#9 Haftarah Vayeshev - Parallels and contrasts between Yosef and his 10 brothers with the 10 Tribes

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[Music] this morning's tour portion is called via chef everybody say via chef it is the tour portion that speaks of Yosef and how Yaakov settled in the land and had his twelve sons and we're gonna drop parallels this morning between the Torah portion in Genesis with the haftorah which refers to the house of Israel and their descendants still not doing right by their brothers and defrauding the innocent just like Joe Yosef was innocent there's a parallel between the sins of our forefathers that and the sins that have been carried down through the ages and we want to understand this double witness so that we're not destined to repeat the sins in our life today so it's not just historical but we learned by the witness of two how a matter is confirmed and either we want to adopt it if it's a good example or we want to repent of the sins of our forefathers if it's not a good example the Torah portion is in Bereshit 37 1 through 40 23 and you can see the video teaching that I did about Yosef and the symbolism of Joseph with Yeshua in the tour portion today we're going to look mainly at the haftorah and it's parallels with the story of Yosef and what the brothers did by being divided and selling Yosef in Amos 2 6 through 3 8 so it's one chapter in Amos and of course by a chef means he continued living or this is another translation would be he he continued living there in the area or how he settled in that area this week's haftorah contains an allusion to the sale of Yosef by his 10 brothers and I want to draw a parallel between these 10 brothers and the 10 tribes of Israel who are known as the northern house so we can learn what not to do from these 10 brothers because these sentence continue to on through the northern house of Israel and we are descendants of those tribes today and so we want to internalize what not to do and what to repent for in our days this is an incident discussed in the torah reading amos opens up with a parallel rebuke to the people of israel now it's the descendants of the the sons of jacob god had been patient with them but they had continued their transgression and sin and so god what does he do to those he loves he disciplines and chasing that's right there's cause and effect in this world if we're going to go down a path that leads to death is it a loving father that brings it to the child's attention and lets them get a little taste of a little bit of discomfort so that they can say whoa that's not the path that I want and this is what God does by allowing the cause and effect just like Israel being taken from the land he has not only taught us the air of our sins but he's used it for good in dispersing us amongst all nations so that we can be a light to the nation's and the message of Messiah can go forth to the world and then the nations can be grafted into the whole house of Israel and to their holiness and be a part of the Covenant and the promises and the inheritance in the Land of Israel which is ultimately eternal life so this is the good news about Israel being dispersed to the nations but it's not good news if Israel is dispersed and continuing the sins of our forefathers so this is the time for us today that we need to not only repent but we need to leave sanctified life so that the nations have an example of what light really looks like ever wise the nations will look at us and not recognize us from another Gentile right beside us right let's say why would I want to be like them they're nothing different it doesn't look like they're being blessed that's because sin brings a loss of blessing into the life and that's what's referred to as a curse in biblical definition it's not that God is ever arbitrarily cursing anyone we are experiencing the cause and effect of living out of harmony with the eternal principles of selfless love and that brings a loss of blessing into our life so God lovingly is rebuking Israel in our haftorah this morning he's been patient with them but there's three sins that he's been overlooking but now he says because of this fourth sin I am NOT going to let it go any longer you need to learn that this is not the right way and that's the way the haftorah opens up the three sexual sins were sexual impropriety idolatry and murder therefore sin however crossed the line and this is where we draw the parallel with Joseph Joseph was an innocent righteous young man and Israel had been oppressing the innocent whether it's widows or orphans he had been as a nation it's one thing to murder you think oh that's the worst right or you think sexual immorality oh that's really bad but you know how God looks at things when you oppress someone who's poor or a foreigner or a widow or an orphan God's heart feels it he's in that person and that's where he draws the line and says listen you might be doing things to yourself but I cannot let you continue to hurt your brother's this way just like you did with Joseph so in essence they weren't taking care of the whole house of Israel and that's our job today with the Commonwealth of Israel what mark and I are doing as much as much as the rest of the people is all about okay people you have to identify your identity in Israel and Judah has to be able to recognize you but we've been divided and we haven't been taken care of each other but before we can be unified we have to first recognize each other and we have to help Israel take off their pagan garb because they have adopted a lot of false worship practices in all the lands of their dispersion and there's another interesting