156 Facts About EVERY Unova Pokémon - Part 1

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[Music] what's up everybody I'm hoops and hip-hop and today it is time for yet another Pokemon generational facts video so far in this series we have covered one distinct fact about every single Pokemon through the first four generations and we are not stopping anytime soon cuz today we are going to be covering the fifth generation of Pokemon in the Univision now unify introduced the largest number of Pokemon from a single region to date with a hundred and fifty-six Pokemon and today we're going to be covering the first half of that list which means we're going to be covering a whopping 78 Pokemon in this single video I'm not gonna lie this was a bit of a doozy to put together but I am excited as heck to share these with you guys because we've got some great facts here so without further ado why don't you kick back relax get cozy and get ready to hear some awesome facts about the Pokemon of the univille now Unova is a bit unique because it's pokedex starts off with a mythical Pokemon in Victini and Victini is actually junichi Masuda z' favorite generation 5 pokemon on top of that it is actually based around the letter v not only because it is the victory pokemon but also because the letter v is the roman numeral for v as in generation 5 where this pokemon debuted when Snivy was first revealed it was revealed without its english name and so naturally fans began to speculate about what the name of this new pokemon could be and the name that fans came up with was smugly well this fan name actually got so popular that it was actually mentioned in an issue of official Nintendo Magazine in Australia and New Zealand as well as its counterpart in the United Kingdom Ken Sugimori has stated that Servine as well as Snivy and superior are based on French royalty and the reason why this is notable is because there are actually several other Univ of pokémon namely the swords of Justice that are based on things that come out of France and the reason why this is even more coincidental is because the very next generation after generation 5 which is of course generation 6 is based in a region that is based on France which means that these ideas that they had for these Pokemon could have eventually inspired the French theme that we saw in the 6th generation of Pokemon there is actually a superior in the Pokemon Adventures manga that was passed around to a number of different characters throughout its evolution line including Cedric juniper and and white who is the manga counterpart to Hilda additionally this superiors nickname is Amanda and rather than being given this more human name because of a more traditional reason the name literally comes from the Japanese words man and dove meaning vine and snake prospectively and anaconda which is the exact sort of way you'd give a Pokemon its actual name rather than a nickname on top of that which is a bit unusual next up is Tepig and after starting the video with a couple long-winded facts I am proud to share with you guys that epics German name is flowing yes I said flowing let's move along coincidentally pignite was actually a popular name given to Tepig in english before either Tepig name or pig knight's name were officially known with the devolution Emboar Ken Sugimori has also stated that M boar pig Knight and Tepig were all designed in a Chinese style and this is very notable because it falls in line with a popular fan theory that all of the fire starters are based on members of the Chinese zodiac Ken Sugimori has also said that Asha watt and it's evolutions were the hardest univis starters for the team to design but they eventually settled on a theme of sea lions and otters after taking a trip to an aquarium and receiving some inspiration de Watts name is actually a combination of a number of different things that make its name very creative and cool as Dhawan is a combination of do water and otter however it doesn't stop there because the author of the book The Last Samurai which de Wat is partially based on is Helen do it whose last name is almost identical in spelling to de wats name with samurai samurai actually has the longest cry of any starter Pokemon at a grand total of two point zero nine nine seconds if you look closely you'll notice that Patra is literally almost the same exact pokémon that Sentret is just based on different animals because of course they are both the regional rodent of their respective regions they are both known as the Scout Pokemon and for good reason because they are both partially based on different types of scouts and Watchmen with Sentret being based on a sentry who is a scout from the air and Patrat being based on a patrolman who is a scout from the ground it's evolution watch hog is also the only evolved Pokemon with a catch rate of 255 which is the highest that a catch rate can possibly be according to lilipop sundeck sentry because it doesn't Yelp it's extremely popular with trainers who live in apartment buildings now I can't help but feel like that last part of that deck sentry is a subtle nod to the fans of Pokemon who have grown up with the franchise and who are now all living in apartment buildings according to her tears ultramoon deck sentry it has been living with people for so long that portrayals of it can be found on the walls of caves from long long ago well that doesn't really sit too well with her tears origin because her e'er is based on the Yorkshire Terrier who were developed and first bred as late as the 1800s looking once again at the Pokedex in stout lands ultra sundeck sentry it states that it pays no mind to the cold thanks to its long warm coat Stalin in a Lola look a little bit uncomfortable now the last part of this deck sentry could actually be a reference to stout land in the Pokemon Sun and Moon anime as not only to style and play a significant role in the early part of the Sun and Moon anime but it definitely looks generally uncomfortable thanks to certain circumstances as well now call my vocabulary limited if you want but one thing that I just