5 TERRIBLE Pokémon Theories That Actually Make PERFECT Sense!

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what's up everybody I'm hoops and hip-hop and welcome to another Pokemon Theory video however if you're looking for a good Pokemon theory then unfortunately I'm gonna have to tell you that you're not in the right place because today we're actually going to cover some terrible Pokemon theories however stay with me here before you click away because it's not actually as bad as it sounds these particular theories that we're going to cover today are definitely not true they're either way too crazy or just way too outlandish to even conceivably be real in any way shape or form hence the terrible tag but believe it or not there's evidence to support them that actually makes perfect sense and if the ideas themselves weren't completely ridiculous they'd actually be pretty mind-blowing and so I thought this was kind of a fun quirky type of idea to do and so we've actually got five of these ridiculous yet totally make sense type of theories to share with you guys today now clearly as you might be able to tell this is not going to be your regular Theory video where I'm trying to prove something true this is more so just for fun where I'm going over some crazy ideas that should not be true but technically could be true when you kind of look at the evidence and points in favor of them so with all of that being said this is just for fun why don't we go ahead and take a look okay so this first one is one that I literally came up right off the top of my head when I came up with the idea for this video but you know what I actually really liked the idea of it and that is the idea that TMS and HMS are actually software updates for Pokemon now this all comes from the idea that TMS are actually like these weird disk based things that even look like floppy disks from the 90s in some cases like in the anime and people have always wondered why that is like how exactly are you going to teach a Pokemon a move with a disk when the Pokemon itself is like an animal basically like how does that even work well my personal idea under this theory is that we know that Pokemon have the capability of being converted into digital data at the very by the use of the PC system and we also know that they are very closely tied to infinity energy so basically in a nutshell my theory here is that Pokemon are indeed digital data and they are made up of infinity energy so when you use a TM or an HM on them you are essentially updating the digital data that the Pokemon themselves are made of and you're giving them the ability to learn new moves much like developers of a video game would update a game to give it new content and new storylines or areas that it didn't have before now the reason why I class this theory as terrible is like I said I literally just came up with it in about five minutes for the purpose of this video and that's pretty much it it's very brief TMS or software updates Pokemon or digital you're updating the information that pokemon are made of to give them new moves pretty like cut and dry but I also gotta say even though I like I can't say it's true necessarily I think it's really fun and once again just makes perfect sense based on the evidence so who'd have thought okay so the second one is a bit of a meme but when you look at it a little closer there's actually some evidence to support it if you've spent very much time on the Internet at all I'm sure you've seen some posts about how the logos of the various Pokemon evil teams spell out the word grams which of course would naturally mean that Professor Oak is the true criminal mastermind behind all of the villainy of the Pokemon world it's really the only logical conclusion but that idea actually goes a lot deeper than just that single piece of evidence because we have also seen that many of the evil teams use sophisticated technology in their schemes and it just so happens that Professor Oak is a bit of an inventor himself as he created the Pokedex but the real kicker here is that Professor Oak actually has a legitimate presence in most of the currently known regions there's obviously Kanto where he lives he's frequently in Johto as it is right next door to Kanto and even does a radio show at the goldenrod radio tower which Team Rocket took over in the gen 2 games hmm it's almost as if they had some help in doing that from the inside now he doesn't really have much of a connection in Hoenn but those games do take place at the same time as the Kanto based games where he is clearly present so his absence there isn't that surprising he does appear in sin oh however and even has a home in internists city where the Team Galactic building is also located like hello guys can someone call the police now thanks he also does not appear in Unova or Kalos elbow with Kalos we do know that his grandson blue has visited there and team flares logo isn't included in the whole gramps thing anyway so he probably just sends his grandson to deal with them but he does also have a presence in the llola region because his cousin samson oak lives there and could very easily carry out Professor Oak's evil deeds for him remotely I know this guy gives you your starter and he's a beloved character blah blah blah but this evidence cannot be ignored and I suggest you all wake up before he succeeds with his plan of turning us all into old people you know come to think of it maybe that's why Agatha hates him so much [Music] alright number three on the list is actually something that's been a part of my own a headcanon if you will for the last little bit when I started kind of noticing a pattern and that is the idea that the events of the anime and the games of Pokemon actually take place in the same continuity and the events of the anime chronologically speaking come before the events of the games now I know what you're thinking hoops even by terrible Pokemon Theory satire standards this is pretty bad how could you possibly think this well let me show you my evidence dear viewer that makes it not quite as terrible as you might think because we actually see several examples of connections between the games and the Pokemon anime in several different games most notably in Pokemon Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire we actually see Steven in the Delta episode talk about a guy with a black Charizard that he battled a long time ago now if you are familiar with the anime then you would probably know that he is referring to a lawn in this case because a lawn is a guy with a black Charizard that'd be mega Charizard X who's Steven also battled in the mega evolution special now the key here in terms of the anime taking place before the games is that Steven says a long time ago meaning the events of the anime where he actually battle along took place before the events of the game where you're talking to him right then and there now you might think that this is just an easter egg or an isolated incident but oh no no no no it does not stop there all the way back in the very first generation of Pokemon in good old red and blue we actually run into a character named mr. Fuji who lives in lavender town who is basically spending his retirement living his best life by taking care of Pokemon that are abandoned or sick or just don't have anywhere else to go now obviously this guy is just a blessing of a Pokemon character but his character goes a little bit deeper than this because he actually has a pretty cool backstory that Believe