parallel with Joseph in that before he real revealed himself to his brother Judah remember it says that he was not recognizable to his brothers what did he do he had to take off that Egyptian garb and that's like all of us coming out of the Christian backgrounds of the West we need to realize what is truth from Torah and the prophets and what is Error and start doing away with this error and that way we can then present ourselves to our brother Judah without any pagan garb and they can recognize this and we can be unified and bring this healing back to the whole house of Israel God reminds the Jewish people how he lovingly took them out of Egypt and led them through the desert for 40 years and settled them in the Holy Land there he bestowed the gift of prophecy on some and inspired others to become Nazarites remember the Nazeri of Al was something that would set somebody apart for holiness and like Samson who took an azure vow they were not to touch of any thing that was produced from grapes including any wine or grape juice they were not cut their hair as long as they took that vow Paul at one point took Ben as your vow and it was a time to really make an oath to God and to set yourself apart kinda like we do a fast today we go through a period of fasting in prayer same thing with the nazarov al but what was ancient Israel doing they were encouraging the prophets to stop prophesying don't tell us what we're doing wrong God's prophets are just messengers they're not necessarily always predicting the future but they have a message for the people about where they're going and heirs and if they continue this is the injury's all and that's why prophecy became associated with foretelling the future but the house of Israel we don't tell us what we're doing wrong stop prophesying and so they would shut the mouths of the prophets and the Nasir people they would encourage to be gluttonous or to drink wine and thus break their oath with God in holiness and so we can kind of see even the influences that we have today how are we still today suppressing the word of the Lord in the mouths of those who he's giving that word to or how about those who are seeking to set themselves apart in holiness but we who are not necessarily living that lifestyle of sanctification are being a bad influence and encouraging them to maybe continue the practices of the West or maybe it's unclean eating or maybe it's gluttony or maybe it's wine bit being whatever it is we have to take this to heart it's not just something historical we have to ask ourselves in what ways are we still committing these sins so that way we can begin to do away with them and repent for not only our own sins but the sins of our forefathers bring healing to the nation the haftorah and of course for those of you that are not familiar with this term haftorah does not mean half a Torah but it means the prophets section it's actually a reading that during the years that the Jews could not study Torah on Shabbat the Greeks forbid them they would find a parallel passage in the prophets and teach their children still Torah but through the lens of the prophets and so this is what our series is doing currently is revealing to people what the parallel is because many times in the synagogues growing up Jewish I would hear the Torah read heap Ebru and then it goes on to the haftorah and the prophets in hebrew and nobody's bringing out really how it parallels you have to kind of draw your own conclusions and if you don't understand Hebrew then you're missing even more and so it's kind of fun in English to now reveal what God inspired the Jewish people to do by choosing specific sections in the prophets that perfectly parallel the Torah portion for this week and of course it's the issue of Joseph's brothers which were unjust in dividing themselves from Joseph and then oppressing him as an innocent boy the Lord is drawing a parallel for the whole house of Israel many years later he says in the end hearken to this word which the Lord spoke about you O children of Israel concerning the entire nation and I want you to identify with Israel you are the descendants of Israel whether you can trace your roots through Judah or through Dan or through Neftali or any other tribe much of that knowledge has been lost through the generations as we've migrated west through Europe and you come by the time you come to America your father's only told you well we came from Germany or we came from Spain or we came from Ireland not realizing that these were tribal areas and the entire nation of Israel God is calling to repentance in preparation for the age of Messiah because we are called to be a bride without spot or blemish so we have to go through this process of teshuva which means to return Jeremiah says our forefathers have inherited lies we need to return to the ancient past this is what teshuva does teshuva literally means to return to show us the word for repentance in Hebrew so true repentance is not only like the Greek motto Noah which means a change of mind but it's a true returning to the source not just turning away from your sin because you could turn to another sin but you've got to turn back to the source and the true source is in and the prophets Isaiah actually says if they speak if somebody comes to you and speaks not according to the law or the testimony there's no light in them don't trust him and this is one of the test of a prophet he goes on to say hearken to this word which the Lord spoke about you O children of Israel concerning the entire nation that I brought up from the land of Egypt only you did I love amongst all the families of the earth he's basically saying you're very