah okay it works perfectly you stuck it in there and he goes I don't know why you guys were having so much trouble with these because you don't have to take a lot of time on these like these are so easy for me and therefore you must be stupid if you can't open this as quickly as I can and you stuck it in there he pulled out one of these and he started raking it and of course now that the video is going is kind of not going to work for me but come on baby and he did it even faster than this because he had choreographed it whoops see this is even hard when you you know that you set things up and bam there you go guys it took me you know eight seconds to open this lock there you go piece of cake and then again he took his six pin key and he put it in there to prove to me that again that was the real lock and it functions perfectly well you know I don't know why he bothered I really don't we know what's inside of here they're complex pins and I've spent a lot of time trying to break these locks and for anybody to rake it that quickly it just it's physically it's just impossible the odds are so against it that it could possibly happen that for him to presume that we would even excuse me even believe him is it's just beyond my comprehension what did he do well not so for it I went out I thought oh my god I've spent all these hours and I spent another hour and a half trying to rake some of my American locks with no success nothing and then I thought okay it's a trick what did he do and he did exactly what I did to this lock he removed the core he removed the pins and they're supposed to be six pins and I only put three in there and instead of putting serrated pins or any other pick I put standard pins to make them easily ray Keable unless you drop your pick like I do now of course I matched it to the key so it's still going to work with the key it's just that only the first three pins are there the rest of them are empty so that's how this guy did it so that's one of the things to keep in mind now is that all well he could have honestly put pins in there but he might put the wrong kind in order to take all the security pins out and just put in standard pins maybe all six maybe five I mean we have really no way of knowing unless he takes the time to gut it for us and the guys that got it those are the only ones I trust the ones that don't gotta say there you go okay I don't know why you're so dumb I'm really smart I got this open in eight seconds and then end video that's the ones we should be insulted by another thing I've noticed is euro cylinders guys will pick these and this is a multi lock and I'm not going to insult you by going through this any further but guys will pick these in a very short amount of time and then they'll say oh you know I don't know how to remove these are really complex mechanisms and they can't be disassembled we know that's not true in Europe they change pins all the time in fact there is a special tool to remove the pins from these and it costs it's about 50 bucks but in all honesty you don't need it you could do this by hand and the way you do it is you remove the c-clip which is normally right here you pop it off with a screwdriver and then everything comes apart fellas you can remove all the guts I'm not going to do it but you just push it out and the lock portion comes out just as easily as this thumb-turn version and you can remove pins you can change out pins and that's the weird thing about these especially multi locks these come with not so many security pins they usually come with a lot of standard pins because in these lock standard pins are much more difficult to pick so guys will remove standard pins and replace them with spools which are much easier to pick and that's one another way that they can possibly deceive us on this particular lock so don't be fooled if these are gullible and if a guy doesn't want to gut it that's five dozen of the tools that's fine but don't try to deceive me that you can pick a multi lock and you know one minute and eight seconds it's just not physically possible unless it's missing all of the pins here's another one of my favorites and medico let's say for a moment that I have just picked this medico for you and I hold up my board up and there you go fellas look at all these tricky pins they're all real bla bla bla and then I say now let's make sure the side bars there and so I very carefully remove this and I say all right there you go there's that side bar still in place okay and the video thanks for your time what did he really show us and I think the answer is he didn't really show us showed us it has a sidebar and maybe he really did pick it but the thing we really need to pay attention to is is it a real sidebar and in this case it is a real sidebar let me pop this in my hand and when we look at these and what I expect to see when someone does a gutting for me you know those little arms sticking out because those arms are what have to fit into the slot in the pins and if you file off those arms which is very easy to do all of a sudden you've neutralized the sidebar and then you no longer have to rotate the pins to the correct angle all you have to do is elevate them and you're basically picking a five or six pin lock that's it so unless I see the sidebar taken out and I see that these arms are not modified I am absolutely not convinced that it was a real deal well what else can you do well for this I'm going to need my tweezers if you can if you're determined to deceive me one of the things you can do you get this get this to focus now you can go through your pinning kit for your médicos and you can select a pin that has only one gate and these are independent kits and this is one of them there's only one gate so it's impossible to find a false gate you can't fall into it so these of course are much easier to pick okay if you don't want to do that there's an even easier cheaper and faster way and it also is more of a guarantee you take the existing pin which most of them do oh crap most of them do have false gates like this one I can get my tweezers up here get it to focus there we go the real gate is the one on the bottom the deep channel and that's the one that the sidebar has to fit into and then the false gate which I've highlighted with red ink there that's the one that's designed to trick us and those really make it difficult to pick medicos knot so we get it'll we won't know we're at the correct angle when we rotate the pin or not so what can they do well again you get this a man file you can file that groove remove the part that's red and you can widen the channel for the sidebar to fit into and then you've multiplied your chances of picking this lock by probably tenfold so that's another possibility so if they don't show you the pins up closely that's another thing you can just suspect this is a sidebar from and this is going to be just a little bit hairy this is a sidebar from a NASA in fact this is out of the a so that I was picking at the beginning of this video and it has again sidebars these are a little bit wider you could simply file those off show the outside of the sidebar so there you go in the video saying we want to see the arms of those the arms on that sidebar the way that this works and this is going to be a little bit tricky is if you look at the pins you'll see there's a little channel and there's a gate between them there's a little wall between the two grooves and that's because you have to rotate these pins these fingerprints to allow that to fit into the gate so you see we can either grind off those gates or we can get a grinder a dremel tool and we can grind off that little wall between the two channels and therefore neutralizing the rotational aspect of all the fingerprints making a very very damn near impossible lock to open very easy to open so those are just some of the things that we should be looking for I just I've learned to be very very suspicious of what I'm seeing on YouTube I might be able to learn a few tips and tricks but I just I just don't understand why I guess that's my question why would you do it there's really no money to be gained believe me from this it's an expensive hobby but no one is calling up to pay me money I'm sorry about that but it reminds me of the infamous dying battery always seems to happen at the most inopportune time or the most sensitive time of a gutting perhaps you know we keep that in mind anyway like I said there's no money there's no fame in at all I just haven't seen my myself on the six o'clock news or any lock pickers on the front page of any newspapers lately there's no sponsorship though no companies calling us up to offer us you know piles of free stuff or you know hundreds of thousands of dollars to you know use their product I'm still using my my own homemade pics for goodness sake as our most of you and there's no groupies I don't have any teenage girl standing the you know as I Drive by cheering me on wanting me to get out and give them autographs so why and I don't know I think the bottom line is it when it happens we have to be vigilant to it and when it happens it's really hurting the entire sport is hurting us all this deception is not doing anybody any good it just creates a lot of self-doubt a lot of ill-will a lot of suspicion in the entire sport anyway I have ranted and raved long enough and I hope this was useful to somebody anyway thanks for your time everybody stay safe and stay legal
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 596,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lock picking fakery, lockpick fakery, Lockpicking Fakery: Don't Let Tricksters Steal Your Confidence!, Lockpicking Fakery, Don't Let Tricksters Steal Your Confidence!, (190) Lockpicking Fakery: Don't Let Tricksters Steal Your Confidence!, bosnianbill fakery, bosnianbill 190, bosnianbill tricksters, bosnianbill fake, confidence tricksters, lock picking for beginners, Bosnianbill, locklab, lock lab, lock-lab, Bosnian bill, confidence trickster, lock picking skills, fake lock pickers
Id: e9VQIO9d5PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2013
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