It or Not most likely connects to the anime in Pokemon the first move Mewtwo strikes back we actually see one of the head scientists that helped create Mewtwo whose name is dr. Fuji so we have a connection in character names right here with dr. Fuji and mr. Fuji and if we go back to the games particularly and let's go Pikachu an Eevee we know that there was a dr. Fuji who worked in the cinnabar laboratory because in let's go we literally see his portrait in the laboratory itself and we also know that it's most likely where Mewtwo was created because in the cinnabar mansion we see a bunch of journal entries documenting the creation of Mewtwo so basically we have a dr. Fuji in the games who is most assuredly mr. Fuji that we see in lavender town and we know that the dr. Fuji from the game created Mewtwo and we know the dr. Fuji from the anime also created Mewtwo meaning that these are most likely the same person and if we take a look at their appearances we can see that the dr. Fuji in the anime is relatively young while the dr. Fuji indie-games is noticeably older which backs up our theory of the anime before the game's timeline and is also backed up by the previous evidence that suggested the same thing so yeah I think it's pretty safe to say that we have a cross media continuity of timelines and I really don't want to hear anyone else say anything differently because this is obviously 100% true no doubt about it alright everybody I can already tell you you're not gonna be ready for this next one so you better strap in right now or so help you Arceus you might just fall right out of your pants cuz we are gonna talk about Quagsire now if you haven't been made aware of the absolute truth that is Quagsire let me just preach to you real quick Quagsire is everything like honestly though how can you not love this face speaking of its face though have you ever noticed that it looks really similar to ditto that's right lovely viewers the Quagsire you know is actually a lie because it in reality is actually a dino like I just mentioned ditto and Quagsire have a near identical face to one another and as you probably know ditto retains its face when it transforms into another Pokemon meaning that this isn't truly a Quagsire but a ditto that is transformed into one but if that doesn't convince you then maybe this bombshell I'm about to drop on you will I'm sure you haven't noticed but in addition to their faces ditto and Quagsire also have the exact same coloration both normal and shiny Quagsire regular form is the same color as the no shiny form and Quagsire shiny form is the same color as dittos regular form and that my friends is what you call a checkmate now that we've confirmed that Quagsire is just ditto though that actually means we've never seen what a real Quagsire actually looks like if I had to guess I would say that the real Quagsire probably looks like what fabio would look like if he were a real pokemon and frankly I think that Game Freak is using this whole ditto scenario to shield our eyes from the true majesty of Quagsire fabio because frankly our eyes are not worthy of looking at something that is that unbelievably beautiful and now we have come to the conclusion of the video and we might have just saved the best for last because we are now going to be talking about the idea that the adorable generation 7 Pokemon Kamala might not actually be what you think it is and instead of being that adorable koala Pokemon it might actually be an adorable log Pokemon that's right Kamala is actually just the log that it's holding and not the koala bear that you thought it was now is this theory actually terrible I mean realistically yeah it probably is but that doesn't stop it from having some legitimate evidence that actually has it making a lot of sense because number one we know according to the Pokedex that koalas have their logs essentially their whole lives from the time they're born so there is never a koala the bear that is without its log and number two thanks to its signature ability it is unable to be affected by any type of status condition be it sleep via freezing via confusion which makes a lot more sense for a log Pokemon that is essentially just a hunk of wood as opposed to a more living breathing type of creature like a koala bear things really start to get serious though when you look at koalas shiny form in comparison to its regular form the Koala sight of the pokemon is almost unchanged whatsoever but when you look at the log sight of this creature it's actually only the log that changes color at all when it is shiny and it actually changes color quite a bit especially compared to the Koala that like I said doesn't change at all and last but not least to just put the cherry on top to this excellently terrible theory and Pokemon Sun and Moon indeed data of the games there were actually walking animations for every single Pokemon that went completely unused for some unknown reason but that reason isn't really what we're concerned about because we're actually going to look at Kamala's walking animation specifically and instead of Kamala actually you know walking it actually just rolls around with the use of its log and once again the Koala part of the Pokemon does not move whatsoever so you know what given all of this evidence I think it is pretty safe to say that Kamala is actually a sentient log Pokemon with no eyes no mouths no ears no appendages whatsoever and it just simply has a buddy regular old koala bear also confirming that there are animals in the Pokemon world hashtag to theories and won so yeah pretty mind-blowing to say the least well there you have it everybody those were five terrible Pokemon theories that actually make a lot of sense now I want to make a quick disclaimer here in case I might have offended anyone with the word terrible if you guys actually do subscribe to any of these theories more power to you I simply am using the word terrible in the context of they're probably not true or least too good to be true if you want to put it that way but I really just wanted to cover them anyway for the sake of fun because even though they're crazy they make perfect sense and I just love the heck out of them if you guys enjoyed the video though please give it a like because it really helps out and let me know down in the comments below if you have any more crazy wacky kooky theories of your own that are just way too good to be true but also make a lot of sense and as always if you are new to the channel be sure to subscribe for way more Pokemon content every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and if you enjoy Pokemon music consider following me on Spotify as well because it directly supports the channel right here on YouTube and it is greatly appreciated with all of that being said though I will be back on Tuesday for another video so be sure to hit that notification bell so you can be notified as soon as it goes live and with all of that being said I hope you all have a fantastic day you know I love you guys and I will smell you guys later [Music] [Applause]
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 482,176
Rating: 4.6478753 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, theory, lets go, pikachu, eevee, sun, moon, ultra sun, ultra moon, komala, professor oak, best, worst, shiny, anime, gen 8, rumor, leak, reveal, trailer, gameplay, nintendo, switch, hoopsandhiphop
Id: IBmM3p140D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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