special it's not because you were more numerous or because you were greater I chose you to be a light to the nation's I saw something in you that could be used to be a conduit of my love to the world so he chose us because he loved us he says therefore I will visit upon you all these iniquities basically the cause and effect he's gonna allow us to experience a little taste of the cause and effects so that we don't end up continuing in our sin and leading us to eternal destruction that's a God of love that allows us to taste a little bit of the cause and effect of our actions so as we can turn from our wicked ways and repent as opposed to other nations to whom God does not pay close attention or rebuke this way God's love for his nation causes him to experience the more immediate cause and effect of their erroneous ways to teach them and to cleanse them and to prod them back on to the path of the just so if you have your Bibles let's first look a little bit at this issue of Joseph in Genesis chapter 37 we see that Joseph was a dreamer and he had dreamt about his brothers with different symbols like the sheaves of wheat bowing down to his sheep or the stars of heaven he was represented like the Sun and the stars all bowed down to him and even his father let alone his brothers but this was a little arrogant the way that he was telling them so much how you expect your father and mother and brothers to bow down to you in the future what's interesting is everything is multi-layered deep in the Torah this is a little hint at not just Joseph and his brothers in Egypt during the famine when they would come and bow down to him as the second highest in Egypt right underneath the Pharaoh but if you think about he from sons ephraim and manasseh who was the older one Manasseh but Ephraim got the firstborn blessing and the whole house would usually take the name of the child who got the firstborn blessing so Joseph was Yaakov favorite son but he didn't bless ya Joseph with the firstborn blessing he blessed his son and adopted his two sons ephraim from and Manasseh so the 12 tribes of Israel literally became 13 tribes and the northern house of Israel those ten tribes separated from Judah in rebellion the northern house of Israel has always been a rebellious nation they literally took the name of ephraim for themselves so when you read in prophecy about the northern house you might see it referred to as the northern kingdom or the house of israel versus the house of Judah or ephraim whenever you read about eat from it synonymous with the northern house of Israel so here Yosef is having a dream that sure it was fulfilled in his day with his brothers bowing down but think about his son his lineage ephraim who had the only blessing that he would become a multitude of Nations every other tribe became a nation and multiplied but Ephraim through Yosef was prophesied to become many nations and multitude of Nations now today Judah can't fulfill that and no other tribe can fulfill that the only nation that literally was the descendants of Eve Ephraim that had a world empire was Britain Britain is Ephraim and look at how all the world basically came down to bow down to Great Britain in the age of what did we call it the British Empire because they conquered many other nations and in so doing sent delegates and people to the four corners of the earth and this is why whether you look at Australia or New Zealand or Europe or America you're literally looking at descendants of the house of Israel which were called Ephraim who was prophesied to become a multitude of Nations now we look at Australia's a different nation than America and New Zealand different than Great Britain this is an apt fulfillment of that prophecy and so in essence the world all the other brothers are bowing down to Yosef through Ephraim so we can see a parallel not only in Joseph's day but in the history of the house of Israel through all the lands of their migration so we then see the story going to his brothers going to pasture their sheep and I brought out in the tour portion last year how there's a little anomaly when the sages write about this they put two dots over this passage because when they had gone this word the root is hala cobb same word that we use for Jewish law were to walk in God's ways so Holika literally means to walk in holiness well when they walked up to Shechem they were not walking in holiness a lot of times they would go so far away with their sheep why because they wanted to do things that they know their father would not approve of and so literally they're walking to Shechem to Shepherd their pasture their sheep but they're not walking in the ways of the Lord the same analogy what I've done here I've made three columns Yosef is going to be the innocent model of Yeshua and of us that we need to be innocent we need to God wants us to be the head not the tail but remember Yosef he was a ruler over in foreign nation in Egypt Judah is the one that's prophesied to have the scepter to rule in Jerusalem and to rule in other places so it's interesting in an apt description of Great Britain because they ruled but it's not in Israel it's foreign these Tim brothers are we can parallel with the ten tribes of Israel and they had four or five different problems that carried on through history through the Northern Kingdom of Israel as they migrated north and west through Europe and on to America here we are today descendants of Israel but we don't want to commit the same sins of the past and what were they they were rebellious they rebelled against their fathers teaching of Torah and thus they divided in their hearts against their brothers now Ephraim what