barely found out about purloined myself is that its name is literally based on the word purloined it's just straight up the word purloined which means to steal it's just spelled with an extra are to also spell out the word / which is the sound that a cat makes its evolution liepard was actually going to make its anime debut in the 23rd episode of the black and white anime but this episode ultimately was postponed and cancelled altogether due to the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that happened around the time of its scheduled release this caused liepard to not debut in the anime until almost a hundred episodes later in episode 105 of the best wishes series the Pokemon pan sage was first seen by the public in toy form when an image of a pants aged toy started circulating the Internet in July of 2010 however nothing else was known about the Pokemon at the time later on in that year in August of 2010 a fake coro coro leak also made its way to the Internet featuring the image of pants aged as it was seen in the toy which frankly made it out to be a little pudgy however pants age was officially revealed later on in that month on August 22nd of 2010 by the Pokemon Sunday show when it comes to simisage semi sage might actually be providing some competition - brave iary as the signature American Pokemon because semi sages name in Japanese is actually yen a key which comes likely from the word Yankee which is a nickname used to refer to an American person believe it or not Pansear is the only Pokemon not from generation 1 that evolves with the use of a fire stone and in the unexpected facts category semi seer actually ranked dead last in a Japanese Pokemon popularity poll that was used to determine which Pokemon would be distributed during the Japanese showings of the volcanion and the mechanical Marvel movie if there is one fun thing about the elemental Monkees it is illustrated very well in pan pores design and that is that they all three represent the classic adage of the wise monkeys hear no evil see no evil and speak no evil with pan pour obviously representing see no evil with its eyes closed semi poor actually received an update to its design after it was officially revealed because it's official game artwork previously showed that its entire tail was blue instead of having its tail be tan with a blue tip like we see in its current official game artwork there are actually a couple different references to Munna and games that come before the release of pokemon black and white in generation 1 in red and blue as well as its remakes you might know of the fact that there is a picnic er on route 10 that says that she wishes that there was a pink pokemon with a floral pattern which perfectly describes Munna however also in generation 3 and Ruby and Sapphire there is an employee in the Devon corporation that says he wants to create a machine that can visually reproduce the of Pokemon which is what the dream missed that Munna produces is able to do an interesting thing about its evolution mu Sharna is that rashanna does not learn a single move by level up after level 1 pit up is often seen as the least popular starting bird Pokemon and it might be for a good reason because this Pokemon is kind of pretty stupid according to the Pokedex pit up is unable to follow some of its trainers commands if they get too complicated and it will even wait for a new order from its trainer even though it already has one tranquils japanese name is hot oboe which comes from the japanese Hato which means pigeon and bow which means shaggy hair however there is also some more profound inspiration for tranquil Japanese name because amongst the works of the author kenji miyazawa there exists an ideal world that is known as he hot ov and according to the pokedex entry in Pokemon white for tranquil it states that many people believe that deep in the forest where tranquill live there is a peaceful place where there is no war which is likely a reference to kenji miyazawa fictional world because not only does it match the description of a hatov but it also is similar in spelling to tranquil Japanese named hot oboe when it comes to its evolution unfastened a significant trainer that owns a none Fessenden Unova is Scylla however while Scylla's unfastened is female in the games as well as in the Pokemon adventures manga it actually shows up as male in the anime the Pokemon blitz 'el even though it is an early game Pokemon is rather rare because it can only be found in one location in two games which is on route 3 in black and white whereas its evolution zeb Strika which naturally should be a little bit harder to find in the wild in its pre evolution can be found in 9 different locations across 8 games from black and white all the way to auras speaking of zeb strike a sub Strika is known as the thunderbolt pokemon which makes it one of only a few Pokemon whose species name in English is the same name as the name of a moon an interesting thing about RocknRolla is that the Pokedex tells us that it's actually a fairly recently discovered Pokemon because according to its white pokedex entry they were discovered a hundred years ago in an earthquake fissure in sight each one is an energy core bolívar is actually extremely similar to gravel ER because not only are both pokemon rock types but they were both introduced in an odd-numbered generation they both have the same exact base stat total of 390 they both evolved from their pre evolved forms at level 25 and they both evolve again into their final forms by trading believe it or not it's evolution giggle a--the is the only pure rock type third stage Pokemon that is currently in existence moving on to woo bat woo bat is the only uninvolved Pokemon that received an increase to its base stats in generation 7 where many Pokemon did receive stat increases but whoa bat was the only uninvolved one among them it's evolution swoo bat might be known as the courting Pokemon but it can also go from 0 to 100 really quick because according to the Pokedex anyone who comes into contact with the ultrasonic waves emitted by a courting