happens later the northern house of Israel says we don't want to be under Judah's rule anymore we're gonna rebel so they split the kingdom and this is when the two houses began their northern house called Israel or Ephraim and the southern house which was just Judah and Benjamin resided there in the land of Judea around Jerusalem and they were called the house of Judah what's analogous for us today is that these ten brothers were divided and rebellious there did we're divided and rebellious and caused the loss of the temple and the Shekinah glory so what should we be doing today should we continue to have a rebellious heart and say I don't want to listen to Judah I don't want to be unified with my brothers or should we say you know what we have inherited lies like Jeremiah says there's only one tribe that has preserved the Torah and that's Judah the Jews so if we don't want to be divided and rebellious any longer shouldn't we have humble hearts to be open minded to go back and learn from the one brother who has preserved the Torah this is a way that we can start to heal the wounds of the past what was there other sins they followed a false worship system well what happened to the northern house of Israel once they stopped coming to Jerusalem because Judah controlled Jerusalem and they divided away from him they stopped coming to the temple they stopped the true worship of the one true God and they started getting influenced by Canaanite gods and the tribe of Dan was notorious for his pagan altar that he built up in the north or in the very north part like in the Golan Heights who have Tel Dan today they followed a false religious system and then in their migration after Assyria captured them in 721 BC and then released them they went north of Euphrates continued through the caucus mountains through Russia and then Eastern Europe and then Western Europe and then on to America what has been the common denominator the lost sheep of Israel have been following false worship system separate from the Torah they've been promoting tours done away with they've been promoting someone in the place of God and all of these things are sins that our forefathers followed and that we have to really look at today in the word and say what does God asked us to do he asked us to worship Him and him alone he says there is no other God no other Savior we know that he has sent his son his only begotten son to be an implement of the word made flesh but are we to put a man or the image that God creates to save us in the place of God this is where we have slightly erred and that we need to repent so we can trace all of these things back to the 10 brothers they were immoral that's why they went up to Shechem they were not walking in the ways of God and they mistreated innocent Yosef so in the first model the brothers are divided and that leads to them mistreating the innocent the northern house of Israel they were notorious for mistreating the innocent and the poor and this is why God brought judgment against them and ultimately they were exiled from the land so we have to ask ourselves how are we doing any of these things today really take it to heart and if we are if we can recognize any of these things let's repent are we holding on to a rebellious spirit in any way any negative thought or any Lucian Jara against a brother here or whether it's Judah in the land any way that we feel superior are we divided in any way because God is not a God of division a kingdom divided against itself what that's what's something we all memorize right from our youth and yet we turn around and we become divided with people just because we don't like their theology or we don't like the way they look or how are we still observing a false worship system how all this paganism of the past that's been infiltrating the Christian movement the followers of Christ today are not the followers of the Christ in the first century you know Yeshua always upheld the Torah he didn't create another religious system he was a Jew he upheld the Torah and he brought people back to a right understanding of the Torah in the context of God's selfless love so how are we still in error as the descendants of Israel is there any immorality any sin in our life and how are we treating the foreigners the poor the widow's the orphans this is what James Yaakov actually is was his real name brother of Yeshua says this is pure and undefiled religion those that visit widows and orphans in their time of need are we manifesting the selfless love of God and all that we do whenever you see a need of a brother or a sister are you identifying as if it was your own child or as if it was you are you willing to give whatever you have to help lift up a brother who's in need this is the model that Israel should be following in all the lands of their dispersion and then we would be blessed and we would be a light and people would see the blessing and they would say hey I want what you have what is this God that you follow that brings such blessings into your life so as we think about these parallels now let's look at the haftorah in Amos and you will see some of these things jump out at you in God's message through the Prophet Amos to his people Israel here is what ad and I says we are in Amos 2 6 for Israel's three crimes no four I will not reverse it see God's been patient with the sins of Israel but now he must discipline those he loves by allowing Israel to experience the cause and effect of their sins and we discussed earlier what those three sins were sexual impropriety idolatry and murder but where he stops Israel in their tracks is when they are oppressing the poor and the innocent and the widows because this is the core problem of the ten brothers from the very beginning they were rebelling against their brother Joseph who was innocent and what does the Scriptures tell us if you Harbor any negativity or hate in your heart Yeshua took the law of murder and took it even further he actually says if you hate your brother you've committed murder so we're gonna look at these sins now he lists them because they sell the upright for silver and the poor for a pair of shoes so here it's talking about which one of those sins oppression of the innocent and the poor mistreating the innocent grinding the heads of the poor in the dust he's rebuking Israel and pushing the lowly out of the way now he moves into sexual impropriety even father and son sleep with the same girl now remember these ten brothers who was the oldest of Yaakov sons Reuben right and what did Reuben do he slept with Billa his father's concubine and so here it originates in the model and then the northern house of Israel continues to follow that with their pagan practices because all prostitution and all sexual impropriety comes actually from the occult and they call it was the first ones to set up the high places altars in the high places for fertility worship of Ishtar and so he's rebuking not just the origin but actually the continuation of this practice through the descendants he says in doing so you profane my holy name lying down beside any altar on clothes taken in pledge so here we're hinting at idolatry also where does the source of this sexual immorality come from he says you're lying down beside any altar these high places are these altars where these prostitution both male and female prostitutes would be and so the idolatry is what's actually leading them into the sin of sexual immorality he says you're drinking wine in the house of their God notice it's not my house my Holy Temple in Jerusalem you're drinking wine in their house bought with fines they imposed interesting so you're imposing fines upon the poor and the innocent and you're profiting and then you're using those profits to go and get drunk and the idle you know in a idolatrous temple Wow Israel's got a lot of problems uh you know and it looks so obvious when we talk in history you know about idol worship or murder it just sounds like well in our mind subconsciously we say huh glad that's not me I'm not that bad but in little ways are you against your brother in your heart we've committed murder are we following any Idol in the place of God then we're committing idolatry are we mistreating the innocent in any way you know all of these sins on some level we are all guilty of verse 9 I destroyed the MRI before them though tallest Cedars and strong as oaks who were the MRI we know from our study of Jasher they were giants and remember the Giants before the flood were huge there's three generations and they were anywhere from 300 to 450 feet tall here the Lord is referring to even their offspring with that dormant DNA being as tall as the Cedars of Lebanon now even a cedar today will easily reach 100 feet so the Cedars of Lebanon were renowned for their height than their breath so he imagined what he what kind of imagery God is saying he's saying I destroyed the Emory MRI before them speaking of Israel God did all of the work to cast out the pagan Canaanites as long as Israel would follow his Commandments he says though tallest Cedars and strongest Oaks I destroyed their fruit above and their route below it's very interesting more than that I brought you up Israel from Egypt I led you 40 years in the desert so that you could have the MRIs land I raised some of your sons to be prophets other young men to be the Nazarene people of Israel you know there's many ways that God has taken care of us he's prepared us he's even given us in advance notice of what would happen through his profits and yet what have we done we've turned a blind eye to his profits and we have encouraged a morality he says isn't this true says how tonight you gave the Nazarene those who take a vow not to drink any wine you gave them wine to drink we're in verse 12 and you ordered the prophets don't prophesy enough I will make all this crush you just as a cart over loaded with grain crushes what's underneath it it's kind of like the burden of our sins they're piling up to heaven he's gonna allow a little bit to spill over and so we feel it and then when we can repent from our sins this is all done in love it's not to destroy us God is actually promised that he would never destroy his covenant that he made with Israel as his betrothed bride even the Swift won't be able to flee the strong won't be able to use their strength the warriors won't save themselves archers won't be able to stand the fastest runners won't save themselves those on horses won't save themselves on that day even the bravest warriors will throw off their weapons and flee says Adonai what day is that the day of the Lord there'll be a day where there's armies gathered against Jerusalem and nothing they do will be able to save themselves this is the timeframe in which God will send Messiah to come and save his people Israel so he's warning Israel in advanced just like he is in revelation 18 where he says come out of her my people what is he speaking of the false system of worship and government and economics that has permeated the whole world knowing symbolically and prophetically as Babylon come out of on my people come out now while you still can why here and he gives two answers so that you do not participate in her sins and you do not receive of her plagues yes that's the Beast system and it's not just in one country it permeates all