male experiences a positive mood shift but the Pokedex also tells us that those same ultrasonic waves are powerful enough to destroy concrete so if you get involved with a swoop at don't make it upset and don't break up with it over text it's not a good idea dribbler shiny coloration while essentially swapping the colors of its nose and the markings on its body also for the most part takes on the regular coloration of its evolution excadrill speaking of excadrill x' design in early promotional videos for pokemon black and white excadrill actually had mirrored markings on its body and a different body coloring overall being more of a purple color as opposed to a dark grey color when it comes to Audino the first and last moves learned by Audino by level up are in fact the exact same and that move would be last resort just how bull door was very similar to gravel err timber is also very similar to Machop because both are fighting type Pokemon that the exact same base stat total of 305 they also have a male to female gender ratio of 3 to 1 and they are also most commonly associated in their respective regions with construction sites and they also have guts as a possible ability and they reach their first evolution by level up and have their final evolution reached by trading and as if that wasn't enough both of their shiny forms also have a similar soft yellow coloration an ironic coincidence with girder is that each of its evolutionary relatives are known for carrying a piece of building material along with them and naturally just like the pokemon you'd expect for these materials to grow stronger along with the Pokemon as it evolves however girder who carries a steel beam is only the second evolution in this line and it evolves into its final form who carries concrete blocks which are much weaker than the steel beam that girder carries you might not notice it from the surface but konk elders design is actually the result of one of the most strange combination of things that any Pokemon design has ever seen because not only does it resemble an ogre from common folklore but it's pre evolution Timbers pokedex entry supports the fact that it as well as this evolution Conkeldurr is based on a construction worker on top of that due to the fact that it has a clown nose and an overly buff body it's also possibly based on a muscle man Kearney person from a carnival and finally due to the way that it uses its concrete blocks as walking canes and it also has a great of hair under its chin it is also most likely partially based on an elderly person as well if you take a close look at temples design you'll not only see that it is based on a tadpole but you'll also see that it has a very musically inspired design as well this odd combination of things actually comes from the fact that it's Japanese name Oh tomorrow actually is a Japanese word that can either mean tadpole or musical note with its evolution Palpa toad we actually have a very cool coincidence and possibly even a reference because in the anime we of course saw ash catch a Palpa toad and he added it to his team and the last time we saw Ashe catch a Pokemon that was already in its evolved state that he actually used on his team was Noctowl which was caught 535 episodes before Palpa toad which just so happens to be the Pokedex number of Palpa toads pre evolution temple its final evolution seismitoad is also the only non poison-type pokémon who can actually legitimately have the ability poison touch for our fact on throw it was stated in an interview with Ken Sugimori in Nintendo Dream magazine that originally saw as well as its counterpart throw looked a lot like tornado sand thunderous because not only were tornado sand thunderous both red and blue originally just like throw and sock are now but throw and sock themselves also had horns originally which made them look even more so like tornado sand thunderous sock as well as its counterpart throw are often seen as the generation 5 equivalent to Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee and just like hip mou-chan and him only sock is also based on a well known martial art expert that be none other than mas oyama who is a well known karate expert and the creator of kyokushin chi karate we've mentioned with a couple other pokemon in this list that they were first revealed by unusual means well this definitely applies to so waddle as well because believe it or not Sawada was first seen on the official pokemon page of none other than yahoo.com just like moo Sharna before it's WOD loon is another pokemon that cannot learn any moves by level up after level 1 except for when it learns protect when it evolves and to leave an e you might think that leave Annie's name comes from the combination of the words leaves and nanny and you would more or less be right however what you might not know is that it also comes from Levana who was the ancient roman goddess of newborn babies when it comes to Venipede there is actually a continuity error in the episode that Venipede debuted in the Pokemon anime which was a Venipede stampede in the original episode a bunch of Venipede came from the desert resort and invaded cast Elia City and at the end of the episode Professor juniper as well as ash and friends went to the desert resort to find out what was going on that drove the Venipede from there to Castelli a city however because of the aforementioned 23rd as well as the 24th episode of the black-and-white anime being skipped an entire scene from this episode was cut out of the dub where ash iris and Cilan insist on accompanying Professor juniper to the desert resort and the narrator's lines were also changed from saying that ash and friends would accompany professor juniper to the desert resort to saying that ash is looking forward to his next gym battle ironically enough were lipids category as the Corolla peed Pokemon actually sounds like a more accurate name for werlla pede than werlla peed actually does itself its final evolutions scolipede is actually a very big boy being the tallest of all bug pokemon at 8 feet 2 inches as well as being the heaviest