the governments of the world very good it's already here the only thing that's yet to come is when there'll be a separation between those that God sanctifies and puts his seal on and those that take the mark of the beast and of course the prophecies say that you will not be able to buy or sell unless you take the mark of the beast so it's gonna get more and more intense I mean it's gonna get worse before it gets better and this is why God is calling his people out now while times are still good while you still can have the freedom to come out of your own free will now is the time to be sanctified yes Michael [Music] my well sometimes the translators who would know that it was talking about the punishment upon Israel due to the punishment was the exile that's right so that word is supplied or added into it just so that the reader follows a theme very good point and so what is the promise of God to return us back to the land but can you return us back to the land if we're continuing the same sense of the past no can we be a bride without spot or blemish and be a part of the marriage of the lamb if we're holding on to the sins of the past no so this is why he's calling us out of Babylon today and this is how we bring it present truth home to apply it to our lives today he says in verse chapter three verse one listen to this word which out and I has spoken against you people of Israel against the entire family we should start thinking of ourselves as the whole house of Israel that I brought up from the land of Egypt and this is a very you know after God rebukes us he's always so good to remind us I'm only rebuking you so that you change your ways so that you don't end up destroying yourself I really love you and I don't want you to ever miss can construe that in your mind so now after that rebuke and reminding us of the sins that we've committed he says of all the families on earth only you have I intimately known isn't that beautiful the word intimacy is a unique word sometimes I like to break down words like at tone meant means at one minute God desires to be at one with us but he can't like can't coexist with darkness right so there's a process of holiness and sanctification so that we can be ultimately at one with God again where we actually came from same way intimacy God is reaching out to those who he has created for relationship but because they're harboring darkness they have even misconstrued his love and His goodness and we've put evil attributes on to God and we've worshipped false characteristics in the name of God and what is intimacy if you break it down into me see God wants us to really know him even as we are knowing he knows every hair on our head he wants us to know him intimately just the way that we are knowing so he says of all the families on the earth only you have I intimately known this is why I will allow you to experience the cause and effect of your sins before it's too late for all your crimes can two people travel together without being agreed he's basically saying in eternity which is my goal for you we cannot continue to walk together unless we are of one mind when we sing the Shema in the morning shema yisrael adonai elohenu adonai echad this akkad is much more than there's just one God this is a oneness that God desires because his spirit is in each one of us and when we realize that we can connect to our divine identity which is even superior to our identity as descendants of Israel the divine identity helps us realize that we are beings of love His Spirit is in each one of us and therefore when we love one another when we see one another we recognize that divinity in each other and we can serve one another as if we're serving God and this is why you show us told the parable he says in as much as you do it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me we must look past the exterior vessel and look at the heart of the person and realize that God's Spirit is in this person and how we treat that person is how we're ultimately treating God so he says can two people travel together without being agreed and then he's gonna go into a list of cause and effect just so that Israel realizes that he's talking about saving them from the cause and effect of their continued sins does a lion roar in the forest when it has no prey cause an effect you catch something then you roar I've caught captured it right or I've caught it so he's saying something's not gonna happen to you unless you're doing something wrong same way in our life today if things aren't going right for you whether it's mental anguish or whether it's emotional anguish or it's physical sickness or it might be relational problems or it might be a loss of wealth whenever there's something that's a loss of blessing in our life it should wake us up to say mm maybe there's something in our life that we should tweak and return to God's ways because his principles are all about life and life more abundantly he wants to bless us he says I desire for you as my children to be the head not the tail you're to lead the nation's you're to rule over them but we've become like the nation's and so we've lost that blessing so he's teaching this cause and effect in a young line growl and his lair if it's caught nothing how about a bird does it get caught in a trap on the ground if it hasn't been baited he's like you've been baited by your pagan neighbors Israel and now you're experiencing the cause and effect of not only the loss of blessings but being expelled from the land so this isn't just accident is what God's telling Israel in other words we're using these analogies I want you to wake up and realize that you've been what is the definition of sin first John 3:4 the transgression of the Torah that word Torah God translated as law during the seventeenth century and many people think negatively about law ooh that sounds like rules and restrictions I don't want anything to do with that but if you realize that Torah in Hebrew means instructions its instructions from a loving father in how to live so that you will attract blessings into your life so when we're sinning you're transgressing the father's instructions and how to be blessed and so this is what he's teaching us this doesn't happen by accident just like a seed whether it's a lemon seed or an apple seed it will only produce in like-kind what has been planted that which a man shows that shall he also reap it's an eternal principle it's a law of the universe does it spring up from the ground when it has taken nothing No so it's kind of like when you get trapped by foreign nations the same nations who 20 years earlier could not capture you you know it Syria came in 740 BC and surrounded Jerusalem and there a plague fell out on them and they went with the tail between their legs back to Assyria without capturing Jerusalem because why Israel was walking and Torah during those days in Jeremiah the Prophet was prophesying 20 years later Israel sinning same nation comes after losing 180,000 men 20 years before and they easily take Israel and to capture the northern house and take them away and so no a trap cannot happen unless it's actually got cause when the shofar is blowing in the city don't the people tremble can a disaster befall a city without Adonai having done it no see it's bringing it home to us he's reminding Israel you were captured you were trapped and even Jerusalem was taken why all due to the sins of the 12 tribes of Israel Adonai God does nothing without revealing his plans to his servants the prophets this is where this text is introduced a lot of times we memorize certain verses but we forget the context in which it's given this is the context of this famous verse he is a loving God He desires for us to know exactly what seed is going to produce what result and he only wants us to experience the results of blessings from planting good seed the word in the parable of the sower and the seed is likened unto seed the Word of God is the seed that we need to plant deep in our hearts so that we will reap a rich harvest Adonai does nothing without revealing his plans to his servants the prophets the lion has roared who will not fear a little hidden analogy of the Lion of Judah and the coming mashiac Adonai God has spoken who will not prophesy so beautiful imagery if we read this chapter out of context either without a knowledge of the original model and yo Civ and the tin brothers and the original sins or without a knowledge of the two houses imagine how much we would just be missing the deeper meaning of this simple chapter in Amos but what I'm finding and what I love to reveal through this series of the Hopf Torres is that every single one of these prophets who are prophesying during both the capture of the Northern Kingdom by Assyria and the southern kingdom Judah by Babylon they were all speaking to the two houses of Israel without a knowledge of the two houses of Israel you will totally miss the intent and purpose of God calling back his people to repentance and letting them get a little taste of the effects of their sins so that future generations because even while you know it was bad enough then but he still turned it into good by dispersing them amongst all the nations and taking tour to the nations as a byproduct but today it's not a time to continue sinning today it's a time to be overcomers as revelation says blessed is he who gains the victory I will give the right to eat of the tree of life blessed is he who overcomes sin I will make a pillar in my father's temple so may this be our goal and made this inspire us to not just live as the world is living around us we're still in the diaspora we're still outside the land but we can start living as a holy people even here and now and that's why God calls us a peculiar people we're not gonna look like everybody else we want to learn from the past and we want to be overcomers so that we can be a part of the marriage supper of the lamb and enter into eternity with Torah written upon our hearts so that we can be at one with the father not just for a short time not just during the Millennium and the Messianic age but for eternity so I hope this inspires you to walk with holiness and I'll encourage you to stand and we will pray and then we will have a little lunch ah the Father we thank you for revealing to us the deep parallels in your word from the Torah to the prophets to us today you are calling out to us in love seeking to turn us from the ways that bring condemnation and ultimately death and a loss of blessings upon ourselves we thank you for revealing how your Torah looks perfectly lived out through Yeshua and how your selfless love is made manifest in laying down our lives for our fellow man even as he has done let us live selflessly humble humbly let us live to your glory father and as Paul said let us be as living vessels may we die to self in the ego every day so that we can thrive in the spiritual realm in the spirit of your selfless love we love you we thank you we ask for your spirit to empower each one of us to be overcomers in this day and thus be prepared for the age of mashiac ahead we thank you and your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 6,759
Rating: 4.9433961 out of 5
Id: n7AxkD1xO4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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