poison-type pokémon at 442 pounds when it comes to cottony you might think that it's pretty straightforward that cottony is based on a ball of cotton and while you wouldn't necessarily be wrong it's got more to its design as well because cottony is also based on the appearance of a sheep head which coincides with its cotton being like that of a sheep's wool according to whimsicott strophe information in Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3ds these Pokemon like to move furniture around however I don't really know how they would do that considering they're only two feet four inches tall and weigh only fourteen point six pounds in generation 5 pedal ills artwork actually sits between the two as well not being exactly like either one of them this was actually fixed in generation 6 where it's art matches its regular form and it's shiny has been made more yellow to differentiate it from its regular form and artwork it's evolution Lily Gant evolves from petal ill with the use of a Sunstone but you'll want to be very careful about when you evolve it because Lily Gant only learns a grand total of four moves by level up after level 1 so you might think that bass keulen is a rather boring Pokemon but let me tell you it has got a lot going on with its abilities that not only make it interesting but also rather confusing as well and pokemon black and white both blue striped and red striped bass kuelen have the same two possible abilities that being reckless and adaptability however there is a blue striped bass keulen that you can get traded to you in pokemon white that has the ability Rockhead going forward with this in pokemon black 2 and white 2 blue striped bass cue lines possible abilities have now been changed to include rock head as well as adaptability while the red stripe vascular's possible abilities stay the same however if you breed a blue striped bass keulen in pokemon black 2 and white 2 it will have either reckless or adaptability as it's possible abilities like it did in pokemon black and white however one more thing about the blue stripe vascular is that if you take a blue striped bass keulen with reckless and transfer it from generation 5 to generation 6 its ability will be changed to rock head holy cow what a mess when it comes to Sandile no other pokemon has the same type combination of ground dark as Sandile or its evolutionary relatives an interesting thing about Karaka rock is that in the anime it took 62 episodes from the point when Caracara initially debuted as a Sandile to the point that ash eventually caught it which is longer than any other pokemon in the entire series according to crooked Isles black pokedex entry they never allow prey to escape their jaws are so powerful they can crush the body of an automobile now if you've been keeping up with this generational facts series I'm sure you know where I'm going with this but just hold on to that thought for like two seconds according to dharma cos white pokedex entry Darumaka droppings are hot so people used to put them in their clothes in order to keep themselves warm so you're trying to tell me that people put Darumaka poop in their clothes just to keep warm all I gotta say is thank Arceus for technology and I hope you have that fact about krookodile still in your mind because according to dar mana tans black pokedex entry it's internal fire burns at 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit making enough power that it can destroy a dump truck with one punch now not only is this funny because we just had a pokedex entry from a Pokemon two spaces before for this and the Pokedex also talked about how it can easily destroy a car but the thing that makes this even funnier is that if you watched my Sinnoh Pokemon facts video you would know that this same exact thing happened in the cinah pokedex where we had two different Pokemon that were two spaces away from each other in the Pokedex both talking about in their pokedex entries how they could destroy a car with their immense power I just don't really get what the fascination is with cars and why every other Pokemon in the pokédex has to talk about it a funny thing about Myr actus is that even though it is a cactus pokemon and therefore is naturally found in the desert and myrrh actus can only be found in the desert resort in generation 5 it does not have any type of ability or typing that prevents it from being damaged by the sandstorm weather condition and it just so happens that in the desert resort the only place where you can find myrrh actus there is a permanent sandstorm that is going on all the time moving on to dwell even though drebbel is a hermit crab Pokemon it is a bug rock type and not part water type like you would expect it to be being based on an aquatic creature however the reason why it has this bug typing as opposed to the water type is because it is a crustacean and some crustaceans believe it or not are actually more closely related to insects than they are to other crustaceans a funny thing about its evolution crustle is that the possible abilities it can have our sturdy and shell armor which literally refer to its sturdy shell armor however its hidden ability ironically enough is weak armor scraggy species title is the shedding Pokemon which fits its lizard-like design and baggy pants feature perfectly however this is kind of inconsistent with information from the Pokedex where it says that scraggy skin is baggy because it's rubbery and stretchy rather than it's shedding and it makes no mention of any type of shedding whatsoever a very funny and interesting thing about scraf T is this crafty debuted in the anime in the episode meowt's scraf T tactics and in the Latin American dub of this episode there is a sequence in which Miao is trying to distract us crafty and instead of saying something along the lines of scraf T look over there what is that he actually says que hora lost they Digimon which roughly translates to holy crap look over there there's a Digimon moving onto sigilyph sigilyph is the only pokemon that is able to have the ability wonder skin that does not have it as a hidden ability yamas gets its name from the word mask as well as a combination of a bunch of different possible words including Yami which means darkness yah which means bad or Yama who is the lord of the dead in Hindu and Buddhist mythology that being said another possible inspiration for yeah masks name is that it's literally like you're saying yeah mask as in your mask referring to their human masks that they carry from their previous life going back to another anime fact coughing Regas made its debut in the anime and the episode explores of the hero's ruin and another thing that made its debut in this episode is the move mirror move despite the fact that this is a generation 1 move and the episode in which it debuted is the 720 first episode of the Pokemon anime when it comes to Tortuga Tortuga might have made its official debut long before generation 5 when it first appeared in an actual Pokemon game because in the April 1997 issue of a Japanese game magazine that featured the announcement of pokemon gold and silver a Pokemon that bears a striking resemblance to tortuga was featured on the front cover in Pokemon super mystery dungeon the Pokemon karakasa actually references one of the very popular Shia LeBeouf memes when it says the quote don't let your dreams just be dreams when it comes to Archon Archon and its evolution of archeops are the only fossil pokémon without hidden abilities and to make things even worse it's regular ability to fetus twitch is its signature ability is terrible because what it does is when you hit half health or below half health it has the attack and special attack of these two Pokemon with its evolution archeops archeops is the only pokemon that has the base stat total of 567 and that number is rather important because it means that archeops is also the only Pokemon whose base stat total matches national pokedex number which is also 567 however it goes even farther than this because the number 567 is also a part of the Dewey Decimal System where information on dinosaurs is categorized under end as we've talked about throughout this video the Pokemon of generation 5 were revealed in a number of different mediums unlike today where they are for the most part revealed and official trailers and coro coro leaks that being said the Pokemon trubbish was actually internationally revealed in the opening for the pokemon black and white anime garbo der is a rather controversial Pokemon for the simple fact that it is a pokemon that is based on a pile of garbage however garb owners design takes a rather dark and serious turn when you consider that it's Japanese named dusty dis possibly incorporates the phrase dust to dust which is a part of the larger phrase ashes to ashes dust to dust which is basically a metaphor for the finality of death yikes an interesting thing about Zorua is that Zorua and its evolved form Zoroark are the only non mythical Pokemon to have been event exclusive for a period of time prior to the release of pokemon black and white - meaning that you could not even finish the regular pokedex outside of Legendary's and mythical z' without this special event to access sora wark in the original pokemon black and white and last but not least the final pokemon we're going to be covering in this video is soro arc and Zoroark is a very interesting pokemon for a number of different reasons however the reason we're gonna be highlighting in this video is the fact that it's actually very similar to another pokemon from a previous generation and that pokemon would be Lucario not only are both of these pokemon essentially mascots of their respective generations but they also appeared in movies that debuted just before the official release of their respective generations on top of that they are both bipedal pokemon that are more or less based on similar animals and on top of that they both have the same exact name which is Lucario and Zoroark in the Japanese as well as the English versions of the games they also have the same exact gender ratio are in the same exact filled egg group and probably weirdest of all need the same exact amount of experience in order to reach level 100 that number being one million fifty nine thousand eight hundred and sixty experience points and there we have it everybody that was the first half of a hundred and fifty six facts about every single Unova Pokemon if you made it this far into the video I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because I know this is a doozy of a video but at the same time it's so much fun to learn a lot about so many different Pokemon if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to give it a like and let me know down in the comments below which of these facts you enjoyed the most or if you have another fact about another Unova Pokemon you would like to share the second part to this video covering the second half of the Univ of Dex will be up exactly one week from today next Thursday so be sure to subscribe if you haven't yet for that as well as way more Pokemon content that I upload every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday as well as my let's play videos that I upload every Monday and Friday I would also like to give a kind recommendation to my Spotify if you are into Pokemon music and remixes because a ton of my personal Pokemon remixes are over on Spotify and I'm really trying to build my Spotify up as much as I can so any and all support I could get from you guys over there would be massively appreciated with all of that being said though I will be back on Saturday for another video and until then as always you know I love you guys and I will smell you guys later [Music] Oh
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 250,426
Rating: 4.9110069 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, unova, facts, trivia, black, white, black 2, white 2, victini, zoroark, reshiram, zekrom, lets go, pikachu, eevee, shiny, shiny hunting, nintendo, switch, gen 8, leak, rumor, hoopsandhiphop
Id: kMNuzr1FL7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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